Newspaper Page Text
'he S3agnebur0 : epubUcau, USebnea. December. 4, i0T. detect gcading. ttlothiii0. Agrafe Wanted, m w. 11033, a. musician ASD SllOSOg. Offlee 1 1 Jewell's building, West end of Main Ht. Wayne burn. i;l:'n-tf. O LA Lt'H ODE.NUAl'GH, IJ liKALBR lit DllCOS ASD XKDIClXltl, t, t. , . . Lienors and everything pertaining to a first elu-i. Drag 8lore. Prescriptions carefully com "(.'lelgh's Old Bland," Wavnesburg Va. &My. QEO. 8. JEFFKy, NOTARY PUBLIC. All business pertaining to the office attended to pro nptly. OlhVe with P. A A, lVUr.b Co,, twit ul. th Court Rome. T ,-Ntf jlHST NATIONAL BANK, Or WAYKESBl'IQ. iwnrvr hay TPFitDAYs. 1. Koskh. Prea't. J. c. Klk.inikk.i, Cashier. Mity 1M; 'tW-ly. 1 A. BALL, X ' 'i '. ' ". Dealer In Dry Goods, araeerlea, Hardware, to., eio. AT McCOY'8 OLD STAND, y;S-ly. Greensboro, Pa. LWHpAY, DEALER IS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Wall rnper. Window Paper, Ac. Sunday School Ifooknoi nil kinds constantly on hand, room In Mitt. Hush's building, formerly occupied by Cot-ten-II A Taylor, Wuyuesburg, Pa. May 1), 'ile-ly.. M. BAU.KV, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, MIIS STRLl.T, OlM'OalTE COURT UOt'SR. , , Keeps on bond always echoic, and select as toninent of Watches" and Jewelry. Repairing done ut the loweitt rates. -I;l:'ti7-ly. IjUIE MOXONUAHELA HOUSE, RUE'S LANIIINO, ORKKSK COL'XTr, PA., OLIVER tfc BAYAHD, PROPRIETORS, Tin- best accommodations furnished the trnvel Luputilic. House fiml nppiirtftinncvs illltleli.. Tii'ile always spread iKtiiutiuilly with the delica cies ol' thtt season. IIii.h fyr biro; feed nnd Htablitigat reasonable mtc. tl;JU-tf. w 31. T. W'EHB, JR., SADDLE AND II AltNKSS MAKBI, (IN WILSON'S 1JU1LDIN0, MAIN ST.) , Rvlllei, Iiriilli'H, ITiirih-sH kpt on haml nii'l mu'ti to ontrr, Wiak ilniic in the best Hlyli, und ut Pi'iisiuiuM.' ratt'H. n'-li'airiti'i n sjMH'Inllly oiiHhort notc, KuriiHT 1'rlviiH.s kii IimiU u( fN 4;JI-ly. ) ENT1STHY. hitvt' locntetl In Wtivntuhnrtr. nitd sm nccu- pyliiK lilt- Ititf I'fMltlt-itfctit lr. s. s. 1'ittlttii. Ilitv lii't litUt n pr.lns to brcttmi' tltoroiixlily ntt tltiumi.t'.l wt'.h ifttb tlitt tlifory itml pnu'llce of P 'ttlisl t''. nntl Imvinu bail nil i-xn ricni'i.fil'KcVfii yriirs In lilt' pi'-thsloii, I ft-fl wiii-l-itntt'il in miy int; t'ml niy iticiits shitll titt'titiiiisi-tofoni-pl.iiuol iHl'i'i'lnt'tiiMTjillons. I'ixll'ttftlon will III! lvtiflfivil i'ii n ;ist, whfii ili'Mlrt'il, by tiitt tttlniin If Irution 't( "I,niliinu txus ' iirothfritiifsllH'tlfi. t'liiiii;. i i.tiltti' opnrntliiiitt witrrnntril ns ri!)(-.'w 'ittril. 1 will l'-nt borne wiTintrx VKit AbVKN'n UK front the lll'ltti'iilh totlic thirtti'tll of every moiitli. ' JIM. S. KKltTlU. il;l',t-lf AKULE WOUKS, SUMMU'RSGILL'A BRO. (JEWELL'S OLD STAND, ITI'KU l.KC Of TOWN.) The public are respict fully Inftirnieil Ihnt Smn int r:-t?iH Hro. have Jttht received a large btockot' all kinds of MARBLE WORK! Knch an fimve Sfono, Mtinunioniit, Miinllc ovli,f. We nre prepiired to ftirnbtli work at rciiNoivililc Iitiiih on Hbort notice. 4 1 1 nntl e nniliiit our NltM-k, styles, and prices, before pur chasing elsewhere. .S-ll. 8 Jrl; K.tlAiN UOl'SK, JL'ST 01'tNl.D ny THOMAS BRADLEY. Pn.--!tlvcly lite rittv.t cot iplete Dote! In our town. Kvervlliiiu; ct tlnlttiie'l ! furnisli lltehcsi tici-oiu-Dltsli'it ion ever yd oll'ert'tl it i the pt:blle. .Merits ftirn.klit'tl ut nil lioiirs, luble providetl Willi tl;.' besl of Ihesenson. Tritvellers ttuil lllose desintus of rofreshment will tlti well toentl. "'allll relnlns bis old repiitMtionofitn nei'tinnii itl;itlnfrelitleiiiitn,nn.l ho-tpitnltle l!in;li-trl. House, l!ie one loniterly oceltp.ed by liw ".Messenger Olllee, o;1!: tw-ly. TOilN Ii: l!OFr'MN,1 ' " ' MOtlO.VNTOWN, WtST VIRGINIA. ATT011SEY FOR COLLECT! XG PENSIONS, BOUSril.S, ARIttiABS OE PAY, and all Military claims. ITiivInglmd 17 vnrsoxpprisMirin proscfiitlnK , BMt-lwin iMt, I )nvo hivunip fiiiiitliur with the VHrlou1 liwsiin'l the lurm tunount of roi-onl 1 rvldcii'!' in niy wi;Meslon I'linhlcs nift'itt1 vt'ry I HticcosfiAi) in proMv'ntiuumiH'nr1t't lnijns, tintt t In in tm X- insfuni-ps hnve provort n'M5Hnil whn ( tht'claiutitiit lii lonit fivn them up In lcMfiir. I 'o inul lor how itillt-uit th cliUin ho il iitjust. 8;--iy. p015KHT i)()UUlTliUTY i-AUKIAMi: MA'.'CPArTL'RtlR, WATNKSnCHO, PA. Rp.