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to low tiuUot. mi nuoumk?l adruiuintrution of the m>v rtumfot, mi M * ft?-* <f ** *** '/ ** Situ* h) (a< \Ve cannot brtter comitate tkb letter tluui br ail extr^t from the IVmoir-tk IU-view on the nutyecf of Ht?u c relit: " The pubbr erelitor, * .ether be mar rr?i<le at the wupodm. or in our own rakht. mar rely upon the arwunuiix which, in the name at the American democracy, w? tvl auth' rinrl to utt. him nauielv that when he will Uml hum-elf ahanJ- riei to his fate to Uxwr who now |>n>In, to be hb |*? utiar fnemt- it will tie the (triuorracy .liich will -uurml* i t.? Inoi - ten tiling but honor which ?j|| o>! to lie iTUMh. ererythinjf liot couaciemc : ami ,1,1, h will ?rll out the <r-i m tuple of 0,c la-t f. ml of earth, torrreJ br the bet hearth-r4ietr if Kmauv, for tht Wiiu-nt t I he laet "en I i-t prim i|?l no,I inte,,^t ([,, jflWi. deM-" OI K NEW VOKK <"Rltt>>K>NDENt K. Nrw loax. \|>ril ?*, lt!j7. lie : . - -- 1 ' K -r. : '! New Y-rk i- imim n ? an) le.-iib th- thnr- .lnli tian -<net tie html r?utr. to lb. V,v Hat.-. <tt ?< hate three -teanil?mt toutew t; If. bu-t Hut .wiiri. t W -iir|??.| by a?\ routes >(' trarel ill til in country ihc ivmtc utllrxi til Now i. Ii ami Wor -!, [ I. .-Of til the ufclewt ami tb* I- -t Thowc w l,o w i?) to n wb Boston. Lowell totM-enl. ,.r Moutieal. tiav-1 by this line. It- W?tU are th- t'ommon wealth ami the < on nrclicut, ami are evnuinamletl by Captain William- ant! t'apt Wilcox llir Common won 1th ri ,.|,e of the nilii mi?t elegant boat* alhwt Sh? ??- built nl ureal oat. i> tiiperlly ftiruinheri. ami low a -aJoon. table, furni turf, and stale-rooms that. ft* elegance and taste, canno I* Hurpuv-fd by the vdooua of the A?t?r and St Niche Ik. TV Commonwealth run- t>> Noiw i. h. and thine, the p\-s?ngerx are ?>oieyed to Boston In the Nor wich and Won.-t. : . . vi-l Mi Waller. lhv throng I conductor, has hreti many yewrs on this road. and i* on. of the unM *Ue and a. i.iieiuaaly of mm Hr ha* tin fidruce of tii" wlv!.1 ten -Iling ouinuiiit . Met .end on by hint their wire*, children, and valuahl. ware- Captain WiUh.rn- ha* sailed for year-. oi the Sund without am accident ; and, with the ofticien irrviees of Mr. Pratt. in IV-.ton. and Mr. Martin, in Net York, ax lwismew mint.-, and Mr. tio-r, the popula clerk, the- line h*? alway s done a Urge business. Net irliarV' h ive U-r.'i added this season. new facilities opened and thf arrangements for a heavy spring business an- nl complete. The Stoniugton line, which carries the United State mail, is the fast line. It gut- through with "nulroiu s|icsl. A!! ?ho wi-h to !* in season for the evenin| trains frrna Boat-mi or from New York sekvt thin .route '111is line hi- the honor to have introduced the exampl of fitting out that elegant style of boats that acvomiuu Jute the t.wteru travel. The Plymouth Hock was th first loot "f this ! iss that *?> >h< is a larg. commodi>'U>. and rapid steamer?elegantly a|>poiiitr>l iud eounuuided hi Captain Stone, otic of the newt ex perineal men ou the Sound. Mr. Lo kvood, the Nri York business agent, has a reputation as.quired by year of faithful service, and is well known to most of th busine* men in the land. The Fall River route has always been a popular rout to the East. It lias only fifty miles of railroad from Fa! Hirer to Boston. It lands passengers at Newport, an luu all the travel for that famed locality. 'Hie cleg.iuv *nd 4*e of it- boats. the good night's sleep it secures t its passengers, and the popularity of its officers, inak this one of the newt popular routes twit of New York Captain Brown, of the steamer Mctro|*dis, is really on of the most efficient and popular men ntl.xri. He is a! most omniseieut Hw is by the side of the pilot in th wheel-house. He i? at the gang-way to receive his |xi> xengers. He loots after the steward and the tables. 11 takes care of the lonely ones, who have no <aie to loo after them. He keeps a tdldac chest and aoiue "stron wntera," and answers all rails at night from the sick, an never closes his eyes till the boat is at her wharf, and th inssengors are landed on the dock. Indeed, the roadi hosts ami lines of travel, in their conductors, officers mid employee* out of Xew York, have secured men t gentlemanly manner* and fine addreiw to attend to tli wants of those who travel, and travelling with its i really a fs?4Uve luxrrry. .Miss Loon Keene most certainly deserves the heart and excellent snpport that attends her house. She cam to New York when the theatre was at a low chh. Sh conceived the klen of fitting up a lioa-w of entertainmer that should combine all the desirable features of the tin ntre without any of itsdrowlneks. She took the Metropol tin Theatre: called it '-Liura Keerie'* Varieties," as title < what her performances should 1*- ; arranged it in elcgnti lute : Iwtiished from it a!) that wits gross and repulsivr and intrislueed a new taste into our community. Rail treated by the lessee of her house, she was able to have new house placctl at her command, and she nightly hold forth to a crowded auditory in a gem of a house as liean tiful as a lady's isurrdoir. Miss Keene is itidefatigabh ^hc reaches her theatre at eight in the morning. She i the mau?gere*s of her establishment. She suiwi intend the whole concern ?the {Minting, tin stones, the pro| rrtics, the rehearsal, and then reads up her own parts, an sometime# takes the leading characters in one evening Mr. 'Hennas linker. the l-vler of tlie orchestra, has at mtiged a style of music, national and popular, compose ?f martial airs, negro melodies, always jiopular, Knglis quadrilles, cotillions, and fancy airs, and out of th whole discourses ?uch music as to draw nightly from tli (towilts] audience the most enthusiastic applause. The wanting sounded by prudent moil irt the ears t the Young Men's Christian Association, that they waul* lie ruined if they did not let politk> and black republi Attempted to unite Ciiun h and State, got hold of th '' ad of this body of young "evangelical Christians." I ?ns attempted t?