Newspaper Page Text
NUMBHU #0. KDITfcD BY ANDREW J. OONELSOIV, A. J. l)ONKLM)N ANP ICOUIStt J AIOIVDIU.IU, rAonukivm aiui rpiuiiUKi. T f? EM At daily, pw y??*, - f 10 w #BMl-WEI5Jll,F, (puMiauerf tri weekly during die icmIoi of (Jonsicu) - . - ? - ft 00 VVKKJML V, -? * * ?* Clubt witi be JmnuA+d at fallow: fttt copies Of the DAI L Y , A>i ..... 40 00 fivecopies ofKho HK/HI-WllKKJ^Y, ? ? 20 00 Tea copies of the 41 41 ------ 3ft (i0 five copies of the WEEKLY, 8 00 Tru copies^the " - 16 00 i'ltaASUai Oll'AK'iMkNT, May Jo, 1861 ^jKI*AH\T|C uroue?*U fur lui uUlilii^ Hie sUliuiui > p ami fc>r cxeeuiTng the piloting of Uti? department during (lie fiscal N, jt , tiding JUUC <Mt, Jtt* tH In it i i \ i i! ..rill .1 Oilock, p. iu ., on tjii ibili day of June next. Those unaccompanied by satisfactory le# uuionials of ability to fulfil a Ci*l|li?cl will not be cuii|l(l?rv(|. All the iraclea ol ?tulivn?iy iuukI be of (be vej) best quality? Mimpicrt of the principal HI Ill-leu ol which. t>u h a* paper, quills, metallic j^eus, lead pencils, knives, fce., must accompany the bids, put up in classes a* per swhednle, ami the d? |Murtiuenl reserves tin right to reliuu such suuiples anil pay for the uuue at the priees slated iu Uk utter, or to return tlieui, at bi? option. No Lud will be con ?.ideietl where the articles accouipunym-g it are not ol tlie very beat .luality ft*d entirely suited to the want* ol the department; and in icnor, ?punoub, or lUiiiallon urtieles will oubjeet the class to which they belong,. or the entire bid, to rejection, ul the pleasure ol the de. jiartuieot. hach proposal must be signed by tlie individual or linn making it, and must specify a price, uml but om pries, lor each and every ar tie Is contained in V/ie schedule Blank tor me lor proposal* will be lurnished ut the de.Miuuent to person, appl>imt for iliem ; and, at* without uniformity thuieiu the dcpaiUio-nt would find it difficult to make a decision, none will be taken into consideration unless sub elaiitially agreeing therewith. The printiug mu*t he executed with new and perfect type, and ou the best paper used lor the diilerent description* required. The pa 1*1 for tliti printing will he fUruuhed by the contractor ; the depart meat, or the office ordering it, to designate the kind of paper and type, whether script or otherwise, and the number to go on a sheet, when the matter or article will admit of more than one. Kaeh class will be considered separately, and, all other thing* be nig equal, It will be assigned to the lowest bidder tor such class, or to tlie lowest biJMer on the aggregate, a? the departineiit may deem most advisable. Where more than one class is assigned to a bidder, ihey may all be embraced in one contract; and each bidder, who may have one or more classes assigned to him, shall take all such classes, or forfeit Ills right to any portiou of the contract. All the articles to toe furnished and work to be executed must be ol the best quality, and delivered without delay when ordered, and to tlie *atislactio|i of the head of the olHce for which they arc re quired. The department reserves to itself tlie right of ordering a greater or less quantity of each and every article contracted for, us the public service may require. Supplying on inferior article at any time will he deemed sufficient forthwith to annul the coutract. Honda, with approved security, to be given by the person or per (hjiis contracting S and, in ease of a failure to supply the articles or to perform the work, the contractor aud hi* sureties shall be liable lor the forfeiture specified iu such bond a* liquidated damages. BTATIONEHY. Hrilinj paper, made of liiutn, luid or wove, while or blue. Class No. 1. 80 ream* folio post, saiiu or plain finish, faint lined and trimmed, to weigh not lea* than 17 pounds per ream foolscap, hand made, faint-lined and trimmed, to weigh not less than 12 pound* per ream foolscap, machine, faint-liucd and trimmed, to weigh not lesa than 19 pounds per ream foolscap, plain, hand-made, faint-lined and trimmed, to weigh not less than 13 pounds per ream foolscap, plain, machine, faint-lined and trimmed, to weigh not less than 19 pounds per ream foolscap, blue-laid, hana made, faint-lined garden pat | tern, commonly known us despatch or consular paper, to weigh not less than 10 pounds per ream quarto post, hand made, plain, faint lined three sides, per ream quarto post, machine, plain, faint-lined three sides, per ream quarto post, hand made, plain, faint lined four sides, per ream quarto po?t, machine, faint-lined four sides, per ream quarto post, French, faint-lined three sides, per ream note paper, gilt, per ream do plain do Class, No. 2. royal paper, for liooks medium paper, for books copying do do euvelop? paper, yellow or buff, royal, per resin envelope paper, flat cap, white or blue, per ream large brown envelope, per ream blotting paper, royaJ, do Class No. 3. 450 dozen cards Perry's be*t metallic pens, per dozen cards 350 do cards of all other manufacture in tipe, per dozen card* 46 gfosa metallic pens, per grotu 15,000 quills, No. 80, per thousand 4,000 de No. 70, do 4 do ever pointed silver pencils, with gold jk us, p?r do/en 5 do gold pens, per dozen U do silver cases for tlie same, per dozen 15 gross of leads for ever pointed pencils, assorted size*, per' gro?* 75 duiea best black-lead pencils 10 do red lead pencils, per dozen 120 do 56 do 15 do 10 do 8 do 250 do 140 do 70 do It (|o 40 do 12 do 8 do 3 do 3 do 50 do 125 do 15 do 3 do 30 do Class No. 4. jd A" Mdm, ivory, 9-inch, per dozen ,* rrd linen Upe, aborted, do 00 do Mik taste, assorted color* and widths, in hanks, per dooea 2 do pounce boica, of ivory, per dozen 10 do do cocoa, do Pi do iud boxfi do do 10 do do do Ho 15 do wafer atanda or bozea, cocoa, per dozen 15 do eraser*, Rodger* k Bon'*, ivory handle*, per dozen JO do penknives, lodgers * lion's, or e^ual, 4 blades. buck horn or pearl handles, per dozen 20 do Waterville Manufacturing Company, do do, per dozen 6 do wafer stamps, ivory handles, per dozen 5 do do lignumviue handlss, do 6 do office shears, 11 inches, per dozen 6 do office scissors, do Class No. 5. 19 do inkstand*, cut glaas, recently invented fourttain, mova hie tops, per dozeu fi do inkstand*, cast iron 4 do French pump China inkatand* 15 gallon*.best mi, black, the department to fcave choice of ihe market 600 iMittles ink, black, the department to have choice of the market, per quart K quart* ink, red, per quart 50 do ink, blue, per quart bottle, the department to have { choice U?f market, per quart botUv 300 do ink, red, the department to have choice of the market, in j|' pint bottles, par bottle 75 do carmine ink, small size, French, or equal 500 do iafc, beat copying, per boUls Class No. d. 10,000 wafois, large rrd, for department seal, per tliousaud 100 pounds wafers, common sice, red, per pound loo do sealing wai, best aura superfine, acarlet, per pound 20 do eealing wak, soperflne, per pound 15 do do Mark do iS do India rubber, prepared do 3 do do unprepared do JO# quails black sand, per quart Class No. 7. 150 ounces pounce, per ounce 1 dozen India ink, best, per dozen 2 do camel's-hair pencils, per dozen, aaaortcd 1*0 pounds twine, linen, per pound 100 do twine, cotton, per pTtind 30,000 pocket envelej***, ?/while or yellow pa per, of the following sizes, viz : by 3% inches, per hundred i rt dozen rulcra, inahogan), rouud or Hal, per dozen 8 do elastic pen holder*, Alden's, per dozen ptimrivG. The printing el all kinds, which may be required to be eiecuted 1 for lire use of theTreaaory department, or any of the offices thereof, whether th*- same be circular*, instructions, warrants, form*, returns, ? ?tanks, aoHd metier or not, leaded, rule work, or rule and figure w'4%, fkint ruling or lining, and red rutins or lining, or by whatever name, tills, or deecrtfMlon Ilia asme ahail be known to or uauslly -irnat?-?l II.' ? fti? '? requiring it in,! i n> I nding, also, f< riding, ?titshing, pasting, ke., on tlie following description* of paper, la wilt No. of sheets. <>n quarto post? I page on a sheet, p. 100 ah., 75,000 g do do 3 do do 5,000 4 do do 3,000 On foolscap 1 do do 19,500 * do do ?0,000 3 do do 2,200 4 do do 1,800 On folio poet.... 1 do do f*,f)00 2 do do 7,W 3 de do 2,000 4 do do 3,000 On every other description ??f paper, not d*atsnated above, but to be so l?