Newspaper Page Text
FRESH GROCERIES,BUTTER,& CHEESE Th? aubscriber ha* on hand, a fresh supply u> 'wry description of goods in hu line, wh ch he of* fare on reasonable term*. 66 Uiga Java, Rio, l.aguyra, M tricaibo, anJ Af rican COFFEE 25 cheat* and half-chesta Gunpowder, Imperial, Old Hyaon, Young Hyaon, arid Black TEAS 10 ca*es very choice Tea. 12 lbs in each, for fa milies 1500 pound* double refined and 2d qual ty Loaf Sugar 1500 |>ounds crushed and pulvered Loaf Sugar 1000 do white Havana do 1000 do brown do do Porto Rico and New Orleana do Do do and St Croix Molasses Sugar-house and New Ilieria 8 rup Ground and unground Sjuces, ofeve/y va riety Catsup*, Curry Powder, French and olher Mustards Olive*, Capers, Sardines, and Anchovies 8alid Oils, in flasks and bottles 700 gallons winier-etrsined and common Oil. FRUITS. 60 whole, half, and qr. boxes Raisins 2 cask a Currants 4 bhls. Dried Apples 80 do Green do 2 cases Prunes, in jars and fancy boxes SO drums Smyrna Figs 26 bbk Eastern Cranberries roo pounds soft shelled Almonds 150 do Filberts. BUTTER AND CHEESE. 28 tubs choice Welah Butter 30 boxes superior Chreso Sapsago do 31 hMs pink-eye,Potatoes 40 do extra brand New York Flour 40 do Virginia do 50 pockets Buckwheat 12 boxes do 23 bbls h*lf and qr. do. FISH. Mackerel, Cod, Shad, and Herring. CANDLES. 20 boxes Sperm Candles 10 do patent do 10 do Adamantine do Brooms, Mate, Pails, Baskets, See. 20000 Regalia, La Norma, Principe, and pother brand Cigars. 8YLVANUS HOLME8, ap 14 ?dtff , 7th street PEOPLE'S LINE OP STEAftT BOATS FOR ALBANY. Daily, Sundays excepted. Through direct?at 6 o'clock p. m.?from the pier between Courtlandt and Liberty streets, New York. Steamboat Isaac Newton, Capt.Wm. H. Peck, will leave on Monday, Wed uesday, and Friday evenings, at 6 o'clock. Steamboat Htndrik Hudson, Capt R. G. Crut tenden, will leave on TuesJay, Thursday, and Sat urday evenings, at 6 o'clock. At 5 o'clock p. rn., landing at intermedial? places. From the foot of Barclay atreet, New Y ork. Steamboat South America, Capt. Thomas N. Hulse, will leave on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday afternoons, at 5 o'clock. 8teambo >t North America, Capt. R. H. Furey, will leave on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday af. ternoons. at 5 o'clock. The above boats will at all times arrive in Albany in ample time for the morning cars for the East anil West. Freight taken at moderate rates, and none taken after 4 1-2 o'clock p. m. All persons are forbid trusting any of the boats of this Line without a written order from the cap tains or agenta. For passage or freight apply on board, or to P. C. Shultz, at the office on the wharf. may 19 tf Christian World"; An Independent, Comprehensive, and Impartial Newspaper; designed for wlcome an I useful circu lation among ail Frienda of Christian Union, Chris tian Benevolence, and Christian Literature. To be Published every Thursday, at the Reading-Room of the Christian Atheneum, over the Bookstore of Mr. amea Hannctead, Fourth street, between Market and Arch streets, Philadelphia; Price ; Two Dollars a-year?invariably in advance T. H. Stocktoit, ^ J. G. Wilson, C Editors. Tbeofhilcs Stouk, j W. 8. Ttocktoit,?General Agent. To persons who are acquainted with the character and objrets of the Chistiab Worlu, as they have. been developed during the last six years, it is only ne cessary to aay, that, as soon as one / o itanif paying subscribers arc secured, the poper will he put topriss regularly. The Old Subscription "List ought to supply this number at once. To other peraons, it is proper to remark, that the Christian World, in prim, is intended to reflect the Christian World, iV) action?-in a word, to daguerreo ype it: and then, for purposes of common ail vantage, to compare the organized and operative Religion of the Age wiih the Religion of the Bible. The enlarged liternry and business agencies of the Establishment, are deemed amply sufficient to assure the public of successful management. Its immediate connexion with the Chihtian Athknkum?an Insti tion which is to lie furnished with many of the prin cipal organs of the Church and Slate, both in Eu rope and America,?will give ita conductors early ac caaa to invaluable sources of universal intelligence. favors RidvesTKn. 