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MOVE MORE FEDERAL TROOPS FROM LITTLE ROCK A Member Of The Au dit Bureau Circulations VOLUME X\I NUMBER 4____JACKSON, MISS., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1957 PRICE TEN CENTS Russia Education Called Challenge In Inti Living CALL NORTHERN STATES CONFERENCE’ ON ’ RACIAL SEGREGATION Southern Leaders Conference To Seek To Double Negro Vote In Citizenship Drive Urge President To Meet At Once With Negro Leaders Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 11.—(Spe cial) — The Southern Christian Leadership conference, composed of ministers, lawyers, and other Negro professionals, whose pres ident is Rev. Martin Luther King, of Montgomery, Ala., met- here last Tuesday, Nov. 5, to lay the final plans for a south-wide cru sade for Negro citizenship, the chief aim of which is to double the number of qualified Negro vot ers in the south for the 1958 and 1960 elections. The group also sent a letter to (Continued on Cage Five) -o Negro Opera On Worldwide Tour New York City—Janet Lauren, head o/ Concerts Associates, Inc., I has just returned from Europe with several contracts for the services j of Robert MeFerrin, world re nowned baritone of the Metropoli- ; tan Opera Association and the first Negro singer to be signed by the Met to a long term contract. Miss Lauren spent three months consulting Operatic Impressarios and Concert booking offices in Italy, France, England, Switzer continued on Page Three) -o Ex-Slave 109 Dies In Detroit DETROIT, Mich., No. 11.—Fun eral services were held Saturday for a 109-year-old ex-slave, who died Thursday at the home of her great granddaughter. She is Mrs. Fannie Pettaway, of 6432 East Hancock. Mrs. Pettaway died shortly after she had drunk a cup of hot coffee, and was in the process of reading the Bible, when death came. Mrs. Pettaway died at the home of her great granddaughter, Mrs. Melinda Chrisman, of the Hancock address. Funeral services were held in (Continued on Page Seven) •-o State NAACP Forms Future Leaders Group The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Saturday held closed door “work shops” on desegregation and vot ing rights in the second day of a three-day annual state convention. The NAACP also organized a state youth council which officials say will “groom future Negro lead ers” for the integration fight. Clarence Mitchell, director of the association's Washington bureau, (Continued on Page Five) Say Rate Hate Used As Union Busing Weapon In The State WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 11. —Two Mississippi firms were named by labor leader James B. Carey yesterday, saying “industry has started to use race-hatred as a union-busting weapon.” Carey is the president of the In ternational Union of Electrical Workers (IUE) and an AFL-CIO vice president, cited four southern companies, with using “this new technique of war against labor.” He named the Neco Co. of Bay (Continued on Page Four) • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Receives Check For $11,000 From Packinghouse Workers RUSSELL R. LASLEY, International Vice President (left) presents check to Dr. King (center) for educational aspects of Voting Crusade for Southern Christian Leaders Conference. Ralph Helstein (right) International President of Packinghouse workers looks on. Northern Cities Have School Segregation In Fact But Not In Law Chicago, 111., Nov. 11—A poten tially explosive “segregation” prob I lem exists “in fact but not in law” in the public school systems of 9 j major northern cities whose total ! population h&s risen to more than four million people, about two-and a-half times 1940. Los Angeles is included among these cities, according to the Am erican Jewish Congress, which (Continued on Page Six) NIXON OKAYS NEGRO NEIGHBORS Washington, D. C., Nov. 12—In a surprise answer to a plot by Georgia segregationists to move a Negro family ... the larger the better—into a restricted residential area where Vice President Dick Nixon lives—sources close to Nixon gave out the report that “he wouldn’t care less.” It was also understood that Nixon would per sonally welcome such an addition to the neighborhood. This bit of in formation will no doubt surprise the Georgia group who expected Nixon to be publicly embarrassed. (Continued on Page Seven) Missing Negro Boy Returns Unharmed Pontotoc, Miss., Nov. 12—A 16 year-old Negro youth missing here since Oct. 31 has been located and “he’s unharmed,” Public Safety Commissioner Tom Scarbrough an nounced Tuesday. Scarbrough said young Jesse Harvey Bradford has been taken to the office of Sheriff M. C. Hebree at Pontotoc “and is being question ed now about his disappearance and where he's been.” Scarbrough said word of Brad ford’s being found came from D. B. Crockett, the investigator which the highway patrol sent to Ponto toc in response to an appeal by Hembree for help. Scarbrough could not immediate (Continued on Page Four) American Baptist Theological Seminary To Unveil Third Memorial 5000 In Thanksgiving Celebration Nasnviiie, lenn., Nov. iz.