Newspaper Page Text
■•J, „ 1 IU .. .... --• • • . Proclamation by President Lincoln-—A | Thanksgiving Day Appointed. WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. the lullowing L'roc lutnaiion has just been issued: Bu the J'retmleiU of the United Slate* of America: A PROCLAMATION. Tlie year that is drawing towards its bus been filled with the blessings of i'ruitfal ) fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, wliieh are so constantly enjoyed that we are j prone to forget the source from which they come j others have been added, which are of such tui ! x< .'.: ordinary nature that they cannot fail to I penetrate and soften the heart which is habitu ally insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty Cod. In the midst of a civil war ol' uncqualcd magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to provoke the aggression of foreign States, peace has been preserved with all na tions, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, ami harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre ot our military conflict, while that theatre lias been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful labor to the Nation al defense have not arrested the plow, the shut tle or the ship. The axe has enlarged the bor ders of our settlements and the mines are lull of iron and coal aud of the precious metals, and have yielded even more aduiiJantly than hereto fore. Population has steadily increased, notwith standing the waste that has been made in the cutnp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of aug mented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect a continuance of years with a large increase of freedom. No human council hath devised, nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins has, nevertheless remembered mercy. It bve f 3 until to raj fit and proper that they should b i-oi;M>'ly, reverently and gratefully acknowl edged by the whole American people. 1 do therefore, invite my fellow citizens in every oart of the United States, nnd also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign countries to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of thanksgiving and prayer and praise to our be neficent Father, who dwelleth in the heavens; anil I recommend that, while offering up the ascriptions justly duo to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our perverseness and diso bedience, commend to Ilia tender care all those who have become widows, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty and to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it, as soon ■s riiay be consistent with the. Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, tranquility and union. [L. S.J In testimony whereof, I have here tin - to set my hand and caused the seal of the U nited States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 3d day of October, in the year of Lord one thousand e.ght hundred nnd sixty-throe, anil of the inde pendent; of the United States eighty-eighth. By the Prfsidcnt. ABRAHAM.LINCOLN. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. Affairs at Charleston. (Corrti'jwi'ifHce of the Jkltmore American.) CHARLESTON HARBOR, Oct. 9.—The rebels con tinue to make a great display over their posses sion of the ruins of Fort Sumter. A large reb el flag is displayed from the upper corner of the ruins and every evening at sundown a heavy gun is fired from the upper face of tbo fort.— Their steamers occasionally come down to the fort, and it is evident that they are at work in the interior. The supposition is they are dig ging up the tcrreplan and throwing up a strong traverse, behind which they can mount guns. Genc-al Gillmore has it in his power to knock all their arrangements to pieces, so far as Sum ter is concerned, when the proper time arrives. It is on the fortifications of Sullivan's Island that the rebels now tUpend for the protection of the city and they are neglecting no possible precautions to give them nil possible strength.- Large working parties are daily employed en larging and strengthening these works. The whole number of batteries on the sea face of the island, from Reach Inlet to Point Pleasant, is seventeen. From Fort Moultrie to the up per end of the island there is a complete chain of batteries every available foot of land upon which a gun could be advantageously mounted being occupied. Immediately upon the point opposite to Fort Sumter they have an exceed ingly heavy work, which lias not yet been en gaged. The rebels liavo three iron clad vessels at Charleston, usually lying ne sr the James Island there and above Sumter. They are the Chicora, Palmetto, and the ladies' gunlioat, Robert Lee. The only blockade runner in port was tbe Eng lish steamer Juno. Another steamer had been bought by the Government, and was used as a storeship. The ships John Ravenal and Mo hawk wore the only other largo vessels. — USEE)— __ DIBERT.