1. On receipt of this prospectus, let the Old Sub scribers, at every Poet Office, appoint one of their number, or aome othi r sui'ablo person, an Jlgtnt. Let him aend us at once, as many names and as much money as possible. In cases where substantial agents moke themselves responsible for their subsetibers. this responsibility will be regarded as equivalent to payment in advance? provided they settle their ac counts within s x months. Even in such cases, how ever, immediate payments are decidedly preferable; and, to encourage them, the commissions to agents are arranged thus:-? On cash orders, 25 per cent: on deferred remittances, 12$ per cent. 2. As the Prospectus will Ite widely distributed, let all persons who see it, and feel an interent in if, act promptly in the manner d. sciibed above. It i>< thought that a little effort will lie sufficient to pro cure a company, or club, at almoat any Post-office in the Union. The times increasingly demand juit such a publication as is proposed. Address,?W. 8. Htockton. General Agent, Phil ?delphia, Pa.: or either of the associate Editors. AI orders will be punctunlly attended to. Nora.?Exchanges will confer a favor by copying or noticing this Prospectus. T. H. 8T0CKT0N, Editor and Proprietor. PiUtAPiiPHf A. May, 1847. KAHB RKDUCfJl) ! WASHINGTON AND ALEXANDRIA BOAT. Passage Five Cents?Freight at Reduced rates. The departure of the steamer JO. SEPH JOHNSON, will he, aa nigh as practicable, at the following hours, uuttl further notice, vix; Leave Alexandria at 7J, 10, 12{, and 4 i o'clock. i Leave Waahmgton at **, 11, jj, 34, 5^ WM- "?N0WEL[" TEAS, TEAS. Washington, 11. ?. Agency of the NewYork CANTON TEA COMPANY. THE OLDEST J EA ESTABLISHMENT IN AMERICA ! PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT IN NEW YORK. THEC\NTON TEA COMPANY has ben. ptpularly known for many years. This is the largest and uklnl Tm EitiWuuiwil in America.? 1 he public have had lull proof of their integrity and responsibility. But such has leen ihe great and pressing demand for iheir 1 EAS "f latft, that they have Wen obtig'd to enlarge, to a great extent,their two principal establishment* in Now \ ork, vix: 125CHATHAM AND 103 GREENWICH STREETS. They moreover j>osscm facilities, "m relaiion to the Tea Trade, in a vcy abundant degren, and doubt less, superior to any other Tea ('oncernin America. Their scrupulous regard to all principles that tend - to elevate the character of a lar^e bouae, is well un derstood, ai.d has already secured thein a connec tion, probably, larger than all other Tea Establish inents united, and they consequently are determined to *e!l Tea* purer, more fragrant, and per feel fir ihe price*, in the aggiegate, than any house in the worl.1?China excepted. They most zealously invito the attention of the in habitants of WASHINGTON, D. C., to theii Agency, where the following assortments aio always on band; and they feel no hesitation in stating that wherever a single trial is made, a very decided pre ference is given to the celebrated 1 eas ollhe CAN TON TEA COMPANY. Oj* Reader, make the experiment! Retail Prices as follows, subject in all cat* to bt I returned if not approved of? GREENS. Good YOUNG HYSON, $0 50 per lb. Fine do 0 62j " No. 2 fragrant do 0 75 " No. 3 very fine do 1 00 " Silver leaf, do I 25 " Good HYSON, 0 75 " Very fine do 1 00 " Extra fragrant, I 25 " Good HYSON SKIN, 0 50 " Good IMPERIAL, 0 75 " Very tine do ' 00 " Extra fine do 1 25 " Good GUNPOWDER, 0 75 - Fine do 1 00 " Extra fine do 1 25 " BLACKS. No. 1 SOUCHONG, $0 50 por lb No. 2 do 0 62$ ?' Finest do 0 75 " Fragrant POWCHONG, various prices. CONGO, various prices. Fine OOLONG. 0 50 " Very fine do 0 75 " Extra fine do I 00 " NINGYONG, various rices. Finest ENGLISH BREAKFAST. TEA, fvery rich Pekoe flavored) 0 75 ? Fine ORANGE PEKOE, 0 62$ Finest PEKOE FLOWERS, 100 HO WQUA, or finest Black Tta im ported, 1 00 " Ne plug ultra TEAS, both Green and Black, of all descriptions, the highest grades grown in China, $1 60 per lb. (?j" TAKE NOTICE !?THE CANTON TEA COMPANY are the exclusive venders of the supe rior Black Tea called "HO WQUA'S MIXTURE." They introduced it in America in 1840?and every other person or house professing to sell the same at all, much less at a lower price?deceive the unwary, as the public themselvea will perceive, ky comparing the