Newspaper Page Text
jl'4jpui '' - . . i. jiiimii !- r. . i ii i a 111. ii j mi MmmrimTTri irZTTTTTL ' '-' 'I" TT ! ""T"""!T!"'"''T"'r"T " ' ' "' " Xi&samia 3fe grfov -yimteit- y . MAILS JO A.N11 WIOM WAl.NtHUUIHl From WaynrsbUrg to Wayneabtirg, arrival Yeduesduys, je, arrival, ), Wednesdays, I'aabJfaltoiirM ldV"Vuehiim (let I RiuiUni fu Wayneahura. arrlvni IfMin Wiiyimbunt JVtn Cameron, WVo.. ?rtlT'Tl"'1,ya 7'"i Saturdays, a, p. tu detar- rfeXf.'y W W AlexWtar; Vih. . JEJ?if -JT "ynfH to .fcnntowtf WVn.,'ar' P-"""- dep-rtuse, Tuca- New AnvnMTTho'.B!t-))U"n pf ur readen is spet&lly fltrected to the fiiHow Ing advertisement, wfiicu appear fur the flret Ume la nra H(t. ;- ';, . , ; lroUaSWUWOeo,LlirMnentfee'd. I U.otleirt'atii)r Jiia, Biewsrt det'd. mpiilP68-lTirrlutJt Telegraph. , LklallJ Mi lUud. .1-. . fdaia KaowJno. Mannel! ' ; A-UMnlte Thti McOurgao, ,' '? '. . "." ! Wsh!n5tt)n Library Co-Gw. A. Cook & i tt?i f- ,11 1! 1 1 .i t- i' t ;f Otfinpi fiiTnnBepU'lhtion of hlAriqit Wtndo Qttn f rerr liza, forfait t (J, W nerttCi'Druitor. . ! i" 1. . 1 1 ja" ' .' fi9;,()pa'tn,-'n-MBtf''ar the year to eMaadttrtdth&jlm for plnrltlfig sliade treil4,W fciVs qiiite a number ol plact s abmtfcfffl MM Woaltl. makfi pteagant. TT4!ks popery lxifflnp and ihaded. . ,', AxrMlaVtaWar'm will find at Oul hwj ;v t ' ' Vy : ; , ; r Nfi-l5jpfolTe tVhlt Cafljon Oil at G. W. Robert 0;i DmUJtora. . Qiss.J&jukt. tai ofllolally ileciarea U'u al legiance and iiyinpathy with thevnrty tlijt fmijfltr(l 'war Tot Hie tJuloh.1' TUa recent elections bare nominated him beyond a doubt. The Democrats are put out about it. Trv tu.. ai ' ; It 6,ow.-Tkf &rtt soow of th leatoa, In parisf the coontry, tell on WedoeaJay uyit. tlie 81st alt., to the depth of one loch, u i 1 1 A large stork of Hurretts celelirnteil IT:lr ne'strtratlve for sale' wholesale and retail nt 0. W. Koberts ft Go's. . OnniER has an immense stock of Dry Goods ""rh 1 'Ti - . ' - 0 y PaAisEwpknrT-tt'fltlng by our snggestion maje .some aiuce, thp CurantissloBeH have had a nice row of' trees, neatly boxed, plaptcd along the . outer .curb fronting the Coft-Ie," and a mimW ' Inside the rnll- lnEfcnTlHSanMldouoo bfgood taste nad enkaiK How we want (he borough ordlnanot enfwc0t4 Urt will piteul thom from being desrpytui-or detaccd -(for.tho boxes will be painted, oT cpurscj 'by liogS and catUo. Jliis dor we'sfiafl not 'despair, of tho (rood work and1he'ffihM wgeheratkin and renovation of ourTow.aacotiDty.,'.nir..;.-, .n; .Maoholu Wam.-rrA dejjyhtliil toilet. nUr cleJ-siiribro Cologne and atlmlftho prick The; largeM and cheapest assortment of Lamps, in town at 0. AV. Holicrts & Co s, Otnat.iJhai tlielargcet stock of GjoiIs In thet'bMilyK.i.'ir V. . i',; , i Mercutlo said of his wound, "'.-;: . r. ' tt was not as deep as a well, or as wide" t gale, Ibul It would do." Plastatios Uittkhs will nut raiso the ,, dead, Rut they cure the slnk,cxnlt the depressed, And render life a thing to bo enjoyed. AVe believe there are millions of living wit nesses to this fact. Dl-ipcpsla is a horrid dis ease, but Plantation Bitters will euro it It is a most Invigorating tonic, for weakness and mental despondency. Thoso who are "out of torts" Should try Plantation Bitters. Tub ladies, in their sovereign capacity as Judges of emotional enjoyment, have decided that ho perfume in existence produces the same rielictnas sensations as are experienced while Inhaling the exqtiliUo fragrance ofPha lon's "Night-Blooming Ccreus." $12,000 worth of Goods at Gnihcr's, cheap for Cash 5 1 Looks Bad. Our streets, for the mud the Court Bouse yard, for coal-heaps, PniLADKLFHtA covored herself with glory by feeding the soldiers who went to the late war froratU JMVtt of .the North and West; andL now an association of Phtladalpbians, . "not weary in well-doing, "havo organized a scheme to shelter and to educate the orphans of the tame brave men who were welcomed there In thcslroubloita'tinia. ' Riverside, New Jorsry, is the site of their Institute, and the funds for its endowment are being raised by the Wash ington Library Company of Philadelphia, by the sale of stock atone dollar per share. With each share a handsome steel engraving is given at the time of purchase ; and, as a further inducement, all are entitled to one of the $300,000 worth of presents to be fnhly distri buted to the ftockhohhnn or, in other words, for every shsre of stock held at present is guaranteed. One present to be given away is worth f 40,000. Read Advertisement. 0 n " - aai 1 1 - 1 - Ta-m o discount" on Guihcr'a Good. , ' National Mwstbils, The tronpe of travel ing mfcatrss) aMerthq tireghlng name, made oar place a visit Friday and Saturday of last week and gave two of their entertainments, in the evenings. They "skipped out" without paying' their bin at the Hamilton Rouse. The show was evidently not a. Success. . Pare Qder 1negar Roberts 4 CVs. for sals at G. W. a"t w ftaaai ''111 lv-vvi'f !. -! rntpleaifll a' and allowi tone to leaTe svitlsMSI their wants supfJied 3ulher does. Fbbb V7b or Fibxabiis. On Thursday, of week befonJaat Xt, aguiel Jewoll, keeper 01 me tloote in the upper end or the county ' known at "Gray'tTaTern," fired two pistole shots svVarouog sua oamed Uaroy Dnrbia. : TbMtaiwMatadtojks'w$athe tmoklngof, djptr wjrtne latasr,' an act ofieBarr to ' the aid gafierhu. He commanded him to put U out. Words ensued which resulted in th drawing of a revolver. Mr. A. McGlumphy atnafik the flstbl down the first time,r and the charge entered tbe floor, a second shot during tha melee cot tha jckithse. of ,,McOiunipliyr when tha weapon was wrested from the would ba murderer and the disturbance allayed. Jewell Wttea irrasted.' Blight pro vocation, we think for a man that keeps a pub lic bonfe, to Commit murder, as would saso-, edly haveJadoBe bat for timely Interfer ence. People an sensitive nowadays, aoweav m, and douWy ao whaykcdlir. J'ohn Barleycorn. r .taw" H''-.''Tr ""!! "''" ct AtW iaiAsatsDiia Paints, Tarutih, Lea,. TnrpeifSne and Faint Brushes at O. Yf,' Iloberta A Co't. nwutnuujii lys p. in.; aepnriuro. mIumuIhi-b I" -.f. 4 i-wpu i.ij niw- . . , . , , I r - r .......... . . T V P V n I .""