Newspaper Page Text
WILLIAM A. HARRIS, tuToK avd mnaavn TBI! MS: aULT, p*< )w >1? 00; ^m-TmilT, (publwhed trl-weelJy during the mdai or OMgr**0 C> 00nurnr 100' ClmU trill be /?/-/?iiM tu ftdlu*e t j lv# copied of the DaILY, for <0 00 nv? oopiM or tho na-vniv ? o?j Ten eopte* Of the " " .. ilb (Hi N'o deduction fur clubi on WKKKI.Y. PROTECTION AND INDEMNITY FROM T I AtHH AND DA MADE BY FIRE, X Tilt rKMiu or rut: Ai'J, and ISLAND thj \shohta- J'1' r/av. I ? ' m<i f.trtvrraA ami mechanics' ixhujuxoc company or* khiu- | i nti-iiiiv. poi w Fiee, Marine, and Inland huaranee. At lH0K17.FI) CAKll-U-, ONI. MILIJON* TW O HUMIK1J) AKO i IVTY i 1 THOl'SANH IIOU.UW. I ?*? 1 mi OFFICE Northwest corner of Friumylvuniu it*- ' '1 rnuc ami Neveiiternth street, Washington city, roi l>. C. * pa IHKVX.TOBP. Iton. Thonww U. Florence, (harl'j lnngr-1, (1U Marge II. AnurWmig, Thomas 1 louder Be W, 1,? f hirlei A. Rubtcnm, Edward K. Hobuljold, ru Cieorge Helmbold, F. Carroll Brewoier, J.liars i;. Xrall, loaac I>rocli. )r, THOMAS B. HOKIAU:, President. FnwiRO 11. Hei nnoui, Secretary. < LOCAL SlltVKYORS. ' "n < luirb-j Waller. No. Of): D olreot. oDnoeito Citv Holl John M. TltOfMua. corner Vlr.1 ?lro<-t nnil Virginia avenuo, lilund. | Cn Jains. Willlnnu, N">. tt Four-and-* Imll alroot. i John Rlggto, * <> 50' niirteooth atreot, below IYnn?j lvani* avenue, j MAKIN'K PURVEYOR. Ut\ Captain J. P. I/try, No. 367 PmnaylvanU annuo, oppo>it? National Bh, / \ Hot?!. rol OKNKRAI, BtTDUVTEXDKNf, f"f Jolt a Thomas on. 0f, AMBTAST SECRETARY, Jarne* M. Woat, r InrKxrge Washington rffy ojJIee, ! *lv Northwest corner Pennsylvania avenue and Heventeenth Htreet. ^ -????????? oix Authorised Capital and And*, $1,473,057 07. ligl : i Asset*, *523,067 07, {*< /niwM in Bond*, Mortgage*, and Good Souritiei. The following statement exhibit* (lie buslneJPand couditlon of the 1 company to November 1, 1850: 0U) Premium received on murine and inland rUlos to November 1, lead $214,684 60 [rg Eire premium 176,796 61 Interest on loan 8,704 47 ^ Total receipts 400,185 68 Paid marine lottee^ $64,427 04 iQ1 raid lire losses 30,737 30 ow K.xpon*??, salaries, and commissions. 40,480 00 Reinsurance, return premium*, and agency charges ... 27,474 68 177,128 61 I pc!; Bulanco remaining with tUe company 223,007 07 j The AsseU of the Company are at foil out: I m Philadelphia city and county bonds $16,848 18 Jj" Railroad bonds 11,000 00 ^0' . Kind mortgage.*, real ??tute 143,000 00 | cjr Htnclcp, collaterals, on cull 32,400 00 \ not flirard and consolidation bank a lock 5.120 00 , yr> Deposited with Duncan, Sherman, A 4V>., New York... 30.000 00 * j IMferred payment on stock uot yd due 07.700 00 UJ^ Notes for marine premium* 108,08050- lor Due from agent*, secured by bonds 35,376 18 Premiums on policies recently issued, and debts due the company.. 26,470 38 ? | Balance In bank 16,456 74 jnH sir 523,057 07 rtu, The btiaineas of this company will compare favorably with the mod J lucoesd'ul of (similar institution- iu the I'nUed Stub'*. ^P' Prom tho 1st day of, 1855, In flfteeu mouth*, up to the 1st j day of November, 1856, the premiums and interests received amount- ' ? ed to tho large sum of four hundred thousund on? hundred and eighty rive dollars und aixty-clght cents, with the payment of losses and ex- { (Ic'' lieate.s of one hundred and seventy *?.-vou thousand one hundred and j tuJ twenty -eight dollars and rdxty one cents. } ' With thojse eftdeneea of and good management, the dlroc- ^ tors feel Just tiled in soliciting a share of public patronage, bellex ing ] tlutt tho security ottered Is ample, and that all fair claims will bo ad- j UCif Justed more according to equity than legal technicalities. The company la prepared to h?uc policies against lois or damage j "V by Itro on j 01 Duelling*, furniture, mills, luuimfactorieg, warehouses, All descriptions of BlTLWXfiR and their content-, or all kinds of MEW'HANTHfiR. transported by YEflBEU*, STEAMBOATS, CAN AL BOATS, RAILROADS, and tho usual conveyances to or from any portion of F.I'HOPK and | AMERICA, and on the hulls of STEAMBOATS navigating tho western waters. The rutoa of premium will he a.-, low as other companies, and in fix- ! log them every Improvement in construction and arrangement will bo I taken into consideration, j All losses apoedlly adjusted and promptly paid. office northwest comer of lVnuaylvanla avenue and seventeenth street, Washington city, D. C. j JAMES M. MASON, A-fistaut Secretary. Imuran*? vtay nl*i U efltmlrd at th* Home Qfice, A 'oil hired vomer (f itttl/iwf aiui Sevoiut dreeli, rhilidrljhia. And iu other prlnci|?ul cities of the t inted States by authorized ofll- jc rcrs of tho mummy. JlIU" jjj .1) ', NEW (JOOlhS just received from auction.?We I respectfully invite the attention of housekeepers and others to a j l uxe addition to our stock of famishing and family dry foods, many of j whieh have been purelia nt at recent auction sales, and will be -old . ai much bWow usual prices. We mime? ! J.inu and cotton shootings, all widths rp Marseilles, dlmilv, und corded bed spreads Pillow and bolster linen and cotton sheetings ! 1,11 Ifcuiusk table-cloths und napkins Ihiuiusk hnckerback and diaper towels Bed and crib blankets, all *lz?M Outre table and piuno covers , ^ Uice And tnnslln ? urlaiUfl White and bufl" shade linens and fixture* -J furniture oilcloths and dltnltics Together with u full assortment of other housekeeping a r tie Km, such > Velvet, BrusscU, Upcatry, three ply, iugwin, Veaitiuu, and ' other carpetingti Velvet, cbeuille, tufted, morale, and other rugs j 111 Velvet, tufted, Adelaide, coco*, jute, and other door mats lh'Ugget and linen crumb cloths 1'igurod and plain lineu damasks, fo? covering carpet?. j ^ ALfiO? 160 plecea white Canton mattings j f.o do red and white checkered Canton nuttings j / ?0 do chene anil fancy do ; V 10 do l>utch carpeting, for dining-room.-; aud ofticej Y< CiS do cocoa matt logs, for basement* and offices vvi 6 do rag carpeting, for kitchou-, Ac. We also ask especial Attention to our spvk of white poods, which Ik *111 be found vory complete and much cheaper thsu u*uot, embracing every variety of - to Jaconet and cambric muslins ! is tunsllns. book omKofl, mall tnu dln? j *u .Wanook ir?u*liua, Tarlcton luunlios t rn< Cambric dimities, India dimities I Hi-hop's lawns, linen lawns, India lawns ( Lr Brillantc, brillantn skirting j en Stool .spring skirts, Loop skirt.* French crinoline skirts, Marseilles skirts, dimity sUirU AVbito gauge flannel*. Angola llannol* j an Silk warp flannels, Ac. April 1? !'.ta\\4wif HOOK. BKnTHKIL k CO. j W Books from i.oxi>ox ltio Household Manager. 1 \ol. Tendon. 85 cent | / The Poacher. Hy Captain MarrjiU. 38 WW'. -k The I Adder of Life. By Amelia B. Edward*. 58 eonV. t The Spendthrift. By A ins worth. Cflconw. i ttn Japhei in Search of a Father. 58 ccuU. Owen Tudor. 50 cents. Dr. Livingston's Discoveries in Central Africa. 15 cent'. Solitary Hunter. By John ralManr. 50 cents. Extraordinary Women, iboir Girlhood and Early Life. 75 cents. . ?ti hairy Tales. By Alfred Crmvqtilll. 75 cents. Fairy Hold for Young and Old. 75 cents. Ml Harry Ogihre. By Grant. T6 coots. j 1 Twenty Years Alter. By Duma*. 75 cent-. Arthur 0'I.eary. By CbarUs Lever. 7i* c? nt . 00 'the Pastor's lire-Hie. By Mlat porter. 75 cents. The l?ottleton Legacy. By Albert Smith. "75 cents. P" Ny Cousin Nicholas. By In gold shy. 75cept-. Luck is K\er> thing. By Hal well! 75 couM. Marrh i'l KR.ANCK TAYIjOR. by IIFK OF GENERAL N AIMER; l.y Lieut. Cone- dw J ral Napier, 2 volumes, london. 1857. The Theory of War, as illustrated by military history ; by IJoot- rj|( Colonel MardougaU, 1 volume, l?>odnn, 1857. llow to rupture and Govern Gibraltar. 1 volume, London, 1857. Military KngioceriDK and Implement* of War ; by It. Knrrcftt, Wool , wich. I volume, Lmdnn, ISfiri. many engravitu - / New I'nirer.-ul Dictionary 01 the Kuglld), Drench, lulian, and Gnr- ? man l*Dk tinge*. I volume, I?udon. 1857. L11 B<8ler Kogiuecrlng ; by Ann trong and Bourne. 