,.ýý;i h dý tA( { jijo n 'tt .1 r o1A* ýAhnp WI IlT LJ F R nfL 'ftJJefl ,Y #111 311T #8TnII TWIJI6I 4T s .f'U 1'll~ ` 1O r,; 1 ;{ ; ti r U) - t r. -~irt ;*.' J Yl. .k{ ' f I . 7 ..ý' ý_ f:' 'iý yy I& B. P.CAAIT 3 W0 ILD" IS "G QV D~h&-JD TBOO I.. be dnseqiuence, the oc soldiers had to s"ervefoi. , lon er en ter .than. in the Federal. +armies, be- 'to ing generally, indeed;- enlisted -'fore the war,' and, thernfore, they were nse moi'ecomplldtely 'arid ontinu-- . ously .thaluthe Northemnea'. More- e over, the South was strictly block-- t aded and, thereby 1,prevented rom .I dbtaining: Ahe supplies itiheeddd. b* Necessarily; tlhereforei thefloees in i battle aswe · de"ifre& prisdtionerand i hardshili of-evty kind Were' heawibr b than in thetF derdl *mies;,andi the ,i deaths .from :wohnds and sickni~ss " sre moreadmBrous, : owing to the, A want of skilled Medieal ,anduaricali attendance, asn well aess. proper and' of sufficient hospital storea. For, iall: these reasons the Superintendent of h the .,Censuse estimatpes'.,the attual ly deat.inp,the :Confederete armies at et .3o0,000, .oa, seven-twentieths ofithe. entire strengthb That,;is to-say,ac- .qi cording to tlis. eotinate;. almost " v ery whites, man ni apble,.Of be ring g arms .in the Confederate: Stateeiwas drafted, anto thbe r~yand of every. i t ree so4drstted one, died.in.servive. Suh hiving ;b enthe frightful mor- h tality, it iseasy . to unde nd that thq cops tituigs f the twq t..ijtnhe- ti >j rned must, have ,beqp.iprleip y in Ijnr ed., eMo ver, theserricehhaing t ýPP.so ,cbgt3tnuaue, b o3fe hfirths t caq~ ave tgke place In th fmiqilies of the absent ..soldiers.: we a: e have seen, the. rate of inoer the .white,,populitign,.of these S is ,ithin.,afractpns p high .as, the r te ,at of ,ingreaseoftly qlouwr pop- q .plationathroughout the; Uniog' Itis b trot to imnigratiop,, as 'the.;readpr may be inolined,t asppose,0thatthis astonishing ,s !ilti s diue . TheCn ets ,officers havbeen happily :in qpired. to, accomipay their reporg ts li.h colountd sqaps, hgwingthe dis tribution of Mae 4mmigrants verp the ,j.iqn., Buto~k.theee maps thew. hole *Confeti~cyi.A~:lank with Mi ex; ,cepti oftIre. orsAe oa!so lintand mi-> nute ~dqts at im8pag.,ietenoes from' ne i-angtherx The inereaae then, itb isevident iaFias ~.ty naturtr one. t ~: would b e,,di$fala to, a4d~ue Sstronger prooof the albdilngvitality $of,,the; white ;ace r ,ia the South.,: SWithb. acha people, ,it is safe to pre ,4iet ithe, North.wiAL.gain--have to; a ec non etae nra tist ei ie r Ule3psv it munages, whiles1 Jaai3yet s op~o~iptnitetp iJMay'ltef~dis)cote t. a ,,'Thea f~fats owlearei ord' iathes na uweof the Merfn wast afeegrwalif S.ouione&by ,thee rekles .ineojoe l - _ erate manner&inh'hich emancipation e pgiffected. It muto otJodtgoh t ,. ten that thei ansjorigri'ofthe els 1 L-semauiqn : quietly wetting onksthe i.. ngm ton arok aspttb seg ei i e 1ike in90t tsdhe rim&ea Ma t qthsss)la ;i ta l att bri *tsby4n ; ther xtslk ts.otter neiriioy Id a m her mouPrPeWlatel4~l ~ 1 n interior was pierc:.&Mae eoutst, iwa b*a taasinlly heuahbtf dntit hlr as it ever hadbeen-itmay j.. ed if itkeas-snkogeaterariue i p- o thedup s d 4 bsaiedei 1~kamk ing-of in the nui>iin'k` o~ i tths. So toI smafll d 1 ` Here aid` there- Of I '1 geeeaesionst- te i .ctterI d;tl tra~orc lnry retardtidii it 'th i to io A the W dk hif that hocuired:ii:' tihe detait6'iie' der tevie#. MW&Wvr, rce It` niut dh be born dpeiiid t~itt b Ina the $iorder States e M"j0,ina Was 141 peactsbly "efteet' 1 'lo part 'of;the' 'rf Ao there' ssru "snl'oott; trra isecýiiMly'be attr ha edlto Vi Aee a 1ixa nA lg''i gt '' vaird.i t siifil rds t`e r e m from " batlea tpr- bri potin ,' i b1au is erhisto1'' Itis' etoe e~ bEn