OCR Interpretation

Jackson advocate. [volume] (Jackson, Miss.) 1939-current, November 01, 1941, Image 7

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn79000083/1941-11-01/ed-1/seq-7/

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Josh And His Guitar
Josh White, the popular composer of two album, of records,
». outhern Exposure" and "Chain Gang Blues,” will be pre.ent
* at Uie National Conference of Negro Youth, Nov. 14-16, in.
Washington, D. C.
Judges For Blues
Battle Are Named
nouncement was made by Para
mount movie executives Saturday
*hat a committee of three musical
•notables had been appointed to hear
New Orleans’ claims upon the
birthplace of the blues—and. in
eidentally, the world premiere of
Bing Crosby’s “Birth of the Blues’’—
as well as the Memphis rebuttal.
.The committee consists of Irving
Berlin, Paul Whiteman, and B. G.
< Buddy) DeSylva, producer, of
Louisiana Purchase,” “DuBarry
Was a Lady” and “Panama Hattie”
r>n Broadway, now making pictures
L«br Paramount.
The committee is to meet at noon
Tuesday to hear Roark Bradford,
loted author of Negro stories, pre
.ent the case for New Orleans, and
fiear the reply on Memphis’ behalf
jy Harry Martin, amusement edi
or of the Commercial Appeal,
if The statement issued by Para
mount executive also said “Inas
much as Mr. Whiteman will be re
hearsing at the time of this lunch
eon for his weekly radio program,
he may be unable to attend. He has
asked Dorothy Lainour to act as
proxy for him. A complete trans
cript of the arguments will be made
and the committee will hand down
their decision on Wednesday.
“Meanwhile, the premiere is set
for Oct. 31 with Memphis as the
likely choice at the present time to
receive the score of stars from
United States Civil Service com
mission announced open competi
tive examinations for the position
of junior engineer, at a salary of
$2,000 a year. Applications may be
made for any branch of engineer
ing, and applications must be on
file with the commission not later
than Dec. 31, 1941. Necessary blanks
may be obtained from any first
or second class post office.
Cab To Abandon
Hi-De-Ho Form?
alloway, the jive man with one
>ot on Times Square and the other
1 the upper Nile, may gradually
bandon his famous hi-de-ho style,
ccording to an article in the
ovember issue of Cornet maga
ne. For Cab, though he's packing
lem in as much as ever knows that
fter a while the public tires of
>o much personality, too little
md. Today he gives his cus
>mers more music, less Callowray;
tore show, less show-off.
Not that Calloway jive is by any
leans on the way out. Coronet has
ms to say. For Cab Calloway’s
tar started to rise back in 1929
rhen he had a part singing ‘’Ain’t
lisbehavin’ ” in Connie’s “Hot
Chocolates,” and it’s stayed up
lere ever since. Soon after “Hot
chocolates,” he opened at the Cot
m Club with his own band fea
ring his own song “The St. James
nfimary,” and the band became
lajor league timber. Then along
ame hi-de-ho and Calloway “ar
It happened one night when he
DUldn't remember the words to
le song he was singing. “Hi-de-ho,”
owled Calloway. “Ho-de-ho-de-ho
.Skinny-we-de-we de-we-do..’’
The house tittered. He tried it
gain. When he wound up. the ap
lause roared down like a subway
repress. Hi-de-ho became his vocal
iat of arms.
Today Cab is still working as hard
s he did when he understudied
very member of the floor show at
he Sunset Club in Chicago, hop
lg that somebody wouldn’t show up
i he’d get a chance to show them
'hat he could do. He puts every
tiing he’s got into it and tears him
sell limb from limb at every per
Conservative in his tastes. the
only extravagance of the jive king
is fine cars. His latest addition, a
custom-built Lincoln, turned out
too long for his gararge. He had to
scoop two feet out of the wall of
his gararge to get it in.
Cab is a sport enthusiast, addict
ed to every known sport. His luck
is phenomenal.. he never loses.
Whenever he finds his band in a
crap game, he knows how to break
I it up without saying a word—he
: joins the game .
His one deep admiration is for ;
Duke Ellington. According to Coro- j
net, Ellington's picture hangs in
1 the bar of his house—the only pro
fessional symbol in his home. A
i radio-phonograph system, remotely
controlled from every room, turns
Ellington on and off at will.
