Newspaper Page Text
T t, N TTII5 WASHINGTON CltlTIO, TUESDAY EVENING, .TANUAKY 3f, 1887. If l fe H H. -. M tl : WASHINGTON CltlTIO PultUthtd Daily, Sumtajt Xtctiitxt, BT The Evening Critic Publishing Company. KILIJOUUN. I'rosldout. Orfloo, XTo. G41 ID Stnroot) Ton Bcildiko, WASHINGTON, D. O. THRMSI flr.gteCopy .......... 3 Cents Jiy carrier bjoom ty Mall, postage paid, ono year J3.oo By Mail, postage paid, nix months 3.W Mall Subscript Ion Invariably tn advance. Addross TIIK WASHINOTON CltlTIO, Washington, ! 0 RICHARD II. STI.VKSTKK. - - Editor Washltciton, January 25, 1837. jinv millions rou tiik navy. Tbc rcsolulton of Mr. Lanier ot Illi nois, Introduced In tho House ot Itcpre scntnllves yesterday, Instructing the Committee on Naval Affairs to Inquire Into. tbc expediency of making an lm mediate npproprlatton of $50,000,000 towards the reconstruction of the .Nary, Is broad In scope and business like in tone. We are not so sure but what It would be Hie but thine the Govern tnent could do, to innkothl, lump ap propriation, and let the rncrttiry of tho Navy proceed to Its expenditure, under the general direction of Con gress, Such a policy Is no violently con trary, however, to the pU'cc-monl method of lining things so long In ogue, that a favorable report ou Mr. J.nwlcr's rcsolulton Is hardly to be ex pected. Congress seems tn be more or vs$ tct In the singular notion, and has been for years, thnt the cconomlcil way to put through any great public Im provement, llko that of our Western water, wrrj s for Instance, or the build ing of coast defences, or tho deepen ing of harbors, or the erection of new custom houses and poslufllccf, or just nt this time, the reconstruction of tho niyry. Is to dole out the necessary ap propriations In the smallest possible In stallments, sometimes enough to tun through tho year and sometimes not, but always In such niggardly sum as to keep engineers and contractors tn n constant worry, and often necessitate nn entire suspension of operations. By this means, millions of dollars bavo been lost. Knough has been sunk in tbc Mississippi lUvcr to hive made a ship canal of It, from St. Paul down, all for the want of n compre hensive and systematic plan to begin with, and the money in hand to carry It out, without the delays incident to on annual begging expedition to Wash ington for moro funds. The annual quarrel In Congress over appropriations of this character, and tbc dickering It begets, and the dilemma In which It places members who are nnxlous to make n reputation for econ omy and at the same time keep peace wlih their clamorous constituents. Is a costly thing to the Government. In the general reduction of estimates, illicit much that Is bid and extrava gant In a smalt way, may be eliminated, It is tho meiitortous measures that In variably s uftcr the most. Now, Mr. Lawler's theory Is, If wo clearly understand It, that In the case of tho Navy, nil etbbarra"ments at tendant upon Irrccutar nud uncertain Icghlatlou, may be avilded by making au appropriation outright sufficient to carry on tho work of reconstruction for Fceral years vtlthnut lapc or inter ruption. Thtte are ample mean avail able for the setting apart of the detired fund, nod tho great work onee beurj under sucb auspicious circumstances could be completed In half the time and nt vastly less txpensc thsn on the old plan. From the luv log of the first now keel to the launching of His luushlp, tlcro would not be an Idle day at thy ship-yards or the ordnance fcunlr.cj, and tie Secretary, Instead of bslng compelled to put In a deficiency bill every winter or argue with the Naval Committee the necessity of another ap propriation, would simply report from rear to year the progress hewasraak J?, and turn In his vouchers to satisfy Congress that his drafts upon the fifty nlllton fund had been properly ex X ended. Tiik Parliamentary elections In tho Dominion of Canada will take place on tho S2d of February, and a most de termined eltoit will bo made by the Liberals to defeat tho Macdonald ad ministration, which has been steadily crowing In unpopularity ever bIocq Sir John's return to the leadership of tho Government In 1878. The financial Affairs of the Dominion are In a bad condition tho National debt Is greater by 70 per cent., taxes nro largely In creased, the tariff Is oppresslvoly pro hibitory, tho labor clement discontented as never before, BCYcrulof tho provinces threatening secession, and tho policy of the Government towards the United Slates strongly condemned by tho peo ple. Under these clrcumstunco It would apparently be no dlfilcult matter to set the lories out; but the majority to be overcome Is large, and tho party In power much belter organ I .cd for a po litical campaign than tho somewhat motley opposition. So that no definite prcillc tlons can be made as to results. GUNEIlAL CHARLES P. STONE, who died yesterday afternoon nt his home. In JNcw York, was a graduate of West Point and a distinguished o filter of the U..S, Army until 16Q2, when ho was unjustly made tho scapegoat for the unfortunate battle nt Hall's ll!uff,whcre General Dakcr was killed, nmt was sent cs n prisoner to Port Lafayette. It Is n strange fact that no order was ever is sued from tho War Department either tllsmtfBlng General Stone from his rank as brlgadler-gcneral of volunteers or 'os colonel In tho regular army, al though a new colonel was promoted to his regiment, the Twelfth, in 18-11. After tho war, when the Kbedlvo of Egypt called for Americans to reorganize; liU military forces. Gen cral Stono was named at onco by Gen cr&bvGwbt and Sherman for tho work, cnCl ho was., in ado chief of stall to tho Khcdlvo with tho raoii, of lieutenant general, and ft flrmla froi decreed glv Ing iilra Ihcr" Pascbajlo rank In tho Turkish nobility. Tho story of his work In Kgypt Is ton well known to need reproduction. After thu I.ogllsh occupation of Egypt and Iho dethrone ment of Ismail, General Stono laid down his titles and returned to America. Ills eminent abilities m nn engineer led to his selection as cngl ncer-ln chief and general BUpeilntrnd cnt of tho construction of tho pedestal of tho IlarthoUU Statue of Liberty In New York harbor, and to tho genera tion of this dale ho Is best known fur thnt work. Ills graduation from West Point, entering tho academy from his nallvo State of Massachusetts, was In 1915. lie ftrved through Iho Mexi can War and later In California with such distinguished credit as to earn two brevets. At tho outbreak of tho Itebelllon ho was tn Washington and was nsslgncd to duty with tho troops