—The real meaning of the season plus the unveiling of the third “Memor ial Five-Thousand” will be double reason for American Baptist The ological Seminary here to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. The 4,500,000 members of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., parent body to ABT Seminary along with the Southern Baptist Convention, have been called to be a part of this both solemn and gay seasonal observance. They have been asked to remember the seminary in both prayer and fi nance. Previous experience gives rea sons fox' high hopes of success. The most concrete “previous ex perience” is seen in the “Memorial Ffve-Thousand.” Herein is seen a high dedication to the continuation of Christian education as a solid integral part of the National Bap (Continued on Page Two) | Construction Started On New $500,000 Jackson College Library Construction of the new $500, 000 Jackson State College Library got underway this week with ap propriate ground - breaking cere monies. Of the money appropriated for its construction, $400,000 was (Continued on Page Three) Reds Exploit Little Rock Says Home Editor New Orleans, La., Nov. 11—Gu glierlo Biraghi, editor of “II Mes saggero,” Rome’s largest news paper, declared last week that the Little Rock problem has been ex (Continued on Page Five) South Africa Greets Ghanan CAPETOWN, South Africa, Nov. 12. — South African segregation was dispensed with temporarily Tuesday with the arrival of R. C. Simpson, the first African repre sentative of the Government of Ghana to arrive in South Africa. -o. . Tranquilizing Drug Is Old Zulu Remedy Johannesburgh, South Africa, Nov. 11—<Speak to any Zulu tribes man about1 the white man’s medi cine and he will probably say medi cal science is moving backwards. (Continued on Page Four) Governors Of N. Y. And Mich. Call Conference On Segregation In Northern States See Focus On South But Say North Has Own Special Problem Albany, N. Y., Nov. 12—Gover nor Harriman joined Gov. G. Men nen Williams of Michigan, last Wednesday in calling a twelve-state conference on discrimination prob lems in Northern states. The invitation went out to Gov ernors in the dozen states that have adopted anti-discrimination legis lation in the last twelve years. All but one of the Governors—Vernon W. Thomson of Wisconsin—are Democrats. “Although the principal empha sis on the civil rights issue in re cent months has been focused on (Continued on Page Four) | Negro Vote Factoi For Winners In Little Rock Election Army Orders More Federal Troops To Leave City Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 12 — Little Rock’s “moderates” Captur ed last Wednesday six of the seven positions on the city’s new Board of Directors. They won by only small margins and then only with the help of overwhelming Negro support. A candidate backed by a segrega tionist organization won the seventh place by the largest ma jority polled by any of the candi dates. A few hours after it was certain that the middle-of-the-road group had won, Army Headquarters here announced that it had received ord ers from Washington to cut in half (Continued on Page Four) Durham City Council OK’s Request For Race-Relations Committee DURHAM, N. C., Nov. 11.—An interracial committee designed to handle any problems arising in re lations between the races has been approved for formation by the Durham City Council. The move came at the Council’s regular Monday night meeting. Actually, the Council was ac ceeding to a request by a group of prominent citizens who petitioned the Council to set up such a com mittee. The petition was signed by 30 I Durhamites who were described as 1 “leading citizens.” The establishment of such a committee to deal with problems arising in race relations will be a first for Durham. It is a step that has been long advocated by many persons of various points of view. In voting to set up the commit | tee, the Council set forth three rather general purposes for the i body which are presumed to be I (Continued on Page Six) South Africa Natives Protest March Dispersed By Air Force /.-eenurst, ooutn Airica, xsov. 12—Eight South African Air Force training planes today dispersed several thousand Africans, mostly women, after they had attempted a march on this hot, dusty little town in western Transvaal. The planes supported policemen who set up roadblocks on the main road from the Baphuretse Reserve to the town. After flying over Zee j rust, the planes broke formation I and skimmed over the marchers at tree-top level. The Africans were marching to town to demonstrate while a Gov ernment commission of inquiry was in Zeerust investigating riots earlier this year by women op posed to the issue of special passes to Africans. President Reddix Corrects Reports On Money For Men’s Dormitory With housing facilities at Jack son State College at a premium, of ficials at the College were being bombarded with questions on the report that the College had recent ly refused a grant for the purpose of erecting a much needed men's dormitory. Most of the queries, no matter how stated, were really concerned with one thing—“How come?” At a faculty and staff meeting Thursday afternoon, Pres ident J. L. Reddix explained that “The money in question was not fo$ a dormitory as reported, but was actually for furniture for a men's dormitory which we had hoped to build.” It was explained that the proposed 100-room dormi tory would have been built on a government loan, but due to a dearth of rooms already available for the amortization of the loan (o. ly 70 dormitory rooms were ac ceptable to the government offi (Continued on Page Six) Negro Youths Convicted In School Yard Assault Case PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Nov. 9.