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JACKSON ADVOCATE PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI A Member Of The Audit Bureau Circulations Make all checks payable to the Jackson Advocate; Address, 406 North Farish Street. Phone, Office.2-1617 Phone, Society Editor. 2-121? “In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, but in all things that affect our mutual progress and develop ment we can be together as the hand.”—Booker T. Washington. Entered as Second Class Matter in the Post Office at Jackson. Miss., July 13, 1945 under Act of Congress, March 13, 1879. PERCY GREENE...Editor and Publisher FRANCES REED GREENE . Society Editor Subscription Rates: One Year $4.00. Six Months $2.50 by mail anywhere in the United States and to Service Mon overseas. Foreign, One Year $6.00. Six Months $3.50. SUBSCRIPTION RATES All Subscriptions Due And Payable In Advance ONE YEAR $4.00 SIX MONTHS $2.50 “INTERSTATE UNITED NEWSPAPERS, Inc National Advertising Representatives 545 Fifth Ave., New York City Murray Hill 2-5452 The NAACP Meeting—A Challenge To Negro Leadership The State Conference of Branches of the NAACP held its annual meeting here last week and in no instance can it be said that the representatives of its national office who were the chief speakers during the meeting, Clarence Mitchell of the Washington Bureau, Gloster Current, the Director of Branches and Mrs. Ruby Hur ley, its Southeastern Regional Director, have discovered the fact that name-calling and the vindictive retort is no substitute for the statesmanship and diplomacy so badly needed by Negro leaders in these troubled times in the matter of Race Relations; and this despite some recent developments which should have had a sobering effect on the National NAACP Officials. One of the recent developments to which we refer specifically is the recent speech to the nation by Presi dent Eisenhower on the sending of troops to Little Rock, in which he pointed out what had long been ap parent to every intelligent observer, that International Relations demands a solution of the race problem in the United States, which as everyone with the slightest intelligence knows is a demand arising out of the chal lenge of Russian Communism to U. S. and World De mocracy. In the light of the fact that the demands for the solution of the race problem arises out of the challenge of Russian Communism to U. S. and World Democracy, unless the NAACP can show its part in influencing the October 1917 Revolution that gave birth to communism in Russia, its actual role in the development of Civil Rights for Negroes in the country has been a little less than coincidental, especially considering the fact that it has been laboring in the field of civil rights since 1908 with little or no results until after the Second World War when communism rose to challenge U. S. and World Democracy. The President’s speech on the Little Rock crisis j therefore, should have marked the end of the NAACP’s name calling, big talk, and threats, as well as its cam paign to make the Negro in the South believe that it is all powerful and that it has the only method and ap- i proach to the solution of the race problems in this country. The Jackson Advocate and its Editor, “Uncle Tom” Percy Greene, is primarily interested in the solution of the race problem in Mississippi on a formula that will enable its Negro and white people to live side by side in peace, progress, and goodwill, the solution that can be found when intelligent Negro and w'hite leaders in the state start meeting and working together to that end. In his speech referring to those who believe in seg regation of the races as “misguided missiles in an era of sputniks”, Gloster Current refused to consider the fact that those who believe in segregation are as deep ly sincere in their conviction as are those who believe in integration and are entitled to the same kind of respect; such remarks together with the remarks and threats of civil rights suits against state officials in the clos ing address by Clarence Mitchell, can only be taken as further evidence that the white people who command the sources of power and authority are never going to consent to sit down with leaders of the NAACP in seek ing a solution of the race problem in the state. Indeed, it is becoming more apparent to intelligent observers everywhere that because of the total lack of statesmanship and diplomacy on the part of its leaders, the NAACP, despite the added help of communism, is delaying rather than hastening Negro first-class citi zenship. In every NAACP meeting, there are always derisive remarks about Negro “Uncle Toms,” a term designed to humiliate and belittle, which NAACP adherents apply to any Negro who maintains a friendly and respectful relationship with white people, especially those in posi tions of power and authority. Finally, in a recent editorial in the McComb Enter prise Journal, on the subject of race relations, and the future progress of Negroes, addressed