of the- District of Columbia, which ho or goulrcd and equipped for the Meld. It mi'.i:kant to be reminded now nml then that the American Kiglo still soars, and that tho spirit of our revo lutionary sires Is not entirely extinct. Wen ere thus reminded yesterday by the belligerent oratory of Mr. Frye, Mr. Hnlo and Mr. Ingalls In the United States Senate. The occasion was the f ousldcratton of the hill empowering tho President, ns a me mire of retaliation, to close Iho ports of tho United Stales Against C-umdtau imports, In c ie Great Ilrltuln persists In vlolallnghcr treaty obligations by subjecting Ameri can fishermen to indignities and out rages In Canadian waters. While agree ing with Senators generally as to thu aggravating character of these out rnges and Indlgnlttu, wo doubt the wisdom of measures of retaliation until nil oilier arguments Inva failed ; and wbt nit so happens that a'l other ar guments iU fall, au open declaration of wnr logically follows. A retaliatory policy Is a roundabout policy. Still, If worse comes to worst, we nro sitlafiud that thf Sennte 111 not h tlMte to call John Dull to sharp and summary no count. As worso lias not yet come to worst, wo nro of opinion that yester day's speeches would have been quite ns effective) If they had contained lyai bluster and less susgestlvcncss of gun powder. It would bo a prelty serious matter for the United States, In Its present condition of naval desuetude, to provoke hostilities with the first nnval power of the world ; and as Mr. Vest, who made tho only really conser vative remarks of tho afternoon, well tntd, no greater misfortune than a war could possibly happen to cither of tho parties In Interest. lie only supportol the bill, with nil Its extraordinary pro visions, for tho reason that its enforce ment was left to the discretion of the President, and the people may rest assured that Sir. Cleveland will nuke no rash use of his authority. Tun resignation of Mr. Georgo 31, Lockwood, Chief Clerk of tho Interior Department, loses to tho public service one of the most useful and efilclcnt men who has ever held a responsible trust under the Government. lie has also enjoyed a popularity correspond ing with his usefulness, und In the new business engagements which be con templates, he will huvo not only tho lest wishes of his Into nsoclate, but of citizens generally with whom ho has been brought In contact during unof ficial curee,r of half u ileca lc. Tun amount wanted by thn Fire Department for the improvement of Its service In Kat Washington Is ono item that should not hate, been dropped from the DUtrtct Appropriation bill. A slltcb In time saves nine, says the eld adsze; a fire engine In time may' tave ninety and nine. Considering the rapid Increase if Improvements on Capitol Hill, there should be a corre sponding Increase In the appliances for its protection. What tin House has omitted or overlooked In this respect, it Is to be hoped the Sunatu will duly provide for. Tun celebration of tho Centennial of the Constitution icceWed another lift tn Congress yesterday, this time In the House. The bill Introduced by Mr. Townsbend proUdcs for a joint celebration on the occasion in question In which oil tho American Republics shall participate. There Is no doubt but what they will all bo represented and take enthusiastic Interest In an an niversary so greatly entitled to their grateful remembrance. When it comes to firing up tho American heart, Mr. Ingalls Is tho fire man to put on duty. That speech of his In tho Senato yesterday was a rattling good one, looked nt from a fighting standpoint. Hut a war be tween England and the United States just now Is a luxury that neither coun try can afford, The opening exhibition of tho Kirmcs at tho National Theatre last evening was n charming and pro nounced success. Two moro oppor tunitiesto ulght and to morrow night nro presented for witnessing this unlquo cntcrtnlument. Says Admiral Porter: "I would rec ommend that Iho Government appro priate during the next ten years ten millions of dollars annually to build up tho navy and put it In position to bid defiance to any power on earth," Tun rLlliAtlplita Sott.'t America sutj etBts Itiat tho Now Jertty Legislature cm: tit to sicure such u inau as Job a L. Sul livan for ji-u!u-r, TI1IJ rAIUVl (HIT. 'Tako Khort vtow." lydnoy Smith. Tl a Tn ro tl at to my clirUt'mni; oim (Tor ff-rntfthtfy did, my mirum tnulit mo). Tin y did nut IrUm mo wealth or fame, 'lift wry llttlo i tun lie? hroiisltt mo. I'nt ore. tlivriokfuit nt tlitxro, 1 Ihj uW old i. no, uulin Itud, Fa'd, "I thall be a v en (rod on yout Jlv eliHili ynu dial I crow upMiort-Hlzlitod '" n n inn pie juu tn um nun m a SIliio tc, mul wrought liir wicked t'loav lire Well, rf Bit BlfM tlin Fatrlosgavo, J&ti tit tliu t rctfuut tliat 1 luaurti? Tie here w liom others rar and ilee 1 do r.ot fear; 1 do not flue Mm; I r&i hi in t aim a it cairn can bo; ,1 do not cut I do not sco tiling And with my feiblopyoianldlm, litru you nv patchy fluids uud fence, For me tho mints of Tnrm r itwlin- itj "azure dletaixV toon committee' Hay, a I blink about tho streuis or this lefoiTirt und miry city, Why, eilmot-t u cry clrl ono met i j KiMaprLternulurally t.r.ittj "Try 111' tat Us," unu' friend Intone; "icu'll tee tho world correctly through iljcrn." I'ut I hnvo vlitond of my own, And not for world would i undo them! Androw Lain In Harper for February. NOTIIS AND 1105)111'. Ktv. UnsitT Waiii llBiEciiru his been elected au honorary number i( tho Young Men's llihrew Association of llrooklyn, Minmh IIalk, who Is sojourning In l'Aiiii, will inatto a profetMonst tour through Austria and (lernuny In .March. Miss Maht MoitTew, who has just heen elected I.eeonllr-c Otrk of tho Ohio StAto Senate, Is a Bciton Illch-tchool graduate. Tnc annual sslo of pows tn tho ltroohlyn Tnternacle took place last evening, tho total receipts being $32,011, a slight gain over last jenr. Tun only femalo troi-.oonc plajcr In Ihts country Is Miss Anna BIcjjcI, who renelrcd her musical education In tho Vienna Cou tenatory of Music, CtNnt.w, Wilium T. HnntiMW, who was made a Doctor of bans by Dartmouth In UCH, Is now hi demand by the collcgo reutdons, and has Wen Invited to attend tho banquet of the Hoston Alumni Associa tion Wednesday evcntDg, TucitK was a meeting In Chlclccrlng Halt, Ktw York, last eight, In tho Interest of a mw dike through Ceutral Park for the rrtcdlng of trotters, and It Is mentioned by tie Sitn us n curious fact that at least halt the audience ttero women. Tun Chicago Van Zandts, Including, ot course, tbo