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. GAZET L B mg DAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1963 ~ Washington, March 14, 1868. . Speeial Orders No. 121. Evrtract. following wvignment is made of Medical Officers : reE -8 .0 Asst. Surg. 4“‘;':” Heoer, U.B. A, wat hiladelphia waiting orders (he aving'ju fpuaeghia examination fo{‘rro vaotion) 16 relieve Asst. Surgeon C. Wac sen, ÜB. A, in charge of the General Hospital at Point Lookout; the latter on heing relieved, to report to the Medical Di rector, Army of the Potomac. * ¥ By order of the Secretary of War. L. Tuoxas, Adj. Gen'l. Mz. Eprror :—Having partly complied with the above order, I feel that I capnot leave Point Lookout, without saying a few words to my friends, follow laborers, and To the Medical Officers, Stewards, Atten dante, and 01l others connected with the Hospital Department, with whow my asso ciations have 2t all tizies been of the post pleasing nature, I desire to expres my high sfipre sation of the very satisfactory manner in which they have discharged their duties: Qur patients have certified to the skill, | kindness and attention of the Mcdical Offi- | cers; and the numerous Inspectors, who have visited the Point, to the fuith*ul man ner in whic:liuim nurses and attendants have discharged their duties. It is needless for me to ask you (o extend the same attention and courtesy to iy suc cessor ; 1 know that you will; wnl under his administration, the hospital will yct be come, the Model Military Ilospital, and worthy of the name it bears, In bidding you all farewecll, lct me wish fur the patients a specdy recovery and re turn to active duty in the field, and to those, whese wounds forbid their furt!.er service, safe return to their homes and fawilies. . Waesen, Asst. Surg., U, N. drmy. et e QA ie, [Cemmunicated. ] To the Ediiurs of the Hummond Gezette : —Woyld you see our lmapihgl in the dis tance, allow me to point you first to wards A and B. The former contains twenty nine beds, all well and neatly made, with white coverlets. The ceiling is high and beautifully frescoed, and its walls of soft, dove eolored hue, so wothizi to the sick man’s eye, are decorated with evergreens of cedar and holly. Wreaths in the centre of the long ward, and arbors near the head of the conch, or bedstead. In the centre of each apartment, see a table covered with books, games, dc., and various sea pro ductions, gathered by the convalescents from the shores of the C:mlake. (shells, fic}. and grasses.) ully arranged. look upon the occupants of said wards, sud gee satisfied mdh:heerfnlmt;:ees; gen Mfl ering take pleasure in this, and smile upon the kind care takers who have o considered themt in their dxg;f' trial, For a time, they arc taken themsclves to the plcasant things around vould make mention, because of its perfect emmfi taste; eyen (o the gravel walk befort the doors of the row of pretty gottages, telling of the industry and thoughtfulness of the ward master and his wsistante. Ward D, s alike glean and neatly kept, with its contented m,?‘“"' The same may be said of wards E, F, and H ; nor would we go from ward I, without a passing notice ; if tells of a faithful ward master, who has served it Tong and well. Ward K, comes next in order; all these .w"ds; of one flnd t.worsto?ips, and comprise what is called the st Divis ion Enter the cirele,” which is a new building, coutaining fifteen wards. The white walls are ornamented with evergreens, some of them superbly. Pictures and flags adorn the wards, with sea weed, pebbles and shells, put together in various forms. ! In ward fourteen are two centre tables, of oval shape, painted and covered with every variety of pieture; so tasteful ate they, as to be fitting a city parlor. Ateach window i aflag is .fisplayed to good advantage.