-ftfti!lyKi nntlno thftt ho hni Inratoil in W.iyiif -mu r'i;, I-., Avlu'ro he Ip.tcmli to manu f.u:tni'o CARRIAGES Oi ovirr uWriptlon. Fmn Mix rxrMTlrncf tn tlifhu an. vj lu- f.'t-N roiifttlfiit that hi work, in fityl, linii-h iiini ilunihiliiy, will uive fill Ire sni- i istuctioii. It In hiH .loti'riniiifitiou to purclmMi-1 tin hi'st iniiicrtal In murket, antl employ none I but pomiM'tent workmen. j w".ll work Wftrrantnlforon' ypftr."ft I AYNKSBUHG MMU1LE AND sTON'E , -VW 0 R K H i - ! SAYIJRS it RIXEIIART. hiill CTiiirinno to Mrry ort tin Mtirhli tti.iltmitV cutting huslncKsat tlietr lomt t'stnlilinliPd ntiunl !inmHllftt euit of the Puhlir Htjunrt', hrtween IIil'Ii mid (Irwin1 strot'ts, Wnynenhiirtf, Pn. This stHhlihmt'nt hiw hcoii in runs taut oprr ntinn stiu'i1 Ki), tuul tin.' ioniioxpt'rli'in'p and cu nyyof tin nriprtrtorH, linkod with the exer e(f or nouiul jiulcnu nt and uoml tastp, liave won for tlifMnn wkUa:'Mjnnft ejw iralert'puUitlon. An extiittv to'k Mh. votIooh vadctidH of thP hf'Ht marhlo kept foiistnntly on hand. Hie riHtnttoiition pulil to polUliiUK, pn-rwlnn, oarv inn nnd eni'mviiiK. Ati order promptly fllletU f 'flft-tf. Oboiuie. C. Stckoiss, JonM ('. Waoneii, Attorney ut Luiv. otnry Public. ;iiv:v.a;( 7v n.i "i .-: r;t QITL'RaiSS & WAGNER, UNITED STATES CLAIM AND OENEnAL coLLiicri.Na Aaiixrs. 'For the ndjitrtment of CLAIMS, of nil kliidit against the United ntatea, such as PENHI0NS, INCRKASEOF PENSIONS, D0UN XV, ilUU EXTRA BOUNTY, nnd those of any other class call on or write' to tUc Military and Nuval Agencv of KlVHtllsK WAGNER, Walnut St., 1 dour below I lagans' comer, 'I in Stairs.) 8;2l,'i)7-i)m , ,,, OIORiiaIVWS, VA. E. .S. TTXTTFR TT T. ASA PITT. riMNKEli-A irAPKU T J i 7. COMMISSION MERCHANTS xn.'iHiT;i:i FOU THE SALE OP HOGS, CATTLE Oi jHEEP, - AT THEIR OWN YARDS. -r i n.lttnirilia vn .1 ttWAanM. . , ... . . . .. . imutri.tmu WH.ii BWJliK OVvSflSR. Mil Conslt(nmnntR,ispetulnsnUellel, All com munications nroiuntly answered. Ptstt oni..A Addros-irlt' .r,,.w I;3l-y. jE(X)N8TRUC.TI0Nl ' ROT Of tint CMOS, VI or I 9 A A 0 HOOFER'S OROCEIT AND COSTECTIONEST ! Mr. Hooper would still have his friends and pat rons liear in mind, that he continue in the Gro- ceryand Confectionery tradcal bin utttial place of doing basilicas, and tnul he tuts just received 1 ' ' A FUESII BUT PLY of the bett quality of all article In his line. TOYS NOTIONS, and a great variety of useful articles always ou hand. REFRESHMENTS. In connection with the above, Mr. Hooper kcepsa lletttuurant, where ICECREAM, BERRIES', And nil the luxuries of the season can be ob tained. . The most attractive and most popular reort In town. DjIfc iB-ly. ILLlAM WAtLACE, DEALER IN GROCERIES AXDFRQVISIONS! ee door went or peter rrow's STORE. We hnve il-t rccclvisl a well seleelrd stock of Choree r A.M1I.V I HUH r.Klf.M. wnicn we pur ebusetl fort AHllilnd lire conllil. nl that we enn ftiipply our ciistoitient nntl nil who limy favor us Willi ti enll, ns elitiip, If tiotcheuper, thnu any other bouse In the counl'. t'llKI-KIX, hl'UAHK, .MOI.ASMKS, SVItl'l, TKA1, Uli'K, SODA, TUH.U'f'ON. CM! A 11.1. SXt'Fr'S. f MIlf.F!, HOAPH. KXTH Al T, COl' W.K S'l llA W UKItltll-X, .1 1'.l.l.l l, Ac., c Ar. Pon't full to extiinlneourstoek nnd see for your selves, for we are determined to Hell as clicup us the rlienpesi. fis-tf 117 Join Uuohkh ..Thomas I.ui'ah. Ml LUCAS & CO. T. lOIIWAltDISO AND COMMIsPION MERCHANTS. And denier In flrocerle. Tlni-tlwarn. Lentlier. Hlioo KiiiilllitrM, Iron, Nulls, Hull, l-'isli, Ac. Also, nticnls for Au'trey, i 't'oinlotif A i'imiu'h Wltnlow Sntli. Asupply kept constttntly On bunds, lilce'a 1 jintllnn, l,unhnve lliellt:N. ft;.-tf. JAZEAR BK0TL1ERS, V, IIOI.ESAl.K (IROfinS AND COltMISSIOS Mt:R CIIAYfH. No. 77. EXC II.:i(iE PLACE, BALTIMORE. .1 s. 11. I. 7KAU, V. I,. I.A.K.AII. fl-.l.Vly. I)UBL1C NOTICE. As Hie firm of m'OIIPS A UTAH i dissolved bv iniitiinl content, the t'ot unlssion biisluiits i will still 1st eilirletl on III tilt' I'M slitutl, III K'fM ; tnler, nii'l on the most renvoic tie terms, III Hie I in nil ft vie ut I.. IH'lillKM A I'll.. Iselllor nnrlner.t Tiiev tlntter lllelltseiveK liy ilitvlluc tin I Ite.ltf ii IK Pie ll.'ht lot lit :ll 111 tne tlllice Hint lite illevl, tll:l tiiev W ill ItlM KlVH II lllieml slmi-eof tlte olll llt Dill rolllltfC. Tl.ev will iil-oke. iiiH(.iilsi-.;.l of l IK Id-Ji- ll'S on hmiil !.i n"ctiiiiiuisli,lei ll who ln:ty iiivor tlieiit with u cull. I,. iiroiiKH a co., !;M-ir. lllec';, Utnilinu, I'll. s -i O M E THIN 0 N E W IN V AYNKSIU-I'.t-I, IT.NN'A. IT II OS. Jill A D EX .tCO. i At thftsltirr r.r..iri ftirtiiprlv .wiMmiV'i by Ainln-w Wilsou.Mi'., At dtxu to Hmtli ii h Drna Hoiv.; Ut'ftpeotfnTly MifiHii' (lo pnpl of Oiiwnp i'OUI.iJ l til in 3 iiinf in'iiri A j d w a n e s r o n Anil Invitrmiwll from th"(rfrlfn1rii.nil Hip pnlr lift'riH'niUy. T'.i')rt..nisHlliil wttlifviTytiilnK In tlioir :tMi'iH''l'f. hy . f:iriiicriiinl iiHThiinii. lU-lntf pnirttnil fnrini'm, tlicy know iwiftly the wim tn sfMHirfHriiH'rfrlt'inls. Anionic ilii'ii- vnr- htv ofir-HKls will Ih' luuiifl Iron, i i r of n kiinls. IMiuiOr of nil Viirirttrn, Auynx, llrmi-fi, A Inttlf toothed, rros cut nnl mill huwh, iiiuul sWH umi tool oi an urwriiHionN, AGKICTLTU1 v A h IMrT.EMKNTSk Mowing MtichlneR, t 'tit line Tloe.'oni Shelve, riows, CultivaloiM, shovels, Folks, and every thing in their line. SADDLEltY HARDWARE.' -tilt I. II !r 'III I Ill '" ll l'in i,, lit.' ...., which lin y luvilc the attention of purchuscni. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS. Tubs, Thicket:!, Hotter Rowls nnd all kinds of K lichen Woolen Flxln's. Willow Caskets, llrooitts, llrustieH. CimiI Rttckets, llniss Kettles, lluuiry Whiits, Huwl guns, iioya Wagtnia uutl Sletls. All persons desironsor pmTiins!tig any orricj above articles nnd mnity olhera uol, . will consult their Interest by f i' CALLING BOON. Thevwlll tnke pteflstire In Phowinnr their wtoek ' X nt 11 time. Kolve them n rail when you come, j n town. 'Unnieiuber the nlttce.o.nKwIle the First 1412-tr 1 T BRADEN A CO. Climax.! Climax i i Page's Climax Salve,m Family blessing for 25 cents. - It heals without a scar.' ' No family should be without It We warrant it to core Scrofula Sores, Salt Khenm, Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruptions of the Skin. - For. Sore Breast or Nipples, Ccfs, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, &c, it makes a perfect core. It has been used ore? fifteen years, without one failure, .- It Jios -no parallel having per, fectly eradicated disease ,. , and healed after all other remedied had foiled. It is a compound of Arnica with many other Extracts and Balsams, , aud put np-- larger boxes for the same price than any other Ointment ' , , !.-...'( c-? -old by DraggMs mqnrhas. Whits HowisadV PncriMora. Ill Ubsrtf SMsgt. Km York, t. .t . .. luftamatlon sad advice of vital smportatrra faitha t . 1. - .. I ...t ... relnpe, van lie oltauil (res of charge byad- . n-r MstwtniHUW, j , .hu...iti r ... awapeauuiiy I , , i A M hS K BUTLER t.jfea - mi. y RY 00008 AT WHOLESALE. M'ELROY, DICKSON & CO. ' NO. 54 WOOD 8TREET, riTTSBCBOH, PA. Kow offer to dealers their FALL STOCK, AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH. DRY GOODS AND XOTIOXS, IN GREAT VARIETY. ;ll-3m. gEAUTIFUL DISPLAY ! DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERSj Ac, EVANS' ESTABLISHMENT. COM rLET E ASSOUTM ENT EVERYTHING IN THE LINE! Wlshlnn to close out for the Full tmile, he of. fern hlsu-ootls at itstonisbinR low rules forensh. The stiH'k lit us httu us Hie latest and the best in mitrKet. Minor's tlullilliiH, opposite the Orccne Iloitsr. 4;-Sm. 1.. K. KVANS. H H 9 T ARRIVAL OF A I'l.'LL shock or FALL A.Xt) WrXTKlt DRY IW0DH sum k & s utt ox's We desire to injofiii our caslomers and all t'.iose who wish lo liny GOOD GOODS AT LOW PKICE8 lilcte slo.'knf Kail T'iai we are rceivlna a nil Winter i mkmI. walHi we are di-terininetl 10 fol,, It .vu w ill come and see them. Our stuck of DUY GOODS, cmttrace die best slnplcs, extra heavy brown muslins, il'HIing, ennton flannels, bleached jnnslht, giuliam, a good assortment of FINE DRESS GOODS! also, general notions, hosiery, niintr, riblsms, buttons, 4c., tVc. extra ilannels, while, rod, gray barred, Ato,"i ioi""f iiguiea nua I ' A B U N T) A X C E ! nootHnnd Hhoe,extra, heavy, hnnd madohnuts. r men nnd hoys, and an astnrtinenl of line ami heavy nhott lor Women. Misnes ami t!liildren. Cftinetoiwtobny your hootn nnd shoe for the winter. HATS AND CAFS lor men nnd boys, n trrent variety nnd at price to Mill nit. Full style of Indies hat, wreaths, feather, flower, lircw trimininir, te. Somi'choic' ttroeericM, tea, collie, Hujnr, rlee. Hoiln. petier, Hjtiee,7tfiKHl indigo, Ac, t'oine and our slock, DONT MISS THE PLACE, ' i , A. Wilson Ji-.'sbuildimr. HIIIIIK ARl'TTOX. t,l,'07-tr WavneshuiK, Pa. 18C8 ruosPEcrus! 1868 i THE riTTSBURG GAZETTE, The largest dully naner in the State of Penn )rt-lvnnla, enters the SL'nd yttar of lis extstttnee with Itierenseti fi,tr.nt ttutvs nieilitics fi.r disseminating the i oft he tiny, and for rendering I gntsl isilitleai Rervice In'ttie itnnorlant i'resi- 1 iicuijtti ciinvnss tit tfis. ine loiinct.niingscs- sum tn t oimcs (iroiinsfs tt, pnive one OI tne most Important held since tile formation of the Government, atid lite .iriHeetllngs will bcanx lously M'lttclieil bv (lie liilclllucitt musses. In view oi ine uts'p iniereal eentereit in ceetllngs, the proprietors of tlio "lla.cttti " have nintie arratuicineuis inr uaity uisnaicncs ano letu rs during the sc-slon. Ir an n alulily Intel- aSfrffi;' Semite and lll.use, ,::e bends Ijf tbc various tie- partiitcnts nntl the lec.iliiig politicians who frc- uuent Wnali ntrtmi. sothitt rca. em inn denend 011 reoelvinu the nrst. fullest ml lac-tclnhl.. Intelligence from the sent of Oovcrnment. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. Tlie WEF.KT.T OA7.ETTr! has been enlarged nv,, tij,i.aiii,, nas oeen eiiiarKtii , to the sanu. size of the Dully, and la now the WZ?Xr every utrnier, mechanic and biislutw man. tt given eacnweeg, forty aoiid eolumna of current I rtnbl'nr'i f'W U'i'L "i1"1,1' ""I '"V"11": i nnlsot the tlnily, and a choice selection of liter- Tt " I'Tiriiirr Willi rirn thinK llllMntnnt nrlnlnftt lit h ....i nl. thin, lmnorinnt i . I ... 