Newspaper Page Text
List of Deatiis in Haunnond Geueral Hospitl since July 26th, 1864. Jolin King, Co. G, 4th New Hamp. Henry Kiser, Co. A, 115th N, Y. Nathan Askin, Co. F, 35th Penn. William Lovell, Co. 11, 97th Penu, James Bessy, Co. K, 3d N. Y. Art, John Lande, Co. K, 4th U. 8. C. T. Benjamin Blowers, Co. C, T9th Wis. George Farrell, Co. F, sth Mass. Col'd Cav. Charfes L. Juderine, Co K, t6th N. Y. H. A, Samuel Hodge, Co. I, 139th N. Y. V. Frauncis Dafty, Co. K, 43th N, Y. John 8. Peterson, Co. G, sth Mass. Col’d Cav. B. . Teeters, Corp. K, 11th Vet Res. Corps. George Gilbert, Co. E, 24 New Hawp. Robert Thorntou, Co. G, sth Mass. Col'd Cav, Hugh Graham, Co. C, 11ta Vet, Corps. Geotge il. Greenleal, Co. G, 9th Maine Vols. 3e @B e :,ft past week one hundred and forty four' pathents Lave Leen returued to duty, eighty seven trausterred, seventeen died, four dis charged and one deserted—remaiving in hospi tal nige hurdred and forty-niue e Senved Tuen Ricnr.—The party of twenty five gentlemen, whose arrest several due s since by Provest Marshal Wilmer of Delaware, for totding wpic-uicin McUrone's woods, without permission of the wilitary agthorities, having tor its object thie aiding of the rebel prisoners in Fort Delaware, hus been noticed in tise exchange papers, and who, on being brought Lere, had been lodged in Fort McHenry, were released on Saturday by Geucral Wallace. They subse queatly dined at Barnum’s Hotel, and returned in the cvening train of the Philude!phia Rail road to their homes. John Wells, Esq. of this city acted as their counsel, i conjuiciion with several lecal fricuds of the parties in Delaware. 1t is feared that on veaching Wilinington, the party received a grand ovation st the hands of their frieads, who, to the number of near two thousand turned out, and weleowed them home, Ihe getters up of the reception wore artested by the Provest Marshal, but what disposition ol their cases has been made, is not learned.—sdm. e e Cortisros ry-—ue-Bay.—Dßetween 1 aud = o ciock oir Saturday morning a collision took place off Cove Poiut, near the mouth of the Patuxcut, between the United States transport steatner Wawaset, Capt. Taggart, aud schr. Al fred Clarcnee. The steamer was laded with cab bages and produce for Fortress Monroe, and had 4 portion of the wheel-house, guards aud upper deck, on the port side torn away by the bow sprit of the schooner, and was obliged to return on Saturday evening for répairs. The schoouner custained but little damage, and arrived safely in Daltimore. Forr Mosror, August 6.—The Naval supply steamer Admiral, Captain Wm. B. Eater, arrived here this worning from New Orleans, via Hilton Head, with General Daniel Sickles and Staff.— She brings from Charleston Bar iutelligence, that the officers recently exposed to the fire of our batteries at Charleston, S. C., were exchang ed on the 3d inst., off Fort Sumter, under the direction of Major General Foster. Among them were Brigadier General Wessels, Scammon, Shaler, Seymour and Heckman ; Colonels Har riman and Mathews, of Tennesscc, Evans and Fardell, Lieuteant Colonels Burnham and Sen tam, Major Biers and others. When the flag-of-truce steamci having these { officers on twoard reached our fleet, Admival | | Dabilzren received them with a national salute, ’ atid ke crews of the ships-of-war cheeved them | ; heartily, They visited the Admiral on bonrd ‘ | of his flag-ship, und afterwards the whole party, Caccompanied by Adwiral Dahlerea and Mujor | General Foster, weat on board the steamer } Admival, where they dived with Geueral Sickles ! cund Staff, They are expected to wirive here ina | ; day or two in the sieamer Fulton. ‘ i i ol AA e s : v THILADECPIIS . August 8= Jetter from New- | P hery: N O of ,\u;_:iht 4, suvg—=A report from Roanoke Island, just reccived, states that our P gunboats off Plymouth, in Albemarie Souund, | pattend to give batiie to-day to the Rebel ram i Abemarte, and torce her into an engugeient, ‘ i‘.v'.