> make a vote tor Fremont" a test < ilhriplrwhip. But ell the association were not fools, an thi'?e contested tie ri^ht of these atsditionists to al>oli tieiii/e Christianity or themwlvoi; and they gave the# mad-caps |iu-l,i jn tin true style The discussion brongh nut what always np|*-ar* when these disunion ists onn b male to speak their mind Hurt these fellows urc infidel in disguise ; that they are real followers of the Infidi Parker, Garrison, ficrrlt Smith, Abby Kelly, and Hear 1 Wright. Tie- .int and temper of these alsditio letdcrs have opened the eyes of the solwr people, wh wished well to the .? ? iatioi. ot this' pnim; limi I,>night a meeting w.ia held at the room* of the association liver one hurnlre I men. tie- oldest |?rt of the Issh, w ith ilrew from it. and nearly nil of the leading clergyme who hat) lent their aid to this society have ortlero that their nanus should l<e tak'-n from the roll of th "efcty. Rev. I>r. < hard tier Spring headed the list, ate "ten toll >wr the names of Iter . I>r 1'otts, Rev. I>1 Alex nder, Rev. I>r. McKlmv, Jtrv. I>r. Adams, and others I new association will isfetmed. The l?l:u k-repuMicnl hulk will Itc cot adrift. with a tleht on it heavy enougl "ink a Chinese jntik. It will >ooti send her down t Ike bottom with her Mack Hag and cross honea at half '"*"1 a signal of disto-ss. with none to aid ami few t< |"ty. So g, tl;e < Itun.'cs in the pnldii initid so read th "'monitions. I'olitiiiiui ?>r priest, elab or parish, soeie ti'-s Or h-gislstun-s. who utt< inpt to demiticnalixe on 'M and promote dUoiiinn, will "die a* the fool dieth,' ""l I* buried at tl>- <tow of tin road* witli a -tak< "'"" git Hi- !??lv ii:i 1 t!i?- motto on tl.- -I ll"/;/? ,!r nr. MANHATTAN. Tie Charlnton Mercury ?tat<- the stcuiwthi] ri?", at New York fi"in Clutil- -t'-n, rcporta that 01 'dti-K-liiv. at lti|. in . 10 mi!.-, moth *>f llnriu'irnt *>w a large .!,!;> if, .upporcri to 1K; one of the olc "v York *ii.| Liverpool pe keta, with paint- '! |>ort?, old 1 1 - with forei>M?t -tttd mtxyen top-gallant ma-: Thirte- ii mil--, north --1 Kirnegat mu ? large fore r a* ho laThere are now eight hundred millions of dollar* in "'"I in lailriwl. in the I 'nit- I -t it--- It i* but ; |IU| T%te ae- iti-.n to make in n-gard t-> tin* iiicatimabh ' "" of tlnie I nif.r.-\. in- ;,l . that Hi-v have ipiadrnph'' ??bi. -.1 Hi. 1 mi.I# thi..itL'lt which Ihi-v run . making lnt Wn. w.irtl, <*tM?.tnM?.tHiu. without r -ilroitd eommtt "'"'on, worth M Z.m.CKHt.iaio. LOUIbLASA INTKIXKiENCK. Tlie Nhreveport News of the 14tk inxt. says : " Hie weather "milium 'I" kindly cool for Uii? season , of the year. Oil baiarday night iaat, between H and 9 o'clock, Miow was seen to fall ; Sunday looming there wax ice, ami on Monday morning we had a heavy frost 1 The fruit In entirely dent roved, and even the young oaJu and other xinail growtli are completely w ithered from the j effects of the late cold weather ' 'Hie Mount Lehau<ai i Bienville pariah i Baptist of the 16th aaya: * 1 ' On the night of the 11th a light mow fell for federal 1 hour*, and neat inoriiiug the tops of our houses were covered with xleet. *>n Momlav morning, 13th, there wax ice and a heavy front. Our forests look, war and isd. Many of the large oak, ash. hickory, and other trees look Ian if they never mould hud again. * Tlie wlieat crop in killed, and must be a total failure: and not a peach, plum, cherry, or apple arc we to expect from our orchards. " Yesterday morning, loth, there was considerable | treat." The Napoleon villc iJuMuniptioo parish! Pioneer of the , : 19th inst. says: I I ' We have had a second v init from Irost and ke the post week, greatly to the detriment of the cane and corn The prosjiect* for a large crop uf Nilgai, which were so promising, are for the moment blastvd. and tlie great advantage exiael bv the forwardueiw of tlie cane is lost. '11k- season for the grow tli and maturity of tliih clop is I a short oiit* uiuler the most fat orablr circumstance*. and. unkw we on? kvoml by the lab* appearance of Croat in the fall, it cannot exceed 230,000 Uxk" The Alexandria American of the 18th in*t. my*: '"On Sunday morning (liJthl the winw was on the ground to the depth of about three inchea. which, however. the genial rays of our MHithern aun soon melted off, and since that time we have had tolerably warm dots, although the nights and mornings have lieen cool. Wc have had several frosts since that time, Imt wc are happy to state, however, that as far as peaches, plums, Ac., are concerned, there will, from every appearance, be plenty, the late freeze not having injured them much. A great many of our planters have ploughed up their cotton ground, and have replanted. The cane is said not to lie injured in the least." t'rimi the Owcgo (>t. V.) Cazotle. HON. J. OLANCY JONES. It is well known that this distinguished Pennsylvania democrat, the recognised democratic lender from that I State, for several years |Ktst, in the national House of Representative*, for the noble and patriotic purpose of s healing, or rather of preventing, dissensions among the { I democracy of his State, declined a seat in the cabinet of j Mr. Buchanan. Our own admiration of the character and talents, and >' warm approval of the political course, of Mr. Jones, must - be our a|>ology (if one is needed) for transferring to our e columns the following allusion to him in a private letter from an esteemed friend at Washington : * If 1 do not mistake the signs of the times, J. tilan ey Jones has a bright future. He will be the polar-star k vf democracy in the next Congress. Wherever known he > is universally held in high estimation. Candid and fascinating in his manner : courteous to all, though prompt and decided iu his opinions; in every sense of the term Mr. Jones may I* called a great man, whether viewed in c his natural endowment^ or as a gentleman of liighly polII ^.i,n,ni I.kt-,1 ?u (] these, in an eminent degree, be is a favorite of all, in the social circle or the forum. For al>out a quarter of a century Sir. J. has shared largely of the friendship and confidence of the President, and it may lie said, in truth, that e ha haa l>ecn the pupil of ' Pennsylvania's favorite son,' and, theiefore, sound on all constitutional questions, and c radically democratic." t'rum the Albany Argus. ' SUFFRAGE TO NEGRO SLAVES. Tlie address of the democrat* of the legislature pointed ^ to the proposed amendments of the constitution repealing g the qualifications of tliree years' residence and S250 free- j d hold ss n title of negroes to suffrage, and coupling it with c the liberty bill, declaring all persons free who come within the limits of the State, and with the legislative resolutions against the United States Supreme Court: character- j ,1 ized the whole series of measures as "an invitation to tho ir negro slaves of the South to escape to tins State to be inj. oorporated into the nuts* of voters." Docs any man doubt that this would be the direct effect j , of these measure* if in operation ? lire three-years-resi( deuce clause and .