> the oflk-e ordering II, whether eJrenlam, inatmeiiona, warrants, forma, returna, ke.t an specified In the ftrat paragraph, foe I peg*" on a *heet, par 100 *heeta, 2,700 9 do do ' 3 do do 2,100 4 do do I ,-450 Alato the price per page for every additional page en sny of the shore over t?"?r pngoa, estimating at j0,000 *llank form* or sny other deacription of printing re quired broadaida on any of the above paper, each Nnadaidr to he counted aa one puff. Treasurer'* weekly atatemen' of treasury drafta and aperie, on imperial writing paper, per 100 aheeta, 100 It Is eipreaaly to be understood that no ntrs charge of any deacrtp lion Will be allow mi I he prv ? - In* n.r printing rnu-t < <>v?r N>.'l o. "elude all contingenria* and eitraa. Tbe deparUUent reserves the right to have sny description ml printing wt??ch a*ev prr?perly be called "book or pamphlet work" e* aeMadV special contract. Tba bidderafor printing will accompany their hid* with asmple* of aaskty of the afferent kinds of paper they prop*** to <urm*h. <f tMOMyHBHl Jag>7 Uw4w Tffti ta to gtve notlee that tlie aulseerlber hath ob tained fWnti ttre orphan*' Cotirt of Washington ootrnfy, in the fhatrtcttrf Columbia, letter* Of administration on tile personal eatate of/Inn F? ?dnidin, fafs of Balumore, Maryland, deeeeaa.l AH p*r ?ons hgflne claims aaaiout the aatd deeeaaed are hereby warned to eihiNttj^StiKO, wltn the voucher* thereof, to the ?ub*cnb*r, on or before the UOtO d?> ?f May ncit; they may otherwise, h) law, be excluded frrm ill benefit of the ?ald estal* Given under tny hand this 51st day of May, 1951. HENRY may, May S3 lsw3w Administrator rpiifc PabUs are warned net to tmst any on* on my 1 scconnt, eicept my daughter*, without s written order in each case from one of them or from me. t TM H. JKHUF. May 17?lsw3w Hew rook* at tavi^ih ,h WAmT'S.-Harpars' Magazine foe June. The Ifalr of Waal Wavlsnd A Tale; by Mary llnwiM Woman * Trial* ; or, Tales and Hketches from the Life Areund Us : by T- 8 Arthur Married I.ife : by Arthsr. The Two Wivs, or, l?r?*t and Wen; by Arthur. Volume 4 Wrote'a History of Oreece. Williams's New Trsvellera* and Tourist*' Guide Through the Unite* IMatas and Canada, with a fine map of the I nited Hfatea and (^iba. ramam' and Planters' Rncyelopedis; bv Johnson new edition. MeMalMMTs American Gardener?naw edition. Msy 30 IIy lli? I'lrkidtiil of Ihc United HUlri. IN pursiMmce ufliw, I,M1LLAUD F1LLMORK, Pre?irieut ol iht 1 UttIN Huu?!# ol America. do hereby declare and ui&ke kutmn that public h.ilta will t>? held at tin uudermentioi?ed laJid office* lit the folate ??f Winconsitii ut the periods hereinafter designated, to wit; At till land office at WILLOW 1(1 V Lit, commencing on Monday, the fourth day ol August next, for the disposal of the public lauds .-situated within the undermentioned townships, to wit: North oj the bate line and u>e*t of ike fourth principal meiiduu. Tovyubhiy twenty seven, of rungeoue. Townships twenty tour and twenty eight, of range two. Township* twenty three, twsuty tour, tweuiy five, twenty six, twenty c?eveu. and tweirty eight, olrange three. Town* hip twenty nine, of raijgu four. Towii.liips twenty nine and thirty, of rang* five. TuYvn?hi|M twenty eight, twenty nine, and thirty, of range ?ix. Townships twenty live, f* euty six, twenty seven, twcnt> eight, twenty nine, uud thirty, of range seven. Townships iwt mi> live, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine, and tlnriy, of range eight. Townships twenty five, twenty-?ix, twenty teven, twenty eight, twenty nine, and thirty, of laugc nine. Townships lwentj*-six, twenty aeveu, and twenty eight, of range ten. Townships twenty-six and twenty-seven, of range eleven. Town*hips twenty-five, twenty six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, and t<A enty nitie, of lango twelve. At the Maine place, commencing on Monday, the. eighteenth day <?f August next, i?ii iii. disposal of the public lands situated with it) the undermentioned tow nship* and parte of townships, to wit; North of the baseline and went of the fourth principal meridian. Townships twenty-three, twenty four, twenty-live, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty-eight, and twenty-nine, of range thirteen. Fractional township twenty three, urid townships twenty-four, twenty-fire, twenty-six* twenty-seven, and twenty eight, of range fourteen. Fractional township twenty three, and townships twenty-four, twenty live, twenty-six, twenty-seven, and twenty-eight, of range fifteen. .Fractional towuchipn twenty three and twenty-four, and townships twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty seven, and twenty eight, of range sixteen. Fractional township twenty-four, and townships tweutv-tive, twenty-six, twenty seven, thirty, thirty-one, and thirty-two, of ruuge seventeen. Fractional townships twenty-four and twenty-five, townships twenty-six. twenty seven, thirty one, and thirty three, and fractional township thirty-four, all east of the luaiu channel of the river Ht. Croix, uud townshius thirty-five und thirty-six, of range eighteen. Fractional townships twenty-five aud twenty six, township twenty seven, fractional township twenty-eight, township twenty-nine, mid fractional townships thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, and thirty-six, east of the main channel or the Ht. Croix river, of range nineteen. Fractional townships twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, and thirty-six, all east of the main channel of the Ht. Croix river, of range twenty At the land office at MINKKAL POINT, commencing on Monday, tlH-fourth day of August next, for the disposal or the public lands within the following named fractional township and tracts, viz : North of the base line and u>e?t of the fourth piincipal meridian. Fractional township twenty two, on the Mississippi river, of range fourteen. ? Noith of the base line and east of the fourth ]trincipal tncrulian. Sections four to eighteen inclusive, on the main land in township twelve, on the Wisconsin river, of range eight. At the land ollice at GREEN HAY, commencing on Monday, the eighteenth day of August next, for the disposal 01 the public lands within the undermentioned township and tract, to wit: North of the base line and east of the fourth principal meridian. Fractional township twelve, 011 the right bank of the Wisconsin river, of range eight. The southeast quarter of section thirty-six, (lying within the Fox river grant,) iii township twenty-one, olrange sixteen. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, military, and other pur pose*, together with 41 those swamp and other overflowed lands made unfit thereby for cultivation," if any, which shall be se lected by the Htate authorities before the days appointed for the coiuuienccuient of the public sales respectively, under the act entitled "An act to enable the Htate of Arkansas aud other-States to reclaim the 'swamp lai.ds* within their limits," approved September "2&, | Ib50, tvil be excluded from the sales. Aud no locations for land boun ties heretofore granted by any luw of Congress for military services rendered to the limited States will be permitted on any of the above mentioned lauds, as provided by the act entitled ''An act making ap propriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of government,1' Jkc., approved 3d March, 1851. The offering of the aboveinentioned lands will be commenced on the days ap|Krinted, and will proceed in the order iii which they are advertised, with all convenient despatch, until the whvle shall have been offered, and the sales thus ch?sed. Hut no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, uud uo private entry til any of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand at the city of Washington, tins twenty eighth day of April, anuo Domini one thousand eight hundred ami fifty - MILLARI) FILLMORE. By the President: J. Huttkumkld, Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS, AND To LK8 HERB, OCCUPANT*. AND PERMITTEES OF MINERAI LANDS. Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and paru Qf towii*hip* above enumerated it required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the register and receiver of the proper land ofWee, and make payment therefor us noon as practicable ajXer ?ee\tig this notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement or the public sale of the land* embracing the tract claimed ; otherwise, such claim will he forfeited. And every person having tbe right under the act entitled "An act to create nn additional land di jrTct in the Territory of Wisconatn, and for other purposes," approved .'id March, 1847. an tenets, occupants, or ptr tnttteei, to enter, to the extent of their leases or permit--, any of the lands within the townships and fractional townihips above enumc rated in the Hlllctr River district, and who are entitled under the net entitled "An act to reduce the minimum price of the mineral laud* ;a the Lake Superior district in Michigan, and in the Chippewa dis trict in Wisconsin," approved 96th reptembcr. i$50, "to enter tbe land covered by their leases, occupancy, and permits respectively," at the miniu. um price of $1 95 per acre, or, if covering more than one full section, entitled, "on the surrender of such lea*e or permit at th*? proper land office, to purchase, if he shall elect to do ??, one full section," at the rate of #2 50 per acre, is required to e-talilish the ?aiue to the satisfaction of the register and receiver at Willow Kiver, and make payment therefor as soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and before tbe day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of the land* embracing the tract claimed \ otherwise, such claim will be forfeited. J. BUTTERFIELD, Commissioner of the General Land Office. May Q?lawl3w ST A III LIT Y UHITIT-PKIIPKTI ITV. fl.'4HO,<MM) ! f STATEMENT of the affairs of the Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of New York, No. 35 Wall street, for the year ending Jan nary 31, I *.M : Net asset* on hand, January 31,1850 $991,161 69 aacsiPTs. For premiums $454,149 97 Fbr interest.. 60,097 17 For profit on sale of Unit**d .States and filiate of N? w York stock ... 15,196 24 .'>30,906 J8 l,5eirt,U6d 00 For lasses, paid $160,640 00 Ft>r surrendered policies 10,641 93 For salaries, rent, physician*' fees, sta tiottery, printing, oostage, &c 91,619 18 For commission*, advertising, exchange*, he 94,979 40 993,679 M Assets 31 *t January, 1*51 1 4t Losses incurred, not yet paid, awaiting proofs of death 18,100 00 Net assets, all Iomnm and ?ip*n*e? being paid 1,9*0,088 46 iRVBfTBD a* rOLLOWfl: Io Hank of New York and ca*h on hand.. $16,410 91 la Mercantile Bank, temporary depoeito on inter***!. 8,689 7ft In bonds and mortgage* on re*l sstate, principally in Uie cities of New York and Brooklyn, worth deuble the amount leaned 1,12* ,031 29 la stocks, United Htale* and corporation of New York, cost value 117,919 09 Its la nee dne from agents 96, MB 49 i 46 JOHK.PH 11. OOLLINB, pre*?,|ent. CHAftLE* GILL, Actuary. Is a ic A*?att, Secretary. Charles In Helding, No. 1 Todd's Building, Pennsylvania avenue, agent W. P Johnston, M. D.,opp<?eit? City Post Office, 7th street, phj sician. Pamphlet* explanatory of the principles and operations of the com pnny can be obtained on application at the agent's office. Feb 16 Sawtf yil PKHIOH C ANTON MATTIJMiK. The subscribers re O "pectfully Inform all bouse keepers in want of a superior article of Canton mattings, that they hate an additional supply of the fallow ing descriptions, of which they can furnish any quantity Manking white, of superior quality, in 6 4, 5 4, and 4 4 Do checked, red, and white, 6 4,5 4, nnd 4 4 ttowntia while, su jwr, 6-4 5 4, and 4 4 Do in variegated colors, or cottage, very heavy, 6 4, 5-4, and 4 4 Do In checked, red. and white, very heavy, 6 4, 5-4, and 4 4 Also, a few more piscr-s or that eitra heavy and fine white and checked matting*. the like, all will admit who see them, were never seeu in this c?fy before. These goods were sent out by a young man now in Canton on pri vate account, and ware made to order. We have also just received a full supply ot super and low priced oil cloths, which will be cut to fit any room, bail, or passage, to order AM are respec tfully informed that we sell as low ns the lowest. May 97 ;*dif CLA4JITT fc IM1DH0N ||4>MICMTI(: and Ornamental ( ottages snd Ismdifape 1r Gardening a Heries of Deeigrt* Adapted to tke United H tales ; by Ranlett 9 vols.. 1849, Designs for Country and Village Rneidenccs in the United Htaies j by flitch ; With Details, Specifications, Plan*, and Direction*, and Estimate* of Coat of Each Design 9 vols., 1850. Gothic Architecture Applied to Modern Residences; by A mot. 1 vol., IM0. Two Hundred Designs for Cottages and Villaa ; by Messrs Waller h Hmith. 1 vol. ? Downing's Architecture and Designs for Cottages, Farm Houses, and Villas 1 vol., 1661. Downing's Landscape Gardening* and Rural Architecture, adapted to North America. 1 vol., IMA, Downing's Architecture and Ilesigns for Cheap C ottages sad Farm fl'Mises. 1 vol., 1851. T<?geiher with many other works on the ?am'* and all other branches of architecture and building. June 5 FRANCK TAYLOR. PHILIP BARTON KRV will attsnd to any ImHassa he mat be intrusted with before either of the eonrts af this I Ms trlct. and will also stiend to the prosecution of claims before Con gress and the Departments. Office on C ftreat, W..iu.-to?,JuI, July 17 3i?tt Ufnvml Uail Office, A|>rll 1, IM&1. \UMKROCJH np{ili<:atluu? having been made lo Una office lot in formation in rcinUon to the manner in wlucii loud wartanU, uu d*r the act ol 'JSih Hepteriioer, 1850, should be locatad, the following answers thereto have Ihm ii prepared, 10 wit : I lure art? Hirer mode* by which these locations may he made: 1*1. by Uu: waiiautee in |wir?oii ; 'id iiy the warrantee tbiough the agency of tlua office ; ? kl. Iiy an agent or attorney II the first or second mode is adopted, the application must be. made in writing, ?pecityin| the trad, land district, or section of country in which the location is desired, und be uccoiopaniud by an affidavit according lo the following (brill, No- 1. Where the third mode ir? adopted, a power of attorney must be produced, executed by the warrantee in the presence of a wiiiiur-*, according to the following form, No. ii, which power of attorney must be acknowledged or proved, in* the c.w? may be, before Home officer authorized to take l fie acknowledgment of deeds, according to form No J oi I. In utl catea the patents will he transmitted to the f.uid office where the location it, made, unlew special directions to the contrary be given. J. liUTi JtKl'lhiCommissioner. POJtM No. 1. Hi'ats or ) Conntv or j Hefore me [a justice of the peace or other office r authorised to lake affidavits] personally appeared [here insert the name of wait an tec,] who being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the identical (Aeie invert name of warrantee,J to whom wurraut No. for acres under the act of HepUinber, 1850, was issued on the day day of- ??, ltto ,1111(1 who now applies to Ideate the same. [Affiant's Signature.] Sworn to and suWicrilM d before mc this day of? , 1H5 . ( Officer's Signature.] PORM No. 3. Know all men by these pieseiits, that 1, [hei e insert the name of warrantee,) of the county of? , and Htate of???~-t do hereby constitute und appoint ?, of ?, my true and lawful attorney, for me and In my name, to locate land warrant No. ?? for acres of land, which issued under the act ol fcjepteinber, 1850. [Power of substitution may he inserted) if desirtul.] Signed in presence of ^ [ Warrantee'* Signature.] FORM No 3. Brat* or J Coi'Hty or J On this - - day of ?In the year , personally ap peured [here insert name of warrantee.] and acknowledged the with in power of attorney to be ins act und deed ; and 1 certify that 1 well know the said [Aers insert the name of warrantee,J and that he is the same person who is described in the within power, and who ex ecuted the same. [Officer's Signature.] FORM No. 4. State or * j County or J 1 hereby certify, that on this day of , in tl e year , personally came before me, [here insert the name of the wit-. nc?s,] and [her* insert the nurne o f the warrantee ,-J und the said [here insert the name of witness,] being well known to me, was duly sworn by me, and on his oath declared and said that he well knew the said [Ae; c insert the name of warrantee,] and that he was the same person described in, and who executed the within power of attorney, and his testimony was to me satisfactory evidence of that fact, aud the said [here insert the name of warrantee] thereupon acknowledged the said power lo be his act and deed [ Officer's Signature.] Ap IM lawGw Mallet; to tlie Creditor* of Treasury Dkpartmknt, March sKS, 