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?<yr? COMMUNICATIONS. C< re REPLY FROM A CORRESPONDENT. Our readers who have seen ihe two card* of Mr. of Seaton in the c<4umns of the "Union," will no 81 doubt do our correspondent lite justice to peruse the following reply from his pen. Of the facts to fii which he refers we have, of course, no personal 1,1 knowledge. But the whig administration of the ^ metropolis must have been inspired by a modera- ,,, tion very unusual to moat of the whig cities in the of United States, if they have not been affected by a spirit of favoritism to their own political friends, ^ and a spirit of proscription towards their opponents, w [Editor. a Washinoton citt, July 28, 1845. I" To f kt Editor of the Union: The notes of Col. W. W. Seston, mayor of this city, published in the Union of the 24lh and 25th a* mat., compel me to trouble you again, in order that 5' the public mind may be relieved from any wrong im- r presaiona made by the dignified and truly eloquent u assertions of that gentleman upon the points in issue between us. It inav here be well to assure him that B 1 commented upon his administration of the official sl patronage of this city with great reluctance; because, from eail^ infancy to the present time, 1 have al- * ways nau reason 10 re guru mm wiin respect auu e?teem, as one among the beet friends or those who ^ were nearest and dearest to me. The provocation, ^ however, to hold him, as a politician, up to the public ' gaze, was such that I could not hesitate between what 1 believed to be the path of duty, and my pri vate personal predilections. I found him, as an edi- Jlh tor of the National Intelligencer, diligently laboring ? to asperse, not only the acts, but the motives of the ?i administration, by a aeries of jesuitical misrepresentations, calculated to create a want of confidence in M, their policy, and in the integrity of their principles, ./ To counteract these, it became necessary to snow *\ that he had not only formerly sustained the identical ?f policy and measures which he is now unfairly en- m , deavoring to fix upon them, but that he practises, at yl the time being, upon the theory thus indignantly condemned. To do this, I quoted from the Intelli- cj gencer of the 81st April, 184], to give the public to understand what his sentiments had been; and also |o instanced what I then conceived to be true?namely, y that no office within his gift was held by a democrat. w And again, after he had designated the list of corpo- ,)( ration officers for the next official year, 1 stated tnat 1 had been informed that but one of the gentlemen tj thus renominated was politically a friend of the pres- (j ent administration; and characterized such distribu- g| tion of his official patronage as vile and rank proscription. Col. Scaton meets my positions in the first instance, by a plump (and, you must pardon me for adding, un unmannerly) declaration of their falsehood ^ ' ?though he acquits you, and "possibly " myself, from (j a knowledge that they were without foundation; and g asserts that his renomineea were not selected upon ni principles of proscription or favoritism?adducing H| ill evidence, the.fact tnat he had found almost all of ^ them in office five years ago, when first called to nl the mayoralty of Washington: upon all of which, backed by a multitude of protestations, he bases the t| plea that he is no prosrriptionist. He moreover as- m serls, (and here you will take notice that he merely y asserts,) upon what he is pleased to term "demo- g cralic authority," that a considerable number of corporation officers were democrats. These are the ni issues as to faot between us; and, though 1 shall ^ ; frankly admit my error in stating that but one of ^ his renominees is an avowed democrat, I do not g hesitate to join issue with him U|>on the gist of the ^ questions, viz: that he has proscribed his political op- ^ puiients?-that he has practically advocated the doc- Q{ trine of proscription?and that his administration of .( the corporation patronage amounts to what he now wishes the country to regard as an unfair and un- (< just exclusion of opponents from public employment. I was originally led to declare that but one of his renominees was a democrat, from the best evidence within my reach?the opinion ol three of w ' my political friends most active in city affairs. "I Since the appearance of Col. Seaton's first letter, w however, 1 have consulted ten or twelve persons ? most likely to know the political bias of every man in the employment of the corporation, and learn rl that three?Mr. Hilton, a wood-measurer; Mr. Ser- n rin, clerk of the Western Market; and Mr. Barret, " a constable?are open and around democrat*. 1'hree in sixty!?whose aggregate compensation will hard- P ly reach more than one-fortieth of the whole sum v received by the mayor's rtnomitues! Can Colonel T ,^8eaton, on "democratic authority," designate more.' P j tl"W Br1V.U,l^hf"'..l'rtVVi.. Wf jj i possibly be democrats. The proof, however, reals '' with Col. Seaton. And if he proves it, what does *he substantiate, but that the democrmc party are 14 permitted to enjoy one-tenth of the corporation ? offices, and not one-twentieth of their aggregate com- ? pensstion? Yet, upon such premises, he insinuates " that Ins patronage is pretty evenly divided between c' his political friends and opponents. The next issue P j between us is the question, whether, when possess- " ing the power to divide the offices more equally, his " I neglect to do so, upon the plea that this injustice has "j been of< long standing, exonerates him from the ^ charge of proscription at the time being. If patient and silent endurance of foul wrong for a long series j* of years, makes (hst wrong right, then is Col. Sea- ?l ton exonerated, but not otherwise; for it rested with !' him, on the first dsy of the past month, to say " whether this state of things should longer exist or w not; and he decided to continue it. I know well, that, ? if he undertakes to reply to ine, he will argue that 81 proscription alone consists in removing present in- a. cumbents, without regard to the fact that the cir- 11 cumstanccs of the case are those of the proscription P of almost total exclusion. He may write until P doomsday without being able to argue away the 0 fact, or that the fact implies proscription of the foul- n est kind. Knowing that the public rarely fail to n take sound common-sense views of such matters, I P leave him to direct his battery of sophistry against 0 the charge that his late renominationa were proscriptive. But Col. Seaton essays to justify his ex- " r elusion of republicans from office under the corpora- " r tion, with the plea that a democratic predecessor had ? originally appointed some of ihe incumbents, and ' acquiesced in the continuance in office of the others. w This position forces me to refer to the history of the " administration of the nredecemor to whom he alludes, '' to show that, notwithstanding his present protests- 0 lions, Col. Seaton himself, backed by a subservient j) majority of the board of aldermen, forced acquies- ? cence on the mayor. Doea he forget the effort of ? General Van Ness (who, by-the-by, was not elected ?] uii (ur?y gruunu-i; 10 piace a democrat in the corporauon culler torn liip, now held by Mr. Rothwell ? l' . Having determined to displace Mr. Joseph Ingle, a whig, he nominated Jonathan Phillips in his w stead. Col. Seaton, then the leading whig in the P board of aldermen, threw his weight against the l' nomination, and it was rejected three Reveral times. c< When Oeneral Van Ness found that the hoard were *' determined, under 110 circumstances, to confirm Mr. J* Phillips, he nominated Mr. Samuel Stettinius, an- " other democrat, who was also rejected ; and the n' name of a third democrat, Mr. John J. M. Duncan- 11 non?a man of character and intelligence?was next sent to the board for the same office ; but, under the P lead of Col. Hcaton, his nomination was rejected. r.' In all, I believe, seven?certainly six?democrats " were nominated by the mayor for the office, liefore lr f the whig bonrd of aldermen were pleased to confirm cl the present incumbent, Mr. Rothwell. Nor would *! they accept him, until afTer he had publicly die- " claimed all connexion with the democratic party. " In the fare of the history of these nominations, and P the fcet thnt Col. Seaton himself headed the whig > majority of the board of aldermen in voting down, (j by a strict party vote, other effbrta of General Van h Ne*? to place democrats in corporation offices, in- " Plead of whigs, he evinces an utter contempt of the 81 good sense of the public, in fancying that his appeal 1,1 ?o the example of his democratic predecessor to jus- ei t ry Air proscription will pass for aught hut an at- ? leinpt to mislead. But that I may clinch the charge of aiding and abetting the prescriptive measures of ^ toe Harrison administration, 1 will next refer to the " "Harrison time*." " On the !Uh of February, 1841, Gen. Harrison ar viv-Asl in lliia /?ilv unfl win m<>l At th# railrnHfl ' |.? the corporate .luthoritie*. with Mayor Seaton at ? t teir head, and a lar*e body of cttizena. By thia ' iwoort, the president elect waa conducted to the City ' Mall, and there tendered the conrratulationa of the ? city, in a carefully prepared speech, on the part of the mayor, from which I extract aa followa s "For emerciaing thin right - (In plain Kngiiah, the right to r clretioiirer lor Tippecanoe ami Tyler loo.'