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‘‘l don't xnow, oh, I wish I did."” He might well look surprised, and a little pained, ** You don’t know whether you can love me or not, is that what you mean, Kate?"’ The little touch of sadness in his voice had = salutary effect. She raised her eyes and looked directly into his face. ; ‘‘Something like that, | mean certainly. ! like you very much indeed, only I am afraid—"" ‘“{ wrote that when I received your sanction,, I would prove to your mother my standing, and give her ample facility for enquiring into my cireumstances and character ; of what can yot be afraid, dearest Kate?”’ ':Of your lieutenant; what is he like, (".apt. Guile? I have never seen him, but lam afraid | am more in love with him than with you.” She spoke the words hurridiy, a blending of smiles qu tears on %face, but she dared no: look at him, and sat waiting to hear what b would answer, ‘“Then you kmow my licutenant; what is the name you call him by 7"’ ‘‘ Philip Lisle, of course,”’ answered Kate, ““There is no such lieutenant in our regiment. Miss Weston. ; Are you sure you have not beer, im upon?’ mdrew a long breath. ‘lt cannot be. ! could almost stake my life on his integrity, though I have only known him by his letters.” The captain caught her hand, and showered his kisses upon it. ‘“ God bless you, Kate, for a true, leal-hearted woman.'’ : It was Kate’s turn to look astonished. She scarcely anticipated his praise for her faithful ness to the lieutenant. ‘lt is cruel to cheat you longer, my noble Kate; there is no Lieut. Lisle, but Capt. Philip Lisle, your humble servant, faithful correspond en;i and devoted lover, stands before you."” ate's little shriek of delight, and gesture of thanksgiving, was pleasent and pretty for him to witness. “ And now,”’ asked he archly, ‘‘ can you give me my answer, can you tell me if you love me well epough, being both lieutenant and captain, to stand up before that worthy pastor of yours, and answer in the affirmaiive that all-important (ates answer was inaudable, but her mother guessed it readily enough, a8 she came gliding silently into the room, and laid a hand on each, uyi?}g, with a stifled sob, ‘‘God bless my children.”’ ‘ But, mamma,’’ began Kate eagerly, “‘you do not know—"" and PEuen she paused abruptly. A look of significance upon her mother’s face ex?hined it all. ¢ Ob, mother, you were in the plot, you knew who he was all the time.”’ “Do you think I would have sent you from me in such a quandary if I bad not?"’ returned the mother tende;l‘y. And a quiet wedding followed speedily, and Cousin Mary was there with her earnest congrat ulations and gentle %ym"path_y. ‘“Oh, Mary, dear Mary, it is half dueto you,” wh’izered the lovely bride; and then with a wistful quivering of the l?lp she added—‘‘How little you thought I should have such a precious gxgnt_o offer my country. I can do better now t sewing on the soldier's garment. I can give my husband's strong arm to wield the sword that shall lead his company on to battle. Oh, Mary, dear Mary, pray for me, that I have strength to yield him trustfully and bravely !’ But Kate was et‘,ua.l to the trying ordeal.— Thrasting down the sharp pang and rising sob, she, like many another loving wife, bade her beloved one God fid upon bis way, and calmed her anguish with the consoling cry, ¢lt is for my country. 