Cab thanks his sister, Blanche, for
his musical career. When he went
to Crane College in Chicago, to
study law. she got him a job in a
night club to help pay his ex- ex
penses. Soon, says Coronet, he was
burning the midnight oil—but in
the wrong lamp. “Night clubbing
and school didn't pan out so well
together,’’ complained Cab. “So I
figured I’d give up school.” One
night the band leader didn’t arrive
at the club. Cab took over and
set the patrons howling for more.
That was the beginning for that
witch doctor in a white tie, Cab
Calloway. Today he’s an institution
in the entertainment world. And,
with both feet on the public pulse
and an eye on the future, Cab’s!
popularity is not likely to wane. Be- j
sides, who else can coin those words |
like “jitterbug”? j
Continuing its policy of a month
r reissue of hot jazz classics. Co
imbia now offers an album call
l “Louis and Earl" featuring eight
des by Armstrong and Hines
axed back in 1927-28. Two tunes.
ON’T JIVE ME, have never pre
ously been released. The other six
In addition to Satchmo and the
itha, scrtne other famous stars
e heard, among them Zutty Sin
eton. Don Redman, Fred Robin
>n, Btompy Evans, .Jimmy Strong,
lancy C&ia. Honor*} Dutrey and
Boyd Atkins. They produced come
of the greatest music waxed in
/this golden age of swing. Surely
the genius of Louis was at its
height, and it was his work hi this
period that placed Eafl among the
immortals. “West End Blues” has
been described by Armstrong as his
greatest record; compare it with
the recent Cootie Williams version.
This is the righteous stuff and
easily the best of Armstrong al
bums thus far released—and that’s
saying plenty.
Instead of more clever nest, John
Kirby’s boys turn to sound swing
for Victor with IT’S ONLY A PA
SODY The beat i<= solid and the
soios excellent. Procope’s aito
sounds better each waxing . . .
Heckled While On 1

Stage, 'Bojangles'
| Lectures Audience
CLEVELAND—(ANP)—A “give and take” controversy
! growing out of an exchange of repartee between Bill “Bo
j jangles” Robinson and a group of youngsters took place*in
the opening matinee of Bojangles’ current appearance here
at Palace theatre last Friday. The noted exponent of tap
dancing was starred in a revue built around Jimmie Lunce
i ford’s orchestra.
According to Robinson, he and
; members 0f the show’s cast had
I been heckled during the first per
I formance by a group of \ouths
seated in upper boxes overlooking
the stage. It is said that the
i youths, boys and girls ol' high
j high school age, had interrupted
i his performance with such cries as
: “he locks like pig meat to me,”
: “aw. put a nickel in that micro
1 phone,’’ “we don’t want no talk
j we want no talk, we want to see
you dance.’’
The appearance of a feminine
; dancer in the cast also evoked
cries of “boy smoke them legs,”
‘‘baby, you better not walk down
Central avenue with a pair oi
i props like them.”
The star admitted that he and
: the entire cast of the show work
ed under difficulty. Robinson
pointed out that such conduct on
! the part of “thoughtiess Negroes
wap likely to cause the doors ol
downtown theatres in Cleveland
I and other cities to be barred
) against them, and would eventual
ly lead io the refusal of theatre
managers to book Negro shows in
to their houses.
Said Robinson, while he was in
i hig dressing room preparing for
his second performance. “Today, 1
was made to feel ashamed that 1
j am a Negro/’
However, opinions seems divided
j over the cause of the controversy.
On one hand are thos? who severe
| ly condemned the youths for their
j conduct and a good majority on
the other hand believed that the
dancing star magnified an incident
into something more important.
Several spectators told an essen
tially different story from that
given out by the dancing star.
I They said that Robinson opened
i his performance with the telling of
i his customary jokes. According to
, Harry J. Walker, city hall clerk,
most of the stories were of the
Negro-white folks variety, and twc
• in particular dwelt with by-play
! on Negro preachers. These ' wit
nesses stated that the youths
the boxes first kjegan to heckle tl
star after the completion of
story in which he described a N
gro soldier conversing with a whi
MP in an army camp.
