OCR Interpretation

The daily union. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1845-1857, May 15, 1845, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82003410/1845-05-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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?1 III ff?l '
Daily paper by the rear, in advance $10 00
" " for leu than a year, $1 per month,
temi- Weekly paper by ih< year, in advance too
" " lor leu than a year, 00 eta per
Weekly paper by the year I with an index) 0 on
" for aix month* . 1 on
subacriptiotu to the Daily for leaa than two, to the Henn
Weekly lor leaa than four, or to the Weekly tor leaa than
aia month* will not be received.
If not paid within the flrat aix montha, the Daily papei
Will 1>? uic atznv weekly go, aiul the Weekly i'2 60
Subscribers may discontinue their papers at any time by
paying lor the time they have received them. hut not without
Those who subscribe for a jn*ar. and do not at the time ol
subscribing order a discontinue at the end of it, wili be con*
side red subscribers until they order the paper to be stopped,
end pay arrearages.
Twelve lints, or less, three insertions $1 00
Every additional insertion 36
Louger advertisements charged in proportion.
A liberal discount made to those w ho advertise by the
.111 jKxymmii to be made in advance. Those whs have not
an opportunity of |*aying otherwise, may remit by mail, at
eur risk, pasta** void. The postmaster's certificate of such
remittance shall be a sufficient receipt therefor. The notes
of any specie-paving bank will be received.
So attention will he given to any order unless the money, ot
? yoilnuuter'i certificate thai it has been remitted, accompanies
Letters to the Proprietors, charged with postage, will not
he tmktn out nf the poet office.
Ojiposite President's Square, I street, Washington,
(house of Col. Bomford, between
the residences of Mrs. Gen. Macomb and
Commodore Morris.)
MISS HEANEY, of Boston, Massachusetts,
Principal Instructress, respectfully invites the
attention of her friends, and parents and guardians
interested, to the he-establishment of her Academy,
hoping in their favor for the early entrance of the
boarding and day scholars she may receive, and for
whom every arrangement is made to insure, by her
own unremitted attention, thorough instruction, and
improvement in elementary and elevated learning,
with the best advantages of residence.
Miss H.'s Academy, being so eligibly placed in
the quiet neighborhood of many well-known families
near the President's House and the Departments,
in the family residence many years of Col. Bomford,
spacious and convenient, with its large gurden
and pleasant scenery, is esteemed the most desirable
in the vicinity for the charge. Miss H. resumes the
useful and liberal education of young ladies.
Employing her best abilities to make her Academy
permanent in thiB community, and encouraged
to trust that her task will ere long be favored by the
support it bespeaks, resident instructresses and other
professors of the highest skill and character will al
ways be engaged for any required aid; while Miss
Heuney, as Principal, will instruct her pupils individually
in whatever pursuits of learning or accomplishments
they may engage.
The government of these young ladies will be
that of home education of daughters, of her early
study and much experience in Miss Heuney's
charge of pupils in Boston, Washington, and elsewhere;
simply for the best individual improvement
of the talents, moral and mental culture of such
youth; regulations and order prescribed for them in
ihis family mode of living, as of tuition, study, employment,
and recreation, those only which arc due
to insure the entire welfure of daughters by maternal
education and care.
Young ladies may thus be residents in Miss Heaney's
Academy, having instruction for any acquirements
desired, exclusive of others, and may have
that leisure and intercourse with society, to which
the attention of parents, guardians, or Miss Hcaney,
may be duly given.
Morning exercises of instruction in the English
and French texts alternately, reading, elocution,
grammar, composition, geography, history, belles
letlrea, arithmetic, &c., including plain and elegant
penmanship, linear drawing of maps, tfce., elements
of music in singing, and tne primary exercises of
dancing, especially those most improving the demeanor
and health of the young.
Introductory class, $G; junior, $8; senior, $10.
Tuition in the Latin, Italian, and other languages,
may be given per nuarler.
Music, vocal and instrumental, $10, $12, or $15,
I according to the lessons.
uiawiug anu iiaiiiung in crayun, wawir, anu on
colors, flowers, landscapes, heads, portrait and miniature,
as above.
| Dancing tuition at professor's lessons, f6.
Needlework mostly without extra charge.
Board, |25.
Testimonials of Miss Heaney's long engagement
in the education of young ladies, on tne principles
given, will be mude known by the kindness of D.
A. Hall, esq., in the writing, of early and recent
date, of many of the following references:
Hon. James Bavage, Hon. Edward Everett, R.
G. Shaw, esq.. Rev. J. Pierpoint, Hon. Richard
Sullivan, Rev. J. F. Ciurk, Boston.
James Larned, Hon. J. P. Van Ness, Rev. Septimus
Tuston, Chaplain U. S. Senate, Major T. L.
Smith, Dr. Win. Gunton, Wm. G. Eliot, Wm.
Fischer, and late Captain De Lagnel, Washington.
Hon. Philemon Dickerson, New Jersey; Gen.
John A. Dix, New York; Hon. Louis McLane and
N. F. Williams, Baltimore; Joseph R. Chandler,
Philadelphia; Col. R. M. Johnson, Kentucky; Gen.
Cass, Detroit; Joseph L. Locke, Savannah; Col. J.
B. Walback; Hon. Edward Turner, Mississippi;
Hon. Alfred Henner, New Orleans; Hon. J.Thompson,
do.; Orville Dewey, D. D., Wm, C. Bryant,
Thos. Nesmith, Rev. II. W. Bellows, Hon. Wm.
Emmerson, Col N. Bunell, Carville &. Co., S. Colman,
G. F. Bestcsu, Dr. S. G. Foster," C. S. Francis,
New York; Major Edmund Piriby, Brownsville,
N. Y.; Charles S. Wallach, esq., Washington;
Dr. E. H. Barton, S. J. Peters, esq., New Orleans.
March 31?w2mif
To mail contractors, applicants for the appointment of
Postmasters, Ifc., tfc.
fpilE undersigned having been associated with
X the General Pout Office Department for more
than twenty years, and being perfectly familiar with
its details of business, now offers his services to such
of his old friends the contractors, as may be disposed
to patronize him, to transact any business which
they may have from time to time with the department,
and on such terms as will not fail to be acceptable
to them. A letter to him at any time, post
paid, will be promptly attended to.
To applicants for the appointment of postmasters,
he will, upon the remission of a fee of ?5,
postage paid, see that their petitions or recommendations
are received and on file at the department, or, if
not, give them due notice thereof, and also give attention
to their interests until the' decision of the
Postmaster General is made, and then notify them
of the result, be it favorable or adverse. It must be
certainly no small satisfaction, after the trouble of
procuring such testimonials, to be assured that they
nave been duly received and brought to the notice
"f the appointing power. To such as may favor
him in this particular branch of his agency, he cannot
fail to give entire satisfaction.
