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SOCIETY SLANTS The Alpha Kappa Alpha So rority entertained their many friends with a Yuletide Tea party, Sunday afternoon from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Branch Y.W. CA. This is the sorority’s method of expressing appreciation to the public for tWir support of their projects and programs during the year. Former Jacksonians now mak ing their home in Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Sarah Lee and daughter, Mrs. Margaret Wil liams, have returned home af ter a visit here with relatives. There will be a baby contest at the Central Methodist Church December 8, 1968, among the babies in the contest is little 5-months-old A1 Jerome Brown, the/ son of Mrs. Daisy Brown, th% secretary of the Jackson Ad vocate. - ^_ ' MOSS NEWS 1 The City Wide Usher Board of the Moss area met with the New Hopewell M. B. Church, Moss, Mississippi, November 24, 1963. Time 6:15 p.m. Prayer services was conducted by Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Bayler. After the prayer services, president Barlow took the chair. After his brief introductory the wel come address from the hostess church. Then the program be gan, six churches were present ed and had a part in making * loans * Arranged ON TOUR Signature ON TOUR Furniture ON TOUR Real Estate On Your Car Tower Loan BROKERS 117 S. State Ph. FL 3-4971 RENT A PIANO $5 MONTHLY WERLEIR’S FOR MUSIC 517 E. Capitol — FL 3-3517 Tylertown Newt Mrs. Eugenia Ginn spent the 'Thanksgiving holidays in Bilo xi, Miss, with her sister, Mrs. Lillene Washington. . Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hampton of the Knoxo Community and Mr. Webster Hampton and family of Amite La. were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Langford Dean and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Dexter family and Mrs. Sara B. Dean’s family. > Mrs. Fannie Powell spent last week at Hazlehurst visiting her sister and Nephew, Mrs. Chris tine Haynes and Mr. Thomas Wiggins who are on the sick list. Mrs. Francis Washington, Sara B. Dean and Georgia Smith and Mr. A. L. M. Ginn attended the funeral services of Mrs. Chas. Hill at McComb last Wednesday. Mr. Dewitt L. Ginn of Ash land, Miss. and daughters the program. Visitors from the Jones Coun ty area who also took part in the program. Prayer for the ush ers and sick and shut-ins, Rev. Keller, matrons noted. Finance committee in charge, amount of finance raised $38.00. The next meeting will be the 6th annual session to be held with the Pleasant Grove M. B. church, we are extending to oth ers and Presidents and their area to come and let’s make this a high night also to take part in the program. President Mr. Daniel Barlow, Mrs. Ethel Clay ton, secretary, and Mr. Eza Pruitt, reporter. GUARANTEED N. Y. LIVE IN MAID jobs. $35-$55 wk. Fare advanced . Mallory Agen cy, Lynbrook, N. Y. New 3-Bedroom Home $250.00 Down $44.57 Monthly LYNCH STREET SUBDIVISION NO. 2 Crisler Boys, Inc. 5025 Highway 80-West Jackson, Mississippi FL 5-2550 Refreshments Of All Kinds — COME OUT ANYTIME — $ & S GROCERY AND CAFE Open Sundays TAKE HIGHWAY 49 NORTH TO CITY LIMITS TURN RIGHT ONE BLOCK TO SUNSET DRIVE JOHN SIMPSON, Mgr. * Fashion Hints for the Hostess The hostess with the mostest is not only the one who serves the most delicious dinners and makes sure her guests have a delightful time, but also the one who looks prettiest at her own parties. c The hostess who wears this pretty paisley mohair and wool knit from David Crystal is sure to attract ad miring comments fromf her guests — especially if she wears under it the proper foundation garments for the fashion and her figure. In the midst of planning menus and table arrangements and seeing that your house is in order, don’t overlook personal Planning: how you’ll style your air, what dress you will wear and the accessories to go with it. How attractive you look — at your own parties and elsewhere — depends upon your face, your fashions, your figure. One shouldn’t wait until the last moment before any special oc casion to find out if a new make up is becoming, or if a new dress fits to perfection. Make sure in advance that the new makeup goes on smoothly; that the dress fits; that you have the proper foun dations to shape a fine figure. This season’s daytime fash . ions are casual, but for evening they’re elegant. If your party is to be an elaborate one at which