primarily to white people, there was also this challenge, despite the NAACP, and the likelihood of being called an “Uncle Tom,” that responsible Negro leaders, seek some ground of friendly relationship and cooperation with the white leaders, of their community and of the state in working toward a solution of the problems of race relations in the state. Civil Rights: To Light The Way Ever since the Supreme Court handed down its de cision outlawing compulsory racial segregation in the public schools there has existed an urgent need for a commission of great prestige, both intrinsic and presi dentially bestowed, to focus the nation's attention on solutions instead of on conflict. Ever since civil rights legislation showed the slight est prospect of congressional passage the very large question has loomed whether the commission it provided for would perform such a clarifying and conciliating function or would prove to be a policeman and a pro secutor. The six men just appointed by President Eisenhow er to the Civil Rights Commission should be able large ly to meet the need. Their backgrounds to a large ex tent answer the question. They are men of very considerable distinction: an 1 Things You Should Know LOmAN 1100 B.C. The most famous sage of the eas^ WRITER OF 10.000 PROVERBS AND FABLES/ # « MOHAMMED QUOTED HIM- NAMED CHAPTER 31 OF THE KORAN AFTER HIM/AS A BLACK SLAVE AND WISE MAN, IT IS SOMETIMES THOUGHT THAT HE AND AESOP WERE ONE BUT EXPERTS HAVE PROVEN AESOP LIVED 500 YEARS LATER... 0NCE,WISHING TO REMAIN ASIMPLEUHAKIMf (SAGE^LOKMAN REFUSED AN OFFER TO BECOME THE HEIR OF KING DAVID OF ISRAEL/ Coa/t'/UIT/W+c - Associate Justice for 19 years on the Supreme Court (Stanley F. Reed of Kentucky); a former Governor of a great Southern state (John S. Battle of Virginia); the president of a great university and former Assistant Secretary of Defense (John A. Hannah of Michigan State); a former president of the American Bar As sociation and dean of a university law school (Robert G. Story of Southern Methodist); a present Assistant Sec retary of Labor and past president of a metropolitan bar association (J. Ernest Wilkins of Chicago); and the president of another famous university (the Rev. T. M. Hesburgh of Notre Dame). 'These men are representa tive both of North and South, of Protestants and Roman Catholics, and of whites and Negroes. In pursuance of the law they must listen to corn, plaints and they may uncover conditions in which either the protection of civil rights has moved too slowly or impatience threatens to damage the social fabric. But the make-up of this body precludes its becoming an agency of either side of the segregation question against the other. Will these commissioners be confirmed by the Senate (they are recess appointees) ? Senator Eastland and allies will likely attack Mr. Reed as one of the unanimous court which struck down segregation—also Assistant Secretary Wilkins if they can discover any possible tie with the NAACP. On the other hand, ardent integra tionists may oppose Mr. Battle because he was once (1950-54) Governor of the state that is attempting “massive resistance” to the Supreme Court decrees. And there may be some objections to others on other grounds. But in general the standing of the nominees raises them above crucial vulnerability. There is much this commission can do toward allay ing excessive fears and findings and clearing common ground. The struggle and the controversy now is not .so much over whether desegregation will or will not come “ever,” but over the speed and the method of the pro cess. How fast and how far is it realistic and just to expect this process to proceed? What is the least and the most this nation should expect of itself and of its several regions? What goals are reasonable and defensi ble for the white? If this newly created Civil Rights Commission can help to light the way to answers it will have perform ed indeed a service for the age. XMAS CHEER CLUB MEETS; SETS BASKET REGISTRATION DATE The Jackson Negro Christmas' Cheer Club held its initial meet ing Wednesday, November 6. The Club decided and it is herewith an nounced that registration dates for Christmas Cheer Baskets will be held on Friday, November 15, 1957 and Monday, November 18, 1957 at Central Methodist Church from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m. All persons who feel that their financial condi tion justify them being considered for a Christmas Basket must ar range to register on the dates recited above. Extension Agents Meeting Here Jackson, Miss. — The annual meeting of Mississippi’s over 100 Negro Extension Service agents will be held November 20-22 at College Park Auditorium in Jack son. Negro state Extension leaders, with headquarters in Jackson, who announced the meeting and will conduct it, are W. E. Ammons, Dai sey M. Lewis, Florence D. Allen, T. M. Moman, Alberta Dishmon and G. E. Gray. “Better Living Through Planned Agriculture” will be the theme. Several state and national agri