The undersigned will also attend to any claims or
other business which may be intrusted to his care
sntl su|iervision, before any of the departments of
'he general government.
Washington City.
April 3?6m
254 Broadway, opposite the City Hall, New York,
IMPORTER and dealer in carpetings, floor oilcloths,
4c., would respectfully solicit the attention
of dealers and others visiting the city, to his extensive
assortment of French Aubusson, Exminster,
Royal Velvet Wilton, Geneva Velvet, Tapestry,
Brussels, Threcnly, Ingrain and Venetian Carpettogs,
Floor Oil-cloths, 4c., which he is daily adding
the newest and most elegant patterns, received
by the latest importations, comprising the largest
and richest assortment of carpetings and floor oil,
cloths in the United States. 'I he strongest inducements
arc offered to purchasers, as, from his great
facilities and Ions evn....V- V.?:
enabled to furnish them with the latest and best
styles of goods at the most moderate prices.
March 3?2m
FOR SALE OR RENT.?A neat framed cottage
house containing six rooms, kitchen, cowhouse,
Ac., with two souarcs of ground attached,?
one of which is encloaeu with a new fence, and is in
a good state of cultivation?situated near the boundary
of this city. This property is in a pleasant and
healthy locality; and having upon it two large and
never failing springs, so elevated that water may be
conducted to any part of it, is admirably adapted to
an early garden, or a dniry. It will be rented on
moderate terms to a good tenant; sold cheap for
rash; or exchanged in part payment for a new medium
sized comfortable brick dwelling suitably situated
in the 1st, 2d, or 3d ward of the city.
IFor further particulars, apply to
Druggist, cor. 7th and E streets.
Mar 98?dtf
YOLUMb] 1.
To Lawyers, Merchants, Mechanics, Farm |
ers, and Public Officers, &"c. | f
ON retiring from his offieial station as Assistant a.
Postmaster General, JOHN S. SKINNER j|
devotes himself to the transaction o general agbn- n,
cr business, particularly in connection with the va- al
rious departments of the national government?busi- y
ness in which he is henceforth associated with t0
HENRY O'REILLY, of the State of New York. p
Persons in any part of the United Slates, who p
have business to transact with either department of tl
the general government at Washington, or with any 0j
of the State governments, or who require researches p
to be made in the public records any wherein the w
Union, can have their requests promptly amended m
to, by addressing the undersigned. b.
Extensive acquaintance throughout the Union, w
consequent on llie long-continued connection of both p|
the undersigned with the newspaper press, with the at
post olfice and other public organizations, will greatly
facilitate the prosecution of inquiries and transac- 5,
tion of business through their agency. tc
Lawyers, public officers, contractors, and others u,
having business arising under contracts, or under g{
the pension, post office, or patent luws?merchants jn
desiring remission of duties, &c.?mechanics or in- p,
ventors requiring patents?and farmers having bu- p,
sinees with the General Land Office, may And this
agency conducive to their interest in the way of ,j,
promptness and eoonomy. Claims under treaties p,
with the Indian nations or foreign governments \
also attended to. Ul
Speciul attention will be paid to those who wish to p,
buy or Bell lands in Virginia and other southern m
States; and inquirers, from the North or South, are Sj
respectfully re/erred to our circular concerning "ag- g,
ricultural improvement in the southern Slates," u(
lately published in the Globe, Intelligencer, and p(
other journals. ?
Letters must be post-free, to insure attention; and w
may be uddresscd to the subscribers, either at Al- |p
bany, New York, or Washington?particularly at cq
the latter place. ai
Sensible of the manifold courtesies with t0
which he has been honored by editors of all parties, cj,
from the time when he established the Arst agricul- p,
tural journal in America more than a quarter-ceu- aj
tury ago, JOHN S. SKINNER adds this note for OI
the purpose of saying that it will afford him great c|
pleasure to maintain the intercourse thus long con- ol
tinued, and to reciprocate the services of editorial ut
friends who may now favor him with a few inser- In
tions of this notice. er
April 1 ul
Orrice or Com. or Public Bijildinus, '"j1
March 18, 1845. "J
Proposals, sealed and endorsed |n
"Proposals for painting the President's Mull- tH
sion," will he received at this office until 3 o'clock, i|j
p. m., on Wednesday, the 21st day of May "next, He
for painting with two coats of paint the outside le
stone, wood, and iron work of the President's man- m
sion, which has been heretofore painted, including tj,
the wings, terraces, porticos, roof, and hallustrade; gj
also for painting wiln two coats of paint all the inside
stone, wood, and iron work of said mansion,
which has been heretofore painted, with the exception
of the cast room, which will require but one
coat of paint; also for painting with one coat of
paint all the walls which have been heretofore paint- <S
ed; and also for varnishing all the mahogany doors,
window nash, hand-rails, and balusters. All cracks s
and breaks to be stopped with putty by the contractor. ^
The proposals to state the gross amount for which tp
each work will be executed. The materials to be g,,
of the best quality, and the work to be executed in sf
the best manner, subject to the inspection of such g^
person or persons as the commissioner may appoint n
for that purpose. The'contractor will have to enter jg
into a bond, with approved security, for the faithful tj,
completion of the work by the first of October next. ...
March 18? J,,
To be published twice a week in the Notional In- ttt
.telligeiicer. 80
PH1A. co
CARPETINGS, floor furniture, silk and carriage |j,
oil cloths, mattings, and window shades.
House-keepers "attention!" f0
100 pieces Brussels and Wilton carpetings 0f
500 do super three ply imperial and ingrain
do m
1000 do medium and fine ingrain do t),
500 do venjtian and damask, assorted widths n(
500 do hemp, cotton and rag carpets rj<
500 do Nankin, Canton and Spanish matting
100 do druggets and woollen floorcloths [jr
100 do furniture oil cloths, 3-4 to 6-4 wide B|,
2000 yards floor oil cloths, from 1 to 8 yards tj,
000 transparent oiled window shades, Italian .
moonlight and landscape views tj(
4000 New England patent blinds
100 bales alicant malts, assorted sizes g,
200 do manilla and jute mats
500 Wilton, Brussels and tufted hearth rugs
5 cases embroidered Parisian muslin curtains
2 do worsted carpet binding pe
500 dozen brass stair-rods
5 cases embroidered cloth and worsted piano
and table covers
This mammoth stock, laid in for cash, comprising
every variety of pattern, will be sold wholesale and
retail, at the warehouses, 18 and 20 north Second lo
street, up stairs, at five per cent, advance for cash or tn
city acceptances, with interest added.
Jan. 28?ly Iq
I" L. SMITH, late Rerister of the Treasury.
nnd A. THO. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor at fjr
Law, and late Chief Clerk of the Navy Depart- ch
nient, has associated for the transaction of a general ^1
agency business at the seat of government of the uf
United States, under the firm of T. L. & A. Tito.
