Newspaper Page Text
EUlTKP BY THOMAI RITCHIE. A ll^ TO" " THOMAS RITCHIE Ac JOHN p. HE1SS, (L I I /)ft[ Ira I Mi ^ I '?' Th? ua. of no ponou will b? Ciitorod ?; M ur boolui unlaw tba ........... (LI II IT At I I I I 1 I " . ~1 I I I 111 | 'I ^iteastMssa-iSs-. wum r^rr I V M* JUI/ 'V-Vlli VVl t l U <1 L IKMI-wwdkLT, (pt*bluk?d trl-wrtikly during the motion ^ ?ab*cri|?t*ou? for ftpfrtodUaitbiint y?arwi[| bo rocoitod on (mm of congress) ft oh i proportioned tkf 1 iftly, . ? W1 _ _vw - 1 ??* -?? ?? ? ? ?< ?? 11 A |K?tniut?r% eaitMcMi > whtiHn ii pnytttal fcr nbwvipweekly, i volume iii. m ubkrttf thi union. and thfi constitution.m number 106. tlaoa or ndvorummonlt will !> wrfmtnt toeotol tksmfcr. thm CM, wilt kAaM m /MImm : ___ ..__ !w^. oUn; <P?cl. HyingOtsli W??0?0trt?*i. ' -? 1 ? ' .?1? i. ?'?iil_j"." ; , ? , POBr.MASril.H8 are uuthonwd to Mlu pwuuli.ui b? mbJKi?a co|>i? of the DAILY, for 40 00 liiir u* ri.t DAIL V aubacriMt*. WHk 0M ?ttlo%4-, ?rtfrr iMMI' Fit. eoplMofUu> 8KMI-WEBKLT, 80 On WtoKLV .abocribon. wHh |M wdswllj or 6u? WKKKl.V ?b KSSSi ,..:::::: "S CITY OF WASHINGTON, MONDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 20, 1847. 3te^ttsfeaasgjar--??'~ t?nco| ia? oftho " oc ' . (hp^ tmt Co*o??i?ioiiai. wffl b. anaw?4 lk?? w? tt? MJMM HKMHt'l AUAUKMY, Capitol HID, Wuhlngton, j (Adjacent to the residence of Colonel Gardiner.) JN'STKIJCTION is given l>y Miss Heaney, |>rincipal, in 1 each department of her school, on the system o t maternal education of daughters. ? Assistants will l>e duly engaged as requires), but the ehiet duties of tuition and the personal care of her pupils will always belong to herself. Permanent views direct her exertions, as an ins ructress in this community, to promote a limited and appropriate establishment for young ladies engaged in the useful anil i modem pursuits of learning and accomplishments, mostly I esteemed, by the simple regulations proper for their im- j provenient and welfare at tiomu, precluding the school] forms and association* found prejudicial to litem. Having made all essential arrangements for familyhourd- i ing scholars, in a most healthful and pleasant residence, I (near the south gale of the Cnpitol,) all of her ability will ! be done to realize the advantages desired. Interests of concern to parents may be learned more pur- j ticularly by the kind attention of Mrs. General MacJinb, ] near the President's square, and Mrs. Robert Bottle, near j _ the Cnpitol. Young ladies finishing school studies ninv have tuition two or three days ]?>r week, at convenient hours, particularly in the French, Italian, or Spanish languages, music, drawing, and painting, and once a week in dancing. Terms per quarter. Board - - - - - - #25 "tS eIp'ri^sTi'a ncP^enSftangmqjr^rl^iu?^*mathematics, penmanship, &C.)| - - - 12 Junior claps, as above - - - . . II) bniiil-cape and portrait drawing and painting, from 8 to 12 Mnsia, vocal and instrumental - - - -10 Many testimonials may be submitted to parentsnteresterl, of Miss Heaney's Ibmier engagements, particularly in her academy in Boston and in Washington. Hefferencea. M Hon. Edw. Everett, Boston D. A. Hall, esq. Washington. dl James Savage, do Jatnes Lamed, esq. do Rd. Sullivan, do Wm. G. Eltot, do Kev. J. F. Clark, do William Fhcher, do Kobert G. Shaw, e?q. do Rev. Orville Dewey, N. York. Hon. Lewis Cass, Washington. Win. C. Bryant, do Q John A. Dix, do Jonathan Goodhue, t do Jucob Thompson, do George F. Berteau, do J11 Robert Beale, esq. do Rev.H. W. Bellows, do '? Dr. Lindsley, do Hon. Wro. Emerson, do J*1 Rev. Septimus Tuston, do Carvill & Co. do Hon. Philemon Dickerson, Paterson, New Jersey. Joseph It. Chandler, esq-. Philadelphia. ^ Hon. Louis MuLune, N. F. Williams esq., Baltimore. ' Col, R. M. Johnson, Kentucky. Hon, Edward Turner, Natchez, *' Hon. Alfred Herinen, New Orleans. Dec. 4?eo6t ^ SILKS.? We have received, in addition to our present 2 large stock of silks t ? 6 pieces extra rich satin-striped changeable gro d'Al- 1 giers 2( 2 pieces double-width plain changeable gro d'Afrique R 4 do changeable glace fi dress patterns rich plaid Irish poplins 2t 60 dress patterns extra rich silks 40 pieces assorted quality, styles, and prices 1 10 dress patterns real brocades Inviting the attention of cilizensand strangers to the above goods, we can say that a more varied ana perfect assortment of dress silka is not to be found in any store in this country. We will offer them at a small advance on the cost ol importation. D. CLAGETT Sc CO. Dec* If--tif NOTICE.?The holders of the certificates of the second instalment of the Peruvian indemnity are hereby notified that the said certificates will be paid ou their presentation to the Filth Auditor of this Dopartment. Amount paid of 2d instalment is #37,(144. Tbbasury Debabt.yikxt, November 23, 1847. Nov. 24 [Nub Intel.] HKNHV JANNJBY, Eighthstreet , near the Qtntral Pott Office. . cc TI1E subscriber tjt/' ng enlarged his premises, and pi doubled his force, is determined to give even greater if satisfaction than heretoloie in the manufacture of his ot ' Beautiful, Substantial, and Comfortable Boots. al I would say to ihose wishing to be speedily supplied widi w the above rare aad desirable* article, that tliey would do well to lmvu thoir measures ruoorded on my books. Those who wish ready-made work will find the bvst stock in the r(, District on my shelves, not excepting the inimitable patent lr " Congress Boots," together with every variety (for ladies, gentlemen, and children) of Water-proof and Cork-sole a| boots and shoes. Motto.?Small profits, quick sales, and cash attlieeoun ter. H. JANNEY. rl Oct. 4?eosatlf Tint. Nat. Whig, & Marlboro' Gaz.) STBAftl for tlse Million.?An Elementary Treatise on the Nature and Management of Steam, and the Princi pies arul Arrangement ol the Knglne, wttn notes, appendix, ~ ore. Just published, price 37 cents. Dec f? F. TAYLOR. ^ ITtaNTKD??A man servant, who can coine well recomW mended for industry, sobriety, and honesty. Apply at this office. Oct 80 FltUMCII WorkM Collars, Lace Cs|M(, Bsrlhei, Ar.? ^ Wc have in store? 