Newspaper Page Text
roITEl) BY THOMAS RITCHIE. A tfX'S* ^ IV^W I'Tl^VSSLSSSUSSBt THOMAS k'itci'i?'#jobkT. maw (I I I 1 It 'Bill 1191 ^lll III 111 111 M?'?,,7^:rri^c.'l^A"V,Ur1.'!r P.ofbi.tok. Am, wu.-.-. '\4bV4 1 J\s ' jf\,9v\' V> V * J iV 'V* TSZjZ ISSSSTrnt JW * . V JM open for the reception of visiters, and a pledge la r 1 ' m N.?' \ given to the public that every effort will be uaed. Daily 1*1"' by tb? th 00 . ?n?l no expense withheld, to mukethe Pavilion equal a.", WeeklTPWM hv the year in advance ??ol *"" winiUL'U -<i aH re?|?ct? n> an-, simt'ar eatabliahmant inline t?r l??? Uuw a year. *0 cla. per VOLUME 1. " L1BKIITY, THIS UNION, AND THE CONSTITUTION. INUiVlllriK 70 country. The beautiful scenery, invigorating mounniontli | 1 ? ? Sw tr. extensive and dive railed rides, end na Wtekly I?ai .Thy the year (with ei? index) SSS = ?~ ' ? : ~ proximity to Cherry Valley and Cootvretown, 1? .a? U WASHINGTON CITY, WEDNESDAY MGHT, JULY 23, tblo. m.der Sharon. nto.t durable reaidenoe for those WMkivXr lea. thaa ftwr. arte U?? Weekly for iaaatkao ? * . ?.?as?as??? ? in se-arch of pleasure; whilst the established efficacy | in moi.'h? wlU oet be received , | If not pai l wittiin uie nm six mnnim, me i/suj I Vii) bt >1- U1<" imKWwdV *>. mi the Weekly ft 00 a I ' suU, iihers may discontinue their MNPpfl at any time bf pgyinf loi the time they have NCdiVM them . htu >u.t wiiimui Those who subscribe tor a war. and do not at the time oi \ labeoribitff order u discioRtmua at the tad oi jt will ft con-1 lideftd lUbecriber* until the) order the piptr to he stopped. 1 I jud pa> arrearage!. j , PRICK* rOR ADVERTISING. Twelve lim ? orIttb three insertions $1 00 ' additional insertion - . -J6 ! Looter adrertisameijt* charged in proportion. A liberal discount made to those who advertise, by the- j "ovmnUt to bt ma?le in udvmncr Those who hare not j ' oi imvinir otherwise, mav remit by mail at i eurri?K - > J""'1 ft? l?ohi?ni?i??rfc crrtiticatV <>: | r.MinttJi.v-' '..ill ''? i* mftii-H-i t 11 ? ? 1111 11ji ri for Thv not* ? oi hi i|Meta p?J in| * ill b? received. \o utltn'f 11ml filNMi to any order unlets the money, or | a ' ^eitijicote that it hat been remitted, oicompu- i *2* let ins to the Proprietors, charged with pottage, will not ^e ttkt n out of the post office. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF" THE COLUMBIAN COLLEGE. THE annual course of lectures in line institution will commence, a? usual, on the first Monday in November, and continue until the first of March. I FACULTY. Harvey Lmdsly, M. D., Professor of Pathology1 and Practice of Medicine. Thomiis Miller, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. John M. Thomas, M. D., Professor of Medical; Jurisprudence and Physiology. Willium P. Johnston, M. D., Professor of Ob-1 stetrics nod the diseases of women and children. Charles G. Page, M. D., Professor of Chcmis-> try. Joshua lltley, M. D., Professor of Materia Med-| I,-a and Therapeutics. John Frederick May, M. D., Professor of Sur-1 gery. i' JohtNon Eliot, M. D., Demonstrator of Anat-1 om y. The cmivetiiences afforded by the new and exten- | aivc edifice in which the lectures ure now delivered, | art such n? will facilitate very much the imparting j of medical instruction. The lecture rooms arc ad- I mirably arranged, well lighted, and warmed. The j museum is increasing daily in importance and inter-, est. The rooms of practical uitdtomy afford advan-, tuns rarelv eauallad; tlicy wil' be opened the first week of October. The infirmary is under the im- ' mediate direction of the faculty of medicine, and this, with the public dispensary, will continue to present numerous and valuable rases for clinical in- | traction. Clinical lectures will be delivered at least twice a week, and operations performed before the | class. ! The entire expense of a course of lectures, by all1 the professors, is $Wt). Demonstrator's ticket $10. j Good hoard can be procured, at from $250 to $3 00 i ner week. WILLIAM P. JOHNSTON, M. D? (Corner of 7th and F streets,) Dean. June 13?3aw flHlNA,GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE.? j U C. S. FOWLER, importer, has just received ' ai his store, on 7iIt stri et, opposite the National In-: telligencer office, a large assortment of the above goods--making his assortment very complete; I among which are the following.beautiful goods: Purple and gold, blue mid gold, crimson and gold, green und gold, butTand gold, white and gold, ami white China dinner sets, and detached pieces India China, white and gold-banded China cassc roles, round and fluted India China conipotters, shell, leaf, fluted, and octagon India China dessert, sugars, fruit baskets, bowls, . custards and stands, &c., to make dessert sets j* to any size wanted Blue, buff, gold banded, and white China tea i sets, Chinese, Grecian. French, and American shapes Same by the dozen Rich coffee cups and saucers Vases, aluinct holders, Cologne stands, Ac. Flowing blue, white, granite, and other Liverpool1 dinner sets and detkehed pieces Beautiful toilet sets and tea ware : > Rich decanters, various colors Cut and presscd-glass howls, dishes, pitchers, i water bottles, wme, champagne, hock glasses, and goblets and tumblers of all kinds Solar lamps, for lard or oil Girandoles hall lamps, chimneys, and wicks i Elegant waiters, pluted baskets, custors, candlesticks, and snuffers; brass ditto Britannia i offee and lea seta, looking-glasses, &c. ' Fine ivory balance knives and forks, in sets of 51 pieces, and by the dozen; also, an inferior urti- i cle, and silver plated forks. Ill store, a large assortment of ware suitable for i common purposes, which will be sold at reasonable , prices, wholesule or retail. Stoneware at factory prices. June 26?3taw4wif Agency for claims at washing-! < TON.?The undersigned oilers his services us I an agent for claims u[>on cither of the departments , oi Congress. Particular attention will be paid to the settlement1 of accounts of disbursing officers, who mayfind it) inconvenient to attend personally, especially those ol the navy. His experience and practical knowl edge will afford many facilities. Cliurges will be moderate, and regulated by the amount claimed and the extent of aervice required. Communications (post paid) will receive immediate ' attention. CHARLES DE SELDING, Room No. 11 Todd's Building, Pennsylvania avenue. MtrERENCKI. Commodore Charles Stewart, u. s. N. Commodore John Downcs, U. S. N Stephen Cambrelcng, esq., New York. A. 0. Dayton, esq., Fourth Auditor, Treasury i Department. ' A. T. Smith, esq., Chief Clerk Navy Depart- j I went. Rev. Septimus Tuston, Chaplain to the Senate. ! John C. Rives, esq., Washington, d. C. John Boyle, esq., " James Hoban, esq., " Charles 0. Handy, esq., Purser U. S. Navy. John Do Bree, esq., " II. R. Waldron, esq., 41 April 'j?if COLUMBIA HOUSE, j' Chcsnut street, between 6th and 7th streets, j PHtl.ADBLPHIA. THE subscribers respectfully inform their friends j and the travelling public, that they have taken the alm\e house, (formerly known as the Marshall House,) and have made extensive alterations and | improvements in its interior, having spared no expense to render it one of the most pleasant and fash- ' lonable houses in the city. The parlors are numer-; | "usi the chambers large and well arranged, and llie furniture entirely new. Its location is in the most cen'ral part of the city, near to nil the places of public amusement, and convenient to the depots of the bonlhcrn, Western, and Northern routes. I he tables will be supplied with all the delicacies ^ of the season. The wines are of the choicest brands, j fti'l liuve been carefully selected. The proprietors hope, by their personal attention id exuerienee in the tui?in??u o, <riv? .ii.f.