Newspaper Page Text
The "Washington Oeitio THE CRITIC I Bold by J2 cts. per Copy. THE CRITIC Is delivered b7 Carrier tt 35 cts. per Mouth. 20TII YEAR No- 0,139, WASHINGTON, JF1UDAY EVENING, AI'lllI. I a, 18fr8. PRICE TWO CENTS. Events of Interest In and About thp Departments. TUB PRESIDENT'S . CALLERS, Illllrt A introvert Navnl Cadets Ap- luted New Postmnstcrs. Frcedmnn's Hospital. Patients admitted during Mnrch, 151: discharged, 110; deaths, 21; remaining In hosjilfal, 253. IllllH Aiiprovcd. Tho President has nppn fclorr veil tno act for the, relief or h. A. vwni iiionctsgrunnug pensious to Willi iii i :v. Avnu, audio H. Hutchinson HAiNVPeek. mid id Co 1ctfclt.l. IVnltll'u TT,t..iiriA. - XnvnV (ndmnfnr Tlinmit 7- lfn1,h liavlng inndo application to ba pineal on mo retired list on occount of Illness, will bo ordered beforo u retiring brmrdt Nnvnl Academy Appointments. George Harrison or Jersey Cl(y, N. J., has been appointed to a cadctshlp In the Naval Academy, nnd Win. F. McDonald of tbo Mmo Place nnd Win, Chamberlain of Norfolk, Va., hnvo boon appointed al ternates. Lindsay Muso'h Illness. Lindsay Muse', tho venerable messenger to tho Secretary of the Navy, has been absent fiom his lost for sevoral days on nccoimt oI'Mckrioss. Ho is 'over 80 years of ngo and was appointed- In 1823, whllo John Quinty Adams, was I'roaldcniand Snmuol Southard wns"S6crelnry dr tho Navy. TupYcnrs for Ponalrtn Fraud. Tho Commissioner of Fonslons has boon advised by telegram that John It. Logan, colored, who was under trial In U. B. Coutrut Topokrf, Kan., for "falsely per otiatllig a Government oillccr, ha9 pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years" Imprisonment. Examinations for .Promotion. A board of officers of tho Engineer Corp?, consisting" of Colonels Thomas L. Casoy, Hcury-L. Abbot and Ltculohant-Coldnol Cyrus II. ComstOok, has been ordered to meet In Now York for the examination for promotion of Captain 0. K. L. II. Da- J, AitV JJAUUbUIluiJLi VJUUIJV MlUi wtvy the Engineer Corps, Gallcrn at tlie AVhtto House-. Among the President's callers to'-day wcro Senators Blodgett, Cullom, Hansom and fllcPhbrson, Representatives Henderson. Wilkinson of Loulsiana,"Ford or MlchUj can, manciiaru. Alien oi .uaisacnuse'tj,'- S. delegate (a tho .Spanish "International j'.xjio'ition at Barcelona. Minor Ojiul personal. The postofficc at Hbiglc, Montgomery Counjy, Md., has bcori discontinued. ifeury 13. Sweeney has been" appointed postmaster at. Xyn'dhurst, Augusta CouiiftVVaT'"' " Thp name or tho postolllco at Hups, Sussex County, Md., has bgcn changed to Lumberton. Anowpostofflco has beeii established at Mills, Washington County, District of Columbia, with Lester Nelson as post master. A fouith-clnsa nostafllco has been es-; tablished at 'ilkerson's, -Westmoreland County, Ya with C. C, Wllkerson as' postmaster. Michael 8. Zimmerman has been un pointed postmaster at Krnetvillo, Wash ington County, Md., and John I. Jnmi Kin at Vrbana, Frederick County t A "Drag Patty" Knitlcd. This morning John Smith, Jacob Jtyard, William Dorsey, who by tho way, was the "Queen," Charles Myers, Jacob Lewis, John Lewis, Samuel Lowis, Sam uel Jackson, James Waters, Laura How nrd, James Taylor, Benjamin Mooroand Lewis Jackson were charged In tho Police Court with being suspicious characters. Last night, attired In handsomo silks and satins, each in complcto fcminlno costume, thoy indulged In n '"drag" In a Millet-looking house on the south side of F street, near Twelfth. Tho "party" was raided by Lieutenant Amiss and tho officers ol tho First Precinct. Nearly all or tho "girls" succeeded In procuring bail, cx-Coinmtssioner of Pensions Dudley becoming bond for William Dorsey, who Is in Ills employ. Nearly $20,000 Proilt. The ladles Interested in tho Fashing 'lliursday entertainment at Now York, me elated over their success, financially and otherwise. Ono of tho managors suld that thoy expected to bo ublo to pav at least $20,000 Into tho treasury of tho Hahnemann Hospital, for tho bcnollt or whleli tho entertainment was gotten up. This is tho entertainment in which tho "Waybill gton young people took part. A Nollo Pros, Entered. A nollo pros, was entered to-day In tho case of Laura D. II. Ford, alias Kleth, alias "Duckio White," who was fined $100 In the Pollco Court for keeping .a bawdy house. Tho caso was taken up to tho Criminal Court upon an appeal. It Is understood that sho has married, and is now leading a proper lire. A tlulrrno "Iliiiulct," Al in N dug was a performance of "Hamlet," given w York on Tuesday night, tho fen- J-ceno between Hamlet and Laortes very interesting to tno auuienee. The applauded wildly and yelled: "(Jo 3 grudge, old boy." When Hamlet on, ijo lint touched Laertes he cried, "Judg ment," and about ono hundred youiif jiicn, yelled out promptly; "Not out." I Social Notes." Tile Fosfmastgr-Goiicral and Mrs, Dick Infoh gave an elaborato dinner of eighteen covers last night In honor ofilr. William V. (nimby, editor or tho Detroit lee Wei, whois tho guest or Senator and Mrs, Pal iter. Ms. Dr. Bland returned yesterday front uu extended visit to Florida. Convicted ol'lloiiselrciikln;r. Thomas Grigsby, colored, was con ictcu hi tho Criminal Court to day on the charge of housebreaking In entering tho planing mill of Sebrco &. HurdcU on ilareh W, 18S3. On Trial for Assault. Fdwnrd J, Hudson was placed on trial to-day for assaulting his brother on Febiuary 1. To-dny'H IJuilivl Permits, Benjamin It. Shield, colored. 22 years. Sarah Parker, colored, 2Sdays. Infant orKlla White, colored, 1 month. Fannlo Johnson, colored, 22 hours. Stephen Curte.r, colored, OQ years. Clifton Priest, colored, 5 years, Sarah Shcnpard, colored, 33 years. Clarence Hunsomoc colored, 11 months Mario 0. M. U rages, 05 years. Maithu Powell, colored, -1(1 years. Maitin Beverly, colored, 20 years. Infanta of Walter and Sarah Ncrvis. 2 yl hours, J .las. 8. Ltohtfoot, colored, J, year (B (JcorGioP.f:tohl, lldays. IiOOAI, I,KaiSI,ATION. 