Smith, and will attend to the prosecution and col- nc
lection of claims in the several executive depart- nn
ments and before Congress; to the receipt of unclaimed
dividends on the old funded debt and the
new loans; to the refundment of moneys paid for
duties under protest; to the settlement of public accounts;
to cluims under Indian and other treaties;
to business connected with the French, Mexican,
Neapolitan, and Spanish indemnities; to pre-emption
and other lund claims; to the procuring of patents
for public, lands, nnd for scientific and useful inventions;
to the obtaining of pensions; to the purchase T
and sale of real estate, stocks, <Src.; and to whntever -L
business may require the aid of an agent or attor- 'h<
ncy. 'hi
The long experience of the members of this firm su
in their late official connection with the government be
has made them familiar with the forms and modes
of procedure required to be observed in the transaC'
tion of all kinds of public business. In addition to
the advantages which they are thus enabled to offer,
they pledge a prompt and faithful attention to all
matters wnich may be intrusted to their care.
The charges will be regulated by the nature of the
business. Letters must be post paid.
This firm has been appointcu the agents of the
National Loan Fund Life Assurance Society of
London, whose capital is $3,500,000, to effect life
Office on F street, near the Treasury Department,
and opposite the banking-house of Messrs. Corcoran
A Riggs. April 29?dlw3taw2w
CHEAP SHOE STORES.?you nre hereby notified
to be and appear at one of our ahoe storm ho
on or before the first time you want a new pair of wi
Boots or Shoes, and thrn and there fit yourself from cit
a large assortment at prices to suit the times.
J. E. FOWLER A Co., go<
11th and F streets, and am
Sign of the LARGE BOOT,
Penn. a*., near 4J street. J_A
April 17 k thi
WILKINSON'S CEMENT?for restoring Chi- *?
na, earthenware, glass, wood, and marble,
that are broken, to their former state of usefulness, '1?
without disfiguring in the least, and in such a manner
that fire, air, or hot water will not affect them; 1
and the article repaired fit for use in thirty minutes. '
Also, Chinese diamond cement for the same purpose.
For sale by
Jan 30 Corner of E and 7lh streets. '
Morrisons im am- CARMINATIVE i
is the best medicine in use for children subject a s
to eholic, flatulence, Ac., and may be had at 124
cents per vial at the drug store corner of E and 7lh the
streets. I
April 19 J. F. CALLAN. 1
tft Pi
rtiirh and English seminary for Young Ladies, corner
of E and 9lk streets, Washington city.
rHR location of this seminary is one of the most ,
desirable in thO cily, on accbunt of its healthy XJ1
nd airy position. The house is large and coinmo- 4ious,
with ample grounds and other facilities for
musemenl and recreatiun. The princi|>al, so well ' 0
id favorably known in this city, and in New "?xt
ork, from ner long experience in leaching, hones ?J.'''
i give entire satisfaction to all who may connde
leir daughters to her care. She is a native of
ranee, and familiar with its language and liters- (luur*
ire, and conversant with the best and easiest modes wuy
r imparting to her pupils a perfect knowledge of nlu,i'
lat language, so that they can not only read and 8lo,l(
rite, but speak it duentlv. She has secured able aven
iristiuits for various departments, so that all *
ranches of ail English as well as French education
ill be thoroughly taught. Pupils who reside in J1!*1''
le family have the peculiar advantages of hearing, :
id conversing at all times in the French language, !'eei
id of perfecting themselves in the science of music, 'aycl
,\.,.i?, .1- ..,,,.,.;ii...... ,.e ?? weig
acher. The course of instruction, besides the Per 8
jual elementary branches, includes all the higher an" '
udies pursued in the most approved northern sent- v
aries. The discipline is mild and affectionate, yet tlnlel
icidcd, and is maintained by appeals to the a free- muy
ins and conscience of the pupil; u is designed, by u Pcr c
roper development and cultivation of the belter r?a(l'
lulilies of the heart, to bind more affectionately the c ,r
jpil to her teacher, and by it to secure obedience. a 'ov
s sound physical, moral, and intellectual improve- '"6 1
lent and culture, are the great objects desired, it is y1
le aim of the principal not so much to crowd the an" I
emory with words, as to draw forth and train the *wee
ralematic and vigorous action, the observing, re- '"r 6
;cting, and active powers of the mind. The Penl1
larges to those who reside in the family are, for * oto
>ard and tuition in all the branches of French and ?9ua
nglish, ?200 per annum for a single pupil; but 'ac?>
hen two or more are entered at the same time, a cni|"(
leral deduction will be made. The additional ar'f* 1
inrges per cpiarter are for music, piano, and guitar, f? ^
15; use of instrument, ?2 50; vocal music, |S. To lnchf
ly scholars, the charges for tuition in tne first con'1
tpartment in French or English, are $10; 8ur,a
gether, $15; in the second department first necrass
French or English, $8; together, $19; in n'n8
ie second class French or English $7; together a"
10; in the third department, first class, French
English $6; together $9; in the second *r
ass, French or English $5; together $b; Latin $4, a }
her languages, drawing, painting, and dancing; r.~
professor's charges. Pupils can be entered at any lnc
me, and will be charged only from the date of their I,ave
itrance. No deduction will be mode to those who 09 m
isent themselves after commencing a quarter, un- ,wee
88 prevented from attending by sickness. Bills in ?ton<
I cases to be paid in advance. Every attention is ln 8U
iid to the religious as well as moral and Intellectual roty
structions of the pupils, but no sectarian peculiari- e '
:s are ever inculcated. Those residing in the fain- mea8
f will attend such churches as their parents may tract
lect, under the care of a teacher. They will atnd
the Episcopal church with the Principal, when
> other directions are given. Any other informa- 81
in, and the most satisfactory references will be ney
ven on application to the principal. "a
April 25?3taw6m I 1"
' forfei
ign of the Golden Hat, west of Brown's "Ref
Hotel, Washington.
J SUMMER BUSINESS?The proprietor of
c above extensive establishment, in announcing to
s customers the arrival of a part of his new and .
ilendid stock of spring and summer fashions, begs '
ave to assure them that every article not of his own
anufacture has been purchased with the greatest PIS!
scrimination us regards style and quality, and at
e very loweBt rates for cash, and trusts that the
putation it has so long enjoyed as the place for the
ost tasteful articles in his line will be fully susined.
The most assiduous and unremitting per- I)'
mal attention will be given, it being his wish to -L
akc his the most popular establishment in the day
untry. 'he fi
Gentlemen's splendid black beaver hats, extra flask;
jht, for summer- v'z:
Gentlemen's splendid cassimere hats, extra light,
r summer, unsurpassed for fineness and evenness
' texture and symmetrical figure.