-imi, 1 " those who may I'avor them wilh iheir patronage. ! ' BAGLEY, MACKENZIE, A CO. James Uagley, (late of Jones's Hotel.) Henry C. Mackenzie, (lormerly of the Washing- j ;oit House.) Peter L. Ferguson. July 5, lr!45?dim WHITE SATIN AND ENGLISH KIDi SLIPPERS.?Just received, a frcah supply "f the latest styh Fine kid and morocco Puria | cs and slippers, for HI. J. E. FOWLER A CO., Corner of 11th and F streets; and W MANN, Between 3d said 4) streets, I'enn. avenue, Sign of the large boot. Feb. , PRESH TURNIP SEEDS.?800 lbs. of prime 1 Turnip Seeds, of various sorts, viz: Early While Flat, large White Norf dk Stubble, Red Top Norfolk green, yellow, and White Garden Stone 'Turnip. With the Urreat Mairlmrnl of Flower and V.o..- 1 fcUe bieds 10 l)? met witli in the Dietrict. where ? quantity is purchased, the wholeaale price *''l lie charged. Dealer* supplied at the northern Pifce*, with the ueual credit. johpt Douglas, Dernt and Seedsman, opposite the State Department.; % l l_?wcod 1 Orllt'K ok Com. CiftNKHAL OK SuSSUTICKCK, I Washington, July 14, 1845. j SEPARATE PROPOSALS will be received at ; this office until the 1st tiny of October next, for j the delivery of provisions, in bulk, for the use of the I iroopsof the United States, ujron inspection, us follows: At Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 100 barrels of pork 'JOO barrels of fresh superfine Hour 70 bushels of new while field beans 800 pounds of good hard soap 500 pounds of good hard sperm candles 20 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 250 gallons of good eider vinegar. At Fort Pickens, or Barrancas, Pensacolu, Florida, 224 barrels of pork 520 barrels of Iresh superfine Hour 200 bushels of new white field beans 4000 pounds of good hard soap 1600 pounds of good hard sperm candles 80 bushels of good clcun dry fine salt 880 gallons of good cider vinegar. At the Public Landing, six miles from Fort Totvson, mouth of the Chiemichi. 504 barrels of noi k 1170 barrels of fresh superfine flour 460 bushels of new white field beans 11000 pounds of good hard snap 3600 pounds of good hard sperm candles 180 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 1080 gallons of good cider vinegar. The whole to be delivered in all the month of April, 164(1; and to leave .Natchitoches by the 20th February, 1846. At Fort Atkinson, west bunk of the Mississippi river, opposite Fort Crawford, at Dousmnn and Rice's warehouse. 100 barrels of pork 260 barrels of fresh superfine (lour 90 bushels of new while field beans 1800 pounds of good hard soap 1300 pounds of good hard tallow candles 40 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 100 gallons of good cider vinegar. The whole to be delivered by the 1st May, 1846. ( At Fort SnelHng, St. Peter's. 168 barrels of pork 360 barrels of fresh superfine flour 150 bushels of new white field beans 2100 pounds of good hard soap 1900 pounds of good hard tallow candles 40 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 150 gallons of good cider vinegur. The whole to be delivered from the 15th May, 1 1846, to the 15th June, 1846. At Fort Leavenworth, Missouri river. 300 bushels of new white field beans 4600 pounds of good hard soap 3600 pounds of good hard tallow candles 125 bushels of good clean dry fine suit 11)00 gallons of good cider vinegar. The whole to be delivered in all May, 1846. | At Fort Scott, on the M<>rmafon river, Missouri, seventy miles land transportation from Independence, on the Missouri river. 150 bushels of new while field beans 12t'0 pounds of good hard soap 1950 pounds of good hard tallow candles fid bushels of good clean dry fine salt 650 gallons of good cider vinegur. The whole to be delivered ill all May, 1846. It Fort Winnebago, on the Fox river, at the portage of Fox and Wisconsin rivers. 40 barrels pork 125 barrels of fresh superfine Hour 36 bushels <>f new while field beans 600 pounds of good hard soup 650 pounds of good hard udlow candles 20 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 175 gallons of good c der vinegar. The whole to he delivered by the 1st June, 1846. At Fort Brady, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. 56 barrels of pork 120 barrels of fresh superfine flour 'HI I....1...1, ..C ....... .. I.,.,, It..1.1 I...... 800 pound* of good liurd soap 600 pounds of good hard tallow ckndlea 20 bushels of good clean dry fine sail 220 gallons of good cider vinegar. 1 One-half on 1st June, 1846; remainder by the 15th September, 184b'. At Fort Mackinac, Michigan. 112 burrels of pork 210 barrels of fresh superfine flour 100 bushels of new white field beans 1300 pounds of good hard soap 1300 pounds of good hard tallow candles 40 nushrls of good clean dry fine salt 300 gallons of good cider vinegar. One-half on 1st June, 1846; remainder by the 15th September, 1846. At Fort Gratiot, Michigan. 100 barrels of pork 240 barrels of fresh superfine flour 100 bushels of new white field beans 1300 pounds gootk hard soap 1300 pounds of good hard tallow candles 35 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 420 gallons of good cider vinegar. One-half on 1st June, 1846; remainder in all Oc;ober, 1846. At Detroit, Michigan. 130 barrels of pork 260 barrels of fresh superfine flour 100 bushels of new white field beans 2000 pounds of good hard soap 1950 pounds of good hard tallow candles 40 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 600 gallons of good cider vinegar. One-half on 1st June, 1846; remainder in all Oc;ober, 1846. At Buffalo, New York. 200 barrels of pork 500 barrels of fresh superfine flour 200 bushels of new white field beans 3500 pounds of good hard soap 2200 pounds of good hard tallow candles 50 uushels of good clean dry fine salt 850 gallons of good cider vinegar. One-half on 1st June, 1846; remainder in all Goober, 1846. At Fort Niagara, jYew York. 50 barrels of pork 110 barrels of fresh superfine flour . 