?Coaatoroaoa*T,)?a right inseparable from every juat notion of repuhli- ? nnlibertj a right never questioned but by tyranta, and n never surrendered hut hy flaraa; ?Far riercioinij this free w .American prtvilrge. they hare been objected to indignities n .I oppressions which put to ahame the moat flagrant ol (' those acta of llntiah oppression which impelled our fathrra If to laka up arma. l.leren year* ago, air, you rrturnad to thia city from an _ honorable ami important truat abroad -ike fleet riches of ? r/<*l/rst political preaen'plieu, till then unknown to the hit- P t i) of our country Vou now enter it at the coll of your II country, to tako the place ofthoae who proacribeil you, and ij to occupy the elevated itation which waa proalltuted to I y our pcraeciition thus aignally rebuking an intolerance P1 alien to the apirit of liberty. tc The neceaaitr of reform la iuacribed on oyery pi lineai". nt ot the national administration, and you, air. hay* ^ been chosen by your country, the honored instrument of that leiorm In you. air, the hopes of tho nation oru now " centred hopes, indeed, mode bright by undoubting eenfi A ileaca." *( I refer to thta never-to-be-forgotten add r eon of nl 1 ? at your humble servant?he cannot fairly (ami I pre eume will noli refuse to spread my views of his dei fence before his readers, as you have spreud hie il views of my letters before your readers. d Yours, truly. i 1 Kur the Union i THE SLAVE-TRADE. \ f No. 5. ( b We said in our last, that Mr. Guizot, having been | "" appointed minister, signed the treaty of the SOlh of i 1 December, 1841. it is known that public opinion 1 J and the two chambers prevented its ratification, i But the non-ratification of the treaty of the 20th i n December, 1841, is not a sufficient satisfaction, i France requires the total abolition of the right of < ' search, and teitf obtain it. Mr. J. Lefevie, who i n proposed the amendment which the Chamber of | e Deputies adopted in the sitting of the 22d of Jan- ' >> uary, 1842, declared "that it was his determination i d to call forth the most serious attention, not only to the I -i non-ratificalion of the treaty of the 20lh of Decern- I '? ber, 1841, but to the non-execution of the former 1 R treaties." The chambers have annually manifest- t i- ed the same desire. i ' In the Chamber of Peers, during the session of i " 18^3, there were but two mcmlicrs who defended >- the treaties of 1831 and 1833?the Duke de Broglie, who presented himself as the accused party, asking >r forgiveness for his share in the act; and Mr.Quizot, h who acknowledged the unpopularity of his cause, and said: "We are here, in the presence of public :t opinion?general, powerful, and pressing. 1 see it, t" and 1 respect it." In the Chamber of Deputies, Mr. Quizot could n scarcely find two to second him?Mr. d'Haussona ville, son-in-law of the Duke de Broglie, and Mr. r. Agenor de Gasparin?who, while declaring that " public opinion was against him, said boldly that he ,, would not accept it. u Mr. Guizot had said, in the Chamber of Peers, 10 that all negotiation for the abolition of the right of !t" search muatend in weakness or folly. lie was less e' positive in the Chamber of Deputies. He there ?i even gave rays of hope. "When the cabinet," said ' Mr. Guizot, "believes with perfect sincerity, and with a firm conviction, that a negotiation can be successful, and the treaties annulled by mutual conJr sent, the cabinet will undertake it;?not before, but r- then, certainly.'" c_ In the Chamlier of Peers, Mr. Guizot had per" cmptorily opposed any amendment: he was nmre >e accommodating in the Chamlier of Deputies. The n- amendment proposed by the committee on the tulit dress, was as follows: "We anxiously look for the in time when our commerce shall again be placed unit der the exclusive su|>ervi8ion of our flag id Urged to give his views upon this amendment, 'y the Minister of the Interior acknowledged that the h- wish exprcrsed by the committee "iras the public of roier?the voice of the nation." The President of the >r, Council solemnly added, in his name, and in that of >n I his colleagues: "We accept the position which the >1. Seaton for mor? than one purpoae. Firat, W call to hia and the public mind the cold, repul vt "wall-eye" cast on him by General riarneon being eo early notified by the most fuithfu the faithful, that he (Gen. H.) was expectei once to commence the work of butchering hi iltlical opponenu. I refer to it again, to reimni y democratic friends that it waa regarded aa th at official intimation that Harrison's udniiniatni ji\ whether he would or not, waa literally to carr jt the memorable declaration of "war to the kntft id the knife to the hilt," aa uttered by a neighboi g whig editor. This intimation waa considere ficial, it will be remembered, becauae all believe] at a person of Col. Seaton'a judgment, and in hi tsition, would not thua invite the official axe upo a opponents, unleaa upon consultation with thoa ho managed hitnpaa well as General Harrisor nil yet again I roiqplo it, to awaken a recolleclio ' the deeii and burning indignation aroused in th easts of the democratic citizens of Washingtoi hen their mayor, in hia official capacity, suppose be welcoming the President elect in their nanii i well as in that of their whig fellow-ctlizeni nbraced that opportunity, of all others, to repei om the columns of the Intelligencer the false acct itions and vile slanders against the acta and prir plea of the administrations of Jackson und Va uren, with which Ins address teemed. It was cot dered by them not only a slander on their polilici iends, but a delibeiale and palpable insult, ft Inch lliey could hope for no redress, and whic iey were forced to bear in silence. Let us next, Mr. Editor, agsin read the ex'.rni om the Intelligencer, of the Slat of April, 1?41,1 llows: . ? ?tVs are vet of opinion, that it ii due to co itency, as well as to tie known wiahea ol the popular m rity which brought thu present administration into powc at |A? rrjurm of /As abueer in the forernutenl thaiilJ embra, ascss as Irtll at /Ain?s; that the renuired change of rnea as thaitld hi accompanied with inch a cAangr oj oJHrert l ill produce harmony of action in the dittriviit deparuavn the government. This, it appears to us, is? in than what common tentr and ordinary prudence rtout eoeiy man in private l\fc in the munotemeril of hit aJfait o man. for example, coming to the head of a landed estat a mannfactoiy, of a mercantile house, or the commar a ship, would retain in authority under him an oversee foreman, a cashier, or mate, (and to mho of inferior ri aymenIt.) in w hom he had 110 confidence," kc , Ate. And now 1 will call to the recollection of yoi ty readers the history of the proscription of 1) ohrer, by the then newly-appointed whig ins|>e rs of the penitentiary of the District of Columbt flien these three gentlemen came to dctermii hether they should retain the democratic iticuti snt, or displace him for a federalist, the siqierinte! snt, every subordinate officer, and every convict le establishment, addressed to them a request th le old medical officer might be continued. Ai irely, if personal requests ure of any weight, the lould be in a case like this?when men were |>el oning for what they believed to be the security leir health, if not of their very lives. Howeve e was removed; and being at the establishment < le day the deed waa done, was assured by M ernard Hooe, one of the inspectors, thai tlicy In 0 fault to find with him personally or professio ly?that no man could have discharged his dutii ctter?or, in plain English, that the change wi lade tcholly and soltltf on account of hid politics. One of these whig inspectors was Mr. Donoli le clerk of Col. Seaton, having been in his cmplo; lent (as he is to this day) for at least twenty year ITas this a case of proscription, according to C< eaton's understanding of the term? I fancy the /en with his aptitude for round assertion, it w ot be denied. , Now, Mr. Editor, looking at the: tree circumstances?the address on the 9lh pril, 1841 ; the extract from the editorial on tl 1st of April, 1841; and the decapitation of D ohrer?in connexion with the general practice le whig* during their one hundred and fifty da] f complete ascendency, what right has Col. Scali 1 declare that their policy is not his own, now th iey have no longer the power to immolate 1,700 vi nis within the space of a few months? I know he will disavow the e.harncter and toi ere given to his address and editorial. 