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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
Newspaper Page Text
THE AMERICAN JEWISH WOULD DISTINCTIVE* PERSONAL STATIONERY Your name and address printed in fashionable blue ink on 200 Note Sheets 100 Envelopes }$1 .00 Good Bond Paper MARCELLA'S STATIONERY SHOPPE 800 South 5th St. Minneapolis, Minn. Send Money with Order JOHN Z. GELMAN PRINTER LETTER HEADS ENVELOPES OFFICE FORMS BUSINESS CARDS FOLDERS AND ANYTHING PRINTABLE. PHONE GENEVA 1991—Ask for "JOHN" 121-123 Washington Ave. N. AUGUST SALE FURS OF Your opportunity is here! Not for years have we had such a wonderful exhibit of luxurious furs at such ex tremely low prices. We are determined to make this our banner August Sale. Every fur piece in the store AT UNUSUAL DISCOUNTS A Small Deposit Secures Your Purchase Until Wanted HUDSON BAY FUR SHOP 522 Nicollet Ave. TAXI MAIN 78-81 OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE CADILLAC AUTO LIVERY Fi&hm&n-ftaimovitst Miss Sarah Haimovitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Haimovitz, of 1421 South Third street, was married to Mr. Louis Fishman on Sunday, Aug ust 6, at the home of the officiating minister, Rabbi C. David Matt. Cohen-Bloom On Sunday afternoon, August 6, at five o'clock, the marriage of Miss Kate Bloom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bloom, of Medicine Lake, Minn., and Mr. Max P. Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cohen, of Wood ville, Wis., took place at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Jerry Cohen, 909 Elwood avenue. Rabbi S. M. Silber read the service in the presence of the immediate family. Miss Lil lian Winner, of Duluth, was maid of honor and Mr. Arthur Goldberg was best man. The bride wore a gown of silk shadow lace over Canton crepe and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and sweet peas. Supper was served to forty guests. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. Abraham Berkowitz of New York and Mr. and Mrs. J. Winner and daughter, Lillian, of Duluth. The couple left for a short trip to Duluth. They will make their home at Medicine Lake, Minn. Robert-Hartman Miss Edith Hartman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Hartman, of Cal gary, Canada, was married on Friday, August 4, to Mr. Lewis Robert, at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Robert, 601 Elwood ave nue, in the presence of the immedi ate family. Rabbi S. M. Silber offici ated. Miss Jeannette Hartman, sister of the bride and Miss Lillian Sillman of Calgary, Canada, were present. The bridal pair motored to Cleveland and will return September 1, to m$|$ their home in this city. Change of Address Mr. Albert Shepard, formerly of Minneapolis, who has been residing in St. Paul for the past seven years, is again making his home in this city. He will reside at 911 l^°wton avenue north. TEMPLE ISRAEL NOTES Friday evening services have been suspended until further notice. Saturday morning services will be conducted all through the summer at the Temple House, at 10:30 a. m. ADATH YESHURUN NOTES Sabbath Services are held at the Adath Yeshurun Friday evening 'at sunset and Saturday morning at 9. PERSONAL MENTION Sirs. George Cutts, of 1128 Vincent avenue north, was appointed by the Fifth District League of Women Vot ers as a Membership Chairman in the third ward. RABBI HELLER HEADS ZIONIST DISTRICT To fill vacancies caused by the res ignation of the president and secre tary of the Zionist District of Min neapolis, a meeting was held at the Talmud Torah Monday evening. Rab bi A. M. Heller was elected temporary chairman. Mrs. Netty B. Sklar was Mone$ Transferred to E u o e Saving! Department open Saturday Evenings from 6 to 8 p. m. Midland National Bank Minneapolis Resources $20,000,000.00 i Easy Terms This Emblem Rogers Cafe~—— Nicollet at Fourth LUNCHEON 65c 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. L. S. GROSSMAN F. G. KIMBALL COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS TOURING CAR $587.70 GROSSMAN-KIMBALL CO. AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALERS 1112-1114 East Lake Street Drexel 0815 ANNUAL AUGUST FUR SALE Come and shop where the Overhead Cost is at a minimum OUR 25% REDUCTION Means 50% to you when you buy from L. A. ROCKLER CO. Manufacturing Furriers A small deposit will hold your selection until needed. Furs remodeled and repaired at low rates 715 Sixth Avenue No. Hyland 8408 THE QUAKER CREAMERY CO. Pasteurized Milk and Cream Ice Cream and Butter WE DELIVER PHONE US If you will co-operate THE "dog days" to come are not even a pleasant thing to think about— But many of their discomforts can be avoided— If you will co-operate. During those "dog days" we reach the "peak load" in calls for service. Let's all make it a point to plan now for ways in which to save time for drivers. Then the "dog days" will have fewer discomforts. Written or telephoned suggestions are appreciated. in all weather ROBBINSDALE ICE COMPANY 2023 West Broadway, Minneapolis Cherry 4785 MEMBER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ICE INDUSTRIES 163 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois iiminiiniHiiiiiiinBiiuiiiuHiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiummiiiiiimmiiMiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiffliaHiiiiiiiti»uiifliiMHHiiiiiyiiiHittiuiiBUiiHiiiffliiiBiiMiiiiiiH] Pagt Mini 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. FOR THE BUSINESS MAN AND BUSINESS WOMAN A delicious luncheon, accompanied by rapid, faultless service, served in our beautiful, newly decorated dining room. Try Our Courteous Service Your Protection