40 bushels of new white field beans , 850 pounds of good hard soap 650 pounds of good hurd tallow cundles 20 uushels of good clean dry fine salt 190 gallons of good cider vinegar. One-half on 1st June, 1846; remainder in all Oc,ober, 1846. At Fort Ontario, Oswego, .Yew York. 56 barrels of, pork 100 barrels of fresh superfine flour 50 bushels of new white field beans 750 pounds of'good hard soap 650 pound8 of good hard tallow candles 14 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 200 gallons of good cider vinegar One-half on 1st June, 1846; remainder hi all Oc oi>cr, irmi. Jit Sackett's Harbor, .Yew York. 108 barrel* of pork .'190 barrels of fresh superfine flour 150 bushel* of new while field beans 3000 pound* of good hard soap 1900 pounds of (food hard tallow candles (10 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 060 gallons of good cider vinegar. One-half on 1st June, 1846; remainder in all Oc-! :obcr, 1846. . It Plattsburg, jYew York. 50 barrels of pork 130 barrels of fresh superfine flour 30 bushels of new while field beans 600 pounds of good hard soap 650 pounds of good hard tallow candles 14 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 140 gallons of good cider vinegar. .It Fort Preble, Portland, Maine. 56 I>ai rein of pork 190 barrels of f esh superfine flour 15 bushels of new white field beans 650 pounds of good hard snap 650 pounds of good hard tallow candles 10 bushels of good clean dry fine salt -MH) gallons of good cidrr vinegar. Jit Fort Sullivan, Eastporf, Maine. 56 bnrrgla of pork 120 burrel. of fresh superfine flour 50 bushels of new white field beans i 700 pounds of good hard soup 600 pounds of good hard tullow candles ' ill bushels of good cleun dry fine salt 200 gallons of good cider vinegar. At Fort Constitution, Portsmouth, New HamjtsMrt. .*U> barrels of pork 100 barrels of fresh superfine dour 40 bushels of new white field beans 000 pounds of good hard soap 640 pounds of good hard tallow candles 16 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 200 gallons of good cider vinegar. Jit Fort Jidurns, Newport, R. 1. 150 barrels of pork 300 barrels of fresh superfine flour m 13(1 bushels of new white field beans 1,500 pounds of good hard soap 2,900 pounds of good hard.tullow candles 50 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 660 gallons of good cider vinegar. Jit Fort Trumbull, New London, Ct. 56 barrels of pork j i 125 barrels of fresh superfine flour 50 bushels of new white field beans 750 pounds of good hard soap 650 pounds of good hard tallow candles 20 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 220 gallons of good cider vinegar.* At Fort Columbus. Governor's Island, New York harbor, New York. 200 barrels of pork 420 burrela of Iresh superfine flour 175 bushels of new white field beans 4,000 pounds of good hard soup 2,000 pounds of good hard tallow candles 00 bushels of good clean dry fine suit 650 gallons of good cider vinegar. At Fort Hamilton, .Yarrows, JYew York harbor, .Yew York. 140 barrels of pork 060 barrels of fresh superfine flour 110 bushels of new whiic field beans 11.000 pounds of good hard soup 1,900 pounds of good hard tallow candles 60 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 600 gullona of good cider vinegur. At Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania. 56 barrels of pork 130 barrels of fresh superfine flour 50 bushels of new white field beans 850 pounds of good hard soap 600 pounds of good hurd tallow candles 90 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 990 gallons of good cider vinegar. At Fort McHenry, near Baltimore, Mary- ' ' land. \ 100 barrels of pork 960 barrels of fresh superfine flour 75 bushels of new while field beans 1300 pounds of good hard soup 1200 pounds of good hard tallow candles J 10 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 200 gullons of good c.iiltir vinegar. At Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort, Va. 350 barrels of pork 780 barrels of fresh superfine flour 350 bushels of new white field beuna 4000 pounds of good hard soap 28110 pounds of good hard tallow candles 100 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 1200 gallons of good cider vinegar. At Fort Johnston, Smithville, JYorth Caro- j lina. 56 barrels of pork 100 barrels of fresh superfine flour 50 bushels of new while field beans 750 pounds of good liurd soap 400 pounds of good hurd sperm candles 90 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 200 gallons of good cider vinegur At Fort Moultrie, Charleston, South Carolina. 164 burrels of pork 390 barrels of fresh superfine, flour 120 bushels of new white field beans Olitn liaSil uoun . *uu\; puunuo ui gwuvi nuiu owup 1300 pounds of good hard sperm candles 50 bushels of good clean dry tine sail 660 gallons of good cider vinegar. At Oglethorpe Barracks, Savannah, Georgia. I 100 barrels of pork 330 barrels of fresh superfine flour 100 bushels of new white field beans ItiUO pounds of good hard soup WOO pounds of good hard sperm candles 25 bushels of good clean dry fine salt 400 gallons of good cider vinegar. Notb.?All bidders are rcqucsicd to extend the amount of their bids for each article, and exhibit the total nmouni of each bid. The perindsund quantities of each delivery at tltoae posts where they are not specified, will be, onefourth 1st June, 1st September, 1st December, 1846, and 1st March, 1847 The hogs of which the poik is packed to be fattened on com, and each hog to weigh not less than two hundred pounds, ex Judiog the feet, legs, cars,1 and snout. Side pieces may be substituted for the ' hams. The pork is to lie first salted with Turk's! Island salt, and then carefully packed with the same | article, in pieces not exceeding eight pounds each, i When the packing has been completed, the contractor muBt furnish to this office u certificate from ' the packer, that the pork haa been so salted and packed. The pora is to be contained in seasoned ; heart of while oak barrels, full hooped; the beans I and salt in barrels, and the soap and candles in j strong boxes of convenient size for transportation. Salt will only ue received by measurement of thirty-two quarts to the bushel. The candles to j huve cotton wicks. The provisions for Foit At-! kinson and St. Peter's must puss St. Louis, for I their ultimate des'inutior, in the first week of April, | , 1846. A failure in this particular will be considered u breach of eonttact, and the department I will be authorized to purchase to supply these ( posts. The provisions will be inspected at the | time and piece of delivery, and all expenses to . be paid by contractors until they are deposited at such storehouses r.s may be designated by the agents of the deportment. The Commissary Generul reserves the privilege of increasing or diminishing the quantities, or of dispensing with any or nil articles required at any post, at tiny time lieforc entering into eontrac; and also of increasing or redu-1 cing the quantities of e?rh delivery one-third subsc-! quentto contract, on g ving sixty days' previous nonce. Bidders, not heretofore contractors, arc required to nccompuny their proposals with evidence of their 1 ability, together with the names of their sureties, whose responsibility must be certified by the district1 attorney, or by some person well known to the government; otherwise, their proposals will not be acted I on. .Idruncrs cannot be made in any case, and evidence of Uufnthon and full delivery u ill he required at this qfflce before requisition trill be made upon the treasury for payment; which will lie effected in such public money as may be convenient to the points ol delivery, the places of purchase, or the residence of the conimonri ni the notion of the Treasury Department. No drafts on this office will be accepted or paid, j under any circumstance*. Each proposal will be sealed in a separate envelope, and marked "Proposals for furnishing; army subsistence." GEO. GIBSON, Corn. Gen. Subsistence. Noi K?Editors will not be paid for inserting in their |m|iers this advertisement, unless authorised to do so by the Commissary General of Subsistence. July IS?3tnwtl5thSept. