Newspaper Page Text
I itc 5' 'H3diiUhtiYgi Republican, cbnesbay,-.Ccccntbct I8CTV. J From Wnymwlmrg to Wuynrshurg nrrlvnl, wJln."- ",i departure, Wednemlaya, f r!";rC:I Sg'wil.nw Tree arrival. W edllwdaV. 11 departure,, '"Vrom Wellington Pa. to Wnvncsburi,, nrrlvnl dally "p. in-: (except H.indajvdcpariuro dully, UUil iii.. (except Holidays!. , , . . , ftoiu Ues Landing to WiiVncsburi., arrival dully p. m (except snti.lnn,).l.Mrtiri dully, ?r,i';vn1n,;,5i"'.-..o mernn, W V,,.. arrival Tm-wlnyi uti-i Ri.tnrdays, o, p. in., dopar lur. Imcliiyii nit.t Krl.liiyn, ,.. ...:.. U-.i-iiosliliriMn West Alexander, t ash. i-'o Pi... arrival, Saturdays, 7, p. m., departure, rFi!M"'w!Ivi"HWK to Morgantown. V Va., nrrlvnl, Woilnosduys, 5, p. lu., departure. Ihure. Vrnni Wnv'nosburg to Mlddlehournr, W. Va., arrival, Wednesdays, 6, p. in., departure, lues diiys, I, n.Jii. Nxw Aiwebtisemests. The attention of .... mailnn la uier-lnllv directed to the follow in advertisements, which appear for the first lime in our paicr to-uny. Register's Notice P. Brown. Valuable Pnte-D. & 1. Adams. Notice in Bankruptcy Otho Wade. Not ire in Hankiuiilcy Wenman Wade, tlrcat Bargains M. CL & H. Bell.l Tiik JIaii. CitioT. We publish the Vnnin the 8-cond tlmo on our IburtU page of to-.l.iy lor tbu benefit of those who think of liuikisii! proposal!!. The person making me jproposul must do so li the following form i PROPOSAL. Tho unuVrsl.-ihr.l . whose P"' mii,. address is . county of tat!of proposes to convey the mall oftlm United Stte, from July I, 18G9, to Tune ;io. Hi.', on route No. .between . rMt , under the advertisement of the I'Wmaster (tuiieral, dttcd October 81 Kii7, wilti "celerity, certainty, and security, f,M ikf) nnu:il sum of dollar. Tliistf roposal Is made with full knowledge of ll,i.,!i-d nice of tho route, the weight or the ,nv to he curried, and all oOier particulars In ii'iVmi"c to Hie routo anil Bervlce, and also !i,T raiclul examination of the laws and iu- tiimli'-rf s attached to the advertisement. !).,,, U (Signed ) This i r ios d must be accompanied by & cimi';intf''c of which the annexed Is a copy: The undeiM -noil, residing at , Stato of -( undertake that, if tho foregoing bid fir caJiyi"!! the mnil on route No be ac ,.,.iit, it hv the Postmaster Uen'l the bidder shall, pi: ,if to the 1st day or July, ISfiu, enter into tliejrwpiired obligation or contract to perform llis service proposed, with good and sufll x4tnt sure'.Ua. j This we do, understanding distinctly tho ' mbligations aad liabilities' assumed by giuran itoi a umler the J7th sict'.ou of the act of Con gress of July 2, 1:I0. Dated (Signed by two guarantees.) In addition to this a certificate from the Postm istcr, whero the guarantore reside, iiuust be appended. Tkis certificate Is as fol lows: .CERTIFICATE. Tho undersigned, postmaster at , Slate of , certifies, Usi:n ms Oath of lOiFii u, that he is ac(uainted with the above piiaranlors, and knows tliem to bu men of iroierty, mid nblo to make good their guar antees IVted , (Signed.) The nccei t nice or non acceptance of thefo proposals will be. announced on the 3Ntday r March. 1H. A Piioi-oMTios. It is well knonli tint our l; ofoniili Is something like twenty live lntr. :., 1 dollars In debt, and, as is now urged by K,;ui5 tallies with regard lo the national debt, is inclined to pay neither principal nor inter est. l!y tho salo of what is known as Hie "town commons," scvcnly live or a hundred acres of land in the limits a sulUeiently largo umi could be realized to pay the debt and lisve an overplus thai might he judiciously ex pended in sundry improvements about the tow n. Th' iand is mostly in position for ex cellent building sites and would bu rcadilj taken np at g'H)d prices. It has ceased to answer the purpose for which it was designed, having been willed to the piwr for pasturage by Isaac Slater when lie sola the land. The pasturage is now a plentiful yield of dog fen el. To accomplish this, the property-hol- .Qcrs must give unanimous consent or we must pray legislative action. We shall apeak of rtliis again. This will set you to thinkiug, fa vorably, wc hope. FaoM Dvxkarii. Correspendcnt "Ii," of the Piltsburgh Cnmmminl, wrl'cs as follows to that paper from Carmichaels, under date of Nov. 2?, IH(i7: Mining operations have been Mispcnded for some lime at the shaft of the Amber Gold Mining Company. It is rumor ed that gold beating quartz has bet n found, .prcuue ... mug oern r,.. u . y .uc men. inu snail is (-sjseii, sno u is uujnroiuiu ito get accurate information, as Ihe operators "Will not admit any one. The production ofoti still continues about the sninc. Mr. Robert Maple, the patriarcli, concluding that it is not well fur ru to be alone," has recently been united in the bands if wedlock to a widow lady of Morgantown, West Virginia. 