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The Washington critic. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1885-1888, December 06, 1887, Image 1

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20Tn Yeah Xo. 0,028.
Washington, D. a, Tuesday Evening, December G, 1887.
PitroE Two Cents.
An Extraordinary Departure From
Olil-Time Precedents.
Tbo Netcsfdly or Itcicnuc Itcfoini
Klnbomtcl) Ilttiiscil Ono
OjichIIuii nt a XI inc.
Tho rrcslJenta Muuiago is a document
departing lit tho most radical manner
from tho usual form. Instead of opening
with, tho enstonmry ieicvv of fuioign
relations nud taking tho Depart mints in
turn, it opens ni folloug;
mn ornMva.
Tothe Confirm vj tho L'mtcd States'
"You oro confronted nt tho threshold of
your legislative duties with n condition of
tno national nnaucts wnicn imperatively
demand Immediate and turcfulconsldi'ru
Hon. "Ahc amountof money annually exacted,
through tho o'eration of prc-cnt laws, irom
tho Industries und neces-itlos of the puuple,
largely exceeds Iho sum necessary to meit
thocTpcn-es of tbo Government.
"When wo consider that tho theory of our
institutions guaranties to every citizen tho
fulluijojmcntof all tho fruits of his lid u
tryunil cnterprl-e, with only such il J c
tlun ns may be his share toward thocartlnl
and economical maintenance ol the Gov
ernment which protects him, it in plain tliit
(tin exaction of mnro tlinu thlsi nd tn I-
bla extortion, ami a culpable hctrujalof
Amcncan inirncss ami justice, iuis wrung
Inflicted Uon thorn who hear tho burden 1
national Luxation, llko ntlicr wronce mulll-
plfei a brood ot evil consequences, iho
public trcusuiy, which should only cIst as
a conduit couv ev ing tho people's trlbuto to
its legitimate objects ot expenditure, be
comes a iiouruuiK price lor iimne y nccsuess
ly withdrawn Iromtrado and tbo people's
use, thus crippling our national energies,
tmspendiiig our country's development, pre
senting Investment in product iv c enterprise,
threatening llnantial disturbance, and In
viting schemes of public plunder.
'Till condition ot nur Tie-iruirv fa iint nl-
together new: und it lias moro than onco of
lute dcch suuniuteu 10 mo poupios repie
ecntatives hi tho Congress, who alone can
'apply a icmedy. And 3 ct tho situation Kill
continues, with aggravated InUdcnt, moro
t'i m c cr presaging Ilnanclal coin uMon and
W de-piuid eliuter.
"It will nut do to neglect this bit nation
becuua Its dingers aro not now jsripably
Imminent and apparent, liny vxNt nonu
the lea certainl , andawult tho union mi 11
uud unexpected occasion when suddenly
they will bo precipitated upon u."
T1IL 8TITC Of tug imo,
Tho discussion of I ho net cs-stt - fur rc cnuo
nud surplus reduction continues until tho
ilningpiragruphs which areas iollovv
"Ihe Constitution provides that tho Prcs
I lent 'shull, from tlmo tu lime, L-he to thu
0iigrcss luloimutlun uf tho Mate of tho
Union.' It litis been the custom uf the1'-
uthc. hi coiiH'liuutu with thisprovl-iun,
to annually exhibit to thu Congrc", attlio
OKiiliigoi itsseion, thu re m nil 1 omul ion
ui tho country, and to detail, whh mhiio par
ticularity, tho Derations uf tho dillctcut
l.tcuUvuDikitluienK JL would bu espec
ially agree able to iollnwthls cotirsontlho
pn m ui time, and to call attention to tho al
liitblu ueioniplMiinents uf thc-o Dipurt-
liiiiiljiliiplnir llinln. ll.i nl ttn- tl.il 1 .,...
IV no much impres-cd with tho iniiiniuiitim-
I lortamoot thumibUit towhiih thUiom.
munhatloii linithiif larbeui ilnotcd, that
I plialllungo thuaildltluiiiif unj thirto).,
uud only uro it ton our Immcdiitc'tonoid
4 ration tho aUlo or tho Unioh' as olioun in
tho promt condition of our IrcaMiry and
our general th-cut Mtuitioii, upon wldcli
cMryt lenient of ourcatity und pro-irity
dene mK
'1 lie reports of tho heaU of )c parlmcnR
which wfd ho mbinUiitl, conUiin full uud
explicit information tom hlngthc trim action
of tho bMoinev intrusted lo tin m, and eucli
n-comnirndutiom relating to hgMuion in
tlio public inlcrct im they deem advNihlo,
I wk for thwe nimrt- ami rittiiumendittnni
tho d( liberate etimluation and action of tho
Lcui"lntio branch ol tho (lotcmment.
rhcronre other bubjects not unbraced In
tho departmental rcjKjrts di'inumhn,; Icds
lathc coiiolderutlon and wlifclt 1 hhuuld lo
clad to t-ubnilt, ."nine of tin in, houtr,
Imo been earnestly present til In prcuus
inetttngiHt, and as to them, 1 beg Uao to re
peat prior recumuicnditlon".
"As tho law makes no poNlon for nnv
Tt rt from tho Jkpartment of Mate, u biicf
history of tho t ran mictions of that inipuitant
iHpnrtmcut, together with oilier matters
which It may lureaiurbo deemed emtial
to cotmnend lo theattc utiou ot tho Congron,
inuy fuiuih tho occasion for a future com
muuicuciuu." TUK MZ I ME8 SItfcT LI. IIEl'CCED,
Tho licfcldcnt's argument for leduction of
recnuo isbai-ed upon tho statement that
under present Influences tho Treasury sur
plus b tho close oft lie meal .ir wuiild bo
tllU.OuO.OOO, a pum which could not be with-
drawn from tho bushics of tho country
without tho most serious eouseuenc&i.
I Thothreo per cent, bonds iia in, been re-
1 tlrctl, thero cjiMs no clear and undoubted
Lxocutlvo powir of relief In tho cent of
ti emergency and panic.
Tlie President review a tho methods of
checking surplus oecumuhtlon. Tho pur
chase ot Gonrnmcnt bonds at liigli pre
mium?, und tho funding of tho public debt
byconversion into bonds nt lower rates of
inwrofec ftiiu lor longtrumcsnru ootli deemed
inadvisable. Putting wit public moot j a into
the bunks ( national bank depositories) is
thought to bo nt thobctoul) u temporary
and objectionable ipcdient. Unnuebsarj
and extraagint hi pruprlutlons iiro ton
demned as in iolatlun of public duty and
. tho purposes of Uo cruiucut,
Tin: lAcL hiruvnox.
