Newspaper Page Text
WILLIAM A. IIA It It 18, RlHTuK AND I'KOHKIKTOK. TKBHB: DAILY, |*.*r yosr ?1? 00 >mi wtiKk.IV. (publuluxl triweekly during tLe stueluu of UrngtwM) I (Ml VVKKK1.Y. 1 0? _ Club will be furnitbed at fMuwt: live rofitM of the DAI1.Y, for 40 00 firs co|kee of Uio StCMI WEKkl.Y 20 00 Ten copter of the " " ^ 86 OOj No ileducUoa for clubs on WKKKI.Y. PKOTECTION AND INDEMNITY FROM LOSS AND DAMAGE BY FIRE, Tim PERILS or THE SEA, AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION. I'AKMKltS AND Mlk'HANICS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF i a. fire, Marine, ami Inland IntunuHe. A1TH0RIZKD cacital, onk miujon two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. office Northwest corner or Pennsylvania avenue ami Seventeenth street, Washington city, D. C. lion. Thoiuiw U. Florence, Charles Plngeo, tluurgo II- Armstrong, Thomas Mandorlleld, Finnic* A Rubieam, Edward K. Helmbold, tleorge Hehubold, F. Carroll Brewster, Junto* K. N'oatl, Isaac Loach, Jr. TIIOMAS II. FLORENCE, President. FjiWakp K. IIklmuoi n, HecreUry. LOCAI. SURVEYORS. Cltarlcs Waltor, No. 307 I) atreel, opposite City Ilall. John U. Tborututi. corner First struct and Virginia avenue, Island. James Williams, No 22 Four anil a half atrcet. John Kigglea, No. 501 'flilrtoentli atrcet, bolow Pennsylvania avenue. MARINE SURVEYOR Captain J. P. Iany, No. 367 Pennsylvania uvoiiue, opposite National HoWl. (iKNERAL 8UI'FJUNTENI?EN T, John Thomasou. ANBbfTANT SECRCTARY, James M. Wcat, In charge WtuhingCwi city office, Northwest corner Pennsylvania avenue and Seventeenth atrcet. A u'horited Capital and Asia's, $1,473,037 07. Assets, $523,067 07, Inceded in iltnuls, Mortgagee, and Good Securities. Tim following statement exhibits tho busiueas and condition of the company to November 1, 1836: Premium received on murine and Inland rink* to November 1, 1866 $214,684 60 lire premium 176,796 61 Interest on loan 8,704 47 Total receipt* , 400,183 68 Paid marine losses $04,427 04 Paid lire losses 39,737 39 Kxpeuaea, aalarioa, and commissions 45,489 00 Kclnmiranoe, return premium*, and agency charge.* 27,474 68 177,128 61 1 Ralanoe remaining with tho company 223,037 07 The Aaett rf the Company art at follmiM : Philadelphia city and county bond* $16,848 18 Railroad bond* 11,000 00 First mortgage*, real estate 143,500 00 Nocks, collateral*, on call 32,400 00 Cirurd and consolidation bank stock 5,125 00 I i>e|)osited with Duncan, Shorinan, A Co., Now York 30,000 00 | Deferred payment on atock uol yet duo 97,700 00 I Notes for marine premiums 108,080 59 [ IHli? iniiu ugciii*, not'-urvu i?.v i?mu? xu Premium* on poleio.s recently issued, anil debts duo tlio company 20,470 38 | UiUiico Id bauk 10,450 74 523.057 07 The buslines of this company will compare favorably with the most successful of similar institutions in the United Btutoe. From tlio 1st day of August, 1855, in 111 toon mouths, up to tlio 1st day of November, 1850, the premiums and interests received amounted to tlio large Hum of four bundl ed thousand one hundred and eighty Ova dollars and sixty-eight cents, with the payment of losses and expanses of one hundred and seventy-seven thousand one hundred and twenty-eight dollars and sixty-ouo cents. Willi these evidences of success and good nvuiagomont, tlio directors fool justified In soliciting a sharo of public patronago, bolloving that the security offered Is ample, and that all fair claims will bo Adjusted more according to equity than legal technicalities. Tim company is prepared to Issue policies against loi.s or daniago by 11 ro on Dwellings, furniture, mills, uiunufkctorles, warehouses. All descriptions of BUILDINGS and their contents, or all kluds of MERCHANDISE, trunsjiortod by VESU1JI, OTEAMROAtS, CANAL liOATO, RAILROADS, and the usual conveyances to or from any portion of EUROPE and AMERICA, and on the hulls of STEAMHOATS navigating tho western wotora. Tlio rates of premium will bo as low as other companies, and in Qxang them ovary improvement in construction and arrangement will bo taken into consideration. All hisses Moodily adjusted and promptly paid. Olfloe north went cornor of Pennsylvania avenue and Hovouteouth rtroet, Washington city, D. C. JAMES M. MASON, Assistaut Secretary. Insurance may also be effected at the Home. Office. Norlhu:ed corner iff Walnut and Second streets, Philadelj)hia. Ami in other principal cities of the United Stains by authorized offl cent of the c<>mi>aiiy. Juno 13-*41y BOUNTY LAND WARRANT.?Whereas, on the 15tli October, 1855, n bouuty land warrant, No. 7982, for 160 acres, whs issued to the undersigned in his name, (October 15,1855,) and by tho OoinmtMxioner of Pensions sent to George If. Hickman, of Baltimore, and has been lost, so that 1 liavo novcr received said warrant, I Ueroby give notice that I havo ?o| transferred or assigned said warrant, or authorized uuy person to se? or assign the same for mo or in my