Newspaper Page Text
*WORTJHINGTOI* G. SXE THE.Y, Attorney and Counsellor at LAW. WiNIHTtl, 0. C. Practice* in the Supreme Court of tha United Stale*, ami in the court* of Maryland, Virginia, and Ibe District of Columbia, and ACTS AS AGENT for persons having business wi'h Congress, the War, Treeaury. Nfry.and General Poet Office l)e partments, the General Land Office, Penaion Office Office of Indian Affairs, Patent Office, Ac. Ac. OFFIC E Miaaouri Avenue, between 3d and 4} streets. CO" Particular attention piid u> tha procuring of the Bounty due to Soldier* of (he United Statea un der the law cf Kef1. II, 1S47, and to the procuring of Patents fur new Invention*. ap 14dtf TO IK VENTOHS. PATENT AGENCY AT Washington City, D.C. bt WILLIAM P. ELLIOT, FORMERLY OF THE PATENT OFFICE. ?" THE SUBSCRIBER, for more than twenty year* connected with the Pa'ent Office, and for many yeara official Surveyor of the City of Washington, baring relinquished all business connected with hi* Architectural, Engineering, and Surveying depart ments, in order to devote bin whole time and atten trn to the aervice of Inventory Patentee*, and per sona interested in Patents, and to establish a perma nent Agency at the Seat of Government for the uae and benefit of that important clss* of the communi 1 ly,'offer* hia aervice* to all person* desiring to make inquiries respecting the originality of Iilventiona and Discoveries, and the practice or obtaining Patenta in 4he United States, and relating to all kinds of buai nea* required to be tranaacted at the Patent Office: such aa making searches, and preparing papera and drawinga for applicanta for Patents Caveat*. As signments, Agreement; amending Rejected Claims, and praaenting thein for re-examination; attending to Appeal Case*, Interfering Applications, and draw ing up paper* relating thereto, and to taking evi dence respecting the originality of Inventions. He wiH also attend to making out petition* for ihe re issuing, renewal, extension, and restoration of lost Patents; apply for Withdrawal*, ami for Patenta for Additional Improvement* *nd D.signa; make Dis claim era, and procure copies of Patenta, Deed*, Drawing*, See., and have them recorded. He will also superintend Commissions for taking testimony relating to Patenta, to be used in the United 8tale* Court* in the aeveral Statu. He will likewiae at tend to tha drawing of Btlla in Equity, in case* ot Appeal, and atiand to the cases at court; to giving opinion, on the legality of PalenU granted, and le gal opluioos on all other poiuta touching Patent caeca; to famishing copiee of decisions on points of law relating thereto , to explaining the practice of our courts in deciding Patent caaea ; and to all business of a legal character relating to Patenta. In the dia charge of the above named duties, the subscriber will fee assisted by gentlemen of the highest legal attain mauls, and by artist* of the firat eminence. 'ITie subscriber having (during a totu through Eu rope) made arrangementa with able and responsible Agents in Loudo* and Paaia, wdl attend to the procuring of Patents in Esolabj) and Frascc, and ?will explain the practice of procuring patents in other Foreign Countries. Tha undersigned offers bia services to Agents and Applicanta for Patents residing out of Washington, whoea cases may have been rejected at tha Patent Office, on account of defective claims, or tha misap prehension of the Examiners, arising from obscure descriptions. In such caaea he will make the re quired aianimations and personal applications, and necrssary amendment* to tha papers. Hia long ex perience in this branch of the business will enable nim to give setis&ction. When it ia known that many of tha rejected daiaoa might Ml carried through the office successfully, if properly presented and ex plained, the importance of this bianch of the Agency will ha duly appreciated. The subscriber will also attend to procuring Mon ti* where required to be made from drawing* of written descriptions. Also to having drawinga done in Lithography. . His terms will ha according to tha nature and ax lent of the service* to be performed. Tha usual re taining fee, however, of five dollara, will generally be expected in advance. The charge for making an anamination will be about five dollara. Tha other charges for the simplest can* will be aa fbllowa: For preparing papera?vis: Petition, specification and oath . .. : . ? For preparing original drawing* Do. duplicate For Agency fee JT* CM~ ^ ???! torn $30 to #100. For integrity of character, persona unacquainted with the undersigned are respectfully refrred to ?* CongrH# who have re aided in Washington ; and for qnalifcationa be re *rV0lhw?wn*ort'". (<*? of .which ia tha design of the building in which the Patent Office ia arrang ed,) and to tha annexed testimonial of an individual well known to the wholt country, and to whom mora than any one else, it is indebted for the present <0lendid establishment, and excellent coda of laws .elating to Patents, that reflect so much credit on hi* name. Testimonial of the Hon. H. L. Ellswobth, Late Commiuinner of Patent*. Patlst Orrtcc, February 15, 1842. Mr. Willi ax P. Elliot, wbobaa been formerly employed in the Patent Office as Draughtsman, Ac., having establish. ?! a Patent Agency in the City of Washington, I lake great pleasure in recommending bun as a gentleman worthy of confidence, and aa being particularly qualified to take charge of any bu wness requiring a nowledge of Mechanical 8ciei:cr, t. U!# Arta' *nd P"UDl Impwemaale. acquainted with the practice ofthuOlhce. HssarL. EtLSwoaTH. Office directly opposite tht l atent Office, turner of F and Eighth drtels. C/'AII Letters on business must be ro*T faid. W p. ELLIOT, june M ly Solicitor for Patents. 'PHt UNDERSIGNED having examined a sei Cochrane Maps of Sacred Geography, submitted to their inspection by Mr. Wm. Hubert Munroe, tales plcssui* in certifying that, in theii judgment, they cannot fail to be greatly useful to Sabbath Schools, snd highly interesting ss wall a> u-sTol ia (amities. They would therefore highly recommend them to Ibe favorable notice of ? U Sab. Lath Schools and others. ?Alexandria, July Sgth, 1846. 