Since tho 1'ortj ninth Congress adjourned
the financial condition his been such as to
tax the authority and cxtwllcnts of the ex
tcutUii to tbo utmost, uud tlufohfuo been
cxhauted, A congested National Ireisury
and depleted monetary condition in tho
bunos of tho euuntry cannot but continue
t to cause trouble.
Tim tiu vsvnv scan is.
The needless uud meu icing burplus Is tho
result of a scheme of taxation which the
l'refcldcnt proceeds to con-ddcr In de tail. Tho
Internal reunite tixe, bo bajs, arc those
which bccm to IumIIj- least complaint and to
ou roo-(t cepiuueua una iiuauuuuic,
TUM TiaOUtf, ULOi.lCVL AM) tM-QlITlIltr
The hirill lawi, 'the Icloii't luequlta
bl and Uloglcit soitree of 'inneccssar)
taxallun," deiu ind immediate n iton.
InthereadjuMmentofthc'tarlD tho Inter
ejta of Amciican labor tugagnl in in a mi
ficturo should bo carefully unddered us
wll aithoprcacnatloit of douxntie mauiif
lacture. 'Iho ussur.tncu of tuuuru-m profits
ehould not, howurr;be the tun in icu
"WearolnthoinUht ot c c ntt nulul cclcbia
tions, and with be cumins pride rerejoieolu
Aiueriaui hklll uud live unity, In uietlcun
energy and enttrj iNe, and In tin woudniul
natural advuntac,tt) and rcriutnee-i due NunM
by a tenturyVnatloiml growili Yet when
tn attempt is made to jiMil, a nlumo
nhich permits u tax to bu laid upon terj'
oomumertn the land lor the beiult ol our
mauufacturcr, quite Houd n uu omblu
detimnd for govemmi utat rtgiifel, it Mtlt-s thu
purpoiib nr udu4t lo till tair itunu
iMrturoalnfint lnUt litr-tfr Mill imllug Iho
llglitiit uud greater itigreo if tinr and
1 Moiing care tint cube wiunj lrouiled
ticl hbiilmlon
fitntlslles thovf that 021 On persons nrc
erip oycti iu oucli 4h ufaeurluf, lndtutrlci
wnro claimed to bo bemfitcd hyri hlqh
titriir, Tho rolucllou of tho larllT-hould bo
uch M not to Injuriously airccttlicse. Tho
Mcsugo proceeds to nrguo that tho larifT in
jures these workmen by Imposing high rates
ui iiiAuiiuii noon v. nat uiij iiiu'vi'irj,
The opentlons of tho tarilfon wool oro
dluusetl at length, nud Ptt mined up as follow-
"When tho number of farmers cngngitl In
word-raising Is compared with nil the farm
ers in tho euuntry, and thennall ropjition
they hear to our population U con-idcreli
when It Isinidoappircnt that, In the tutc
of iilargoiartofthoo who own chei p tho
benelltofihc pretcnt tariff on wool ii il-lu-ori
j and. abo o all, w h n it must bo on
(piled tint Ilia Increase of tho eoht of Uing
eauscJ by stidi tariff becomes a burden
upon tliosn with moderate means ami the
jHMir, tho einploud and uncmplojtd, tho
pick and well, und tho juiing and old, ntxl
that it constitutes a tax, whh h, with rdent
Kfti gmp, h f iMcncd Uon the clothing of
ctry man, woman and child In the land,
reasons are suggoted w by tho rcmo ol or re
duction of tills dutv lloud bo iucludtil in a
misioit of our tarfiflaws."
The existence of combinations or tiuts to
kecpup prices to tho highest point, rendered
jwssiblo by tho tariff law s, ntlords cldcnce
of tho ability und dlt oIlIon of potnaof the
mauufactuicrs entering Into such truMslo
sell ut lower rales, and if this can bo profita
bly douoMtdencc Is lurnlhed tliata reduc
tion of tarlll tiiAutiou t an be safely und prulit
ably made . '1 he tinio lus coma lor a measure
ofrdit ft roin tarlll taxation in qu irters where
It Is most ucedeilnnd Irom bourecs where it
can bo more fairly and jutly accorded.
the orrouTixm
"Opportunity fur safe, cinful andelelib
cnito reform Is now oflcrcd, uud iionuofus
should bo unmindful of a tlmo when an
abu-ed and Irritated people, hccdlcs of
UMCU Ull'l IUI! rCMSlCll llllieiy Ull'l IVliiUII-
ablo relit I, may hisl-t upon u radical and
sw ecplng rectitkution of the ir w rong- "
Proecidhig to u nioru dttlnito outline of
tailll reisIon thoMt-wagosajs.
"Under our present laws moro than four
thousand articles aro tubject to duty. JIany
of (livedo not In any way compete with our
own maiiufictures und many uro hanlly
worth attention ns b objects of rctnue.
"AconIdcrnblonHluetion can lomudoln
tho uggrcg-itc(bvuddingthtmtothufrco list.
The taxation of ItixuiUu presents nn feature a
of binl-hip: but the necessaries of life should
bo greatly e he ij cneil.
Tho nuhcal reiluctlon of thedutle s Imposed
upon nw material U"cd In maiiufaetures, or
Its Ircolini'ortition, Isof courso uu Impor
tant factoi in nnv effort to rtduco tho price
of theso nccess iries."
Such extension of the free list would
gmdly rcdiuo tho ic cnuo without Injury to
mauulactui lug Interests,
Tho long-argument furreenuo reduction
Is eoueludedas lollows:
"JIuthof tho great K)litIcil parties now
rcpribdittdlu thu lo eminent hae, byro
prated nud uulhorltathc declirat ion's con
demned tho condition of our liws which icr
init tho collection from tho eopieof unue
cesiry retnue, und hue, in tho mot
Kolemn manner, rouiIttd its correction; and
ml the- us citizens or part Nans uro entr
tmmtrjmcn in u mood to loiidouo tho de
liberate Iolatlon of these i ledges.
The Senators ami Jtnubors Assemble ami
lie ir tho JIiKHJigc.