name, and havo tiled an affidavit as a caveat to prevent the issue of a patent to u fraudulent claimant, and will apply for a duplicate for the home at the proper time. Ap 11?lawflw* EII3HA S. JOHNSON. LOST LAND WARRANT.?Tho undersigned gives liotb* that lie will apply to tho Commissioner of Pensions for a duplicate land warrant In lieu of one issued to Tbotnaa Richardson, slated 17th day <?f December, 1858, for 160, No. 12,759, which has been lo*t In the trauumHslon by mail from GJciiwood, Iowa, directed to 'Jbmtias ft. Suiter, Wiisliiugton, D. C., mailed December, 1856.' Mar 25?lawflw* THOMAS U. SJJITEK. (9"Tlu) First Annual Exhibition of tho Washingten Art Association, comprising pictures, xtatiuiry, Ac., by tho most eminent artists in the United States, will be opouod to tho public at Mr. Corcoran'* aieur building on H street, between 13tb und 14th rtroeta, on ?Saturday morning next, the 7th instant, at 10 o'clock, and will continue open, until further notice, every day between the hours <?f 10, a. m., and 10, p. in. Tick <44 of ad mission may be procured at the door, and at the prinr ii>al bookstores in the city. Siuglc ad mission, twenty-live coats. Season ticket*. llfty cents. Mm 0?dlf A HISTORICAL AND STATISTICAL ACCOUNT of the Foreign Commerce of tho United States, showing the foreign commerce of each State, with the aggregate inijwwts from and exports to each foreign nation, from tho vear 1820 to the year 1856, and tho foreign commerce of the United Stales with every important maritiiuo couutry In the world during ilia name period-.iiwiudjng a review of the progress of American ouiunorre.and a preliminary sketch of the trade of the American colonies. Complied by J. Smith Homan'', Jr. For ?ale at TAYFA>K A MAURY'S Ap 17? 3t Bookstore, near 9th street. Books from london The Household Manager. 1 vol. I/indon. 85 cents. Hie Poacher, lfy Captain Marryut. 38 cents. Ihu Ladder <>f life, By Aim lja B Kdwnrtfct. 38 conU. The Spendthrift. lly Abuworth. 36 rents. Japhet in Search of a Father. 38 cents. Owen Tudor. 5# cents. Dr f JvingsLon's Discoveries in Central Africa. 15 cents. Solitary Hunter By John Palllsor. 50 cents. i Extraordinary Women, their Girlhood aud Early IJfe. 75 cents. ruirj Initltl. |iy enroll I rowqillll IO n'UW. Fatry Cold for Young and Old 75 r.'iu-r llarr/ Ogllve By liranl. 75 cents Twenty Yrara After By Human. 75 ranlt. Arthur O'lcarr. By Cbarlca Lever. 7g rents The Castor's Fireside. By Miss Barter. 75 coots. The I'ottletnn Legacy. By Albert Smith 75 cents. My Cousin Nicholas. By Iugoldsby, 75 rants, lock Is Kverytlilng. By Maxwell. 75 crusts, March 21 FltANCK TAYI/IR || IKK OF GENERAL NAI'IRIt; by Lieut. GeneJ ral Napier, 2 voluntas, J/in don. 1A57. I'll* Theory of War, no Illustrated Ity military history ; by IJout. Colonel Uaedougall. 1 vrtlmne, I ton Ion, 1H57. Bow In Capture soil tlovern tllbrallar. 1 volume, 1/indon, 1857. Military Kitginoorlug and Implements of War ; by K Forrest, Woolwich. 1 volume, l/tudoti, lKitl, many engravings New Universal Ulcljonnry of the Knjli-h, French, Italian, and Gertaau Ijuiyoagou. 1 volume, I/oeloll, 1557. Ik'tier Engineering ; bv Armatrnng ami Bourne. 1 volume, Inndon, 1557. The Chemistry of Arlilicial light. 1 volume, London, 1157. Mcheeror on the Blowpipe. 1 velum', London, 1855. Onhbe's Technical Mclioimry of the Arte and Mancea. I volume, louden. Imported per last steamer by March S KRANCK TAYIilR. flRR ItORIltill ROVKR8; by Emernon Bennett. X 1 vol. Vivla, or ihe Secret of Itiwer; by Mrs. Sonthwortb. L vol. Major Jones's Scenes in (leorgla 1 vol ., Illustrated Oldaln Simon Suggs' Advenlures anil Travels 1 vol., Illuslrated. March 21 1RANCK TAYLOR. I > l'.<:I I.A Tit)N: for flu- Army <>f tin Initiol Stilton. X\| 1H57, Just puhlislu'd, twice $1; mailed, free of postage, on ro vtpt ,g g| a,, For Mia at TAYI/IR A MAURY'S Ap 1| Bookstore, near 91b street ?!)C 1 VOLUME XIII. CITY "OALTIMORE FEMALE COLLEGE, N. C. Brooks, il A. M., ITMMrnt.?Tliii Heuuuary of learning, instituted lor the liberal education of youug lad Urn, wan created a college proper by the legislature of Maryland, December session, 1 HAS), with authority to confer degrees, and endowed with all the rights and privileges of the iuohI favored feiuale institution. There are two departments In the lustitutiou?the collegiato de partment and tile preparatory department, with their appropriate branches of learning. Tbo course of atudy la each la three years, designated by aa many different classes. COURSE OK INSTRUCTION Tho course of instruction la intended to develop the intellectual, no rial, and moral faculties; and by imparting a tliorough, practical, ac complisbod, and Christian education, lit (ho pupil tor ttu< faithful din charge of the resjioiisiblo duties that await her in life. Great pain* will bo taken to promote intellectual advancement by rendering the acquisition of knowlodgo pleasant, and by training the pupil