Newspaper Page Text
I?5Fto THE CRITIC, gg yw IUI I'UI I II1 &1 iiiu umnu, The "Washin TI1H CRITIO Is increasing In cir culation faster than all the other dally papers In tho District of Columbia. TIT CIUTItTB circulation la Lx cccdfflby only ono dally paper In the City or Washington, and la rapldl Raining. JIJL JLU JOTH YJGiUt-AVIIOIiK NO. 5,7M). WASHINGTON, I. 0., TUKSDAY KVKNHNJ, .IANUA1SV Sflf J 887. iMtiois two oi:xts. 5ES9ri- tt!n Ob n.v t Gr o N M v H I' GOVERNMENT GOSSIP. Nominations Sent to tha Senate by the President. TUB PRESIDENT'S CALLERS. cnt of Interest In ft nit About tlio Department. Tie President Ins sent the following nominations to tbo Senate: Thomas II. Connery of New York, to bo Secretary of Legation to MctIco. Wllltsra Heed Lewis of I'cnnsjlvanla, to le Consul at Tangier. Her. William F. Hubbard of New York end llev. Henry BwlCt of Dakota, to bo post chaplains. Postmasters John K. 15a nta, Munclc, Ind., ana Arron F. Voider, Whitehall, III. Decllno of Bllvor Circulation. Tho silver dollar circulation la now declining xerv rapidly the return el these coins dslly to the Treasury being far In excess of me amount issued. Courtesies to Distinguished For olKneis. The Karon Bulllero and Com wandant d'UlIraann, two distinguished Frtnch gentlemen, who have been at the AtllnEtou for tho past week, were this morning privately received by tho Presl dent. Tho New rive-Dollar Certlflcated. The Treasury Department has rucclvod the first Impressions of the new Ave dollar silver certiorate. It has a portrait of President (front on Ita face, and ou tbo hack a croup of live Mirer dollars. The back Is the roost at tlatlc 3 et produced by tho Ungravlug Bu- rcau -- An Army Post Abandoned. Camp Medicine Butte, Wyoming, which was established In 18S3 at tho time of tho Chinese miners' troubles and massacre there, has been ordered to bo abandoned, and the garrison (Company I), Seventeenth ln fantry), Is ordered to Fort David A. Russell, at Chejcnnc. Local Patents Issued. The foFowIng patents have been Issued to Washing loLlons: Necktie or cravat fastening, to James K. Cleary; flushing tank f or w&tsr closets, to Horace J. Frost; Arc escape, to Frederick I.andgraf; streetcar, to l F Milllgan; garment supporter, to Henry A. freniour. Callers at tbo White llouso. The President's callers to-day, before the Cabi net meeting, were Senator-elect Far well, Senators Stanford, Kenna and Gray, Repre sentatives Fdlsberry, White. Outhwalte Guides, AdAms, Illinois; Moffat, King, Tucker, Lo Fevre, fcejroour, ltrown, law ler, Henley, Vlele, Bunnell, Uwen, Judge David Tarbell, Ohio, and Assistant Land Ccmmt66loucr Stock el age r. Discrimination Against Veterans. A reporter of The Critic called on Civil Service Commissioner Edgerton to day In icgardtotho complaint that veterans were si roost Invariably certified to Inferior posl tlocf. Commissioner Kdgcrton said; "This is a very foolish complaint. Tho 1751th section of the llcvlsed btatutcs savs that jcrsots honorably discharged shall have tho preference, and sectlou 7 of the Ch II fccrvlce Act specially reserves this right to those to whom it belongs. Now, If a sol dier passes only tbo limited examination. we can only certify him to tho highest position tow bleu that examination woutd entitle lilm, viz., 'jUOO; but If he passes a general examination, we invarlablv certify biin for ono of tho highest positions. But you must remember ttedo not appoint, we only ceitlfy." t DISTRICT GOVERNMENT NEWS. 1 HI! E1J MONTH-' I'OMCE WORK. Major Moore has submitted his report to the Commissioners for the quarter ending December 31, lSbO. The total number of arret ts w as 5,100, of which 720 were females. Thei e w ere SOJ males and l.VJ females under iiOjeora of age arrested. Of tho 5,103 per eots arrested, 2,044 were married and 3,001 were unmarried, bomo of tho principal of f i nits for which tho arrests were made were: Affray, 142; assault, W, assault and battery, 13; assault to kill, SI; bigamy. 3; f n toxica tlou, 1,213; drunk and disorderly, 217; mur eUr, 4; profanity. 20; vagrancy, 27J; threats, 121; petit larceny, 2 IS; cruelty to animals, 52. Fines were paid by 231 United States pilsoncrs, amounting to $lt9l 52; 8(1 wcro i CLt to Jail and (1 appealed, 50 hold for tuts cram! jury , 215 cases were nolle prosequi e 1, mi 1 ) District prisoners, amountlngto$4,0t i 75, 7 aprealed, 374 were sent to tha workhouse, 1,655 were dismissed, and 195 wero nolle proicriuled. Hie amount of stolen proper!) recovered and turned over to owners was S2.i.2S; turned over to property clerk, S10.S1S.42. 1 X H)I ICKMAN COIX'd KEQLCST IlEFtsEll Fjc-Pollccman N. H, Cole writes tbo Com rchsloncrs that he was tried by tho Police TiIjI Board and deprived of bis position on tie force on tho statement of Policeman i-ttntttan, who swore that he (Cole) struck 1 lui. Colo now says bo can prove to the CtiiimUtfnntrs' satisfaction that bo did not stiike Sebastian, and that If elveu an op porluultv be can show that he was unjustly elepilved of bis position. 'Ihe Commit ttcntrs reply that, balngbadtbo beocllt (t cce trial, they decline to reopen the cute. a nuiDisn nooM. Tte present good weather has opened up U building season, and there was quite a boom In building to day, Tho ltulldlng In sprctcr Issued permits for the erection of buildings as follows: 11. A. Hall to erect a two-stoi) brick dwelling at the southwest corm-r of Fifteenth and P streets to cost J5,GC0; J. K. Knight, erect two framedwelt frgs on litth street, between L and M 6lrccta southeast, 1,500; Ueorge lU)bold, erect three frame dwellings on H streot, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets southeast, $2 r00; Dennis Edwards, erect a duelling on M street, between Fifth oud blxth streets northeast, 1,000; D. U. lroff, erect a private stable In rear of 2010 Fourteenth street, $700; A. J. Fischer, erect u framo carpenter sbon on L street, be tween South Capitol and Half streets south east, 250; G. Itajbold, erect a framo dwell IngouH street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets southeast, $oo; W, F. gpjder, erect a framedwelllog on Fifteenth Mrtet extended, H.000. Kent I!atnt Transferred. A. F. Fox, trueteo, has convened to Matthew A, lisdel, fur $4 500, suli-Iot 57, triuare 8'jO, on U, between Eighth and Ninth etreets northwest. Charles Madcs ct nl , executors, bavo transftrnd to AnatdtU Patten, for $13,000, ftib-lot21, squardOl, at the Intersection nt Massachusetts acuue, Tuenty-llrst aud Q elicits. Mary A, Norr has boucbt of John McL. CuiU(l,forfl2,(KiO, sublet 100, snuaro Hu u P, betweeu Seventeenth and Ltghtccuth UK tie. JuHiIrt IVinpi'rod Wltli Slerrs-. "Well, I declare," exclaimed Mrs. McS 11 llgeu, tlt one of those