11 Considered To-ilny Uy tho Honnto ' ' lllnttltt Committee. The Senate District Committee held In regular weekly meeting to-day. In tho abseucQ of Senator Spooucr tho High License bill was not formally considered, although there n'As Pome discussion of the subject. Tho bill providing for a compilation of the District laws was discussed and a sub committee orthrco authorized to prcparo as a substitute a bill providing for U codi fication of tho laws in forco In this Dis trict. Tho Incorporators of tho Sandy Spring Railroad Company appeared beforo tho committee In rofcrenco to tho negotiations for an arrangement with tho Lcklngtdn Company. Senator Daniel was author- lzcd to modify tho bill In accordaiico with an agreement by which passengers uouldbc brought Into tho ccntro of tha city fornelnglo fare. Senator Daniol was authorized to re port favorably tho bill making Inaugura tion day a legal holiday in this District. Tho bill to enable tho Commissioners to complete the contract for tho salo of property to Job llarnard was favorably reported. joverso rciiorts were agrocu to on tno bill to relievo Trinity Church of certain, tuxes; to pay to ltobcrt W. Waters ICA.I2, under a contract with the old Hoard of Public Works; to relievo Gilbert Tllomfison. Veronica l'll;c. Daniel I .ask In land F. Q, Uarbadoei from an excessive asse.'smcht, and to relieve Caroline T. Bancroft of special assessment. T1113 BISTIII011 OOVJiKNMUNT. A South AVnRliliiKtou Petition;) The residents and properly orcnew fronting on reservation No. 101, located between Bevcnth and Nlnih streets rtinV Maryland and Virginia avenues south west, havo prepared two petitions one to tho Senate and one to tho House of Rep resentatives calling attention to the al leged unauthorised and unjust partial oc cupation of Eald reservation by tho II, and : P. It. It. Co. They ak that tho reserva tion, bo improved. The petitions contain .about cmo hundred names. They woro submitted to tho Commissioners this morning for their recommendation, pre paratory to transmitting tlion; to Con .gress. This 1b the exact square on which the Commissioners' railroad bill places the union depot. Commissioner Weul) III, Commissioner Webb is s.1111 confined to his house. He expects to bo at his desk to-morrow. Captain Ijcacli's Transfer. Tho order relieving Captain Leach .from his duties at tho District hai jbeen modified so as to take, effect whon Lieutenant J. L.Lusk shall havo reported for duty. A FINK OHITKOH. A Nci nnjl Ilauilsomo Hulldlng to bo ''' Krectod, Permission was granted to-day to Mr. tt'hlllp N. Dwycr, the architect, to tear ,doWn St. Joseph's Church at tho corner 'of Second and C streets northeast, pre paratory to erecting ono of the largest and most elegant stono church cdlllces in tho clly. Tho work of removing iho old.woodcn building will be commenced beforo tho end of tho" present month and tho' erection of tho new church will Immediately Tollo'wV Tho church will bo constructed or Potomac blue, btonc, with Ohio stony trimmings, and will cost $50,000 or moro. Tho stylo or architecture for tho interior and exterior will bo purely Gothic. The building will bo erected on the oxact site or tho old one. The dimensions will bo 80 feet, front by 160 lect dgop, and there will bo a stone tower on thoeorner rcacjilngn height of 110 fectand containing a bell and sur mounted by a .metallic cross. Tho main entrance will have n heavily moulded arch. Immediately over this entrance will ben window 2ieot high by ltl feet wide, covered with Go'thlo tracing. Tho structure will bo but ono story with a clcrc-story. 'Iho interior will bo (H by 120 feet. Thcro will bu nogallcnes, but an organ-loft will bo erected. Tho clerestory will bo supported by arches' resting on twelve large columns. The ceilings will bo grained, ornamented with plaster castings. In tho rear of tho main altar will bo six large windows. . Thcro will bo six rows of pews, 202 In number, nnd-the seating capacity will be about 1,200. Tills church will be the largest and most elegant in tho eastern section of tho city, and tho long felt need of tho congre gations of St. Joseph's and St. Peter's churches will bo somewhat roliovcdfrom their hitherto crowded condition. It will take two years to complete the now church. PEUSONAI, MENTION. Cait.hx Fhed. II, Stitii or North Carolina, an cxtenslvo iiilno operator; Itov. Dr. McGIynn, and John A. Danltz. editor or Wilmington (N. C.l Jfciicii'jcr, nroat the Metropolitan. W, 0. Abrahams, Deputy Comp troller of tho Currency, has returned from Virginia, where ho lias been in attend ance on his mother, who was qulto 111, but is now convalescent. Imto Hotel Arrivals. Judoe Wm. Lindsay and wtfo of Frank fort, Ky aro at tbo F.bbitt. Pavmabteu Joiis II. Stcvbnso.v, U. S. N., is at Welckcr's. Omaii S. Dcckuh of Pittsburg Is otWH lard's. Mn. Livinobton ItoRaud family of New York aro at tho Arlington. John A. Lr.i8iin.N or Pittsburg, Pa., an Iron manufacturer, is atChambcrlln's. Governor K, K. Jacicion of Maryland IsatthoKbbitt. IIo.v. W. F. STPM,nf Mluncota Is regis tered at the Metropolitan. .ProiEssoit J. A. Coornit, president of tho Normal School at IMIuboro', Pa., is at tho St. James. Professor W. A. B.Umvix of Chicago Is at tho Howard House. AkiutAut-Genfuai. Kuriia Dyer, jr., of Ithodo Island, and Mrs. Nathan Ap plcton of New York ore at tho Hotel Aruo. Oi.serai, JosevhS. Dribiun, U, S.A., Is at the Kbbitt. Mil. and Mrs. Scott and Miss Scott of Toronto aro ut Willard', en route homo from tho South. Mn. ash Mits. Thos, Mori.f.y, jr., and Mlts Morlcy or Boston, well-known In so cial circles, aro nt Wormley's. Lux-tenant J. P. Jounrr, U. S. N., Is at the Biggs. Ciias. N. Nelson or StllHvaler, Minn., Is at Welckcr's. Mr, Nelson is largoly In terested In the lumber business in tho Northwest. J. 11, TiiOMi'SOjf or ltochestcr, N. Y., well-known in banking circles, Is at the Kbbitt. Dr. J. C. Tucker, jr., or Now York, Is at tho Lbbltt. Hos. Martin Maoinmk, ex-Dclcgato from Montana, is at Welckcr's. Dr. F. 0. F.dwarhs or WhecliUg, W. Va., Is at tho Kbbitt. Mibs Uacii vei, U. Foster or Philadel. jihla is at the Itlggs, Miss Foster was tho secretary or tho recent International Council or Women and comes on to closo up the accounts. She estimates that tho receipts, about 11,0QQ, will bo slightly in excess of Iho expenses. Murrlngo I,lc,onscs, Walter H. Orccu and Susan Johnson, WUS. Fink and Mall;st(, Kuhus, Johns lowil, Pa. AT THE CAPITOL TO-DAY. Over an Hour Consumed in Reading the House Journal, THE SENATE NOT IN SESSION, ItcKulnr "Weekly BlrctliiR or llio Senate District Committee. For the first tlmo In about six weeks Chaplain iMilljurn, who has been se riously felck, was In hts accustomod placo this morning when the Speaker called the Ilotlso to order. In his prayer tho Chaplain alluded fcollngty to tho critical condition or Hon, Itoscoo Conkhug. After tho clerk had read a pago or the journal Mr, Lnnham or Texas moved that tho further reading or the Journal be dispensed with, Mr. Grosnor and Mr. K. B. Taylor objected. Mr. Lauliam went over (o tho llcpub Hcan tide ami began to reason with the objectors, but to no purpose. In answer ton question tho clerk stated that tho journal numbered ninety ono pages. The clerk had ucen rending for about fifteen minutes, when Mr. Lanham was recog nised