Newspaper Page Text
Trsr fSZx.'' n s nil ! 1 rzrmp '-L JL f THE WASHINGTON OttJTIO, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 35, 1887. Is fi P n ? It 5 ft U i hi yh WASHINGTON 011IT10 amv&i:mesv imtLoroitw A Minuet. llnttift OprulIniif nincnih Ami k streets mnthwcit, Jolm T. Kb) round. isntlnnni Tltcntrn K Mrcet, liotwccn Thirteenth nnd Fourteenth 'f ho lurino. HnrrU llljnu Tlimtre LuuMtna avo tine Nui.h ami U streets. "TiiJir tlio tin Might " Kcrnnn'A tVnulilriEton Thentre Urvr-tith nt re ct, 1 1 low Pennsylvania avenue. Mai Incltl's Cumoolltan CI run, liurton LoRnn' l'onnytvanla nvo ime Itctw con Elovonthand Twelfth streets. "IlOOpOf UoM." l'flno rn in n Fifteenth street and Ohio ate line. Second Hull nun." CITY SPECIALS, lUrcf-HUu l no orJllnriih.iitM'lilorn!, or Alcohol, Results In an Isomeric condition, or hard ening of the albumen In the ncrvo tissues; and this Is the chiln which hinds the uu fortuuato victim. To ttioso struggling aealnst these- conditions, oxygen will ho found Mrt tcry jvticnt ir;t m thnr travMf." 1'flrUculirit, nt InstltiVUiJ! a tural Therapeutics, 010 Xknrtecnth street iionuvrcBi. feet tooth brush, for sate hv II. FlnncT. the ilrueclst. corner Sconth uuu i sirccw coriuwcoi. For 4'linppetl JlaittU, l'nre Up, itc, use Shepherd's Med lea toil Mutton Tallow, combined with Witch liazcl. For sale l) all druggist. Trice, 10 cents. .IuMIi'n Old Htlintl. 0111 II Nt. .. W. Huj agents' second hand clothing. Note by mail promptly attended to. 4'liolrrM i-'ltmrrM nt lnw Pilre. C. K. Hale, llorlst. 710 Fourteenth street uoitlmest. funeral designs a specialty. IV. II, lloiiuhtoii A 4 o.. I'M I V Htrcet Itorttmrnt, At this time of the icsr have a great many petals of tho highest clais, b:irig such goods as wo cannot duplicate, which vowlll ofTcr at a discount of fiom 'JU to CO percent. Including chatnler and parlor furniture, chenille portieres, etc. Do isot fsll to Jenvo your plates at Kenucd'a, 101 2 1'iur.sThanU avenue north k west, and pit your visiting cards printed for the holidays. To J n I To j h I To j h I A full line of to, such as Wagons, Doll CaiiUger, Dolls, and smaller toys, fancy china, colored staMnare, bisque (Inures, cheap Tea Sits. Toilet Sets, with colored Ucd, $2 ST.; cicely decorated sets, $3. Chandelier lamps at low prkes, wlih a full lire of other goods too niiniorous to men tion, at 8 K. Unow.Vs, SOtli at. aud Fa. avc. u. w I oh II Itutldcn'M .llnminnth Install nirnt Hoime. Now Is your golden opportunity to buy any style of cooking stove, range, beater, itc., at your own price and terms that will ettlt everybody, lids extensive Installment establishment la located at VU0 and UU Sev enth streetnorthwest(nefitsldc). Mr. Jttid den also has a full Hoc of furniture, car pets, oilcloths, etc., etc., all of -nblcb are first class poods and aro offered low for caeb, or will bo sold cheap on the Install ment plan. Terms easy enough to please all. Steamed oysters, corner 14th and I fits. Do iot fall to leave your plates at Kervaod's, 1012 Pennsylvania avenue north west, and pet your visiting cards printed for the holidays. Ladles' saloon, corner of 1 and Four teenth streets northwest. Itotlre to HoiiMckceiicrH. In addition to a complete stock of heat ing and cooking stoves, ranges, carpets, Dank its, comforters and parlor and dining room furniture, 1 have Just received a full line of silver table ware, all to bo sold on easy monthly or weekly payments as cheap as can be bought clrewbcro at strictly cash J rices. Smith's reliable Installment nouse, 32 Pennsylvania avenue northwest. Donnelly's steamed oyBtcrs, cor, 14th & I, "Alilerney llutry 1jiieoiim," Fresh Alderncy butter, churned even inoriilnp and dtilvercd'In 1 lb "Ward" Erlnts, r0c. per lb. Also cottage cheese, uttermtlk and sweet milk, Tic. per qt. Cream, 15c. per pt. WATCH tX(l rott A CJMA'l. A Youne Blnn Who A nun fit the Ger man and French Lentil loim. Detectives stationed In front of the TrincU Minister's residence on tC street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, and the Gcrmau Minister's, No. 73-1 Fifteenth street, attracted the at tention of a CitiTio reporter this morn ing, who nt once Instituted au latcstl tlcn. It was ascertained that word had been received at Headquarters request Ing a detail of ofllccrs to look after a crank who had threatened the lives of loth Ministers because of some fancied injury at their hands. Further, that tho person who made the threats was a medium sized, well dressed young fel low, with close-cut side whiskers and moustache, who Jias been regular In his attendance at receptions this winter where the two Ministers were likely to be. No attention