1 know I 'ill plead that Mr. Donoho, and not himself, is r jonsible for the proscription of Dr. Bohrcr. B 'hen it is recollected that the Harrison eabinei, irrying out the policy and measures thus la own by their organ, stopped at nothing, strui ght and left, decapitating 1,700 within a fe lonihs, as I have saiu before, in a single branch te government; and that while all this was goii n, Colonel Seaton waa not only singing pecans raise to the administration of these butchers, bt /lienever the vigorous pen of Francis P. Blair e osed the shameless inconsistency between the rofessions to get into power, and their heartlci ruel, remorseless proscription, as an editor of tl evi terms, certainly in effect) for his effort* ?? te axe. Notwithstanding the asseveration lolonel Seaton, the democratic party of Washin >n believe, to this day, that Mr. Donoho was b irrying out his views and wishes, when prosri ing Dr. Bohrer for opinion's sake. The long ar itimate connexion between the editor and h erk, ts fair and full ground for such an ir ression, with men who understand the worl ut if Colonel Seaton objects to this interpret on of his course during those eventful times, ik him to point the public to a single eloqtie isclaimer of participation in the prescriptive polk f the Harrison cabinet, (audi as he now pu ?rth through the columns of the "Union,") when isclaimer from him would wellnigh have causi to cease. Let him show such, if he has wrilli ; and not content himself with a reference to tl hole of his lame apology for their acts, publish) n the 21st of April, 1841, which men of commc ense and common honesty interpret as a full, if n frank, avowal of his acquiescence in the proscri on of the day. I here rest the question ns to tl roscriplive character of his late cor|K>ration rea ointments, and his connexion with the bulcheri f Granger and Ewing?believing that f ha jade good the charges to the satisfaction i ten who base their judgment rather on proof thi rolestalions. I have not quite done with the ma r, however, whose claims to extraordinary politic deration, and almost evangelical political charit eserve attention at my hands, and shall ha' . In his first letter, (published in the "Unior f the 24th.) by way of satisfying the sceptical th e is indeed the quintessence of political virtue, I tys "Mot hr dors not, to this day, know the politics nt-half of the persons ht fox vi in office." Now, M '.ditor, I will repeat to you, a stranger, what evei ther citizen knows to be true beyond the |>ossibii r of contradiction, viz: that, for thirty years, Cc eaton has been the local leader of the whig pan f Washington; and that, in the capacity of editi f the National Intelligencer, lie has labored hoi Her hour, day after day, and year after year, for < iat time, to keep together and strengthen whigei i this city. These very renominees, in comiw ith the rest of its citizens, have lieen the subject slilically speaking, of his peculiar care and attci on. He has been thrown more with these idenl il men for the laat five years, than with any olhers?ve and except the immediate circle of his priva imily and personal intimate associates?for the ave been the hands and fingers with which he hi dministered the government of Washington forthi me. In the face of these facts, he must, indeed, Cl ect the public to summon to their aid either grei redulity, or unexampled confidence in his naiw one, before they can say amen to his letter. Bu i courtesy to him, I will (for a moment) acknow Ige his right to the credit claimed. I will let hit jar aloft in the balloon of sanctified political toleri on and immacalate innocence to which he has a iched himself, and. with one prick of my pen, wi tincture it. and let hint down D-omlu? etween the horna of the diTemma over which I angs suspended. If, under auch circumstance; e does not know the politics of hia renomineea, I utterly without capacity for common observatiol id ia totally deatitute of that knowledge of me id things for which he haa hitherto received get ral credit, and without which he ia certainly lit tted for the mayoralty of Washington, or for tl litorial chair of the leading federal newepaper < imerica, which he haa assisted in filling with ? tuch satisfaction to his party for more than a qua tr of a century. If sucn ia not the caae, howevei nd he does know the politics of theas gentlemei e is, on the other hand, attempting to deceive yoi "ail era, with a view of using whatever credit a la ef in his assumed nol.tical purity may produc >r him with the public, to the future disadvar ?ge of your own noliucal friends and principle! 'hen, ir he does know more than he chooses t rknowledge, he IS playing a double game?ia inv iling the illustrious example of the "Deaeo ioubikina" of Connecticut?the man who, "gml rise, was everything he should have lieen; bu tan-wise, was awfuT twistical." Colonel Seato lay cling to either horn of the dilemma. I cannc art with him this evening, without acknowled; ig my obligations for his admission that my wr ngs, of which he complains, are being extensivel published by thedemoeralic papers, as proving tli ropriety of the course of the present admimatri on upon the subject of the distribution of excri ve patronage. Testimonials wrung from my or onenta, as this haa been from him, are ever gratefi i one who desires to do his share in behalf of rr ubliean principles. In conclusion, I respertfull ik you to join me in a request to Col. Seaton t publish this letter, in the National Intelligence! tier your kindness and courtesy in admitting hi Fusions into the "Union"?striking, as they df I yourself, and at the democratic party, as well a r. | paragraph under discussion proposes to the govern>d merit; and, in accepting it, the government will peril form its duty."t The amendment passed by an almost unanimous ?s vote. In the session of 1844, during the sitting.of the Oi 8th of January, the Minister of Foreign Affairs deIt clared in the Chamber of Peers, "thnt he had pros' posed to the British cabinet an examination into >1. what moderations might be mode in the treaties of |t, 1831 and 1833, which the British cabinet had agreed ill to; as also propositions which the French govern>e ment would address it upon the subject; and that he of was far from despairing of success." The commute tee of the Chamber of Deputies projiosed to intro'r duce the following clause in the address: "The of good intelligence (with England) will doubtless nsf* sist in the success of negotiations which, in guaran>n tying the suppression of an infamous traffic, must at tend to replace our commerce under the excluc sive supervision of our flag." Mr. Thiers seconded the motion, saying: "The Chamber, unless it acts ie with great inconsistency?unless it wishes to a|>ie pear as the most frivolous of powers?is compelled to e- insist?it is obliged, this year, to insert an article at insisting upon the claim that the French marine in be restored to the supervision of the national flag, id But 1 fear that, at the next session, you may lie :1c I told that negotiations are still in progress. | also w ! fear that, by the side of the amendment upon the of | right of Poland, we may also have an amendment w I upon the right of search."! The Minister of the In of I terior answered: u0f the two objects pointed out by 1ii j the Chamber of Deputies, in its addresses, calling x- ! forth the solicitude of the government?the non-rali;jr fication of the treaty of 1841, and the revision of the is, treaties of 1831 and 1833?one or them has been |,e completed; as for the other, it is in progress exefjfr tJ . namoe?