“We don’t want to hear that o
Ui cle Tom stuff ’ one youth ye
ed, “w'e came here to see y<
dance. Other youngsters joined
With pithy comments. Robins*
ls *o have called one girl sea
ed in the box to the stage pla
form Holding the impression thj
she wpuld be permitted to dam
with the star, this girl and tv
otheis walked onto the stage
Ushering them up xo the mik
Robinson asked “Can you gir
f/fn,ce ,t08ether?” Upon learnir
that they had never danced U
gether before. Robinson turned i
the audience and Said. “I brougi
these girls up here on the stage t
shew you why you can’t be entej
tamed. ’ Embarrassed, the eir
Red from the stage in consterns
Marked resentment was shown
by their escorts as soon as Robin
son had returned to the stage for
Uif afternoon's second perform
ance, during which he is said to
have lectured to the youths It
was at this time that he was al
leged to have said ho was ‘ asham
Vaughn Monroe has a Bluebird
combining MOONLGHT MAS
QUERADE. sweet and commercial,
musical trivia..Tins isn’t swing
but it’s a fair pair of solos that
can stand a lot of listening, i re
fer to the Victor of ELI ELI.
trumpet solo by Ziggy Elam, and
HEART, trombone solo by Tommy
Dorsey. Both sides are played with
feeling and finesse.
There’s plenty of power and dass
Ki’upa on Okeh. The dead stops
add to the zest and Roy Eldridge
takes a few flaming bars on trum
pet. Companion piece is AMOUR,
combination Spanish hotcha and
jump with Howard Du Laney and
Anita O’Day doing a Bob Eberle
Helen O’Connell on the vocal . . .
Bluebird releases a Harlan Leonard
pair, KEEP ROCKIN’ and DIG IT,
enthusiastic in the Kansas City
manner but unpolished. This is
jumping jitbug stuff. I like
Beckett’s trombone solo on the first
side but don’t go for Will Smith’s
trumpet there or Myra Taylor’s vo
cal on the second..Save a needle
for the disc debut of the Southern
Sons on Bluebird. Unaccompanied
spirituals singers, they have fire
and cash and a close packed har
mony that’s sensational. Hear their
Art Tatum and Joe Turner score
again on Dacca with ROCK ME
MAMA and LUCILLE, the first
a slow bounce and the second drag
gin’ blues. The music is alive and
a lot of attention has been paid
to getting real live lyrics. This is
far superiod to their ‘rCorine Co
rine” ^ platter of recent vintage...
Ida Cox, an A-l blues singer from
’way back plus an A-l band, gives
out on Oktfx's I CAN’T QUIT
BLUES. Higginbotham’s trombone
soio on the first is terrific,
, ed that I am a colored man."
Yelling from the balcony, one
■ youth raid "If I had a pistol, I’d
shoot you off tl*e stage.” Angrily
Robinson invited the youth down
to the stage and then offered to
come up into the box. Leaving the
stage and walking through the
| theatre aisle upstairs to the boos,
he asked ‘‘Who said that?’’ ThC
youngsters refused to identify the
l heckler.
Pro-Robinsons are stilt yelling
“Disgraceful conduct. This young
er generation is a disgrace to the
race!” and anti-Robinsons yell
back. ■Disgraceful conduct! Alter
^7 years on the stage. Robinson
should have better sense than to
pav attention to hecklers in the
audience. Anyway, it's about Jhme
he learned the young Negro does
not want t0 hear a lot of Uncle
Tom stories, playing up Negroes as
illiterates, ana speaking in dialect,
from Negro performers on the pub
lic stage. Maybe Bih is getting
Dr. Carver Is
Heard On Air
—Headlining the second broadcast
cf thp "Freedom's People" series
over NBC'S Red network Oct. 10
was Dr. George Washington Car
ver. distinguished scientist who in
troduced the peanut as a southern
crop and then developed from it 90
by-products of commercial value.
Broadcast time was 12:30 to l p.m.
The broadcast in the "Freedom's
People" series, sponsored by a na
tional advisory committee of white
and Negro leaders m interracial
relations in cooperation wilh tire
U. S Office of Education, drama
tized Negro activities in the fields
of science and discovery.
Matt Henson, aide to Robert E.
Peary in eight expeditions to reach
the North Pole, told of his exper
iences in Peary's seven failures and
final success on his eighth at
I NEW YORK—(ANP)—The love
i of Negro audiences for the dramatic
1 type is not easily expressed. From
i a box office standpoint, which is
I the most important of all they
■seem to register... .sub-zero. But
; fron: an emotional appeal, observed
! at numerous church and auditorium
! gatherings,—dramatic groups ho*d
a decided edge with them over the
buffonnery they’re usually asked to
pay fancy prices for.
A reader, of this column, GERT
RUDE STANLEY, writes to say
anent Apollo theatre offerings:
“Doesn’t that management ever
grow tired of bouffe-opera? Why
i can’t we have the 15 minute dramas,
I occasionally I mean, starring real
! performers like Nina Mae McKinney.