by tho Speaker. Mr. Lanham said: "Mr. Spcoker, this Is nrivato bill day. and I now movo that the further leading of tlio Journal bo suspended and tho Ilou;c resolve Itself into tho Commit tee of the Wholo ror tho consideration or bills In tho privato calendar." Mr. ltccd, speaking ror tho Republicans, said there would bo no objection on bis side or the House provided that only pri vate bills wcro considered. Mr. Lanham replied that ho know noth ing to the contrary, Mr. ltced wanted further assurance, but failed to set it. Mr. McMlIlln said ho did not like to Seo to much valuable tluio wasted In the read incor tliolournal. nnd thatlt was tldio ' that some ol'tho appropriation bills w'cW) ocing cousiucreu, Mr. ltced retorted that tho Democrats should havo thought or that last week. It was now evident that a nassaae-at- arms would tako place and confusion bo igan to prevail. While tho Speaker was trapping with his gavel for order some one ion tho Jtcpubllcau side demanded the regular onier, anu tnc cleric Having rcstca ten minutes, again resumed the tedious tasK oi rcauing ino nine uay.s journal. The reading of thojournal occupied an hour and Unco minutes. ThcSncakcr laid before tho Houso tho accumulated executive communications. which were read by their titles and re- it'rrcti to their oppropriato committees. A. largo number of House bills with Senate amendments and also Senate bills were read and referred. Evidently tho dead-lock tired out n number of the Members, for ft dozen or moro were granted leaves of absence rnnclnp: fiom nierlodof four dnvs to three , weeks. In most every ease tho excuso was -important nusinoss." xno nom inating conventions arc now being held In the dlficrcnl Slates, and. the Members aru desirous oHookipg after '!fcnccs." Mr. Dibble asked 'unanimous consent to present and havo passed tho Benate bill maklmrtho ncccssarv annronriations for Ithopurclmnuof the. builOingifor.tliQ use- ;oi ino signal eeryico at wasuington. xuo bill was passed. Mr. Blount presented a privileged rc- .portfiom the Committee on Postofilccs and Postroads, making appropriation lor dhc Postotllco Department for tho fiscal .year ending Jnno 30, 1880. Committee or 'tbo Whole. On tho call of committees, reports were presented from n number of committees, including among them tho Ways and Means, Commerco and Military Affairs. IN THE SENATE YESTERDAY. In tho Senate yesterday afternoon Sen ator Turplo mado n speech against tho .division or Dakota and Mr. Cullom.ln its favor. Mr. Cullom insinuated that tho Democrats In Congres had conspired to keep Dakota out of the Union until aftor tho Presidential election. Mr. Butler in .respouso said ho did not think Mr. Cul lom would- require tho electoral votes of Dakota and jokingly inquired of each of the Presidential candidates whether ho needed them. Mr, Cullom laughingly ro nlicd that ho would like to novo them and Mr, Edmunds gravely responded that ho would discuss tho question at tho proper time. On motion of Mr. Jones of Arkansas tho Senate adjourned until Monday when consideration of tho Da kota bill will bo resumed. REPUBLICAN SENATE CAUCUS. A caucus of llcpublican Senators was held to-day, but no changes wcro mado in tho order of business, Tho Dakota nnd Plcuro-Pncumonla bills will hold tho lloor after the morning hour for tho present. Another meeting will bo held Tuesday. INCREASE OF PRINTERS' PAY. The printers employed at tho Govern ment Printing Office aro endeavoring to haye their pay increased, and thero ap pears to bo a sentiment in tho House In favor of tho proposition. But, Mr. Melt nrdson, chairman of tho Houso Commit tee on Printing, said to a Oricio ronorter thai ns tho iiouso iiftu passed the mu Krnntinc tho omnlovcs of tho Prlnllni! OIllco thirty days' leave or absence, it was hardly probable that an Incrcaso or pay would also bo granted at this session, Tho printers say they prefer tho in crease In pay first, and accordingly they will try to havo tho Senate substltuto for 'tho extension of tho leaves, the bill In creasing their pay. THE LEGISLATIVE DILL. The House Appropriations Commlttco Is ready to report tho Legislative, Execu tive nnd Judicial bill, Tho estimates for 18M) were S21, 110,000; amounts ngrecd upon, $20,172,371. Tho nnnroprlatlons for tho current year aro $20,081,010. Tho Houso appropriations aro reduced $20,810; Treasury Department, $31,703; War Department, $130,277; Interior, 81.111: State, $300. Tho salary of tho Vice-President Is revived. Tho number of Treasury employes is rluced by fifty, many of tho reductions huvmg.howover, alrcodv been voluntarily made. Tho reduction of War Department expenses is caused by reorganization of tho Signal Ofilco and Adjutant and Quar termaster Generals' ofilccs. CAPITOL NOTES, Tho Scnato has announced a number or confirmations or territorial olllclals nnd postmasters. Senator Hales Civil Sorvico Investi gating Commlttco will visit Baltimore noxt week to pursuo its inquiries as to alleged violations or the civil service- law. Senator Hampton has been confined to his apartments at the Metropolitan Hotel slnco Sunday last by a ruling accident lu which ho wos painfully bruised by his lioito falling, llcnrcscntativo Boothman of Ohio was granted a week's leave of absence to-day amfw 111 leave for homo this morning, llepresontatlvo Scncy or Ohio ex pressed tho opinion to-day that the. Blair Educational bill would not comoup In the House this session. Post master B. J, English and family nnd Mrs, Frank M, Tyler and son or New Haven wcro at tho Capitol today with Senator Piatt. L, II. Gormloy or Arizona was at tho House to-day as tho guest or Delegate Smith. Judge Flannlgan of Kentucky was at thu House this moruing. DiiSTnoyiiiu iiy Pint:. Heavy T.irnt In lloston A lliiltdltig Gutted In "Whoollnp;. Boston-, Mass., April 13. FIro was dis covered ol 11:10 a.m. to-day In tho loitf story brick building, Nos 153, 167 and 109 High, and 110 and 118 Oliver street. In f half an hour It was belle veil to bo under contlnl. Tbo loss nnimot vet lioMltnmlnd. I but may provo heavy. At :I;1S an oxplo- sion ocourreu, mowing out tno second slory front windows. Hosamau Charles E. Felix was blown from n ladder ahd Fevcrcly cut about tho head nnd face. The building is occupied in tho basement ns an agency for emery wheels nnd grind ing machinery, on tho ground iloor by Bradlce, Hastings & Co,, dealers in car riage hardware, nnd above by Frank Moore, printer, and F. 11, (Ill-son, musical printer,,iKi, W. Va April l3.