— A jury Friday night convicted five Negro youths on charges of criminally assaulting and beating a teen-age white girl in a South Philadelphia schoolyard. A sixth defendant pleaded guilty. Judge Louis E. Leventhal im mediately sentenced all six to terms in Eastern State Penitenitiary ranging up to 15 years. The girl, Katherine Heckart, who was 17 at the time of the attack, testified her attackers dragged her into a deserted schoolyard the night of Sept. 18. There, she said, they beat her and held her down while she was assaulted. A 16 (Continued on Page Two) NAACP To File Early Civil Rights Suits In State A spokesman for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People says his organi zation will seek to prosecute sev eral Mississippians for civil rights violations. Clarence Mitchell, director' o>f the NAACP’s Washington bureau, told Mississippi NAACP members at a state convention here Sunday, “as early as last week four Mississippi officials have violated the new civil rights law.” “We are taking these cases to the nation's capital to lay them before the Department of Justice.” Mitchell did not name the counties involved. The law permits the Justice De partment to prosecute officials un lawfully depriving persons of votes. j CHESTER BOWLES, FORMER AMBASSADOR TO INDIA CALLS INTEGRATION THE PRIMARY DOMESTIC ISSUE OF OUR TIMES Say Deep Dis-Harmony In Onr National Life Can No Longer Be Swept Under The Rug Family Honored At 25th Anniversary Dinner Of The Experiment In International Living State NAACP Conference In Meeting Here Sharp Drop In Attendance Noted The state Conference of NAACP Branches held its 13th-Annual Ses sion here last week, starting Fri day, and ending with a mass meet ing at the Masonic Temple Sunday 1 afternoon. The three-day session included a workshop on voting, a Freedom j Fund dinner, a program at College (Continued on Page Six) WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 12. —Chester Bowles, former Ambas sador to India, asserted tonight that racial integration ‘was “the primary domestic moral issue of our times.” Little Rock, Ark., as well as the Soviet satellite, he told the 25th anniversary dinner of the Experi ment in International Living, has awakened America “to a desire to be up and doing again.” “Now we know that this deep disharmony in our national life can no longer be swept under the rug,” he said. Mr. Bowles’ address responded to the group’s conferring its first annual citation to “the Chester Bowles family—Chester, Dorothy, Barbara, Chester, Jr., Cynthia, (Continued on Page Five) i NEGRO LAWYER IS ELECTED i MEMBER DETROIT CITY COUNCIL UJSTKUIT, Mich., Nov. 11.—-De troit voters in their nonpartisan city elections Nov. 5 broke with precedent on two counts; they chose a woman as president of the Common (city) Council and elect ed a Negro to the council. Mayor Louis C. Miriani w'on a four-year term with a record ma jority of 290,626 to 48,399. He has been Mayor since September when Mayor Albert E. Cobo passed on, taking over from his former po sition as president of the Common Council. Detroit keeps it city elections non-partisan, so it is difficult to draw any significant conclusions as to party strength from them. However, two candidates backed strongly by the United Auto Work ers (AFL-CIO) took council seats. State Democratic leaders could be discerned in the background, leaving the electioneering to the (Continued on Page Two) I President Names Rights Commission | Washington, D. C., Nov. 11— ! President Eisenhower has an nouneed the selection of the mem bers of the Civil Rights Commis sion as provided for under the re cently enacted Federal Civil Rights Law. Those selected are Former U. S. Supreme Court Justice Stanley Reed, named Chairman, John A. Hannah, President, Michigan State University, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense, Vice-Chair mart, John S. Battle, former Gov ernor of Virginia, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, President, Notre Dame | University, Robert G. Storey, Presi dent, Southern Methodist Univer sity, Dallas, Texas and J. Ernest Wilkins. Mr. Wilkins, a Negro who is no relation to Roy Wilkins of the NAACP, is an Assistant Secretary of Labor. The appointments are subject to (Continued on Page Five) AFRICA PONDERS IN WAKE OF RUSSIANS SATELLITE VICTORIES JOHANNESBURG, South Af rica, Nov. 11.—Two Soviet satel lites in outer space and an impress ive display of military might in Moscow’s Red Square Nov. 7 are producing a thoughtful new cli mate in different parts of Africa. Here in South Africa the shock of the Soviet triumphs has been followed by significant new pres sure for the retention of South Africa’s ties with the Western al liance and for continued member ship in the British Commonwealth ; and the United Nations. Prime j Minister Johannes G. Strijdom’s -— own nationalist newspaper, Die Transvaler, has twice recently warned South Africa against isola tionism in light of the Soviet suc cesses. South Africa’s white government is staunchly anti-Communist and, together with that of the neigh boring Federation of the Rhodesias and Nyasaland, may be relied upon to keep southern Africa firmly within the ranks of the West. Open Question But whether the remainder of black Africa, much of it teetering (Continued on■ Page Six) Study Seven Bodies In Insurance Racket Of Negro Woman Selma, Ala., Nov. 9 — At least one person is being treated for arsenic poisoning and seven bodies have been exhumed in the investi gation of a Negro woman charged with killing three persons. Investi gators said she carried insurance on them and about 90 other Ne groes. Mary Perkins, 36, a widow, is charged with poisoning her late husband, Charlie; Della Davis, 70, a neighbor; and Gloria Jean Mont gomery, 10-month-old neighbor child. Solicitor Blanchard McLeod said the woman admitted killing the elderly woman and the child, but that she claimed her husband took rat poison by mistake. State toxicologist Vann Pruitt said today that Mary Lanier, 71, is being treated for arsenic poison* ing. Pruitt said the Lanier woman was visited by Mrs. Perkins about thre^ weeks ago and that she gave her a glass of milk. Pruitt said examination showed definite traces of arsenic ih the Lanier woman's body. Other bodies exhumed beside (Continued on Page Two)