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Women Urge... (Continued from Tape One) The “NOW” report emphasized the harmful effects of segregation on white as well as Negro chil dren and cited a “growing aware ness on the part of American wom en” that the denial of equal educa tional opportunities was “casting a terrible blight” on the inner wel fare of all children. “Negro mothers have suffered for their children as they saw the denial of education that would make it possible for their chil dren to fulfill their potential,” Jus tice Justine Wise Polier of the New York Domestic Relations Court de Shop and Sava FOX FURNITURE CO. 419 NORTH FARISH ST. TclcpkM* 2-1491 Set Ua For Naw u4 Und Gas Raagsa dared in the report. “Mother* of white children have also begun to realize,” she said, “that the apparent benefits of pre ferred treatment based on color, with its false assumptions of su periority, its demands for wrongful treatment of other children and its alienation from children of other races was creating moral conflicts, insensitivity and deterioration of the personal morality of their own children.” The “NOW for Equality” report expressed concern “lest the great est single issue facing our nation’s schools—the issue of equality for all our children—re relegated to an unworthy spot by the White House Conference that is directed to plan for the youth of our nation for the coming decade. “Surely every effort to avoid this issue, to prevent its full ex ploration or to provide palatable opiates would be unworthy of the occasion and of the needs of our children,” the report declared. The report will be distributed j among individual members of the sixteen “NOW for Equality” spon sor organizations who will serve as delegates to the White House conference. Tighlighta of the report in clude: ... An analysis of youth at titudes toward racial integration and civil liberties sponsored by “NOW for Equality" for the aid of a grant from the Field Founda tion. The analysis, coordinated by Dr. Martin Hamburger of New York University, was based on the Purdue University continuing study of 10,000 American high school students in all sections of the country. Among the findings were: (1) Mothers’ educational level had a very significant effect in determining attitudes toward seg regation, particularly in the South. (2) Liberal views on freedom of speech, press, religion, etc., existed side by side with racial bigotry among the majority of the youths polled. (3) Attitudes toward various types of integration differed sharp ly from one kind of inter-racial contact to another. ... A charge that school seg Catholic... (Continued from Page One) marily moral. It is a question of recognizing the human dignity of our fellow man, our brothers cre ated by the Father of all. Once this principle is accepted, then we can proceed to methods and tac regation has a “corrosive effect" on white pupils by making a “mockery" of morality, religion and democracy. In the report, Dr. Kenneth Clark of The City College of New York says that the “moral quandary" of youths who are tau ght about the Bill of Rights in schools where Negro students are barred leads to feelings of “guilt, cynicism and contempt.” Dr. Clark, who is president of the Society for the Psychological Study of So cial Issues, says that the “teen age bigots" of Little Rock and other Southern cities are the “end result of the process of dehumani zation resulting from the stunted and provincial attitudes learned in segregated schools.” ) STATES is COMING You’ll get this advance form by mail. Fill it out carefully. Makes it quicker and easier for you when the census taker comes to your home. V S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BMLM Of INC CttSffS SAMPLE ' COPY ADVANCE CENSUS REPORT FORM FOR THE 1*60 CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING Dear Householder This Government report (arm i* (o» you to (ill out brlorr the L rnwj Taker call* to take thr 1940 Ce«Mt U» Population and Housing Thr enclosed rsample wiU serve as a ruidr to help \uu put down thr required answers (or each member at your houarhotd It you will have the farm ready tor the Census Taker by April 1. you can help spred up thr Crnssu and reduce costs In order to make the results mote accurate, you are a±rd to consult other members cd your household, it necessary, to get the date* id birth and other fact* Any visit or* who stayed overnight in your hatar on Thursday, March II, I960 slvould hr listed tn Section C id the report A* provided in the ( institution, the Ceruus count will determine the numbrr id srats in Congress to br apportionrd to each Stair Thr information which you give will also help Government snd business in de veloping thro plans, which may affect all at us In one out at every four homes, estrs questions will lie asked Thai homr is picked by chance, so that no w knows in advance whether n wdl br yours or your neighbor's When thr Census Taker comes, he will tell yon if your household hss been chosen The ltdor mat ion that you are required so lurrash u held confidential by Law Your Census report cannot be used fas purposes at tsisuos, investigation, or regulation Sincerely yours, $jb{vT i/ Ronsst W Scions Dmactm Bureau of the Census DO NOT MAS.