-Flro at 0 o'clock this morning gutted the three u fi ner stories of tho buildings Nos, 120!, 1211f 1213 and 1215 Main street, occupied by Wilson it Chapman, oils, paints and bulldinc materials; S. H, JlclPs produce store; jho lingers Insurance Agency, nnd G. A. It. Hull, causing n loss.or$lO,000; fully insured. DnmiiKcd by "if Ice. La Crosse, Wis., April 13. Dispatches , received hero tnythnt the Ico carried a way n railroad pontoon bridge nt WnbnMut nnd nbnut ono million feet of lumber belonging to ono of tho Knu Clalrocomii: mpitnlcs. The ice III tho lower .part oi lake repin jicgan breaking up, nud when it came agalnit tho pilcs-drlven to protect tho brldgo thoy snapped like i pipe stem!'. Green Bay, A'i April 13. Tho ico has gone out of East Illvcr sufilclently to :relicvo all apprehensions as to any city bridges. Tho smaller streams In the country ure all high, and come bridges on Duck Creek havo gone out. Gramu ItAi'ins, Wis., April 13. The ico jam went out of (ho river yesterday at noon, carrying with It tho debris of the demolished wagon bridge. Very ltttlo damngo was done to streets or property. TREMrF.r.i'.AU, Wis,, Ajirll 13. A big jam or logs hero broke and went down tho Mississippi yesterday. Sevoral steamboats aro engaged in recovering tho logs. Zumiirota, Minn., April 13. At Forest .Mills, below this place, tho Ico swept away a railroad brldgo and u wagon bridge, causing it loss ot $5,000. Six miles below Mazeppa tho Zumbrota roso thirty ftet, and below thero tho ico and water have demolished everything lu their path, entailing a loss of probably $30,000. Pepow Not ii Ciiudlilnte. New York, April 13. C. M. Dcpew in an. Interview in tho UVrrf, says that ho is not a candidate for tho Presidential nomination and docs not deslro to bo. If iho were a candidate ho would not hesi tate to announce himself as such. "I havonindo no concealment or tho ruct," nld Mr. Depew, "of my presences for Mr. Blaine. I hove been a Dlajjicrnuri, I think, for over twelve years, r rim of; tho opinion that ho possesses elements of strength that can bo found ill no othor candidate, Bui," Mr. Dcpow added with emphasis, "1 shall not consent to ban. stalking horso for Mr. lllalne or any ,other man. Tho proposition is too absurd to merit serious consideration." Mr. Dcpew believes that Mr. Blaino wrote Ills letter of withdrawal in all sin cerltv. but IT tendered tln iiiimilnmnv noroinnrton'of.theChleagcWoitYrMtltmfrd thought no man living would icfusolt. .fny (Jould's Health, New York, April 13. Humors concern' ngJuy Gould's health arc being clrcu dated in AVall street with a persistency that Is suspicious. It is truo that Mr. Gould does not look as IT hewcro in very robust health, but ho has visited hisotllco In tho Western Union Building every day this week, and ho works two or threo hours nt his desk ench day. Mr. Gould's 'sous deny that their father is III, but brokers who nro believed to havo had confidential relations with him say that he is in feeble health, and that unless ho takes absoluto rest physical collapso will bo a matter of only a tew days. The bit ter controversies In which Oould has en gnged since he returned from hts visit abroad havo undoubtedly worried him a great deal, A Slsnul Officer's Exploits. New Haves, Conn., April 13. Quito a sensation was created hero yesterday by tho disclosure of the fact that Signal Offi cer Sherman, who Is also a leading mem ber of tho Camera Club, has boon en gaged for months past In procuring pho tographs of respectable young ladles and girls m neglige costume. It is supposed that ho Is in tho employ of a Now York cigarette firm. Ho has had chargoof tho signal ofilco hero for several years, and belongs to tho historic Sherman family. Tho club has Us rooms In tho samo build. ing with tho signal ofilco. and a Mia. llowland, ono of Shermans copyists, is accused with complicity in his scheme. Death In it Hum. l'iciiMoNi), Ind., April 13. Word was rc celvedifromltldgovlllo.ltandolph County, (hat tho family of John Green, seven in number, havo been sullering from trlohl noMssInco Easter Sunday. Tuesday .Mrs, Green died and It was expectod yonerday that Unco daughters of tho family would die. Mr. Green and two sons mo also lu a critical condition, They ate of a ham cuied last rail. COST OP THE STHIKE. Wliut lTiiD Ileon Loift liy tho llecont Lnbor Troubles, In a calculation or the cost or tho great railroad strike which began on tho Bur lington Itoad Just forty-nvo days ago tho following recapitulation or tho losses sus tained to date by tho engineers' ami fire men's brotherhoods and tho striking switchmen Is made: Loss or wages "Q" lload, $300,135; pny roll or Brotherhood, $I50,I.'X); griovonco committee's loss of wages, $30,870; grievance committee's ox pcusu accounts, $22,0Q; non-union men subsidized. $20,000; expenses of head quarters, $3,375; Santa Feo and othor btriltes, $21,700; cost of switchmen's striko, $25,000; miscellaneous, $10,000. Total, $C01,5S0. Of tho cost to the Burlington Company tho following estimates aro made: Loss In tralllo receipts, $1,800,000; special po llco protection, 1M),000; cost of engaging new men, $50,000; damage to property, $50,000; miscellaneous, $20,000; total, $J, 100,000. Theso are all duo-'' losses, allcctlng ono or tho other of tho con testants In tho great btriko. Thcro aro Indirect losses to tho commercial com munity scattered throughout tho. whole ramifications of tho '(" systems lu several States. Besides these, tho article says hundreds of mluo employes havo been thrown out of work, and tho Indi rect losses already nll'ect u great number or humble households. Careful AVliut ho Ate. Tramp "II ore's a pio I btolo olVyo windy, mum. I want to bring it back." Housokpciicr "Well, I'm glad you've got some coneicncc." xramp "ves in. j-m lougn, mil i don't duio to cat a strange uunco pie." Judge. ) A AVIso Inspiration, Jeweler (to young man exchanging .a ring lor cull' buttons) Didn't tho young daily llko tlio ring, sir? Young Man (mournfully) -Sho didn't havo a chance. It struck mo that a (10-ting was too expensive for a mere, slstcr-to-you sort of a girl. Epoch, PACK HUTWraN ENGINES. A Lively Tlmo llctnleeu Itlrnl Train Crorm In Chlruco. Chicago, April 13. There was a rat tling race between two locomotives on the Burlington tracks yeatordny, and it al most culminated in bloodshed. Vollles of stones were thrown 'and a plslol shot was fired, but no one was verv badlv ,liutt. The trouble began at tho Chicago and Alton crossinu lit Drlithton Park. IBurllngtou engine ISCj with a train of freight cars from the sfockyards to West i ern avenue, and englno COO or tho St. (Paul was hauling a lluht (rain In tho same direction. At tho crossing both crows claimed the right of way, and, In something lc9 lhah a rtjlimte, stones and tllnfl Wern (lvlnrr In nil illre-tln,ia .ml ,ltn I nlr was blue with the Imprecations of tho comoatdnw, i At last Switchman Benton on Iho "(." train was Btrucl in iho fiico with n lumn.ofcoal. Ii ImtiiAllntek- ilrnnr his revolver and firrtl lit II cab or tho St. Paul engine. Nobody. was shot, but when tho bullet whistled by the St. Paul cngl- nccr ho put on full stc-un nnd mado linmi Tim n .tri,rtW,.n,- tl.rtn nil, 1 for from Ins train and tried! to overtake tho St. Paul enrfno nndi'Iicad them nfl' nt , Western nvcnueerosslng, whoro ho hoped , to hnvo the St. Pniil crew arretted. The racn wns a hot aire, and tho engines daubed through tho ynijls at great speed, . but tho St. Paul ougind undo tho crossing i nnd shot oir Into their'; arils out of sight. ' The abandoned "Q." tAln, with nobody I on board, ftnrtcd down ho grade nnd run over tno i nicago ami Alton crowing ami several bl6cks down lim tho yards before It stopped, fortunately (loins no damage. THE EIiECTItldAL TIU'ST. i A Proportion to Coiiolldulo All tho ', ConipnnlcV In lljo Country. l'liiuDtxrniA, l'A.,)Api!l 13. The i Rcohl thU morning aiys- Tho trustees : of the Electrical Trust, which controls all for tho olcctrlcal lighting companies in i this city, held u meeting yosterday and declared a dividend of-75 cents per share. Theparvahiooreaclriiaro Is S100. and tho selltng prlco uboiU $10 per share. ' This is thu second dividend that has bcou declared by the Trust within a little over .six months. The first dividend was de clared on October 10, uitd was at tho ralo of$l per share. A At tno meeting oi tlio Trust yesterday tho first suggestion of.vncor tho largest TV,,ol ,,..l.lA hfl.l.n Ql.n.l.htnll yet attcmntcd in tjils country was made. This was nothing less than a proposition to consolidate all the electric lighting companies InitliO United States lu a trust, so us to control all the electric lighting In tho country. Propositions have been tnadotoimrvhaso all Mioccrtl ficatesortho Tiurt (ii Philadelphia, and there is ample capital Uehliid thu scheme to carry it out it a sausia.ciory ueai can uo made. . n It is said thattue electric" llehtinc! franchises oCtcrefcd of tho largo cities of tho United StflteaAhave nlreadv been ab sorbed bv this now Trust svndlcate. nnd (tile chances of the 'absorption or tho Philadelphia TrdM. arc! cxcollcnt.. Tho Scheme docs not contemplate tho pur- enase oi ino irancmsos or companies in luc small towns,, out only or tnoso tu such great centres as New York, Bo3ton, 'PhiladelphiaaniLChlcago. Them is reit'nrtTo, thai tho syn- dicato controls thOTtloctrlo llclitiurr com panlcsln Ncw.YorkJtudDostohj In which 'two cities the tfchfcm originated. TheiirOiiQsttiouamaile to the Trust in j-lthifhcIty-Tirwtjaxcdi-up&ii" its ncteaniings lorino past mx inonius. jnoiiooi tne members of tho Trust wcro willing to discuss tho details of tho proposed deal yesterday. Shot Ills Son-iii-Tinw. Ei. Paso, Tex., April 13. Captain W. O. Hector shot his son-in-law, John W. Kohler, dead, yesterday, , alleging that ho had ruined Leo Iteclor, tho Captain's 18-year-old daughter. Lee, who has for ycurs lived with Kohler and his wire, guve birth lo a child two weeks ago, and Captain Hector attributed his daughter's 'shamo to Kohler. Hector is 01 years! old, a Mexican war veteran nnd commanded a company In Hon. 11, (J, Mills's Texas regiment during tho lata war. Popular sympathy is on his hide, and it Is doubt ful it' ho will ever bo brought to trial. Supposed to Ho Tuscott. Ciiattvnoooa, Tenn., April 13. Deputy United Stales Marshal John C. Taylor yesterday arrested ft man calling himself James MtGeo at Oneida, Tcnn. McGco is supposed lo bo William B. Tascott, the iifurdcrcr of Millionaire Suell of Chicago. Ho urrlvcd at Oneida about tho mlddlo of February, and answers tho description of Tascott perfectly, oven to the gold filling in tho teeth and tho scar on tho knee. McUeo seemed to think that the olllccrs woro after liini, and spent Wednesday night in tho woods. Construction Train AVrccIccd. Birmingham, Ala., April 13. A con struction train on tho Kansas City, Menu phis and Birmingham Hailroad was wrecked sixty miles west or hero at 8:30 last night. Four workmen wero killed, ono injured fatally and nine seriously hurt. The train was backing at a high rato of speed and struck a cow and was ditched. Knifed- I'rcdcrlck'H Condition. Berlin, April 13, Tho Zdtung says that owing to a contraction or tho air passage in Emperor Frederick's throat, Dr. Berg; matin yesterday round It necessary to in sert a new cannula. The general condi tion of tho Emperor Is unaffected, Ho remained In bed all day. . Explosion In n Powder Factory. St. Petei-.sruro, April 13. A powder factory on the Hue of tho St. Petersburg and Moscow Railroad exploded yesterday. Seven persons wcro killed and many in jured. Pollilcnl Points. The Union Republican Club of Vlilla dclphia will send about n hundred mem bers to (lie Chicago Convention. Itov. Myron 1', Heed of Denver stands some chanco of being nominated by tho Democrats for Governor of Colorado. Ho was recently a candidate for Congress. , Tho States which luivu elections prior to tho general election next November aro Louisiana, April 17; Alabama, Au gust b; Arkansas, September 3; Vermont, September I; Maine, September 10, and Gtuigla, Octobcr3. Tho Cincinnati Times-Star, a staunch Republican newspaper, says that no man in tho country Is belter fitted for tho posi tion of Cluer Justlcethan Minister Phelps and uo ono is moro learned In tho law; "Ho would como up to tho full require) ments ot tho position established by the distinguished men who hnvo nltcudy been Chief Justices." A. F. Alger, sccictary of tho Demo cratic t'omniittco, nnd J. F, O'Brien of Cambridge, wero yesterday chosen as delegates to St. Louis from tho Fifth Massachusetts District. They were in structed lor Cleveland. Tammany Hall has concluded to scud a delegation of only 250 to tho St. Louis Convention. Thcro wcro 1,500 braves who wanted to ko, but the Commlttco on Transportation decided It would not bo Democratic economy to charter teW trains for tho accommodation T so many. Joseph G, Cannon has been renominated Air Congress by tho Republicans or tho Fifteenth Illinois District. The Republican dolcgates to Chicago from tho Third Arkansas District will go unlnstructed. Tho Republican convention of tho Six teenth Ohio District, which met yesterday at Coshocton, elected Sherman delegates! Death of Young Mrs, lie Grasste llulklcy. THE PHYSICIANS HETICENT. Illstoi-y or tho Trouble That AVcIrIhmI on Her Mlml. Mrs, Do Grasslo llulklcy, daughter of Mr. C. J. Hlllycr ol 2121 MossachuselU avenue, died last night about 