/"W. hk* -c.ui>u>?qnog*'piic8 Willi itis wishes.' of Is this condemning it to pronounce idle words, reg pested every year without effect, and lesaening the ut dignity of the two great bodies of the state.'" ri. The address of 1844, almost rerbalim that of 1843, id was unanimously carried in the chamber. Has is the ministry realized the wishes of the chamber??a n. wish which the ministry proclaimed as the voice of d. the nation. Shnll the chamber, this year, again be a- compelled to utter idle words' If this should occur, | ought not the chamber to refuse its support to a nt cabinet, which either trill not or cannot cause its :y dignity to be respected' The c.baml>er would no la longer limit its demands to negotiations, but would a declare that the treaties of 1831 and 1833 must be rcxl voked. ii The treaties of 1831 and 1833 being ten porary, ic and revocable at will, by either France or EiiglanJ, .-<] the chamber lias a right to adopt this resolution, m The following sentence, in the preamble to the ot treaty of the 30lh September, 1831, will show this: p- "The right of search was granted to render more te effectual the suppression of that infamous traffic p- known as the slave-trade." es The right of search is then the means?the suppreasion of the slave-trade the end. When the end is uttained, the means enn no longer be necessary; ,n because it is known that the slave-trade no longer y* exists in the French colonies. The Minister of MnII rine, and Mr. Agenor de Gasparin, have formally y< acknowledged this in the Chamber of Deputies. (Sitting of the 29th of January, 1843.) ' AN OFFICER OF THE NAVY, at ,e . Moniteur, IrtU, p. 109. of (Idem. IS43, {Idem. 1544, p. 83. 7 " rpRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE PROP" X ERTY.?By virtue of a deed of trust from ' Matthias Jeffers and others to me, dated 25th July, 'r 1842, and recorded in liber W B, No. 96, folios 55, w 56, 57, 58, 59, and 60, of the land records of the \ county of Washington, I). C., I will offer nt auction, y in front of the premises, in the city of Washington, on Wednesday, the 23d of July instant, at 5 o'clock, *' p. m., all the west half part of lot No. 5, in square A of said city, with the two-story brick dwelling and other improvements thereon. Terms of sale arc?one-sixth of the purcliaser money to be paid in cash, and the residue in ten ^ I equal half-yearly payments, with interest from the : day of sale, to be secured by approved notes and a III j lien on the property; and on full payment of the purj chase-money and interest, 1 will execute to the purf" chaser, nt his cost, a valid deed of conveyance of the 1 iiremises. with nil the title therein. Iielicvcd to lie T~ undoubted, vested in me by said deed of trust. If the terms of sale be not complied with in three days, I reserve the right to resell the premises at auction for cash, or on any credit, after three days' * advertisement in any convenient newspaper pub... lished in the city of Washington, at the risk nnd cost of the first purchaser. " JOHN KURTZ, Trustee. 'e It. W. DYER 4. CO., ie Ju'y '?2awts Auctioneers. it, ?Gr"The sale of the above property is postponed n till Wednesday, the 20th day of August next, same l- hour nnd place, by order of the trustee, t- R. W. DYEIt 4 CO. ie July 19?2t Auctioneers. Department or State, Washington, July 2.', 1845. ' TPHIS department, according to the late law in re* lation to postage, is now chargeable with post, age on all letters, packages, or other matter received through the mail. The expense for that object is , necessarily great. It is much increased by the / charge for |>ostage on newspapers sent to the de' partment without orders. The transmission of such " papers may, it is presumed, be attributed to the ^ courtesy of the publishers; but, whilst the depart- , . menl duly appreciates their kindness, it feels itself obliged to request that newspapers may not be nd' dressed to it, unless by its direction. ,1 July 22-31 I 1 VALUABLE BUILDING LOT AT AUCy V TION.?On Wednesday, the 30lh instant, at i ie half-past 5 o'clock p. m., we shall sell, on the prem- 1 i- isei, the western |>art of Lot No. 10, in Square 489, i i- fronting 25 feet on E street, between 5th and 6th < ? viTreia, ana running hark 100 feci 61 inc.hea. I'hia i I lot is very desirably located for a private residence, ?. and is well worth the attention of persons wishing < y to build. 1 o Terms of sale: One-fourth cash; the balance in 1 r. equal payments of 6, 13, and 18 months, for notes I s satisfactorily secured, bearing interest. 1 t, ROBERT W DYER dr CO., s July 21?eoddeds Auctioneers. I EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. CI ? ?PI | F roin our regular corrv(|u>ndetit ] foi Puii.ADti.piiu, July 26,1845. ?? It u now reduced to a certainty, that the aemi-an- < #i ual interest on the Slate debt, due on Friday next, will be paid in full?and that, too, without the no- wl liitance of the two moat violent opposition counties n the State, and those who have been moat noisy in ' Icnounemg the democrats as rrpudiators. I mean Philadelphia and Lancaster. It appears that after ill their professions, and the promise that they would be the firm to puy their quota of State tux in advance, as they were the first to suggest it to jtliers, they have failed to make good their words, ind huve been compelled to see such democratic sountiesas Berks, Westmoreland,and Montgomery wl contributing the amount required to maintain our nn plighted faith. The delinquency of these two wealthy counties has occasioned a good deal of sen- Fi1 salton; and whatever may be the causes which have 'J? led to it, they do not seem to have operated upon J1" [hose other counties, who, making no merit ofemply professions, have chosen rather to prove their devotion to the Suite's honor, by acting in a prompt and efficient manner when the time has arrived An effort is now making, I learn, to induce the pay- Wl menl of the tax of these two counties before the 1st 011 proximo; but as there is now enough money in the treasury without it, it is possible the State treasurer wl will refuse to make the abatement allowed to all who advanced their Stale tax so many days lie fore lite . day when the semi-annual interest falls due. The Princeton, now commanded by Captain "al Frederick Engle, left this (Hirt for Pensacolu on "" Thursday last. It is supposed that she will proceetl 1,1 to the Gulf, and resume the position formerly occupied by the suine vessel while in command of Cupt. . Stockton. The gallant captain will remain at home " on special duty. Toe Postmaster General paid a flying visit to this "I city on Thursday last, for the purpose of effecting some arrangement for the transportation of the great mail from the Emit, and to remedy, if possible, the j. great delay in detaining the northern mail in Pliila- |j ( delphia from 9 o'clock in the evening until 8 in the "I morning. He remained only a day, having left in ^ the afternoon boat of Friday; but lie remained long ,j.j enough to sec llmt, so far us the Philadelphia unu |)|( Baltimore Railroad Company is concerned, nothing could be done; and he left for the capital, intending ^ to advertise for proposals, and bring the contractors to Washington. The course of the Baltimore and j. Philadelphia Railroad Company,in refusing to come (o to any reasonable terms with Mr. Johnson, cannot _K be too strongly condemned, und should he remrm- an bered to their cost by the travelling public. The gy truth is, this company care little for the people. A recent case of their selfishness occurs to me. The j fare usually charged between Baltimore and Phi la- -j,| delphia, over their vile road and in their f-ickctty cars, was four dollars?entirely too much; und as (Jjt soon as a competitor offered to carry passengers the ^ same distance, by water, the public deserted the railroad, and took to the boat. They |l(( forced the railroad company to come down to two dollars also; and as their line was quicker than by the boat, of course the travel re- ^ turned to them, and competition ceased. As soon as the railroad company found that they had placed their competitors in this position, up went the fare j( to four dollars again! Their conduct, in trying to gc extort from the general government more than a j reasonable price for carrying the mails, is in charac- g() tcr with their treatment of the travelling public. 1 hope the Postmaster General will not comply with ?