Newspaper Page Text
i, i- : 7 1 " w. itosa : gm la Jewelll building, West end of Mais SI Waynesbunr. , ; ' t: 'S-tf. LATER ODJSNBAUUIL dbalbb ni ram An Mtnacrxta, M1 r.V VI o -U-jSt J t' J ! tU Ltanora and avervthtng nertalnlne li a r era Dm Store, prescriptions carefully eom. pounded, 'Uylgh'a, Old BmBdWnbnrt BO. g. JETFEHT, .- ' l r ' .'! In 0. o .. , . r .11--. )' t ' wrvvstiw ami ti4 i 4 All kmlMW ftee-ialnlng to efTlee attend t promptly, ipiraci wirn r. m A, leiegrepn on Mt of th Court House. Vl-M. F IR8T NATIONAL BARS, WAiaMS0M. .,41 l.l 1 i 1 I COUNT BAT. Iokkjl Pros't, , A. BALL, Dealer la' Dry Ooodd, Omtrletf, Hardware, SAc etc. AT MoCOT OtD STAND, LEWIS DAT, -i . m , PBAUB III BOOK! A in) ITAHMMT, Wall Pnper, Window Paper Ac Sunday Bohool Itooks nr nil Kiwis constantly on nnt. room in Mm. Hush's bulletins), formerly ewunled by Cot- lereu x inyior, wuyuesuurg, r. amy wt w-iy. AIT M. BA1LET, ;: ., .; , WATCttES AWP nSWSlBt.' : ' TMiMnit Imndialwan hol and avlMtaa orlinent of Wiiti-he and Jawelrjr. RcpBlrlrj donaat tlwlowantralM. ,l:'My.: muHuiikioifntHri.t TiniirtR.' i, , .-.j,. .... I -I. . .MCX't LANDIKO, MUM COUKTT, FA'4 ' OLIVER ft BATARD, PROPRIETORS, 1 ' . : I . I ' LI . I it. Th bmt ftMommoilallonii ftirnlahed tha travel. llnnrHtblle. Hon and appurtenance complnta. Table alvraya aprenri uoiinllfally with th dellca olen of the awium. Hohmmi for hire; feed and ambling at rranouabl mu. , ( 4 4i6-tf. 1 srinnuTiR-. '".i'' ADDLB AMD BARKEM MAKEa, (IN WILSON'S BUILDINO, MAIN ST.) '1 .in 1 . .j . f i ( Bniidlea, ilricUeA, Ttamnaa kept on hand and maile toonlor. orlAdonaln tn ilia best style, and at rvaaouable ratat. Renal rtna a anaelnUty on short aotlca. 'iirtnr frleuds ko Una at his atoek. JEISIISTRY, i rf,.V ' kavalomtedin"Wmeslmr, and am oeon- fivHiatliu late roil. lea. sol Dr. M. . Pattun. Hav i'ik uii. n (rent pli to baooma thoroughly ouMuie.1 with both tho theorynnd prauUne of li. uiniry, uml Imvlim had an einartenco m nevon yi-ira In ma pn.rnwton. I feel rmntH.l in ay iiiii llw iuy i" UirntaabnU navaiioeauiwtoonin pluili a Iniei'loroptTn'iiin. KUmettoll will b r.-iirter.l pai'iieai. wSea dmlml, by tlia ailinln Istratum ut "Lautililna aits" ofotheranaathetlca. Chamea model t, and nil warranted ns repriwaiiteU. 1 will ba at home withoct pen AnvKN'k'UHC from tlie OJteenth to the thlrtletll of aw vv month. J09. 8. HERT1U. Ujia-tf . - . ,. ARllLE WORKS, .,. r. If ' i . - (jirwm.L't oto TAr,ltTn eiro o towic.) Tliannblia arf resneetfnllr Informed that Rnm- m.-rvitlll 4 Bio. havo Just received a large stock of ail Kiuuaoi MARBLE WORK! Bneh as arnv nrnnea. monnmenta, MantI WOrli, Av We ore prepnred to furnish work at rensoimoieiennarn anon noiiee. tu anil ea ei.Uimour sl.x.k, aiylua, and prlooa, before pur alitutiug alsawlifere, iH-U. g HERMAN HOUSE, V'TDOMAS BRADLET. ' V ,: Positively tl moat complete Hotrt In oor town. Everything oomntnMl to furnish the liest accom modation everyet offered tothe ptihllo. Meiils riinilsheil nt all hour, labia provided Willi Hie ht'st of theaeason. Travellers and those deslmns of refreshment wllldowoll tornll."TOm"stlll retain tils old repiitnllonofiinnwoomniodatliivgentli'mk.t, and hospitable landlord. House, the one formerly occupied by the ".Mi'ssengcr" OHlce, KIC'tM-ly. JOHN H. HOFFMAN, VmoRQANTOWITv WEOT VIRGINIA. - ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTING r . ....... ....... ,., j , . vomoira, BouMTua, abmab o pat, -1 AND XLh MILITARY CLAIMS. Having had 17 yaara experience In proaeeaUnc auch claims, I have becona familiar with the various Laws iu.) U.0 1 rg ainouiiA of Meord avi.lence la my poaaesion enablea ute tob very anoroHsrul lu proseuuUna aiupunded alaims, and In many lustuncea have proved sucoeaaful when therlnlmAtit had long given thein up Indespalr. No matter liow dllUault U' laUn aa it la Just Wiy. - ROBKRT DOUGHERTT,. . . : - v;. v . i ' :a' . 0ARKIA0B MA.fCrACTPltS, WAtHIaUCIO, A. !-.. " , ! '. ...I'.