0 o'clock, at her father's residence, from tho cfi'ects of poison Jnkcti with suicidal intent on tho previous day. Sho was taken very 111 on Wednesday morning nnd tho physicians wero hastily summoned. A pump was used and ' every effort employed, and at first thero was some hope. Later this hope was dispelled, and her mother wns summoned yesterday after noon, Mrs, Btilklvy died nhoutO o'clock. Sho wassjeen In publle early this week, nnd nothing unusual was noticed about her nppenrnncc. Tho doctors wcro lu nlmost constant attendance through Wednesday, and up to the Hour of her death, Doctor W. W. Johnston, tho family physician, calling In Doctors George V. Johnston and D. W. Prentiss. All possible ofiorls wero mado (o save tho llfo or tho melancholy young wife, but she was beyond tho aid or medical I skill. Tho family aro especially sorrowful on account of tho peculiar circumstances surrounding the cac. Tho young husband, Do Grassle Bulk ley, wns not with his brldo offivo mouths during lier elclcncss, nnd tho news wns a sudden blow to him. The funeral services will bo entirely private, and the Rev. Dr. Shipped of All Souls' Church will olllclnte. Tho services will bo ut tho residence of her father, at 11 o'clock to-morrow, and tho interment will bo nt Oak Hill, 'flic death certificate has not yet been filled and tho doctors who uttended her decline to state tno causoof her death. Dr. Bulkloy, futhcr-ln-law or tho de ceased, eald to a Ciutio reporter: "I havo nothing to say lu tho case, not being ono or tho attending physicians. "As t6 thenucstion or suicide. 1 do not .cither alllrui or deny it, but when tho proper time arrives lor mo to speak. 1 will gladly givo you any Information." After leaving Dr. BUlkley tho reporter called on O. W. Johnston, ono of tho at tending, physicians in the case, and after stating Ids object, the Doctor said: "I havo heard tho rumor of suicide, but have nothing to say upon tho matter, ns I deem It unprofessional," Dr, Prcnsiss, another of tho attending physicians, could not be found at his residence. A Chapter of Sensations. Miss Bessie Hlllycr, who was engaged to be married to W. L, Trcnholm, son of tlicjComptiollcr of the Currency, on Feb ruary 3rwas married on the 20th of last December to Do Grasslo Bulkloy In Bal timore. Tho sensation that was caused by 'the clopenient of tho young couple, accompanied to Baltimore by Mr. An .toulo xNogucira, son of tho Portuguese Minister, is still distinctly remembered. It was tho talk of society for a week, jwhen a fresh Impetus was given It by the filing of a bill fordivorco in tho nanio or BcssTo Hlllycr llulklcy, asking that tho marriagobo declared void, alleging that unduo influence was used to cficct it, and that air. llulklcy was under age at the time. To this there came a number of denials. Mr. NogUelrns stated that Miss Hlllycr seemed to be acting of her free will, and Rev. Mr. Ferguson, tho Baltimore clergy man who jwrfornicd tho marriage, said that he fulled to sec any constraint in Iter actions. Tho county clerk in Baltimoro said that young .Mr. Bulklcy had declared ho was of age. Mrs. Bulkley liad re turned to tho residence of her hither on Massachusetts avenue, after her marriage, nnd remained thereuntil December 30. Ontbatdavn conference wns held at the ofilco of H. O. Cady, 1127 F street, nt which young Mrs. llulklcy appeared, ac companied by Senator Stewart, a friend of the family, and young Bulkloy. Then the case was finally laid beforo her for 'decision. It was shown how her father was opposed to tho marriage, but sho was told to take her choice, home or husband, "I shall go with Grasslo," sho declared. And tho young couple left the ofilco with light and happy hearts and beaming fuccs. Thcywchtto the Hotel Windsor and there remained a week. They then went lo llvo at 1003 I stiect, but tho brido remained but a few days, ?;olng homo, where sho has since lived, The nnilly and friends refrained from giving any reason for tho stop, which was said to bo final. It was stated that divorce proceedings would follow, Young Bulk icy reluscu to discuss tho matter. Some Figures That Idc New Ai.rvny, Ind.,- April 13. Treasurer Weir, who is charged with misappropri ating about $7,000, says a moro thorough investigation will show that not a cent of the money has been used by him for his own purposes. Tho expert s figures, ho says, aro misleading. In tho report mado to the Council tho expert stated, for in tnncc, that Weir had received $20,000 from his predecessor, when, ns n matter of fact, only $000 was turned over to him. Tho trcasuicr and bondsmen arc abund antly able to meet any deficiency. Attacked liy Vtullroiul Toughs, Chicago, April 13. Wcnzel Stdcmcr, a switchman, employed by tho Wisconsin Central Railroad at tho Wood street crossing, whllo sitting in tho switch shanty at nbout 0 o'clock last night was attacked by four unknown men. His right jaw was broken and ho was other wise severely Injured, Stdemcr was taken to tho-Uouuty Hospital, wfiero ho lies in a critical condition, Ills assailants aro believed to huvo been a gang ofyoung toughs who havo been hanging around the track for some time. Tlio Inauguration Celebration. New York, April 13. The citizens' committee, having charge of the arrange ments for tho Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of Pieehlent Washing ton, to be held In this city on tho 30th of April, 1S8!), met In tho Mayor's ofilco yes tculay. Reports wero received as to Iho procession, the entertainment of guests and tlio artistic features for the proposed celebration, It was decided to send In vltatious to President Cleveland nnd his Cabinet and Senators and Representatives lu t'ongiess, , Maryland for Itl.iine. Baltimore, Mb., April 13. Tho Mary laud Republican League met at 11 a, m. to-day, and, after appointing committees, took n ri-iess till this iilternoon. Tho convention Is In tho hands of the friends of Mr. Blaino. Tho Now York llroworfl. New York, April 13, The situation with regard to the threatened lockout of tho Journeyman browcrs In this city re mains unchanged, The browery pro prietors say that tho lockout will begin on, Monday. A Ilnnlc Itobucil or $12,000. Utica, N. Y April 13, A repot t is current in tills city this morning that tlio St Johusvllla Haul: was robbed last night of $12,000. HANGED 1'OIt MUUDEIl. A Guilty Wretch 1'ii.vk tho lVnalty of III Orlmn, Warsaw, N. Y April 13, Van Brunt, tho murderer, was hanged this morning. Tho drop fell at 10;18, nnd death was painless. Van Brunt epent lnt night as calmly as ho has lived In Jail sluco his arrest. After tho Jail was closed for tho night ho nto a lunch composed of