'Jlr. Maple is f ir on tho "silver side" of eighty, nnd his partner is of very mature years. Though wo can hardly cx Trect "long life," yet wc unite with her friends in wishing "much happiness" to the proprie tor of "Maple Farm" and his bride. Whene'er I fake my walks abroad, how many poor, miserable Dyspeptic people I see, who would bo healthy, and rosy, and happy, ffthey took Plantation Bitters, that paragon iof preparations for giving tone to the atom ch, energy to the torpid Iker, a Joy tn the nervous system, and ttreDglb to Uie muscles. It is an admirable regenerator of nature' wasted or neglected functional power in tit her man or woman It gently excites and pleasantly soothes. With a bottle thereof, every man mar lie hit own physician? Magkoua Wate.A delightful toilet arti clesuperior to Cologne and at half the price; The robber Time, that steals the sweetness from fruits and flowers, is baffled by Plmlon's ''Night-Blooming Coreus " Its aroma U less perishable than that of foreign eitract, essence or toilet water, and incomparably more delight-flA,m-UrtjQrJ Cornier. Disckabok is BAiiKiurTCT. Albert Cul bertsoa -of Monongahela City, Washington county, whose liabilities amounted to near $200,000, and who Bled bis petition under the 'Bankrupt Law, July 3rd 1 807, received hit discharge from all debit, from the District Court of the U. 8., at Pittsburg, on the t9th of November. This is the first discharge grant ed lnthit Judicial Diitrict. Several other .eases are nearly ready for Anal action, among them that of Wm. 8. Calohan, of Washington county, whose petition was filed July.Slst 6S1, lUbllUiet liW,000. , ,- -t . CoWixo u Tows All Uie time. That rak ed coal frorn.X'n. Wuri Lis 6r Ltrfras Remaining in the Post Offlce at Waynesburg, Greene Co., Pa., Dee t, 1867 B-Miaa Sade Bell, Mis Bade E. Bell , Si' las Barucs, Ilugh Beeler, Ellzi Blackford, Miss Mary Bradford, Sarah Bradford1, Mrs- Elizabeth Bcily. C Edward Cage, Jane Clayton, David Crayne, Elizabeth Copenhaver, J. M. Cump on, Itev. O. Cummtni. D J. P. Duboit. i E Tillle Ely 3, Daniel Eirop. F J. 1) Fordvce. Q J. R. Gamble, Catherine Guthrie, J. M. Garrison, II D, E. 8. Hanna, Mrs. Lucrctla Hardin, Jacob ifogc. I Thus. lams (of Dennis), J Joseph Frank Johnson. L Mrs. M. Lucas, Wm. J. Lippencott, M 8. L. Mestrent 3, HitUt Bturf-y. O Ri-so O Hilen. P David P. 1'iatt, Bade Piatt, Daniel Pratt, Win. Pratt, Oliver Philips, T. J. I'orfe'r. K Capt C. D. llhodea, Elizabeth 'llyan 2, Wm. Binehart 2,Wm. Badel,Tliomai Hilehle. N. Reynold 8 Edward Smith 3, Miis Lettio A. Stoe- phcr, Hot. Daniel Sheffer, Miss Bamantlia Sloucking, Chuilcs B. Smith, Thomas Scott, Miss Elizabeth Smith. T Weslly ..Throckmorton. W Miss Fhobe A. Wood, Rev. E. F. Westfull, John Wood, Bntnttei Wert, (o' Wcst) Esq., Nancy Wright, Z Jacob Zollnrs 2, Rachel Zimmerman. Joatru Coox. P. M. iSr.mnn nm.i.s wcro heard on our streets for tho first time Monday Inst. Ten Mile was "skntablc" but a change of tcmpcraturo and fall of rain threatens to spoil all. That Biicttm. The panel of latticing still Is on the Court House roof. Who takes care of tho building 1 "Who owns that Court House ?" Tub rhiladelphh National Refreshment Saloons, where the soldiers from every part of the Union were fed during the Ute war were an honor to Philadelphia, and there is a pecu liar propriety in the circumstance that Phila delphia should inaugurate a plan for the en dowmentofa National Institute, where tliB orphans of theso same heroe) may havo a home and receive an cdocatlon. This 1 1 what the Trustees of the Riverside Jnstituto are aiming most successfully to accomplish. Act ing under the Charter of tho Washington Library Coiup diy, incorporated by tho State of Pennsylvania, they are offering stock at the low rates of ono dodar per share, and will givj to each subscriber a beautiful and valu able steel engraving, worth nt retail more than the price of tho BtosV, au 1 as an additional inducement will distribute among the stock holders, presents valued at ifDOO.OOO. In the distribution every one has an equal chance to obtain large pres. n s ; o ic Is worth !tV,000, another 9'o,OUO, Ac. Who can refuse to do and benevolent action on these terms. Dlcisiox Rkvkhskii. Tho long sllenco in regard to the Boot and hoe business