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Hammond gazette. [volume] (Point Lookout, Md.) 1862-1864, July 14, 1863, Image 3

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Bcaggm)no',hchfif 11'—' 9 A M.—Allis quiet at
| front this morning, and there does not secm
e much probability of a general engagement
'l\'(l3l\- . ! i
The Rehels during the night have entirely
Langed their front, having abandoned Hagers
. ard Funkstown, agd fallen back to St.
- larses Coliege, which is about four miles from
ac Potomac. Their new lines extend from the
¢alleee to the river, about two mile§ this side
¢ Witliamgport, :
- pdbthe saoxcments of ‘;fihg enemy indicate a
- orinking from the terrible encounter which
“reatens them, QOur officers are confident as to
o pesult, and General Meade iz making every
srpgement to leave as few contingincies as
;t;‘?fz le
our cavalry are engaged this morning in
neling the new lines of the enemy. The events
e day will depend in some measure on the
-sultz of their reconnoissance.
Neow Yosg, July 10.—The Times' Boounsboro
Lepatch of yesterday says;—The rebels arve
vt up in Hoe of battle this morning at Ben
-vole, three and a half miles from Boonshoro’,
tending thence to the Potomac near Bakersville.
ur forces are so disposed that a collision may
ceur almiost at any hour.
The Tribune's Washington correspondent says
e tro armies were not over two miles apart at
et sccounts. Lee’s army stretching from
Hazerstown to Williamsport, and Meade’s army
woving from Boonghoro’ on two roads towards
Lim. Our advance is four miles beyond Boons
New Yorg, July 10—10 o'clock, A. M.—The
Tines as received the following special despatch:
Middletown, July 9.—The number of wagons
lestroyed by our eavalry i 3 over 500. Daford
testroved 200 on Mendey. -
Dahilgreen destroyed one hundred and seventy
the same day, and on Saturday and Sunday,
Kiljutrick burned, captured and destroyed be
ween two and three hundred. Eully one-third
of the transportation of the rebel army has been
testroyed, and the damage to them is fully twice
what they were able to carry out of Pennsylva
Yesterday, the enemy pressed our eavalry back
upon Bocnsboro', and, at sundown, threw a few
siclls into the place, Buford then dismounted
bis whole command, and fought the rebels on
foot for two hours, finally driving them clear
Pack to Antietam Creek.
From a captured letter, we learn that the en
r.:ng' are trying to shove a portion of their force
wd wounded across the river at Sheperdstown.
Gen. Plensanton will stop that to-day. The
rebels have run & greater portion of thelr trains
!?m the valley near Williamsport and covered
tiem by artillery, passed on the south of the
. Wasmiscron, July B.—The War Degartment
recew‘ed mtelligence that despatches from
{fg_tm! Grant with details of the surrender of
v‘m;sbnrg_ are now on the way to the Depart
ment, :
Wasmyerow, July B.—A despatchi from Gen.
trant to Major General Halleck, dated at Vicks
urg gt,lmlt-mt ten o'clock, on the morning of
tae 4th of July, states:
The movement of his forces about to be made
re detailed, but mot proper for publication at
present, : 4
'{h?t_!hc enemy surrendered this morning,
':\Ex(r their troops were paroled as prisoners of
“’_lsmm'fofi, July B.—The following has been
weeived at Headquarters of the army.
HeapQuarTers 16TH AryMy Corps, }
i o Mexpms, Tenn., July 5.
: 4{ Gen. H. W, Halleck, General-in-Chief :
Pe(gneral Prentiss was attacked in force by the
3 Is, under Holmes and Price, at Helena yes
t;]" ;3’- He estimated the force at 15,000. 1
P"’ 9,000 will cover their streng?h. General
Tentisy sustained their attack umtil 3P. M,
from-daylight, when the Rebels were repulsed
at all points, leaving 1,200 s)risoners.
Thelr joss in kine({ and wounded is about
from five to six hundred. General Prentiss lost
about sixty. He has already sent me eight hun
dred and sixty prisoners, which I send to Alton
to-day (Sunday nocn.) S. A. Heeuser.