1851. TO UK State of Texas having, by arty of Ha legislature, pasted during X the session of 1848 and 1&4P, called upon the creditors of the late republic to llhe at the treasury of the State, previous to the 1st of September next, the evidences of their respective claims, and Con gre*? having, by an act approved Hth September, 1850, authorizing the issue of ten millions of five per cent, stock to the said Mute of Texas, directed that five millions of uaid stock should not be issued to Texan "until the creditor of the Htale holding bunds and other certificates o! stock of Texas, for which duties on nupoits were es facially pledged, shall first file at Hie treasury of the United States releast? of all claims against the United States for or on nc count of said bunds or certificates, in such forms an shall bo pro scribed by Uie Secretary of the Treasury, and approved by the President of the United States No w, in order Uiat tliis depart-; meut may autlieiitically know the amount of the claims for which the duties on import* were thus pledged, the holders or owners of all such claims tire required to tile the amount and description of them j at this department previous to the 1st of October, 1051, and to exc i cute a release to the United Stale# of their respective claims, agree ably to the aunexed form, which litis been approved by the President of the United States, in pursuance of the above act of the Vth of September, 1H50. WM L. UODGK, Acting Secretary of the Treaaury. , POEM OP KKLKASP.. Whereas, by an act of Congress, approved September 9, 1850, ten millions of dollars in five per cent, stock are to be paid to the State of Texas for considerations in said aet mentioned, with a proviso than no more than "five millions of atfld stock shall be issued until j the creditor* of the State holding bonds and other certificates of stocks of Texas, for which dunes on imports were specially pledged, shall firiit file at the treasury o< the United States releases of all claims against the United Stales for or on account of said bonds or certificates and whereas the undersigned is a creditor of the State of Texas, holding and the ownci of to following described bonds or certificates of stock of Texas, (as the case may be,) and for which the duties mentioned in the said a< t were specially pledged: (Here deaenbe the bond* or certificates.] Slow, for the purpoae of complying with the provisions of said art, and for a good and valuable consideration, (hereby release to the United States all my claim in law or equity Sfainst them, for i?r on account of the (bond* or certificates) above described. \\ itness my hand and seal at , Una - day of 1851. Sealed and delivered in presence of [Two witnesses-J Mar W -dUll*wtSep31 CAHBKO.1 NTKKKT IIOtftK, Alexandria, Virginia. THIS is a spacious mansion, just lirushcd in ills best modern style It fronts south about thirty two feet, luutiing back, including ibe back buildings, one hundred aud fifty feet. Everything necessary has been provided for the accommodation and comfort ef a large family. To a gentleman Abiding public office in Washington city it offers the fallowing inducements, to wit: perfect healthiness ot sit ualion, a short aud pleasant drive troin city to city, much cheaper rent, much cheaper liviog, aud the very beat society. If sold, a lib eral credit will be given ; but It rented, the rent will be moderate. Immediate possession can be had For further particulars apply to CHRISTOPIIKK NKALK, Dec 19?lawtf Alexandria. 1)1-.It I'll ARIBOI NKMINAItV. nstiHitM.ii. sll'.r.hiif n thorough course of training for college or business, together with instruction in modern languages and music, will commence its twenty eight!) session on Wednesday, May 7. The building is large and commodious, and its internal arrange ments ars designed to promote the comfort of the pupils ami encotir age habits of neatness and system. Pleasant retirement, ease o( access, proverbial healthfulnesw, the i lux erics of the sea breer.e and sea bathing, a valuable philosophical and chemical apparatus, a reading room with library and period* cals, a bathing room and gymnasium, provided with reference to | health and physical tr aining, are some of the minor advantages of this institution. The Principal, possessing the advantage* of early devotion to his profession and large experience, pledges his i??<?st untiring effort- to make Ins institution ail that an enlightened Christian parent could desire for his won. Terms : j|75 per session of Sfci weeks for l>oard arid tuition, with ase of books for Knghsh studies. From IA? Faculty ?/ / As College of New Jentey. Having had an opportunity of knowing the talents, literary and scientific attainments, as well as the prudence ami exemplary moral character of Mr. H. (J. Woodbridge, while he was a student in Ibis college, and also having found that students prepared by him for college were well taught, with pleasure we recommend him as a teacher in whose competency and fidelity in giving instruction, and in forming the moral habits of yotith committed to his care, parents and guardians may its* - full < onAdi m ? JIMKH CAR*ARAN, President. U >H N MACI.KAN, Vice President and Prof, of (Jreek UTKPHEN AI.P.X A MH'.R. Prof, of Math and A?tron<unjr. Collkub or Naw Jkbsst, April 1, 1801. Joseph lle?, *y. I.L.I)., Smithsonian Institute, 1). C. Rev Jame? W. Alexander |> |>.f Princeton, New Jersey. Kev Nicholas Murray, li I). K?v David Mtft*, |> D , F.hrabethtown, New Jeraey For circulars containing further particulars, with additional teati monials and references, apply to the Principal, S. (i W< m Hi It H11K* IC, Ap 30 dlw Perth Amboy, New Jeraey. BAI/l*V!tfOftIC Kriimlr College. This institution, incorpo rated by the legislature of Maryland, and enjoying a liberal patron age, affords every tWcility fbr the Requisition of a thorrwigh nnd ac complished education. The buildings ars pleasantly located, with study and recitation rooms, and every modern convenience for the accommodation of a large number of boarding and day scholars, raf'OLTT or ta?TRt'c;Tioa. N. C. Brooks, A. M., professor of ancient languages Hev. 11. II Nadal, A. M.. biblical literature. Kev R H. Waugh, A M , mathemaUea and natural acience. S. II. Pratt, M I)., sssistanf in do do Miss M. A. Dixon, Kngli.h and Belles Lettras " J. Rochester, assistant in Knglish " (ieorgiana A. Htllse, Prench language '* F.llen C. Oobreeht, instrumental music. 14 M. A. Porter, assistant do " F.lixabeth S Slleor, painting Mr. A. J. Cleveland, vocal music Ttasis Hoarding fbr session, (11 Weeks) j|.T7 50 Tuition in collwginta department.. .IB ftO " in preparatory department from A to 10 00 (fe/-Catal?guee, with evary necessary information, te be had on application to Ap?4 -ttaw9w N.O. VIHOOKfl, Principal. I VANC IIVO Academy First i ours# . Mr. P. R. I,*as* has 1/ the honhr to announce to the citixens of Washington and Oorge town, that bis first course of dancing lea#ona for the seas/m will com megice on Tuesday. October SHhh, at his residence on Pennsylvania avenue, opposite Wlllard's hotel. Days of tuition : Washington Tuasdays, Thursdays, and Satua days. tjeorgatown Mondays and Fridays. Oct 9 dtf * Jsihm (). 19arrat WILI attend to the prowscution of claims before Congress and the ?a, Ioijs executive departments of the government. Office and dwelling P! street, between flth and 10th streets. Oct I?|f ft**- A'liney I'olui unci Other LMiiillngB of* Ihv l'oU? "?hi , Hiitft Bulttiuorci, The public art* informed thui the splendid low Drt-*$ i, mre steamer BALTIMORE, Cart. A- McCausland, tied up Willi state rooms and one hundred anu fifty berths, and a apaciotl* hold, will run regularly as a f reight and |?.t-.r? nger butt be tween V\ at?hiiigion and Alexandria and Baltimore, commencing on tin 3d of April next. Leaving VVu-tiington uu Monday* and Thursdays at 7 o'clock, a. lu., and Aluxandna at 7^ o'clock, a ui., tin Baltimore will take in wood at A<|uia Creek, and arrive at Fluey Point about 5 o'clock, p. in., and at Baltimore in the courts of the night- Iteturning, the lial tiinoie willI leave Commerce street wharf, Baltimore, at 5 o'clock, p. ui., on Tuvsdsy* and Fridays, arriving at Alexandria at 11 o'clock, a. in-, and at Washington ul 1 o'clock, p. in-, on Wednesday* and Halurdays. Fu^sge from Washington to Markury .51 00 do Finey I'oint 2 (HI Do do Baltimore 2 00 Kn ursion tickets to Baltimore, with privilc ge of return uig next afternoon 2 50 The Baltimore will stop at the different landing* on the I'otomae jor passengers and freight. Muali and *t*(e-room* cxtia. For farther particular*, or for freight, apply to the Captain on board, or L>. B. Hfiiith, agent, 111 Alexandria, or to GEO. MATTINGLY, Ageut. Mar ad?2awl5t nimNITtUB Dry iioori* for lUe Hcasou. -CLAGKTT JL Al DOUSOM respectfully niforin the public that the following de sirable good*, now in season, have just been added to their stock on hand? 13 4, ISM, 11-4. 