to correct habit* of thought and reflection. The proper exercise of the social (holing* will ho encouraged by inculcating whatever belongs to retlned manners and dignified courtesy iu our later course with others ; while reading, recitations, and expeditions from the Bible, will famlliurizo Urn mind with the truths of our holy religion, and Imbue the heart with right principles of action aud rules for the government of I lib. The course of instruction embraces the following heads of study : MORAL, MENTAL, AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. The philosophy of the mental economy and of government and the great subject of morals, not mere spcrulativo, but as they affect the heart aud influence the life, will be taught with care aud lldolity. Subjects: Moral Philosophy, Mental Philosophy, Political Economy, Constitution of the United States. RIBUCAL IJTERATURE. The position of tho Christum Mother in society, aud her peculiar At ness to fusliion the plastic mind and heart of the young, demand that she should he thoroughly Instructed in all tluit pertains to tho truths of religion; and henco the word of God, with tho ovldences of Christianity, forms a part of the course of instruction. Subjects: Scriptural History, Chronology, aud Geography; Evidences of Christianity, Christian Ethics. ANCIENT IjiNGUAGES. The course of study in tho ancient languages is sufficiently cxton sivo to train the mind to careful and patient thought, as well us to insure a bettor acquaintance with tho English languuge. Besides translation and analysis, the doctrines of quantity aud tho metres will claim attention, while tho classic authors will bo illustrated by the light of ancient history, chronology, and geography. Subjects: Greek language, History of Greek Literature, Grecian Antiquities; Lutiu lstnguuge, History of liitiu literature, Roman Antiquities. MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCE. In tho mathematics great pains will bo taken to insuro an ac quaintanco with the subjects pursued, and o8jxH;lally to teach principles rattier than burden the memory with u multiplicity of. rules. Natural philosophy and chemistry will hereafter he taught with illus trations and experiments. A cabinet of minerals will he lilted up to afford facilities for tho study of mineralogy; and physiology wiU he studied with such assistance as may be derived from unatoinical outlino plates. Subjects: Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Mensuration, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Botany, Physiology, Astronomy, Ancient Geography, Natural History. ENGLISH AND BELLKS LETTRE8. As this forms the basis of all tho subsequent bronchos of study, especial paius will ho taken to render Instruction in it efficient, and thus facilitate tho pupil's progressive acquirements. Composition will eu gage a portion of tho pupil's time commensurate with Its importance; so that young ladios will be onabled to conduct a correspondence with crodit, and express their ideas upon any subject of Interest with oaso and elegance. Arithmetic will be taught with especial regard to practical utility, arid tho pupil will be rendered familiar with such calculations as occur in marketing, in shopping, and at tho grocery. As the circumstances of a family depend not only upon what is made lu business, but what Is xaced at home, book-keeping will be taught to the young ladies, us a great auxiliary to domestic economy. Subjects: Orthography, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, English Grain ! mur, Geography, History, Book keepiug, Rhetoric, Logic,Criticism, History of literature, Composition. MODERN LANGUAGES. The exorcises in this department will bo conducted in a manner to insure to tho pupil not merely a knowledge of tho grammatical construction of the language studied, hut ability to write und speak it wkh fluency. Subjects: French language, French Literature, Spanish language, Spanish literature, German language, German literature. ORNAMENTAL BRANCH US. This department of instruction shall afford overy facility to tlin studont, and tho best professors be engaged. Those already in tho institution uro of acknowledged ability and approved experience. Subjects: Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Drawing and Painting, Needlework. Singing forms a part of tho daily religious exercises of tho institution, accompanied by the music of a parlor organ. Tho institution, though hut in its oighth year, already hikes rank with our oldest seminaries, and enjoys a liberal patronage from tho city of Baltimore, and from tho middle, Noutheri), arid western States. FACULTY OF INSTRUCTION. N. C. Brook*, A. M.. Professor of Aneicnt Eangungcfi. Rev. W. F. Pnxtou, A. B., Mathematics and Natural Sclooces. J. A. Monroe, A. R, Mathematics und'Astronomy. Miss M. C. Shopard, Belles IsHtres anil llhtory. Miss M. L. Boat, English and Physiology. Mary