Major General Commanding.
The following is a list of patients who have
been retyined to duty, diedand discharged from
service since our last issue:
: M D Spencer, Ind. co Onedia cav,, M Spear 1
29 Q Y., J Hartland K 151 Pa., W Maurer do.,
B Sheets 9., P Benjamin 113 Vt.,, SHand D do.,
corp. T'L Smith C 151 Pa., C Kennedy B 168 N.
Y.,.8 Doneberger K 151 Pa. - i
W 3 L
N W Dunbar E 145 Pa., T Schaider € 3 Mich,,
F Smith Cl2l N. Y.
H Benevell G 107 Pa.
WE desire to call the attention of the
Patients and otler inmates of the Hospital
to the fact that we keep constantly on hand a
large assortment of the Lest Stationery, &c.; also
that we have a supply of Tobacco and Cigars
of a better quality, and cheaper than can be ob
tained elsewhere on<tie Point. We sell at least
10 per cent. cheaper than at any other place in
the vicinity, thus making it to your interest to
give us a call. J. HOBBS & CO.
Point Lockout, July 7, 1833.
Aid Sodeties, clergymen, editors and others
are respectfully requested to aid in disseminat
ing the following notice, which is of interest to
all who have fricnds in the army:
The Sanitary Commission have made arranges
ments for supplring gratuitously information
with recard to patients in the United States
Genera! Hospitals at the following points, (others
will be added:) i
EBustern D:partments:—For information ad
dress ** Ofice Seniivry Commission, Wishington.”
Waushington, D. C. Cumberland, Md.
Georgetown, D. C. Point Lookout, Md.
Alexandria, D. C. Frederick City, Md.
Baltimore, Md. Fairfux, Va.
Annapolis, Md. Aquia Creck, Va.
AnnapolizJunciion, Md. York, Penn.
Philidelphic Deportineat —For information,
address “Ontce Swmitury Comiidssion, No. 27
South Sizth streel.”
Philadelphia, Pa. Chestnut Hill, Pa.
Chester,LPa.. Reading, Pa.
Germantown, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa.
New York Department —For information, ad
dress ‘‘Office P"omana' Central Union, No. 10
Cuoper Institute.”’
New York, N. Y. Portsmouth Grove, R. I,
Albany, XY Boston, Mass.
Newark, N. J. Burlington, Vt.
New Haven, Conn. Brattlebcro, Vt.
Western f)cpumnm.‘s.—For inforination, ad
dress Office Sunitary Commission, Louisville, Ky.
Columbus, Olio. Louisville, Ky
Cleveland, Ohio. Covington, Ky.
Camp Dennison, Ohios Lexington, Ky.
Gallipolis, Chie. Danville, Ky.
Cincinnati, Ohjo. Perryville, Ky,
Quincy, Illinois. Bowling Green, Ky.
Cairo, Illinois. Mem{nhis, Tennessce.
Mound City, Illinois. Clarksville, Tenn.
Jeifersonville, Ind. Jackson, Tenn.
Evansville, Ind. Murfreesboro, Tenn.
New Albany, Ind. La Grange, Tenn,
Saint Louis, Miseouri. Gallatin, Tenn.
[ronton, Missouri. Nzshville, Tenn,
Rolla, Missouri. \'icksburg{.. Miss.
Springfield, Missouri. Corinth, Miss.
Keokuk, lowa. Helena, Arkansas.
Davenport, lowa. Grafton, Virginia.
Paducah, Ky. Point Pleasaut. Va.
Bardstown, K Parkersburg, Va.
Lebanon; fiy. Clarkshburg, V:}.
Columbus, Ky. Charlestown, Va.
Columbia, Ky. : :
Information will, under ordinary circum
stances, be given to any person who may apply
for it, in answer to any or all of the following
inquiries. If the application 13 by letter, the
answer will be sent by return mail; if in person,
it will be answeged at once.