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. S 1IYA7T, Agent for the Protection Insurance , Company of Hartford, Connecticut, offers to j insure houses, mills, factories, barns, and their contents,und all other descriptions of insurable properly, against toss or damage by fire. The rates of premium offered are as low aa those of any other similar institution, and every nmn has now an opportunity, for a trifling sum, to protect himself against the ravages of this destructive element,; which often in a single hour sweeps away the earnings of many years. The conree me otnce |>ur*ue in innwun( : liuemem, and in the Hdjuetinent and paying of loaa- ' ea, ia prompt and liberal. For lerma of insurance, application may be made to the almve named agent, at hia office, oppoaitr Brown'a Hotel, in the city of Washingion, who ia authorised to iaaue polictea to applicants without delay. D. W. CLARK, President. 1 W. CONNER, Secretary. S. IIVATT, Agent. i | June 5?ly | generally, that a monopoly of Ins invention is se- j cured by law to the inventor fir the term of four- j, teen years. This is done with u view to compensate him for his time and expense in originating and perfecting it. At the end of the time for which his patent runs, hi* monopoly should cease, arid the invention become public property, unless lie can show good reasons to toe contrary. The presumption is j iKvuys against his application; and if he cannot j show that his invention is novel, useful, valuable, rod important to the public, and that, having made ill reasonable effort to introduce it into general use, le lias not been adequately remunerated for his ime and expenses in discovering and perfecting it, he bourd cannot grant an extension. JAMES BUCHANAN, Secretary of State. EDMUND BURKE, Commissioner of Patents. S. BARTON, Solicitor of the Treasury. The publishers of the following papers will please nserl the above notice twice each week for two months, and send their bills to this office for payment, viz: Union, Constitution, and United Slates lournnl, Washington; Republican and Argog, Baliniore; Keystone, Philadelphia; Union, Ilarrtsnirg; "Morning News and JtfTersonian, New York; Herald and Gazette, Providence; Post, Boston; Advertiser, Lowell-. N. H. Patriot, Concord; Statesman, Columbus, Ohio; KentuckyDctnocrat, Louisville; Courier, New Orleans. June i!3?JawSm nciM.'nur\ viivrrn.\r cnDIMt ic DEJLSr KJL\U i>i uii^uau 01 ivuivjig, ,1b out 1J milt south of Hit binougli of Btdfurd, Finnsylrnnia. -ESPY L. ANDERSON, proprietor, rrspectl'ully informs the public that he has fitted up uud newly furnished the ubovo celebrated wulering-place 1 in a style of superior uttrnrtion and comfort, und | that it is now fully prepared for the reception and i iccommodution of a very large number of visiters. The extensive buildings which have been erected j within the last three years, und other improvements | that huvc been made on a liberal scule and at great j x(tense, with the important natural advantage ot a 1 salubrious climate, rich and diversified mountain , lecnery, hunting grounds ubountling in gome, and waters whose medicinal virtues are unsurpassed by j rny in the world, have placed the Bedford Springs rinongst the most attractive uiid fashionable summer resorts in the United States. Mr. Anderson has the gratification to announce to the numerous patrons of the springs and the public, tliat tlic establishment will be placed under the I superintendence of Mr. A.S. Bnrnum, proprietor i nf llarnum's Hotel in Cumberland, Maryland, | whose reputation and superior qualifications give j the fullest assurance of comfort and enjoyment to , all who may seek this retreat cither for health or j pleasure. (Burnum's Hotel at Cumberland will, of course, be continued us usual.) A large num'ier of experienced servants and uti excellent bund of music have been provided for the season. June 2.r>?d2wtw2w GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY For Coughs, ('nltls, .1stlima, and Consumption! r|MIE great und only remedy for Colds, Coughs, X Asthma, and Consumption, is the Hungarian Balsam of Life, discovered by the celebrated Dr. . BiicIiuii of London, England, nod introduced into j the United Sialea under the immediate supcrin- | tendence of the inventor. The extraordinary success of this medicine in the , curse of pulmonary diseases, warrants the American i agent in solic ting for treatment the WORST POS- j Si BLE CASES that can be found in the e.ommu- j nity; cases that seek relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and have been given j up by the ntost distinguished physicians us confirm- i ed and incurable. The Hungarian Balsam has cured, and will cure, the snosi dedperute of capes, j It is no quack nostrum, but n standard English medicine, oftknoun and established efficacy. Every family in the United StutC3 should be sup- I plied with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not ! only to counteract the consumptive tendencies of j the climate, but to be used as a preventive medicine , in a[l cases nf Cnlda, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, ! Pain in the Side and Cheat, Irritation and Soreness ; nf the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, 1 Hectic Fever, Night Sweats, Emaciation and General Debility, Asinmu, influenza, llooping-Cougli, and Croup. ..KTSoid in large bottles at $1 per bottle, with full j direction^ for the restoration of health. Pamph'eta, containing a mass of English and American certificates, and other evidence, showing the unequalled merits of this great English remedy, j inav he obtained of the agents gratuiously. DAVID F. BR A DL EE, sole agent for the United States, 119 Court street, Boston. T. W. DYOTT&. SONS, general whnlsalc agents, No. 132 North Second street. Philadelphia. Special depot nt the Bookstore of ROBERT FARNHAM, corner of Eleventh street and Pennsylvania avenue, Washington city Also for sale by the principal Druggists. June 5 I I A OA M K DKL A H IJ h.'leave in inform me 1V1 lailiea and gentlemen ol Washington nnd its vicinity, that she hna just relumed from tlic IN'or'h with a complete and Iteatitiful aaaortment of toilet and fancy articles of every description. Fresh perfumery, brushes, eond>s, soaps