^ their unjust demands. I am sure the public will sustain hint in taking such a course. I have heard ' but one opinion expressed in regard to his indefati- p gable exertions to promote a rapid and uninterrunt- ? ed transportation of the great New York mail. Ilis promptness in sending Major Ilobbie to reconcile . the matter, and secure its immediate transmission; his own repeated efforts to induce the railroad com- j1" puny to change their hour ; and now his visit, per- ,. sonally, to prevail upon them to do so, at the unu- . sually high price given to them by the maximum nllowed by luw?all show that he'lias done everything ^ he could do; and if he has refused to allow the com- m pany a still larger price for carrying the mail at a different hour, it only proves "that he is resolved that the government shall nqt be imposed upon and plundered. Let him take advantage of the State ^ road from Philadelphia to Columbiu, and of the ex- , ccllentroad between Wrightsville and Baltimore, and 1 I have no doubt all will be satisfactory to the public. Your correspondent; in a recent number of the . "Union," is under a mistaken impression, if he supposes that the effect of the system of franks, inlro duced by the postmaster of this city, will be to pre- "J vent the ii'.Vea'tdr WHS1 itfndopei, as" (ranked, Tieing six anil twelve J.p cents. No such consequence need be apprehended; for no single envelope is sold. The purchaser can- 'v not buy less than tour of those at 12j cents, nor J?1 less than eight of those at cents; thus making the , amount received always in the national coin. He / may procure a dollar's worth, or more ; but not less . than naif a dollur's ^orlh. Our postmaster is aware , of the anxiety of the government to secure the circulntion of the smaller coins of our country, and ru will, of course, do nothing to interrupt so laudable a . purpose. Indeed, he has it now in contemplation to receive nothing but the dime and half-dime in ? payment of the five and ten cent postages, on and V after the first of August. In the way of new hooks, there is but little. Mr. !!a Henry B. Hirst's new volume of poems has been , 1 out for a week, or more, and has been very favorably J111 noticed by the press. lie is certainly a writerof more 18 than usual power, and has produced many ofthe finest ^ poetic effectp in some of his pieces. I read, a few days ago, in the "Broadway Journal'," a critique ' on Mr. Hirst's book, from the pen of E. A. Poc, V* esq., known onn bold and impartial writer, and was pleased to see that it passed muster as well as it q did. His style is sometimes really original; nnd many of his thoughts are often as new as ihcy are on beautiful. A cheap edition of "Evelina," by Miss rP, Burney, (afterwards Madame D'Arblay,) is now c. for sale nl the book-stores. This is one of the finest works of fiction in the language, and created, when 0,1 it first appeared, quite a fever in literary circles. f1Professor Frost, of this city, continues to issue his '' beautiful edition of the "Pictorial History of the "r! World" regularly, in numbers. The letter-press pi and engravings of this work arc really superior. I , need not speak of the quality of the contents, as he is known to be a writer of ability and research. Pe Judge Conrad, well known as one of the finest living poets, and as the whig author of the celebrated sc' republican play, called "Jack Cade," is at work nei upon a comedy, which, it is expected, will shortly be produced?probably when Mr. Murdock re-np- '<? pears on troe stage, some time in September next. It "1 will doubtless be eminently worthy of his high tal- w', ents nnd enviable fame. ble [From our regular correspondent.] Jo Corpxa Harbor, Lark Sppkrior, July 15, lr?45. Pnl Having chartered a Mackinac boat at the Sattlt' r,,!l St Marie, and stored away our luggage, tents, pro- rlv viuioii*, Willi B""'-|"i r<|iii|mge, inning on board six able-bodied rot/ogeurti, consisting of ?'l' four descendants of Canadian French, and two halfbreed Indiana, (one of whom acted as our pilot,) we y act off, on the 4th of July, at about II, a. m., to coaat it up the southern shore of Lake Superior, to Copper Harbor?n distance, by the way we were to l"1' traicl, of over 280 miles. Pnl The heat of the sun, combined with the attacks of 1 mosquitoes at night, annoyed us very much at first, ptu I have seen whnt musquilocs are in many other wh parts of the world; but I never found them more als abundant nnd troublesome than at some points on co< Lake Superior. by It took lis eleven dnys' voyaging to reach this bet place, travelling all day when the wenther was fa- am rotable, and lying by when it became stormy, with cd strong head winds. At night we ramped on shore, ten and gnhernlly rose every morning between three and ma four o'clock, lieing undsr way on the wnter ns pri soon as it was light enough to see. In voyaging in mi this way, we had a better opportunity to view the thi country as we passed along, many portions of the which were full of interest?such ns the Grand ret Sable, the Pictured Hocks, Ac. The former are im- res mensc cliffs, rising to the height of two hundred feet (th nliov*. the level nf i lie I nlrn l>. i ,i rv comnosed of rmrr evi iiand, and reaching about six milea in length along he the lake shore, with its front aspect almost per|>en- gat dicular. It is said, the sand of which they are out formed maintains its perpendicularity hy reason of ton the moisture which it derives from the vapor of the ace lake. The summits contain no vegetation, save Inc; here and there a solitary shrub or hush. The rest Ml nf this h l?h, bold, and solemn mass stretches nut. for in silent and naked grandeur, beneath the horizon, mu forming a picture nf desolate sublimity. We passed pat it late in the afternoon, during n bright nnd clear am iky, when the sun had just liegun to hide himself ent behind its huge masses. cht I have never travelled on a sheet of water where ! ihe effect of mirage is so frequently witnessed as on un< Lake Superior. For instance: early on Sunday ligl morning, the fith of July, soon after leaving our en- till lampment, near While fish Point, the morning he- 1 ing slightly foggy, we saw distinctly the Grand of Sable, which must have Iwen fifty miles in advance mo jf us, with intervening points nf land. I witnessed aim i similar instance of mirage when coming through trei Lake Huron. Early one morning, I distinctly saw of i Drummond's island, which the ofleers of the boat 1 insured me was eighty milei off' Co| I have never seen an atmosphere through which Mil I could discern objects so far as on Lake Superior, qui iffs, headlands, lalanda, and hilla, which often v peart d as if witlun a nnle or two of us, were g ind, on being approached, to be from five to '.en Ira off. Hence, in making what "voyeurs" It led "Iraverttt"?that la, a passage in a direct line o m one headland to another,, inatead of curving '1 ih theahore of the lake?inexperienced voyngeurs ft l very liable to be deceived, by supposing the b tanrr to lie ahort, when it ia in reality very long, li making which, ahould a strong wind spring up a m ahore, a small boat would lie liable to be blown b t to sea, and the boat and people run the hazard of be- a ; lost. We had some brief but painful exjierience of " a deception in upparcnt distance, by attempting si e morning, after hat ing camped at the mouth of ad river, to sail before what seemed to be a fair it nd from I'resqu'islc to Granite Point; but we had u< t made much over half the distance, when the n lid suddenly changed to the west, and blew a vt c on our beam, and we cntne very near being si >wn out into the open lake?which is just t< Hit equivalent to being blown into the At- ci tic, for the storms are just as strong, and the, o ives roll equally as high. Finding we were going si leeward, we dropped sail, and took to our oars; a J, although within half a mile of the point we I? shed to make, it took us hard oaring for about n hour to reach it. h I have never seen a sheet of water, where the nd can succeed in so suddenly throwing the ti iter into turbulent waves, as on Lake Superior. S lis is owing to its freshness, making it so much c1 hter than salt water. One night, just ae we had g red |>ust a perpendicular red sandstone cliff a tl le or two in length, where it would have Iteen |Misstble for us to inake a landing, and had I irhed a sand I Much at the mouth of a small river, l< lere we ramped, the surface of the lake up to It it time beiug as smooth as gisas, we had no sooner h died our tents, than a violent wind sprang e from the