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PUBLISHED DAILY* W. >. CORN K A OP SECOND STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA AVJCNUE, OfVOflTK TUB DEPOT, BY VJtiRLES W. Fwrax Terms-or I'Hij Daily National Whig.?To sub "n't*", SIX AND A QUARTER CENTS PEJ< '""K, jumble to the CARRIER, to whom alone they are responsible. When sent by mail the terms are )4 tor twelve months, lor ?ix months, ^1 lor three months. The WtEElit National Wiuu, Two Dollars annum, invariably in advancc. PUB LISHKRS NOTIUES Mr. O. L. Qillchrest, SOJuE SUBSCRIPTION AGENT or ? <' ? ?hub H^intassy^Uj wsie?3 U now prepaied to serve the WHIG in any part of Washington, Geoigetown, and Alexandria, no mediately after the hour ol publication, which ia o'clock in the afternoon of every Jay (Sunday* ex capted.) Peraona desiring the Whig may leave their;name* aid residence* either with Mr- Gill chreat personally, at the office of the piiper corner the Avenue and Second street, at R. FARNHAM Booh Store, or US. HOLMES' Grocery Store on 7th between D. and Louibiaaa Avenue. The Tm-Weeecv National Whig will be mailed to subscribers at $3 per annum, pay able always in advance. Anv person sending the money for five copies of the tn-ioeekbj National Whig, will be entitlod to one copy gratis. ! < \ i NOTICE. Peraona wishing to subeeribe to the Notional Whig are respectfully informed that a list ia kept opened St our office Northeast corner of the Ave nue and second street, up stairs, and at Adatn'a Pub liaation Office, north aide of the Avenue, between and 4} streets. All communications for insertion in the National Whig must be addressed "To the Editor," nccom panied by the real name of the writer, and must be poet-paid, or they will not be taken out of the Post Office. All letters on business and enclosing orders for the National Whig, must be apdressed "To the Pub lisher," and must also be post-paid, or they will not be taken out of the Post Office. }Q" No attention paid to orders for the Nationa Whig unless accompanied by the cash. . LOCAL AGENTS rOR THE SJATHKaSTiia ?WEIlK&c. Jacob Merritt, Cabell C. H. P. H. McCulloch, do do H. 8. Farrow, Brentsville, Vn. J. D. Elwood, Middletown, Conn. O Of* fnends abroad who are Willing to act as the Lo^al Agents of the National Whig will please send us their names and post-towns witnout delay. QCj" Whoever will send us the money for five sub scribers to the Week'y National Whig (price $2 per annum) lor one year, shall receive a copy gra tis. J < 11 Travelling Agents Wanted TO OBTAIN SUBSCRIPTIONS A!$D ADVERTISING FOR THE B&<tSWV5?M, WSIIKBo Apply at this office either by letter or in person. The most satisfactory testimonials required. Com pensation liberal. "AID AND COMFORT." -i, TO THE ENEMY. POLK'S PASS TO SANTA ANNA. The Commander of our Naval forces ia the Gulf is hereby directed not to obstruct the pas , Mge of Gen. Antonia Lopkz de Santa Anna aud suite to Mexico should he desire to return . thither. JAMES K-POLK. May 15, 1846. Polk's admission of' having granted the pass, "When orders were issued to the Comman der of our Naval forces in the Gulf, on the 15th da? of May last, only two days after the exis tence of the war had been recognized by Con greM, to place the coast 01 Mexico under '"blockade, Ke ivas directed not to obstruct the pas ?+az<t'of S<ttUa Anna to Mexico should he return. ?roth'* Annual Message to Congress, Vet. 7^46. It rehnaind to be seen whether his return may net yet prove favorable to a pacific adjustment of existing difficulties.?Ibid. \Vhat has been teen. f- Battle or Monterey.?September 21, 22, 23, 1846.?three days hard lighting between Gen. Zachary Taylor with three thousand men, rtnd Gen. Ampudia with twelve thousand 'men, resulting in the capitulation of the City ?loss of ihe Americans in killed and wound ed?Hundred! * Battle or Bukna Vista.?February 22d 23d, between Geo. Zachary Taylor with five thousand volunteers, and Santu Anna com 'mending a Mexican force of twenty thousand mm?resulting in the total overthrow of the enemy?loss of the Americans in killed and wounded?Seven Hundred! j Fall or Vera Crv^, and the Castle of Ul foe, March 29ih, 1847, alter several days bom bardment of the town by Gen. Scott with four teen thousand men?loss of the Americans in killed and wounded? One Hundred! Battle or Cerro Gordo?April I7th and I8th, two days hard fighting, between G*n. Scott with twelve thousand men, and Santa Anna commanding a picked Mcxican force of tvpnty thousand, resulting in the overthrow of the enemy?loss of the Americans in killed and wounded?7W Hundred and Fifty. HUMBUG 18 THE OJtDER OF THE DAY. " A palpably true saying, for what is the use of advertising the