culaurai leaders will address vari ous sessions. These include Admin istrator C. M. Ferguson, Federal Extension Service, Washington, D. I Mother And Infant Care Course Offered By Red Cross The first “Mother and Infant Care” course for Negroes will be offered by the Hinds-Rankin Coun ties Chapter, American Red Cross beginning Nov. 11. The course will be conducted at the Christ the King School, 2300 Lynch Street, through the cooper ation of Father Figaro, principal. Classes will be from 7 to 9 p.m. Nov. 11-15 and Nov. 18. Teachers will be registered, professional nurses from University Hospital. Enrollment in the class will be on a first come, first served basis, according to Mrs. Kathalyne Bear den, Red Cross nursing director. She said 20 persons will be en rolled in the first class but if sufficient interest is shown, an- j other class will be started. The class is open to all expect- i ant mothers in Hinds and Rankin j counties, to parent-teacher groups, | to students and to any adult in- j terested in pre-natal and infant j care. Mrs. Bearden said a group j from Jackson College will attend; and she urged high school students to enroll. During the class, special empha sis will be placed on making nurs ery equipment from articles found around the home. Subjects included in the course will be: explanation of labor and birth, handling the new baby, bathing and dressing the baby, preparation of formula, diet and exercises for the expectant mother, the role of the new father an<j the C.; Chief Mary L. Collings, Exten sion Training Branch, Federal Ex tension Service; Assistant Exten sion Director Brice Ratchford, North Carolina State College; Di rector of University Relations Wil liam Nunn, University of Minne sota; Mississippi Extension Di rector Clay Lyle,* Commissioner of Agriculture Si Corley; President of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Boswell Stevens; Associate Exten-, sion Director M. S. Shaw, and ! State Home Demonstration Agent Earle Gaddis. Negro County Agent Charlie H. Burton of Washington County will tell of his recent temporary duty as an agricultural leader in Africa. Experiences in Extension work here will be given by Negro County Agent Charlie Johnson of Sharkey County and Negro Home Demon stration Agent Bessie R. Gay of Leflore County. Other subjects discussed on the program will include entomology, 4-H Club work and Balanced Farm and Home Planning. THE QUEENS AND THREE—All smiles are Miss Joyce Elmore, third from left, "Miss Capital Clas sic" for 1957, and Misses Barbara Mitchell, left, and Helen Coble, right, who were runners-up. The l>eautiful young women were awarded trophies by The Coca-Cola Company at half-time of the Capita* Classic in Washington, D. C., last week. Standing in on ceremony are Horace Cocroft, Washington Coca Cola Bottling Work, Moss H. Hendrix and Otis N. Thompson, Jr., The Moss H. Hendrix Organization, public relations representatives for the Coca-Cola industry. Morgan'State^College defeated West Virginia State College 33-0 in the 16th annual classic event. *> UP AND DOWN FARISH STREET By PERCY GREENE FARISH STREET SATURDAY NIGHT: “It’s a po wind that never changes” is the way I used to hear the thing put by my grandma when I was a boy, and I know new as I learned a long time ago that she was giving vent to the wis dom and philosophy that have come down through time and the ages in the lore and tradition of the Tribe of Haggar. The same idea has been transmitted to posterity, mongst those of a difference in expressions that have become a part of the classic tradition, and because of such expressions in times of great concern and fore bodings folks have been able to look back on such sayings and find the new courage and new hope on which progress is made ... I heard some frustrated mem ber's of the Tribe of Haggar la menting over what’s wrong in the world as it affects Aint Haggar’s Chilluns while I was eating my fish and drinking my beer, and the way they were talking about things and a-g«ung on they’d reached the end of the road as far as they were concerned. The more I listened to their conversation the more it dawned on me that they hadn’t never heard of that fellow, who in dire straits out on that lake that day, with faith and future of his country at stake, in the face of what looked like a hopeless case, kept saying “Don’t Give Up The Ship” and as far as that remark is concerned there may be those who’ll say that Aint Haggar’s Chillun don’t know too much about history noways, which may all be true, but what I started out to say is this, when ever my grandma used to talk she put his tory, philosophy, tradition, wisdom and understanding in as fewer words than I’ve ever been able to find in any kinda book, cept’n of course the BIBLE, which was my grandma’s favorite book . . . look ing back to her, when ever the breaks got tough, and everything suddenly becomes cloudy and fore boding, I just keep plugging away . . . remembering all the time what my grandma used to say . . . and I