Newspaper Page Text
Va.; 3d, R. W. Gatlin, N. C.; 4th, Wm. Hale, Tenn.; sth, B. Brown, Ga.; 6th, Wm. G. Robbets, Ga.; Tth, E. N. Mec- Caulay, N. C.; Bth, E. F. Yong, Va; 9th, ‘% H. Sibley, Va. R AN s “Dear Gazerre” :—I am told that you have a population of fifteen thousand on the Pint. Please inform me how in the world so many persons manage fo live ona Pint of land ? I also desire to know if the last charge against the the rebs has been collected ? and if the large guns were discharged on account of their demoralizing tendency ? Why do the officers file off theig men ? I shou{d think they would shrink enough by being continually wet and dry. Tke, the rascal, says they are always dry on a Pint, and the danger is, that they will dry up and blow away by the high winds. How cruel the officers are to drill the men withynuskets. Tke says it's because they want the men more Aoly. %om' early information will much oblige Your friend Mgs. Parrinaron, Jr. P. 8 —When I call you dear T do not mean to be blunt, and intimate that you are The above questions and suggestions are from young Mrs. Partington, who was re cently made such by marrying the rascally Ike, oaly son of the old lady’s, but as we have no column for ‘notices to correspon dents’ wedecline to attempt answering them; however, we have no objections to her ask ing as many as she wishes. o eot Tue town is laughing at an amusing story of a recent interview between the Secretary of War and the President of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. It is too good to be lost, and I give it as I find it afloat : “*The draft has fallen with great severity upon the employees of our company.” *“ Indeed ?” ‘* If something is not done to releive us, it is hard to foresee the consequences.” ““Let them pay the commutation.” “ Impossible ! the men can’t stand such a tax.” ‘“ They have a rich company at their back and that’s more than other people have.” ‘“ They ought to be exempted, because they are necessary to the working of the road for the government.” ‘“ That can’t be,” ““ Then I will stop the road.” “If you do, I will take it up and carry it on!” The discussion is said to have been drop ped at this point, and the very worthy Pres ident is still working the road as success fully as ever.— Wash. Cor. N. Y. FEre. Post, S 2 —— NEWS! FUN!! WIT AND HUMOR!!! ON and after the 21st inst. the followir - Daily and Weekly Newspapers will be kept for sale by E. L. DoxyeLLy, Sutler: DAILIES.—New York Iferald, and Tribune. WEEKLIES. —Harpers Weekly, Ilustrated News, Frank Leslie, Clipper, Wilke's Spirit, Budget of Fun, Waverly Magazine, New York Independant, Comic Mouthly and Alnanacs of all kinds. PHOTOGRAPHS! | . PHOTOGRAPHS ! ¢ ' PHOTOGRAPHS" ! ! CARTES DE VISITE, i also FERROTYPES, taken in superior style and finish, at the Gallery near the Pine Grove. 52-60 J. C. SPAULDING. UVION OYSTER SALOON.—The subscriber would regpgctfully call the atten tion of the soldiers and citizens of Point Look out to the fact that he has opened for their accomodation an OYSTER SALOON on the bank of the Potomac river, adjoining the camp ofthe2d N. H. V, 52-64 F. R. FORMAN. “I STEAMER WM. WHIL : DON, Capraiy Riceans, leaves Baltimore every Friday morning at 10 o’clock A. M., for Point Lookout and Landings on the Potomae river. Leaves Washington every Tuesday morning, foot of ith stieet, at 6 o’clock A. M., for the above named landings. CLERK.—J. H. WiLsov. AGENT.—CuarLes WILSON. 49—67 A. NEEDHAM & SONS. TO ALL WHO HAVE FRIENDS IN THE - ARMY. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, Soldiers’ Aid Societies, clergymen, editors and others are respectfully requested to aid in disseminat ing the following notice, which 1s of interest to all who have friends in the army: DIRECTORY OF THE HOSPITALS. The Sanitary Commission have made arrange ments for supplying gratuitously information with regard to patients in the United States Greneral Hospitals at the following points, (others will be added:) Euastern Departments:—For information ad dress “* Office Sanitary Commission, Washington.” Washington, D. C. Cumberland, Md. (reorgetown, D. C. Point Lookout, Md. | Alexandria, D. C. Frederick City, Md. Baltimore, Md. Fairfux, Va. Annapolis, Md. Aquia Creek, Va. Annapolis Junction, Md. York, Penn, Plaladelphia Department.—For information, address “Oplice Sanitary Commission, No. 27 South Seath street.”’ Philadelphia, Pa. Chestnut Hill, Pa. Chester, Pa. Reading, Pa. Germantown, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa. New York Department. —For information, ad dress “Office }(’omms' Central Union, No. 10 Cooper Instilute.' New York, N. Y. Portsmouth Grove, R. L. Albany, N. Y, Boston, Mass. Newark, N. J. Burlington, Vt. New Haven, Conn. Brattleboro, Vt. Western Departments.