-i.r.,iW''sJ7ri-L. ... aL c:.. ,r.r..ti f;.; .r,r ;7..:r... 1 cmi.?'. rJstrri i i. rnun jiiMn(lii mil WedUCdayT.'ll dli'd,.n.LrffiF. v,rrrv---- I nfliwr la frutfrMaii with imiuu n.1,1 j rin.iii.iiii j.iiiiK a xv HI WIS, . UJ WINTER 1 M S 0 I C A L . milE WOULD RENOWNED " llrv uArtatAm r.r ,,.-r ,vU ,r,r,,u.uu, I fl ClJTHINO I 11 . . II I- nvuaujuaaiii idbbihi our I nnml luta I.L.r. .III I MoiTOAT, NoV.t, 1807. T, , , .1 !, t It... .id !. 1 I I A. I I I Uuuwnli nlttt. nni.m MU. Wilt Papers, of rarious figures, and Car pets,' aV Prank Mcdnr'n'.'', Dbt Coi.. At all tinges, at the Tea Mile Coal Works, 'Bayers Bros. - '-v Morse Tiiisves are said to hare committed depredations of late In Pnnkard township. Several farmers hato lost vnluabla horaest ' ' ' Fuaks UgQcacAit has decidedly the pret tiest and cheapest goods ever offered In thil market since the war. i.i Good RoajjS. To th Ten MUe Coal worka along the new ptks, ' Bayers Bros. ' Waihhuvbo t'oLLiua owued Monday o last week, with quite a number of students Id attendance, many of thtm now ones. . Aj-toobtiisb Hbw. Tho Ten Mile Coal Works. Bayers Bros. ' . A oaa-Leeaao ruulan, who has Infested oar Tillage fir some time, was 'jugged" on Mon day night, for an exhibition of bis bellicose nature. Right. Do It more I . . .1 Ob enterprising and obliging younR Wend Frank McGuriian, hasJuBtreeeired a second Fall arrival of DrteS anil Fancy Goods for Ladles and gentlemen. ' , ; Alt n on ll.tio. liuked Coal, at the Tea 5Ii!e, Coal Works.' Bayers Bros. 03 tier cent Alcohol always on hand at Q, W. Roberts Jbt'o's. - A lahob stock of overcoats, and other ready made clothing at grently reduced prtevij atFraukMcuurgaii's. - RehIoeii, G. AV. K. illnor has reslgccd his position as collector of Internal revenue fur Fayette county, and A. C Kutt, of Union -towu, has been appointed In his stead.' . "O11, how comfortalile and how weU eh? looks !" is the excluutttiou that cscfipcs a by stander whonsomosensilile lady trips by en reloped in handsomo Furs and Muff purchased of Frank McGurgan. Go and buy. Mns. Paiitisotok says; "For my part, I can't deceive what ou alrth eddicatlon Is comiu' tx When I was young, if a gal only understood the rules or distraction, provision, multiplying, replenishing, and common de nominator, and know all about the rivers and their obituaries j the convents and their dormitories, the provinces and the umpire, tlicylwd cddlcation enough. Rut now they have to. study boltomy, algerby, and have to demonstrate suppositions about the sycophant of parallel grains, to sty nothing of os hides c.istieujes.cow sticks, and abstuse triangles." And hero the old lady was so confused with chemical terms she bioke down. ' A train of thirty cars was loaded with rail to! Iron at tho Cambria Iron Works, Johns town, lost wcok, the destination of which Is a point on the Pacflo Ballroad five hundred miles west ol'Om tha, Nebraska. The distance to bo tmvurncd is ovor flftecn hundred miles, considerably more than h ill' tho dlstanco from tho Atlantic to the Padfle.and all this without Iranshipnient. Mngnret Stono, ol'Cuuiburland county, ajed one hundred and twelve years, is in Uarrls- hurg on a visit to a grand niece. Richmond, Va., November 3. Gen. Pco- flald has Issued an order convening the State Convention in tlus city on tho BJ of December. (JoMci.tTS official returns show the Ohio Legliluture to stand thus: Senate 18 Ropub leans and 13 DeuncratSj Home, 43 Republi cans anil .16 Democrats, showing seven Demo ciatlcmajoMy on Joint ballot. i 0 pay or tha bonds in greenbacks would require an enormous new issue of paper nioa- ey. With the currency thus depreciated, and all the noccwaries ol'lifo immensely raised in price, who would be the real sufferers, the rich or the poor. Go to Guihers and liny Cheap Goods. WfiT are hogs tho most Intelligent thlugs livui ? UecuUee they W everything. ' ' A 11m Ate body, twenty-two voars hurled. was exhumed at Pittsburgh on the 'I'M, and iouna 10 oe petnnea and perfectly preserved. WAYSKJtBI Rll MARKET. ' ' . . 1 WAtaraiiuno, Not. 1J, lw. Corrected Weekly lor Die imrvsueAX, ' .' PRODOCB. i- Bnttcr(rroahroll,) Tf h ., iti.2. M I'.tutlora y bnsh.......,... .... . lhm ... ...i..r....."r..r. ! Tallow f Ih IVaittlry Soup Hi Dried Applua "( lb .......... ;'' , . '. ELOUR AND QOAJN., Flour ? l)hl -,;-,,',,,,','.,.., I, .'