Newspaper Page Text
" ) -VTWFrr-ri The "Washington Ori THE CRITIC Is sold by N'.wsboyo at 2 cts. per Copy. THE CRITIC la delivered by Carriers at J 5 cts. per Month. 20TH TEAK NO. G,OG(i. WASIHNGTOjN", THURSDAY EVENING-, JANUARY 10, 1888. PJMCE TWO CENTS. tic. V r Events of Interest In and About the Departments. 1 THE PRESIDENT'S CALLERS, U'lie New Minister to Mexico Itc cclvliitf Ills Instructions, ' Cnblnet Meeting To-ilny. All tlio I . members of the, Cabinet but Secretary Whitney wcro present at tho mooting to day. The Tmfuycttc Htntue. Tho con Irnct for tlio Lafayette Btatuo has boon feigned by tho artists nnd tho members of tlio ttatuo commission. Tho Fisheries Coiifercnue. Tho Fisheries Confcronco, which hold a session yesterday afternoon, took on adouru f jnent until Saturday at 2 o'clock p. in, Nnvnl Oontrncln Awarded. Con trncta hnvo been awarded by tlio Navy De partment to New York and IJrooklyn firms to tho amount of $.10,853, for tools and materials for tho liurcau of Construction nnd Repairs or tho llrooklyn Navy-Yard, Not n New ltulo. Tho statomont that n new rulo had been adopted In tlio Navy Department requiring clerks to vo port tho time of their leaving is incor rect. A rulo has been In forco for over n year requiring them to report both the timo of their arrival nnd departure. The Prenlilcnt'8 Callers. Among the President's callers to-day wcro Sena tors Deck, Vance and Daniel, Rcprcscntn lives Dunn. Fnrmihnr. Anderson of Illi nois, Snyder, Thompson of Ohio, Johns ton of North Carolina, Duttcrworth and Sowdcn, with Timothy 0'I.cary, Wilson Urossi and Anthony Bullock. Moro Executive l'nrdons. Tho President lias pardoned Mathlas Glbbs, West Virginia, violating internal revenuo laxvs; James A. Rider, Virginia, violation of Internal revenuo laws; John S. Tercy, Arkansas, receiving stolen goods; Robert Love, Arkansas, murder, commuted to ten years' actual imprisonment; Ellas Dowries, Idaho, selling whisky to Indians; John Perkins, Tennessee, violation of In ternal revenuo laws; J. L. Deal, Tennes see, violation of internal revenuo laws and resisting otllecrs, commuted to four months. New System or Tuctlcs. Tho fol lowing board to preparo a system of tac tics has been nppointed to asscmblo in ' this city February 10: Lieutenant Colonc' John L. Bates, Thirteenth Infantry Major Gcorgo II. 'Banford, First Cavalry, Major Henry E. Hasbrouck, Fourth Ar tlllcry; Captain. Joseph T. Haskell, T.vnii, v.41iIt1 Tnfutifi'ut .i..ntn Tnlin il llf Ollmoie, Twenty-fourth infantry; Cap- nlry; Captain James A. M. Lancaster, Third Artillery, nnd First Lieutenant Gcorgo Anderson, Twenty-fifth Infantry, recorder. if ' 1 Our !lnYlfilli Ttnlntlnlls Grinnral jtllrngg is in dally consultation with tho I'AlllVlf'Ul WIMV.1M.3 Ul tllU DUilU incnt In reference to bis duties as Minister to Mexico. Thcro nro now pending a large number of diplomatic questions between tho United states and Moxlco which require careful treatment. Among these is tlio demand recently renowed by Secretary llayard that Mexico must renouueo tlio claim to extra territorial jurisdiction which is niado in tlio Cutting and other cases. Minor nnd Personal. Philip Walsh nnd J. 0. McConnnughy of Nortli Carolina have been appointed storekeepers und gaugers. ThoWbito IIouso was closed to visitors to-day on account of tlio preparations making for tlio diploma tied! nncr to-night. Ex-Fuyiuastor Mcado of tho navy lias been appointed to a clerkship In tho Navy Department at a salary of $1,800 per an num. Tho following postmasters were np- Iiolntcd yesterday: S. D. Overton, Crawl, s'ottoway County, Va., and W, AV. Q. Jlrndford, McOonnellsburg, Fulton County, Pa. THE AltMY AND NAVY. Acting Assistant Surgeon F. J. Adams lias been granted ono month's leave. First Lieutenant John A. Payno,Nlno tccnth Infantry, has been granted loavo on account of disability. . Captain Abncr II. Merrill, First Artil lery, lias been ordered beforq tlio retiring board at San Francisco, Cal. Colonel John S. Mason, Ninth Infantry, lias at his own request been ordered to nwnlt retirement In this city. Find. Lieutenant William A. Nichols. Twenty-third Infantry, has been granted three months' leave on account of disabil ity. Tho Nipsio will touch at Rio Janeiro, Montevideo and Valparaiso on her way to San Francisco, whero sho is expected to arrivo in May. Acting Assistant Surgeon AV. E. Sabln bus been ordered to Fort Custer, M. T., upon being rcllovcd by Assistant Surgeon llandolphO. Ebcrt at Fort Pembina, D. T. The order of December 10, relating to Second Lieutenant Lcroy E. Sebree, Sig nal Corps, has been rovoked, and ho has been ordered beforo tho rotiring board at Ban Antonio, Toxas. A telegram to the Navy Department Mutes that Hear Admiral llralue of the South Atlantic Squadron hns hoisted his ilag on tho Alllauco and that the Lan caster has sailed for Gibraltar, Surgeon-General Hamilton has issued n circular to tlio medical olllcors of tho Marino Hospital Service, informing them that all applicants for original enlistment nssurfmen lutho Lifu-SuvingScrvicomust bo physically sound. Tlio Cemetery Dispute. A committco of lot owners of tho Pros pect Hill Cemetery tailed on tho President yesterday to protest ugnlnst tlio action of tho Commisslonerr", and Colonel Ludlow in particular, in attempting to extend Noith Capital btrcct through tho ccino tcry. The City I'ostiniistoinlilp. The report is renewed that the Presi dent is about to make n nomination for tho Washington City Poitiiinstorsliip and that tho delay has been a mutter of cour tesy to tho new Poatnuistcr-Ucnerul. l'ctrr tJroKiiu Ah-dnim, Peter Tlrognn bin inado an assignment to Roger W. Cull of all his property, rpul, personal und mixed, for the purpose of paying hi debt. No preferred creditors lire nannd. A HiiMmnd's Cliui'Ke. EdxvnidMidpo today tiled n bill fordl ivorce, i-liilmlnt that his wlfo had beooino n common Mrccl wnlUeriind hud disgraced lilm. "Where Women Dim Vole. Olymha, W.T., Jon, 10.