OCR Interpretation

The Louisiana Democrat. [volume] (Alexandria, La.) 1845-1918, March 19, 1890, Image 5

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82003389/1890-03-19/ed-1/seq-5/

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Such words make every House-keeper's heart glad, and when they know they
can rely upon what is promised they are still more pleased.
The energetic, enterprising merchants have just received an assortment of
goods that cannot fail to please the most fastidious.
Long experience in business enables him to pick out just what is needed for
this lovely land of our's and he has devoted considerable
time to making his selections.
Ladies Coa CERTAINLY Afford to Dress Handsomel ifi theu Will ONLY CllSecure
The Bargains we will now enumerate. JUST REFLECT :
33 yards of Figured Lawn only costs you - - 1 00 A large assortment of Figured Dress Goods are to be slaugh
20 yards of Figured Chaillie only costs you - 1 00 tered at 10 cents a yard.
20 yards of White Lawn only costs you - - 1 00 Now, no one can grumble or complain, for in addition you
A fine C h iteck Nainsook only costs you 8 cents a yard- 1 00 can buy a good bleached domestic at 5 cents a yard.
A splendid Chambray only costs you 8 cents a yard. A splendid unbleached domestic at 5 cents a yard.
A handsome Satine only costs you 10 cents a yard. A strong reliable check at 5 cents a yard.
A superbin m only costs o 8 cents a yard. A good round thread stripe at 5 cents a yard.
superb Gingham only costs you 8S cents a yard. o much for Domestics-but our bargains (do not stop there-
A good Alpaca only costs you 12J cents a yard. " they only begin.
Look at our EMBROIDERIES and FLOUNCINGS. The prettiest sight imaginable: the handsomest
designs ever dreamt of. Prices are nowhere-see the 75 cents a yard line -a thing of beauty indeed, 45
inches deep. Edging from 2-. cents a yard up, and not one piece but what is worth more money, but
they were bought at bottom prices, actually so near cost of production that no margin is left and we sell
them as closely.
LACES--The latest in Vandyke and Berlin Points, Valenciennes, Cremlin and other HOSIERY-In Balbriggan, Solids, Fancy Stripes for Children, Ladies and Misses. We have
styles at all prices. a line of goods that we can warrant, that we are offering at the low figure of
In CLOTHING and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS-We are second to none; fine 25 cents a pair. In addition we have a genuine imported Lisle
suits for Men and Boys at $4 a suit. A blue wool suit only costs $6.50. at $4.50 per dozen. Our low price goods are
Black Diagonal suit only costs $9. now selling at 5 and 8 cts a pair.
A full line of Straw Hats just coming in embracing the latest shapes in Canton, Yucatan and Campeachy goods, and as
with other goods, prices will be found at rock bottom. We dont stop here yet ! Carriages and Buggies, Road Carts
and Wagons in all styles and shapes, can be sold you at manafacturers' prices and all work guaranteed.
We invite attention to the new SEWING MACHINES in stock, every part of which presents new and simpler features
than any on the market. We have added this line at the urgent solicitation of our numerous customers.
The essential needs of man are also provided for as our Grocery and Provision department will attest. We do not
quote prices because we wish to give our patrons the benefit of market changes, and this varies daily, but we can say that
that from the large quantities we purchase we are enabled to undersell any of our competitors.
And say that you are satisfied for you will be. Mail orders given careful attention.

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