*250 freehold qualification were put into tire constitution, according to Governor Seward, with hul4 mane ami patriotic motives. Repeal them, and invite and protect the fugitives from the slate States by your kindred measures, and the underground railroad would bring thousand* of negroes here annually, who, without [( the probation exacted of aliens, would at the end of a year , march to the jadls to vote for freedom and free plunder, ^ for partisan corruption, and against the constitution of the United States and the authority of the courts of I justice ! For what reason except this do the black republican* desire to oj>en a question settled by the direct vote of the i* people only six year* ago y 'ITie Evening Journal assails the unanswerable positions ( of the address on this point with frowns and sneers. Its j colored cotemporaiies will follow the example; but the people, who understand this question, and whom it iffacts, will not be misled by these monkey tricks and ne,| Kro grimaces. e The pro-slavery <lcinocrati> in the New York common council voted on Monday evening (35 to 101 to hang on 1 to their grip upon the city treasury, mid to nullify the acts of the legislature for the government of the metropolis, >1 which they have so long been abusing and plundering, d We desire to know what the Atlas has to say in denuncia|. tion or support of this kind of muMpRMlim. 0 [Ihijftih Daily Rtftuhlic. c The democratic legislative address denounces all who 1 refuse to receive as law the dicta of the Supreme Court in the I>red Scott ease, yet justifies nulhjiealton of the law in 1 the ease of the New York police!?Albany Are. Juttrnal. These two prints seem to have caught at the same idea, - and clothed it in the same words. They both affect to t compare those who appeal to the judicial tribunal* with those who defy them ! The authorities of New York city ! have applied for, and obtained, an injunction from the I supreme court against the new police commission ; and the validity of the law establishing that body is now on ' argument liefore tlie court. With the decision of the n ' courts the democracy will lie content, and they will abide " ' by It. What parallel is there lie twee n this and the conduct of those who defy, deride, and ant at naught, the dc* j cisions of the highest trihunols of the land .* ?Albany Arym. " Mrs. R. H. Nichols, in siwaking of the marriage of Miss J linker to her father's coachman, John Dean, says it is not e Ix-euuae bean is poor, or tliat he is in a lower station in ,1 life than herself, that makes this affair so monstrous in the eyes of those accustomed to bx>k Ireyond the present ' i into the future; it is baOMMC of the total dissimilarity of ' feeling, taste, op)s>rtunity, anil endowments. No rctincd ii i woman (.duiii nave norne ki i>o amiressea in tin- language li of lore by an unrdnol, coarse-natn red man, to say noth0 ing of her living iimlcr the sanir roof with him. and bo _ ; holding him condemned to lierd with those she esteemed an much liencath licr, while sl'c queened it up stairs in " another sphere. ? j _ The Richmond Eiupiirer of yesterday morning nays r that .Imlje Meredith on Mom lav sentenced George Liv- | ingaton to the penitentiary for one year, on conviction of r causing the death of Mix* L)n<-xl?erry hy violence : and Floyd Tunner to the same institution for a like period, on conviction of stealing $120 in money : hut Kiis|>cndcd the sentence in both eases for thirty days in order to enI able the prison< m to uppeal to a higher tribunal against s his decision. 1 ' j The St. I/ouix Republican states that Blum-hard I'hilpot, in the employment of C. G. Hubbell, jr., A Co., was arI resbsl on the 2.1<1 instant on a charge of cmla-nding funds. For acme time past he ha<l Usui suspected, ami a trnp was lni<l to catch hiiu l>y marking a bill, which was abstracted and found upon Ids person, and which led to his arrest, i The Augusta Constitutionalist says: "Four successive j I verdict* for divorces were rendered in the superior court ; of that <'<unty on Satnnlav afternoon. Three of the i suits were brought l>v parties who Ind married in South ; Carolina, at>4 one in Ireland. UJENERAL SUMMARY. The lihrarv at" the House of ('ominous consists ot up wards uf JO,000 volumes ; in 1840 it only numbered 4,O<>0 | The increase lias principally taken plana in dictionaries, hooka of refe-reme, general history, English history. dip Icmnmbv, topography, law, voyages ami travel*, aa well as works at authority connected with the East Indies and colonial pewwsaian*. < Captain J. M White, late owner of the steamboat S. F. J Trabue, has instituted suit in New Orleans against Sherifl Bell fur the sum of $50,000, which he olaiius as the value of the lest at the tipie of her destruction by dre, while under M'isure and in custody of the sherifl. The fishermen in the neighborhood of A<{uia Creek ( were quite successful Saturday, takiug from 7,000 to ! a,000 shad ?t a haul. The largest haul of the season is ' said to have been made on Wednesday last by Mr. Jacob Dempsey, at the Six Chimneys, below Indian Head. This haul yielded about 20.000. The Toronto Colonist of a late date says that the, fall wheat, which appeared a few days ago to be In rather a precarious ondition, is rapidly assuming a more favorable taped, and do feais need now be entartainerl of the plant j which lias escaped all danger from the very unusual and trying weather since February last. The i|uarajiliuc commissioner* of New York city have bought fifty acres of laud near Seguiue's I'oiut for the location of a temporary quarantine. The price of the laud was 923,000 : the buildings, valued at from $12,000 to $14,000, being included iu the pun-base. Tire house will j be used as a residence for the hospital physicians A new line of steamers will begin running iu May, between New York, London, ruicl Bremen, leaving each port semi-monthly. This line is owned by the Euru)wmi and American Steam-shipping Company of Irondou and (Southampton. On the outward trip th1: steamer will leniuiu one day ut London. A letter from the collector of the Btttquehanna and TVle-water canal, at Wrightsville, Pennsylvania, states tliat, although the canal has been in order two days lew* than last year, the business show* an increase of near $1,000 in tolls, 3'J more through boat*, and 101 more way boats. The Bremen borque Blucher arrived at Baltimore on Monday, iu thirty-seven days from Bremen, bringing 2o2 emigrant*. The Bremen Iwrque Columbia alms arrived ou the same day, after a passage of forty-five days from that port, with 176 passengers in the steerage. The Galveston (TexasI Civilian of the 20tli instant says j that the effects of the late frosts have not been so diss*- j trous to the crops us many tiad supposed. Much of the young com is apparently uninjured, and the cotton planted previous to the last frost is coming out finely. j Lewis Baker, esq., of Philadelphia, (formerly