addlo-pated Mtsa Nina, who wanted to marry the Anarchist Spies, havo nlw a) s been considered a queer lot. As an nlduico of which It Is etatcd that they hientnelTo pug docs for the terrorlzillou of tho neighborhood hi which they lire. Ti;,M:ibcef, IKd(;IIIi for canned lcef, Is served tn tho lhiglUli soldiers at Al dcrfLot, Thontlienbiy when ouu of tho "tins'' has opined "a well-soiKOiiod tirhr wood plien was found liiilicddul In tho (MitetiU, from h!cli It appears that they don't uluojs do them things butter abroad, uti ttLow.N. . rilbutie. Afn, J. K. iCAMMov garo to tho Doathorn Observatory at Chicago a tclcecopo that costslS.000, and St'0,00u was expended In ItitlJIrg a foundation for It, j tt so far as the contributions of this expensive piece ot rouhiHiWn toRftroniMiilenl sekuro aro con ceriiid, the ChU'cgo Malt sijs that tho In ttfumtiit tus proud absolutely worthless. With a'eiillhy hand ho strove to clip One goldnirlngk'tlroinher bead, "Ah. don't!" Then, with o smtllne lip, " J hi-y aro my titter .fane's," hu said. lloritr'A Editor's Draper, OKNKKAL ASI) CKITIUUl.AIl. Terrific Dude: Aw-ah-MIss Malijawct, do jou-oh-btllevo In tho absurd thcowy aUlbat nun derceudid fwom a taonkey, doi.'tyou know? Mtis Margaret surveying him critically; Well, Mr. De Squib, sometimes I think I do, and then again I fool that I havo no right to bo so cruel to the poor monkeys. A young man in ono ot tbo hick counties thus narrates his woe, and wo print It as a terrible example to other youuc men who let their sweethearts come to the National Capital before they havo foreclosed the moitgoget Ob, bo was fair; was most exceeding fair; So fair; her checks wero roseate and also her balr. That I adored her, nought could tho fact efface; In fact, I told her so, unto her very face. Etc coy ly told me thai she held mo blah, beyond the sordid things that moved her life, And that she well believed me fat above Thini that so meanly feared to face eanaasuue. What could I think, unen thus spoke Ara mlnta? Thatlmlgbthcpe for all that I desired? Shewed with pa and ma to Washington to winter I went there, too, and there was promptly Hied. "There were S3" divorces tn Indhnalast Jtar," remarked a Conxrifcsmaa to bis wife, bo Is an Jcdlnua uoiunn. "Yes," she replied, with soma spirit, "and there would bo more, If all Indiana women married Cong re as men." Then he dldu't aay an) thlog further, Senator Ingalls has plunced this country Into tlu voitex ot war, as It were, ntth England, ho proposes to ttand edge wise to the enemy and offer a chromo and a Wateibury watch to any British sharp iboottr who can knock hlai out without ipllttltg a bullet. ''Daniel," remarked tie President the other morning, with a keen little smile jumping around the corners of bis oyer. "Yes, elre," responded Daniel, lightly. "Did you ever bear of a lady who s ild sho spoke only her mother totgua '' "Yes, sire." "A married lady, Danltl 1" "Yes, sire;11 "Daniel, did you ever hear a married lady's mother tocguo (" "Yes, tire." "Is It a dead lansuige, Daniel P' "No married man ever said bo, sire." "Then, Daniel, let us kill It." "Wouldn't It to murder, sire J" "No, Daniel ; self-defense." And tho two men smiled a terrlblo emtio apiece and re sumed their arduous labors. "ltvnni'Goius.' The Scheme of Ollbert and SuUtvun'a Latest Opera. "lluddygoro J or, the Witch's Curse," tho new opera by Gilbert and Sulllran, was pro duced In London on Saturday night for tho flrfttlrao, A correspondent cables tho fol lowing account of the production : "It was received with applause, laughter and a r-pecles of reverence. Let It be said, however, In tptto of the flrtt night volatility, that tho libretto Is dull. Ihomutlc istuntfulandtho dresses and properties magnificent. It Is la tw o acts, llko all the lato Ullbertlau comloilt ths, hut Itls notalwajs comic. Tho (list (cenc takes place In a ptetty Hshlng village, ind tlin ttcui d passes lu tho plcturo cnllery i f tbo 1 tuddj yorfs. Tho story U a burlesque upon the elata or novels and plats iluahng with uultly holltmeu and family curses. 'Iho Ud burone-ts cf Jluddjiroru live uiider an ancestral curse which com' pels tho biad of tho homo to com mit a citmo iuy diy. The bir out, who lives ubout tho tlin'j of lha Utile of Waterloo, la anxious to get rid of Ito curse, and dhcovera bii elder brother Io a bathful jouth at th (Ishmg village. 'ILen the bashful man becomes tbo hmmet aid tiles to con-inli Id er in s tu tils loiat harmful woy, He forces l.towueIj;ti.Uure, and fo forth. The. female chorus It a string of bildtsuialds add the mule chorus Is a M Hue of ofihirslii seailtt uiilformi of the time, and try ptcturecqun they are, too. lu tho sccobd act tLub4i baronrt U Bttatel in Ida picture gallery. Around him on tho wails ara the potlrilts of li4 bad ancestors -4Uo dozen of them. Ho Is hplnc; i.o win i or. ne pmnsucu ior u-iiu ha cilmta lu mrti a fectdo w.iy, wrm lie pictorial arceslou UirIii Io slug, and finally como out of tlMrfr.iuiwt t mnro Ih-ruly rtproach him. I'ornn Irutdnt the , whole house Is thrown luto ubsolulo dark- itis, the music still cnntlnulru, conduct el li blr Aithnr PuIIIvaii, with a tutou Illu mined ty ilictrlclty, Theeo ancestors aro corpeuuslv drcsmd tn all tho atvlcifrom Norman WHltam totienrge II. The witch's curio Is finally re moved, and there Is an end of ft, The successes of tbo evening wero thehornptre danced by Dnrward and Sely, He pattt-r trio sung by Messrs. (Irossmttli ted Harrington nnd Mls Jesalo Pond, and tboduLclrgof tho two Methodists," Mlltlnc to VoiU. ITttiburg Tramp Madam, If you'H fill uioup villi a good dlocu I'll caw eoino wood. Vm wlllla tn, work, Womiu (ihoitlyj You know very weed wo burar iiothlng but natural gas. Tramp Well, gimme suiuio' io ear, au' in euro on tne gas for jou. Harper's llazar, SPECIAL NOTICES. fS9TATi;m:NTOP tiik tinan- ftay CIAU I'ONtHTlON or TUB WASlIINflTOM llKNKHrtAI. ENDOW MENT ASSOCIATION, Decembers), 14: ('ailtnlitock(ratdup) Jjo.OCO no ABSkTSi 'nh In banks .....$ 1,111 17 Ileal estate .11..UM1 AssrsBmcnt In rroces of eolloctton. S1.M) W Sundry credits, per schedule.. B,fllO g iuiat W LIA11IU11E9: Death claim, not yet duo $11.0 W 00 fcnedry debits, jwr schedutfl 1,8 K) M 8130 05 Amount lield ft r security of cerltn-c-utu Holders $ 17,851 1 It. It. Donaldson, W. II. flood Ifobcit Unit, Thos. J. Lultrrtl, No til o V. l-nrncr, Thos. Horn or vl lie, I. L, Johnson, Chan. V, Uuncauson, W.-I.ttcphensog. Tho abovo p a true ropy. LAWMCNCK CJAItDNCn, Soo'f. Subf crtlied and sworn to beforo mo this Soth dayof January, insr. ( A, II. KHIXY, Notary 1'ubllo. . (VTTO WHOM IT MAY IMIV- fca rl:UN.