.,'',''.' ' j)1"?' buu , J ' no 1 . ... s I- 1 .1 .11 M 'v r iMiii ,T ('urn y rHiU,..v...rt.,, Cum Mktal gi "tT 1 ' . t. t 1 .! GRfK'EWE , 1. if. :-. Chrtre n lb .. Toa v lit Hrown suKur i lb , Helluml suxar y lb s.vnipisgal MolHMien ( N. OrlenUH,). Hurghumil gtU... Salt bid llicey ib.....;...; .''iftia, 1 n IS 3 fill 1 91 1 mi ALI.EdllENY CATTLE SABBET. The Pittsburgh" Gaxttit of Thursday, Nov. 7, says, the cattle market has been very dull during the past 'week, the sales in the aggre gate, showing a considerable falling off, and while the offerings were light, tho demand was limited, and upon tlie whole, prices have undergone little or no change, Block cattle, at not been the case foe sdbm .weeks pasti continues exceedingly dull,' and can , only $e sold at exceedingly low pi ices, while prime tat cattle, in consequence of a scarcity, were in pretty good demand, and said readily at full prieet one drove of txtfn sold at 7 Je, bat this can hardly be taken as a fate criterion of tbe market, as the drove referred to was much better in qualify than those "generally offering at present Good butchers' cattle cannot fairly be .quoted .above C$7, while Blockers ranged from 8,f iyc, for fair to prime and 6c for pilrae heavy stock steers. Ilogs there hat been a preity large business done In Hogadoripg the part weeavtltaaale la tbe aggregate, being op to; the usual ttari dard, bat upon the whole, prices are aahailt lewrad H Is ''doflhtfut as to "whe'Jic th bottom lias 1 yet b ' -sjched. ' W-now qaVte at ft to To for' Ur M' jtritaa jMavy avis- ragea, and(fcflattSf.w.wi ii,: Jai ' . 1 M9Wt8oa)t!:4 1 iuiawi HAaatET. 7 4MM,Mt'w:.anliwbi ' Rf rattle dull at to as for brat ehinnlmr Ui flnii at s sn,J a, for good to light chotciv MoHDAT, NoT.S, 180T. Dtirln the oast weok buslnnna haa rated tri-melv dull lu nearlv fill artti.lea ut uruduce. but irk-n have nut chouged much from tltufie fcjHrMi uue weea agu. We qtiote oft follows, which are the wholesale tore urlCL, unlma olherwlae nntod : OHAIM AND FI)UIt. WhftFmn'a.aadQMo;tBterK VW! SW Hyt V liusli . H iVl SO tiuiHa uuKii Corny Itimh 68t7U. Hprlna Mliput Flour... W inter Wheat rnovwiosH. ShnnMeni . Snuur L'urel lluuia l.nnl loiii!twi, yt biuh Apple ybbl 10 -tell U) 14P 1 Kta.l III SiVaJSI MdlH LIIWIMJ ., BBtUl..J.;.:jl..4.!.Al....!.....I..Jl.r,..l. 1 ft To roiimniiitiTr. The Rbv. EDWARD A. WIlJiUN will eud (free of charge) to all who deal re It, the prescription with thedlrectlons for making and ualng the simple remedy by which he wan cared ( a lung .aflectlvp andJtiat dread 4iaeawivBsiiit)ii0a.'tlilwir-s)lt littMai ettt the atltlct)! ami ita iaupu every auRerer will try this preacrlptloit, as ii will eoat them noth ing, and may prove a bleaslng. Plenae address Hv. EDWARD A. WIISON, No. IttSfkmth Second St Williamsburg NewjYork. S-,3,'o7-lyoll0-18 BUL'Htr, la the Great Dliirellc. IIELMBOLD'3 CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAFA RII.I.A, Is the Great lllnod Purifier. ; Roth nro prepared according to rules of Phar macy and L'liemintry, aud am the moat active that can be niado. t:l3eow-ly. Inniriiinf Ion. Inforitintton guaranteed to firtMlueu a luxuriant iiroivih ol liuir lie ui a bald lead or lieardlewt fiu ,',' alaiia' MeltjaTu the re movttl 01 1'lniiilin, HlotelieM, k:riii)LioiiM,ctt'., on tie Hkln, lmvhtu tlie xaiite ttoft, clear, aid beau 1 fit I, cult be oot&in.d: wIMieut elmrm by ad llreHHlnti TIIOS. K.t HAPMAN, CIIKIHT, hi,'l"I-lXchtt;lS Ctti Broadway, New York. te-llelmboltl's fluid Extract B V C II U Is a certain enre for diseases of thai BLADDER, KIDSI'.Y. itiRiVEL, HRDrST, UKUASIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE (DM. TLAINTH, qENIiRA I. DKRII.ITT, and all disomies' of the Urinary organs, whether existing In MALE OR FEMAIE, from whatever cause originating and no inttor of 1 r 1 1 -1 -i W'a pTAJMUfa. Dlmnaes of tnese ergne tViiuIi tr the ust ef a diuretic. I If no treatment Is submitted to, Consumttlon or Insanity may ensue, our Flesh anil Iood are supported from llteso sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, I nnd that of l"osterlfy, depends upon prompt baa of areHalanrpiBaly.i ; . Vu IJ liFt iii:l.mii(lii-.s extract buciitj, I Established upwards of 14 years, prepared w II. T. 1IELMBOLD.I BH Broadway, New York, and I nil South 10th Htroet, Philadelphia, j;ijcow.iy., . , t,,., , .. . 1 ' 1 est 1 nay Colgate A Co's. IIISII ERASIVE SOAP is mnnufnetured film PtTRR considered tho STAN HARD Of EXCtiuoS'l'E .i.ii r. Ll.t M nn.i tit.v i. r'orsulijbaU Oloiitvu. . Manhood nnl Votithritl iim.n 'm' auivit o jiviiuouiu a cxirnci uuelin. 8;13eow-ly BVTho lqry , at. Man if , H'rragth- ThfrofniTl rlie "neh-oua aiid Jobllitatcd thould uninptiinteiy nsoillelmlxild's Extract Uudiu. tilVOT-cowly rt i:iireebletiiiiillellealecoiitlliitkin.. oruotn sexes ustt IielmiKthrs Extract lliichq It wllUiyeli!aiiJMierxe(le1f1iliiiaai.l omh b.Vulr Wh' I Vlcoflly -Tlie Ilenllnar Pool, ntitl llna nr .Iter ey. Howanl Association lteporta for Yomg Men, on lite crime of solltiido, and tho ernrs, rtlnisea nnd diseases which destroy tho manly powers, nnd ereatr mtintltrims tomafrlaKe, wltn sure menus of relief. Sent in scaled letter envelopes rree of luirire. Aildress I1R. J. SKII 'IN IIIII'OIITON, Howard Association, Phllv . . . e;iy I .lor Kon-Krlontioii' pr .IneonUna. eiu-eof.l'rliii'irAlitil,iiiliijiilmaeion,ir nice, alien of the bladder, or kidneys, disease of the prostrate alands.stone In the bladder, calculus. gravel or brick dust deposits and all dlsmsea of the blndder, kidneys and dropsical swellings. J,.,.K.nK,'Mnn,-D'8 Extract Bccnti. JJia,'ir;.tHwly t Y ita.TaUe no more nnpleaaant and an seful remedlra for uiipleasnnt and oangerous iiseniiea. I'se Ilelmttold s Extract