Newspaper Page Text
: Py e G = -l = Wt s ; =z=anlls. t e | u the Rappabansock, thé bogt's crew of the Wahash taken # Olarleston harbor, and the boat's crew of the mm at New In &M Carolina, have arr here under & of truce, as q’noled prisoners. They nume ber in all about sixty men. % P o ———————— Wasmweton, Uct. I.—laformasion received here from the argy-of wihe-Potomac shows that affairs are apparently unchanged. Nothing is transpiring to indicate any immediate active op- BRI o e The enemy i 8 in strength o% the south side of the Rapidan—supposed to be Hill's entire corps, The enemy's pickets are on the west and north sides of of our lines. A few days ago a considerable column of Rebel troql{w was observed going northward near the Blue g:ze, %e:lmps fornjing a pari of the force repo 10 be concentrating in the valley. Colonel Dulm‘;‘r, pecently captured by the Rebels, was attached to Gavernpr Pierpont's Btaff. He was at the time sojourming at the bouse of a relptive, severgl miles from Alexan dria. _ : KnoxviuLg, Sept. 28 —Qur occupation of East Teunessee coutinues comparatively quiet. O Foster's engagement with Carter, in which he eaptured seventy, killed six, wounded ten and routéd the balance, I have sent'an account. The expedition to drive the rebels from the railroad was successful. Shackelford came on the ene my’s pickets near Carter’'s station. Skirmishiny continued all day Monday. The Rebels retiring fnto earthworks, The canonading was kept up 81l night. " The attack was continued till Tuesday, and ’rell'qmti‘ogs were completed to capture the par ty, but they made their escape during the night and left seventeen dead. Our loss wus two gflte'd and seven wounded. This Jegyes Eas Yennessee clear. The roving bands will L g:’cked up by our cavalry. Our chief interest i ncentruted in Rosecrans, and we await th wouwent of action. Our boys are in fne health sad spirits, ' CinciNNaTi, Sept. 30.—Gen. Hooker and Staft arrived at the Burnett House here last evenin, d the General was serenuid. The Generu! r: a few remarks, said that he was going gpeak to the rebellion through the thunder tone: ‘of artillery and musketry. Gen. Butterfield also said that they were o ing to the front to fight traitors, and they wan:- od all loyal citizens to take care of traitors iv the rear of the army. ""Rumor byway of Cairo reports that five thou gand Rebiels were within ten miles of Memphi- The story is not credited. It is also stated that the notorioys gueril'. Gen. Richardson was caught in that city, | disguise, last week. - WasHiNGTON, Sept. 30.—There is the highe authority for stating that the rumors current o Tucsdav of disaster to our grms are all false.- Late advices from General Rosecrans are of encouraging character. The situation remain unchanged. M CinciNgaT, Uct. 2.—~Nothiug rurther has bee ’i?l‘ received from General Rosecrans or Bur Slde. The St. Louis Republican denies that eith- Bherman’s Corps or Smith's Division have gou to Chattpnooga. ! The Department of Kansas will be comman ed by General McNejl. General Curtis has d. clied the honor of of succeeding Gen, Biun:. who, report sayvs, is under arrest. : o S SRS A yonng officer lately released from the Libb gison’in ichmond, furnishes the following i - rmafion in relation to Captains SBawyer an gvg:‘. who were condemned to death by Jei vig: ' “Captains Sawyer and Flynn, it will be rc %fit&l{usx condemnped to death i liation Tor the execution by Gen. Burnsid g.tfioiwd officers mgb’t recruiting withi, lines. The Rich mob demanded th death of these two m;gndgufiodc men, bu a athorities ww y the threatenec Motire, - Oaptiins Saw Fiyno are con- flulhsmd’muih artitioned off from .th‘ "‘mr the building. red by theeye, 1t apy not larger thun six feét by eight.