--i.swt night Governor Pcmplo Muticd tho bill con fining 'Lb rigliiofMilIVnga upon women in this Territory. A NOTAllIiE OATHEKING. An International Council of IVnmnn to Im Hold lit AIIihiirIi'k Oporn-llointo. Aii Inlcrnatlonal council of women, called by tho National Woman Suffrage Association, will bo held, opening March 23, closing April 1. It will bo tho most Important nnd Influential gathering of women that tho world hasevcrscon. Tho council Is held for tlio purposo of discuss ing tho movement for tho improvement of woman's position In thd Slate, tho Church nnd tlio Home. Among tho dele gates expected nro Mrs. Mary A. Liver more, Mrs, Lucy Stone, Miss France Wlllard, Mrs. Caroline ltucll, Mrs. Julia Word Howe, Miss Mary F. Eastman and Miss Clara Ilarton. Puuditu Ramnba! will bo tticro to speak for tho women of India, and Finland, Denmark and Sweden promlso reprc bentatlvcs, Helen Campbell, author of tho "Pris oners -of Poverty,1' will sond a paper, which will bo read, as will also n report by Fanny Zamplnl Sulazaro of Home. Tills lady Is editor of tho"Rcvlovof tho Interests of Women," published In Home, nnd will wrlto on tho work of Italian women. Franco elects Mino. Isabella llagelot of Paris to represent tho prison worn, rmgiaiui semis io tne council juiss Helen Taylor, stepdaughter of John Stuart Mill: Miss Henrietta Mutlcr, u member of tho Loudon School Hoard and one of tho first graduates of Glrtou Col lege, Cambridge, and Mrs. Allco Scatch crd, n woman prominent In tlio work of xvoinnn's sulirnsc. Tho Nntional Association will bo repre sented by tho following: Mr?. KllzaUcth Cnilr Btamon, MIs Smnn II. Anthony, Sirs. Mntlitla J oily a dan', Mm. May Wright Downll, Jlrs. Helen 31. liougnr, Mrs. Lniirn M. Johns of Knnns, Mrs. Clara II. Colby of Nebraska, Hov. Olymnla llrown, tlio first woman ordained In tho Universalis!. Church; Mrs. ZoroldiUJ. Wallace, i:ilzabotli Llsto Saxon ofTcnnccco. MM. Mary 13. ling gnrt, lillznbeth lloynloa Hurlicrt, Tho Western Association of Collegiate Alunimo send thcirprcsident. tho eminent mlcroscopl8t of Michigan University, Mrs. I.ouiso ltccd Slowcll. The moral Edu cation Society will be represented by Mrs. Frnzcr. Tlio Woman's Auxiliary of the Unitarian Association nends Mrs. Rich ardson. Tho .ladies of tho (J. A. It. havo selected their president, Mrs. Laura McNcir, to represent their largo organiza tion. Rev. Antolnctto llrown Ulaekwcll, tho (lrst woman ordained to tho ministry, will bo present, also Hov. Anna Shaw, tho o'nly ordained Methodist woman. The Woman Sull'rago Association will bear tho expense, of tho council. Friends of thocauso who wish to contribute can send their donations to Mrs. Spoil'ord, Riggs IIouso. ABUIiTEKATION OPPOSED. Annual Meeting of tlio National Pure, rood Convention. Tho National Pure Food Convention met this morning at Wlllard Hall with II. 11. Aiucrllng of Philadelphia, president, and Ellsba Winter, Now York, secretary. About 125 delegates wcro present, and quite a number arrived during tho day. Among the associations represented wcro the Central Association of Now England, Roston Retail Grocers' Association, Now Haven Chamber of Commerce, the Hoard of Trade and Transportation, tho Mercan tile Exchange, the Central Association of Retail Merchants and Retail Grocers' Union of Now York, the Retail Grocers' Association and Retail .Merchants' Asso ciation of tlio E. D. of llrooklyn, tho Newark (N. J.,) Retail Grocers' Associa tion, Nyack Merchants' Protcctlvo Asso ciation, Stato Association of Pennsyl vania, Wholcsalo Drug Association, Na tional Dairy and Agricultural Association. National Vltlcultural Association and Hoards of Health and Hoards of Trade from Philadelphia, PltUburir, Detroit, Toledo, uincmmui, i.oiunious, .anosviuc, Chicago, Baltimore, Mobile, Nbw Orleans and many other cities. After tbe meeting was called to order the reports of tho president and secretary wcro presented. A coniniitteo on credentials was ap pointed, and tho convention adjourned to meet at il o'clock, at which time olliccrs will bo elected. Tho convention will dovote the greater part of its time to tho discussion of tho hill introduced in tho Senate by Sir. Sherman and the IIouso by Judgo Crisp, providing for a National llurean of Adul teration and appropriating $50,000 for its support. It Is thought that many clauses In ttio bill will meet with objection, and It is upon this tho debate will bo held. Supplementary and amendatory bills will probably bo adopted. THE UltGENT DEFICIENCY. CliaiigcH In tlio 11111 iiHltoporteil to tlio Senate. Tho Deficiency bill, as reported to tho Scnato to-day, makes few changes in tho bill as it passed tlio House, but tlio appro priation for work in tho water works tun nel Is not inserted. Tho Item to reimburse Fred. Douglass for books purchased by him whllo Re corder of Deeds Is increased from $172 to $1,727. Tlio appropriations for tho Sonato aro considerably changed. Tho appro priation of $11,220 for olliccrs. clerics und messengers of tho Sonato for tlio year 1887 is stricken out. Tho other Sonato appro priations aro increased. Tho annronriation ot $85,390 to nay a judgment in favor of tho Pacific Railroad is stricken out. Other changes arc of a verbal nature. GENEUAIi HEA IN "THE CITY. Tho Cominamlor-ln-Clilef Holrtn a Ho ccptlon To-nlglit. Commandcr-ln-Clilcf Rea of tho G. A. It. was met at tho railway station yester day afternoon on his arrival In tho city by a delegation from tho Department of the Potomac ond escorted to tho Ebbitt House, During tho evening a number of tho prominent local members of tho Grand Army called on him. To-night a reception will bo held at Grand Army Hull, to which all old BOldlcrs aro Invited. The Old Guard will escort General Ilea to tho hall, Tlio reception will bo followed by a banquet nt Willaid's, DlbTIUOr GOVERNMENT NEWS. Mr. M. E. Tcrrill of 13.11 Vermont nve uuo has petitioned tho Commissioners to hnvu Kingman Placo paved under tho penult system. Ho asks if it can bo done without unanimous consent, Tho Com mlsstoiU'Di reply that one man can M'curo tho pavcinont If tlio f .,'. nmount of the cost of labor is deposited In advance. Now York's Itepiibllenu Delegates. 'J ho Hlulue men of Now York, It Is sold, havo picked out Senator Evarts, Chauncoy M. Uq cw, William II. Robertson and '1 houins ('. Plntt as their delcgatos-at-Iargo to', I ho National Republican Convention. Possibly tho nnino of Lovl P. Morton may bo substituted Tor that of Mr. Piatt. 