8? V?Blake, ( P*?tors M. E. Church. John McCortnick, 8upt. M. E. S. School Klias llarr.son, Pastor 1st Pres. Church James MeKanaie, Supt. " S. School. Jt^nS Reese, Pastor M. P. Church. Thomas -McConnick, 8upt. ? H. School. School MOn' Pri"clPal female Boarding Waikingtrrt City. liJn ^ Pastor, Foundry Congrega ? W ?rel5b'IUc,or Prot- E. Church. Church fcAnm-n> Pki{or E street Baptist Septimus Tustin, Chaplain U. 8 Senate Wm. H. JWilbum Chaplain house Reps. P"' Principle of Palapsct MWv; Pre*chcr ?" charge Charles at w" ?,urcl'? B^ttmore, -*i. 6 ?u?, ' Moflfoe submitted to oar inspec 2 "?i Geography tution. ""muted to use them in Iheis Insti Aiexsi!d,uLRB T Fallow ell a bro. W K MoTpnVHcho'jl- 7th ??th, '46 i. th? E,U#' K*Tetu st Baltimore march ll^f/'^"1 *?tnt of W. Y _ PAINT and oil STORE. QHA kc*f Pure wbits Lead 100 gab. I.iaaeed Oil 150 boxes Window Glaas. Paint of all shades mixed and prepared for twa. A constant supply of LAMPS, pine OIL Wicks and Otasse*. Pore Sperm, Lard, and Solar Oila, for sal* or the lowest terms for cash. O. WHITTLESEY, Bay If tf C street, Todd's Buildings. LIKE OF PACKETS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL. 1SL ?& sialt TO sail from Philadelphia the 36th of every mouth, aud from Liverpool the 12th of every month That. P. Cop*, Capt H. K. Mieruken FROM PHILADELPHIA TO LIVERPOOL. Feb. 25 jjunc 25 |A1u. 25 April 25 Susquehanna, Capt. A. Turlcy Wyoming, (new) Caul. J. W. Mierckeu Oct. 25 Nov. 25 Dec. 25 May 25 I Sept 25 j.Ian. 15 FROM LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA Siamtk, (new) Capt. I Jan. 12 |July 25 Aug. 25 Sept 25 E. Turlcy Stuttpuhaniin, Capt. A. Turley Wyoming, (new) Capt J. W. Miercken THot. P. Cope, Capt H. F. Miercken Feb. 12 Mar. 12 May 12 I June 12 [July 12 Aug. 12 '?Sept 12 Oct. 12 Nov. 12 Dec. 12. I-Vpril 12 ,... These are first-clata Philadelphia built Ship* having cpacious and elegant cabin*, and combin ing every quality to romlcr them safe and expedi liona conveyances. They are abundantly supplied with atorea of the beat kind, and sail punctually, taking advantage ol the low and ice boats on the Delaware. Passage to Liverpool, $90 ; to Philadelphia, ?20, without vviuoa. H. At A. COPE & U, Philadelphia. BROWN. SHIPLEY & CO.. Liverpool. 3K BRITISH AND \ORTH A ME Kit A.\ HfflKROYAL MAIL 81'EAM SHIPS, ot 121)0 tons, and 400 horse power each. Under couUact with the Lords of the Amiralty. HIBERNIA. Captain Alexander Ryrie CALEDONIA, <'aptain Edward G Lott BRITANNIA, Captain John Hewitt CA vt BRIA, Cap. Cbaa. H. E. Judkins ACADIA, Captain William Harriaon. The four steamships now building, are The AMERICA, The NIAGARA, " CANADA, " UROPA. Will sail from Liverpool and Boston, via Haliiax, as follows: From Boston. From Liverpool. I libcruia, on 1st ap. 1S47. I Cambria, un 4tb ap. 1S-47 Cambria, on 1st may'47. I Caledonia, on 'iUtliap '47 Caledonia,on 16tli may '47 I Britania, on 4tli may '47 Passengers luggage to be on board the day previ ous to sailing. Passage money?from Boston to Live^ool, $120 do- do. to Halifax, $20. No berth secured until paid for. Thuse ships carry experienced Surgrona. No freights except specie received on days of sail ing. D. BRIGHAM, Jr., Agent, At Harndon 6l Co.'s, No. 6 Wall at., N. Y. j may 14 tf 0Q* In addition to the above line between Liver- i pool ana Hallifax, and Boston, a contract has been entered into with Her Majesty's Government, to es tablish a line between Liverpool and New York di rect. The steam shipa for this service are now being built, and early next year due notice will be given of the time when they will start. Under the new contract the steamers will sail every Saturday during eight months, and every fortnight during the other four months in the year, going altemaetly between Liverpool and Halifax and Boston, and between Liv erpool and New York. may 14-'f NEW~ STEAMBOAT LINE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Merchandise delivered in advance of C&ual or Railroad. Pare reduced. Cabin pottage $2, Deck do- $1 25. The new staunch and fast aailing tea steamer John Marshall, Captain E ward Huntington, will start from pier 3, N. R., New York, on Wednaaday next, 12th instant, at 4 o'clock p. m. For light freight or passage, having handsome state-room and cabin accommodations* apply to. the captain or board, or to TOOKER 4, PIBR80NS, Coenties' slip, or GEO. W. CORL1ES, 283, Pearl at., N. York. Or in Philadelphia, to ALEX. HERON. Jr., 35], North Wherves. The J. M. was built in Baltimore in 1845, is ISO tons register, furnished With a good and powerful engine, and ia in all respects well calculafol for a sea steamer?her qualitius as such having been ful ly tested on an pmiltrtl route. It is proposed to makthice a regular Line ; throughout the season, provided sufficient eucou agement ia giveA. PEOPLE'S LINE OP STEAM BOATS FOR ALBANY, From the footof Cour'kndt street, New York. ' At 5 o'clock, p. m.?Landing at ititlnnediati 1 phtcPt. The steamboat Rifchttlar, Capt. A fHitchcock, will leave on Monday, Wcdnroday, Friday, and Sunday af 1 ternoons, at 5 o'clock. 1 The steamboat Columbia, Capt W. W. Tup per, will leave on Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur day ernoons, at 5 o'clock. Al i persons aro forbid trusting any of the boats of ibis Liue without a written order from the captains or agentv. For passage or freiglit apply on board the boau, or to P. C. ShulU, at the office on the wharf, may 19 if HARTFORD AND NEW HAVEN STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD LINE From Peck 81 p East River, New York Viu JYew Haven. THE steamer Tracclltr, Capl. Bowers, will leave every morning, Sunday* excepted, at A o'clk. Returning, will leave New Haven at 14 o'clocl p. m. Railroad cars will lesive New Haven on the am val of tiiu above boat, conveying pia*engers to Hart ford, Springfield and Northampton and intermedi ale places. Also to Boston, arriving at the latlei place at about 7 o'clock same evening. The steamer i\'ew York, Capt. Peck, will leave New York every Tueedny and Thuimlay afterno< i. al 4 o'clock, ai d Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Returning, f boat will leave New Haven every evening at 11 o'clock. N.B Freight will not be received for the day boat after 6 o'clock p. m. FORl HARTFORD, DIRECT. The steamer New Champion, Capt. L> fevre, will leave e?ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday after noon, al 4 o'clock. The si" amor Globe, Capt. Roath, will Icav* every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afleruot'tf, at 4 o'clock. For further, information enquire ef J. 8nton, 112 South street j G. W. Cor lie* 283 Pearl s'reet, or at No. 6 Battery place (up stairs) New Y ora. may 26 tf " Some thing* can be done, its well at others.'' SUPERIOR SODA WATER. TC. FARQUHAR A CO., corner of 15th , street and New York avenne, arc now pre pared to furnish the public the above delicious bev erage, with a full assortment of Syrup, carefully prepared by themselves. Their apparatus ie entirely new, and conslruclcd on the latest and moat approved principle. They flatter bemselvea that their Sotla Water is equal, if not auperior, to any in the city, and itiviu the public to call an-1 judge for themaelvc*. Soda Fountains filled to order at the shortcut no tice. * may22 d3m LIME! LIME! LIME! A d |/k bushela fre?h burnt Lime for sale by 'iUlr u. ward a son, at their Lumber Yard on 12ih atreet. roay'O CONFECTIONARY, ICE CREAM. SODA W ATER, Ac. <fcc. MRS. M. A. CAMPBELL would respectfully inform the ladies and gentlemen of Washing ton, and visiter* In the metropolis, that she has ta ken the bouse formerly occupied by Mr. Baines, on Pennsylvania avenue, between 2d and 3d streets, weat of the Depot, where she will at all limes br prepared to wait upon those who may give her their patronage. Ladies and gentlemen visiting the Capitol grounds will find this eetaltliahment a convenient and plea sant resort; while no expense or pains will be spared to make the lee Cream and Soda Water se cond to none in the city. All the luxuries usually found in a confectionary constantly kf pt Call and see. may 21 3m j BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD SUMMER JRRJJYOEMEJYT. HOUKS OF DEPARTURE of the paasenger train* on the Main Burn und Washington Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Ut May, 1847. main Stem WES TWARDL Y. For Cumberland, Hancock, Martirwburg,,. j)atfy Harper'. Kerry, Winchestet,'Frederick, / ? EllicoU'e Mills, and intermediate depots C A M by the regular train, For Frederick aud intermediate stations, ) 4 by extra train, except Sunday, 5 ejistwardly. From Cumberland, daily, regular train, at 8 a. *? Hancock, do do 'Oj " Martinsbnrg, do do 114 Har|;er'?F'-riy, do do 12J f. *. Fiederick, doily, except Sunday ex tra train, 8 a. M. Do do by regular train, 2 r. it. Ellicoit's Mills, daily, by several trains, at 7 a. n. 12 m. ?nd 4 A p. m. Fare in 1 ithcr direction between Cumberland ami Baltimore. $7, and for intermediate distances ut the uniform rate of 4 cents per mile. Through tickoia are issued between Baltimore and Whet ling, respectively, #'l Between Baltimore and Pittsburgh, 10 Between Philadelphia and Whee ling, IJ Wa?liii>^oii Branch. From Baltimore ut 6A a. m. and r. m. daily. Do do ? a. m. daily, except Sunday. From Wa-hingtou at 6 a. m. aud 5^ e. n. daily. L)o do 12 r. in/daily, except Sunday. By order: D. J. FOLEY, Agent. . may 18?tf MOILVLW LIjYE at 6 J-12 o'clock. \ FOR ALBANY AND TROY, Landing at Caldwell's, West Point, Newburg, Hampton, Poughkeepsie, Hyde Park, Rhincbeck, U. Ked Hook, Bristol, Catskill, Hudson, Coxsackie, and Kiniier hoek. Fare reduceJ. Breaklast aud dinner on board the boat. The steamboat Niugttra, Capt. H. L. Kelloeg, | will leave the steamboat [iter, foot of Barclay ou. ?w Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at hall-past 6 o'clock, returning on opposite days. For freight or passage apply on board, 01 to F. B. Hall, at the otlice ou ihe whaif. NIGHT LIJYE. FOR ALBANY AND TROY DIRECT. | From the foot of Courtlandt streJt, New York. Pussengeis taking this boat will arrive in time to take the morning train of cars from l'roy west to Butf-lo, and north to Saratoga ami Lake George, j The low-pressure steamboat Empire, Captain B. Macy, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays | at 6 o'clock p in. The low-pressure steamboat Columbia, Cap'ain W. Tupper. on M ndays, Wednesdays, and Fri days, at U o'clock, p. in. . No Ireight taken oftcr 5 o'clock. For passage or freight apply on board, or at the office ou the wharf. ulay 19 tf PEOPLE'S LINEOF ~STEAM BOATS FOR ALBANY. Daily, Swulay1 excepted. Through direct?at 0 o'clotk p. m.?from the pier between Courtlandt aud Liberty streets, New York. Steamboat Isaac Newton, Capt.Wm II. Peck, will have on Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday evenings, at 6 o'clock. Steamboat Huidrik Hudson, Capt. R. G. Crut tenden, wi l leave on Tuea lay, Thursday, and Sat urday evenings, at tl o'clock. At 3 u'ctock p. m., landing at intermediate places. From the foot of Barclay str. et, New York. Steamboat South America, Capt. Thomas N. riulse, will leave on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday afternoons, at 5 o'clock. Steambo.t North America, Capt. R. H. Furey, will leave on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday af ternoons, at 5 o'clock. The above boats will at all times arrive in Albany in ample time for the morning card for the East and West, Freight taken at moderate rates, and none taken after 4 1-* o'clock p. rtl, All persons arv forbid trusting any of the boats of this Line without a written order from the cap tains or agents. For passage or freight apply on board, or to P. C. Shultx, at the office on the wharf. may 19 tf OCEAN STEAM NAVIGATION CO. U. S Mail Line to Cows and Southampton, and Bremen. eSjSv The splendid n. w steamship WASHING TON, 1750 torni burthen. Frcdetic Hewitt, commander, will start fiom New York on the 1st of June next, carrying the U. S. Mail. Sho will touch at Cowcs and Southampton to laud passenger* and freight, and deliver tho mails for England, France, and Belgium, and will then pro ceed to Brem. rhaven. Returning, will leave Bre merhaven ihe. 26th of June. The Washington i* built in the strongest manner, with a view to being converted into a ship of war, and subject at any time to inspection by officers ap pointed by the President, both during aud after con struction. tthe has two engines of 1000 horse power each, and accommodations for 140 first class, and 44 se cond class passengers. Passage from New York to Southampton or l. Bremen, first clats, $ 120; second class, *60. Passage from Bremen and Southampton to Mew York, first clsss, $150; second class, *60. She will carry about 300 tons freight, which will be charged according to the nature of the good? ol fering. All letters must pa-? through the Post Office Parcels, for which bills of lading will bo signed, will I* charged $5 ea< h. 1 For Freight or Pa?sago, apply at the Office of tin Ocean Steam Navigation Company, 44 William *t. corner ol W all street, New \ ork. B. Mills, General Agent. Agent* at Southampton, Dat, Crokkkt, & Ross, do at Bremen, C. A. Hkikww & Co. do at Havre. William Iseli*. The sccond Steamer of this line is in due courm of construction, snd will lie in readiness it) the ciimi ing fall. m?y 11-" REGULAR MAIL LINE between bostujy jijyd js". York By the fast and vplendid steamers lihode Island am Or gm>. g^Hour of leaving New York changed to fi p. m rnHK steam* rs Rhode Island, ('apt. Poller, and j_ Oregon, Capt. 