J. Iji Rclntrlo, Froncli and HpanUh. Mens. Kmilu Kelt, Drawing and Painting. Mona. J. SchaclTer, Piano. Mr*. Eliza A. Koirlo, Guitar. Miss Ellen C. Gobrlght, Piano and Kinging. Miss Eliza A. Brooks, Piano and Kinging. Mm. E. A. Kcirlo, Vocal Music. EXPENSES. Board and tuition, por annual session, $200 to $210. Music, modern luiiguagcs, and painting, extra. references. Tlio following genUemon liavo, or have bid, daughters in the Col logo: Rev. H. SI loo r, lute Chaplain U. H. Senate, Baltimore. Hon. O. F. Moore, M. C., Portsmouth, Ohio. I)r. John Smith, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Dr. Henry J. Holmes, Jackson, Mississippi. Rov. H. A. Murks, Washington, D. C. Rev. Edward R. Anderson, Christiansburg, Va. George Brown, esq., Hague, Va. Tito regular spring session will open April 1Mb, but pupils will be received at any time. I For circulars containing full information address at No. 53 St. Paul street, Baltimore, Md. N. C. BROOKS, March 6?l&td&cp President. Washington Branch Railroad. f | utAiiND ipavo aHiuiigion ior duiuiuuic? JL At 0 and 8>?, a. in., jjnd 3 and 4>f, p. in. On Sunday at 4."?, p. in. I/?ave Baltimore lor Wellington? At 4>4 uud 9'4', a. in., and 3 and 5'4, p. in. On Sunday at 4>^, a. in. Passengers for Philadelphia ami New York will take train* at 3, 8)* and Passengers for Annapolis will take trains at 8t? and 4 Vf. Do. for Norfolk " 8>4 and 3. J>>. for tho West 41 " 0 and 4>*,connecting at Waalt)ugp>n Junction. T. H. PARMONS, Agent. Jan 17?dtf COMPLETION of Panama llailroad.-?Reduction of faro to California.?United States mail Hloaipflhll" leave New York for Aapitiwall 011 tho 6th and 20th of each month, connecting with mail steamers from Panama to Son Francisco. Thes0 steamship* h iw been inspected and approved by tho Navy Ik'partinont, und guaranty ami taJHy. j fho Panama railroad <47 mi low long) la now completed from oceau j to ocaan, npd is crossed In 3 or 4 hours. Tin* baggage of jMissongem is checked in New York through to San Francisco, and passengers are embarked al Panama by sfekii^or nf. fI70 company's expense'. The j money paid in New York cavers nil oxikmihoh of tho trip. Reserve steamers are kept In port in New York, Panama, and Kan Francisco, to prevent detention In caso of Accident, so tbut tho route is entirely reli'UAe. Passcngori leave Panama the same day they arrive at Aspinwnll. Conductors go through by each steamer, and take charge of women and children without other protector*. For through tickets at tho lowest rates apply al the agency, 177 West street. New York, I# 1 W. RAYMOND. May 8- dtf ALEXANDRIA ACADEMY, Alexandria Va.? Eighteenth annual session.?Tho course of study embrace* the usual English branches, anciont and modern languages, mathematics, and natural sciences. Its advantages are : 1. Himrlouft and well ventilated buildings erected for the purpose. 2. A fill).corps of well qualified and experienced teachers. 3. A collogl.ite course of study. 4. A full set of upparatus?philosophical, chemical, und ostronoini cal. 6. Full courses of Illustrated lectures on nntural philosophy, cliem Utry, ami aHrononiy. 0. Special advantage* offered to youug men to <|Ufflify themselves by study and practical operations in the field as surveyors and cugf neors. 7. C'onifbrtable boarding arrangements ; but two students are placed in the same room. 8. Reading room condanily supplied with (tapers, Ac. tl A LuMiiiim lo^ll.rul altrarlivn and licc.i'sodlilo from all direction* Iijr railroad*. 10. A prevailing Christian time anil aim In nil it* Instruction and discipline. Terms: Ikxird and tuition, tlK0 Mhntent* can enter at any time, ami arc charged from tiio date of their entrance. Mend and get a catalogue. K. I., HROCKttTT, l'riucipal. March 7 2taw0wr ARNY*8 CONFECTION \i:v. No. 84 Bridge troct, Goorgotowu, I). C., where nil kinds of ontortaiiimont'* aro I furnished, with the host ko croatn*, cako*, wntnr lr*"d, confection , ? \i al ftfc - b ! lad on thi mart U rate 1 ? imi | Mi'hIaI awarded at tho lost exIiihiisMi of (bo Metropolitan Met Imnlt V | Institute. Fob $?dtf td KT tlio bent Webster'* (^iiartti Jtieliniiury. J What more esaeniial to every family, nmniuig room sfndcid, and, indeed, every one wlio would know the right una of language? the meaning, orli>ugriphy, and pronunciation of words?thuna good Kngliah Itellonary f?of dally necessity an<l permanent valna. Webster's I'nahridged ia now the recogulsed atamlnrd, " constantly I lied and relied on iu oar court* of Justice, |n our legl dative bodies and III public discussions, aa ei|llrely oooclnslve," says Hon. John ('. HpenCAN 1 MARK A nETTKR IVYIOTMKNTf " Per eo|>loosncsa, egaclilude of deAnlUoo, and adaplednowa to the present state of aclem-o and literature, the moat valualdo work of tho kind that I tiavo aver aeon in mir language " I'rendml Waftanii Published liy 0 fc C MKTtKIAM, HprtugtoM. Mass Mold hy all iM?