1 volume, Ion- irj don, ||6J. Me fbr ChvtnLlry of Artificial Wht. 1 volume Ioudon, 1857. In sheerer 011 lb* Blowpipe. 1 vol nine, London, I8..0. 1 Crabbe'u Technical Dictionary of the Arti und Bcwocea. 1 voltuue, loidoo. ? Imported per latt -Reamer by I \* March a 1 RANCH' TAYLOR. | am -?* ? ? rip rpilK BOttl'KK HOVKHf; t\v Kmcrson Bennett. i'-" A 1 vol. Vivi*. or lb* Sicrcl of Powrr; by Mrs. Smitbworth. I Vol, ?" Major .liHit-V* Soon*. Id (ioorkia. I vol., lllu.lral -i. Captain Simon Sugga' .Idvcntoieti auit Trawl*. 1 vol., UlUKtr?to?1. c? March 21. 1 H INCK r.tYLOK. REGU I .A Ho v for the A rmy of the United But en, pn H47, Just p'ibli.hO'l, prior 91 malted, fro* of poMdfo, on p hi? ,#l|X of $1 10 I Kbr aalr at TAYLOR k M*r*YH Af 11 Book'torr, near 9th Mr.rt I 1 > 1 1 VOLUME XIII. CITY JALTIMORE FEMALE COLLEGE, N. C. ISrookh, A. M.i President.?This neiniuary of learning, Instituted lor llit rat education of young ladles, was created * college proper by tht i.blurt? of Maryland. December session, I My, with authority li ifer degree*. anil endowed with nil the rightt aud privilege* 01 llit it favored ft mult mstliulkm rhere arc two department* iu th<> inaUtuliou the coll<>gbt?> de rtment and tbu preparatory department, with Heir npprnpriah inches of learning. The four ft- of -ludy lu rath it lhr ee years Ignaled by as many diflcrcut cloa.cs. rOb'RfK OF IXSTHIXTIQM. the course of Instruction Ik iiiP ndod to develop the Intellectual, *o I, and moral facullleu; aud by Imparting a thorough, pruclicoI, ar nplletwst. aud Christian education, Ut the pupil for the faithful ill* irge of the responsible duties Itiul await her iu lile. Ireal |?IUUS will be token to promote Intallertual advauceniout by idenng the act|Uiaiilon of knowledge pleamut, uud by training tin pll to correct habits of thought and rellecllon. the proper exercise of the social feeling* will be encouraged by in looting whatever belong* to refined mauuoni aud diguiUod oourtcs; our intercourse with others : while reading, recitation*, and export ns from the Bible, will lumillarue tliu mind with the truth* of oui ly religion, aud inihu* the heart wilh right principlelit of action ant lea for the government of life. fhe course of In struction embraces lite follow lug leads of study : MORAL, MENTAL, AND POLITICAL HC1F.NCK. The philosophy of the mental economy and of government and the "ut subject of morale, not mere speculative, but aa they affect tht art and influence tire life, will he taught with care aud fidelity. Subject-: Moral Philosophy, Mental Philosophy, Political Economy ri.lH'ition of the I'niU-d r>tote*. BIBLICAL I.1TFJ1ATURK I he position of the Christian Mother In OOtj'-ty, aud her peculiar lit 44 to fa-Utou lire pliistic mind and heart of the young, demand thol lgion;nnd hence the word of God, with the evidence* of Christianity iim a port of (lie course of lustrucilnn. Sill jer 1-4: fterlptural Ill-lory, Chronology, and Geography; K\Idonce: Chrlstiunlty, Christian Ethics. AN'CIKNT KVNGl'AOfX. rho course of study in the ancient languages is sufficiently oxten e to train the iniml to careful ami luticul thought, ox wall as n tiro A hotter acquaintance with the Kuglish language. Beside* inflation and analysis, tie- doctrines of quantity and the metres nil tin attention, while the classic authors will lie illustrated by th> hi of ancient history, chronology, and geography. Suhjerls: Greek language, History of Greek literature, Grecian An utiles; latin Language, History of latin literature. Unman AMiqui MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCE. [n the mathematics great pains will bo taken to insure an ae sliitaiiee with the subjects pursued, and especially to teach prin lies rather than burden the memory with a multiplicity of rules tural philosophy and chemistry will hereafter Imi taught with lllus dions and experiments. A cabinet of miuorals will is' ruled up I' urd IhctHtics for the study of mineralogy; and physiology will bt idled with such assistance as may bo derived from anatomical out e plates. buhjoels: Arithmetic, Geometry, Algobra, Mensuratlou, Natural Phi ophy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology. IMuiiy, Physiology, Astron iy. Ancient Geography, Naturul History. ENGLISH AND BKIJ.iH LETTRtti. As this farms Hie basis of all the subsequent branches of study, es rial pains will be taken to render instruction in II efficient, uud thui lilllato the pupil's progressive acquirements. Composition will en go a portion of tbo pupil's timu coiumonsurate with its importance that young ladies will be enabled to conduct a correspondence will <dH, and express tlioir Ideas upon any subject of Interest with east i elegant*. Arithmetic will be taught with especial regard to prac al utility, and the pupil will bo rendorod liimlUar vrlih such calcula us us occur in marketing, In shopping, anil at the grocery. As tbi cuuistsnces of a family depend not only upon what la nutsie in bnsl ss, but what is smvd at home, liook keeping will be taught to tbi ung ladies, as a great ntixlliury to domestic economy. Subjects: orthography. Heading, Writing, Arilhmetlr, English Grain ir. Geography, History, Book-keeping, Rhetoric, logic, Criticism, His y of literature, Composition. MODERN I.ANGUAGKR I'Uc exercises in this departtneut will be conducted in a manner tt lire In tin) pupil not merely a know lodge of the grammatical rnu notion of the language studied, but ability to write uod spcuk it will oncy. Subjects: French Language, French Jjleruturc, Spanish language ini?h literature, German language, German literature. ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. This department of instruction sliall afford every facility to the slu nt, and the best professors be engaged. Thine already in the in-ti Ion are of acknowledged ability and approved experience. Subjects: Vocal Music, Instrumental Mu le, Drawing and Painting edlework. singing forms u part of the dully religious exercises of the in-tiliillon -ompanicd by the music of a parlor organ. Die institution, though lint in its eighth year, already lukos rani tb our oldest seminar!**, and enjoys ? liberal patronage from tlie cit; Baltimore, and from the middle, southern, and western .State-. FACL'I.TV OF lNSnU'CTKiN. N. C. Brooks, A. M., Professor of Ancient language". 1>.?- IF l- 1 Tl Math.-innties and \utiiral -VI rices .1. A. Mnnroe, A. B., Mathematics and Astronomy. MlM M. 0. Bhopard, Boiler tottres and History. Miss M. 1- Best. English and Physiology. Mary J. La Reintri", French and Spuoi-h. Mons. Kmilo Kctt, Drawing and Painting. Mom. J. .SrhaoflVr, Piano. Mrs. Eliza A. Keirlo, Guitar. Miss Ellen C. <*obilglit, Hauo and Singing. Miss Eliza A. Brooks, llano and Fiuging. Mrs. VI A. Kelrle, Vocal Mudc. EXPENSES. Board and tuition, per annual seaMon, $200 to $210. Music, modern languages, and painting, extra. REFERENCES. The following gentlemen have, or have had, daughter* in the Co! <e: Jlov. 11. HUoer, late Chaplain lT. 8. Ornate, Baltimore. Hon. O. F. Moore, M. C., Portsmouth, Ohio. ]>r. John Smith, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Dr. Henry J. Holmes, Jackson. Mississippi. Dev. H. A. Marks, Washington, D. C. Itov. Edwurd It. Anderson, Chrietiauaburg, Va. George Brown, esq., Hague, Va. The regular spring Nosdoii will open April lath, bui pupils will b reived at any time. For circulars containing full information address at No. 08 St. Pat it, Baltimore, Md. N. C. RKOOKH, March 0~ -15td*cp President. Washington Brunrh Railroad. ?r? i t\*D i nr !).>!< 1'^O ll'HVU IT il.lilinu, I I'll II'I imiuiiivis At 6 and 8,'u', a. ta., uud S anil 4*f, ]> ti). OnSunday at4U< I1' >" Bultlmoi'c tor Washington? At 4.'? and 9., u. in., and it and b)i, y. til. On Sunday at 4?J, a. in. rassetignrs lor i'hitad?l|>hia and New York a ill tnkn trains at ti, *\ iddJi,. I'awugers for Anunpolii will t iki traits* at 8},' and 4)f. In. lor Norfolk " " and a. Do. for tlw Met ' ' ti and t , coiincctiii; Washington Junction. 'i'. H. I'AttS'>NS, Agent. Jan 17?dtf "COMPLETION of Panama Itailroad.?Koductioi J of fare to California.?