has, per haps, induced our readers to dccldo that wc have no place in tho village whero such nv-i- chandise is kept and sold. We wish lo Cor rect the thought and to assure you that M. C. & II. Hell, have on Hands the very crtmtde fa eremt of all that is nico and serviceable In that lino. You will find their prices, and them ajfvea agreeable. Beo advertisement. TiiANKscnviNo was generally observed by the suspension of business. Dr. Miller de livered an excellent discourse In the forenoon at the Presbyterian Church. Tho day was un favorable for any kind of sport, hut our "fes tive cumcs" wound up in tiie evening with a big drunk. Such days are privcleged lo n grout extent, by some, which will account lor no arrests, even had it been possible to And a sober ofllcer. Coal DEi.irr.nKu. I will attend to orders for, and Infiiro the prompt delivery of choice coal from either the Camp Ground or Ten Mile Works. Large contract at reduced rites, Oko. 8, JiirrKiiv, Telcgrnpli OHlce. Noticr. The hooks and Notes of the late firm of Call, Roberts & Co.. nt Call s Mill, will be left in the hands ofjas. Call, Esq., on and after Saturday tho 7th lut., fur collec tion. Wk call espceiii notice to the advertise ment of Ihn Sale of Valuable property In town by the Executors of Robert Adams, dee'd, Mistakk. We inarc a tmnll mistake ofa chiusand dollars in noticing the purchase by R. W. Downey, Esq., of the Wilson property ""--trnfiouU Ulive been ,r, Instead of J.U5 M stated. Bhcisko. Mr. n. C. Sayers was thrown and fallen on by his horse Sr.nilav morning last, and severely bruised on the left sido and shoulder. Moral j don't rido on horsehack. Stu.i. i Motios And kept moving, choice coal at Ten Mile Works. The GnAXT An organization has been formed by the progressive spirits of our party and will meet Saturday evening next at the office of Esquire Rinehart. Come and bring your friend. Heavy work ahead calls forevcry man. AccjBKicr. We regret to loirn that Mr Isaac Bldille, of Carmichaels, - waa tcverely injured recently. lie missed hit footing step ping the sleepers in fie second story of the new church being erected there, and filling waa severely bruised. Wo bopo fur hit speedy recovery. Atlastio Moktiilt. Wo hive received this magazine for December. The number is fully equal tj any that wo have seen. We would advise our friends to subscribe for this popular magazine. Ticknor Fields, Pubs., Boston. 'OcaSonooLn.iv Visrroa" Certainly bears the palm of being not only the cheapest and best, but absolutely the handsomest of all the Periodicals fur the Young Folks, that we have seen. The Junuiry number tor I set, the first number of the twelfth volume, is already upon our table. It it beautifully printed, and emliellUhcd with quite a number of fine en gravings; lU list of contents is throughout, a rich feast of good tilings from tome of the best writers our country alfurds, and Ui whole it neatly bound in a tinted cover, printed in color. We advise all the boys and glrlt to aend at one for a sample copy, which will be tent. with full instructions about lubtcrlblng or forming clubs, for 10 cents, and ace what a bright, wide-awake, cheerful companion it would make for the coming winter evenings. PriceiT.Z'ayearor fl to clubs. Address, i. W. Daughaday & Co., Publishers, 421 Wal nut Street, Philadelphia, Fiu. Tii Morgantown rett taysj they are pay ing but tlx cents a pound fur fresh pork. Our butchers are charging twelve cents. Isn't It an cxtortloa? ' I ist of riiASD j i rums dii.ywn Fort j UKI'KMHKKTKIIM, 1I7. Unnlel .Mor.liKk, Ji-llcraon towimlilp. .Inlin nrewur, jncKson Arelilliulil tlrooms, Climlicrlnlid " Hubert .lliiiiU'riiiuii, Wuyllu " Asa Miller, liuiikiini, " JeHiiu drove, i.Vutre Joseph Mci'omiavk, Iiiiukarit " JfiHcpliint Morrl.H, lirceno John Moore, Franklin " Kills HiirrlMin.lvrrv " Daniel l-'owell, llunkard " I'ury Mix'k, Morris " Ahner lloe, OnCre. JiiHliixliiirurd, Mr., MnnonziiUola Zeniut .iolinsou (of Zuck.l Vustl. Win. Htoy, Marlon Morwlock Hllvlus, Wayne " riillllp Lynch, bnnkard " Abner Jolins, Jm-kwin " Dnwman Fuller, Wliltely " Huntllloil Mnlile, Wavne ' I.UIx.n Kinwell, llunkard " K. K Hook. Franklin " Ueorge C'owel, Dunkard M LI8T OF PETTIT JVROILS DRAWN FOR DK t'KMBKR TKHM, tW7. Ahner Htloem Jucksoif township Jaenli Hliifluirt, Kninkllll ' Martin Itlco, Jvin-rson Inane lluraon, ('iiinhtjrlnnt! 