Vhtn thoheiutoceinvcned to-diy at noon
and theChipliIn delhcml his pmjer, the 10
w cru morn benatow on thoiloor than there
wero spectators In thogallcrie'.
'Iho iisud unomaly of trowded cilleries
ou tho firt da), when then' is nothing of
inn ret-r going on, mm oi miui utiinaauce
dining i tic loiiowiug uu r, t- re i eatiti.
As boon usthejournd hid Ihuii luid, Mr.
Harris tlfintl to nrneettl witlt the Intro.
duet Ion ui'blll-t, butiIr Hoar h tld it waum
oncieiit eustuiii to postpon' onlliurv buM-lu-s
until utter tho iecel t oi tho President's
Milage1. On his suggestion, theicfure, n ic
irtsot hnlf an hour was taken to await thu
On reeomening nt 12 10 tho Feinto took
tlll'ilHll II1.V" l lllttld I1II1IUI1 -, itll I ill
o'tloi k the Jlcrf ago was reeelisl; ulao a
number of executive nominations
The Message was re id In a cle-ir, distinct
minncr, and us thoreidin proceeded, the
hichtarll Senators Indu lirtil iu occaMuti il
smiles ut some of the President's rceiuio re-
loim eleriaratlons.
Tho reading ot tho Mcssago watt concluded
In half nn hour and then on motion of Mr.
Hoar, at 1 X tho Senate adjourned.
Tim House.
Promptly at 12 o'clock tho Speaker's ga.el
fell and the llouso ramc to order. At the
conelublon of tho Clnplain's prater, ten
mlnutis were consumed in muling t lie jour
nil. The Speaker then called ou Members
who hud nut been sworn to come lorward
and tike the oath.
Un motion of .Mr. Mills a reolutIon was
adopted nutliprizing the Smoker loumoint
committees on KuksuiidMIhage,
jir. unman tiaii moeit timt a recess be
taken for tw e nt v minutes to aw ait the arrU al
of the President' Menage.
Tho llouso was lulled to ordcragiln at
12 10, and ft rt solution offcrnl bv Mr, Itieh
ardsoii, relative to the tidmhsiou ol ex
mcmbirs to tho Iloor. wis relerrcd totho
Committee on llule-i. Another lecess of ten
minutes was taken, at the conclusion ot
w hich tlmo the Mcn-iago w as ret e I tsl and Its
reading begin, Mr. Hand ill poj ing close at
tention. At tho conclusion of thereiding, on mo
tion of Mr. MflN, the message win reltrrcd
to tho Committee of tho holo oud tho
House, at i.jo, nujourneei.
Tho bitch of Import int nominations sent
to tho fjcnito to-tlav cieated little disculou,
as all hid been lull) cxjccted.und tliere ua
no doubt expressed that all would bo ton-
There Utngno cxecutho section today
tho nominations of course go o er.
Till! IRLflDl VT'li sirsnu
being less elhcrso In Its toj ies than usual,
cc iMoned less di"cu-ion nt tho Caj'itol to
daj. In Senatorial circles generally there
wus n ihsposition to regard it us u rather
foreiblu pr(iitntioii of tlio neeevity for
reeuiiur'dnctlou, ruilher than this com
ments varied with the views ot Iho com
tu en tow.
T1IL l joct.wi. ciriiK.
John C. Itoblnson of liidlaua, who takis
the place1 ot Mr. tmith us Jouruil Clerk of
tlic Huue, h is hid experience hi a bimilu
KMtloniuthulndiatM Ligldature. He is
n luvvcrbv profi'si-liiiionil h isbecnuiiuntho
bench. Sub.piciilly he was npiKlnted bv
doveinor (iravusuneof the lusiue JIoHiitnl
Commlsloutrs and resigned that i-oition
this morning. Jlulsspol en of In high terms
by Mr. Matsun. beiutor Vourln c( und othei
liidliinians. lr. Mat-urn wNhcs tlio btate
ment II illycoutnidlctcil that ho Indu prom
No trom i fuu ml Clark os to thu a siintment
of Mr Itoblnson, ui-on tonditloii that he
would give dun nil Clark his hij ort in his
eanvass. llo tJjs there was nomith ngree
nunt. The removal of Mr Smith is uudcMnod
to bo duo to thoeUmiud ! iheludlinudile
g it Ion, which complained of an iiiniti il tlis
tilbittion of Iho ati-ouigu ol the (Ink's
oilUo. Tho oldci numltrs of the Hotir-c
are'gcnenillv iliipo-iHl toiinte-t ngnhist this
suinimirv iroci tiling us un acted Injilico
tooueot the mn-ittuhiiKhnt meu who ecr
held the io?dlluu nud t; btandird authority
ou purl! unctitar) liw
dene rut Clai k, the Ch ik uf the Houh, dc-
sites it to heuuderstiHxl th it Mi '-uiith was
uutrtuiuMil on iu count ot any wish ur re-
(jutatut 31 r, IJoji. M. IMckimou
Thu seinto Vmlennluitlou Committee
continued its n ceilings IchIjj, and ex un
iued tmlil tl crK
the licpublieiiu henatoriul Caucus Com
mttteuhtsm ith impkted thu work ol ui
lunging the committee -
Piiilltt lEallnndt ommlsstiiiHr Littler was
a guc -t. on t bu Senuto tloor to-d.i) ,
Mi. Mcirlam, setntor Hoars new tecre
tirj, bu Harvai 1 graduate, HUfuimtrbi'o
retary, deurge A, TUt, U ttudyinu law Jn
Wurccbtcr, il-.
Hi nonsts of tho Annitiil lteport nf Itie Com
The CommMoncrs completed ihclr annual
leport jtsterduy and submitted It to tho
President this morning. Tho report Is tho
longest ev er undo b tho ComniNsione r. 1 1
givcstheelctallsof their tnii-nct Ions during
the II seal )tor, and presents their ievvson
orious DNtriet matters of gene nil concern
which In their judgment should receive thu
cou-lileri(louor Congress during tho coming
be sf Ion,
irtsTtucT fixaxci n,
Tho totil ncelpls duilnglho j ear were
l.tr.'-J.CHI.Ii), und Iho cxiftiiditurcs were
$1,002 Kxs 31, leaving n balance on hand July
1, 1M7, ol ftl.tilo.Nj.j.W. J he surplus reve
nues nt t he cud of the present llscal jear ati
The bonded debt of tho District is stated to
bo $20,SfKJ10'V H, tho entlro amount hnvlng
been Incurred before thu ire&ent form of
Thoaesscil aluoofreil nronertv In the
DistActon Juno CO, I&7, was, Kd prop
erty, (iii.74l.Kv. iMrsoml property, $10,-
013, l.'.-l, Qiiiouuttng to $122.As,2&i. T lie non-
taxablo property amounted to ?110,007,0(j.l,
mnklnc a total of cg'H.tmTiO.