truth, when the public are loth to appreciate tha difference." This ia in the mou)h of almost every one now-a-daya, aa well as MR8. JBRVIS'S COLD CANDY, INVENTED IN THE YEAR 1846, And composed of TEN aafe and valuable ingredi ents, which WILL NOT cure the conaumpiion, but will cure a cold? Which WILL NOT cure the liver complaint, bn? will cure a dry hacking cough? Which'WILL NOT Cure one half the catalogue ilia that flesh is heir to? But will cure a COLD, COUGH, HOARSENESS, 80RE- I THROAT, WHOOPING COUGH, 1 And all the EARLY effects of That LEAD to the CONSUMPTION. MR8. JERVIS, Proprietress, 338, Broadway, New York. Sold wholesale and retail by the Principal Agent Z. D. OILMAN, Ave doors east Of Centre Market, Washington, D. C. But up in package* of 12$ eta. 25 cts. 60 cts.?n<I $1.00 each. i E?ci'wrapper is invariably 8WNS0 MRS. W. JCRV18, IJMJTON, D.C., FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, 1847, no WOOD'S SARSAPARILLA AND WILD CHERRY BITTERS. For the Permanent Reirtovil of all such Dis ease* as take their rise in an Impure Blood, Impaired Digestion, Morbid state of " the Liver atid Stomach, Weakness of the Nervous System, and a disordered Habit of Constitution Oeti er ally. ' A THREEFOLD VIRTUE ?By promoting circulation, strengthening the system and itating digestion, Dr. Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters will restore the most confirm^ ed invalid to health. Where either these effects are necessary to the restoration, the " Bitters " will be found to possess every quality desired. They have been used already with the greatest success, in many obstinate cases of impurity of the blood, nervous irritation, Dyspepsia, low spirits, Scrofula, palpitation of the heart, chronic head ache and Rheumatism. They are indeed a happy combination of powerful, yet safe and salutary vegetable remedies, of a sterling and unimpeach* able reputation. They have won their popularity solely by their intrinsic merit#, and that they have been successful, numerous certificates in the hands of the proprietor, and the greatly increasing sales fully attest. Those desirous of an agreeable yet efficient tonic or alternative medicine, need seek no further, for in this preparation they will find all that is desired. Sold Wholesale and Retail by WtattA Ketch am 1*1 Fulton Sreet, N. Y. CHARLLS STOTT, Washington, and by Druggists generally through out the U. S. Price $1^ Largo bottles. TRIUMPHANT success. /CONSUMPTIVES, remember that it is Tkom (; son's Compound Syrnp of Tat and Wood Naphtha, which is daily effecting such remarkable cures in pulmonary consumption, asthma, bronchitis, spitting blood, pain in the side) and breast, sore throat, hoarseness, palpitation of the heart, whooping cough, croup, nervou3 tre mors, hives, liver complaint, diseased kidneys, & Therefore beware of all spurious mixtures of Tar or Naphtha, and purchase of the advertised agents only. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CUKE! Philadki.piiia, April 9, 1846. Last August a year, 1 caught a violent cold, in consequence of getting wet in a showor of j"81'1, A circumstance so common gave me no immediate concern, supposing that 1 should soon get nd pi'it. On the contrary, however, 1 daily grew worse; a violent cough set in, then pain m my breast and between my shoulders. 1 now suffered great op pression from the great secretion of purulent mat ter in my lungs. I became greatly alarmed , and my friends considered my situation extremejj critical, the more so as loss of appetite, hectic fever, and night sweats rendered mc as weak as a child, and at night the sweat literally poured ott me! This was my condition when I commenced using " Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha." I procured one bottle, and ex perienced so much benefit that I resolved to con tinue it. it is now bix months since I ceased usm* the medicine, and the cur? remains perfect. J. firmlv believe this medicine is far superior to everv other remedy for Consumption of the Lungs. J. J CHAMBERLAIN, No. 8, Carberry street Anii med and mibacribed tins 9th dav of Anril. 1846, befoic gwiFT Mayorof Philadelphia. rrs- This invaluable remedy is prepared only by Angney & Dickinson, (successor of S. I ThSXiihb"c& Stotl, Washington, B. Rush Roberts, corner Baltimore and .H,a"ov streets, Baltimore; Duval & Purceti, Richmond, Virginia. Price 50 cents, or six bottles, $2 50. Avoid all pretended imitations. . ? STEVENS & EMMONS, (Late Fish & Co.) w (Utiie r?i?i , Hitter*?Brown's Hotel* ^NT^f STYLES.