I Mark Wornoe, Richard Huey, Rex
' Ingram, etc., when they are free for
; bookings? Maybe a literary shot in
1 the arm, like the splendid column
of yours I read in a Baltimore
i paper a month ago, would serve its
! purpose as a ...constant desk re
: minder to the owner of the Apollo
who once was prominently identi
fied with.. . .LAFAYETTE THEA
TRE, early home of Negro drama
tic stock”—MONTE HAWLEY came
back to his Harlem friends, un
changed after a long stay in the
cinema capitol—yes, the erstwhile
partner of George Whitshire and
other local comedians, is doing a
bit of all right for himself before
the.... flickering footlights .. Says
ing Journal)... “One of the big
musical thrills of my life was hear
ing PAUL ROBESON introduce .
‘Ballad for Americans’ at the Holly
wood bowl last year. Since then
this amazing musical-prose num
ber by John Latouche and Earl
Robinson has been presented sev
eral times on the concert stage and
over the air—but no singer has been
able to pour into this ballad of
nationalities that go to make up our
American citizenship, what the Ne
gro singer puts into it. MGM will
produce Ballad for Americans with
-Douglas McPhail. singing the
theme. (N. B. would’nt that be a
grand spot for Robeson, and Miss
Parsons, did her best to remind the
movie czars that they had over
looked the best actor suited for the
starring singing role).The N. Y.
Evening Sun recently carried a
three column spiel on Harlem’s re
planted ....WISHING TREE, (or
“Tree of Hope”), that was a honey
of a yarn:....all the names you’ve
heard us writers talk you about for
years came in for mention viz. Clar
ence Muse. Percy Verwayen, Monty
Hawley, (or Holly): Billy Andrews,
Emory Hutchins. Bill Robinson and
Myrtle Hawkins.. while is was treat
ed in satirical style, .it was very well
done and Harlem has been talking
about it over steaming cups of hot
chocolate round_“Strivers Row”
way.... SO LONG.
Me Daniel Star
In Big Benefit
HOLLYWOOD. Calif.—(O—Hat- j
ti0 McDaniel's name has been add- i
ed to the rapidly growing list 0f '
sponsors for a midnight benefit to j
be given Armistice Eve at the Ap
polo Theatre in New York. The !
TROOPS" has been endorsed by j
Theatre Authority and the USO.
The money realized by the bene
fit will go to tho Harlem Branch
of the New York City Defense
Recreation Committee wnich is
renovating the old Vincent Sani
torium on Seventh Avenue oppo
site the Renaissance Theatre, to be
used as a recreation center for Ne
gro troops.
Other sponsors include Grover
Whalen. Commissioner Robert Mo
ses. Pa.ul Robeson. Tommy Dorsey,
Duke Ellington. John Hammond,
Jean Muir. Bessie Beardon, Orsen
Welles. Frank Wilson, Edna Thom
as and Geraldine Dismond.
three day public health institute
for physicians was sponsored bv
the Louisiana State Department of
Health and was held at Flint-Good
ridge hospital, October 22-24.
Symphony To Play
New Still Number
NEW YORK — (C) — William
Grant Still’s new composition,
“Plain-Chant” will no doubt thiill
music lovers who will gather to
hear its first performance here in
New York at Carnegie Hall. Ane
Mr. Still’s latest work will he play
ed by one of the finest orchestras
in the. country, the N. Y. Philhar
monic Symphony Orchestra.
The song was written by Mrs.
Francis Biddle, wife of the U. S.
Attorney-General. She says that
Fascists drove her to write it,
thinking that we’ve got something
in this country and ought to tell it.
She speaks of lynchings in Geor
gia and the freedom for which we
are fighting.
Mrs. Biddle sent a copy to Mr.
Still, who had written the music
for her ballad-poem of protest
“And They Lynched Mims On A
Tree” which the Philharmonic
Symphony performed at the Stad
ium concerts in June, 1940. and
again last June. Mr. Still was ask
ed by John Barbirolli, conductor of
the orchestra, to compose some
thing for the Philharmonic So
ciety’s centennial this season. He
tried an overture, Miss Biddle said,
but was dissatisfied and asked if
he could use “Plain-Ohant.” Mr.
Barbirolli liked the poem and Mr.
Still wrote rapidly during ihe um
“In Hollywood recently,’’ Mrs.