1 tooam working for the righteous cause. I will bear lonliness, and dreariness, and bitter anxiety for my country’s sake, and God can save and preserve.”’ Her anxieties for her husbsnd’qmty are en ded now. From Gettysburg the thrilling words flashed to her along the wires, ‘*% Philip Lisle wounded severely and'm e ¥ M‘ her wild fears, Kate hastened to the distant hospital, and nursed him back to life. She has him at home now. It will be mm montlmwbdme h? can stir :ni‘thout a Tl it may be he will never wal ain with the old free step and edsy gait, but n‘fiap pier couple m mnot&, than Kate and the recipient of her first Soldier Blouse! [ Josu Buuives.—The following iz worthy of the “‘great showman’’ himself: ~ The most oneasy eritter I ever pu-sued was 2 “hobtail bull in fly time. 1 am prepared tu say tu seven of the rich men _out of every ten, ‘‘make the most of your mon-' ey. for your money makes the most of yu.” A big soul makes a man look like an old fashioned tin lantern with a kandle in it. The meanest man I ever nu was the one that! stole a sugar whistle from a niggar baby, to sweeten a kup of rye coffee with. When you have seen trouble, du as the dogs du when they get whipped. go in secret and lick your sores till they git well, and then look up another fite. There is this differance between rosting out and wearing out: if you rust out, when yu git thru vu ain’t worth a cuss ; but if yu wear out, what's left of yu is fustrate. e e ety Ay s s Official List of Officers and Patients. The following is an official list of officers and patients (Union) now in connection with, and in, the Hospital at this place: Surgeon in Charge——ANrHoNy HEGER, Sur geon, U. 8. A, Assistant Surgeons—W. H. Garpyer, U. 8. A, Executive Officer, Geo. McC. Mizrer, U. S. V. Acting Asst. Surgeons—Geo. JouxsoN, T. Lig sotp, R. N. Wricar, M. A. Boorn, Wu. F. Bu- CHANNAN, W. W. Biprack, W. A. Harvey, J. GiLuay, H. S. Couston, F. Giesporr. Chaplain—Rev. J. A. SPOONER. Hospital Stewards—H. C. Arcmizaip, Chief Steward, J. P. Stausaves, R. L. WERNwaG, J. E. McGowax, ™ NEW YORK, 1D W Smith G, art., L Smith F, J C Torney C, art, 88 P Rian I, sgt. T Coyne B, art. P Mehan A, 2 C Brill L, art. 94 L Ellithorpe K, J J Laich L, art, W Skellen F, 6 S Smalley L, 95 J G Pratzen E, J Smalley G, 97 E M Huntley D, A HTompkina G 102 J W Gilbert K, 7 Cllsar F, cav. 104 C Tanner G, 9 J DeLong G, art, 107 A Noles G, 11 J J Clark C, bat, W T Warner G, 13 J Kenigan F, cav. 108 cor E Fisher I, 14 F Learn I, J Neary K, 15 cor J Daly, bat, P Wel(ion K, A McCrutchen id bty, B Stump I, 16 8 Fordham C, ggt J H Warden G, 39 C Butger B, E Durand B, W Fritzsch D, 114 L S Talbert C, 42 P Gorman F, 180 G Woener I, J Scanlon F, 121 W Dengman H, B Bautler A, cor A?fiu rington H 43 L Shephard K, J Severn K, H Goldshorough H, T G Shephard F, W Prate I, M S Tanner H, 44 W H Wheeler D, J C Peasley G, S Ziela F, W H Rinehart G, 52 C Gilbert I, 122 D Hall K, . J Hass A, 123 J Tellier E, J Marder D, 124 W H Dill D, P Ruff E, - J N Hazen F, C Berrum E, G G Taylor C, C F Miller A, 126 W B Brando D F Weisner I, 127 A L Romaine é, (r Korten A, 136 J Henrick F, 57 A Baker K, J Kelley F, 60 K Dygert C, C B Rhodes B - cor H Steward