you’ll wear a figure-following crepe or sheer wool hostess gown consider a corselet as your snapemaker. The one-piece foundation is ideal underline for any dress — long or short — that fits close to the figure, for it absolutely bans bulges! For a dress with a full skirt, a bra-1 ette is a good choice, for it contours the bustline, mini mizes the midriff, smooths just the upper curve of the hipline. For shift styles, and the nu merous new dresses that drape gracefully from an Empire waistline, wear a softly shaping brassiere and a pantie girdle or firdle with firm hip control. hifts and Empire styles, even though not closely fitted, appear smartest over controlled curves. Naturally it's wise to select foundations along with outer fashions to insure perfect fit. This is particularly true of spe cial-occasion clothes in which you want to look your very best! I Misses Doris Olevia and May Nell of Jackson spent the Thanksgiving holidays at home. Miss Idalia and Mr. W. J. M. Ginn, Mr. A. L. M. Ginn and wife, Mr. Seth Ginn Jr. and family; Mr. Dewitt L. Ginn and family motored to Summit Thanksgiving and enjoyed a family get togther in the hospi tiable home of the Mr. and Mrs. Willie Waterman. A very delicious Turkey Dinner with all the trimming was enjoyed by all. They were met there by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Nichols and daughter Loretta of Jackson Miss. Mrs. N. F. Foriest and Seth Ginn Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ginn Jr. and family visited Mrs. Lillene Washington at Biloxi last Sunday. Mrs. Eugenia Ginn returned with them. Mr. M. S. Kaigler and family were visitors here for the week end. Regular monthly services were held at the Tylertown First Baptist Church Sunday Dec. 1st with Sunday School at 9:45 by Supt. Wallace Allen, 11:00 Sermon by pastor Rev. J. L. Pittman from Phil. 2:5. Theme: Accurate Complete News Coverage 1 Year $22 6 Months $11 3 Months $5.50 Clio this advertisement and return it with your check or money order to: The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Mass. 021 IS PB-1S 1 YWCA News Studio Recital Sunday, December 8, 3 P.M. The Music and Ballet Classes of the Branch Y.W.C.A. will hold their Studio Recital on Sunday, December 8, at 3 p.m. All par ents and friends are invited to be present. Hanging Of The Greens And World Fellowship Program Held Amid greenery, flags and posters of other countries the Branch YWCA held its Annual Hanging of the Greens on Sun day, December 1, at 4 p.m. Mrs. M. P. Higgins, World Fellowship chairman, presided over the impressive program. The guest speaker was Mrs. 0. M. Tatum, an instructor at Jackson State College. She spoke and showed slides of Scandinavia. Others taking part on the program were: Mrs. H. M. Thompson, Mrs. Ruby Bry ant, Mrs. J. Pace, Mrs. A. K. Ward, Miss Tensia Jackson, Mrs. L. B. Jones and all other persons present who sang so beautifully the t r a d i tional Christmas Carols. The World Fellowship offer ing amounted to $62.00 toward our goal of $100.00. We are asking all members ) - Have a Mind Like Christ. It was very persuasive for Christ ians 6:30 service sermon by Pastod was from Airtos 4:12c. Prepare to meet Thy God.” A Consecration service followed that was very impressive. > There will be an old and new Fellowship Revival at Holy Hill Church of God in Christ, Dec. 29-Jan. 4, 1964. All Churches and pastors are invited to attend Rev. S. O. Quin pastor. There will be a plate Dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Simmons Sunday Dec. 8th beginning at 11:00 A. M. until, plate 50c. Given for the Gospel Chorus. Sick list Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Andrews, Mrs. Violo Wil liams, Mr. Otto Lbndy recup erating are Mrs. Anna L. Cap tain and Mrs. Hattie Sidney. DON’T GAMBLE WHEN YOU CHOOSE YOUR NEXT CAR We Stand Squarely Behind Every Car We Sell. Ask Any of Our Hundreds of Regular Customers CRAIGO, MOTORS, Inc. Plymouth - Valiant - Chrysler - Imperial 419 S. Gallatin St. Jackson, Miss. THE TWO NEGRO 4-H Club state winners in adult leader ship were presented plaques at the annual Negro 4-H Club Round-Up in Jackson, November 21-22. Pictured (from the left) were Eloise Davis, Holmes County 4-H Club member, presenting a plaque to Areola Foster, Copiah County adult leader; while looking on were Roosevelt Catchings of Hinds County, adult Reader who received his plaque from Willie F. Marsalis, Pike County 