-.l .Ut nl I -. ' Respectfully give notice that ha haa- located In Wuynenuurg, Pa., where he intend to mana-foctura- , .. ' . ., CARRIAGES ' Of every description. Front Til eTtperfenea In the businesa he feels confident that hi work. In style, fluuUi and durability, will give entire sat- lstactlon. Tt Is his di'termlnation to purclusae the best material In- market, and employ son ut comneiew worumen. a-All work warranted for on year.Vt Lil W: AYSBUIiQ MARBLE AND HTONE .t mi W V H ft. ' ' , 'AYi:ng & RlXBlIARt ,& i J A 11 -1 . "... i StlU eat4etaertT n the Harhle tmd Mob eniiiaf eMinene. xaeit mm ettwoiiencti rai lmrnMliateewtof the Publte ttquare, betweett HI ;h ftMi Qreene rrtreetovWayrieiiharc Pa. TUUeftUibliiiumeni iuui oecn m oper ation since ix end I ho Ion t experlenee Mid erl- ergyof the proprietors, lin with the exT- riHit ni iDumi luiiirmt-ni umt , l and good tnnle,hevewon for tliem e wideripretiil end en viable m'tHitetlori. An extenelve Mnck of the- Tntione VMfteilfii of the beet nuirMe Jtewwlnitlf en imrrd, Hpe- eini eixenuon Inc end enare1 romptly mied.V xU4fc-: All 1 order prompts AtLstfttoy eJUiw.-f -,,, -rrf. i KoUiry fibtte, STBRQ'i' WAGNER1''' 'ATri 1,V ew.l " '" I l'.' lMH"' '' 'o&viw a.., s.u!r VFor the adlnsrjnmt of CIJtIMH,afailklDda against the OniUhi eisatea, each a PENBIONf. INnr.tBOrPENrtION,BOlrif.' . B. www wvftMM mivi " . and those of any eehxWrlaa eaU etrer write to Ik Alllltanandvai abcoow or HTUKIS8 WAONF.R, ' Walnnt kt, 1 door kelow Hagana' oomar. TINKER A AUPJkl, , - " -J. - COJMlSSlOX'XERCLUNTg". mv i -.t i a - " ;; ''"yofeTtaAtto V." HOGS, CATTLe"aND 'SHEEP, AT THEIR OWN TARM, jia ,. . . - oy was 1W IX CITSM1NTI tna rkoroau nmimon 'AW m ; v.i : H. HI N II A R T I .!. '1 FOnfELUNQ CHXAP OROCIROCSI Bavin Jaat raaraadfron th tltv, ha Wioawal adUMlarcMt . ( ' .:' NEW GROCERY! i' i... . la town. Ha daarrn to Inform th aftlatna of wniHMMiTi, viainitr or uiaaarana naa ia a in aalacttni bla aloak, havtna oa hand a food il.ii . . ueme, ijtatow, riH, '( . rTtoHIED P CACHES, r-.. tAv to. Call and aeSfclJ) aa hm haa oaan tttlf A NEW S IP 1 PLYI! To! Yin And him ararkjdsUoAV U can lower than any ona Id nvk Mac.' Wilfr toUartgbtplaoa,ltt . LEDwrraa old Buaocio, Opnotlta the OnVt Hpom and formarly oeenplad kyUiafiiatOfllaaA 101 VO-I! RECONSTRUCTION t 1 1 w Ji or or tob tmioJ BOt Of ISAAC HOOFXR'S tOCT AltD COItrBOTtOlOEBT I Hp. Hooper would still have hi friends and pal rons hear In ml ml, that aa continues in tne lire oery and Oonfeetlonery trade at his usnal plaoa of doing bualuoss, and uiat ha baa just rawlvad A FRESI1 BUPPLT of th beat quality of all artielo In hi Una. TOTft-NOTTOwq. and a treat variety of useful aniciOB always on uanu RKFRE8UMKNTS. In connection with the above. Mr. Hooper keeps a iiastaurani, wnara , . ICE CREAM, BERRIES, And all thalnxnrlc of th season can be ob UTh moat attractive and moat popular resort in town. w,i oo-iy. IIXIAM WALLACE, DBAlt m GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! 01 BOOB WKAT OP tmm BBOW't ITORB. We havo Jnst received a welt selected stock of Choice FAMILY UKOCKRIR!, which we pur chased for cash and ara confident that we enn supply our customers and all who may fovor ns with call, as cheap. If not cheaper, Ulan any outer nouae in in county COFFF.KM. BVOAIW, , . MOLAWtrai.' SVHVPia, TEAS, .PA. TOBACCO: I'tMAllfl 8NTfaANTiI,E., UrtAPa, EXTRACT, COI". 5 An.. Jtr.. Ae. ' Don't full to examine on r stock and see for your selves, for we are determined to sell aa cheap as the cheapest. 