10 extra rich French worked collars, cuffs to match c( 8 do do do without cuffs 1, 2 cartons medium price and quality French collars 1T 200 extraordinary cheap French collars, running from 60 el cents to 3cartons extra fine lace capes . tt 6 do medium and low priced lace capes ts 2 do reul thread lace berthes l? 2 do imitation, very pretty & 2 do lace rhemisets. vl All of which will he offered cheaper than the same de- |,, scription of goods can be purchased in the District. Dec S?ti f D. CLAGETT & CO. RICH Fall Bilks, Cashmeres, Mousselliies, t^uadrlllti. and silk plaids, this day received by Sept T?tff WALTER HARPER V CO CHINA, GLASS, AND CROCK BAY,? We have just received at our house furnishing store, opposite Centre ( Market, over Barnes & Mitchell's dry goods store, a lull assortment of the above goods, consisting in part of? fri French china dinner and tea sets Gold band tens, coffees, plates, fruit baskets, <teo. g( English china tea sets, banded and plain Best white granite dinner sets Flowing blue and printed do White, granite, flowing blue, and printed leas, coffees, bowls, pitchers, teapots, sugars, and creams White, granite, Rowing blue, and printed toilet sets Cut and pressed tumblers, wines, goblets, decan- j ters, dec. , White and pressed dishes, fruit bowls, Anger bowls ^ Lamps, candlesticks, castor cruets, 4cc. . With a great variety of other articles, which we offer on the very best terms. Please call nnd look before you pur- / ' hase. BOTELER McGREGOR. Oct. 27?2aw4wif r Patent Officb, Deo. 7,1847. ? ON the petition of Blary Ann Mend, administratrix ol the estate ol Jnines Mead, lute of the county of Dear- y-. horn, in the Hnite of Indiana, deceased, praying for the ex J tonrion of a patent granted to James Mead and A W. Pier wn, executors of Wyllia Pierson, deceased, for a "machine ^ for cutting latli," for seven years from the expiration ol |)0 Jtid patent, which takes place on the 81stday of December, ()|( It is ordered that the said petition be heard at the Patent JJfj Office on the fourth Momlay in December, at 12 o'clock, . '? ; nnd all |iersons are notified to appear and show cause, H any they have, why said petition ought not to be grained. Ordered, also, That this notice bo published in the Union ' and Nationale Demokiat, Washington; Ponnsylvaniaii, ai| Philadelphia ; IV?st. Boston: Ga/ette, Portamouth, N. H.j Statesman, Columbus, (J ; Enquirer, Cincinnati ; and Ben *J Unci, Indianapolis, la., once a week for three weeks previous to the fourth Monday of December. i? _ EDMUND BURKE, commissioner ot .patents P. S. Editors of the above-named papers will please copy, nnd send ,|,wr b;n, m duplicate to the Patent Oifice, with a lhl paper containing the notice. " " ' Use 7?w3vv in Jn Chancery in Somerset county Court, *'j November term, lrD7. JOIIS Turner t?. Mary Kllcn Dtnnll.?The object ol this suit is to procure a decree lor a sale of certain lands in Somerset county, held by the complainant us E tenant In common with tlie deleudant. The bill slates thai ^ a certain Marcellus Jones and a certain Joseph Dennis j were seized in fee as tenants in common of certain lands on Nanticoke Point, In said county ; that the ?aid Jolin Turner has purchased the interest and estate of the said . Marcellus Jones ill said lands ; that tlie said Joseph Dennis liaih departed this lite, leaving tile said Mary Ellen Dennis his only child and lie i r at law; that the snid Mary Ellen VH Dennis resides in the city ol Norfolk, in the State of Vlr ginia, and beyond the jurisdiction of this court; that the co said lands are diiliciih or incn|inble of division ; and that it i" to tlie interest nnd advantage of the complainant and ol * the defendant tlint the said lands should he sold. It b 1 tbereu(?on ud nidged and ordered that the complainant, by : eausuig a copy ol tills order to be inserted in some news- j paper published in the ctiy of Washington once in each ol y.a Dve successive weeks beIore the 5Slth day of January neat, five notice to the said absent dufendant of the object and " 1 substance of this bill, and warn her to be and appear in tin^ouri, in |rerson or oy solicitor, on or before the 3d day ol May term next, to answer the premises, and to show cause, it any she hath, why a decree ought not to pass as prayed. Test W T. G. POLK., Clerk. . Truecopy. Test: W. T. G. POLK, Clerk. lo . Use. *?lawSw _ I Olf n rural breastpin, with three seta, for whlrh t J ? liberal reward will be given hyilc&lling at No. H, V second story. Treasury building. Nov 33?ff ) II AWN nam terra or lha luqaahinna Mterf, Class No. 2. rf 43, 38, 63, 0, 22, 14. 57, 3.7, 31, 23, 16, 43, 6. X D. I'AINE St CO., Managers, coi Dec. 9? King St., Alexandria, Va hi U. PA1NH At CO., Managers SUSQUEHANNA CANAL LOTTERY, Class No. 4. To be drown in Baltimore December 22, 1817. 14 drawn ballots out of 78 numbers. SPLK.NIIID SGIIKMB. 1 prize of 1130,001) 20 prizes of ?1.000 1 <lo 10,000 20 do 1,000 1 do 7,300 20 do 000 1 1 do 4,289 300 do 200 pal Ore. See. Arc. pri Ticket.' ?10?Halves ?5?Quarters?2 50. wh Certificate of a package cd 26 whole tickets 9130 am Do do 2d half v. do (16 7tli Do do 28 quarter do 32 50 1 SUSQUEHANNA CANAL LOTTERY, 7 Class No. 5. \J To be drnwn in Baltimore, December 29, 1847. JC 13 d ruwn number* not of 75 numbers. "it a I* RICH SCHBMB. 1 prize of 930,000 1 prize of $1,250 trv 1 do 7.000 100 do 1,000 l 1 dd 3,228 40 do 200 w 1 do 2,000 40 do 175 jt | 1 do 1.500 KM) do 150 Ge Tickets 810?UhIwcs 85?Quarters $2 50. ub< Certificate of package of 23 whole tickets $130 00 1 Do do 25 half do 85 00 j Do do 25 quarter do 32 60 [aryland Lotteries will meet with prompt attention. Ad- TT ress D. PAINE ic CO., Baltimore. , Dec 1?3taw3wd5:oif hn 0>fice of Akmy Clothisu and EqutPAOE, we Philadelphia, December 6th, 1847. I 1EALED PROPOSALS will be received at this olBce ) until 10 o'clock, a in., of the 31st day of the present _ ninth of DECEMBER, for furnishing, by contract, the fol- \/ wing ARMY SUPPLIES and MATERIALS, deliverable , : the United States Clothing and Equipage Depot, Schuyiill Arsenal, inuqual monthly or greater proportions, as the ., -partmenl may require, on or before the 30th day of , pril, 1848, viz: 1 5,000 army blankets 6i feet long by 5 feet wide, weight 4 pounds. !0,000yurds6-4 sky blue kersey \A 4,000 do 6-4 dark blue do * 4,000 do 6-4 fine blue cloth fur dragoon jackets ,1 10,000 do 7-8 flannel, cottofTand wool . , !0,000 do 3-4 twilled flannel ^v'1 >0,000 do 3-4 Canton flannel "e 10,000 do 3-4 bleached cotton drilling Vfc Mi,000 do 3-4 unbleached do (0,000 do 7-8 do do I 2,000 do 7-8 bleached muslin HI,000 do 7-8 unbleached do 8,000 dozen pairs woollen half stockings, 8 sizes !0,000 pairs laced bootees, assorted sizes8 llair plumes, red and white Bunds and tassels, red and yellow Metal cap equipments for engineers and dragoons Do do for artillery and infautry f Pompons, engineer, artillery, nndf infantry red Shoulder-straps, ordnance, artillery and inlantry i Do (brass) tor dragoons wh Epaulettes, N. 0. S. artillery and infantry Worsted sashes, crimson and yellow Do binding and cord of all kinds Felling axes I Hatchets ? Spades Drums, complete, artillery and infantry _ rp Casks lor one year from 1st April next X Lumber, 2d common, per 1,(MK) feet. tali All of which must be of domestic manufacture, and must POr inform in quality and all other respects to the >t itular-1 roo sttems sealed in thisollice, and in the clothing otiire, No. cor i broadway. New York, by winch all supplies furnished d,r l contracts will be tested. Samples of whieb, for woollen |an xd cotton cloths, will tie sent by mail, with any additional [formation desired upon the subject, to manufacturers wjt ishing to offer proposals. pm Contracts will be based upon accepted propo'als, for the 80|< Ithfnl fulhhnent of which two or more securities will be ) qnlred. Any delay in the execution of an