Kegirdingtho assessnunt, they urge the
netes.lty ofnjtarlv lnttad of tho present
ti lenniol asstment. T he y say they uro prc
t mring n plan forn(nrlyucvnicniofpro
ertv. The laws jirovldlng for tho ns-sosMiient
anucoiiccuouoi tno pernonatux, llicysa),
bliould be amended.
Attention is called to tho oil of tho pres
ent svttein of rcioriiiiir trnn-firM of t-rnl
estate to the As-e-s.'jor. Tho llccordcrieimrts
lhc-0 transfers abimt onco in six months,
when they bhould bu reported ddly or
flu V nslc fnr 1-miw i r In rrnasrsi fnr vru clul
Improvements where tho courts have lie Id or
may bold that the ag(-ssnic nts ore invalid,
Iho recommendations of Attorney Kiddie
for thpuiigo of legislation rouding for
IhoadmNsIon to the o eminent Hoenltal
ui uiu iii-iii i u ui iiuu-iiniii nt peons nej
Judged dangerously Insane, und enabling the
District or henltal autlionthiito lnvo n.
course to his property for tho pigment of
ins iiiiin iry eTpeiiscs lur "uiumiuuciit ana
tare, Is opprov 1.
Tim lcutto sciioois.
This tubject does not rcccivo as much
space ns formerly, Tho leport merely
tu)8 that 33,000 children, one sixth of tho
population, attend school. They ttato thut
they believe the) ear has been u pro-perous
one for thu schools.
Tin: roucc nrrvnTMEXT.
Tho Commissioners toraiuend tho police
signal nnd patrol s)btcm, and include in
their estimates tho extension of the s)stem
to the Third Ficclutt. A strong argument
is made for an bunase in tlio fbri rhev
sliou tint in tlm DNtrlct, tlio number of
liojiot ono pijuecmiu on duty is larger
than In unv other city. They show nNo that
tin re Is onlv one man ou duty to each square
Tho wurkof thoi-ollcnincouniellon with
tho liquor trafllc is iclerrcil to ns having
pi veil them coiistderablu additional work.
Jluyproposotoirect another hiallon bouse
and establish tho Ninth Precinct. This will
be done b) dividing the-lxtli Precinct, which
is in the northeast section ol the city. They
nnew their rceomiucudatlon that applicants
for upiwintme nt be not lequlrcd to liav u din
eli irgcvjiroin the army or nav).
ti in l mi vutmi vr.
Ancvvfiru eugine-hoii-e Is usked for thu
c-tc rn section ol the cit.
tiiu iiL.vLTit orncr.
Dr. Towiishcnd's buggctiuu as to the
advl-abilltyorcuii-ldering llioellictoleem
eteriesoti the public health wlnutlic) uru
located iu or nc ur thickl) -iepulateil tcitimis
uuiic ciivninns axdhoiiitvm.
Theyadvocato the erection of city hospi
tals, in soino central location, with emer
ge uc v accommodations.
Jheyriiievv thilr pievious rerommcndi
lions for u codtllcullou ut District laws.
J-Ot I. roi ICK M VOIRTU T1-S.
They recommend tho appointment of four
lolicu magistrates. They say tho present
airangenieiit of tlio iVliee Court is unsatis
factory, nud they give ica-ons which hue
nl reach' been printed in Tin. Ci inc. legis
lation is rccuuiimndul which will ilefinoibo
jurisdiction oi the magistrates and provilu
the nn aus for thoimmcdiite hearing ot all
upi teals 1 loin their dccNious.
toroxii, h.dmw'b lErotiT.
Engineer CumuiI,-Ioncr Ludlow's report Is
twieonslougnstho report of tho other two
On tho subject of steam and tlrect rail
roads ho culls iittintion to thoMK.chil rewat
of the CommNslomrs submitted to the
Senate Committee on November i' (a
svnopIs of which was piliitcel in Tin
MLVM AM BTK11T IE VltfiO 11.
On the subject of street railroads ho sajs:
"AVIth rcfcrcnco to the (minting and tv- !
tension of fmnchlsesforblnct railroids. tho
C'oinmis-ioncrs uru ol ootuloii that i rm U!oii
should bo made tor the juvmtnt Into the Dis
trict Trcaurj cf such peictutago ol tho
pro-s nctipi us congress snoum eicem
enuttable, and lccuinnitnd that the con
stituted authorities of tho District be given
cognizance and supervision of Iheopcritlom
vt the coiujiatiies indduo nitunsof tnloite
ment of their legal obligations and elutlci to
ward tho public "
The CommNsiciners think that no more
than two trucks should he laid on any emu
iitrect. The ciow tied coiulitlonot lit tec nth
street, between Penulvnui land evv York
menues. bhould bu relieved, lTn!(ss
llltttntlistreetistnle wlduuil, tho 'Audi
lugton und deorgetuwn lliilruad Com piny
thuuld bu required to lciuuvo lis tracks to
Pourtccnthbtuet, or go around tho buutli
nnd wiitsidool (he rrcu-ur).
Iho Mctroiolitan ltoad shotil 1 abandon
Iho one-horse curs and rcmuvu their stables
fiom I'street.