of every sort nnd price, slocking* nnd gloves of every kind nnd size. Thread and cotton laces nnd edgings; ladies'cravats, bonnet nnd enp ribands; jet and steel ornaments of every kind; puree*; varicgnted purse silk; gilt, sieel, and silver purse ornaments, and mnny o.lier articles too numerous to be-mentioned. Mndamn Delanie, thankful for past favors, still solicits a share of the public patronage so kindly extended to her. Penn. avenue, between 13th and 13th streets. yVpril 1H?3taw "VI fcW IIUUM A 1 r n miwnii, _ X * few doors east of Coleman's Hotel. D'lsradi's new novel, "Syvil, or the two Nations," 3 vols, in 1; pri e 25 cents D'lsraeli's seven novels, in two vols.; prie, $1 00 Brougham's Lives of Men of Letters nnd Science, who flourished in the time of George the 3d; price 50 cents June 3 / EXTENSION OP PATENTS. I [ciucplak.] Patjcmt OrKice, June 21, 1845. THE undersigned, consutulod by law a board to decide upon applications for the externum) of patents, have adopted the follow ing suggestions and rules, for the benefit of those (xtrsons who nuty hereafter apply for extensions. The questions which arise on each application for an extension arc? 1. Is the invention nottlf 3. Is it useful/ 3. Is it vulnnhle and im/)urlaul to the public? 4. Has the inventor been luleiiuattly reuiunfruted for his lime and expense in originating and perfecting it? 5 Has he used due diligence in introducing his invention into general use? The two tirst questions will be determined upon the result of un examination in the Patent Office) us will also the third, to some extent. To etiuble the hoard to come to a correct eonc!u? Nioti in regard to the third point of nquiry, the applicant should, if possible, procure the testimony of persona disinterested in the invention, which testimony should bo taken under "nth. in regard to the fourth and fifth points ofiuquiry, in addition to his own oath allowing his receipts and expenditures on account of the invention, by which its value is to be ascertained, the applicant should show, by the. testimony of disinterested witnesses on outh, that he lias taken all reasonable measures to introduce his invention into general use, and that, without default or neglect on his pan, he lias failed to obtain from the use and sale ol lite invention a reasonable remuneration for the time, ingenuity, mid expense bestowed on the same, und the introduction thereof into use. The report of the examiner upon the novelty and utility of the invention, will be readjT fifteen days before the day appointed for the hearing, which will lie open for inspection at the Patent Oflice; copies of which will he furnished to all parties interested, if desired, on payment of the usual fees for copies. In case of oppoaiiion by any person to the extension of a patent, both parties may Uike testimony, each giving reasonable notice to the other of the time and place of taking said testimony, which shall be taken according to the rules prescribed by lite Commissioner of Patents in cases of interference. ; All arguments submitted to the board must be in < writing. In conclusion, the undersigned would remark, | NAVY BEEF AND PORK FOR l84ti. Navv Department, Bureau of Protriaions and Clothing, June 26, lb45. SEALED proposal*, endorsed "Proposals for Beef," and "Proposals for Pork," as tlie case may be, will be received at this office until 3 o'clock, p. m , on Monday, the 11th day of August next, for furnishing ami delivering, free of all cost and risk to the United States? Five thousanu seven hundred burrels ot nnvy beef, and five thousand seven hundred barrels of navy pork: Each barrel to contain not less than two hundred pounds net weight of beef or pork; no excess of weight in either article will be paid for. To be delivered at the respective navy yurds, as follows: Bbls. beef. Bbls. pork I At Charlcstown, Mass., 1900 1900 At Brooklyn, N. Y., 1900 1900 At Qoaport, Vu., 1900 1900 5700 5700 Said beef and pork must be delivered, one-half between the first day of January, 1846. and the first day of April, 1846; and the other half between the 15ih day of April, 1846, and the 15th day of June, 1846 unless earlier deliveries should be required by the chief of this bureau. Offers must be made for ' each half separately and disiinctly?that is, for the half deliverable between the 1st of January and 1st of April, ur.d for the half deliverable between the 15th of April and 15th of June, 1846. Payment for the first half to be inude within thirty days after delivery; and for the second half in thirty days after the 15th June, 1846. The beef must be from well fattened cattle, slaughtered between the first day of November, 1845, and the first day of February, 1846, and weighing not less than six hundred pounds, net | weight, each. The legs and leg rands of the hind I qiiur era, and the shins and shoulder clods, and at' leusl eight pounds from the neck end of each fore Quarter, or the parts murked Nos. 1,8, and 3, on the rawing or delineation of the fore and hind quarters of un ox, which will be attached to and form a port of the contract, must be wholly excluded from each barrel and half barrel, and the remainder of the enrchks must be cut in pieces of not less than eight pounds each. The pork must be packed from corn-fed, well fattened hogs, slaughtered between the first day of November, 1845, and the first day of February, 1846, and weighing not less than two hundred pounds each, excluding .the heads, jolcs. necks, shoulders, hams, legs, feet, and lard, and ull refuse i pieces; and must be cut in pieces weighing pot less 1 ihun six pounds each. lloth the beef and pork must be. salted with at least one statute bushel of Turk's Island, Isle of May, or St. Ubc's salt; and the beef must have five ounces of fine pulverized Saltpetre to each barrel, exclusive of u pickle, to be made from fresh water, as strong as salt will make it. One-fourth the quuntity of beef, und one-fourth the quantity of pork, must be purked in half barrels, and contain one hundred pounds net weight of each, i as the c.nse may be; and in estimating the price, two half barrels are to be considered as one barrel. The barrels and half barrels must be made of the best seasoned while oak, or white ash staves and heading; if of the former, to be not less than threefourths of an inch thick; if of the latter, to he not less than one inch thick for barrels, and three-fourths of an inch for hulf barrels, und to be hooped at least ihree-iourlbs over with the best white oalc or hickory hoops. barrel and half barrel must be branded on its hcan "INuvy Deer, " or "nuvy porn, nauie uik i may tie, with the contractor's name und the year j when packed. The beef and pork will be inspected by the in- j specting officers ut the respective navy-yarda uforeaaid, and by some "sworn inapector of aalted provisions," who will be selected by the respective commanding officers; but their charges for such in speclion must be paid by the respective contractors, who must likewise