-Thls Is to plvo notlco that on tho .list day of January, 1H7, my connec tion with thn North WashlnRton Itoal Itato finnpany will bosoicrod. Atnn early day I nm kito luriner nenco ah io my miuro ous- iicss location nml relations. J. A. BBTTLB. 9VAfllllNOTI)NirAN. 30, 1HH7. kit 'IhonnnuAlinoctlnffnf tlioslockhotJ irs of tho UltUAT KeLLH 1CIS e,o. will bo licld1tTKSIAY,thoSStb Inst., at 6 o'clock v. tn.nt llOMtist.n, w., for thu eloctlouofdl icttors. Polls o; en at 7 nnd cloio at 8 p. m. I'.yonlerof tho 1'iftldrnt. J. T. rKNWlCK, Hfcn'tary. YK-TlIIi ANNITAT MIXTJNU Idi or the WAbttlNfiTON (lA.9t.tnUT COMPANY Tor the election of directors and tho tr.ini Rdlon of nich tutlncsi m may locally como t'cforolt, will bo held at tho olJlco of tho com tmny on MONDAY, tl)oUli day of robnnry. l?t7. Tolls open from U o'clock tn. to 1 o'clock p. in, rilAS. n. II ULEY, Soflrotary. ff-wCMJVl'IIIt'S.-Tlm Trial z ii nd convlrtlon of T. .T. uliirerlui, written by him while In iirlon, I now nub lifhrd In hook foim; price wo. Alo cut 1 net photo of him n br nppoarcd on tho nciiTolij jllcoS-V. All orders rromntlv nttenrUit to. Addrcxa if. At. CHAPMAN, lWPst.n. w..Kioin0. rguMU01tIJ & SUMLISY, HANKERS AND BROKSItS, 23 Drond street, New York. MiAscit orriccs: T9 Wall at., N. Y. lit South 2d st , Phlla. Connected with I. A. Evans A Co., Boston; D. L. Drewster & Co., Chicago; Coraun & Ma cartney. WaolJpston; Hubbard & Farmer, Unit ford; Warren & Quart es, Richmond. Trlvato Wlro Connections. Buy and sell Mocks, Honda and Miscellaneous Securities on New York Stock Kxclianco. nrc cn. JOHN C. I'ltlJMONrSCW DOOK, MFMOIItS OF MY LIFK. . "A RetroEiioct of rifly Years," Toccthcr wltli tbo sketch nf tho life of Sena tor DENTON, by Jeirse Hunton Fremont. Volume I, now ready. In parts, 60o. oach; in Cloili. $1T5; Library. f.T5; Morocco, $7.73 and; Tree Calf. ?12 . lorsaiooiiiy uysuosfiuiina. n. i . fVSSM st lkNS Tho eopartncrsbtp lierctoforo ox Utlncl.plwfipn M.M Purkerntiil Cildvll.Towti- tend, under tho lirm name ot Parker A Town send, la I ercby dissolved br mutual consent, to tako effect Jnnuary 1, IsT, the said M. M. larktr nssumlng nil debts And obligations contracted by tho Prm. Mcnod tndupllnate, MYltONM. 1'AIIKKK, EDDY I). TQWNSCSD. llavlre terminated my bn-lncss relatione as aboioundoswiclatcd myself wltti A, I'. Far ilon. at o. lA!t) Fat., I respectfully solicit a t ontlmmneu of tho cenerou patron'igo ex tended io me aa a member or the lato Arm. K. II. TOWNSBND. RoallstatoIJroker, 1 ;,' h street. ryw-eu'ricE or tiiii hkuimo tsJ I'llADniN COMPANYi lOTlI AND UbTRELTS. bOUTIIEAsT, Wacuisotov, d, C, Jan. ta, issr. A srcclat mi utlng of tho stockholder of tbo Hi rdlu Phaeton Company will bo he'd at tho nflleu of tbo company. In tho city of Wattilng ton. D. ti..on the illbT DAY tF JANUAUV, 1 hh7. to tote for or aimlnfrt an Increasa of tho Indebiednefs of tho compruy to tho extent of ono hundred thousand dollars. fAMUKL (i. nonuLY, K. JJUL'UK IlARf:. Trustees. T. II. DIXON, Feerctnry. IXRvrjIICK J. 1ST SII" lTH13 CALI- fcs roitNlA WINE3J rweet Catawba Wo per cat. Dry Catawba KM l Claret St ot) " Ariptlleutvcry ewect). 1 73 " I'oitWIno fron 153 upward, Hierry WIuo frum 1 M upward. Brandy 4 ft) per k.iI. All toudsdilUercdfrceof rtiarcc II. A.8KMd)OU, Wholcsato Ino and Ltiiuori, tico Penna avo u w. P. P. No liquors by tho la. IvleihoLOcall.lHg. OFFICKKSi DORATIO DROWNING, Trcs't. WILLIAM K. CI.AUK, Vice-Frcs't. SAMUEL NoitMENT, Treasurer. tiEO. D. ELDRIDOE. Seo. nnd GenT Man. JOIINII EARNER. Counsel. 1'. K. RIDDKLLK. M. V., Medical Director, JOHN. II. Hi:i7i:it. Clennnit A?ont. (JSO. J. EAbTEHDAY, Assistant Cashier. .TIIK NATIONAL MFK AND MATURITY ASSOCIATION OF WASJItiTeiN, u. u. 1-M5 F street northwest. Ifbuc Maturity Policies payable in cash at thocxilratlonof Ave and ten years, and Life lnsuiunie Politics, guaranteed In amount and with nbo)tito limit of cost. Partlot fa miliar with life Insurance aro Invited to ox amine tho plan, Ihoto In search cf Informa tion can always obtalu It at tbo ofllco of tho association, niBECTOItt! TTorat Io PrownliiR, Eiimucl Ncrment, William E. Clark, James L. Harbour, ltobtrt Doyd, Prank Hume, I e I Woodbury, heymour W. Tnlloek. It, O. lloltrmaii, It. F. Itakcr. Jamoa L. Norrls. Jolin li.Larnor, P. S. Rlddollo. i"1 UK. J. A. MoLKAN, Dentist, 710 Twelfth atreot. Virt t-class work at mderata prices. Gold and Amalgam filling. Artificial Crowns per manently attached to roots. Oold-llned Rub ber pluteB; satisfaction guaranteed, Clontlo treatment aasurcd. WAHTEDrlELP.FEMAl!;. 1h fvttiuthg clu? or aitrtr'jjvwritt, twA rfv Want, t'vr Salter Iitul awl tluiUnr twill vGtleti, jviir Hurt or hi', one tlmt, ill cent; two ttmtf, -IO cmtt: tiM UintA, ril ctntn, "TVANTKIi-YumieUliItnGtrl, About IT lSirl't jours, old. to do light home- worfc: ccrd homo to right party. Callatl'W M "t n w. 7AMMi- A fluuil Coulc, 1Va4hnr TY and IrcTitr; also, a house girl, at 31! Irtd'unu avo. JfrAHmi MhLIJ-MALE. KXTAXTVAl-A CiTinif, Itonout "nml 1 qr.Ut to), about I'M oars of ase, toat fund tins ui d make hl:uelf iiefol about ttio tUHt. Apply, vltb Imi-1 of ioforoncd,u,tthe bastirmt Ltoornf PiW Pat n w. TrAKTKfi A Ciihlnttiiuiltcr for lto 1 rntrwirht ayuungmun preferred. I', ('( MELRY, H'b M.U K ht 11 W TtTAMilD-MimH liny In simcory IT Btme; mut-t lioanl wbb eaiployer. ('fill Bfh r 3p m utfTner 2lBt nml llwlttn w. y.lMI!l 1T fcuiunco a Flrst'l'Iiisa 11 ro In Hiiro men! 1 una hut nincrinnee I rr,m rcei at My; salary f 1 1 per week und (OiomWIoii. cullknani; .bMiDCiUOlX tent tftJito broktrti, Jfi Tth t u w. 1TANTKD AYotinFrOmdiiiiteil I'Hy- II Blelan as partner; gKHl chance; small CBpltnl required. Address PAltrNUK, Ciltlo c frii a WANTED .SITUATIONS. "IlT'ANTKD lly un Honest, Intliutrl IT ous and Kober young married man a Blttatlou; willing to do work of any kind by w hit li 1 e t an inuke un honorable living: tl yo.ird with Jat emrlojer; best references, Addrois 1I.MMIA, C'lHHmiliCO. , "WrAATIJD U'lilntf. Ironing nnd 11 day's work by uJi'ghly resectable woman, who has small children to auptxrt; willing Bnd olllglng. Call or addraua Mlti. DLbUlDLDS, lidltstnw. WANTED.SITUATI0N3V "f ANT11I An Kxperlmoeil llook- )V Vecrcr, (roml penman and flrst-cdas armuntnnt, who lias cnarue ot a set of books during tho day. dctdrr nimtlif r aet for even Ing wt rk, Add rex Itooklmopnr, C'rltto.onico. tr.ANTH)-Ity h Sober, Imlmlrh.m Jir And honest younjr man, SJ years of aco, a flttmtton ns clerk In a atom; small watto at flrrts best of refcruueca. Address S. 11., Critic fifl'Cfl. WANTKII A Itespaetnblo W title twiycf ia desires a situation tciloarn t'ortcndliiBj had nomeexnerlunceiean furnish best or references. Address Ji. P., CTrltla ofllco. WANTKII-A T.udy VItic n IMaee n froverneas; has had oxperlenco and li thoroiiBiity competent! a roo1 bomomnroof nnobJict than warok, or would read to au Invalid. AddrensM. A. a.C'rltlo onico. "rANTKI IircMiimlilna and I'tnln TT sewing; suits from SJ un: wrnrtc dmo juiaa m. 1UU.UA3, WANTEDROOMS. ITT" ANTE II IW n Slnsle Oonllemiin 11 well furnlshod room, tiatti, bet t) st and Tn nro and 11th nnd 15th st. Address, immlngrcnt, I'KRMANKNT.e'rltloolloo. WArnEDHOUSES. Y7"ANTKil-Tlo!ic-Wo lmvo In Ty qulrles evory day for homes to rent, and our supply bcirtr ex ham tod, wo nan rent nnurabor or destrabfo houses Ifplacod In our Min.K MASON, 8UOMAKRH & 8TALISV, 1SS1 Fat, baomcnt, WANTED.