OCR Interpretation

The Washington critic. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1885-1888, November 26, 1885, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82000205/1885-11-26/ed-1/seq-4/

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' .C? fcuTT'ry a-r
(,iialuniiii -m-i o'll' i 'in-1 ii
llii: llli; TBADE REVIEWED.
An liitiirnlliiR Cii'liinn of Ilifnrm itlon
li lily (liilltiircit frntu llio Agrlrul
ttirnl Doimrlmpiit fur Our I'nriiisr
1 plemln A Ni'Klecti'il lint l.ticr.illso
C top.
to llio rswltio lircfilcrs' convontlon nt
CMci;o mi nililrro vvns dollvcrwl by tho
Mntlstldrm of tlio ilppiirtinent of nijrlciil
tutc, J, II. I)oi1o, wliMi uliovreil tlio ox
truonllimrj ilo- olojm"iit of tlio pork pick
ing Interest ami tlio exportation of pork
product. Tlio U emirr-Mlve corn crops
nbovo llio nvornRi', from 187B to 19M), clio.ip
ciicil nml onlnrjtiHl production liiinicnuly
nml brought exportation to tho highest
llRiirrscvcr known 111 1S0-'SI, 1,231,015,
U7roum1, nlucil nt flOl.OOO.OtW, which l
USMXM-iXl nioro than nt miy provlous or
Inter 3 cur,
About Hint tlmo llio prohibitory ilocroen of
foreign governments wero put In operation
In (Icnnntiy, l'miice, Italy, tinaln, nml other
minor Mnti's, which reduccil tho iiuaiitlly
exported to C'J7,(w:UI0 poumls In 1W.
'lhcro has been ouio Increase since, but tho
reduction 1ms been equivalent to nbout
2,fX!0,()C0 hops. Tlio deellno In vnluo of ox
polls nmounls lo over fSO.OOO.lWO.
Mr, Doelgo jliiivvcil Hint tlio prohlhltlon
was for tho purpose of Increasing homo
production, to which no objection could bo
made, as every nation li.is tho rlijlit to direct
Its domestic economy, but denleil tho rltrlit
to cxcludo by ft falso pretenso of unlitnilili
fulncss, for which there was no warrant
whatever. Tlio pretctno of trichina was
considered, and It was shown from olllcl.il
Investigation of llio prohibiting govern
incuts that American pork is as free from
parasites as any other, nml that nil out
breaks of trlclilno'U hnd been traced to
domestic and not to American pork.
llio fact was demonstrated that tho con
ditions under which our pork is undo and
racked aro not surpasjetf for hcalthfuluo't
in tho wotld The records of hoards of
health wcro examined, and the deaths from
the presence of trlchlua were found to bo
very few nnd fur lietweou, and duo to tho
disgusting linblt of ratlin; pork r.iw.
'Ilia nddriss closed with tho following
"As to rclsllatlon, it Is nu expedient of
doubtful advantage, yet, If misrepresenta
tion continues mid prohibition Is still inado
against tho United States nlouc, wo shall bo
falo to ourselves If wo do not resent it;
nnd, If nothing ilso will prevail, let us em
bargo Trench wines and German cloths nnd
hosiery, or placo n duty on thorn which
elinll practically amount to tho sumo thing.
' To set nt rest honest suspicion of thoso
products, let provision bo tnado for In
spection, thorough microscopic examination
of nil or a part of tho meats intended for
export. This would extend thosalo In for
eign countries, nnd It would have, nomo In
fluence In extending tho consumption In
our own country, for there arc multitudes
In cities who fi.tvo been nlTcctcd by this
clamor, or soma long-standing prejudice,
w Iilcli this action might heal. Tho expense,
of this examination, If paid by packers,
would bo repaid in nn Increased tiricu of tlio
products nnd n greater demand for them.
"finally. I would remind producers that
tho stimulation of tho demand by the
fcml-famluo of several years In western
Kuropo has caused an overproduction.
Tlicro Is not so much wnntcd nbroad, for
their ability to feed pigs has relatively In
creased, "They must correct foreign projudlcos,
provo thu real excellent quality of tho
product, seek every open market, find now
ones, adapt them in form nnd sty to to pre
vailing customs of each i.omitry. Tiicro
may bo foreign harvest failures ngaln, eiti'l
wo'must bo nblo to supply tho poor with
cheap meat. Thcro Is n tendency togrcatcr
consumption of meats In F.tiropc. As that
grows uc must bo ready to supply thorn.
"Our country Is growing, too, nnd nioro
ment will be ucmanded. So with wisdom,
Intelligence, economy of meat making
thcro may still bo a falrpiollt for larger
production than at present, nu escape, from
foreign complications and domestic vexa
tions, andn full sharo In tho general future
piosperity of American Industry."
mn: i:oi.i:ctj:i jiai:m:v cnoi
A Ccrrnl Which Yield i tlio Orrntust
l'rollt Per Aero Imported from Can
Statistics gathered by tho department of
agriculture show that there is ono cereal,
and but ono, which tho farmers of tho
United States fall to produce m quantities
sullleientfor homo consumption. Ilarloy Is
this neglected grain, nnd of tho whole
amount consumed In (ho country nbout 1(5
percent. Is purchased nbroad, tho nvcrngo
amount Imported jenrly dining tho lost
Jive j cars being I0,WjS,'J.U bushels.
Tho proportion of foreign barloy con
sumed Is steadily increasing, tho average
imports per annum for tho ten years from
1671 to lbSO Inclusive being but llttlo moro
than six million bushels. .More than 91) per
cent, of this Imported barley Is purchased
from Canado, and our aggregate export of
all cereals and cereal products, oxccptlng
com nnd wheat, Is scarcely sufllclcnt to pay
for tho Imports of this one grain ; in ISSil it
amounted to less than one-third ns much.
It is rcmarkablo that tho farmers of tho
United States, possessing both soil and oil
inato favorable for tlio growth of this grain,
permit their Canadian brothers to supply
eucIi a largo proportion of tho steadily In
creasing demand. It is qulto oxtcnstVoly
f tow n hi New York, Wisconsin, .Minnesota,
owa, nnd California, and Is in each a valu
able and paying crop.
Tlio demand is steady at prices which
make It ono of tho most desirable of farm
In 1684, taking llio wholo country, it was
the best-pajing cereal grown. The vnluo
per ncrowns $11,42, while that of corn was
lint $9.19, wheat $8.38, and ryo $0.34, Tho
jlela per aero was lower than that of corn
and oats only, while tho prlco ncr bushel
was largely uliovo cither, nnd out a few
cents below that of rye. In Pennsylvania
tho valuo per ucro of tho barley crop was
nearly doublo that of rye, yet but 27,000
acres were devoted to tho former while tho
latter was grown on 400,000 acres.
Why tho Adds of Ontario should bo de
voted to tho raising of a grain to lw con
sumed in the United Stales, while tbo farm
ers of New York. Mlchlcan, and the errcat
northwest devote their energies to tho rais
ing of other cereals requiring an equal
amount of lalior, and yet yoldlng a much
less profit pcrncre. Is an agricultural co.
nuTielrum. Certainly hero Is a chanco for
a systematic and remunerative rotation of
cropping, and It Is hoped farmers will glvo
Intelligent consideration to tho nbovo facts,
whttli tomu to them though tho authentic
channels of the department of agriculture.
AHolltl Column ofCuttlo.
Gov. Column, commissioner of agricul
ture, In bis address before tho u itloual
convention of stockmen, held at Chicago
on the 17th Inttnnt, said that If a solid col
umn should bo formed twelve animals deep,
one cud resting at New York city, its
center encircling 8an I'rnnclsco, and Its
other arm reaching lack to llostou, such
h column would contain about tho num
ber which now forms tho basis, tho capltil
Block, so to speak of thu cattlo, Industry of
tho Vnltcd States. The value of thoso ani
mals Is not less than ?l,30t),000,000.
heeds l'roiii Aliro.nl,
Tlio Plate Department has instructed all
United States consuls to nuke collection of
mid purchase for tbo agricultural depart
ment feeds of such varieties of tobveco as
In tbeir Judgment will bo adapted to tlio
different sections of the Unltod Status,
Thceo will bo distributed by thodepartmeiit,
and it Is believed will prove a valuable ad
dition to tho tobacco Interests of tho eoun-
Tlio fteml Distribution.