Huchu and IBtproved Rosn wash. 3;1.1,-B7.eowly. aonered roryenra from Nervous Debility, Pre mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful In discretion, will, fpr,tliasaJierurferIaa human! fy, send free to nH wHo neetf Irfartd Atelpt and tlirrctlons for making the simple remedy by Which he was cured. HitflVrers wishing to prom by the advertiser's cxncrleiam; can do so by ad- Afdulllu 111 luirr...! ...... (1.1... " . i.' ' JnilNOODEN, jlT7-w-,tt 'tf . A-tTelin hold's fluid F.atrart Rnrh . . -T t ' 'fKf. Is plonsant In taste and oilor, free from all Injurl- pits propert lea, and Immediate its Inaction. nert I w-ly ..Jl.iettw ars-llelrabold'a Falrnel Rttehii and Ira. proved Rose Wash enrea secret and delicate dl olcrs In all their staaeSTM ITtf1e expense, little no change in diet, no Inconvenience and no exposure. It la pleasant In taste and odor, lm. mwllato In lta action, anil free from all Injurious ................ s:iaeow-iy. f itWrWtntlu ttewtWretl f .a. .niuuiu tiintei nucua. J;I3,'67-eowly. aviiviinBoid'a Eatraet Raeha glvea hcr.lll.ana; r)nfti liciine:4na,'blDnTt LlM imiiueiteeK. iei)iiity is aceompanletl by many atarmlng symptoms, and If no treatment Is inb mlaled to, coiisumpUon, lusauliy or epileptic a; ,nvTn asa Bromt-sMtur. origin and nialory of the Book a of Ihr ' i :i.i;)iV-:u"W 1 r ir-l iiit i 501a only by subscription. See ad vcrtisomcnt in another column. a i inct'ia an iiio'laier niul morn Tl . 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 phiusiblc oliiections to tho Word of God evdq ptiaLljige-uplplUyovoii-tofrivethe reason Tor Ins faith, to the cavilling skeptic or honest inquirer. Uundreds of pastor?, and thousands of put church members aud Sabbath- scIhtoI teachers often meetinrr with nh- jociions nere answered, will rejoice in uiu (niesussiun 01 tuis OOOK. It IS a master-niece of common sense, and should be read by everr one who would be able to p-ive either to himself or fo others a sansTacto'ry reason for ncptjrB heyBiblafitlfl inspirfTj Wrd of God. It is not Sectarian at all J but just what it purporta to be a 11 mory 01 in uuccg utMe. It 'i6 the very thing to silence the doubts 1 ' a r . 1 ti -t-u r-i -m rm m n , hich cavillers exqteta.gatmfyt the in quiries of the siltcerrJaml tilortify the airVocatesoftrutliwithunanswernblear- s!hAiiifatHuterMlg atfarA.aUlM tltgrstt wwJim ur at, and the hearty approval it meets 11 all CnftsflSriS, wMilu make its sale moatriatawaMla)u8incis in Whicltfirnple au Agent .could engage. tow oranifo at'?"1-'' U'T .4 1: a ,ytO-1 i .mt-ri r-i u II I j vi vi I! '; s .'ml " .Cm c! M a r.l .i -I iri t ' i'" riu i"-" a a'riiui m.v a n FASHIONABLB Al!lt) TOPXTLaH ttOTBUiq - ' ' BTORS ' ; I 1 7 r !;.f v )! l'm '. f ,-im it V r nitil Hi . ji, Viji g.t rl ;ti,'f kj-'' . V'N ' .-: !. I'M':.! C. 'i'l I i.'lll g l.u H Bought Inst In tha'Wckpf Time," and will ld only fraotlon higher than In the day! o . 1 - of and sitviiai 1 ' t Tl:.T .( !!l Wtoaa effat tndaecmanki tbatswottosttab-' jiauiuojii si .ln-v a In i in tue'pl Ata oa wr ' Having made our lrchIt,n rhUodelphlan PAVOBABLB' TIMX ' or IH8 BBAsdJI, n't r We Invite particular attantloa te oar nsln'ess' aiuia auu r . ff INE BBAVSR OVEndbiTS! . i-,g. - .lift? .,,, FRENCH, ?- ... .MOSCOW, '.i'l' CHIKCHILL A o " 'IH ,:' ": 'and AMERICA DeavarOvarsoate, we cannot be strrpiissaad for QUALITY, STYLE, OR PRICE, A large selection of OENT8 and BOX'S tloth We havo Hats and Capa for Man and Boys of ; . 1 ! 1 t'i : 1 i ;.r r.-i.t :. LATEST AND BEBT 8TTLE8 lu bnr Oantlemsn's Furnishing bepartrhent ,f ' 1. SPECIAL OUR OBJECT 10 Keen a retter elaes 01 f goods than nan be ninn 111 any similar Estal kiillsnment. Hbih. always on hand all tha neatest and must I , . , uuvvi styles 91 I TIES,, ' " COLLARS, ' ' 1 J tic., Ac., eVo. fn PAPER COLLARS we ha"re no equeL We hwya only to add :, , ; , , . , . ., Oh I Contlesa mortals, where ever Tort h, .Rehold these lines and see your nmedyj .1 Ye weary men with CulTuud t'ollurs worn, ' With Htocklitgs full of holes and hadly torn,: Whntu) glovea are thnmbless and tea are lost, Come aud replace them at HI tie optf. . We'll fir you out In style from hMl to feet, 'You'll look ao well when er Jul walk the . at reel. JUST OPPOSITE lOiM-tf.'"' ' ' DAY'S BOfJK BTORE.. fJAHE LATEST SENSATION; il'! i TEIiEGKAI HI CI 1 ':i The President has not yet bem Impeached, but j "A . J.'SOf EES !' t y. .. ..1 ... ;: t -v 1 :i : 1 Una purchased an Immense Stock of . , J.7.7!., 11 . . 1 I 1 1TAIX AND WIOTEH CLOTHING I I i ' ! i OVERCOATS I . . , 1'ANT J. ..-I . 1 ' VES7, , ; ; ., I CAPS. ; , ! ETC., ETC, 1 ' . ' t ,: u u ... of the latest style and best workmanihlp. . A . . . auowa mat m w - t Ht 0 T X 0 5 81 'Collars, t:,l ,. ; .. :.iil ill vt i 1. i.-T 1 TTandkehlalli . . 'Kechnea,!,-'!.,,'' i Baspesders, eta I ! t. 1 1.iir: also 00 ban, which will be sold at aatenlsh' S' 1 j ..- (.,,.. !.,.-; t .7 .t LOW PRICES! t ni vilr A 1: :iul ' fr " Cat andsee him before you boy cluewhars. I Hj 1 invoriaDiy,aauanes au W -rr:-' i!-:!:: .