7,. Vk. .' ,' 1 lilt s. Its agricultural columns will ls edited In audi a mnnneras to nnd flivirwlth tlie fanner . -,r,ij'"'r-Tlir. mnrket reports of the v. LY (.A.ETTh, are, by common consent, ncknowletlged to be tho atauilartl aiithorllv for Isitii buyers anil s.-llcrs, nnd iu commercial dr. rtes In V. eaterrt Pennsyltianla, Kustern Ohio! Virginia are witfrout.pml The TAKi.S! i lllS"f tlteUA.K Ihet : . lonris or Allegheny couutv, as refer" enee In important Issutsi.- tu detprniiriA li r..i lug prices i.1 the markets at the time of the businesstriin.-'ietlou in dispute. Our agents wi! favor tis Uy getting np their clulm al once and not sllqwlng tlieli- present onea toexplt-e, as we are anxious thatntmeof our readers ahotiltl ts deprived of a wn-ks news. Additions torlnl.'s onn lie mnde Many jeearlv rules. Posti.tiisters and luercliants are requesieu to sci as a ins. TERMS OF THfc WEEKLY bAZETTE.' Hinge subserlber..... l Jiibi of Ave - , ItW ,s...rH .1 tii :.:.. 1 Is Clubs of ten... odd on lt Ne getter up of the cluh. la' For sTHsnmerv socles of elthst Ogllr or Weeny, address tne nrouTieim-s. PE3INIMAX REEtt A . I D ur.rrrs nnr.DIltlI, " NciwiMrif"sit,pitls: ' JUtUD-tf, , Wasted, Contracts. Tile P. 0. Depart men hss puhlislied a schedule of Hie mull mutes tn the Htate with the announcement that proposals will be rticcivetj at the Conlract Ollk-e unlil 3. P. M or Wcdnesilay, March 4, I8U8, for conveying still mails from July I, ISO'S to June 30, 1873. Below are the routes of our county ant vl lulty i 2324 From Wiiyneihurg, by Hopkins Mill, Dny' Store, Biropen's Store Eii9t Finley, West Fiuley, ami OikhI Intent, to West Alex ander, 33 miles aiitl back, once a wcok. Ieave Vay11eshup4 8.iturday at 7 a m . Ar rive at West Alexander by 6 p m. Leave West Alexander Friday at 7 a m. Arrive at Wayneshurg by S pm. 2325 From Waynesbur?. by RoBrsyllle, Jolleytown, and Dent, to Blacksville, 29 miles and back, once a week. Lvave Wnynesburg Wednesday at 8 a m. Arriro at Blacksville by 5 p m. Liaro Blacksville Thursday Ht 8 a ui. Arrive at Wiiyuesburt; by 3 p m. 2326 From Waynesburg, by D.-nt and S)mgg's, to 111 icKsvllle, lit miles and back, once a week. Leave Wayneshurg Saturday at 1 pm. An Ire at Blacksville by 3 pin. Leave Blacksviliu Saturday at 8 a m. Arrive at Wajnesburg br 12 m. 8327 From Wnyucsburg, by F.trdyce, Whltelcy, Willow Troe, and M.iplctowu, to Gteensboro', 20 miles nnd back, once a week. Lcnvo Wayntslmrg Wednestliiy at 1 p m. Ar rive at Greensboro' by 7 p 111. Leave Grees horo' Wednesday at (I a m. Arrive at Way ncsburgli by 12 m. . 2323 From Willuw Troe to Davlstown, 4 miles and back, once a week. Leave Duvlg town Wednesday at 1 p m. Arrive at Wil low Tree by 2 p m. Leave Willow Tine Wednesday at 8 p m. ArrlTB at Duviitown by 4 p m. 2329 From Wnynesburg, by Hunter's Cove, Harvey's, Wind Rldgfl, Rycrson's Sta tion, nnd Rock Lick, to Ca nerou, 30 miles and back, twlcen week.. Leave Waynes- ( burgh Monday and Friday at 8 a ni. Arrive at Cam; ran bypm. L mvo C.itnnron Ttt'js- day mid Saturday at 8 nut Arrive at Way- ncslmi;; by 3 p m. 2.130 From Wayncsliiirg, byOilt Forrest, While Cottage, and New Frcepuit, to Jlilo, 3t inilca and back, otico a week. Leave Wayncsburg Thursday ut 7 a m. Arrive al Milt) nt ii p m. Leave Jlilo Friday ut 7 a m. Arrive at W.tynesburgli by tip in. 2.131 From U'tcu's Landing, by Jcflerson, to Wnynesburg, 12 miles nnd back, six limes a week. Leave Rice's Landing daily, except Sunday, nt I n m. Arrive nt Wavnesbure 1 by 5 p m. Leave Wnynesburg dally, except Sunday, nt 7 a m. Arrive at Rice's Landing by 1 1 o m. 9V.t SVm P....,.b.l.....lta i TRm.e T.nndlntr v.... .11.1.11(111 ... o ......., 5 miles and back, si:; limes n week, Lcnvo C'nrmlcli.icl's daily, except Sunday, nt 7 a m. Arrive nt Ricu's Landing by Sam. Leave Rice's Landing dal'y, except Sunday, at 0 a m. Ai'ilvc at (J.u mit Intel's by ID a in. -r -s AI.AI1A1IA. Tlio I'rnnclilsn Article eftlie New t ons! I. lulloii. Tlio liillowin h tlio nrliclu on t!ie olci'tivo f'.iincliiso, iw tiii'.illv iitloiitcil ! tlic reconstruction. Convention as iinvt of tlio ncwCotistifiitioti: Si:c. 1. Everv mult! person liorn in tlie Unitetl Slsttivt, mid even' mule per-! son wlio li:w lieell linlnr.tlieil, or win), lias leinllv declared his inten "on to be-' jennie a eitizen of tlio United States, ' 'j'HE LATEST SENSATION! j twentv-one years old or iiiwiirds, wlio 'uliall liave rt'sitli'd in this State, six j i month, next pocooiiiiu; the election, land three monilis in ill? count rv in I which he olli'i's tn vole, except lieivnf- tt.i' U'nvitle I tllllt III) H:)ld!el', or siilor, I or niarint! in tin nuliliirv naval ser vice of the United States 'shall hereaf ter aetiiii't! residence by lvason of bo stationed on duty in this State. Sir. 2. It slmll be th;; duty of (he General Assembly to provide from time to time fur tlio registration of electors, but tlio. followinj; classes of pewoi.! 