6;-tf In Jon Hrann. .......Tbokas Lucas, T. LUCAS ft CO. . , ,! , POlWABnitO ABD COMMItBTOB Mixcniirrf, And dealers m Groceries. Hardware. TMther. alio Findings, Iran, Nolls, Salt, Fish, Ac. Also, agents fr Aubrey. Cromlow A fvion Window aah. A aupply kept constantly on hands. Hlce's lAUding, ra.,alxn'athenc. t;Vtf. T AZEAR BROTHERS, l' u i . i ; . . ' I . WHOiasAiB nocm abb eownwioft mbb- cMAirr. N T7, EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. Jab. A. Laxbab. Viu. L. Laibab, llB-lr. pTJBUO NOTICE. ! Aa th firm of HUGHES LUCAS I dissolved tiy mutual consent, the Commission business will still lie carried on at the old stand. In good order, and on th moat reaaonam terms, in tne name and style of U HI OHKH A CO, (senior partner.! They flatter themselves, by having the Honav- and the neat location In th place for that business, that they will axtXTVa a liberal ahnre or Hie puniia patronage. Tkey will i RHon hand also Keep a anon sa so keen a anotlsanDlv of GROCER- tEH on hand to nooummodate ail who may favor them with a call. L. HUGHES ACOj. lllee's Landing, Pa. tio-tf. OMETHING NEW IK WATNEBBCRrJ, PENN'A. HO S.: BRA DEN & CO., (At theHcMw room formerry occupied by Andrew .- JJaon, 8rn neat door to nraown s vm storey Reapeetfnlly inform the good people of Greene ; eounty, that they have opened HARD W A R E : 8 T OR El .,1 ! -.'. ftnd m vttea a carl from thelrfrlends and the pob rj generally. Their subtle filled with everything In their Hne Beaded by the Du-merand mechanic. Relng rarartleaJ larmera. they know esaetly the WBJUaotinatrianiHTinerraB. Anion, inrir Tr- ajos of t hetr termer rnerms. Among incirvar styofgood found Iron, Kaila. of all Inds, Tlanoa of all varletle. Augers. Brace, tn. Tattl sneiked, eraaa cut and mlU eaws. lety gin Ac hand saws and tool ofall aaaarlptkma. ;,' agrictltTjRAL implements. '"u Mcna MacUaetl Catting Boxs, Corn Shatter, Plows. Cultivator, Shovel, Fork, and avary Ihluc lo theirlli,. f r-. i.. . ! frBADDLEKY HARDWABB. .r. '11 i:.,.l it ... n l. -x . . . .. , t. i AMaMtaasortmeni afaaddlswr hardware, te wbiob humj lavue inataniioiai WOODEM WARE OF ALL IINDS. N Twras. irexrawsa, tagner dowss n ail gmsi cs i itnoM Kltchet Weedea Fixin'a. WUlow Baaketa, I 74 Wli.ak asiBa, ssas, EMCseees, nrase aiswisa. - HiargyTWhiaav aan gagas, ay Wagam aald Wv"rm'Jraaaaaaaasaaaajaaasa m mMwm asftf-sj TT & D3TEHNAL BIT. NOTICE. T 'rf& - aMBttoaai, U Vl.., ...,,r , I i' U.I....IU...... . ' )'' . I All fstsaasa oaahlasi Oevarament Ueana or I ' r pv I 'I , Im illM ..III. II I . II I. I ISII.- ..... . : - CALUNO BOOK. , , I msaUtiasT.issisiis uita itelT aI aa-taus wnaKsBasiaatsavsBBBaroisBi ! . waaaasgan, ... a. v nr ta r. mm,, 1 iagaBaT Bbv)s. a, UUtnl D BY GOODS AT WHOLES A LE M'ELROY, DICKSON A CO. KO. 14 WOOD BTRErr, .::r.. . . .. .......,; prrraBCKaH, pa. , llow oflkit to 4ier hlt , . t Jx FALL STOCK, y at . '." v," , . .iv. ; r .' . . i "i i ; WW PRICES fon cash ;; ;" DRY , GOODS ' AND ' NOTIONS, 1 i: GREAT VARIETY. filMat. gOMETHIKQ NEW I m a. MRS. R. ft, BATKRB H0BICIN80N Have Jnst arrived fVnm th Eat with largs asuruuen ui lorvign anu . DRY . . . i. a BPRINO AND GOODS, SUSIMER BTTLESI whleh they propoa to aril at the lowest CASH prices i suon a i Ureas ftorel. Dresa Trim ming, Dress Iluttons Ladle Mhawla, Boots and Hhoes, Hataaud Caps also, a great variety of Dicartlcies,at very low price for GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Ware of all kinds, and a complete variety of th oest tltin.l!iitir9. aiioi wnion uiey pr sell at the very lowest flgnrea, depen.llni it on the luallty and eheapneaa of tlielr gooda to gain Uive tliemftCAll before tmrAbMlnff ttlMwhre; And thev will orove thnf the Hlove in correct. iviotn in Aiiiivon Dnnning, uMri)' opponn in gEATJTIFUI, DISPLAY I , ' ' ' ' or ' DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CA39IMERS, &o., At EVANS ESTABLISHMENT. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT EVERYTHING IN THE LINE! Wishing to close oat for tho Fall trade, he of fers htstfoods st astonishing low rates for cash. The stock la a late aa the lateat and the bust In market. Minor' Building, opposite the Greene Hons. iiM-sm. , I K. KVANH. N EW STORE I . FRANK. M'GURGAN, Ha Just opened a Art : STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CXOTHINO, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, 4C, "AC. In the Store Room of George K. Minor, and tunny op posit toe farmers' A uruvers Nation IBank, W A Y N E S B U Rt, This stock to P A. ALL NEW i- .i ; i AND FRESH ! Re would respectfully Invite th public to call and examine hie large and fashionable stock. Hla taste and experience In m testing good ; hi energy and determination to pleas the public uaa nnwnn uia s. I FIRST CLASS , 8T0R1? ! ( : , Hi stock am braces a large assortment of GENTLEMENS' CLOTHING! of th moat hahlonabl and durable qualities. . tu,;i f m isu. . ia uam itauky vs . LADIBP SRJDM OOOTM, HEAVT DRESS ; r SILKS WITH WHITS EDGE, s , .. and a full aasmtiai'at af Fancy FlgTired Silk of all colore. Also, Kmpreaa Cloth, Poplins, Mo semblqnea. Wool belaina doable widths, slllk Mbawls, Ulstorl Hbwla,Stlk HaeqUes latest style. Parasols. Fancy Faua, F.nglisk Ribbons and other ribbon ofall colors sod widths Hats, wreaths and Flowar. Laos HandkerehleBi and morosoerlea, ajstel aruu '. i tbuounos nr general. Also,'. Conatag -mv'lAcei''CortaJns, piano Oovers, Mekideoa Covers, Side Table Oovera, and In short fall stock ofall aouda naoallv keot in aarat s lass llsaai lag Wtors. -. uont iocms toe Matavia tne a,w nun ofta,V Miner. FRANK. krairROAir. -Iftl fading. AaKXCTTaLKCTR. - Bj- th moon's jwle HghV to taa ttn pVofif Let at tell one tale, let me ting one too'. Tie a tale devoid of an aim or plan Tla a simple gong of a one-armed man. Till thU very hour, I could not believe What a tell-tale thing la an empty aleere What a weird, queer thing lg an empty sleeve! r , ; 'it . . It telle, la a silent tone, to all, Of a country'! need or a eountry't eaU Of a tweet kit fur a chili and wife. And a hurried inarch for a eountry't lite, Till till very hour, who could ever believe What a tell-tale thing It an empty aleeve What a weird, queer thing it an empty sleeve f R tout or a Battle, and fields of tore; Or the labre'i clash, or the cenon't roar; Or the deadly charge, oftbebugle't note , , Or a gurgling sound In a foeman'i throe tj OT the whizzing grape, of the flerjr thcll, Of a tcoae whleh mimic the scene1 of hell, Till this very hour, who could ever believe What a ttaiathlagh an ernpty sleeve-- ' What a weird.queer thing It an empty sleeve f Though ty polnta to .mrriad of wound and tear, Yet it tells of a flag or ttrlpet and ttart, In God"! Own chotea, time will take Each place of the "rag" with the rattletnakei And it point to a time whta the flag ihaQ ware O'er the land where breathe tut eowarlat slave. To the top of the skies, then, let us heave One proud huiaa for the trontv sleeve Of Uie'one-trmed man and the empty tlteve ' LITTLE ORATE. The following It the tenderest Terse In the Englsh language. We do not know who It author Is, but there la a simplicity and sweet ness In It which none but the coldest heart can resist 1 . ''There's many an empty cradle There's many a vacant bed 1 There's many a lonely bosom, 1 Whose joy and light bat fled For thick in every gravoyard ' , The Uttle hillocks Uo " And every hillock represents ' ' An angel In the sky," - ' ALPIIAnKTH'AL ADTIt'E. A lwnyg attenil to your own avora tion, avoid ale-houses and all artful women. "' B e benevolent but not prodigal; bury all bickering m the bosom ol lor gctfulness. C ontrive to collect cash and to keep it. ' A .: 1 ' '. 1, "" -' D 0 your duty nntl defy tlio devil E arly endeavor to eradieat6 every error both ol Mead nml Heart, I F iglit litii'ly when you fight; but the bettor way is not to tight at all. X ldtllo for no tool. G rapes, goodness, gumption and goose grease enables a man to pass thro the -world easy. Get them find glory in incm. II arbor 'hopo in your heart if vou would bo httppy, but hnrk f hope can't render rotten the rope of the hang mon. 1 ' I nquisit'veness is Insufferable dulge not in it. in- J ulins imr bo called tho iuico of joy ana tne yeast ol jests; but let tnom alone, lot too much joking often destroys tne joviality ot tho social circle. ' ' K indness