—For information, ad dress Office Sanitary Commission, Louisville, Ky. Columbus, Ohio. Louisville, Ky. Gleveland, Ohio. Covington, Ky. Camp Dennison, Ohio, Lexinzton, Ky. Gallipolis, Ohio. Danville, Ky, Cincinnati, Ohio. Perryville, Ky. Quiney, Ilinois. Bowling Green, Ky. Cairo, [Hinois. Memphis, Tennessee. Mound City, Ilinois. COlarksville, Tenn. Jeffersonville, Ind. Jackson, Tenn. Kvansville, Ind. Murfreeshoro, Tenn. New Albany, Ind, La Grange, Tenn. Saint Louis, Missouri. Gallatin, Tenn, ironton, Missouri, Nashville, Tenn, Rolla, Missouri. Vicksburg, Miss, sSpringlield, Missouri, Corinth, Miss. Keokuk, Towa. Helena, Arkansas. Davenpuit, lowa, Grafton, Virginia. Paducah, Ky. Point Pleasant, Va. Bardstown, Ky, Parkersburg, Va. Lebanon, Ky. Clarksburg, Va. Columbus, Ky, Charlestown, Va. Columbia, Ky. Information will, wnder ordinary circum stances, be given to any person who may apuly for it, in answer to any or all of the following inquiries. If the application is by letter, the answer will be sent by return mail; if in person, it will be answered at once 1. 18 —veee | girtnghname and regiment, and state where when last heard of?] at present in the hospitals of ——7 ' 2d. If so, what is his prog address? 3d. What is the name of the Surgeon or Chap luigugf‘the hospital? 1. If not in hospital at presant, has he re cently been in hospital? : 5 stl‘}. If so, did he die in hospital, and at what ate 6th. If recently discharged from hospital, was he discharged from service? Tth. If not, what were his orders on leaving ? More specific information ag to the condition of any patient in the District of Columbja hos pitals will be furnished within twenty-four%purl after a request to do so is received at the Wash ington ogce.f The office of the Directory will be open daily from 8 o’clock A. M. to 8 o'clock P. M., and in urgent cases applicants ringing the door bell will be received at any hour of the night. . Much inconvenience in conductiong the busi ness of the Directory having arisen where visitors have been given direct access to the mcpr%}o_okn themselves, this practice will hereafter dis continued; nor can lists of wounded in hospitals, by States, counties, regiments, or otherwise, be hereafter furnished from these records. The Sanitary Commission, under special au thority from tge President of the United States maintains an extensive system of %gencies for securing the safe conveyance to and distribution of goods put in its charge for the sick and wqua ded at points where they are most wanted. It operates with equal care and gnerosity at all points—at New Orleaps and at Washington, be (ore Vicksburg and at Nashville—itsdistributions being governed by a comparison of the wants of the patients in all cases. To ascertain the rela tive character of these wants in a trustworthy manner, and to secure an equitable distribution and honest uvse Jof goods distributed, besides ihe unpaid services of the members of the Com mission, twenty physicians of high professional and moral character and more than fifty lay agents are employed, nnder pecuniary securities for responsible and efficient service. The cost of these arrangements have thus far been about 3 per centum of the value of the goods distributed. I'he Commission has not been able to obtain an ‘hentic evidence of losses, miscarriage, or mise appropriations, to the value of one dollar in ten thousand, of goods which have been oncereceived tits shipping depots. The following are the names of these depots, to which auxilliary socie ties and all disposed to aid the sick and wounded, without reference to States or localities, bt simply to their relative necessity for assistance, are invited to send their offerings : Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, 22 Summer street, Boston, Massachusetts. Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, 10 Third Avenue, New York. Sanitary Commission, Branch Snpply Office, 27 south Sixth street, Philadelphia, ‘}Penna. Sanitary Commissiog, Branch Supply Office, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office Bank street, Cleveland, Ohio. Sanitary Commission, Branca Supply Office, Chicago, [llinois. Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Office, Louisville, Kentucky. The Commission receives no pecuniary aid whatever from the Government, and is wholly dependant on the voluntary contributions of the public for the means of sustaining its operations. Contributions to its Treasury are solicited, and may be transmitted to Georce T. StroNe, i!‘.sq., Treasurer, 68 Wall street, New York. The names of the following gentlemen, com missioners of the President of the United States ure pledged to the public for the economy, integ rity, and cfiiciency with which whatever is en trusted to the Sanitary Commission will be ad ministered : .W. Bellows, D. D, GeorgeT. Strong, Esq. A. D. Bache, LL. D, Horace Binney, Jr., Esq. G. W, Cullum, U.S. A.Rt. Rev. T.M. Clark 3 A. E. Shiras, U. S. A. Hon. Joseph Holt. [D. R.C.Wood, M.D., U.S.Hon. R, Vg Burnett, S. G. Howe, M. D. [A.Hon. Mark Skinner W. H. Van Buren, M. D.Rev. John H. Heywood, Wolleott Gibbs, M. D. Prof. Fairman Rogers, C. R. Agnew, M. D. Hen. Schuyler Colfax. Elisha Harris, M. D. Fred Law Olmstead Esq J. S. Newberry, M. D. CexTrAL OFFICE OF SANITARY CoMMISSION, 244 F strea Washington, February 7, 1868