'IhociitiruStato delegation will undoubt edly be controlled by Piatt, and it will bo for lllnluo ir lllniuo Is a candidate. With the "Man from Malno" out of tho Held, Penntor Frank Hlficook would probably bo New York's choice. The Intci'Htuto Commission, Tlio Interstate Commerce Commission li still considering tho caso of Scolleld et al. ugnlnst tho I.nko Shoro and Michigan Southern Rullroud. They charge unjust dlKTiminutinii in freight rates in favor of Ihu .Htnudnid Oil Company, Sr ili T C Al Uslc Much Hotter. hi ,t I continued to Improve His i " al J o'clooli (his afternoon wit vi in iuIi bettor than at any llmo since ho wax taken nick. II CONGRESS TOM. Tho Scnato to Take Up the Urgent Bcllclency Hill on Monday. CONSIDERATION OF TREATIES The Houso lnsscs the Melbourne Exposition llcsoliitlon, In tho Scnato to-day a number of peti tions for prohibition in this District nnd for Federal supervision of telegraph service wero presented. Mr. Aid rich offered a resolution dlrect lngthouppolutmcntof n clerk tocompllo n record of the revenuo and appropriation bills passed by Congress from tho First lo tho Forty-ninth Congress. Mr. Cameron mndo n motion that when Ihe Senate adjourn to-day It bo to Mon day next. Tho motion was carried nyes, 20; noes, ll'l. Mr. Halo reported from tlio Committco on Appropriations the Urgency Doll clcncy Hill, which ho will call up on Monday. Mr. Allison Introduced a bill to quiet tltlotn lot 1, squuroOlO, In this city, by re linquishing the Government claim. Mr. Sherman, at 12:15. moved that tho Scnato proceed to tho consideration of executive business, and accordingly tho doors wcro closed. Tho treaty calendar was taken up for consideration In c.xccutlvo session, tho Hrltlsh and Russian extradition treaties being considered of special Importance Tho Netherlands treaty was tho only ouo discussed. The House. In tho IIouso to-day Mr. O'Donnell, from the Committco on Accounts, re ported favorably the resolution recom mending tho appointment of Thomas A. Coakley as a messenger at tho compensa tion allowed him by tho last Congress. Tho resolution was adopted. On motion of Mr. Uclmout. tho IIouso went Into Committco of tho Whole, Sir. Springer In tho chair, for consideration of tho joint resolution relative to tho Mel bourne Exposition. Mr. McAdoo's amendment reducing tho appropriation from $50,000 to $5,000 being pending, Mr. Phelps opposed It as com promising the dignity or the Government. Mr. Rayncr also supported tho original proposition as calculated to promoto our commercial relations with Australia. Tho amount asked was not excessive. Mr. Cutcheon. beforo voting for the res olution, would like to know something as io mo manner oi expenuing tuo sum pro posed. Mr. Craln moved to amend by striking out nil oflcrtho enacting clause. Ho held thattho IIouso hud no risht to authorizo such an expenditure. After some further discussion tho Mc Adoo amendment was lost and tho resolu tion adopted by avoto of 157 to 8!). Mr. Rogers reported a bill amending tho statutes relative to tho punishment of bank olllclals by Includlngsuch bank ofil clals ns aro appointed by the Comptroller of tho Currency. Mr. Foran reported tho Invalid Pensions bill. Referred to Committco or tho AVholo. Mr. Wilkins called for tho regular order his bill for increasing tho circulation of tho national banks and tho ayes and noes wcro ordered on consideration of tho bill. Tho IIouso decided to consider tho bill. when, on motion of Mr. Weaver, k mc Jioufo iooi; u recess io a o'clock, tho hour fixed for tho presentation by Mr. Long of tlio portraits of Speaker Sedgwick of tlio Fiftli Congress, Speaker Varnum of tho Tenth and Eleventh Congresses, and Speaker Hanks of tho Thirty-fourth. Mr. Randall will uiakothespeccli of acceptance. Other Fpcnkcrs-assigned aro Messrs. Allen, Rockwell and Hayden of Massachusetts, and Mr. Breckinridge of Kentucky. THE W1I.KI.NR HANK BILL. Hon. Berioh Wllklns of Ohio is having considerable troublo with his pet measure, his bill to Increase tho national bank cir culation, nnd notwithstanding tho fact thulhchasiton the calendar as unfin ished buslncss'and no other business can bo considered until his b(ll is disposed of, yet lor mo pusuwo uuys mo wnoioancr noon has been consumed by tho filibuster ing tactics of Messrs. Wcavcroflown and Mr. Anderuonof Kansas, who aro opposed lo tho bill. Mr. Wllklns said to a Cuitio reporter that tho banks had not asked for the bill, nnd that ho wanted tho opposition to understand that ho was not opposed to a fico discussion of the measure If it can come to a vote, and ho thinks It will In a day or two, it is suro to pass byn majority of from 25 to CO. the thohe-oaiilislr case. Tlio minority report in tho caso of Thobo vs. Carlisle, submitted to tlio IIouso yesterday by Mr. Lyman of Iowa Is rather a weak ono. It would appear that Diplo mat J, Halo Syplicr impressed tho four gentlemen who signed tho report, Messrs Lyman, Lodge, Houk and Johnston o Indiana, wlthsomo of his startling stato. nicnts, and in ylow of tho fact that the jJipiomai mauo a strong ox parco snowing at the beginning, and tho hasty mannorln which tho defense presented ex parte affi davits, they feci that tho Importance of mo caso warrants tuem in not siiminir tho mnlorltv rcnort. Mr. Rowell mado a supplemental re port in which ho states that ho concurs In tho majority report, but dissents from tlio practice of trying disputed questions of fact upon ox parto testimony, Tho majority report will probably como up in tlio IIouso for discussion to-morrow. EXI'IIESS COMPANIES' LIABILITY. Express companies, stock-car com panies, sleeping and -parlor-car companies aro applying to the appropriate committees of Congress for a hearing beforo any ac tion is taken to bring them under tho provisions of the Iuterstato Conimerco law. Tho express companies will bo granted a hearing on Wednesday next, MONUMENT TO UOLOIIKl) MEN. Senator IloarV bill for a monument In tho Howard University grounds to tho memory of colored boldlers and sailors killed in the late wiirnpproprlates$l00,000. THE HKNATE D1STIUCT COMMITTEE. Tho Scnato not meeting to-iuormw it Is piobablo that tho District Committee will ilcvole several hours to consideration of tho mllioud question, IN Till! SENATE YESTE11DAY. In the Semite yesterday afternoon Mmrs. llrown mid lllalr mado speeches In favor of the Kducntionnl bill. Without holding an executive session tho Scnato adjourned until to-dny. THE MSTIUCt's SHAKE. The Direct Tux bill, which passed tho Pcnnto yesterday, contemplates tho return of about $20,000,000 collected from tlio .Slates, Territories and District of Colum bia. Tho District's bare, if tho bill bo- conies u iuw, win no 1'.), 127. HUnVKV OK THE ANACOSTIA, Secretary FalrchUjl bus sent to Congress an executive document recommending nn appropriation of $5,000 for it survey of tho Anucostia River, THE l'KMION AmtONUATlON, The Pension bill, us ngrccd upon by tho Homo Appropriations Committee, appro pilules .,.75,000, $1,003,100 in excess of I'Mniiai. hcnt lo tho committee. Tlio ud diiii u w.i made ut thoMiggestlon ufCom n.l'iioner UlacU I'lil sum include) tho Mexican iei)4iii The amount alltiwed for clerk hi -c v." Inr'ea-crtfrljm -$102,000 lo $170,000, and also hns a clauso making tho opiiortlonmcnt of clerks among tho Slntcs according to tho number of pension cases they respectively furnish. D0TANIC HOSPITAL AND SCHOOL. A memorial by Dr. Gross was presented In tho Scnato to-day by Mr. Hoar praying for the establishment of a botnnlo hospital nnd homo In this District and a lrcoscliool for tho medical education of women. Tho project wos Introduced In tho last Senate, THE HOUSE Jl'DlCIAnY COMMITTER. At tlio meeting of tlio IIouso Judiciary Committco to-day tho chairman rofcrrcd all bills in regard to tlio salaries of United States judges ton sub-commlttoo consist ing of Messrs. Scnoy, Oatcs, Rogers, Cas well, nnd E. H.