have the barrels put in good shipping order to the satisfaction of the commandunts of the respective navy-yards aforesaid, after inspection, and at their own expense. Bidders must specify their prices separately and distinctly, in separate offers for the beer Hiid for the pork, and for each of the [daces of delivery, cover-! nig all expenses and all charges. rhe department reserves to itself the right to reject nil oners from persons who have heretofore fuiled to fulfil their contracts. Bonds in one-third the umount of the respective contracts will be required, and ten per centum in addition will be witlineld from the amount of each puyment to be made, as collateral security for the due and faithful performance of their respective contracts, which will on no account be paid until the contractu ure complied with in ull respects, and is to he forfeited to the United States ill the event of failure to complete the deliveries within the prescribed periods. And in case of failure on the part of the contractor to deliver the aforesaid beef and pork within the time specified, ihe chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shull have the right to direct purchuscs to be made to supply the deficiencies, and any excess of cost shall be charged to and pnid by the contractors. Payment will be made by the United States at the periods above specified, (excepting the ten per centum to be withheld until the completion of the contracts, as before stated,) after the said beef ami pork shall have been inspected and received, ami bills for the same shall huve been presented to the navy agents respectively, duly approved by the commandants of the respective navy-yards, according to the terms of the contracts. The parts of the beef to be excluded will bo particularly designated in the engraving to be nttachcd to the contracts. Persons interested can obtain them on application at this office. Biddf rs nftt heretofore contractors are required to accompany their proposals with evidence ol ability, together with the names of their sureties, whose re soonsilulity mum be certified by the United States district attorney, navy agent, or aome other person well known to the government; otherwise, their proposals will not be acted upon. Bidders whose proposals are accepted (and none others) will be forthwith notified thereof; and three days over and above the ordinary time required for the regular transmission of the mail will be allowed for them to signify their readiness to enter into contract; und ten days over and above the ordinary time required for tho regular transmission of the mail will be allowed for the execution and return of a contract and bond; at the expiration of which periods, if no nnsw?r lie received, or contract and bond returned, the supply will be offered to the next lowest bidder, according to law. To be published once a week until the 11th day of August next, in the Union, Constitution, and Intelligencer, D. C.; Republiiun, Baltimore; Evening Post, Morning News, and Journul of Commerce, New York; Pennsylvanian and Keystone, Philadelphia; Morning Post and Times, Boston; N. II. Patriot, Concord; Eastern Argus, Portland, Me ; Enquirer, Richmond, Vn.: Beacon, Norfolk, Va.; Inquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio; Statesman, Columbus, Ohio; Union, Nashville^ Tcnn.; Register, Springfield, III.; Democrat, Chicago, 111.; Free Press, Detroit, Midi.; Suite Sentinel, Indianapolis, In.; Missourinn, St. Louis, Mo.; Democrat, Louisville, liy.; and Gazette, Lexington, Ky. Proprietors of the above papers arc requested to send a copy of their respective papers containing the advertisement to this bureau. June 26 To ~brokers throughoutIthe uniTED STATES.?All prizes in any of the authorized lotteries drawn in the United States will h? ...nil i,n lUmunrl in unci I* funds. St the USlllll dlB "v l ? ? r t count, at the old-established office of CHAS MclNTYRE A CO., General ngents for payments of prizes, No. 35, Wall street, New York. The official drawings are received at the office hy express, und the prize money paid at a moment's notice. Orders for tickets in the lotteries of D Paine A Co., or J. G. Gregory A Co., will be sent by return of mail, and the drawings transmitted free of postage. June 11?Inw6in ~WlilTE LEAD! VERY CHEAP! PURE WHITE LEAD (warranted) #'*'00 keg Extra do do do 2 H7J do Do No. 1 do do 1 75 do For sale by CHARLES STOTT, Corner 7th street and Pennsylvania avenue. July 9?BtiC* pOLOREfTc A NTON M ATT!NCW.?We have V J just received 20 pieces colored Canton mattings of superior quality, 4-4 q. wide, just arrived front j Canton. D. CLAGETT A CO. ! Public Sale of the Monroe Railroad an Banking Company. I Georgia, ) Decree of ihe Social Jury in rela i Bibb county. J lion to the Monroe Railroad an ) Banking Company. WE, the jury, find and decree, that the Monrn railroad front Macon to its terminus at Mai i thaaville, in the county of DeKulb, both the pai , thereof which hair been completed and in operatioi 1 and the part thereof which is in an unfinished cm dinon, and all the property, equipments, and effeci therewith connected, is subject to the payment c the debts of the Monroe Katlroad and Banking con pany?that the said company is insolvent and who )y unable to pay its debtH aforesaid, and, from its en barrassmenta, is unable to complete said road, an keep the same in operation, ao ai to answer the grei public objecia contemplated by the legislature. W further find that there are creditors of various dt scriptioiis of said company, viz: holders of the ban notes issued by said company, holders of bonds ii sued for work and materials for said road, judnniet creditors, creditors holding certificates of deposi demands for work, labor, and mulerials, for sai railroad, and creditors claiming to be mortgage cred tors of said company, and all other creditors ni here enumerated; and that there are among thei creditors claiming a priority of right in respect t uicir unrmruH: unu wc luruicruccrcc nuii uic n?i railroad, ami air the proi*:rly, equipments, and e lee's, therewith connected, and all the property lit longing to said company, and all the rights, priv leges, and franchises, in any manner belonging t appertaining to said Monroe Kaiimad and Bunkin company, he sold at public sale at the courthouse i the county of Bibb, by David C. Campbell, Abut P. Powers, James A. Nisbet, Samuel B. Huntei and Thomas Hardeman, commissioners, or a tnnjr rity of them, on the fiist Tuesday in August nex after givin/ two months' public notice in the c? zettea of Macon, Griffin, and Savannah, and thr the proceeds of suid suit: be paid to the clerk of thi court, who is required to deposit the same for sat keeping on special deposit in the agency of th Mechanics' Bunk, in the city of Mncnn, nnd thr public notice he given to the creditors of said com puny to file their respective claims, or n schedul thereof, in the clerk's office of this court, by t't first Monday in October next: nnd that the sai creditors, if