-We would an J nount to members of Confess and strangers - ,i?. ..if., i hat our shelves are now filled manufactured with an unusual degree o care. and '"s;' to s: and mode ol shaping the brims of our hats, by whicV we secure appropriateness to the sire and features of the wearer. ,> rr Those members of Congress having heir? gistered with us, by sending their orders, will be lur nished at their quarters. WARDROBE ARTICLE?. In this department we have our usual full supnly ol wardrobe, toilet, and fancy goods, of the Ijjj* We solicit an inspection ot our stock, leeUngcwn dent in being able to offer great inducements to pur chasers. ^ h steVENS fc- EMMONS, cary?^ at httld stand, the Emporium of Fashion, on Sixth street, opposite Coleman s Hotel. N. B. Razors honed and set in the best manner. Superior Madeira Wine, Ac JAMES fitzgerald respectfully invite? Members of Congress, citizens and others, who may desire to have superior Madeira Wine, fine Cognac Brandy, and other first-rate spintous liquors, to call at his Confectionary and Fruit Store, on the north side of Pennsylvania avenue?next door to the United States Hotel. James Fitxgerald keeps constantly for sale the very best wine, liquors, fruit and confectionary art icles, which can be procured at the most respectable houses iu the country. His Madeira Wine was imported by himself in 1840, and cannot be excel led at any wine or liquor store in this city. His Brandy, Holland Gip, and old Monongahela whis ky, are of the very first quality. Call, taste, and judge for yourselves. (?j* The Fine Brown Stout, end good 1 hiladel phia Ale constantly on hand. "paint and oil store. 300 kegs pure White Lead _ _ 100 gals. Linseed Oil 250 boxes Window Glass. Paint of all sh.des "oiL, A constant supply of LAMPS, riwti , WpJre S^rm"t.rd. and Solar Oils, for sale on j ,h. low* ...m. to, wh|tx1)EBBY, mav 19 tf C street. Todd's Buildings. DENTAL SURGERY: T pARMELE, firm of Dodge and I armsle, I j, Surgical. Operative, ami Mochsnical DbN TIST, may be seen professionally from 0 a. m. to ? p. m., at his office, where he has been located for the last three years. Ofuck and Residence Fenn avenue, between 9th and 10th sts. april 14-4m r\~ McClsxlawd, Engraver. Pennsylva II, nia Avenue, east of '1 hird street, Waffctafp0? dec I?6o? RESTORATIVE FRANCAISE. CONSUMPTION. LOUIS FONTAIN,ir., partner of the firm of Fontain & Son, Cfiemista/and Prescription* isis fo the Royal University, P4ris, has established at Washington city, D. C., a depot for the sale o( the above celebrated compound, at Wm. Adam's Bookstore, No- 3. Elliott's Buildings Pennsylvania Avenue, near Jackson Hall, which they offer to the American public as a surf antidote for Con^ sumption, in its i Ji>anted as wtell as incipient stages. Acting directly upon the LUNGS, and; arresting their decay, it not only soothes and quiets at once the distress and pain attendant upon this hereto fore regarded fatal disease, but restores the lungs and their sympathising organs, to natural and healn thy action. Accompanying each package are gen-? eral instructions and directions (translated) for its use, adapted to all cases, and if strictly followed, will not fail, in every instance?if the lungs are not wholly consumed?of restoring to health which may be permanently secured by future care and avoiding too muoh exposure to atmospheric changes. LOUIS FONTAIN Price, eight Francs. 33**For the information of persons residing in the interior; any part of the government?he would state that the remedy is prepared and imported di rect from their Laboratories Paris, and that the same can be transported through mail, ks he is ad vised by officers of the Pott Office Department, to any post office in the countjry, at the same charge as for a double letter. Any persons, therefore, residing distant from this crty, who mry wish to avail themselves of the remedy, can do so by ad dressing him through the mail, post paid. Two dollars accompanying an order, will entitle a per son to one whole and one third package. Louis fontain: COLLETON BITTERS. THESE Bitters are purely a vegetabk com pound, and are offered to the public from principle of benevolence, under the fullest convic tion that they will bo found a safe and sovereign ?emedy for Dyspepsia. They base been trium phantly tested, not only by some of the most re 'peelable families and physicians in the State of | South Carolina, who have furnished ample testi mony n? to their decided excellence, but also by the proprietor, who, for ten years, suffered all the gloom Kwident to that stubborn and distressing disease. They possess the peculiar excellence, denied to | most other Bitters, of not proving injurious by con tinued use. They contain not a single deleterious | ingredient, and, as seen from the directions which accompany each bottle, may lie given with entire safety to an infant in the month. With pleasure, and for the benefit of mankind, I send you a certificate relative to the Colleton Bit-1 terS. In the year 1838, when the cholera was in Charleston, S. C., I was compelled to send a servant | to the city. On his return, he was suddenly attack ed with most violent pain in his bowels; so much so as to cause apprehension that he would expire in a short time, if medical aid oould not be procured. 