41 John Meek, I 'mitre " Itenjniiitn Rlc, litinkartl " Alfreil Htooiw, Wliltely " Henjaniin lltiM, Greeiiri ' Hlephttn Knlvlrt, Itlclihlll " Hlchurd Harfinoref Perry JeptUa Miwire, HIiriiiKlilll " Win. T. Wrbli, Marlon " Paiuucl llraiironl. Wliltelv " HI Kstle, lof Matdew) Jefferson " John R. Hell, Morgan " Jacob llrnilen, do " William i.'lnvia, (lllniorn " Wllllani Johns, Whltelv t" Jniues Jolllir, I nrinlcliicls Roroivjh Joxeph ( 'onner, perry Peter Hcwlt, CiiiulHrlnud ' Alinur llatileld, MonoiiKuliHlnj a lleowe lllimilllll, Itlclihlll, " Thomas sharpueck, Jelfi-rson " John McCoy, MontMiixalicIa " Ahner Korilyce, (Irccne " Wllllnm florclon.FrnnlclIrt " Haniuul ThotnpHon, lllclihlll ' Win. Knox.Oiriiiicluclg lloroiiKh, Hi'liry l.'ole, Wnyne M Jnmes H. Kordvce, Jr. Wliltely " William Curpenter, Wayne " Martin Motiluer, Marlon " Win. IjiiiU. Jr., Wnvno " Poliert t:arl, Itlclihlll . " iilratu II. rroe.i'nmberlanci " Aaron shnlhv, llunkard " Wllllant l.oiifrniui, Morris " Maxwell MH nrrol, Morris " Henry Johnson, Wavne " Noticks of 'Afnrrmnt ami Dmlhi instrtttl tret but all Trihutn of Jlfiptrt nsi UbUmries ch irgett tight tent a tine. J lie money man tit aiti ancta to statre their in.frrlion. HEWITT-MARTIN-Nov. 21st, 18(17, by Rev. J. 8 Gibson. Mr Adam Hewitt, Jr, end lliss llunmih Muriin, both ot Ureeue co., 1'a, ROBERTS MOORE On Tuesday, the 3rd Inst., by Dr. Sloan, .Mr. Ueo. W. Roberts and Miss "Muggie" 8 Moore, ho'h of our town. Tho very prescription as a druggist lie should have filled long ago. We hope it will prove ellicaciL'tis rind that Ills of the body nnd mind will ''know him no Moore forever.' CLUTTER-RESOUT-Nov. lPlh, 1807, hv Hev. II. If. Cn.'E. nt his resilience, Mr. C II. Clutter to Miss C, S. liebout, both of Greene co., Pa. MASTERS-COWELLOi; Bnpt. 1st, by Oreenherry Wade, Win. Mastirs fo Louisa Cowell, all ol'Orcetioco., Pa. HEADLEE DELANY On Sept. 8lll, by Ihe same, Joseph Headlee to Mary June Dt. luny, all of Ureeueco., Pa. WADE 3ANTEE On Sept. 23ih, by the - ime, .M irgau Waiie to Casnnder bautcc, all "lOrecno co., 1'n. WILDMAN COWELIj On Sept. by the s line, Win. Wilinuin to Miss DOtli, Irene Cowell, all of Greene co., Pa. FOIUIYCE-DAVIDSON-On the 31st, day of .Nov. 1807, nt Richmond Washington co.. Iowa, by tno U-v. Uasner, Mr, J, (i. For dyco formerly of Oreenu co.. Pa., igul Miss lane 1). Davidson, formetlv of Venango co., I'a. Long may thii Union be preterm! is tile best wishes of. A. L. M. Ittiulutjs. WAYFS1H HU .MARKET. Wavskshciio, Dec. 2, IR97. Corrected Weekly for the IIki'I'iimuax. PHODl'CK. nutter (fresh roll,) p"' F-Kgs dos Potatoes fl tiush Laril fill. Tallow fl lb Country Moap i lb Dried Apples lb H Vi 20 . i Mil r I" 12' 7i FLOUR AND (llt.M.V. Flonrflihl Wheat i Imsli live T hiisli 1.1 Oil 2 40 1 i1. Corn V bush Com : Sleal y hnsh OHOCEItHX. Cone y lb Tea v lb Ilrown simnr V lb Itodneil stiuar ) lb Syrupy gal Molasses ( V. Orleans,) Sorghum y gal Salt V" bid Uicei lb l 8.v-2 on i.i Ji m 1 ) 1 no 3 T.'i AIXKUHKSY ATTI.K MAR HIT. The Pittsburgh Commercl il, of Thursday, November 28, 1 8B7, a.iys tho cattle mnrket was not a very actlvo ono. There was but litllo animation manifested among dealers. Tho sales, however, woro larger thin the previous wsck, whilst tho extreme prices were a slrvlo higher than last week. The weather being warm for the season, together with a good deal of country dressed meat coming in, had no doubt something to do with operation JJe current rates wero: Prime retailing cattle V 00.37 62 V cwt.j fair to medium, $i5 00 1( SO; common, fi3 50ijt 30 V cwt. Hogs the market was dull. The sales wcro restricted at a decline la prices of 25c per hundred. PITrHIU'RUlI M.tltKF.TN. JIosnAV, Dec. 2, 1887. The markets have been very dull during the past week, and at the closo there was no sign of any amondirtont. Prices of most articles nro unsettled and generally a trifle lower than they wero one week ago. ' We quote as follows, which are the wholftialo store prices, unl.u otherwise noted : Olt.MN- AN'D KLOUR. Wheat, Penn'a. and Ohio, Winter Ucd I-' AY2 2 30 live y bush ....... . 1 M,l ft) OHtsyhnsh ..- - ttixilttc Cornf bush H ... r;Tic Hurlns Wheat Flour.......... . 10 iVo-ill T.i Winter Wheat.- - 14 0m.fljlW PUOVIrllOXK. Shoulders Hugar Cured Hams Ijird Potatoes, 7 busli... Apples 1 bhl...H . ( 'lietio w............ Kggs dos w Hullcr Dressed Hogs, Hc 13M1I tSVn.1 ll 2 iw-1 "fl IK'JIs av.i.w 79 VIIICAUO HABKCT. Chicago, Nov. SO. Dressed Hogs In good de mand, hod 2V3.KIC higher, at 77. si ; live active al yesterday's nrlvnnce. Beef Cattle quiet, at su,jii ror nrsi quumy tiuppiug. ' SEWTOBKMTGOODa, New Yok. Deeemtar H Prices nro steady. As goods generally are pretty low, there la no particular cnange to ooserve. Thus are throe aorta of folkt in the world yet, four. Those who know one thing ; those Wlio know eviirylhlng : those who kcow nolh lai, and those who glory in it. The first are Uie hobby riders the one i lea menithe second ara the quacks ; the third aro the unbelievers' in (be second and the fourth are unalloyed foolt twenty-two carata fine.