-: Sunday night she attenpted to surprise our | f fleet, but beipyg discovered, went back, not P daring tomshe an attack, ' The dlection {or Governor of this State wkes | placeto=day: Governor Vancee, who 15 # candi mate for re-election, 13 receivivy the hearty sin port ef the authoiiies al Hichmoud, and disu vl FUi rebel aiann The rebicis ate vudeavoring to v { brevent the Hobdepn men froln voling By tUircats | and otlicrwise. Wihitst Hobden's aaajarivy in f somie rountics will ke benvy these measaies I¢- sorted 1o i..-\ the rebel suthorities to deleat him g witl prove a jailure. O ALL WHO HAVE FRIENDS lIN THE ' ARMY. { 'Mii.\ll;liiir OF CONGLRESS, Boldiery’ | ; Aid Soetetics, clevavmen, editors and otiiers | ALe Fral T v CHCSTE Tt e b sae L | tig tae Dlowibr nace, wii chis ef Hiterest 10 al} who lave irigids it iy PEREG TOy O Bile USSP T A Ls. | The Sanitary Connniron have wiade atrange- Hents e B}’ in pratnitousty dnformation i with reeard 1o pationts in the Uyited States | Crenerad Hospitads ¢t tacioilowing poiats, fothers | witl b addedd i Loastern.. Dogrertucicd s:~—For iformation wd- Gress e ‘\'4.‘u'ul'.‘i Clamnits v, “S‘,:.s-."u'n;',zr.u.” | Washiveton. D . Cumbertand. Md. { Georgetonn, . e Poiut Laokout, dd. { Alexaudria, L), O, Frederick Cily, Md. i Bailtiimore, Md, fairfay, v, i | Agnipelis, M. Agiia Creck. ¥a, , ;\i;n.e_gflu:iU::):,liun. Md . Yorg, Peun. ,: i Phdadddplior Deparincet —=For information, | address '*i,'.,,;, &N wirif (_“,u'uul-\-"(‘lll, No- b i Sowdte Nrtusireel. t i Phitdelphiu, Pa. Chestnut Hill, Pa. | | Chester, Ba, Reading, Pa. - ! Fermaatowi: Pa, Harrisirg, Pa, ! f o Now York Deoortment —For inforation, ad | Pdress Oee Womans Ceniral L'/uuu_. No. UJ! ‘ Conppr Lustitute ? : é ENOW Tk N oY Portsmouth Grove; #b ; Albuny, N, Y. Buston, Muss, 3 Nowieh N ) “\“'“U"::lr“. Vi ; f Noew Havei, Ualin. Lrattleboro, Vi, ! West rn Depmertvicnts —tor information, ad- i Cdress Oice Suntary Commission, Lowseille, Ky | { Columbus, Ohio. Louisville, Ky. | | Cleveiand, Whio. Covington, hy. | %(f;;l;n;l)vx‘.xlimn.():*.iu. Lexincton, Ky. ! Gallipolis. Ohio. Lanville, K¢. i l Cinecinuati, Ohio. Perryeitic, Ky 2 | Quiney, linois. Bowling Green, Ky. ’ ‘ Cairo, Ilinois. Memphis, Tennessce, I Mound Cire, Hiuows, - Clarksyille, Tenn, ! | Jelfersonville, Ind. Jackson, Teun. { i Evausville, Ind. Murfreeshoro, Tenn. ! t New Albnuy, Ind. La Grange, ‘fenn. . | { Suint Louiz, Missouri. Gallatin, Tenn. L lronton, Missouri. Nashville, Tenn, | { Rolla, Missouri. Vickshure, Miss. ! | Springfieid. Missouri. Corinth, Miss. f | Keokuk, lowa. Helena, Arkansas, { Davenport, lowa. Gratton, Virginia. | { Paducah, Ky. Point Pleasant. Va. j { Bardstown, Ky. Parkersburg, Va. | Lebanon, Ky. Clarksburg, Va. j Coluinbus, Ky. Charlestown, Va. | Columbia, Ky. ‘ ® I[nformation will, under mwrdinary circum-l stances. be given to any person who may apoly | for it. in answer to anv or all of the following ,inquiries. If the application is by letter. the | answer will be sent by return mail; if in person, | it will be anawered at once ‘ 1. lg =—— [giving name and reginmeut, and e s e sy o o tute where when last beard oii] at prescit oo the hospitals of ——=? 