—Sept. 4th, Mary Ellen, daughter •f Andrew Dihcrt, of Bedford township, aged 2 years, 9 months and 15 days. OYLER. —Oct. Ist, Jacob, aon of Abraham Oyier, of St. Clair township, in the 2nd year of Lit age. HERSHBERGER—Oat. 11th, Henrietta, daughter of Jacob and Mary Hershbcrger, of St Clair township, aged 12 years, 7 months and 9 days. . SNYDER.—On the 18th of September last, at ber residence in Monroe Township, departed t... • life Mrs. Mary Ann Snyder, consort of Mr. Fnilip Snyder, in the 52d year of Iter age. The deceased had been tried by a long illness which •he bora with true christian fortitude and resig nation to the Divine will. In her lamented de parture her afflicted family and a largo circle of relatives and friends liavo met with a most ad bereavement, which nothing can alleviate but the remembrance of her many bright virtues, and the belief that her removal hence has been to a better world, where sin and sorrow slial bono more, but eternal peace and blessedness. In the last days of her sickness she was blessed with all the consolations of religion. With humblest trust in the merits of the Savior, she received all the rites and sacraments of the Cath olic Church, and expired in peace—"Waiting for the blessed hope and coming of the glory of our groat God and Savior Jeetis Christ." Epistle w Titus 2 ch. If) v. R. I. P. TAKEN j From the vestibule of the Union School House on • Friday the 2d inst., a small barred, bKck and white, i all wool, Shepherds' plaid Sbiiw!. Any information | concerning whereabouts will be thankftnly re ! ceived, and a suitable reward will be paid lor its I recovery. J. W. ARNOLD. 00t.22, 'O3. j AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ! The undersigned appointed auditoi, by the o*r | phans' Court of Bedford county, to distribute oinr ' third of the money arising from the sale of the real | estate of William Crabb, dee'd., which was left in i thre hands of the purchaser during the lifetime ci" | the 1 widow, hereby gives notice, that he, for that pur.oo-e, will meet the parties interested at his of liee in Bedford, on Tuesday, the 3d day of Novem ber, at 1 o'clock, P. M., when and where all may attend. U. 11. AKERo. October 16, 1863. Tettchers Wauled. The Br<ard of Directors of Bsd/'ord township S D. wish to employ eleven Teachers, comp-tent to take charge ol the schools of the district. Those wish ing employment are requested to meet the Board at the house o,' John Hater, in the borough of Bedford, on Batuids;y 31st day of October iust. By ouier of the Board, Oct. 16, ISiVL JOHN BROWN, Ser'y. 9 HVacKcrs Wanted. The School Directors of Cnlerain town.hip wish to employ nine competent teachers to take charge of the schools in oaid township the ensuing school term, to whom liberal wages will he given. Tearh eis are requested to meet the Board of ILrectots at Rainsburg, on the 2,1 day of November next at the eximination. By order of the Board, Oct. 23. S. H. FEATHER, Sec'ry. Wanted, Cloversred, Flaxseed, and Country Pr.,- dure, lor which we will pay the highest price in CASH. A, B. CRAMER $■ CO. October 16, 1863—tf AD \1 JNISTR ATOR 'S NOTIC E. Letters of administration on the estate of Wil liam Spaiks, lateof West Provi denee townihto, de | ceased, have been granted to the subscriber, all per ! sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the same will piesent them duly authentica ted for settlement. GEORGE W. HOUSEHOLDER, Oct. 16, 1863—6t AUm'r. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undrrsigned appointed by the Or phans'Coort of Bedlord county to report a distribution of the money in the hands of Joseph Dull, Esq., Trustee to sell the leal estate ot Isaac Cochenour, dee'd., to and among heirs, legatees or devisees and their creditors, will attend to the duties ot hi s appoint ment on Monday, the 2d day of NoveuiOer, next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at his office in Bedford, when and where all parties interested can attend. JOHN P. REED, Auditor. October 16, 1863. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned ap|>ointed by the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bedford count), to settle the excep tions filed to the account of Jonathan Feigbtner, trustee of Frederick HililebranJt, and to report a distribution a distriaution among the creditors, and the evidence, will attend to trie duties of his ap pointment on Thursday, the sth d ly of November, 1F63, at 10 o'clock, A. Al. of said day, ul his office in Bedford, when aud where all parlies interested can attend. JOHN P. REED, Auditor. October 16, 1853. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford county to settle the exceptions tiled to the account of Henry McDonald and Michael W eitz, administratois of the estate of Duniel M'Donald, dee'd., will attend to the uuties of his appointment OP Friday, the 6th day of November, instant, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, at his office in Bedford, when and where all parties interested can at'end. JOHN P. REED, Auditor. October 13, 1863. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court o! Bedford county, to settle the exceptions tiled a gainst the account of Lewis Anderson anil Lemuel Evans, administrators of the estate of Wi'liam An iter-on, dee'd., will attend to the duties of his ap pointment on Saturday, the 7th day of November, next, at 10 o'clock, A. M-, at his office in Bedford, when and wheie all parties interested can attend. JOHN P. REED, Auditor. October 16, 1863. NOTICE. In the matter of the petition of) In the Court of James Appleton, secretary of the | Common Pleat Broad Top Improvement Company I of Bedford co., for entry of satisfaction on a 'August Term, mortgage of John Giles to Ulrich | 1863. Danner. J Rule on said Ulrich Danner, if living, and, if dead, on his legal representatives, to show cause why satisfaction shout i riot be entered on the record ot said moitga-e, recorded April 29, 1807, in the Re corders office ol Bedford county, in Deed Book G, pages 4C2 and -103, returnable to November Term, 1863. 1 he said Ulricb Danner, if living, and if dead, his legal repiesentatives, anil all parties interested are hereby noli lied and required to be and appear be toie the Judges of the Court, on Monday the 16th day of November next, to show c use, if any they have, why e itisfactiou should not be entered on the record of the above mentioned mortgage. By order of the Court, JOHN J. CESSNA, Slnwiff. Bedford, October 16, 1863. Register'* Notice. All persons interested are hereby notified that the following named accountants have filed their accounts in the Kegistei's office of Bedford county, and that tbe same will be presented to the Orphans' Court, in and for said county, on Tuesday the 17th day ot November next, at the Cnuri House in Bed ford for confirmation. 1. The account of Jacob L. May, administrator I with the will annexed of Abraham Shaffer, late of West Providence township, dee'd. 2. The tecoml administration account of John llanks and Samuel Frazey, executors of John Fra zey, dee'd. 3. The account of Henry Moses, executor of Pe ter Moses, late of Union township, dec il. 4. The account of John Williams, B F.Williams and James Allison, executors of James Williams, late of Napier township, dee'd. 5. The account of A. H. Hull, Esq , administra tor of George Mock, late of St. Clair township, de ceased. 6. The account of Anna Renninger, nuministra trix of Henry Renninger, late of St. Clair town ship, dee'd. 7. The account of Jacob Ritchey and Alexander Ritchey, executors of Mir hael Ritchey, late of East Providence township, dee'd. 8. The account of John Cessna, Esq., administra tor of William Keefle, dee'd , who was administra tor of I'hn be Keeffe, late of Bedford tp., dee'd. 9. The account of Abraham Blackburn and Her bert Blackburn, administrators ol John D. Black burn, late of Napier town hip, dee'd. 10. Tbe account of lames M. Smith and William Renninger, administrators of Jacob J. Renninger, late nf St. Clair township, dee'd. 11. The account of Jacob Beckley, executor of | D"niel A. Griffith, late of St.Clair township, dee'd. ABM. B. BUNN, Register. I October 16, 1863. COMMITTEE'S ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the second account of Elias Dell, committee of John Eckhari, of Union township, h is been hied in the Protbonotary'a office of Bedford county, for the information of tbe Court and the inspection of all parties concerned. ABM. B. BUNN, Protb'y. October 19,.1863. PROTHONOTARY'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following account has been filed in the Prothonotary's office, and mat the same will be allowed by tbe-Sourt of Common Tless of Bediord county, on Monday the 1 Gth day of November, unless cause be shown why it soould not be allowed, viz : The second account of Eiiss Dell, committee of Jacob Kckb.ird. ol Union township. ABM. B. BUNN, Proth'y. October 16, 1863. LIST OF CAUSES, For tiial at November Term, 3d Monday, 16th day, IBfcd. George W. Figsrd vs. Thomas Haney County of Fulton vs. Tate Ik LirgenMter ;av.'d R- Fold vs. Lowr) \ Kichelb.'rger Jo-eph Uorley vs. Casper Stiaup et. al. ABM. B. BUNN, Piotb'y. Oftob.'