8 ii 1 not b? permitted to register voto-or hold ollice 1st. Th.iso who, (luriupr, the Into re bellion, inflietod nr caused to lie inflict ed nny cruel or iinnsii:il punishment on nny S'lldier, or sailor, marine, em- 1 . 1 . t-Itl".ll t-t ,,.., . ,!,, , tu- who in tiny H.ty iiiiiiiL'tl tiiuriuu OI civilized warfare. 2't. Those who are or. may be tlis-' franeliiscd bv the, proposed constitu-j tional aiiieii((inciit Known as the 1-lthi article nnd the net of Coriiiw passed : March 2d, ltS07, except sneh jiersons1 as havcaided the plan of reconstruction proposed bv Con 'i'ess and accepted the ' tut lltwtol mill'illlv it' Iwil'.m, .I,- law ; provided, tlio General Assembly! shall have power to remove the disabi!- ities inenrrel tinder this clause, "d. Those who shall have been con- j vieted of treason, embezzlement of I public fiiiuls, ninlfca-nncc in onise, or a crime pnnisnauie oy law witu lniprison- ment in the penitentiary, or bribery. , 4th. No idiot or i:mne person shall H, Dnrinitted to re'Hstor or vote in the I'1-"""1"1 w n.0t.i in otLIIl 11 L StlltO, Ol.lic. Sl-Y 3- That nil Persons befure ' . . , 1''-""' '"",rl-, registering, must take and snWriba to, the followini; oath : "I do solemn' v Swear or llirni, that I Will Mil) Mirt Oil I ' ... .1 ' ..... maintain tne COIISil-Utlon fill I J-dlWS ! U!te-1 Stte8 U.ld Ca.nstitlltion ami LaVS. of tllC StiltO of Alabama. , T , , , " I lint, I am not CXCllldutl from retrister- : . . .. . . r. ? . Dip; any 01 t.10 ClailSCS 111 Section J(l jot tins article, nmt i will i.ever! eoiinteiianee or aid in tne scncsaion oti Ul.n fcni.t ir.,it,l (.,f. I "V , V"1" ., '.'"V , , , - . . ., , ,. , , , That I accept tllO CI VII anil political ofalI(anl asreo not to attempt tn ,,,.;.. iwrstin np tvusraw an 1 v--i'"' v t " 1 .-.. account of race, color, or previous con-. ... . ' ,. . . ., . . "'V I " . ' ' " " privu ,UKp! 01 imimumv, -'J"-' "f ir class of men. and furthermore 1 A.. 1 1 Other CI0S.S 01 men, tun I Iliriliormorc that I will not in any vy injure or countenance in other, any attempt to ; . illjlll'C any IKT.SOI1S Oil aeeoUIlt of pat or present HUppirl of tho Government of the United States, the laws of the United .States, or tho principles of the politusl nnd civil Quality of all men, or of affiliation with nny political L..U . - . . . I'dr, . ... , Tt . 1 Tt:i lt.if)ii .iron f tn Koiir our. '"f""- rt " ' Orleans with a flittboat of corn. Joe wrote o his father thus : .4 1 Ku Awlecns, Gune 1st. 1 I - . - - I "Dear Dad Jlarket IH dull aild , f 1) II'- Honrt n ut " 1 ,'coni ow,anaiUawtai80, ' OV WINTER NOW OPEKINQ AT N. CLARK & SON'S FASHIONABLE AP0ULAR CLOTHING BotiRht just In the ''Nick of Tlme,"and will be sold ouly a fraction higher than Id the days of GOLD AND .SILVER I We can offer Inducements that no other estab lishment IN THE PLACE CAN! Having made our purchase In Philadelphia In the moat FAVORABLE TIME OF THE SEASON. We Invito particular attention to our business suits and FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS! In the FRENCH, MOSCOW, CHINCHILLA and AMERICAN Beaver Overcoats, we cannot be surpassed for . . QUALITY STYLE OU PRTf'K U1' A 1 lJl' 1 '- A large selection of GENT S and ROY'S Cloth- lug. We have Hats and Caps for Men and Roysof all the LATEST AND BES-T 8TYLES. In our Gentlemen's Furnishing Department wo make it .OUR SPECIAL OBJECT To keep a belter clas of goods than can lie found in nny similar Kslnlillshiiient. Having ' L i"".'"" ''. ' '""""ciu. I.nvillg iiiwhj. on itittiu an iiih iietiiesb anu inuat novel styles of TIES, SCARFS, COLLARS, tic, Ac, &e., In PAPER COLLARS have no equal. W have only toudd: Oh! Pontics mortals, where ever you bo, Heboid lliesc lines and see votir remedy; Ye weary men with I'lttl and Collars worn, With stockings lull oi holes and Inidly torn, Whose gloves are lliiiniblcss and lies are lost, Come nnd replace them at little cost. Well III you out In stvle from head to feet, You'll look so well whene'er you walk the street. JL'ST OPPOSITF. 10:0i-tr. PAY'S HOOK STORK. T ELEGRA V II I CI The President has not yet been Impeached, but A . J . SOWERS Has purchased an Immense slouk of FALL AND WINTElt CL0TI1INO! na OVKUCOATM, PANT, VESTS, HATS, KlV' FTC ' 4 ' of ,h,att yIo hmthml WOrkman,,,p, choice stock of NOTIONS! Hosiery, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Neck Tics, Suspenders, etc., also on hand, which will be sold at astonish "igiy LOW PRICES ! Call and see him before you buy elsewhere. Invariably sutlslles all WHO WISH TO PURCHASE t lie Room In Allison's building, 'Wayneshurg, Pa. ,., A- J- HOWEltH. , rc rALUAIJLE FAIIM FOIt SALE y, Ryvlrlne of nn order Issued nut of the Or- Plans' Court of (4recne('o.,anil to me directed, I will expose to saloon the premises, cm the r. ,,,,T,,.r, ' 1 2th 01 DECEMBER . next, all that certain truHnf land, lite the prop. env or jtii i.iti -am. iiecenHn.1. s:tittn 1,. .:t. ferson lownshln. nbout one mi l a hnif mile. S'of"',. Tn i,,l,,r..!V,:4 2fl olhSV..ta nn HUNDRED AND FoRTY-FOtllt At'RE"? more or less: mvliii iiiemm env.i Ji TJ. Dwelll itt Ho,7.n ,. ii,.. . . other out-bulldlutfsi Vlso, a good APPLE ORCIIAUD and nil kinds of fruit trees, helngone of tho heat 3rZariuT.2?i.un,y luui an,ou th , .i-i,, . " ' Z ....... r.",".