offered con act beyond the time deemed necessary by the uudersignI, (six days,) will be regartled as cancelling the accept- __ ico of the favokeo bid. I Bids are desired only from tnart,ufkcturera or regular deal- ; s in the article proposed to be furnished, and none will be ' _ ispected or considered from any one who is not known as " manufacturer or regular dealer in the desired supplies ; ??' hioh fact, or the reverie, must be distinctly stated in the " ids ollered, well hs the names and address of the periris intended to be ptoposed as securities in case a contract obtained. Letters containing proposals should lie endorsed "ProDsals to furnish supplies and material-," addressed to HENRY STANTON, I Dec 10?3tawt3lD As. Quartermaster Gen. U. S. A. of - axi 11IIK Industrial History of Free Nations, $1 voir., 1 h . octavo, by McCullocli, London, 18-17. e*' The Buttle lor Native Industry, being the debate on the 1J01 >rn laws, on tiio corn importation and customs' duties rl? ills, and on the other financial measures of the govern- ! tent (British) in Parliament session, 184(1, reprinted with * iltire accuracy ; 2 vols., London, 1847. Macgregor's Commercial Statistics of the United States? leir productive resources, commercial legislation, customs 1 iritis, commercial taritfs, navigation, port and quarantine vie .wsand charges, shipping, imports and exports. iScc., (Ire., the :c , by John Macgregor, secretary of the board ot trade, I wo ol., octavo, London, 1847. Just imported from London y F. TAYLOR. Also, the British Consul's Hand Book Porter's Progress ol the Nation, 3 vols. Crawford's Philosophy of Wealth f The Royal Kalendar and British Red Book, for 1817. tcr Facts and Figures?a periodical record of statistics ap- j11*1 ied to ourrent questions "er Adntn Smith's Wealth of Nations, new Ldinbugh edition, !ne nnplote in 1 vol. "el Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, 4th vol., with notes Y01 urn Ricardo, Chalmers, Malthas, M. Gamier, and other ninent political economists; and his Life, by Dugald ewart. Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, notes and additions, r McCullocli, 1 vol. jMcCulloch's Principles of Political Economy cjul McCulloch on Taxation and the Funding System ?ou McCulloch's Literature of Political Economy ' e McCulloch's Commercial Dictionary, Loudon copy, with gnc I the maps, charts, &c.; and many others, just (or recent- col] ) imported from London, including all Hint is new and stI11 ost that is valuable upon all the various branches of po- WJl ical economy. (|le Books, stationery, periodicals, mathematical instruments, ^ r anything else,) imported to order from London, Paris, mlr any part of Europe. FRANCK TAYLOR, Dec 10 Bookseller, Washington city. j,0[, Law School of the C*U?F of New Jersey. sutl 1HE Law School of the Collego of New Jersey will be . opened for the reception of students on Thursday, the t| ill day of August, 1817. A handsome and commodious . ulding, designed lor the library and lecture-room, lias just j en erected. The prolessors nre the Hon. Joseph C. Hornjwer, late chief justice of the supreme court of New Jer- j y, and James S. Green and Richard S. Field, esqrs., ol ' inceton. jj,al The object of the institution is to provide an ample course ' j legal instruction tor gentlemen designed for the bar in y of the United States. This course will embrace the t rious branches of public and constitutional law, equity, d common law, together with such instruction in the le- j^r 1 jurisprudence of particular States as occasion may re- ^|el Llr0, , , .-I... told Instruction will be given by means of recitntions, exnm- j tr| ntions, lectures, and the preparation of legal forms and i i. struments. It id also proposed to establish n moot court, "K." which question* of law will be discussed by students up- j inted for that purpose, and opinions delivered by ono of 9 professors. ! The course of studies is so arranged as to be completed '"J three years, and die students will bo divided into classes " cording to their proficiency; but, generally spenkinit, n / ident will be at liberty to join one or more of the classes, , d to pursue so, h branches of study as h<< may select v'^ lere will he two terms or sessions in each year, eorresaiding with the sessions of the college?die first beginning i weeks from the last Wednesday in June, and ending in | ' ncteen weeks, or the week before Christmas?the second ir ginning six weeks after the close of the first, and ending ,, twenty-one weeks, or the last'Wednesdny in June. 1 No examination is required lor admission, hut every stu- ,! nt is expected to produce testimonials of good moral 1 aracter. The fees are Sol) a session, to Ire paid in udnee ; for which sum, ami without any additional charge [ idenls will have the use of text-lxx>k* and of the law ami ''"J liege lilirarios, and will also be permitted to attend the ca" liege chapel and the lecture* of the professors of the col[0. Good board oan be had in Princeton, or its vicinity, N from MtO p'-r week. VV"' All student* who have pursued their studios in the law 'f 1 liool lor two years, will be entitled, u|<ou the reconiinen uur non of the law faculty, to the degree of bachelor of laws 'am it if they have already been admitted to the bar, they *>' ill be entitled to such degree after pursuing their studie pro one year. >'ro All applications for admission, and communication- ,nH idling the law school,may be made to James 8. Green oi ?bs chard 8. Field, ol Prlnoeton. The introductory lecture will be delivered by the lion Pro -eph 0. Hornblower, on Thursdny, the ltflh lust. "is PaitsOBTON, August IS?lawdin ru' VKRSTRH'S Mew Dictionary without slirlitff. "K mont, 1 vol., quarto, received by F TAYLOR, ?'itJ Nov. 90 near Coleman's Hotel. * Notice to Housekeeper*. 'HE subscriber would respectfully lnr>nn hi# friend*. and housekeeper* generally, thru .u u recently reved a lurge addition to lii* stor k of furniture, consisting part of? Marble top dress bureaus Do do centre tabled Do do wash-lands French and other bedsteads Cabinet chairs, lor the sick Olfloo and rotary office chairs < Mahogany and black walnut parlor chairs Cane anil wood-seat chairs ol all kinds, rockers do Settee cradles, looking-glasses, portable shower bath* j And a great variety of other furniture. Uso, a large assortment of sofas, of now nnd elegant j .terns and various prices, and bed sofas at a very low i , ce?all ol which will be sold at great bargains. Those 1 n , ,nt of furniture are respectfully Invited to call and line lor themselves at the store under Odd Fellows' I . street, between D and E streets. 3. D. BROW.N, >c. 10?3leod* ? I KNTLKMBN'M llalr-slresslug Saloon and Furnlsi. T ing establishment, tit It street, Coleman's Hotel.