1 immediately resorted to the Colleton Bitters, by giv ing a wine glass full at a dose. In the course of a very short time it acted as an emetic, and throwing him at the same time into a profuse perspiration. 1 then continued to give it in small doses, from two to | three tea spoonsfull, which resulted in a happy re - - j ' **?' * *-? ? ??"V ^ in my family, in cases of cholera morbus, cholera infantum, diarrhoea and general debility, and in every instance found it highly beneficial. Some constitutions, however, require much larger doses than others. JOS. D. JEN KIN 8. Bluff ton, S. G., 1848. It is with feeling* or gratitude aa well aa pleasure that I take this method of giving my testimony of the great estimation which I entertain for your in valuable compound. In justice not only to the me dicine, but for the benefit of other* who may be suf fering from'the same malady, Dyspepsia, with which I was for years afflicted, I feel it a duty incumbent on mo to state that I am now restored to perfect health. When I commenced taking the Colleton Bitters it was as a last resort. My debility from in digestion was so great that a cure was looked upon as almost hopeless. After taking it regularly and perseveringly for some time, my strength and di gestive powers were entirely restored. I have never taken a single doee of any other medicine for more than five years past. I can now eat the richest food without any unpleasant feelings whatever. I have also used Colleton Bitters freely in my family for cholera infantum, cholera morbus, general debility, and as a tonic after fever, with great success. As a family medicine I deem it invaluable, and do con scientiously recommend it, A. M. R. Ht. John's Colleton, S. C., December, 184ft. For sale by the only Agent for the District of Columbia, B. HOMAN8, Between 10th and llth streets, Washington. ?\TTE are receiving from New York our full W supply of Groceries, Teas, Wines, Liquors, &c., which will bo sold low for cash, or short cre dit, to punctual customers, viz : 40 chests Gunpowder, Imperial, Young Hyson, and Black Teas, which will be sold low by the box 50 bags Java, Laeuyra, Rio, &. St Domingo Coflee 25 whole and half barrels Buckwheat 15 bags Buckwheat 20 boxes Colgate's Starch 25 whole and half bbls. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel 5 quintals Codfish 25 boxes Scotch Herrings, large size 10 dozen Nos 1 and 2 Alicante Mats 35 kegs superior Goshen Butter 30 do do Glades do 50 boxes Sperm Candles 20 nests flour and painted Pails 30 dozen Brooms 6 do Whisln 10 nesU Market Baskets 3 bales Almonds 30 whole and half boxes Raisins 10 boxes Vermicelli and Macaroni 5 cases Canton Ginger 2000 pounds loaf, crushed, and pulverized Sugars 5 barrels Steam Syrup 10 boxes Capers and Olives 5 do Citron and Jellies 4 do Mushraom and Walnut Catsup 10 basket* Salad Oil 500 gallons winter-strained and Lard Oil 1 20000 Cigars, of our own importation SIMMS & SON. IVfiW CARVING AND I ' GILDING ESTABLISHMENT. WILLIAM SPEARING, having commenced business in the above line, immediately in front of Coleman'* Hotel, respoCtfully informs tbe citizens of Washington and its vicinity, that he man ufactures Looking Glass and Picture Frames, Plain and Ornamental Cornices, as well as every other kind of work in his line of business. William Spesr ing's charges for all work done at his establishment will be quite reasonable: ho respectfully solicits a shaie of the public patronage. N, 0, Old FriOHM ragilt. may 14 tf Dr. Christie's Galvanic Rings and Magi nelic Fluid. THIS remarkable invention, which haa received the almokf universal approbation of the medical probation of Great Britain, comprises an entirely new application of Galvaniam, aa a remedial agent by means of which (he ordinary Galvanic Batteriee. Electric and Magnvtic Machines, 4tc. are entirely,1 diapenbal with, and ih?j pysterious power of Galvan iain applied without any of the objections which are inseparable from the general mode now in uae. The Galvanic Riiigs Have been uc.-d with antir* success in all caf?