9-4. and 0 4 Russia, German, Barnaley, Hcotch, and Irish linen sheeting* 7 8, 3-4, and 5-H Baden-Baden, 13loom, Albert, basket, Huckaback, with and without border* Double *au 11, damask, Scotch diaper and crash towelling*. 111 doaen* and by the yard, all very absorbent and well adapted for bathing purposes 4-4 brown French linen*, expressly for covering chairs, divan*, no fas, he, 4-4 brown Hollands for do Frcrich and English chintzes, in pretty Iiule figures, all for similar purposes 3 4 and 0-8 striped and damask furniture dimity, in corn color and I white, pink and white, blue und white, and all white, for bedspreads and drapery, chamber curtains, Ike. Fruit and wine cloths, witli doilies to match Always to be had at our ware room* a general assortment of ear petiugci, from ihe most elegant Aixminster to the lowest priced rag or cotton Also, rugs, mats, druggets, and all other dry goods useful in house keeping, all of which will be sold low. May 28- 3tifd fcecolMl Course.?Danrliig Academy. 1,111. F. K. IjAHIIK has the honor to announce to the citizens of Jx Washington and Georgetown that his second eotirae of ilanciiitf lesson* for the season will commence oil Thursday, January 2, at hi* residence, on Pennsylvania avenue,opposite Ivil lard's Hotel. Days of tuition : Washington?Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Batui days; Georgetown?Mondays and Fridays. Dec Stt?Jtf if a. i*. A. AlIOVXi DRAPERS JIND TAILORS, No. 383 Broadway, corner of Duanc street, Above the Irving Hovtc, New York, RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of friends and the public to their assortment of new spring goods', of the newest patterns, which they are prepared to make up in the beat manner and most fashionable style at their usual moderate prices. Fresh cloths, easaUuerea, and vesting*,of latest importations; elegant light silks for vests ; dark do.; new patterns of Fans embroideries. There arc three skilful artists employed in this establishment? one to cut coats, one to cut pants, and one to cut waistcoats. Kach de partment in complete in itself. Army and navy uniforms made to order with accuracy and despatch, and in the most approved man ner. Strangers who visit this metropolis will find at tin* establish ment everything to their taste, and a perfect fit is always insured. N. B. Fremii'M waistcoats.--These clcgaut waistcoats that were so much admired at Castle Garden, have been awarded the first premium by tlit; American Institute at their late fair. Feb 1^?dim LA 1>I K%' l>ress <*oods.?The subscriber has now in store? 25 pieces plain barage, embracing all the shades ,VJ do figured barage, some beautiful styles 20 do do u.sue, entirely new styles 150 do barage delaine,from 25 cents to 37 ft cents, priuci pally very rich patterns Q."> pieces Bohemian grass cloth, a new and pretty article 25 do linen lustre, very pretty shade* 2,000 yards ginghams, all prices 1W,')00 do printed calicoes 5,000 do printed lawns, to run off at lijf rents, fast colors and fine quality 2,000 yards plain colored Swiss muslins, a very beautiful article, ! at lil* cents The ladies that could not get waited on fer the last few days will . have the kindness to call again, as I shall make arrangements *e that all may be accommodated. G. W. YERIIY, Fennsylvania avenue, between 7th and 6th sis. Mar 8 d?wif \KW York and ( uliforula ffllllloiinlrf Association.? I One thousand shares of one thousand dollars. Capital, $1,000, 1 000. A limited number of shares are to be obtained t?v influential j pa rue* who have capital to invent at spocial partners, admitted in ? conformity wiih the revisod statutes of New York, free from per j sonal liability or future a??c*?iiieni, at the par of $1,0O0 cash, and ! certificates of* shares issued therefor, to return ten |*r CWI. lumunttf, ' with a fair prospect of doubling the whole, in safe operation* in ' trade and mining in the United Btates, under the direction and con- , trolof OLIVER HOLDKN, An the General rarlner and Chief Agent of the Company, No. 71 Wall street, New Yoik. Californiam* and oilier responsible partieii throughout the Union ; who can aid in obtaining contract* with the United Buite>, on appli- | cation and investment in the asso<lation, are to be employed at dif feient point#, where a line of steamers and vessels can be made available for trade, carrying tlie mail*, paasenfers, and freight to and froui Europe, Asia, Africa, and the America*. There is a very large and increa*tng business doing with Caiifor- j rua, the Pacific, k* ; and so long as the supply of gold cont.nues, the demand for capital, good*, and manufacture*, will astonish the! most liberal view- and tfalculalions therefor. And it I* to meet this j demand and profit thereby that this association is being formed, un- j der the firm and style of O. IIOLDEN &, CO.. Mercantile,Commercial, and Commission .Merchants, Hanking, j Insurance, and Mining Agents, New York and San Francisco. Capital f 1,000,000. Feb 8?if p RI VATIC TUTOR.?A young F.nglish gentleman, who has j 1 reoeivd a good education, and resided some years in Fans, is i anxious to obtain the position of tutor or companion to young pet- ! ?oris in some private family of respectability. Iteferenees as to pernonal character and family connexion* can be j given to parties of the highest respectability either in this country or j in Kngland, Address Ale*. Vance, I mix 109 post office, Oswego, New York. Mar Id?dtif Sjt PKltlOK 1 >MAfMera*eotypea I First Premium I?.J. II. WH1TKHUBBT has extended tha field of his operations over | more ground than any daguerreotypist In the country. Ilis galleries may b#> found on Pennsylvania avenue, between and 6th streets ; j No. tK?7 Baltimore street, Ilaltimore { corner Broadway and Leonard ! street, New York; No. 77 Main street, Richmond; Hycamore street, Pstersburg; Main street, Norfolk; and Main street, Lynch burg, Virginia III* beautiful and highly finished electro daguerreotypes are en ' extraordinary improvement, insuring faithful and highly finiahed j likenesses hi a few seconds. The rotary back ground, invested by J. II. Whitehurst, gives an airy and living appesrancs to the picture. White hurst's establishment* now distribute more than thirty thou wand picture* annually, and have nev r given dissatisfaction ! This is certainly a flattering proof of the superiority of his likenesses. ! J. n. VV ? all* the attention of the public generally to his elegantly . famished gallery over lueker's new store, where a free exhibition of picture* will be given. Notwithstanding the unusual competition in daguerreotypes at the j recent Fair the Maryland Institute, he was awarded the first ] ra*dal by the j?dge? Likeneese* of every description copied, and post mortem eases. .i? i Nov dly L. IHM I . ATTOK1KY AMI* COPNAKi.t^)* AT LAW, Sun Francitco, California. RrritiKm is : Hon. W. VV, Inge, M. C.f Alabama; John H. Taylor, | ?-?