'I haysr, will run Oirongbout tin season, 111 connection with the Staiiinglon and Pr.s vidence and Boston and Providence railroads, l< av ing New Yoik daily, Sundays excepted, from piei No. 1, North River, at & o'clock p. m., or upon th. arrival of ihe mail train from Boston. These steamers are unsurpassed in speed, splen dor and comfort, ha' ing Jach of them 60 large coin modioli* private state rooms and berths for .'>00 per suns, be.idcs large private rooms for families, and parlors. These steamers are officered by tne moat expen enced men, and will shorten the passage between New York and Boston from one and a half to two hours, thereby striving in ample time for all the line* from Boston, north and esst. The Or?eon will leave New York Tuesday. Thursday and Sa urdiy. Leave Stonington Monday, Wednesday and Fri cIht* The Rhode Island will leave New York Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Le?ve Stonington Tuesday, Thursday and Sstur day. N.B.? Passengers on the srrival of the steamer* at Stonington proceed immediately in the splendid railroad cara to Providence and Boaton without any delay; and a baggage master accompanies each train through to Boston, to lake charge of the bag For passage, bertha, state rooms, or freight, appli cation may be made to the agents on the wharf, and at the oAee No. 10 Battery place, New York, may 32 tf THE ILLUSTRATED WJLTOJV J1XD COTTON. la one vol. 12ino., wi h four fina engraving. on oo steel, and numerous engraving* on wood. WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGL R, FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. Collated w ih the various Engluh e<lilion?, and eon ?aiding additional nous* and ? Biographical Pre face by the American Author. Two jitfl*, Uuui) G') cenU each, of one voluitte clo h, $1 50. " I Lave been a great foil ower of fiUiing utyself. and in its cheerful solitude have paa<e<l some of the hippieat hour* of a sufficiently happy life."?Paley's Natural Theology. " I. ha* been made extremely valuahlo to ILher nn n, Hut it ia worth fm more to every body for ita charming lierature."?Christian Inquirer. " Ii breathes the very of inno. ence, purity, nnJ simplicity of heart; there are ma y choice old verses intorspersd in it; It would sweeten a man's temper it any ti-tie to reaJ il; it would Christianize every discordant angry passion; pray male yourself acquainted with it."?Charles Lamb in a letter to Co eridge. "Ita simplicity, il* aweencas, its natuial grace and happy i .tcrinixture of grave strains with the precepth of angling, have rendered this book dererv edly popular.''?lla'lam's Li era'urc of Europe. '? Tn?t well known work has an t xlrrm siinpli ci'y, and an extreme in ercal arisin* out of its very tfimpl'.city. In the description of fish ng tackle you |erceive the piety and humanity of the author's mini!. His is the heat pmtoral in the la- guage, not fxceplifsg Pole's or Phillips'."?Hsllltt, ill a paper of the Koun J Table. Published and for sail- hy WfLr-Y &. PU I NAM, 161 Broadway. aiiRim 2?if HOUSK FURNISHING AND CABINET WARE-ROOMS. Randolph n. reeves, stu street, south of the General Post Office, would re spectfully invite the uttcnlion of his friends, the ciluoiis of Washington aid its vicinity, to hi stick ol? Furniture and Housekeeping ai tides; comprising in port? Mahogany spring-seat Sofas " rocking and prrlor Chairs " centre, card, and dming Tables " Bureaus, Sideboards, &c. " and gilt Frames, Looking-glasses Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Ci ibs, Cradles Shuck, hair and straw Mattresses Feather Beds, Sacking Bottoms, &.c. .1Uo, Glass, china, stone, earthen, and iron Ware Knives and Forks, Biusbes, and Wcodeu Ware With numerous other articles in the House keeping line loo numerous to mention. I le is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Fur niture at the shortest notice, and on the most rea sonable terms. He flatters himself that from his long experience in the cabinet business, aii work made by h-m will be done in a faithful and work manlike manner, and give entire satisfaction. N. B.?Olu FuKNircKE takeu in exchange for new. ? may 27 12t I US 1' RECEIVED, and lor sale at the J Book Store of A. ADAM, on Pennsylvania A venue, the follow ing late and attractive literary pro duC.llolis, Viz: lly J.utus. The Ancient Regime, 25 cents; Cliaa. 1'yrrtl, or the Bitter Blood, 9f cts; The Robber, 25 eta; Cor3e de Leon, 25 cts; False Heir, 25; Heidlc berg, 25; Step Mother, 2 vols. 50) tile Smuggler 25. lieauchamp, 25. My Mt? Pickering. The Quiet Husband; the Expectant; the Squirt; the Prince and Pcdlcr; the BccietFoe; Agnes Sert; Nandwrel) Cousin Hinlon; the Fright, each 25 cents; the Heires:., 25; Who shall be Heir, ^5. By Charles Lever. Tom Burke of Ours, 50 cts; .he Nevilles of Carrelstown, 25 cts; Jack Hintori, 50; Charles O'Malley, 50; Arthur U'Leary, 25 ceuls; Knight of Gwyintc,25. By Alexander 1 )l)Ma?. Genevieve, 50 cts, Che valier de Harmeutal, 25; Lady of Monsoreau, 2 vols il, the Three Guardsmen, 25; the Counte of Monte Cliristo, 2 vols #1; Duke of Burgundy, 25, Joan, the Heroic Maiden, 25 By Georue Lihparo. The Quaker City, 2 vols $1; Blanche ol Brandy wine, 3 vols 75 cts By Samuel Lover. Handy Andy, 50 ets; Legends md Stories of Ireland, 50 cU; Rory O'Moorc, 50 cts; Songs and Ballads, 25 By VV. H. AlNsWoRTH. The Tower of I.<omlon, 50; Chnehton, 25; Diana of Meridor, $1 for the 2 vol. The Dutchman's Fireside, 25 cts Young Kate, or the Rescue, 25 The Yoiiiig Prima Douna, by Messi . Orey, 25 Krtlitzner, or the Germau'a Tale, 25 Willuluess ol Woman, 25 Evelina, by Miss Burney, 25 The Daguerreotype Miniature, 12* Lives of Stulesnicn, by Hon J Q Adams, 25 Confessions dl a Prettt Woman, by Miss Pardoe 25 Amelia Wyndhain, 2o Father Darcy, 25 The Prairie Bird, by Murray, 25 Love and Mesmerism, bv Horace Smith, 25 The Female Minister, 25 Rose Marie, or the Gogo Family, 25 Archibald Werner, 50 Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist, 1171 Stories of Waterloo, by Maxwell, 25 liuy Rivera,a Tale of Georgia, 25 My Own Home and Fireside, 50 History of the Davenport, 50 The Protege, by JET 25 The Tartar Chief, 25 The Venice Orange Girl, 12A Freaks of Cupid, ui three paits, each 121 Leontine, 85 Ormond, or the Sccret f Fitness, 25 The Chronicle* of Clover Nook, 12jcts Charmed Sea by H. Martineau, 25 Groves of Blarney by Mrs. Hall, 25 Sbge of Vienna, 25 Kueretia by Bulwer, 25 Leila, 1*1 WHO WANTS A LOT OF GROUND AT A CHEAP PRICE??The subscriber has divided his farm and laid oH'a tract of about 40 ?errs int > lots of from one, tw ?, four, ami mi acres each, which he will cell at I >w price* and on eaay terms, ao that il may be within ill* menus of any person to purchase one, an J thereby to secure to biinsi'lf and family a homestead. These lots are i haiid-inmely situated