-I WHO WISH TO PURCHASE 1 Room In AlUaon's UiUdlng,' WaynMbnr&Ta JJ0;MmlJ l,vu r-i . ... T'', rpilE UDX'S FRIEND WASniXCTON AT UOVST VERdx." .ii,i." Tna Lady's Frixxd annonncea for lada t, loitpwing novetiiei: iiik abbabrt roBTOBX, l.v Amanda M. DonglA, author of "In Trusi1 Wstephen Dane," Ac.: A Diajd Mab'B llcwt, ay Elltahoth Preawrtl, author of "How a Woman Had Her Way." Am rssiAas) Fnost Fatb. by uulas ihanller MoUiton, anther of "Juuo cut- d," "Thia, That and Wm Other." dn. U will atve a snlrndld llotTHi.c P.m rnm ('onVBD FA.4HIOM IIATB engraved en steel In e-crynurapr., . ' . ; t ; .' It. win itl ve a branHfttTrv exeniled ViVrv STFKi.KKOBAYiwolnevervnBmlnp. . . ,t ii. wm give a larac run ent or wood crTa, every number. . . .,, , lltlu.uuiin wn mi nr T. OTK. IXC. Ill U M give a twwmtar piece of Mtmic, Worth thaicostft Uio.Magaslne la Uelf-4nj vecy nurabar." ItwlU give a .eomr af the dew and aWndld Premlnm Hteel Vngravtng "WAHINaTt)S -w rtv tt A l BltlU.M r.KUI ' llllrtv tn.hM Iaim tiv twenty-one wlilo to every fulT(t OO) uu,ri- icv raoi Its He noi ber, and to every person aerMInf Clnb. It orreraas premiums a htm varlen ofBooka. Whealer A wtlaon'a Hewirnr Martilnea. Hllvar nasra lea ncia. nooona. Vllrtotrmj Uotd and rrprr -r, iwiin, . intuea t Watches. TTnthea Wrli,..r . Wurf AMeJte'eCyufepedtee. Mi 7lr!i i ' ea-A RptRkniii.fwrRB.r-Ma ptidirtip fWfRBvr-Wt suhSrTrtwra Wan s for 1SS by the frrst rf Novemiter, shall he Novauibas -aaat tm liir namtoers eaoecnoe it reoeivo the of Ibis year in additions makloi mourns taau t - xnoaai -wno flrLor Deceiaber ahall annul morlths raall 1 " Tnoaa Srho auhacrih hr the ear in aildlLiOfl mAklmr .tiurlMn loer anali reoalva the itaesaornw nnmlser. thirteen months in am i oonlos. a a Jt! a e ti ae One Mnrdsokaa kuiwa sSuBTOud'aniLA aa Hjta7r.;..faiMl on 1 a ritfewaihia tie PrairUuns aBtalBMal KmBOEnM.ABgXTBA. .... . 'T. I renal gefting M'fTnTW oVrW Mafaslfl. eAntainingihe Mrtlealara. i, DEACON d PCTERHON, Addresa. KaW-St; I WWIaaat SXlsai, rtjIladalphUt, DR. F.WHrTTLEST, Physician for Chronlo uivwn, oa pamuiiBi onn in nraBnington, Penniylvtxila, where he has been' engaged for the naat twain years in tha iitoceuAil traaunant ut au .ii ,rin liti-n i DISEASES ' Of A ' ClTRONlC ' xl ATCRE. , a SOT 8 vUA'l The Doctor mlaht nreaent a volume or eartlll caia 01 vures, compnmeBiary noiioea, c, out the moat satisfactory testimonial will be itlven the pablle In a trial of his skill. Dr. W. devotvs mciuaive aittatHm f CJ amnio 'AHmenta, In which his praetlce-hai been hnlforiuly aueeeaa ful, efTectlrif cures in many raaoa that have names au outer sysieius ul. treatment Parajyala, RhenmaUam, Bronchi Ma, Catarrabi , rrs. lUeaa, thefift.,ma3, . V Heart, Liver, liowela, Kidnoys, Lungs, riiuwi viBnum, ueuurui Jeui . 7 T 3 I ii . TAHBII Are an promptly and permanently cored by the Doctor's system of treatment. During tha aaat few years, the Doctor has registered hundreds of eurvsTnwnicn ne win pa pleased u Klva tltoa! rtifurencea whomav cafl tiuan. Iiitn. -n iMvirJ all aflllcted with any form of Chronlo dUeuiu I auu uaviug utitvu iooDuun reuar, to GIVE HIS MEDICINES' A TRIAL. His principal aiehtl are selected' entirely from the Vegetable Kingdom, and these are ao com bined aa to eunallae the vital forces or the hn.iv and thereby restore It to perfect health., TUe, Doctor has been, oipecli Irenttnentnrall r xauy succeuful iji the f a no .) 7 ;fi FEMALE DISEASES. 'YT'i !!"!'!:',I !!. fi'JH Women by the score fall victims to maladies nn. eutlar to their sex, mauv of whom might be saved from llvesof wretcliednesaand premature 1 htm my apptytnai in 'line to it. vt. , rue reim dies emoloved lu tha untQtliw of Dr. VV. m manufactured exelualvely tty Mm from hisowu MedK'itl utitoraiory aitd are always 'pure In quality and sparine. In aUot . Dr. W, tflagiinsiia disease by means of tha Urine, tha only Infalli ble Usl of disease, never falling.. todiscover Its nature, locality and curability, thus enabling him to employ a t " " RATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CURATIYE Or the absolnta oertalnty or hta mods of dlanr, sea he can satisfy every pUmtwh glvea' Trim atrial, from the nrlitealone he will teltaeniiralei ly all tlutt oan be known af an; dlaaawi In the examination of thlaaoeretlou, ho employs opti cal, ehetnlotti and mlrnnaopleai.tHiM, naeaatf being presented in which una o. these teats Is 1101. auuieieiit 10 nn accurate aiMnuacs. The rtvii the right arm of the Almighty atreteheil forlh osave the world from tireiiitttnm iliKM.iiiiiir,n but he does profiiss front sclvnnUo aotinireiiiaali t YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, Devoted exclusively to the treatment of chronlo iii, wiu me uiauiiBia tesMoi ytsvrje, tabe,ii,m to rel'eve amf permanently 1-ure hit those cailt's edies. vriiiuu nr. uoLaireuiiv iievnnii tii r.unh t.w rum. OFFICE i"'ii;ii;i i'l i i f vin CORNER OF MAIN ifc CHESTNUT ST3., OPPUUll'B Tan kla Kntnv Trntrani WASHINGTON, PA. CONSULTATIONS FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL. I;l-lf. ;ti r-'iWFTr, MOB0 E Itl "ovaa Tits tirr." ": ; .'iTlTT.TlV-i Majority or those who read newspapers, never evau give a nasty glance at a business advertise ment auu ii a MAN Actually haa a ehoW variety OT foods' whirr. Dels selling at theVKRT IXIWESf prtoeethat vmi viwK'iunit ii iintirij. fmjif uim tvpnuuui mo wet, Auerutwra we uara : I . t..,t .! -I FOUND II best to simply Invite evnrvboiir 'io'Iall and examine onr stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere, and say but little In revuril to our aviiiiy ami tieieriiunnuon to make itauvania geous to those who are not- - X L i ) rA DEA'D.C . "A 'A J. Z Tothotr own interest to buy their Candlee, Nuts, tuiwiii,, unKwits auu everyiutng; IN TheflmeArylinso. H. A.RInehart InLadwlth't oiu ouuaiag, oi'posjwuiepuinosuuato, ' WATNESBURG.' ' ' . -v .; .