Tbo seed division of tlio agricultural do
portmontls busily cuzngod In putting up
eeetds of every kind for distribution, This
division hope to havo all seeds lntetidod for
lato whiter nnd early spring planting ready
for distribution by Veil, 1. MaJ. King, tlio
clllclcnt chief of tho seed division, is absent
on a short leave, to eat Thanksgiving dinner
Willi bis family at ids homo In Indiana. Dr.
llruuhaiu, his assistant, is In charge of tho
bureau. Groat credit Is duo to their efforts
In putting up so rapidly nnd distributing
with such excellent judgment tho seeds
adapted to each section of tho country,
At llio rallli Curo Convention at I'ltUburtr
yesterday, mlelrossos wcro mnilo by Jtev. Mr.
filiupson, nt New York, and Mrs. llaxtor, of
i-oiiilon, Emjluud, The nudleuco was very
A Ml llli:il Mi.I'Kl?i 1U1A Kl),
llio Htory of n Hoy AVIm Wllnewoil tho
Nnw Yoiik, Nov. 30, It was thought
that no living eyo hnd witnessed tho
murder of Antonio 8lan, tlio Ciilmu CliltH
ninn, nlsn ended CIiuiik Otig, In his r
tniirntit i.t I4'J Spring street on Nov. 2
Inst. There was one witness, howovor, n
boy, through whose deserlptlomif the iri'ir
derrr theyavero led on hlstrnek, nnd to-day
brought him to ba. Ill tho nftcriin.m
AtiKiistllio lleliele, 37 yenrs old, n Cuban
creole, elgnminker by trade, was arrested
and locked up at headquarters clnrg'vl
Willi the murder. Tlio boy Is GcoriraMnn,
injtnrsolil. On the day of tho murder hi
wnsseliton nn errntid by bU employer,
when his attention wnanrrestotlhy loud nnd
angry words. Looking across the street he
saw Solno come up the basement
steps lending down to his tostturnut.
llehlud him was n much taller mm, win
pnssed tho Chinaman on llio steps nnd
stopped on tho lop. Solao stepped up to
hlmwlth loud nnd nnjiry words, and was
speaking when the taller man drove a
knife Into his breast to tho hilt nnd then
rnn down the stairs to tho restaurant. Tho
( hinnmnu took n step down ns It to follow
him, but fell headlong dow n tho steps,
I'rlnhtciici! half out of his wits tho boy
turned and rnn. A peddler, nearly lnlf an
hour later, found tho Chinaman dead and
his placo robbed.
hi n photograph of n group of Cubim of
n icvoliitlomtry society young Mm finally
1 clicltl I lie likeness of tho murderer nnd
Identified him. Tlio peillco got n copy of
tho photograph and hegnti a hunt for tliolr
num. Thcv found that he wns Augustine
llchelc,n Cuban cieole-.nnd liytrudisnclg.tr
maker. With this Information they so ir 'lied
the cigar factories nnd arrested lilm to-day
nt n fnclorv nt Hit IV nrl street, llewa.
tnktn to headquarters and picked out of a
group of men by young .Mnni! promptly
and without he-sllatlon. Tho scar nud tho
wntth.ehnln was as described by tho boy
HeMosnyshe workod nt tho factory nu
the day of the murder and tnado 100 elgan,
ns tho factory books prove Hut theu 100
clgnrs Is only a half n day's work.
Thy Niimo Is AVoiiiiin."
1 lint sho Is frail, often In hi.))',
""lis Iruo, 'til Iruo 'lis n pity.
And oily 'il, 'tis true."
Dr. l'lerea's "l'nvorlto Prescription" Is the
best rotomtlve tonic for nliyMiul frailly In
wir.rn,r female urn'.tnciuiordrtrautfdui.'n'.'i.
lly ilruirnist". 1'ilce reduced lo Jl.
lwitsoxAr. 3inxnox.
Tolntrt l'lelcnd Up About IVoplo tVhn
Aro ICiiowii Iluie.
Mmi:. Oamima Unso leaves to-day for
n tour tli rough thu South, which she has not
Isltid since licr jouth,
GEM:itAi, Jamhs II. Coit of Connecti
cut, enndlilato for Doorkecpor of tho next
House, Is at tho National.
Junon John I.ownt.t,, a cousin of
.Tames IlusscH Lowell and n distinguished
New Kngland Jurist, Is at Wormlcy'.
Hon. AJinr.osii A. IUnnev of lloston
camo yesterday for tho purpoo of making
arrangements lor his family this winter.
Seiiodast It, 1). Tlovi.n of tho pollco
force says ho Is thankful tor tho safe arrival
of n llttlo illss lloyle, weight olcven
Veiiv few llepubllcnn lloprcsontatlves
have yet put In nn nppearnncolicro, ns they
sny homo nllalrs nro moro Important nt
Scnatou Camcuov of Pennsylvania ar
rived hero Inst evening and went at ouco to
tho private houso lu which ho will resldo
Ihls winter. The trip to California has
benefited him.
Hon, .John fi. CAitt.idi.T3 spent tho
greater part of yesterday In tho Bpoakor's
room at tho Cailtol nud declined to sou
callers, except ono or two Ilcprescntatives,
with whom ho had appointments.
Ali:x. (lAUKSCiti!, lto,., brother of
William A. Garescho, tho iiowly-.appolnte.il
Consul to Martinique, Is In tho city assisting
his brother In making his arrangements
preparatory to palling for his post of duty.
Tun 1'ot'Ui.Ait CATEitr.it and proprietor
of tho National Hotel, William II. Crosby,
Isalsltlog friends anil relatives lu Vermont
nnd New Hampshire, liU llret holiday In
ninny years. Mr. Crosby Is taking this
recreation preparatory to a haul wlutci's
work on his return.
Tlio Precedent to bo Iioopoctoei. It
is understood that at yesterday's Cabinet
meeting It was decided to follow tho pre
cedents in deciding tho order lu which sub
jects shall be treated In tho President's
Fcfct Mr.ll Faculties. Tho Postmasler
Gcncral has mado an arrangement with tho
Pennsylvania llallroad whereby tho postal
car leaving New York nt ":C0 n. m. will ar
rive In St. Louis nt CM") on second morning
thereafter, Instead of 7 a. m., as nt pres
ent. Now Virginia Postmasters. The fol
lowing postmasters of tho fourth class
weronppolntod In Virginia, to-days A, II.
I. Dickenson, Hergcr's Store, Pittsylvania
Comity; .1. M. Mcl.ane. KIU Creek, (li ay
eon County; L. W. Graves, Grassland,
Ornngo County.
Tho Troc8ury Supsrlntondonoy. It Is
said that John H. Walsh of Albany, N. Y.,
will bo placed In temporary chargo of tho
nfllco of assistant superintendent of tho
Treasury on tho 1st proximo, at which tlmo
the resignation of Mr. Van Itcnssclaer, tho
incumbent, will tako effect. Mr. Walsh Is
nt present foreman of tho cabinet shop and
Is u practical mechanic.
Tlio Public Lands Division. Mr.
Samuel N. Snow of Noith Carolina, as
sistant chief of tho Public Lands Dtvslon of
tho Postoffleo Department, has resigned,
and will bo succeeded by Mr. M. D. N,
Howell, who nt present holds' tho position
of chief of that division. As stated yester
day, Mr. Frank J. Park of West Virginia
will succeed Mr. Howell as chief of tho
Pulllc Lauds Division,
Decision Ovorrulocl. Secretary Lamar
has overruled tho recent decision of Com
missioner Sparks, that tho laud grant of tho
Atlantic & Pacific llallroad Company lying
between San llernarillnound San Francisco,
In California, a dlstanco of about 2."0 miles,
was void, for the reason that tho granting
act to tho railroad company autuorlzou
them to build to the Paclllc Ocoau, which
w ns reached ut San Bernardino.
A Lotjnl Dond-Loclc at Now Yorle.
Judge Medio, Solicitor of tho Treasury, has
eono to Now York to confer with tho
toiled States District Attorney In regard
to tho prosecution of certain suits for re
fund of custom duties, Thcro aro nbout
two thousand of theso cases awaiting trial,
nnd tho Treasury Department Is anxious to
havo them disponed of, ns questions In
volved lu them are constantly urislug lu tho
Tho news of King Alfonso's death was
received nt tho Stato Department and at
scvcial of tho foreign logutlon in this city
in brief telegrams, Tho llrst dispatch to
Secretary llnvnrd earlv this inornlmr an
nounced that bo was dy lug, and thu sucou 1
told of ids death atli u. m,
The news creates much discussion amonj
thoto Inteicsted In tho affairs of Spain
owing to thu doubt a to thu succession.
Until nn ofllelnl dispatch Ii received no
action will bo taken by tho Stato Depa.it
ment. A letter or cablugiamof condolence,
will bo written.