2d, If so, what is his proper addres Sd. What is the uame of the Surgeow or Chap lain of the hospital? - 4th. If not in hospital at presant, has ho ro cently beenin hospiwal? Sth. 1f su, did Lie, die in hospital, and at wust - date? Gth, If recently discharged from hospil, wus he discharged from scrvice? Tth. If not, what were hiz ciders on leaviny ! More specitic infornuntion us W the condition O any paticut i the District of Columbia hos pitnis will be turnished within twenty-four hours ATLCT it request 1o do #0 is received at the W ush- Ingon oihice. The oilice of the Divectory will he vpen duily from 8 o'elock A. M. to 8 o'clock P. M., and iu urgent cases appicants ringing the door bell Will be received at any bour of the night. Much inconvenience iu conductiong the busi ues=s of the Directory hasing ari:on wWhere visitors have been given direct uccess 1o the record books theiuselves, ths praciice will hercatter be dis- CObBGCG; nor can st of wounded in hospitals, DY Siates, countivs, regunents, or otherwise, e hereatter turnished from these tecords. The Sanitary Connaission, under special nu thorily from the President of the United States i lains ol estelsii e siatemn ol agencies lour ' secul ing the sale convevancee to and distribution ol goods put iwdts charge for the sick and woun - ded wt points where they are wost wanted. |y upuetites with cgunl vare wnd gent rosity at ail puiiis—at New Orleanns and at W ashington, by - fute Vieksburg and at Neshville—its distribaationt ' veine coverned !A}' a (.:&lliill'i.\_““ ol the wants of - the putients in all cises. To ascertain the reda erve chargeter-of s, Sauts in a Liustworihy unruper, and to secure an equitable distribution and bonest use of goods distributed, bhesides the unpaid services of the members of the Com lssion, twenty physichans of high professional Cabd moral characior and more than fifty Jay- HEOHTE are rlnpiu“. ud. under ]l(.",’l.lhiill'.\' M'l'.lll'lh'('n for respousible and cfticient service, The conr ol these arrangements have thus far been about S pevcentum of the valiue of the goodsdistributed - Lne Commission has not been able to obtain ny - ' thentic evidence of | losses, misearriag e, or mise ; appropriations, to the vaiue of one doliar inten | thouzand, of goods which have been once reccived at its shipping depots. The following are the natees of these depots, to which auxihinry socie | ties and atl disposed toaid thesick and wounded, without reference W dtates or localities, bug sinply to their relative necessity for usaistuncu, wiv mvited to send their (:fli'l‘ill‘,fis‘: | Sanitary Commission, Branch Supply Ollice, <2 Sunnuer street, Boston, Massachusetts. - Sanitary Comuission, Branch Supply Oflice, 10 Third Avenue, New York. - Nanitary Commnission, Branch Sup Ay Otlic | 27 south Sixth street, l"hiiudhlphiu,t[l*,.;“m‘m"e' - Sauitiry Commisston, Braneh Supphy Oflice, Cincinnati, Ohio, | Saunitary Commission, Brauch Supply Office Bank street, Cleveland. Ohio. - ’ - Sanitary Commission, Lrauco Supply Oftice,: Chicago, linois. Sunitary Comwmission, Branch Supply Oflice, i Louisville, Kentucky . ~ The Commission receives no pecuniary aid whatever from the Governinent, and s wholly dependant on the voluntary contributions of the public for the means of sustaining Its operations. ! Coutributions to its Treasury ure solicited, und Sy e n-;m'sum_tul 0 GEORGE T_. STRONG, Esq., Ficasurer. 68 Wall street, New York. The names of the following gentlemen, Can ~wissioners of the President of the United Statec are pledged to the public for the cconomy, integ rity, and cfilciency with wanich whatever jg en trusted to the Sanitury Commission wil] be ad winistered : 1. W, Bellows. D. D George T, Strong Esq. 'A. D. Bache, LL.. D. Horaece Binney, Jr. Esy. L G. W. Cullum, U.B ARt Rev T M (‘!ak, D. A.BE.Sbiras, U. 5. A Jlon, Josgeph Holt (D. ' R.C.Weood M.D. U.SHon. B W. Burnett 8. G. Howe, M. D. [A Hou. Mark Skinner, ' W. H. Van Buren, M. D.Rev. John H. Hevwood. - Wollcott Gibbs, M. D. Prof! Fairman Rogers, |C. R. Agnew, M. D, Hon. Schuyler Colfax. ' Elisha Harris, M. D. Fred Law Olmatead Esq. g J. 8. Newherry, M. D. { CENTRAL OFFicy o SANITARY CoMMISKION, | 944 Fatrea Washangton, February 7,1 y