>ksellers la Washington and elsewhere. March 7? Xmrt.kcjdf ttofjini "L1BERTV, THE UNION, ANI ?'j=m' ""Tr\v ' ' ,l~" 1 \ OF WASHINGTON, SATUR1 United State* Patent Office, Tb Washington, April 20, 1807. . ON the petition of Pliny Robinson, of Leouurdtivlllu, New York, praying for the exteimlou of a patent granted to him the 20th July, 1H43, for an Improvement in " machine-* for Tl cleaning streets," for seven yearn from the exjtiraUou of said patent, <?t t>i 1 which takes place on the 20th day of July, 1857 ?hn| It is ordered that the said petition ho hoard at the Patent Office on iwpi ! Monduy, the 6th of July next, at 12 o'clock, in.; and all persons arc One j notified to appear and show cause, if any they Inivc, why said pftiliou ^utt ! ought not to l>o grunted. latoi i l'crhons op|>oaing the extension arc required to file in the Patent /) j Office their td?Jocti?ms, specially set forth in writing, at least twenty (,jut, I days before the day of hearing; all testimony (Hod by either party to pj0J) j bo ustul at the said hearing must bo taken and trausiniUed in accord- t,rB , unco with the rules of the office, which will bo furnished on applies s,.nt | Uon. lltT j The testimony In the case will be closed on the 26th June; dopost Un , tions, and other papers relied upon as testimony, must be filed in the I office on or before the morning of that day; the arguments, if any, t within ten days thereafter. Ordered, aUo, that this notice bo published ill tho Union, Iutelli- i ^i: ? goncer, and Kvoulng Star, Washington, I). C.; Republican, Haitiinore, l| fefd NuvylrialMi Philadelphia, hi Dally News, New York, N 1 ' " 11 and Pool, Bosioti, Muss., once a week ftsr three successive weeks pre ( lnr l vlous to tlio 20th of July next, Iho day Of hearing. j j CHARUtf MASON', ! ,4\u Commissioner of Patents. 4(trtb P. S.?Editors of tho above pu|>ers will please copy, and send their | >p bills to the Patent Office, with a paper containing this notice. ' jeriJ A|? 22 law3w j Navy Agent's Office, ,, Washington, 1?. C.( April 20, 185*. ' roni THE United States 8 team or Engineer will be Bold uwl at public auction at the United States navy yard, Washington, '""Hi j at 12, ni.$ on tho 25th duy of May, 1857, subject to ratification by the j c i Navy Department. ro||? The vessel was robuiit at Uio United States navy-yard, Gosport, in ! j^i i 1848, being in length 108 feet, in breadth 17>? feet, and in depth 7 I wht feet, measuring about 126 tons; has a beam enginu, diameter of cyliu | un<i der 25 Inches, stroke of piston 7 feet, and an iron boiler. The vessel j|,0j can be seen and tho iuveutory examined on application to tho com mauduut of the yard. ,{eu Terms cash. A. GRKENIJCAF, jjaa April 21?la\v4w Navy Agent. c seal [No. 577.] atu Notice Of the Removal of the Land Office from Sitult Sir. Maria to Marquette, | dex in jiunnfiiH. IN accordance with the provwioim of the act of ^ Cougnmm, entitled "Ait act authorizing changes in the location of lll.( land oKRcoit/' approved March 3, 1853, it is hereby declared and made ^ 1 | known that tlio ollice for the aalo of public lauds at Hault Htk. M akik. 1 a in the State of Michigan, will bo removed to tho (own of Marvii mm-:, J"0 v. in said State, at cu mrly a jteriod <u pracikabl?.. Further notice as to tho precise timo of removal will be issued by tho register and reoetvor of tho Hault Hto. Mario land office. Given under iny hand, at tho city of Washington, this 19th day of II March, A. 1). 1857. * H. < My order of tho President: clus TlfOB. A. HENDRICKS, 1 Commissioner of the General land Office. call Mar 21?lawflw (Int. and Star.] licit RANKING HOUSE OF CIIUBII BROTHERS, arat Washington, January 1,1857. the JOHN I). BARROW ami IIENRY HOLMES arc ,** this day admitted us partners in tho Bunking House of 4 i.iii1uu miuucr-i. iiit' hi hi iiiiiii iiiiM mutt v> in ue coiii|m?mi?u in vuas. 01 n Si. J. Chubb, John 1). Harrow, and Hetiry Holmes. Tho Hou?o In Da- 5 vcii|>ort, Iowa, is composed ofCharltv* St. J. Chubb, Win. H. Dougul, the And Alexander H. Burrow, under the firm of Chubb Brothers, Bur- ti row, At Co. CHUBB BROTHERS, iuci Jan 1?dtf T Notice to road contractors.?it being ? the Intention of tho board of directors of the Washington and , j Koekvllle Turnpike Company to gravel the road from the llrst toll gate hi It* terminus at tho District line, contractors are requested to address or apply to tho undersigned on the subject on or before the 15tli of April uext. JOHN* C. BRENT, H No 30 Lniisiuna avenue. ion J. C. IdCWiS, elei Feb 24?3tnwtf 492 Seventh street. lar folh WATCH Repairing and Engraving.?Watches, n)J* chrotiomolors, and |M>ckot tlmekoet?ers of every description repaired by skilful workmen and warranted to perform accurately. Engraving of every description done in the best style, including the ma( cutting or arms, crests, mottoes, aud initials on stoue. )(l|)i \* Visiting and wedding cards elegantly engraved and priutod. \ M. W. GAI.T Ai BRO., Uou Jewellers, 324 Beiiiisylvauia avenue, pro Jan 30 ?tf Between 9th and 10th streets. ,.jjU ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY FOR YORKO LADJEri, ?