Chicago Anarchists Isn't going to bo man led. 1 think It's a tatiU shame.'1 Sodol," replied her hushind; "I think I t cliir I" piiiithliinent enough for blm." litulurg Ihroulelo. ECCIAL AND SEMI-SOCIAL. Allhcugb Mrs. tie vet and did not reach tbo While House till late this morning, on her return from tho Charity Ball In Balti more, ibe was prompt at noon In tbo Green Parlor, looking ory pretty, In a combtna tlongownot navy bluo foulard silk, with paneled front of garnet velvet and a Jacket ed ectu llusslan laco. Tho garnet velvet neckband was pinned to the sldo by n putty round cameo. Miss Sternberg of Buffalo, N. Y,, a school friend of Mrs. CIeelaod, who only arrived an hour or so pre ions to the reception, assisted her In re etlvlnc. Sho wore dark blue satin and vel vet. The parlor was unusually crowdel, chlcCy strangers, among whom v. ere aevernt cw Vorkcrs, who wcro especially wel comed. Mrs. John Sherman, Commodore and Mrs. Harmony, Miss Janle lllggs, Ad miral and Mrs. ordco. Miss Audenrcld, who presented Mrs. Cleveland with her corsage bunch of valley lilies; Mrs. O'lleilly, Miss Tucker and Mrs. NordhofT n ere among the (alters. A pleasant Incldont of the afternoon was the presentation by a little toddler of a bunch of lilies of tho vat Icy to Mrs. Cleveland alter first presenting a tiny card bearing ber name. Tbo little caller wore a corduroy walking suit, mile draco Oreenawaj sljfe, aud a large Gains borough hat. When she presented the flowers Mrs, Cleveland exclaimed: "On, you little darling," anil stooped down aud Listed bT, white all about the Ureeu Ujoin echoed tho tenttment. Mrs. Cleveland Is enthusiastic over the pleontie afforded her bj tbo ball last night. As has been stated she wore ber wedding gown, with au elaborate garniture of white oilcb plumes on the waiit. Shu wore her diamond necklace aud carried a feather fan of white Plumes. Sho was presented with four baudeome bouquets, only ono of which presented by the lady managers a bu,;o bouquet of pink roses, tied by a long satin rlblon which ebo brought bomo with her. Mr. und Mrs. (loodjear, Mr. and Mrs Slcsid, Marshal and Mrs. U llson, and Misses Manning, F.ndlcott, Vilas, Lamar atd llson accompanied tbo President and Mrs. Cleveland by her Invitation. Ibo ex cltcmcnt attending ber presence Has so great that a bush almost amounting to awe greeted the first glimpse of her as she entered the ball room, and then came a loud burst of applause. In tho private box, as well as on the floor, she was continually aurtounded with tbe handsome youuc ladles and their escorts who were presented. The scene was an especially brilliant and effect Ive one. The gerraan given last night by Senator Mcpherson's wlfo to ber guests, Miss Medlll of Chicago and Miss Dillon of Now York, was a handsome oue, and was attended by a large company of tho joung friends of lids popular hostess. Mrs. Mcpherson's bouse, which Is so well adapted to enter talnlcg, was all thrown open for the com pany, tbo receiving party standing near the enhance to tbo front dranlng-ioom, tho middle aalon and tho dining room al- i oil. lug forming tho ball room. Irs. McPherson's dress was of black tulle, with elaborate steel garniture on the waist. Miss Dillon wore white tulle with silver trimmings on Ihe waist aud lo-v neck bodice of silver cloth; Mlas Medlll wjre black tulle, with the frontcoverud with peu dauteold balls and embroidered ttoIJ gauze; MtssMattle Mitchell wore pink tulle striped with jink ribbon;. Miss W eat, pink tutlaiul sath of pink moire; ber sisters, similar drieecaot .white tulle garlanded with dif ferent flowers, lblity couples danctd the cotillion, which began late, led by Dr. Uulb. 'Ibe favors were very choice, Includ Ing handsome feather ornaments, French flouer favors and mandolins, and for the men there wero cigarettes, boutounleres and tidiuan crackers. Mmo. Kukl's reception Ust nhzht was a very beautiful event, attracting, us It did, such a cholco assemblaco of the diplomatic aud social people. Mr. Kukl stood with bis wire to rccehe, and they bad the further assistance of Mrs. Carter. Miss Kukl, tho niece of the Minister; Mrs. Bryan, Miss Van Wyck and Miss Loverlog. Miss Vitas was also asked to receive, but had to decline, owing to the engagement to attend tbo Charity ball. Tho gentlemen of the Lega tion were assiduous In promoting the pleas ure of all their guests. Mmo. Kukl wore light peach blossom corded silk, w 1th hamlome panels aud trim mings of Japancso embroidery on pale green crepe, fine lace adorned the front of tho waist; Mrs. Carter wore amber satin and moire, with point lace flounces; Mrs. Brjan wore Ivor -tinted satin and point flounces; Miss Lovcrlug, gold colored satin and bunches of scarlet flowers; Miss Van Wjck, chenille dotted gauze, and Miss Kukl, white crepe, caught Mltu pink now er sprays anu pinic riouon Knots; -imo. Ciotnez, whito tulle and moire ribbons; Mme. llomcro, gendarme blue satin, with front of waist and skirt trimmed with rich lace. Ibo entlro Diplomatic Corns wcro present, and to mention the list of thoio wuu eu joed the hospitality of mu .lupine Le ttutiuti would bu but to name tbo most popu lar people fn society. Ibo wlfo of Lieutenant Dm all went to Baltimore .iciterday to visit relitlvei there Mrs. Duval), to tho General regret, baa been able to po nut but lillle this whiterowlug to ber tjes which arc Irritated by the and gu1lgbt. Senator and Mrs. John hbenniu's even leg reception latt night was another of the cw Hue parties which claimed a sbaro of social attention. Miss Doremus, w ho has been Miss Beach's guest, Is now In Ball I more vlsltlog friends. 1 ho honored guests at the Charity Bill hi llultlmore lust night were the President ond patty, who arrived from Uahlngtouat 0 25. 