was paid to him until the other day, when he approached the German Minister nt the latter's lcsldcnco and made several threaten ing gestures and demanded pay for tome photographs which bu declared were worth upward of a million of dollars, tenants of tho Minister elected the intruder, but he has per kitted in haunting tho streets In the xicinlty until his presence has becomo so disagreeable to the Minister that police protection has been Invoked. Tho fellow has tho appearance of a gentleman and a good address, and his demeanor In social circles has always been that of a person perfectly at home ii m Id his surroundings. Nobody seemed to know anything about him, however, beyond tho description glen above, and as bu has gUeu a different name at each house whero ho has been a guest it is diltlcult to locatu him. It IsbilltM'd bythepdlcu that it Is the same u an Ibm w as sjnt out of the city last summer for tuakluir threats ugalnst several foreign Ministers, and If caught this time ho will be safely cured lor. JllaNniiU- Vrt-innn A"nviAtlon. lliu Masonic Veteran Assoelailon cele brated their annual reunion taut nUut by a bacquct at the National Hotel. There were IS&prcse-t. General Albert PJke occupied the scat at Ibo head of the table. Those present Ineluded: Major Hen: l'erlcy I'oore, liens. J. U. Itlchardaon, Charles -towartof Texas, Henry J, bpoouer of Ithode Island, ex-tJoinmUsloner eleorgn 11. Lortng, Past (J rand Matter Myrou M, Parker, Generat D, (l. tiwaltn, W. O. Koome, Hon. J, F, Miller, Hon. K. Y. Crowcll, Itev. V. A. Harris, Hon. James U. Wakefield, Dr. Brown, U. b. N. Toasts were responded to by Hon. Henry J. tfpooutr, l U, M. Myron M. Parker, ex-Oommlsoloner (Icore b. boring, Major lien: Perley Pooro, Hon. Charles (Stewart, Hen. Mmon Wolf, Dr. Smith Tovioshend, Mr C. U. Dennett and J. C. Dulln. Jleforc the banquet began a short meeting f the association was held, and Urother f'ioly of th National Hotel and John Jacob ItuplI of Freltehen Itheln Lodge of Switzerland were elected Masons. A YoutliTiil Tiller. Wilson Williams, a 13-3 ear-old colored boy, was sent to Jail for six months by Judge if n ell to-day for snatchlog the cash-box, rontalnlne i 7 UO, from car No. 4 of the Belt IJneat fourth street and Massachusetts avenue last evening. He was arrested by Jtlchard Anderson, the van driver, "Kings are like stars, they rise and set," They have headache, cuts aud hurts like meaner men, and are just as sure to call for Salvation Oil. I JLrmTr K 'iiiL Ktnyti.s, A VttrrUnts lMiily of tlio Clty'x tntith, AVniltli and Itciitity. Tlictlty'a beauty and licr light. In f pic ml Id rmllanco shone last night, Willi jeweled brilliance, rich ntllrc, with epfirkllngcjcs ami lildilvu (Ire, with eoft white arms that ruse nml fell, to music's slow luxurious swell, with wning hands, wllh dancing feet, with qulclc ndvanco and quick retreat; a drenm to which tho orient, Ha richest loelluess had scut. It was ft picture, such none, as somo old master might liavo done, with quicker hand ami wnrmcr paint than ctcr touched a cin mci1 paint, That wai what the Klrmcs ut llio Kntlonal Thiatru last night was. If tho imagination had no curb unon It and pottle license , were pjcn full sway. Inrialjly ItVa&morc thnn that, bccaujc,Hvas somclhlue whoso bcLULyrannot bo put upon paper; I jjuVffTim the curtain went up, some- I wlinl bi lilml limn, (nil fnvlitnnntdd nf. fairs nrcthat way) such n scene was displayed as only wc sec iu dreams or K Inn chs In Washington, After the Marwiglan Grand Tab leaux and National Dance t-amc the resular order, leading out with the "Jlollandale," n graceful collection of pretty young girls In Dutch attire, minus the "sabots." Of lucsa Miss Klolae VIIliams stood first In the pretty grac cs of a dancer. Then came tho riinpnltlan, I ho l'lowcr and the Upanlsh, alt prUtv, ami all danced wllh a tlnlsh that woufd bu a credit to pro fessionals. Tho Minuet In Us slate llnrss came next, nnd lent a seriousness to tho Fcuio not at all unplenstnt. Itirrlng Uu fact that onu of the la lies' sllnpers didn't 'match Hair dresses In color, the Minuet was n success. The Norniatidy folhiwln, ricclul the only encoru of tho eenln j. Tin dance nnd (lie music were both catchy, nnd the audience g'nc tho dancers a benefit. The Indlin dunce, purely American, nnd thcttncdMi camu nct in order, and were darned beautifully. The 0)p) innio I iI, opened wIlhajM tcul by MIsh Huttcmmth of Ohio In a charmingly crnccful way. This dance was the pticc tie rcitince of the bill, nnd Us rich costumes, intri cate llgures nml graceful movements won for it unstinted prnlso. The music was by the Third Artillery Hand, nnd it was