Gentlemen's moleskin hats, richly lustred and Al
ost elegantly finished. The undersigned believes 'l|e b
at the manufacture of this most favorite wear is subje
>w perfected. Its peculiar qualities are, first, the appli
:hness and j*rmanence of its color; second, its the 1
eat durability, from not being liable to crack or Th
eak; third, being entirely water-proof, and its al tht
inpe not altered by the heat of summer; fourth, ''shei
e price being only about one-half of the sum asked he eq
r a hat bu ta few years since. rn' P'
The Parisian steel-framed hat, for some peculiari- orP?
is very desirable. a"d c
Gentlemen's pure white Oregon beaver hats, very tying
le and rich. R?
Gentlemen's white, pearl, and blue cassimere powc
its. cornr
Panama hats, with extra wide brims, "Orleans buret
ittem," very white and beautifully shaped. Al
Gentlemen's leghorn, double and single brims. June
Ladies' riding hats, new style. ?nd '
Boys' Genoa hats. be de
Do. Parisian hats. boxe
A few cartons children's Florence caps, believed Pri
be all of the kind ever imported, moat tastefully articl
immed. "Pro
Infants' fine leghorn hats, of select patterns. the c
A very large assortment of boys' and children's Bo
gliorn, scanette, and other summer hats, une- amot
tailed in extent, variety, and style. i"10.'
The undersigned will give his attention to the '."
lishing of these according to regulations Also, al. '
apeaux for the diplomatic corps; together with P?'
ue cloth caps, embroidered to suit every branch nln<
service, as? on tt
General staff, medical staff, topographical engi- Provl
er, ordnance, artillery, infuntry, revenue, marine, na',r
d navy. I1
Leather nnd other hat boxes, canes, umbrellas,
Articles ordered sent as directed, and delivered in PjVcn
is city free of charge. Terms cash. oCrf
W. B. TODD. BoaU
April 22?d6t3tawtf AP
JUlfc,L.fc.K, LH?m> ?c L.U., rennsyivania nvc- gj_n
J nue, opposite the Centre Market; have in store 'tw5n (
s most extensive stock of house-furnishing goods -yy
U can be found in the District, and all laiiTin at puj,|j
ch prices as to enable them to sell as low ns can ?ggor
found (of the same quality) anywhere. Their j^n
>ek embraces a general assortment of?
Cabinet ware and chairs (
China, glass, and crockery ware ^
Plated Britannia and German silver goods t
Knives and forks in sets of 51 pieces, and de- ^
tached t
Cornelin's celebrated solar oil and lard lamps ^
Waiters and tea trays
Ilall lanterns and lamps ^
Shovel and tongs, andirons and fenders ^
Cooking utensils of every description in common ^
Tin and wooden ware Qe
Baskets, table mats, and looking glasses to
Beds, mattresses, and bedsteads "qc
Brushes, combs, spittoons, Ac. q,.
Persons furnishing can find every article used in
usekeeping at fair prices, and all delivered safe gQ
thout charge, or packed securely to leave the |n
N. B. We have just received from the importer a
od stock of superior French china dinner, desert, met n
d tea sets. jjn
way i
TEW MUSIC?WM. FISCHER, Pennsylva- Bndp
I ilia afcnuc, iwu uuurs com ui 14iu biicci, nnn
s day received the following new music, which
II be sold fit a reduced price:
Air from the Opera Ln Double Echelle?variana.
-Composed by H. Rosellen.
II Desideria Penspe Romantique. Par H. Cramer. Ap
Le Diadcme?brillinnt variations. Par Hunter.
Fantasia for the Pinno, or the moat favorite airs in
isaim's opera nf Othello. ,
rranaylvania Waltz. By Wm. Jucho. corn,
Transylvania March. By Wm. Jucho. 1839,
[)h! native scenes?song. By Phillips. the at
Soft murmurs the gale. Music by John A. Still, corn i
I remember, 1 remember the aged elms so gray? yield
ong. Music by Wm. Jucho. a full
The Lyre?a collection of airs, marches, Ac.., for page i
jjuitar. By Weilland. suppl
FYs Divolo Gallop. By Viereck.
May 8 ' I Ma
nil) Ei
N1A AVLNuE. Reriutining irt the Pott Ojf
? f5,
Wahiiinoton, D. C., April 23d, 1845. rr-s=tW?M?
EOPOSALN, sealed and endonwd "Pro,K.aal? ..
for paving and repairing Pennsylvania avenue," > w,"P'ca8esuy t'1?7
hk received at the Topographical Bureau, until , ^
clock, p. fn , Tu??day, tne 2Uth day of May Allbaugh, Jeremiah
, for graveling fourteen feet #ide, on eath sid Anderaon, Mr?. Lucy B. .
? centre line (making in all twcnty^ciiht fhet) Adama, Nathaniel
ennsylvania avenue, between 1st street west and Affflby,- Mrs. Sarah Jane
atreet west, or so much of it as may be re- Alburtiit, E. Gr;
:d. Before depositing the gravel on the road- Allen, Wade
aforesaid, the present Macadamized surface Arnold, Ur.
I be carefully cleared of all dirt, mud, loose I
:s, Ac., which must be removed from the Briggs, Miss E.
ue. The gravel must be of the very heal t/uali- Burns, Harman T.
lean, free from clay and oilier impurities, sub- Blount, Thomas M.
both as it regards the size nnd quality of the Brown, Lt. Wrn. H.
riuls, to the entire control of the engineer and Brown, John
assistants; and to be deposited tn layers not ex- Buck, H.
ng three inches in depth?each successive Brown, CI. W. 3
to be carefully rolled wiln a roller of sufficient Butt, Mrs. Rebecca M.
lit to thoroughly compress the gravel, the up- Brown, Dixon 3
urfttce of which must be finished to such levels Brown, Chas, H.
tross sections as the engineer may direct; nnd Burke, W.
vork must lie commenced at such places und Burt, Edmund
j, und executed with as much rapidity, as he Brown, Samuel
require. The pruoosals must state the price Brooks, Hannah 3
mbic yurd of gravel actualist deposited on the Beck, Joseph W.
way, which priee must wehrae the cost of Boise, Watson E. 3
ing the road-wny, graveling, and rolling as Bibbs, Authony
c, and removing the paving stones at the cross- Brown, Edward W.
daces. Brent A Brent
oposals will bIbo be received, at the same time Ball, Lt. William
dace, for laying a double line of curbstones be- Bennett, Win. M. 1
n 1st street west and 15th street west, ButljBr, H. H.