-..". -jtaue Known on tinv of sole. ELIZABETH LUCAR, Executrix. T A? I J AND SALE. for sale, i,.n acres of Timber wind, on tha ; HUxiioWei V. on which there ..'S 'saw miIi, Tannery and hiiida?ro?uiE itfiit iirifips nn. 1 iiiiist m.i i..,: w Mill, Tannery and abundnnceor the best SlrSS'lU M",ltu"ner,,,"r Kn'i'n, W.'" .' lrlnt ..fU.m... II. .11. II I ... . . . Wnyneaburg, Green. County, Pa. -Ll : i ixiuaTY, p. 8. . &?a'' Uf1 Is.''nea;0 XSlX estnleof Jolin Joint., d.-'.l . Uttlunce due accountant. ...-4t,7 11. A nl nnw, tn wU l4uiioni Kss ia iom . Air confirmation and iTefititina mr v.- t?m y'Ph".'n right of his wlfe"the m'.l.'r frto Jo in c. nenniken. Esq., Auditor, to ; port, Hy thecourl. .r. temple, ci.rk of conrt, ; . R IPm IAIllA.hnua.-nl-lu.l - . . . Court Honae, in WaTtiiwbirld.VNoV.'n. , . i -1 above appointment at the AN IMMENSE STOCK CLOTHING "ri'"t ",ai i ociock, p. m. uk jNo,c.riJfiNMKM,Attiorv $3 00 T0-5,PO PER DAY AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GOLDEN PEN. A BETTER PEN THAN GILL0T8 PEN. The? pens sell rapidly whemver Introduc-rd, to ull iliistim of people. Are fully eijiial to the Sold pen for ami hetiutyof writing. More exihlemul durable thnu any Btfel pi n ever niannfactnreil. Will not enrode. H nd for wim ple hox. tinly.teeutM.ortwolrOXeM for tiu rent, No, 1 for Kenernl uhi. No. 2 for IjuIU-h, KhMlii and choice PeiiinniiKhlp. Kent free of potttauc. Money refunded If they do not give iitinfactUn, AddrwtH M. V. 11. t'UVKN Lufuyette. lud. The Mlowtntt l nainple of hnndrtHl of let ter from imrties who have orderetl tlicMe dcuh, itrmrowN, v..t July i.-.ih, is,r. M. V. B. roWKN, Ufuyette, Ind. 1eau Kik : The x of Ni. 1 ins ordered hy me miine ten day tdnce Iihm arrlveil, and I ntn ho ii inch pletiHl with them that I have eoiiclmhtl to take an Am ncy for their mile, tui ft.r, al leant, ax to order three un No. 1 nnd one nrs No. i, for which I eiiclobu your price to Audit. Ad drew Ukv. ts. HIK.r'lllKIt Uf Kicei hlh s. Wnrrnnteil to Inst five time nn long, and give better saiiNfiM'tlnn than nny Hteel hh inuiiufae t n red. s-nd for circular of tctttlmoutalM from FrofeNHoni of Mchooln nnd CollcKea. nnd from prominent huninttw hoiniet. M. V. C. H;Jahn, T HE LADY'S FIUEN1)- 'WA9IUNQTON AT . MOUNT VERNON.' The Lady's Friexd annnnnces for 1R, the follonliiK novelties: The Iiehahkv Kiiiiti'xr, bv Amaiitla M. liottiilas, author of "In Trust,'' "Stephen litine," c.i A Head Man's Kci.e, by Kliwibcilt l'rcscott, uutlior of "How a Woman Hud Her Way," Ac i Fkklixo Kkom Katk, by lntise Chniiillcr Moiilton, anther of "Jtmoclli Ituil," "This, 'Unit and the other," 4c. It will Hivea splcllllltl lioi iii.e I'aoe Kinfi.t CoLoitEti Fashion Plate eugniveil on steel in every iiunilsr. It will give a beautifully executed Famct ftrKKi. Kniikayi Nil In eviry innulM'r. It will given large assortment of WnnoCuTtt, lllustnitliiK the Kaslilotis, Fancy Work, Ac, In every uiintlNr. It will give a popular piece of Mfir, worth the cost or tlte Magazine III Itself in every It timber. Ill ..1... - .... ... Hn.l B..ln...ll,t Premium fttcl i.ngniviuu "IV.islllNtiToN I I .Al .miu! t kii.mi.n tniriy incnes long iy ! Iweniy-tine Willi1 to every f n II i sstl .Vi sub,cn- her, and toevcrv pcrsotl scniling a ("lull. lttlcrsn.s.rciil!iiiiisiiItmcvarlelyoinK,ks, i Wheeler Vi IIkoii s sewlinT Mcchlnes, silver I Plitlcd Ten Ht-ts, Hmmiih, l'ltchci's, (i;ild and t Silver Walchcs, t'lolltes WrliiKcrs, Croquet, 1 Aiileloir yi losslliis, 4c. ! Hm- si'LKNiiiiiOi'i'l-:lt. New substM-ibers who subscrllic for lnw by the llrst of November, shall eive the November mid herein her nittnliem I of this year In ndditlon, ninl;ln fourteen lnonlliK In all ! TIiohp wlio milisct int hy thn I llrst of Iteeetnlw-r Khali receive the Iceeinlier liumher, thirteen iiioiiIIin In nil! T K It M H. 1 copy (large Premium Kngravlnij.V 4 copies ty " (antl one gratis! 5 11 (nntl one Lrrnlisi .. a nn ... DO ... H III) . I J on Oneeopy eacltof IiAIiy'h KuiENiiaittl kimI,-I 00 The getter up of the club always receiver, copy til the I'llKMU'M K.xiiiiavino. Mcmbersiif a club wishing the Premium Kugruvtng, must 1 remit one dollar extiia. 