-Tavior. Tho committco of the Now York Har Association will bo heard rclatlvo to this subject on tho 25th instant. T1IR WAVfl AND MEAXS COMMITTKE. During tho session of tho Committco on Ways and Means this morning, Mr. Mc Klnlcy nsked for tho consideration of his bill abolishing tho tobacco tax, but It was postponed by a strict party voto. Tho majority held that tho tarllf should ionic first in tho committee's considera tion. LANllS COMMITTEE.- The IIouso Public Laudi Committco to day Instructed Mr. McKeiinn to favorably report Ids bill granting fivo percent, of the cash sales of public landsof California to that Stato. This will tako SI-sO.000 out of tho National Treasury to be applied by tho Stato of California to school purposes. Delegate Smith of Arizona appeared before tlio committed and urged I bat tho nmount of laud subject to entry byaslnglo Individual bo not limited to less thnn 010 acres of hind, now classed as detcit land. JUDICIAL DlSTnlCT NOMINATIONS. Tlio nomination of Chief Justlco Ring ham and Justice Montgomery will proba bly bo reported favorably and confirmed to-day. Capitol Notes. Senator Hoar has Introduced a bill to provhlo for the appointment of a national art commission, composed of fourteen members w)ioc'duty It shall bo lo pass upon tho artistic merit of pictures, stat uary, monuments, etc., to bo purchased or erected by tho Government. Thcro nro several District nominations pending in tho Senate, Including that of Justlco Montgomery. It Is understood that there is no opposition to confirma tion In any caso and that favorable reports have been niado nnd await action. Senator Eustis has returned from Lousl ana, and was in his scat In tho Senate to day. Representative Mills of Texas has been confined to his residenco since Tuesday by a sovero cold. Senator Spoonor expects to call up his gas bill in a few days. Tho IIouso District Committco has changed Its days of meeting to Tuesday and Friday. Delegate Joseph appeared beforo the Committco on Territories to-day in behalf of his land commissioner bill. TIIOIlorCUIIiY ATIOUSHD. Tho G. A. It. TliresllRiiMiiff tlio, Minn- licuriiiicoofC'iiiititlii Cliffs Itoiiiiitni. Mr. F. A. Router, as u representative of tlio Grand Army of tho Republic, obtained written uutiiority from tho Commissioners tills morning to investigate all tho facts pertaining to tho disappcaranco of the body of Captain Cllft from tlio hospital at tho Washincton Asylum, and tlio subse quent discovery of tho remains in the Gcorgctoxvn Medical College. Ho will be gin his investigations nt tho poorliouso and will leavo nothing uiidono to fix tho blamo xvhero It properly belongs. The Grand Army people havo not lagged be hind ono wlilt in tills matter, and say that tho looso way In which such things havo been allowed to co on in our mldt must bo stopped. Thoy say If tho body was sold to the collego they proposo to find tho man who received tho purchaao money, and falling to establish such a fact, then find tho man who "donated" it. IlIiOWEUS OP OliASS. Xntliiiiiil AiMoi'Intlnii of llottlo Manu facturers. Tho Nntlonol Association of Hotllo Manufacturers was In convention at Willard's to-day. Tho association com prises all tho firms In the country making llasks and bottles. About sovcnty-llvo delegates xvero present nt to-day's session. Tlio meeting, which was a secret one, was opened by the president, AV. II. Hagcrty of New York, with William Eliot Smith of Alton, Illinois, ns secretary. Tho object of tho meeting was tho regu lation ot tho length or blast and tho ap pointment of n committco of fivo on tarill charges affecting tlio glass business. Tho convention was in session but n few hours and adjourned, after electing tho following officers: President, Win. Hllot Smith, Alton, III.; vleo-vresldcnt, Joseph Atkinson, Itawley, Pa.; secretary, John It. Wlghtman, rittslnirR, Pa.; treasurer. Thomas Wlahtman, Pittsburg, Pa., National Vial and llottlo Association, "IjAltllY" HIGGS DEAD. Ho Passes Awuy Artor nn Illnostf of Ten Days. Thomas Ln?onson Riggs died this morning at his residenco, 1017 1 street, af ter an illness of about ten days of Hright's dlsenso of tlio kldnoys. Mr. Rlggs xvas born In this city in 1S53. Ho received Ids early education at Goorge toxvn College, and Inter studied nt Stony hurst. Ho was a member of tho houso of Rlggs & Co., and was also ot tho timo of his decenso treasurer of tho Notional Safe Do posit Company. Ho was of an extremely retiring disposition and was but little seen In society. Tho funeral services will bo held at St. Matthew's Church on Saturday at 10:30. Loxv muss will bo celebrated, after which the remains will bo placed in tho family vault at Oak Hill Cemetery. A STHANGE OCOUmtEXOE. A Criminal Onen Acquitted .f tor war it Conli'tel. An unusuul occurrence took placo in (ho Criminal Court to-dny. A woman, Rebecca Marshall, was ac quitted of entering tho houso of Mrs. O'Hryau, 1211 l'strect, and stealing somo articles. Just beforo tho verdict wos recorded u spectator said that sho could identity tho prl.-oner as tho person who entered the house. Sho took the stand and testified nnd the Jury again brought in a verdict and this timo "guilty." Of Interest io Cotloii-l'lunlor. Considerable Interest has been awak ened in Ihe wonderful machine known ns the "Cmxvford Cotton-Seed Cleaner," and planters who havo seen lbs workings are enthusiastic In its praise. Meanwhile tho btock Is being rapidly taken. An opportunity toscotho maohliio lu practical operation will bo given to-morrow (Friday) at 10 a. ni ut No. 203 Four teenth Btreet northwest (Just south of Willard's Hotel), which will bowltnosscd by u largo number of Members of Con gress and cotton-planters. All porsons Interested In the subject (and all who aro engaged lu cotton-rnlslng are or should bo Interested In It) nro cordially Invited to bo present. Asthls will probably be the last opportunity to see tlio machine at woik in Ihl.. city very hirgo attendance mpy be expected. HU81NHSW MKASUJtES. Tlio Hoard r Trndo Approves Hie 1'nntul Telegraph. At tho nf lernoon session of tho National Hoard of Trado yesterday, tho