>?! .Mobile, Alabama; Messrs. Rhodes. Wright, h Co., New Or j leans, Louisiana ; Henry H. Clark, esu., Tarboro', Nortii Carol ins , Hon. VV. M Owin, M. C . California ; Benj. K. True, esq., New York city ; J. P. Healey, e?q., H< niton, Massachusetts ; A. R. Hatch, e*<j.. Portsmouth, New Hampshire. May 7? Oawly AjOKJICTY, Wsshlnglon. The uaderaifned, late of the in I, spection branch of the post Office Department, offers his servi j ces to mail contractor* generally, and to those of the southwestern : section particulsrly, with the assuiance that his removal from office dose not mi 11tat'* ngamsl the character he has for man? years su* j tamed in the department for honesty, capacity, and fidelity, and i refers to his associate* In office of both parties, with their hearty consent, to sustain him therein. All orders to attend to business, of every nature, at the seat ol government, will be thankfully received and promptly despatched. I JAMF.H (IWKKE, Ag. nt, July 4?dtf * of Post Office Department. JKHOX WAI.KKK will practise lsw In the Kn|trsme Court of the United fltaies, and attend to the prosecution of claims against the government. Address Washington, D. P. Mar. Ill?tf i| II. HOOK A* CO., Wholesale sail Retail Dealers in ? carpeting, floor oil chnhs, mattings, rugs, curtain materials, sheeting, blankets, and house furnishing goads generally. Pennsylvania avenue, between 7th and 8th streets, Waahington, I). C. Aug tf UKH90V A V*. I)m HWLPINO * WTLir. have removed their General Agency and Law office to Hevsnfh street, between Jj j and R streets, opposite fMd Fellows' Hall, and two doors from the I National Intelligencer office. Mar *> 3tawtf ivAi/nniofivc ajvd WAnnuvuTOii railroad. Honrs of De pari a re of the Psssengrr Trains. From Washington at 6 a* m. and at 5 p. m. daily, and i a m. daily except Htinday. From llaitimore at ft a m and 5 p. m. daily, and 0 ^ m. daily ex i ept Sunday. Feb .1 -dly T. II. PAIUKOffl, Agent UltllRltHHIHTM and Drawers, for gsntlemen's s?am mer wear, of silk, cotton, and merino, some very light and fine, of assorted sises Also, a great variety of summer gloves. For sale, at uniform prices, at HTP. VENH'O, Under the Athenaum, opposite the Adelphi Theatre Msy 35? My (he Fi'tnldvul of llu Unlit ?t Slatc-a. IN pursuance of law, 1, MILLAKI) FILLMOKK, President oftlie 1 United riiuice u( America, do hereby declare and make-known that public hales will be held ut the undermentioned laud offices in the State <>| Iowa al the periods hereinafter designated, 10 wii At the land otttce ai IOWA CITY, commencing on Monday, the first day of September next, for the dis|H>sal of Ihe public lands situ sited ?n the following-named townslupe, viz : A'urlA oj Ihe baseline and a/eat of the fifth principal meridian. Township seventy-nine, of rauge twenty-nine. Townships nuvuiity nine and eighty, of range linrly. Townshipsseventy nine ami eighty, of runge thirty one. Townships seventy-nine, eighty, and eighty one, of range thirty Iwu. Township eightyone, of raugt thirty-three. At the land office at FAIHFIELD, commencing on Monday, tin (itteenth day of September next, tor the disposal of the public lands witinn the undermentioned lownahips, to wit ; North of the hate line arid west of the fifth principal meridian. Township seventy, of range thirty. Township seventy, of raiij.o thirty two. Tovyu-Mp seventy, of range thirty-three. Al the land office ut DUnUQUK, on Monday, the eighteenth day of August next, for the disposal of the following tracts, to wit: A small island inflections seventeen and eighteen, hi township eighty two north, oi range one east, and the southeast quarter of sec tiun iweiiiy-Beveu, in township iiiuety six north, of runge nine, west of the fifth principal meridian. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, military and other purposes, together with "those r>wauip and overflowed land? made unlit thereby for cultivation," if any, which ahail be selected by the citato authorities before the duys appointed for the couiiuence luent of the public sales respectively, under the act entitled "An act to enuble the Htate of Arkansas and other Hiatus to reclaim the 'swamp lands' within their limits," approved September 1 KT?t>, will be excluded from the tale*. And no locations for laud bounties heretofore granted by any law of Congress for military services ren deied to the United States will he permitted an any of the above mentioned land*, as pmvided by the act entitled " An act making ap propriation* for the civil and diplomatic expenses of government," Ike.. approved 3d March, 1861. 'i'lie offering of the lands will bo commenced on the days appoint ed, and proceed in the order in v l.ich thoy are advertised with all convenient despatch, until the wnol? shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed ; but no sale shall be kept open longer loan i two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted I until after the expiration of the two weeks. (liven under my hand at the city of Washington this sixth day of May, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. MILLAKI* KILLMOltE. By the President: J. Bl'TTEKriELP, Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE EMPTION .CLAIMANT*. Every person entitled to ihe right of pre emptiou to any of the lands within the township* and parts of townships above enumerated i* required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the register and receiver of the proper land office, and make payment therefor <i* toon as practicable after seeing thi* notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of the lands embracing the | tract claimed ; otherwise, such claim will be forfeited J IIUTTEK FIELD, May 13?Iawl3w Commissioner of the (Seneral Land Office, j t'illicit Slutv* 0wtent Olllie. ON the petition oi JUchard I inlay, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, | praying for the extension of a patent granted to him 21st Sep tember, 1837, for an improvement in the mode of supporting bodies 1 of railroad cars, &c., for seven years from the expiration of said patent, which takes place on the illst day of September, 1 Wi - lt is ordered that the said petition bo heard at the Putent Office on Monday, the 1st day ol September, 1861, al 12 o'clock, in.; and all persons are notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why said petition ought riot to be granted. Persons opposing the extension are required to file in the Patent Office their objections, specifically set forth in writing, at least twenty days before the day of hearing. All testimony filed by either party to be used at the said hearing must be taken and transmitted In accordance with the rules of the office, which will be furnished on application. Ordered, also, that tins notice be published in the Intelligencer, Republic, and Union, Washington 1). < .; Daily Hew, Huston, Mas sacliusett*; Tribune, New York; Albany Kegistcr, Albany, N? ? w York ; Providence Journal, Providence, lthode L land ; and Penn sylvania Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, once a week for three successive weeks previous to the 1st day of September next. THOS. EWBANK, Commissi oner of Patent*'. P. S. Editors of tli<> above papers will please copy, and send thctr bills to the I'atent Office, with n paper containing this notice. June 13?law3w United Mate* Pntriit Oltloe. ON the petition of John and Charles Hanson, of England, praying for the extension of a patent granted to Benjamin Tathain, jr., j and II. II. Tathain, as assignees of the said Ilanvms, on the *2.uh March, 1841, for an improvement in making pipes or tubes of lead, | for scveu years from the expiration of said patent, which takes place on the 31st day ?f August, 1851? It is ordered that the said petition be heard at the Patent Office on Monday, the 18th day of August, 18.51, at 12 o'clock, m.; and all persons are uotified to appear and show cause, it any they have, why said petition ought not to be granted. Persons opposing the extension are required to file in the Patent Office their objections, specifically set forth in writing, at least twenty days before the day of hearing. All testimony filed by either party to be used at the said hearing must be takeu and transmitted in ac cordance with the rules ot the office, which will be furnished on ap plication Ordered, also, that this notice be published in the Intelligencer, Itepuhlie, und Union, Washington, D. C.; Daily Bae, Boston, Mas tchynlti; Tribune, New York; Pennsylvania Inquirer, Philadel phia,' Pennsylvania ; and Albany Ileginter, Albany. New York, once a week for three successive weeks picvious to the 18th day of Au gus' next. THOU. EWBANK, Commissioner of Patents. P. H. Editor* of the above papers will please copy, and send their bills to the I'atent < Miice, with a paper containing tlus notice. June 13?law3w I'nI ted SUtca I'aUut Oflicc. f\N the petition ol Kt-ui>cn Daniels, of Woodstock, Vermont, pray v lag ; ! ifot tyitnrtOB ni > pucti granted to fain G Mmu 1837, for an improvement in shearing machines, for wv? ri ye from the expiration of *aid patent, which take* place on the 7th day of October, A. l>. 