-United State* mail Moainsbips leave Nev >rk for Ajpin wall on tho Oth and 20th of ouch month, connectlnj Ah mall steamers from Pauama to Sau A Yanciaco. Ybeso steamships have beou inspected and approved by the Nuvj partraeut, and guaranty zjwd and tuifrty. The Panama railroad ^47 miles long) Is now completed from oeetu ocean, and ii crowed in C or 4 hours. The baggage of passenger chocked in New York through to Son Francisco, and passengers ar> ibarked at Panama by steamer at tho company's expense, lie anoy paid in New York covers all expenses of tho trip. Reserve Mourners are kept in j?ort in New York, Panama, and Su> andsco, to prevent detention in case of accident, so that the routs; i tlrely relt'ibi'. Passt iigors Jeavo Panama the same day thoy arrive at Aspinwall. Conductors go through by each steamer, and take charge of womci d children without other protectors. For through tickets at the lowest rate? apply at the agency, 17 est street, New York, to 1. W. RAYMOND. May 6 dtf LLEXANDRIA ACADEMY, Ataumdri* Va.Eighteenth annual session. - The course of study embraces thi iial English branches, ancient and modern language, mathematics d natural sciences. Its advantages are : 1. Rpaekaw and well ventilated building* erected for lbs purpose, if. A full corns of well qualified and experienced teachers. S. A collegiate coin--e of study. 4. A full Mi of apparatus?phllo-ophirul, chemical, and a-tronomi I. i. full courses of illustrated lectures on natural philosophy, ehem ty, ami astronomy. 3. Special advantage-offered to young men to qualllY themselve! study and practical operation- in the u Id as surveyors and cogl era. 7. Cotnlhr table Isxtrdlng irraiftnwah ; but two students ari keed in the same room. 8. Reading room constantly supplied with paper. Ac. 8. A location healthful, attractive, and arce-ible from all direction' railroads. 10. A prevailing Chri-I Ian lone and aim In all Its instruction am Kiplioe. Terms : Boord aud tuition, $180 Students can enter at any time d are charged from the date of their entrance. Send uud gel i lologue. It. I.. IIIKK KETT. Principal. March 7?Stawtiw l RNf I ONFKCTION ARY, No. M Bridge street |l Oor^etown, I>. C.. when* all klu<l> of ent^rUiuiiM'nM an uhheri, tvlth tbe best iro cr^am.-1, cukr#, walcr lc?*, confection p, A>c.,ut the Rhorh'Ht nolico, and on lb* most moderate terms dal awirdM at the last exhibition of the Metropolitan Mechanic* till ota. frb 3?dtf 1 ET the best. Webster'n Quarto Dictionary.? Jf What more essential to every family, counting room, student it. indeed, every one who would know the right use of language i meaning, orthography, and pronunciation of word." -than a foot gli-h Iviionary ? ot dally nc .,ii\ and permanent \ due. iVeb.t rV 1 nahrlJgeil i- now I he recognised standard, "cooslnnlh >d and relied on In our court- of Justice, In our legi dative IsvdP -, and public discu?ion?, as entirely conclusive," says Hon. John C. Spcu CAN I MAKE A Bt.TTKR DfYBSTMKNTf ' Fur ropioustiess, exactitude of definition, aud adaptudnes* to iht wditriati "I -ci. nc and literature, the moat tatnnbb work of Hit d that I havn ever seen in our language."?freefderit M'oyf.wxf. sibhshed hy AC MRRRIAM Sprlngdeld, M. old by all bookseller* In Waahingt m and tutwherj. faith 7 ?liu.ltc p*J Basbiti * LIBERTY, THE UNION, OF WASHINGTON, FBII M?r)l?nd Mtute l.otterie* for April, IMo?. R. OUNCE ACQ., MASUOKR* 410.Otto capital! GRAND CONSQUDtATED LOTTERY CUM II, To be drawn la Baltimore, Apt il 18, 1807. nit H suumi.. I prist of 8io,ooo j io pdiM of. *-,oot - princ* of. 10,000 j 20 do I.SOC ! 4 do 8,000 I at do dot '.'0 of 8500 and 1411 of 8400, being lowett three number-. Tickets 810?halves A"> quarters 8- 80. Certificate package id w bolt" 8111 840,000! GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, CUm K, To b? drawn In Baltimore city, April 25, 1857. M-u.xuir.T.'u somas. 1 prlM of 840,000 I 8 priiea of 83,001 1 do 15,000 I 5 do S,iMK 1 do 8,000 j & do 2,00< 1 do 8,000 | 10 do I.2W 4 prizes of . 5,000 1 182 lowest 2 numbers .. 40* 5 do 4,000 | Ac. Ac. Ac. Tickets 810?halves 85?quarters $2 50. Certiorate package 20 wholes .8151 Share* in proiKinlon. All urdera for tickets in the abor48svill meet with prompt attention and drawings will be forwarded to all who order as aonn as over. Address T. H. HC11BARI) a CO., Mar 27- lU.iwttl Bnltimore, Mil Brilliant Schemes for April, 18ST. GREGORY A MAl'RY, Ms.sAr.rtf, Wilmington, Delaware. To be drawn nnder the superintendence of controls loners appoinlet! by the governor. 837.500! I ! Lottery for the benelU of the ' state of Delaware. j cu* si, for mr. | To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, April 18,1867. 78 uumbcr lottery?13 drawn ballots, ukii UANT sntiutt:. 1 prize of *37,600 I I prlie of 62,391 t do 'JO,000 I 40 prizes of l.oot 1 do 12,000 j 00 do hot 1 do . 8,000 I 180 (lowest 3 No. prizes) . 30t 1 do 0,000 | Ac. Ac. Ike. Ticket* $10?lialve* 65?quarters t- 60. Certill-ates of pockugM of 2d whole tickets 6140 0( IV do I'd half do 70 Ot IV do 2d quarter do 31 0< 06,000! I/.ttrry for the benefit of the STATE OK DELAWARE. ' Class V, for 1867. To be drawu at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, April 26, 1867. 75 number lottery?12 drawn ball,4s. MiOXOIOMT MIICMK. 1 grand prize Of 65.000 5 prizes of . . .64,001 I prize of 36,000 5 do :... 2,001 1 do 20,000 40 do 1.504 1 do 16,000 40 do l,20t 1 do 124 (lowest 3 No. prizes).. l oot 1 do 4,000 Ac. Ac. Ac. Ticket* 620?halves 610 - quarters 66?eighths 62 60. ' Certificate* of packages of 26 whole tickets. 6270 Ot IV do 25 hall do 136 0( IV do 26 quarter do 07 it } j IV do 25 eighth do 33 71 . \ Orders for tickets and shares and certificate* of puckage* iu tin , . above splendid lotteries will receive the moat prompt attention,and at j account of each draw ing will he sent immediately after it Is over to ul j who ordor from me. Address I'. .1. BCCKKY, Agent, | Mar 13 Wilmington, Delaware. NOTK'U TO KOAJ) OON'TliACTOKS. It l.t-inp the intention of ibe board of directors ot the Washington aw Uocks illo Turnpike Company to gravel the road from the first toll-nan ? to Ms terminus at tho District line. contractors are requested to ad dross or apply to tho undersigned on the *uhj??ct on or before the I Ml ? of April next. JOHN C. HRKVT. So 30 Izoni-iana avenue. \ J. C. J.KWIK, ' Feb 24?fit.iwtf 492 Seventh street. TXTATCil 1'cpairiiiff ami Engraving.?Watches Vy chronometer*; nwl |?oc.krt timekeepers of every de?crlplloi repulred by skilful workman and warranted to perform accurately. ; Kngraving of every de-Murlptiou done in the bc*it stylo, including th? - cutting of arma, rreats. mottoop. and initials on stone. I %* Visiting and wadding enrds elegantly engraved and printed. M. W. OALT k BRO., Jt woilers, 324 Pennsylvania avenue, Jan 30?tf Between 91 h and 10th street*. OT. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY FOR YOUNG LADTES near F.mmittsburg, Frederick county, Maryland.?The nnnual sea . don of studies at this Institution commences on the 24th August, aw terminate* on the last Thursday to June. The Mm. ferbo$rd ant 1 tuition are $130 per anuuni, jmyalde semi annually in advance. Then | are extra charges l'or music, drawing, (tainting, aud also for Hpanlsli Italian, Oernum, and Latin. Tim terms for tho primary department composed of pupils tindir nine years of agoj are $100 i>er annum, pay able half yearly In advance, letters of inquiry should he ad-licssod to the MOTlIKft FITK i* R10B of 8t. Joseph's Academy, Kinmituburgj Frederick county v Maryland. July 8?-dlyear TO LEASE, for a Unit of \v:in?, the iniinsion of the lata General Tuwaon, United States army, It ooitnins all th< | modern improvement?, hm wmUt workn, furnace, range, At. aVp I plv to J. B. H. HWrfll, c?nq., at hF office, on V street. H | March *Jl-2\vtf CIOFFKE, FRUIT, ?70 Imp# preen Rio coffee, J Al*o, ou coiMigmnent? iitH) ho^os oranges, 200 do letnoiH, i Juat received and lb* #*|e by March 21-eoatir MURRAY it SF.MMVX DR. M. V. B. BOG AN respectfully informs hit f, iell,1? and the public that bo bo.