* ?f rheuntatiem, acuta or chronic^ applying to the hea*Vfa*> or limbe ; gout, tic-dolo. reux, toothache, bronchitis, vertigo, nervous or sick, indigestion, paralysis, palsy, epilepsy, fits, cramp, palpitation of the heart, apoplexy, atitfneaa of the joints, spinal complaints, lumbago, neuralgia, nervous tremo'rs, dizziness of the head, pains in the cheat and aide, general debility, deficiency of ner vous and phyalcal energy, and all nervous disorders. In case;; of confirmed dyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement of the digestive organs, tLey have been been found e^uaHy successful. Their exf tiaoidinary effects upon theayatem must be witnease<| to. be be belived, and aa a certain preventive for the preceding complaint* they are equally recommended. The rings are of different prices, being made of all sizes, and of varipua ornamental patterns, and ean be worn by the moat delicate female without the slightest inconvenience. In fact, the sensation is ra her agreeable than otherwise. Tut Galvanic Bblts, Bracelets, Bands, Gar uas, Nixklaies, 4u:. &c These articles are adapted to the waist, arms,, wrists, limbs, ankles, or any part of the body with porfect convenience. The Galvanic Necklaces are u*qd with greater benefit l* cobfc^ of bronchitis or affections of the throat gener ally ; also, in cases of nervous deafness; and with almost uniform success as a preventive for appoplexy, epileptic fits, and similar complaints. < Christie's Magnetic Fluid is used in connexion with the Galvanic Kings, and all their modifications. This composition haa been pronounced by the French Chemists to be one of the most extraordi nary discoveries of modern science. Full explana tion* and directions accompany it. The combined inventions are in every way perfectly harmless; they are at prices within rcach of all, and the discoveiot only requests a fair trial, as a test of their surprising efficacy and |>ertnanent benefit. CuRiHTib'u Galvanic Strengthening Plas ters.?These articles form auother valuable applica tion of the mysterious influence of Galvanism. They are an important adjunct to the genuine Galvanic Rings and their modifications, acting upon the same principle, bat having the advantage of more local ap plication* They are confidently recomended as a valuable addition in the speedy cure of rheumatism, acute or chronic; in all nervous complaints, and as a positive remedy in cases of pain and weakness in the chest or back, pain in the side, in asthmatic affections, and in weakness or oppression of the pulmonary or-' gans. In spinal complaints their effects are of the most decided character, and they have often been used with complete auccesa. They are abo of the greatest advantage in pains and weakness of the breast, and are highly recommended for many of those complaints to which females are especially li able. As an efFsctual means for strengthening the system when debilitated with disease and other cau ses, as a certain aid in constitutional weakness, as chest generally, the Galvanic Strengthening Plas ters will be found of great and permanent advan tage. (?/* CAUTION. The celebrity and success ol these article* have caused them to be counterfeited by unprincipled persona. Dr. Christie cautions the public against apunous imitations. lie haa but one authorized agency in each city of the Union, where the genuine article* can be procured. The only agenta for Washington are? M. H. STEVEN8 ?fc EMMONS, Noe. 1 and 2 Brown's Hotel, Penn. avenue. Explanatory pamphlets, &c. may be had gratis, , with the atrongest testimonials of success and bene ,6t. _M CHAUNCEY WARRINER has recently added to hia facilities for manufacturing parts of Watches that may be required, by instruments for that purpose; and having obtained knowledge of Watch Repairing by practice in Boston, New York, Philadelphia and elsewhere, will be able to attend to whatever may be offered in this department of me chanics. Chronometer, Duplex, Lever, Lepine, and Re pealing Watches, accurately repaired; also, Common Watches and Mantel and Eight-day Clocks put in order, north side Pennsylvania avenue, between Four-and-a-half and Sixth streets, on the corner of the alley east of Coleman's Hotel, sign of the Watch with Guard-Key and Chain and Models rep resenting the exterior of a self-registering Meteorolo gical Observatory. The above location is in part occupied by STE PHEN EDDY, who deals in the American manu factured Patent improved Perifocal Spectacle Lens, an instrument evidently destined to supersede all other aid to the human vision; judging from testi monials of their superior properties over other lens, it will only be necessary to refer to observation and facts to establish for them a far higher character for usefulness than has hitherto been attained by the efforts of art w..l sciencc. S. Eddy also deals in Jewely, tine Watches, Sil ver Ware, Biown'a and other Gold Pens. The public are respectfully invited to call, particu larly those afflicted with defective sight;?