1851 ? it i* ordered that the ?aid petition be heard at the Patent Office on Monday, the 15th day of September, 1851, at 1:2 o'clock, in. ; ai all person? are notified to appear, and uhow cause, if any tliey bar why *aid petition ought not to be granted. IVmoim opposing the.extension are required to file in the Patent Othce their objection*, apccificaiiy set I? y tii in writing, at leant twenty day* before the day ol hearing. All testimony filed by either l?arty to be used at the ?aid hearing must be taken and transmitted iu accordance witli the rule# of the office, which will be furnished on application Ordered, also, that thin notice be puhlixhed in the Intelligencer, Republic, and Union, Washington, I). C.; linily Bee, BohUm, Massa chusetts; Vermont Journal. Windsor. Vermont; Providenee Jour nal, Providence, K I.; Tribune, New York; ami the Albany K< gi*ter, Albany, New York, once a week for three aucceaaive week* previous to the l'?th day of September next. T1IOH HWBANK, oner of Patents. P. H. Editor* of the above papers will please copy, ami send their lull* to th? Patent office, with a paper containing this notice June 13?law3w flitted States Patent Office. 0" N the petition of John Thomas, of Plainficld, New Jersey, pray ing for the extension of a patent granted to hnn on the 90th I>? rembtrr, 1837, for an improvement in dry-docks, for seven years from tkr expiration of said patent, which taks* place on the 'JUth day of December, 1851 ? It in ordered that the said petition be heard at the Patent Office on Monday, the tt4tii day of November, 1851, at 19 o'clock, ai ; and ali persons an- notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why said petition ought not to be granted. Persons opposing the extension are required to file in the Patent Office their objections, specifically set forth in writing, at least twenty days before the day of hearing. API testimony filed by either party to be uaed at the said hearing must be taken and transmitted in ac cordance with the rules of the office, which will be furnished on ap plication. Ordered, also, that this notice be published in the Intelligencer, Republic, and Union, Washington, 1). I>. ; Daily Bee, Boston, Ma* i I sachusetts; Providence Journal^ Providence, Abode l-land ; Tri 1 bune, New York , Fredoniaa, New Urunswick, New Jersey , and j Pennsylvania Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, once a week for three successive weeks previous to the iMth day of November next. TII OH KWHANK, Commissioner of Patents. P. 8. Editors of the above paper" will ploase copy, and *end their j hills to the Patent office, with a paper containing this notice. ! Jnne 13? law3w |)t BIjIC SALIC. By virtue of a decree of Charles county court, 1 1 Miffing as a court of equity, I will sell at public *ale, on Wed ncsday, the ujd of July next, at the court house door, in the village of Port Tobacco, Chartea county, Maryland, between the hours of 3 and A, p. the whole of the rsal estate of which Johannes I). Htarke died MCiaed and po**' wed, and which in generally walled and known by the name of 4( lifton," and containing about 1,000 seres, more or le?? Thii larm lie* upon the Potomac river, ad joining Pope Si Creek handing, and is one ot tlie raoat desirable and valuable tarms in the county. It has upon it a new and splendid dwelling house, and every out lion- in perfect repair The land im in a high *tate of improvement, and i? well adapted to corn, wheat, and tobacco. It iiaM upon it a large oyster shell bank. It will be offered in two separate parts, about 560 aeres sach. Persons desirous <?f purchasing are requcMted to examine for themselves. George Dent, esq., whose farm lies adjoining, will show the premise*. The term# of *h!c : Mve hundred dollars cash, to bs paid on the day of *ale, and the balance In thre? equal instalment* in two, four, and mix year-, the purchaser giving bond with approved secu rity, bearing interest from i*t January, 1850, at which time posse* sinn will be given. By the terniM of the decree the land cannot be fold for le?N than 75 per acre. FREDERICK HTONF., TniMtee. June 19- la4w i!?hTHI ( TBI>s in (i) mnaafirs, ronfaining m Axil ilc I ncnption of more than eight hundred engravings . by J. K. IP Alton's, late Profe?sor in the Military Bchool in 8t. Pstersbnrgh and in Pans. 1 vol.4to. Msy 13 FRANCE TAYLOR KTCDKNuir lslirfrnf?> Active ile? IMwces ? par <iei?r ral Picot 1 vol. Histofre de la Fortification Permanente, on manuel ?les meilleurs Mysternes et maniere* de fortification, traduite de l'AHeiiiand ; par Duparng, capitaine du Genie- 'J vola. and atlas af plate*. Keeai sur la Fortification Moderne, analyse com pare C de* sywteme* modernes Francais et Alluuiande ; par Maurice, capitaine du Genie? 1 vol. and alia* Fortification Polygonale et aCaponnieres . par un nflV-ier du Genie Prussieti, trad nit par Parmentier, capitaine de Genie?J vol and atlns Traite des Reconnaissances Militsires, s 1'usage des officiers d'in fanterie st de eavalerie ; par Professeur Unger 1 vol. fours Abrege d'Artifice*^ public avec l'autori*ation du mlnixtre de la Juerree 1 vol. and atlaC Formules, Tables, et Kenseignements Pratique* . aide memoirs des i insrriieurs de* architects, kr hc.\ par Clandel I vsl Many ether si ork* on tin military m U n< ? s tn.i - various branche* Just imported direct from Paris, by M?r? FRANf'K I'A YI.OR. TIIK. IJ.M U'nr?hl,t|*f rt i nr, Tti?- ,r ' ?* I'litur. hi?t<*nr.l n"vcl ; liv ih. snih'.r of *' Wfcimfliin. 11 irrnanv of Proohoc* ; h* Ih. *???. Dwlm Kfilh. Ma,iM FRANCK TAVLOR. TO Oil R SUBSCHIUKHS. The uajjut of no priouii will be eiitcivd u|n>ii viu buuk< uaIm* l>?iytji?riit ofllie sabwcription be m&de in UiMiuiii oubmiiUd uuay forward us mamtsy byiouvt, uii Wliidi Will be |MU4 Uj u?, and *11 rtaA ?mmid by wumIvm iu a# safe umutuiiiMiuii. The COUNTKY PAPER Ia published Ut weekly duriug the N? ?ion* qtf Oongrcjw#, and semi weekly during the iectss. *ub?cripttuu? tor a panod !?-?? liiuu a yea* w be leeelved on term* proportioned Co the above annual raiee. QQhPOSTMASTER# iu? authorised to uU< our a*e*u, and, by ?rudibV ifr riVB DAILY subscriber?, with ? t enclosed, or ri?s HEM I WEMU,y.abscrtbers, with#*enclose c .ornva WEEKLY subscriber*, with f 10 enclosed, will be euUtie <J to oae copy of tht stunt edition da vbuy furuuti us subscribers lor, jialo. JUAUNlVK Kniii IIKDIKM FOU JINK, iMftl. J- W. MAI HY fit Co., UiiAVift*. $70,006 ! 3 prizes of $rJo,uoo J VIKG1NIA HTATK LOTTERY, ior tlitj benefit of Monongalia Academy. t'lss* I , |b# MJM. To be drawn In Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, tlie 'Jmb of June, IBM. 15 diawn number* out of 78! I Making nearly aa many prizes aa blanks!) t? prise* of 4-4,500 7 ?*o 1 ,500 w ?lu 1,1*11) '?> do it?oo 15 do 700 ke., fc-c., ki 1 splendid prise of #70,000 1 do J0,0t?o 1 do JO, 00 1 do 'JO, I do 10,375 5 prizes of 5,000 Whole ticket# $E&) Halves $10 Quartern $5? Eighths 50. Certificates of packages of 'JO whole tickets $*J40 Do do 26 ball do 1*) Do do 2t? quarter do 60 Do do eighth do 'H) (JQM >rder* for tickets and shares and certificate* of packages in the above splendid lotteries will receive the most prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing ?ent immediately after it is over to all who oidcr from u?. Address J. fc C. MAURY. Agents, May 20 Alexandria, Virginia. f^itriiislkiikju; HIuII Locks sud Kty?. Post Ovrics Ukfah i mkmt, March 14, 1651. IT being desirable to substitute locks and keys of some other kind for those now in use for the mail service of the United States, specimen locks and keys, with nroposals to furnish the saute, will bo received and considered at the Post Office Department until the first day ol July next. The different locks will be submitted to a commission for examination and report. Upon this report contracts will, us soon ns practicable, be entered into fur furnishing such looks and keys for four yean., with the right on the part of the Postmaster General for the time being to extend and continue the contract in force for an additional term of four years, by giving to the contractor a written notice to that efl'cct, not more than nine nor less than six mouths before the termination of the lirst term of four years. With a view of procuring the bast lock at the lowest price, no kind of lock is prescribed as a standard ; the department relying for a so lection on the mechanical skill anil ingenuity which a fair competi tion, now invited, may develop. It is, however, proper to state that a lock suitable for the mail service should possess the following qualities, ti/. : durability, uniformity, lightness, and strength. For the