consldcm Hon of tlio programmo of recommenda tions .was commenced. Tho first was a resolution concerning the adulteration of food presented by tho New York Hoard of Trade, and rcafilrmlng tlio action of tho National Hoard of Trade regarding tho ne cessity of n jtidlcloui national imtl-adiiltcratlou law. It wns ar gued by Mr. F. H. Thurber and passed. Tho paper read by J. A. Pricoof tho Scranton Hoard urging tho abolish ment of tho present System of commercial credits xvas referred to n committco of five for consideration, as xx'cro also tho resolu tions recommending Ilia forming of n bu reau ofstatlsticsondnGovcriimontexccu tlvo department of Industry. Tho resolu tions concerning tlio Chouipcako nnd Dclaxvoro Ship Canal, const and harbor defenses nnd tho Improvements of rivers nnd harbors were adopted. to-day's session. At this morning's session tho resolu tions oilered bv tho Providence nnd New Yorkbonrds, urging the establishment of a postal telegraph, xvero read and dis cussed by Mr. P. II. Thurber. Atthocloscof his remarks Mr. Krastus AVlinan of New York, xvho Is a director In tho Western I'lilim Company, president of largo system oftclegrupli In lite North aiidheadortholrinorll. G. Dun A Co., mode a short address, presenting In a torso and distinct business mainicr ob jections to the project, closlnghls remarks with the fulb, wlni : "if tho government telegraph system in England shows nn annual deficit or $2,600,000 In u small urea, cleared and densely populated country, I assort that If tho system Is adopted in this country, with an hrcn twenty times lurgor, number of lines threo times greater and length of lines four nnd a-Iialt time longer, tlio de ficit will bo $10,000,000 n year.'p A 1USTAL TEI.EUll.Xril FAVOllEn. Mr, Wlman then gavo dsliort rosiimo of tho xvotklngs and profits of tho Western Union Company, In reply to Mr. Wlman, Mr. Thurber explained that tho deficit In tho English scrvico wns caused by extraordinary out lay In extending lines, and thut previous to 1880 there xvas no deficit. Tho debato xvas quito spirited and Inter esting. Mr. Thurber closed with tho as sertion that xvbllo Mr. Wlman was rt fair man, there was no doubt that the remarks niado by Mr. Wlman against tlio resolu tion would go Hashing over the wires of tho country, and tho arguments in favor of it xvould rest In tho pnmphletcd pro ceedings of tlio National Board of Trado. Mr. Henry of Now York (who oilered tho first resolution for n postal telegraph beforo tho Hoard of Trado at Philadelphia in 1875) said that if tho Edmunds bill xvas passed messages could ho sent In this country os cheaply us in England. Mr. linker xxus opposed to tho measure nsn bad policy for tho Government to go Into auy kind of business. Tho resolution favoring tho organiza tion of a postal tcleuranh'xx'as adopted by n voto of 20 to 0. Tills Is tho sixth timo this resolution has been adopted. KEXV UUHEAU OK STATISTICS. Tho topic, "A Now Hoard of Statistics," xvas then taken up .and discussed by Mr. Popo for tho Chicago Hoard of Trado. Mr. Popo boro rather heavily on the present al leged unsatisfactory manner in which xxTieat ond corn statistics wero gathorcd by tho Agricultural Deiiartmont. At 1 o'olook tho board took a recess un til 2:30, xvhen tho discussion of Mr. Pope's resolution xvas continued, A GltEAT IMIMIOVEM13NT. lCxlilblin nt tlio National Museum Moliiff ltoiirriiiiccit. There 1ms been within tlio last few days an almost entire rearrangement of the exhibits In tho uorMi hall of tho National Museum. Formerly they havo been scat tered promiscuously, with but llttlo at tempt to make tho exhibits In tlio various departments homogeneous. A caso of pottery might bo placed next to a fishery exhibit or tho leather ormor of a Fill Islander. Now the ceramics have all been put together; tho fishery exhibit, historical exhibit nud other departments aro nil homogeneously nrronged. Tlio big terra cotta pulpit Is on ono sldo of the main entrance, nud the ancient marble sarcophagus on tho other. Tho rearrange ment makes a tour of the Museum much nioro instructive. Largo additions aro also to bo mado to tho Department of Graphic Art. A lot of new cases havo been mado. and aro ready to be placed In position and filled, A largo Etruscan tomb has recently been placed In tho museum.' It Is about six feet high and xvide, and about twice as long. GOOD THING roil THE "ZOO." Tho Kxpress Companies Will Carry I.lvo Animals Cheaper. Tho Notional Museum has just gained an Important concession from tlio express companies. Ordinarily tho express charges for llvo animals havo been txvo, thieo or four times tho rates for mer chandise, according as tho animals were sale, unsafe or extremely dangerous. Tho United States Company controlling tho It. nnd O. lines has consented to carry live animals for tlio Museum for tho or dinary rato for merchandise. Tho con cession will result in cheaper transporta tion for animals for tho Museum's llttlo menagerie, and ulso lu largely Increased additions to it. TERSONAIi MENTION. Mn. Daleo Sam Van IIamm, ono of the haudsomo young men of Cincinnati, is in tlio city on u brief business trip. JUIKIR KELLEY OF THE HOUSE XVill havo an articlo on "How Protection Pro tects" in "Tho Forum" for February. Fiiank Leshe's Illustrated Newspaper of this xvcek's issue contains very good por traits of the entire list of tho new Coniniit teo of Wnysnnd Means. Lieutenant JoiinM. Caiison, jo., and xvlfo havo left Fort Leavcnxvorth to re main a week with Colonel E. V. and Mrs. Sumner, parents of Mrs. Carson, before joining their station at Fort Reno. Reuibteiikd in Noxv York hist ovonlng : Comptroller Trenlioliu nt the Albemarle; Congressman Herbert nt the Sturtoviint; Alexiinder R. Shepherd at tho f Jilsey; ox Secretary Lincoln at tlio Fifth Avenue nnd Henry Wattorson at tho Everett. Senatou Joski'H N. of Oregon doesn't consider tho cold xx'oather hero n circumstance to that of tho fur North went, und It U a very cold day Indeed when ho doesn't foot It from tho Capitol to Ids substantial residence on Lafayette Square. l'roinlnoiit Hotel Arrivals. Jlr.TiioiOLiTAN. Clmrles Hcrrmnii. Clcvo liiml. Ohio ; P. Crocker, lloston ; P. Pi hSinltli, l'lttsburc National, K. It. Herrlck, Now York ! W. II. Pussnll, Philadelphia ; clmrles U. Hull, Detroit, Mich. St. Jamks. N. 11. Camp. Momiilile, Tonn. ; C. A. lHwcll, lloston P. 11, .MeNnino, Noxv York llAiinm Horn:. H, n. Pollard, Now York ; P. I.. Urjce, Kexvark, N. J, j A. V, Sohleslngcr, N. Y. WllXAiiu's. F. II. I.amb. ClitcaROj P. T. Wllley. New Yorki llonry Ithorer, bt. Louis; Arteiniu Wurd, Nexv York. Hian8, James Atwell, l'lttsburo: George 8. Jlenlll, lloston; J. II. Haunder, Chicago. WiaciiKii' O, llurdlo, Now York; O. K. Wailswnu nnd wife, Philadelphia.'s. It. V. Lorlng, lloston; W. 11. Thomas, Nexv York. A111.INOTON. I.. C. Ilcnton, lloton; Clooreo II. Kmmerson and xvlfo, lloston; I'. 