good until toward tho end of tho three hours' steady blowing, wheu It began very naluinlly to show some slgni that even a cornet blower's lungs are not Im mortal. Professor Mamie was called out twice and made sceral very pretty and graceful bows to tho audience. Somebody called for a speech, but the Vrofcssor Isn't that kind of n man, As to tho nudlence It was composed of the wealth nnd beiuly, etc., of the Capital, and It was nil there. Full dress pre vailed, and the ladles were nil beautt ful, und the men all delightful. After tho performance dancing and supper were in order, and everybody Indulged Iu one or the other or both. The 1 idles In charge nf the Klrmcs luvu ercry reason to feci proud of their success. and the Ilomeopithlc Hospital should thnnl; the Lord that fashion is elm I tabic when It can hae lots of fun out of It. AT THE THEATRES. AtJIUCH'S "THE WOVAVIUTEIl." John T. lloymond was greeted by a large audience at Albaugh's last night at tho first presentation of his new play, "The Woman Hater." The many funny scenes and lines In this play were brought out to the best advantage by Mr. Hammond In his peculiar manner, and kept tho audience In a snicker all the e tiling. "The Woman Hater' Is tie story of a man who Is really fond of ladles socltt), tut Is loo bashful to pro I osc. All at once he flnJs hlmeelf engaged to three, and ends by being carried to u lunatic asjlum by mistake, Iho ptiy Is fall ly veil constructed, lundaomely mounted and well acted bv a well-balanced company. Tho same bill will be given un til fcutunlnj, when "Colonel Sellers' will be subetltuted. Again to night. THE IHJUU "IMEII THE CIA SHOUT " AtthoIIIjou "I'nder the Gaslight" was g ten before a large audience by a company of more thau ordinary strength. The Fpectacle Is capable of many Dno scenic ilTteta, which were caiefully attended, This play la turo to draw crowded houses durltg tho weel . Again to night. TIIR IlIME "11001' OF 001 It," lie "Hoop of tiold" drew a Ijrgo house at tho Dime Mtt?cum yesierday and last iilcll, and was well received by a ery op peelatlveaudleiieu. Again to night. T11K ATEC M! LA OK, The Mexican Village opens at the Wa&U Irgton Light Infantry Armory to-night. 1 his will prove a ver Instructive and en tertalnlng exhibition to old and young. A apical Mexican orchestra will furnish charming music during tho evening. THE VTIONAL hlBME-.. The Klrmes filled the house at tho Na tional last night and will continue two more nights. Follow lug comes on Thurs day night 1 1 avert j 's Minstrels, In all their glory and freshness, and It will he a great chow. hEirSAVS COSMOI'OriTlN CONCItESS. At Kernan's, MarlncllI, the most remark able contortionist on tho stage, entertained a large audience w 1th his great company of tieclali&ts, conspicuous among whom are Miss Hilda Thomas, the vocaliat; Swift and Chase In their musical absurdities, aud a host of others. Again to-night. llio Cnrillnni'H Trip. Cardinal Gibbons, after sajlng mass at St. Patrick's Church jesterday morning and taking breakfast, visited the schools In ht. Matthew's parish, Including tho colte giate Institute of tho Christian brothers. At tho Academy of the Holy Cross tho joung ladles gave a concert In his honor. In the afternoon he dined at Georgetown College, and later took the train for Haiti more. 'Inlrmncit Acrciitpit, Tho following were accepted to day as talesmen In the Circuit Court t Thomas 1). Dcvlnc, W, H. Drown, George 1', Bohrer, John J. Calvert, Samuel C. Dickinson, Jacob if. (union, iMruuia " -uoitum-. . if. Strvln, James Williamson, W.J, ilcUly, Ullllam Crlukshauk, F. A. Schneider and John i Uouglai. KennlrltiiK tli Aniiednct llrldzc. Iho annual encampment of tho Depart ment of the Totomac, G, A. It , has In structed Its commander to confer with tho Secretary ot War In regard to having the Aqueduct llrldge put In order so that It can bu uied by tho public UItlng Arlington on Ecxt Decoration Day. NinoUliiff In Court Two white men, partially under the Influ ence of liquor, began to smoke cigars In the rollce Court to-day. They were stood up before Judge Snell, who Imposed a line of $5 each. 