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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
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iPl mti1 1 1 py fag* Eight 1 4 •-•--,« THE GATEWAY STATE BANK INVITES YOUR ACCOUNT Capital and Surplus, $150,000.00 Total Resources Over $1,000,000.00 FOREIGN EXCHANGE SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES 4% PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Interest Compounded Quarterly Officers P. J. Kelly, President Frank W. Greaves, Vice President G. E. Rydell, Vice President Knute Ekman, Vice President A. T. Backdahl, Cashier GATEWAY STATE BANK Temple Court Bldg. Hennepin and Washington Aves. Minneapolis, Minn. WHY BE BALD? USE L. B. HAIR TONIC Guaranteed in case of Baldness, Thinness of Hair, Falling Off of Hair, Dandruff, Dry Eczema. Ask your druggist as to !t§ merits wtaepv I JUNIOR "viDnipSvuvrtv CawumxA, THEATRE STARTING SUNDAY, AUGUST 6th MELLETTE SiSTEES Assisted by Dave Dreyer in "A LITTLE SOMETHING NEW" Eddie Julia Swartz & Clifford In Popular Melodies and Original Nonsense Hanako Trio Novelty Entertainers Dave Roth Versatile Impressions Reo & Helmer Physical Masterpieces JACK OSTERMAN Direct from Broadway Successes MUSICAL COMEDY FAVORITE First Run Exclusive Photoplay Showing ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN IN^KJ^yr/mi^i'''i"MgA'-y1 at her home, Monday afternoon, has In "EVIDENCE" News Topics Fables Comedy BARGAIN MATS. DAILY—25c (Except Sunday* and Holidays Nites (ex. Sat. Nltc & Sun..27c-45c Children (nnder 12 yrw.) any time. 10c No Reserved Seats—Elevator to Balcony not yet been chosen. Au gust 6, for Mr. and Mrs. P. Cohen (Kate Bloom). Among those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. S. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stoller and Mr. and Mrs. J. Winner of Duluth. Mrs. L. Barnett, 810 Humboldt avenue north, entertained fifteen chil dren Saturday last at a lawn party at her home, in honor of her son Har old's fifth birthday. Games and vari ous stunts furnished a pleasant after noon. Miss Frances Bork entertained six couples at a dancing party Saturday evening, August 5, at her summer home, Casco Point, Lake Minnetonka. The Misses Frances Fogel, Lillian Is kowitz, Mary Labovitz, Margie Rose, Dorothy Schultz, Esther Stetman, and Messrs. Chas. Bernstein, Louis Co hen, Albert Falick, Jack Kline, Jack Stern and Sam Wagner were among those present. An informal dance was given Wednesday, August 9, at the Oak Ridge Golf Club. Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Joseph, 2429 Emerson avenue south, announce the engagement of their daughter, Naomi Nettie, to Mr. Charles M. Bank of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kellerman, 1519 Seventh street south, announce the engagement of their daughter, Clarice, to Mr. David Goldberg of this city. Mr. and Mrs. H. Levitch, 803 Lo gan avenue north, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Lenore Layah, to Mr. H. H. Fischbein of this city. Mrs. Maxi Kaufman, 725 Jewett Place, announces the engagement of her daughter, Rose, to Mr. Harry Flack of this city. The wedding will take place in October. Mr. and Mrs. I. Mark, formerly of this city, now of Los Angeles, Calif., announce the engagement of their daughter, Belle, to Mr. Ben Lapin, of Los Angeles. The wedding date WEDDING PHOTOS Free—One beautiful colored en largement with every dozen. Phone Dinsmore 3705, or residence phone Dinsmore 0113 for free motor car service to our studio. Open Sundays. L. Hurwitz, Photo Studio, 2528 Cen tral avenue.—Advertisement. Births Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rosenfield, 1126 North Sixth street, announce the birth of a son on August 1. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Badiner (Sarah Gitelman), 1129 Girard ave nue north, announce the arrival of a baby girl Sunday, August 6, named Eleanor Rozella. MARRIED Poses-Burnstein Rose Burnstein was married to Mr. Philip Poses on Wednesday, August 9, at the home of the officiating Rabbi S. M. Silber. They will make their home at 1209 Fifth avenue north. Applebaum-Ellis Rosalie V. Ellis, daughter of Mrs. H. Rosenberg of this city, was mar ried on Sunday, August 6, to Mr. Maurice Applebaum at the home of the officiating minister, Rabbi C. David Matt. REV. G. WINERMAN Cantor Kenesseth Israel Synagogue Ritual Surgeon (Mohel) Marriages Per formed 718 Fremont No. Hjrland 4978 Minneapolis THE AMERICAN JEWISH WORLD CHAS. E. LEWIS TODD W. LEWIS LEONARD S. ALLEN GHAS. E. LEWIS & CO". MAIN OFFICE Lewis Building 2nd Ave. S. at 6th St. —MINNEAPOLIS— STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE AND ALL GRAIN EXCHANGES PRIVATE WIRES From Ocean to Ocean and from the Lakes to the Gulf, AUGUST FUR SALE You Save the Middleman's Profit Here We are located off the main business section and occupy the third floor factory. This makes it possible to keep our prices down—and you profit by our low overhead expense. SPECIAL FOR AUGUST SALE Squirrel Coat Kolinsky Wrap Natural Siberian skins, 40 inches long. Price $675.00 August sale $450.00 45 inches long, 120 inch sweep. Price $700.00 August sale $400.00 Our factory and our expert furriers are at your disposal for the repair of your furs or for making furs to order at very reasonable prices. N. GROSS MANUFACTURING FURRIER Meyers Arcade 920 Nicollet Avenue Room 312 Main 2724 Minneapolis WHITE STAR—Dominion Line Now booking Passengers from POLAND and SOVIET RUSSIA. The WHITE STAR LINE offices in KOVNO, LITHUANIA, can also forward money to passengers in Russia. For rates to and from any point in Europe call at Company's offices or apply to any of our agents. O.E.BRECKE INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MA If INK COMPANY N. W. Passenger Manager, 119-121 South Third St., Minneapolis 412-417 Chamber of Commerce Hudson Seal Coat No. 1 quality, 45 inches long. Collar and cuffs skunk. Man darin sleeves. Price $575.00 August sale $375.00 MONUMENTS We have on hand a large assortment of fin ished monuments. Order now while we can give yon the best choice of stones and designs. Best Hebrew Lettering. Schiff's Granite and Marble Works 810 Lyndale Aye. No., Minneapolis 33555™ Office, Hy. 3080. Res., Hy. 4910