OCR Interpretation

Hammond gazette. [volume] (Point Lookout, Md.) 1862-1864, July 14, 1863, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82002197/1863-07-14/ed-1/seq-1/

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nANmvOND A paTßrr
For the Benefit of the Sick and Wounded in Hammond General Hospital.
voL. 1. YOINT LOOKOUT.MD., JULY 11. 1883. NO. 25
NATES—One copy; theenonths, FIFTY CENTS,
1y ADVANCE; tingle copy, FIVE CENTS
Every day bath teil and trouble,
Every heart hath care ;
Meekly bear thine own full measure,
And thy brother's share.
Fear not, shrink not, though the burden,
Heavy to thee prove ;
God shall fill thy mouth with gladness,
" And thy beart with love.
I’az;zi:’:}' enduring, ever
Let thy spirit be
Bound by links, that cannot sever,
To humanity.
Labor! wait! thy Master perished
Ere his task was done ;
Count not lost thy fleeting moments,
Life hath but begun. :
Laé'zor ! and t!t)h:h seed thou sowest,
~ Water with thy tears; .
God ifir&m, he will give thee .
Answer to thy prayers.
Wait in hope! Though yet no verdure
Glad thy longing eyes,
Thou shalt see the ripening harvest
Garnered in the skies.
Laber ! wait ! thonugh midnight shadows
Gsatier round thee here,
Ani the storm above thee lowering,
Fill thy heart with fear—
‘ Wait in hope! the morning dawneth,
When the night is gone, .
And a peaceful rest awaits thee,
When thy work is done.
e ecan oy A P
Mrs. Partington says she can’t under
stand these market reports. She can un
derstand how cheese can be lively, and
pork can be active, and feathers drooping
—that is if it's raining ; but how whis:%v
. can be steady, oniet, or spirits dull,
she can’t see ; neither how lard can be firm
in warm weather, nor iron unsettled, nor
potatoes Jepressed, nor flotr rising—unless
there had been yeast in it—and sometimes
it would not rise then.
Gextee sut Inpressive, A young man,
rather verdant, and very sentimental, while
?mk!pé‘bm}f interesting to a young lady,
the ‘other evening, by quoting from the
K‘Wv to the other ehmmipd rare extracts,
e added, ‘‘There is no place like home.”
“Do you rcallytrmk kSO 7 gaid the young
lady, ° :
“Oh, yes,” was the reply.
“Then,” said calico, “why don't you
stay there,” :
Tu veil which covers the face of Futuri
ty ¥ woven by the hand of Mezey.
Quick on the Trigger. ;
“You will please to observe,” said old |
Mr. Lambwell, 25 be led us through bis |
school the other day, ‘‘that the boys are |
required to display the utmost attention to |
questions and discipline, and in a short
time become divested of that most annoying |
)R- : : |
disposition to ‘teach each other; in short, |
they soon settle down in all the gravity of f
mature years, under the whole system I |
have introduced.” t
We at this moment arrived in front of t
several boys, who were standing around a |
bucket of water, and one had just charged |
his mouth with the contents of a tin cup, ; ‘
while the cld gentleman was stooping to |
recover his pen from the floor, when an- |
other boy, passing behind, snapped Lis fin- |
ger (tuietly behind the boy's ear, causing ’
him, by a sudden start, to eject the con- |
tents over the pedagogue’s hbald pate.— i
Starting upright, with his face and hair |
dripping, the master shouted— |
“Who done that ¥’ '
The party unanimously cried out— |
“Jim Gum, sir.” | '
“Jinf Gun, you rascal, what did you do |
that for " : § |
Jim, appalled at the mischief he had |
done, muttered out that it was not his fault, -
but Tom Owen had snapped him. (
This changed the direction of old Lamb- |
well’'s wrath, and, shaking his hand por-g
tentously over Owen’s head, he asked—
Did you snap Gun ?”
““The culprit, trembling with fear, mur
““Yes, sir, I snapped Gun, but didu’;
know that he was loaded I i
S tsm———— A ot es——
Up 1o Sxure.—Breslau, a juggler, be- '
ing at Canterbury with his troupe, met |
with such bad success that they were ul
most starved. He repaired to the wardeys,
and promised to give the profit of a night's |
gonjurations to the poor, if the gmsh would |
y for hiring 3 room, ete. The charitable
g:it took, the benefit proved a bumper, and
the next morning the wardens waited upon |
the wizard to touch the receipt® -1
1 have already disposed of dem,” said
Breslan: *‘de profits were for de poor. 1.
have kept my promise, and given de money
to my own people, who are the poorest in |
dis parish " |
‘Sir,” exclaimed the indignant wardens, |
“¢this is a trick.” . !
] know it,” replied the conjuror, “e
live by my tricks.” |
ety @ e !
A Jump of wet zalaratus, agp}icd to the
sting of a wasp or bee, will stop the pain
in one maoment, and Ertvant it from swell- |
ing. **A chap in school wants to know if
‘wet salaratus’ will have the same effect on |
a ‘ruler bite? If it doce, he intends,fo i
bave a salaratus lining in bis pantaloons.”
Tue Correrneap Prarromy.—By dink
of much exertion and great enterprise, onc
of Our Young Men has sueceeded in cou
piling tfiefifl?fifiah{gmvm&k%n@www
ment of the principies professed by the
new party. He has had %s hair cut. anl
is doin% well on low diet, since. In cuse
our readers should wish to kunow more, it
is not impossible that Mr. Maloney, and
(hic) Samy, of Delawarc, may be able
to communicate. Here iz the platform,
“*so far as heard from.”
1.-—The Counstitation as it is, and the
Uuion as it might, eonld, would, should o
shouldn’t have been. -
2.—An armistice of twelve years for do
liberation. .
3.—The Union, at all hazarls.
4. —A new Confederation of States,
comprising all but New England.
O.—A vigorous prosecution of the war
6.—The pcacefuf departare of our wuy
ward sisters.
7.—A military dietatorsLip for some
man who is ‘‘coming.” :
& —An armistice and alliance of ouc
vear, to enable the belligercuts 1o capture
(anada. o
9. —Unconditional restoration of the Un
10.—A requést for the mediation of
France and England.
11.— A Commission appointed from
North and South, without cossation of hos
12.—Resignation of the present Admin
istration, and appointmient of a provisional
assembly instead.
13.—The Union forcver.
14.—Abolition of Anti-slavery.
15.—Vigorous procrastination of the war.
16.—Repeal of the Sunday liquor law.
17.—The integrity of the Habeas Corpus.
18.—The Union before the Nigger.
19. —Speedy recognition of the Southern
20.—The Union.
i i
“Repverio Ap.”—Pemberton,” ob
served the Critie, ‘‘must regard the opera
tions of General Graut with the same focl
ings with which Woreester, the legicogra
pher, looks upon the pocket edition of Ll
great Dictienargf”
“How 807" demanded Somebody .
“Why, as sensitive authors would na'u
rally view a complete reduction of their
works !” ‘
Carcuise Tuvsper.—Squigsby went 0
an animal show, and while lw&g through
the grates at a grizzly, the aforesaid grizz!y
began to exposc kis teeth and show sigus
of L . .
md back, my friend,” zaid the Y cjn
er, “*or you'll catch thunder.” .
| . s 1 :
I see s stormis broin,” replied oo 0 o

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