'I tie purl) e onslsted of President and Mrs. Clevelaud, Colonel and Mrs. Latuout, Marshal und Mis. Wilson and Miss Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. ClooJjeor, Mr. and Mrs Slcatd, tHeretaty and .Mrs. F.ndlcott and Miss Vilas, Mltses Manning and Lamar. lie tun from this city was niado In exuetly one hour. Ibo visitors were at once driven to tLo Academy of Music, where a mighty cheer was raised by tbo crowd that bud gathered when the party was rcco,rnlcd. At a quarter past 10 the ball opened with a grund piomenade, ltd by tho President and Mrs. John A. Hamblcton, Itobett (larrett and Mrs. Cleveland Ibe promenade was followed by an informal reception by tho President and Mrs. Clctclaud. Tbo toilets w orn w ero of unusual elt gnnco. Mrs. Clevelaud )Ietdcd to tbo wishes of friends and wore her wedding dress. By tho courtesy of John B. Carsou, gen eral manager of the Louisville, New Al bany and Chicago llallroad, Mr. and Mrs. Caton, Mr, and Mrs. IVUyand Mrs Sam. Medlll of Chicago and Mrs. Charles Bryan of this tlty went over to Louisville In a pri vate car, and while there wero entertained In handsome stylo by Mr, Wilson Barrett, ou Saturday evening. Mrs. Secretary Lamar receh cs to-morrow afternoon, assisted by Miss Lamar, Mrs. Lamar, jr., and other ladles. Mr. and Mrs. (loodjear and Mr. and Mrs, SIcardleft the Wblu House this morning for their homes In Buffalo. Sir, and Mrs. (loodyear contemplato spending the rest of the winter traveling In Florida, and may bo again at tbo Wblto House before spring. Miss Sternberg, who Is now Mrs, Cleve land's guest, will remain with her for ten dais. To morrow night, Miss Klngsford of Oswego, N. Y a )ouogladv, will Jolu her. Both arc especial friends of Airs. Cleveland, but are1, themselves, unknown to cacti other, Ibe bull at the Chinese Legation this euiilniMiof au entirely pilaiu character, clwn by ttm Minister to bU person 0 friends In U pshlnetou, aud ouly those hold ing Invitations will bo received, 4'lty Unit AotfN. Fllcn Owen, widow, by ber will Hied with tbo lEtgUter toduj, leaves her ptop erlj to ber relatives, l'obcrt Morrison, trustee of Samuel Blcdgett, Jr., claiming under the Uludjutt estate, has entered suit ogtfluat Chaitus 11, aLd Mai) l Crocln aud John A, William, for possession of tbo prrintafa on Pcnutyl oula avenue, near Fifteenth, street, and dnmrges froiti the tluidlu 10, when the tight was set up. IN CONGRESS TO-DAY. The Woman Suffrage Amendment Called Up in the Senate. PROCEEDINGS OP THE HOUSE The It hud o Inland Contested Klectlon Under Dlncimlou. GENERAL CAPITOL NOTE3. Hon. ClinrleslJ. Tarwell of Illinois took llic unlli of ollke mul nwimcd his duties ns L'nltcil States Bcuator this motnlng. Mr, Halo's credentials for Ihu full term, Lcgltitilog March I, were pre stntedby lilscollcntte, Mr. Frye, and placid on le. Mr. AMion presented the conference report on the Army Ap piopriallon bill. The total amount ip proprlalcd In tho bill Is ,721,713. Mr. Hawlcy took this opportunity ol Inquiring as to the status of tho Turlb Illation Appropriation bill Mr. Dawes explained lint scleral nu euugs ot the conference committee bad been beld.uud that there was some pruspitt that In some shape there would be au iijmement at an i ally day. The dilTerentes which existed appeared to be radical. They seemed to ue be twnn doing nothing and appropriating flioorelx millions to begin tho work. There seemed to be a lack of coufldcnco on the part of some of the House con ferrees In those who would haotu execute the law. Tha lonfercnco re rort on the Army Appropriation bill was then agreed lo. The conference report on tho bill providing for allotment of lands In severalty to Indians on the various reservations, and to extend the nroten tbn of tho laws of the United States and of the Territories o cr the Indians was submitted. Debate ensued, during which Sir. Dawes explained Hint mulct tho bill ns soon as tho ludMduil Indian took up his nllotment he was to haic a palent, which pitent would be held by the !o eminent for twenty fitc years, at the end of which lime he vns to get o patent In fee. The con fdtnee report nas aimed to. i-cnator Coll again secured consider allon of his resolution In refcrenco to riotldn land grants and the discussion continued null 2 o'clock, when Sena Kr Illalr noted to lay aside the uu IhiUbcd business nnd take up the Con amendment to confer suf frnjju upr.n wonun. He called for the Jens and nays, so as lo put tho Sena tors cu ucord before their nu llcnt o of w mu an sulTraglsls. and the motion pux&tlcd by 2j lo 10, ns follows: Xtns JUsr?. Beck. Il'nlr, Bowen. Brown, Ilutler. Cull, t bene), ronuer, J il,i. Hurts, lurwell, 1 rye llulo, Man Urn, lliwley. ?lan dirnni, Mltiltclldf LircKun, Muirill, I 'aimer, flati, ritinil) l!uiioin, blicriiun, Wililann m d wllxouW luwa. Nuys Mt-pi. Berry. Dliukburn, Cockrcll. Ccltt. 1. 1 1) rite, CIIikoi), (irnr, .lone if Ai Kan sas. UMIi)hii. Moipun. 1'iTiie, I'ujli, biluli' buiy, XtM.WnltbalL and Wflllim. Mr. ltrown then took the lloor lu faor of woman sultrage. Tlic lloilp. The Secretary or "War sent to the Speaker to day, with hl& d'sapproal, a petition by enlisted men, asking that Ihe act authoilzlng a retired list for prlatcs and non commissioned o Ulcers be amended so as to reduce tho period of service to 25 years. Mr. Lawlcr obtained unanimous consent that the letter of Admiral Por ter, addressed to himself on tho subject of naval reconstruction, be printed In tho Record t Tho House Elections Committee bav lnc submitted two renorts In the ron- tested election case of I'age s, I'lnc from llhodo Island, one dechrlug tuc Hem uiniit and tiiu iulu in favor ot the hitting uieiubei, tho cisc ffm taken up for iHHm&lon, and will prnbibly oicupy the attintlon of the House the remainder of the afternoon. TUG EIFtTOltil 10VT nil 1. IbePresMent has received the L'lectoral CouLt bill, but has not yet received tha Interstate Commerce bill or acted upon the Mexican Pension bill. bENATOIl FAUWIII.'S UltlAI. tenator Vurwell ot Illinois has arrived In J bo elt j, aud paid his respects to tho Presl- ueiii 10 eu, IIOISL, DISTI1ICT COMMITTEE. At tbo meeting of tho House District CommUlcc to-day favorable reports were ordered ou the bill to Incorporate tbo Na tlonal Safe- Deposit Company; atso tbo bills for an additional Justice of the District tu prime Couit, a reporter for tho Dlstilct courts and a compilation of thu Dlstilct coue. 1 be bill lo regulate tbo sale of liquor lu the District was considered aud postpoued to the next mectlrg. tuc lAsrEitN muMir niuiu.c. eualor logalls today presented tho me morial recently adopted at a hubs meeting of cltlzchs In favor of the bill for a bridge acrp&a me i.asiern itraucu, in tanou or roriLAH Mrrueoc. Senator Plumb to day presented a peti tion In favor of a popular otclu this Dis trict on tbo question of prohibitum. In nrcEenlluir It be said that be was beartllv In favor ol this proposition aud of all others looking 10 popular suurage in mis uisuict. Ho believed that the National Capital ahoul I alToid the most pel feet example of tho suc cess aud beneficial operations ot renublt can popular government. He believed It would be to the relief of Congress aud the beuellt of the city to confer upon tho peo ple oi euc 1'isirici tue rim oi suurage. C. lit Lb' IIBIOUM SCHOOL,. A bill was Introduced In the House jes terdoj to Incorporate a District Heform Bcbool for Girls. It la an Institution that Is much needed, as there Is no place but the workhouse to which girls can bo sent who are convicted ot crimes. Tbo Incorporators are Judge bbellabarger, District Attorney Worthiucton, Major Morgan, Professor Bell, Wiu. C. Dodge, Adrian