—HAVI READY fOR CENSUS TAXER SURE V0«R£ COUNTED WITH EHD E»EH1CJNS -— i\\ census Aerator '%d0" Your census taker will wear a red, white and blue badge like this. He’ll be around early in April. Like other American business firms, we believe that business has a responsibility to contribute to the public welfare. This advertisement is therefore sponsored by Silver Savers Store Corner Faripfr and Hamilton Street Home Dining Room Corner Farish and Hamilton Street Frazier & Collins 415 N. Farish Street Sanders Millinery Shop Cor. Farsih and Hamilton St FL 5-8471 MLS Drag Store Cor. Lynch and Dalton St FL 5-0180 Peoples Funeral Home 886 N. Farish Street Hunt & Whitaker 145-149 N. Farish Street neivioHK l ‘she treats her boyfriend like dirt, — SHE HIDES HIM UNDER THE BED/ 0 tics for implementing it.” “To bring about fair employ ment, one of the first steps need ed in any community is knowl edge of the facts. Too often we accept without question existing practices of relegating Negroes to menial and unskilled jobs. We may hear that many in fact lack skills, without realizing that lack of opportunity means lack of in centive. The vicious circle must be broken, and the place to break it is the employment office.” “As employers and as custom ers we should be sensitive to the treatment of our fellow men who are workers. We should not co operate, even by indifference, in discrimination that holds down and degrades our brethren in Christ. We are our brothers’ keepers.” “In this regard, special mention should be made of the problem, recently publicized, of local unions that refuse Negro members and bar the doors to opportunities for their training as apprentices. All of us should face up to this prob lem as forthrightly as did Mr. George Meany, President of the AFL-CIO. He flatly opposed this discrimination. Furthermore, he promised to act to break it down.” “Those of us who have defended so strongly the rights of labor should join with Mr. Meany in fighting those who fail to live up I to their duties. We have consist ently favored the union shop as a protection for workers' rights. But we should make it abundantly clear that the use of this device as a means for racial discrimi nation is immoral and intolerable.” . “I urge particularly that those who have the opportunity to let out building contracts consider this obligation of justice as of the high est urgency. We want such build ings erected under conditons of justice in regard to wages, hours, and working conditions. But we also want racial justice practiced on the job.” “I think that we should inquire specifically into hiring practices before we award a contract. Nor I should such questions be routine or perfunctory. If we are told that qualified Negro Workers are not available, we should make an , independent examination to check the facts. If we are told that other workers may object, we should take the matter to higher authorities until we get satisfac tory action.” “The day of indifference or pas sivity in the face of such prob lems should have passed long ago. f Not that discrimination or injus tice was ever right, but in the past some persons may not have been aware that it was being prac Tougaloo Pres. At Convocation Dr. S. C. Kincheloe, president of Tougaloo Southern Christian Col lege left for Denver, Colo, on Wed nesday, March 23, to attend the 11th annual National Convocation of the United Negro College Fund, which was held March 25 to 27. The three-day event provided an opportunity for exchange of ideas and planning of the campagin. The Convocation marked the open ing of the nation-wide I960 College Fund appeal. The Governor of Colorado Stephen L. R. McNichols and Denver Mayor Richard Y. Bat terton welcomed the presidents and delegates Friday morning. Stan ley C. Hope, chairman of the board, National Association of Manu facturers, and chairman, College Fund Board of Directors, was the principal speaker at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon, Friday noon. Other major speakers scheduled were Drs. John A. Hannah, Rufus E. Clement, Benjamin E. Mays, and Rufus P. Perry. A special live one-hour tele vision program was aired by Den ver’s Station KIZ Friday after noon. The show featured a panel discussion with member-college presidents and by music by UNCF's Dillard University (New Orleans) choir. Saturday evening UNCF alumni of the Rocky Mountain area hon ored the presidents with a recep tion and dinner. Sunday • morning the presidents were guest speakers in Denver's leading Protestant churches. Heading the Denver Convocation committee was Robert L. Stearns Rocky Mountain region colleges former president of the University of Colorado. Presidents of 18 and universities, businessmen and ticed. But today there is no ex cuse either for ignorance or in action. ” “While all Americans should ab hor discrimination and should fight for the democratic rights of all citizens, we Catholic Americans have special obligations in this regard. Universality is a special mark of the Church. And popes