spurious with the genuine "Howqua" vended by the Canton Tea Company. Every pack a go (in addition to its containing FULL WEIGHT, independent of the wiapjier,) bear the stamp of neatn^s and elegance, and the Teas therein are so thoroughly secured from ight and air, that their quality and power will rem an un impaired in any climate. Agency at George Templeman's Book Store, Wsshington, L). C jan. 6?ly Fauquier White Sulphur Springs. THIS establishment, so favorably known for , the curative qualities of its water and the ele gance and comfort of its accommodation, will be opened for the reception of visiters on the 1st June. It is situated 50 miles from Alexandria, 35 miles fom Fredericksburg, and 20 miles east of tho Blue R dg >, in one of the most healthy and delightful cli mati s of Virginia. The dinction and management will be the same as heretofore, and the same atten tion paid to the accommodation and comfort of their guests. We have an abundant supply of ice". The at ason, commencing the 1st of June, will end the 1st of October, embracing 4 months. L vers of music will find the band unsurpassed. Board: $10 per week, $0 per week for 2 weeks, $30 per month, $80 for the season. F..r moro than one day $1 50 per day, 50 cents for a single meal, 25 cents for lodging, children un der 12 years of age, and servants, half piice; horses 50 cents per day, j>er week $2 50, per month $8. Tri-wcekly stages will run from Washington un til 1st of July, after that time daily. There will be a line of stages from Fredericksburg after the 1st of July, previous to which conveyances will be furnished on accommodating terms. may 17?tf 1)AN'L WARP. NEW STEAMBOAT LINE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Merchandize delivered in advance of Canal or Railroad. Fare reduced. Cabin passage $2,* Deck do. $1 25. The new stn.unch ami fast sailing sea steamer John Marshall, Captain E ward Huntington, will aturt from pier 3, N. R., New York, on Wednesday next, I2ih instant, at 4 o'clock p. m. Far light freight or passage, having handsome state-room and cabin accommodations, apply to the captain or board, or to TOOKER <fe PIERSONS,Coenties' slip, or GEO. W. CORLIES, 283, Pearl st.,N. York. Or in Philadelphia, to ALEX. HERON, Jr.. 35J, North Wharves. The J. M. was built in Baltimore in 1845, is 450 tons register, furnished with a good and powerful engine, and is in all re?peels well calculated for a sea steamer?her qualities as such having been ful ly tested on an eastern route. It is proposed to make this a regular Line throughout the reason, provided sufficient encou ragement is given. may 10 tf I:<RES1I FRUITS, PRESERVES, Ate. ' 60 boxes (halves and quarters) Hasina 6 drums Turkey do 200 lbs Currants and Citron 50 drums Figs 2 cases Prunes, in jars and fancy boxea 25 barrels Cranlierriea, (Eastern) Almonds, Filberts, Pes NuU, &c. Preserved (?inger, Peaches, P ne Apples Limes, &<?. Ruava and other jellies Olives, Capers, Sardines In addition to bis choice siock of Family Groce ries, by SYLNANUS HOLMES, SEASONABLE MEDICINES. Bull's extract of Sarsaparilla Sand's do do Leldy's do do* Townsend'i do Schwartze's do H'tnrk'4 Panacea Swalin's do *>jrrup Snrsnpaiilla Compound These medicines are all of Standard Merit, and are wananted pure and genuine. At thia season of the year they will lie found highly beneficial for pu rifying the blood and invigorating the ayatem. For sa'e by CH AS. 8TO IT. Drug A Apoih corner of 7th A Pa av. may 21 tf " Some thing* can be done as well as other*V SUPERIOR SODA WATER. rp C. FAKQUIIAR A CO., corner of 15th J[ , street and New York avenue, are now pre pared to furnislt the public (he above delicioua bev erage, with a full assortment of Syrup, carefully prepared by themselves. Their apparatus ia entirely new, and constructed on Ute latest and moat approved principle. They flatter 'hemselves ihat their 8<xla Water ia equal, if uot au|ierior, to any in the City, and invite the public to call and judge for themselves. Soda FounUina filled to order at the shortest no tice. may22 dlw _ ErSOM SALTS. 