Huntington, 0 (i. Staples and James ritch. The bill was referred. It U desired toobUlu un up proprlatlonof JJO.PUO. virnoit viiir-vuir. Men mid .Mttnnrr In llolh Kraut lift ir Cnurv4. rlbe lalebt candidate for IIMuoc1va seat In lie House Is llowaid 0. tth.te, principal owner cf the Syracuse itinlnt, a ueillh) mou and a son in-law of tor Sawjcr of Wbcutirlu. It Is siild that Mr HUcock wfd ntfgn his election to the llouso of the Fiftieth Congress ver soou, so that the ucnncy can bo filled at a special election. Ibe Itandall Democrats Interested In the fuiiuatlon of a bill to reduce the revenue lomple-tul tbetr work last night, luo bill spioudbytbo committee hi a caucuiat tbo Capitol embraces conslJerablo portlom of the Hew lit and Kaml.ill bills, tho Inter nal rcveiue riductloiifl reteiitly a a red t)jon and adds lumbrr. Jute, etc , to tho lice list aud reduces the duties ou metals, A subcommittee ot the llouso JulIcUr) Committee has commenced to heir argu merjlsln favor of the appropriation for the Eroj oecd frceilmeu's exposition to Ala ams. The Benito finance Commllteo proposes to take un for consideration as promptly as possiblo the funding bills In refcreoco to National bank-note circulation. It cannot be ascertained that there Is the slightest foundation for the rumors of a disposition on the parted tho President to veto the Interstate Commerce bill, Comptroller Trtnbolm and Treasurer Jordan spent the greater portion of today at the Ca Mol before tho Senate Finance Committee regarding national bank matters. Mr, Illsooclt of New York, who returned to bis scat In tho House today, was the rtclIent of waim congratulations from bis numerous friends. The Speaker this morning signed the Interstate Ooirmcrco bill. It la not thought that the District Appro prlatlon bill will provoke any protongod discussion or serious opposition In the House. In tbo coutcsk'l eleitbm ase from Bin ilu bland the uiaji rlly nf tho commit tte n ports tbo scat vj'itil. Tne minority ripottthst t'iice, Ibe sitting member, was dulj tltcttd. Oie tjf tbeSenntc trnllerles Is occupied tl'U ftltirrnou 1 delegates to the Woman's dulTraae Association, to hear the debate ii((n the proposed amendment to tho Const It ut ion. Senator Morgan Introduced to day a bill to transfer tbo Signal Service to the control of the Agricultural Department. Senator Piatt has reported favorably a bill for the relief of William M. Brjant of this city by the extension of a patent. Senator Vitnco todav Introduced a bill for the relief of the bisters of thu Hoi) Cross, 2 in: ci:u:mtATWx or ismk Tha 1IIH Introduced by Itepreonta tlte Townnliwod. Iteprcsentfttlvo Townshend yesterday Intioduced tho following bill regtrdtng the celebration of the centennial of the adoption of the American Constitution, which was referred to the Commiltce on Foreign Affairs : AlitL to irovlde fora joint celebration by thuvlxteen Arncllcuu re'piibllei, on the-ltfi or .Mareb, efirlitecn ImtidrcilandelKhtr idnn, in Imndrof the one lnuidrcdth nunlvcrmry of the c utistltutluii cf tho parent Uepubllc, tie Lnltva Mules. II fittta Die fourth of March, rljrtiteen bun ilred nntl eighty nlnu, will bu tho ono bun tmdth nnnlicrsary of thu Cnntltitllou of tli-) United btates and tbo date of tbo luaujt i ra tion of tho next President ot thU ltepiiblk; and . 11 (, the fifteen Spanldi-Ameilcin ro : t ulttksltave tongreater or lest extent taken till' t'OilMltllllullut llitf I'lllliU buitilli IJJ muetvl of their uinunlo lawj; tlt-rcritra J!titttiactti.t.tlct That In ird r in tieparo fe r nn sppropi late cclobrat lull ot Ibis snut hh le rlc ceQt, tbo President ed ibo t nlto.1 NtatiM be.iind In) is lnuby. mitlidillhtid retpieiUM tolnito tlie 1'retl li'tiis utnl l likf Jutticei nf Iho 1 fieon hpuilli Amerknu republloi tii-melr. Mexltei, eiuaUmala Nlciramu.t'tnt.i IfUii, i-uhailitr, Honduras, tno I ulted htali i if i'oloinblu. Veno7iioli. Ilollvln lVru Cblll IriiRtiav, riirntomy, K(.uu1tir. nn I tho Awn ttm- ItLpublle, t ilt Wmlitiuton on tin) roiirihot Manh. I'esn.tuid loin w.ib thol'ieib ilt nt of tlio I lilted Mate, the Sen itu und lloureef Itepresentnlhi'i, tbo.Iiistkes of tLu Miiititio CVimi. und otbeis wlin may iu In vited, in mltublo iuemohli"m honor of uali eiut. . i?. Thnt for tbo purpoo of maktn nde quate- piepurntlons foi Mild celt hi at Ion a (ommlfcbloiiof nine members, to bu known as IhulunatltutUmal Centeiinbu C'ominlsbm, Is hereby authorized to bo appointed afollaw Tliteo liy ttioPnaldtntof the Lulled Mutes, tbreo by the President of tlio r-emtc, aim llueeby the hpjikir of tho llouioof Kcprc wntiitht". wbleli cmiimNKluu i-hill bm eliai co of tbo pre paratloni for nnd ceremonies of said celebration. Me. a. 'J bat the sum of Sioo.ono, nut of nuj im ncr In the 'treasury of the Unite 1 Mates not otherwise disposed of, bo, and 1 hereby, u loirluted.or ho much thereof a in iy bo liettBsjry, and i1accd to tbo eieilltof the Meretar) of tbo'lYeusury to defray In a in.iii tcr be cumins thodlmilty of tbo LnltotMatei t!u txttc'iiHts Incident to tbo celeBratlm of nitd event. M-e 1. 1 hit said oininliln slatt from Hn.i1(itln-.ur('iort directly totbuPteddeiit if He I tilled Matet. In Coucri'iM VcMterdnv. Senators Edmunds, Hoar, Morgan and others continued the debate on tho bill authorizing tbo President to retaliate by excluding Canadian vessels from our ports. When a vote was reached at 0 30 tbo bill was passed by 4d to 1, Senator Kiddle berecr casting the only negative vote. In tho llouso tbo KUer aud Harbor bill vvua uKeu up nnd debated without action. 'j in: T.u:ntoxi: casks. roll. I of l)lnite in tho Appeitl to the Supremo Court. The telephone case1 which were be guu jesterday in the U, S. buprcme Court ute us lullowi . I Arr.eis i: Polhi'-tr mil others Appoil fit in tbo ( In tilt Couit fvi the Motrictol liu tui burnt. II 'J be .Molecular Te'cpbono C'orrpany au I i llirf -I torn ihu elrc nit limit for tlu oitU el li DlKlrletof New York III 'II Clay Cutimurilil Telephone Com I nit) tiiidctleiit i ruin the Ctiemt Court fur tie tturti DHlikt of l'cu'iylMintj l 'Ibo 1'eoplu'a 'J tk phono Coinjnny nut ot) no -iom mo c in nit C'uiut foi tho M ml tin I'lstrlet of New ork . ili8 tivtriund 'leli phono Company ant oilers lroi.i the fluult Court for the eiutitiiii'uiiicttr;veiv lorit. 'I I t'l-H ltl (4 Kill II Vllltri if iihociIh fiom tlio i r'i iliuun ts liMvbkb tho hell patents of Mm i b 7 Hi, and January 0, I3TT, baru been llilMilnl fl he principal subjects of controversy In all of these cases wero tho meaning ii nd construction of thu Hell patent, the nuc&tion what a speaking telephone U, tho comparison of the Invention set forth in the Hell patent with tho previ ous state or art, and particularly with what Is know u as the Ifcls telephone, and thu meaning and scope of Mr Hell's claims on which the ls9uo of In frlugement turns. 