-, removed nU office and resl douce to No. 451 Massachusetts avenue, south side, between 6U1 am lib streets, where be will ho happy to rocolve the cullj of bit friend , who tnav require his professional services. March' 18?ood4t" - T\U, KANK KKFRUiEKATUKS. Tito I / ha.i lust reoo|vod d|rcct from tho factory a large lot oi' the abova superior refrigerators, 'they coiao very highly recommsndftC by the best Judges In the eastern cities, and aro offerod at the ver) . lowest prlcoe. Wo havo also In store other varieties of refrigerators, which wll bo warranted to give satisfaction ill every put Ocular, together n ills ?1 Patent ice pitchers Pilent butter coolers Patent water coolers. t All of which are offered w holesale or retail at the lowest figures fat ' cash or to prompt customers. JOS. I.. SAVAGE, . fflgu of the CSili Shw, tt>nn. aw, J March 25?<!<Ulf Between Tenth and Eleventh p,irfet\ ' j T>OOKH FROM LONDON? ' _1) Tonke's Diversions of Parley. I vol., 8vo. New edition. I .lopllng's faomctrlral IVtriipectit c. ' Wslsti's Domestic, Kconomy. - ! Alms with ile fiotlut. 1807. ' ' Clarke's Dictionary of the KokII.Ii language. New Cnlverul Dictionary i>f Ihc Kugllsh, trench, Ilallan, an.t Cor man UlUyi. I vol. One Hundred Song" of Scotland: Music and Words. 37 cents. A Shilling's Worth of Pracilcal Receipt?. 37 cent*. 1 Armstrong k Bourne's Modern Practice of Boiler Mtglneerlug. . llardwiekc'a Shilling Peerage. 37 cent*. IV.r3ng'a Cyclopfedln Blblingraphlca. 1 vol., 8 ro. Imported hy 1T.ANCK TAYLOR. Ap U TfALUABLE TRACT OF LAND in Iowa for Salc.\ The undersigned oilers for sale tlx- S. W. fracllonal quarter o section 1H, In township 73. north of rnngo fi west, In the state of Iowa it This hind Is One, rich, rolling prulrlc, near the Shock ley's branch o Crooked Creek. II lies close to the llurlingtou ami Washington rtsul and is 30 miles from llurlingtou, It) miles from Washington, 10 niiltt > from Monnl Pleasant and Coinmhuscilv, 0 milts frmn Crawfordsville anil It tnilea from the I'iank mail. Timber and stone abundant wiflair 2 >? miles; saw mill 2 miles und grist mill t) miles dl-taul. Nelghhor t hood settled, with church and school privileges. A flue grove oi building spot on Urn land. 1 CHAR V. PTANBBLT.V, i Mi-ill .wui, 1UI r April 14?*o1 w Corner of 7th at reel. McGREGOR & CO.'b Extensive Hoimc-furuishing warerotatif, JJok. 539, ?r>28. ami 021 Seventh street. Foil MU of Parlor, IMntQg room, Hall, and Chamber Furniture, In ? mahogany, walnut, rtwewood, and oak. 5 And a general awoiImout <k' All hWK'kwptog $ood.i always on band at low oil prlMS. Every attention given to our cuilfltMm. Hou*** furnished entire ut short koiloe. Ap 9- -oodltM FREE BURNING (.'OAF,.?Just rewired one cargo free horning coal flipreaftly for COOtRsg. ' All coal well wcrcenod l?cfore delivery. . A nuporJor lot of wood now on hand. Fair weight and meuaure may Ix* relied on iu all caaaa, and the price a.s low aa tiio beat articla will adtnit. , i'on! kc|?t tinder cow., 2,-'40 pounds to the toa. T. J. k W. M C.ALT, North vrcU corner 12tb and C atreeta, So. $47, One aquaro south of l'enn. avenue. Ap 10-*42w POCKET MAES at Taylor k Maury'..?Township niij fV. I tonal Mxp< of nil ih. FUtcs aiol T.rritorl., Jnit rrr?lvH ?t TAVIJtR It M.lvRVH | Ap 1. Book.toro, n.?r NintU itrfcl. ijlou 1 AKD THK CONSTITUTION." >AY MORNING, APK1L 17 The Organization oft bo Executive Department* of tlie Government of the I niteri .States. I ? . | W.4TI: OUMK1JII Nf. The whole machinery employed to conduct the buaino a arising out 01 our tbreign relation* w Uli all tin- lowers of (he world 1* fur more j -iwple than is g? iu ruily conceived. The number employed in the U (uitcu-iil ut Mate ot the United State* is uul) KOvrntcen, us follow!: One Secretary of Stale, (Hon. liOwfs f'usiO ouo Assistant becrvtary of j ( j SWte, (Hon. John Appleloo,) owe chief clerk, twelve clerk*, one Iran* , I*tor, rod one librarian. t ! Diplomatic Brattrh -This branch of the 8tutc Department hao i ! charge of all correspondence betwee n the department and other dl 1 jdomutte agettU of the tJllHed States abroad, and lha?o of foreign i?ow ( % ! cr? neci-ediiod hi this government. lit It all diplomatic iuairuciionn | seut front the depurtuicnt, and communications to commissioner* uit | d*r tmflei ??i Impnduriex, Ate., arepiopaiod, copied./aid recorded; and I all of like character received are regitteied and filod, their content* ; being flrtl entered in au anal) lie table or index. Omnia/ Bmiuh.?ThU branch has charge of the corresjioudcncc, ! |tc.. between the department and tlie con* u Is and commercial ugeupi j of tho United Slate*. In ii iiMtruettao* to those olticera, and anawen j to their despatches mid to letters from other persons asking for conau lar agency, or relating to consular arthirs, are pre)iarod and recorded. The DMAtninf/ He has charge of all correspondence and other mutters contorted with accounts relating to any fund with the I disbursement of which tho department Is charged. The Trawlator.?His duties are to furnish hucIi translation* as thn . 1 department may require. He also r? cords tli<- cobmuuiMgmh of cou*ul* i aud vico^maiih, wheu not in English, uj?on which exequatur* arc ' i?SUC<J, I Clrrkof AmpfmimenU ctvdt Cimmiuimi.?Vb* makes out and record* i cmmrnl<i#l**flf, lettjpfe ol appointment, and nominations to thf Senate; j maktw ourand r^>rUn exequatur*, and records, when iu English, the couunirsiooh on wJhick they arc Ha* charge of the library. I Wrrk if th? Ho\l< ami A rehire*.?Ho takes charge of tho rolls, or eu! rolled act? and rasolutioui of C'oiigrcb*, am they arc received at the do: p&rtrucnt from tin- President;prepare* the authenticated copies thereof i which arc called f??r; prepares for, and HU|Hrintond* their publication, I 1 and that of treaties, in the newspaper* and in book form; uu<mmIs to | their distribution throughout the United States, and that of all docu I incuts and publication* in regard to which this duty is aligned to the ! department; writing and answering all letters connected therewith, j Has charge of ail Indian treaties, and business relating thereto, i Cltrk tf Authsrtf nation* ami Copyright!.?lie ha* charge of the 1 seals of the United Siau-H and of the department, and prepares and I attache* oertiilcateg to papers presented for authentication; receives and accounts for the fees. Has charge of publications transmitted to the dc|KUimeut under the laws relating to copyrights; records aud in dexoft their Utlet; records all letters from the department, other than I > the diplomatic and consular. ) Clirk of ParAom and Pamjiortj Ho prepares and records pardons > nod remissions; and registers and tiles tho petitions and pai?t-r* on I ) which they are (bunded. Make*, out aud rooordn passport*; kctp* a | daily register of all letter*, other than diplomatic and consular, re- J celved, and of the disposition made of them; prepares letters relating I j to this business. J A1TORKKY aoBRiCfl OfTIC*. If?>n. Jeremiah S. Black, Attorney General of the United State*; R. | II. Olllet, a*q., chief clerk. Tho ordinary business of thto office may be classified under the following heads: 1. Official opinions au the current toualneaa of the government, a* ! called for by the President, by any head of department, or by the So ' j licltor of the Treasury. , 2. Examination ?if Uia titles of all land purchased, as the sites of ; arsenals, custom house?, light house*, and all other public works of the United Mates. ! 