-' 16, 1803* LIST OF GRAND JURORS, D/Vte/f far November Term, 1H63. Thomas i'oun g, Charles Helsell, Henry Coil, John Hoenstine, G\ or t '.' Gardill, George Wisbart, James Taylor, Samui'l 'ay' or . Johll Aioich, Divid Steel, David Moses, lii'nty - Joseph Fisher, Geo. Elliott, Daniel SMr. Geo ' W. Gibboiiy, George B. Holsinger, Joi. b S.boe ..ker, Daniel 11. Bulger. Jo sian Griffith, John To JJ, M'chael Holderbaum, Hen ry Marhle, David Shai. r- LIST OF PETIT JURORS. Joseph Poller, William f.'.uok, John Miller. Solo mon Reighard. Samuel S. M.'Hor, Charles Colfelt, Heiber* O'to, Thos. WaUou, Jn hn i . Hoover, John Whetstone, Absalom Garlick, Geo. I. iH'am-, v\ m. Dei rich, Jackson C,.rr, Henry Hllkgas, John Woll, Lemuel Evuns, Michael Stilller, B. F• .o_ n , Solo niun WilliauiH, Jacob Sbunk, P. H.Bi.ires, Jonathan Potts, William r'isber, Wilson Weeks, ham "el Da vis, Thomas Wjant, Joseph WUbelm, a;a rn " dollar, Cha's M rtm, Nicholas Koons, Davio W ,I "'* stone, Henry Pencyl, Jackson Alorgart, George' A. *" graw, Michael Deul, William Oster (of A.) George' Reimuud. ABM. B. BUNa\, Proth'y. October 16, 1563. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue ot sundry wiits of Vend. Exponas and Levari Facias to me directed, there wt'l e solo at the Court H >use in the Boiough of i'eilf.r I, on Sal urd iy the !4lh day of Novenibei, 1883, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following r~al estate, to wit: All ibe defendant, Jacob Millei's, interest in the following real estate, viz : All that certain mes suage and *ract of land situate hi South Woodberry towuship, Bediord county, adjoining lands of John Shank, John Koontz and others, containing sixteen and one-half acres and the usual allowance of 6 per cent, for roads, fi-c... and taken in execution as the property of Jacob Miller. ALbO—One tract ol land containing 80 acres, more or less, about t-i acres c!< a red and under fence, with a story and a half '.of t: - r-.e ar I small log stable tbereon elected, adjoin, g Undiof David Brallier, Jacob KiuarJ and others, siiuate in Hope well low.,ship, Bedford county, and taken in execu tion as the property of Catha-me Sires cud bolomon ALoC—One tract of iand containing 85 acres more or less, abom 30 acres denied and under fence, with a two story hou-c and toy stable th-reon erect ed, adjoining lands of Isaac Be.khuner. F ; pShii ner and others, situate in ist. Clair township. Bed loitl county, and taken in execution as the property . of Rebecca Sleek. Siies. JOHN J. CESSNA, SheriH. j Bedford, Oct. 15, 1863. ' SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue and in pursuance ct an order of the Or phans Court of Common Pleas o( Bedford county, there will be sold on the premises, at the late resi dence of Benjamin Wiglield, at public vendue, on Thursday the twelfth day of November next, the following real estate, viz: One tract of land situate in Sou'hainpton township, BedforJ county,adjoining lands of Jacob Conrad, Abel Barnes, I'hilip Clmga man and Klizabeth Wiglield, containing 112 acres and 01 perches, with a story and a half log house and kitchen attached, double log barn, blacksmith shop, wagon shed and spring house thereon erected and an apple orchard—one acre reserved for grave yard. Teimo—one-third of purchase money to be paid in hand on confirmation of sale, balance in two equal annual payments thereafter without interest. Oct, 23. JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriff. Notice of Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned in the piactiee of the Law has this dav been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves to he indebted to the tirin ate requested to make immediate settlement. Those who are not prepared to piy can settle and give notes. After the first day of January next, the books will be left with a Justice of the Peace for settlement. Kither of the undersigned is fully au thorized to settle and receipt. JOHN CESSNA, Oct. 22, 1863. O.E.SHANNON. PUBLIC SALE OF RiSAL AND Personal Estate of William Kecffe, Dee'd. By virtue of ar. order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the subscriber will sell at public sale on the premises, in Bedford township, on Wednesday, the 11 th day of j\ovemb:r next, the real estate of the late Win. Keeff;, decM, viz : A large und valuable firm i:i Bedtord township, containing 