'Ihe fines were afterward re mitted. Hcrlimrr for February Tho second (February) number of the new Scrilner's Mayaxlnc has been received by Mr. IEobert Beall, -105 Pennsylvania ave nue, and Joseph Shllllagton, corner Four and-a half street and the Avenue. imntcl a llioice. Aiifite Cornelius, nee llerrlck, was to-day, by Justice Merrick, granted divorce from Daniel Cornelius, with permission to resume her maiden name. The charge was cruel treatment, adultery and desertion. ColKOteV Cashmere Jiouquct. absolutely pure, exquisitely perfumed, popularity unprecedented. The beat for delicate skins. Ti:eue la butonoMarlnelll, Hqmbltcau. "Savo n penny while you may, 'Twill keep you dry on a rainy day." -:-A GOOD How few ot us rcfinnllt, Wc should. To-i!ny It lias talncd very hard- To morrow It may lie my pleasant. It It Is, manifest a little wisdom, po tliat the next llino It Is extremely stormy you will bo equipped. To tills end wo call your attention to GOSSAMERS. I.ndlcs Gossamers (circular with hoodf, In black, 84 Cents. Former price, $1.23. Ladles "Newport" Gossamers, wllh enpe, not a complete Hue of sizes, $1.68. Ifcguhrly cold at i?.'. 20-lneU Plaudnrd "Olorh." l.lS, S8 inch Wandard "Olorla," ,.03 Xc guarantee llicc good?, 20 Inch Twilled Silk, all slndes, natural Tiood tllcks, $2.4?. Goods and Prices Guai'anteed. GLOVES FOR THE "KIRMES," s:oo "Star." Our Great CLEARING SALE of CLOAKS Still" in Progress. THE "BOI 316-318 Seventh CITY NEWS PARAGRAPHS, Iho Ho it 'cultural Society motto theli new hall, 023 V street, last night, aud etect cd the follow Int; ofllcers for the ensuing ear: I'rtflldent, John Saul: vlce-nresUents, 'Ihomas V. Fowler, Ur. Basil Sortli and Howard L. 1'iluce; corresponding secrn tary, Daniel S. Cut lis; treasurer, John T. U. Uark. Mr, (ieorceS. Kraft, the baker snd con fcctloner, at the corner ot Klshtcent'i street and i'cnnsilranla avenue, died at his rest dence at 0.30 a. m. yesterday, IntheGttb ear of his age. Ills death resulted from llright's dleese. Ihe funeral wdl take place ou Thunday at a p. m. The deceased was a member of the Scottish lllte Masons and a cumber of other organizations. South tYn shl net on. IMchard Hyan was arreited tjdaj for kctflnif a Sunday bar. Ofllcer Turnburk found the dead bad of a hlto female lnfatt at the mouth of the James Creek Canal. Ihe Coroner wai no tlflid. The river tteatneis wilt bcIu tbulr reg ular tilps to morrow. Tho funeral of the late Jo'in Shea took place from bt. Dominic's Churc'i this morn Inc; at 031 o'clock and was largely at tended. The services, consisting of renulera mafci, cre conducted by Her. lather Spalding. The pall-bearers were Messrs, John Brcsnahan, James Allman, John Dally and Wta. Mooncy. Ihe Interment took place at Mt. Olivet. i:nst Wnshlngton Morris Leavy, living at 1W C street southeast, reports that th!ees have been after his chlikLns. About 3.30 this morning Mrs. M)crs and her three children, llvlnj; at the corner of beienth street and South Carolina ave nue, were nearly suffocated by gas from tho basement stove. Dr. Hoberts was sura moncd and rendered medical aid. lVctt AVimhtneton. The rain and wind yesterday broko the Ice In the river, and It is passing outo.uletly, to the creat satisfaction ot alt tuomerohants along the river front. Cattle sales at Drovers Rest, Janu ary U4, 1SS7, as reported by Tavcnner ttroa.s TS cattle up and sold. UeBt,4('L3, jtood, -1)(4; medium, 4Q41; common, 304. Lambs, OT'ifi); sheep, .IQli year lrRS,5K"J; eahes, 7(71. 10 cons and calves ij to 1j. Market fair. Temperature and condition of wat sr at 7 a. tn.t tiieat Fulls, tempcraturo, !M; condi tion, 2; rcrt-ltiDR reservoir, temperature, 37; condition at north connection, 'M; at south connection, 'Mt distributing reservoir, temperature, sr: conditional Inlluent gate house, SO; at tlllucnt gale house, HO. i:U'4'llou orTrin-itcoM. At a meeting of the Hoard of Trustees of the Washington HenefUlal Endowment Association, held )csterdiy aticrnooo, the following ofllccrs were elected: Noble D. Lamer, president; Kobert Dall, vice-president; Lawrence (lardntr, secretary; U'lllUm J. Stephenson, treasurer; Isaac L. Johnsou, attorney. Dr. It. I). Donaldson, who has been president of the association since Its organization, while remaining a member ot lliuUottid ol Irustetfl, declined re election as president for thu reason that the business of the association Is Increasing at such a rate luai u requires more time toau he could take from his private busluoss. TL4' Itaphllty or rrsi ' Tounrd Health, I'veu when a (rood remedy for dlseuo Is so Uclcd, depends In some measure upon the manner In which It la takcu. Irregular, la terrupted doses can afford no flrtestot tho efllcacy of any medicine, however salutary, liken In proper doses ut prescrlbol Inter ests, a reliable- eurathe will effect the object of Its use. Among remedies which, sys tematically and persistently uioJ, accom pllth thorough and lasting cures, and pre vents the recurrence of periodic disease, Ilostctter's Stomach Hitters ranks specially blgb. Jo catcs of dyspepsia, debility, rheu matism, fever and ague, liver complaint, Inactivity of the kidneys and bladder, con ttlj stion, and other orgsnlc maladies, It Is a IrUd remedy, to which the medical brother hood have lent their professional sanction, and which, as a tonic, alterative and homo hold specific for disorders of the stomach, llttracd bowels, has an uubouuded p pu Jatity. PEOYEEB - : - Indies' lllack Kcwmnrltct Qjna inns, villi capo and sleeves, $1.68. Vsunlly cold not less lb an (2.20. Ladles' "llleetrit" Oossimcrj (clr culm nl'h Heed), $1.25. A ttaplc article nt 1.73. 