3. Applications for pardon* in All cases of conviction in the court* * of the United State*. : 4. Applications for appointment in all the judicial aud legal business I J of the government, j &. The conduct und argument of a)I suits In tho Supreme Court of ; 1 the United State* in which the government is concerned. C. Tho supervision of all other suits Arising in any of the depart- I incuts when referred by the bead thereof to tho Attorney General. i ) To those ordinary head* of tho business or the office are added at j > the present time the following, viz: ) First. The direction of all appeals on land claims in California. Second. The cod ideation and revision of tho laws of the District of I , | Columbia. J j i.vrmtso* i>f.paannex r. Pre rotary of the Department of the Interior, Hon. Jacob Tbomp- I . son, of the suae of .Misn?s?ippi. Km clerical force consists of oue chief i clerk. (Moses Kelly, esq.,) two disbursing clerks, and ten other regu- j j Uir clerks; and tS its supervision and management are committed the i t I follow ing branches of the public service; | j 1st. The J'uldie Ixtnilt. The chief of this bureau is railed the Com j , missloner of the General Land Office. The Ijuid Bureau is charged j I with the survey, management, and sale of the public domain, and the j j ! Issuing oT titlns therefor, whether derived from eon Urinations of grants i made by former governments by sales, donations, of grants for schools, military bounties, or public improvements, and likewise the revision or Virginia military bounty-land claims, and the issuing of scrip In lieu thereof. The i;iud Office, also, audits its own accounts. The j present Commissioner j> Hon. T. A. |^etidr|cV?, of Indiana. Its prln j dpnl officer* arc a rt ( order, chief clerk,, prjucjp;?l clerk of surveys. , be ides a draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, und some l'#0 clerks ! ? of vr>H?M grade*. 2d. Pmuum??.?The present head of this bureau Is George 0. > Whiting, of Virginia. The commissioner is 'harmed witli the ovattii j nation and adjudication of ull claims arising under the various and j numerous laws passed by Congress grunting bounty laud or pensions for the military or naval services in the revolutionary and subsequent ; wars in which the i.Tdted States have boon engaged. He has one j chief clerk, {& Colo, esq.,) and a permanent our pa consisting of snmo | seventy other clerks, to w hich Congress, to enable 1dm to meet the | extraordinary requirements of the new bounty-land law, ban added a ' temporary force of about fifty clerkship* of different denominations. ! 3d. Indian*.?Commissioner of Indian Affairs ad interim, Charlea K. Mix, of tleorgetown, I). 0. Jlo is provided with a chief clerk and about fifteen other subordinate clerks. 4th. Patent Office.?To tills bureau Is committed the execution and ' performance of all "acta and things touching and respecting the grant ' ing and issuing ??f patents for new and useful discoveries, inventions, and improvement*:" the collection of statistics relating to agriculture; the collection and distribution of seeds, plants, and cuttings. It lues a chief clerk?who is by law the acting Commissioner of ratents in ' tho, absence of the Commissioner?twelve principal, and twelve as Sistant examiners of indents, some dozen subordinate permanent clerks, besides a considerable number of temporary employees. Brides theso four principal broncho* of this new executive depart I nient, the organic out of 1849 transferred Pi it from the Treasury I)c s part incut the supervision of the accounts of tho United States iuur.->hals : and attorneys, and the clerks of the United States courts, the manage ' meet of the"lead and other initios of the United States, and the aflkirs I of the iKUitentiary of the United States in the District of Columbia; and from the State Department the duty of biking und returning the censuses of the United Slates, and of aupervbdlig and directing the acta of the Commissioner of l*ublio Buildings. The hospital for tho insane of the army und navy uud of the District of Columbia Is also under tho management of this deportment'; lu addition \o which, by laws re cen|h imsfied, the lA?cretary of tlio Interior is charged with the cou*1 ruction of the throe w agon roads loading to tho Pacific coast, j The department requires an additional building for Its accommoda | tion. and the erection of one has boon repeatedly recommended during 1 ! the last few years for that purpose. At present the PonMori Office is I urm-WW u11Ik rooms in what Is known as "Winder'.-; Buildine." while I | the other branches of the department, including the Secretary's office, t I arc all crowded Into the I "a tent Office building, the whole of which i will be required at an early day for the use of the rat cut Office, for which it was originally intended. TJULUJURY I'Kl'ATtTVkJsr. ; ! The Treasury Department consists of the offices of the Secretary of i the Tree ury, two comptroller*. commWoOer o( the custom i, alg au 'iim , treesuror, register| Mrttcjtor, h.-.iu iciie board, and coos* survey. I The following is u brief indication of the duties of theso several offi ces, and of the three employed therein, respectively:' AteMfttyyi Offke.?Hon. llowell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury; Hou. Philip Clayton, Assistant Secretary; one engineer iu charge; one architect, olid three draughtsmen temporarily employed, and twenty, throe clerks. The Secretary of the Treasury U charged with the general supervision of the flaeal transjetious of the government, and of the execution of tho"laws concerning the commerce and navigation of the ! United Htates. lie superintends the survey of the coast, the light hou?o establishment. the marine hospitals of ih?? United States, and the con ! struction of certain public buildings for custom houses and ofhor pur- I ' ft036?. Fird CoMtfrolltr'i Office.?Hon. William Med ill, Comptroller, and j fifteen clerks. He prescribes the mode of keeping and rendering ac! counts for the civil and diplomatic service, as well as the public lands, ! | and revise* and certifies the balances arising thereon. | Ska**! ComptiiMcr'i Office.?John M. Tlrodhead, c?q., Comptroller, \ I and seventeen clerks. He prescribes the mode of keeping and render ! log the accounts of the army, navy, and Indian departments of the i 1 public service, and r? vi e.i and certifies the urisiiq tl reon. Ofic* rf Commit toner of tit Ctudomi.?Hugh J. Anderson, esq., I | Commissioner, and eleven Clerks, lie prescribes tho mode of keeping | J and rendering tho accounts of the customs revenue and disburse j men!*, and for the building and repairing custom-house-:. &c., and re- I vises and certifies the balances arising thereon. Fird Auditor'i Office.- Thomas L. Smith, c*q., First Auditor, and i nineteen clerks. He receives and adjusts the accounts of the customs j rovonue nnd disbursements, appropriations and expenditures on ac f count of tho civil list nni under private acts of Congress, and reports | the balances to the Commissioner of the Customs and the First Coinp- j f troller, respectively, for thejr decision thereon, Stcrmd A ui I it or'* Office. . Hecond Auditor, aud twenty ! i I one clerk9, fie receives and adjusts all accounts relating to the pay, ' , clothing, and recruiting of the army, as well ru armories, arsenal", i ! and ordnance, and all accounts relating to tho Indian department, and ! report* the balances to ll?e Pecond Comptroller R?r bis decMon thereon. ; r | Third Auditor'* Office.?Robert J. Atkinson, esq., Third Auditor, and j j seventy eight clerks, lie receives aud adjusts all accounts for Hub j uUtewce of tho army, fortifications, Military Academy, military roads, i and (be Qourtorm**t6r's department, ? well for jtcuqoiH, claim1* j arising Irotu miliiary services prfivfou* to HHfi, qtul for hoises and i other property lost in the military service, under various acts of Cuu j gross, and repot (a tie* balance. |o the Beocntd Comptroller for his ii?