- rf sur..u:t iv.x ...v.niy ; 'AhFRfi3H'8i; pp't V;r v' .jd just RicElTib YSiS . it r .fr' f t, ' ' . FOR SALE AT THE 1 'i-'.IIt'T fiv-A. WITT .T.TA L.OAVE8T PRICES. r tBldt",',V,", ': ?,'; GR0VE3TESPIAN,Bs;,",,'','" GROVEStEEN'Sr7 n ' inn ti j.'it: Lr'niT it-! W Ajruuuway, iew iuik, US tt .a-ji ".Bwy ..Pe.rJvliJ tei a ilim uiirivaueu hit ITHIHI1.TTT, ruw En ana EVBNKSMa OPTOXR. Thev are fiult lMV.,rnln the favorite: oyer all mtBera, with - XtMctans.s nuvKin, aiui a... uvvre PL- uuva nUA.ltJ. They era warranted In every rcspoct. Prices one-third lower than other ttnit-elaaa makers. sent fur Clrauiar, i UUUVKnTeiKN Auw I H ; wjn-mn. t ..... i a uroadway, N. Y. i T TT I it. 'Ui rtil-,ii 4 ,.s. iji.iwtl ..'. t.i ea V aawmit i 1 li.ji It. 'V.ll ' es-rw-.n I nn rt I TIME. MONET A KB LABOR HlrVKt''"r TjtE LATEST AMESTVHVfiNf ,1. ' j i ,- I" V.. ' 1 . V '' T' l. rl V ' 1 " la lllto l ... ' fl ll: One rtf the latest Patents, hweavte ttwttaay, or wptisnasr, itat; to. Wsb. h. MeudSN -m, I Waslilngton, Iowa, wilt on snhl uSuaai ' hi IlfVavnesbora. Pa. Thla OtrtRIf mnt anre. . .. .. Tha slmptanawof U roaaAauotkT aa a4n.SK. 1 ld or raVaraed taotiuts AtaU a.idasil Snllill Iresn tare tools mlnauas annntladM 1a. 1 mt muni ly to aiarular '- --- la - , itssarat svuraaftf haaj Sam raatnftwrTouJ. sens of this county. . .. stuHnin, VLXiON d 00., rJ-K. Aaeatt BEWINO MACHINE. ji'jt ifrTv 1 n .11 OCR NEW FAMILY MACHINE, Has Jwi irarr. ayitwars PiSpBI t SSfSBld Itlch has been brought td perfuctlon rogardleas of time, labor or expense, and la now oonBdent ly presented to the uubliu-aa.litcomparably tha .best Sewing Machine In exisutnee, . The Machine In question la simple, compact. araland.6oaulirui. itll galea, light mnntn) 01 work never before attemuted noon a atnvia .Machine ut4ng.ellherHUk, i'wlst, Linen or Cot 'ten'rii't,itl,aieUevtaJ with tiouaJiaallitr the ivery uuei auu conraetti ntairiata,ana auytnini (between the two extremes. In the moat beautlfu ao., atiuvaiow awmun sta atitaaaansaias xtar ItelutaUisv UntaiMin, Carding, Tnantoav Untlt ln. t ailliiir. 'IMnnnlna. anndlna. am InMl uml, aiiit have been luvauttd and suM IHMwmim jiHi, iwitin rauiniin 1 ' i ' NLwUtsUriHof Ueanlt(aT,uaeniIatii1poirnlar ldiug li sl cabliMt oaaaa peculiar to tha Machines iiianu4MtoiNl by tilts Oompany have ueen preparcu ur auuitaiiugiua new Macninaa. attesaara naum up in evil such lut Black Walnut, Mahogany, Rosewood! and tlie like, nnd from the plainest to tha moat mi ill Ikahm nrhtfa. hTMMul elaborate pattern and tiiilnh tha Machines uieLnii-iui utiiug inpro or less Ulgnig oinloe,it tii, fiV sre.iilj willi the, TuUeaTor CabiuaU lor wutun tney ore luienaea. ! A few .reasons whySINOER'S latest Impmv. hK wim as1 lly aim OenfnlParprvt. , r tath-wfttwiewanythtnlfrdrarninrieataln f. lie thickness of Hwlss or Nnnaook tti several llink OeHMeu nf tlm lli.iivln.t lln.n.r nl.l. sny kind welre of tltrrao. wltB-eanft (arillty, from Nca Cottljd tip to the rieavlent pitent or , Kd. Jl usaa a skosshmlahteeemYsasfly set, snd ruaktat the pupulur Lock Stitakaiikvon both lldoa.. fjiueii inreaii. i lid. It has an even self.n41)rttntsrtoti whjettl requires no change fur aiff. n'ht ihiuknatses afil tiaturilll or dlllerlltillle of llireail . JM i nn. n is iree irom all springs, wlrea and other somiilleatlons, ad is itlmost nuUMilesa. ... I 6tli. o tiireada tu Hold of wheels to tnrn In lurtiiix. . . i Ulli. It does not hay to b. taken apart to oU and clean It. ' T ' r . .I'll. It has a perfect feed whereby yon can sew the finest atatorlalilUaa hat lag to ftfp your Work atrencheil fo nrevent lta .i.i.irApT) .i jjju nv,r have to assist the work through as iu h'.hH1' wUte,iiy'''wl(rih sew a" itralght sant. or make a lull In the moat iierfeot manner. aitU loua skill thaa Svreqalred loaew a sUaigtrt seam on any other mashine. ... e. iwaiuvumeiiw for BraJdttig, Onrilng, AwlHV big, Uiiidiit. Tucking, ow an novel and prac tical, and rciitilr.i but II tile skill in dm. (iiM.n riurcmiwlr11"1'" TB llt hoa""0' be j Money refltnded If Ihe machines art not as represented. , - - .Every machine warranted and kepi In repair three years without charge. wV,,..1!.-;!, 'W, I'Kt'AJTIER, (...' Airetil hw r.i,i W-lf. Woyneaburg, Pa. ' EMPIRE TSEVUfb i StACiilNB COM PANY,. .. . ; ' SALESROOM. 810 Broedwav. . T .' ' ' 'Ho. 1 PAMitViia' machino has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes lliaLouk or Bltuttla hutch, wlrieh will nelUiar rip nor ravel, and Is alike ntt ImiIIi. aldea. nur. foima uurfeot. oarfeot. aewliiB- on nvarv. deacrtotton off material, villi cotton, linen or silk thread. . It Hems, Fells, binds, Bralila, Tueka, Quills. IIS, '4, 1 rnun nun i.iiiiierM, 'na-wroiiuiy ;aiaeniDe is nu NiiK.rior. rnce, wun itemmor ai llraliler. ttio. Particular attention Is called to our New Im proved ninnuiaemring .Muclilnes; They rnn light and are comparatively noiseless, simple, durable and emcfenA .Fpr oloth or Leather Work they have noeompetlfora. No. il Mii'dilna, with Hemmcr and Braider, Mo. No. 8 Machine, S5. Sty (Sootl-s. OF A FULL STOCK OP FALL ANp WINTER DRY GOODS! : - in i'-'.i" , i ,f . r . 1 1 1 i-i fi-t-. it-' 11 - f- :'A"t 1 1- f i .' ' f'l III H. -t ." IV t till i,IK II Ii -tt-.