372J ACRES, more than one-hail of which is cleared and under fence, and the balance well timbered, tbe farm being in a bright state of cultivation, with a stream of wa'er running tnrougt: it, wrh a LARGE BRICK HOUSE, Doibie Log Barn, Log Stable, and oiner buildings thereon erect ed, adjoining lands of George Mann, Mrs. Mary Wolfe, Jacob Sumter, Henry Koonta, Hammond's heirs end o'hers in said township. It is one ol the i most valuable farms in Bedford coun y, is the best \ quality of Limestone land and will be aohl together i or in two or more paits to suit purchaseis. TERMS—One-third at confirmation of sale and j balance in two equal annual payments with interest, credi' will be given until first of Apiil '64, for the j hand money if dqsired, and aecurity given by the purchaser. ALSO —At the same time and place, all the per sonal property of William K"ef!e, dee'd, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Wagons, Ploughs, Hallows, Buggy (rears, Threshing Machines, V'jnrt Mil', Wheat, Rye Oats Corn, Potatoes, Hay, Corn Fodder. Stoves. Beds, Clock, Chairs, and Household and Kitchen Furniture of every description. TERMS—AII sums under ten dollars, cash. All over that six mentis credit by giving security. Sale to commence at ten o'clock, A. M. Oct. 23. JOHN CESSNA, Adm'r. PUBLIC SALE OF REJt L ESTJI TE. By virtue of the last will and testament of Dan iel Stineman, late ot Union township, Bedford coun ty, dee'd., the subscriber, executor of laid Will, will sell at public sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the 21st day of November, next, the real estate of said deceased, being a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, situate in said township, adjoining lanfli of John Ake, Esq., Samuel Walter anil others, containing I 160 acres, more er less. The impioveioents are a Two Story Log DweTiug Hciiic, I Double Log Barn, Spung Ho. ■•, Wsfn Sbcd, Ccm | Crib and other out-buildings, about SO acieaof the I land am cleared and under lence, eight aciea of 1 which are meadow, a never-failing pring ef water is at the door, and there ia a'so on the place a btge Apple Orchard. Sale to commence at ten o'clock of said day, when the terras wHI he nile known. I Oct. 23. A. B. HULL, Ex'r. Notice to Retailers of Merchandise, Kc ! L csnses, for 1801, are now Tsady in my office, ! and would like the same to'lx? lifted by November Court. As my term of office expires on the first or January, 1864, prompt attention will aave trouble. A. J. BANBOM, Co. Treasurer. Oetobtt 9—&t. NOTICE TO TEACHERS AND DIRECTORS. The Annuel Examication of Teachers will take p'ace in the several districts,at the usual places, as follows : East Providence, Saturday October lOlh, West Providence and Bloc iy Run Bor-iugh, Saturday Oct. 17th; Bedford Borough and Bedford Township, Wednesday and Thursday, Occ. 21st and 22d; South Woodberry, Friday Oct. 23d; Middle Woodberry, Sa uiday Oct. 21th; Union. Monday Oct. 26th; St. Clair, Tuesday Oct. 37th; Napier and Scbellsburg Borough. Wednesday Oct. 2Sth; Juniata, Thursday Oct. 39th, Harrison, Friday Oct. 3Cth; Londonderry, Saturday Oct. 3lst; Oolerain, Mondav Nov. 2d; Snakes.iring, TuesJay Nov. 3d; Monroe, Wednesday Nov. drlii Hopewell, Thursday N-.v. sth; Broad Top, Fiiday Nov Bth; Liberty, Saturday Nov. 7th; Cumberland Vall -y, Motday Nov, 9tb. Pai t cf the exaniinntion will be written and teach ere must come provided with pen, ink and paper— They should also bring with thern Thompson's Sea. sons or McGufl'ey's dth Reader and Brook's or tome other good Intellect!!,] Arithmetic. The County Superintendent wishes to present business of importance to th several boards of di rectors, for their consideration, and desires that they should be present and bold a mee'ing on the day of the examination. Examinations will begin at 9 o'clock, A. M., and those wiihing to be examined should he there promptly at the time. No teachers, who intend to be examined in the county, can be present as -pec'atora. Ibe public lit invited to attend. J. W. DICKERBON, Oct. 3. Co. Superintendent. NOTICE! All persons who gave notes at the sale of the per sonal p rperty of Jacob Barndollar, dec'd, are hereby notifi-d that if said notes are not paid by the first of January next, they will be put in the hands of a proper officer tor collection. We also call the at tention of those owing notes and judgments given ! in the lifetime cf the deceased, that no longer in dulgence ca:i be given. BARNDOLLAR & WILLIAMS. Oct. 23, '63. Ex'rt. of J. Barndollar, dec'd. KEDICAL ASSISTANCE. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY ! < '• \-llw' '~' L sy'rsL fK ' '"A \ .. '<■ 't, I AD WAY'S HEADY'' RELIEF. THE CHEAT EXTERNAL AND IN TERNAL REMEDY, STOfS TliM llOsT EioanCIdTRME PAW J IN A FEW HIXUIBJ, EAtIELY CIT.E.-I fHE PATIENT. ' \ < HAI)WAY'S READY RELIEF,' Prove# Its superiority tn all other Medicine# at oaca. IT3 I'll- T INDICATION Is to relieve tho sutTc.' r of F.'.IN, no matter from what causo it may originate,or wbero it may be aeatad If In tho.Head, Faro, or Throat; . * If in tho IUC'A, Spine, or Shoulder ; If in the Arms, Breast, or Side ; % If in ibo Joinu, Limbs, or Uuacloa • If In the Ncrvoe,Teeth, or Lara ; Or la any other part of the bod v, its application to the part or part# when the pain exists will afford immedi ate relisf. IT S2Z£D WITII TAIN In the Stomach, Bowels, or Kldneyi; la tho Bladder, Spleen, or Liver; Ja the Teeth, Ears, or Throat; In tao Bruin or Nervous System ; One tewpnonf'tl of RADWaY'S BEADY 'JHJET to a winegia-'B of water v ' il f hi a f*w minutes, re atore the patient t" ease nnd uotofbrt. If lahjo, Oripplo l ,or Bed-ridden ; If I'aibieti. ScJ-ied . or Burned ; If Bruised, Wnuudod, or Cut: If iUraD. >T Jt.j re !, or Lliulnod ; v Jf Fuu .Mr we, or fe-ir-ed with Fita • If Weak in the Fpme or Buck ; , BADWAY'S BEADY BELIEF should ho d tithe pit or partn iitfiicto i. It In atsntly relieves tua pit.out from pain, nod quickly heals, sialics, and fif; -. ufcll..'ns the disabled parti. la a!! casfs of B!tW of P.'bt'! Prs, Pontile*of Pol- Ion it •• iu sects, the appltcht.oa ol KAIJWAY'S RICADY R'll.' FT to the wouu . w;.. prevent JnflitnmaUou sad morvflu*t;ori. FEVER AND A3UE. Person* ex;> §e i \ > the Malaria of Ague, or If seized with Chilis a lid Fever, wi!l Ond a positive Antid- te and Cure in Kndwny'-i Ready Relief. Jet two lea'poonbful t( the Ready Relief, tu a wiue-gka* of water, he taken on getting out of bed in the morning, and however aw posed to malaria you will escape. WREN bEIZI D WITH CHOIAVA, or Pinrrhosa, or Flux ; Dyneottry. C'rainn, JTU' Spasms; liiilous Oiolic, or Ga*u itiw: Fonrht, typhoid, or OTHER Fevers ; Influenza, Coughs ~OJ Coils • lufUtDtTialion of the .Hmeiach or Rowels : RADWAY S READY BELIEF frttOULD BE TAKEN [NTfvRNALLY. One dose will stop the pain ; It 1 ? continued use will, ia a lew hours, cure ii*e patient. HOW IT CCfIKS. The rerendsry indication pf il A SWAY'S READY RE 7JFF Is to cure the patierii of the disease or milady that occasions the pain ; this it acrnmp'ishcs rapidly and radically. So txrifl ia the patient transformed from pale,mi :ery, weakness, and drcrepitude, to the delight, fu! enjoyment of health and strength, that patient* fre quently ascribo its talhtnauic jower to the rwpernata ral influence of enchantment. RHI.ItMATIBM. J.UMBACO, COtT, NETR M.filA, 7 (Mill I ACHE, CROUP. INFI.I h.NZA, SOR>: 1H OAT. (jriN7Y, ♦ HTIi! RIA. ll''A c-IJSfP.-.-. EiiONCIII TW. SUFi- .101 NTS, ENLARGED TENDONS', I'RAD ACHE, (>.ick or Nervous.) A>THMA, or HARD BKF-ATIhNO. Tt is truly marvellous how quick READY RKJ.IKF cures the suflerors of the* miladies. Ths poor. crippled, aud pa;a- tricken Rheumatic has not v wait dayn before a change Ukas place, hut iu a few mlcutos derives case and comfort. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM CURED. Twenty Years of Sleepless \tgkta. \Tm. Sydney Mver, Kq.. of Havana. Cuba, tho cor* resj/oudnntof tho Louden Times, sull'mei with Acute n'A Rheumatism for tweuty flvo ycav, and for iwentv voars ho had not curved ono who ,* nKht'd cnira r<vt. *He applied RADWAY'3 READY EKI.ILF—It lm mediately gavo him ease aud securcd-him tbo first calm and v iiist irbed aleep during tho twenty years. Ths coutinued use of tho READY RELIEF cured him. PREVENTION BETTER TITAN CTTX THIT.R H NO OCCASION FOR SICKNESS. When you flcrt feel puin.thcn tiko a teasix>onf A of tbe REAM' RII.1 ,T In wntT; or apply it M ths j>aria where you feel tho (iisoomfort. ATX MAT IGNANT DI3E tRES flr*tg!vr wn'uhyr tf" pre-enc.and if met prempt lv hoiore Rcy becomo securely InL .uched wi'Jiia ths syatem, will te readily oxpelied. FIGNA OF SICKNINT. llcftdnchc, Palnr in tlm Lin hi—la tho Stomach, Row ei,un l Kidney.—Cold Chilis, and Hot Flushes. Coat cTorguo Riirnltiff Skin, Nausea, J-hive ring, Pu'lacs, IjOA f At'iKtiU , Riv,iioHsness. C.iidi.iess, Ac., tc.,aio prenu. mury syinntoms '( Malignant Dinoaics. this dose of the READY RICIJE7 ut sufflcicnt to n -ak np sod expel dbf-acd uctiou.and restore tho jiaueut Is health 80LDII>RS. Every soldlev nhou' l curry him a supply of RaCA- .y'.H Ready Lnh f. it Rupplios tho place of ail otuer medicines ; anil ns a beverage,a teispooal'.l of tho Relief, j . .i w.ney as* of w.ter,H a nicer, pieoaaat <r 11iiuuiH. 