BTtirrr ami amnlj: lxTrsioxs.
lie urgis that the unccrt lint) rehtingto
tho extension of city bluets and avenues
ovei thoare i l)Ing northward troni tumid
urv to spilugiuud and between thick Creek
oud Lincoln avenue bo removed by a tin tl
dctirmluution ol the nutter, ns piojxrtv lu
te rt-ts in Ihut direction havniuituilv been
(on-iihriibh einbirius-ed. This Is thescc
tiuulnlo which It Is pn u-ed iu extend the
rectangular bv stem ot tit) st reels, llcicfeiti
to the vfaKsiielut-clts nvcuim extm-lon, and
culls attention to tlm aIuablo profit)
which bus been dunited to tho D'aiiltt fur
HiN street
ppixipii itlons uteusked lor the e x tension
uf 1 euiis)lvunhi avetiuu m-twuid tiom tho
new ljisfcrn Druneh Ihidge to tho Iluwei
road, uud lur thu widening ufColumbli
It tHflpkuawIcsI ed that the streets are not
swt tottciiciiuugh, but the only remedy Is
il imieii tarter 14 ioijuuvu iui iiusjiir
po-i ,
Ih girding tho lighting of stieetsho sivs
the gas cunipunies miiutuin a I dr uppioxf
illation tu thus) ind ud ol Iltrlit Kouiriil bv
liw. The hlrteti, ho sn)s, are Imperfectly
Illuminated. ,i IikicimiI iipropiiutlun is
uceiieil, it is pro 1 h Mi 1 tuts veur tociouijio
tlu number of tleelru! liirhls 1 tiinv hunt 1
uvc line is to be llglited ut lai us u-hlntuii
(lull', uud l'litntiinth stttit uud cw
Yoik avenue will be lighted when the funds
uro available.
stiiit iMirovrMiMfl.
Ho sav a In regard to this biibjcct tint It
tn elisions nioiocontiullou on iheputufthu
citizens und more cmlarrusmciit to llio
t onuul"-uine rs muu niino-i uuy otner uu
lH.lntM nut, thu fait tint lietilions wcio ie-
celvtil fur imptuvements iiirgixgdlng h.',
,rfnMN), wlnn it was Jm os-dhle to allot but
fotjuti, ju ta or tho 1 1 uiofdguriiig up
I lie penPlingo 01 popuiaiiuu, nun ne , 01
tlii'iliihicnl sections us a uuunsof dlstilb
utlng tho inipiovcmentji,
I iiIcts Mime tucli plan .is tlilt" he udkH,
1 .111 Ih riL'irdiil uh satNtjLturv it will he
iued fid to make u nidlcd ehiugelu Iho
prcKnt s)ltmot street imprcivuncuN, and
either toprotied by thegnulual cxtcu-'luu
of imjii-ovcd otiicU beyond the present area,
without conddcnllon of individual pet!-1
tlonsnnd nllotinent to setiions, or tobaso 1
Iho Improvcmint ujion tho intltlon of
owners, conditioned upon Ihelrti'sumlnga I
certain portion of Iho ton of the work." (
Tin w VTEit siirrv.
To this subject Is dtvoicd cnmldcrnllo
spue. The prc-ents) tom of extending tho
mains is considered ns defective, and the j
('oiniiilssfoliers think Hint 1m H1111 tlm inn.
lorltv of properl) ow ners m a npinra should
I'onbto to secure n main, or iho Cuniinls-
noucrsshotndluvo pjwer to liymaiusns
they deem them neeeas.iry
Tun nnito rniK.
Tho subject of public parks Is con-ldcred
at length. Tho District has no public park
except tho Mill.and t bis is Intcrnttcd by both
stt uu and streetiallway track and sepuruled
from tho northern iwilun of the city by an
area south of Pcnnsvlvauli nvtuue. Tho
(huricterofthls button ("fho DivMon"),
h Ing us It does Iu Iho heart of tho city, Is far
from sutlifuctory. As this area shows liitlo
jfii 1
Is ft j m0$M
lrTSifT-TCTrTr! - jn.. " X
Dvmf. ConMnu Cntn Toolthir the 1'irsr Tir. or XUa 1'irriCTii Ci isi.
pniprn or iiroMK-ot of lininmcincnl, It Ii 1icct Knllmtiit rmild l.ccrrotdllli'it vnulcl
Mip.'ttHHIiut llii"0 wium-i mi llii tyutli lii'iliDliult to ourcuint.
flclnofl'iim-jUanla iiionuo l;u i unlin-il "I Iinn.tnncllu-liyMlirnnUromcnlloi
iiiiil(ialMltotliuIilliiiicl 11-cd in art fur, orintiuitul Imiiorlaiao Mill lie lull iittho
thotriTtlrmol piildic Itiillillnilrtlit Otii-' Cuptltiil of tlic nation. IhuiU'hiIIiui tln-otii-mil
11ml Ih.liUt Koiiniinciil., ai heretofore It oftlin ruuntry will Ket uu nniiorlutiity to
lirliilnl ill Tur CiilTK-. iMttlii-grumleklcltrllillujnurlil."
flio vclmilotcnsA)i ff Mitinla nc- . .
11110 Ihroucli thu Jlomiimnt frruiin N to hK- THi; orpirailfiU CIMDMra
IniitliatiilllrtiCiM noriliiit I ulo uiu- int HtfUBLlLAN CAMPAIGN.
gt-Uil, nsllluslratiiUnliwt Jrlln'B Cliim., . -
CHIr. That Seek the Honor of Ihn Ncl
HOTKCllUKIMK f -NHllonnl Clit lillnn.
Tlio Coiumiiiomn fmor Iho claMMi- TlicyiiUvantlt, Imttlicyinii't nil get it,
niont of (hit jiurk. 'Tor lliu i.llliOici of naliidj, IIioI!(.iibIiinliCoiiHlill01i foilsi.
theiurlci.roH.r,"f).lliorriort, ' Iho ana jjn.tnou Iho rily N full of tliiiiunl", and
nt irnrnit uluicMtcntln.!) niilniiirovnl un.l hovt,rliiti eternal In Ilm nilan' bn-i.l.
In gn.it iirt licuil) vcmlcil, Ijliig Iictwun 1 iinu of tlio most iielhe luHllea on liini I. tin
limy Uracil .on llio hiiiiIi, 1'oiirlienlh. I ,UIerMlIon Irom Clmlnnill, loile.1 lo iho
utmtroadon lioeii.l.Mllilirvroiil onlho mnrrto iillh the iliunliiK qiiilitleiof tint
norlli, nnd lliaullirniuh nun iiml J.oik. iou IliiuinuarUn nrrut llio .rlli etoii.