io much of the same as may be required,) on Brackenridge, John A. I
isylvania avenue. The curbs to be of the best C
mac or Port Deposite granite, (or other stone of Clark, E. M. 1
I quality,) four inches thick on the upper sur- Cate, L. M. 1
to be carefully hammer-drcs3ed on the top and Cook, William
, and for two inches in depth on the one side Chew, John
"our inches in depth on the other. The stones Cross, WiHiam 1
not less than three feet in length and eighteen Clark, Miss Frances
isin depth, to be carefully laid (in trenches) in Cox, Mrs. Mary Ann <
nuous lines, close-jointed, to a smooth, even Cox, Jas. L. D. 1
,ce, and to the entire satisfaction of the engi- Chase, John A. Rufus 1
The proposals will state the price per run- Cross, Fielder t
foot, including materials, labor, trenching, and Course, Isaac I
her things necessary to be done for the laying Coombs, Mrs. Dr. Jax. Q.1
e aforesaid curbstones. Coorse, Miss Elizabeth
oposals will also be received, at the same time Cox, Clement <
dace, for the delivery of a sufficient quantity of Cox, Henry N. 1
,.oval, water-rolled paving stones, of tnree Charles, Edmund
is smaller and of five inches larger diameter, to Caughey, Samuel <
39,400 square yards (or so much of the same Clements, R. H.
ay be required) on Pennsylvania avenue, be- Carter, C. H.
n 1st street west and 15th street vest; the said Coudry, Capt. Dennis 2
s to be delivered at such times and places, and D
ch quantities as the engineer or his assistants l)ay. Mrs. Louisa
direct. The proposals will state the price of Duff, Geo. G.
none by the square or su|>erfiriHl yard, to be Drew, Solomon
mred after the stone has been laid, but the con- Dade, Miss Caroline
will be limited to the materials only, and is not Dove, Wm. T.
ded to include the labor of paving. Dodds, Robert G.
i maieruus ueuvcreu lor me oixivc wonts must Uuvall Jacob
ibjcct to the inspection and control of the engi- Dyer, Kenzey
and his assistants. Denton, Silas S.
yments will be made monthly, after deducting Donelly, Isaac
er cent., to be retained as security, and to be E
itcd in case of non-fulfilment of contract. Espy, Prof. Jas. P. 3
I communications in relation to the above Evans, J.
;s may be forwarded by mail, under cover, to F
. J. J. Abert, Topographical Bureau," endorsed Floyd, Colonel Geo. R.
mirs of Pennsylvania avenue." Q 2 ]
G. W. HUGHES, France, Thos. E.
Capt. Topographical Engineers. French, J. B.
i be published three times a week in the Madi- Faran J. J. 2
in, Alexandria Gazette, Potomac Herald, and Fowler, Misa Virginia R. I
more Sun, until 20th May next. Fickev D. F
iril 23 G
I ' ~ Gee, Nicholas 1
Grant, Elisha <
Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, Glynn, Com. James <
23d April, J 845. Gwinn, Dr. Wm. M. <
IOPOSALS will be received at thia Bureau un- Gantt, Benj. S. 1
til 3 o'clock, p. m., of Wednesday, the 4th Gantt, Thos. J.
of June next, for furnishing and delivering
)"owing pistols swords, and copper powder- ? m James
s, for the naval service of the United State*, |8ttac
i onn a i Huffhee, Wm.
1,900 pistols, Hawks, Thos. A.
,200 swords, and Hough, Wm. J.
1,200 copper powder flasks. r Hyde, C. K.
1 the axlove arms must be made of materials of r
est quality; and all arms and materials to be Hatch'Dr Jethro
ict to such proof, test, and inspection as is now pjor(j 'Robert
ed to similar arms and materials in the army of Hend'lev Richard
Jnitcd States. Hernandez, John G. I
ie materials and the forms and dimensions of Haulenbeck E A S
l parts must conform to those of the estab- Hnrl t Leonard ' j
1 patterns. The workmanship and finish must Harbail^ Mrg. Wim. ;
[ual to those of the model arms; and the seve- ^ ^ '
?rta must be browned, blued, case-hardened, inbn
lished, as in the standard models. The forms
limensionsof the parts to be verified by veri- jjutchins S P
; gauges already established. Heide, Geo.'
tterns of the aforegoing pistols, and copper H Chlis. H. 2
ler flasks, may be seen on application to the ' '
nandant of either of the navy-yards, or to this . , TT
lu Izard, R. Delancay, U.
I to be delivered on or before the 4th day of , ^ ? p
, 184(1: one-third at the navy-yard near Boston, j !"on'?# u
wo-lliirus at llie navy-yaru ncarrnew lorit; 10 i ?" ?
ilivered free of charges, except as to packing Johnson, Mrs. M. H. ,
s?for these a fair allowance will be made. K
nposals for all or either of the above named Kip, Miss
es will be received, to bo sealed and endorsed, King, Edwin ]
posal for furnishing pistols, swords," &c., as Kervnnd, Lazarc ]
use may be. Kellogg, Warren S. j
mds, with two approved sureties in one-half the Ketcham,Rev. Isaac S. 2 1
int of contract, will be required, to be entered Kelly, James T. ]
vithin fifteen days after the time limited for re- L
ng bids; and ten per cent, of the amount of all Liles Miss Mary
will bo retained as collateral security, for the Lcar'w. K. i
"ul performance of the contract, which will be Lemon Mrs. Lucy
only on the satisfactory completion of it; and Lindsle'y Miss Mari- 1
v per cent, of all deliveries made will be paid annaA'. I
I bills properly authenticated, according to the Lewis J. W. P. I
sions of this contract, within thirty days after Lancaster, Miss Lucinda ]
presentation to the navy agent. Lewis, Mid. R. F. R.
i be published twice a week in the Globe, Nat- ..
Intelligencer, and Constitution, Washington;
'Keystone, and Pennsylvanian, Philadelphia; Moore, F. H.
ing Post, Morning News, and Journal of Com- March, Chas.
e, NewYork; Morning Post, and Daily Times, Mead, Miss Elizabeth ]
>n. Miles, Nicholas I
inl 23?2aw Mountz, G. W. ]
; ' Moss, Isaac R. ]
ler & Co., 11th and F streets, and W. Mann, i. '. wm
of the Large Black Boot, Pennsylvania avenue,
loors from 4 j street. JJado*. Yi t? i 1
e beg to call the attention of our friends and the m? n m7 p P
c generally to one of ths handsomest and best or? ' '
tments to be found in the District. M
long which may be found? McBlair, Lt. Wm.
dies' white satin slippers MacLeod, John 1
lo colored morocco and kid slippers McCardle, P
lo Este's do do do McLanahan, Jas.
lo fine French morocco slippers N
lo do kid Paris ties Nicholson, Mrs. Marga- ]
lo do kid and morocco village tics ret S.
lo do gaiters and half gaiters O
sses' colored morocco village ties Orme, Wm. C. I
lo do do slippers O'Connell, Rosanna I
lo French morocco ana kid slippers Owen, Samuel I
lo gaiters and half gaiters P
ildren's boots, slippers, ankle ties, and gaiters P?Se) Robert
ntlemcn's boots of every quality, from |2 50 Peel, Mrs. Hannah ]
per pair Parks, Ezekiel J.
ntlemen s bootees at almost any price Price, Miss Catharine ]
ntlemcn's gaiters Pope, Wm.
do slippers Posey, Alfred H. J
y's fine dress bootees and coarse wear Patterson, Gen. A. H. 3 1
a word, we feel confident to say, thap we offer Powers, m.^ I
ementa seldom to be met with. Times are **niups, ivirs. ousan i
Money scarce just now. Drafts must be R
nd paid, and we must srll, and will, low. Rose, S.