northeast, and blew a gale nearly all p ;ht, stuffing from one point to another. In fifteen twenty minutes after the commencement of the ft >w, the water of the lake aecmed Inslted into a t< ry of s mimotion, in w hich our I mat could scarcely h ve survived. n The grandest scenery beheld in the whole route was n it presented hv the celebrated " PirluriJ Hiickt." p icy he stretched out for nine miles in length, a n lie east of Grand island. They are considered g ry dangerous to pnes by voyngenrs, who generally tl cct favorable sjiell* of weather for the trip. n t'n the morning of Tuesday, the tJth instant, soon n er leaving our catnp, the fog cleared up, sufficient n give us a glimpse of these stiqieiidous sandstone e ffs. As the sun rose, the fog liecame disjiersed, s d its brilliant beams fell upon and illuminated r cry portion of them. w Tlicy rise in pcrtM-iidiciilnr w alls from the water uf It s lake shore, to the height of from ><K) to ,'IIX) feet. I ley arc so precipitous, that they in some places ti pear to lenn over the lake nt top, to which email v :es ore Been leaning over the lake, hanging by their e ill roots to the giddy crngs aliove. At one point, e <mall creek tumbles over a portion of them in a 11 scade of 100 feet in height. They stretch for a nc miles in length, and in all that distance there v e only two places where boats can land?one cove u ing culled the Cliuptl, and the second Miner's tl rer. P So deep is the water, tlint a boat can pass close tl ing shore, almost touching the cliffs. Indeed, a 11 venty-four-gun ship can ride with perfect safety e ithin ten feet of their base. Taken altogether, their tl lemn grandeur, and the awful sublimity of their n gantic forms and elevation, far surpass anything the kind, probably, on the continent, if not in the S orld. Next to the Falls of Niagara, they are the ii entest natural curiosity the eyes of man can he- s ild. When steamboats are introduced on Lake a iperior, they cannot fail to attract the attention of n c tourist, rhey contain vast caves, one of which ri only 30 feet wide at its mouth, hut, on entering it, S ddenly expands to 200 feet in width, beneath a fi fly dome of 200 feet high. Different portions of e e cliffs go by different names?sue.h as the "/'or- s Mrs," the "Doric Rock," the " Grot Cap," the w Chapel," &c. We went into a small bay at the u Lse of the " Chapel," which consists of an im- d ense mass of rude sandstone, with trees growing s i it, expanded in the form of an areh, its extrenu s resting on irregularly shaped columns, to the a imbcrof three or four under each end. ileneath n e arch, a deep gorge enters the lake, crowded and fi loked with luxuriant vegetation. It appeared to I e like the finest and most natural Druulical altar * lie seen anywhere, not excepting even Stone- t' ingc. Near the Chapel, a brisk little stream falls ti pidly over the rocks into the water below. It is n ipossib|e to do justice to the splendid appearance ' "the Pictured Rocks," so callril on ?w?';n of rh? r - - , ? llflAvU ?i,n I in ore, drippings from which have stained the stir- ! v ce of the rocks with a variety of tints. 'The I tl linter nlono can convey any just image to the! ti ind's eye of these grand cliffs, and they will af- j t rd him a hundred views, every one of which will < f< ffer from the other. I will .defy anybody to visit j v em. as we did, on a clear, bright day, when the I a ke is smooth, in nn open boat, close by the side of | tl cm, without having his expectations of their iintu-! <' 1 grandeur far surpassed. ti Boats have sometimes been caught in the Chapil r sudden, high, and contrary winds, and compelled ti remain there for three or four days, before being P >le to proceed. A few miles beyond the " Pictured " yeks," wc came to Grand Island, where, entering *' i harbor, wc stopped at Mrs. Williams's place, e only settlement on the island, which is very g ge. This is one of the most splendid nod safe tl rbors on Lake Superior?perfectly land-locked on cry side and extensive enough to contain a large S' el of vessels, being easy of ingress or egress. 7 om Grand Island wc continued to persevere in our yage, and finally reached Copper Harbor, via the si isc, in eleven days from the Sault Ste. Marie. A At the Ansc we fell in with Mr. Ord, the United 1. vtea Indian agent at the Sault Sic. Marie, who was a visit to the Indians at that point, to take the w nsus, and to hold a talk with their chiefs in coun- N< .' We arrived at the Anse a few hours before h e council began. The chiefs all sat around a hall! ui wooden benches, while Mr. Old, with the inter-1 S rter, was seated at the head of the circle. Many ' S the Indians were fine-looking men. They had a -nt many petty grievances to relate to the agent, | b 10 listened tir them with patient attention. The i al uppewas alioiit the Anse nre said to be much bet- j ui off than those who trade to La Pointe, at the up-1 m rend of the lake. l'i The Methodists have a missionary station and ?' nool on the east side of the liny of Keweewenn,and ! * ar its head; around which there is an Indian vil-! ;e, consist-tig of COO or 700 souls. The Catholics : 1" ve also a missionary station on the opposite side 1 P' the buy, which is here only about a mile or two! de. | w The government employs at this Indian post one . icksmith, (Mr. Brockaway,) one carpenter, (Mr. ! " hnson,) and one tcaeher, in the person of the A cthodist minister. We left the Ansc about half-1 m st 4 o'clock, p. m., sailing before a fair wind,! w idling the mouth of the Portage, or Sturgeon I sc cr, where we camped on a llat point of land w rcrrly infested by musipiitors, with the heat j Vi lal to any in intensity (which had prevailed du-! . g the day) that I ever experienced. At Fort I ", ilkins, t'opper Harlior, on tiie same day, 1 have I ee learned the mercury rose to 100 in the shade, j w lis would seem to be a tremendous degree of it for such a high latitude, the fort standing on the ' ; rnllcl of 47? 30'. I 'r During the night, we could occasionally hear the j '3| inges of sturgeon floundering in the water, e| lich abound in this lake river. A thunder-storm, I o, passed near, liefore day, which bad the effect to I ilthenir. About half-past 1 o'clock, I wasawakened 1 Vl the loud talk and whooping of Indians, carried on P* ween our Indian half-breed pilot, Jean Haptiste, j w 1 a lot of freshly-arrived Indian rm/ogrnrj, conduct- J" in the Indian dialect. On looking out of our t, I discovered n plain-drmrd Yankrr-lookm* n, standing in front of it. On hailing tym, lie ? >vcd to be the Rev. Mr. Brockaway, a Methodist aister, and superintendent of Indian missions in ?' s part of the world. He had lieen on a visit to Pf s mission* at the upper end of the lake, and was B' urning to the Ansc, which he was anxious to m eh in time to attrnd to Sunday marning service, e next day being Sunday,) and from whence he oi pccted to proceed to the Sault Ste. Marie, Vhere oi is stationed in the capacity of chaplain to the in noun m uiai pon. rie wua ne nau, 011 reaching tri r encampment, travelled that day from the On- i agon river, 80 miles distnnee, in n hark canoe, I at ompanied by fotir Indian tioyagrurj After the I th liana had prepared some food, with lea, of which pn \ II. and thcmaelvea partook, they again act off; ? the Anae, almut 15 inilea from us, where they t* at have arrived at a very early hour. This dea-1 fo eh far exceeded theexpeilitjon of our movements, ?d 1 diaplayed unusual activity on the part of the on erprtsing missionary of anexlensiveand practical ed irrh organization. I qt iVe rose at three a m., and in half an hour were ler way on the lake. In these latitudes it is be it at three in the morning; twilight continuing tie eight and nine in the afternoon. Oi Phe following night we ramped near the mouth ra Little Montreal river, in full view of the high be untune or large round hills of trap rock running ! ng the peninsula of Keweewenn towards ita ex- sh ne point, some of which rise to the elevation he ight hundred feet above the level of the lake. lei The next day, after some detention, we reached tin pper Harbor, and landed near the United States neral Agency on Porter's island, where we found te a village, consisting of white canvas tents of annus sizes and forma, occupied by miners, geoloj isle, apeculatoni, voysgeurs, vwitcra, Ac. The only tenemAt on (he island is a miserable r ig-cabin, in which Cicneral Stockton, for (lie want c f better quarters, is eonqielled to keep his office. I 'he room which he occupies, is only