(mkoutliiinmt, n'ciiMlaclt niiulur.il. ami liointluit lileaant foi m iho inciiilnn
Il ailiptcl furtho ).ur'-p In miction. If rainlrMoner uiiarterol tho nntloiml l'ai.1.
tlini.U,iiutliiii,liucur,hlu In. wtiil uiiou lal.un.l haion trail ol ilithu..iin liliiul
iiml tho land inneiiruliit i li ionablo laluo Hiom. Tho lolbnlni; ali'i, i mmliii nt, an I
It nnula bo iu. ilfiil (ii tiLubtiin lotiuiilriiiii liilluenllal dtlnni of Ohio mmiii-i iho
itntnniarlviljyUfore 1 10 siiMlW-lmi of ddepulon: Hon AiiiurMnltli, .Mnjnroiiho
iitoiiMJcriWoiiuilloliiiltlieon.ii.li.iiililiii- tlHi (Jnural llrlnnil.) Smith nn'tdint of
lirllinit IrllttftJ riflrl tftlll 1 Hi I K 1 rfllll 111 I API Ml...f It ...1 If lt-.H I . Il'h . .
....ivu ..... ... "" i ; i ".J.,
acres ot crentmitund burnt and plctur-
c -queness, and for tho purnmu of a i irk
iilU Illl'l III IIIILTLIUII 11IIIU11V9 llllUllb khJ '
nine niore neeii ou uunu loan 10 in uiiuini
thoexlstlugrnjds with sumo iKlUItioiw, sunt i
rnui hridlu iiiitln mid fuotwnv This
"lund at the present time Is allied ujton the
1 .. ..I .. ..1 il..'l.... .nl-..l.xv... 4 1 111 li.lll
UVVtSVl lUU .l-'ftUf UI lliUUl i-ll'iv.
to Ancu lock cm-Hv.
Turtginl to the arching of JJotfc Creck
niid reclaiming tho Ian I, 'It may be noted,
however,' twys tho ittort, 'Tint the con
struction of thotuuuiluud thuillliug up of
tho portion of (he vulley of Ilocfc Cieck
which now coiwltutc a paitni hirricr le
twecnthotwueitlesii a nutter that, nt an
tarlydiy, mav pwjerly bo confide reel, ns
with tho Increase ot i-upulatlon, the ch
charge of sen ago Into Hock Creek nnd the
retention h tho bed thuouf of putrc-elblo
und noxioiM liiatlei's will becomu u lueuitu
lo tho publio huilth and the nbence ot
imrer means ot cuiumu meat ion between
Wn-hlnglmi and Georgetown is ulrendv felt
to be a serious ineuuvcnleiice If not a detri
ment, to thu publio intciests."
The bridge; In tho Induct aio In an un
sitUfutorj loiidltlnn. Ixing lJiIdgo Is un
sightly and 'practically uselos. Tho Aque
duct llrldge 1s now being reconstructed.
Iho AiiaceMia Uridgo will have to bo
widened und strengthened to meet tho de
mands of public, cuuifurt und tratl'e. 1 Jen
nings Prldgc nil" win tho rodent require
tneuts. Tho brld-s ucross Ituck Creek are
ixtreincly un-utlsfnctory and their re con
st ruction will be needed, Tho Woudliy
UinolJiidguliHgurdtd .is entirely tui low.
The rapid advance hi sanitary science In
dumbing Is noted.
The in its-it) for o suit ible chemical hbo
ritor) lor Ihu Invirtlg-uloii ol umttirs ie
I itlu tu food nnd watei iiMigtttHl
Aneaily hCtlleuHiitdf tliu ila-e-eujel iw
A gui I ago t icmoturv Is suggc-ttd.
A Mnglo central stable under control of Iho
His estimated that t-'iOoOOiiu wero c
minted In building lust jc.ir, ami tbuius
:. .. .. ., i ... .. ...ii... i.. ..-i .. i ... i . '
nt nm ill ion efU'Ciirhs hihi in-pixiori iu
It ion (. ni in i ni ihi'i iii-j'i-vnin in
llieJHUmuilllBpeciurBoouu uusm-uiuuu
i'ublie, baths aluii ; Ihe l iv er front aio rec-
Theappuuitment ui an inspcuoroi cicva
lor Isiecotiimctidld.
Thu attention e f Coiun s Is invited to tho
Ineongiuoiis illation en the lmjH'Ctor of tun
nnd Meters to Ihe DMrht (loviruiucul, uud
itisictoiumendcd thitthls uilIciibtMOiiMi
lutediiiigulir buretui of llio District liuv
ciuuient. llis, I'niincinfl ?lust D.ij.
Tho hearing of the argument on Jin.
KnunonV cciptionslothe auditors icimrt
In thefimousliinuy prcKiuhngs, wa. this
morning, concluded Ulure juui,e Mcrnci;
Auditor Pavne's rewit iTfu-eil ollovvunco
furexierttcstlmon) and counsel lecv J ho
cue lions wim overruled Ju-tlce Merrhk
staled thut thu do trine in divorce ea-cs did
nut apply In this instance
AuliliiK l.t'tU CieeK.
T ho Coiimiis.-iouei'a (o d i) se nt to tho Si n
Afu District Coiuniiliiu Col, hudlow a 1 1 ui
furaiihlm-ltoik 1 mkand Htluiulng the I
crukbed. lhe.siiiioudiiisti'tMllJk
"".'..,. ., . . I
llio Com ml I leu ot dim lliiiuiic-1.
Thiruwlllbe a meeting of thu Citizens' ,
JUnrcscnUliTi Coiuuiiltee this evening ut
iU tirwa Amy UM it'JXIo clock. '
A Southern Itcnuhllcnii X ho 1 11 vers
Washington 1 Irst und I nut.
Congressman J, jr, Urowcr of Xorlh
Carolina sold to n Cmtio reiwrle r toil ly that
the statement of n morning paper, to tlio
effect that he was elected usonIndcindcnt,
Is an error, calculated to do him on tiijiit!ce.
HolsnHouthern Kcpubltcan, was elected as
such olid was present at the l'epubllcau
caucus on Haiti rthj.
Mr. Ilrovver Is heartily In favor of any
tchemothot will tend to the holding of the
National Convention here. In talking on
this subject ho said "1 11 111 gUd to seu Tub
Ci mo agitating this question. Washington
Is tho only proper place to hold National
conventions, and if it Is put to it
oto you will find mo recorded
In fuvnrof Wiisldngton. If the Wnlihig(on
pipers wcroasncllve In pushing the cl ilm
of the National Capital usTiil Cniriul he-
r .j 1
J 1 z
41 iu . tt . unit i, j.uiraiu, i . i . i ill, .M M ir
i, hltnld. flcorge li Kerpcr,' Jovi h I
liir, II Ulborg, T. W. Xtiuim nm n, I)
II II lllll.ltntll l. II I 1. fill. I I ..Tru.l U
Mienru, S. 1 ttWcl . Jullds Ii.lke.tr
(it UU ,, IiclenlHii.r. t untahi I!