— | The only light snd air are admitted through a hole nean u% about a foot square, through Thhéqnh?, ¢, and ‘most 8 iy filthy; qnd the unfortunate victinmie of rebel hatredm‘mdnd%:fikiu it a living death from day to day. plan seems to &, since their m:mrdly tormentors dared not shoot or hang them, to torture their lives away by this long agogy, sod then report them @s having died of sickness. A A B NSS NAT 45 e e e e e- e B A L On 3d instant, William Graham, co.D,sth U. S. Cavalry, e BUY your Stationery, Tobacoo, Cigars, &c., at the Posr Urrice, if you wish th Cliwapest and Best on the Point W————-————-—————————- : e STEAMER -~ KEYPORT R Carraix E. A, Ryrnen, leave Battun®. ¢ ‘every Friday morning at 10 o'cioci. A. M., for Point Lookout and Landings on th Potomace riyer, Leaves Washington ever Tuesduy morning, foot of Tth stieet, at 8 o’ cloch A. M., for the al.ove named landings. CLERK.—J. H. Wson~. : AGENT.—Cnaryes WiLsoy, Sept. 8] 1863.—3 h : TV ALL WHO HAVE FRIENDS IN THE ARMY. ; ME.\IBEKS OF CONGRESS, Soldiers’ - \id Societies, clergymen, editors and other: we cespectfully requested to aid in disseminai ing the following notice, which is of interest (v ati who have friends in the army: : DIRECTURY OF THE HOSPITALS. The Sanitary Commission have made arrange ments for supplving gratuitously information vith regard to patients in the United Staw: ureneral Hospitals at the following points, (other: will be added:) - Eustern Departments;—For information ad'- Liess “Qyice 8 initury Commission, Wishingtor."' Washington, b. C. Cumberland, Md. aeurgetown, D. C. Point Lookout, Md. \lexandria, D). C. Frederick City, Md. Saltimore, Md. Fairfax, Va. vanupolis, Md. Aquia Creek, Va. \unapoiisdJunction, Md. York. Penn. Pidadelphia Departm:nt . —For information wl lvess “*Ofice Sanitury Commission, No. 27 South ‘Sixth sreet.’’ i” riladelphia, Pa. Chestnut Hill, Pa. ‘hester, Pa. Reading, Pa. rermantown, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa. New York Department.—For information, ad lress ~Opice i‘:llmm' Central Union, No. 10 Cuper Institute.”’ New York. N. Y. Portsmouth Grove, R. . \ibany, N. Y. Boston, Muss. Newark, N.d. - Burlington, Vt. vew Hayen, Cona, Brattieboro, Vt. Western Departments —Sor information, a = lress Opice 8 mitury Commission, Louisville, K , Jolumbus, Ohio, Louisville, Ky. ‘ieveland, Ohio. Covington, Ky. “unp Dennison. Onie. Lexinuton. Ky. allipolis, Uhio. Lanville, Ky, ‘incinnati, Qhio, Perryville, Ky. Juiney, llinois. Bowling Green, Ky. airo, Illinois. Memphis, Tennessee. lound City, Hlinois., Clarksville. Tenn. ffersonville, Ind. Jackgon, Tena. .vansville, Ind. Murfreesboro, Tenn. vew Albany, Ind. La Grange, Tena. ®.int Louis, Missouri. Gallatin, Tenn, ronton, Missouri. Nishville, Tenn. tolla, Missouri. Vicksburg, Miss, jpringfieid, Missouri. Corintfiin. cokuk, lowa. Helena, Arkansas. ravenport, flows, Grafton, Virginia, *aducah, Ky. Point Pleasant. Vs. jardstown, Ky. Parkersburg, Va. Lebanon, Ky. Clarksburg, Va. ‘olumbaus, Ky. Charlestown, Va. Jolumbia, Ky. ; lnformfionfi ’“:ig', under ordinary circam or it, in answer %0 an "qu& of | nquiries. .If the is by letter, the PR eas TaR T vt ben i . nmm%mmfiuaw state where when last of:] at present in the ho?gu Of wmeee? -e o 4 “2d. ¥ so, whfliflfllpw&tm? ‘ 3d. )a hat is the wp‘f the Sutgeon or Chap in ‘ i s 4th. H‘W bospital at prefant] bas he re iy ettt - s¢h. Wso, did b hw.;fiuam 6th. If recently discharged from hogpital, was he discharged from service? ® =~ Tth. If not, what were his orders on leaving ? More ape‘iécinformfioa as to (g‘l’ #?tion of any patient in the District of Colu hos pitals will be furnished within twenty-four houts Afigr-araguens. 