- Ittfetrttaiwuu. M EDIt'AL. Vll. WHITTLESY. lUL r. WIIITTI.KrtY. Physician for C'hrnnlr litai'iises haa a iKTiiinncnt olllce In WtkliliiKtoli, Pennsylvania, where he tins l"n rnvHKed lor the naiit twelve years In ' succenaful treutinent of all DISEASES OF A CHRONIC NATURE. The Doctor might present a volume of eortlfl rntif ciiren, complimentary notices 4c. but th most sntlslnciory icsiin .Miu.. ... -" the pulille lu a trial of hU skill. 1. Vt . devotes exclusive aflentlon to chronic Ailments, In .i,i,.i, hi. nrHcilcc ha bwn uniformly succewi- fnl ellectlim lures III many discs that have baffled all other systems oi inmimviii. t'nrnlysis. Rheumatism, Bronchitis, Catanah, 1'eaineKS, iusciivwoi u-"i' - - Heart, Liver, llowels. Kidneys, l.unga, Kcmalo IUseiw, Ui'iieral IJelill lty, c.,4c, Are all promptly and permanently eured by the iioetor s system of treatment. InirliiKt ie. past fuw years, the Doctor nan renlstered liiindreilsof cur to which he will be pleased to givo those references who may cull uhiii lilm. Ilu invites nil anileted with any form of Vhronlo dinenso and having failed toobuiln relief, to GIVE HIS MEDICINES A TRIAL. His principal agents are selected entirely from the Veireuible KiiiKdom, and theso are so ram blnel as to equalize tho vital forces of the body and thereby restore it to perfect health. Ihe Doctor has been especially successful In the treatment of all FEMALE DISEASES. iv-.., i,v M, i.ore full victims to mntndles ne- Cllllar to their sex, meliy of wlinin lulght.lHl saved from lives of wretcheilnessaud proinatura Ei nvcs lv applying in time to lir. V. The rem edies eniplovcd In the practice of Ilr. W. are manufactured exclusively by lilm from disown Medical Laboratory and .ire always pure In ooalltv nnd spcclrtc In effect. Dr. , dlniinosos disease by menus of the t rine, tho only Infalli ble test ofillscase, never fulling to discover Its nature, locality and curability, thus enabling liti.i to employ u RATIONAL B(.Jj?V'yC1'NA.NU tL'KATIVE Of the olisnlutc certainty of his mndo of dtagno sos he can sallsfy every pntlont who give him n trial from the urine alone he will tell acenrnte Iv nil Hint can he known of any disease. In the c'xaiiilliatloliof this secretion, ho employs optl enl chemical and microscopical tnsts, no case being presented In which one ol these tests Is not siilllelent to nn nccurnte diagnoses. The Doctor .Iocs not claim to be a "cure, nil," nor yet "the right arm of the Almighty stretched forth i..u ,v.. ill u-nrlil from nreiiiKtiire dlssolullon." ' Out ho does jirofjss froiiisclentlllc actilreuieuts nuu YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, Devoted exclusively lo the treatment of chronic Ills, with his Infallible teslsof disease., to be aide to red' eve and permanently euro nil those coses wi.'eh mo nut al ready beyond the r nch of rein ed lu. OFFICE CORNER OF MAIN & CHESTNUT STS., OPPOSITE TIIK MANSON ltOl'HK WAflHNOTOK, PA. CONSL"LTATt(iN3 F It K V. AND CONFIDENTIAL, gjl-tf. F. WHITTLKSY. E. M. SAVERS, ATTOUXtV AND COttSSKLLOR AT LAW. Innddlllon toother business will nttend to nil cases in llankniptcy that may ho entrusted to his care, onlee, opposite Drug Storoof O. W. ltol erts ifc Co. gTRAYEDI Came to the premises of the subscriber, on tho Mat or last in. mill, n DCN COW I wide, slim horns no ear marks, seven yenrs old. The owner will please cnine forward nt once, pay plinrges and take her away, otherwise aim will besold asanostray. JOHN K 1 1 A KW, Dent P. O., Oreeno Co., Pa. 1127-lw T O. OF O. F. vVAYXF.SBTIlQ ENCAMPMENT, NO. ltd. liail ill i mm-lir H omnium, ntni ..nun nun-,, Wiiviii.shiii-ir. Pn. First and seeolld Friday's of eaefi nionfu. dli, T HIE WOULD RENOWNED Si NO Ell ' HEWING MACHINE. OUU NEW FAMILY MACHINE, Hits licen over Iwovears 111 nrennratlon. which has been brouirht to iMTleotloii reKnrdlws of time, InlKir or expense, nnd'ts now confident ly pnenieii loinepiiniie ns lncoinparnuiy inc tic! M4-wnnr Machine in exlsu?nce. The Mnclunc in ouestioals simnle. compact. durable and iMiutifol. It is itiilet, light running nnd enpiible of performing a range unit vtiriete 01 word never oclore uileinuiii up .Machine using either Hlllt, Twist, Linen or Col- ten Thread, and