1 -Tliose ileal ions of gel A. citing nn Clubs or Pre mium Lists, sbtitlld enclose IIMcen cents for samiila Magazine, containing the particulars. Address, UllACDN 4 I'FTKKstlN, ID:;l-:lt. ills Wulnuut Street, I'hlladclphln. gOOIC AGENTS WANTED . TO SOLICIT 0IIDEIIS FOIt X .NF.W ILLUSTIIATLD B I B L E DICTIONARY, (L'OMPLLTK IN ONE VOL!' i:.) Thin PirrioNAKY embodies tlio remilt of the limit recent study, research and fnvcNtlt'atlon, of about lxt v-llve of the monl eminent and ad vanced lllbiical HcIioIhim now living. Clerny men of nil dcnomlmitlnun npprove it, nnd re fard I on the bent work of its kind In Hie Kng ih i.tiuunae, and one which otiht to be In the hitinis oi every HMle reader In the land. In clreii'ntinu thiH work, aueots will find n pleaKtint and prollhible employment. The ntt uieroitN objection which are uU!;l!y encmnler ed In Helllntf ordinary works will not exist with tills. hut nn the contrary, encouragement nnd friendly aid will attend iheAtftit, iii:klni( his labors agreeable in -ml, end hh-rallve. Ladles, retired Cleruyiiteti, Hchool Teachers, Fanii'TH, StiKlcnls, and nil others who posses?, eneruy, are wanted to iiskIhI In rnnvatlni every town and county In (he coitntry, lo whom ibe most litieral Inducements wHI beollered. F'tr particulars, appiv to, fir address, PAl.MFI.KK Itll'TilKIi. 722KuusfMii Ktrru't. riiiludelplila, io;0 'irr-tit. ;NERfETIC MEN AND LADIES WANT ED TO CAiNV ASS FOU THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OK THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE, BY PROF. CALVISC K. STOWE, D. D. Hhowlntr wlint (he)Uble Is not; what It is, nnd how to nvi it; trucin the history of eiclj book up to lis origin wilh the inspired authors, nnd coinnlelely Htiswerl:nx ull Inlldel cavils and olt- I lections h tlie Mcriiitures. It Is an ordinary If. I brary fif Hltilical History In n single volume. nnei, eicnr, accuriue, conclusive unit nigui' in- ' terestlmr. A inater-pleee fif common wnsc. It Ik needed In every ttiniily where theP.ibiels read, as well as by every Sabbath School teacher, I student nnd clergymen, nd hclngthconty book ton the Kiibleet ever iubliHlicl or sold in thin 1 Conn I ry. iikcuIh am easily see the advantage of i eaiivaNslnic for this work. Send for circulars eontaluliiK notlcrs and Imlnrsements from lead A j lug inhilNlers of all denoiiilnarlous. Address, Na 014 Arch HtrwL i'liilu.lelplila. Fa. 10:Min. - E.MPIRE PANV. BE WING MACHINE COM- HAT.KSROOM, ftlfl Rrondwny, X. Y. No. 1 Family MAftiiSK. This machine bass straight needle, perpendicular action, makes tne Lock orMliullle Htltch which will neither rip nor ravel and isalilte on Isilh sides; ter forms perfect sewing tin every description of material, with eollon, linen or silk thread. It llciits, Pells, liintls, llraltls, Tucks, oullls, Plaits aiitl Otiiliers. As a Family has no superior, price, with llemtner and Jtralder, 'i'i. Partlcu)i;nttentl;in Is ealletl to our New Im proved .Mauuliit luring Miu'iilncs; Tliey run light ami nrc coniinrativcly noiseless, s.mple, flitrnble and e(ll lent. For elnth or Leutucr work tiiev lmvo no competitors. No. It Maelilna, with Hcinincr and Rralder, S7"i. No. a .Machine, SKA ili-Agents w, tcil, to whom a liberal dis count will be given, IKtKlmoS). ' p AISTS FOR FAHMKItS AXD OTHER?. The (Irnftnn Sflnornl Paint Co. are now mnnn fiiclurlng the Rest, Clieupetf, nntl most lluruble Paint in use; twticottis well pm on, mixed w'th tntre linseed nil, will last III or lo years ; it is of a tight brown or beautiful etiocuUitecolor.antlcnn lie changed to grts-n, Icatl, stolle, iln;b, olive or cream, lo suit the taste of the consumer. It Is valuable ftir Houses, Hums, Fences, (.'arriagennd Car-makers, Palls antl Wooded-ware. Agricul tural Implements, Cannl Routa, Vessels uutl 'ittarHandarnroon . lSXSS ti e mst vear i i 1 "I 'Axi'L1",' VA.i1.1 .,' r ,V.'-rJ.'lP''"Hl? ""VMT'V?."'-'!. ,u"''"yt""",'"y.".n 1 adhesiveness. Price w per hid. of ;m His,, whicli will saiiply a farmer forytsirs to tsane. ' War ranted In all enstst as nbove, -Hentl fta a circular which gives full partleulura, None genuine un less branded In a trade niarlt (Inifton Mineral Point. Address DANIEL RIDWLLL, ilS,'07-lliii - Ml Pearl Slreet. New York. w ANTED! 2 00 F A R M BUS! 1 " riimiKP 11 n 1 mill Rim iHinomo e To engage In a light and honorable business for i wln,'r months, In the vicinity where they IllOIltll. For particulars apply to, or atltlress PAR- .mci.i i; niiOd.,.72i tSausom al street, Pltlladel- phi a. Penn. - ll:.v-lt. A GENT3 WANTED FOU TWO OF TIIE IV ' ' '' lMstsMlli!g books ever published. One entitled "Mvdi 'nea or the NeiiiMilitaii Convents, " by an F.x-llenedletlne Knn, true account or tlie In ner llle of the wMivenls the most tlirllllng and Interesting work licfore the public, 'I he other entlllttl "The Cottage l.'jolopedlii." jetn of Intellectual wealth, and wantctl liicvory family; complete In one large volnma of over inn pages, lllustrntcd. riend torclrculara of leriits, wblcU lira wry liberal. .,. A. is. Il u.h 4 1 H:i7-M i i' ' Hiirtfoni, Conn; i; 0. OF 0. F-. . ., WAYNESnURC tODOEV NO; . HnU In Oaneaf's Hullillng.' east Main Btreet, HaU In Oancar' Wuvnenburtf. Pa 'i lUH)f iliesuay evvniun, week. . E G A L NOTICE. loiters of administration ua the estate of Klljah Church, lute of Center township, dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned, notice la hereby given to all persons Indebted to said estate to inuku Immediate payment, and those having claims aa-iiinsl the name to Drawn! thatn properly authenticated ftir sett lemt nt. JN0.C. FLK.NNIKEN, ;lS:t Administrator. N O T I C E I Not lee Is herchr si ven that the Rnnk anennnla. 