Jlrtiil! Dealers' t'lintieu Helieuio.
SviiAoim, K. V., Nov. 26. In thu nulii
LroiiKhl auuliikt retail doa'cri, for selllaz goods
on the jsuni ofulvInK tickets cntltllm; buyers
to inlzoii, Judiiu Kennedy has rumlored a do
rlwm dtrlarluE the acts coniphitiic.il of lo ls
viltliln Hi" purvltiwoftho stiiluto prnhlhlitn;
loitcrU c, bnv tliat the absolute KlvhiKOf arti
( lei lo lie-rwiin holding tho uroatost number nf
I IcUctsli tint subject to iholaw'scoudoraimtlnu,
'J he liijuneilon imnliut llio dealers lu tho
chance kchiiiia was dlasolved,
Turn: bavins busIueMs before tlio postofllco
acil other departments of tlieuovemnient, and
ulfo before tho court, are referred lo the ad
UTllKmenlol I'rcuiian .V Money, lu another
column. JiuIkx Freeiiinii lilted ulth ahlltly
Die 4illi)ii ol United States ultoruoy for the
l'mlollleo Depailment for cluht yonri, and U
IliornuRhly fumlllnr with the law nud practice
of IbUdepsrlnieiit. Mr Money win u promi
nent member of tlio Ilouo for cn y 'ar.
'lljcy wlllKlto uttcuilou lu uny Uuamus in
liukictl to Iticm.
Attin vr.i.i'n ci.i Kim thii rnieiiK,
Our nrtlst to-day ngaln utilizes n cele
brated painting by giving It an application
contemporaneous with passing events. The
original of tho painting, A. Vcly's cclo
bratcd picture, "Tlio Talking Well," In tho
Corcoran Art Gallery, docs not deal with a
classical subject, but tho application necos
sarlly Introduces llio spectator to a classical
world. It could uot bo otherwise, when
thcro Is Introduced as ono of tho main
features of llio cartoon thoso celebrated
"llrcakfast Table Letters to tho President,"
whleh ever slnco their author, our es
teemed contemporary, becamo conucctcd
with tbo National ItrrunLicAN, havo
every Saturday morning shown up glowing
w lib rhetoric and weighted with powerful
Tlio themo of tho painting has to do with
a maiden and a young man. Wo might say
that a great many themes havo lo do with
maidens nud joung men, but wo will not.
iho maiden Is a model of mystic grace, and
cvciy sentiment told by tho painter's brush
Is delicately expressed. Tho words that
the maid is hcarlugnmycomo from tho well,
hut flora tho general expression oMicr feat
urea and tho arch way in which sho holds
herself It would bo safo to wager that she
knows Iho Infty sho is getting Is of tho
humnii kind nnd has nothing whatever to do
Willi tho spirit or nuy other but tho m ittcr-of-fact
old world, whero, accordiug to two
eminent facts, If jou laugh thu rest of tlio
Inhabitants thereof will loin iu vour cachi
liatlon. Wo claim for our nppllcatlon of Vely's
oilglnnl to-day all tho merits that tho hitter
A Itutlslnu "Willi Important Clmiigci
mill Additions.
Iho amendments to the rules of pracllco be
foro tlio patent oftlco havo been completed
by tho assistant socretnry of tho Interior and
the commissioner of patents, Tho inoit rn Ileal
thntiEcs, nnd thoso whoso efloct will materially
chaiiKOtlio method of fllmi; claims nnd up
plications, nro ns follows :
35. Tho specification mukt set orth tho pre
clso Invention for which a patent Is solicited,
explaining tho prlnclplo thereof and tho bast
mode in which tho applicant has contemplated
applying that principle, so as to distinguish It
from other Inventions.
to. Iu easo of a racro Improvement, tho spec
ification must particularly point out tho parts
lo which It relates, and must, by explicit Inn
cuage, distinguish between what is old nud
what Is claimed as new. nud tho description
nnd tho drnwloKS, as well as tbo claims, should
bo confined to tho spcclllo Improvement nnd
such parts ns necessarily eo opernto with It.
il7. 'J ho srcclflcntlon must concludo with it
tpcclfla nud distinct claim or claims of the
part. Improvement, or combination which tlio
applicant regards as Ids Invention or discovery.
1W, Where thcro nro drawlnzi tho doscrlp
tlon will refer totho dlllcrcnt views by llgurus,
niitl to tho dlflerent parts by letters or n'iircs,
(preferable tho latter.)
C'J. Tho following order of arrangemont
should lo outcn ed hi framing tho specifica
tion: 1st. Prcnmblo Flatlni; tlio nameand residence.
of the applicant and thu title of tho Invention,
and, If llio Invention has been pucntcd in any
country, thu country or countries in which ft
has been to patented, nud tho dato and number
of each patent.
2d. General statement of tho object nnd na
ture of tho Invention.
3d. llrlcf description of tho scvoral vlows of
tho drawings (If tlio invention udmlti such
till. Jletallcd description.
5th, Claim or claims,
Clh, Miiiiuturo of inventor.
7th. Signatures nr twowllnosscj.
M. Applicants for reissue. In addition to tho
requirements of rulo 15, must also llio with
their petitions a ttntement on oath as follows:
1st, i hat the applicant verily believes the
original patent to bo Inoperative or Invalid,
and Iho reason why.
t!d. Y hero It Is claimed that such patent Is so
inoperative or invalid "by rcasouof u dofectlvo
ur iibuiucie'iiii.ccuicauQt. parucuiariyspoci
lying such delects or imuilleiencles.
3d, Whero It Is claimed that such patont Is
iuoperatlvo or Invalid "byreuw.iof tho pat
entee chilmln:! ns Ills own Invention or discov
ery moro than ho hud nrkihttocliilmnsnuw,"
distinctly slatlm; such part or parts so allcgud
to havo been so Improperly claimed as new.
llli. Purlli iilnrly specif) Inn the orrois which
It is claimed constitute tho Inadvertence, acci
dent, or mlstalo relied upon, and how thoy
aroso or occurred,
1th. That i.alil errors nrosi "without nay
fraudulent or deceptive intention" on tho p irt
or the applicant.
110, upon receiving n petition! whleh s'ull
stale concisely nnd u.enrly nuy proper quus
llon, which has been Iwlco acted upon by tlio
examiner, and which dons not 1 nvolvo the
merits o( thu case, or llio rejection of a claim,
und which hall nho state tho facts Involved
and tho isiiut or points lo bo rovluwed, uu
order will bo made llxlugn tlmo far liearlii','
such petition by tho commissioner, nud direct
hiE tho examiner to rciwrt upon or answer tho
inutteis ntcntd In such petition nt least llvo
du) before Mich day of heorinir,
I1 1. J inn: cil I Ucly upon taking an nppa.al tho
appellant taint glvo nu'.lcu ther eof to tlio com.
uilsli ncr of pi.lcnts, nud lilo hi Iho patent
oir.ee bis reasons or appeal specifically set lonh
lu writing,
lid. I'm forum proceedings will not hero
after bo had in tho patent olhcoiorihep.iruso
of seem lui: to applicants au apiual lotlm a.i
prune coutt of Iho District of Columbia.
Tbo President lo 1'olluw the Precedent.
'1 hero wns n full attendance at thu Cabinet
meeting jrbtcrday, Tho eosslon lusted about
three hours, nnd was devoted almost entirely
In Iho coiitleu ration of Iho President's mesn?o
lo l ont'ii s. 'llio document Is iu uu advanced
Mule of i reparation, nud will bo completed
sc trnl ilii) before tho meet Inn of Congress,
(hie of lliu questions dismissed vestenlay was
Ibe order In whbh (crtutu topics should bo
considered. 1 ho President favored Iho custom
adopted by a majority ol his predecessors ns lo
the cribr of precedence, with n few excep
ts n, nud was sustained 111 his yluws by all tho
members of his Cabinet,
has with sovcral by no means unimportant
additions. Tho lover In tho original Is a
very insinuating young man, but when it
comes to tho Insinuating wo think that
Prof. Fox, as wo portray his expression
nud nttltudo to-day, could glvo that original
points nnd win tlio Bamo w"u n whoop,
Whllo everything nbout Prof, Fox's hand
some facial outifno Is ns chasto as tho
beautiful snow when it first sproadsits
llcecy inautlo over mother earth, thcro Is
yet In Its tout ensemble Prof. Fox Is es
pecially strong on tho tout ensemble a
winsomeness which without any accessory
w otild bo hard to present. But tlicro Is an
accessory, nud a most potent ono
it Is, too. Tho nudienco will 1 lcaso
obscrvo tho "llrcakfast Tablo Letters,"
a collection of which Prof. Fox carrlei
In his left hand, whllo tho seductive, and
beautiful fingers of tho right hand aru
so arranged that they show nil of their taper
beauty to tho eyo of tho maiden. , Coupled
with tho Adonls-llko proportlonsof Prof.