- < HN 11. CIU113 particularly invites the attention o 'tubers of Congress and the public generally to the >ve establishment, where neither trouble nor expense linen spated to render it the best of the kind in the counle has on hand a very extensive assortment of toilet and ardrobc articles ; in the selection of which he has made lis peculiar study to unite taste, fashion, and elegance, ntlemen wishing to secure all that is desirable in the ovu business, will do well to visit this establi-hment. T B. A private room for titling on wigs and toupees. Xc. 10?Stil* I1NB Shbffleld Raaors.? John H. Glbbs begs to call the attention of members of Congress, and gentlemen io shave themselves, to his large and elegant supply ol < b Sheffield razors, all of which are warranted to shave II or the money letumed. llso, razor strops, shaving brushes, soaps, creams, Arc. lair-dressing Saloon, Coleman's Hotel. Dec. 10?3t* 1 tRS. S. PARKER will open, to-morrow morning, < a handsome assortment of French feathers, a few very ndsome black lace veils, flowers, ribands, Arc. 1 3. PARKER, ncy and Perfumery Store, between and (ith streets, 'onnsvlvanin avenue. Deo a Muffii, llou, and Vlctortnea. [T B. TODD announces to his customers generally, and T to the ladies particularly, that he has received a ge and very handsome selection of flue fur articles of : most fashionable styles and superior workmnmhip, licit he has now ready for their inspection, and to which invites the attention of all who may desire to purchase It rich, durable, truly comfortable, and seasonable adions to their wardrobe. lis assortment comprises muffs, boas, victorines, <tec., of Splendid black lustred Lynx Stona Mart in Russian Fitch Kamschatka Bear t Nnturttl Gray Lynx t Siberian Squirrel Blue Genet, &c., &c. ilisscs and children's muffs in groat variety, and at very . luced prices. I Uso, an invoice of pure white swnnsdown trimming, f deli will be sold either by the skin or single yard. WM. B. TODD, Matter and dealer in caps and furs, Concert Mall Buildings, Pennsylvania avenue. >iov. 8?eod2wiV.lawtJJnn.if A Farm for Sale. IHE subscriber, wishing to decline farming, will sell his farm, situated one mile iKgtheust of the Capitol, con- ' ning 103 seres. The improvements consist of a house ttaining 11 rooms; servants' house adjoining, with 4 t ms ; a good bank barn ; brick dairy j smoke-house, ami | I n crib There are 80 acres of wood laud, well set with 1 ivjng timber; 1,000fruit trees, nearly all bearing The d is in good condition, lias been highly limed. It is not imed necessary to give a further description, as those siting to purchase will view said property previous to ( rchasing. Terms accommodating. The stock will be 1 1 with the farm, if wanted. )ec. 8?-Stood* GEORGE OYSTER, j ' Dr. Banning'* Body Brace, ' HIS instrument, which has relieved so many thousands j of breasts pulmonary, and spinal weakne??e.< and tortion, also of constipation, piles, and particularly ul i tale weakness, the symptoms of which are so well known, . t be had ol Mrs. Baldwin, over the store of Mr. Peter j i inner, tailor, two doors below 4J street, on the north side ' Pennsylvania avenue. A gentleman in attendance on I ?" iiwin n iu i? , warded to Dr. Banning, 437 i Broadway, New York. From Professor Qoddard, of Philadelphia. have examined Dr. Running's instrument for tho relief , weakness requiring support, and have made practical ! reriment of the same, and am astonished at the results, ave also listened to his views of its applicability to an i ended class of diseases, arid think them to be highly im- [ rtant, and therefore cordially recommend them to the se- i us consideration of the medical profession. PAUL B. GODDARD, M. D. 'hiladelphia, Feb. 28, 1846. From Professor Molt, of Mew York, and others. ?he undersigned have examined Dr. Banning's novel \ whoti the mechanical pathology of many affections ol (i viscera, and believe them to be highly interesting and \ rthy the serious attention of the medical profession. i Valentine Mott, Stephen Brown, i Stephen R. Kirby, Alex. B. Whiting, \ J. Kearney llodgers, H. McLean. )r. Bannino: Kind Sir: The following extract from a let- I was written by the undersigned to her brother, a prnc- t ng physician in central New York. The writer is the c eaved consort of a clergyman well known and much hinted, and her testimony is entitled to the highest eontl- c ice. She cheerfully oonsents to its publication, if, in ir judgment, it may aid in commending your useful ce to the patronage of those who would be most benefitby its use. Yours, respectfully,- R. J. S . r New York, July 15, 1817. ! )ear Brother : * * * A change, yes, a worderful inge, has come over inc since I last wrote you. Oh! sny i, what change 1 I will tell you. Would tlntt I could ak in the ear of all my sex who are suffering as you iw 1 have for years, I would tell thein to look up and be a for ted. There is hope even for them ; yes, notwithrding they may have "spentall their living on physicians hout any benefit," but rather grew worse. Yes, brother, re is relief for them. >r. Banning's justly celebrated body brace is tho great lacea. You are aware that I have used various otln r iporU without much, if any, benefit. Well, what will i say when 1 tell ytru 1 have been induced by a friend ol nanity?one that, like yourself, delights to relievo his fering fellow-creatures?to try one of Dr. Banning's braces in experiment. 1 have worn it for some time, and can v testify that language is wholly inadequate to express relief 1 have received from it. That constnnt dull pain I pulling sensation in my right side is wholly obviated the use of the brace?likewise the pressing, bearing rn of the abdomen is entirely relieved. That goneness, eeling that the joints of the lower part of the spine were e, is also entirely relieved. Likewise piles and con- v it constipation ol the bowels are wholly obviated. You I know how difficult it has been for me to walk any disco, f >r years, on nccount of those complaints. Since 1 came his city I have walked more than usual, and the con- ] ueno.e lias frequently been inability to rise from my bed J hours. Since I have worn the brace, I have been una- li 1 to walk iniles daily with slight incouvenienco I have 2 you some of tho etlects on the body?tho mortal pait? o ,1., iv...i .1.1. i. r,.or,..ll,?,.l? 1 ..,,,,1.1 .,?> i....... . eved anything could have been deviled tlia' would or y Id ho perfectly support the himia.ii body. But what shall y of the effect on the mind?it is equally wonderful. Y ju t< well aware of the morbid despondency from Which 1 n e long sintered, often feeling that none had sorrows like omine. K irlh seemed like a blank : not so now, thanks a my Heavenly Father?hope lias arisen in my heart; in now look withcahnncssnnd fortitude upon life's pas.strinb, feeling that 1 have tnany, very many, blessings. v, dear brother, I want you to recommend this most i fill panacea to oil your patients afflicted I have been | n confident it will do more good lor thetn than all your e gs and nostrums. 