"Nl it tut. Honorable Illimii v I'm mllir. 1!
O, ItathlHmi.andM Hidsteud.
Theilclegtdlons claim for Cinclnniti the
finest pi u e ol nice ting in thoUnlteel su tes-
Mulc Hall, with u siutlng eaisuliv of
8,0ociund tuinfurtablu standing cupiciiy of
IV Mi more, with lurtj conimlttieand t inn is
riMjiii!,, e ) hotcN. KOrist iiininN,U7 r.ilIro.ili
entering Ihecltv, uud uu uvcr-u;u lime
h iiuicratun ni7-,0.7MJ. izid. i ut and Tin
for thu pitlhe ynuv. In tonviuUnce of
necest n dclcgitiohs iliitn lir-t placo f r
i i... i 1 1 .....i i.. .... . i.. .. .-.ii i - . t.
iin-iiiiiaii, iinu iiiiiuuuiir iigini ucCS 11
elulm second.
Jid " wn3 iCLLninoN.
Thoftrf.otiU elelcgullon, seeking tho In
callon of tho National 1'tpublicun Cum en
tion, urilved this mornlmr. The gun It nun
nru scattired among tlio hotels.
(ienetnl and cx-Pmator John 11. 1 tender
sou, who wus chairman of the lW ulloud
l'epubllcau Convention, is Ihethulrunu of
thoclelegvllon. lie- ueconinlcd bv Mrs
Heiicler-onniullsatthe Arno. Mr. . II
DunohUon, a prominent I ivvycr of m, I ouN,
Isnl-out the Arno
At the lhbltt are ex-Cuigrc-mnn I), P t
Hver, V, IJ. Dean, n niciih-int, iJcorrc
1 1-hbnck, formeily I ropitetor nf the il,
souri Dummat, l.Suuulers Poster, jr, ot
the Cotton Conipa-s Coni'iiu)
"At the Arlington un Hon Hi mi ry '
1 illej. fornutlv u member of ihe N m t
Committee, and Arlll iloweof thu I ind '
At AVUlirdd are Nath h Tnnk, who it
contest lui CnngrcMnin diovcrs wi
Colonel 0. 1
. Wnlbildge, Henry eigeuhclu,
John cgu, n
Middicoume, c
nu i usinesi men, nun , c
c mi muit ui mo biuo com
mil tee.
At tho National Is c"-Congre-sm in II. M
Pollard -. .
In addition tothenbovc tl?re-Icleni Me n
birt of Cimgrew "jn. John M
(llovir, JoliiiJ. O'Neill ami Martin Chid,
v. ho tire already here, aiu members it thu
commute o
lion a ii, jnnci-s; .ii)or or st ixius
K (' Kinn- will arrive und meet with
.. , ,1, ,. - ..i,,.. , Illm inw
I Tint Mtrtary of Ihe delegitloii
I'red U ilott, onuld Wiisif!ittinli.feiy
'topping wjtn nts siursnt:Nu lUHstru
Ihe entire comiulttcc will meet
j ui e
nrjuu at .' id o cluck ut Iho lUpuhlkm
1 caL.no Htudim irters H"l M i-aachuets
riio (iruwt rs and Ilm Utah rs Confer and
Aipuliit ComnillUe.
Tho wool growers and wool dialers wero
In secret session this morning nt the 1'bbltt
Thu business was tonllncd to hearing gen
cial suggestions as to the de-irability of a
conference between the growers, dealers nnd
The fullow Ing committees wero formed to
roimult with u cummltttu irom the iiianu
lie tun r ns lu tlm meant of securing legUla
tlun loetiuiillothu t uilf nt mies mil pro
tect thu three brunehts of llio Industrj .
Growers' Committee Misn. Delano. Cem-
veie. McDowell, Wullacc, bhephcnl, Cas-
lienhn' Committee 3Ir-r, Thompson,
llall.Mcllar (Tien and Slier
'i,0 mnuulaiturprs wno not invlledto
uttend this cunfeience, but- will bon-ke.lto
bend a committee to meet tho abuit-incu-
Uoaed geuUvuca about AUuiiLu,
W. T. Vilas for Secretory of llic In
terior I)Ci,irlitienl.
Don, M. Dickinson or Mlclilgnn for
l'ostninstei-duncinl, T
1 ho President sent t ho follow Ing nomina
tions to tho Senate to-da) :
J.uctttsO C. rninir.of MlvU-lptl, to lo
Assoc lota Justlcaof Iho Suirenio Court of
the United Statf.
Mlllam T. Vilas, of Ml-consln, to b
Secretary oHho Interior.
Don M. Dickinson, of Michigan, to be
I'tiot master General.
Also the following reccs appointments
Charles S. Patrchil 1, of New Yoik, to bo
Sc rretary nf tbo T reiisury.
George L. Itlvcs, of "New York, to bo As
uMant Secre tury of state
lsa.io H. Ma) nurd of Vow York, to bo As
sistant Sicntory of the T re asurv .
Slgoumcy IHitter, of Ma it hu,ettil to bu
Pt nnd Comptroller of the 'f renMirv.
Janiea W, Hjait, or Coiinecllciit, to bo
Jrcjsmcr of the United fctalcs.
Tho Cabinet Meet In p. All tho mem
bers of the Cabinet wero prewent at thu
meeting to-ehy.
Dlhtrlct 1-atrnlM Issued. Millard I)
Domini, lock; V. h. Ounml and C. A
Knllv nigra. Ing machine' V. It. KevnoMs.
i hctilci governor, and I, H. bite, luulituo
lor luiLIng Htcrcot) u matiices.
ThoT-irslilrnt N'utllli il.-At 11 o'clock
thfsmoniingtlicjolntiomniittcc, tompfwol
of Fenaton Morrill and Morgin nid Itcprc-"n-atlves
ILind.il!, Coxniidtinnon. wollrd
o i the- President und informed him of the
itr-cmbllnc ut the 1 Jfiicth Congress.