1000 libs, of Epsom Salts? For salo by CHAS. STOTT, Drug & Apo h corner 7th & Pa av. may 21 tf LLOYU^ ROUGH AN1) READY SAND SOAP, AND TABLETS, FOR CLEANSING, WHITENING, AND BEAUTIFYING THE HANDS. S LLOYD has ingeniously succeeded in in , venting a Compound of such a delightful nature aa lo render the hardeat and roughest skinaoft, fair, and delicately white. Ladies Riding, Gardening, or Painting, and Gen tlemen Shooting, Hunting, Fishing, Cricketing, Rowing, &c., or any amuaement or exertion preju dicial to the hnnda, will find the improved ROUGH AND READY WASH BALLS and TABLETS pleasingly efficacious in removing all hardness, atain, redness, and all other cutaneous disfigurement; pre venting and rendering the akin soft, fair, and pliable. From the nice combination of Balsamic ingredi ents introduced into the composition, they form a fine Creamy Lather, with the hardeat or 8ea Water, which renders them very desirable for 8alt Water Baths. They produce the m<>et softening and re freshing sensation, and will be tound an excellent substitute for the Flesh Brush. They are highly recommended to Cap'ains of Ships Merchants, and all who trade with fcreign countries, as they will rctuin their virtue in any cli matj. For sale by CHAS. 8T0TT. Drug 4* Apoth,, corner of 7th Pa. av. may 18?tf Paints, Oils, and Paint Brushes, Ac. -The subociber has just received a large and Iresh supply of PAINT8, OILS, Ac., partol which are named below. They are guaranteed to be pure and good, and from the best manufactories. All perrons wanting auch articles would find it to their advantage to call, as I am determined to sell lower than similar articles can be got at any other place in this city. 050 kegs White Lead 120 lbs. Chrome Green 120 lbs. Chrome Yellow 20 lbs. Chrome Red I fed lbs. Pure Yerdegris 300 lbs. Red Lead and Litharge 100 I's Imperial Green 500 lbs. Venetian Red and 3p. Brown in oil 309 lbs. Yellew Ochre in bU 100 lbs. Paris Green, dry 50 lbs. do. do. in oil A large assortment of Paint and W-Ttite Wash Brushes. 400 llis. Lamp Black, dry and in oil 10 lbs. Sp. Whiting 1000 lbs. Putty 200 Boxes of Window Glass, all sizes 5 bbl?. Linseed Oil 5 bbls. Copal and Japan Varnish 3 bbl*. 8p. Turpentine 1 cask bleached Lamp Oil, at 75 els pr. gall. Also, PURE PINE OIL, received fresh from the manufactory every week. CHARLKS STOTT, comer 7th street april 27?f>mo and Penn. Av. DR. C- A. Van Zamlt's Health Restora tive Pills is a medicine which not only cures but prevents disease, capable of great results, and iqtially calculated to be safely used for apparently small ones. We all know how dreadful and dan gerous a seated bilious disorder is, and we are also well aware of the seeming insignificance of its first warnings or incipiency. The individual suffering from slight pains in his chest, back, or stomach, or from occasional nau-ea, dull headache, extreme ner vou nes', sleeplessness, trifling prevarication of ap petite, an l other disagreeable visitations so c mmon iy and foolishly looted upon as unimportant, may not know that these symptoms, treated so contemp tuously, ore the consequences of a diseased state of the liver, which if not remedied, will lead either to speedy death or a l< ng tiain of unbearable ills which are known by the following names: Hypochondria, mania, dizziness, slow fevers, epilepsy, asthma, dropsy, rheumatism, chlorosis, convulsions, nausea, nervousness, crapms, gout, pleurisy, jaundice, irrita bility, and violence, dyspepsia, hysteiics, scurvy,foul Btomach, dry coughs, glandular affection*, colds, lin gering sore throats, vurious disorganizations of the great inletlino, strictures and spasmodic complaints internally, eruptions, shortness of breath, heartburn, neuralgia, vital inflammation, flatulrnce, gastric fe vers, Ac. Somettrre-, too, there ensues an irregular action of the heaiL Take these pills and sulP-r no more. WYaTT a kktchum, 121 Fulton st., N. Y., General Agents; and sold by CHARLES STOTT, april 21?Kmo. ALUM. 1,600 pounds of Alum, For sale by CH-AS. STOTT, Drug A Apoth corner 7th A Pa av. may 21 tf FRESH ORANGE CO. BU ITER rnHE S(JBSCKlBli.K has ju-t received 1 10 packages Fresh Butter 10 " Choice Cheese - AND? A lot ol Maple Sugar in small cakes. may 7?3t S. HOLMES, Seventh St. Mr. H. has made arrangements to be supplied with >he same kind of Butter as long as the market will warrant it. CLOVE ANODYNE I'OOTH-ACHE DROPS. An immedista and Perfect cure. For sale by CHARLES8TOTT, Druggist $ Apoth. corner of 7th * Pa. av. may 13?tf BALTIMORE ft OHIO RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.' ?agfe fcsaa mm mass tan. HOURS OF DEPARTURE of the passenger trains on the M*in Htrra ?nd Washington 11 ranch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, lat May, 1847. Main Stem - WESTWARDLY. For Cumbeiland, Hancock, Martinsburg,.. jfajfy Harper's Ferry, Winchester," Frederick, / ? ,c? Ellicott's Mills, and intermediate depots C ^ m by the regular train, For Frederick and intermediate stations, by extra train, except Sunday, 5 EASTWARD LY. From Cumberland, daily, regular train, at 8 a. *. Hancock, do do 10J " Martinsburg, do do 11 ? " Harper'sF?