1 sincerely pray thnt the choicest of v ivou's blessings may rest upon the Inventor of tills won- , working instrument. What a consolation must it bo iin to know lliut through his agency so large a class of t erers have been relieved. * ? l( Your affectionate sister, M. K. E. rhc original of the above, bearing the full signature ol ii writer, is open to the inspection of all who choose to t on Lb. B ] Ikdicai.RepobmCom.kok.?The "'Scientific and Eclectic dical Institute," chartered last winter by the legislature Virginia, will commence its course of lectures at l'etcrs- o g, Virginia, on the tirst Monday in November. The " ulty consists of Dr. J. M. Gumming*, of Georgia, proles- " ol tlieory and practice; Dr. Henry Price, of Virginia, lessor of materia tnedica; Dr. Ken worthy, of Virginia, J lessor of surgery ; Dr. Black of Cincinnati, professor of itomy ; Dr. 1'. P. Banning, of New York, professor of totrics and diseases of women and children ; Dr. Thorn of Richmond,, professor of chemistry. The name of the H lessor of physiology has nut reached us. It is the inteui ol th4 founders and faculty that this College shall the ly eclectic, carefully and candidly considering ah be 1 v medical theories arid systems of the day, and accept- & what is good in each, without surrendering itself to ler >ct 1#? 1 INTKRRSTINQ BBMO FOR SALE. TIIE IDENTICAL PRINTING PRES3 at which Dr B< njainln Franklin worked while an apprentice in London is ottered (or sale. It is now in the United States Patent OIRae at Washington, whore it was deposited on its arrivul from London in 1SJ2 Public institutions, societies, or individuals who mar wish to possess this valuable and interesting relio, will please address tlie Hon. EDMUND iiURKE, Commissioner ol Patents, Washington city, or JOHN B. MURRAY, Nov 22?2?wtf 12, Old Slip, New York. GKNTLEHElCg WKAB MADS TO OKOBH P. H. llOOB it CO , Pennsylvania avenue, between 7tli nnd Stli streets, have now in store a splendid assortment ol' L-loths, caisimeio;, and vesting*, which they are prepared to liavu>made to order in the in >st fashionable style, at short notice, upon sucli lerins us cannot fail to give satisfaction to those who are disposed to pursue the economical mode ol dressing handsomely. Also iri store, n complete assortment of gentlemen's under garments, of every description; handkerchiefs, gloves, cravats, suspenders, hosiery, &c. All of which will be sold at unusually low prices. Dec. 10?8wif IMPROVED PAltM In Fairfax county, Va., tor Me. It is situated noar the Fails church, (where there is a school,) in a good neighborhood, and is about ten miles from each ol the cities of Washington and Alexandria, over good turnpike roads, (except two tniles which are common road,) and eight miles from Georgetown. It contains two hundred and thirty-livu acres, tiliy of wlilcliare ill timber ; hud lor tlie last live years has heeu under a course of improvement, which lias demonstrated that it may he brought to a high ate of fertility, with profit to the owner. A large part (now in good condition) is set in grass, or planted with choice Iruit, much of which is already in bearing. The dwelling and out-buildings utford ample accommodation for a genteel family. A large frame barn, witn stabling in tiie -tone basement, lias been recently built in the best manner There is a mill-seat ou the promises, having a fail of fourteen lert. So desirable a place is seldom in market; nor would it be, but for die professional occupations of the iwner. The price will be moderate, and the tenns accommodating. For further particulars, apply to CHARLES DE SELDING, No. 11 Todd's Buildings, Pennsylvania avenue, Washington city. N. B.?Mr. John Dtilin, residing on the adjoining farm, will show the premises to those desirous to purchase. Oct 27?2awti" Medical Card. DR. GRAFTON TYLER may be found every day (Sunday excepted) at the City lulirinary, Washington, bewi-eu the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock. Office and residence (as heretofore) corner of Washingon and Gay streets, Georgetown. Dec. 8?3t* WILLIAM B. WEBB, Attorney at Law, Will practise in the different courts of the District, and nteinl to all bu?Tness before the departments. Office opposite no i-moni wince. Nov. IU?Stawlm [IHPOUTANT to housekeepers and persons furnishing. We have, nt our furnishing rooms, opposite Centre Marret, up stairs, u new und complete assortment of goods, inch ns? Furniture, buds, and mattresses China, glass, and crockery ware Hardware and cutlery l'lated ware, Alhata und Britannia ware Brushes and brooms, wooden ware and baskets Looking-glasses, lamps, and girandoles And a variety of fancy goods We can furnish houses complete in two days' notice, and it unusually low prices. HOTELER & MoGREGOR. FOR KENT, n commodious and well-furnished house, in tie neighborhood of the Ciiy Hall, containing six chambers, two pttrlors, dining-room, and kitchen. Inquire of ii. is McCr. Dec 1?eodlwif Ocean Htrnin KsTlgstlon Company, United States mail line beticeen New York and Bremen, via Southampton. FROM the beginning of tho ensuing year the steamers oi tins company will sail regularly once a mouth, as Inlaws : From New York. The Washington, Captain J. J >hnson, on the 20th JanuThu Hermann, Captain E. Crubtree, on die 20th Febrnlry From Bremen. Tins Washington on the IStli February. The Hermann on the 13th March. From Southnm/'ton for New York. The W hiogton on the 20t!i February. The If. emi on the 20th March. Pa-sage I mi New York to Southampton or Bremen #120 l)o from Southampton or Bremen to New York #150 For freight or passage, apply to? Ocean Steam Navigation Company, New York; C. A. Icineken, Bremen; Day, Croskcv, 4c Ross, Soulliumpton ; AMliam Iselin, Havre. Dec. 6?tf To the People's Representatives In Congress, rllK undersigned, at their new dry goods store, between 8tli and 9th streets, Pennsylvania avenue, beg leave 'cry respectfully to call your attention to their extensive mil splendid stock of rlnlht, cauimaei, and vettingt, from vhich they will have made up to order, at a day or two's lotice, coats, cloaks, pants, and vests, in the neatest and nost fashionable style, und at prices that will compare villi the cheapest houses east or north of this. Their assortment at this time being unusually large, of the tewest styles and best material, and having been principaly bought at auction, they believe gentlemen in want ol his wear can save at least twenty-nvo jier cent, by calling in them. Handsome fits in all cases guarantied, ns our " tailors" iro second to none in tho District. Give us a call. BARNES & MITCHELL, nciween run auu oiu streets, tennsyivania avenue. Dec 8?4tuw3\vif rIU8 Morning will be opened, direct from New York, at C. W. Phillip*'* Cull Store? New silks, cashmeres, alpacas, >Vc., among which are? 10 pieces rich changeable brocade silks H do do arniure do 15 do do l'oult do Sole silks 5 do plain changeable do 7 do rich ottoman satins 6 do Turkey silks 5 do plaid poplin silks 5 do white satins, very superior 6 do wide black silks 5 do black and blue-black silks 5 do satin plaid cashmeres 10 do plain mode-colored silks 20 do printed silks A L80? 