1'ox, which unfortunately nro con
cealed by tho wall, it Is no wonder that tho
maid whom nc Is wooing shows signs of re
lenting. It would be tho eighth wonder of
tho world If sho did not hang out such
signals. Yet there is, withal, c certain eoy
iices about thu maid who Is at tho well. She
has heard that tutth lies at tho bottom of
tho well which, by tho way, is tho only
place that truth Is eve- found guilty of pro
tnrlcntlon and huvhig her bucket all ready
would test nfTnlrs for herself ; but sho
will not. Prof. Pox's eloquenco will con
vince her that tho only truth worth taking
stock lu Is contained In "Tho Uicakfast
Table Letters." Let us le.avo them as they
nro with tho best wishes for both.
uiibt, sciiur.Tzi! lit siniaiiA.
A Tiresome Jouinuy to tbo T.unn. Dolln
With Iho I.cyvnrils,
The following letter has been recel cd by
Secretary ilajard from Lieut. W. W. Schue..t,
U. S. N who was sent to .Siberia las', summer
to carry presents and gralultles nwardeJ by
Congress lo certntn ol tho natives ol that coun
try who bohieuded tho survivors of the Jean
in tic: "1 have thu honor to report inyarrlud
hero on tbo 21st lnstnut on my way to tile
inoiilhor llio Lena river. My route froai St.
l'elenburg was the ono usually followed
In tho summer from Moscow over NIs.
hul, Novgoros, Kamu, Perm, and Tin.
men. 1'roiu tho latter plaro lo Tomsk
I ho travel by steamer occupiod leu days, nn 1
llicncn by wagon to Irkutsk seventeen days.
From Tomsk tho time occupied win unusually
long, Iho roads being thuMorst known for
)ear, owing lo tho almost coustaut ralm
during the past summer. Iu many places tho
regular track could not bo followod nt nil,
nnd temporary roads or paths lay through
swamps, cultUntcd Holds, or lorcsts. Acci
dents to tho wagon wcro frequent, causing
long stops lor repairs, Whero tho road was
particularly rough travel by night was, If not
im OHlblo, not nihlsable. When oncu I at
tempted it I was all of ono night making n
station ol fourteen miles, Owlmr to this un
expected delay on tho latter part of tho Jour
uev I shall havo lo wait hcru until the win
ter road opens to Yakutsk, probably lu tho
early pnrt of November. 1 shall then procood
lo lukulsk as rapidly us possible, (it out tlio
expedition for tlio north coast, nud retunilii,'
Irom tbo Delta they to reach Irkutsk before tho
spring opens un. Cold weather has now sot
hi near Yakutsk, and tho only practicable
summer trnvel by boat Is interrupted.
Tho usual visits wllh tho officials of Irkutsk
havo been exchanged. Tho newly appointed
governor g.meral of I'jist Siberia, Count Igiu
tie!), Is particularly kind nnd courteous, and
prom lies mo nil necessary- olllclal assistance.
In my Journey to the north."
'Iho letter Is dated Irktusk, East Siberia,
Ecpt. Si, 1IM,
Imports nnd Txport.
Col. Svvltzlcr, chief of the bureau of statis
tics, reports that tho total values or tho ox
ports of mcrchnndlsodurlngthotwclvo months
ended Oct. 31 wcro S717,179,Bo2, nnd during the
preceding tvvelvu months S7JI,b7,7S'J, a de
crease of 817,018,117, Iho values of Imports or
mcrclinutllso for tho twelve months onded Dot.
si, ltsa, were 572,115,!J2-J, nud durlDg tho pro
ceding twelvo months SG&.'.oGl, lb), a decrease
Cubnii I'npor mills 1'rotost,
Tho Stato Department was Informed by
cablo from Madrid eslerdny that tbo Spanish
government had consented lo oxtond tho tlmo
fur pulling ii higher duty nu American straw
paper until the 1st of rcbrunry to glvu tho
American manufacturers a chance toshnw that
Injustice wns being dona on Iho Island of Cuba
b putting n higher duty ou their paper than
Is Imposed on tho samo paper mado lu Kur-me,
Tbo Clioycnno Agciioy .Scandal,
Mnj. William A. Swan, of Pennsylvania,
was appointed ngeint nt Iho Choycnno rlvor
Indlnu ngency lu July, 1K8'2, nt a salary of
SI, WO. lie has beenchurged with Irregularities'
In a special report to Iho Interior Department.
Tbo charges consist ot placing fictitious names
upon tho ration list, nud making away with
in) head nf ciitllu belonging to tho agency. Thu
mailer will bo called lu thu intention of tho
Interior Department.
Yellow I'uver Seiiiu ut (Jillvostoll.
GaiAmoN, Nov. 21. On tho lllh instant
llio steamer Wlvonhoo nrilvcd from KlugUon,
Jamaica. Her captain rejiorted that ono of his
firemen hnd died of fever vv lien throo days out
fiom Kingston. Tho vessel was quarantined
until tho ICtli, when sho entered port nnd be
gau loading cotton. On Iho 18th another lire
mmi was taken down, nud on Sunday Inst tho
cnptnlu culled In thu hcultli ofllcer, who pro
nounced tho man tobosulleringlrom yollow
luvcr, ihodUcoveryof n ease of fever In tho
imrt wns kept quiet, nnd tho vessel wns ordorod
back toqunruntlne, whcio sho now lies. Atli
o'clock io-nlght tho health o'Uoor reportoi
that tho in nil might llvo through thonhjllt,
that (hero wero no other cvasos ou uotnl
Iho ship, nml that tlio Wlvcuhoo had
been thoroughly fumlgalod to-day, Tiicro Is a
largo number of vessels iu pnrt, nud soma nn
caslncts exists ou n-couut of tho Wlvcuhoo
having beou permitted to eutor und craw to
tomu luhorc.
IVoplo nro drifting back to tho capita
qulto rapidly, and In another fortnight tho
paraphernalia of social llfo will havo bo
como systematized. Tho anxious Inquiries
of timid buds nnd of accomplished holies
ns well, lo sny nothing of tho matrons who
enjoy tlio Washington season most of all, ns
lo whether It Is to bo a gay winter or no
havo been nnswered by nn overwhelming
majority lu tho anirmallvo. Following all
traditions It could not fall of being festive,
nnd, besides, tho Indications, personal and
commercial, glvo assurances of prosperity
nud consequent rejoicing. Besides tho
usual official receptions, dinners of state,
nml endless cozy hroakfasts tholattcrform
of entertainment Is likely to bo n favorite,
mode under tho tillo of dejeuner do lo
fourehclle wo nro promlscd"Iltcrary morn
ings" nnd "poetic nftcrnoons," nud "dm
uinllcuvciililgs," vvltli luncheons, teas, nnd
dnnces scntlcrcd blltbcsomely between.
Over nnd nbovo nil theso matters that nro
being calmly foreordained nro thoso enjoy
nblo events that are tho Inspiration of a
minute. Ouco started In n gay set, tho
music "ill bo continued until enough balls
li.avolccu given to satisfy half n dozen
oiillnnry communities. Hero tho soason
must be extraordinary to satisfy tho senses
ot pcoplo who expect to bo half killed, at
least, with tho saturnalia.
Tho weather continues to bo perfect In
its autumnal way. Miss Clovclnnd has re
turned to tho whlto house, looking fully
l cf i cchcil and strong for tho social duties
sho so griiccfiilly nnd ncccptably performs.
Miss Cleveland Is suffering from a sovcro
cold, n disability that persists In attacking
thoso who stay away or go away and return
hero nt this season. Miss Cleveland saw
friends who called eailyin Iho week, lint
has been compelled to deny hcrsolf on
Thursday nnd Friday. Mrs. lloyt will re
main n few weeks longer.
After tho Thanksgiving rcuulons nud
dinners nro over und before tho Christmas
preparations commeuco many houses will
ho thrown open, ns usual, that friends may
meet nuu restimo pleasant, iricnusiup be
fore tho crush and high tldo of tho regular
season Is on. Theso nnto eesnlonJrecepUons
nro qulto Informal, that is to say, no re-
ircsnincnts nro oucrcii.