-MISCEU.AN E0US. ttaNTK11 Tho l-uhlloTii IMtrnnlco IT tho new 10, 15 and 25c express. Oflo WH li& st n w. I'romptncas and polltuuesa tliclr motto. WrANTnil l'rty with rrnt9lAOO V to 1,(10. In un entcrprlsa tint will double money In n year's time. Addrest ALPHA, frlttnofllee. WT AMlI.lf Io Kent n Tyito.Wrllrri Y rent inimt bo low. Address F. Y. COM MAnEHi:.(rltlo nftliB. VAMi:i)-01il (lolil nnd mirr V boaxbt for ccdi by WM. rill UIJERICII, the manufacturing Jeweler, COS 7tli at, opp Pate nt oft're. WANTED-ALL TO KNOW TnAT DR. Taylor, 0i V street. near Tenth, makes beautiful tela of artificial teeth for $V Guar anteed to give full satlsfartlon: oTtncttnir wltlifss.ehloroformor local anetht)tlos, W cents; without, 23 oontoj filling at very low prlers. FOiHTrjOHS. 17)Jt IlliNTT Tito Inriir?liirlnrAf lit 1 floor, southern exposure, largo rirutula, beat niidpns;)Uht rniiNukeoplnitnor obloctea ti : i rice,; also, ,' small rooms, third tloor, 1?OK lti:.NT-FurnMied or UnT-ir-. nlshcd. S nlco rooms, pultnblu for irootlo man and wife; good board. If desired, choapj (ouvtnlcnt toeurs. RCUlst st no. T70U ItKNT-Unriirnlftlirri Knoms, nt 1 fill M at u w. to fttffilW without ehll- ill en; aleofuridahed roomtogentionun. rilAVe) Nicely l'urnlslird Itoonis, on X fulto or singlo, ou .'d or tkt floors; south ern exposure; mod. imps.; small private fam ily: rent reasonable; references exchanged. ll8J J12L' . 1?01l IIENT-IIooms, Furnlshoil or . imfiimlsbcd, slnslo or en Btilto, In alt uirts of tho city: prices from gs to swo. D- e), I'ltotTOIt & yON, Real Eat a to and Insurance, ia.ii F at n w. ' I 70II lti:.NT rurnlnlicd or UnTor ; nli-bed rooms, sultablo for light, houao keeping. 21C0I stn w. FOR RENTHOUSES. 1.1 tilt ItKNT A llrlck Ilm-e, Four : room, bay-window, kitchen, water In F OU XtCNT- ltioKBtnw.lSrs 3123 00 1-11 Ket nw, Kirs V1AO0 n wcorfcthnndKstsnw, 13 rs la CO 7I7Cthetnw,Ors 100 00 lu'0HIne, 11 rs loo 00 Ktiat'omiaiun w, Ors 10000 lse-ONUavo, is ra .. 100 00 HK-MitliBtu w. Orsandstoro loo 00 luDOlhbtnw, lira 100 00 i.iiEstnw, is rs 813-1 tOUKttll W. 13 rs 8.18J 4iucthstn w, 10 rs 8)3.1 1010 mh st nw, lira B-i 31 Muimollaavo, lira 63 S3 USlDoSuleastnw.llrs BO 00 en F. em w, 13 rs 73 00 iwo Jefferson Frncenw, Ors 73 00 limifctnw 7300 latiNatn w.iora 7000 1413 tj stn w. Ors ,,, 00 G7 low lilHycr Flare, 10 rs 03 01 2.t)N Juaoh e, JOrs ,,... CO 00 SH4eravtn Terrace it w.Ors so 00 yC0 e'roven Terrace n w, ur 50 00 Stsse raven Terrace n w, 9ra 60 00 L'lvierau'u Terrace n w, Ors w 00 iHUHraienTcrraeon w, ors w 00 jscra en Terrace n w. Ors 30 00 Millet extended, 7 dwelling WOO CiMiatnw.u rs 40 00 PK0Hstswr13ra 40 00 UlCSttl) v. 10 IS 33 00 ::r,Qttn w 3133 IN14,! ( urroran t n w, 0 rs so 00 irviN st n w.fl rs 100.) S310 i hcrmnn nr, Irs i..... 1000 Tbo aboo bousta can bo examlne4 by per mit from tiiomas j, nsnEit & co., 18M P street northwest. I?OK JIKAT Tn Desirable Colored ? tenants, several now houses In Mut'al loiifih tt, N .1 r e und V. sta n w; near the new Pcmtnn UulMlnu; rent $10 and til por month; water In Mtcben: owner p ivs water tax. CM AS. L U NI3. KW V st n W. IOK KENT Al'lrst-Clasa llnurdlnir ' 1 ouso or 8d class hotel, complete: titled up with Bluro nnd basement hiiliablfl for ojstcr or cut Inj: liouco; ranees, hot and cold water tn all 3 stories; cus In all tho rooms: bath-room ond watercloet; U rooms, not Inctudlrg basement; this Inn first class but tiess iroterty, tho best en tho Navy- Yard, ono Bquaiefrcm ravy-Yard cate,3Bquaro4 from Ai'neostlaDrldgo.eorDcr Kdihth und Kstag o. Apply to V cller & Repottl, No. 3".'I Ta ave so. or to J. I. Hall, No. -lou isthfctsw; good Indmcmenttotho right party. FOIt HENT-Hy S. U. Walker, 030 Louisiana avon w. m n st n 0, r-irs, water and gas t-Vt fiOHst no, tars, wntfrand k.h 20 FOK Ki;NT-llnnloiiio IO-Koom brick; all mod Imp; thorough repair; llrflt clbsalocalllv: larifo Jds back anil front; . P. WItlUlIMlfl uatSbtuw, Apply to J. P. jstn woratau li C'pt. FOR SALE-HOUSES. poilJtKNT In Alexandria, n Ncw.O Jt room brick bouao, with pantry, lhloil tloict and bath; cellar under whole house; baagaaaud wntcr; rent fiwi per year. .Apply to owner, ROOM a, Nat. Met, llanfc bldg. ctl 1.1th n. Traliistoandiromrtbouteveryhour JOHHALK-'J-Stnry nnd Cellar llrlck ; dwelllrg,7r, loin Bt n w, $1,500; two btoi y and cellar brick owclllne,7 rs,. llib t n w, S4.'Ao; two story ond cellar brick dwel tnir,7rs, e'orcorau st, Sl,3tm: iwo-storv out ccllwr brick dwelling, 7rs, Hthstn w, 81.730. 'J YLKR & ltUTlIMlFOIlI), l.'t V at n W. FOR SALEylMELUNEOjr Cl.tfl WILL liny u lltirno (tint Driven ,tKU nicely and goodaiidfcr; owner loav big tho city. lOiw Fetn w.ionmH. I,1 OK HALK-I'urm Adjolnltit; tho . IleIdcntB; onool C9, onuof ilOundoiH i-f 10 aero; tncfal bargain. CULLKNANIl AVcOliUMO'tT.reul ustato brokurx, lltl 7th t H W, I.Oll KALH l'OHt. Ciiiubtnutloit Hew . lngintchlnoi-Uuk: 10, au or a.) Bhares, Ai 1 ly at it' OMjyNat Met. Rank bllg, J ,iOH SAM A MKly Uuvlmr About 1 40 boardera wlnlim 10 sell tho fumlturo Hiidgood will nt thal.nurc; deHlrabljlncatlm utd pajlngbuvlnuhs. Address 8. J. M., Critic 'PUB WAPIUNOION OAILIOUT CO. I WWlilflWCT 41 DL'tHELS OF COKE FOR jy.W) anywlero tn Vaskluton or (loorgotown. LOST AH0 FOUND. T OST-I'rldiivMubt. .hui. HI. N11111II. j 1 Under built femalo ttrrlorj mlxttiro of Hotdnndskjobreodi dark,alfnoi black bi color; hnswers to tho name ol Topr, lie weld will I)o puldfor her return toll-.MNtt n w.or Infoimatlnn ns to her whereabouts. I t)HT-Ou fiufuiduy, tho 83 In the I j waur cm1 Inoet tn Mm Cat,! tot. n Ilrltlsh ull dne rcinhcr. Finder will nleaioleive wlihOtuterYoung.ltl D st ae, and get 11b 1 1 ui reward, xUVEJBY8TABlXSv Sale and Livery Stable. a. A, ORIH&ON, forroerlf of Alexandria, Vn , bas boupht