4-H’er and a student at Alcorn A. & M. College. (Exten sion Service Photo) MISSISSIPPI’S TOP NEGRO 4-H Club members for 1963, honored November 21-22 at the annual Negro 4-H Club Round Up in Jackson are (from the left) Brown Marks of Pike County and Delois Loren Hollowell of Marshall County, both achieve ment project winners; Nellie Louise Foster of Copiah County and Herman Weaver of Washington County, state winners in junior leadership. More than 150 state and district project record cham pions were honored in Jackson. (Extension Service Photo) who did not attend to please send in their contribution for World Fellowship. Membership Time At Your Y. W. C. A. We are urging all persons who are not members and all delinquent members to please pay your membership fee by December 12, 1963. Persons joining this week are: Mrs. Thelma McCullough, Mrs. Mamie Lee Willis, Mrs. Deborah Crowley, Mrs. Gladys King, Mrs. Dovie Casher, Mrs. Elizabeth White, Mrs. Louvenia Williams and Miss Christine Bell. Y Teens are: Brenda F. White and Lorene Collins. We have a list of names posted whose member ships are now due. Please come by the Y.W.C.A. and cheek the board for your name or a friend you can collect from. Holiday Schedule Dec. 8, 3 p.m. Piano Music and Ballet Recital. Dec. 9, Dinner for Ushers of New Strangers Home Church. Dec. 10, 5 p.m. Committee on Administration. Dec. 14, 6 p.m. Y-Teen Din ner. Dec. 15, 4:30 p.m. Wedding Reception. Dec. 17, 7 p.m. Sewing Class Party. Dec. 19, 3 p.m. Avon Meeting. Dec. 19, 6 p.m. Typing Party. Dec. 20, 3 p.m. Y-Teen Christ mas Tree for Needy Children. Dec. 20, 4 to 6 p.m. Y-Teen Canteen. Dec. 21, 10 a.m to 12 noon, f"1 ... Music and Ballet Classes Christ mas Party. Dec. 23-28, Christmas Holi days. Persons paying on the Build ing Fund were: Mrs. Leonia Anderson and Miss Annabelle Richards. Sale Of Holiday Gifts At The YWCA The Y.W.C.A. Jewelry Class at the Y.W.C.A. has on sale several items for holiday gifts at a very reasonable cost. Support your Y.W.C.A. A United Givers Agency. PATRONIZE^ OUR ADVERTISERS XMAS SHOPPERS HERE’S YOUR OPPORTUNITY BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CLOTHES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY ON CREDIT NO MONEY DOWN No Interest * No Carrying Charges PAY NEXT YEAR • THE EASIEST CREDIT TERMS IN TOWN DRESS YOUR LOVED ONES IN TRUE STYLE FOR THE COMING CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS AND SAY CHARGE IT AT THE||| fIf] 119 WE^^^^^^HSTREET JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI 39201 SITE OF TRAGEDY ... Hundreds of wooden crosses wait to be placed over mass grave of those who died in October Yajont Dam disaster. The victims were buried within sight of where flood waters rolled over them. I The City Wide Usher Board of the Pachuta area met with the John Baptist Church, Bar nett, Mississippi, December 1, 1963. Time 6 p.m. The meeting was called to order by the chairman of the devotion com mittee Sister Eva Graham. Af ter the devotion president Corn best took the chair. Afte/ his brief introductory, the welcome from the hostess church. Then the meeting was over to the vice president Mr. Bender, who presided over the meeting. All churches were present and had a part in the making of the program. Visitors from the Quitman area. Short sermon by Rev. T. J. Barnett, Solo, Mrs. Caroline Arington, prayer for the sick and shut-ins, Ushers, Rev. Bes ter, matrons noted. Ministers presented Rev. Barnett, and Rev. Bester. Finance committee in charge, amount of fnance rais ed 450.00. The next meeting will be held with the St. Mary Ch., Shubuta, Mississippi, January 5, 1964. Time 6 p.m. The next mass meeting will be held with the Chapel Hill church, Pachuta, Miss., Friday night before the first Sunday in January. There will be Turkey supper served on that night and all ushers are asked to be present and bring their gifts and let us have a joyful time a Happy Year. The public is cordially invited to come and share in this supper. Mr. C. C. Combest, president, Mr. Mottie Beneder vice presi dent, Mrs. Sarah Jordan, sec retary, Mrs. Mary Bender and Mrs. Carrie Combest, matrons. I L0ANS 0N furniture. AUTOMOBILES, and SIGNATURES (Fast Confidential Serrice Royal Finance Company brokers 100 E. Pearl St. Jackson, Mississippi FLeetwood 3-4549 the rungs J OF THE LADDER OF SUCCESS ARE MADE FROM CONFIDENCE 1 -• COAHOMA I ELECTRIC POWER j I ASSOCIATION j j , LYON, MISSISSIPPI I