28 Inch Tnllled Silk, nil shades, turnl wood slick,, I iii.YO. l'lne Silk, In all abides, gold and tlhcr topped (ticks, $3.38 to $7.50. IAECHE," Street Northwest. We Will Sell Spacious Auction Rooms, Corner Tenth and D Streets, Facing Tenna. Avo , WALTER B. WILLIAMS, Alirtloneer, Commencing at 10 o'clock THURSDAY MORNING, and continuing daily at 10 ar m. and 2 and 7 p. m,, un til the entire stock is sold, $15,000 worth ol the Finest Tailor - Made New York Clothing, comprising Men's, Boys' and Chil dren's Overcoats, Suits and Pants. Prince Albert Suits. Dress and Business Suits. Finest Boys' and Chil dren's Suits. Your attention is espe cially called to this special sale of Fine Clothing. Pri vate sale at auction prices after each day's sale. A large portion of these goods aro made of Imparled goods. WALTER B. WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. EUGENIE'S Secret of Beauty AND IriHtniitiirn'oiti llnlr Mjti In All NliailfN, fin in ii Mifhi illiiutltt to a Jet lllnck. A head at hair can be dyed In an hour. Tho dyo bottlcH uro In two Aim, 73o. and Jt.W. 'Iliore dcHlrinir can tcht Iho quality of tho Dyo biforo pun linsInK Uut tlioetoro, Bcpu rate rooms fur Hair Dyolnir AUo a full asBortmuni ut Human Ilalr pools, consisting ot tho latest style Front i'locos, tjwlttlioa, etc, constantly ou hand. I em uow itilo agent for this city for the well known bvautlfylus coamotlca by tbo I'erfamerle Monte Cr&to Company. J. ROOHON, 537 15th it, n. w, 912 11th Bt. n, w ii Do you know wlnl Uiat means! You ilol Well, llicn, 'llsu't necessary for us to enter Into dcta'.'s. You know thai goods arc always taken up at their l'linsr.NT value and held ac cordingly. We'll reach the Overcoats In a few days, and until then, all tlial arc left of our L'ngllsU and American Kersey Overcoats, and arc good values at $23 and $28, go nt $15 each. Wc liad 07 of these superb garments yes terday morning ; wu'vo got 51 left this morning. We don't know how many we'll commence to-morrow with, hut as yet wc have the sizes fulls no dldl cully about being fitted! but there's no lime to lose If you would avail yourself of this rich offering, Itcmcmbcr, these goods aro Just In season, the style Is faultless, tho ma tcilalilch, iho lit guaranteed and the present price well, no reasonable comparison enn be made. Sec If you can duplicate one of tlicm In the city for less than $23. K not, come here and tiled one tor $15. SAKS & COMPAIY 'I lie Liu I'lolli'mrs, 300 to 308 Seventh Streat. E. &. DAYIS, 719 Market Space. GEAND DISPLAY EVENING GOODS ITare just received an oletrant lino of dcslr nblo comlt BUltubto for orcnlns v ear. 1 mbroldtrcd Crajo Lbjao llouuclng and EJeo to match. Embroidered Silk Tlrusscli Xctn, all shades. (t-1 rialn Hi upnels hets, all wliadou. hlto and Colcrod Tidora Nets and Tlouno In it. Itlack Oriental Net Erabrolderod In Gold. Itcat Duchess I aco Overdrcssca, I' lounctngi and Laces to match. J'ulnt (fauiu Ijixcuand riounctnjf. Itpnl Dudiess l'tltTlncf, ColUrs and Hand Kncliftt. largest and best stock south of KrWiork. Elejiant line of 1'oail Frontti, 1'anels. Col lars nnd I'a 'somen ttrle, lth cut steel and tinted fchades, eittIaNy for ouula? wear E. Or. DAVIS, Cor, 8th St. and Market Spice. EMBROIDERIES! EMBROIDERIES! We liaotmlarjot Btock of Kmbrulderlns cur oilcrt'illn tlilsniHrktt. saIis, Nainsook und (andiilo 1 lounitiij!. Edlnsii and All otersln puat attity lino jukiUs and low 1 rices, o trouble to show goods. E. G-. r."VIS JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES At A. I.OUIS SALTZSTKIN'Sf Watchmaker, Joualer nnd Optlcltin, 1U8 F BTIiCET N. V. BAASLiAM. itap.'.V WATCH CSf mjtwcunr CLOCKS, cADxruuy crAnucs """Tm l.fffl jiElrs of lino Spectacles and Kyo Glasses nt 81, worth S.5u, Including a dno caso Wutilics, clocks and Jewelry at cost. No extra ibargo for testing tho eye. Spoctaclos nnd EyoiJlassts made to ordci atmanufac tuiltidirkesand warranted ta IU tlioejos. )o tors' and oculists' proscriptions a spo cl.ilty. Chcaiiest jlaceln the tlty. E. W. SCHURMAN & CO., noLiDAV coons, holiday ooods. Ulamonas, Wattlioa, Jewolrf and BUerwaro. Manufacturers of all Articles Tcrtalnlug to ttio Jonclrf Uuilno.i. ro. 003 EBVKST1I SrilEET NOIITI1WE3T. (io3 sou on Weekly or Monttil; ray- intntB. FANCY GOODS. WE R. RILEY, Corner Nlntli nnd UtreotaNurtliivest. lias la storo a Tull Stock ot Woolen Underwear for Ladies, Gen tlemen and Children. Black Dross Goods, Embroideries, Lacos and Trimmings. 