tho 1 xtcnslve Livery and 8alo Stables of W, It. Oeyer, 4M and 470 C at. n. w In tbo rear t.r National Hotel. Ho will con tinue to maintain Its populailty as hiring, Iherynud salo atables: also a Carrlano lie jiobitory: and rospcottully solicits a share of iho 1 ubllo putron ago, PERSONAL. T OOAN CAFlC, AtR 10th St. N, 4w XJ nenr V st. (Into Forsyth Carol. Our 13 ond 830. breakfast scrvo.1 from 0:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Dinner Mm to 7 p.m. Sun day, 1 p. m. Tbo best In tho market only used and cooked properly. All wo ask Is a call to bo convinced of the nbove. Dill of faro Wednesday, .Inn. SO, 19171 HRDAKKAST, Rcefstrak, with or without onions, vent chop, liver nnd bacon, codfish cakes, pork chni'S, BAiisoce. mackerel, Wltnnnyotlho booto article yon aro en titled to hot and cold broads, buttor, nota toes, fruit or saueo. with coffee, toaormlltt. DINNKR. Roups Vegetftlde and ouster. Meats Red snapper, haricot mutton, roast beef. Vegetables-Potatoes, lima beans, parsnip, sweet potatoes, cold slaw. , , , Desserts Apple, cranberry and mlnco pics, tapioca pudding, coffeo, tea or milk. Wo serve nothing but first-class article. Iho best coffeo to bo had In the city, madoln French Drip Ulasa-Lliicd Urn. W. K. lAJOAN,, Proprietor. rpili: OAKH," ClriltlmralMirg, M"d., J tho largest combined fruit, honey, pouiiryandfaney stock farm In tho world. order direct shipment, eirant Parish, solo proprietor. WM. IIKNRY, Manager. flicn CAIMTAT.. -Advertiser WUIins DJU tosclloiitberbuslnosa toli-ly with thonboTecaitinl; chanro to mako good liv ing. Call at frit Ostnw. i V. StUM.IHl, SpeclnlUt Tor V.yn nnd ) car; Imixirtnot case, rocontorol l.oan bo succcsfeluliy cured; couaultntlon froo. a.M 4 st n w. G. CJ. YIIAKI.i:, I'rtictlcul Wutcli mnlter nnl tnweter. renal rs nil kind of fine watches, clock and Jewelry In tho host manner. otti'107tli stn w. HOyonrB'oxporloneo "I i;RfONH on tho II1111J11 nml (tuitur, Jj by an experienced lady teacher. Ad cinss n. ti., etuio ofiiu'. T. , H, 1'ilKLI'f!, l'hotngriiplior, f(nTiftl. 1 1 ti-nr rnniRntn 1 with I'hO- tocmrliDop't. U. y. Treasury, I now located M PJir.LP.H A IIIRU'M "UVhlnKt.m City IWait MudlV I-V7 IH avo (oier Vott'st, where jou aro invited tu sco sample ot thoir wors. HlVAnlllNriTON'd Mllfflo Crnam or InrtaiitAtieou Cure, Any broiling nut n face or l.txly emed. Molli Pimples, Wrlnklec. IMack Heads, Vulgar Iteduo. I.'ereirnnml nil faelal disfigurement romavoil imdnciinr eomplciloii Insured to nil who use It. 1 crfcetly harmless. Tostlmonlals on npphcatlon, hvlti by alt drncslits, fioo.and Jtptr box. Hint to any nddrcsii. Quii:nFi.ui tCS II A lit Oblltnmtod, Ing no trace, by my KLEUTRIU Rirnces. wtiK-hH tho only roinolv NEEDLE 1 rotes. known fr this hldcom blomlsti. Masters, lowier, nelds. cto, only promoto a moro tubliorn growth. Ill cnmiulem, Neuralgia and ail Nervous Coirplalnts of ladles nnd children treated. Cull or wi Ito for valuable circular. MRS.PH.iUHUIEL.nJl el atnw. rpIIKl'reit W. i;tuiiIlnlnKIEim, 1 At DID F Ft n w, continue loserva ibA limited or fined meals. HI 11 of faro at fallow ing rates: Dreakfast, IV; luneli, 10c; dinner, lec; cakes and cofteo, 10c; regultr monthly board. $.0; meal tickets, 3 for $l: Id for (9. Ail orders filled promptly, and In tbo boat manner known to tbo tnido. 1". W. EVAN, PronrlcQor. COT.UMIIIA SIII11T CO., Hurry C. Towers, manager, nro now opoulng at No. 1110 N Y nve a full lino of ono of the boat (elected stocks of gent's furnishing goods In the city. A specialty In lino dress shirts, ready-rondo and to order. 1,NOIIAVIU TI.ATE, $t 1'rlntlnc j WMIsltlng card from samo, 4e; print ing 100 visiting cards from the same, llthrurrntih eheck hnnk made to nriler. 3e; ,1. L. KERVAND. 10ia l'a avo n w. EH. 'WHITI!, Htenogrnplior nml typewriter! contracts and Bpccliloa t luns of all kinds at reaionablo ratos;spoochp, sermons, teaimony.cto., accurately reportod. A lew pupil taken at modcrato charge. loOO 1' Bt n w. Room 13. IKKSIFCTFUr.T.Y ANNOUNCK to tho publlo that I bavo removed my dre rnaking parlors to 1110 K st n w and enlarged my place of business. Ladies will find It to their advantage to call before going elso where; handsomo suits mado for $5 and up ward; evening costumes a specialty. madame Dermic. J want frcih oysters, fat and juicy, by tho pint, quart or gallon, wholesale or retail, do not rail to buy tiicm 01 jjk ALU'S oyster tn- tabllshmcnt, Hi 10th et n w. You will get them at reduced rates. MRS. DIC. SKUAia & r Ames, 'Surgeon Chiropodists nnd Manicures, 0 years of successful practlco has gamed them tho reputation of America's beet operators. Separato parlors for ladles. 1113 Tcnna. avo. next door Talals Royal. Uso Kloctrlo Hutr Itestorer heat In tlio world, No grease, load or sulphur, For salo by druggists generally, and at thoodcoof MRS. DR. J. 8EMMES, Dermatologist. 1115 Pa. nvo.. noit door PaUl Royal. Lato of F at ClAMrtlltNIA WINK ltOOM, 713 D J Bt n w. Jacob Gundlach's Celebrated White and Claret Wine by tho glvs and bot tle. N. K. WHY AND, lato from tian Bernar dino, Cul. IlGMO(TieKestaurntenr ami Caterer, j will furnish estimates on applloitlou for wedding, parties, sociables, binqucts, oto. EervfaclUtyos a flra t-class caterer. Call or address LE MOUtt.8l3bthstii w, fe AND 7B ClITS OO FOR BINDING a.Ua'ER'S. CENTURY AND ST. NICHOLAS MAGAZINE. THE LYCET1' BINDERY, 1010 and loui'a. Aro. AUwork guaranteed. 1p II. YODNO'S STEAM CAltl'KT ' (Monnlnff Rtiil Itonnvattnir Worki. Feathers renovated, mattresses mado over, furnlturoatcamedand moths doit royad. llli 1'amo nw Factory, corner of &tb and K BtS s o. REAL KSTATK 1ICLLETIN Of TnOS. IS. WAGQAMAN, 017 F street. Changes made Wednesdays and Saturdays T1LREB STORY BRICK AND PRAMB UOUSEa. FOR SALB. C03Istn I, Sirs $33,000 K stnvr, bet lltti undlMh, achool bld'ng Uooo 400 Mstn w, tilt, ml, 11 rs a .'.wo 1U Vermont nvo n w. b h,ml, 13 rs... 18,000 ?.K, zii,--"-it F stn w. b h, m 1, 11 ra looo lTiSllrtnw. bli, 10 rs 1J.1W0 ln-H istli at 11 w. bh. m 1. 15 rs II.&00 txiOM atnw, bh. ml, nrs.i 11,000 1013 10th Bt, mod lm, 10 rs 11,000 uiOMstnw.hh,ml,Wrs 10.MO TWO-STORY BRICK AND FnAHBDOOSES FOR WALE. Clil to u.10 Md nvo s w.hh. 4 rs,, 813.000 1114 lUOCthstsw, Trs.andlfhtnrear 0,000 4(0, 40s llth at s w, b h, ml,i) rs o,goo toil Va avo s w, bb,7rs B.500 CIS 1st at b w und threo bouses In rear.f n &is , 3,000 40l,4CB&CnpBta w, f h. Ors .',ooo sisnimaHMBtaw, fb.4rs lmio t10, MH ad st a w. t b. 1 rm 1,00) Altey Ab and Gth nnd H and I sts s w, f r D00 E st, bet Del nvo and Canal Bt s w, f h, Hr W0 UNIMPROVED PROPERTY FOR SALE. Gbt.hctNCapand 1st 11 w ,.