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SOCIETY SLANTS] Taylorsville News Saturday afternoon Wilmer Faulks, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Faulks celebrated his 9th birthday with a party held at his home. His birthday cake which had nine candles, games were played, pictures were taken, ice cream and candies were served. Guests attending the party were Louise, Floyd, and Ora Lee Foriest, Mary Faulk, Teresa Williams, Berma M. Conerly, Rosella, Wrilmer Lee, and WTilbert Peters, Larry James Johnny Ray and Ronnie Grendel, and Jewell Jr. and Ber nard Ginn. Edwards News The funeral services for Bro. Freddie Miller, who drowned two weeks ago was held last Sunday, September 23, 1962, at St. Mark church at 3 p.m. The pastor Rev. P. J. Hopkins brought the message. Interment in the Green Hill cemetery. He is survived by his wife and three children, one brother, a father and mother, a grand mother and an aunt, and a host of relatives and friends. The funeral services for one Mesrrs. Wilmer Young and Clyde Brister of New Orleans, Louisiana and Mr. Truely Young and Miss Gertrude Young of Bogalusa, Louisiana visted Mr. Tibbe Cain, who was sick in the Tylertown Hospital over the wreek-end. Mr. Cain died Monday September 24, ' Funeral services are incomplete. Revival services got off to I a big start Sunday September 23. Rev. McEwen preaced from Daniel 5:1, Theme; “After the Ball was Over”, Rev. D. R. Magee from Phil. 13. Subject; “Press On,” then the guest min ister Rev. V. Smith of Indepen dance Louisiana took form test of Luke 2:23 Theme; “Wait on ; the Promise.” The house was filled to its capacity, each min ! ister seemed to be at their best. . Music was furnished by the Mt. Calvary Baptist church, of | Bogalusa, Louisiana. Finance I ; raised $177.00 with one coming ! from baptism. Mr. Verber T. Pittman, son of Rev. J. L. Pittman, died in Chicago, Illinois Sunday Sep tember 23, it is understood that the funeral services will be held at the St. Paul Baptist church of Mesa Community. The ar rangement is incomplete. Youth Revival was held at the Tylertown First Baptist church Monday September 17 through Wednesday night Septmeber 19, with Rev. Jackson, James Quin and Hivey Arson were the speakers. Rev. J. L. Pittman ! conducted the services, Mrs. i May Hardy and Mr. W'illie Sim- ! mons spoke very inspiring. | Finance raised $60.74. Willis Break TY Cobb Base Stealing Record St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 24— VTaury Wills krnke the modern oor league record for stolen ses Sunday when he swiped two bring his total to 97 for 156 Ties as the St. Louis Cardinals rated thr lrague-lcading Los An es Dodgers 12-2. Vills went one ahead of TY : Tb’s stolen base mark of 96 rn in the seventh inning .after j ching base on a single he took for second and made it easily. Ie had tied Cobb’s feat in the d inning after reaching base a hit. I I ’he Cardinals had little trouble i iding the stumbling Dodgers ir fifth defeat in seven games. 'liey collected 15 hits off five Iger pitchers as they put to her two three-run and a four i frame plus two single tallies. )odger starter Don Drysdale > pinned with his eighth loss go with his league high of 25 is. Larry Jackson went the dis ice for St. Louis to gain his h win to go with 11 defeats. ___ ~ 1 The fellowship singing Con vention held its regular monthly i session with the St. Chapel Bap tist church Sunday night Sept. 23. Host choruses present was ! eight. Amount of finance raised ; $82.83. Next place of meeting j 3rd Sunday night in October on account of the Association at the St. Paul Baptist church. Mrs. Leola Brister returned i Sunday night from a week’s ' visit with her daughter and family, Mrs. Oberzine Galtin. -.— Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Booth spent the -week-end at theirI home at Bassfield, Mississippi also visited, Mrs. Booth’s fath er, Mr. Ellie Bass who had re cently returned from the hospi tal. Messrs. A. L. M. Ginn, Seth Sr. and Dewitt L. Ginn and Mrs. Eugenia Ginn went to Mem- ! phis, Tennessee Saturday night! to attend the funeral services 1 ! °f their cousin, Mrs. Celetine , Ginn Cook. She was the daugh ter of Mr. Marcel Ginn. Mnes Mamie Moss, Lizzie \ arnoda, Catherine Grendel, J. W. Dillon, N. F. Foriest and Horace Foriest were recent visi- I tors of Mr. Lewis Gutter who ' is still seriously ill. The Beach Ridge Green Sox 1 played the Puriors Tigers in Purior, Miss. Sunday Sept. 23, and won with a score of 7-5 the boys all seemed to have had a good day Sunday. Expert Repairs At Low Prices! Smart new * FLEX-LET watchbands for men and women *yps from *T ' j I i j j I i Trebotich i Jeweler’s ! 