10 4099 It roveived at the Wugh agton office. s The office ‘of the Directory will be open dafly from 8 o’clock A. M. to 8 o'clock P. M., and 'ip urgent cades applicants ringiag fhe d‘or bel! will be received at any hour o&e night, Much inconvenience in conductiong the busj ness of the Directory having arisen where visitors have been given direct access to the recordsbooks themselves, this practice will hereafter Le dis -ontinued; nor can lists of wounded in hospitals, by States, counties, regiments, or otherwise, be hereafter furnished from these records. The Sanitary Commission, under special su thory fi'bm the President of the United States miintains an extepsive system of -:Fencies for securing the sufe conveyance tg and distribution it goods put in its charge for the sick and wougn ded at points where they are most wagted, It perates with equal cape and :enormi*ut all wints—at New Orleans and at lfi-’ ashington, be ore Vicksburg and at Nashville—itsdistributions cing governed by a comparison of the wanisof he patients in all cases. To ascertain the rela trve character of- these wants in a trustworthy anner, and td secyre an equitable distribution .ud honest vse of goods distributed, besides e unpaid servicds of the members of the Come aission, twenty physiciuns of hi%:‘l professional od moral character and more than fifty lay .~¢nls are employed, under pecuniary {;_:g°uritiet st responsible and efficient service. " The cost . these arrangements have thus far been about 3 per ceptum 0& vaJye of the g?oda distributed. Jlie Commission has lot been able 1o obtain an thentic evidence of losses, miscarriage, or mis ppropriations, to the value of one dollar in ten avusand, of goods which have been once recejved t 1t shipping depots. The following are the wames of these depots, to which auxiiliary socie ivs und all disposed 1o aid the sick and wounded, without referemce to Stutes or localitics. but simply to their relative nccessity for assistance, 1. ¢ invited to send their offerings : Sanitary Comumission, Branch Supply Office, 22 Summer street, Boston, Mussgchusetts. Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Otfice, 10 Third Avenue, New \'ork, i Sanitary Comynission, Branch Sy;;?jy Office, :7 south gjxtb street, Philadelphia, Penna. n‘uniurg' Comumission, Branch Supply Office, Cinginnati, Übio. s Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, sauk street, Cleveland, Uhio. v S.miw{ Commission, Branch Suppiy Office, Chicago, Hlinois. : Sanitary Commission, Bragch Supply Office, Louisville, Kentucky. The Commission receives pe pecumdary aid whatever from the Government, und is.wholy lependant op the yoluntary contributions of the public for the means of sustaining its operations. Jontributions to its Treasury are solicited, and nay be tramswitted to Georae T. Srrony, Esg., {'reasurer, 68 Wall street, New York. ’ The names of the following genuom:w nissioners of the President of the Unite tes, wre p;edged to the public for the econumy, integ ity, and effciency with which whateyer is en t-usted to the Sanitary Commission wi]l be ad- N Bellaws, D. D, Geurge'T. Styong. Eag . W, ws, D. D, eorge T. Strong. . A. D. Bach I‘:l‘ D, Homfe Binhfiy;%‘.,lblqs. G. W. Cullgm, 0.8, A.Rt. Rev, T.M. Clark, D. A.E. Shiras, U. 8. A, llon, Joseph Hol. [p. R.C.Wood, M.D., U,B.Hon. R. W. Burnett, 3. G. ?wc M. D. [A.Hon. Mark Skinner W.H, wfinm,M. D.Rev. John H. Heywood . Wollcott Gibbs, M. D. Prof. Fairmap R GC. R, %nw, M.D. Hon. Schuyler y Klisha Harris, M. D. = Fred Law Olmstepd Esy. ; J.S. Newberry, M. D, CenrmaL Orrics ov Samrany Cosmassiow, 244 F street Washington, February 1, 1768,