Biddle said, “Mr. Still played it for
the first time. The young people
liked it and began to whistle the
time afterward. Of course, it’s on
the lap of the Sods whether it will
go over here. I am anxious, how
ever tG see, especially as it opens
the program, when the audience
is “cold,” Other conductors, in
cluding Eugene Ormandy of the
Philharmonic Orchestra here asked
to see the work.
“Plain-Chant” is not all a sen
timental poem, it is indeed ex
tremely forceful, especially to be
They Hold Top Positions In Swing World
Five of the top entertaining units in the
i musical world are pictured here at one *ime. You
: see Erskinc Hawkins at top left blowing out rhy
1 thm and Ella Fitzgerald sings a nursery rhyme at
top right. The Four Ink Spots are in the spotlight
at center warbling a sweet melody, while at low
er left Sister Rosetta Tharpe strums a “righteous
guitar. Just opposite her Lucius “Lucky Millin
der is pictured getting in the groove. (Yates
Count To Be New York’s
Busiest Man This Month
: ' 1 --
Civilian Defense
Work Discussed
At a meeting on civilian defense
! last night at which Miss Mary
Elizabeth Judy, of Washington,
spoke, held at the First Congrega
tional Church and presided ovei
by Mrs. H. G. Davis, chairman of
civilian defense council, a volley ol
questions following the speeches re
veals that Negroes in Birmingham
had not been given adequate in
formation about the civilian defense
written by an Attorney-General.’;
wife. But the most important
thing, regardless of the poem, is
the music—the native music of our
own symphonic composer. Every
body is on pins and needles wait
work and were fearful of discri- .
While no actions were taken, it
was mentioned that Negroes
Talks were made by Mrs. Alice
Campbell of NYA and William R
Perdon, white, of the civil protec
tion committee.
should be placed on the 11-man civil
defense council appointed by Mayoi
It was explained that courses in ;
nursing, first aid and nutrition were
opened. There are, according to an
application blank, 62 activities in
which one might “prefer to serve
in case of local or national emer
ing to hear Still’s composition alt
er he’s kept so quiet all summer.
But, most anything she writes is
always good. It ju-‘l has to be
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oasie ooys i o
Hold Down Three
Spots in Gotham
COUNT BASIE, the “Jump King Of
Swing”, has just been signed to open
a two week engagement at the
Warner Brothers Strand Theater
on Broadway November 7, during
which time the Basie crew will
double “''Ween the Strand and the
band’s u ent location job at Cafe
Society Uptown on Fast 58th Street.
The Count will 1 e *”’siest man
in New York all Nove;.. • because
he’ll be starting on the new Coca
Cola radio program early in Novem
ber in addition to playing at both
the Strand Theater and .Cafe So
ciety Uptown.
With business way off in most
of New York’s night clubs. Basie
is urawing record-breaking crowds
at the Cafe Society Uptown Club
and is topping the attendance fig
ures of Glenn Miller at the Hotel
Pennsylvania, Benny Goodman at
the Hotel New Yorker. Sammy Kaye
at the Essex House and holding his
own with Vaughn Monroe. Ameri
ca’s current box office sensation at
the Hotel Commodore. The “Jump
King" is in terrific demand in lead
ing band spots from coast-to-coast.
According to Milton Ebbins of
the William Morris Agency, Basie’s
personal manager, the Count will
remain at Cafe Society Uptown
through December 20. after which
the band will head out on a nation
wide theater tour in a booking of
sixteen solid weeks. Basie is slat
ed for a West Coast engagement
next Spring at the famous Palla
dium Ballroom in Hollywood, dur
ing which time the “Jump King"
and his boys wrill start, work in a
feature musical film for Columbia
Pictures, based on the evolution of
Kansas City jazz and the history of
its most famous exponent, Count
Basie himself!
The current “King of The Juke
Boxes’’. Basie is riding high with
a flock of records, which are the
top discs in the nation's coin ma
Charge Ear! Hines
Broke His Contract
CHICAGO — (ANP>— Suit was
filed Saturday in superior court by
Edward Fox, dance band manager,
seeking an accounting of earnings
during last year of Earl !'FathaM
Hines, noted orchestra leader, who
recently formed a new aggregation
of stars. Hines is now aying at
the Grand Terrace here.
Fox charged that Hines violated
contract by obtaining his own
bookings when Fox had an agree
ment to book his band through
ij48. The suit also seeks an in*
junction restraining Hines from
playing at Grand Terrace Cafe.
(ANP)— Taking the lead over all
other social iraternities on Uni
versity oi Kansas campus, Upsilon
chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha frater
nity of the campus had an average
rating on the campus last year.

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