two boiled eggs, some cookies, n fried cake, part of a biscuit and tea. Ho retired at 3 o'clock, asking to be called at fi. After ft hearty breakfast, at 8:30, ho saw General Thaycrs's law partner, Mr. Johnson. During tho last hour or two of Van Brunt's lire his spiritual advisers and Dr. Lusk wcro with him. At 10:12, when tho priest had completed tho services, Deputy Hhcrlffit Bradley and Wlthcrili escorted Van Brunt thruugh tho corridor and out Into tho tail luolosure. He prayed lu almost Inaudible tone, and waiKisi nrnvciy up the stops to the scar- ri.i ivi... n ...... ....... I.. .I. .i.n fold. pulled nnd tbo neck wns broken, nud tho ii ,ii. wm ivaujr fcllU 111U1 HUB puisauuii oi mo ucail ceased lu lourtecii m'.niitcs. Tho body was cut down nnd placed lu a neat cedar casket. Tho burial will take place tills afternoon. The crime which Von Brunt expiated to-dnv with his llfu wus committed nt Castile, Wyoming County, on the nliilit or October tl, ltW). Van Brunt, who was n lieutenant In the Salvntlon Army, met Evn Hoy ut Wufnw nnd became desperately enamored or her. lie gave up the Army, and, Invlng secured work In Cusllle, removed there, Ho boarded ot AIln Hov's home and became engaged to her the frequent visits there of her half-brother, Will Roy, nrotifcd his Jealousy. The evening 'of tho miirder Will Hoy was at tho houso and I sat up luto with Eva, as ho.was going nwny on thu midnight train. Van Briiut.retlred early, leaving tho brother 'and sister alone In the parlor. Later on ho heard talking In n low tone In tho parlor, and, becoming suspicious, ho came down stairs, finding Evn hi her night dress sitting in close proximity to young Hoy engaged In earnest conversa tion. Vnn Brunt told (ho girl nheehoiild bo In bed. Eva mado some flippant re ply and rcsuowed her whispered con versation with ltov. This seems to hnvo maddened Van Brunt, Tor he drew a revolver nnd fired nt Hoy with fntnl oflcct. Ho returned to his room, informed Fred. Hoy that ho had shot his brother, and, making no cfi'ort to es cape, was taken Into .custody. He was tried and convicted or murder in tho first degrco'nnd, pcntenced to bo hanged April 15, 1837. Tho caso was appealed to tho General Term, which alllrmed tho de cision or tho lower court. His counsel next took tho caso to tho Court or Ap peals, with the same result. CO-OPERATION. Tho KnlehtK or Labor to. Try It On it Iairgo Scale, PliiLADEi.ruiA, April 13. Charles II. Lltchman, general secretory of the Knights of Labor, has issued a circular lo tho members of the order outlining a plan for practical co-operation. " Co-oporatloit," tho circular says, begins and' seems to succeed better In distribution through stores rather than in production through factories. Fol lowing out this apparently natural law or re-operative cllbrt, wo bellcyo It pos sible ot onco and without capital to establish in and through tho ordor tho grandest co-operatlvo ellort the world has ever soon." . Mr. Lltchman, in a brier outline or Iho plan, then suggests that manufacturers una co-operative establishments, "mem bers of the order" llio with the general secretary a complcto price catalogue or tho goods they produce; that these prlco lists bo classified and printed copies scut to every local assembly, nnd that each as sembly appoint an ngunt to handle orders lor ino goous. Tho scheme abo provides for o feo from each establishment entering into the ar rangement; tho stamping ot tho makers' name upon tho poods to guarantoo their mahty, etc, Tho circular concludes: "Tho gain would be nn immenso concen tration of patronage upon goods produced by our own people, quality guaranteed, prices moderate, elimination as far as possible of middlemen, nnd the substitu tion of a co-operatlvo for a competitive system." Mr. Lltchman invites discussion of the M-hemo by the various assemblies of the order, CoutrlbiitloiiH Asked For. I'iiiladei.i-iiia, April 13. District As sembly, No. 87, Knights of Labor, has issued a circular to tho friends of organ ized labor, nsking for contributions to asrist in paying oil" tho Indebtedness In curred in assisting tho striking miners In tho Lehigh coal regions and to assist tome 700 miners, who, sinco tho collapso of the strike, havo been "blacklisted." A A'crdlct for $8,000. PiiiLAmaniiA, April 13. Tho suit or David A. Brown, jr., or Richmond, Va against tho Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimoro Railroad Company to recover damages ror personal injuries sullered from a railroad accident near Ilavro do Grace, Mil., in Juno last, resulted yester day In a verdict for $8,000 In favor ortho complainant, in the United States Circuit Court. Smnll-Pox luT'lillnilelpliiii. PiiiLAPEi.i-niA, Pa,, April 13, Small pox lias been spreading rapidly In tho city during tlio Inst two weeks, origi nating from a recent immigrant who was allowed to laud while sullerlnc from varioloid. Twenty victims or tho disease, whose cases aro traced to this ono source of infection, havo been removed to tho Municipal Hospital within a week. Accident on llioClilcagoanil Alton, Jacksonville, III., April 13. A tluough freight train on tho Chicago and Alton Hailroad was derailed near this town yesterday moining, Tho engineer and 111 eman Jumped In tunc to savo them selves, but tho engine and twelve cars were smashed to splinters. From tho ap pcarnnro of tho truck It Is thought that fenco posts wero put on tlio track by per sons unknown. Killed by HcrTiittlc Hio'llicr. Chicaoo, April lS.-WIUIo Grady, G years old, accidentally shot and killed ids sister Ella, 3 years old, at tho homo of their parents, No. Stllll Archer avenuo, yesterday. Tho children were playing lu a store-room. Wllllo opened n bureau drawer and got a pistol and tho weapon fell from his haiiu and was discharged, tho bullet striking ids sister in tlio left breast. She died half an hour later. Dlhtlugulhlu'il llncliu-N 111, New York, April 13.