kindles tlie fires of friend ship; a kiss avails much more than a kick. L bve the T Itfltew llook before you leap; escnew loaicrisra. M ake not Jnischief by meddling with other foHtaj business. . . , ' N ever bo ca.ight napping, except in tho right time.' ' ' O rdcr is Hearcn's law obey It. P ursne tho 'plain path of probitv, and pat In practioa whatfyoU give in Ppt ! Q uarrel not; quibble not; be not fond of asking qutsrtions, or addicted to queries.",' . R um surely rui;w respectability renounce, renew anil renovate. S eek salvation Oh, yp sinners, t be come saints and you arc safe, i T ake time by the forelock; try to turn every moment to Account TJ nion unites to unity ; in the en tiro universe there is unison; bo-y4 therefore united for the soke of unity. V anity ( has no connection with valor; remember that. W omen and wine bring want, woe and wretchedness when wickedly in dulged in. '""-i ' - ! , , 1. y ..!. - I'll- I 'X. tra xcrtions accomplish 'jttra ordinary ehds. '' ""' ' Y ield to no tyrant; yeomen and their 'yoke-fellows are lords of the Z ig-mgging is characteristic of a zany ; take the straight course through life and pursnc it T o ' 1 & mind your own business & let others alone. , . Amono noteworthy "printer's dev ils" in this country am Tb,urlow Weed, Horace ' Greeley, Jolin R. Young, Simon Cameron, General Due. Gideon Welles, Robert Bonn or, ana the late Artemus Ward. . ',"..'.'; T...'i.'.';v-V 1 1 ' m it a'" m '1 ' iTi 1 - ' Josh Buxuros says he. don't ' care how much a man talks If he says It in a few words: Good idea for those who write to newspapers! ' ' -' mm aa "" ' '' Thb Radical National Committee will meet in Washington on the 11 A of December, to' fix the time for hold ing their National Convention. ;' ..:C ' I S A MAN, boasting in the oompany of young Mates tnac ne badf luxuriant head of hair, a lady present observed that it was owing to tlia aiaeOwiiMt tUmH,c "v - I auaihsd ay 4aa'rami ytm seta t mm walUnf , dawa . th (a,BnasdMoutakrAty R I X T III 01 tei WATxaaauRa repb-buoan" JOB PRINTINO ESTABLISH. - MKNT, - Soyers' Build?, Ead o At ISMt WAYNBBBUR Q, PA. PAMFELSTtv PROGRAMMES, BILLHEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, rOSTEaS, ILANKS, LABELS, Ao.,A&, NElTLY EXECUTED. WE HAVE NOW A ORXAT VARIETT OF MATERIAL I And a more aomplet stock of PAPER, CARDS, Ac, Than anr eiUbllihment within the limlU of I out Dumneee ciroie AND WE ARE PREPARED ; - - i i i To weenie every deaarlpUea of JOS PRINTING! IN A .,,t t " . ' , ' r ( 'I I. STYLE OF NEATNESS AND BEAUTYI! wanes - CANNOT BE SURPASSED ANYWHERE. W tntBlor th most osnpetavt rutaia, I MEET EVERY ORDER! With whleh w are favored, la the SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE 1 AT , ' ' !' ' ' .I.:. -1' IN TBS MOST SATISFACTORY MANNER I . ... , t I I v . ' ! ! ... , 'I. ', ;.- il'l i ii i; :!' v. r) : i 1:1 i r; - . n ; sttsntlaB atvatite ' .... ': .! :-i ! '.' i TIVE RULE WORK - viJ.CraTOTCATES, .. TERMS. REASONABLE! : , i- : .ik.. l . ..... .... - t BW WaTw a tail aptari r,i.i'i : . - i'i' ' ,: . , ' ' "V'-''.' !' i 'i t-.'.ti- eitjpwJiie . IOLONEL FORNEX'S LETTERS FROM EUROPE LETTERS FROM EUROPE, BT JOHN W. FORNEY,, , i , t Borroa op run "pwiLAraLPntA mrrr Ahd "WAHHISOTilS CIIUONH I.," AND gl'KKVABV or tub aKNATa or rue vmtko statu, Rlnea theeommeneenientothe nuhlleatlon of Colonel Forney's letters from Eunipe In Tn rHil.Aiiat.rniA Daily and Wbcklv I'hkhs, the publisher of those papers baa been in tlie receipt of innumerable inquiries from Uioae who wish ed to know If the correspondence would not ap pear in book form. In accordeBoe with their re- J iients, we will now state that then letters, car ully revised and re-written, with Important additions, are now la press, and will shortly be given to tlie world, lu alara duodecimo vol ume aims, page, iy inepuoiiNiiiiia ituuwn i. B. Peterson A Brother. Ptalladelulila. who are sisirjug no expense to make of ltalxsik which shall