20 Tartan plaid long scarfs 10 do very superior do 5 do half mourning do 15 4-4 Mac lie square shawls 80 Terkerri do 20 very superior four-lace shawls Together with many other goods for ladios'i dresses, to vliich 1 invite the attention of purchasers . Oct. 21?iilf G. W. PHILLIPS. DANCINO AOADKMY. lYIi. F. C. LABliK has the honor to inform the ladies VJ. and gentlemen of Washington and Georgetown that lis dancing academy will re-open on Tuesday, November d, ut his dwelling-house, on Pennsylvania nvenue. Days >ftuition, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, from S >. m. to 5 p. m. for young ladies; from 5 to 7 p. m. for oong masters. N. B. Those ladies and gentlemen who may feel desirous j receive instruction at George'own, will please leave their nines at his residence in Washington. Oct 16?2a wSm TH1E I.ITK.RARV WORLD, Jt gaxetltUrr.lulhort, Render*, and i'nblishert. EDITED BY C. r. HOFFMAN. HUGH NUMBEIl OF THIS ELEGANT WEEKLY emHi braces twenty-four quarto pages, in handsome form, onvenient for binditur : is devoted nrincinnllv to critical re lew* ol now publications, wnh interesting and entertain ] ng extracts ; notions of tlio movements of historical ami | ternry societies, witli a general correspondence on matters elating to education, art, and literature ; and judicious se- , etious from loreign journals of whatever is new in science | nd letters ; together with a weekly list of new books pubshed in tins country and abrond, prepared in the fullest | iiannrr. Price {?:$ jier annum. Published weekly by Osgood ik Co., 130 Nassau St., N. Y. i Subscriptions received by Aug 13?dStn WM. Q. FORCE < CANVASSERS WANTED, apply to W.Vl Q. FORCE, i r OSGOOD te CO., New York. The most liberal terms i vill be allowed I A Card, *EW WINE STORE, No. H5 CHESNUT STREBT, PHILADELPHIA. TA MEM ILVILIE, late of the llrtti ofllowen, Jacobs, St Co., J tespcctfully announces that he has fitted up the store. No S Chesnnt street, a lew doors below Thiol street, and one , loor above Congress Hall Hotel, north side, ns a Wine , More ; whpre be will keep a well-selected stock of the inosl i pproved varieties of wmos, brandies, liqueurs, London i irown siont, Scotch ale, and the. Quest brands of choice ngars, Jyc. I Private gentlemen, hotel-keepers, and others in the jounry, are invited to coil and examine bisstock. Sept. 8 A Ctrd to the Ladlti. MISS M. E. WILSON, having permanently located Ir Washington, offers her services to the ladies as u fashionable dress maker. An experience of ten years in ? fashionable community justifies her iu thinking she car give satisfaction to all. ller facilities for receiving the latest fashions and furnishing trimmings arc ample. ttonth side Pennsylvania avenue, between 9th and Ititl streets, second story ol J. B. Hill's variety store. Sept Zi?2uw2jii VALK OK RJCNT, that large, commodious and well-finished brick dwelling, ntuated on lb? east side of 8th street, between (1 and H, near the Patent OlHce. This dwelling is three stories high, mid consists of twelve rooms, including the basement and kitchen The parlors on the tint and second floors arc handsomely finished with mantels of Italian and Egyptian marble. The basement dining loom (a comfortable apartment) is ulso furnished with u inantel-pieoe of Egyptian marble. In the yard there is u large cistern, capable of holding lour thousand gallons of ruin water. There is also a convenient bath-house on the premises, and an extensive coal ami wood cellar tri Iront, under the pavement, which connecti Willi die basement The dwelling has many othei conveniences, such as are requisite lor a large and genteel family, for which the house is well adapted Inquirers who wish to view the premises, may call al the residence of the subscriber, next dour to the advertised dwelling, or at his marble yard and rooms, on E street, near the Union oltice. THOMAS BERRY. Nov 9 dtf National Bating House. REOPENED.?This old and well-known establishment has been thoroughly renewed and modernized, regardless of cost, in its every department; and is now ready foi the belter accommodation of the public. A public coilution will be served (gratis) to-inorrow (Saturday) from 11 to 1 o'clock, of which its patrons and tht public are respectfully invited to call and partake. Nov. 19- W. WALKER. United (States Hotel, Washington, ] D. C. THE proprietors of tliis hotel have secured the uid ol Mr. Georgo W. Yellott, as their general agent in refitting and hereafter conducting the establishment. He is authorized to act in every matter relating thereto, in purchasing and making all and every contract or engagement necessary for conducting the business as fully as the proprietors themselves could do ; and all the trunsuctiom of ihe house must be through him alone. The house having been enlarged, thoroughly repaired, ami refurnished, will lie opened on the 16th of October. Having secured die services of Mr. R. R. Thompson, ai caterer, ttormeity ol uoleman's,) tliey trust to render the house every way worthy of patronage. Sep IS?cnd2mif FVLLKft'S HOTBLf \V'uhliigt4Hit D> C'.?Mentis. A. & E. H. FULLER take pleasure in informing then friends and the travelling public that they will open their NEW HOTEL, on the corner of Penntylvania avenue and 12th itreet, on or belore the 1st of December. This house has been erected at great expense, and under lite personal superintendence of the subscribers : therefore they flatter themselves that ull the requisites of a lirst-rate hotel will he lound at their establishment. The furniture is all entirely new, mid no expense has been spared to obtain that which is elegant and comfortable. The situation of the house is considered more eligible than their late stand on the corner of 1-lth street and Pennsylvauia avenue, (vacated by the subscribers last November,) being nearer to the Capitol, and not more thanlflve minutes walk to the President's House anil the public departments. To our old friends and guests wo tender our sincere thanks lor their patronage heretofore bestowed, and assure them that they will find a cordial welcome at their new house, and no trouble will Ire spared to render them as comfortable as at their own firesides. To our future friends and guests we offer a good house and all the inducements "as aibresaid," and beg their patronage. Porters will be in attendance at the cars and steamboats on their arrival, with the badge of Fuller's Hotel. A'o charge for conveying baggage. Nov fl?iltl A. ft. E. H. FULLER. RKNT?That desirable residence, together with I 111'I the furniture therein, 011 1 street north, immediately west of Commodore Morris's, lorinerly the residence ol Mrs. Commodore Stewart, and more recently of the Chevalier Huheman, chnre6 d'atfaires from Austria. The establishment has lately been put incomplete repair. The property is very eligibly situated, and the furniture of the b?st and most elegant kind. Persons wishing to rent will be pleased to mako application