it’s still good advice for Aint Hag gar’s Chillun everywhere . . . It’S A PO WIND THAT NEVER CHANGES. SOMETHING THAT MADE ME LAFF: That certain young lady I heard asking a friend, How come, you reckon those girls over in the Maple Street project keeps on wearing their shorts . . . after the weather has turned cool . . . THAT OLE BIRD that carries! in his bill that little old heart- 1 warming and family-cementing bundle, left another one the other day at the home of Rev. Clennon King, the Alcorn College professor. Itsa girl. The name: Liberia Ethiopia Virginia King . . . and everybody is well and happy. WEEKLY QUOTATION: “Cour age is a virtue only so far as it is directed by prudence.” Patronize Our Advertisers —--o Tougaloo Sou. Christian Choir Presented Here Sunday Nov. 17 ; The Tougaloo Southern Chris-! tian College Choir, fresh from a I tour which carried them before large enthusiastic audiences in New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, will be presented j here on Sunday, Nov. 17, 5:15 p.m. i at the Masonic Temple Auditorium. ! Critics there were profuse in their j praise of the rare combination of j good voice, technique and artistry j as exhibited by this 43-voi%ed sing-1 ing group under” the direction of ! Mrs. Sarah Booker Turner. Now, music lovers and friends of the local community will have op portunity to enjoy these seasoned performers when they appear in their first local concert of the sea son. The Tougaloo Southern Christian College Alumni Club, under whose sponsorship the choir is being pre sented here, met Sunday in the home of Mrs. Gladys Bates for final planning for this presenta tion. According to H. M. Thomp son, president of the local alumn club, tickets may be purchaser from any member of the local TSC Alumni Club. Patronize Our Advertisers baby in the family group. Therr will also be a visit to the maternitj departments of local hospitals.^ Anyone interested in attendinf the class may call the chaptei fiouse at 734 North State Street or may attend the first class or Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. Patronize Our Advertisers WEEKLY I POEM REV. JOHN R. PERKINS IN MEMORY OF OUR LATE BRO. EUCLID PILLARS, JR. He was loved by all who knew him And his friends were by the score V\ hen death came and called for him He was very much ready to go. He lived to make friends we see With mosjt all he knew He did not fear when death stepped in Because his heart had been made new. His many friends will miss him On every side of his life He was a faithful son of his mother A faithful and loving husband to his wife. He was a man who made his friends By his everyday walk of life His wife is going to miss him He was a husband for his wife. His record is on the Lamb’s Book For Jesus to invite him in He is going toJbe in that number When the saints go marchin in. By Rev. John R. Perkins, 2611 Lilly St. Jackson, Mississippi. NOTE: Regular services will'be held at Pleasant Green Temple Church Sunday, November 17, out from Edw’ards, Miss. Everyone is cordially invited to attend these services. Rev. John R. Perkins,' pastor. -o Missing Boy... (Continued fj-om Page One) ly provide details on where or how the youth was found. At Pontotoc, Bob Cook, publisher of the Pontotoc Progress, said the | youth “walked into a store here i alive and all right today.” Cook said Bradford told officers he “caught a ride in a truck to Columbus and “had been there since.” Columbus is about 50 miles from Pontotoc. The announcement came within an hour after Scarbrough stated j that “there is no racial issue” in the youth’s disappearance. The commissioner said the sheriff and highway patrd offi cers have been “unable even to un cover even a hint” that a ly racial trouble was associated with the case. He said the disappearance of Young Harvey Bradford “perhaps is a case of murder but it’s not a so-called race killing.” Scarbrough said the boy’s mo ther, Margaret Herron, reported ! on Nov. 4 that Jesse had not been seen since leaving his sister’s house Oct. 31 to buy soft drinks at a near by filling station. “Rumors that thre white men seized him and carried him away in a car are being investigated,” the commission said. Sheriff M. C. Hembree said at Pontotoc today that one of two Negroes jailed for juestioning told of seeing Bradford forced into a car at gun-point Oct. 31 by white men. Hembree said the man, Char les McAlister, told the story to other Negroes but refused to dis cuss the case further after being jailed. —Patronize Our Advertisers— -o Say Race... (Continued from Page One) Springs, Miss.; the Vickers Co. at Jackson, Miss., and at Gainesville; Fla., both allied with the Sperry Rand Co. Another was the West inghouse Electric Co. at Raleigh. N. C., he said. Carey said both Mississippi firms, as a counter move in an IUE organizing campaign, circu lated a photo showing him dancing “with an attractive young Negro lady.” He said the picture was taken at an official party given by the Swiss government at a meeting of