1 1 than briutdy, whjiay, or bilteri. fITCTCNKSS rRITBNfED IN THE Sin MAINE FZGT. rgl'th Mslue regime't , Pe-g'f C. P. l/>rd, writes thai Tlidwa> 'a iiea y Rv.efnv • I tho rogiment from death while qi-.Artenut -.t Tyhee Island, S. C., wh**n working La the MV.tmpi, erui ug fait:iJcatlou*. Every cun seized with Typhi* <1 rud ctlier Fevors, Fever and Ague, Diarrhori, I'yM iitery. RheumaUitn, was cured by the use of tho Ready Relief. CAUTION. To all no other. Seo th • the signature of Radwuy h Co. bon the ouLnide label of oich b-dtie. Every agent is supplied Willi a new and fresu stock, ih-lce 26 con la per bottle. Sold by Druggists, Merchants and country titortv keepers. RADWAY k CO., 87 Maidon Laoa, Now Yack. Oo. 9th 1883.—1y RAINSBURG SEMINARY, I For Young Ladies and Gentlemen. j The .Second Quaiter of the Kali Term of thia I Institution will commence, Monday, Oct, 28. i The rates of this Institution are very reasonable. | All branches useful and ornamental taught. For information, address. J. W. HUGHES, Principal, Rainsburg, Bedford Co., Pa. Octcrber 8, 1883—4t.* 13 Teachers Wanted. The School Directors of Cumberland Valley town ship wish to employ tw-lve good competent teacb i era to take charge of the Schools in said lowhship the ensuing school term, to whom liberal wages will be given. Teachers are requested to meet the Hoard of Direc'ors at Centreville, on the 9th day of ! November next. D. R. ANDERSON,Sec'y. October 9, 1863—3t. Notice* All persons knowing themselves indebted to the ! estate of lohn S. Statler, dec'd, are hereby notified th.t all accounts, notes, sale list, Ike., are due and I must b- paid. The books, sale list, notes, Ike., are in the hands of John Smith. Esq., in Scbellsburg. Pay up and save costs as no time will be given. SAMUEL G. STATLER, Adm'r. October 9, 1863—3t NOTICE: All persona knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned are requested to make immediate pay. ment and thereby aave costs, SAMUEL U. STATLER. St. Clairaville, Oct. 9—3t NOTICE la hereby given, that J have filed the final account of my administration upon the eatste of Thomas Keeffe, late of Bedford Boiough, dec'd., which has been confirmed, and wil apply for discbarge at neat term of Orphans' Court. Oct. o—3t GJ^SPANG. Dissolution of Partnership- The partnership in the business of Woolen Man ufactunng, heretofore existing under the name of J. Ik S. S. LUTZ, is this day dissolved by mu'ual consent. The books of (he firm are in the hands of J. Lutz for collection. All persons knowing them selves indebted to, or having claims against im, will please call and settle. J. He S. S. LUTZ. QTTbe business wi 1 be conducted in future by J. Lutz it Co. Oct. 1, (9) 1863—3t STRAY CATTLE. Taken op trespassing on the premiaes of the sub scriber, in St. Clair township, two bead ol cattle, a St-r ni 'eJ end white spotted Heifer, each having a -n oi. c' ,e right ear, and a piece out of the t...i . cur, "ie year old last spring. The owner is rtv'isted tu uoroe and prove property, pay charges, an : take them away, or tbey will be sold according to law. THEODORE SLEEK. October 9, 1883—3t. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters teatmenlary on the e'-'ate of Jonathan Roller, late of West Providence township, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, by the Reg ister cf Bedl'or county, all persons indebted are no tified to make payment immediately , and those hav ing claims against the estate are requested to pre sent the same pioperiy eu'hentirated for settlement. GEORGE BAUGHMAN, Ex'r. October 5, 1863—Ct. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE^ Letters ot' administration on the estate of William Keeffe, late of Bedford township, de ceased, have Been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the name will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN CESSNA, Jldm'r. October 2, 1863 (its EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the last will, Ike., of Elizabeth G. Miller, late of Schellsburg Boro', deed., ha-ing been granted to the subscriber, residing in St. Clair townshrp; all persons indebted are therefore not ;6ed to make payment immediately; and those having claims will present them properly authenti cated tor settlement. J. F. J. OSTER, 2, 18(53—Ct*. Ex'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE* Letters testamentary on the last will, Sc., of Pe-* ter H. Studebaker, late of Napier township, dee'd., having been granted to the subscriber, bv the Reg ister of Bedford county, all persons indebted are no tified to make payment immediately; and those having chims against the e.