117 W. CAPITOL ST. , 1 ——■———.— i WHEN YOU’R IN CHICAGO Be Sure And Visit GERM'S PALM TAVERN A Place Where Old Friends Meet 44« EAST 47TH ST. CHICAGO. ILL. Fall Breakfast With Zip mmmmsmmmmsmmim.. wiiwiipiiw ■ ■ Brisk fall mornings make a hot, zippy breakfast all the more inviting. And what could better send you off for the day’s activity than a big bowl of oatmeal? This favorite breakfast cereal is so creamy-good, and because it’s made from whole-grain oats, it’s extra nutritious! To add variety to your oatmeal, top with a spoon ful of rich red strawberry preserves. A smooth, sweet taste treat! The well-balanced breakfast should provide 1/4 to 1/3 the daily protein and calorie needs and contain a variety of food, such -as meat or eggs, cereal, fruit and milk. Baskets of late summer fruit brighten the breakfast table, and what fun it is to select several fruits to your liking! Small berries which might become “lost” in each fruit basket can be tucked in a paper doily cone. Try beginning your day with this hearty breakfast. You’ll be surprised at your extra alertness and vigor for the day’s activity! OATMEAL Makes U to 6 servings 4 cups water 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups rolled oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked) Strawberry preserves Flace water and salt in saucepan. Fling to a boil; stir in oais. Cook 1 minute for quick oats; 5 minutes or longer for old fashioned oats. Stir occasionally. Cover pan, remove from heat and let stand a few minutes. Top each serving with strawberry preserves. Y.W.C.A.NEWS PARADE OF STATES ! SUNDAY, SEPT. 30 4-5 P.M. | The Branch YWCA will hold J | its Parade of States program on Sunday, September 30 from j 4-5 p.m. All YWCA members and friends are expected to help out in this financial effort. The |-j of the oldest citizens, Mrs. Ro- j setta Harrington who passed , this life last week was held last Monday September 24, 1962 at 1 p.m. at the Friendship M. B. i church. The pastor R.ev. C. L. West, officiated minister inter ment in Green Hill cemetery, i She leaves to mourn her pass ing three sons, one daughter, I one brother and many other relatives and friends. interest on our land must be paid by October 7, 1962. A very interesting program is being planned. The ballet stu dents will perform along with other talent of the city. BRIDGE CLASS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3, 5 P.M. The YWCA Bridge class will : be organized on Wednesday, Oc tober 3 at 5 p.m. All young adults or adults are welcome to join the class. ENGLISH APPRECIATION ! CLASS AT YWCA The YWCA will start its Eng lish Appreciation class on Mon day, October 1, at 10 a.m. It is open to all persons interest ed in a brush up course in com mon usage of words. FRENCH CLASS AT YWCA The Edward Lodge No. 108 celebrated their St. John and Prince Hall day last Sunday September 23, 1962 at 7:30 p.m. ! at the Green Grove M. It. | church. The Rev. Elijah Stamps j pastor, song and services con • ; ducted by the chaplain. Rev. i Will Smith. Open remarks the worshipful master Bro. J. D. i Hunter. The benefits of the St. i John and Prince Hall to the 1 Lodge and community, Bro. E. j L. Robinson. Group singing led by the Johnson sisters Eastern Star. Sister Carey Gray. Heror- , ing of Jericho, Sister Mary j Thompson. Congregational song j Rev. Will Smith. Sermon, Rev. | L. W. Jenkins who was equal to task very fine crowd. Finance was very high. Clos- ; ing song God Be With You Un- ! til We Meet Again. Mr. J. D. Hunter, worshipful master, Mr. George W. Barker, senior war den, Rogers Thompson junior i warden. Mr. Lad Smoothers of De troit. Michigan is visiting in the home of his cousin, Miss Katties j and Ruth McCurtis, and Mr. ana Mrs. James Cli. ton. It has been some 40 yen s since he ; was here to view the old home- j stead and his many ftiends. 