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Page Eight »■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ CHANUKAH GREETINGS from BYRON EPSTEIN & ED RATAY CITY MAINTENANCE CO. • Floor Waxing • Window Cleaning • Janitor Service 5 4706 E. PIMA 327-4573 A Joyous Chanukah To All • from IRVING BERGER AL COHEN of Central Insurance Agencies Room 108—Gorden Plain 201 N. Stone MA 2-7625 WISHING YOU THE VERY BEST THIS CHANUKAH J DOWNTOWN (■<«"*>» r 1 o/Q/mjm J el con . mmf' A savings account from Southern Arizona Bank makes a *i4^l dandy Christmas gift... teaches thrift and economy. l"’7 \ ■ This Christmas, give a savings account to the children in your life. iafSOUTHERNV. Simply drop in at the Southern Arizona Bank and ask for a jf?f A p 17AM A I^l Gift Savings account... $1 and up. “jl MillAVUit JT st z? Eubank M &23 rVrf'fi MKMBKR FKDF.HAI. I)KPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION “* KaJ AVAILABLE NOW \ \ MAGAZINES ARE SOLD / ; * • --A,/***-"V.-N,**, V~. <■ ' '"'v*..?- . < t *.-t , «* . t -•« * ’ *'* THE ARIZOSA POST Cooking With A Tam Holiday By Mildred Grosberg Beilin (Copyright, 1962, Jewish 0 Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) 1 A | Joyous Holiday i t from i The Entire Staff: of c t Myerson's < V • WILMOT PLAZA \ t • WHITE HOUSE s c t I A Alosf Happy CHANUKAH 1 To All j Our Many Friends I from the lj and the MLXdJti I Latkes A-Plenty This year, as part of our observance of Chanukah, let’s have a Latke party, since the custom of eating pancakes is as much a part of our celebration as the lighting of the candles. Orig inally, cheese was always an ingredient of the pancakes, but later the custom of serv ing fried cakes and pancakes of all types developed. It all began when the story of Judith was linked with that of Chanukah, and the cakes which she fed Holo fernes were said to have been made of cheese. Judith, who saved her people by be heading the chief general of the enemy forces, has been such an inspiring example of courage, intelligence, and pa triotism throughout the cen turies that the fried cakes or pancakes which symbolize her act are featured in par ties among Jews of many lands. piiiiiim j The MANAGEMENT| and STAFF of | ( KOLD ( and (KOLD-TV( wish the Jewish Community jg | A VERY JOYOUS | CHANUKAH and H Pledge a Continuance j§ §§ of the fine Programs | you enjoy at 1 1450 ON YOUR DIAL| and CHANNEL 13 For our stellar attraction, the pancakes, two recipes are given. The first quite prop erly is one containing cot tage cheese. The second, made with buckwheat flour and yeast, is also traditional. Parve versions of this favor ite are customary accom paniments of the Chanukah roast goose; but, since ours is a “milchig” party, a richer recipe made with milk and butter has been selected. Potato latkes are also sug gested; but if you like, these could be reserved for an other mea I—Chanukah’s eight days give us adequate time in which to serve them. Should the potato latkes be omitted, double the recipe for the cheese pancakes. Cheese Pancakes 6 eggs I-V2 cups fi-ne curd cottage cheese 1 a teaspoon salt Vs cup all-purpose flour Vs teaspoon double-acting baking powder 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Beat the eggs until light and thick. Mash the cheese until smooth and stir into the eggs. Sift together the salt, flour, and baking powder, and stir i-nto the batter only enough to blend. Over medi um heat, melt one tablespoon of the shortening. Bake halt the pancakes, using a V* cup measure of batter in each. Cook until the top of each pancake looks dry, and the A JOYOUS CHANUKAH TO ALL from • radios recorders • RECORDS E NILES 2 • TAPES • HI-FI # INTERCOMS 400 N. 4th Ave. MA 2-4884 r nsfi gg£| u Frank Minarik Says: Don’t Sell Tucson; A the Jewish Community Frank S. Minarik Realty Insurance . . . Real Estate 5741 E. Speedway Call AX 8-3347 We wish to take this opportunity j to extend to the entire Jewish Community our most sincere best uishes I FOR A JOYOUS CHANUKAH! j a. the businessman's ” department store [l\ T | #* 1 . e j L l ] 33 ■ i Offict j <®> „„;x££ MAin 3-4744 9:00 to 5:30 Monday through Friday Open Saturdays ’Til Noon bottoms are a rich brown. Turn over and complete the baking. Melt the remaining shortening, and bake the rest of the pancakes in this. Serve with syrup or sour cream. This amount makes about 14 large pancakes. Buckwheat Latkes (Milchig) 1 yeast cake or 1 envelope dry yeast 2 cups buckwheat flour 3 cups milk 2 eggs, separated 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoons melted butter % teaspoon salt In a large bowl dissolve the yeast in one cup of the milk heated to lukewarm. If the dry yeast is used, the milk should be slightly warmer. Beat in one cup of the buckwheat flour. Cover the bowl, and let it stand for several hours or overnight in a warm place, 85 degs. F. Thirty minutes before the pancakes are to be cooked j beat in the egg yolks, sugar, butter, salt and remaining I flour. Heat the remaining milk to lukewarm and stir in gradually. Beat the egg whites stiff and fold in. Cov er the bowl, and let rise again at 85 degs. F. for the 30 minutes. The mixture will be thin and should rise very high. Using a generous tablespoon of batter for each pancake, bake them on a hot, lightly greased griddle over medium heat. When the tops of the cakes are filled with bubbles and seem dry, turn them over to brown. Serve with sour cream, jam, or sy rup and butter. This recipe makes about 36 3-inch pan cakes.