- I rltioti i nor Mm, I Fourth Auditor's Offi.e. -Aaron 0. Dayton, c,q., Fourth Audilor, and slateen clerk*. Ho receive* ami adjust* #11 aerounl* fir tho norvloo of j tho Navy Department, and reports Ike bolanors to tho Hcoond fomp j trolter for hi* decision thoroon. Fifth Auditor'! Offi/r.?Murray MoConnel, e q., fifth Auditor, tod tdi clerk*. lit receive* and adjusts nil aoooanl* for diplomatic and j Imilar aervloe* performod under the dlrootloll of itio Slate Itopart inent, and report' Iho balauocs to the First Com pi roller (or his decision I t thereon. tilth Aiulilor'i Oflire.?William K. Phillips. esq., With Audilor. and one hundred anil one chirk*. Ho rocoivea and adjust* all account* i arising froui iho sonjfc of the Post Oflco Department. His decision? , i are final, unless an appeal We lakan in twelvemonths l? the First Onmp- ; 1 tmllrr; and he sopor Intend! iho collection of all dolus duo iho Pot 1 (>ako Department. Treasurer") Ofhrr - Samuel f'a-ev, esq.. Treasurer, and Ihlrlcen ch rks Ho receive* ami keep* tliu inoatys of the bolted Slater In ld< t ! usu OtBce, ami that of the depositories created by the art ot tho Oth of 1 August, I Mil, and pay* out the *au>0 ?|ioo Warrant* drtian by Iho ) Secrotary id the Treasury. counlor?ignod by the Firat Coiu|itroller aud U|*in warrant* drawn by the l*ostuia?ter Oeueral, and < oiiutereigoeU ' by the With Auditor, and rooordod by the Keglster. lie ql?o bold# I puhllo tuoneya advanced br warrant todbburrlDg utUiers, nod pays out tbc wime upon their check*. BefiMer'! Oflcr. - llnley Bipger, Register, and Itfenty nina clerk' y lain n. MJMHKH t. , 1857. lie keep* the account* of public receipts and exp?udtturo?; receives I tllr rt'luruK and it taken tail flu' nlKcta! sUleuieut of cotntueroo awl BaY- 1 tgatkm uf lite l ulled Plat"*: aud MMlfrN trout the VIM Comptroller and CboutiUaWier of IfMUm all account* and voucher* decided by flicm. and in charged by law with their aafo-koepurg. .Solicitor * Oftoe.?Krituct* D. Wrooler, Poiloltor, aud six clerk*. lie eU|>crltUoud* all civil auita commenced l>v the Putted (Kate.. and In ! struct* iIn- rtilled Male* attorneys, marshal*, and clerk* In all matter* , relating fn tliem and their result- He receive* return* front each term i>f the Untied Plates court*, showing Vh* progrtM and nondition of such Bulla; bus cliargc of all laud* and other l-rop'Tty asntgucd to { lb. IJnilvd Plato* in pu) uicnl uf debt*, and bat power to aell aud dii pose of Ibc saute for tbe In uelit of Ibc United Si tie*. l.igkt Hoiuc. Boanl.?Hon. Howell Cobb, president; Coot. W. U. hinthrlck, ('tilted Otal'-s navy, cliuiruiau: ban. J. U. ToUeu. lulled huuis arm} ; Capl A. A. Humphrey*, Culled Htales artuv; prof. A. II. Hiu'be, I HuperiuleBdent of toast Purvey, prof. Joseph Henry, acoretary of | Miilllikotiiau lusliluiioo; (apt. H. I . llupout, lulled Kilos navy; (boo inaiuler Thornton A. Jenkins, lulu d htuto* navy, euglttoer; lieutenant .Win <1, Pnrkc, l ulled Plata* army, .sectary and hv? clerlut. fbU board direct* (bo building and r*]autiug of light bouse*, bjlil-vcasel*. ; Into) s, aud beacon*, contract* for supplies of oil, fcr. Unitcl Slit'rr CoaM Surer) <Mbr ?-Profeunor A. U. Burbo, LI. D , su lierUitcndent, mid superintendent of weights and una* urej. (Apt. 11. W. HenUatu, I'uitod Wales engineer*, a#?!stant, on special service. Capt W. It. Palmer, bipogrupblcal engineer*, at-Maul, iu charge of tbe Const Surtey Otllcc, tut interim. A. W. Kuaacll, chief clerk. C. LI. Hnow, iu charge of archives. 1-rofcsvur A. 0. Pendleton, United Plates navy, computer of longitpd< *. la-'tit. W. 1). Whiting, Initod Stat. ., navy, hydrographlc ofllccr. Capt. A. A. litbeuii, Vulted Slate* army. A**l*tant J. K. lUlgard, in charge of coniputiug division. Assistant 1. V. Puiinahs, In charge of tulal dttieiou. I ieut. J. C. Tidball, United States artny, iu charge of drawing di vL*ion. Ijeut. J. C. Clark, United Plate* artny, iu charge of engraving divieiou. Samuel Hold, disbursing agent. George Matbtot, clectrotypUC Joseph SaxUm, assistant to superior ndeut of weight* and measure.. l*OHT OVyXX I?KPAKTMfcLVr. 1 lion. Aaron V. Brown, Postmaster General. The direction ami ' management of the Post Office Department are assigned by the conxti- ( lotion and laws to the Postmaster General. That its bu.-drte.s4 rnuy be the more conveniently arranged and prepared for his final action, it is distributed union# several bureaus, as follows:'Die Appointment Of- j flee, in charge of the First Assistant Postmaster General; the Contract Qfflor, in charge of tho Hecond Assistant Postmaster Geuerul; the Fi * nance Office, in charge of the Third Assistant l*ostmaster General; and } the Inspection Office, in charge of the chief clerk. Ajtjk/inlnuiU Offline.?Horalio King, esq., First Assistant Postmaster General, and nineteen clerks. To this office are assigned all questions which relate to tho establishment and discontinuance of post offices, changes of Miles nnd names, upjioiiitmcnt and removal of postmasters and route and local agents, ax, alao, the gi\ big of instructions to post musters. Postmasters are furnished with marking and rati tig stamps and letter bulancos by this bureau, which is charged also w ith providing blanks and stationery fur the use of the department, and with the superintendence of the several agencies established for supply lag postmasters with blanks. To this bureau is likewise assigned tlio au- I pervislon of the ocean mail steamship lines, and of the foreign and in j ternotionul postal arrangements. tContract Offline.?William H. Dundax, esq., Second Assistant Postmaster General, and twenty six clerks. To this office is assigned the busl ! noes of arranging the mail service of the Vnitod Slates, and placing the j same under coutruct, embracing all correspondence and proceedings I respecting the frequency of trips, mode of conveyance, and limes of db- ; purtures and arrivals on all tho routes ; the course of the moll between (he different sections of tiio country, the pupils of mail distribution, aud | the regulations for the government of tho domestic mail service of the United Ptatex. tt prepare* the advertisements for mail proposals, re ' reives the bids, and takes charge of tho annual and occasional mail let- i lingx, and tho adjustment and execution of the contracts. All applications fhr the establishment or alteration of mail arrangements, and the appointment of mail measengerH, should be Kent to this office. All chdinn should he submitted to it for transportation service not under contract, us the recognition of said service is flrst to be obtained through the Contract Office us a nbcoKHOry authority for the proper credits at the Auditor's Office. From this office all postmasters at tho cuds of routes receive the Ntnterm*nt of mail arrangements described for tho respective route*. It reports weekly to the Auditor ail contract- executed, and all orders affecting accounts for mail truuH)x>rlat(ou; pre pares the statistical exhibits of the mail service, and tho reports ol the mail lotting*, giving a statement of each hid; also, of tbocontracts mude, the new service originated, the curtailments ordered, and the additional allowances grant -d within the year. Finance Office. - John Marron, esq.. Third Assistant Postmaster Gen- j oral, and twenty-one clerks. To this office are assigned the xu|>or vision and management of the financial business of the department, not devolved by law upon the Auditor, embracing accounts w ith the draff office* and other depositaries of the department, the issuing of warranto and drafts In payment of balances rej varied by the Auditor j to be due to mail eon tractors aud other persona, the supervision of ; the accounts of offices under orders to dopoMtc their quarterly be!