'Ihe litigation has given rise to records containing thirty, live or forty volumes of evidence and arguments. There ure twenty volumes of record now before this lotirt, con talnlng nearly 15.0U0 printed pages, be sides olumtnous briefs. Among thu distinguished counsel In terested In thoBuits arc Mr. Dickerson, the leading attorney for the Hell Com pany; Mr. Authouy lollock, ono or Mr. Hell's original ultornevs, t'lmuney tJinllhandMr. Blorrow of lloston.for tho Dolbcnr Cfc, Canstcn llrovvn and .1, K. Muynadler, lu tho Molecular case, Grosvenor T I.owrey and Y. II IVekham of New York In the Over land case, Charles 1. Crosby, and In tho Chy Commercial case, W. lver of 1 httiidelphla. The Dratvbaugh case Is represented by Judcc Lvsamler Hill of Chlengo, l)on 31. iMcklnsou of illchlgau and Senator IMmunds. J. Yu JIaynadlcr, for Ihe Dolbear Company, opened tho argument this aflcmoiin. lie will be followed to day by Winder II. Teekham, representing ll'ioMoltrular Company, aud Lysander Hill, for Drawbattgh. " A Hlioit Cut HutfucHied Mtfs M aud Howe thinks that women ought to le permitted to voto for super intecdent of stieets In order to protect their sklrtafrom a mud bath. In tbo meantime, however, It might be In tbo lluo ot common sense lo shorten the sklrtsa llltlo. Omaha World. vVomcn love a brave, rosuly fellow, but judging from tbo records of the divorce court tho) General ly marry soma other chap, Philadelphia Chronicle Herald. 'HIV. UQVOIt TllMVW. The HtitteiiitMit l'lt-purm! bj ttm IHt littt tntiiiiilliiiinr. Tlic Commissioners this afternoon sent lo the fniinte their response to the resolution calling upon them to re port the number of persons licensed to sell intoxicating liquors, wholesale or retail, In tho District, tlio talc of 11. cense charged arid the authority under which Ihcy have been granted. The Commissioners siy tho licenses aro Issued under the general provisions of Ihe acts Imposing a ti on trade?, businesses nnd professions In tlic Pis trlct of Columbia; that these lawsmtkc a distinction between wholesale dealers in distilled and fermented liquors and bar-rooms, sample rooms and tippling houses, tbo tax ou them being fWed at 2." and 100, respectively. They quota the law,w lilcli stttcs lliil applicants for bur room licenses slmll obtain the signatures of tliennjority of tho property-owners In Ihelr squire ntid Ihe squire fronting opposite, Ibey state that there have been t bnr-tooni llcinsei lsued under these provisions, nnd !U5 wholesale licenses have bicu grunted. During the put jenr they took measures to enforce a law which requires iiH dealers lu Ihpnr tunny quantities, who allow It to bj dtuiik on the premise4', lo take out a bar room license. In this way miny whohcittofote had wholcile licenses wne compelled to comply with Hie law gov fining bar-rooms, lu this way Iliu number nf (V holes tlo deilersvvas tlccicatcd to the extent of IDT. As to the unlicensed phces they refer lo ine cnojl J. ii. iMnneliy, nl 1 our tt (.villi and I streets, vvhii hubeeu prosecuted and appealed. They suy M. m i .. .... ..., .... .... .. ..i.. :. una- tin iu iunuiii5 iiiikC'ii uueii'iiiiai him ficm tlmu to time. Applicanls deposit the price of their lleeitses and rejireseul that they have enough signers, vvlih the exception or one or two, n-id some nf these sell pending the uttlon of the Commission ers on their lie i-iihib. T hey sny that they can only suppress places having licenses where the pir ties have been twice convicted of sell ing on Sunday or tilling lo L'nlted States soldiers. im: vymoss cms; Tht Fiinious lleHrltit; Ilr.nii Near on Ind. 1 he Ilmmons trial, that came In with such a rush for seals, Is drawing to a close with scarcely a lnlMUlel court room at to day's sesslou. This In all probability Is largely owing to the con tradictory announcements male by the Marshal In regard to admitting ladle lo the proceedings. Ills decision or yesterday was that no ladies would be admitted whatever, but ihU morning a number called, hut a chosen few only were admitted. This discrimination with empty teats awaiting Ihem has caused those who were excluded to be outspoken on what they term theunralr ncs exhibited. I)r, Lincoln was recalled by Mr. Gar nctt, and testlfled to an examination made yesterday of thu scar ou 31 rs. Kmmons, inflicted In being thrown from her horse, lie said the near was so slight that In bis opinion It could not have aHectcd the brain, Mr. Ktnl then recalled Dr Clodding, who ttated that from whit he had lenincd he had given the Impiesslon In his testimony that It was hi intention to reflect ou Mrs de Unrmls. He dc sired to correct tint impression It U existed, as he res pec led the lidy and be llcv ed her lo bo acting In Ihls ca3c us she deemed best Dr Verdi, after being sworn, de tailed an interview with Mrs. Hmmnns hell at thehotelvcMcrday. She w.u in lit opinion entirely f.ane, Mt Alns worth &pules, n member of thclliltimorc bir, was then called to the stand by Mr. (nt nctt. Ue Ind known Mr Y.m mens, ho said, In( hejenneln 1T3. He saw n good ileal of her nt thtitllmo He next met her in ll on the train to II il timore. Since then he Ind seen her frequently during the progre-n of this trial. She was regarded as ere oniric In Cheyenne, but her eccentricities were oc rlcclly harmless and did not Injure her reputation ns ulady, Heh il never been introduced lo 31 r, Dm mom and seldom met him In Cheyenne. 31r. (lamctt Introduced a memoran dum account, showing I tint Mr. J'.iu mons had charged the expense of con flncmcut In the several asv turns to h'U wife's account. Dr. T, l'ord Thompson, recalled, Enid that after examination of 3lis. Ihnmons' head he fouud the Injury received from tho kick of ibo hor-w to be slight, the skull not having been fractured. Charles Davldge, iccallcd, testified to 31r. Ktnmous h i Inc kept 31 rs Ihn jnons' horses and carriages during her conuuemeni in Dionminiruaic, renting Ihcm to a lady for $135 per month, Afler recess General hwavno testi fied to 3Irs, Kinmons conduct em a trip to New York, which he thought Indicated iubanity. Dr Kempster con trndietcdn number of 3lr. Hmmons Matcments and Kllen II. Willi im of Hordcntown, X J,, tcsllfled that when she went to school with 3Iis. rmmons In 1h7:I the hitter was a mild and pleas ant girl. PERSONAL MENTION. Walilnfitou 1'iupU, 'VUltorn, nnd Otlicr XVctl ICiiiii Hoi.-. drNFUAi dons A IlviiEimv. ex Minister to Mam, Is at thu New York Hotel, New Xork. .foi-n it S. Uvvis of the llaltlmore bar has been invited to deliver au nddiess on "Ceot eratlon In business" before the rbllouiathlan Mtcrary Association lu Wash (ngton onlhurBda). 