Sirs. Justice Field was at homo to callers
nt 21 First street, Capitol Hill, ou Monday
Mrs, Justico Sillier will rcsumo her re
ceptions nt her residence on Highland
linco early Iu December,
Sirs, lllchard C. Drum, wlfo of tho ndit
tout general, gava a breakfast to Sirs. Kn
cott nnd SIlss Kudlcott on Jlonday.
Theater parties to llaltlmoro to hear Ed
wln Booth iu "Hamlet" havo been numerous
from hero all tho week. Sirs. Judge Shel
labnigcr nnd Sirs. Juilco Wilson chaperono
n large pnrty of young people to tho Slon
umeutal city- this afternoon.
Sirs. Horiico Ilelynr was ono ot n lnrgo
nud gny party that wcro entertained by Sir.
and Sire, liobcrt (larrett nt Uplands, tliolr
charming place near llaltlmoro, last week.
Tho ladles of Iho Onrflcld Hospital Asso
ciation will meet nt tho lesldcucoof Sirs.
Henry Wlllnrd on Tuesday,
SI is. Onrllcld denies that sho Is writing a
biography of her lato husband.
Sirs. W. F. VHns vlsltod Iialtltnoio on
Wednesday. SIlss Cornelia Vilas Is vlaltlug
Col. nml Sirs. Daniel Lament wcro enter
tained nt dinner by Sir. nnd Sirs. A,A.
Wilson on Thursday ovenlng.
Mr. Kcjcs, of Albany, is visiting Sirs.
Hon. nnd Sirs. William S, Ilohnnn nnd
SIlss Ilolinnn, of Indiana, nro nt tbo Ham
ilton. Sirs, llosllek lias organized tho West Ilnil
ficininu Club for tho season. Tho members
will live up to tho salutary achievements,
of tho club's past records.
Sits. J. IlusscH Sclfridge.of thoPortlaud,
Is in New York city for ii few days.
A hunch of dry oak leaves wllh tho win
ter brow n ou them maku nu nillstlc decora
tion for an open grato or flro place.
Sir. nnd Slis. D. P. Sloigan nud tho
SIIsscs Slorgan, ot Now York city, aro oc
cupying their elegant new rcsldcnco, lately
Senator Don Cameron's house, on Scott
Sirs, A. A. Hayes, who Is ngnlu established
nt her well appointed homo. 1717 lihodo
Iflnnd nvtnue, will rcsumo nor Thursday
afternoons nt homo nftcr U:U0, iu December.
SIlss Fnti-Fan Dcvciis, of Ilrattleboro',
Vt., cousin to ex-Attorney Oencial Doyens,
and lilcco of Sirs. A. A. Hayes, is Iu tho
elty, tho guest of her aunt, for ii fovv weeks.
Slis. James Hoy gave a pretty luncheon
to n number of ladles ou Friday in honor of
SIlss Fan-Van Dcvcns.
Sir. Justico (irny has token up his resi
dence for tbo season at 1?J1 lihouo Island
Slits Fnuny P.. Lockwood, whoso studio
Is at 1007 I, etrcet, is tho guest of Sirs.
Snundcis of V strict. SIlss Lockwood is
tho author ot Iho character sketches lu
blade and white, called "Ono Fourth of
Wnsuliigton," that told eo well during In
QUguiatlon week.
Tho lady managers of tho Woman's F.x
change, on H street, will glyo n ten nt tlio
exchoiigo rooms on Wednesday, Dec. 0.
Some ol our most prominent society pcoplo
Vin-, llm ,llrnllm, f 11, n nrnlniitnn m,,l n
t.,U ...V ,.,b..u.. u. ,t.v WA...u..nV, ,.,,.. t.
number of tho most charming belles havo
consented to assist ou this occasion. Thcro
Is n delightful exhibit of fancy nrtlclcs sult
nble for nolldny presents now nt tho rooms.
This charity has always enjoyed a suporb
pati ounce, und tho ten deserves to bo fully
Tho liusslan inliiulstcr, Sir. Charles do
Sti uve, sailed ou Wednesday for Kuropo.
It Is hoped bo will bo accompanied by Mine,
do Strrnvo on his return fiomSt. Pctorsbcrg.
Sir, John V. Mason, commonwealth at
torney for King (leorgo county, will bo
lnairUd to SIlss Kalo Kearney Henry,
daughter of tho lato dipt. Henry, ot F
Mrcet, on Fildny, at St. John's Church,
Sir. (Jeoigo W. Woelper, of Now Orleans,
will bo married to SIlss Slarlo Aulolnettu
Finckcr, daughter of Sir. nnd Sirs. T. L,
Vrackcr, at tho family residence ou Iowa
Clicle, on Wednesday ovenlng.
Hon. John W. Stevenson, of Kentucky,
and family aro in tho city,
Hon, und Sirs, Charles I. Mitchell, of
Connecticut, havo returned to tho city and
mo stopping ut their rcsldcnco on Dupout
Mrs. (icn. Slyer nnd tho SIlssos Sfoyor, of
I street, havo leturned to tho elty from
their placo on I.ako l'.rlu.
Sir, nnd Sirs, lllchard McAllister. Jr.,
spent Thursday nud Ftitlnyln New York
'Jho bell-boys nnd olovntor hoyi nt tho
Poitlnud on W cdnesdny uvcnlug wofo vvod
ding favors of boulounleics of whlto roses,
on tho occasion of tho lluchauuii-SIycrs
Tlio handsome houso ot Sir, B. 8. Shodd
lu Woodli Igh lane, nt thu bond of Nine
teenth dtrcet, Is receiving its finishing
touches, nnd will bo ready for occupancy
soon. Sir. W. lliuco (liny, Iho architect,
has nehlevcd lu this houso onu ot his most
lemnrknblu nrtistlo successes,
Aptiitniciits ut tho Portland havo been
tnkuifor tho season by Don, nud Sirs. 0.
(I. Hi miner und family, of Colorado; (leu,
nnd Mrs. Velio, of Now York ; Senator nud
Mrs, Slnudeison, ot Nebraska ; lion, uud
Sirs, Lewis Ileuch, of Curiivvull, N. Y.;
Hon. H, C, Lviiuin, Hon, nnd Sirs, Soreuo
K. Pnjne, Auburn, N. V.j Hon. nnd Sirs.
I). II. Henderson, Dubuque, lown, nud
Hon. Sir, Eovvdcn, of Peiin'.ylvnnhi.
'Jhoiniirrlngo of Miss Slary Lou P.ldgely,
only ilauchler of Sir. Charles Hldgoly. a
wealthy citizen nf Springfield, III., uud W.
A. Vincent, cx-thicf Justico of Now Sloxlco,
was a notablo event In Sprlngllcld society.
Tho ceicmony vvus performed by tho Hov.
H. II. (iiirtcu nt St. Johu'H F.plscotial
Church, i ho largo auditorium wns crovvilod
wllh tlio Invited guests, Tho attendants
wcro tho Sllsses Cnnlo Culloiu, Lulu
lllock, KIolso (liifllth, Kato Hay, and Jessie
Smith, of Spiinglleld; Slnry Leo Kldgely, ot
St, Louis, and Jesslo (lllletto, ot Vlkhart;
Slessrs. (leorgo Wood, of LnuUvIllo, Ky.j
T. 0. Klmbcr, Harry llunn, Ocorgo ilatos,
l'lelil. V. Trncy, t"Walt Ur An, nad I'i utile
Itidgely. Tho leieplloli m f tic ISIilir ly ic-I-ilcnct,
Irstlig lill lieur lnldiilght, was very
largely nttcided. Mr and .ills Vincent
left tha rnme nlehl fur Wnslilngtou, arriv
ing Iilio ibiTsduv mot id i'. Ketiiriitnt:
f i urn btio lu nl uitl t-n ilavn.tliclioncyninoii
will bo chiefly spent In a tour of Mexico,
Delegnles from hot en Htulcs Itrgo lin
iikmIIiiIo Arlloti by Cniigross.
Savannah, (Ia., Nov, 21, Two hundred del
cgntcawcro present nt tlio harbor convention
which met hereto-day. Bui en 'tales worn rep
resented (Icorgln, 1 Inrlda, Alabama, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, aud l'enn
sjlvnnln. Lx.Coy. Drew, of liorldn, wns
cho'cu temporary clialriiian; N. J, llninnmnd,
of Atlniitn, congressman Irom tho fourth dis
trict or (Icorgla, was eleeted president, nnd
Major Smith, or Philadelphia, onu of the. vice
presidents, Tho object ol tho convention Is to
tecuie Irom Congress more consideration fur
thusoiith Atlantic harbors. Charles Lawrence,
president of tho city council or Philadelphia)
r. W, Dawson, or Charleston, uud others ltd
dressed the convention.