*riy,do do 12$ r. m. Frederick, daily, except Sunday ex tra train, 8 a. *. Do do by regular train, 2 p. m. Silicon's Mills, daily, by several trains, at 7 a. m. 12 m. snd 4$ p. m. Fare in nther direction between Cumberland and Baiiimore, $7, and lor intermediate distances at the uniform rate of 4 cents per mile. Through tickets are issued between Baltimore and Wheeling, respectively, $'1 Between Baltimore and Pittsburgh, 10 Between Philadelphia aud Wheeling, 1J Washington Branch. From Baltimore at 6J a. m. and p. *. daily. Do do ft a. m. daily, except Sunday. From Washington at fi a. m. and 5J p. m. daily. Do do 12J p. m. daily, except Sunday. By order: D. J. FOLEY, Agent, may 18?tf 'MORNING LINE at 6 1-12 o'clock. FOR ALBANY AND TROY, Landing at Caldwell's, West Point, Newburg, Hampton, Poughkeepsio, Hyde Park, Rhinebeck, U. Ked Hook, Bristol, Catskill, Hudson, Coxsackie, and Kinder hook. Fare rcduced. Breakfast and dinner on board the boat. The steamboat Niagara, Capt. H. L. Kellogg, will leave the steamboat pier, foot of Barclay St., nn Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdiy, at halt-past 5 o'clock, returning on opposite days. For freight or psssage apply on board, or to F. B. Hall, at the office on the whaif. NIGHT LINE. FOR ALBANY AND TROY DIRECT. From ihe foot of Courtlandt street, New York. Passengeis taking this boat will arrive in time to take the morning tr.iin of cars from Troy west to Buffalo, and north to Saratoga and Lake George. The low-pressure steamboat Empire, Captain B. Mary, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays it 6 o'clock p m. _ The low-|>reiwure steamboat Columbia, Cap'ain VV. Tupper. 'on M. ndays, Wednesdays, and Fii lays, at 6 o'clock, p. m. No freight taken after 5 o'clock. For passage or freight apply on board, or at the >ffice on the wharf. mny 19 tf CITIZENS' NEW DAY LINE OF OPPOSITION BOATS, For ALBANY and intermediate places. Fare 60 cts. Breakfast and dinner on board. The new and elegant steame s Roger Williams, Japt. A. Degroot, on Tuesday, Thursday, and 8at ard.iy, and Metamora, Capt. T. 8. Knight, on Mon tay. Wednesday and F"J?Ji o'clock a m., torn thi pier foot of Warren street, New York, .ouching Hammond street pier. For passage or light freight apply on board the roats, or to George Dobeon, at the office, 126 War -en street, corner of West street. All persons are forbid trusting the above boats on iccount of the owners. may 19 tf EUTAW HOUSE, Corner of Baltimore and Evtaw streets, Baltimore, Ifl<l? Henry F. Jackson, Proprietor. THIS splendid and spacious Hotel, eligibly situ ated for both business and pleasure travellers, is jo conducted as to combine all the luxuries of the :>est hotels with elegance and real comfort. Choice suites of ap?rtmcnts at all seasons reserv ed for the accommodation of transient guests, and amities visiting the city will fir.d the Eutaw House l home, un*urpassed_by any hotel in the Union. The location is elevated and salubrious, and is ilao convenient to the depots and landings, at which he coaches and porters of the House are at all imes in waiting to convey passengers and their mggnge, free of charge, to the Hotel. TERMS. Gentlemen's Ordinary, $1 50 per day. l.ndies' do 2 1)0 do. Baltimore, May 18?tf BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN iROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS, of 1200 ons, and 400 horse power each. Under contract rith the Lords of the Amiralty. HI BE KM A, Captain Alexander Ryrie CALEDONIA, Captain Edward G Lott BRITANNIA, Captain John Ifowitt CA M IJRlA, Cap. Chas. H. E. Judkins ACADIA, Captain William Harrison. The four sUamhhips now building, are The AMERICA, The NIAGARA, " CANADA, " UROPA. Vill sail fiom Liverpool and Boston, via Halifax, as follows: From Boston. From Liverpool. libernia,on 1st np. 1847. I Cambria, on 4th ap. 1817. 