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l£ggjjjji2S3ft Atlanta Sports Group Sets 23rd Annual All-Sports Jamboree And Awards Dinner Atlanta, Ga.—The 10 Per Cent Wrong Club of the Atlanta Daily World will hold its 23rd annual All-Sports Jamboree here next January 31, according to announce ment released this week by A. L. Thompson, the club’s president. ! For twenty-three years, the At- j lanta sports group, a unit of the Atlanta Daily World, has annually honored persons excelling in ath- i letics or making outstanding con- j tributions to the feild of sports. In the past, Branch Rickey, Jackie Robinson, Pee Wee Reese, Floyd Patterson, Ray Robinson, Willie Galimore and others have been ! cited by the organization. In 1957, the club honored per sons having participated in the 1956 Melbourne Olympics with Miss Mildred McDaniel, Tuskegee track star, sharing top honors with Floyd Patterson, who was named i male athlete of the year. Lee Cal houn, N. C. College at Durham, and the women’s track team of Ten nessee A. and I. State University, j were also top honorees. An annual feature of the club’s', events is the awarding of national championship tropy to the itnercol legiate football champions of the previous year. A huge trophy, do nated by The Coca-Cola Company in memory of W. A. Scott, II, late founder and publisher of the At lanta Daily World, is awarded the winning team. Marion E. Jackson, World sports editor and cocordinator of the sports promotion, points out that the club's 1958 awards will be an nounced at a special press con ference to be held at Miami, Florida, after the Orange Blossom Classice, December 14. —Patronize Our Advertisers— Shop and Save FOX FURNITURE CO. 410 NOBTH FARISH ST. Telephone 2-5463 See Us For Electric Irons and Radios Seals Stadium Seen Helping Willie Mays San Francisco, .Calif., Nov. 12— Manager Bill Rigney of the San Francisco Giants sees the best years of Willie Mays “yet to come.” “I think Willie will hit .360 to .380 and win the triple crown one of these seasons,” said Rigney as Willie took a first look at Seals Stadium w'here he’ll be playing next season. Asked if that big season might be 1958, Bill commented: “There would be nothing wrong with that at all.” Mays made no predictions ex cept to voice a belief that Seals Stadium, where the Giants will play until their new home is built, should give more advantage to him in the hitting department than did New York's Polo Grounds. Hits to Center “I hit a lot to center field and left center,” he declared. “Some that were outs there will be hits here.” National League opponents re call Willie led the league in hitting with .345 in 1954 and led in home runs with 51 in 1955. Last season he hit .333 with 195 hits and be came the second man in major league history to hit 20 or more doubles, triple sand home runs in a single season. Fences here are more equidistant from home plate than those in the Polo Grounds. It’s 350 feet to the right corner along the foul line, 404 to center, and 365 to left. The Polo Grounds had a layout 257 feet to right, then bellying out to 458 in center and 296 to left. Rigney says it probably will be better for all his hitters, since they won’t have the tendency to pull their hits aiming at the short corners. Sentimental Attachment Mays was asked if he had an attachment for New York, and re plied: “A sentimental attachment, yes. That’s where I started. I sort of hate to leave it, but I’m coming to a better hall park for hitting.” Willie would make no predictions on how he’ll do next campaign, parrying such question with, “that depends on the pitchers.” Referring to the 1957 race for batting honori won by Stan Musial, Willie declared, “The Man is too, too tough.” Asked if he was trying for many bad balls, Mays declared, “If I can t ONriWCMOM. FCATVAeS DPIOC THE AHIWWl ^ 1 KW ABOUT A FLEA ?YvtAH/ANPAl/|'D PlCKTHtjS l\OUMW 1&&TBR fSS«T5WIT>r ! R/*WT?) fWANIMAL.> CgUJKW, x® ^*6 Si~«K ~"' Tigers Downed At Texas Sou. By 23-7 Score The Texas Southern University Tigers scored in every period to turn the tables on the Jackson State College Tigers 23-7 at Hous ton Public School Stadium Satur day afternoon. Texas Southern’s first touchdown j came as Alexander Durley faded i back to pass and unable to find a received scooted 32 yards for the tally. Clarence Macon added the | extra point. In the second quarter John White tackled Max Cell in the end zone to send Texas ahead 9-0 at the j intermission. In the third quarter Gulley scored from the one. Macon again added the extra point. In the fourth quarter Eddie Caldwell scored from | the seven. Macon kicked the ex j tra point. With two minutes left to play Louis Slanter sparked a drive that ended with Frank Droey scoring i from the one. James Brooks added I the extra point for the home stand 5-— hit .333 every year, I’m not hit iting many bad balls.” ; The Say Hey Kid is in San Fran cisco with his all-star team for a series of games. Then a week in Los Angeles and he’ll be back hunting a home. Patronize Our Advertisers Coke time is * any time, any place —It’s always time for bright moments of refreshment with ice-cold Coca-Cola. Isn’t it lucky, then, that campus custom has coolers for Coke almost everywhere—in dormitory, dining hall, class-room building, library and gym. Next time you take a break from a tight schedule, head for the familiar red cooler that invites you to “Have a Coke.” fBTTLVD UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY JACKSON COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Q 198*. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY % / Tan Stars Make Impressive Show In Pro Football Chicago, 111., Nov. 11—Tom Wil son, who graduated into pro foot ball without having ever played a college game, was the leading rush er in the National Football League, based on statistics of the first three games. The brilliant runner for the Los Angeles Rams had carried the ball 350 yeards in 53 attempts. This gave im an average 6.6 per try. His longest gain was 46 yards. Thre other tan players were : among the top 10 rushers in the league — Lenny Moore, Baltimore | Colts, Bobby Epps, New York I Giants, and Jimmy Brown of the Cleveland Browns. Moore, the NFL’s rookie of the i year in 1957, toted the ball 32 ! times for 218 yards. His 6.8 aver ■ age per carry was the best in the league. The speedy halfback’s longest gain was 55 yards. Brown, the rookie fullback, had gained 156 yards in 46 carries for the Browns, giving him a 3.4 aver age. His longest run was a 15-yard canter. —Patronize Our Advertisers-— I Utica Institute Prepares For | Homecoming I Utica Instute Bulldogs and Sum ner Hill High Hornets of Clinton, Mississippi will meet in a big ■ Homecoming Football Game at Utica Institute on November 22, | 1957 at 1:30 p.m. This game will be known as the “Big Hinds County Classic.” This is the first time the two big rival schools of Hinds County | have met. The feeling is high in both school districts of the coun ing Tigers. Texas had 18 first downs, while the Jackson State crew had 12. Texas compiled 306 yards rushing and Jackson State 136. t R. C. BROWN Within the past few years, nearly every so - called cash clothing store, both men's and women's, has gone into the credit business. Some call their I plan revolving accounts; some budget accounts and several other fancy names. With all these high sounding names, they are trying to do what R. C. Brown, 101 East Capitol St., has been doing for the past 28 years. We have been allow ing our customers to buy cloth ing to suit their convenience. We believe we have the fairest and easiest credit plan of any store, and to back this state ment up, we are selling more clothing to more people now than ever before. There is a reason . . . when you need ! a doctor, you want the bes*; when you need a lawyer, you want the best; and when you need clothing for yourself or any member of your famih', you need R. C. Brown, 101 East Capitol St.. R. C. Brown's is the place to go. You have large stocks of the highest cuality and latest styles of clothing for men, women and children to choose from and our terms are made to suit you. Jackson College Tigers Play Kentucky State Thorobreds Here Saturday Large Crowd Expected As College Plays Host To High School Students, Principals and Players’ Parents According to advance notices, S more than two thousand high schoolers, their principals and sponsors, and parents of members j of the football squad will converge • on Jackson State College’s Alumni Field Saturday, November 16. They will be guests of the College for its 1 annual High School and Parents * 1 Day as the Jackson Tigers take on ■ the Kentucky State Thorobreds. j Saturday's game will be the sec ond bona fide MWAA contest for I the Tigers. The Alcorn College. I game is also accepted by the con ference as a MWAA tilt. Besides • being a conference game, Satur i day’s finale for the Tigers will be j of interest to local fans because ■ of the new rivalry which the game ; will begin. Coach Joe Gilliam, | head man at the “Blue Grass” in ( stitution, served as backfield coach at Jackson State until he moved up to Kentucky in July to take over ! the reins of the Thorobreds. Gil j iiam’s assistant is also a former 1 Mississippian. Coach Paul Thomas was a successful coach in high school circles at Greenwood's Broad j Stret High School before joining his former teammate in Frankfort. Principals who have not previ ously indicated the number of stu : dents they will have attending the ! contest are urged to do so imme diately. For further information i call W. O. Robinson at 3-8836. I -o— - [Coahoma Junior Tigers Play Leland Saturday The Coahoma Junior College Tigers will be seeking their fifth straight win of the season when i they face the Leland College eleven at Baker, Louisiana on November 16. After a crushing 37-6 homecom ing victory over Mary Holmes ! Junior College in their November 2 encounter, the Tigers enjoyed an unexpected week of non-competi tion. An open date developed when Daniel Payne cancelled the g&me previously scheduled for November 9. In the Mary Holmes riot four Tigers racked up a total of six touchdowns, scoring in every quar ter. Roland Winn, fleet halfback from Fayette scored twice on spec tacular runs of 35 and 20 yards. Quarterback Emerson Delaney, of Woodville, converted an intercept ed pass into a touchdown, and