^-nothing so desirable as its preservation and improvement;?a little attention in the aelection ef glasses will accom plish the one, in some instance both. It is highly important to see clearly. riHAUNCEY WARRINER has recenfly ' added to his facilities for manufacturing parts of Watches that may be required, bv instrument* for that Shi pose ; and having obtained a knowledge of Watch Impairing, by practice in Boston, New York, Phila delphia, and elsewhere, will be able to attend to what ever may be offered in this department of mechanics Chronometer, Duplex, Lever, Lupine, and Repott ing Watches, accurately repaired ; also, Common H atches and Mantle and Eight-day Clocks put in order, north side of Pennsylvania avenue, between Four-and-a-half and Sixth streets, on the comer of the alley cast of Coleman's Hotel, sign or the H atch, with tluard-Key and Chain, and Models representing th? exterior of a self-registering Meteorological Ob servatory. dec 25? ltf " .Some things can he done as well as others." SUPERIOR SODA WATER. TC. FARQUHAR ?fe CO., corner of 15th , street and New York avenue, are now pre pared to furnish the public the above delicious (lev erage, with a full assortment of Syrop, carefully pre [tared by themselves. Their apparatus ia entirely new, and constructed on the latest and moat approved principle. They flatter themselves that their Soda Water is equal, if not superior, to any In the city, and invite the public to call and judge for them?elv<fe. Soda Fountain* filled to order at the shortest no tice. n?yt8 dim REGULAR PACKETS. LINE OP PACKETS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL. TO Mil from Philadelphia the 25th of every month, and from Liverpool the 12th of every month. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO LIVERPOOL Thot. P. Cope, Capt. " "? ? " |Feb. 35 H.F.Mierekco Sarank, (new) Capt E. Turley Mar. 25 j Susquehanna, Capt. I A. Tttrley April 25 fVyommg, (new) Capt, J. W, Miercken May 25 . _ __ f _T FROM LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA. Sarank, (neW) Capt. I " ' Jan.12 June 25 July 25 [Aug. 25 Sept 25 | Oct. 25 Nov. 25 Dec. 25 [Jan. 25 E. TiMtley 'i! Susquehanna, Cant. A. Turley Wyoming, (new) Capt J. W. Miercken The*. P. Copt, Capt H. F. Micrcken' Feb. 12 Mar. 12 May 1$ I June 12 July 12 Aug. 12 Sept 12 oa.? N?y. 12 Dec. 12i I April l*U ? - These are first-class Philadaiphiabuilt Ships, having rpacious and elegant cabin*, and combin ing every quality to render them safe and expedi tions conveyance!. They are abundantly supplied with stores of the best kind, and sail punctually, taking advantage of the tow and ice-bo?ts on the Delaware. Pnssage to Liverpool, $80; to Philadelphia, ?29, without wines. rJ H. A A. COPE A CO., Philadelphia. B RO W N, 8HI PL E Y A CO., Liverpool. Earthenware, china, & glass, Thos. Pitrscll hss jiu>t imported, per ships Lib erty and Ohio, liom Liverpool, and other sources, eighty-lour jMcksgcs of the above articles, amongst which are French, English, India, Bluestone, W. G. and Iruostone dinner, dessert, tea, coflfec, and toilet sets . Rich gold-band white and figured China Tea sets, or pieces detached ?> Cut and plain liall lamps Solar, side, Liverpool and stand lamps and wicks I<amp girandoles, he. I\orv handle and other knives and fork* in sets of filly-one pairs or separate Real silver and imitation table, tea and dessert spoons Plated and German silver rastois Brass and plated candlesticks Plated cake-basksts, waiters, in sets or detached English and American tea and coffee sets Concc biggins and urns ? I>ookihg glasses, shovel and toags, 8tc. All of which will be sold wholesale and retail at very low prices for cash h irst quality stone and Britannia ware at the fac torv prices T An extensive and good assortment of common ivare, suitable for retail groceries The subscriber solicits a c.all. from his friends and Ihc public generally, at his store, opposite Brown's Hotel, Penn. Avenue, assuring them that he is deter mined to sell as cheap as the very cheapest for cash. THOS PURSELL. IUST RECEIVED, and for safe at the ?J Book Store of A. ADAM, on Pennsylvania Avenue, the following late and attractive literary pro ductions, viz: By James. ? The Ancient Regime, 25 cents; Chas. cts; Corse de Leon, 25 cts; False Heir, 25;*Heidlif ber^, Step Mother, 2 vols. 50; the Smuggler 2b. Beauchamp, 25. Bv Miss Pickering. The Quiet Husband; the Expectant; the Squire; the Prince and Pedler; th< Secret Foe; Agnes Serl; Nandarrel; Cousin Hinton the Fright, each 25 cents; the Heiress, 25; Who shal be Heir, 25. By Charles