F, 137 J A Burrows A, 61 B Delong I, T Potts A, P Finigan |, 140 W Eichorn B, M Burns A, 141 8 Ankle G, 64 F Cieaveland D, corp W Moore H, W I Roffey A, 146 F Gillaume D, J Sanders G, W S Roberts K, 69 B Quirk A T E Jepson K, 70 S W Couk B, R Kelly H, 71 P McKeon E, 147. C G Willis G, 73 C Houghtaling A, 149 J F Knoop A, corp C D Bouton F, 150 C Dolan D, 76 G W Steut (, D Moon €, | E Field K, 151 G Cooper B, | 7T W Wyatt K, M N Cole H, ‘ E C Bryan A, W H Huie K, W H Wildey K, M W Stockwell A, 78 M Noah A, 154 J Conant E, | 82 T Foley I, W S Teft C, | T Hall ¥, Scott’s 900 P Conly B, 86 sgt J Love E, mLNos.—l2 R H McKapsley G cav. | PENNSYLVANIA, 3 E Shade A, 102 cor G O’ Meally ¥ 6J M Pauling M, cav, A Stevens F, 8 G Holtz F, cav., 106 J Maloney K, 11 T Mulligan H, TOtto H, 23 J H Sharp B, 116 W S Kite F, 46 J H Price C, 118 E F Hubbs G, 5T E W Terry A, 119 R Nelson B, 63 G W Graham C, W Spicer 69 J Murry B, 121 J R Hunus G, 71 N Carty D, 138 E Y Imler E, 72 J Harbison [, 146 D H Weaver F, W Garson H, 142 sgt G Clark B, W Carlin F, 145 S Parrish F, 73 N Kiser —, 148 A B Rose G, 82 H Milson I, J N Rathford K, N H Pippet A, B Simmerman A, f3JP Fon?e(", A L Whitehill C, 84 W Diebart H, R Lyle I, 91 R gWakefield I, 149 W A Price |, 96 P McNiley H; = .15vd Sluffer A, 98 G Geisler B, MASSACHUSETTS. 1 T Kennedy G, W S Sampson €, 2 I H Sawyer G, 19 J Smith I, 7 E S Elliott F, L Boyle F, H Graff I, W B Fisher G, H H Stevens F, J Q A Fergason B, G Standley F, 20 E Lamprecht A, 10 C H Lather K, 22L8a1l I, ~ 11 H H Anderson I, 28 N R Hennessy E. sgt P Kennedy H, S Woolsencroft B, 12 J McCabe A, 32 S W Dunham D, 15 G G Taylor B, 33 G Brown D, 16 G Lovell G, E Bolton I, 18 L S Weston E, MAINE. 1 A J Colcord C, cav, 16 G A Getchel F, 3G W Lamont A, 17 E J Bracket D, W O Clark E, 19 cor W Stackpole F, 4 J Hynes F, M Smith K, 5 C Dunham I, 20 H D Brown [, H Sargent H, C A Jones [, 6 W'Kelly F, J Soule A, D Doyle B, H B Thorndike I, H Ricker A, J S Bearse B, 7 8 Crooker D, MARYLAND. 1J G Bowen K, . 3JF Brown K, B A Dean E, 4 G H Foley B, G W Morgan A, 5 C Hoffman G, A M Trice E, 6 A J Wilkins K, W E Lee D, 8 W W Morris E, J Martin B, P L.G W Gunzel B, cav 2 J T Baldwin §, E. S. % UNITED STATES. 2 J Spohn E, cav. H Hackett. J Putnam B, cav. Eng.—E Marr A, B A Edmuns A, cav. Navy—S Smith. J Pluck K, cav. J Adams J Donovan G, cav. J Ellington, J S Foster G s,s. J Stevens, S. S. E Havens B, S Capall, J Rrandon 12t Berdan S. S, INDIANA. 7 W H Hamilton E, R F Daniels H, | 14 N Cale A, H Davis C, M Shank G, W C Harbison K, W S Coleman A, 27 R Sumner B, J Towhey B, DELAWARE. 1J A Potter F, J Coneham C, W H Michael K, C Kinsler A, J Shaffner B, cor V Piereth F, corp J B BooneD, 2 H Holden H, W Adkins E, RIIODE ISLAND. lED Pendleton i, art. D B Allen F, art. W W Kenyon F, art. 7 W l Dakin I, J H Chester F, art. J Shipper C. A Grinnell F, art. CONNECTICUT. 1 D F Crocker C, cav, 20 S L. Hall A, 17 AN Allen A, H J Tibbals D, S A Lester A, MICHIGAN. 16 H Lawrence A, 24 T A Woodworth A, A Bechaud A, H N Hughes C, 17 A W Kent K, OHIO. 1 cor I Parker H. 6 W O Grover 4G H Beddon 1,78 S G Cone D, 5 H Walker C, 107 C Boersman E, WISCONSIN, 3 H Wood A, 26 P Lersh D, 7T Price F, NEW JERSEY. 3NJ Pittinger D, 8T A Hedden B, viriNta.——T7 T O Cline D, MINNISOTA .—1 J White H.