oonibliM every feature of typographical excellence character! die of the best publications of this firm. It wilt contain an eauelleut ateel portrait of tne author, engraven in ine nnesi st vle of the art. bv one of the beat artists tn the oountry, and It will be in every resjiect a work accepiauie to tne numerous menus 01 loioaei Forney. Tlieeorrespoiiilehceglves theauthor's impression of various countries wlilch he visit ed during an European tour of several months, wtthobscrvation upon society, politics, amuse ments, manufactures, eduentonal and religious Instliiitloiis, lu Knglaud, France, Hwltaerland, Germany, llelglnm, and llnllanil. The variety of these letters inuy bejudgrd from the ttot that they were written from Loudon, Liverpool, Ox ford, Windsor, Halifax, Htratfurd-opun-Avnn, Chester, I'arls, Harua, Lake Leinan, lladen B.ulen, lU-ldelherg, Wlesliadeo, On the lUillie, (Vibienta, Brnssets, Antwerp, the llBgue, and varioua other places ou tlief'ontluentorEurope. The work will be pohllNlied In one Inrue duo deetino vtdnine of over Hn ptiges, printed on the finest paper, and haudaomeiy bound In oloth. Price, Two Ihillara. Booksellera, new agents, canvassers, and all other, are solicited loonier at once what they may want of the above book, so that thelrorders canneniieti out ror tne nrst euinon. eftaureHt all order, wholesale and retail, to th publish not It. T. B. rETERSON A BROTHERS, 8U6 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. And they will receive Immediate attention. Ramnle conies of "Colonel Forney's Letter from Europe" will lie sent to any one: to any nlHee In udviiiN. tit ima Auv nf illblleAtliin. postage p&'d, on receipt uf the retail price of the sum, WANTED-AORtmandCAHVAiiaKna are want ed In every county, town, and village In the unueu ptuiies anil i anaiia, m, engnge in gelling np a list oi suuscriuere to me auove wura. i";-ir. $3,00 to r.oo TJEU DAY. AGENTS WANTED FUR TUB GOLDEN PEN. A BETTER PEN THAN GILLOTS FEN. Thme twite enll rnnMly wherever Intmclueed. to nil clHHHcenf ptMile. Are fully ecjiial to the nid ntn for eeie tinrl bfiiutr nf wrltiiist. Mrre flfitlile end dureMe then any etel pen ever mRiiHtncinrfHi. win noiporoiie. rpnu rur rain t box. Only 8ft cent, nr two iox for fill cent. lo. 1 for tTciiprnl use. No. 2 for Ijulffr. Hrhoola and noire penmanship. Hnnt free or pfmtat, money reiunuoa n iney no not aivo nH.iNitwiion, AdUrcw M. V. U.CoWKAV.lafuyette. Jud, The follow Inst In n enmnle of hnndredrt of let- ten trem part Ion who hit ve ordered these Pua. r ' i niiirris. i vi. July iiiii. inor, M V. P. fOWKN. lAfnvptte. hid. Drak Sir: 'hie Imx of No. I Dnn ordered bv mdiKiine ten dnye since has orrivel, and ! em so much tiiPAHHfi win. tliem mni I nnve ponciiuitMi toteke en Airenev for the r enle. so fnr. Ht Ifsnt tu toonler ttircf icross So. 1 end ne Krone No. jnr which i enclose your nriro to AbM-ih. au dreu Rkv. B. BIKO FBI KD, VI MBPlTillitCAir. 1 1 Warranted to Inst five times ne lone. And lve miierawi israei ion innn any siwm pon nienuieo- itirpti, rvenu ror circular or umiimoniHi rrom lofprtsors nf Hfhools and CoIIckos, and from prominent biirimew honrtea. M, V. C. 8;JK-)tm. DAINT8 FOH FARMERS AND OTHERS. The Ornfton Mlnernl Pnlnt Co. ere now mnnri. fwtnrlng the Ittmt, rhpnitest, nnd inont Ptirnhtr, Paint In uno: two coats well put on. mixed w'th rmre UnsefMl oil. will last 10 or 15 years It In of a, Ight brown or beautiful ohdrfrlut? color, and ran be eh an nod to areen. lead. ston. drah. olive or erenm, to suit t he taste of the nonHiimer. It la vaiuame lor iionsmt, iwrns, renrei, i;arrincfnnu f'ar-niHkvrs, I'Hllsand Woolel-warp, Aitrlcul taral Jmpleinints, ('anal Iponta. Wsst'ls and HhlpH Bottom s, (ianvas, IVlHn and Mlilnvle Kofifnf (it being rlrn nnd water proof,) Floor Oil Cloths, (one liianufnetnrer having used Hft) bhls. the paNtyearJ and naa paint for any purpone la nnHnrrneae( ftr IhhIv, durability, eliisffrlty. nnd