$1,800 Ltngcnst, bet istfit nnd Prospect avo U W Ml For Foot. Kt-t.ttt llth and lMhnw $i.M HI nvo, bet lith and l&th stsnw uoo l'uae, bctCthandTthBiaa o :!00 FOR SALE VARM. Foit rndlntun Farm, Girrett County, Md., frJ-6 ai res; houo 2W atoilos high; 41 rooms; ilJ.iU). TO LEASE. Ter Annum. All co. s of eg 410. except lot 10. s w.,,.$HU03 UthHtn w. bet w uud Itoundary ui 00 Hit. but 4th and Mil n e 1 00 fX hull mi -JitU, lot 4, K et, but 4V6 and tthaw. &03 nOU8K8 Fe)R RENT, 1iN Ynvotiw, Cm Jionu to.17thUne.ris ii 4l.MUtiiv, 1 rs 100 tB'isun w.iors ami miftiuthstn w.ars noo 101.1 Hit n w, 11 is.,, ,.,,, bi a) mis irth it uw, tin Mm iiNU) lUh stn w,0rs l'l 00 eoWBounduryiinw, 4 rs Um) 431 N J MOB-1. 6M 1'iW OFFICES JOR RENT. 46SLnniC, 3d floor, 4 rs,ofTlco JW 00 401 Tthkt n w.l r, M tbuir m tM 4 VI Tlh ft, front ruom, id lloor, oftleo... liJ oj Dili and Paae, loom 15, nftli-o II 00 401 7lh Kt n w,ulllue, JJ n, 2d lloor, each. i M Uiiox llulkllng, ruuuifl. ottleo 10 0) 40irthbtn w.l room, ill lloor 10o Gunton Building, roomSI, oflleo.. ....... 8 no LOANS. In soma tu anlt at 0 por cent. Tho above la only a small jwrtlonof prop erty on ray books. For full II t call ct oOluo for bulletins Issued on 1st and 15tb, J" A S. H. IIVCoG-IXiL DEALERIN BUILDINQ UUITLIS3, 008 to Ul 1 Q street northwest, next National lUtioH Armory, Arihltcctnral Iron Work.Coment, Plaster Fire Drltk, tiro Clay, Walt blato, Fulntu, U1U Glasn, etc, EDUCATIONAL. The Berlitz School of Languages 7123 11th Htrect Northwest, AND ALL OTHER PRINCIPAL CITIES, Recognlred as superior to nil other similar Institutions, t tne x col tod advantages for learning CONVKKSATION. Pot of native tenchers. 1'co extremely low. Now term now for ladies, gentlemen and children. Trial lot ions free. Every Saturday LEtrrURII,i froi to pnplls. I'or projtrnmmo and admission curd aptly at tho school. RUSINES9 COLLKOE, nnrnMoiilDrO.6, will RKOPES MONDAY, I1MIKMIIKH VA IN COMMOIHOUH HALLS, NATIONAL DANK OK TIIK ItEPUItLie lU'lLDINO, HOUTJIWEST CORN Ell 7TII AND D STREETS. KstsMlihcd More than 10,000 students have been trained In this collcgo. Sen Ices of tt graduates always In demnnd. A practical business edu cation that finalities young men ami women to supnoit themselves and Buceoisfullr per form tbo nctlvo duties of llfo Thorough In struction phon in Rapid Writing, tho Engllh T.nnminirn. (!nrrnirwitnliiiirn. HnnM Cu.liilln tlons. Dookkeeplng, Ilnslncss l'tncttco, Com- merelal Ijiw, Political Economy, 8tenojtraphy nmiTypn writing, icoguiar uay nna nnd Typo Writing. Regular day nud oven- nitf Bi-jHioiia, a tun uuri in lw crs. Tuition fees, dny session Iteguur buinosB course ono year, $70. payable S10 on entering and bnlanco in monthly mstallmonts of $10 each; a year scholarship, in full on entering, 0u; tuition icr quarter ot tea weeks, $W, paid on entering. Night ses sionsTear scholarship, CM on entering; 3 months, $13, payable ?a on entering and bal nncnlnmontldy lint aliments of $ encb, or $10 In full on entering. Illustrated Circular scutficoon oppllnutlon. IILNRY C. (rENCER. Principal. MR3. SARA A. Bl'KNCKl!, Vloo-1'rlncliiol, Ing aesfllons. A full corps College of Modem Languages 1 wamhim;to, d.c. Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. D. Cabell, Principals, FRENCH, GERMAN. ITALIAN AND SPANISH. Day nnd Evrnlrg Clastos for iteglnner and advanced students. 8 peel a I Po-it-ilraduate Course of Conversation and Llteraturo for young ludles, under the direction of PROF. HENRI MARION, Oraduatcof tbo Mirbcmno," Paris (as'feted hy hlelily-cDicIcnt natlvo Instructors), In-lowed b Dr. Lambert Sauvcur, president of tho Sum mer Collcgo of languages. Oswego, N. Y. Prof. A. M. Elliott, president ot tho Modern Languago Aseoclatlou of Amcilca, John Dopllns Unlu-rsity. Dr. I'd. H. Jorne. author ot tho .Tovno Otto French ana tiernuu Coarao, South Caro lina Collcgo. And many other prominent Educators. or circulars and further Information, ad dress or apply NORWOOD INSTITUTE, 1107 Massachusetts avenue, Washington. U. C. I)KOF. nilTCOMIl lm Unopened bis School of shorthand at 1413 G at n w; class sessions Tuesdaf and Friday evenings. -7-AMIINeiTON Acndomy of Tele 11 graphy bns removed from Capitol Hill to 031 F St n W, ROOMS 7, 8 and 0. rUFi:-AVItITING Thoroughly Taught, At Room S3, St. Cloud Building, References required. twW! ANSLCOAL Coal Sc Wood rnoM Johnson Brothers, Tho most cxtcnMvo dealers In tho District. Supply moro families than any f.rm south of Now York. Tclet'hono connections. MalnOfllcolseis F street northwest. Branch Offices nnd Yards 1315 Sotcnth atrect nortbwost. 1740 Ponna. nvenuo northwest. C-Jl Pennu. sventio (outheast. 1121 Ninth street northwest. wia Penna. avenue northwest. Corner 3d and K streeu northwest. Wharves ond Railroad Yard Twelfth and Water streets aonthwost. V. BALDWIN JOHNSON, , Wholesale and Retail Doalcr In WOOD AND COAL. Complete Facilities. Hottotn Trices, . Full Weight and Measure. Wood and coal direct fiom thb forests and mines by rail and water, and free from slag, slato and other Impurities. GIVE ME A TRIAL. Main Yard and Office, 1011 R. I. avo, n, w. Drancti ' " Ml A st. n. o. Branch Office, corner flth and K bU. 11. w. AU connectod by telephone. Coal. Wood. Coal. A. U. SMITH, Dealer In first-class Domes t to Coal. Com plete facilities for hauling coal direct from tho mine. Plaeo your orders now beforo the advnuco In prices. Main onico and Yard, COO Now York avo. Coal Depot, 1st and L sts. n. a. TflterhoiiB cull. ?lfl. )0B PRjHTING.; riuioaiAs McGirx co. X (bucceBBors to MctilU Wltberow). rBINTERS AND STEItEOTrYEIU, No. 1107 E Bt. KorlhwcBt, Washington, D.O. GOOD YOHK AT FAIH riUCES. TT-o. roLuiNuoitN, Book, Job and Postor Printer, 032 AND 031 D STREET N. W. Neap porner 7tli t. G111SON IlltOTIlERS, rKACTlOAL HOOK AND JOB l'lUNTEKS, 1338 Tenna. are., Wanmnttton, D. 0. Cy-FIno lMntln. a nwlalty. FINANCIAL. B, K. PLAIN, W, B. BIBB3 B. K. PLAIN & CO., UROUERS, Grain, Provisions and Slocks, OTU AND P STS. AND 1 122 P ST., IVntlilncton, I. C. City References National bank of thoRo pubho. 'Chicago Correspondents Mil mine, Uotlmau & Co. ConMant quotations or tho Chicago and New York Markets by special wlro. LEWIS & DARDEN, S17 Heventli Htrcet NorlhwcHl. (Stocks, Uonds, Grain, OH and Provisions, Direct wires to New York and Chicago. CAMPDELL & CO., Stock, Grain, Provision and Petro leum Biolcflrsi 13U3 n:NNA. avi;. (u.tnir..) DIRECrWinETONEWVOHH CITICAfin ORANE. PAERIS & CO., B-A-USnEEIRB, 1341 KUCrcel, - - - (Ubliltt llaii.,.) rietrlct of Columbia llonils, Insnranrn. Oas, ItnUwuy uud Teleilioua btockB bauuhi und bold . All flume. How York, 1'HladelpMi and Ual tllnoio Itolids and Ktm-ks dnult III. Coin, Kxtl'anire, Mutilated bllrer. GKO. VILLHBR U-ii lu stock a full line of Carpotlngs, all grades Oilcloths, Cocoa and ft raw MatUugs, A lao la ten styles in Well Paper. Wlndon tirades and Curtain Goods. Wire Window and Dour Horfiona. v moEa low, OMORQB "rxrxxtvisrTait NINTH ETllKUT NORTIIWB.HT AMUSEMENTS. A LnAUOII'S GRAND OPERA-HOUSE. Wcpk Commcinljff MomUr, Jan. ,1. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND 8ATUHDAY Tlio Kcrrecatatlo Aarrlcn ComctlUn, JOHN T. RAYMOND. Five nights, commencing Monday, Jan. 01, matinees Wednesday an1 nattmlny, tlrstpr-c duttlonln Washington of David D. Lloyd's new and original cucentrlo ocmedr, A AVO 1 AN IIATKR. Fatnrday evening, .Tan. Si, only nppearaneo ot Cl Mr. RAYMOND In hli great creation of COL. MUI.lIF.ItKY HKLLKUS. In Mntk Twain's American sketch. Next Week, NATIONAL (AMERICAN) OPERA CO. A LBAUGH'S GRAND OPEnA-HOUSE. AMERICAN OrEHA 11V Till NATIONAL OPERA CO. Theodore Thomas Miito4t Director enas.L, Locho,, i.ucnerai .tiunagcr Ono Week of flrand Opera In Engllb, DLOINNINQ MONDAY, JANUARY Ul Itepertolroi Monday THE IlL'0UENOT Tucfduy FAIJflP Wednesday AIDA 'Ihumluy THE FLYI.NU DUTCHMAN Fildny UlllK.VOItlN r-at. Altenioou OIU'lllil'M ,t f.UltYDICi: fcot. Nigbt VAHKIAOKOPJKANNETriB Followed by Oraud ectacuIur balltt, COITEUA. Prices from 81 to SI. according to location, JJojcs, seating six, ?M and 5'J5. ( A". 'Ibesnloof eats for this engagement will Lo held at Rrcntano's, at hox-oftico pr!co, commencing Tuesdar, Jan. 51, for tho silo of season tickets, and '1 hursday, Jan. 27, for tbo sale of tickets fnmlnsio imrformancos. uu tmn.uin.11 jiviii o u. iu, tu u p. ill. N EW NATIONAL THEATRE. tsrroun rEiiKoiiMANcnssj Commencing TIIUIISDAY, Jannarj 7. Kntineu Uaturilar at & p. m. THE WOHLD'S JIONAUCIIS, J. u.h vvciii.i:i3 Original Mastodon Minstrels. A Cyclono of MaBnlflopiit Mln.trDNjr, Evory thlna New an-X urlzlnal. SALE OP SEATS VOW IN l'HOOIiESS. Next Wpek, JIR. Ar.TltUlt KEIIAN'S CO. In Angnatln Inly', Famous Comedy, NANOY I'll. "W TILL OVKS TO.WiaUT 1IVLJ.1, THIS TUESDAY EVENINO AT7:30. omiiN nnos. jTubnito niciiols' AZTIX I'AIlt, IIIIXICAN VILLAQD AND MEXICAN TTl'ICAI, OIlCnESTnA. seethe woNDEnToi'oun sistkii he- rUJILIOINTIinilt VA1IKIUSLIUIITS Ol' OVEH aou YEAIIS. take a imp Tiiuonnn old mexico 1'orCoCent,. clilldren, t!3 Cents. Plplfll rwlp. tn srlionl. TJ ARRIS DIJ0U THE rOTULAR TRICES; Night, 2.1a. to nil parts of tho house. Mati nee, i'Oo. No extra chargo for reserved Boats. CLlldren under 10 years of ago 1Kj Week Commencing MOMlAY, JAN, 21. Augustln lmly's eiret BrectneuUir Flay. UNDER THE eiASLKIUT. A Ftrong and Ccmpleto Company. Croat Scenlo and Mocbanlcal Effects. Iho Thrilling Hallrotd s-tcno. NcxtMoek-THE PLNTER'S WIFE. DIME MUSEUM. THE GREAT LONDON SUCCESS. Ta cry Afternoon and.Mght This Week, Mortimer Murdoch's (irand Moludrama, HOUl OP ClOLU, A brilliant success everywhere. Startling tableaux and elegant company. A perform anco worth llvo timci thairl.'e. l'r.dayand Saturday, rhango of programme, "Tho Oypsy; or, Tho Mystery of the (ilen." ADMISSION ONLY 10 CENTS. Seals renerved tbree tlavs lu advance. TERNAN'S WASHINGTON THEATRE. Return of tho Popular Favorite1, JIlnrliifiii'M 4'itMNiuii(.iitaii ;oticrcNH THE ONLY 111(1 SHOW. Under thq management of It. H'zgcrald. Headed by tho (Serpent Ino Wonder, MAEI NELLI. New I"f aturm and 'ow Novelties addod. Matinees Mou., Tuei , Thurs. and sat. riun: kuimcn, X TDEDANCE OF THE NATIONS. Aew Xatlonnl TlH'iitfP, 3IONDAY, THERDAY, WEDNESDAY, JAN. JI, J(I, IHS7, 7:3(1 P. M, 10 VI OVLOCE, For the boaetlt of the IViUIonnl IIoiiH'opnttilci IIopltnl. Under tl odlrrctlon of tlmdMlnciiUhad erea- iivoarur, .Mr. u.iitL.MAKwui. THE 110LLANDA1SE (Tho dance of the Neth erlands). NEAPOLITAN (Fisher Danco-Tarautclle). FLOW ER, fcFANiSn, MINUET, NO It M ANDY, INDIAN, BWEDISIt and OYPSY, Represent the Dances of the Nations. Brilliant National Costumes, Art! ttio Tab leaux, Oracelul Movements and Postums, ma So rcoltbtio and enchanting pictures of Na tional Life. Doors open at 7 o'clooki Klrmos at 7:T. Promenade concert and dancing, gueitspar tleliatlrg, until Vi o'clock. Tickets fJ, $.'. S1.&0, for ealo nt 3letzerott's,00Jl'u,avo. n. w., on and nfter January 10. Itoservud soata for each night without extra chargo. PANOUAMA or Ilattle of Hull Run, lith et., two blocks south of Fa, avo. Tho most realistic t-attlo ceno over palntod. Lighted at night by 300 electric lights. Oeu from 0 a. m. to 10 p, m. On Sundays half price. S1 lIFXDON'a ACADEMIES. 1001 F Street Northwoat, Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Third street and Fa, nvo. a. o., Tuesdays and Fridays. All tbo latest dances taught. S( C1KNT1FIO ana XfTeotlve Sparring Tho most hnnflrtrtl of all eierLtaos taneM by Prof. J. O. Colliu3, at bis rofldenco. 7001 Bt n w. Lessons In dumb-bell and Indian club exercises also taught. DRY GOODS. "W. D. CLARK, BUCCOHlior to TRUNNEL A CLARK, VEALER IX. FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS 811 Market Space, l'ounfi. uve., WAS1HKCITON " D. C PR0VIS10MS. Giroitun i:. niuitK.vY, I LlUIIAlli MRICET, 1 13 II tt. ii.o., U'aililiulnn, D. C. The choicest meats, tha bmt but'er, fresh poultry and eer thing tho bht bv market, 1'iiiKu Pens and Muxhiooiui, Pluitl-'d Lamb Turputi. Pine Apple Chteio mid all del lea tics In ttio eating lino cuiiftantlyou liuntl. UHCl.i: AlAmer.T. Iluvluff lnr V chafed tbektot k and goodwill of Circle. Murker, corner of Vt, vo. and Lst, wo earn oily col'ilt the liberal pntroniYo glvou our jndeiessors, nnd, by making such addition io frtoik us thu demand nny require, with. ( arclul attention to bustiica and prumptdu llery of crdeis. hojiftto giro satisfaction to. all whoTntroni7ouH. Rospcetfullv. K. L. W1LLKTT & H. H. (JWYNNC. Sti(ceora to T. H. Erooko & Co. jy-AL ESTATE. IjtOK HALU-Tlie North Waslilugton 1 Real Estate Company bavo a largo and uliolco Hue of Improved nud unimproved prop erty for sale, oiler! tig rare chances for lu vest ment, Parties doihlug to purchase or having Und for itate In tlio north or northeast soc tbm of the city will II nd It to thoir ndvantago to do so throuuh this company, whleb gives Its whole attention and ener.'y in tho develop ment of that part of tho city, TLIh company has seventy tliousund fcetlnonotraotoiiNovv Qaitpdilro ave. at a bat gain for Investment. Albo, aerei of I nprovod farm landa In Virginia for kuIo or eithanto. mi F it u w. 1 nft. iaUwwsHKiVUWilb3KS .--! 1 agfjrnMaMMgut JKMpwma