1. I 8 = [giviug name and regiment, and
state where when lastheard of:] at present in
the hospitals of —mmmes? '
2d. If so, what is his proper address?
-3d. What is the name ofm Surgeon or Chap
liin of the hospital?
4th. If not in hospital at presant, has be re
cently been in hospiwal?
sth. If so, did he die in hospital, and at what
date ?
6th. If recently discharged from hospital, waz
he discharged from servige?
Tth. If not, what were his orders on leaving ?
More specific information as to the condition
of any patient in the District of Columhia Los
pitals will be furnishel within twenty-four houra
after a request to do so is received at the Wash
ington office. s
~—TFhe offiec.of the Directory will be open daily
from 8 o'clock A. M. to 8 o'clock P. M., anct-inr
urgent cages applicants ringing the door bell
will be received at any hour of the night.
Much inconvenience in conductiong the busi
ness of the Directory having arisen where visitors
bave been given direct aceess to the record books
themselves, this practice will hereafter be dis
continued; nor can lists of wounded in hospitals,
by States, counties, regiments, or otherwise, bo
hereafter furnished from these records.
The Sanitary Commigsion, under special au
thority from tg;e Pregident of the United States,
maintaing an extensive system of agencies for
gecuring the safe conveyang to and distribution
of goods put in its charge for the sick and woun
ded at points where they are most wanted. [t
opecrates with equal care and generosity at all
points—at New Orleans and at Washington, be
fore Vicksburgand at Nashville—iws distributions
Leing gaverned by a comparizon of the wantsor
the patients in al{mses. To ascertain the rela
tive character of these wants in a trustworthy
manner, and to secure un equitable distribution
and honest use of goods distributed, besides
the unpaid services of the members of the Coni
mission, twenty physicians of high professionsut
and moral character and more than fifty lay=
agents are cmployed, under pecuniary securiiicd
for responsible and efficient service. The cost
of these armngoments have thus far been about
3 per centur of the value of the goods distributed.
The Commission has not been able to obtain au
thentic evidence of losses, miscarriage, or mis
appropriations, to the value of one dolfar in ten
thousand, of goods which have been oncercecive!
at its shipping depots. The following are thie
naines of these depots, to which auxilliary socie
tics and all disposed toaid the sick and wounde,
without reference to States or localities, Lug
simply to their relative necessity for assistance,
are invited to send their olferings:
Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office,
22 Summer street, Boston, Massachuscits.
Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Oflice,
16 Third Avenue, New York.
Sanitary Commission, Dranch Supply Oflice,
27 south Sixth street, Philadeiphia, Penna.
Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office,
Bank strect, Cleveland, Übio.
Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office,
Chicago, Illinois.
Sanitary Comuission, Dranch Supply Office,
Louisvilie, Kentucky.
The Commission receives no pecuniary aid
whatever from the Government, and is wholly
dependant on the voluntary contributions of the
public for the means of sustaining its operations.
Contributions to its Treasury ore solicited, aud
raay be transmitted to Georae T. Strove, Eiq.,
Treasurer, 68 Wall strect, New York,
The names of the following gentlemen, com
missioners of the President of the United States,
are pledged to the public for the economy, intcu
rity, and efficiency with which whatever is cn
trusted to the Sanitary Commission Wwill be ad
ministered :
.W. Bellows, D. D. George T. Strong. E=(.
A.D. Bache, LL. D. Horace Binney, Jr., Esq.
G. W. Cullum, U.B. A.Rt. Rev. T.M. Clark. D
A.E. Shiras, U. S. A. Hon. Joseph Holt. [D.
R.C. Wood, M.D., U. B.Hon. R. W. Burnets,
S. G. Howe, M. D. [A.Hon. Mark Skinner
W. H. Van buren, M. D.Rev. John H. Heywood.
Wolleott Gibbs, M. D. Prof. Fairman Rogers,
C. R. Agnew, M. D. Hon. Schuyler Colfax.
Elisha l}a‘l:il M.D. Fred Law Olmstead Exq
§. 8. Newberry, M. D.
244 F strect Washington, Februdry 1, 1863,

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