manager of the principal theatre in San Francisco,) has leased from John Botes, coq., the Cincinnati and Louisville theatres, j . the former for ten and the latter for eight years. The receipt* at Norfolk, under the vessel-inspection law, from 1st April, 1856, to 1st April, 1857, were only $10,294 34. Hie machine shop* of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, in Wheeling, recently destroyed l>y lire, are being rapidli rebuilt. Julien Gumming, esq , of Augusta, has accepted the invitation to deliver the annual address before the Literary Society of the Georgia Military Institute on the 14th of July next. E. W. Kennedy, esq., has disposed of his interest in j the Florence (Ala.i Gaaette. a democratic paper, to C. 1*. Bynuin, esq., who has become its sole editor and propri- | etor. A telegraphic dwjmtch annouiu-cs that the steamship I Lebanon, from Woolwich, with dates to the evening of i the 11th, arrived at Halifax oh the 27th instant with ; troops, but brought no news of interest. Hie Chirksville (Tennessee! Jeffersonlan says that the 1 prospect* for good fruit and wheat crops in that section are flattering. Edwin Forrest, the great tragedian, will perform at the HoUidny-strcet Theatre during the ensuing week. W. B. Egan. esq., lias been elected judge of the seventeenth judicial district of Louisiana by a majoiity of about 350 votes. The farmers of Potter county, Pennsylvania, are said to have made this season about 325,000 pounds of maple sugar, worth in cash ten rents per pound, nud really worth to the furmer 12* cents. : , A large blacksmith shop was burned in New Orleans j i on the 22d inst., together with some ten or twelve dwell- ! tag-houses. Frederick Emerson, esq., well known for many years as an eminent instructor, and author of a valuable arithmetic, used in our public schools, died at his residence in i Iks-ton on tlic 26th instant, at the age of 68 years. An entire block of buildings were destroyed by Are at : Oxford, North Carolina, on the 28th inst. The loss of I Messrs. Hcrnden, Mitchell, and Lynch is estimated at $30,000. A fire at Montgomery, Alabama, on Sunday, burnt Car- , tor's livery stables, with thirty horses, including most of ; , those belonging to Orten's circus. The loss is about i $30,000. There arc twenty-six lines of omnibuses tn Philadelphia, employing 350 stages, and 1,925 horses. Hie annual expenses of these lines are estimated at $200,000, and : the capital invested at $890,000. Hudson, the ex-railroad king, whose frauds created at j one time so much excitement, has again been elected to j the English Parliament. I 1 Honndiueir's soap and caudle works, in Philadelphia. ; were destroyed by tire on Tuesday last. I,oss, $50,000 ; i insured for $30,000. i The Hartford Times learns that the snow is ttenftti iIc/j j 1 in Western Massachusetts. The drifts between West Oranvillc and Hartford were from five to six feet deep. ttaow fell to the depth of one foot on the 20th inst. ut Blooinsburg, Pennsylvania. Tlie total amount of t.ixahle property in Shelby county. Tennessee, for the last fiscal year, is $29,225,915 ; the total amount of the tax oil the sonic, $92,259 22. The i number of slaves in the county is estimated at 13,268, The Chicago Democrat i> informed that the wheat crop , of Will countyIllinois, is destroyed. Cattle ure suffer- I tag for want of fodder, and the frnit, as a general thing. is killed. A western exchange says that Tamonchc, a war chief of j the Utah Indians, put two native physicians to death, ' because they tailed to cure two of his wives, who died under their care. The Rochester (New York I Union states tlwt the fractional increase of fare to way stations on the Central railroad will add more than $i(K),000 annually to its revc- J A beautiful yacht has been built in Baltimore for a firm , in St. l'aul, Minnesota. She mw *hipp<-d yesterday by . the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to Wheeling, thence to St. Paul by the river route. j , The Abingdon (Virginia! Democrat states that during the week preceding Tuesday last snow fell daily in Wash- | ington county, The fruit is generally killed, and vegetation is very backward through the southwest portion of ! the State. Many cattle arc dying. There arc three banking-house* in Chicago whose de- ! posites reach in the vicinity of $1,000,000 each, and one | 1 more at least whose* ih*]>oaitea are nearly half that sum. j 1 The Springfield (Missouri) Advertiser corrects the rumor that the small-pox is at that place, adding that people need not be afraid to come to town and attend to 1 their business. * The "charter oak" fever (says the New Ham|>shire ' lh-giston has broken out in Hartford again, and got ( among the lawyers. "Mr. MciSuirc" lias got possession of a log of the "brave old oak," (from which 'a fire I ' trumpet" was to have been made !) and refuses to yield 1 ' up the timber. 1 A man nanus! Daily, for attempting to commit mil- * ckk in Hendricks county, Indiana, lias liern sentem-ed to ) the penitentiary for three yearn and disfranchised for ten years. Ilie Philadelphia Ledger states thai M. P. Simons, <la- ( guerreoty pist of that city, has issued a small volume Intended to instruct st mlouts in the art of coloring pho- [ tograph* The Pittsburg Union states that on Monday morning, ! ' aliont 3 o'clock, the new bridge lieing erected over the ' Allegheny river, at that city, by tho Pittsburg, Fort : r Wayne, and Chicago Railroad Coini>any, was set tire to , t by some malicious scoundrel, and a portion of the wood , work was destroyed before the lire was extinguished. The Norfolk Argus states that the young fruit on the tree* alsuit that town is in a good state of preservation, j Fig trees are dead nearly down to tho roots, having lieen 1 nearly destroyed hy the intense cold weather in January, j Hie rhilndelphla Inquirer states that a vessel was to leave Camden direct for Kelawtopnl with a load of cais- ' sons, which have been built at Cooper's Point, for r.iis- h ing the sunken vessels in that harbor, a from her by mum person unknown Tbe wearer said the haul purrhaaed the article of drew* fur tweuly-thice dolhut could not tell from whom. Justice Ikuiiel I '' Swi'h required the prisoner to give hall tor court; in tie- 1 fault of which she was committed to prison. ** Jul t Tar New Custom-Houni and I*uwr Omca at Alrx. an dai a. The foundation of thin building in now com- ^ - pleted. and is awaiting granite front the I kxoquan quar- rM , rics for the superstructure, the first storv of which is to l . be of cut granite, and the balance of brick. The granite 1 is being dreset*! at the quarries, and will be all ready for t'"' s laying as soon as it arrives. ( " (Jg| e The Naval Cotars. -In court No. 1 yesterday tlte case M, F of Actiug Master Lieut George A. Stevens'was postponed l e for testimony ou the part of the government, 'lite rases <b? f of IJeuts. Chandler and Baldwin are still under considersj tion in courts Nos. 3 and 3. . 