sowing Willi Hiuil facility the very llliosl alio eisirscsi imuerisis.nnnniiyinini del win the two extremes, in Ihe most henutiftt nnd substantial manner1. Its nttiiehincnts for Hemming, Braiding, Cording, Tucking, ouilt Ing, Kelllng, Trimming, Himling. etc., are Novel nnd Pnu'ilcal. nnd hnve been Invented and ad- JilMtcl tsitMH-hilly for this Machine. m'T ticsigns 01 me unntue, usi'iui hiiu puiium. folding tons and cabinet ctisea peculiar to the .Ma'dilni-s mnnufnetm-cd by this Conipnny have liecn prepnnt tor enclosing tho new Aiacuince. Tlt.iM nro irntln lin In Pi'tTV VfirlctV of WOOll. such as Black Walnut, Mahogany, Rosewood, nnd tho llli,. nnil from the tilnllu-st to tlio most elnlmrato pattern nnd tin I ill the Machines more nt leH hiutilv ornamellt- cl, to correspond with the Tables r Cabinets for which they are Intended. A few reasons why HISUF.P.'S Infest Improv- edHKWIXd MACIUNMars the best for am- 1st. You can sewanything from the finest sin gle tlitckni-ss of Swiss or Nnnsook to several thicknesses of the heaviest Hoover clolli, using any kind or slue of thread with equal facility, from No. an) Cottoa up to tho heaviest paU'at or Linen thread. .1 i. .!..- simifflil nemlte. easily set. and'niakes Uie popular Lock Stitch alike on both sines. 'a.1 ft lina nn even sir.Ai1llttlnff tension Which reii!lresnoehnnge f r different thicknesses of material or ditrerentsli't of thread. 4th. It Is free from all springs, wires and oilier eomidleatlona, and Is almost noiseless h. No threads to hold or wheel to turn In "'Ithl'lt does not hava to be taken apart to oil ""ill". Tt hnn perfect feeil whereby yotrenw sew thellnest iiiiiterlnlswIihiHit hnvlnit to kcopyonr work strefche.1 to prevent Its "puckering n you never have to assist Hie work through as In all other mschincs, ath. It will hem any width, eew a stralUlit ram, or make a ell in the most perfect innnner, with less skill than Is required to sew a straight aenm on any other machine. Its i.tMchmenu for Braiding, Oordlng, Quill ing, Binding, Tucking, c, are novel and prac tieal, and requlM bntlltUe skill to use them. Careful Instructions given at the house of the pnn-haser. " Money refunded If the machines an not as lprptssPiitvd - . Every machine warranted and kept In repair three yoai. without charge. Agent for Oreene Cognty.. Wsynesburv Pa irVtt' ,-iRANK McGURQAN ANNOUNCES HIM8KLF AS A CANlJlDATE FOR THE PATRONAGE OF TrtE PEOPLE IN THE llfHINEMd OF HEIXINU URY OOODS. (. flOOit OPPORITE THE GREENE HOUSE, , WAVNEsnuno, pa. 1o has Inst received and Is now offcrlnf for sale l the lowest prices, the fluest stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever before offered In this market, consisting la jiart, of Fall and Winlor Clothing FOR MEN AND BOYS! A very large stork that ennnot be excelled ; also, a very superior aMortmenl of LADIES' OOODS, Of all kinds, consisting In part, ff New Dress and Cliwk Trimmings, Velvet Ribbons every width and shade ; Hull as and silks, latest styles; BUGLE TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS 1 Rruih, rionnet. Neck and Trimming Ribbons; IM-es real point, Applque and Valencia, llunilkerrhlcra Ijice, Embroidered, Hem stitched and Plain. Hamburg work a Alio as sortment. JET AND UOQWOOD JEWELRY. A large assortment of Kid Oloves first quality lor lauies anu gentlemen. bTRAW, VELVET AND PLUSH nATS t nonuets amt Bonnet Frames: Bonnet orna. munts and flowers, both French and American; toacther with any and all articles in use by In dies. Ask for anything you want and we can supply you. Also a nne assortment or CARPETS AND WALL PAPER of varlnns kinds and patterns, all of which will u soiu cheap as uie cneapesi. ll:13-tf. FRANK McOURHAN. gOMETHINU NEW I MIW. K. B. BATKIW it IIOHKINSOM Have Just arrived from tho Fjiat with a large assortment offorulgu auddomostio DRY GOODS, FALL AND WINTER STYLES I whlohthoy propose to sell at the lowest t'ARfl prices I suclias Dress Oootls, Dress Trlm jning, Dress Buttons, iJidlea Hhnwls, HiKits nnd Shoes, Hals and Caps; also a great variety of nlceartlcles, at very low prices for GENTLEMEN AND LADIES' WEAR, Wares of all kinds, and acomplete variety nt llm best OltOCKItlKS. Allnf which they propose to sell nt the very lowest nirurcs, ocpeuoing on uie ig or quality end cheapness of their goods to gain litem i.n-iloin. (live them a call before pnrcbnslng elsewhere, aiidthev will provo that the above Is correct. Iloom lit Allison s bulldhfg, nearly opposite the Court House, YvaynesDurg. I;., oeu J E A D AND KNOW- QUICK SALES AND SHORT PROFITS