in a very healthy location, on a public road, about 14 miles from the Navy Yard Br.due. on the cast side ol ihe Atiscostia river. I The soil is well suitotl lor garden purposes or ihe cult vation of iruit trees, and several excellent spiings of w.iler are nefcr to them. There is als ? sufficient | wood on each of the lots to eticl iae them, and timber ! ill abundance can be had in the neighbor ood to | erect any bul 'ing at a very low price. Those wishing to purchase, will do well to apply soon, as they ran have a choice of location, fee. Also, for sale, a one-story log DWELLING I HOUSE, with as much land as may be deaired, a I ! joining the aoove lots, vciy ? unils inely situated, and ' wi h a small expense could l<e converted into a dwelling for two small families. For further particulars apply lo 'J. A. SAGE. Near the Uood Hope Tavern, U. C. july 31?tf" "fresh groceries. rnilK NUBSCIUBLR is now receiving an J_ additional supply of groceries compi ismg Freesh Teas, Coffee of varioua kinds New Orleans, Porto Kico, and St. Croix sugars Do do do inolasuer Suga' hou.e sirup and molasses Fri-kh spleen, ground and unground bjH'im, adamantine, and mould caudlca Tomato sauce, citwtpa, anchovies, <5tc. Sardines and Curry powders Sarsaparilla sirup, fancy soap Military shaving soap, <Vc. Orange county butler 100 augar cure.1 hams 100 superior shoulder* A large supply of cigar* and tobacco To which he invites attention H. HOLMES, jorie 19?i)3w 7th street. A ? Alt IK ~ LS. BECK would lake this method of notifyinu , his frieuds and public generally that he ha* re moved his house Furnithtmg SJttrc from Pennsyl vania avenue to E street north opposite Rev. O. B. Brown's, one square west of the General Post Olfiee Having ? larger bouse and a lower rent I am and wiU mil any and all kinds of House-Furnishing Good* cheaper than at auy time heretofore. I will iry to prove this to any one ia wont of good* thai will giv? nie a call. N. B. Room* for rent, furnished or unfurnished, spril a I-3m TT^akthbkwark, Chima, ai?d Glam. T. Poi I j ar.LL, importer and dealer in K. Ware, Chin* and (ila*s, w ltoleaale and retail, at hi* *tore, opprsilt* Brown'* Hotel, Pennsylvania Avenue Washington 1 city, D. C. FOREIGN PERICALS. IOD REPUBLICATION Of THK LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, EDINBURGH REVIEW, NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, WESTMINSTER REVIEW, ?orwi?? BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. THE above Periodicals are reprinted in N. York, immediately on their arrival by the British steamers, in a beautiful clear type, on fine white paper, aud are faithful copies ot the original*? Blackwood's Magazine being an cxact facniiuilio of the Edinburgh edition. The wide-spread faine of lhc?e splendid peri odicals rundeis it needless to say much in their praise. As literary organs, they aland far in ad vance of any works of a similar stamp now pub lished, while the political complexion of each is marked by a dignity, candor, and forbearance, not often found in work* of a party charactcr. They einbracc the views of 'he three great parties iu England?Whig, Tory, aud Radical. " Blackwood" a. d the " Loudon Quarterly" are T< ry, the " Edinburgh Review" V big, and the "Westminster," Radical. The "North British Revie v" is of a more Religious cast, aud has for its editors Sir David Brewster and Dr. Manna, son in-law of thu l >te Dr. Chalmers, of l-diuburgh. Its literary article" arc of the lirst order, and it is lib eral in its politics. The prices of the reprints arc less than one third of those of the foreign copies; and, while they are equally well got up, they utl'urd all that advantage to the Jltiuritai> over the EngliJi reader. TEltMS : Pmjiiienl tu be vuule iu advance. For any one of the four Reviews, j>3 00 per aim For any two do - - 5 00 " For any three do - - 7 00 " For all four of the Reviews, - - 8 00 " For Blackwood's Magazine, - 3 00 " For Blackwood aud tlie four Re views, .... 10 00 " CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the above works will be sent to o..e address, on piymcnt of the tegular subscription for three; the fourth copy being gratis. Remittances and communications must be made in all cases without expense to the ptib'Uh ers. The former may always be done through a postmaster, by handing him the amount to he re milled, taking his receipt and forwarding the re cc pt by mail, post-paid; or the money may be en closed iu a letter, post-, aid, directed lo the pub li:her.<. N. B.?Tlie postage on all these periodicals is reduced, by the late Host Office law, to about one third the Jointer rates, making a very important sa ving in the expense to mail subscribers. ,% In most of the large cities and towns in the United States lying on the piincipal railroad and steamboat routes, Ihesc periodicals will be delir : ercd V REE OK POSTAGE. LEONARD SCOTT & Co , Publishers, J jun 28?lyr* 75), Fulton at., N. Y. TO F Oil FAG A G EATLE^FJY, ARRIVING In thu United States, nr others, desi' ous of purchasing n permanent count'y resi dence iu Pmiirylvania. The i-ubsciibtr offers fot tal.- hi-i farm, situated in Montgomery county, Penn sylvania, 11 miles north uf Philadelphia. It contaiui 303 acres of laud, S8N arrus of which are in the highest aiate of cultivation, producing wheat, rye, Indian corn and hiy, eq'-al to anv upland farm?the remaining 20 acres being whim!land Ori the pre mises is a fine stone mansion, 60 feel by 45, with a verandah attached, 15 feel wide, extending the lengih of the house, ond it large piazza on the east, the whole giving ample accommodation for a family of twenty persons. The pleasure ground* impound ing the house are shaded with elegant evergreen-, and are very beautifully laid out. Theie are on the ?'arm three slonu houses for farmers or tenants, to gether wilh tbri o large stone bans, containing sta nling and conveniences for a hundred head ui cat le, and for the storage of 250 ions of produce, wilh coach houre w igon house, granary and corn cribs aitachrd. There are also the adv nta^rs of a fine spring house, ice hou-e. li h pond, a garden of two acres, orchards stocked with the finest ftuit, green house and grape wail, a stream of spring wster in every fie'd. a daily moll, by whirh the Philadelphia and New Yoik papers of the same day are received, and on omnibus passing the gate morning and even ing. In ihe immediate vicinity are Episc- pal, Luther en and Presbyterian cl urches. Furlher description is unnecessary, as nil persons wi-hing to purchase are inviied to call and examine the estite. It may, however, b.i added, that for beau ty, healtllul situation, and advantage^ it i* not sur leased by otiy in the Unitoil Slates. It may be wel also the mention the price, which is $320 pu acre. Apply to GEORGE SHAFF. Whiienmrsh, ?July 2 Saw I m* Monlgtimcry co., Pa. Magnetic Telegraph. Reduction of rates for the traiumif?ivn qf messages, rh: For a message of Cts 123456781) or 10 words 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 >7 1H 19 ?' 