about eight c set square?just large enough to admit a narrow r ed for himself, a table, and two or three chairs, t a this salt-lxix of a room, he n compelled to trans- r rt all the business relating to the mineral lands em- r raced within this important agency. As many as ti dozen men at a tunc are pressing forward to bia | bet gum" apartment, endeavoring to have their bu- r iness transacted. ' I The office of the surveyor of the mineral lands, e t charge of Mr. Gray, at this agency, is sull worse e ilupted to the transaction of public business, lie n i compelled to occupy the garret of the big-cabin, t rilh a hole cut through the logs in the gable to I erve as a window. Ill this garret he is obliged > have all his draughting |>crf<>rmcd, subject to the [instant interruption of parties wishing to see plans f the mineral lands. It would seem almost imjtos- | iblr, under such circumstances, for the officers to void making mistakes; yet, by dint of unwearied ^ ibor and attention to their official duties, they have K [inducted their affairs with nil accuracy and despatch c iglily creditable to them. c The government has liecn fortunate in the selec- f on of its ngents in the mineral region of Lake ' uperior. To untiring industry, punctuality, and c lose uttention to business, they unite, in a high dc- ' rpe, the bland, mild, and (uitient bearing of gen- ( emen. " Gen. Stockton's labors are scveic and perplexing. * le is continuully beset by crowds of applicants for * ications, all anxiously pressing forward to secure uses for copper-mines?among whom arc found ' nine utterly reckless ofall principles of justice and " quity, who endeavor to liend the agent into a com- 1 banco with their unjust and unreasonable demands I -such as wishing him to sugiersede prior locations ' >r their benefit, or to grant locations evidently in- ' rnded to cover town sites, beyond the bounds of v is agency, where no mineral exists, which lie has ' o authority to grant; and because be has, in every c islance of the kind, resisted their unreasonable n|i- * liealions, he has not escaped making a few ene- <1 lies among such persons, who arc collecting to- ? ether to uinise and misrepresent him. Considering s lie rrainpeil quarters furnished him by the govern- t tent, siid the great rush of people upon linn from s II quurtcrs, under the excitement of u copper fever e ?ging ot its height, and many anxious to obtain c Xrlusivc advantages, it is surprising how he has I ucreedrd so well as he has done in'giving such gen- r ral satisfaction. His official duties are discharged I nh a promptitude, fidelity, firmness, and imptir- v ttltlxr nso oMrlilultlA In ihn nttKlir flpri'irn L1 Ic seems peculiarly fitted, both by habit ami nn- c jre, for the discharge of the responsible duties in- b olved in the administration of an agency establish- v d in a wild and uninhabited country, being trav- ? rsed at present by hands of people in search of v iinrral treasures, as diversified in character, dispoilions, ike., as the various sections of country from ,'hence they come?many of whom are by no ~ leans scrupulous as to the means for promoting lieir own interest?who probably suppose they can Iny the same game in the copper mineral region ? I nit was practised In the early leasings of the lead a linernl districts of Illinois: that is, sei7.e upon gov- I rninent lands, work and raise mineral ore, cheat b lie government, and sell rights, where they have f ever had a claim. It is enough to say that, while such men as Gen. f Itoelcton, Major Campbell, and Mr. Gray, remain i office on the southern shore of Lake Sii|>erior, all ucli desperadoes will be completely foiled and dis- " ppointcd. The frauds committed on the governlent in the working of the lead-mines, cannot be i cpeated in the copper mineral region of the United " itates. When fraudulently-inclined adventurers n ml they cannot make the faithful officers of gov- 1 rnment stationed m this quarter swerve from the tl trict and impartial discharge of their duty, they s rill probably unite for the purpose of operating 5 pon government to procure their removal, and en- 1 eavor to get men in their places more likely to act 1 is pliant tools in promoting their selfish ends The agency being on a narrow small island, half mile from ine main land, makes it very ineonveient. The island does not afford sufficient timlier ir fire-wood, and 111 winter is isolated by ice, &c. t should by all means be removed to the main bore, and placed near Fort Wilkins, which is nearly wo miles distant on the main laird, or removed up 1 ii Lagle Harlior, which is a far preferable and lore convenient site for the agency. There is no question but the great range of trapock. running parallel with the southern shore of 1?'S|< ? >-.* ? - n . t In vith many valuable veins of copper ore; but to find hern and develop llieni, must he the work of inle. The impeueinihle stunted .forest seems 1 be little else than a thick, universal hedge, vrmcd by the horizontal interlocked limbs of dwarf wiui laiiiiinu n, UlTCIl, nd maple. Persons who attempt no penetrate irougli tlicm, without being protected l>y u mail of reesed buck-skin, have their clothea soon slit and nm from their bodies in shreds. Dr. Houghton say", so considerable is the nttraeon of the trap-rock for the needle, that, on many luces, when surveying over its ranges, he cannot ly upon it, and is coni(>ellrd to run his lines by the iin and stellar observations. So far ns practicable mining operations have pro- 1 ressed in the country, the following scents to be te result: At Eagle river several (orations an1 being worked, iipcrintcndcd by Chi. Gratiot, and on which from Q I) to 80 men are employed. At Agate Harbor another romnnny have this Resin commenced operations under the direction of Ir. Lamed, of New York, in whose service from 5 to 20 laborers find employment. At Copper Harbor n company from Pittsburg arc p orking a vein of black oxide of copper, under the i] jpcrintcndence of Dr. Pcttit, who has from 30 to 40 tl ends employed under him. Resides these, there (( re other small parties at work in various directions, o that it would appear that mining in the United tates copper mineral lands has fairly commenced. Up to this time, the returns made to the agency y two of the above companies?the Eagle River, ins Boston Company, and the Pittsburg Company? , nount to the following quantities of ore: '1 lie for- J er have raised 500,000 lbs. of ore, worth not less ^ inn $125 [>cr ton. The latter company have raised 670 lbs. of the black oxide copper ore, the value of 0 liich 1 do not exactly know. Other companies are organizing for mining pur- 0 iscs, and will probably commenre operations the " resent, or early in the next season. The country still in the possession of the Chippen Indians, embraced between the northwestern part the lake and the British frontier, along Pigeon vcr, might lie easily obtained from them by treaty, nd, if poor in mineral wealth, it is n very rich soil id a good agricultural country; and by its acquisition f should nl onee extend nun square out our poassinns and settlements to the British frontier, liich should he protected by detached forts, cxnding along our lines, towards the latke of the foods. According to the present Indian boundary, is made to pass along the water-line of the lake lore, from Pigeon river, around Fond du Ijic; and hen some distnnce cast and south of the lake, rikes a straight line west to the Mississippi. The n! nited Slates, by being cut off by this water-line oni nil landing sites for harbors or fortifiratiorts for te or two hundred miles of the western and northern lore of the luke, will be subject to great mconveni- , ice. The number of persons at present exploring or n, siting the mineral reirirm nf I .!?? ? o ? ?'I- ! IX ised to amount to five hundred or more. Ths la atcr of the lake, especially in deep places, is renrkably fine nnd cool for drinking. The eurcc of the wnter in the upper part of the lake is _ id to be 9(10 feet above the level of the Atlantic, he shores of this great lake are, nl many places, ild, high, grand, and solitary?the favorite resort r ' large eagles, several of which we saw?one, in irticulnr, was a splendid specimen of the bald ra- 0"j e The lake abounds in white fish, trout, sisko- Cf it, and bass. ,1, We caught fine trout almost every day during ir voyage, by trailing a hook nnd line at the end of trbont. On the 13th met., (the day before renchg Copper Harbor) we caught four fine large out. t The scenery, climate, &c., of