I IMMKNHK STOCK OP FIIFXTI anoCEItllW AND PROVIHIONS Constantly arriving at tho Store of JOHN MUNNELL, WAYNEsnuno, pa. Consisting, In part, of unofKnifx CON FTCTIOX A III KH, TOBACCO. HEClArtH, HNITF. CHACKKIW, CIIKKJS!, MOI.AHHKH, CARBON Oil,, nun, BACON, Ac, Ac, Ac, -O- In addition to the above, a full stock of NOTIONS, HARDWARE, SPECTACLES, POCKET KNIVES . and thousands of other articles, which aro be ing sold as low as the TIMES WILL PERMIT! C O M E AND II U Y. JOUX MCNNKI.L lbntf. M UK DERI "ovrn tub brjT." Majority of those who rem I newspapers, neVef even given hasty glance at a business advertise mrai anu 11 s MAN Actually has a choice variety of goods which he is selling ex the VERY I)WEnT prices that can bo afforded, It hardly pays him to publish tne met. i uoreiore we nsve FOUND ri het taslmnlr Invite evervbodv tn rail and examltm our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere, anu any out nine in regara 10 our ability and determination to make It advanta geous to inoee wno sre nv. . DEAD Totheirown intprrrt tobny tht'C'iCT.illrTi. Katt, lUUAuuv, uroceriea nu every luing IN theOroeervlineo. It. A. Itlnchart, in Ledwlth'g old building, opposite the publlc-vjiinre, WAYNESBURG, A FRESH SlPPLY . J trS'f' ft EC EIVED AND FOU BALE AT TIIE LOW 10,10-tf. E S T V HI C X 8 I. O. OF O. T. nOBBIUKA LODGE, NO. Ms. TTall In Oanrar't Bnlldlng, East Mulrl Street, Waynesbura, Pa. TlmevTnundsy evening, each week,- 4h. (Sift (Bnttrprisif. rnliB WASHINGTON LLQHAR7, COM- PlflLADELPII I. A, IB CHARTERED BY THE BTATE OF PKNN- ;8YI,VANIA, AND ORGANISED IN AID OP Tn E RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, FOB BDUCATIMQ OHATUITOUBI-T SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' 0RPHAN8, Incorporated by the Stato of Now Jeraoy, APRIL ith.lXT. SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. of their charter, and In accordance with Its pro- - visions, win uisiriuuia TURER HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR ' IX FMBSKVTS) TO THE SHAREHOLDERS, On WEDNESDAY, 8tU of JANUARY, next, AT PHILADELPHIA, PA., Or at the Institute, Mvertide, JV. . One Present, worth , M.ooe M.OOO One Present, worth... im lie Present, worth 10.000 One Present, worth e.OOO Two Presents, worth JViUMsch 8,000 One Present, vnlticil nt 18,000 Two Presents, viilunlnl I15J0U each , SU.000 Une rreseni, vnuusini . w.ww K-mir Prments. at M.OUOanch . H0.000 Two Preseiits, valued at Wn each . ,0W) There presents, valued at Jl.OiXieach 8,000 Twentv Presents, valued nt . aaoli . 10.000 Ten Presents, valiUHl at ?.' ench 8,000 Three rresenis vaiuen in v iiu cm-n. 7oO 4.VJ0 11,000 8,7M 11,000 1,300 AW Twenty Presents, valued nt KJ6 each Fifty-nvo Presents, valued nt 82.0HO each Fifty ITesenls, valued nt 805 each 110 presents, vnlued at f I0U each Twenty Presents, vnlued at 875 each Ten Presents, valued at tan iwh The remaining presents consists of aril clcs of use and value, appertaining to the diffusion of Literature and tho lino Arts ....'. 82,000 Total, MOO.OOO fjich Cortlfloato of steek Is Accompanied with a BEAUTIFUL STEEL-PLATE ENGRAVING WOllTH MORE AT RKTAIL THAN TIIK COST OF CF.UT1FICATE, And also Insures to holder PRESENT IN THE GREAT I)ITRIUUTKW. SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. Ann nersnn send I nor us ONE DOLLAR. ornsT- Ing the same to our local Agents, will receive linmedlntely a Fine rteel-Pfla choice from the following list, and One Certln. eate of xtocK, insuring ono present OltF.AT rjISTItlUCTION. ONE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No. l-"Mv Child I My Child!" "No. - "They're Waved I They're Baved I" No. S-"01d Heventy-slx ; or, the Karly Days of tho llavoln lion," Anvncrson raying "ttro dollars" will eeelva either of the following Fine Kteel-Platea, at choice, nnd Two Certlllcntoa of Block, thus W Comlugentltleu to two rresenis. TWO DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS'. v lWnKliln0tnn's f'nurtshln." NO. "Washington's last Interview with his Mother." THREE DOLLAfl ENGRAVINGS. Anv nersnn unvlntf "Three Dollars" will re. eolve the llruutlrul Btcel Platoof "IIOMF. FROM TIIK WAR." and Tbreo Ccrtlflcntea of Block, becoming e. titled to inreo presents, FOUR DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Anv person paying "Four Dollars" shall re ceive the largo ami spienoiu isicei riaie 01 ."THE PF.RIIJHOF OUR FOUEFATIIERS," and Four Certlfleatea of fctock, entitling them to Four Frosenis, FIVE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Anv ncrsnns who nnv "Five Dollars." shall receive me large anu sjuenuiu nieei i-inie 01 "TIIE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS," and Five Certificates of Htoek, entitling them to Five Presents, The F.miravlnirs and Certificates will be deliv ered to to each subscriber at our local Agencies, or sent by mall, post paid, or express, na may be oruereu. nOW TO OBTAIN SHAKES AND EN GRAVINGS. Bend orders tnus hv mall, enclosing from II In M0, either by Post Office orders, or in a regis tered letter, nt our risk. larger amounts should Ihj sent by 11 rait or express. 