later scored again on a sneak through the line. Halfback Lloyd Robinson of Moss Point circled right end for 15 yeards to score, and 246 pound Odel Tate, running from the full back slot, crashed through center on the 30-yard stripe and with beautiful blocking went into the end zone standing up. The lone Tiger extra point was turned in by halfback Taylor Cotton. Following the game against Le land, Coach Samuel Crump’s Coa homans face Lane College at j Clarksdale on November 23 and i close the season against Prentiss Institute at Prentiss on November 28. -o Ex-Slave... (Continued from Page One) [ the Burns Funeral Home, Living ' ston and St. Antoine at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Samuel Jenkins of 1 ficiating. ! The ex-slave was born in Cam- . j den, Ala., and was freed during; , the Civil War at the age of 16. ' She came to Detroit 11 years ago. Mrs. Pettaway’s husband died 39 years ago. They had nine chil dren, three of whom are living. She is also survived by 30 grand, j children, 100 great grandchildren and 21 great great grandchildren. ty. There will be three bands pa rading in downtown Utica. The largest crowd that has ever as sembled for a football game will be on band thpt day. The game will be followed by a Coronation Ball. Frank Robinson National League | “Sophomore Of The Year” Ne\v York, N. Y., Nov. 11—Cin cinnati’s Frank Robinson, the Na tional League rookie-of-the-year in 1956, advanced to the next plateau by being named the National Lea gue’s sophomore-of-the year in 1957. The 22-year-old youngster out distanced an impressive crop of sec ond year eligibles in the annual poll conducted by The Associated Press. Robinson was named on 57 of the 12 ballots cast by members of , the Baseball Writers Association of America participating in the AP voting. The Redlegs’ outfielder - first! baseman nipped pitcher Don Drys dale of the transplanted Brooklyn Dodgers, who will be wearing a Los Angeles uniform next year in the final balloting. < Robinson hit .322 in his sopho more season and tied Hank Aaron of the Milwaukee Braves for third place in the National League bat ting race. As a rookie, Robinson batted .290. His home run output dipped from 38 in 1956 to 29 last season. His 197 safeties ranked him third in this department and he had only three less hits than pacesetting Red Schoendienst of the Braves. —Patronize Our Advertisers— -o Date Set For Basketball Clinic The central Mississippi Board of Women officials invites all basketball officials and coaches of girls teams to attend its annual clinic on Saturday, November 23, 1957 at Campbell College gym at i 9:30 o’clock A. M. Miss Berryman, State Chairman will serve as special consultant. The days programs includes discussions, questions and answers, demonstra >1 j I I ! Shop and Save FOX FURNITURE CO. 410 NORTH FARISH ST. Telephone 2-5463 ! See Us For Inner Spring Mattresses ■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■» t SWEETS HOTEL SWEETIE DAVIS. Prop. Clean Beautifully Furnished Rooms FINE FOODS Private Dining Refreshments Reasonable Rates FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 2-9731 SWEETS HOTEL Fannin Road EAST JACKSON, MISS. i——— 11 ■■■"«■>*! * Do’s And Don’ts anrYn-■- - ■rirffimn ^MAN fTHAT'S TWe ^B*&PfaWlfc |'ve HEAIZDJ ^ J<v££r&£z “Control yourself, by watching your language in public.” Nixon... ! (Continued from Page One) Headed by Georgia State Rep. A. A. Fowler, in Atlanta, the idea of the American Resettlement Foun dation is to seek swanky neighbor hoods for southern Negroes and charge as low as $1.00 per month. They choose Negro families with 10 or 12 kids and huy property in the most exclusive section of the country. Fowler is quoted as saying this ieda will give the country’s leading integrationists a chance to prac- i tice “some of the mixing they have i heen preaching.’’ If the deal goes through, plans are to settle the Negro family in the new house within 60 days. Leaders of -the Re settlement Foundation include Roy V. Harris, one of the biggest seg regation powers in the South. —Patronize Our Advertisers— tions and the National theoretical and practical examinations. It is the aim of the Womens Na tional Offical Rating Committee to secure, train and provide the best officals for,Womens sports. Zipporah Thompson Chairman of Board. LjLgUUkpH < zmniLt " 1 ■■■.-.. Do You Need Money We Arrange Loans For People Of Good Character. Bring Us Your Problems, Our Service Is At Your Disposal Harry Loflin Broker * 220', W. Capitol Over Bourgeois Jewelry Store Dial 5-4552 mi (Sufficient in many cases) Now science has finally devel oped a quick, sure way to DE-FEET Athlete’s Foot and Ringworm! DE-FEET is a liquid, easy to apply not messy. SEND DE-FEET gets Cf An beneath the skin to kill germs! »»<i Sold Only by Mail Order! J Name_ | I (please print) I I I i Address-• | J I City_State,;_ I WHEN YOU’RE IN CHICAGO Be Sure And Visit GERRI’S PALM TAVERN A Place Where Old Friends Meet 446 EAST 47TH ST. CHICAGO, ILL. For A Better More Friendly Service • Gasoline • Oil • Greasing • Washing • Polishing • Tire Repair • Road Serv e LION OIL SERVICE STATION - PERCY STIMAGE. Prop. MILL AT COHEA ST. DIAL J-t4l7 I ' . *