- 1 eacet at designated point*, and thu superintendence of the KSdUos ! by postmaster* of their quarterly returns of postages, it has charge of the dead letter office, of (he issuing of postage stamps and stamped I envelopes for the prepay merit of postage, and of the accounts connected therewith. To the Third Assistant Postmaster General all post matters should direct their quarterly returns of postojW: those at draft office*^ their letters reporting quarterly the net proceed* of Uielr officer; and those at depositing officer, their certificates of deposite; to him should also be directed the w eekly and monthly returns of the depositaries of the department, oh well as all applications and receipts for postage stain]** and KlamtK'd envi loncs. and for dead letters. /axpoVtbti Offirr.?John Oak ford, esq., chief clerk, and seventeen clerkTo this office Is assigned the duty of recetv ing and examining tho registers or the arrivals and departure* "I ihe mails, certificates of the Horvico of route agents, and reports of mail failures; of noting the delinquencies of contractors, and preparing cases thereon for the action of the Postmaster General; furnishing blanks for mall registers, and report* of mail lullurex; providing and sending out mail-bags and mail-locks and keys, and doing ail o|hor things which inuv be ucoeiaary to secure a faithful and exact performance of all mail contracts. All cases of mail depreciation, of violation of law by private t, or by the forging or illegal use of postage stamps, are under the fttipcrvbdon ot this office, and should be reported to it. All communications respecting lost money, letters, mail depredations, or other violations of law, or mall locks uiid ko} s, should la? directed Chief Clerk, IV*d Otllce Department.*' All registers of the arrivals and departures of th< mails, certificates of the rtcrvico of route agents, report* of mail failures, applications for blank registers, and report* of failures, and all complaint* against contractors for Irregular or imperfect service, should he dlrevtcd Inspection Office. l\>st Office Department." KiV V OKI'AKTKKNT. The Navy Department consists of the Navy Department proper, being tin; ofiiivo of the .Secretary aud pf pvc b.ufcqus .qltachud thereto, viz: Bureau of Navy-yqr?ls qnd Pwis, Bureau or Construction, Equipment, and llfqutir, Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, Bureau of Ordnance and j Hydrography, und the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. , Tho following Is h statement of the duties of each of these office* and of tho force out ploy od therein: Stcrdarfi OJJkc ?Hon. Isaac Touooy, Secretary of the Navy; Charles W. Welsh, esq., chiof clerk, und eleven clorkf-. Ihe Secretary of the Navy 1ms charge of everything connected with tho naval establishment, and tho execution of all law* relating thereto is intrusted to him, under the general direction of the President of tho United States, w ho, by tho constitution, is commander in chief of the army and navy. All instructions to commanders of squadrons and emanmudors of vessels, all orders of officers, commissions of officers both in the navy aud marine corps, appointments of commissioned and warrant officers, orders for the enlistment aud discharge uf seamen, emanate from the HecreVary'a ottot. All the duties of the different bureau* aro performed under the authority of tho Bocreutry, and their orders are considered as emanuting from him. Tho general superintendence of the marine corps forms, also, a part of tho duties of the Secretary, aud all tho orders of the commandant of that corps should bo approved by him. I Bureau rf XavyYards ami Docks.?Commodoro Joseph Smith, chief n of the bureau, four clerks, one oivll engineer, and one draughtsman. All the navy yards, docks and vvharvoH, buildings and machinery in navy yard*, and everything Immediately connected with them, arc under tho superintendence of this bureau. It Is also charged wi& tha management of the Naval A*ylum. Hurrauof Constmdioii. i!qu'j>wral,a>ui ?John Lentlmll, esq., chief of the bureau, oiglit clerks, and one draughtsman. The office of the engineer-In chief of the uavy, Daniel B. Martin, esq., Is attached to this bureau, who Is assisted by three assistant engineers. This bureau has charge of the building und repairs of all vessels-of-war, purchase of materials, and the providing of all vessels with their equipments, as sails, anchors, watertanks, Ac. The engineer in chief superintend* the construction of nil marine steam engiues for the navy, and, with j the approval of the Secretary, decide* upon plans for their construe- ; lion. I Bureau of pdon'ijMu and Clothinfi. H. Bridge, purser United Btaten navy, chief of bureau, and four clerics. All provisions for the use of i lb* navy, and clothing, together with the making of contracts for fur- I nisblug the same, come under the charge of this bureau. j Bureau of Ordtuirwe and Bylmgrayhy.?Capt. Duncan Ingrahain, ' chief of bureau, four dorks, and one draught-uian. ThU bureau baji I charge of all ordnance and ordnance stores, the manufacture or pur chase of cannon, guns, powder, shot, shell*, Ac., and the equipment | of veseols^f war, with everything connected therewith. It also pro- I v ides the in with maps, chart*, chronometers, barometers, Ac , to j gethcr with such books as are furnished shlps-of war. 41 The Untied . BUUes Naval Observatory and Hydrographies I Office*'at Washington, perintondonce of tha chief of this bureau. I lliirmunf .Vtdiriitr ami Sur;rry -l*r. WIHIatn Whelan, surgeon Unl- | t.-il Slate* Mr)', eh (of of bureau; one paused as-iuunt Mir peon United , States navy, and two clerks. Everything rcl.illflg to medicine* and | medical stores, treatment of sick and wounded, and management of j hospital", com a within the superintendence of tin; bureau I w?n tattunnatorr JJon, J. B. Iltgd, Secretary of War. In the Secretary's office proper | there are one ertlef clerk, act en subordinate clerks, tw o messengers, j and fonr watchmen. The following bureaus are attached to this de partmcnt: Omiaiam/i'/ig General's ?Tlil" office, at the head of which is Lieutenant General Seoli, Is at New York. j A'ljulanl Omtnl'i itflrt?Col. Samuel Cooper, Adjutant General. Aaslstanta?U?Ot. Chi. W. O. Freeman. Major George Is as, and Chpt 8eth Williams. Judge Advocate, Major John K Ice. Nine clerks ami one messenger. in litis oince arc Kept all the records Which reier in . the personnel of tho army, the roll*, fcc. It li here where ull military eolnmMons are made out. Quartermadtr (Jeiural't Ojfire.?G'ou. Thomas H. Joaup, quartermaster general; Charles Thomas, assistant quurlermastor general; ('apt. M M. (lark, district quartermaster: Major H. C. Wayne, lu charge of clot 111 up branch; eleven clerks ami one messenger, raymu*'i Omnmii Ogkt. Col. R. F. loroed, paynwMer general: Major Ht. Clair Denny, district paymaster; eight clerks. and oun metacnger. i ^ Commie$ary (inuraVt Ofict.?Gen. George Gllwou, coiuuiiSs-jry gen cral; assistant, Captain A. K. Phi la*; alt clerks a lei ooo messenger. Swymn Or*emr? ?(Jen. Thomas laerson, anrgeou general; assistants, Dr K C. Wood and la. lUtlurd 11. CooHdge; three clerka. , Kngimts Oft '-?Gcuer*l Joseph O. T'duo, chief mglneer; a,.;.unt, Lieutenant Johu D. Kuril; Ave clerks ami ou? massetifer. To)*<fniyluful Hmrau ?Col. J. J. A her!, colonel of the corps| as- ; iltant, Lieut. M L. Smith; four clerks and one messenger. Ortfivrii-* Aiiraau.?Col. II. R. Craig, colonel of ordnance: Mthtant, > ' (apt Wni Mirnadier: eight rlert* and one nv senger f p > ? = T<t oi i: m us* I:IIII:I:S. J The mm ol au por^ou will bo eatviuU upuu uur Iwub. iulw< lliv |M) iut'Ut of Uk subecriptluii be uuulc iu iidviuw. IN-uot solverIbcr* may forward ua money by teller, and all rtok wiH b<- assumed by ourselves m iti n*fe*inU?i<>n Tlie 001NTKY PAfhlt h* |>ubMi<-<l triweekly during Ihe *e?- t-*na of Congress, atul acini weekly during the recent. hubscvtpltun-i Sir a period loan lluin a year will h? received nb I* rim piuportkaicd to tlw above annual r?Uv. U-lWII.llTKIW are auUmriacd lo art aa our agents; u?t by sending ua urn IIAII.Y subscriber*, with $du enclosed; or nva SKMIWtXKLY subscriber*. with Mb caeioaed, will be mulled to a copy frtfil. I'llKI I oliKJiiN NKWS nil: M \||> BY TIIK STKAMKR KltlCSSON'. The Kuropcan mails by the Collin* steamer Ericsson reachod this city yesterday morning. Hie F. left Liverpool on the let instant. 