4c, of Minor t o. have been left with Himon Rlnehart. Justice or the Peace, in Waynesbnrg, for i m h kdi ate collection. All claims nut paid by the 1st of OCTUHtUt next, will 1st collected wilheoat. It. CLAY .MINOR, Admlulslrator of Philip Minor, dee d. 9;1S-Iw ' DMIMSTRATOR S KOTICeT" Ix'llera of atlmlnlstratlnn havlngbeen gnnted to tlKUttilcrslKlietl upon Iheeetnte orNllsntiuah Heeler, late of the Istrcsinh of Wayneklwrg, ilecil notice Is hereby given In all persons uniu ,ueiii!M-ii-i iinienuii iu sni eetaia m uiitke Imuictlltite pttvinrnt nnd lltisw having claims uimiii wtld estute to preacnt tlieui prupsr ly authentlcatt'd tor settlement. , P A KNOX Ih-'i-dw WayneiUtr'g, pa. Adm'r. THECAL NOTICE. letters of admlnlstmtlnnnpnn the estate of UeorKO l.lKhtnrr, late of Morris tp., tlced., Iiav Ina Isitii Ki-ttntcd tn the imdentluntsl, notice Is hereby given to nil persons Indebted to said estate to make Itmn-ilinte pnymcnt, and thus ItavliiR cluints against the name in present them properly authenticated forscitlemcnt. IIKNRY I.KIHTNER, Hit A.I Vll LUJHTNliR, BAMUKL UOHTNKlC ll:13-St. . Itecutors. JEGAL NOTICE. Illers testamrntarf upnn the rstte of Ja. Stewart, of Center To., (treene comity 1., dee d., having lsten granlisl to the tintlersigiictl notice 1st hereby given to all persons indebted lo said es tate to initke Immediate payment, nntl thoso having claims against lite same will present tliem pniporly autheullcated forsettleinent. JAMKS CALL, JOB Til lilK'K MORTON, lO'lMw Kxecutnr. gtisifcUunfiniii. MPORTAUT TO BUILDERS akd CONTUACTOKSt u'lvvvunrniii urr a u m.ivtvn un r Tt Rives us pleasure to nnnouncft to t'l" f nbTlit Iheeomplctinn of this work and tht readiness of the proprietors to IRECEIVE ORDER SI AND II A K CONTRACTS! The best Inijirovcd machinery Is used. Plan ing. Ploughing and (iroovlng. Hash and Door Mulling, raliiiclllng, Ripping, moulding to., raplill v and skilfully executetl. Ruling prices paid for ALL KINDS OP LUMHER ! They are also prepared lo do nil kind of Carp-en. ter Work, tvllli tlis tiini,,.! , tH the mtist sulistantml fiianncr. ' They respectfully solicit a share of nuhllo ntilroiinge, and Batter tlieiuselvea that they will In al! cases be able to GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION t All orders promptly Attended lo. URAliEN, WALTON BAYKRB. w S;l 1-tf. Waynesburg, Pa. Bl'S!NK8 MAN'! COMMERCIAL COL LIDE. Nos. asdI Sr. C'i.aik Strht, PittUburjh, Pa. Tills institution has been Innperatlnn fnrannm berof years, and Is eonfliictctl siicccssliilly byan alilccorpsof teachers, whose objtt Is Ut mako eucli pupil understand thoroughly every braneli of a BUSINESS EDUCATION, to prepare them .lor BUSINESS MEN! Rook-keeping, Prmnnnslilp nntl Arittimc tlc.itiiue unlimited,) H4.09 Cook-ltccilng, Pcmnauslilpuntl Arithme tics, month, 30 00 Business anil ornamental Peniuiinsnln per Coiuoti English Branches per morl'iTi"""!".'. 10 00 Algebra, Plionogritphy nntl llusiiiuss Correspon- UIU..D Ul.LVltllia IVKICCII1KIII,, All our specimens are executed with a pen. A fill I course can be completed In eight woeki. Forclrculnror specimens, addrem ' W-lmtst. . ., N.HHAFFER. milE WONDElToF THE A0E1 4. i TIME, MONEY AND LABOR SAVED! . THE LATEST BEST CHURN t Will' UI llir iim ii I niruin. t"nr-i uv . aa of Hetemlier, IH'Ki, Ut Wm. K. MiH 'utrheun, of WIlKlllllKOHl, UT( WW WO VU MUIUIUUU 1U IV fewduyHttt . JOHN M U N N E L L ' S , ",'''r In Wayneshurg. Pa. Tills CIHTRN must supers cede anything of the kind heretofore produtted. rne siiiipientttta oi its coiinltumuqu, anu us two fold or reversed arotlon, tliat prtsltices butter from three to six minutes must Induce theeom--mtinlty to examine its msilltlB. Reaves tlnie It saves work antl produce as much butter as Blt.v uittirn iu rAimmrv, nrt Mtmn.a DM TUIl power to sell rlglita for Pennsylvania or New Yorkrltateas well as to famish Churns to oltl' sens ol tills county, . . fcW-tf. . . , . Agen st " 0 Q K ,0 V 11 All persons knowing themselves Indebted to the late tlrin of Call, Roberts A Co., either by note or nook account, will do well to call anil nettle their ancomitg. All that are not paid Im mediately will be plaeed In the hands of a prop er offlcor for collection. . CALL 4 MeCLELLAND. Oak Forrest, Nov. 11, '7 0arrlvUi Partners, , , Ibl&M ,