*] near Kintaittsburg, Fl*nder|clc county, Maryland. -Tho annual aesttiun of studios at this institution commences on the 24th August, and ' 1 |( i minutes on the Itttt Thursday in JhM, The term* lor hoard Ud tuition ure $150 per annum, payablo somi annually In Advance. There uro extra charges for music, draw ing, painting, and also for Spanish, for Italian, German, and Latin. The terms for the primary department, composed of pupils undvr niue years of age, are $10o per unuum, i?y- 1 ' able half yearly in ad\aueo. I otters of Inquiry Khould bo addressod to Die MOTHER ST I KRIOR of St. Joseph's Academy, F.mmlttsburg, Frederick county, Maryland. ... July 8?dlyear j?J TO LEASE, for a term of years, the inaiiaion of the per late General Tow son, United Slab's army. It contains all tho ing modern improvements, as water works, furnace, gas, runge. Ate. Ap an?l ply to J. B. II. SMITH, esq., at his office, on F street. the March 21?2wtf chl< , tho /""IOFFJ5E, frcit, &< .- -7(1 ba^n green l!io eoflee. Also, on conHignineiif - - ! | 800 boxes oranges. mc 200 do lemons. p(i|Just received and for sale by un4] March 21?coStif MURRAY k HKMMFX. Im. DR. M. V. H. ROGAN respectfully informs his |'?J friends ami tho public tlwt ho has removed his office and rod- *uy donoe to No. 451 Massachusetts avenue, south aide, betweon 0th and 7th strcots, where he will l>o happy to receive the culls of his friends 10 who nay require Ida professional services. March 10?cod4t+ . tn DR. KANE REFRIGERATORS.?Tho oubocribcr uor has just received direct from tho factory a large lot of tho the abovo superior refrigerators. Tliey come very highly recommended pro by Mio bes| judges in tho eastern cities, and are ofibpod at the very I ho lowest price*. *re We have also In store other varieties of refrigerator*, which will It'III ho warranted to give satisfaction in every particular, together With? will Patent Ice pitchers Pateut butter coolers Patent water coolers. All of which are oiTered wholesale or retail at the lowest figures fur tji0 cash or to prompt customers. iitc JOH. 1. RAVAGE, v Sign of the Gilt How, Penn. av., fj March 20 -dfiUf Between Tenth and Eleventh streets. 1>08 XTALl'AJHiK TRACT OF I.ANH in Iowa for Halo. * \ The undersigned oilers for sale the S. W. fractional quarter <?f section 18, in township 73, north of rouge 6 west, in the Stato of Iowa. This land U flue, rich, rolling prairie, near the Shock ley's branch of ,n Crooked Creek. It lis* cloae to tlie llurlfngton unit Washington rood, < ra and Is 30 miles from Ihirlington, 16 miles from Washington, 10 miles from Mouut Pleaaant and Coloinbtui city, 6 miles from Urawfordnvillc, 11 and 11 miles from tho Plunk rood. Tlu?l?er and stone abandant within 1 2>i miles; saw mill 2 miles and grist mill tt miles distant. Neighbor- | s huod sefjM, with church and school privileges. A tluo grovo or ' ,M*' huildiiig N|M>t oh the iand. i ' CHAH. F. HTANHHURV, j flftf Patent Agent, 401 F street, | April 14?colw Corner of 7th street u?o McGREOOR t CO.'* Bitenslvo Hovie-liDniiililii^ aM warer??oms, Nob. f?3tt. 528, and 521 Seventh street. log I Full sets of Parlor, IHniug-room. Hall, and Cliamher Furniture, In P"'1 j mahogany, walnut, rosewood, and oak. f, And h general assortment of oil housekeeping goods always on hund, f,,? I at lowest prices. ,,,,1 j F.vory intention given to our customers. ,u<.| ' Houses furnishec entire at short notice. | Ap 9 -eodlmo j FREE BURNING COAL.?Just received one cargo rev free burning co?l expressly for cooking. cou All ini wen mmitu ... ... [ A supcrtor lot of woml now 011 hand. trol Kulr weight and iiieoauro may bo relied on |n all cases, and tl;e price 4 as loty as tl|n heat art|olo will 0dnilt jwe Coal kept under coyer, 2,240 pounds to the ton i|lc T J k W. M OAI.T, hra. Northwest corner 12fh And C Street*, No. 547, Cnei One square south of l"enn. avenue. giou Ap 10?-d2ur j - _ ? ? ? sev CIIAULES KINU8LKY13 NEW LOOK.?Two Vt?ri Ago; by tho Rcr. Omrlcs Klng*l?'y, author of "Angus nn?l Ulgh.'' $i 25. ari* Tn# American* in Jnpnn, an ubrMgmonl of tlio govornmont narra- <>t!u tiv? c?f tho United Slat v* ox]>editlou to Jn|mii undor Commodore I'erry; gTtt by Kol?ort Tomes. ?l 25, ' | Things Not Uenernlly Known, a po|?ilar hand hook of flirts not f readily accessible |n literature, llistorv, anil science; edited liy I'avld ?|rt A. Wells. *1 25. the Wavorloy Novels, household edition?Gtiy Monitoring, 2 volumes |roi *1 50. f The World's Own; by Julia Ward Howe. 50 cents. I l>a?ms by diaries Swain, 1 volume, blue and gold. 75 rents. Ismgl'elliiw'a lYose Works, 2 vols., bine and gold tl 75. .' l Isabel, Tin'Young ti'ifli and tfto old Isiye; by Jobii Cordy JcalTrc son. 75 cents. ^ Reading W|thnu| Tears, or a lioqsant M'sle of learning to Read; by the nufhnr of "IVep of fs?y .? 