-Dr William A. Hammond, who has been suffering for tho last two weeks from a bad absco3 on the right side or his face, is somewhat better and oxptcts to bo out in u week or ten days, Dr. Cornelius R, Aguow, who is down witli peritonitis, is still In a pre carious condition. IlrbulldinK Theatre. Fmi,AHELviii., Pa,, April 13. Work has been begun on the silo of tho Tomplo Theatre, where three largo hanking houses aro to bo erected by Mr. Slncerlv. Over $10,000,000 will bo invested in great office buildings now under construction, dt for which tho plans havo been drawn. .Judge ljyncli OlUoluted. MsMrius, Ten;, , April 13, A mob of fanners yesterday took a nrgra named Jerry Smith out of Jail and lynched htm. Smith attempted to assa-ilt a white ylrl a few days ago. Anxiety About Mr. Conklliig's Gun dillon When Ho Awakes. SICK-ROOM HUJiLKTlNS. The Clinnccs Aro Onp lo Sl Favor Ing Hla ltrcovci')'. New York, April 13. Last night w. the quietest nnd most beneficial Tor Sena tor Conkllrig sinco (ho beginning or hts illness. Ho layawako part or the lime, but not once did ho got up to pace tho iloor. Several times, when speaking ( his wlrb and iho doctor, ho appeared to bo In a partial stupor. Mr. Melville, Ids law partner, sold that ho appeared to be under tho inllucnce or some drug, but When oskod. Dr. Barker denied that he had given him anything to make him sleep. Ho said the sleep was natural ami beneficial. Tho favorable symptoms noticed lu tho Senator yostcrdav continue this morning. At (Win o'clock ho was fust asleep. His awakening Is looked forward to with some anxiety. 11' his mind is clear and tlio signs or extrcmo nervous ness do not onpear, tbo luipo or tho phy sicians will bo increased. A physician told a United Press reporter this morn ing that, in caso or a lutnl termination, tho sick man would probably remain in n stupor Tor many hours before death. Tho first olllclnl bulletin to-day will como betweon t) nnd 10 o'clock. Dr. Anderton, who the houso till night, left nt 7:10 this morning. He said Mr. Conkling slept most ot tho night. Ho considered that the sick man was considerably better this morning. Ni very tlcllulto hopes for his recovery were, however, expressed. At 8:30 n. m. Dr. Anderton returned to tho sick room. Tho doctor said tho Sena tor's pulso was 80 at 8 o'clock and IiU temperaturoyj, "Ho has now passed out of tho first ncuto stages," snldthe Doctor, '-and. ho docs riot sutler tho pain that he dtd'ut first. Ho took moro nnurishmcnt'Iast night thnn on any previous night. His not truo that ho has lost heavily in wclglit, and ho has evidently much strength lelt." The following bulletin was issuod nt 10: Jlr. Conkling passed a good night. He slept well and his mind is cloarer this morning. Ills pulse Is 71 nnd Ids tern pernturo 09. When Dr. Barker entered tho sick room Mr. Conkling was nwakc and shook bauds with tho doctor. Dr. Barker stated to n "United Press reporter that Mr. Conkliug's clinnccs of recovery now was one In six. Dr. Barker talked freely to tho United Press reporter. Ho statod that Mr, Conk ling wns doing ns well ns could bo ex pected, Ho was Iroo from -stupor or coma. If ho continued to improve it point a day for tho next six days he would bo out of danger. Ho vyashowius tho second stage of depression. Tills ac counted for tho fact that the patient' had. ho littlo to say. Tho wounds caused, br tho operation weio not drCsscd this morning, as It was deemed unnecessary. Dr. Anderton said that tho fuct of tlio patient's pulse being down to 78 showed ho" was Improving. 2:5 p. m. Mr. Conkling Is bleeping' quietly. Thero Is very little Improve ment in his condition. A'IOIjENCE ItESUMEl). SccncH oT r.uwIont'Sn About tlio llnr HnRton Yards ntCroston, Iiiwm. Crestos, Iowa, April 13, The law lessness ol a week ago was renewed , Wedncsduy jiight and thcro wcro o num ber of acts of violence In anduboutthe "Q." yards. An ex-fireman named Don ahue assaulted a working fireman named Hcllen, A switch engine, whllo pushing thu "Denver," was stoned and windows, broken in the cnglno cab and dining car. Stones and brickbats wero also thrown through a window of Superintendent Brown's privato car about 11 o'clock, Mr. Brown being in the car. at the time, botnu freight engines, one oust and one wen bound, wcro Mailed later in tlio night and windows broken from both cabs. No ono was hurt. AH eiforts to capture tho offenders havo been fruitless. J-.xtrn city polico aro kept on duty all night. Itlcliiuond Terminal Matters. New York, April 13. A meeting of tlm Richmond Terminal directors was held nt noou yesterday, but transacted only routine business. No special meeting of the stockholders has been called, and thu directors state that no request lor u call has been received. It was reported after the meeting that there had been a split between John If. Inman and the other members oftho Georgia Central syndi cate, and that Iiimuu will bo elected pri-Mdent In placo or General Alexander. It was stated in the afternoon that tho secretary or tho Richmond Terminal Company has carried oil' tho stock trans fer ledger to prevent President Sully from getting tho addresses or tho stock holders. Mr. Sully intended to send tho stockholders a circular giving tho status of the company's affairs. Tlio Jockey Club. New York, April 13. Tho indications aro that tho American Jockey Club will soon leave Jcromo Park and settle mi largo tract of land near tho to u of Vot Chester, recently bought by J A. Moiii", one of tho now managers of the elub. It Is known, too, that Leonard Jeroint is taking intorcstln tho nowly-purchdied properly, -and tho other members ofthe Jockey Club arc agitated Miout real estate projects in tho samo vicinity, Bosldc, thero are reports from Albany that two railroads aro within a short time to b started in that direction. Tlio Hondhifr's Elcvntcd lload, Fiiilmieli'iiia, April 13. The Heading Railroad has leased another wharf on tiie Dclanaro front from which to .ntubllsh it ferry to Camden for Its Atlanth City line, which Is being ercatly Improved, The elevated railroad project Is also woll. un der wnv, and thero is no doubt liQiVtual tlio road will bo built, with its terminal at Twelfth and Market streets. Tlio Jury Could Not Aki-oo. Cme.UtO, April 13. In tho omeofKvii Parker against Rev. Brushlngham, for Illegitimate parentage, tho Jury inuac ind court this morning and reported tluu they woro unablo to agree. tisttd that tho Jury stood 10 to 2 fur oouweuou. Tlio Stock nnd Money Market. New York, April 13. Money, 'H "in cent. Exchango steady; posted rntex, ISC&ISS; actual rates, Ktfi 1834 for sixty da Blind iSilfn hV! fur domand. Gov ernments steady; currency ll's 1201 bid; fs. coup., 123J bid; IS's, do., lObJ bid, tlio siock mnrKci oneueu quiet, out, during tho curly dealuiathcie was a ftee i-olllng of Reading, St. 1'aul and Missouri Purillo, reusing a fractional decline. After U o'clock thoro was moro support extended to the leading Mocks, and pricas strengthened. The early decline w.vs fully recovered, and at noon pilow wcro 1 to 1 per cent, higher than thoo of last night. At the present writing tho market. Is quiet and steady. Iiocnl AVenthiT Indications. Warmer, tnlr weather winds becoming lljrlit to nosh noutnwcMerlT. Tomperftture, ns shown by Dr. Drapor s 8elf-Jlocordlos Tfcotmomotor, D. !'. Wider, intent. OH Bev -n' n street U a, m.,wj; is. J Hi U p. UJ... 1 I I It V