Lake Siqierior, \ rike the traveller, as being |?ecuhar, nnd some- c] ing very different from what is met with in any ni irt of the United Stairs. Game is not abundant, o! fith the exception of a porcupine, and a squirrel or ro, we succeeded in killing nothing. Wild IV wl, pigeon, and ducks arc more plentiful We kill- Ji mnny of the former, nnd two pheasants, during ir trip. Our half-breed Indians sKiiined and dress- our porcupine for us, whose flesh we found 1 lite palntnble. J At one point I purchased the hind-quarter* of a si aver, which some Indians had killed. The tail til ing considered a great delicacy, I sent it to Mr. dt d and party, who were then travelling in a sepn- g( te boat, in company with us. We found the C aver meat, when dressed, most delicious food. Our party, although sleeping in nnd exposed to ? owers for n day or two, all enjoyed excellent ^ alth. Many voyageurs are attacked with dysen- ? y, but it is very slight, and easily overcome by at e use of simple medicine. A I remain, yours, e< Very truly and respectfully, morgan. i A NNEXATION.?Having taken in a partner m t\ business, 11 ia important that I should settle up ny old business; therefore, all persona having*., ounla with me, will please call and settle them l( wion a? possible. In leaving my old business, ?,y u*turners will nccei>l my grateful acknowiedr. nents for Ihcir liberal patronage; und I trust thfy rill eonlilKM the same to the new liim, who will .11 ry on il" stove., tin, r..|.|*r,aiid ivlieet-irus nanufactory, in connexion with a general assortn?nt of American and imported hardware. My mrtner, Mr J T. King, havim; spent four or S,, nonths III visiting the New England munulactuiiy, ina made arrangements so that we can get Amerind manufactured articles at least 10 tier cent, cheap, i than any other store thiseidc of New York; and ts we shall import our own goods, I do not intend hat tiny one shall < oiiijielt: with us in li? hordwm, main?a July 29?'It C. WOODWARD UNION. p WOODWARD A J. F KINO,harm-emend I J, into copartnership under the name of \\<h)DiVAKDA KINO, intend carrying on the atoir, ;rate, tin, copper, and aheet-iron manufactory ?) onnexion with a general assortment of hardware if every description ami <|ualuy, which we will *.| lirupcr llnui any other store in the country. We nlcnd to do a cash bueincea?huy for cash, sell f?r nsli, make small profits, and quick returns. We utve made arrangement* with northern mnmifir. urera, so that wc can sell American manufactured rticlrs at least 15 or 20 |*r cent, cheaper than those vho boy of their ocelli*. What foreign articles we iell, we shall import direct from Europe; therefore, n (hose no one will ultempl to sell for leas than we do bidding materials we can mid w ill aell clien|ier than my other store on the globe. If n person withe* o save one hundred dollars in building a houie.let lint give us n call. We have just received Ino tegs of first quality nails, winch wc w ill aril at 4] cuts Carpenters will do weii to give us a call' vltrtlier they wish to buy or not, just to sec how iiuch cheaper and lielter they ran buy their goodn if it*, than they can of those old hardware stum, there the occufianta have grown rich and indepenlent. It is no trouble to us to show our goods, Imt , pleasure; for we intend to accommodate everyone, o that no jwrsnn shall go out of our store sorry hat he gave us a call. We shu I designate our tore by the name of American Hardware Store? lot to infer that we do not keep foreign goods, l*s ause we-shall keep nil kinds, but because we like uanufaclures. Most of the articles manufactured in his country are superior to any foreign articles; and chat is more desirable, at tins time, they can be louglit without the addition of a duty of 30 per ent. Merchants will find it to their advantage to my of us, as we will innke a liberal discount tij those vho buy to sell again. Call at the American Hard, vara Store, between 10th and 11th streets, Peniwyl. ania avenue, and save one-third of your money. WOODWARD d KING. July 29?3t DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP? JT. & C. KING, by mutunl consent, havethu day dissolved copartnership. Ail accouou iguinst the firm will be settled oy C E-ng, who ins bought out the concern, and will cw<.it jc, in tke lusiness. All persons having accounts with the irnt, will call and settle them as soon as possible. Our customers will accept our warmest thanks or their liberal patronage. J.T.AC. KING. July 29?tf REDUCTION OF PRICES. C1 KING, having bought out his partner, will /? continue in the lace business. I have made irrungcrneuts so that lean sell lace goods at least 0 per cent, cheaper than J. T. A C. King have lone. I have reduced the prices of the goods in the itore about one-third, and am determined to sell foods lower than any other store in existence, ^adies will do well to rail, as we will sell uncomnonly cheap, to inake room for new goods. July 29?3t C. KING. MOST SPLENDID ! ?75,000 1?25,000!!??15,000!!! GRAND ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class A, for 1845. To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C., on Saturday, 27th of September, 1845. 78 number lottery?13 drawn ballots. MAMMOTH SC'IIIlME: i gmna capital or ?75,000 1 splendid prize of 25,000 \ 1 do do - 15,000 1 do do - - 10,000 1 prize of ... 9,0tl0 1 do ... 8,001 1 do ... 7,000 1 do ... 6,000 1 do ... 5,000 1 do - - - 4,00(1 1 do ... 2,847 5 prizes of 2,500 10 do ... 2,000 20 do ... 1,750 20 do ... 1,500 50 do - - . 1,000 70 do - . - 500 Resides prizes of $400?$250, Ac Ac. Whole tickets $20?halves $10?quarters $5? eighths $2 50. Icrtificatcsof packages of 20 whole tickets, $200 0" Do do 26 half do 130 Oil Do do 26 quarter do 65 00 Do do 26 eighths do 32 50 Orders for tickets and shares and certificates nf ackages in the above splendid lottery will receive re most prompt attention, and an official account nf le drawing will be sent immediately after it is over, r all-who order from us. Address J. G. GREGORY A CO., Managers, Washington City, D. C. July 29?2aw(jwdAcpif By A. Green, Auctioneer. ZJ ALE OF FURNITURE FROM THE PRES. 3 IDENT'S MANSION AT AUCTION.-Oe Vednesday, the 30th instant, I shall sell, by order f the Commissioner of Public Buildings, atmr uciion store, Concert Hall, at 5 o'clock p. m., slot f furniture from the President's mansion. 1 enarornte, in part? Mahogany hair-scat and other chairs Lot green silk window curtains Several pieces green satin drapery Do do blue silk curtains Do do green moreen curtains Do do blue and white sutin drapery Do do blue figured satin drapery Do do blue fringed silk do Do do straw colored and fringed silk drapery L.ot cornice poles and ornaments A large tpiantity of oil cloth and carpets Also on Thursday; the 31st instant, I shall sell, it H ty warehouse, on (ith street, nenr Pennsylvanu venue, at 5 o'clock, p.m., n large lot of stover, rates, fenders, Ac., from the above-named place, 'errne, cash. A.GREEN, June 111 [Journal.] Auctioneer. kfOTICE.?The aliove sale will take place on N Wednesday, at my trnrehmue on 6th atteet, ear Pennsylvania avenue, at the same hour, th41 sing a more convenient place for the display of th rge oilcloths and carpeting. A. GREEN, Auctioneer. July 2t MAt;NETIC TELEGRAPTl C< >MPANV SECOND INSTALMENT. rHE meml>ers of the Magnetic Telegraph Company are hereby requested to pay, at the office r Corcoran A Itiggs, an mstalmeni of twenty |*r >nt. on the stock subscribed, within 15 (lays from lie. W. W. CORCORAN, I Tp?,lr#, B. B. FRENCH, | Trustees. JulytW?dCt [Intel.] 4 rnont' ur mia?.v?..?r.? ^ rv I?1 '?* '..- iv.-r. ?v III r?i inn li I o, iicmim, ||?" J* ken rooms over Mr. Andetson's book and fa* t More, between 11th and 12th "tree!*, on the are ue, where he will promptly attend to all the dutiea T hi* profession lie refer* to the following physician' I>r* ' lay, J. P. May, T. Miller, J. C. Hall, William ines, Wm. P. Johnston, F. Howard. July 17?eotinf PkENTlSTRY.?Da. VAN PATTEN wiUeoa\J tinue at In* office without interruption thm immer, that all who desire may, at any tune, a"' ietnselves of hi* service*. He refer* most <>n"* snlly to the medical profession, and the rlUie"J inerally. .Office a few doors from Brown's a*4 oleman's hotel*, Penn. avenue. July 17?3m* SECOND' CARD. The subscriber* rendered* J their customers the it accounts tothe Istof Juty ul return their tloinks to all those that hair settle II accounts unsettled on the l?t of Aupi*1, # illector, Mr. Scrivner, will call for settlement D. CLAGETT A CO. July 38? tif