710 MABKKT BfiCJl WiBniSQTON, D. O. GENT'S FURNISHINGS. KEEP'S SHIRTS, (37 BXVENTa STRXST N. W. O. P. BURDETTE, BOLB AQKNT I CURE FITS! TThB I fir for 1 do no I mn mtrtly In Hep Ihtm for Hm anil Ihin bar tlirm Mluro aitaln I imui a radir) rar. I liamadalbdlHMab(rilS krlLU'SY orKiU Iht) ttlCKh Erii a IIIa-loDf lludj. I wartani bit raaiaJy tu cura Ua word t aata. IKuim ailwta ba hlltd I an urn fur nql now rarttfiai arura, Stadatoncaror IraMiMauJarraa Uniilaof pty Inrallltla rtrtiilr; (lira Kf nt an J loai OHIa ItrutUrou oothloi (ur a trial, mii i win cui iv. uu. u. g, iiogi , in fuel st n.j. We're "Mil Stock, pMlrfejtBBLSo YOUR LAST CHANGE! -Ci30M- KH3Sr(3-'S PALACE, CLOSING SALE OF Cloaks and lillinery ! Read the Fo'lowlng Prices : Children's Cloaks at $2.23, $2.50, $3 and $1. Ladles' Newmarkets af $3.D0, $1, $3 and 0. Bcal l'lush Kcwmarkcts nt $10. riush Vlsltcs at $12, $14, $10 and $18. Bcal l'lush Coats at $10, $20 and $22. Uouclo nnd Cloth Vlsltcs at $5, $0 and $7. llouclo and Cloth Jackets at $2.73, $3.C0 and $5. Only ono more elegant Satin Fur-Lined Circular nt $10.00; worth $22. Fine Ladles' Wraps at $10. worth $23. :m: i ii Hj i nsr b pl -sr . Fine French Tclt Hats at 00c. and 75c. Wool Felt Hats at 25c. and 10c. Largo assortment of Birds' Wings at 15c, 17c, 10c and 25c. only. Elegant Tips at 25c, 37c and 50c. a bunch. Flno French Flowers, elegant largo bouquets, at 13c, 17c, 10c and 23c Kid Cloves at 75c a pair; sold elsewhere nt $1. KIM'S PALACE, 814 7th St. i p lit ICor-jrlsMM 1337. CLOTHING. FALL AND WINTER 86 and "87. French, English and Scotch Siitmjs, OTBrcoatlngs anil Tronseriugs or my own importation, now open for tnspeo tlon. Gentlemen desirous of belnn well dressed will cull at 1111 Pa. avo. and Icire their orders with tho Leading Importing aud Tailoring Uouso of HI. ID. B-A.R.n. axjea? EECBIVHD A New Lot CHILDREN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, bkh wo wll offer very low for spot cash. Child 'a Suits, Bpo 4 toU, lor t...J2 00 MM ' " " " " 301) Child's Fulls, aco 4 to 13, S3.30, J, 33 and SO upwarrtf. Child s UicnoQts, t', U.M. 11 and $3 op- nards. Koys suits, aro 11 to IS, $jfi0, tl anlflnp. Uojb' OTcrcciitf, hko II to 14, $ i, ?t and $5 up, At imi-1010 PliNN. AVU., J. "W. Seltoy. FURNITURE. FURNITURE, Carpets, Oilcloths, Mailings, Baby Carrlds REFRIGERATOnS, STOVES, Etc., BOLD ON INSTALLMENTS Ah Cheap rh They Can lto lloulit Kiheiit're nir cuah, and we make this extraordinary oSer that customirseau make their own torma laro card to payments. Como and see the Largest Store In the United States, como and buu tho Largest and .Voht Varied btock to sulect from. Como after you hayo ioated youraetres on prlcfi aud terms eUowhere, and wo will guar antee yoa that UltOUA.VH Installment JIoubo, Tlio Old ItlnU) UuNew York Avenue, ItMween 13tU aud 14 th HU. N.W.i Is the place yon wore looKlng for. Como and ho convinced that what we say at of acts and no humbun. e repeat, como and make yoar own terms at Call early, as we closo at 6 p. m. sharp. The Remington TYPE-WRITER. SfATIONKIiTANDSDPPUK3. NSW DROP C'AUINETa. WYCKOFP, BBAMANS A BBNKDICT. ... t ...5rIllro'e"I aittU, LTolopliono Ho. Ui, -W.E3:.A.T HIS OVERCOAT HID There is no need of a man's wearing a ragged suit or going without when ho can have a handsome one made to order for S20. Look in our east window and see tho varioty of Oassi meres and Cheviots that we are making up at above price. Pants to order from same goods, $6. Make them in 24 hours if you wish. E, B, Bill & CO, 931 Penna. Ave. BOOTS AND SHOES. FINE SHOES! full Stock of Flno Shoes constantly on hand. FOR LADIES Wo Iiavn Wnllvlntr Shoes, Dregn blioA and Mil for rtceptlon and evening wear In all tho lending styles. FOR GENTLEMEN Wohaio tlio best makes orWalklnjr Khocs, 1 1? lit tTrncli Culf.l'atent Leather nnd French Md in all Btjte". I-or cenlti(i near, I'atcnt U tit her liunpd for Men and lloys. Our btock of Misses' and Children's Shoes Isromilele. IthStralithnoat, Calf, French Md, J no met Leather, Lnro nnd lliilton. In every Department wo try tohae somo thliiR to please all who favor us vtltn a cill. DALTOK & STRICKLAND, 939 Ponna. Avenuo. One-Price Shoe Store. m A. L. HAZELT0N, . B. C. Burt'a Fine bhoo. for Ladtos a spoclattr. WH lotb tit. X. IT. 627 1't. Alt. KuU Ihayealot of Fi? Shoes, ray own make, tnatl wtllMlltabaaln. Give ma a trial. PHOTO-E3NGRAVING. Haylnit recently flttod up a In connection with my TATENT rROCESS, I am prepared to furnish ILLUSTOATIONS AT NBW YOKKFIUCES. rhotograjhlDg on Wood fortbeTrado. OiLa.xi.x'i.oo Joyoe 418 ELEVENTH STRBB N. W USE COKE For Generating steam. Yot UooklnR rurposes. For ncatlng by furnace, For beating by Latrobe. For Open Qratea It;ii Easily Ignited. It JIaJ.cs a Quick, Hot Fire. It Uoe Not Dura Out the Orate. It la Economical. It Will l'ay to Try It. FOR BALK I1Y TUB Washington Gaslight Com'y. 40 Bushels, Crushed ,., 25 Bushels, Crushed. .. 