adht'siveness. Price 8 per bbl. of JKHf 9n.t which win supply a Manner ioryears hi come, war ranted In all rases us nlxive. Bend for a circular which gives full particular!. None gen nine tin less branded hi a triuUt mark Ornfton Mineral paint. Addres lA?in:n MDWKiX. v;iH,'e7-4im w fenri mreei. sew ror a. EQAL NOTICE. J letters of admlnlstmtlon ttiroti the etafe of Tkmlol i iwona lulartf U'avnasiniM iloa' hav. Ing tieen granted to tlie nnderslgiied, nolloe la hereby given to all persona Indebted to said estate to make Iminellate payment, and those having claims against the some to present them property auuienucauKi foreeiiiameni. JalV. V r lPi.i.HKrjji, 0;lMt Adinlnlatrator. EG AL KOTICK, J Letters nf administration ueon the aetata of Elijah Chnreh, lato of Center township, dee'd., having lieen grnnteit: to the undersigned, notlre Is hereby given to all persons Indebted to aiald estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the name to present them properly authenticated for aettlement. ,4aiU) k, m liTi iv v j rvr., 6; 1 ft-fit Administrator. N O T I C E 1 Notice Is hereby given that the Rook accounts. Ac., of Minor A (.o. have been left with Himon maenart, justice m me reuce. in wnynesourg, for ixmrdiatk collection. All claims not pul.i by the 1st of tX,TOBER next, will be collected with cost. II. (.'LAY MINOIt, Administrator or Philip Minor, dec d. rJM DMIN I3TR ATOR'S NOTICE, letters of admlnlslrstlon havlngbeen granted to the undersigned npon the estate of Husannah Beeler, late of the borough nf Wnynesburg, dee'd., notice Is hereby given to all persons knowing themsclvea Indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment and those having claims npon said estate to present them proper ly sulheuUootod for settlement. ttlSfcSw Wsvneshnrg, Pit. Adm'r. B UH1NESS MAN'S COMMERCIAL COL LEGE. Not. I awdi St. Claib Srorrr, PlttUburgh, Pa. This Institution haa been In operation for a nom- ner or year, ana is eonauetea saeeeasmiiy oy an able corps of teacher, whose object I to make each pupil understand thoroughly vry branch ofa .!'. i -, ' i BUSINESS EDUCATION, t . t Brefart tbam Jor . .1 v. ,. '. . :' . : BUSINESS MEN! '. Book-keeplBg, Penmanship Bad Arithme tic, tume sBuraii.... Mi,.Min pMrnaashlB and Arlthrm. Me Saaoattis,.- i-"TK'" r. 60 Boslnsss esd Ornamental Panaianshlp pet month .. i N a Ooanoa Kngllsk Brwekea per month.-...-. M OS XiTPnoncn-aphy and Boslneaa Oorrespon- AR onr specimens arsaeled arlth a pea. A ftUleoorMcaa be completed la elaht week. fVwslresxBtrw 0 M.anAiTiSi, 8ritjVvrM; D AY ID E. FOUTX, 1 M; l A 1 . V It ' Jt . I I FOUYZ' I-. V etusiAn Era ail citi Pciut loiTiaaS tTm'til -. atllU aaVaal. Vvfltirs f a a3r, asns laaMral lm'm this ulaisl, task a TILL0V WA TER, HlATtt, co dam, piff LtTNS mis, 9UUi .r..A WsK vrwsss' wm. 1 n it i o ii" Tens, rouknta I V ., Loss or Appa, "v i ; ji-u TITK AHIIVITAIi RNKBOT, B. It ass laisrsvss as triad, lacrsasc to sppetil--glvt a ssissia glassy Bsanenas I nr. i , ,.,i,. n ailmbl ikristas lets s taVlseUag eaTsptiissf srsa. Tn asMsrs af Caws this mmmS. U I wImWI It laensssi th sbH and haprava ths asltiy V t. , . sf tasssllai Itass, . aaaa pravta ay - sst xprissBt te s lily of wiik sad ii rssss tesary asr esLaad auk la hattsi tna ass) tveei iBfcueelnf 'aiae, It gteap ttMrai aa appatHa, kMseas . auuue laaa sad, Is all IIhssss of 8vum, taA mOms, VlasrJBT th Langs, Liver, ., this srllcls sou ss s tpeeiss. By sultlax frost a nt-bslf s paper a a. . MM. in . Saml nt Mill IS. ahev disease wllleesrsdkialsd er enrlrHy prevened. If gtvra m thas, a i prevseure ana sor ssr aaa sasg vaoisr. . rrle Si Cents per laosr. vlTatmlaT tV t saaasw.sBg, ir AT THaTIB wntr4ii Ri Hrsmin irrT. So. 118 Pranklia St, Baltinore, XI' For Sals by Dragglat lad twistaari tkreagk ,.i snl th Oaitsd Sutss. , fit . i ii: 0. W. Roliert A Co., Aaanta, Wayneshnrg, Fa. ll;lil,'tt-ly . , . special atitw. Moffat's Life Pilis AHD PHfEKLX BlTTESSs'' J ' '! The lost SuecessM Xelletn In the World. .' '", : ':.'