-i" "- t.i siitr' it ' s: u t t, 0 at 's , I t :', 1 We desire to Inform our customer and aU those who wish to buy , : . , . ' GOOD GOODS' AT LOW PRICES .""VV.IIil Tlintws are reoul vlug a complete stock of Fall and Winter uooda. which wa are determined to sell, If yon will com and see them. ,lrar stock of .-i.e.. v ' i-.-f '".(. -1 :. I , ., p R y o o O D B , ": - ' V embrace tl beat staples, extra heavy brawn masllus, drilling, canton flanuei, hlenotaed j luusun, guigitam, a gooa aaaonmant or FINE .fine- On E B s GOOD SI ut ..'1 vii .t;i. tf.i lalso. general notions, hosiery, elovaa. trim- miitgrHlHinttsitmttiinSi do., aw.. Also, kit of eatra naiiuBAa.wniteraa, gry. ngarea aaa varreu, MA ,,' v. ... " .... .. .- . -' ..IinnitiiM lt' t il ''" ' .i N . A B V tf A 0 it -'l '" !!T :iri i.i:: nr.ta nn.t Bluu. aw.m l.uu k.nJ msA- 1.1. for men and hoys and nn assortment of tine and! Heavy shoes for Women. Misses and Children. Coma iu-ussto astpyaar kaots and sneeaef the fnrTnpn nnj lxvn, eroet varit-ty and at prlcan n nil frathem), flowers, Drs trimmings, de. run myiHin imuira imn. wruaillay, .V ntiiiieeiiincr, grormTen leu, comte, f! vmnpTtm. tm. eoiT(f!. wissr. rim rVxIa, iropiKT, pice,(AHiiuai20. dttj.. Quint Aud: icoour mock. j-1, . rs sji - rr t 'lit " TV mtnt U- .1; 1. i ... Hi . K. 1, .. . J I' ,r A. 'iLaan StSi bIiHdlil."'; 11 '.T'-'. !"' l-nm ' ,0;IVr-tf Waynosbnra), Pa. i -r.ri'xi:i...V' , ' i..t tain ol ft .j in., - ; .I-- f . ....... I!' tSCBLtO 3A1E.'-. .I'l . jrhatl Will BlorMrV.T' nTpTOle'saKiaT' ffifOtlTpdrt. Iiy tte WBrCjT1" " Well in Cculre tuwnsi(D, an thev j j -r ;i ( ( J t Attest, J. F. TEifPLE, 1 conslsltiBt'oi' tjooaT eaine, ortna- tool aari leasot 'Said to commence at dub o Clock, p. k. llii prdar uf tlie Company. -" ... ... r a Tatnfiiow a..HiiMii,t..Mi nr ml Cmmuhm. a ArK-VifltiTWrj"'""-','' rithtd-t. L K 4li tt "I 1H T' AMOBALEt ef i"f - lrfriti rl.,il'r-tft t.'.l ,'t:'Ar Fer sale, 1,-VD scret of Timber Mind, on th Baltlmarx vtad tlilv Railroad, near. Uttlaton Saw Mill, Tannery and abundance of the beat aine C4MA.V. uuucuug ana nubva Turuv. - ar ricn ana weu taatuaa 10 , graslua, and will b at In parcels tuia.Duxckaacf.' Apply te X . . . ' " . - j - ,c : . . iiaranoii near tna uramtaea. csr so uawamt TiJJgaaat MaaaaaaaataiaBaaiaaiaaBaaaan ENERGETIC MRN ANBLADIOt WAHT ED TO CANVAB8 rOB THE J - orisabd trrroBT or Tarn; ;r;v hr BO OSS , OF .T II E.BIBLE. At, . -v'a b ,Jii" I V' .. J 1. 1. t r- ,1 1 bt raor. CAtvm a. arowa, m m1 '' ' i "Ihnwlng wlvilU rXUW hV, aai1t U and rraw 10 nse it ; tracing tbe history of each book up co iiMortiuu wun inainsrurra auuiore. ana consdt1rrrltfter( jrall fniWitdrrtlx. and ob- 1 vw nfm.rttfte.- nnii ormniiryTl- irjr of lllhllcal llistory In a single volnme, i'l, oiMryacssyrat't atiaVnj.lvaas)I hlttityiT tstifiirf 'A TriBnpleee of rinmoiT genie. fieeuea in every mmiiy wnere ma Bible la t, a waUan by avasTs1aJmaMo,tnsavst, - nn tliia. suba.r swtUaard or aaad'rathsa n il it nil 11 niriatinnwi tiiitti irtanai Laanaorasw iw-aantR iltxsr4s esnraoally aaa thai adaraai tag. aauMs)iTng f.'T this work. Send fbr cJrcal o roalara t XI ARMED LI I-A I srwua sAadl mrwrnni aa wtrMnvtaj adat V'w ii. lainiaiaii ai 11 wurw arvtss. rtatrce .fsad; cart h-hlaineiUrre of efaaraw-wra. 1 M iCliet6eCT -rf.J 1 VT.UT.TI I "asptiaaaiPaiBiw -"TTiraddltlrWiln other hnatr. '.." f.- Iteapeetniny. I tia-moe. ' dwwy,N. I ifl nlM Vju-a ; T ,i8,.:'ij.f JliBtXRP-.E Jl.' a . I : i 1 1 ti MJ UONTHLY MAQAZUta O t,T rnt ifi I i 111 .'t HI USJ cam at i. wotbiss or rn rnaaa, ( Yoa vnaBBvaa. T7 . We aautr'r in rerme of eulogy te tha hlgaf tahsand vaitad aaaatlaaiaa Haaran'a Mas. six a a lournal with a Monlnlv nruMlatlontol' about I7V.0UII ootilaa lu- whoaa mm ara to-kd fifonnd soma of the. eholnasl I1UU and gatieisd mtuing 01 me any. vro BpeBK Of inia worn aa tan evl denca of tha culture vi the American s so sal b aSKl u aofmlarlly t aaa ssnulrad lav tualt4 iKah nBmU?rceoUlBaUyvM4 pagaat of landing-matter, approprlalal lllumi.ta wlut aoud waodicaiai aud It ouablne lu lueif the racy monthly atvdrthe mora rhltosoithlekl Quarterly, blended with tha beat fealviivn of tud luaiiy loarnal. It haa areat mower in Lhi. iliai aamination or a lova or pare liieniture. 1 Kl'a- WBB't UOIOB TO AAtBMCAH. LSTBJUTL'IIB, Ln do. . - . . . Wa ead aeaoaert for ai asistsat onty by Uti. el mate tail that It saaeki the txjfmla- asti. furnlihina a xalatx of nleaaing and ra-. atrncUve ruadlng for ail. Kassi re .Ubbalb, Ttmr ton. . .1 ,UV l I 1 th- , 'M, ' I Tha Fnbllahera have twrfaeted a ayilarn ef nailing by wblah anaa east awwvly the Mass- Bins, Wbkklv, and Hasah, aronplly to tlmad Who prefer to receive their pertodloaLs dlraallJt from tha Omce of Pnbllcatlon. 1 The maisaaa na IT I m an'a ldlAmw 14 t.H eenu a year, which most he said at the k( .l .t,.,l . . . ! Babpbb'i Mao Ansa, one year.. ...... An extra eopy of either the Maoauns , Wg. for rr art) v tT, or Babab will be sunulied aratla fcrawaa, Slab of FlveSnlsKiiberaal ri ou aacn, in one PX mi lttaneei or HI a Ooolos for Ml On. Bock numbers can A complete set, now eomprlalng thirty. five volnmes. In neoAolotu. binding, will he. sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for p Jti per volume. Single volume, by mall, post paid, a. Okotk eaaaa. for binding, arvy-laA,t swbvmaU.poatpahT. . , SW Babenrlitlotia sent Irons Brltlsb North Amarloan Provinces must baaomiuin.nlMl j.lii. i oe snrmneo at any tlm. twenty-four etnta artdKIOBal, to BTipsui IMUaV 1 S)tatas postage. Address, , I . HARPER m BROTHRRfl, l i row-lav . : i rranBiia Unoare, Ne Ten. t . ' COMPLETB PfCTORIAL BISTORT ( il Or TIItTlHaa." "Tha Ttxsr, Ckxamst, ai Most Srrcsasrrrs, ': K I"! t AH ins unioa." HARPER-'S WEEKLY..1 SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED.' (I CBmcAL KoncBt or the raasa. r.ttIBS".i.B7p,M of r on"ry-eB. nieteinall the departments of an American . H!!r..p,pfrr.IU,u,"' hasaaruad foiltaell aright to lta title. "A JoarnaaofCulu- 1 uurimura nistorians will ennen ttvemaelvet 1 lit of HABPta a Wniu a.. The rwat ol its eiass In Amerlca.