'amhria, on 1st may'47. I Caledonia, on 20th ap '47 Caledonia, on 16th may >47 | Britania, on 4th may '47 Passengers luggage to be on boaid the day previ us to sailing. Passage money?from Boston to Liverpool, $120; lo. do. to Halifax, $20. No berth secuicd until paid for. These ships carry experienced Surgeons. No freights except specie received on days of sail ng. D. BRIGHAM, Jr., Agent, At Hamdon & Co.'s, No. 6 Wall st., N. Y. may 14 tf (?/* In addition to the above line between Liver tool and Hallifax, and Boston, a contract has been ntered into with Her Majesty's Government, to es stilish a line between Liverpool and New York di rct. The ste'im ships for this service are now being tuilt, and early next year due notice will be given >f the time when they will start. Under the new :ontract the steamers will sail every Saturday during light months, and every fortnight during the other our months in the year, going alternaetly htlween aver pool and Halifax and Boston, and between Liv irpool and New York. msy l4-'f '?THOMAS C. WILSON, Auctioneer At .L Commission Merchant, fronting on 9th and the vest end of Centre Market, between Louisiana A v >nue and C street. Regular sale days every market lay. Just received a fresh supply of Flower and 3arden Seeds from Weathersfield. april 14-tf OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION CO. U. 8. Mail Line to Cowra and Southampton, and Bremen. \ fiSv The splendid "cw steamship WA8HING VflfT TON, 1760 Ions burthen, Frederic Hewitt coinman.ter, will start from New York on the 1st oi June next, carrying the U. 8. Mail. She will touch at Cowes and Southampton to lan?l passengers and freight, and deliver the ntaila for England, France, and Belgium, and will then pro ceed to Brem< rhaven. Returning, will lei?# Bre merhaven (he 26th of June. The Washington i* built in the strongest manner, with a view to being converted into a ahip of war, and subject at any time to inapection by officers ap pointed by the Preaident, both during and after con struction She haa two engines of 1000 horse power each, and aocommodationa for 140 first class, and 44 se cond class passengers. Passage from New York to Southampton or to Bremen, first clays, $120; second class, $60. Pa-sage from Bremen and Southampton to New York, first class, $150; second class, $60. She will carry about 300 tona freight, which will bo charged according to the nature of the good* of fering. All letters muat pass through the Po*t Office. Parcels, for which bills of lading will be signed, will be charged $5 each. For Freight or Passage, apply at the Office of the Ocean Stram Navigation Company, 44 William st. corner of Wall street. New York. E. Mills, General Agent. Agents at Southampton, Day,, & Ross, do atBremen, C. A. Hkinkkkx & Co. do at Havre, William Issli*. The second Steamer of this line is in due course of constiuction, and will be in readiness in the ensu ing foil. may 14?if frg- There are in Georgia 60 associations, 1000 churches, and 60,000 inemtiers of the Bsptist church The increase in the last year was 4,600. J. STOUVENEL &. CO., No. 29 Gold street and No. 3 John street, near Broadway, Mew York, MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS in CHINA, GLASS, AND LAMPS, for oil and lard. Gas Fixtures of every description, Solar and Gas Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Girandoles, Candelabras, &c. Private houses, churohfs, and hotels, fitted up with Gas al a g'jat reduction in price, and all articles warranted. A complete assortment of the richest cut, press ed, and plain Glass constantly on hand. All the above articles made to order, and all kinds of Glassware matched to any pattern. Lamps altered and repaired. Goods loaned to parties. Oil at wholesale and retail. New style of Hall Lamps and Lanterns. may 13?tf PAVILION, NEW BRIGHTON, STATEN ISLAND, Mew York. THE Proprietor begs to inform his friends and the public, that he has made considerable improvements in this establishment since the last season. He has erected a large building contain ing 33 rooms, altogether disconnected from the main body of the Pavilion. These rooms are in tended for gentlemen only; they are of a cotnfor - able size, light and well ventilated, and superior in all respects to those which are generally deno minated single rooms in the various watering pla ces throughout the country. The Proprietor is now ready to treat with fami lies or parties wishing to engage rooms for the season. Letters addressed to him at the City Ho tel, Broadway, will be immediately attended to A steamboat runs between New York and New Brighton, at the following hours, viz: From New Brighton. Fi om North Pier, N York. At 8 and 11 A.M. At 9, P.M. and 12. 