'lite Guglluli elections ure at ill the prominent topic in Lite journale on both sides ol" the channel. The defeat iu-tained by tlic Manchester pttrty is thus briefly commented on by the J'rtru; "'llu English elections arc fining on with rapidity, and we lire already acquainted with t third of the results. They prove to 1?o both a victory j{ the liberal patty over the conservative party, and a (lersoiml trhuupb for Lord l'almendon. The personal I iuccess of Lord Pnhnerston consists, alwve all, in tbo heck sustained by some of bis most remarkable and most meritorious adversaries. If Gladstone nnd lloebuck have yeen re-elected, Cobden, Bright, Gibson, and Layard ha\o lost their seals." Diplomatic relations between Sardinia and Austria will, t is said, bo restored sooner than expected. The Tinted jifortns us that the Intervention of the British ami French governments for the arrangement of the existing differynces between the Austrian and Sardinian government* lias been favorably received. The Mridchaiel difficulty is at length also in a fair way jf adjustment. A Paris letter in the Ar-rrf, stating that tbo onference will not again meet before Saturday, adds that the instructions demanded hy Dr. Kern are not likely to five rise to new difficulties, inasmuch as the principal point now in discussion is a demand made by the King of Prussia for a sum of 2,000,000 franc*, for arrears of his domains in the canton since 1848. The negotiations for the conclusion of a treaty of commerce between the French and ltussian governments ire terminated, and the treaty will w>on lie reduced to ; irritlng. Tilt ntsi lt or tiie oenkbal election. | Kroin the Loudon Times of April I Tlie election* have already cliangcd the whole face of the )?olitical heavens. We are no longer as wo were a fortnight ago, as regards either this Chinese question or a losen others of much older and nearer interest, Pooplo to not now ask who will be in the new Parliament, but i 'xclaim, "What a Parliament there will lie out of doors'." Hie expurgation not only of vicious, l>ut even of some meritorious elements, proceisls almost too rapidly. W lieu j the House of Commons meets it will lie with the serious 'onseiousness that a great number of its most active and 1 lido spirits are discontented exiles, moving heaven and I arth, and ready to go lower still, to obtain readuiission. It will 1k> the case of the Celestial Empire, besieged ; by "outer barliarians," or "foreign devils," as the vagrant sympathies of some will entitle them to be called, hitslde of the House, agitating, haranguing, wilting, plotting, combining, and oil but coalescing, will be Coblen, Bright, M. Gibson, Mini I, and W. J. Fox; there will Is? Sir .1. Walmslev, A. Pellatt, Sir W. (.'lay, Wilkinson, ind Ollveira; there will l>c layarcl and other free knights; there will also be absent Card well, Bounded Palmer, the two PhilUniorcs, Butt, M. Chambers, and a liost of others, more or less distinguished, or hoping some day to iistingiiish themselves. All of these will lie in outer darkness, yet not at all liojs'less of readmissioii. Indoors there will be positive raps in the debate?cries for Oobden or M. Gibson, ami 10 Cobduq to stand up. His own purge lias operated too ffectively by half, for he lias turned the liousc out of loors. ljke the old lady in the nursery ryhme, he bus old liis lied and now lies upon straw. In the house wo ihotild think the result will lie a little more calmness and leevney of discussion, and a little less of that peculiar ityle of oratory which lias recently lieon imported from -the bright region of the scttiug sun" into the British louse of Commons. o o o o We may Is- sure there will be a prodigious cry fbr a tew reform bill. It stimil* to reason there must is- one. o o a ooo lit the present instance it is evident Unit some of the lixnppointcd candidates must have sadly underrated lie force of those feelings which go under the general i inme of patriotism. Was It reasounl?ly to lie expected hat the population should rise to advocate the right of i fellow like Yell to pull down the British Jiag flying iji uer a jieaeoful vessel engaged in British tmde, and carry ,'t iway the co w, for the purpose of beheading an old man ;; vho was sukl to lie the hither of a pirate ? Englishmen 't 11 ust be very much altered since we formed our flrst and ieshest intiuvssloiis of tliem, if auy ingenuity whatever ' } an persuade them not only into allowing this, hut oven nto an enthusiasm for it and its author, lils defenders, aid uhettors. No parliamentary reform would have mode | my dilfereiicc here. No imaginable apparatus, no scale 5 if suffrage, no equality of divisions, nothing whatever iliort of driving the voters up to the hustings and lua- ;.'i ring them vote lor Messrs. Oolslen and Gladstone on s iiulty of death, would have infected the result. It is ? lie old English heart and the simple English nature w hich iavc done the work here. From all kinds of constitu ucies, great hiui small, popular and ciohc, there lias been ;; he same result. For our own part, we never desired or '! svvn imagined that an appeal would be mode to the peo>le 011 such a question. To us it seems the height of abmrdity tliat any men professing to be statesmen should orce such an appeal upon the minister. He had no & :hoicc, however, but to accept it in behalf of the people, ind, eoiifident as we were as to the result, we were sutis- i ied the H)qwul luul been made, That satisfaction inTeasea every day, and England may now lie eongrutu- .] nted on 11 1 Parliament elected not upon any measure or ip lolitical dlflereneo, but simply 011 an appeal to the natu- ,i al feelings and common sense of the people. > tut mo.m.v makklt. !" London, Tuesday, March .11.?The English funds have . >een firm to-day, and have closed at au Improvement of m eighth. Consols for luouey opened at 93} to g, and iwu iu fti muni uitjr D\uiuiiji inimui ><1 t\ll the termination of business, although a sale \\a, fleeted of ?100,000 stock for delivery. For tho 8tli of \pril the last price was 93 j to I, and for the new account n May it was 91| to jj. The demand for money in the Stock Exchange to-day n connexion with the settlement In foreign stocks was caroely so great as hud been anticipated. In the disxiunt nyykct and at the Bank the transactions were very large. About ?12.">,000 of t?r gold was taken from the Bank 10-day. It Ik believed, also, that a large number of sovereigns have just been withdrawn for shipment to the Jape and to Brazil. Tito government, likewise, at this period usually take a considerable quantity for the payment of salaries, kc. Henee there is no immediate prospect of lower rates in the money market. Indeed, unlesa ionic arrivals soon occur (Voni Australia sufficiently henry [or a portion of them to l>e retained, the contingency of in advance In the Bank terms may again have to be taken into consideration. The pavment of the dividends lian ilready been no fur antici|*ited by the sums borrowed from that establishment that any relaxation they may produce ran be but alight and temporary. The final quotation of the French Three-per-cents. on the Park Bourse this evening utui 70f. 50e., both foi money and the present account, showing in the former -.we an improvement of nearly a quarter per cent. Tlie letters from Paris state that the bullion in the Bank ?f Frame had increased ?710,000 within the last fortnight, the total now held being ?0,600,000. Under these iroumstiiuccs, it has l>eeri resolved, from the .Id of April, to reduce the premium offered for gold from 6 per mil in to 4. A* soon us the slock of lmllion shall amount to ?12,000,000, artificial purchases are to lie entirely dixeoninned. It is stated to have been already ascertained that the r'rench capitalists will not be able to find a market at Paris for their first subscription of ?2,600,000 to the llusilau railway scheme, and that they are to be relieved by ending some of the amount buck to St. Petersburgh, vhere the demand?which con, of course, be manufnrtiicd to suit the exigency of lire occasion?is said to he very [rent. the bf.vext'e or obevt spuxin. Tlie net increase on tho year just ended, as compared vith the previous year, is ?2,526,000, and the increasn the quarter is .1115,074. In the customs the increase on tho year arises nearly n every head of duty except tea and coffee, on which here is a decrease or postponement of revenue of ?1,100,000, principally owing to the antioiouted redaction