1!ei ncfeCMVTivi, Cox was able to sit up in an Invalid's chair to da) aud Doctor bliss S3) s his rccov cry Is now onty a matter of a few da) . It Is expected that be will be ablo to leavo his room In about a week. Mil. J vmes C. Perm' of this city, who maile a bit as the V'irint lu "I'lnufore," has been secured for Mr, Metsou'a niodiic tlon ot "Iluddygore-" at tho Hfib Avenue. He will pi a) the second corned) part In the new opera. Mit. Jons W, Tiiomi son went out for a tide this afternoou and seemed very much benefited by tho exercise. It Is Ids Inten Hon tolcave Washington for a recuperative trip early next week, and ho ma) goto .Mexico nrsi. HUNK I-ESIlC's Illnttruteil Xenincr of January i-HJ contains portraits of Senator elect tarviell, Hugh A. I) I in in ore, Minister to C'orea, Senator elect Hlscock and tbo latoficucral Win, II, Hazcn, with sketches b Mr, rrttukbiu)lh. Im. Iiiomvs H. McAudle has been compelled on accouut of 111 health to ro flRU the position ot I'rofcssor of Surgory In the Medical Department of the National Uulveriliy, and Dr. Phil In F. Harvey, L. B. Army, has been appointed to All tbo vacancy. The word snow Is llrst usedlul'salmall. 7. "1'urgo me with b)ssop, and I shall be dcau; wash me, and I shall bo whiter thai snow," ELECTING SENATORS. No Break in tbo New Jersey Legis lative Deadlock. SEWELL QAINS A POINT. Ki(locrnor lUIn NurctfHfiil -Chanstt In Indiana, Thiinton, X. .T., Jan. Sj. Tlio Hen ators rehearsed their parts again thli morning, aud tho play when It tomes oft will be perfect. Secretary Heading and Senator Griggs repeated their short sentences, and then adjourned Ihe Sen ate until Trlday. The report last night that Scwell had cairEcd his point and hud succeeded in delating the organl zatlon until next week was eorieel. Some of the Senators opposed this ue lion as unconstitutional but It was flunlly adopted. '1 lie Democrats tried to hold n caucus this morning, but could not gel to gLtbcr. The Speaker was waited upon lost night by n committee aud Invited to caucus with them on the l'nlted Stales Senutorshlp, and he promised to give his answer nl 8 o'clock lodiy. this morning he told Ihe committee that he positively refilled to Join them in such a caucus. Humvs that he pro poBcs to hold out. He was asked if this decUlon was Dual, and said that It w n, "Dors this Include all the caucuses the Democrats may hold, 3lr. Speaker?" "I cannot say ns lo that, ' sii id the Speaker, "bul 1 certainly will not caucus with them on the Senatoriil question," "You propose to be lude pendent on that question, then?" "I shall vote for a Democrat," he said 'Ihe llouso was opened by praver at ti !0, and after entering a fe.v bills a motion to adjourn until H p. in. came from the Democrats, which was eir rled at about 1U 15, Immediately after the adjournment the Democrats went Into caucuo, and are sllll lu session. The TenncNMec Heiintor-1ilp. NAMtviiLr, Tem Jan. 3". Tho deua toilal contest was practically closed last n'febt b) the nomination of ex (tovernor W. 1. Bate for United States Senator. Mr. Hutu Is a native ot Sumner County, Tenn., atd made a brittlant record lu thu Mexlc m War. He aftcmarJs graduated from the UbaiiOn l.nv School, and In 13H wji ehcted Attorncj (lenerat. After the CICI1 War, In which be rose to distinction on the Confederate side, bo entered upon tho prac tice ol the law at Niisbvllle. He has beuu n number of tbo National Democratic Com mittce lor the past twelve jeurs. Kx-Jovtrnor Hate was to-day electel, receiving SI votes, bin Ib-puWllean oppj nent, Hon. A. 31. Hughes, j;ettlujc li. The TexiiM Henntorilitp. AlsTix, Trx., Jan, S5. As far as can bo aseeitalncd from tlic chief leaders lu the bcuatorldl canvass the voto stinds as foi lows: Maxey, U3; Ireland, 'J7, Ueic-m.-'. uLd 'Ictrill,. Of the unknown !kJ Maxey claims atout 10, and each of the other can d Mates ulout tint number, if not more. .o h nn j:e In Itidlniift. lMiiiMi'oiis, Imi , Jan. y A lullot for Senator was taken at noon without thonae Turple 75, Harrison 71, Allen -I Another ballot was ordered, with the same result. Adjournment followed, with gen eral bllatlt). -i bcouMiitKLhv xt:im:w. tin Ileal 1IU Aunt Out of a $7,0 JO II on no Iti Washington. Cine viui, Jan. 2j The Tim? has the following "A man in ned Cuirles S. Piku Is In custody In Ihls city charged with swindling his aunt out of a considerable biimuf money. Theclr cuuntances us learned by a repoiteraru us fullows. I'ikea mint resides at St Jobtibbury, Vu, nnd Is well lo-do. A month or two ago she gave her nephew a power of attorney lo sell a bouse which she owned In Washington D C. l'lkeweut to the Capital ou this mission of trust und In u short time sue cceded In disposing ef the property It Is said that he teulled ubout 7,0J I on the sale an amount sonic vh it bo low the aunt s estimate of Ihu vuliit of her propeity, bul quite sitUfai tory to ibe ugent In view of hlsprecoiiceited plan to appropriate the procei Is lie wrote to bis aunt that he wis nboutto Invest si, SOU in viliublo iulu log slock In ICtititas and said If she de sited to invest an equal umount he would pine II for her. lie repre sented it to be u rare chance, the profits being I irgo und sure. The un tuspntlng aunt forwarded thei?l,VJ3 lo him, and It went to swell the amount which he had already pocketed Tike then left Washington, nnd soon aftei ward his aunt learned how she hal been swindled. Her hvvjtr plaeed the mutter In the hands of detectives, who found Pike here. It Isunilerstonlhalf tT the money has been reeovi red. I'Ike has not et been arraigned. un: Lictysr. outttriox, Tlio fecnato CnminllleM Walled On by Iho XV omen' chrlutt in ruloii. Theotthers of the Women's Chris tian Timpcianec Union had a confer ence wtlii Mr. Ingalls and others of tho Scuate Disttb t Committee to day, ami Mr Ingalls Informed them that the commllteo was heartily In sympathy with any elTort to Improve the morals or IhelawsoC the Dlstrh t, but that com plaints against the conduct of Hie Com missloners should be madu to the l'icidcnt ralher than to Congress, lie did not think that au Investigation by the Senate was desirable or likely to bu productive of beuefle lal results The most Important thing to be ac complished, iti his opinion, was the passage by tho House of the Mquor License bill, which has already pissed the Senate, It was also suggested that au amend ment mlcht bo secured to that bill spe cifically prohibiting tho Issue of liquor llccnsislo places of 111 repute, nterlnte fonimeeee Hill nt Wort. Imuamioi is, I mi , Jan. 35. The Indianapolis Kastbouud pool will be dls solved under tho provisions of the Inter state Commerce bill, which has passed the Federal Congress, Commissioner Doherty resigned a position that will In a few das tic abolished. Ho has been appointed com mcrclal agent of the Wabash aud t. Louis. The Location frmiL Tbo crank mentioned elsewhere, who tbicatcned tho French and Herman Mluls ters, was arrested this afternoon. He Is named Peter augerlt, and ts a steel-worker from ritutou, Fa, Ho will be sent to tho Insane Asjlum, omax svmtMu:. 