1 Asri-K.Now-Nonn.mi oa Union Meetinc,*. Tbisercning. fourth wiilxl, at the hall of the Perseverance Kire Company ; on Friday evening, Second ward, at Harmony llali, ''' ' and Sixth ward, ut the Anacostia engine house. Our J friends are active. Delegates are to be selected to a contrillion to nominate candidates to be toted for through- **n out the city. to i r Shad were selling in Alexandria yesterday for $10 30 r to $11, and in Georgetown for 312, a bundled. Heiring, J $6 to Sh 30 iu. each city per thousand. J * BY TELEGRAPH. vi? ? lh? ' Arriivl iff the Illinois. I *nJ r New York, April 29. The steamship Illinois has ar- Nto rived from Aspiutvall, with over 600 passengers, nearly j "" l( $1,300,000 in specie, and the California mails of April 6. ! Tbe following are the iiiinciiutl consignees : Drexcl A .o. LOCAL NEWS. Til* Washixutox am w*'?t. Wr ?rf glad to faun ilia AtpluJn Meigs (uitiuun to be auimated hjr the desire U ires* I hi* groat work. committed to bin charge, to ix>ui iletioo at the earliest piscticable period. To give tome idea of the operation*, we state that thi listritwtiug reservoir, at Drovris' Kent, near Georgetown nil contain about fifty acre*, to lie made chiefly from ex .tvatioii witliiu its own limit*. The receiving reservoir it the Powder Mill branch, will contain about niity acre* Phe conduit will be circular, nine feet in interior diaiue ar, to be built generally of three separate tour-inch ring if brick. To construct these work*, immense qnantitie if utouc and other building material* w ill nece*aarily l* equired. Bridges, too, are to be erected. Contract* an o be made. and proposal* will be received until thi eventh of May, for, among other things, ten niilliou* o wicks (or tire aqueduct, for iron pipes, branches. ao< wnds. 'llius a stimulus will be supplied to variou rranches of industry. We perceive from the blank contract forms that th ngincer in chatgc, Captain Meigs, is remarkably clear wutious, and specific. They show that he is a friend t< irder mid sobriety, and that he is resolved to transact th msiness with strict honesty Among the articles in the contracts arc the follow ing : * The contractor for this work shall not knowing); iniploy any tuun, either as overseer, laborer, or in an; ituatiot), who shall have beeu dismissed, by the order u he engineer, from any o'fier part of the work for bu< rorkuuinship, intemperan- , or disorderly conduct. No ball be continue to employ any man who shall be dc fared by the engineer to lie either disorderly, hahituall u temperate, or a Isul workman. " No ardent spirits shall be used or allowed cm an; art of the work, and no disorderly jierson or persons, ob re ted to by the eugineer, retained in tiie employment o he <-ontractor. Permitting men to board where arelen piritn are used or sold, though Uie premises shouh lot Is under the control of the contractor, will lie con idem! a violation of these rule*. Any violation of thou vill lie considered sufficient ground for the engineer t icclare the contract void. '' And it is further stipulated and agreed that no ntetu ler of Congress shall be admitted to uny share or ]>art ii his contract or agreement, or to any benefits to aria herefrom," kc. Sevextu Waed A.vti-Kxow-xothixu milltim;?A meet ng of the anti-know-nothing voters in the (Seventh War ru* lield at Potomac Hall lost night. The nice tin, mi; entirely harmonious. Mr. James E. Johnson submitted the following reso tttion ; which was unanimously agreed to : "Awlwf, That the chairman of this meeting be, an le is hereby, requested to invite (through the ptilili >rcss of this city t all voter* oppose 1 to know-nothingisi mil black republicanism to hola primary meeting* i heir respective wards, for the purpose of appointing fiv lelegates from each to a 'Union convention,' for the pui xise of uoininatiiig candidates for collector, register, an uirvevur.'' Subsequently, ou motion of Msjor W. G. flbod, SOS ' RemJccd, That the delegates appointed as aforesai >c respectfully requested to meet in convention for tti lurposc ol rnuking said nomination* on nuiixiuy evening May 7th, at 8 o'clock." Samuel Pumphrey, John W. Martin, Jolm Pcttiboni P. Hepburn, ar., and John T. Cassel were the delcgati selected to represent the Seventh Ward in this convet tion. The Govkknmknt (imxx-iiotsw.?A new grcen-hou?e now in process of construction in the I'nited States hort ultural garden, near the Capitol, and two more props gating-housc* are soon to 1* commenced. Workmen ai also engaged in grading the uncultivated portions of tt grounds preparatory to planting all in grass and shrul bery. The plants now in full bloom iu the green-houses a; the fuchias, or lady's car-drop, the cineraria, the calcei laria, or lady's slipper, ami the warrior's plume, all ni live* of South America. The last-mentioned flower vei nearly resembles a red plume in sisc, shape, and oolo This - name was given to it by the Hon. Mr*. Jcffersc Davis. 'ITic geraniums will soon be in bloom. " The Poisoxiso at Wasuutoton.?It is now believe that not leas than seven hundred persons have been set ously and dangerously affected by the. National Hot |x>ison at Washington, and that twenty or thirty dcatl have occurred in consequence." The al?ovr paragraph is going the rounds of the pros like all other iiiinroltithlf stork*. il Isms nothing ltv tin filing. The statement is, simply, an exaggeration. Tl fashion ubroad aeems to be to attribute tlic sickness i those who were in Washington last winter to "the pc soiling," though nine-tenth* of them may not have tab a meal or taken a drink at that now-deserted cfitablisl meat. Tur. Fecit Crop.?If the full bloom of our city fru tree* can be taken a* an indiuition of an abundaut err of fruit in the surrounding country, we can enjoy to 01 heart's content delicious peaches, apples, pears, cherrie apricots, and so on. during the cowing season, for near all the trees that we have noticed in the yards and ga ileus of our citizens are clad iu heavy robes of flower It is certainly desirable that these simple luxuries an l>c plentiful and cheap enough to lie freely partaken by both rich and poor ; but from the accounts which hai reached us by mail we fear the result will be entirely tl reverse. Mine at thk Pibuukt'i tJpoisns.?It is announci that there will lie music at the President's grounds c Saturday evening next. This will be bailed with pleasu by our blooming lielles and gay gallants, who still recc lect the charming promenades which they enjoyed durir the pleasant evenings of last summer, whilst kcepii time to the bold strains of some old-time innirh or ei livening waltz. We predict that the Murine Band, (wil their new-dress and new instalments, i under the dire tion of Prof'wsor Scala, will grow- iu popularity during tl coming summer season. Paoraarr Sales.