20 " 15 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 " 30 " 20 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3* 39 ? 40 " 25 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 " 50 " 30 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 " 60 " 35 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 " 70 " 40 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 " 80 " 45 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 " 90 " 50 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 " 100 " 55 The same rates will be charged for every suc ceeding hundred, and part of a hundred words, except upon communications for the press, which will be charged at half the rales for every hundred and part of a hundred, after tlie first hundred. Numerals and initials will be charged as if the words they represent were written in full. Ttlcgrnph Offices open every day from eight o'clock, A. M. to seven P. M.? Sundays excepted. N. B.?Persons availing themselves of the Bal timore and Washington U. J3. Line of Telegraph, have their messages delivered immediately, if within the limits of either city. A brief business letu.., or inquiry in regard lo friends, will not cost over twenty cunts. It is hoped the public will sustain the reduced rates, made by authority of the Postmaster Gen eral, the object being lo lest fully the capacity oi the Government lino of Telegraph. By order of the Superintendent, ALFRED VAIIi,,1sxist. Supt. Washington Tel. Office, in 2d story City Post Office CIHAUNt/EY WARRJNER ba* recently-added ) to his facilities for manufscluiiiig parts, ol Watches thai may be required, by instruments for thai purpose', and having obtained knowledge ol Wstch Repairing by practice in -Boston, New York, Philadelphia nnd elsewhere, will be sble lo attend lo whstever may he offered iu this department of me rhanics. Chronometer, Duplex, J.rver, Lcpine. and Re peating V\ atclies, accurately repaired; also. Common Watches and Mantel and Eight-day Clocks put in order, iionh wide Pennsylvania avenue, between Four-and-a-half and Hixdi streets, on the corner ol the alley cant ot Coleman's Hotel, sign of the Watch Willi Gua?f-Kcy and Chain and Models re|> reseming the exterior of a self- register nig Meteorolo gical Observatory. Tlie als-ve location is in part occupied by STE PHEN EDDY, who deals in the American manu factured Patent improved Perifocal (Spectacle Lens, an instrument evidently derliind to supersede i ll other aid to the human vision; judging from testi monials of their superior proportieu over other lens, it will only be uecessary to refer lo observation a'ml facts to establish for them a far higher character for usefulness than has hitherto been attained by the efforts of art b..J sciencc. H. Eddy also deals in Jewely, fine Watches, Sil ver Ware, Biown's and other Gold Pens. The public are respectfully invited to call, particu larly those afHictcd with defective sight;?nothing so desirable as iu preservation and improvement;?a liitie attention in (he selection ?f glaoMis will accom plish the one, in some instance both. It is brghly impoiunt to see dearly. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! THE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand a large sup ply ol pure Potomac Ice. which tbny will sell at iheir l*?. ousa corner of Maryland avenue and Eleventh sue*, for Twenty-Ave cents per bushel. BIRD AGUNNELI,. N. B.?lee delivered in any part of the city at the shortest notice. B. A G. Jane M?if MRi. NEWMAN, Milliner and Dress-Maker, Pa. a?enue, between 17lh and 18th stfcU. *1 50 BECK'S *1 50 DAGUERREOTYPE ROOMS, Removed to tlte corner qf 7 th itrcet and Pctui. avenue, over Stotl'i Drug Store. A CCDRATE and highly finished Portraits for /\ #1 50, Group* iu proportion. Post Mortkm cases attended to with prompti tude and certain success at a reasonable advance. A share of the public patronage is most respect fully solicited. june 1 tf J. H. B. BECK. ADAMS & CO.'S EXPRESS? IIFJHOYJIL. 4DAMS & CO. take this method of informal# ^ the public, <hat they have removed thi irOh E from their former place oi Business, Elliott's rtuildings, to the large and convenient Stoie-room, three tloort btluw Oiulsbfs Hotel, Penn. avenue, and a few doors below the Railroad Depot, where they a-e now more fully prepared vto receive and for ward all descriptions of packages to the fo lowing placcs : Boston, Richmond, Cincinnati, New York, Petersburg, Louisville, Philadelphia, P.ltsburg, St. Louis, Baltimore, Wheeling, &c.&c.6cc. Adams & Co. will also forward spccie and other valuable*, and Collect Drafts, Notes, &c., on all the above places at reasonable rates. G. S. McELFRESH, may 27?eo2m Agent. ? ROUCiH AM) ItKADY" PANTS A few more If ft, at fifty ants a pair. A LSO, running off ut auction prices, a good jMl assortment of HUMMER C L O T 11, Tweed and Lit.en Coats, Satin, Silk, and White Marseilles Vests ; Cassiruere, Linen, and Gam broon Punts ; with Shirts, Suspenders, Drawers, llandkerchjefs, and a variety of Fancy Goods. W.W. B. LEWIS, Penn. avenue, nearl 1th street. FACTS, WOT FABLES! Dr. schwartzk'S Clii-Jiio-Thei ma 1 Ague Pills, warranted to cure in tight hours ! Also, ?I)R. SCI1 WARTZK'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S.'IRS. J PilRlLIJi suitable for every month in th? yetr, warr ute.l to relieve Kheumatism, Bronchitis, ?crofuVNeuralgi ?, constitutional effects of Syphilid, eruptive dise ises. mid all ntheis a'iring fr in impurities of th>; bio. d. The above medicines may be had wholesale or retail, at fie proprietor's store, Penn. avenue, 2d door east of 3d street, Washington City. june23 eotf SHANNON DALE SPRINGS, jXtar Clutrlaton, Jefferson Co., Va. J. J. Ahell, PttOHtlE'fOR. I HAVE LEADED for a term of years this de lightful WATERING PLACE, and will have it opt n for the r.ception of company on Ibe 1 si of Juue. The proprietor pledges himself that nothing shall be spared on his part, or of tho-e in his em ploy, to render (he time of his visiters agreeable. Mis fare, <Scc. shall be sccond to that of no other watering place in Virginia. His bar will lie fur nished with the bust of liquors of every kind ; and. iu fact, it will be the proprietor's determination to render this one of the most pleasant and delightful summer