50 oen(s. M* The t'hjlil s Huok (if Nature; hy Washington Hooker, M. IV gl 25 IH'I* Miss Strickland's Querns nf Scotland, yoIu|ne 8. $ 1 Just published and for sale at 1 r" TAYIJiR k MAIRY'H ,,m< April 21 Bookstore, near t?th street , T I pier1 \\T J. WNUHAM & SUNS' 8RI.KITHCHOOL.? I J5J J J Tlie fall seaston will eomnienre July 15th. Number lltn Seer Ited None but goisl aud dis'ile boy* wanted Hume road)' to begin ti|s* latin grammar mm h preferred Age and ad \ ano-iucut of applicants tiv I desired for terms, Ar , address |nib W J HINOHAM. out March 10 lawSui* Ouks, Orange county, N. C. R jtlTO 1 > THE CONSTITUTION." JAY MuK.MNd, MAY I e Oi-Kunizutioii of tlie Executive Departments of the Government of the Uuited States. KTATK hWAltlMRNf tic whole machinery employed to conduct tho business arbing oat ur foreign relations with nil the fiowers of tho world is far more [?ie than U geuerally couoelved. Tho number employed in the * it meld oj SliiU- of tho Uuitod States I H only seventeen, an Mlows: Secretary of Slate, (Hon. Lewi* Ctuw,> .o Assistant Secretary ?f r, (Hon. John Appieton,) one chief clerk, twelve clerks, oue trans r, mui one librarian. iftlamaiic Branch.?Thia hrauch of the State Department has goof all eorresfioudeuco between tln? d? paruiieiti and other di italic agents of the United States abroad, und those oftoroign i>ow accredited to itus government. In it nil diplomatic instructions from the departuicut, and communications to coniuiltnioiiorH un treaties of boundaries, Ate., ure prepared, copied, and recorded; aud of like character received are registered and filed, their coutouU g first entered iu an anuiylic table or index. insular Bmnch This liranch lum charge of the corrcs|si!idence, hetweeu the de|iartiiieut and the coii.huIs und commercial agents 10 United Suites. In it instructions to those officers, and answers leir despatches and to letters from other iwrfotis asking for conautgency, or reiatiug to consular affair*, are prr|iared aud recorded. he. l>ubur*inQ Agent, -lia has charge of all correspondence and r matters connected with accounts relating to any fund with the ursumoiit of which the department is charged. /w Translator.?His duties are to furuish such translations as tho utmniit may require. He also records the cmnmixMous of consuls vice consuls, wheu not in English, ufK>n which exequatur* aro oil. 1#! of AtyptMjpenl* and ?H?? in it k cm out and rocorda mi?"ion?TWttc?w of appointment, and timnitittthMw to tkf Hcnuto; ios out und rooords exequaturs, und records, when iu English, tho uiiisioiiM on which they are issued. Has cliargo of tho librury. Icrk yf the R*Ah and Archim.?He takes charge of the rolls, or on 3d new and resolutions of Congress, us they are received ut tho tie meat from the I'reaident; prepares tho authenticated copies thereof" ch aro called for; prepares for, und superintends their publication, that of treuties. In tho newspapers ami iu book form; attends to r distribution throughout the United folates, and that of all docuils ami publications iu regard to which this duty Is assigned to the Artment; willing and answering all letters conuecUxl therewith. charge of all Indian treaties, aud Im.siiw.s8 relating thereto. lerk of ami Oopgri0U*,?Ho lias thurgo of the s of the United States Mid of the doparUMQt, IBd prepurOit Mild oheti certificate* to poparts presented tor uutbouticatloii; receives aecoiuits for the fees. Has charge of publication* transmitted to dciMirtmoiit under the laws relating to copyrights; records and inert their titles; records all letters from the dejuirtment. other than diplomatic and consular. lerk of Pardont and Pa**i*?i*?He prepares and records pardons remissions; and registers and Ules the petitions ami pollers on ch they are founded. Makes out and rocords passports; keeps a y register of all letters, other than diplomatic and consular, reed, and of the disposition made of them; prepares letter* relating liis business. ATTORNEY OHNKKAJ.'S 0FT1CK. [on. Jeremiah S. Mark, Attorney General of the United States; R. illlet. esq., chief clerk. The ordinary business of this office may bo sifted under the following heads: . Official opinions on the current business of the government, as ed for by the President, by any head of Uc|kurtiiiont, or by the Poor of the Troasury. . Kxaminatiou of the titles of all land purchased, as the sites of niaU, custom houses, light hourtcs, uml ull other public works of United Plate*. . Applications for pardons in all cases of conviction In the courts he United States. . Applications for upi>oiutmciit in all the judicial ami legal business ho government. . The conduct and argument of nil suits in the Supreme Court of United States in which the government is concerned. . The supervision of all other suits arising in any of the dopartits when referred by tiie head thereof to the Attorney (Jenoral. o