2 " 5 20, P.M. 3 1-2, 5, & 6, P.M. More frequent communications will be estab lished as the season advances. The Pavilion i3 ready for the reception of com pany. F. BLANCHARD. may 13?tf Lamps, Girandoles, Hall Lanterns and Chandeliers. DEITZ, BROTHER & Co. WASHING TON STORES, No. 139, WILLIAM STREET,'NEW YORK, ARE manufacturing, and have always on hand, a full assortment of articles in their line, of Ihe following description, which they will sell at wholesale and retail at low prices for cash : Solar Lamps, gilt, bronzed, and silvered, in great variety Suspending Solars, do do Bracket Solars, do do Solar Chandaliers, do do 2, 3, & 4 lights. Suspending Camphine Lamps; Bracket do do Side do do Camphine Chandeliers, 2, 3, & 4 lights Girandoles, gilt, silvered, and bronzed, various pattens Hall Lanterns, various sizes, with cut or stained glass. may 13?tf IMP OR TED S TA TIONER Y. WM. A. WHEELER, No. 84, Wall Street, N. Y., rOTJLD Respectfully invite the attention of the Trade and Merchants visiting the city, to his ecent impoitations of English, French and German Slationei'y, :mhracing a complete assortment, which he offers it the lowest prices, and on favorable terms.?His Itork consists in part of:? Bristol Boards, Pirforated Boa ds. Blotting Cases, Uarael Hair, Brushes, Cutlery, Backgammon Boards, Dhescmi n and Boards, Crayons, Chalks, Creh Lae ris, Card Cases, Souvenirs, Card Boards, Enamelled Ware, Enamelled Cards?both sides. Envelopes, Folders, Gold, Silver and Ornamental Pa[>ers, Ink itands?all the new improvements, India Rubber Bands, Ivory Tablets, Ivory leaves, Letter Clips ind Files, Writinn and Drawing Pencils, Wolff & ion's, Falwr's, &c. Metallic Memorandum Books, Mathematical Instruments, Ne Plus Ultras, Drawing Papers, Copying Papers, English and 1 rrnch Let er Papers, Note Pa|>ers, Stationery, Mourning Stationery, Papetcries of new patterns. Slates and Pencils, Initial, Motto and Medallion Beats, (Jillott's, Parry's, and other Steel Pens, Pearl, Done, Ivory and Wood Pen Holders, Water Colors, Vermillion Wafers, Sealing Wax, Fancy Wafers, Sic. A large assortment of ACCOUNT BOOKS, on taud or made to order. REMOVAL. W. A. W. will rem >ve on the 15th May to the itore No. 80, Wall street, two doors above his pre teiit location, and two doors below Peail street, may 14?tf PAPER HANGINGS. J. H. & J. M. PRATT, JVb. 138 Pearl Street, New York, OFFER FOR SALE a complete assortment of Paper Hangings, Borders, Fire Board Prints, ind wide Window Curtaiu Papers, of their own mnufacture and importation at the lowest market srices. | May 14?tf w REGULAR MAIL LINE BETfVEEJY BOSTON JUVB Jf. YORK, By the fast and splendid steamera Rhode Island On gun. 0*Hour of leaving New York changed to 6 p. a. rPHE steamers Inland, Capt. Potter, and X Oregon, Capt Thayer, will run throughout the season, in connection with the Stauingtoti and Pro* videuce and Boston and Providence railroads, Iftr ing New York daily, Sunday a excepted, from pier No. 1, North River, at 6 o'clock p. m., or upon the arrival of the mail train from Boston. Theuo steamera are unaurpaeaed in .peed, aplen dor and comfort, having each of them 60 large com modious private atate rooma and berlha for 600 per sons, besidea large private rooma for familiea. and parlor*. Theee steamera are officered by tne moat experi enced men, and will shorten the pasaage between New York and Boaton from one and a half to two hours thereby arriving in ample time for all the lines from Boston, north and eaat The Oraeon will leave New York Tueaday, I hursday and Saturday. ^ Leave Stonington Monday, Wedneaday and Pri wZasasE1 n- Y~k ^ Leave Stonington 'I'ueaday, Thursday and Sstur N.B.?