any controversy should ariso respectin said claims, then litigate among themselves in rt specl to nil objections which would or might hav been available against them by said company if sai sale had not bten made in relation to matters c set-off, and whether they he subject to objection o account of the stutute of limitation, non-performanc of contracts, or other cause, embracing the qoantui of consideration paid for the claims or any of their and also that the liens claimed by the rcspcctiv creditors be then and there also investigated and ad jtidicaled; and we further decree that the purchaser of said'railroad succeed to all the obligations of sai company in respect to the completing, equippin and keeping the said road in operation as intrude and drsigiud by the act of incorporation, but nott extend to a liability of debts contracted prior t said sale ; and that, alter said sale, upon de mand or notice, the stockholders in autd com puny transfer to the purchaser the stock held b; hint, her, or them, in the suid company, or that th title be transferred by said commissioners in lb same manner us is provided by luw for the transfc of bank stock when sale thereof is made by the slier iff; and we further decree, thut for the keeping o said road in operation for the time intervening be tween the day of the passing of this decree and thi day of sale, the receipts on the said road be applied and that if said receipts should not be sufficient fo said purpose, the balance lie paid from the pro cceds of the sale aforesaid; and we further decree that William B. l'arker, us trustoe in charge of sail rond and appurtenunces until the sale of the afore suid property is completed, make monthly return of the amount of receipts thereon, and file the sum with the clerk of this court; and also of accounts fo keeping the satnc in repair and operation, exhibit ing a specific statement in each of the number ani description of officers, agents, and hands employe thereon; the value of the hire of each per month and the quantity, quality and vulue of material purchased, subject to the examination and approve of the court; and the costs and other expenses b piud from the proceeds of sale. JAM EH DEAN, Foreman. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Superio Court, May term, 1S45. HENRY G. ROSS, Clerk. By virtue of the above decree, the undcrsignei will sell before the court-house door, in the city o Macon, oil the first Tuesday in August next, at 1' o'clock, in., the whole line of the Monroe rnilroai from Macon to Murlhasville, in the county of Dt Kalb, and all the property, equipments, and effect therewith connected, and all the property belorigim to said company, and ull the rights, privileges, am I franchises in nny manner liclonging or appertaining to said Monroe Rnilroad und Ranking company embracing not only the toad, but the various depot* work-shops, warehouses, engines, cars, iron, tooh equipments and nil and everything appertaining an belonging to said road.1 Also the entire assets belonging to said Monrr Railroad and Banking company, embracing mil 1 scriptioiis for stock unpaid, including the subacrq tinn of the Slute of Georgia for $1200 000, and n debts, demands, anil claims of every kind and di scription, due to or belonging to suid Monroe Rui ronu and Banking company, a full schedule i which may he seen on application to M. L. Gra] hill, ut the office of Moid company. The length of the road is 101 miles, the whole < which in graded to its junction with the Wcstei and Atlantic Railroad. The superstructure ht lieen completed on the whole road, except four an a half miles. The road is in use to Jouesborougl eighty miles, and is equipped with live locoinottv engines, three passenger cars, eighteen freight cari wheels and axles for eight other freight cars, an one stationary engine. The terms of sale cash, t be paid immediately to the commissioners; and o failure of purchasers to comply, so much of th pro|>erty as may he hid off by such defaulting pui chasers, will be forthwith resold at their risk I The Savannah Georgian and Republican, an ! the Georgia Jeffersonian, will please copy the fori ' going weekly until the day of sale, and render the accounts to the commission! is. DAVID C. CAMPBELL,"! ABNKR P. POWERS, JAMES A. N'.SBET, > Commissioners. SAMUEL B. HUNTER, THOS. HARDEMAN. J Macon, Ga , May 26,1845. June 16?ids PATENT OFFICE. ON the petition of William Carlock, of the cit of New York, proving for the extension of patent granted to him for "en improvement in tl manufacture of stocks for the neck," for sevr years from the expiration of said patent, whit uikes place on the 9th day of August, 1845? It isoriUrrd. That the sniil petition l<e heard at tl ! Patent Office oh the Jirtt Mcmday of .fngi/af next, 13 o'clock, m.; olid all |>ersona arc notified to .t| pear, and show cause, if any they have, why sui petiiion ought not to be granted, i Oritrtd, also, Thit this notice lie published in tl 1 Union and Intelligencer, Constitution, and Unite .State* Journal, printed in Washington city; tl Republican and Argus, Baltimore; Spirit of ll Times, Philadelphia; Morning News, New.Yorl 1 and Boston Post, Boston; twice a week for thn successive weeks previous to the first Monday i ! August next. H. H SYLVESTER, Acting Commissioner of Patents. ! Jolt 11, 1845. I P. 8. Editors of the above papers will pleai copy, and send their bills to the Patent Office, wh | a paper containing this notice. July 12?tw3w War Dkpartmknt, June 25, 1845. 1M1E franking privilege of this department ar nil its bureaus will cease after the 30th instar | The chiefs of bureaus will, therefore, give the n rtssary iiistructions to their several officers ai agents, to reduce all public correspondence and p ; pers, as far ai a strict compliance with the laws at I regulations for the discharge of their duties will ju lift. I All officers of the army, and others subject to tl order* of this department, will be required to ol serve the same economy in their public correspom ence, and to keep and certify their postige accottn in duplicate, as required in all other public disbursi merits, and be governed by such forms and fur"'' regulations as may be published and required by th Post Office Department, in relation counts. O BANCROFT, Acting Secretary of War. June 25? 