--Yesterday afternoon, between tr and six o'clock, two desirable building lots were sold auction by Jumcs C. McUuire, e*<|. These lots are 1 cated on 3d street, in square A, between Pennsrlvan avenue and Missouri avenue. Mr. B. Schad purchasi lot No. 37 at 69 J cents |*r foot; No. 38 was sold to P. Franklin, esq., at 70 cents Jier foot. The lime kiln, nixed and levied upon as the proper of Samuel .!. Heeler, and others, comprising some 12,0< feet of ground, with improvements, was also sold vestc liar bv IVpvtv Marshal Phillip* to .lame* IMxon, esq for the sum of 8800. The Ciarrrr Covet tes-pjiovt. Present: Hon. Jam Dnnlap, chief justice, and Hon. James 8. Morsel 1 ai William M. Merrick, associate justices. Augustus E. ar Ihomax 8. Perry iw. Thomas B. Entwistle; jury will Irnwn. Sarah A. Keallv r?. George Stooks: intpiisitic returned. William Bought** r?. Dominic Enroy; verdi or plaintiff #120 66, with interest from July 1, 185; [>nuiel Qulnit, of Ireland, fifty yearn of age, naturalise) 'awes act for to-day: 598, 670, 675. 785, 835, 845, 84; (18, 853, 858, 281, 222. Tnr. Unitarian Ciintcn.?This edifice, on the novtl mat corner of D and 6th streets, is now undergoing n wirs. The pulpit, which is In the north end of the buih ng, is being set bark Itcyond the main wall: the ccilin s being renewed, and the ceiling and walls are to I reseoed in short, the whole concern is to be thorough! enorated. Mrssm. Baldwin ft Brothers are the ca~pcr cm, bulHran ft Stewart the plasterers, Isuigier the hric nation, and Shunter ft Co. are to do the frescoing. It >xpected that these re|?urs will be coupleted in alsn wo montlis. Meanwhile, the society worship* at Ten wranee Hall. A Rrtoc.nition! - A lady, a few <lays since, while protr iniling, happened to recognise a Moire anthjuc cloak o mother of the same sex. The former forthwith procure i warrant to m-over the property, which had i?een stole I 1 Co., $300,000 ; Well*. Fargo, & Co., $2.M),000 ; Duncan, ?u " Sherman, t Co., $140,000. (J |( The John L. Stephens brought down nearly $2,000,000. ) op (> Left at Akpinwall, evening of 20th iust., I'nited States *loop-of-wur (vane and British frigate Tartar, the latter j ) having on board the remainder of Imckridge's mm 200 3 in number?who were to be lent to the States in sailing a. e vessels. t. Tlie British shi|?-of-the-litic Orion had left Sun .luan for the purpose of blockading Carthogcua. { Commissioner Monte took passage on the Granada for 8. . Havana ; thence to proceed to New Orleans. Lockridge's men, on their arrival at ti rev town, were l0 K protected by British gun-bouts from the Costa Kicanit, u who had followed them down the river. Lockridgc re- 11 mained at Greytown. Tlie 20th of April was fixed bv the Costa Ricans for ; finishing the attack on Walker. II The Costa IUcan papers give a different version of tlie battle of the 5th March at Ritas. Walker, they say. at u II the head of three hundred men, was routed at the |s>iut 11 of the bayonet, with great loss of men, arms, and aiiiinuc nition. r" In the battle of the 16th Mnreh near San Jorge 100 fillibusters were killed, as stated In deserters from Walker's uf camp, while the allies lost twenty-two killed and sixty it wounded. At the last accounts, in the same jstpers, Gen. Mora < uf . held position on the north and south side of IUvns, with- ** in four hundred vurds of the phua. and was soon to open f fire. ' " >' Tlie latest accounts from Rivus to the 28th March state ui that fighting continued at ltivas four days, without much \ impression on either side. s A correspondence had takeu place between the Costa Rican Genera] Xatruch and Capt. Davis, of tlie sloop-of- ! 1 war St. Mary's, in which the latter refused to interfere between the belligerents. _ Jj Tlie Costa ltic.ui papers of the 8tii of April contain lot,h ters of Gen. Mora to the Minister of War. He savs tluit ??? Wulker is iiemmed in in tlie plaza at llivas, tlie allies i?e ing intrenched within 400 yards, and that he was subsist iug ? re on mule and dog flesh. si ie Tlie news from California is meagre. Tlie act of the ; ^ last legislature for the protection of actual settlers has . been declared unconstitutional by the supreme court. The nulling business was generally prosperous. ?i re A fire at Sacramento had destroyed $50,000 worth of ? ?- property of the California Stage Company. m ?- Thomas Wright, jr.. a lawyer of l'liiladclphia, commit- in rv ted suicide at San Francisco on the 5th instant. r Ex-Scnator Footc advises the American party to dis- | * i band. ,s Serious dissensions haTe arisen among the Mormons of ; if San Bernardino and Salt Ijtke III ^ Kingston, Jamaica, April 23.?An English man-of- j ?i 1_ i war had carried into St. Ann's an American schooner. * " from Africji for Culm, with 378 slave*. One hundred ,M 1!t and tliirtv-scvr>n died on the jmssage, mid the remainder were in a starving condition. It was rumored that another s. slaver was off the coast, and a British steamer had startr. ed in pursuit. . "j. The Sinim Frigate Niagara. C. . New York, April 29.?The steinn frigate Niagara was ; J? spoken on Saturday, 200 miles from Sandy Hook, under j Kj sail and steam. >? liMarkdt. 1 ? Naw York, April 29.?Cotton is higher ami buovant sales of 3,000 bales ; Orleans, 14$ cents: T? uplands middling. 14$ cents. Flour is firm?sales of ! tr 9,000 bbls. : State, *6 a $6 15 ; southern, $6 90 a $7 10. j Wheat is sternly sales of 3,000 bushel* Kentucky white j "J lv at $1 79 a SI 80. Com is buoyant - sales of 22.000 I ^ bushels; mixed, 76 cents,; white, 79 cents. Pork r* has advanced; mew. *22 50 sales of 3,500 barrel* * Beef is steady -Chicago repacked, *16 25. istttl is firm ' 1 ty at 14 cents. Whiskey is higher Ohio, 30 cents. Coffee i* J 0f dull Bio, 10$ a 12 cents. Sugar is firm tHlba, 9| j J r<1 a 10$ cents. Spirits turpentine is heavy at 49 rente, i j, Rosin is higher; common, SI 85 a $1 90. Rice i* : ii " steady at 4$ a 5$ cents. Freights are heavy. j ^ T71XE G00D8, Good Goods. Cheap Good a.? I JF The fitteolloo of ilio ladles. mid public generally, t* invited J ^ my well-selected n-worUrtfiit of new guudti; aucli m hair, cloth. bmi(. I , and tooth brushes, shell, India ruMwr, and burn comb*. bonnet- and i TO rihlHHi", flowers, lact>, and embroideries, * hale bone am) bw^sbotv j _ -vkirl-4. Al*o, Mack, wbilo, and itofi bugle bcailn, faiia. Ac. ^ M0 m 9mm ' unn ah w am * *8 fT\HE PRE^H and llio Public Service ; by a Distill- : U- JL gubhed Writer. Mw, 1W7. $1 IS. .? Hugh Miner's new work. "The TbsHinony of the RockV* profusely | (BuMratid. SI lb. C- William 8hftft3pcnr*Nbt an Imp<*der; by an Kuj(h.?h Critic, lb r- alv , The BrHbh KtpcilHton to the Crime#: by W II RwyHI. thr TUn"' * correapoudcnt, No*. i and 1. lb wah each. Tt? Ik? com pic t- I in twelve numbers. Ju.?t published an?l for mate at TAtlOR k MAl'RYU Huok?torc. ApSft?3t near ath Htrert. V9 ; nt TXDIGEN0U8 Races of the' Earth; by Maury, JL Pubutky, Meigtf, hrkly. Apwl*. N?HI. and Ullddou. Type* tit Mankind; by Nidi and ttliddoti. ta Marti*'* Natural Hhtory of Man and Monkey# 1 vol., IsuMou. a. Prtrhard'a Ethnographical Rape. laWHlnii. S. Karl's Native Races of tlte Indian Archipelago. 