ncnnt~l forll &*aunsa -t~e' a ry"rtihtg so t ' III the1i, a'r oft l-a a'tbe that'tliie `r'' '.aY i~"""" """" i · 1 : ot`'this':pp-' teilugte wn''6lthl Ig litn ireadt firth ithey ca increase' eofrhe't ia 116' f'tti2 to jstibaseo terribtsly ftnr b'tttedie- vet eims; ant4ian, a t 3s `to befa Wdwetr 'suporteiirid &s~lviy, -RmIN PY'tie:-be:tse w'herydtin. the 'pxy ,6t slii*jfE o' a tn1oit ritghis erlges, a rtiher n artheippenrnil'siV4at slaves B", t ueMe slaveits, lithus. `Atplirdt'td B wetre most -fecl'uent' she!i*the wef comtmandin º enerul ; {0iatly ' e : wi au', t ''b the' ftbrI~tm k t eate d ai li to clistts ciete? tsellfroim Fiiibblttidt '`ý6 sc.ial, lrtt ndi th, tdtetpikn *as e t age werie'snpý3or2dra'',o;ýrr' b~y'' o'bligdd to usdeihtake"! rblthelpie= :'1 mfa t' *rt ','a acrinhithid lo ne~hil imd pewty.laee ete ntfod4pn i 4roe8fl 'b. e~ta'ioI1 ba pooe9 in ` sopiie r b~khit iuim thmt dJ~e.,~ atr"-tie ifde~ll3s~rpI'~sg tothqsa, pele,'f~;*.ter, qttli'iuatiý"'ýeiiae` they 6 ofti Wer tire d hites in 4ath'dnde $ oa-' iiiti ution 'Boi disuBteis `liiE we sti- ý lenceihat s~d thp~ i~ayi' Jii i'CiJowds.` be 1ýý'll'1tei"'ttii ri eteat od''tia · a las lctelda icha n `te` poi inet 9 tis' n d othe Ctopa Indei taks noti liije `s Sapontfor tirat·r·hniie efpjjent. for t` rpuai roes : 4 + t :~lre ,:in, omeo:r ' tPppuW In$ln Kuhaceyt r that awe *ue un lyt dr~g tqo .gs ,patasr. c ry e ,Ai0%§ a ffi ahexri on :l t.. f fe n ttyt 1 BtC~4 , . y pR . , · `ýýf - ,.4 .pyef, ttle. ,qhhlte :in htlbt~ ~~- ii tquSt,,e t ,fha tle: nitihe; , will ýgately, ýtox ýt is,~j.I tee~r w~.buhlk~ oaf the: .popua miose B a rragtbetr, i we. ; 'tes1 $toexpeyIoct asin decrasei. O:n uthled oth hand op Ieon= , a e~It p then·Np ed.lýte noio.. itle' a *pupR, ers~eih not bee visirn yhdo rhe acEtual colc1red inc°I ,ea. Aýrl¢ ; h ;bee iA veitcR a iai$ ,!vtptae, r as On la and. t Aklso. tate, tke o twq Saies, it-3?I; ~ h u the e 0 l a , 8 ILi: x t e fth t t ii h 'o 4~Y N PRO F . i~intc cg ~jJt .1·'~f~-~!~f i~~ei rsal; the:;,r~t ts~~~f~bgiin ,lie a yedthy pr` ceqt~rn ou 1 to the ioporats `df h& Ae, iOes, "X~i~e they h pe"i6ti'b: : iiti 1thtt,"' - wrowded dwellings, in- in the A144 de lýOre n'ideC 9dMa' 1iFaz;ce; iihº ý nabi& tiM BII t "f IA* 1ki~the 'So'fa t"'tAt ttIc #the is jlioid 'tit iid ;brfl''il ' ttiiW Lbi the very dr&6Wt Er s*e ghiy'en [ soiftin' 1 Uý' ifflh'n&b' Y" MiWrea b-oy ingirI ' o sekr h thllue"aiý5 tor 1Ljji jteW +o 1,420, 'g".Y& -of hda"i~ [80,872*br& tendicng fo l'*"litt IrltB4r me b PO ! irryt!ed i" it·r I Pre wore to compare thefvBa witkih % b ýe int *I h'fie en Gi ;'lthe d d rriie itt dudgý' cpt t4heiºii r cl iyuchboe~i ldM dd~t I *ii aih'1*'h to e= MiI orl prfte si d ope=n t'.1e wn lid lie d free Wpate ?ahe ts' £A i i lti4 m`re hhift 6tir ei 1 a Men'l~t fer ther iirti' t~ei-~o!h boiii ne~othbsjareib ,l oet i't - i`stji r dth irdss'thle 't6 ii-; tbeairý ' ee of wh~~ r~lsite n' `i i; ioi'~l~6di Ise&d it as -a p u n i e bblt . 0nta hVie;bi 'Migag n` upwtl t1id " here Yat' mhigh i ib rattr *iatly Illf a 1 rthe fitn , -Wt'o d tit'of't 'a i systent~d flt fh t eýaii"1 timgStBtes there weretakin k,8n amoae tage-a anifA+lt r.i4 meson et sel til6sls` '`eteit [d, Aiiallidiiig Y Y 'jti~~ ·l~itf~i~: 's~ i~t thseopirt,'ttIy. dl - y`b 1lhe hipb-sm1 abce alLrt i1 aiLi tthj 'o t. peol Jzatbe s r St'4~l' the theit 'hasid. W' nOonidi'I y stop' ver;thedrlslt'aa trust be 5: c ttidce& -sip'=t hiO')zi etat-Of pi success; 13y 'ai d the41 ý(prºe s Qotitsel hhrr l eI'nt 'the. uudaly ' coif eucatinga~ espopfe -Thug aitr have 1880'. th~ r ai au: h only hr attehdmxc.r:ne y'*calna" W tint , , 4e ade flhltS lO onl yste ,ii .here's e brougbV, te't hoe r> a3 in advantage,-ani anclefet kmerlca .mil , bo uA. m* mi~~Sr trdo j~itiizton