retreats in Virginia. The virtues of the water have been fully tested in cates of iheumu tism, dropsy, or dyspepsia, and persons afflicted with either of those diseases will find g eat relief from the bathing, Ac. The proprietor has a fine couch arid team, which will meet passengers daily at Charlestown, on tho arrival of the cars, to convey them to and from the Springs. T<rms; i'J for the fir->t wesk, $8 thereafter; $> 50 per day. may 19 tf RESTORATIVE FKANCAISK. CONSUMPTION. LOUIS-FONTAIN, jr., partner of the firm of Feutain &. Son, Chemists and Prescription ists to the Royal University, Paris, has established at Washington city, D. C., a depot for the sale of the above celebrated compound, at Wm. Adam's Bookstore, No- 3. Elliott's Buildings Pennsylvania Avenue, near Jackson Hall, which they ofTer to the American public as a litre tirilidott jor Con sumption, iu its c-'tanced as well as incipient stages. Acting directly upon the LUNGS, and arresting their decay, it not only soothes and quiets at once the distress and pain attendant upon this hereto fore regarded fatal disease, but restores the lungs and Ihcir sympathising organs, to natural ami heal thy action. Accompanying cach package arc gen eral instructions and directions (translated) for its use adapted to ail cases, and if strictly followed, will not fail, in every instance?if the lungs arc not wholly consumed?of restoring to health which may be permanently secured by future care and avoiding loo much exposure to atmospheric changes. LOUIS FONTAIN. Price, eight Francs. D3"For tlie information of persons residing in the interior; any part of the government?he would state that the remedy is prepared and imported di rect from their Laboratoric, Paris, and that the same can be transported through mail, as he is ad vised by officers of the Post Oflicc Department, to any post office in the country, at the same charge as for a double letter. Any pci-sons, therefore, residing distant from this city, who may wish to avail themselves of the remedy, can do so by ad dressir.g him through the mail, post paid. Two dollars accompanying an order, will entitle a per son to one whole aud one third package. LOUIS FONTAIN. IJYSIDE VEJY1TMJV W1JYJDOW BUJVDS. WILLIAM NOEL, Dealer and Manuf.ic'urcr of Inside Venitian Win dow B.ind-', south fide Ponn. av. between 9th and 10th streofs, Washirmt n. BLINDS of all s zes and idyles furr, hed to order. Split Binds plain an i painted, of all s'zes. Has fixtures and trimmings fu.*n!shed. Linen and transparent Curtains put up in the IkskI style. Firc-scrccns and wide paper for curtains, very cheap. All wo.k douo on reasonable terms aud with prompt new. N. B. Old Blinds repaired and repainted. juneS33m DH. C- A. Vail Zandt's Health Restora tive Pills is a medicine which not only cures but prevents disease, capable of great results, and equally calculated to lie safely used for apparently small ones. We all know how dreadful and dan gerous a seated bilious disorder is, and we are also well aware of ihc seeming insignificance of its first warnings or irtcipiency. Tbo individual suffering fioin slight pains iu his chest, back, or stomach, or from occasional nausea, doll headache, extreme ner voutueas, sleeplessness, trifling prevarication of ap petite, and other disagreeable visitations so c mnion ly and foolishly looked upon as unimportant, may not know that these symptoms, trestcd so contemp tuously, are the consequences of a diseased statu ol the liver, which if not remedied, will lead either to speedy dealh or a long train ol unbearable ills which are known by the following names: Hypochondria, mania, dizzinesa, slow fevers, epilepsy, asthma, dropsy, rheumatism, chlornsis, convulsions, nausea, nervousness, crapras, gout, pleurisy, jaundice, irrita bility, and violence, dyspepsia, bys'e ics, scurvy,foul stomach, dry coughs, glandular affection", colds, bu ffering sore throats, various disorganizations of the great intestine, strictures and spasmodic complaints Internally, eruptions, shnrtnesSof breath, heartburn^ neuralgia, vital inflammation, flatulence, gastric fe vers, At c. Sometimes, loo, there ensues an irregular action of the heart Tske those pills and suffer no more. WVATT & KBTCHUM, | 121 Fulton st., N. ?., General Aventa; and sold l,y chakles sTorr, "pril 21?Cmo. CHEAP BOOKS? ~ VAKIETY OF SECOND HAND HOOKS ' , for sale on very low terms, at the Fountain bvokitlare, near the Railroad Depot. may IS tf F>R RENT ?The Second, Third, and Fourth sto ies of the Fountain Buildings an for rent on accommodating terms. Also two basement rooms, one being next to the avenue. Apply at this office or to ULYSSES WARD, july 34 Lumber Yard, ISih ?t. A WILL BE PUBLISHED IN WASHINGTON, D. C., ON THE SEVENTH DA* Of DECEMBER NEXT. NUMBER - r ONE OF I The United Stater Reporter A DAILY JOURNAL or uovkrkmumt, leuulativic, add uinekal news. THE SUBSCRIBER w DOW enabled to an nounce the completion of his arrangement* for the establishment of a well organised and independ ent Journal of News a', the a. at of the General Gov ernment. The losding feature* of the United State* Reporter will he the following : I. Early intelligence < f lite movement* of the va" rious Department* ol' the Government, in reference t'_> domestic all'airj and to the foreign relations of the country, will bo given wiih scr ipul >u* fidelity. Po? leasing peculiar facilities for ob'aining information, the ''Reporter" will lie enabled frequently to com municate, exclusively, intelligence of the must im portant character. II. Tho Verbatim R? ports of the Proceeding* and D b lies of the United Statei Sena e, which the pro prietor is hound to furnish daily to that body, in ac cordance with the terms of the contract made at the close of lust a ssion ol Congress. The arranguient* now rnde w.ll at once fully secure to the Senate of the Un.iod Slates an authentic and complete record of its d b ites ; and to the people?in a greatly en larged degree?the benefit of the experience, aagaci ty, and statesmanship ?'f that body, to which they have ever looked with so icilcu* and r.spectful re gard. III. The Proccrdi g* and Debates in the lloute ol Representative* w II a'ao be given, with fullness, impartiality, and promptitude. Each day's record will he completely made up, mid apjiear in the "Ro portrr" next morning. IV. A Synoptical View of the Proceedings and Debate* of all Sute Legislatures w II lie regularly given. Members of Cougrem>, and all clssaes of readers, will ihu* he kept fully and systematically irfo med of domes ic legislation in all sections of this United ?"tatrs. V. Early Inttllgence of all important movements in the Legislature* of Great fiiiain and France, will bj communicated hy every bteamcr from Europe, through reporters in Loudon and Paris, who posses* peculiar facilities for obtaining information. VI. 