— But% must not stop too long amidst our hearts’ interest—the sick and suffering, our true and loyal men. God bless and keep' them for coming struggle. Will you walk mto our kitchen, from whence come the good things? Let your cye rest on the letters designating each ward ; the attendants who convey the food to the different wards, sce at ouce where to | take their trays, which are immediately filled with such diet as the surgeon pre scribes. Here there is perfect system, or der and cleanliness. To-day as we passed through, we tasted of the well made oyster soup which would do credit to Del monico’s, of New York, or Parker, of Bos ton ; other dishes were served up equally well prepared. Proceed to the lodgings of the hands employed in this important department, and find order and neatuness cverywhere. Would you look at our Read ing Room; a varicty of books wiil meet the eye, nicely arranged on shelves. Two lor‘x’g tables occupy the centre of this room, and are covered with newspapers and peri odicals. Magazine reading is very popu lar, and we are fortungte in having faith ful friends at a distance, who keep us sup plied with the best of the day. Nor do we stop here, as there is much you would like to know. Our Laundry is under excellent management, and the entire machinery works to admiration. This is done by steam, and the clothes are thoroughly cleansed, though because of the water which is stropgly impregnated with iron, they are not so white as we could desire. In the ironin%::om you will find a number of contrabapds diligently at' work. Perfect quiet is preserved, and Lo complaint is heard of indolence. They are working their way, the hope of reward sweetening their labor. Further on, we visit our wor thy Post Master, who serves us with good tidings of far off friends: and next to him 1 we look in upen the office of the Hammoxp GazerTE, a neat paper, ably condueted by convalescents. In short there is everything to show that at the head of this Hospital, has been a Surgeon in charge who has per- Mw&tm utmost, 'n:lis round of duties, ~ecarned a rcputation of which he has :’vi to be %eud There is no such Hospital in the United 3tates. !" k INSe! s B oe "N“h'plain;' Yoy see the picture in all its brightness, but I am required to W?i% its dark side. This 5 the m t day Point Lookout has ever realized. Dr. Wagner, who has never wearied 'of well doing, and who has by his admiration of all with wzmn he has been associated, is called away. Perhaps toa wider field of action, but never where ko will be more appreciated and honored.— We wish for him the best this life can give —he has carned it. ‘ “Monsteur Tompsoxn” Acaix.—We are permitted to make an extract from a letter, dated Cherry Stone Landing, Va., relating to the late Major Brown. ““Qur boys got paid at last, and a glori ous time they had after it, I can tell you. Major Brown and the afficer of the day were actually hissed out of camp, and stood it wonderfully well. We are Lound for Yorktown, and the boys are trying to see how much steam they can get up before leaving. We don’t think miich of this part of the country. " How are you Major Quick.” ' e e eA W e Local Items. Tue Surgeon in charge has ardered the hospit el calls to be sounded at the following numed hours, until further notice : Reveille, 6 a. m. Supper, 5 20 p. m. Roll call, 6102. m. Roll eall, 830 p. m. Breakfast, 630a. m. Tattoo, 9p. ni. Sureeons call, 9 2. m. Taps, 9 30 p. m. Dinner, 12 m. Inspection, daily, 10 a. m. Recall frcm In spection, 11 a. m, ; Be i i Tue services conducted by the hospital Chaplain, were resumed on the 224 inst.. after an inexplicable interval of scveral months. The ‘attendance was large. The scrmon on the ogcasion was devoted to the observance of the Sabbath, and especial reference was made to the sins of late rising and luxurious dinners. The soldiers were remarkably attentive. None can more ap preciate. Without venturing to sermonize, we may remind the hospital inates of the bright side of the sick room here. How eloquent is the voice of nature, ever pointing upward! How grand her tones in the thunder and storm! How soft and melting in the brill iant arch, which spans the waters, and tells us of promise in Slae fatare! How speak ing the waves, and the woods, and the glo rioug sky! There is a sermon in every rain drop, and volumes wherever the eye can rest. —————e @B e e Durixe the past week forty-nine pa ticats have been discharged from scrviee, thirty-seven returncd to £tty. and two died —remainiug in hospital, four hundred and thirty-two, e e e @ B Fire.—The alarm of fire on Sunday cvening, was caused by the burning of the dwelling occupied by Mr. Jos. Allen. The flames were promptly extinguished, and no damage to the hospital was sustained. e ) G B e Restenep.—Act. Asst. Sargeons G. A. Chesley, and J. W, Digby, and Acting Medical Cadet Fombard resigned and lcf! the Point last week,