Lever. Tom Burke of Ours, 50 cts .he Nevilles of Garretstown, 25 cts; Jack Hinton, 50. Charles O'Malley, 50; Arthur O'Lcary, 25 cents; Knight of Gwynne, 25. By Alexander DuMas. Genevieve, 50 cts, Che valier de Harmental, 25; Lady of Monsoreau, 2 vols $1, the Three GuarcL-.rtcn, 25; the Counte of Monte Christo, 2.vols $1; Duke of Burgimdy, 25, Joan, the Heroic Maiden, 25 By George Lippard. The Quaker City, 2 vols $1; Blanche ol Brandy wine, 3 vols 75 cts By Samuel Lover. Handy Andy, 50 cts; Legends and Stories of Ireland, 50 cts; Rory O'Moore, 50 cts; Songs and Ballads, 25 By W. H. Ainsworth. The Tower of London, 50; Chnchton, 25; Diana of Meridor, $1 for the 2 vol. The Dutchman's Fireside, 25 cts Young Katfe, or the Rescue, 25 The Young Prima Donna, hy Messrs Grey, 25 Kruitzner, or the German's l'ale, 25 Wilfulness of Woman, 25 Evelina, by Miss Burney, 25 The Daguerreotype Miniature, 12j Lives of Statesmen, by Hon J Q Adams, 25 Confessions of a Pretty Woman, by Miss Pardoe 25 Amelia Wyndham, 2d Father Darcy, 25 The Prairie Bird, by Murray, 25 Love and Mesmerism, by Horace Smith, 25 The Female Minister, 25 Rose Marie, or the Gogo Family, 25 Archibald Werner, 50 Sylvester Sound, the Somnamb<dist^ 37i Stories of Waterloo, by Maxwell, 25 Guy Rivers, a Tale of Georgia, 25 My Own Home and Fireiide, 50 History of the Bastile, by Davenport, 50 The Protege, by J E T 25 The Tartar Chief, 25 The Venice Orange Girl, 124 Freaks of Cupid, in three part?, each 12$ Leontine, 25 Ormond, or the Seoret Ifltness, 25 The Chronicles of Clover Nook, 12 Jets Charmed Sea by H. Martineau, 25 Groves of Blarney by Mr*. Hall, 25 Siege of Vienna, 25 Eucretia by Bulwer, 25 Leila, 121 0' FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. HPARKMAN A KEL8EY, No. 285 Broadway, opposite Stewart's, /V. York. FFER AT WHOLE8ALE OR RETAIL A very large nssortmont of Flooh Oii Ciotho in every variety of quality and style. Their new pa urns surpass any other in the market, in richness of coloring and beauty of design, and the original drawings have horn secured by Letters Patent, to prevent other dealers or manufacturers from copy ing the same. The following comprises our present style of patterns: Orientals Grecian cross Tapestry scrolls. Antique marble Gothic pavements Gothic octagon do Marble tile Arabesque do Egyptian marble Mosaic do Ita'ian do Persian patterns Dove and white do Bouquet do New Trinity pattern Treveelated do Rich gothic do t^ueen of Ihe May, Vine do Drab and chinU scroll Ruby and chintz do Ac. Ac. Ac. N. B.?2000 yards Otn Stock, with borders, very heavy goods, superior, but old patterns, selling si low rates. ' amrETVVGS. A choice assortment of Tapestry Brussels, Three Ply and Ingrain CARPET1NQS, of entirely new patterns, selected expressly for city retail trade. M?y 14?tf Cash Terras for Advertising. 1 square 1 mseition, ?U jOtl square 1 month, J do 2 do 0 75|1 do 2 month* 1 do 3 do l 00 I do 1 week, 1 75 , *4 00 2 month*, 7 00 1 do 3 do 10 00 1 do 6 do 16 00 , - --1 - uw w UO UU 1 do 2 weeks, "2 75'1 do 1 year, 30 00 {J6,Ten luui or lets make a square: payment'al ways in advaiioc. Ad ver ligaments in only once or twice a week, will he charged a0 cents for the first insertion, and 37i cents for each subsequent insertion. ? ?? !?? -r 1 ( ? Magnetic Teiegrapk. Reduction qf rates for the transmission of inc. For a message of Cu. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or 10 Words 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 " 20 " 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 "30 44 20 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 39 * 40 " 25 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 * 50 " 30 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 V 60 44 35 61 65 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 44 70 " 40 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 44 80 ?? 45 81 82 83 8* 85 86 87 88 89 44 90 44 50 91 92 3p 94 95 96 97 p8 99 44 lpO 44 55 The same fates wilj be charged for every suc ceeding hundred, and part bf X' hundred words, except upon communications lor the press, whith will be charged at half the rates for every hundred and pa^t of a hundred, after the first hundred. Numerals and mitials will be'cbargiid' ds if Ae words they represent were written in full, v.' ?>>- 1 Telegraph Otikes open ene^y day (10*1 eight o'clock, A. jM. to seven P. fll.. Sundays excepted. N. B.?Persons availing themselves of the Bal timore and Washington W-18; Line of Telegraph, have their menage* delivered i.itinuhaLthj, ?f within the limits of either city, A brief business letter, or inquiry in regard to friendfc, will notcbst OVer itwentjeeotaifii' i?- 7/ "i lu h?