-RoSTO ! Tbavrlleb. . I. Habpir's Wbbblv may be nnlvenmUy na clared tha bast newspaper la Amerien-Ttia .1 IxnnPBHUBRT, New York. . ! Theartlolaa a poo public question which an- . pear In H arpbr Wr.r.R L from weak to weak ' 1 rorm a remarkable seriea of brief political ae- saya. They are distinguished by clear and pointed statement, by good common sonee, by ' Independence and bredtb of view. They ara the expression of mature conviction, blah arm. . eiplo,andatnmf Saellag, and take their traea among th neat nawapaper writing ol tha time. aoaTM Aiiaaiuaa Kaviaw, Boaton, Mass, SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1 a a. The publishers have perrected a systam ef mailing by which they can supply the "gin. '," aiuf Weakly rrawpXr te ti? oaV wT , PZM!.1 "T!1? thulr pui lodicala directly from thaOfttceof Publication. I'ostmasteraand oth. -o1J?fs,'r.1",2'"Mf"lr' "P lnb wilt be aaa. r Piled wllhaahow-IMIIon application. . .' The postage on "Harper's Weekly," Is twenty . . cent a year which must be paid at the sulwsri- "HarBev's Wekly," me yfstr.,'1 Ab exira eotiv of either tha 1 .......I....W Magailne,' "Weekly" will a aapplled gratl for every cm tt of Five Subscribers at 14 in each, In one rensls tonne ; or six copies for Ml W, Rock numbers can be ntipnited Btany ttma, ' ' The annual volume of "Harper's Weekly," In ' neat nloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7 each. A complete act, com prising ten volumes, sent on reoeipt of cash at ine raieoi ao as per of purchaser, Volar im. r VOL. frniaht al thaaxoenaa Volume XI, ready Jannary let, V Subscriptions mat from British North- " American Prorluao must be atiousnpanled with , twenty cents additional, to prepay lulted Blatae 1 postage. Address, , UARPEIt d BROTHERS, ... .. Franklin aiuara. Kew Tork. . . B OOK AGENTS WANTED TO SOLICIT OXDXR rOB A PtW ILLCSTBATSD i. . piBLE DICTIONARY. 4 fCOMPLETKJNONI VOLVLK.) .1 , This DicTfOHARVambodlea the result of th moat recant atady, rsssaseli and InvastlsjatleM, 01 aunuiitxty-nve or me moat eminent and ad. vanraM niMlcai rMBeiam now living. Clersrr' en or an aemminaiintia aonrova it. m of all t, and r Km h rd It aa the beet work nf lu kind In (lie kny nanaaw. and one which eawht hhals u,a uanna 01 every muse rewner in tne rami. Jiietrealsnlnat Stile wark, agvnta will tnd a Biinaant and pmfltahte employment. Th rra BtTrooa objtwtinmi whleh ara aimally enfrmnter- " U la selHng ordinary work will not exist with this. . Hut da tH noutrary, emsmmffrmerit and . friendly aid will attend the Agent, making hie labors agreeable, naefnl, and locratlva. ' Ladles, retired clergyBMn, Mehoal Tanehera, I Farmers, Students, and all others who posseaa ) ' anargy, are wanted to aaelst in Canvaaalngj , , every foam and emmty ia tha country, to whom tha moat liberal Inducement will be orTored. : ForparUcuisu-s,apply to, oradlrMi, ,r i .ri7w ParmEij:e BRortrERR n3rtansom Straet. PnllaHalntit VV (1 flIM'W-St. & r ;, , , ,, f . , IREENEI vj:;- .v COUNT Y Rp. ., , . , Hi'l I t ' i '. -.'-. Ilil,,?l2?,B"' (ymrt " eonnty, ofSfpfem- In the matter of the settlement of the Beeoaat of Dnvld R. Jonea, Adinmlstrator Opon the estate of ) iomw, dee d. Balance dae accountants t4,7S XL' ; And weir, id Wl t BcpterBoeT 1. Wfly. urtsBSiiti 5 for ennnrmMloa and exception Hied by Cilia .fltlona fllerl h Kills . Htephenson, lnrlghtof BJs Wife) the same la r Jered to John C. Flenniken, Esq., Aodltor, U bear the evidence on axoaDtlou and make sn Clerk of Ceart. XL I wtH athnwd h tha alalia saiHaanal aesata . Cma-t Hoaaa, la WayaisSaia. FrkSay, Kaasaa. wr law, saai, a 1 weaves, p. an. ,10-,l-lw j.JKO.C. PLUUtl SNJSIXTW, AndRAv.- -4 ALU ABLE FARM FOB BALE-- rBy vtrtne of an aivW tanned oatt of the Or lana' CoartW trraena 0o and to m aJrwrlad, "l r ii It litis na His niiinaias. na III M':pF DECEMBER , dxt, an that eertatn tract of land. Ute the aroo. erty cdOHl-C0Al, deman d, attrtate In Jaf, fram Rice' Landing and ClarkuVllla; aillotnlna landa of Oeorgs bovdnck, Levi BlacUeus-av Ahrah.-.rd Rnrann arid oth is, rDaiaiKtrta UNC HCNDREDAND FTlRTlf-FOUR ACKlrfmora orlaaa: having thaswon ereetad a awad Um DdaUtng Itorme.Log Barn, rnM Mania aad , 4 1 other ont.emlidmg; also, a good n nsur and kit klnda frort twee, hetag one of tbe beat improve, arnuii'Uii aoanuy aaa itirrng tne most deelrable propartlea. Aaauusp Ban aaown mgng ana. ' IM-ta. . suussra lui-ajs, . strta. 6 T R A Y A AKrtAYED FROM THE Prciilass'oT thca-iderjlgricd, in Allraa alitn, Ciraalvataaialy, rsi, ahrait trvdan'slacw dark dun Cow, about threw yens) aid, wtaltw -.' mullM Umllmw ml LH - UIK . ituraliis7TSmtr". ) '.". f" """""'"1 "i ore wier ran no hand. HOSUIMKA LfltVIE, NO, - . . -. f. ttatl In (Senear's rtalldlog, Eaat aTala fUnii WayiHsrbaatvnM -frT?krwJa mTSi ' Til i kg!: ited I sttii-"' t 1-.-'9 1!Jer,j ca - In HattkntW-v that li..' T?.". " '.'"PP-l'a Dm. itoraof oTw. Mm M'.I I i: 1' 'aN a.