If soling, heeling, patching, anything in the Roche. John J.
of mending done to save our customers a penny Randal, Miss Emily M.
ut one in our own pockets. Renchan, Martin
J. E. FOWLER ?* Co., Ringgold, John
11th and F streets, and
W. MANN, Sign of the Small, David
LARGE BLACK BOOT, Smith, Geo. Clinton
two doors from 4i street. Smith, Henry K. 3
ril 34 Scott, Robt. T. 3
? Short, Wni., of Ky.
EGON SEED CORN ?I have to-day re- Seals, Miss Mary
ceived a few bushels of thia extraordinary Shaw, Jacob
introduced by Gensril Wm. H. Harrison in Stark, Benj. T.
and which last year yielded 131J bushels to Smith, Charles
ire, and shelled 7| basasls to the barrel. This Scott, Miss Alexins W.
s well worth the agriculturist's attention, as its Smith, Bayard
is at least 30 per cent, over the common. For Stark, Henry 3
description ol it see Patent office report, 1845, St. Clair, Edward
134. Those in want should apply early, as the Sanders, Mr., Mineral
y is limited. Agent
J. F. CALLAN, 8impson,"Eltaa
rch 13 Corner of E and 7th streets. Snodgrass, John
iff, WaMngt?H City, May | Jown-end, 9 TW11, Comd
1845. I inompwn, mi
, , . . . I Thomas, Mrs. E. B. C. belh
for letter. in the following ThomM J(ime, H Tower., Cornel
re advertised' Tucker, Miaa Virginia Tucker, E. G
L. U.
Allen, John B. _ Upshur, Mrs. Delphi Usher, Mrs. E.
Audson, Boniamin Upton, C. H.
Adam., Lt. Geo. ' V.
Abbott, Thos. 8. 2 Verdin, M. Vanzandt, Nidi
Allen, L?wrence Van Antwerp, Gep. V. P. Van sent, Mr.
And.reon, Gen. Alex. 3
j. Wise, John H. Walker, Mrs. 1
Birnside, Joseph A. Wood, R. J. Wunderlich, Jo
Bowen, Miss Judie E. Webb, Albert J. Wtulnnglon, C
Bradford, J. A. Welsh, Joseph 2 C.
Butler, Wm. Wall, Garret D. Wallace, Thorn
Barsto'w, H. N. White, James 3 Williams, Dr. J
Boger, Godfrey Wayne, Judge Wharton, Mr.
Bardwell, Otis Wilson, Mrs. F. T. Wartrous, John
Boarman, Miss Sarah A. Warner, S. E. Walters, Mrs.
Berry, Dr. Wm. L. Weaver, Mrs. Isabella G. Whealley, Geoi
Boyer, Mary Ann Wilson, Gen. James Williamson, S.
Button, Edward Williard, Wm. H. fin and Wm. S
Beahen, Michael Williams, Capt. W. G. S. N.
Bralee, Miss Jane Waters, David S. Williams, Colot
Baxter, Thos. L. Williams, John W. L. 2
Baylias, Buckner Williamson, Miss Han- Wilson, Gen. J'
Butler, Andrew nah
Brodie, C. D. Y.
Benjamin, Lt. C. 2 Yell, A. Young, Miss El
Barker, Edward Young, Miss Aiexina M.
Baker, Miss Mary Z.
Barker, F. M. Zeilin, Lt. Jacob 4
Barbour, John S. Jtf^The inland postage on all letters lr
Barrabino, N. C., U. 8. N. go by ship must be paid; otherwise, they
this office.
Carusi, Augustus C. K. GARDNER,
Carusi, Nathaniel May 15?3t
Curtis, George ??
Crawford, Miss Fanny Navt Agent's Office,
Carter, Braxton W sshington, May II
Compton, Ruel H. "PROPOSALS will be received at this <
Cosier, Stephen 2 JT 3 o'clock, on Saturday, the 14th da
Cummerford, Mrs. Sarah next, for the delivery of the following arti<
Clements, Josias navy yard in this city, vir:
Claflin. Thomas J. tv?/.
Cramer, John 2,000 cubic feet aah logo, 16 to 20 feet
Cummin., Mrs. Mary A. 20 to 30 inchea d mm iter, (for block.
Comer, S. T. ^ ?
Chapter, General Grand, Secretary
of 3,000 lbs. 7-16 inch round iron, (for am
Cunningham, Gen. Wal- ? ? rivet, for blocl
ter 3 4.000 " 1 " do do
Cowen,JohnF. 4 3,000 " 5-16 " do do
1,000 " 1 " do do
i 60 ton. best gray pig iron, or No. 1,
Davis Richard inga for tanks, cambooses, and cl
Darve'll John 6,000 lbs. English or Java block tin, f.
Dickson, Samuel D. 2 bras, and composition.
Deneale, Cleland K. Copper.
Douglas, Mrs. Lucy Ann 20 sheets brazier, copper 73 by 30 ir
Davidson, Mrs. Adeline 60 oz., for cambooses, Ac.
Downing, Wm. F. Miscellaneous.
Donaldson, A. J. 2 boxes double sheet tin, large size
Dyer, Wm. B. boogeg.
60 lb. spelter solder, for brazing.
" ....... > ream fine sand paper, various pui
Evans, Mrs. Mana M. Paints.
Evans, A. H. 2 ^0^ |ba. Spanish whiting (dry)
Freeman, W. H. f?? "-,.,do brown
Prazee, lienj. ,,lbW
Freezie, Jefferson verd,Kn8
Fisher, Dr. N. A. 2 .1?, "mber. ? , ?
Franklin, Lt. Wm. ?? French yellow ochre
Freeman John L. 1IX) black lead
' 10 " stone ochre
, 60 gallons raw linseed oil
[i 10 " spirits turpentine.
Garrison, G. W. The above articles are to be delivered a
Golding, Mrs. Lucinda yar(j ;n tbjg cjtyt or on before the let day
Galbraith, John next, free of expense to the United States
Gardner, Com. Wm. H. the very best quality, and in all respects si
Soodwin, 2d, H. to the commandant of the yard. OfTen
Gordon, Chas. made for each class of articles separate!
Graham, Moj. J. D. 2 dorsed on the back, as none others will
[. 10 per cent, will be retained on ever]
Harris, Mai. John till the completion of the contract.
Hoffman, Leonard WM. B. SCO)
Hurlbert, N. V. Navy
Hubbart, Miss Ellen To be published once a week until 14
Horener, James the Union, Intelligencer, Constitution, ai
Hemson, Andrew States Journal, Washington; and Repui
Hathaway, J. G. Sun, Baltimore.