-Passengers on the arrival of the steamera at Stonington proceed immediately in the -pWrtifl railroad cara to Providence and Boaton without any y; and a baggage master acoompaniea each train through to Boaton, to take charge of the bag gage For pasaage, berths, state rooms, or freight, appli cation may be made to the agents on the wharf, and at the ofhee No. 10 Battery place, New York. may 22 tf VAN LOAN & CHASE, FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. DAGUERREOTYPE Rooms. Admittance free?next door to U. 8. Hotel. Picturea taken in any kind of weather, clear, cloudy, or rainy, from 9 o'clock, a. m. till 6 o'clock p m. Washington, 1847. april 14?tf _ tt. A CARD. f: BECK would take this method of notifying ?J? hi. friends and public generally that he haa re moved his house Furnishing Stare from Pennayl vania avenue to E street north oppoaite Rev. O. B. Brown's, one square west of the General Poet Office! Having a larger house and a lower rent / can and wM sell any and all kinds of Houae-Furniehing Goods cheaper than at any time heretofore. I will tiy to prove this to any one in want of gooda that will give me a call. N. B. Rooms for rent, furniahed or unfurnished. april 2 l-3m LIME! LIME! LIME! bushels fresh burnt Lime for sale by *?"" u. ward & son, at their Lumber Yard on 12th atreet. maygQ BECK'S DAGUERREOTYPE ROOMS! One hundred per pent, cheaper than the cheapest ! LIKENESSES taken in the best style inferior to none, either aingly or in groups at the very re duced price of *1 60 !!! each. Specimen, may be wen at the rooma over the Furnishing Store of s- Beck? E street near the General Poet Office member the price $1 60. Group, in proportion, april 21-3m A CARD. ~ MISS ANNA M. BECK would respectfully in* form the Ladies of Washington that .he ia now prepared with her Spring 8tock te execute all order, in Millinery or Mantua Making with neatneM and despatch. Residence E atreet, opposite Rev. O. B. Brown'.. apiil 21-3m BUTTER, CHEESEj 4c.?The subscriber has received a full supply of the very best tamily groceries of every description in hi. line, winch he oners on an reasonable term. a. they be bought in the city?such a. Java, Rio Laguyra and St. Domingo coffee Gunpowder, Imperial, Old Hyaon, Young Hyson, and Black Tea. Loaf, Crushed, White, Havana, and Brown Sugar Molasses, ground and unground Spice. Salad oils in flaskes and bottle. Butter, Cheese, Flour, <fcc. &. 12000 Cigar, of different kinds. E. W. SMALLWOOD, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS TT'OR salo at the 1 FOUNTAIN BOOKSTORE, near the Railroad Depot. may 18?tf CHEAP BOOKS. A VARIETY OF SECOND HAND BOOKS for sale on very low tcrma, at the Fountain Bookstore, near the Railroad Depot. may 18 tf PEOPLE'S LINE OF STEAM BOATS FOR ALBANY, From the foot of Courtlandt street. New York. ? o'efoefc, p. m.?Landing at intermediate places. d/SHL??T!w ?tf?mboat Rochester, Capt. A. SIES?jg2CHitchcock, will leave on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday af ternoons, at 5 o'clock. The steamboat Columbia, Capt. W. W. Tup per, will leave on Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur day afternoon*, at 6 o'clock. i ]Pe"?n". are forbid trusting any of the boat, of this Line without a written order from the captain, or agents. nrnPrT u frCig!lt ?n b?ard the . C. Shultz, at the office on the wharf. may 19 tf SHANNONDALE SPRINGS, JSenr Charleston, Jefferson eo., Va. J. J. Abell, Proprietor. T LEASED for a term of year. thi. de 1 lightful WATERING PLACE, and will hava it op, n for the reception of company on the l.t of June. The proprietor pledge, himself that nothing shall be spared on hi. part, or of tho e in hi. em ploy, to render the time of hi. visiter, agreeable. His fare, &c. shall be second to that of no other watering place in Virginia. Hi. bar will be fur nishe.1 with the best of liquors of every kind; and, in fact, it will be the proprietor'a determination to render thia one of the most pleasant and delightful summer retreat, in Virginia. The virtue, of the water have been fully tested in case. of iheuma ti?m, dropsy, or dyspepsia, and peraon. afflicted with either of thoae diseases will find gieat relief from the bathing, See. The proprietor haa a fine coach and team, which will meet paMengera daily at Charlestown, on the arrival of the cara. to convev them to and from the Spring.. 7 Terms: $9 for the first weak, $8 thereafter; ft 60 per day. may 19 tf