10 shares with Engravings lift shares with Kngrnvlngs fiO shares with Engravings 75 shares with Kngrnvlngs 1(10 shores with Engravings..... . I .VI .... 2 M .... 40 SO so on 00 00 Tioral Agents Wanted throughout the United Htnlrs. THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, HI I mite nt Riverside, nnrllngfon- County, New jurwv is miinneii lor 1110 ourTjmo or znti iu onsly eilucating the sons of di ceased Muldora and Hcainen ol the I nlKxl Mist 's. Tltt. llmtrrl tit Tnistrn'S consists of the follow ing well-known cltlteiis of Pennsylvania and ew Jersey : Hon, WM. It. MANN, District Attorney. Plillndelahln. Pa, Hon. LEWW K. BKiHiMALL, Ex-:hlef Col rief IT, H. Mint, nnd Recorder of Deeils, Phlla. Pa. Hon. JAM. M. HCOVEL, New Jersey. Hon. W. W. WARE, Newilerscy. HENRY OORMAN. Es. Auent Adnins' Exuress. Phils. Pa-. J. E. COE, Esq., Of Joy, Coe Co., Phllndelphui, TnttAHirRT DrrAIITJtKWT. WAIWTrfflTOS. D. C. Anrii is. 1SH7. Offlce of Internal Revenue : HaV' Ing received satisfactory, evidence that the pro cedes of the enterprise conducted by tho Wash ington Library Com pnny wilt bedevoted to char itable uses, permission Is hereby gran ted to said ( omtmiiyto conduct such enterprise, exempt from all charge, wlwithea from spec In 1 tax or v 4 tirirrivs-CAiiiMaulniiM mm! uui;. n ... w,........v mo Association nas-o ovpo.nieri ws nncm.niii, Messrs. Oeo, A. Cooke A Co.. .13 Hoilth Third . . . . . , 1 i . . 11 HiM.1 lbiloilelnhl&. wiinsa well known Integ rity and buslnessexperleiico will be asufBclent guaraidee tha' the money entrusted to Uiero will be promptly applied to Ui purpose stated. ' ! Paii.agri.PHiA, May 30. MOT. "To the Ofllcers ana Members of the Washing ton Library l'mpaay."J - . 1. H.RJJAD.tiecrotiiry - Oenliemi n:-On receipt nfyoar BiVor ofthalu, InsU, notifying us of our appointment as Re ceivers for your Company, we took tho liberty 10 nn limn s eotJ 01 yvur vnnnr, vim b pins of your enterprise to eminent legal anthortty, and havtapi reosrveii his nrrorable opinion In regard to its legality, and sympathizing wftb the beaevolenl ebjaet of yoof Assoelntloa, vis: the Mtucation and maintenance of the orphan children of our soldiers and sailors of the Riv erside Instnute, we liave ooclnded to aceeat the trust, and to Bsc oar best efforts to promote so worthy an oajeet, ,. . 1 .. Respectfully yoors. e - .c--i-'. Gf!o. A. COOKE CO. Addresss all letters s-.ulorilera to GEO, A, (.TOKK CO.; HAKKKW. W Mouth Thkd.Hlreot, Phlla. IV Ilcrnlvers for the wualtlagtoa Library Com. lhl-Wo ssi-i nsssM QROVESTEEirS PIANClrt .' rS-r.r.:-.' ,r-'rv '- a . I GROVESTEEN'S PIANOS, . ; , GRpVEStEEN' 'iPiANO, ''-" ' ' i - ' ' 499 BronJwjr, New York, ' ' .'.1 i ", . , . -.-..,' 409 Broadway, New York, ... Broadway New York,' :.; Are unrlvalleil tit DDBAniLrrr. Powan and EvEiiKEM or ro.'sa. They are bat becoming the favorite over all others, with Musicians, A ma Urn rs,' and all lovers of GOOD M0HIC. They are warranted In every respect.' Pries one-third iower than other flrst-clasa makers. Henri for Circular. OKOVH8TKEN CO.. .3-ainb- Uroulway,N. T.' - .r I ' ' sfHS WAYNERBURO BtWHJCAil' JOB rsiNTINO ESTABLIftH MENT, , s &yV 'Building, Ead tj IU toM W A XJTS8 B (Jti Of f A. PAMPHLETS, VROORAMMES, BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, POWERS', BLANK, LABELS, NEATLY EXBJCUTED WK HAVE- NOW A ft BEAT VAJHETY OF MATERIAL! And a more coin pie stock r PA PER, C A R D 8, Than any esUblisVmetrt vrithUa the" Bavtti o(r tmr Dasnicea vim, AND WE ARE PREPAftfX To execufe tfftty d'eserljH'lbn GE P RINtt N 6i SIVLE OF NEATNESS ANtf E A U T Y r r B1CIT CANNO'I BE SURPASSED1 ANYWBEtW, We' employ the moat trnupetent 'prlrrfe,- anil' propom to MEET EVERY ORDER t wWct( ate" rWowai rh SHORTEST TI3IE POSSIBLE I IN THE MOAT BATISFA'CTOKT HAimtii i ParrlcSiaf' attention gtvea to F'iHU iULE WORKt i , - ; . ..- ., , , ... . ! CERTIFICATES 1.; . .. . -. ' CHECKS tfCy -.TERMS REASON ABLE I,- iti na tsura m call a golag etsawbarw. tjiS. B. BAYKRH, HsM . Wayeort, IV.