Hackelton, Sam'l May 13?lawtl4J
Harwood, Lt. A. H.
Hawkins, Louis War Department, Ms
Haswell, Geo. K. . . ,. ,, .
Hassell, Miss Itebecca THE aPproPnfl'?na, ?PPb?*bl?
Hammond, Gen. R. H. J- are so 1,m,,ed bX lawJhat. no ^
Hammond C G maps, newspapers, or periodicals, sent to
rj,i? -tir' t Department without subscription or order
h S r.? "y can be ,>aid for, or considered pu
Honkina ' PHwiird A XT erty. All claims and accounts against tl
m ' n ' ' ment must be rendered at the close of the
n.n FHw.nl which supplies of any kind were orderei
Hardin, Gen. Edward c^ept fgf n7ewgpgperg and ^
ordered, which will be rendered and settl
_j ii o 'J''1? accounting quarters of the fiscal j
Iardelln, J. A. C. nate on tbe 30th of September, 31st of I
Johnson, Isaac H. 31st of March, and 30th of June.
Johnson, T. W. May I3_2awlm
Johnson, Achilles D.
Johnson, Wm. Cost 2 _ ? , ... , , , . ,
/^N the petition of John and Charlei
. \J Jersey city, praying for the extensii
Kingsbury, Lt.C. F. tant granted to them for an improvement
Kefftr, James A. biscuit and cracker machine for seven y
Kinkart, Mary Ann the expiration of said patent, which take
Kegan, John ,o.h dnv _f March. 1846.
fCva^lr' rv^ f ?i I''? ordered that the said petition be hi
Kearney, Com. L. 3 Patenl office, on the first Monday in i
' ( next, at 12 o'clock, m.; and all persona in
Lilley, Wm. 2 to appear and show cause, if any they 1
Ltndsley, Miss M. A. A. said petition ought not to oe granted.
Loughborough, H. Ordered, also, that this notice be publis
Lavall, Edward^ Union, United States Journal, Constitutioi
Lewis, Joseph S. telligencer, printed at Washington; the Su
Larwell, John ?t Baltimore; the Keystone and Sentinel,
Leslie, Maj. S. J. Philadelphia; the Journal of Commerce,
New York, and the Post, printed at Boat
[. week for three successive weeks previous
If nrntii.il r o Monday in September next.
Mufdleton, Theodore EDMUND BURKE
Melville, Gansevoort 2 Commissioner of
Mason, Menoden P- S.?Editors of the above papers i
Morgan, Col. Edward B. copy, and send their bills to the Patent C
Morgan, Geo. a paper containing this notice.
Micnaelmore, John May 13?w3w
Muller, Daniel ?
c. spectfblly calls the attention of the agricu
McCauley, J. horticultural community to his Horticultu
McLamore, Col. John C. house and Seed Store, adjoining his Gree
4 corner of 15th and G streets, opposite the
partment, where the farmer, gardener, son
1. seed-dealers, can provide themselves with
Niven, Archibald C. den and fiower seeds, all of the best qualit
If any garden or fiower seeds should p
bad, wnen sown in proper time and ma
Owens, Thos. F. season the least favorable, for such fresh
(Vdcn, Isaac be given, or the money returned.
O'Reilev. Henrv (I Seed-dealers supplied by the pound, I
barrel, at a liberal discount, and on term
Powell, Robert any wholesale and retail establishment in i
Plowden, Edmund J. northern or eastern cities.
Pleasants, Hugh JOHN DOUG
Peaco, Wm, H. Florist and Set
Peasson, Miss Sarah E. March 22?dtfif
Pettibone, Wm. ? ??
Parker, John H. NEW GAMES.
Pitchlynn, Col. P. P. WT FISCHER, importer of fancy
Prenttse, James 2 VV stationery, has just opened the
new and interesting games for children an
Ramsey, Thomas v Characteristics, an original game.
Russell, Col. M. M. The Spirit of Genius.
Roumfort, Gen. A. L. Master Rodbury and his pupils.
Robinson, Wm. Doctor Bushy illustrated.
The beautiful game of kings.
The Pickwick cards,
jelden, Francis T. Shakspeare in a new dress.
Selby, Richard 2 The National Game.
Kerens, Amos Scientific amusements for the old and tl
Sinclair, John, or Ed. the grave and the gay. Also, a large aasr
Chessmen. Backgammon Boards, Check
Sinclair, John and men. Dominoes, Graces, and Battledc
Snyder, John constantly for aale at Stationers' Hall, i
ihepherd, Lodowick prices for cash.
'laughter, Col. Wm. B. May 6?2aw4w
Ikinner, Augustus P.
Starkweather, David TT70RMS! WORMS!! WORMS!!!
Stanley, E. H. \\ Frey's Vermifuge
Stuart, Robert Fannaaiock's do
Sinter ,M. Weaver's Worm Tea
Sawyer, Misa Louisa Sherman's and Petera*B Worm Lo:
Shannon, Stanhope For M|e by
April 19 J. F. CAJ
JUST RECEIVED, 100 cases Claret win*, direct
laiixirtauun, part low price and in half
10 half rnaka prime Madeira wine
5 quarter casks Amontiiado pale Sherry wine ' >15
do do brown and pale Sherry, part low v
We have also in store, a fine assortment of
draft and bottled wines and liquors, consisting ut
part as follows:
?3- Madeira Wiper.
Nkwtom, Gosdon, Murdoch A Co. ,
Reserve, vintage 1815; Bual; London particular
i Oioaot d Ruur BttcuouaCo.
Reserve; London particular.
Howard, March A Co.
Superior Sercial, Malmsey, and Grape Juice,
r Sherry Wines.
as Eliza- Pale Sherry, extra au)>erior 1 n ...
Brown do do do | Pomar a.
ia F. Wines of Prance.
Chateau Margeaux, aubecription wine
Chateau Lafitte, equal to anything in the country
Latour and Serville.
Wines of the Rhine and Moselle.
_ . Celebrated Cabinet urines, none better eotr imvorted.
3 Sieinwine, vintage 1822
Hockheimer, vintage 1831
Sparkling Hock
g m 115 baskets Champagne, part very low price.
hn Port Winee.
ol. George Superior old Port, for medical purpoeea
Superior while Port do do
aa Marachino di Zara
i. B. Curracoa, red and white
0 Creme de Rose.
rge Brandy.
G., Grif- Otard, Dopey & Co., vintage 1805
Smith, U. Do do do 1816
Do do pale do 1828
lei Joaeph Old Peach.
ohn 6 Holland
Jamaica Spirit*.
London Double Brown Stout.
.tended to Dun^ Bio?? Stout) ud jftt
remain in ^ ... 1
All of the above in bottles.
P. M. Winet, in wood.
Madeira, Sherry, and Port, with ? great variety of
other wines.
Whiskey, in Wood.