-tate are requested to present the same properly authenticated for settle ment. THOMAS P. STUDEBAKF.It, September 11, 1863—61s Ex'r. PETER JRMBRUSTER S> BKO., No. 306 North Third Street, Philadelphia. LOOKING GLASSES, COMBS, CEDAR WARE, CORN BROOMS & BRUSHES, Laces, Cambrics, Jaconets, Mull Muslins, Gloves and Hosiery of all kinds, And a general stock of FRENCH, GERMAN nnd ENGLISH GOODS. March C, 1863.—1y MITEKIU, VOIIMi &Cfl~ Wla olesale Grocery 407 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CALLOWHILL, PHILADELPHIA. March 7, 1863—1y. FAMILY DYE COLORS. Blark, Magenta, Dark B'ue, /Wy Alaroon ' Light Blue, (*/ 4 \o\ Orange, French Blue, \HI jA )2j Pint, Claret Brown, II r W"i (. ( Pitiple, Dark Brown. \V I JLSia PJ Royal Purple, Jeigh Brown, ] ) Salmon, Stuff Brown, Scar/el, Dark Drab, Solferinc, Dark Grrrn, Yellow- Light Green, For Dyeing .Silk, Woolen and MixedGooila, Shawls, Scaifs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Gloves, Children's Clo thing, and ali kinds of Wearing Apparel. K?-A SAVING OF 80 PER For 23 cts yon can color as many gooda as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Varioua shades can be p'oduced from the same Dye. The process is simple, and any one can use the Dye with perfect success. f ir''.'ions in English, French and German, in ' of ench package. l or furt-er information, in Dyeing and giving a pert'i-t knowledge what colon are best adapted to dye over olb. r, (with msny valuable recipes,) pur chase Howe tr Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and Col oring. Sent by mail on receipt of price —lO cents. Manufactured by HOWE fc STEVENS. 260 Broadway, Boston. For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally. September 25, 1863—Cm. IWLLI FERMI & CO. HARDWARE JOBBERS AND IMPORTING MERCHANTS), No, 337 Market Street, ' PHILADELPHIA, Dealers in Butcher's Edge Tools and Files, together with a general Stock of English Rnd American Hardware. I March 6, 1863.—tjr Hartley's ColufntL The great Eureka Hsv, Straw and Fodder Cotter and Crusher, ran now be obtained from Wm. Hart ley, agent for Bedford and adjoining counties. Thii cutter now stand* UNEQUALLED. Three sices sr. made, and the largest size will cut and crush as fast ■ three men can teed it. Hay it tcarce and will be high in price. Sensible farmers will save their hay and feed cut corn fodder to both horses and cattle. Trt one of these cutters, fatmers,and you will not regret it. All machines warranted. Hartley is also agent for the celebrated "Key-Stone CMer-Tlill." Vhich is the BEST A.NB EASIEST EUNNINO MILL noar made. Hardware in all its variety can be had at the Bammoth Store 0 F Jf ilHam Hartley, at low rates, as the greater part of hisitnmtDM stock was purchased at the OLD PRICE 9 Hartley is sole agent in Bedford county, for the sale ot the celebrated CiIAMBERSBURG COOK STOVE, wbicb is the heaviest and heet planned Cook Stove ever aold in this county, as all must admit who#*- amine it—eall and tea it. HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE AND IRON COOKING UTENSILS, POTS, WAF FLE IRONS, SKILLETS, GRID DLES, GRIDIRONS, &G..IN CREAT QUANTITY". Iron and JYails, By the pound or ten. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, BUILDING MATERIAL, LOCKS, HINGE 9, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS & OILS. BRUSHES, of all kinds, at OLD PRICE 9. PLANES, CHISELS, BRACES AND BITS- WOODEN WARE SPAIN'S ATMOSPHERIC CHURNS, Wash Boirds. Buckets, Brooms, Baskets, Shosme ktrs' and Saddlers' Tools and findings ef all kinds* MOROCCO AND CALF SKINS. I Carriage Springs, Axles, Steel, Felloes, Bows, lo | ameled Muslin—Forks, Rakes, Scythe Snathe, ' Grind Stones. Grain Cradles, Shorels, Spades, Mill Saws, Meat Saws and Hand Saws. A NEW ARTICLE OF COAL OIL, the cheapest in town, as it does not burs away Cast TRT IT. The new Philadelphia INDIA ROBBER OIL PASTE. BOOT AND SHOE BLACKINO. the hast article of the kind made. Try a bats COAL OIL LAMPS, BLOODY RUN CASTINGS, jRESH PHILADELPHIA GARDEN SEEDS Warranted Genuine and Good. Hartley is also agent for the uaeqaaled GUM ROLLER, GUM SPRING Grain Drill; This is now too well known to need eommaodatiaa. Hartley WARRANTS erery machine sold to eoeae up to the REPRESENTATION. He has eoid e hundreds—and has had NO LAW SUITS, fleis agent for the very best Farm Machinery and Cook Stores the genius of man has yet produced. Any person wanting a Reaper, Mower, Cook Store,Grsib Drill, or Form Implement of ANT DESCRIPTION will And it to their inte/eat tO>bay Dom HARTLET i both aa to <jualityt*f goode and priee. ! Aetfwd.M/'cik */**. /