40BuBhels, Not Crushed,, 5Uaahols, KotCrushe4 ....uro .... S 50 ...- 2 00 a oo nrDellverod to Any Tart of Washington or uwrgetowa. RAILROADS. rilllE GREAT PENHSYLVARiA ROUTE To the North, Weit rikI Sonthwest. Doubtt 'Tro'l, Qfrndtd Bcentry, fiMl Haiti itagnltictnt KquljmnnU llit xrrxcT JAfi'Atir 10, 1887, IVoIni fr Wahlfqitm from nation, eorntr of Ala-fA ami ti ttrttt, an follows: Tor ntUburit and tho Went, Clilcatro Limited Exfireos of I'nlaeo Blceplnir. enrs at p tn dally; Fast Line, (MO a m dally to Cincinnati and St. Ixili, with sleerluR can from IIarrlnhnriT to and DufTct car to St. Louis; dally oxcert Saturday to Chicago. wHheleepinir car I'lttshiirfT to Chicago. Clilcara Ex rross at 7:10 p m dally, with sC-opIng cars XI ashlnnton to Chicago and St. Loals, and Harrlsburs to Cleveland, connecting nt Harrlahurg with Western exprcm, with through elccpera foi LonhTllIe anl Mem Phlrt. 1'aclho oxprosa 10 p m dally for Ilttsburv and the West with through sleeper llarrlibnrg to Chicago. DALTISfOnit A rOTOMAO ItAILROAD. For Erie, Canandatgna, Itochester. BiitTato. Mngara, 10 n m dally except Suturday.wlth palaco cars Washington to Jtocheter. For W llllamflport, IiOck Haven and KImIra at 0 lOamdallyoTrept Sunday. Tor lew York and tho Eastt7."il. 0 and 11:15 am.l2 30.3,4'15,10andll()pm on sun day l am, ia :w, 3. 41 1. 10 and 11-20 pro. T I twit A.I .VyArtB A lh.ll-... --1 J L It. JO a m daily except bunday and 4 pm, dally. For lioston without chance 2pm orory day. For Urooklyn, N Y., all through trains con nect at JerBoy City with boats of Brooklyn annex, affording direct traniferto Fulton street, avoiding double ferrlago across New York cltT. For Thlladclphla, 7.a2t,n and 11.15 a m. 9. 4:15,0 00, 10 and llo p m. On Sunday, la m.13.30, 3,4-l5,OHo,lOandll.-a(ip rn. Limited express, u, to a m weekdays and 4pm dally. For Baltimore 0 3ft. 7 25. OiK). 0 40. 11. Ha. m ,W 16, 12 ar.13 1W, 2,4, 4 15.4-il.4-40 o-oo 7:10, 10 and 11-20 p. m on isunday 0,9 10, 11:15 a.m . 12.15, 12.30,2, 1.4.1S, 6. 7:lu.ioand 11:20 p.m. ' Tor Tore's Creek Line, 7:25 am and 4:10 p m dally except Sunday. ForAniiftiKilN, 7.2n a m, 12 IB. 4.21 and 0 P m dally oxctpt Sunday. Sundays, Oam. 4,15 pm, ALKXANT5HTA AND FnRDIiniCKSBUnQ RAILWAY AND AI.BXANUKIA A WASHINGTON ItAILKOAD. For Alexandria, o,C: 15, R 10.0 17. 11 -00 am. 121U noon, 2 00, 4-25, 4..1S, U-Ol. 8-05, loos atd il:J7 p. m. on Sunday at e. 0 IT, 1 1 a. m., 3, o ol and 10:05 p. m. For lilclitnond andtho houth, (I, ll:0O am dally, nnd iMti p m daily except Sunday. Trains leave Alexandria for Washington. a-n.8 I0,io:l0.l3 a m, 1-20,3-Ot). 3-a. 6lii 7.05, 9 32 nnd 111 12 p m and 12:10 midnight, except Monday. On Hun. day at band 10:1 1 am 13, 6:10, 0:32. 10 ij p m atri lainnigiit. Tickets and Information nt tho office, north east torncr of 13th rtrootand rennvlranl avenue, and atthe station, n hero orders can bo left for thocliccklngof hasungeto dentl nation from hotels and resldcncci , riiAs. K. run II, Ooneral Manager. J. K. 001), Ooneral I'asFieniter Asent. BALTIMORE &0HI0 RAILROAD Bchedulo In effect SUNDAY, NOVEMDSB 7,1888, until farther notice. Leave Washington from Station, corner ol New Jency avenuo and C street. For Chicairo low, li.w a m and 10 10 p m dally, with through coaches and sleeping cars 7 he 10 a m Is a Fast Limited Express for Tlttsburg and Chicago, arriving In Pitts' hurg at 7.35 p m; Chicago next morntnir at 8X5; tho 11 40 a m anlvlnu In Chlcaco 10 33 next morning. No extra fare la charged oo tbeeo trains for fast time. For Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louts dally at 8.30 p m and 10 10 p m, with throned coaches and palaco sleeping, cars to above points without change: a 30 pm Is a fast limited train to Cincinnati and fat Louis, arriving In Cincinnati noxt morning at 7.45, Bt. Louis u 40 n m. No extra fare U charged on this train for fast tlmo. For Httsburtr at 10 a m and 8 55 p m dally, to J'ittsburc, Cleveland and Detroit, with par lor and sleeclnacarato Plushum. For Lexlnuton ana Local Stations, 8 40 a m dally, except Sunday. For Havre do Grnco, Newark, Wilmington, and rhlJadelphla, 7.30 a m, Isa p m and 6 40 p m dally. For WIlminBton.DcI., and Intermediate points between Baltimore and Umlngton, 3.13 p m dally, except bunday. For Baltimore on week oars 5. C 30, B 40, 7:30. 