I, 184j. Irish, Scotch, and Monongahela Whiskey, very
iffice until fine. .
v of June Also, 50,000 very superior Cigarsdee
at the May 12?31 SIMMS & SON.
NEW GOODS now opened and ready for sale at
t 8loreoPP?,ite ^ rCentZ
i and dead J' GIBBS, having just returned from New York
with an elegant ana extensive variety of fkncy
goods, begs to call the attention of the ladies ana
. . public generally to the following articles:
all Chains A onlAniiftn nfth* rhoicpist extrartA and nrrfum#?rv
cs, Ac.) ofLubins, Bayley, Blewa, and Guelnnd, latest inl
j Several descriptions of the richest feather and oth,,
?? erfnns.
(for cast- Also, beautiful finished plain fans
isms.) Ladies' and misses' Lisle thread gloves, equal to
)r making tj,e jjl)est ai])c.
Best - French kid gloves, of the most fashionable
colors, silk mits, <t.c.
iches, and A beautiful assortment of ornamental hair pins,
breastpins, bracelets, neck chains, glove chains, arrows,
gold and silver pencils, thimbles, Ac.
, for cam" A quantity of hair brushes of every quality and
Shell, side, tuck, and dressing combs
rposes. Buffalo and English horn do.
Tooth and naif brushes of superior manufacture.
The finest soaps, oils, pomades, shaving soaps,
creams, Ac.
Also, some very elegant toilet bottles, suitable for
A variety of the newest style of gimp cords for
dress trimmings, cords and tassels, faney buttons,
sewing silk, purse twist, work and other baskets,
reticules, carpet bags, satchels, portfolios, dolls, and
a number of useful and ornamental articles too nui
ib# nnw meroua to mention.
nf A iimiut J- H. G. has now on hand a handsome and welli
to be of ?n'8h?d stock of ladies' hair work, to which he
atisfhctorv wou'c' respectfully invite their attention,
i must be May 9-- 6tif
v, and en- /"iHARLES S. FOWLER, importer, store on *
be consul- seventh street, opposite the Xfatioisl Intelligencer
office, is now opening a fresh supply of
' peyment gCKMj>) consisting, in part, of?
_ White and gold-band China dinner sets
v Casseroles, compotiers, fruit baskets, and most
, r nl". other kinds of dishes required to make large
"J J"ne and complete dinner sets, which are sold as
id United they are wanted
bhcan and Rich China tea MU|) plain whiu> do.
Beautiful coffee and tea cups and saucers, by the
dozen or singly, plain white do.
Vases, allumet holders, cologne stand, Ac.
ly 1845. Flowing blue, white granite, and other Liverpool
ich objests dinner sets and detached pieces
is atlases Toilet sets and tea wares, Ac.
i the War Rich decanters, various colors
previous- Wine and champagne glasses, hock do. goblets
blic prop- Cut and plain glass bowls and dishes, Ac.
lie depart- Solar lamps, for lard or oil, girandoles, hall lanquarter
in terns and lamps, chimneys and wicks
1 anil fur- Elegant waiters, plated baskets, castors
? Britannia coffee and tea sets, looking glasses, Ac
ed yearly. Fne ivory balance knives and forks~in sets of 51
rear termi- pieces, and by the dozen; also, an inferior artiDecember
c]e and silver-plated forks
' In store, a large assortment of ware suitable for
common purposes, which will be sold at reasonable
prices, wholesale or retail.
.Bruce, of May 7-2aw4w
LISHMENT.?F. Wheatlet, of Gteorge,
town, would most respectfully inform the citizens
" of Washington and vicinity that he has taken the
tan) >< *i,? stand at the comer of 11th street and Pennsylvania
, avenue, south side, formerly occupied by J. Berk"
,.fied ley. where he invites his old customers, and as
? . many new ones as may be pleased to try his skill in
' ? " the art of dying silk, woollen, and cotton goods, and
hed in the c'ot'1 t)reiw'nK- The preference which has Men
and In- 6lven '"m ty a 'arPe P?rti?n of the citizens of
n printed Washington, in carrying their work to Georgetown,
printed at h?8 induced him, for the convenience of the public, and
printed at w'1'1 a v'ew t0 en'ar5e business, and by an exhion
once a kition superior work to extend his reputation, to
to the first ta'te a 8tana 'n t*le metropolis, where he is prepared
to receive and execute all manner of ladies'and gentlemen's
apparel in a superior stile. 8hawls of
every material and texture cleansed, bleached, or
dyed, and the border preserved,
nil please He conceives it unnecessary further to commend
iffice, with himself to the public, as he has long been known
and extensively patronized from every port of the
country. He has lately built and fitted up an sxten
sive and complete dye-house, and is prepared to do
US AND all kinds of work with despatch, and in a style not
JARDEN to be surpassed in this country. He especially calls
' THEM the attention of gentlemen to the superior manner in
criber re- which coats and pants, and gentlemen's apparel
iltural and generally, are done. The shape and set of the eoat
rnl Ware- are not in the slightest degree injured; and the color
n House, is warranted to stand, and not in the least to rub.
State De- All kinds of work will be thankfully received, and
ateur, and done on moderate terms.
fresh gar- N. B.?The present is the best season for cleansy.
ing and dying curtains; and he would call the attenrove
to be tion of boarding-house keepers, tavern-keepers, and
nner. and others having curtains to ciejutae or color, to the
seed will present, as a more propitious tima than the fall.
The work can he done better in good weather; and
rnshel, or there is less hurry in summer. May 6?dim*
TAIRE.?P. Taylor has just received from
LA8 Paris volumes 5 and 6 of the above valuable series,
'daman completing and concluding the work.
Volume 5 contains the military writings and cam'
r?. ? T 1_J i a /. n?rnoL
pai^na 01 reuenc, juioyu, uuiuw vw^, ,
Thibault, and Jomini.
j Volume 6 contains the military campaign* of Nv
r I, ? poleon; each volume being a large octaro of nearly a
j .j?i, thousand pages, and accompanied with an atlaa of
engraved maps, military plana, Ac.. Ac.; price |2 25
for each volume, and |2 25 foe each atlaa.
The earlier volumes of this series treat of the campaigns
of Cesar, Alexander, Xenophon, Ac., Ae.,
the tactics, strategy, Ac., Ac., of the Greeks, Romans,
Ac., as detailed by Polybiua, Thucydidee,
A men, and others; the series commencing with the
earliest authentic military records, and coming down
. continuously to the present time,
he young M ,3
irtment of ___________________
sr Boards T}APER AND FEATHER FANS.?W. FI8irea,
kept j CHER has just opened a choice selection of
it reduced handsome paper and feather fans, at inlermadiate
prices, from 6 cents to |3 each. Ladies would do
well to examine the great variety of useful articles
for sale at Stationers' Hall, before purchasing elsewhere.
April 25
just received 20 pieces colored Canton mattings
of superior quality, 4-4 q. wide, just arrived from

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