2aw4w or me wnne suipnur prmg prevent* to the suflering invalid all tliat can bo desired. Physicians of " eminent standing have prnnounced the aulphur water* of Sharon unequalled in this country; and iba thouaauda that have tenoned thither in neareh of d health, alter years of affliction, will corroborate fully this medical testimony. These water* have re?ulted e in the entire restoration of persons laboring under i? rheuinatiam, bilious affections, dyspepsia, and every rt variety of cutaneous diseases. In order that the t( reader may be enabled to form some idea of iharfeal i-j character of the while sulphur water at Sharon, an is analysis is given below of this soring, and also of if' the ctlebrated while sulphur in Virginia. Whilst I i- j the former contuins 20 5-19 cubic inches sulphurI cited hydrogen to the gallon, it will be perceived i. that the latter contains enly 3 5 cubic inches, d I -Jnalyvii of the H'hi/e Sulphur Spring at Sharon, by 11 Prof Kttd, of Arte York. e Bicarbonate of magnesia, - 34 grains. - Sulphate of magnesia, - - 34 " k Sulphate of lime, ... fch.4 ?' ' ; uyuro-stupnates ot magnesia anil it j lime - - - -30" tj j Chlorides of sodium and magnesia 2.7 ' Solid contents 149.1 " " Hydro-aulphuric acid gas, or 1 , . . . . sulphuretted hydrogen | 20.5 cubic inches. r White Sulphur Springs, Virginia?Analysis by W. B. Rogers, Va. l' One gallon contains? Sulphuretted hydrogen - - 2.5 inches. ,r Carlmnic acid ... 2.0 " 8 Oxygen - - - 1.448 " " Nitrogen - - 3.552 " r; Gaseous contents 9.5 " '* One pint contuins of solid contents? '' i Sulphate of magnesia - - 5.588 " l" | Sulphate of lime - - 7.744 " lt Carltonute of lime - - 1150 " a; Muriate of lime - - -2i>4 " *" j Chloride of sodium - - .1W? " ei Oxide of iron (a trace) loss - .410 " ^ j Grains 15.276 c | Passengers leaving New York in the afternoon ,1 ; hoots, arrive at Sharon the next day in time for ? j dinner. Stages aie in readiness to convey pasreng' r? ,'11 to the springs on the arrival of the curs at Conajoe I lmric from Albany or Uticn. ,1 I LANDON & GARDNER. ,f June 30?dim * ! REDBRICK WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS n j X ?situated six miles east of Winchester, Vu., i; I and one mile and u liulf from Stephenson's depot, e j on the Winchester mid Potomac railroad?ate now I- ' open for the reception of company. s I This water is inferior to none in the State, aa it d ' holds in solution sulphureted hydrogen, iodine, ami g | magnesia, imparting tone to the system, and acting d ! as u powerful allerutivc, us numerous visiters eun 0| testify, having been visited for the last fifty years, o and, hud it not been for its contracted nccommodai-1 tions. must have been anion? the first watering i ] places in the Union. For the last five years, the y ' improvements have been increased so us to accomc | mi>date between two and three hundred visiters, c The proprietor has endeavored to put this waterr ' nig place on a footing with the most fashionable and - j comfortable places of the sort, in a plain style, and f will uso every exertion in his power to make his -1 visiters comfortable. < e I It is easy of access for all the Atlantic cities. Fcr,! sons leaving Baltimore in the morning cars will arr I rive at the depot at 3 o'clock the same day, where a -1 couch will be in readiness to take them immediately , ,' o the springs. 1 I The proprietor feels thunkful fnf tint eucourage ment he has received from the public, and will use s every exertion to merit a continuance of it, by mae king those comfortable who may give him a call. r BRANCH JORDAN, Proprietor. > J unc 9?tf d . . . J Persons wishing to visit this watering place are i, referred to my former visiters: s Ex-President Tyler, Glen. R. Jones, J. C. Rives. 1 d Chief Justice Taney, Mr. J. N. Bonaparte, Rev. e J. A. Collins, Reverdy Johnson, Rev. Charles C. Austin, Baltimore. Judge Nicholus, Richmond, r Messrs. A. M. Pulton, J. J. Chew, Fredericks' burg. \ Mr. John Cooper, Col. G. B. Cooke, Mr. . Southgute, Norfolk, Vn. d Jos. B. Skinner, Edenton, N. C. f Hon. Wni. B. Calhoun, Massachusetts. Si Richard W. Barton, Virginia. ' i- The Croton (Mutual) Insurunce Company, ' 8 OFFICE NO. 18 WALL STREET, IN THE CITT OF i NEW TORE. J rrtHIS COMPANY insures marine, inland naviS JL gution, transportation, nnd tiro risks. By its i charter, the profits are to he paid back to the assured b in proportion to the amount of premiums paid by b litem respectively. The rates and terms of insurd mice will be moderate nnd liberal, and the assured subject to no responsibility. lC TRUSTEES. Janies Harper, Abraham Van Nest, jj John B. aBula, William B. Cozzens, I- I J'JinHflr Starr. flharlM L. Voifl. Edward Richardson, Joseph B. Nones, James Plialen, Robert Lnne, J John J. Herriek, Samuel Sherwood, r~ George C. De Kay, Zadnck Pratt, . Samuel A. Lawrence, Herman D Gould, Theodore A. Meyer, James Cook, n William P. Purines, Elias T Aldrich, j John T. Gilchrist, Lawrence Hill, Loring Andrews, Thomas Monahan, ' C yrue Chenery, William H. Townsend, c George Whitaker, John Breasted, 9j Edwin R. Tremain, Leonard Appleby, George Pulen, James Cruikshank, 0 William Burgcyne, Asa 8. Crosby. n Silas M. Crandall, 10 samuel a. LAWRENCE, President. r_ joseph B.JONES, Vice President. . N. Carroll, Secretary. \ t. l. & a. thos. smith, Agents. |r Office F street, near the Treasury Department. June 24?eod3nt Agency for claims at washington, D. c.?charles De Skldino, Gen] eral Agent. No. 11, Todd's buildings, Pennsylvania J avenue, Washington, D. C., offers his services to those who inay have claims on either of the executive departments, or Congress, or private claims on "" individuals Particular attention paid, to the settlement of acy counts of disbursing officers who may find it inconn vemeiit to attend personally, especially those of the ,(: navy. j Also attends us agent for non-resident property holders, collecting rrnts, procuting pensions. &c. | Charges will Le moderaie, and regulated by the IC J amount claimid, and the extent of services required. ! Communications (poet paid) will receive immedi1 ate aliention. Melius the honor to refer to the Navy Depart ment, and the several bureaus connected with it; Second Comptroller and Fourth Auditor's offices, ' and the aenior pursers in the navy; and also to Hon. ie | C. C. Canibreleng, Now York; Commodore Charles I,Stewart, Philadelphia; Commodore John Downs, *'1 Boston; Hon. Henry L,. Ellsworth, vy aahington. Hon. E. H. Foster, Nashville, Tennessee; and ; Thomas M. Blount, esq., Pensaculu. 1 April 11 ELIXEROF CALISAYA BARK. ,r HIS preparation is particularly recommenrfer) to 11, J_ persons of weak habit, ami to such a* reside in j low situations, where thu nervous system is, in general, more or less relaxed. The addition of certain in_ gradients lian ao completely disguised ihe Mate of the berk,as to raiidcr this etncaiyouareinedy, a most id palatable cordial; thus peculiarly adapting it to conit. quei that repugnance which moat persons expert< ence after taking for aome lima bitter potions, as ii id combines the greatest efficacy with a highly agrecn able flavor, i** a preventive of (lie ague it has id superseded the use of all other remedies, in such s- parts of the country as it is known. Prepared only by J. Milhau, No. 183 Broadway, New York. le Price #1 f>er quart bottle. Is. Sola agents for the above, T. W. Dyott & Sons I- No. 132 North 2d street, Philadelphia, is N. B. Each bottle has the written signature of the J- sole proprietor. r J. MILHAU. ie Special depot at the bookstore of Robert e- ham, comer of Eleventh atreet and Pennsylvania avenue, Washington city; al?o for sale by the moat I [ principal diuggist*. | junc o f ?