and bishops have repeatedly stressed the fact that all men are our brothers, and that distinctions of race and nationhood are mean ingless in the sight of God. Both our religious faith and our demo cratic ideals should reinforce our determination to fight for racial justice.” Do’s And Don’ts E'M &A KI N6r COOKIE Tot*Y, WHYPOHVYOO/WIT& Yoofe PRJGNP5 ovfcfc TVJAMF&V&tf “Make their home life interesting.” ' President Of... (Continued from Page One) sanctions against South Africa. But sanctons and boycotts would have little effect, he said, unless they were supported whole-heart edly by the United States and other powers. “A real boycott might do some good,” he said. “If the great powers were truly will ing to take strong measures, they could compel South Africa to halt her bloodthirsty mthlessness.” In an interview, President Tub man also assailed French prepa rations for further nuclear tests in the Sahara; defended Guinea’s President, Sekou Toure, against charges that he was a Communist, and revealed an offer by Liberia, Guinea and Ghana to mediate the Cameroon rebellion, which he said was still ^unanswered by Cam eroon’s Premier Ahmadou Ahidjo. Aggressive Aim Denied He said he was startled at the recent announcement by Felix Houphouet - Boigney, Premier of the Ivory Coast, that former ser vice men along that Country’s bor ders with Liberia and Guinea were being armed as a defensive meas ure against invasion. “I was of the opinion the best relations existed between Liberia and the Ivory Coast,” the Presi dent said. “Boigney had prom ised to visit me.” And then this thing came out.” Mr. Tubman, usually the most cautious and soft-spoken of Afri can leaders, blamed the French nuclear test in the Sahara Feb. 13 for earthquakes and tidal waves along the West African coast, in eluding the disaster at Agadir Morroco, in which thousands were killed. “Scientists may contend that what happened at Agadir was not a result of the Sahara test,” he said. “But taking into considera tion that these things don’t usually happen in this part of the world, it leaves us laymen convinced that the bomb was at least a contrib uttory cause if not the main cause.” The Liberian President called the South African race issue a “disgrace to civilization and hu manity.” It seems, he said, that industrialists assisted. Arthur L. Baldwin, senior part-1 ner in the Denver accounting firm, ( Baldwin, Chiappini, Kring and ! Tietze, handled arrangements for the Chamber of Commerce lunch eon. He heads the 1960 appeal in the Rocky Mountain region. The following members of the UUNCF Board of Directors at- : tended: Lindsley F. Kimball, ex ecutive vice president, Rockefeller Foundation; John H. W’heeler, at-: torney and president, Mechanics < and Farmers Bank of Durham, N. | C.; Hobart Taylor, Houston busi nessman; and Hobart Jackson, ad ministrator, Stephen C. Smith Home for the Aged, Philadelphia. Also attending was John H Johnson, Chicago publisher of Ebony magazine, and UNCF na- j tional campaign vice chairman; j and W. J. Trent, Jr., UNCF execu- \ tive director. “nothing can be done to deter, ameliorate or modify the attitude of the South African Govemihent. “But I beljkve in retributive justice,” he commented. “The mills of the gods grind slowly but sure ly." Guinea’s Policy Upheld President Tubman, who has a warm friendship for President Toure, is known to believe that Guinea would not have become a showplace for Communist-bloc aid had the United States quickly proffered recognition and help af ter Guinea declared her independ ence from the French Community “I don’t get the impression Sekou Toure is a Communist,” he said. “My impression is that he is a great nationalist. He will permit neither the Communists nor the democracies to thwart his nation ilst ideas and tendencies. “Of course, sometimes we. get into contact with things that can overpower us if we don’t control them,” President Tubman went on. “But I think Sekou Toure is a wise man. He can take care of himself and his country. I don’t believe he would sacrifice nation alism for anything in the world.” -o Elks Grand... (Continued from Page One) the World. “Under the leadership of Exalted Ruler Robt. H. Johnson, Judge W. C. Hueston, and others, we intend to plant the Flag of Elk dom in Lagos, Nigeria, at a session Extraordinary, during the Inde pendence Celebrations”, he continu ed. Ambassadors and diplomats rep resenting every responsible gov ernment in the world will be on hand to present their credentials, when aproximately 50 million black people take their destinies in their own hands. POEMS * Wanted To Be Set To Music J by America's Largest Song Studio. * Send Poems. Immediate consideration. * Phonograph Records Made flff SIM MUSIC MISifB. ns BCACOM BMt. SOUM, MU Shop and Save FOX FURNITURE CO. 418 NORTH FARISH ST. Telephone 2-5481 Us For New Liringreeai Saltoi Stanley Home Products - - . it 4 Has Openings For Two Demonstrators Phone DR 2-2755 WANTED TO BUY • FARMLAND • TIMBER LAND ANY AMOUNT ANYWHERE FROM TEN ACRES UP Write THOMPSON INVESTMENT CO. P. O. BOX 3155 JACKSON, MISS. NOW 1$ THE TIME TO BUY TREBOTICH JEWELERS 117 W. Capitol St