11, Suttoe, Australia; J. M. llsnkley, Nexv York. KiiBirr. AV. llryunt, Nexv Orleans: Jamos hcniiMtrr. Now York; John Mttlo, I', H, Army. CFiAmi!i.nN'8.--I.M. Westoa, Grand ltaplda, MIoli.i Haldol J. Cumpun, Collector ot Cut loirs, llutroltj lllchard tharpe, Now York, Three Prisoners Tako French Leave of (he Alexandria Jailor, ONE OF THEM RECAPTURED. A Party Thought to lie on the Others' Trail. Special to Tun Wasiiinoton Ciiitic. Alexanduia, A'a., Jnn, II), Ilctwcou 7 nnd 8 o'clock tills morning thrco prisoners confined in the Jail in this city for enter ing a house in Alexandria County escaped by climbing ox-cr tho xx-all by means of a ladder left In tho yard by J. M. Arnoll, nn nttendnut, who had opened tho doors of tho jail nnd let nit of tho prisoners out into tho court-yard, ns Is customary, nud luid himself gouo lo his breakfast, loaxdng, It is understood, no ono III his place: Txvo of tho threo xvho eicaped, xvho?o names could not be ascertained, xvero the two xvho xvere ruptured when In tho net of escnpo wllh " Hilly" Williams. A posse at oneo started in pursuit nnd Captured ouo of tbe men when near tho double bridge in Alexandria County, nud It is un derstood mo now on tbe track of tho other txvo. Tho services of Mr. Arucll will be dispensed wllh us soon us n suitable suc cessor can be found. Tho names of tho thieves aro William Walsh, James Murry nnd Jacob Win- gonor. AVIngoner wus captured. ANAHCIIIBTH OlM'OfHH). MIcIiIkiih Turner XVnnt nil Kxpellcil from llm Organization. Ghekn Day, Wis., Jan. 10. Tlio Turners of tills city havo Iswcd their circular let ter to tho societies of tho Nortli American Turiicrbund asking for tho expulsion of tho anarchist members of the organiza tion. They dcclaro that tlio aim of Father John, tho noblo founder of tho Tumors, xvas to cducato patriots, defenders of tho fatherland, heroes of liberty, but not rebels, not enemies and destroyors of gov ernment and laxv. In conclusion they proposo those ques tions: "Aro societies that by xx'ord and deed encourago nud nbet anarchism to ro main In tho -bund, nnd shall notorious anarchists bo further suffered to remain In any society of tho Truncrs 7 Shallupaper that avows radical principles, con tradictory to tho principles held by the majority of tho Turners, bo further tol erated as tho official organ of tho Turner bund?" IN D1HE D1STKESS. .Settlors In Jllnnesota Su fieri up; from the Cold. HnoxvNsviLLE, Minn., Jan. 19. The pcoplo of this valley aro in dlro distress. They havo had no communication with tho rest of tho xx'orld for ox'cr thrco xx'eoks. Tho last train to arrive hero camo hi De cember 20. Thcro is not a lump of coal or n stick of firewood on tho market. Tho neoplo havo confiscated all tho fuel of tho Manitoba Company and torn doxvn and burned their railroad buildings. Men on sleds havo been carrying coal in sacks across the country eight miles from Hcardslcy. Great indignation is shown toward tho railroad officials for not at tempting to open tho road from Mortis, forty-six miles northeast of hero. Tho suffering of the people is intense nnd re lief Is not expected for a week. Country rond3 aro Impassable. THftliAST ONE GONE. Death of Dr. Sliulilox the l'i'iiiiiliicnt I.ouIhIuuu I'ulltlchiii. - Nexv Ohleans, La Jan. 10. Dr. Thomas II. Maddox, a prominent citizen of this State died last night at Hayou Rnpids, aged 05. Ho xvas the last' sur-vlx-or of the famous sand-bag dud of 183," opposite Natchez, In which ho and a brother of ex-Governor J. Mndlson AVclls xvere principals. - a Notes From lloekvlllc. Rockville, Mn., Jnn. 10. A marriage license xvas Issued yesterday to AVIllio U. Moxloyand Minnie J. Hilllson, both of this county. Ell Mouldcn of this place has been ap pointed to n position lu tho Stato Sonato by Senator Gcorgo Peter. Gcorgo Herbert, n former resident of AVnshlngton but noxv of this town, is lying seriously ill with Inflammatory rheuma tism. Tlio danco given at Potomac. Tuesday night, by tho Knights of Pythias, xx'as n thorough success. A sumptuous supper was prepared by tho ladles, and tho Potomac Hand furnished tlio music. The January term of the Circuit Court closed yestcnlay, after disposing of a few equity cases. . Sheriff AVhlto has returned from Lees burg, A'a., with Henry Hull, xvho is charged with stealing a horse from Win. Philips of this county. The Stock nnd Money Market. Nexv Yohk, Jan. 10. Money 31 per cent. Excliango steady; posted rates, 1&UI87; actual rates, -181(5)1811 for sixty days and 4861(0,1-303 for demand. Gov ernments steady; currency 0s, 1201 bid; Is, coupon, 1201 T)id; -lis, do., 1031 bid. Tho stock market opened weak, and so continued throughout tho mornhiK, prices declining 4 to 1 per cent, by midday on selling oT Reading and St. Paul, said to ho for Loudon account. Sluco noon tho market has been dull. The "l'enitsy" Men "Win. PiTTsnuno, Pa., Jan. 10. Thcro will bo a general odvuuce in wages on tho Pennsylvania Company's lines, xvest of this city. This much has been de termined, hoxvever, thero xvlll bo no strike. No notice of the advance has been given out, but the committco representing the employes has boon given to understand by General Manager lluldwlu thut all the concessions asked will bo granted. .IiuIko 1'arker'n Successor. The.nton, N. J., Jan. 10. Governor Green xvlll make no appointment for Su premo Court Judge to succeed the late Joel Parker, until next week. All pre dictions ns to tho nomination mo based upon tlio Idlest rumors, Deutli of General Atttvooil. Hosion, Jan. 19,-Goneral 0. J. Alt- xxood died at AVest Roxbury this morning ol apoplexy. Ho xvas born in H.ingor, Me , In 183(1 ond serx-cd xvlth credit In tlio xvur oi uio reocuion, EiiKlaiilPrt Unto of Discount. Lonpov, Jan, 10. Tlio rato of discount announced by tho Hank of England Is three per cent. This Is one-half per cent, decrease from last week's rato. The ltritniiuiu Arrives. Nexv Youk, Jan. 10. Tho ovordito steamship Rrltannia of tho Fubor lino, nbout which great anxiety has beon felt during the past week, has arrived at this port. Another of tho IIIU.nrl'H A'lctlinn, Yankton, Dak., Jan. 10. Tho third victim In Yankton County of tho blizzard died this morning lu tho person of J, Miller, who xvas frozen nt Lostcrvlllo. MHS; I'Alt.MEIiKU'H Wllili. Nut ii Cent of (In' Property Kevlsed lo Hor Husband. New Yoiik, Jan. 10. Tlio will of