1 be rollovvlng resolutions wero adopted !
"Thoroinmlitco on lcsolutloiu respectfully
submit the unanimous report hi placo of vari
ous resolutions nud recommendations referred
to them by order of tho convention.
"Whereas the Improvement of harbors of na
tional Importance nud thu approaches thoreto
has been nnd Is Imperatively demanded by tho
print foreign nnd ilonicstlo eommereo passing
through them, and Judicious expenditure for
suih nn object Is n wlro Investment of public
"VUicrcnsK hns long slnco becomo tho settled
policy nnd practice ot tho general government,
looking lo tho general welfare, to appropriate
money to tbo Improvement of such barborj
nnd approaches thi-rctoj
"Wfurens in coinequcnoo ofvcrylnadonuato
appropriations by Congress in pail years tlio
hull ors ou our south Aliunde coast, tho nit
uml gatcn)S through which Iho Imports nud
cxjiorisnf n lnrgo section or our vast country
must necessarily pii's.hnvo uot boon iniprovod,
deepened, nud otherwise adapted to that olusi
of csFcls having enpacity to carry tlio largo
nnd Increasing commerce ol thcu ports with
economy, Hit nby Imjioslng a heavy nnd en
tirely uuncrc'sary lax upon both produccrand
(onumici: Therefore bo It
"Hcsolvcd, That tho development of theso
hnrtiorsnnd npprnaches thereto Is a subject
entitled to llio highest consideration or ilij
Congress or the United Etntc;; that it is the
lnnnlrcst nnd Imperative duty of tho general
cov eminent to tal.c Iminudiaio steps to secure
tho safe nnd easy navigation of these harbors
by vessels or such burden ns tho largo nnd
growing eommereo of Iho eountrv demands,
thus rcduclnc the cost of freight nnd Insurance,
promoting the Inland commerce or tho nation,
securing new nvennes or foreign trade, and
bringing general prosperity and Increased
wenlth lo tho vvholi country,
I "llesolvcd, That tho work of Improving tho
ntborsor sandy couMs is admittedly ono or
Ibemo'tdllllcult problems In hvdrnullo engi
neering: that It is ot vital Importance to the
successful nnd economical prosecution of such
works thnt there should ho no lack of needed
funds, slnco enforced suspension or operation
not only rctutds tho work nnd adds greatly to
lis cost, but seriously endangers Its surety.
"Kcsolvcd, That ns nearly nil our Atlantic
harbors nntl all upon this southern en ist nro or
too snmiy iyic, wo rcgaru too stoppage oi
these works, or embarrassment of iho simo
from Inek of funds, ns peculiarly deplorable
nnd in contravention of every law or economy
nnd good policy, nnd with great confidence in
tho skill. Integrity, and energy or tho officers
to whom tho plans nnd work or harbor Im
provement Is Intrusted, wo earnestly recom
mend muburgo thnt In fUturo adequato appro
priations for theso harbors may bo innilu In
accordance with official .estimates of tho total
costol tho Improvement, such appropriations
to bo nppllcd In annual Installments or such
nmounls ns tho exigencies or tho enso may re
quire, in orderthnt thesa Important works may
bo prosecuted vigorously uud In tho speediest,
bin, nnd most economical manner.
"ItcsolvcU, That whllo wu regard llio devel
opment or tho hntbori or tlio south Atlantic,
eoa't and the approaches thereto ns nn object
or paramount importance, wo recommend tho
improvement of such other harbors nnd rivers
as will facilitnto Iho eommereo of tho wholo
country nnd promoto tho general good.
"Jtesolved. That In view or tho serious det
riment likely to rcult lo various river nnd
bailor works now lu progress from exhaustion
or avnllible appropriations, nnd consequent
enforced smreiiston of work on lho30 Improve
ments pending the passage of thu regular river
nud harbor bill, it Is Iho sono of Hits conven
tion (bat Congress should Immediately uftcr
itasscmbllng pass n relief hill providing for
llio proiecuilo'ior these works u's nggreg.ita
sum, to I e mado immediately available lu ad
vance of thu regular appropriation bill
"Kcsolvcd, Tliat a sH.-elni committeo or ono
from each stolo represented Iu tho convention
bo appointed by tho clinlriu.au to prepare and
perionally present to tho Congress of tho
United Hatcsnmcmorial embodying tho views
set forth In tho ton-going resolutions, nnd to
urge their early nnd favorable consideration.
"Jtesolved, ihnt n permanent OTecutlvo
committee of ono member from cnoh stato rep
resented lu this convention bo appointed by
Ihcchnlr, mm when this convention adjiurns
It shall adjourn subject to a call or llii execu
tive committer."
Iho following committeo was appointed to
prepare tho memorial: Alabama, S. II, Dont;
liorlda, Charles II. Jones: (ieorali, John
Scievcni North Cnrollnn, P. W. Kcrclincr:
r-otith Carolina, S. Y. T upper; Tennessee, Tout
lliiMin Fort; Virginia, William Lamb.
Tho convention adjourned to-ulght. Tho
Ocean Mcanuhlp Company will glvo tho dele
gates nu excursion to sen nnd u banquet to
moriovv morning on tho steamship Augusta.
cui.tj: rwM Tin: consuls.
Tlio licpurlH ltccclvcd nt tbo Stuto lo
pnrlini'iit Digested.
Consul Motey, nt Colombo, Ceylon, In his an.
nual re orl to thu Secretary of State, notes tho
fact that whllo Iho djrect Imports from this
country to Co ion comMcd ot S39,t08 worth of
licioicne oil. theie wero In fact 175,003 worth
of American products nnd manufactures
brought Into tho Island mostly through Tlrltlsh
luelln and credited to thntcouutry. Thcro was
nn increasing demand for fruit evaporaton,
scales, and welshing machines, wire fencing,
rlllcs, revolvers, tuvvs. clocks, and canued
goods of American manufacture.
Consul General Putnam, at Honolulu, hat
sent to tho Department or Mnto nu exhaustive
article on tho subject or leprosy, written by
Dr. George L. Pitch who, tho consul says, has
rnjojed opportunities vouchsafed to few to
l e ccmo thoroughly acquainted with tho mal
ady, Por n number of sears lio had charge of
the gov eminent hospital und leper settlement
nn tho Island or Molokal. Dr. Vltch believes
blmscirjnstltlcd lu saying that leprosy Is hered
itary, nnd cannot bo coinmunlcntod by ono
person to another by, through, or under any
combination or circumstnnccs.
Tho official returns recently mado of tho
forest lands of tho Gcrmnn empire, n pynonsla
of which hns been transmitted by Consul It ir-
er, ut Munich, to Iho Secretary of State, show
an Incn aso slnco 1878 of lss.rjlt! acres of forest,
a result brought about by replanting and
wooden commons nud waslo lauds.
Consul William Hindu, at llrus'cls, In bis an
nual rcpoit to thcSccretnryof Ktnta, sars tho
averagoslro or farms In llio two Plunders Is
about seven ncrcs, and that n farmer will sup
port bis luiully upon thu profits ofatrnct of six
iu rcB.
Tho consul general nt Port-au-Prince, llaytl,
reports to Iho Department or btato that thu
1 orl of AnsoiVIIuinaull has been reopened to
foreign trado by n law enacted ouKcpt, 18, lbS3.
TnliiiceonlstH' I'ntltlou In Con(,'i'Oss,
I.ASCASTFii, Pa Nov. SI. A mooting or to
bacco dealers and growers wns held here this
cvcnlnt; to tako action in reirnrd to tho law)
lniportutlons of hnniatrau tobacco now threat
ening tbo industry In this country. It was re
solved to petition Connressto Increase tho duty
ou nil lorehjii tobaccos to SI a pound, A moot
inirof thucrovvcrs will bo hold also at sonio
luiuru time.
Tho unusiiiilly lilith lido has badly dama?od
thu Ocean City uud sjoutli Sea Islo hratichoi of
tho Wcs.1 Jersey railroad, nud trains nro utmbU
to tunko connection with the main lino.
lisrAiiiisurn ISUO.
National Republican
WAUiiiNtnox, ii. o.
Dally, oncd't Hniulnjs. l'rlce, (0,00 per year, In
ndvutiee, iosiai!o ficc.
l'oridcn unit Consiilui' lhlllion, f.rj.Otl
I'er Your.