to Richard Smith, esq., cashier of the Metropolis Hank, who is duly authorized to make the necessary arrangements. Dec 4?tf E& POIl HUNT, a commodious dwelling-house on 11 Pennsylvania avenue, in the row known as the UL " Six Building*." This house has been thoroughly repaired from cellar to garret.?Price #250 per yeur Enquire tit tlio Union Ofiice. BO AUDI Sit;.?Miss Pol < Is prepared to receive members of Congress and oilier boarders. Location one door west of Jackson ilall, adjoining Tyler's Hotel. Dec. 3?dtl Furnished Rooms In the First Ward for Rent. A FURNISHED parlor nc.l three chambers, with the use of a kitchen, if required, in the 1st Ward, on G street, between 17th and 18m streets, near the War Department. Apply 10 B. Just, Restaurant. Doc. 8 rfM) LET.?A house completely and elegantly furnished, JL and most eligibly situuted in the First Ward. Apply to Richard Smith, esq., cashier of the Metropolis Bank. Oct 26 BOARDING,? Mrs. HAMILTON, on Pennsylvania ave nue, nearly opposite Coleman's Hotel, having handsomely fitted up her house, is now prepared to accommodate members, witit or without their families, transient and other boarders. Gentlemen wishing to tako meals only, can also be accommodated. Dec 3?d2vv DOARDINO.-Mrs WIMSATT'S house, situated on JD Pennsylvania avenue, immediately opposite Jackson Hall, being disengaged, is prepared for the accommodation of a mess of members of Congress, or others visiting Washington during the approaching session. Hoc a?d6i BXCHAHUB HOTEL, WASHINGTON CITY, C STRKKT, IN THE REAR OP COLEMAN'S AND HROWN's, BY T. M. McILMANY?Latt of Virginia. THIS spacious establishment, having been newly refitted and furnished in all its departments, is now open to the public lor their patronage and support. It is situated nl convenient distances from the Railroad I)o(Kit, Capitol, Putont Office, and General 1'ost Otlice. Boarders, visiters, and travellers will find pleasant and capacious rooms, neatly fhrnished, upon moderate terms. Dec 3?6t mFOll ILKNT, the now and commodious' house on F street west, now occupied by Thos. Ritchie, esq. It is in a healthy and beautiful location, and has advantages possessed by few places of residence in Washington ; n furnace which wamis the whole house, bath room, kitchen range, Acc. i'ossession given on the 20ill of this month. For terms inquire of W*. A. Gordon, Quartermastei General's Olfice, War Department, jnly 9?Srs wif nUlimslIKD HOUSK to let, three-etory, with back r building, containing eleven rooms, and situated on Pennsylvania avenue, between 17th and 18th streets, near the War Department. Impure at the drug store of Wetherbee ic Hates, opposite the tieven Buildings, Pennsylvania avenue. Nov. 9?dtf rpHK written signature the only safeguard against X counterfeits?T*l>u public attention is invited, and particularly referred to the advertisement, setting forth the new style ot labelling, and the putting up ofDr. Beck villi's nutidyspeptio and dinner trills. Also to that of Dr. Dyott's up proved anti-bilious pills; both of which, it may be seen, sre protected from oeing counterfeited, by the only safeguard to be depended upon?the written signatures of tinproprietors on the label of each box of pills. All others which may be offered for sale by unprincipled persons are surely base counterfeits, and will be rejected its such. The pills that were in the hands of porsons who purchased the genuine have all been exchanged for such as have the written signature of the proprietor The sole agency for the sale of Beck with's anti-dyspeptic And Dyott's anti-bilious pills, is vested in the hands otT. W. Dyott 3c Sons, ol tho Columbian College, No. 132 North 3econ<l street, Philadelphia, who will execute any order* iur luc same Druggists and all wholesale denlers, who wish to be furnished with the genuine pills, will bei applied on the mosi literal terms, by applying as nltove May 21?tf OFFICIAL DoramsnU of the Lut War. complete In one volume.?The nthi'ial letters of the military snd naval otlicers of the United .States (luring the war ivith Great Britain in 1812, 'IS, *14, and '18, together with Bxecuttve messages, reports of committees, aets of Con tress, proclamations, orders, despatches, ,Vc , both Aineri jan and British, treaty of pence, Arc., and other document* hearing on the subject; compiled in 1823 A few copies, ail that remain of the whole edition, for tale by F. TAYLOR. A. H. YOIINO, Merchant Tailor, Three doom weet of Brown't Hotel, I'enn avenue, constantly on hand a lare assortment of superiot IV clothing, ready made. Citizens, Members of Congress, tnd gentlciuen visiting the city, who may wish to puichnse *ro respectfully invited to call before they buy. Clothing d?o made to order t\l short notice. Furnishing goods, comprising a largo assortment of the je?t quality, lor gentlemen's wear. One price only Terms cash. Dec. 8?3tawlmif A U VILI.K DE PARIS. COAUTIEil, importer nnd manufacturer Of FwmIi * coiifeeliooary, respectfully informs the aittMNM of 1 Washington ami the District that ho ha* juet received a ' largo assortment of Paris confectionary, botibonnlate, anil everything else in Ills line. He is also ready to supply every kind of confectionery I necessary lor balls, parties, Arc., at the shortest notice, in i the best style, and on most reasonable terms. Having bis agent in Paris, he is enabled to supply the public with every novelty in the wayvof confectionary. Among bis large assortment may be found the following i ' 10 cases Paris bonbon ill ere ' 10,00(1 lbs assorted French confectionary 800 bottles fresh peaches BOO do pine apples 100 do strawberries 100 ito rasplrerries 100 do ' poors ' 000 diiTerent sized jars brandy peaches (iOO do currant jolly 200 jars assorted presetves Also, 5,000 lbs assorted preserves, at the low rate of 314 1 cents per pound. | 1 have also on band? 100 boxes trulHes 000 do asparagus 000 do |>etit pois 200 do mushrooms And a most excellent assortment of English sauces, i The Paris honoiinilre of fancy boxes will not be open until the 23d instant, at 10 o'clock. Dec 9?2awSwif WANTED.?A situation by an able-bodied young man cnriable of doing house-work, gardening, or work of . anv Itiml. Apply ut this office. Dec 13-d farmers' Library. THE subscriber being appointed by John S. Skinner, enp, editor of lite Farmers' Library, an agent to teoeive subscriptions for that popular work, will be happy to forward the names of meinbeN of Congress and other gei>f tlemen who mny order the publication. The tan twini bor of the Fanners' Library has been rent to every senator t i and member of Congress, with the publisher's circular, to i which the subscriber resitectlully refers. Address the subscribers, box 188, City Post Otilce, or at tha otiioe of the Saturday Evening News, where specimens oi the Farmers' ' \ Library may be seen. W. THOMPSON, corner of 6th street and Louisiana avenue. ! I Dec 8?3t [Intel.] ' j i rSgfTnmtmam NOTICE.?Washington Breach Rail tflF road.?The passenger