1 Xfiiilltn NPH'Inn ir IhA Aim mil Umi telitlnii To'drty. The opening executive session of tho Woman's SulTrnge Association was held In the red parlor of the lllcjgs House at 10 2 this morning, .Miss Susan It. Anthony, president, au 1 31ay Wright Sew ell, chairman. About fifty ladles we re present fiom Indlaun, O'llo, Illinois, Dakota, New York and 31 is sachiiH'lts and many from Ihls Dls trlct. Tlic report of the executive meeting of last year was read by 3tlss She Hon of Washington. Tho reports of tho Committee on Nominations and the Committee on leesohitlons wcro de ferred until to morrow. 3Irs. SpolTord was made chairman of thu Committee on I'lnancc, nnd 3Ilss Kllen Sheldon and 3Irs. Kulli C. Dcunlson were ap pointed a Committee of the Press. Tim COMUTIOX OP WOllklMIWOMCN. I llliu Devcreaiix llluke msdo an Interest Vfi lepoit as ehalimanot Ibe Committee on the Condition ed Woiklngnume-u. She hat flueeitbtned that tbo KuUbts ot Labor lu many Instances aiu favoilni; woman suf frHf The also deiusnd fur women equil pi) Willi ineu for the same work, tiue tvirthes It to bo uinlcrstoiid tint she fivors nu fliiatcl.lsiii or auv other nort of Ism but Is (tlad to know (bat t tie urea t Lubor parly as a rule indoles the tbx trine of equal rights literptctlveof nex The u-port was accept ed a nd Ihe eommll'i'j uoniinuiid, after lu Irjr emiiplltnenttd with a vntn ot thanks. It wha fuilhi r agreed to Hpputnt a committee ft one from cacti Mute for the belter super vltlou cf the luterests of uotklmiwurueu. Mbts A nl bun) stated that the quintlon of Ibe ilxtcetdb Amendment to the Cimstltu tfoti was to be brought up In the fcuate to d) b) Mr. Illalr, und ihe ladles wera re quested to be prtietit Tho meeting then adjmmcd to meet at thonenate Chamber upon iiti occasion edso much Importance to their alms and tnteiests. 'jut: rrati.tbi bill lit hii'm 1'our t pin tn n nt Ca rd Hi ll I Itiiikoa nil 3IiNM.vrnii-, Min.v, Juu, W. Sul livan said last night, when asked what he thought of Cardiff "I don't think that as a fighter be amounts lo a continental. tl had been In his place and saw a man's arm hanging by his side I would have male a piss and found out what was the miller. He ran about the ring like a big coward. His blowing about elrawiug blood on my mouth Is a lie. He insulted me In the ting by calling tne xlle name If Icvermcethlm aj,nln Ilt recall those insults In his mind before I gel through with him Sulllvnu thinks his nrm will be per fictly well by 3Iiy. Hefore SutHvin left for the Knst 1 ist night articles. were signed tvhtch specify that bulllvuu and Cnrdirt shall box elt rounds according to rev fud Queensberry rules, winner to lake 7o per cent, of net lecilpts, tint Cardiff slmll not appear In any glove llslit before the meeting, and that the diiy and place of the meeting be left lo Sbiedy, to be named before June 1. .Ilnslu-d On Henry eorse. ton Mill1', 3. C , Jan 2". Congressman (eorge D.TIIman of the Second District of i-outb Carolina, Is pr&foundly Imprcincd with II cur) Ceorgeanl his movement. In un Interview he eajs: "I couildcr that Mr. (icorge Is J reacblug a guptd of labor which begot from Ireland, Just as Ireland once taught the CbrlslUn fall ti to paguti nut loin Mr. Cieorgu Is doing more to rally the labor Ing man ed the whole worl I thau any either relurmei. He Ii ticcomlu' au imnortiiit i letne nt In the next l'n Aide ney. and ma) ba ibedeclding UbUu. Men who Ignore him nuke a great mMnke " The NtilKrr ueeed. New loith, Jan 3" Ml the employers of til), ribbon weavers lu New York nnd vlelnlt) except lwo Invc) bided to the de mand uf the worker fur three ceiit per 1U3 tbreaOs fur twitting an I 3"i cents per hour for all extra vioiU. I'wiiHr these enures bU iii u silk weaver's average piv will he cnl $7or ?S per nee-'. Tue ilmVui busi ness ut piisciit it tm brUk Ibe fin plo)ts ot the two tlrmi refund to, I It in bit, bavo gone ouluu thlkc A Tinmp'N Ten I hie Heath, Wu Kl fciiMtitE, l'v., Jau. Ti A well d retted man, ghlng tho name of lto)d I Ink!, believed to be a Folamler, a strauger In the vicinity, was locked up lu Xautlcokc JdllSuudu) night, having tucomo dellrlom aid suvagu from drink At 3 o'clock )es teidu) uiornlug he ban gel himself lu his cell. HubadMM) lu gold In bU pot kels I ut lo papcis which would show h'sllun tlty. Tin own Fiotu llieTiuek. Tnii, t., Jan. 3.. -Owing to a kink In u lull near Tu) tor's I!un, train No. 1 J, vh tbo Ohio Central, leaving Toledo at I p m. vesterday, was oveitumed while run nbi at the rule or llfty milts au Uour, aud thu engineer, Mike lnkIefou6, hnirlbl) mangled. No one cte w as mtieh hurt. Alexiuidi lu .eM. Ai EXVMUttA, v , Juu. 35 V niimbor ofovtkr veestli left here)esterdav for tho lower Fotomae. Thelrlda) Night Club will give a daneo to their Alexaudiia friends Tbursdav ulght 'Ibe will of the late Mrs, I.iund Hornel wbs admitted to probate lu tho County Ccurt )eoIciela). Thu court has appointed It WoolrufT jutlicc of the peace for mhlngtuu district Mr. rdmtiud llurkc and Iulgi U T Muart waited upon .liidjo Keith of the Ctuiity Court at his room In the National Hotel In Washington last night lu regard ti tbu eute of their dkul, .tntius Dromtnoa I charged with stealing leathei belting. A pre position has bi-cn received from the I nlttd das ImprnviUH nt ComiU) of l'bllkdelphla Hiking fur the lease uf tbu cit) gasworks. The members ot the oung Men's Chris llun Association propose at an early ditto to rent seme central building and lU It up as tbo headquattcrs of tint association. The different tire companies held meet Ings lust night In regard to the 53d of Feb tcuu) parade. haul night Mr. Cliailes Zimmerman waa marilcd at the parsonage of tho Kev. Hen dcrtuu tuter, to MUs Louise Hocnstuln, both are of this ell). The Woman's Temperance Society has Ineu lu session thu entire morning at 'lilnlt.v 31. 1J. Church, considering matters relative to that society. Ii mu In iii t 1 1 ill I . ril i ii I m. ricKin'h II. Miuglo, Japan, J, A. Woods, New luik. I- - I. ,. 