purpose of displacing simultaneously all the mail locks and keys now in use, about thirty thousand new locks and twenty thousand keys adapted thereto will he required to be furnished by the contractor within seven months after the coutract shall have durability of the locks and keys adopted, as i tliv mail service ; but it will probably never exceed in amount three thousand of the former, and one thousand of the latter. No lock will be considered if it be like any already in general use; nor will any one with whom the contract may be made be allowed to make, sell, or furnish any lock or key similar to those contracted for for any other purpose or use than that of the Post Office Depart meut. The kind of lock adopted must be pAtented, and the patentee will be required, on entering into contract, to make an assigument of his patent for the exclusive- use ami benefit of the department, if the Postmaster General shall deem such requirement essential to the in terests of the service, hi case of the failure of the contractor at any time to fulfil faithfully the terms and conditions of his contract, the Postmaster General shall have the nght, besides a resort to the penal remedy hereinafter mentioned, to annul said contract, and to con tract anew with any other party or parties, as lie may see fit, for fur nishing similar locks and keys. In deciding upon the proposals and specimens offered, the Postmas ter General may deem it expedient to select for the through-mails the lock of one bidder, and for the way-mails that of another. Here serves, therefore, the right of contracting with different individuals for such different kinds of locks as he may select, and also the right to reject all the specimens and proposals, if he shall deem thst course for the interest or the department. The party or parties contracting will be required to give bond, with ample security, in the suiu of thirty thousand dollars, for a faithful performance of the contract. The contract is to contain provisions for the due and proper inspcc tion of the locks arid keys, and also for guarding against their pass ing into improper hands ; the terms of these provisions to be ar ranged between the department and the successful bidder, if a bid should be accepted. No application will be considered if not accompanied with satn^ factory evidence of the trustworthy character of the bidder, and of his ability to Ailftl the contract. N. K. 11 ALL, Postmaster General. March 1G?lawtlstJuly 1U> OWN Kits of IjaimIm In 'Fexas.?A gentleman in Virginia, who is a good surveyor and lawyer, desires to remove Co Teiaa the present season, and would like to become the agent for iouq owner of lands in that country, with a view to bring them into market. lie has a family and small capital, and is dasiroiis of engaging in agriculture He can give the most satisfactory testimonial* ofcapaci ty, integrity, and responsibility, and his general acquaintance is such as to enable him to control a considerable emigration to Texas. Any ewner of Texas lands who would bo inclined to avail himself of such an arrangement can he placed 111 correspondence with the advertiser, and get suitable response*, by addressing, postpaid. ww. oouLnnr. General agent and collector, Richmond, Virginia. Mar 13?if t tinxlea D? Hcldlng, | No 1 Todd's Building, Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, commit I sioner of deed* f??r New York, California, Minnesota, and all the other Htales of the Union. CIJIARLKH J)E tiKLDING, having been appointed by the respecl / Ive governors of Lbc B tales of New York, California* and the other Btates of tlie United 8tales, and of the Territory of Minnesota, a commissioner to take the ackcowledgment of deeds, fcc., offers his services to the citizens of Washington and elsewhere. Feb 14?2a w OTAM>1 KIIIWC* < CltKI).?I)r. Comstock's focal gymnasium, 0 for the cure of stammering and other defective articulation, and tor instruction in elocution, u now open for the reception of pupil* This institution hps been in successful operation for wore than twenty years. All letters should be post {mid and directed to A COMHTOCK, M. D , 9$ Mulberry street, Philadelphia PHONETIC WORKH, Published by A. Comatock, M I)., Philadelphia. [The following work* are in the American phonetic alphabet, the only perfect alphabet that ha* been given to the world, because it is the only one that has a distinct letter for every elementary sound, and the only one that has sign:* for the various mudilieations of the voice tn speech, as accent. Inflection, Intonation, Sic.T The New Testament, $1 35; The Phonetic speaker, $1 ; The Phonetic Reader, $1 ; The Phoneticoa, $3; The Phonetic Magazine, t%% ?? voluinen,) frJ 50; My Little Geography, 25 cents ; Treatise on Phonology, 25 cants; The First Book of rope's Homer's Iliad, (106 octavopage*,)50 cents; Minstrel, 12# cents. Dr. C. publishes a monthly perineal, entitled Corwstoek's Pho netic Telegraph, at 50 cents a year- A pronouncing and etymological dictionary is in course of publication in the Telegraph. i Allorderw should be accoinpauied with the cash, and directed to A COMSTOCK, M. U., Philadelphia. 1 Feb If ?3td* WN. II. H. ( KOW, Attorney and Councilor at Ixiir, Washington City, D. C., practises In the courts of the District of ColuBibia, and will attend to the collection of debts, and to the prosecution of claims of ? vorjr description, including those fur bounty land under ths act of Congress lately passed. Office 111 ths < ity Hall j Oct 3-< If fU'K.m DOLLAHN HKWAKI). Kan away from the | I subscriber on the *Jtd of Marsh, 1H51, my colored woman CATHA 1UNK, alia* Kitty Francis. Hhe is supposed to be about five feet one or two inches high She is of rather delicate appearance, and about 30 years of ags. Hhe is supposed to be lilting out in Wash ington as a free woman, or secreted by some free persons of color. All persons are forewarned aa?in?t hiring or harboring her. The above reward will be paid on her delivery to me. Mai ?&-3awtf J. F. HILTON. MKLVIIil/S Rrrmona? 2 volumes. Manning's Hermons?Iftree aeries, in three volumes. Hoffman ??n the Law of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the the United Ntatee?1 vol. Bishop Hhort's History of the Chare h of Knglsnd to the Revolution of MSbK?1 vol. Meander's History of the Christian Religion and hurch ?1 vol. Thornton** Family Prayers and Commentary 1 vol. Old Truths and New Krrors; by Rev. C. M Hutler- 1 vol. Earnestness ; by C. B Taylor. Lad> Mary . by C H Taylor. The Angel's Kong; by C. B. Taylor. Mark Wilton , by < B. Taylor Margaret, or The Pearl ; by C. B Taylor. Scenes in a Clergyman's Life ; by C. B. Taylor. Wyatt's Christian Office*?1 vol. May 1 FRANC* TAYLOB. rill R( II f'AHPKTIHM*.?Jtisit received an additional supply V; rtf carpeting, matching that in Trinity church. The ladies who were not supplied from the last bale are respect fully informed that they now have an opportunity of furnishing their pew^ in uniformity with that of the church. 2 bale* Cocoa rtelliton door mats 2 do list carpeting 2 do rag do Always on hand a general assortment of carpeting*, mailings, cur tain materials, bed and table linens, which w'lll bs sold as low in t,rir* as any retailing house in the country n.,n-?ll May 6 .heoif CLAGKTT DODIJOFf. rpOWRKKIOH Nrw IVrtun'.tl Ainfrif.n ?<IIUon , 1 .dill d by l?r Colt I Tol., Iter Town*?nd'> OM Twlmm-nt. ->?>'"?' ???"""? ' ' ? . (?rillrnl Commentary ?nd r?np*r??r ?n th- Old ?nd N.w T?t? ......I....dth.. Apocnrpb.; br l Am.oW., ?n.1 , I v,? , II M?u. M,u',n i by Hr.. W. B U.irk.w. ' V,r'<'l.'."nHtir?l lll.t ry; now rdition. 3 TOta. Co., * V.b-1'? Work, i ? to). , rompl'-t. in 3, $.'< 50. Hiud.' ? i? < bri.ti.n It: .,r?pl.y ; by ' I vol. Moreli'* Philosophy of Religion. 1 vol. jni?t received. Ma? K FRANCK TAYLOR. m\RIN Mltloim of tlollere, llsctns, Renasrsn. t hs I teanhriand, Madame de Hevigse, (lossuet, Lcsage, La Rrnyere, Beaumarchais, Massillou, Comeille, Voltaire, Bahaiafs, Fenelon, Paul Lonis Courier, Marmontel, Hllvio Pellico, fleribe, Pascal, Mon tes'|tiict!, Malel?ran? Marsnier, Capeftatie, St. Pierre, I'revost, Ms.lame de Htael, Thierry, Goethe, Duels, Rotrou, Reynard, Ralzac, Constant, Cousin, Roileau, Florian, and manv other authors, s<?me of them beautifully illustrated, others finely bound , as also many of a cheaper description, to sell at low prices. Just imported direst froih Paris. June J FRANCK TAYLOB.