Mrs. Emma L. Parinelco of llrooklyn, xvho died under very painful clrcitmstniiax nt a houso of lll-reputo in Nexv York .last Pnlurdny, xx-ns odercd for probate yester day. Tho eslalo Is valued nt nbout $700,000 nnd It Is nil dovlsod to Mrs, Pnr mcleo's fix-o children. Nothing Is glvon to Mr. Pnrmelco, xvho, nccordlng to the will, onco declared that two of tlio children, Gcorgo nnd Allco, should receive nothing of his eslalo. To each of those tho mother has given double portions, provided that her husband carries out his expressed In tention regarding them. Mary Alice, tho eldest daughter, is (bo xvlfo ofCassltiH Licbmann of MIddictown, Orange County, xvho Is said to have been Mr. Parmclcc's coachman nt ono time. Her fntberxvas angry nt tho mnrriago and hnd threatened to disinherit her and tho elder brother, xvho took her part. AVho 1 tlin "Simpcet ?" A xvell knoxvn clticn of Middlclown, N. Y., xvho knoxv both Mrs, Pnrmelco and tho suspected man very well, mid to n Itemld correspondent yesterday lliatthcro was no doubt in his liiiud, nor In the mind of anybody else in tho village, as to the identity of the man xvho had been with Mrs. Pnrmelco on tho fatal afternoon. "AVltolstho mnn?" the cltlzon aske 1. "Why, tho man suspected hy the police (mentioning the name), lie run with her u long while before she went to New York or llrooklyn. There xx-as a good deal of gossip about them here nt the time. They used to an lo New A'ork to gether quito often. He manaod her alia Irs ami traded her farm property ul Clrclcvlllo for the houses she owned in llrooklyn with n mnn namcdStiinrt. Mr. Pnrniclco's husband has been u hclplom Invalid nud tho mnn noted ns though ho owned the farm. Ho bought things nnd shipped them thcro nnd was back nud forth all tho x idle. He spent every Sun day there." A MyMorloitM Council. Tho Herald this morntns contains tlio folloxvlng special from AVnshlngton: "A. J. Hnrdenbcrgli of llrooklyn, ac companied by his son, L. C. Hurdcnbcrgh, IsnttlioArllngtnn. They arrived AVcdnes dny inornlni;. Later In the day, D.C. Mc Mcnegalof Mlddlctoxvn, Orango County, N. Y., nrrlvcd und engaged nn udjolniut! room. Tho three havo been together all day. It Is not known how long they will remain. Mr. Hurilenliorfili Inlorvloxveil, Mr. Hnrdenbcrgli was seen at tho Ar lington to-day by it Ciiitio reporter. Ho Is a pleasant-faced gentleman of probably 60 years with a gray mustache and sldo whiskers. AVhcn shown tho obovo dispatch, ho said vehemently; "There is not n word of truth In It. I mn simply hero for rest nnd sleep, and will return to Noxv York to-night. There Is no truth In uny of theso statements. Noxv, don't co and publish somo infamous story llko tho New York papors." At this point Mr. Hardenbergh, wdio had seemed rather rcstlc?. brokootl'tho intcrvioxv by going rapidly doxvn tho steps and into tlio street xvltli his son. AVTElt A DIVOrtOH Mrs. Moore Wants to lie Separated 1'roiii Mr. O'Neill. St. Louis, Jan. 10. Mrs. Moore, who claims to bo tho xvlfo of Congressman O'Neill, began n suit for n dlvorco from O'Neill Tuesday, but dropped It on being told by friends that sho must havo a resi dence In tho State tb obtain standing lu tho court. Learning yesterday that O'Neill's residenco here xvas sulllclent. sho instructed her attorney to proceed with tlio case. THHtmiUiE OUTItAGE. A Woman Taken from Her llimso anil Shut to Death. Ciiaelestox, AV. A'.i., Jan, 10. AVord reaches hero from Oceana, Wyoming County, that the Hatfield gang mado n raid Saturday night on tho houso of Sim McCoy, n brother of Randall, xvhoso houso was burned nud a portion of his family killed several years ugo, and taking Mrs. Randall to a treo tied her to it and then shot .her to death, together wllh her eldest son. The houso xvas sot on tiio und McCoy and his two youngest children burned to death. ST I Mi AVHANGMNCi. The Txvo Itepulilleau L'notloiiH lu Ohio riglitliKt. Chicago, Jan. 10. A Awj special from Columbus, 0 says: Tho Republican fac tions in the Ohio Scnato refusal lastex'cu ing to adopt a resolution condemning the action of tlio body in electing n Demo cratic clerk. Tho Democrats helped to defeat tho resolution by joining tho bolt ing Republicans. Tlio factions nro again In open war, and there is no longer any possibility of a compromise, HAIiTlMOltE EAIliUlUSS. Txvo AVoll-Kiiuxru 1'llins l'lireed In tlio Willi. Haltimoiie, Mp,, Jan. 10. Gcorgo 11. Chase, wholesale cloths, No. S Hanover street, fulled to-day; assets, $02,500. Pctor Grogan, furniture, No. 205 North Howanl street, fulled to-day, xvlth assets of $10,000. Tlio 1'eniiH.vlvniilii DnmocratH. HAiimsiiUuo, Pa., Jan. 10. Elliott P. Klssner of Luzerno County xx-as yesterday elected chairman of tlio Democratic Stato Committco over Dallas Sanders of Phila delphia, Mr. Randall's candidate, byn votoof'12 to 35. The Executive Commit tee consists of AVm, A. AVullaco, Samuel J. Randall, Eckley 11, Coxc, J. Henry Cochrane, AVm. L. Scott. Win. McClollan and Win. Mutchlor. Resolutions w-ero adopted Indorsing Mr, Cleveland's admin istration. A Protest from Utah. Salt Lake, Utah, Jan. 10, A memo rial xvai presented In tho legislative coun cil yesterday, addressed to tho Scnato and House of Representatives of tho United States, protesting against tlio discrimina tion against alien owners of milling prop erty, on tho ground that foreigners aro bctlcr patrons of tho mining industry than native capitalists. It xvas referred to a spe cial committco. In tlio House of Repre sentatives, Hogo (Gcutilo) presented a bill for tlio suppression of polygamy lu Utah. Divorces lu Maryland. Haoeiistow.v, Mn., Jan. IS. It. AV. Drowning of tho Labor Hureau ut AVasli iugton, D. C xx'ns hero yosterduy collect ing Matistics with regard to dWorces In AViishliigtnn County. An examination of tho records shoxx's that llliy-ulno divorces have been granted lu tlio last twenty years. The Mlclilirnii dreeiihaukors, Nexvavoo, Mini., Jan, 10. AV. I). Fuller, long at tho head ot tho Greenback party hi Micliigun, has issued a call for a Stato con vention, xvhlch shall formally bury tho fiibion party. Ho says it may bo that tho time has arrived for disbanding the Green back patty, and If no It bhould dlo "de cently and In order." Pork Accumulating. Indianapolis, Im, Jnn. IS, Tlio de cline in tlio exportation of pork nnd tho drought of Inst summer havo thrown upon the market hero 31,600,000 pounds of meat, xvhlch a xx'alts demand for shipment, the accumulation Is larger than ever known here before, Tlicir Intended Victims Turn ihe Tables on Them. A POSSE IX HOT PUILSUll'. IteportM That the CIiiiir Has Itceit Killed. St. Loiti, Jnn. 