1 vol.. Isaulim. Hall on the Annual Kingdom. 1 vol.. I/Midou. Hugh Milter'a Testimony <>f the Ruck .. ly MtmieUV Fossil* of the British Mmmbi. 1 vol . Ltmdaa. t|. Harris's Pre-Adamitn Earth. AiuM'* Ancient World, r- Gibson ? Certainties of Geology. Vostlce* of CVeaUno. > MndlrV Physical M in. Illustrations of Zoology. 1 vol., (bite, lotnlon. Ap 30 nustx TAYUIR <' > OFFICE OK T1IE CO.VSOIJ DATED IsOTTKitl . RIE8 OF MARYLAND. [* It] Tli? following aro the dr. an numbers of the Patapson Institute U* tory, class 90. drawn April JO, 1M7: *n 14 33 52 ?6 4 1 58 78 5 21 71 L't The folkming are the drawn namliers of tlia Maryland (\m*olldalcd , lottery, for the lainciit of TO* n of Bel Air fee., class 17. drawn April 1 J8, 1M7: 1 26 14 21 13 21 53 28 45 16 68 18 52 *' R. FRANC E k Ob., Mnnagar* D. H MrPiun. Commissintier April 30?It l* "DURNETT HOUSE, southom< corner Peiuwylva P- If nin avenue and Four-ami-a-Half strwt. Waahlngbw. D. C., Mr? j SIUS RKYXOIJB, proprWrffi*. ? Btmrriurw by the day, work, nr monih. 1 K 5k?v*ral larg*> and roinfortAblr* room* oftlabto for bniilfew. Parma J ?, nrnt and tramPuit Ivoardcr* iubAh (ably arcomroodated; and men la ^ nrni'iira to mnw wno room ci?ewnere. i y, )y A choice Refaction of wine*. liquor*. and cigar*. will always ho j j found at the bar. i, Free hutch wiry Oar at 11 oVfat. ^ k Ap 18??r '* rpilK CO.MPACNIK I.YONX AISK, No. 37 Bon If- ! n 1 nHA i \m ' 1 ct, mwMn mf 4 l- fcrrnt Irxiur^' . r.'Htly made arte i. ?, printed nuMim. id<1m and French ^ CR-hmcrr^ -Thi* ln?'i*r l? the1 mod highly recommended in France, ^ and the mo*t considerable c tahltshm* nt in Kurope. d<* only on ac count of the importance of it* manufacture* and Its ext*n?ire eafaa. but i I 1 the jrr;*n?leur and r\toTit ol il ??r<-i(-iiiv having "?i outran*< tn three different streets The COMPA43XIK I.YONNAISK -ell none hut ^ n arti?-|e? of their own manufacture, and thn- M hrlitflttejC pnrffawri In ? direct relation a ith the manufacturer, ?r? enabled n? idler them ? r-n ; $1 er advantage" than ant other establiahuv t't. ft April 10 dlmif OFFICIAL. TkauK ki nvimcT, ifanrii 13 1067 SoUc* w hereby gleen fa IwUera of Mock at Uw kauu of I be I Bbrd loi. that I hi, ifcr Panama .HI purrhaee the mow untd lb* let far of >e next, fakM the eum of bl.600.OW .halt he per I Waal.e abiafael. I will pay I ' addition |o the lulereet accrued from tbe fate of Ufa I aefai-annual diralrnd at urn-reel tlwreou, tc*rthrr atth oh fay'r liuonal lalcreet fur the wouojr fa ranch (he vendor. the loitoaing n of premium on aaM efarka or the Muck of IMS. a premium of 10 |wr rent, or tbe Mock of 1047 ami 1*40 a premium of 10 per owl ami for Mock of 1060. commonly called Txxaa Indemnity stork, a premium I per OWL 'ertibrair, of rtock trauemitted fa the department under thaa no r, must be amigaed to the I'alterl Slatra. by Uw party duly entitled receive tbe proeeeda. ay meat for the Mucka eo aaaignod and tnuwmttted a ill be made by ifta on the AuManl Treaaarara at Ruatmi, Sea York, ur Mutadri n, at the option of the parttee cunited fa rccciro the money , ehnh Mild tw txpmaeed ra Uw letter, accompanying the lertlira tee 1IOWE1J ttM?. liar 13?dt 1 etlunetf Secretary of the Treaaary *jr( ULLtXTOR OF TAXES.?James ?. llalklay i vandifaie far thta cfaor V|> 36 -dUt 4to&rThe mate of our felloir-oiBzeii, Nicholaa t'ali. H respectfully aubnUtted to Uw BiUBtctpal coat oatWa ami the t ra of tbe city aa a xrntlainan puaresauig every uecr..:ary capuhy UII the office of tax coUrrtor. ip iif Grand Kkhibition and May Featlval Hail. )R0F. H. W. MUNOER moat rvipwtfkiUy uitnouuera to hi, frlenfa patron*, and public generally of Waah loo. <Se>upeti)?a. Alexandria, and Baltimore. that Ilia exlubnioa and y t clival Hull Mill take place ou irifay etetuug, May 1, 1(67, at Wadtfagtotl A-vooibly Room*. on Louuuana avruue, briuren 11, I MU Mrcvl-. Ifc* Im* *i*rrd n^itbrr tiara, labor, nor pattctwr to reader tlifc* rxttlb ? (MM of th?? Uturl *<i|n?r'? ?atai uuiiumhiU that U*\*s m\tr b?-? < dp-red i Wsodiingfou |?nUm of ihe a*o#& beautiful t? u ir - ?>f th* pro iiunie tar the *vcu?ug k the diminutive mx*' ?* it children that ?M, ?tfck wentai, to wi?efdwwl iiwyMnlinl >1.. rented IU ouch a raylo an t* >cldntu, if e\cr, a itneaaed cu or eft lh? It* froC M. ha> mg established the fluttering rr|Mitetbia uf bring the bc-t cher that turn ever located in thto city, he W confirm that nion hi the muni* of lira ; * >.;. oflnriDg th< ' ' > HOMUIUB. CoUegw Hurnpip* by $ Mwtfcrr. CacLvic.i , .by 1* Mmm*. la Smolcn-kl. . . . ? > 1 V{b?<v-. El Bolero by 4 IfltHi, Craoovionna . . by 4 Xh^re. El JeleodoJerw......... by 4 ton***. flDotC-ll OUOQ by 6 Mix**. 1a ManoU. mi danced by the celebrated French *uwew SHo,) by n Miss 6 years old. Syrian Walt*, by *2 Mioltra and 4 MKtCi*. Pas to TruU. by a Master and 2 MUm* ftvm 6 to 8 year* old. Pas Bk) rtso, by 4 flnim and a Mm from lo 9 yeans ofci. , The American king Dance, by 10 Mutter* aud 16 llioai;dumpooeit by Prof. Munder ejmrmiy for thb occasion, which is acknowledged to he oue of the mort heaaUfOl danctr ever witnessed, introducing our ffodl-tlirrlng national airs. . lif .md .