.,' ' Estahlishod la 1835 by out el our Host Eminent Physlolana, an4 now used thronghont North ana Sonth America, with more nleasraf results than any other Hedlclne lit eases of diseased Lfrer, Blood or Skin, . Indigestion, v CostlTeneats Billons Complaints, Bhenmatlan and Ferer and Agnes' . Thousands of certificates are la onr possession, giving detailed accounts of perfect CURES effected by these inTslnahle Medicines. They regulate the System and pat air the functions the bony in a healthy condition. - - Sold by all Druggiats. WhIU Rowland, Pnitta tors, luoceaaora ta Sc. foha KoSat and Dr. W. Js) Ko&t, Kav Tork. ' 3. 3CKr;;cr.T, in sr-isiMES. I'M I It'. ' -dPT'.rj.l. lbs a m tt matW pn.nfaj e.t n si a l', B-fV, Tj aersmplsk t:i .. ,r . ."r an i s .l mil I if- Ives we4 sag siv.'t'ia f:i el uji-'d . t, :'n ime .od, ivblett bv -h-- infll.a s.i r-;i, le aVised arperl, Md riKl H ror-t aii't. b ha tana? f Dm, sent u ;i-. ii.ll U'd MVS iU;KPIIJ. , c'c.i i.v-.!.? . i i.'i'.aa. or iniioiii ls; om. s .A. I- ne 11. ilu tVs iV-.'i l'i-i la east' nf 'in ''1 . - i. . -e..Mve b Joi.N. a m piiMUsii: Sl'BI'P n ontriatsu a. no. s-ineH'r ra. a.i-l. b tu-tl 'Uiallirsarume aa sll le.r it t ft sr s ed Tois Uis aiiem, aid rmwL srtii.l.'.ne sM a.sds Aa,ie!i wis sepal sll fHHrfbe. I ph Sn'S lll Is vr? HlMUisdk.B tna 10 i nvt 0.... iJo..-ir p :n 1 v-ir- ir (itciaiy at Ira'siata-s !.-. rs-tl, o 'liairarl'e 1. TaUS Ik p'i'a re ,".cii;b-. t.-iit ilv llvsrs'trt awnsca. If S-simi- t -r rh.v I - a ... ta a, ar, s.s eas ily tits; s-e net re,., oil, sareeitii i Arr. I.', a li .. s o ' ir , 1 ! r .. - .1. '.out he Kft B'-i h . ..-! ft-i ao-vj -nr. 1 1 six.-v .he Pa, mo., r A l..p u a.- 'i 1 .. v..r nf a p-rprrly an. 1 i- a..." r. S' at. t ati ,'ri v ,-s cowl p". 0.' - t ptr-vvt U lirs'it c: I. Vx.- s' cr.11 lis pawasa. hiii.hi s. pjaiHa, c s. Iircl.m.iaa isssi,sshi.aMka isaw an. .1. 1,1 ib.- ipvcl.te cra.aj (bt hi ar..u a SlU nrf .--I'. xli. 1 i vih -c . V'-nn. f ir, . I ; ; Mil c.i ; r;.-' VI lowplrtu assess, . By sMnttttaMiH sad dsaaslsg M MssMeh sad Matt , Jf- v aiaeh iiir""" '"" J' n.l '.'1 X attatt MPORTANT TO " " """ ,. , . ; . . r,U 1 :, .a ;, it -i ,. ;i 1 ' ' '.! "i at I .'. it- - ,i ; -inm BUILDERS and CONTEACTORSt J .'! ,.: '.ltd' I ' 'I - ,'' ! . 1 :i ' .' 7-: '1 I ! l-:l'l r. -c .- ) f.'ii .'' i'"' 1 j .! V. .!! WAYNE1BUIM, BTEAM PLANINfi 1 KILL. " ' .11 1 .1 ; 1 1 1 i. . 1 ."it .' '-'C' '-. y . . 1 ' 1 - ; I- .: 'It, t'n. A"l ' ' ': Tt give n nleaanre ta anTanranoa to the nnbl.'a the completion of tola work and Uireadlaea tt ; the proprietors to RECEIVE 1 0RDER 8 f - : ' ni :: ' r . . . ; ;I; V 1. ,.! ll-J : .-.! AND ' 1T i-e, !- -..I: ... ..i-i,. i.'i .nil i,- IH't ti.'ili a-!T: !"c"n f MAKE CO ITTJtA C T 81 ' . 7 ... :'! Tn -.i,1.V f' : ' ' The beat Improved machinery t need. Plaav Ing, Plonglilng and O moving, Basil and Doof t Making, pannemng. Hipping, ui.fiu.iius r. rapidly sad skilfully executed. - atttuaa trstaa paid for , . If . -. i jm'i tn -'J ' ALL KTNDS OT LTJMBrar 1. , , j.. . ; :-. t.T 1 a Thev I are slso prenatrsd to de all km-tCe-.''' 1 ter Work, wl nrk with the almost "-""- A utmost protapttisaa.aad la ,.: ) tn most snnstaniiai manner. ths meat snrs They rsapectfally Ctroosge, and flatter ail cases be able to sol tell a ttaare rjf wghttwl i-i a vnemeeiven anas uiay wut r -1 o: l , ; ,".v ' . .'? .'-v(i.-i Jo 301 ."'.'. OIVB ISfTIIUI BAXISF ACTIOS 1 Ml- J.,,, ;a ., ' : :, .' ..'a ! '.?r I- .1 si! loT'lli ,'i- AU order promptly attended to, ' i, : rt.I, I. ;! vr.s, mejsnw ii ..' .-, ",. t!: t j. i r. BBADEN, WAUQS aATBB ,i ....... . i J,M)i.: . !-H. itl'-UjV !' eSle-tt Wsvaatto-ifav I, . or a it- J.. . t .jT) I bad ,n WATunsBtmo lodoi, naijT Hall tn (Senear's rralldlnt, east Mala lreat. Waynsaburg. p, TUne, laeaday Bviaaiaa. m4 p ,.'1 ,.-1 .-r ..p. T ' ,.) f. i! r . s 1 1. ... i-rTi s "' ' i amSt.-rs1-'" 't li. Il.i'n'..lni 1 0m" lll -i .-ry JWV.