10. AVhen tho regular east-bound passenger train on the WatMslt AVcstern Road reached Missouri Olty, twenty-two mile cast of KansM City, lust night nt 0:20, the condnolor found oil tho station platform n band of men xvlth shot nuns. He wus informed that lhay were un der tho command of an oltlclal of tliMounty xvho hod received word that an attempt xvould bo niado (o rob the train two milts east of that point, Ono of tho olllcera got Into tho engine nnd the others distributed through the train. Tho train then pulled out. No no of tho pawcngorH on tho train xx-oro noti fied of tho danger, hut tlio lightft hi the enrs xvere lowered nnd tho tmln men nnd the porno look their places nt tho doors of tho conches, with drawn rwoli'ors. Tho express moiweiigcr barricaded his oar, as did also tho baggage man. As the train neaied Cooky's lake, about txvo mile castor MisKOiulCity, THE Tll.XIN BTOl'PKP. A led light wns swung ne rods tho track. Tho engineer floxved up, nnd, us tho train came ton stnnd-slill, threo masked moil xx'cte discovered standing on tho track, directly In front of tho engine. They ordered Ihe engineer oil' tho cub, and, m ho started to obey, thoMicrilV's officer in the cub pointed his shotgun out of tho front cab window and fired point blank at tho three robbers. As soon ns tho shot wns fired, nil within tho cngino dropped from sight. The robbers fired nt the engine, but did no harm and then started lo run, IN HOT FOnSL'IT. As they went doxvn tho ba'nk tho posse fioin Missouri City leaped from the train and began pursuit. Another posso had also been sent out by tho slicrlll'aud camo up from tlio woods behind. A lively fusllado xvas kept up between tho txvo bands as the train pulled out. It is now reported that tho Missouri City posse killed or captured tho' wholo gang, but notlilngdcfinltc Is knoxvn. Tlio robbow were knoxvn to bo farmers living near Missouri City; ono of them, It Is said, was at one time a member of tlio Jamas gang. Tlio train xvas delayed only txventy-ilvo minutes at tho scene of tho attack. A DYNAMITE GUN. Tho Cramps nt Work for the Italian (lovernmciit. Philadelphia, Jan. 10. Messrs. William II, Cramp's Sons havo been axx-ardod tho contract by tho Italian Government for the construction af a Zallnski dynamite gun xvhlch Is to bo forty foot long and to be niado lu three sections nud denlgucd to throw a projectile xvclghing 000 poundt a dlstanco of four miles. Tho gun is noxv being mado under tho direction of Lieutenant Zallnski and xvlll be com pleted in nbout txvo xvecks. It will bo shipped to Spczzia, Italy, for coast dofonse. This gun is an experimental ono, nnd should It provo satisfactory others xvlll bo placed. The Cramps havo also in course of construction a dynauilto cruiser for tho Pneumatic Gun Company of Now York, which xvlll carry three of these guns. Tho vessel is 200 feet long, 22 feet deep and of 700 tons burden. It is probablo that this vessel will nlso bo purchased by the Ital ian Government for coast dcfeirc. A Tale oi" the Sea. Philadelphia, Jan. 10. The Hritish steamship Hudson, Captain AVundleN, arrived hero Monday from Carthagcnii, Spain, after a thrilling passage of tlilrty days. On December 20, in latitude 31.46, longitude. '11.18, tho winds increased into n terrible hurricane, accom; "'' ! by frightful rainstorms. The chip labored nudstraincd terribly, and xvas at times completely submerged. The boats xvera stove in, cabins Hooded, skylights broken, and bridgo damaged greatly. On Janu nry 0 tho ship passed tho Hritish brig AVarren AV. Sho xx-as partially dismasted and tho balls that xvere sot were blown into ribbons. A red (lag xvas (lying front tho main rigging. Captain Wandless says ho could sco no signs of life on board or in tho vicinity. According to tho Now York maritime register, tli AVnrren Is bound from Chanottetowu, P. E. I., to Noxv York, and was com nianded by Captain Huclianan. She I oxxned by George Wigbtniau of 'hsrlotte toxvn, nnd is only ono year HI. Tho fate of thocrcxv Is not knoxvn. The Philadelphia Cigar-Makers. Philadelphia, Jan. 10. Tho members of local unions Nos. 100, 105 und 20.5 held a special meeting last night, when resolutions wcro adopted declaring that It Is tlio sonso of tho organized cigar makers of Philadelphia to resist any and all proposed reductions in their xvages, and that they xvlll light any such attempt to tho bitter end. Resolutions xvere also adopted Instructing tho members m "'i union noxv on striko to return u work pending the approval of their application to go mi striko. Kiiu'riiKO Granted to AA'onicn. Tacomah, AV. T., Jan. 10. A bill pasioil tho lower branch of tho Legislature, at Olympio yesterday, conferring sufiiMgo on women by a voto of 1 1 to 0. Tho satuo bill passed tho upper council last week by a voto of 8 to 3, it noxv goes to tho Gox--ernor for his approval, A laxv xvas passed in 18S3 giving to women tho right to voto, but xvas declared Invalid by the Ter ritorial Supremo Court last February on the ground that Its title xvns defective. The bill excludes women from jury tcrvlce. condensed ti:li:guamh. Sr. I'aci.. Jan. 10. ThorouniMiouso ot tha St. Paul urn! Puhitli Head wus burned thl morning nnd kIx locomotives destroyed. C'intiulia, III., Jan. 10. The Oderklrk Cullext'a situated about ten miles from here. xviih burned yesterday, tlio Inniutos baroly es caping with their liven. lNUUNAfoMK, Jan. 10. A number of pas sengers xvero Injured hi nn neoldent on tlio Mr l.lno ltallroad yesterday afternoon, near lusrcr, and two liuvo tiled. I'liiLADKii'iiiA, Pa., Jun. 111. The ytoxver loom limruln carpet weavers are determined In their demand tor an equal lnih of xvugos, (or tho whole erutt und u number of men huvo struck. Nohhiktown. Pa., Jan. 111. Jilt Mnry A. llroxvn of tills placo lias been sxvludled out of Sao.lHMl by tlio tcmnlo mauuuer ot a "l.adlus Hank" In Philadelphia, whom she had known since childhood. WATHiiiiw, Ioxva. Jan. 11). Tito defendant In the Ui'inine murder trial wnHilliuliarged yertenlny, lwnue the elder xvltntws for tun liovi-rnment retimed to tcntlfy, us It would criminate hlnisolf, PitiLADtai'iiiA, Pa., Jan, 10. Asa remit or tho depression tn the Iron trade, the Itollliu: .Mill Association has decided to cut dowu wages In Its mills nearly ten per cent. Tlio men will accept this. WEATHlHt INDICATIONS. Indications tor th twenty-four hours cnm mtndng at il ;. m. TiiciisoAr, Jan, 10; JFor ihs JHstrlct of Columbia, varmer, fair weather, light to fresh variable winds. Observations taken at Tub Ciutio iltUoroloi leal ilureau. Oil D street northwest: 0 a. rriu, 21)3; j2 , 030. 3 j,, m "(jo.