-huv.! 1 ?.;); ? . by 2t? la which , ialrohicod the com nation of the Queen of M if. the grand march and JMcett#fcm upon the throne, ami final tableau. ? . Fireman'# Hornpipe: which liiwhiewi everything executed by a ilrcnuiu while attending a lire, uihI I# one of the most complicated dancce In the profession. Ibis dance *m introduced by lYof. M. four year# ago, at his first May BaH, and h# only repeat# it upett this occasion by many urgent yiHiucst*. Alter the exhibition the floor w ill be cleared tor the accommodation the w hole com|?uy. Mr. Oeorge Arth'* braa* and dring band i* engaged for thw occasion, d will introduce a very choice collection of new ramie. To Ti|K laiho.?Ah Prof. MumW lias long since alwnduued tljr ha??lt sending written invitation*. (owing u* the want id time at this #eati of the he owflttty bivflas nil hi# BMinui nUwu and their end#, assuring them that It will be kept strictly -cWu by placing a tfponnible person at the door. P. 8.?Should U h*|*peu to rain ou the 1st. the ball will be postponed itil Mondav. the 4th. Ap 29?td By J. C. McGUIRE, Auctioneer. IT EKY EXTENSIVE SALE of Valuable Building \ lot. in ; l*rintuig Office'' Square.?On Mou>U\ afternoon, May b. lit 4 o'clock, on Ibo premise*. I shall eel I fllty-cight v aim bio bullil g km in square No. 624. situated as follows : Tweuty-?ix lots fronting 24 fret each on north 0, between north Op I street anil Ktrat street went, ami running back 17 J feet3lurtw- tu 30-foot alley. Slxtcea lots fronting aliout 23 ft'et oo Unit street west, between (? td 11 streets north, and running back 130 feet 4 Inches to a 20 fret toy Sis teen kits fronting 24 fret each on north 11 street, t-etween Vir.t reet weal and north I'jpilol at root, anil running Imck 17a fret 8 inches a 30 feet alley. Tills valuable sqnar* has boen receutly subdivided, I'ortuing lh. evii ie-c^rtbed valuable Ma. Tho 11 ami Fir.t streets fronts liava fen graded and paved, and tha srtmto lias boon sorrouniksl with aautifiil shade trow, securely boxed ; and the oalo oilers rare iodunlenbi to persons desirous of e ecu ring projierir in that ra|4dly iinproxg part of the rlty. Tbe .Tbindrn Mirernniehl nrtntlnff otto* NHMtar oris led 1.11 ilia trtboaxi ovrwt of ihts square aitords constant employment to about re hundred l*vrrisw ; and to induce immediate building. with a vk* 'aSurdlag a.womnxidatoi. to tlxMO who wish to reside in that lo??ly. liu- owners trill make a diMOOM of Ovr i?-r cetil ou tlx- pure he-* siney to any pmrchaiwr who r>ill ercrt a dwelling to cort ixs lr,s lan ?S00 witlmi our year from the day of sale. Terms : JO t*er coot, of the jHirchase ntoucy m oa-h : the rcstdne in inna! latymouti of 90 per rout. each, until lie* whole t< paxl * >r ; I ho .ftrml payment* to l?*ar interest. ?r?iw l>y a deed of Ini-t oo the , roporty. I til* of the property will l>? exhibited at the aale. Every iof put op will be pueitirelv sold without regard to price. J.tiv r. Met.(IKK Ap 25?d Attrtimwer. "1 EX ERA L WESTERN LAM> OFFICE.?FiBJf more, Unborn. k Cn., corner Main and Second streets. fup ifrj nearly op[?r-;ir the Julien House. Ihihu.pie. lowu: Mr*- :u ikiru.JkCO.. 3d Clark street. Chicago, Illinois: Breaa. llnwy, 40>., wd.nk. Iowa, real estate agent*, stock and exchange broker*, will ve their protniH altculioti to the salo of real ' el ite, afocfc*. and hood*, en* negotiated: money invested , kxatihg lands. either nllh caeli or arrant*. Will locate on lime. Joint acooom or on tanHntfaoe Every locatioo is made from personal * xaniinatiefni only. TAxea sxl . ke fce . kc. X. B.?All property left with na tor sale will, if required. he pUc* .1 pon our registers at Chicago and Keokuk, a* wrll as here, go n*g tke Her Utrcc markets. tVirrespondeneo solicited. Ap 23?dStil l,f ATTIIKU Hale S\!1Th7<'ouiis. li?r-wt-liw ii? the Cr ied Fi ller court*, and in the court- of the FtatO W New ork, Xo. 11? Nassau street. Sew York. X. Y. Ap Id?tf FOR SALE OR KENT.?That desirable brick dwelling house rttuatest on the ca?t aide of tbcgrexs -ttert, near Wot street, on Coorgelown Heights. Tie* house eiiDUins ten rooms, winding Ihe kitchen and all necessary out hoi Wing* It It mi mm ruled y a let 150 foci front by HO feet deep, with a .10 foot allot running ne whole length of lie south ndr of the same Adiuiclng the ahorr property I have set era! fine buiHiny lots, w ha h will ?rll on rtwntnahlo term-. Title in ti?|unable .xn-t immediate OMessiotl ?VCU For further particulars apply at my office. opposite Itie Treasury Ap 11 -dtfif UkOUKK H. Wll JI VMF LJ. MlOI'JrKTON, lco dealer, office and depot eooUnt e-t corner of K ami Twelfth streets, Washington I' C. A|. ll?sijt t NEW UOODS juat received from auction.?We respectfully Invite lh' attention et housekeepers and others to a trge addition to our stoi-k "f hunt-time and family dry goods many rP rlilch have been purchased al reveni auction sales, ami *111 bt ,-oM t uiuch holew usual prions Weuauie- linen and rouon elx-clingx. all widths Marseilles, dimity, and corded be*I siaaada Pillow and ImLster linen and cotton sheetings ltama-k table rMh* and napkins Ikunaak hurkerlwck and diaper towel* Bed and crib blankets, all aires t'enlro table and piano cot era lace and luu&lin curtains White and Itnlf shade liiiena and fltlar* s Co mil are oilcloths and dimities T--'--*K"* -at ran ?*r other liewdMiInu anrr'-a- to*h Velvet, BraaaHd, uprdry. three |dy. ingrain. VmHm, and other rarpef|n|fi Volt el . !h-Iii:!c. lulled. titontn- li.'l "ihi'ruu. Velvet, tufted. Adelaide. c?*?, jute and other door uou Pruirsrl and linen rrttuib cloth. Figured and |<'?m 'it.rti .lament". hr cot crtotj eurpotAl.dfV 1S0 piece* while fan ton mattinc Ml do rod and a hire checkered OtaUv tn ttttngr &0 do eb?uo and fancy do 10 do I Hitch rar|>?tmg IbrMf re -ma and dk?i do oncna matting*. for tmaenv nn and odtc & do rag car pot in|r. for kitchen* kc Wo alao aek eapeclal attention to ottr aleck of white good*, who b ill he round very complete and murn roeat-i o~.> eery variety of? J aeon Id anil cambric mutlio" PwLif muni in*, hook mueHn*. nmll mueUua Naneook nm, Tarlelon mmline thmbrtc dltniti.-*, India dlmiliee Ikahop'a lawna. Hum laana. India lairw Brill mtr. hri'iaiHe aklrUnc Bleel eprln* <klrta, hoop akirU French crinoline eklrU, Mareelllra ?kirt?. dimity akirla Whit tnlire (laiinetr. Aii|[oU tl.imiohi Mlk warp Hannela, kc. April 1 Stnwfe if BOOK, NhiTHKR. k CO. [TTILLARIVS flOTKJj.?J. C. A H. A. WilUrd, V* Peninvlvauia avenue and Foorteenth ?lr?rt tVu^btnipnii. II c. Jan ? dill [ Ml'OItT \NT TO PRINTERS. Having 1meTi aiTL pointed the ?ol? agent (br UM ait of prhHCa Ink in the Ifelrtrt r that old and lony triiil eMablihment of (i k II Ijghllmdy. 'f Ni ? nrk, formerly Onlllna k ligbtbody, I am now re,- l\tiiv. ind eliall wp ouneUntly on liand. a aupply of the different pradee if inki, wlib li hall aell at farfory pricor All inkn void by me can lm returned i| if a? recommended. FldVTi TOW1SK Ap 20?Mawtn f> afreet, between #tli and 7lh Mreeti nESTIMONY OF THE ROCKS; by Hugh Miller: L or Ornlopy m ila Brnrincn no the two Th'eolnci- . N.mir nd M ealed One volume of Wig regee. Illled with engmvingr lYfco I 2? FRANTIC TAYIW Ap 21 , nfTANTKO. PorsniiB desiring In give iirivato din V V ner perlle* ran be mippiiiad with e Orel i ln?? French ennk al I for hie aervleee on a'.iplirntioii nl GAITIWC!? WOTAFRAXT. Pec A Jaw Jtnif >52 Pooo. ar., between 12th and lIMb.