Tim Wi'ckly Xiillomil Iteiitililic.in,
Hcvoliil lo p in nil lifns ami iirlKliul nnllcrob.
taliinl from llio llriarlmciit of Arrlcullure nn.l
otliiT Ilei nrltnciiU oMl.o llovfinninit, rolntlnj to
llio funning nml i-luntlni; Intcriili,
An luhMiiliw.r lttulillcAii pilucli'loi, rcvtelni
fonrltssly nnd fulrly llio nets of Conyicss nml tlio
National Adinliilstrnllon,
I'llce, l.lid lr jcnrlnmlvniHO, I'cwtniro free
i:, v. rox,
l'riMrnt nml Miumscr.
omeo Itooins, ill) ami 111, Ut. Cloud IlullJIng,
WASHING.'!, 2), 0.
Will prnetlco In Hie Siiiircino Court of llio UiiIUrI
BlntM, Iho Courl of claims, tlm snvrral UiurU of
llio llllttlcl of t'lnniUa, licforo Commlltcos of
l iinen n nml tlio Ksocullve lU'iiartuients,
I'ommuiim lull iisrlicnliir. lor homo oury. fro, "I
tliatBO. Aiiaro.i'roM',0. roWLKU.Moodus.Oouu.
IT 18
Aycr's Sarsnpnrllln, nml tho30 who tuo It
nro always ready to eny a good word In Its
favor. Mrs. C. Johnson, tUO Illcki st,,
llroooklyn, N. Y., fuiil'creil greatly from
ilcblllty, and says : " I did not think It wns
In tlio power of mcdlclno lo pioiluco inch
n wonderful cliango ns Aycr's Sarsnpatlllti
hai cfTectetl In my case. I fool that I have
entered n new llfo." Mrs. V. 11. Henry,
4th st., Lowell, Mns.i., writes: "For cars
I wni badly aflllcted with Snlt llhciim In
my hands. Sly physician ndvhcd mo to
try Aycr's Sarsnparllla. I did so. Tlio
result was perfectly satisfactory. I havo
moro recently used It In my family with
equally pleasing effect. It merits n'l Hint
Is claimed for It. As n blood purine
Boparllla has no equal."
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver
"!- ,
f For BOlo by nil Druggists.
Teachers, Business Men and Bookkeepers!
Tim Condensed but Lou
plctu Treatise on tlio
Account Systom.
CeniillilnR 120 Donllo
l'uLisdllxl.n en Mir-
iookki:i:iin(i jointNAt.,
ciii.lllpllooV.keci.lnij A Montlily Trrntlseon tlio f.illoMlinr HtuJIcs!
r.liU b'liliklll?, AIIVANCIJ) IIOOKKVIU'IMI,
KlienilAM,, UII1MVX, t'OMMHimi, bVIV,
rsMiA.vsini', ConiiiFinxiir.vcr, uiiahuir.
Price, Sfi CeiitH 1'or Copy.
1'niiipliletH, f icnls.
JP33E3G3 GrTEttajQJS? IvT.TaSEl-SiTia a'CSIHTIO.
UtMurpametl ns a JtrtnctFi for Ornerol JJfbllffj, fifeej,ff.tiie, AVitious J7xfiai
tlon, Zfj)Cijl, Jmpnlrnl I'llnlllil, Ncurulllu, Jllicumutlam, und
JfroAcii-Jloirii Coiiifffditfoiis.
STronoLY nNDORsnu nv tub msoicai. rnornssiOM.
Prcimrcd Iy Untidy & Cox, 143 N. Howard Ot., Hnlllmorc, SIU.
Oil SKIX caxci:k.
rprrocn years I miiTcrcd with nennccronmy
fiuc, J.lplit moiitli nso n friend rccominoudctl the
tinjof Hwlft'g fcipctinc und 1 tletermlnctl to make
mi effort to procure It, in this I van MiceeM fill, nnd
I cccn Its uw. 'Ihe Inllupnccof tlio medicine at flrst
fln tOFMiuuliat oppmntc tlio oro; but soon tlio
Inlluintimtloii wm ullnyeil, nnd I Itegan to Itnnrovo
afltr the ttrst ftw (mules. My general lie.iUli lim
(rnally Imnrotcd. I nm stronger, and nblo to do
nny kind of work, Tlio cancer on inyfaco bemi
to (Umnrtcniirt ttionUer to lieil, until thcro Ii nut
uvcMlgc of it left only n llttlo Binr marks tho
place. Mii.H.JiiiciK A. McI)u.vld.
Atlanta, Oa., Aug. 11, ms5,
I have had n cancer ou my faco for flmne yean,
exlemllng from one tlietk bono ncrow thontKoto
thei'thcr. It ha phen iuu a Rroat iteil of jnlti,
nt times turiilntf nml Itching to audi nn extent that
It was almost iiiiU'i.raMe. I commenced imId
Swift's biHclilc In M iy, 1H35, nnd hio iiiedclKht
t'utllrs. it hnBCheu IlieRrentwt relief hy rnnovlnt;
tho Inllaimiiatlon und nstorlng my gt'iieral lieilili.
W. IHuxn.-.
K.Noxvinr, Iowa, Hcnt. 8, 18a",
Treatise on Blocd nnd Hktn Plflctn mall oil free,
The Hwikt BrrriKic Co., Drawer IS, Atlanti, (la.
NYmIM W. 'iihU r
Kavorahly known nnd large
ly meil In Nt-' York Ully and
vicinity forovei tlfty iear.
25, CO, nnd tHcTa U0TTM5.
The7Cccnt hottln contilns
four time n$ much iu tho 25
cent bottle,
COUailS. COLDH, CllOUl. WHOOl'IKU coitaii
A Turely Yepetable Dxpcctorantj not a violent
remedy, nud try agreenblo to tha ta&tc,
OU8 AND Ni:ilVUUB AI'I'l.ejTIONH, uuj
rniCK 2IJ AK1) no cunts a iiotti,!!.
London, perfumers to II, M the upen, Invo In
cnud nml patented llio .uilJ-reucmiuvl
which Hino(8 binall Vox Mnrkii of however lonj
ttaiulliiR, 'J he npidlcatlon U lmplo tin I Imrmhwi,
auMiiKiioJnconvt'iiUnce,uiidcoiitalui nothing In
jurious, J'rlce, $2.50.
reinoe I-un i flnoiisi Hair Inn fuw inlnulvHMtthout
pnliior unphpnM!itciiftotWiii, never to prow nijalii.
Hint lo mid huil.ikM, 1'ull tllicctloui bent by mall,
Geo. W, Shaw, Gou. Agont,
SllfTicmontMrtct, IluslouMiM.
Kolil by All Doului'rf TliiniiKliiiiit tlm
CiiM Mcilnl I'm Is KxiHXIIIiiu 1H7K.
(IK LUNLI'.Li:i)NAMK CAltlH, AtlTI).
J gioi Ii Allium, nml Aitrnts' ts.unilo Honk, Ifto.
lil.AKI.MI.I.i; A CO., No, lllivi'll, Cjiiii.
roil .l,I,l-(3 TO H l'KIl HAY
easily mado. 0lly onlilt rime.
Aililnwi r. I), VICKIIIIV.
Ku2.Ylllt AllKUStu, JtO.
ln hOXIIH rilUII-Mniil llo fur iiiftlllnK ex
U .(lisis, Home Mlislo Co., I'ravMtlicc, It, 1,
J f Bcml us lie III .tumps nml o will I "1 y
A lyiiull an nruci" )" ,'" ' i i...
O fun Willi, Homo Muslo Co., rroyl.lflico,
iiu.i. i, ,jr
llt-Muivrniin. A victim of outLifntluir-niunco
-Inir l'ronmlurii llocay, orvotm)olJtllty, Ist
jionlioo.l, An., Imvlnu trieilln vain oi cry, known
roinrily,li.sil'bCur,,riM' nsiiiiDloinean.ol.elf'Cure,
litcll lio Vflll Biinil ntl.ll In Ills follow-.urTareN.
cur.. Hook fne. CIVIALI! AUKNUY, IUU
Fulton t W.w York
free. C1VIALU AUKNUY, 100 Fullou it,,
Nf w York,
look free. CIYIAL1S AUltNDV, 1110 1'illtou
ttrMt, Kew York,
It I.
rin W A -A ITlrtl.Aun,ri
w mum
nny disorder Hint arises from Imnurltlcn
existing lit tho blood, Lvcti whero no
particular disorder Is felt, pcoplo llvo
longer, nnd enjoy belter health, for purl
tying tho blood wllh Aycr's Snrsnpnrllla.