'I'hu General New?uf the Day will be given in a condensed form, with iudu try and attention. Such is a briel view of what tho -'United Mates Reporter" is designed to l e. All ibe plana and ar rangement a have been well matured, and the hope ia confidently cherts' ed, that the "Unit d States Re p rter''will prove itself an energ tic, industrious, dignified and perfectly independent journal. It will have no puly views?no political bias. The pro prietor, l>y i he terms of bis contract with the Senate of the U.iited States, is bound to the condition that the p-p r shall c<>n'ain no politico' discussion except the deli ites." It will be a vehicle of nifos?not the organ of any set of opinions. The grand aim of the subscriber u to establish ut tbe seat of Govern ment a fa thful and prompt r< porter of all aorta of intelligence?a rcpo iiillt ugtnl, on which the pol itic an, the busiue** man, the manufacturer, ihe me chanic, end every one inieres ed in the affairs of Congress ami the Government, may rely at all timca wi h implicit confidence. It is believed that the establishment of euch a re liable Journal of intelligence, on terms which place it within tbe reach of the great masses of the peo ple, at the commencement of what promises to be'a most intern, ting and eventful period in the history of Congressional proceedings, will be regarded with fa vor by all classes of communiiy ; and having thus slated his cbjects, the aubtcriber respectfully solicits a liberal and general support fcom the enlightened public of thu United States. JAMBS A. HOUSTON, S'er ographcr to the Senate of the United Statre. The "United States Reporter" will be printed on a large and handsome sheet, and issued every morn ing, except Sundays, at the rate of six dollars par annum; single copies, two cents. fti connection wiih tbe daily paper, there will he iskuod from the taine establishment. THE MIRUOR OF CONGRESS. This publication will contain exclu.-ively the ra| porta of tbe proceeding* and debatea of the Congress of thu United State*. It w.ll be issued semi-weekly, ill an elegant quarto form, throughout the sessions of Congress, and will be furnished to subscribers at the ra e of two dollars for the long se?sion, and one dollar for the short session. It is believed that this gre national work will be deemed indispensable in the librsry of every public institution, politician, and professional man throughout the country ; and that it wi!l be regarded by the great mass of the people aa the very best political text book for their own in struction and that of their childreu. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Throutghout the sessions of Congress, Extra? will be issued from the office of the "United Statea Re porter," containing the reports of all such debates aa may po se*s particularly exciting interes'. All newapapora throug1 out the United Satra, who publish this prospectus once a week from this dale (ill the meeting of Congress will bo entitled loan ex change with the "United States Reporter," and will be placid 011 the list of those to whom tho Extraa will lie despatched. All subscriptions and communications to be post paid, addreasod "J. A. Houton, United States Re porter, Washington, D C." Washington, D. C., July 20, 1847. 03* Agent for Bal imore : W. TAYLOR, 4 and & Jarvis Buildings: who is authorized to receive subscriptions. july 23?JawtNl ^ COLLETON BITTERS. THESE Bitters are purely a vegetable com pound, and are offered to the public from principle of benevolence, under tho fullest con vie tion that they will be found a safe and aovoreign onicdy for Dytpeptia. They have been trium iharitly tested, not only by some of tho moat re pectutile families and physicians in the State of iouth Carolina, who have furnished ample te*li-a nony as to their decidcd excellence, hut also by the proprietor, who, for ten years, suffered all the gloom incident to that stubborn and distressing disease. They possess the peculiar excellence, denied to most other Bittors, oi<uot proving injurious by con tinued use. They contain not a single deleterious ingredient, and, as seen from tho directions which accompany esch bottle, may be given with entire safely to su infant in the month. With pleasure, and for tho benefit of mankind, I send you a ceiiilicaie relativo to the Colleton Bit tors. In the year 1838, when the cholera was in Charleston, S. C., 1 was compelled to send a servant to the oily. On bis return, he was suddenly attack ed with most violent pain in his bowels, so much so as to cause apprehension that he would expire in a short time, if medical aid could not be procured. I immediately lesorted to the Colleton Bitters, by giv ing 0 wine gla-s full at a dose. In the course of a very abort nine it acted as an emetic, and throwing him at tho same time in'.o a profuse perspiration. I then continued lo give ii in small doses, from tuio to three tea s|>oon*fnll, which resulted in a happy re covery. Since then I have been using it conatantly iu my family, in eases of cholera morbua, cholera infantum, dinrrbuta and general debility, and in every instance found it highly beneficial. Some constitutions, however, require much larger doses than others. JOS. D. JENKINS. I Bfafflon, S. V., I84H. It is with feuliugs of gratitude as well aa pleasure that 1 take this method of giving my testimony of the great estimation which I entertain f r your iu valuable compound. In justice not only to the me dicine, but fur the IwneAt of othera who may ha suf fering from the same malady, Dyspepsia, with which I was for ytars afflicted, I feel it a duty incumbent on me to suite that I am now restored to perfect health. When I commenced taking the Colleton Bitter* it was ss a lust resort. My debility from in digestion was m groat thai a cure waa looked upon as almost hopeless. After taking it regularly and pcrseveringly lor some lima, my strength and di gestive powers were entirely restored. I have never taken a single does of any other medicine for more than five years past. I can now eet the richest food without any unpleasant feelings whatever. 1 have also used Colleton Bitters freely in my family for cholera infantum, cholera morbua, general debility, and aa a tonic sfWr fever, with great aaooeea. At a family medicine I deem it invaluable, and do con scientiously recommend it. A. M. R. 8t. John'i CottrUm, S, C., December, 1840. For sale by tbe only Agent for the District of Columbia, B. HUMANS,