the International Labor Organiza tion in Geneva two years ago. Carey said he was mystified how the photo, taken by a Swiss pho tographer, “found its way 5,000 miles away from Geneva into the hands and the newspaper press of Mississippi employers and race haters.” —Patronize Our Advertisers— Negro Vote... (Continued from Page One) the number of Federal troops sta tioned at Central High School. About 500 paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division are now in Little Rock to prevent interference with court-ordered integration, and 1,800 Arkansas National Guards men are still in Federal service. The election surged back and forth last night and into the early hours. Until almost the last minute the candidates supported by the segregationist Capital Citizens Council, an affiliate of the White Citizens Councils, held the lead in four of the seven contests. But toward 3 a.m. Eastern Stand ard Time, three wards, including a heavily populated Negro area, reported a county that tipped the scales of six Good Government Committee—the “moderate” slate —and thereafter they held to their slim leads. In one of the contests, a good government candidate, Leo H. Grif fin, an automobile executive, edg ed out his rival, H. H. Crow, a re tired machinery manufacturer, by only 31 votes, according to the un official count. Mrs. Edgar F. Dixon, a former member of the Little Rock School Board, who was on the board when it set up Central High School's in tegration plan, defeated Mrs. Clyde Thomason, Secretary of the seg regationist Mothers League of Central High, by 482 votes. The largest margin of victory by a Good Government Committee candidate was 1,669 votes. Gervase W. Blankenship, a sign executive, defeated Mrs. F. E. Bates, a real estate operator by a vote of 10, 590 to 8,921. i ne oniy victorious segregauon ist-sponsored candidate, Letcher L. Langford, an insurance salesman, defeated Leland F. Leatherman, a lawyer, by 2,845 votes, the largest margin piled up by any of the candidates. In the campaign preceding the election, the Good Government Committee had tried to avoid the race issue. But in the final week,' the Capital Citizens Council began a campaign to suggest that if the Good Government Committee slate was elected it would promote inte gration in Little Rock’s swimming pools, parks, playgrounds and other municipal facilities. On the eve of the election, a Good Government spokesman declared that its can didates had been “unjustly accus ed” of being for integration. Negro Vote Is Cited It was obvious that the Negro vote put the Good Government Committee candidates over. The total vote in Little Rock was 21,500, or a little more than 50 per cent of the 41,000 qualified voters in the city. However, a Negro political lead er here estimated today that of approximately 9,000 qualified Ne- , gro voters in Little Rock, more than 75 per cent had gone to the polls and had voted almost unani mouslv for the Good Government candidates. The winners in the other con tests were: Warren Baldwin, a real estate executive; H. L. Win hurn, a tile manufacturer, and Warren C. Knoop, a construction executive. Seven other candidates ran as independents, but trailed badly from the outset and were never a serious threat. The new Board of Directors, which replaces Little Rock s old City Council, will elect a Mayor and an Assistant Mayor from its ranks and eventually will hire a professional City Manager. Patronize Our Advertisers _rv ■ — - T ranquiliqing... (Continued from Pape One) Ask him why and he will 'tell you about tranquillizers. For hundreds of years nervous and overstrained Zulus have been using a form of the modern tran quilizing drug. The root of a tree is his tran quillizing drug and chemical analy sis will show that it contains res erpine, a drug pharmacists say is closely related to tranquillizers. Until a year ago India was the only known country that produced reserpine botanically. Last year\the University of Na tal discovered the drug in use among the Zulu people. The tree that provides the witch doctor with reserpine is slow growing and is not a commercial proposition. This is not the only example of African wisdom. The Hottentots, now virtually extinct, had a com mon cure for headaches many years ago. Scientists investigating the cure in pre-war years fou*id it was very similar to aspirin, a modern remedy for headaches. —Patronize Our Advertisers— -o Governors... (Continued from Page One) the South,” the New York and Michigan Governors said in their invitation, “states in the North have their own special problems pressing for solution.” The governors proposed that re presentatives of the twelve states meet in Detroit on Nov. 18 to draft an agenda for the formal conference. This would be held on Dec. 12 in New York. The invitation was sent to the Governors of Connecticut, Massa chusetts, Rhode Island, New Jer sey, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Min nesota, Colorado, Oregon and I Washington. ' —Patronize Our Advertisers—