1J I I. .Ml.... xn.l ml .Uik tlty, Hiram Atkins, Montpeller, H. N. Ktls, l'hiladelpbla tin ti". Kdwin uutics, editor ejieveumi lra,lt, .lobu "'. Mtt'ou Uoatou, J. W, ltnw, Concord, N. It , .1. W. Currieu, 1 roy, t. ii i vnii'i. A. K. fctewart bt. Louis, I ilward barber, Milwaukee. ( C. Mure lioiue, I Ilea, N, l ; F. It, Itandiu, I lor uellsvlllc. WeutMiEv's. David 8. Itakcr. r.. Uhole Island, L. I. Corlbelt, Nen urk, Jobu lleiuie'V. Jr , New Haven, Couu , ClaUon He)t, Sew York IHU. Lowell, Hon Fiank lllogotk, New oik It loou lloi doutiJ U lleur), Aikansaj Clt, Kan., s, Newell, New Voik. ai.Min.xL vouv.wx m:vs, ltt)ort On thn CmiArN or (lie Itrteut Hint. IiOMiok, dan. 3i. The 1 loyal C jui mission to Inquire into the causes of the Itelfast riots his completed Its re port, The commission Is of the opinion lhal the royal Irish c jnstabu lary should be maintained as apolic feriuln Hclfnht and Its commaudtug ofllcer lie kept wiiollyfrco from sub mlslon lo nil police authority except that of Iho Inspector General, Tho t onslabulnry should also, In Ihe opinion of IbuinramlfMon, beheld responsible for Ihe preservation of peace without being Mibjctt to Iho control of the inngft Iracy or other authority sa c that of tlic Irish executive. The Chief of Police should lie empowered to forbid parades of societies, bands of music, or In fact any body of men, at his discretion, nnd should have authority to change the fore u under his control, ortolnercnc the amc sullicientty to deal with any case or rioting rr imergencv of what p( ver character without calling upon the police of other districts, the mill tat being lelalned In mifllclcnl fore to prevail tho necessity of iutoklug outbldu aid. Tho report also urges the necessity that two stliundlary iingi. trute-s instead of the borough nugh lincy slmll rule the pi tty sessions, au 1 thai their dulte-s be solely juilli lal, .ind in no cae extending lo their meddling with htreet rioting. Ilelfat tbo Commission believe cmc lit lo be nsH'SHed Ihe siuie &r Hie test of Ireland, to compensate forma Ileioiis Injuries to property, the amount lo be fixed by an independent tribunal The power to search for arms U strongly urged as of vital Importance and the leporl concludes by deploring the stale of feeling width exists lu llilfa'l and trusting that all cl isscm are hcoitlly ashamed oE thu recent doings In that town, and will endeavor c bring to a speedy termination the hitler feuds which stilt prevdl roteltfti lllnor .llcnttan. Mr. (iladstone arrived In LmJon to-diy, and met with nu enthusiastic reception, be Ing lepeatedly cheered alt along the route fie m the di pot to his residence, 13 Carlton Heme Tcrruce. A Cublr.ct council was held at Windsor to-day, at which the tjucen approved the sreech to be delivered from tbu throne on Ibe opening of Farllamcnt. Komi , Jar. 2.1. ICshop Walterson of C lumbus, Ohio, was granted a special au dittce by the Fopc on unda), I'riti i Jan 35. Ilaron Von tfchloeger, I'ltiftun npreFCtitatire at Ibe Vatlcm, tns teen tuvetted i Ihu Emperor with the ln.l. hbi of tie order ot tbo Crow no! the drst ilute. Court on Moltkehnsdcrllned to content n Ilrrlln seat In tbo Kclchstag, although he bus lein Ittvlted by and insured of the sup I oil e f I'oth the Conservatives and the Na tion. I Liberals COltlttG.lX .l.MI DAVIT!' The AlihliMiop Cliarj-D IMtllt With Attacking Ihu I'ope. Xr.w Voiik, Jan. 23. Archbishop Corilgan said lo a reporter yesterday that he must protest against that part of 3Ir. Davilt's speech Sunday night which attnekul Cardinal Slmconl the Dope's secretary. "What Simeoul does is done under the direction of the Dope blinulf, i onsoquently to attack him U rqulvnleut to attacking the Holy TuUier. THcmls of ArchbKhop C orrl gun elulni that he was an ardent sympi itiia with the Land League und al lowed meetings In Us favor lo be laid In bis hun lies They onsider as vcrv uujuit Air. Davltts statement that If MiClvnu had not been a sympathiser with that movement he might now tit; AtchhMiop or Xew York A I tihor nudldnto I or ilnoi, I mi iti Hill, l' , .Ian -J5, the I idled Labor puitvof tblseit) lit-ld Us llrst ucmliating tomttillun to elm and elected Ike fullowlug lick t fur the approachmg municipal contert tor Mmur Ttioau I bllll k, for Itceelver of Taxes, (idnre Ir..ik. forLftySulIeltor, Charles S kej ct-i. fur I'ofhe MugUtrate, Louis Host '1 be mas I'bllllps baa beeu prominency Iderdllled with the labor inurement foi jcars Hh is an Lnglffbunn b) birth, ant is about. '! ) ears of age. lit trade he U a tki-euiuker. He Is looked upon as a pro-iiiiiinee-tl agitator with radical Ideas ou the sul Jut of capital and labor He U a mem ttr cf Local Aeticmbl) ,M 1 nights of Lata. IV oi k ol I In Mitmtx XvvEviLiF, Ohio, fan ' UelulldlligciK""! ' - t' the Ohio Iron UrkMu tlif- i bumid In a peculmt initinn -. on groui d inadi f uJcra ami nfusc from it i 1 latt furnace 'Ihe cinders un lerneatU weie tet ou bte If) the furnace and smoul dertd fur n foLg time, llnally bursting Into iltttiiei, (hough strumous ertnrts Mere male to check tbo&ubtcrtaiiuun tire. It is fearel that eight other buildings nclonglng to the works ure lu danger, as the) arc built ou the tunic kind of foundation llnlrii liv Hnlve", Mamstii;! u, Mien , Jan. - 'oseoj Airu&troug and Frank Holmes of l'ent wiiler were bunting near hero baturdav wbeii Ibilmis cut his leg, and A matron., fiarlng tLat be would bleed to death, lefr 1 1 1 tii aud went In search ot medical assist litre. When ho returned, two hours liter ttefourd nothing but some bloodt bones hi d pieces of clothing and the carcasses of live wolves which Holmes Inl kdlcl m bu itupglu for life. Uohrs bav ' n tin utusltv numerous and bold in tin upmr I ei tiifciila this season. 1'itddy lie'l.hard'M llopr Villi aiipi mm. .Tan. G. u rt A cuircrt last night that lr Uni tius band of the actrtts, bad died In Lugiand A week ago. Mrs. Langtry was seen between acts at tbo Waluut street Theatre and sal 1 be bad heard tho rumor, bul km1 nothing as to Its iruthfuluess LATEST TELEGRAMS COXDEJfcE). Niw ouu, Jan. 35 Monev Auj per cent. Kxchange, 4S4i ti llov erumcuts steady. Currency, s, 135 bid, JJs, coup, 1101 bid, -ts do,, r-Habld, UoroN, Ma., Jan. 35. The Lynn ano Boston Horse llillroad Compauy has a ceiled to tbo request uf its drivers and u dm tors for shorter hours, makln U Uuu the limit aLd Wi the average of Sv work. Dim ii ic, Va , Jau. 35 A ev. loue tornadostrutk this town alamt l ocloiu vesterday morning. Several bouses wra blown down, some ot them containing a, number of people but no one lumred, Keporu from the count w sb w tint tha btcuiu was crpially severe theri WEATHER INDICATIONS. Indltatlons for the twenty-four hour, tommeuclug l p m , luesday, Jau -k For IHbtrh i of Columbia, wanner southc'i winds, and fair weather. 'llieriuouitrter ItcndlngH, Ihennometer readings for Janusrv 2tj 3 a. m.,33; 7 a m.. !' Ham, 41. Jatuary SI, Mean temperature, J maxi mum, rs; minimum, a.!4, mean relative; humidity, W, total rrecii'tUUoiii ,'Ji UicU( rYl