train which now leaves litis city at 12 o'clock noon, for Baltimore, will be discontinued on and after Friday next, the lUth irut. By order. T. H. PARSONS, agent. Dec. 6?dlw fjvRsilntd and Bteamhoat Line to Richmond and ISflR Petersburg, Va., Charleston, S. C., dfc.?Change of hour*'Thejiublic nre advised that the steamer Powhatan _ now leaves Bradley's wharf, Washington, daily att a. M., ' instead of 9 a.m., as hithorto. Passengers by this line reaeh J Fredericksburg in five, Richmond, in eight, and Petersburg in ion hours alter leaving Washington. For further particulars, apply to the Captain on board, or to GEO. MATTINGLY, Agunt. Dec 9?Irtawlm rl tits Press, an<l will he published within n Week or two, a new edition, much enlarged ami Improved, of tbe Guide to the Capitol of the United States and the Nn. tional Executive Offices, illustrated by diagram plans <lesiguating tliu several congressional and exeoutive build- ' ings and the relntive position of the different departments 'j of tbe government?their bureaus and officers'rooms; also the committee rooms in tbe Capitol, with diagram plans of each congressional hall, designating each tnemborsseat; j with a map of the city; also a table showing the residence of members here: and with regard to the heads of the executive offices of the government, giviug a summary of their official duties: tbus embracing, within a small compass, every iniormation useful to members of Congress, the different officers of the government, and to all persons having business with Congress or the publio offices, or desirous of information with regard to the public buildings. By ROBERT MILLS, Dec 19?Steo Architect. IBW DAILY UXPBBSS URB v" 0 r-iSf fiaiHB Trough by Mall Train from Washington, via Alexandria, to Fredertoksbnsg, tUshauaS, and Msts burg, Virginia. ItHE undersigned, having made the necessary arrange. tnents with tbe Steamboat and Railroad Coinpanies.hrtweca the obnve named places, are now prepared, under the natne and style of ROGERS, PUfllAOOTT fie ALLEN, to receive every description of It'lit goods, and forward the same (as above stated) on rs.w .table terms. We trust, by giving ottr personal attention to the business, to meet with encouragement, and assure our friends ! that nothing shall bo panting on our part to afford satisfaction. All light articles, sit oh as parcels and packages, which may be consigned to our care, will be delivered tree ofcartige; and merchandise or other artioles, which may be too tieavy for the mail tram, will have our partioular Care by the freight train. J. W7 ROGERS, Muster Steamer Powhatan. , 11. F. DARKACOTT. Train captain, R. F. At P. R. R. i WILLIAM H. ALLEN, Depot agent, do Richmond, Va., May 1. 1837?May 1?dtf WASHINGTON TO BALTWOHB. m <gM| THE STEAMER OSCEOLA having been put in complete order, will, on Sunday, the 11th July, commence plying regularly between the above places, leavingthe lower end of Frederick tree' dock, Baltimore, every Tuesday, at 4 o'olock, p. m. Returning, will leave Washington every Sunday, at 7 o'clock, a. in. She will stop regularly, going and returning, at Cone river, Va., Currioman, Va , JLeonardtown, Md., and Port Tobacco, Md. And will touch at the following landings for signals, or to land, vizi Point Look Out, Piney Point, Blaekstone's, Pope's Creek, Naniamoy, Chapman's, Md., Sandy Point, Bluff Point, Boyd's Hole, and Quantico, Va. For Norfolk. The steamer OSCEOLA wilMeave Washington for the auuvu iimce (iuuciuhk hi ruicy ruim >no ciu rami) every Thursduy at 9 o'clock, a. tr. Returning, will leave Norfolk every Friday at 4 o'clock, p. m. Passage and fare $5. l'auage and late to Piney Point, and return, 98 July 7 JAMES MITCHELL. Capt. [ Phil. North Amtritan, Nov. 6. PHOPMiU for conveying tike of the Valt??l States from the 1st ot March, 1848, or aooner it (hips can he provided, to the 80th of June, 1851, on the following routes, will be received at the contract office of the Post Oliice Department, in the city of Washington, until 9, a. m., of the 8d of January, 181s, (to be decided by the 6th of the same month,) in the manner hereafter specified, to wft : No. 8531. From Koy West, by Indian Key. Key Largo, Key Biacayne or Miami river, Jupiter IAlet. Indian river. Mosquito inlet, Smyrna, St. Augustine, and Fernandiaa, to Charleston, U C., 700 miles and baok, once a month. No. 3537. From Key West, by Sara to to, Tampa Fay, j Cedar Keys, St. Marks, Analachioola, St. Joseph, and b . It Andrew's llay, to Pensacoia, 6U0,miles and back, once a month. ft Proposals for extending this service from Pensacola to New Orleans are invited. tpj Proposals will be received for carrying the mails on the Iff above-named routes twice a month ; anu proposals omit- y?j ting such places named on the above routes as the bidder Sr may desire; and also pro(>osaU for portions of aaid routes ^ will be considered, and proposals for carrying said mails jjM; l>y land on such portions of said routes in Florida, on which 3r it may he so carried. W. Bids sliould set fortli the mode of conveyance, the time ? reiptired to perforin a trip, the size, rate, and description !CT of the steamboats or vessels, with sufficient partiou arity to H enable the docrsion to be made, on the advice of the proi>er iff otficers of the naval service, whether the same are or are ft not convertible into ships-ofwar. NOTES if Each proposal should he accompanied by a guaranty, M signed by one or more responsible persons, in me following 9 manner, viz t f "The undersigned guaranty that .ifhis '[ bid for carrying tlie mail from to , bj ac- jfc copied by the Postinnster General, shall enter Into an obliga non prior 10 tlio first day oi Maron next, with good and sufficient an relies, to perform the service proposed?' v This ahonld he accompanied by the cortifloalo of a poet- ^ master, or other equivalent testimony, that the guarsMtars i .ire men of pro|>eriy and able to make good their guaranty. il The proposal should be sent to the department sealed, j endorsed " Proposals for route No. in Florida," ami J uldresscd to the First Assistant Postmaster General. M For the prohibition of bids resulting front combinations, ? and the terms and conditions on which the contract is to be I made, see the last animal advertisement. I) Bidders are noti tied litis t, agreeably to the provisions of It the act of Congress of 9d March, 1816, preference is to be H 41 ven to those proposals (being acceptable in other ra- ij pccis) winch shall stipulate to deliver the steamships or 111 liips to he provided lor carrying said mails to the United III States, or to their proper officer, on demand made, for the II purpose of being converted Into a vessel or veaeeU-ef-war. B For llic manner in which llie transfer to the government R is to be made, mid other particulars, bidders are referred | :o ihe advertisement of " loreign mails" of the Slat of Abril. 1 18-17. H C. JOHNSON, E Postmaster General. * Post Oiric* DrrARTME.vT, Nov. 8, 1817. ll Nov. 8?lawlw