>d '<di ;ou It is hoped the public wjll&^sUiu the reduced, made by authority' of the Postmspjer Gen eral, the object being to test Arfly the capacity of the Government line of Telegraph. * By order of the Superintendent, , , ? 1 ALFRED VAIL, %t. Tf'athingtnri Tel. Office, ' in 2d shu if Ottf Font OQite. HARTFORD AND NRW HAVBN STEAMBOAT JiJVD RJllLROJlt) LLYE 1 From Peck Slip, East River, IN ew York. , Viu JStw Haven '. THE steamer IVavellcr, Capt. Bowers, will leave every morning, Sundays excepted, at 6 o'clk. Returning, will leave New Haven at I { o'clock P- \la\ I mil Railroad car* will leave New Haven on the ant val of the above boat, conveying pnssengers to Hart ford, Springfield and Northampton and mteimedi ate places. Also to Boston, arriving at the ktfioi place at about 7 o'clock same evening. The steamer New York, Capt. Peck, will leave New York every Tuesday and Thursday aAernooi. at 4 o'clock, and Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock; Returning, a boat will leave New Haven, every evening at 11 o'clock, N.B. Freight will riot be received for the day boat after 6 -o'clock p. m. 1 FOR HERTFORD, DIRECT. The steamer Ac,to Champion, Capt. Lcfevre, will leave every Monday, Wednesday and Friday after noon, at 1 O'clock.' The steamer Globe, Capt. Roath, will leav?*eveiy Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday a tie more, at 4 o'clock. , . For further information enquire of J. Sa&ton, 112 South street ; G. W. Coriies, 283 Pearl Mreet, or at No. 8 Battety place (up-statir*) New York, may 26 If. 1 ; . i CABINET, SOFA, ANDGHAIlt Mi.YrrjHToitv JAMES WILLIAMS A. SON, would ie spectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they have now on baud at thoir new W.\BE.jjjG.0-M?Ljaa.2ih sltcet.fppposite the oflfit o |of' SPLENDID FURNITURE, embracing in part? Italian marble top Centre Tables ; Egyptian do do Fancy dressing Bureaus, marble top Do do do mahogany Mahogany spring seat Sofa6, latest sty Is * Do do Divans Do do Rockers Do t nurse - > do Do high-post Bedsteads ? r Do French do dining Tables * * Also, a lot of Common Furniture: such as plain mahogany Bureaus, cherry and pine Tables, Crib*, Cradles, Bedsteads, plain and fancy cane and wyod seat Chairs. All of which they will sell at such prices a will suit the times, (or cash, or to punctual customers; Having in their employ experienced workmen, they are prepared to manufacture at the shortest no tice Furniture of every description. N.B. Those who have old Furniture which they wish to exchange for new, are respectfully invited to give him a call. may22 lw3iv * THE UNDERSIGNED having examined a set of Cochran's Maps of Sacred Geography, submitted to their inspection by Mr. Win. Robert Munroe, take pleasure in certifying that, in their judgment, they cannot fail to be greatly useful to Sabbath Schools, and highly interesting as well as useful in families. They would therefore highly recommend them to the favorable notice of all Sab bath Schools aud others. Alexandria, July 28ih, 1846. B?bVCBUke, SP"te" M'E Church. John McCorinick, Supt. M. E. S. School. Elias Harrison, Paitor 1st Pres. Church. James McKenzie, Supt. 44 S. School. John S Reese, Paslor ,W. P. Church. Thomas JtfcC'ormick, Supt. 44 S. School. JVf. S. Eliason, Principal Female Boarding School. Washington City. N. J. B. Morgan, Pastor, Foundry Congrega tion. J. W. French, Rector Prot. E. Church. Geo. W. Samson, Pastor E street Baptist Church. 8eptimus Tustin, Chaplain U. S Senate. Wm. H. Jtfilburn, Chaplain Kouse Reps. Almira H. Lincoln Phelps, Principle of Patapsco Female Institute. W. B. Edwards, Preacher in charge Charles St., M. E. Church, Baltimore, *>fd. W. Robert Monroe has submitted to our inspec tion a set of Cochran's Maps of Sacred Geography, and we have determined to use them in theis Insti tution. CALEB 8. HALLOW ELL A BRO. Alexandria Boarding School, 7th month 28th, '46. W. R.MONROE, 96, Fayette st. Baltimore, is the principal agent south of N. Y. march J 3?iff FOR BALTIMOJRK. THE commodious steamer Coii'M b 1 a. Captain Geo>> Guyther, having resumed her regular trips, will leave Riley's whart, in Washington, at <1, and Alexandria at 7 o'clock, in the morning of Wednesday, the 2&tn irtst., and of every succccding Wednesday, lot Baltimore; and, returning, will leave Commerce street whart, in that city, for the District o( Columbia, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of every Batnrdty, taking ell" and landing passengers and light freight at all the usua 1 landings on the Potomac river. Freights will he taken at low rates and without any charge lor wharfage at Baltimore. WM. lidNTON, President. HANDBILLS, Ac. Neatly printed at the Office oi theJINat. Whig