1 A class in French will start Tuesday, October 2 at 4 P.M. All interested persons are in vited to join the class. Records will be used in the initial meet ings of the class. RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP OR JOIN THE YWCA TODAY The Membership Committee is very busy getting members and renewals. Pei sons joining this week are: Mrs. Eva Woodard, Mrs. Carrie Boyd, Mrs. Willie Porter Robin son, Mrs. Ola Mae Edwards, Mrs. Elizabeth Bedenfield, and Miss Delores Thompson. (Y Teens) Delores Marie Adams, Geneva Hunt, Cynthia Ann Bridges and Dianne Miller. SUPPORT YOUR YWCA A UNITED GIVERS AGENCY -v PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTIZERS NOW AVAILABLE __ J HOME PERMANENT HaUftUttWtt . 1 $3.50 M. AT DRUG STORES AND COSMETIC COUNTERS DENSITY SHOP TESTED I. NSNIH INC- III W. Ill Hr** NIW YORK CITY Insert 7-25-5S—T, F. k - - ------ Brookhaven News Visiting, Rev. H. Brown on Friday September 21, 1962. Was Rev. Charles Bates, of Bogue Chitto, Miss, and Rev. Jesse James, and Rev. E. L. Gray of Picayune, Mississippi. Rev. H. Brown has been ill for some time. Funeral Services, were held for Mr. Iarry David Markham, Sunday Sept. 23, 1962 at 2 p. m. at Avery Chapel A. M. E. Church. Rev. Ed. Scott officiat ed enterment in the Carver Heights Cemetary. Tyler Fun eral Home in charge. Suvivors are a wife Mrs. Leontine Beard Markham, a mother, five sisters one broth er, one nephew, and a host of relatives and friends. The mark ham family wishes to thank their many friends for their kind acts of sympathy, during their bereavment. *»• % women '* BY UNM scott „ These few simple steps will keep your flower arrangements fresh and prolong their beauty. Keep them away from drafts, di rect sunshine, and hot radiators, or from air conditioners in sum mer. At night let them rest in a cool dark place. * * * Gardeners should keep in mind that Fall is the best time to set out lupines (in a sunny location) and raspberry plants (cultivate the soil well to eliminate weeds beforehand). It’s also the season to dig up and divide large clumps of perennial phlox for replanting in a sunny place. * * * Mr. Johnie Diggs passed Sun day night September 23, 1962. Funera 1 arrangement are in complete. Mr. Alex Jackson passed Monday September 24, 1962. Funeral arrangements are in complete. Sick and shut-ins: Mrs. Madessie Hill, Mrs. Es ther M. Frelix, Mrs. Beulah Barnes, Mr. Sam Rufus, Mr. Eliga Howell, Mr. T. W. Browd-' er, Mrs. Anna McFarland, Mrs. Kathlene Culver, Mrs. Sidney James, and Mrs. Minnie Bag gett. -o Drop all of your brushes and! combs into a pan of soft water, suggests The Lindsay Company, largest manufacturer of home owned water conditioners, and add a small amount of household cleanser. They’ll come out per fectly clean without scrubbing. before dropping, one at a time, into boiling chicken broth. Cover and cook over low heat (so mix ture bubbles gently) about 45 minutes or until dumplings are almost done. Add boned chicken. (See note.) Continue to cook un til dumplings are tender, about 20 to 25 minutes more. Serve im mediately. Serves 6. Note: If necessary, add 1 to 2 cups more chicken broth made from bouillon cubes dissolved in boiling water. Chicken ’N Dumplings This traditional favorite arouses | a friendly argument. Which is j the true dumpling—light, puffy dumpling-North, or the flat, Southern “slickers”? Wrhy not ! try them both? Soulhern Chicken and Dumplings 4 to 5 lb. cut-up Stewing Chicken 1 Tablesp. Salt 1/4 teasp. Pepper 2/3 cup Onion, thinly sliced about 8 cups Water Put chicken, salt, pepper and onion into a large kettle. Add enough water to cover (about 8 cups). Cover and cook over low heat (so water bubbles gently) until tender, about 2-1/2 hours. Take off heat. Remove chicken. Save chicken broth; there should be 8 cups. (If necessary add enough water to mal$e this amount.) Take meat off bones. Old Fashioned Chicken ’n Dumplings 4 to 5 lb. cut-up Stewing Chicken 2-1/2 teasp. Salt few grains Pepper about 8 cups Water 2 sprigs Parsley or 1 teasp. dried Parsley Flakes 1 cup Celery, cut in 1/2-inch pieces 1-1/2 cups Carrot, cut in 1/2-inch slices 2/3 cup Onion, thinly sliced 1/4 teasp. Marjoram Leaves Put chicken, salt and pepper in a large kettle. Add enough hot water to cover chicken (about 8 cups). Cover and cook over low heat (so water bubbles gently) until almost tender (about 1-1/2 to 2 hours). Add parsley or pars ley flakes, celery, carrot, onion and marjoram leaves and con tinue to cook until tender (45 to 