8 JO and 10-oa a m, 12 10. 135, 13 (ivminute train), 8.80, 4 JO, 4 40, b.40, C 40, V, 8S3 and iis.0 pm. For Baltimore on Bondays 80, 70, 8M and 10-05 a m, 123, 1:80, 5 JO, 4.40, 6.40, 6.40, 7, S'-M, 11SW p m. ' Forbhenandoah Valley Railroad and polnti South 10 am and 5 30 p m dally. The 10 a m train has slcopcr from Washlneton to Nov Orlean-t; n Jo p m, sleopcr to Little Itock For Annaixjlla 0 40 am ana u nt, 40 and M0pni.onrmnaav8.3Uam 440pm. Forvay stations between Washington and Baltimore o, 610.BW am, 1-MQpra, J.A3, 4 40,7andll:pm, on Sundays 8 JO a m and I jo. a . 4 10. 7, 11 30 p m. Forstatlons onMeiropolltanllraiiLliC i3aradallyexcpt fcundaj and ft Hip in dally; 4 40 pm dally except Sunday for prlnilpil stations oil Jf etropolltan Branch, 8 40 a m dally: on Sun day f tops nt all stations. For Oaithernburg and Intermediate points. 0..10 a m, 1J-H0 and 11 Jl p in dally except Sunday. Fur Freder ick 8 40 a m and 4 40 p m daily except Sun dav. For llaircrstown 10 a m and 8.31 p m dally ex cept Sunday. Tialnsnirlvo from tho West dally C-30, 7:20 a m, 115, ojo audllSlpm, (Little Kockex prcts). t Vtotn rhlladclphia, aicatcr, Wtlmlnston, and do Orace, a m, 3J0pra and 10 pm dolly, v Fiom Wilmington, Del, and Inlcrmedlato points north of ILiltloioro, 11.13 am. From AnnaiKills, a 30 u ra and l.v. a-J! and 8 i-o p m; Sunday. 10 .33 a m, 0 w p m. From llartrtrs lerry and Valley lUIlroad, 6. SO p m daliy, extent bunday. XTom trederKS and Intermediate points, 8-93 a m and 8.15 p m dally exi ept Sunday. TraliiB leavo Baltimore for Washington at 5 10, 0 30, 720, iron, 0-05 and 10 3D a m, u 13, y 30 3, 4, 4i, 6,0 HO, 7., 0 and 11 p ra; ou bun days o to. 7 M 0 oo and WS a m. 1 JO. a JO. 456. 6. C 30, 7.43, Oand 11pm. Ail trains from Washington stop at Relay Station except 1 5, 3 15 and 0 H p m. For further information apply at the Balti more A Ohio Tickot Offlco Washington sta tion, CIO and 1331 1'ennsylvanla avenue, corner of tourteentb street, whero orders will be taken for baggage to bo checked and received at any point In tho city. D A I U Lh E, C. K. LOUD, Pen, t-upt . Balto. p. r.A. PIEDMONT AIR LINE, SCHEDULE IN EFFECT DEC. 10, 1880. Trains letn o B. A r Station. Sixth and B sts.i 0 a. m. dally lor Warrenton, Uordonsvllle, Ijnchburg, Rocky Mount, Danlllo, Italeifih, Charlotte, Atlanta and ail points South. Itillman Palace Bullet bleeping Car sashlnnton to Atlanta aud Washing ton to llontKOintry. 2 33 p. m. dally, except bunday, for Manassas, btrasburg and lntirmedlato stations. BJOp. m dally for Warronton, Oordonuvlllo, Charlottoavlllo. Staunton, umlsvlile, Cin cinnati and Folntsou tho CheBapo.keaud Ohio route. I'ullnian Sleepers Waahing tcn to Ixmlivillo. Up. m. dally for Iynchhnrg, Jialelgh, Aiho Ttllo, Cliarlotte.ColumbU.Atkou, Augusta. Atlanta, Montnomiry, New OrleatM and polntnbotithwcst, rullman BuQct Sloop crs aHhlugton to AUcn. s U Washing ton to Montgomery, coi.nei.tlQg with Far - lor Cars to juw Orkanj. TRAIKa ON WASI1INU10N AND OHIO , , D1MMUN T-cavo Washington u.ift a. m dally, except Sunday, and 4 n p, m dally, arrlvtg at Kouiidlflll lt:tin m, undT:Up ra.; rtturn tuinlDg, Uai o Kound Hill tl us n. m. daltv and l.lsii m exupt bunday, arriving Wa-hlng-Ion 8 iu h. in una 8 Alp. in '1 humph train from the south arrive Wash Ion M to a. in. and 81 p. in. and iruni IouU e$ lop. in. Mrnburg locul IflaOa. m. Iltktts. flmiliigtar r.'nerailoni and In formation hirnlslind and baggage checked at oOlce.fioi I'etinnylvaiiiiiawniiuud at Pas peiigcrsialluu, 1'omimUanla 11 It, sixth and Bfclltlts, JAS. L. TAYLOR, Oeneial I'mmmger Agent. CHESAPEAKE &. OHIO ROUTE. (Xewpcrt News and Mlulsslppl Valley Co.) Union Uei ot. Sixth und II ulnets. 11 A. M. For Newport News, Old Point Comfort and Norfolk. Dally except Sun day. Arrho Norfolk 7 p.m. OCO A. M. For ail stations on Chesipoike. A Ohio and iiolnta Weit. Mcoirt tmm lillton lurgo. Dally vxtcpt Sunday. 630 1'. M. I ut AVonUtn oxpre-s dally. Solid train, with Pullman slcopera to LouUnltlo Pullnnn si-rvlco to Cincin nati, St. Louh, Memphis and New Or teautf. Ajii'ly at ( liciflpcako A Ohio Railway offlco, BU Pennsylvania avenue, aud B. A P. aU tlou. FRNICTIUQO, CiCii'I N, K. PaMaenger Agent, II. W. FULLttlt, General Passenger Agont, STEAMBOATS. M UUNT VKltNONl MOUNT y&UWitil Bteamor W. W. CORCORAN Leavos 7th st. Wharf dally (except bunday) for MOUNT VKUNON, At 10 o'clock a. mi returning, reaches Wash Ington about 3 JO p. m. M EDICINE FOII DOUb. ah ui.easen inrea. OEOltOS WOOLDRtDai, CKI. W it. and Md. it.. . W. 4 r4 4 V 1 J. f ijtiiminifi