John W. Starr, Laconln, lown, writes:
"Aycr's Snrsapitrlllnlstho best blood mcd
lclno ot Iho ilny. l yM troubled with
scroftilou.i complaints for sovcrnl years.
I too'.; only two bottles of Aycr's Sarsapa
llll.i, nnd now feel Ilka u now man." A.
S. lVttlnger, M. 1)., Glen Gardner, N. J
writes: "Aycr's Sarsnpaiilltt Is nn excel
lent altcrullvo Ionic, nnd in all cases whero
fitch a remedy Is needed I prcscrlbo It."
Sirs. H. 31. Thayer, Illllsldo st,, Mlltou,
3Iass writes' "Aycr's Sar-
f Is tho best mcdlclno I ever took."
ir !t Co., Lowell, Mass., U, B. A.
& Co., Lowell. Mans., U. B. A.
I'rlco $1 ; nix liotllos for fJC.
A 1'idl Conns of Instrnc.
tints, Jlu.es lii'laJc.l,
850 OD,
P3filiT ' Mm
ki Colter
Kr.vi:N-Ac:c)u,NT rv.stii.ii co.mpanv,
A'i North Clurlc iiti'ool, Clilcii;o, 111.
Bciu? fully nwiro
f X)m Rrcnt Interest
ho l,idli3 nro tilting
n Ki'iHlttttin Work,
vo haao rrepacd n
ininleti Outitt, coii
nlnlnzTjO Perforated
taiiipinff 1'rttterin on
est uoverninnt Ixmil
rrhment paper, nil
HT'reiit, Incliilhi;
pnnsnf Golden Ujit
'nnlei, Mtd i:ia
orit Mo-Xaiirhti-leH.tr.iwberrlerOut-Incs
of Hoy, Qlrjl,
WSSSMaUBHIBHMJM ll,,i. IJilllllfl, PlUS.
bt mi, in i,), t itch ratter in, Cry Ual
Lulling, DonUrs, 1'ond Mlle 'iutl", Ac , A. Oil
i nn, roij,'imr iu mtb uuni ih incn toy lnciiei;
uImi 1 lx Line Ht'inii)njr l'omifr, 1 hot Wlilta
ht.itni inc l'uwder, 1 I'atent l!eerslblo r:net, nnl
full ni i. rt.mi Iricdfrrctloiin for KenMmxtou Mamp
luff nnd 1 ml roldrry, Ktnslnton I'afniinj, Iinre,
Mel nl 1c 1'intir, nnd Jrltloii'iit t'nlntln?, color
iifitl itiid mlxliiff of Colors, ltlbbon r.iiiliroUlory.
t'henltlennfl Arncnn Work, Correct Colon of nil
the illlUTtnt ilovsCis Description of eery stitch
iued In eml'ioldery, V.c. inakln? n Complete Oiuflt
flint rnmiot Le Immihtnt retail under 14. To Intro
dneo FAUM AND llOCmcilUMl, tho largo .'12
mpn HluMrat(d MaRftrlnp, demoted to tholntereati
of tl o Country Homo nud HoiiAebold, wo will nend
lath uliowlll f.end -c fir ttmoi. juihtrrlpHoii ti
tho Mnpr.rlne. I'Uo fur?l. Money cheerfully ro
fum'otl If not mnre tlntii ntIf,ictory. Ad Ircn
j.n.ii a jtii liuuoi.uujuj, u irtiom, uonn.
.$2 ibr18c.
It has tec n our cinttni
ooirereae'iyt r a nam
ile pickaxe of our ile
ant rrlinio Chrhlnivi
tiid New Year CanM a
oit to lutrodtico thorn ill
ml tollicpioplr, fiiflbllng taem to buy direct nud,
1 lolftt- 1liimihn from the homndeihTft' oxtor
ilon. TliU fnr veilltr 21 I-are JmiN)rtel Carlf,
compovul of rrlnjto lllrtlidny, (.hilttmas, nnd Save
Veni'jt, ns.ort(d ne Ijzn . fur only IHc jnttpitd, b
nny eron ietnrnln;f tlih ndrUienient ultlilii 0i
iIimk, IhU prcKari! ordinarily Mill for gJ, and
will not li m nt to dealer. HiitUfnetlo.i Rtnranteed.
Till; II. U tal'J.NLKU CO, Import n,
II artfnrd. Cm in.
siuiT.i)' nm BABES
Dellcnlo l'orsons.
I -ia;
ITS nr nr ,m oiirimr
JlellslitsI by llreryono.
..orrnM..rHin, i,
il rnirr om r-sTD. , Ji
Js nn ngrce.nMa substl-
tutf f,r
for Clill lien, nml
und oilier riivslcs for
Ail ults,
5it or bSttlc mmk3jI
SaSBHS S???i
r .
Conlainlui; no mtn-
. ,(.r,j ' -,,, .. ,,.-, ,i...,,,u.
".1.1-iJs . Imiri'illiMit, It Is oil-
.'" j I' tllfly Imriuless for In-
wCIT&wi! f mis or clilt'lrcti ofnll
j4j- iiitcs, niivl Is c.ii illy
Jw. eili'ellva for grown
Bcsluilil flie-Hnilli'of hot- 'UtOI'lC-l'ItlHTI.AX-llo.
AVrnpisr iirlntcil AT1VK
Inrcanmllfntk. Is Nature's (trout tys.
- ti'in regulator mil
Hose small, nclton prompt, et.cet comforllng.
rorniiitn lI i u nu nri lUalloti. m
l'nr comllpntlon, lilie, lirmorrlioMs, dT.'lirnl ron.
sllpiillou.sm. Iie.iilaclie, ilronslnoss IuiHsisIIIoii,
loss t.f nipititc, illrlufss, IU'll"i'slloii, sillnw or
linil eoinploilon, cnatlil longiie. Imil toslo 111 mouth.
Ilsonliiul stoiiincli. lomplaluts or chllilien, ami
llvcr.siuiioili.niia Lowtl nllnuuti geut-ull It Is
Absolutely snfu fur ilellralonml nursing noincn.
Tukturimnly tiyliiriiiilsiinlclillilron.
un AViSiAdi: nosi.s ifiu J M-STS'ivn-Ask
for i.Kiiiiiiiiiui'iu-i'ia'rr i.waiivk.
I'rlee, !!.1cl f botllcs, i-jpress Pillil, II. leiiKO
foi iu, SA uml Wki per box, UsjuM U.t ami die in
iM. boM bj ilruttglsts. lH'lol,l lH-ytiiet, Ke-w
York. -.
JtiU! lll'I"""!"" 'rIIIJ(lVII.II,
?ir itrenifili, mid l.neray. aro
-WsJ dvhd io fnd for "i'lia
J Klictrln llovlc v," t hirjru
nuiinutii journal, imu
Mied for frto dlitrlb'tllou.
It treatx on health, liy
(lene, j.hjslcnl culture.
inl iniHileal sithJiTti, an 1
U a comnhtoencvclondla
of Information fur eiilfor
uiui-htaii'liiiu. chruiac. iienoui. exliuusttiu. ami
rmtiiful dlfeami.
Vouiik mm nnd others who Buffer from ncrvotn
nnd l'lijMtlnl, debility, exhausted vitality, rcma
turo (Uillne, Ac, nro fpciUlly henetlted hycon
mil ll nk' lis lontiiiU. 'J Ikmis.ui U of dollars eavitl
junous-dihlllty vulTercrftiind others hythe udvico
irht'n. If In mod of meJUul aid or con in 1 read
It htfore liureilnu In medlclnen or npptluncpsor
nny thetilpilon, and you will save lime, money,
nnd 41fniiol!itmrnt. AddreM fur frno copy, '111 15
KJ.IX'lltit ItKVIKW. 11UI Broidwiiy.Kew Vork,
Bend lx cenU for pott
ncpftiid riicUofreon tout
ly hoi of (foodi wlilchwIU
liulp nil, of dlliir Pt'X.t'i
moro money rUht nwny
f thnunnylliliitfi'lio lu this
woild, rottiinifinnaltthQ
workeri uhsolutely sure.
Tenon malhdfiee.
THVK A. CO., Aiiffustn, Me,
Oil T 1(1 (1(l1 f11 4 H'l-mro r.leLTnnt HilLs and
K mlii for imUliuork .with book ofitltchej,
UlIjlVv iialliUac, lf, Wthwlty, 1'rovl lenw,
It, I. nollMYly
"11I mM?.11!,11 '
.. u:rjtSA"i
ob 1 1 y
. lifiBAVly

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