60 minutes). Drain and save' liquid; skim off chicken fat and save 1/3 cup for gravy. Add I enough water to make 4 cups of ; chicken broth. Fluffy Dumplings 1-1/2 cups sifted all-purpose Flour 2 teasp. Baking Powder 1 teasp. Salt 1/3 cup Pet Instant (in dry form) Hat Dumplings 1-1/4 cups sifted all-purpose Flour 1/4 cup Pet Instant (in dry form) 1/2 teasp. Baking Powder 2 Eggs Sift flour, instant nonfat dry ! milk and baking powder onto a piece of wax paper. Beat eggs well with fork in a 1-1/2-quart bowl. Stir flour mixture into beaten eggs until mixture leaves sides of bowl and rounds up into a ball. Divide dough in half. Roll half of dough very thin on a well floured board. Cut with sharp knife into about 1 x 3-inch strips. Repeat for remaining dough. Have chicken broth boiling, j j Stretch each dumpling slightly! Office Space For Rent Upstairs Kollege Cleaners Building Lynch at Dalton Call FL 2-1213 New Livingroom Suites Shop and Save FOX FURNITURE CO. 410 North Farish St. Telephone FL 2-5463 See Us For NOBODY WILL GIVE YOU A BETTER DEAL Than FOWLER BUICK CO. On New And Used Cars 856 South State St. Phone 3-3864 : i ! i i : j 1 Picnickers can enjoy the ¥neal better when the tablecloth doesn’t flap in the wind. To stop the flap, make a pocket on each underside corner and fill them with small stones. Sew similar pockets in the front of the cloth to hold napkins. * # * Muddy shoes can be cleaned off before they get inside the house with this simple device: fasten j upside down a large size, tough : bristled scrubbing brush. to the floor of the back porch. * * # Those open toed sandals and shoes are messy to polish, aren’t they? They needn’t be, though, if you slip your hand into a plastic bag and insert it into the shoe. Excess polish gets onto the bag, not your hand. ! CARNATION | COOKING HINTS ROSALIE SCOTT -- — —— — —— —— — —• — —• —• — — — — ^ Perk up your children for an afternoon of school and play! For their lunch serve this nourishing Vegetable Chowder. Carnation Evaporated Milk, the rich country fresh milk that’s had half the water removed, makes this chowder creamy and delicious. Double-rich Carna tion is also excellent for all your cooking and baking. Do use it often. You... and your family... will be pleased with the results. VEGETABLE CHOWDER (Makes about 2 quarts) 1 10-ounce package frozen mixed vegetables 4 cups peeled diced raw potatoes 2'/2 cups water Vi teaspoon salt 4 slices bacon y2 cup chopped onion 3/4 cup chopped celery 1 2/3 cups (large can) undiluted CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK % cup fine cracker crumbs Place mixed vegetables and po tatoes in 3-quart saucepan. A-°d water and salt. Cover and cook over medium heat until pota toes are tender, about 20 min utes. Do not drain. Cut bacon into small pieces. Place in fry ing pan and fry until partially cooked. Add onion and celery and cook until onions are trans parent and bacon is well cooked. Add Carnation, bacon, onion and celery to the potato mixture. Mix well. Heat to serving tem perature. Do not boil. Just be fore serving stir in cracker crumbs. Serve immediately. 3 Tablesp. Shortening 3/4 cup Water Sift flour, baking powder, salt and instant nonfat dry milk into a 2-quart bowl. Mix shortening in until crumbly. Stir in water just until blended. Drop by table-1 spoons onto chicken pieces in boiling chicken broth (not direct ly in liquid) about 10 to 12 dump lings. Cook slowly (so mixture bubbles well) 10 minutes with kettle uncovered, and 10 minutes I tightly covered. Take off heat. Put dumplings, chicken and vege tables onto hot platter. Spoon part' of gravy around chicken. Serve; remaining gravy separately. Gravy , 1/3 cup Chicken Fat, cooled (saved previously) 1/3 cup all-purpose Flour Have a mixture of the chicken fat and flour ready. Stir mixture into chicken broth quickly but thoroughly. Return to heat; stir until thickened. Serves 6. DR. M. $. MELVIN Optometrist 117 W. CAPITOL ST. JACKSON, MISS. Between Roach and Farish Sts. — Phone FL 5-3261 BYES EXAMINED — TERMS — GLASSES FITTED Houses For Sale And Rent Call E. L. Short — FL 4-3506 Money Available Home Improvement Loans Consolidate All Your Bills All Loans Insured PRESIDENT LOAN CO. 129 Tombigbee St. FL 4-3506 MAKES^f SKIN BLEACHES S§ "OLD FASHIONED'' sfl Manufacturer* of Posnor's Borgemot/'TKo Ur with tho W -2J-S0—TF