General Sum l.u himrnicm Tn,i.n
IHnicl M. Urownlrgof IJenton, HI , who.
n uue has been presented to tho President a
u cindidntc for Commiisloner of the Genera'
Ijmd Ol11eesis4')earflut abound lias been
loruimtnlicr ofjears ou the bench iu his
Slate circuit.
Intci lor Dc put t incut Chnnffc-i.
Hi her Todd. Mil . promoted from S-l.loulo
S-I.IjUI. and MUs Ur.if. Jokonli. Ii r ,.
I,J0. In tho Sccietaryn oiiiee James A,
; uu, ,-uo , ujipoiiHtsi luurin n"tiiiont exam
Incrlii tho Patent UUku at $l,iO M.C.
It nk Kuna, $l,-li, has re-igned fiom the
Pension Oiliec.
Xuveinbei's Tmml Huhine. Tlio fal
lowing Is tho number and kind of entries
tent to patent In the board uf review for Iho
month of November 1'lnal hometea j,
J !""" commuted hotuMeids, TOIj soldier
additional homestead 11, pre-empt Ion,
1.7nJ( act June n, Isso, 1J, de-crt, II, town
site", , town lots, ,;n, public salc 2, wnt
lant loentions to, uil-iellaucou1, 110 total
MV). In addition to Iheoltovi'iniuibrr of
ei-i"isentb( patent l.n-.'l en trie line been
niin nded und returned to other divisions for
The I'rcHlilriiCK Cnller?.
Atnntii tbn Vrf.Itt( tit'n iviIItj 1..1,. AM
SpOlllriFil I iHlrlM 1'ilfci ri llnitu M.in.U.....
Pibln, Palmaund Kenna. ntitnnpnnied bj
lajor j. v. iiairHoiiu uu i. is. ( larkson,
ltpnen(athp9 bawlrr. O Par rail, Scott,
'ik iiiim, oiiikiu iinu niirv', HTOmpUUIOd
by Adjut mUIencrul Ddtun of Masachu
The Alisriue of Dlsliirlianre TJhrnmflt
tlm liar I'nrt) In l raticr.
Lonpon, Dec 0 Iheouict election ofM.
Sidl Carnottothu Pre "idem y of tho Hcpub
llo of I ranee has completely taken tho wind
nut of t ho sails of tho i !i rinan ahi mlsta and
Ittttbem hnpcle!y becalmed. Vhllothnro
wus tho slightest chance of tlionl(r in
I'mnce, theo diturbirs profeed constant
diird tint the country ncros the llhino
miilltatei) an attack upon the rutin rland,
itr fear that e iv il strife wilhin the holders of
Ihu Itepubhc would endaner the uieeof
Huro(i, iu cither ine making It mse-iary
for Germany to bo In rcadfiiiss io hk1 in
viuicrs r secure general pmcoby invading
tlio territory of hn neighbor Contrarv to
i pt elation, unl. for that luitttr.contrarv lo
hupe, the storm has blown over and the ro
np earing sun shines blight I) iin"!i Pram',
stronger within uud without than i ir be
loie 'aturdnv's tlcition, tistc-toflho
stieugtli of tho l-cpublicau fabile, wus over
whelmlngl) Indleativo of the jurmaneiuv
of the cxWing sjsleuiofgovenniient, mil
etiiullv iMiwerfiil iu Incituisiiigthe re-pet t in
which Irani els hcl 1 b her bl-tei tutioiiN
I'avoilie (Tinui'iiiiiP,
Thcrorrestund llclhau I'urtno's favor
fto t h imp lgne, Is fori.ilo In this lityhyd.
(i. Corn u II A Sun, andean bo found on Ice
titthe principal hotels It comprises tlmo
briudi, bwect, Dry i ml Unit. It Is j ro
noumed b vvino drinkers us of tho best
quality of w ino In oui mui ket.
IjccIiiics I13 3Ii 4. Titiclcw nod,
Mrs. Delvti A, Iiockwocd will tvldretsthe
teathtrsofCnrbouCo , Pa ,ot M inch Chunk,
I uediv evening, I'eeenibcrll This Isotc
ofliserimoflectlins to bu delivered bv this
ludv during tho pi C'cnt month to tho l'cach
t, Jtfttituicse.l Ptnn-)lvanla
The! llaltlinoio Gas ITghi.
imaiMonn,MiJ, Dce.eJ The plans of the
gas magnates havo been fiust rated. Tho
slurk'holdirs of tho ChcMijcalto Cumpmy
to-tl ty refused to reduce lhe'caUal slock by
u vo'eofujju to-lJ"'
Mnjoi Sullhnn ImpiUoiiiMl,
Dvi un, Dec. U Ma) or Mil Hum h is been
removed from the Dublin jail to Tullamoro
HUfiop Pimet DcmcI.
Dieuv, Dec. ii Iho Itight Kev. John
Power, Horn m Catholic UMiop ofWater
funl, died tuiliy.
Vie lor Dun v Djiiii;.
New Yon ic, Dec il Victor Drurv, tho
wi II known 1 ibur uiritutor, is reiKjued to bo
Tho Death nf 1iniiklln 1'hllp.
The death of Franklin 1'hllp, formeilvof
thlsclty,octurredafcw dajsntoin Imdon,
1'iirI md, after n long and painful illnc
Mr. 1'hllp came to this cliv Irom Londnu,
In JvV and became the irinciiial muu In
Hudton T ii) lor j well known book stoi.,
Subepu ntlv ho engages 1 Jn lm-Ine-s wlih
Mr. A. S Solomons lit the ) romliu nt llrm of
Phllp A Solomon, st uloucrs, and iluring tho
wur nnd tur sevcrd "iiai-slhtreiltir it wu
the hading llrm In their lino hi tho citv.
Mr Philp had miny warm friends in
Wnshluctou w ho wlllreirrctlo liarn of his
Indications fur tho twenty-four hours,
fii-imtiii 01 Iiil' 11L A T. 111. -Tlliirtiiv . I liv 1 mhp
tt ier ihu District of Coluiuria, warmer.
lair w earner, ngui m iresn wiucls, generally
Olervutionstakennt Inn Cmtio Metco
roloirlcd I tun an, UU 1) street northwest:
tl 37 .1 in , ui0, 1-' Id p. m., 5JP 3 p. m. 51
Don't fdl to read K. 1 Mertz' mam
mothadveitlsement of drugs, medicines am
toilet artlclca. It w ill uayo j ou --

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