these ordinary heads of the business of the office arc added a| present time the following, via: irst, The direction of ull ap|>eals on land claim* In California, ocond. The oodiUculiou and revision of the laws of tho District <?f jmbla. INTERIOR OKPARTlfKNT. scrotary of the Dcpaftmcnt of tho Interior, Hon. Jacob Thomp, of the State of Mississippi. Its clerical force consists of one chief k, (Moses Kelly, esq.,) two disbursing clerks, and ton other reguclerks; and to its supervision and management are committed the ?wing branches of the public service; ?t. The. Public Land*. The chief of this bureau Is called tho Coinsionor of the Gcnerul I-Aiid Ofllco. The Ijuid Bureau is charged li tho survey, management, and sale of the public domain, and tho dug of titles therefor, whether derived from confirmations of grants to by former governments l?y sales, donations, of grunts for schools, itary bounties, or public Improvements, and likewise the rovUioii Virginia military bounty laud claims, end the issuing of scrip in thoreor. Tho J;tnd Ufllce, uigo, audits its own accouuts. tiio sent Commissioner Ls Hon. T. A. Hendricks, of Indiana. Its printl ofl)cf>rs lire a recorder, chief clork, principal clerk of purveys, Ides a draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, and sotno lf?0 clerks rarjous grades. d. 1'wy'iw.?Tho present head of this luipofiu is flcqrge C. ftjng, W Yirgltifti. Tlio commissioner |s charged with the exnmi Ion mat adjudication of all claims arising under the various and porous la^rs pi)9t?d hv Congress grunting poun|y laud or pensions the military or naval rvices |u the revolutionary and subsequent rs In which the ITnit 1 States have lioop ongaged. J(e bos ope i>f olork, (8, Cole, o??j ,) and u pormanout corns consisting of some only other clerks, to which Cnngro**, to enable him U? moot the raordlnary requirements of the new bounty-land law, has added a iporary force of about fifty clerkships of different denominations, id. Indium.?Commissioner of Indian Affairs ad interim, Charles K. of (Georgetown, l>. C. He Is provided with a chief clerk and about H?n other subordinate clerks. th. Patent OJflct.?To this bureau is committed tho execution and formance of all "acts und things touching and respecting tho grautand Issuing of (lateiita for new and useful discovories, inventions, I improvements;" the collection of statistics relating to agriculture; collection und distribution of seeds, plants, und cuttings. It hns a of clerk?who is by law the acting Commissioner of Puteuts in absence of the Commissioner?twelve principal, and twelve asaut examiners of patents, some dozen subordinate permanent -lea, besides a considerable number of temporary employees. Inside* these four principal brunches of this new executive dqpqrtut, (ho organic act of 184k (t.ansferrod p> it from tHeTYWoiury Dctmeni tlinsnporvMon'of tbW accounts or tlio Vttlpvf Stales mart-dial* i attorneys,ud tin- dark* of Um UnitedBUIas courts, the maoafe< lit of (lie le;ul and other mines of the fulled Stutes. and tho alfatrs ho pcultontiary of the United States in the District of Coluuiblu; and in the State IVpartnu-nt tho duty of hiking and returning the cones of the (Jnttod States, and of supervising and directing the acts of Commissioner of Public Buildings. The hospital for the insane of array und navy and of the District of Columbia is also under the nngomont of this department; in addition to which, by laws retly passed, the Secretary of tho Interior is charged with the conaction of the throe wagon roads leading to the Pacific coast, "he department requires an additional building for its accominodai, and the erection of one has been rejieatedly recommended during last few years for that purpose. At present tho Pension Office is vlded with rooms |n what Is known as "Winder's Building." whilo otfwr branches of the dcipariineiq, fimiiuhng the Hcafeuiry's Office, ulrcrowded Into the' Patent Office building, tlio whole of which I bo required iif an curly ilav for the use of the Cutout Office, for ich it was originally intended. TRKASPKY l?KI\AHT>IKNT. ho Treasury Department consists of the offices of the Secretary of Treasury, two comptrollers, commissioner of tho customs, six ?u irs, treasurer, register, solicitor, light house board, and const surhc following is a brief indication of the duties of the&o several offi, and of the force employed therein, respectively; !>vjWutu'a Office.?Hon. Howell Cobb. Secretary of tho Treasury: ?. Philip Clayton, Assistant Secretary; ono engineer lu charge; one hitcct, and three draughtsmen temporarily employed, and twenty[H? clerks. The Secretary of tin* Treasury is charged with the genI *U|>cr vision of tin' fiscal transactions of the government, ami of the cutlou of the lawn concerning the commerce ami navigation of tin* tod Plata*. He Htiperlntends the survey ??f the coast. the light house ibltsbmeut, the marine hospital* of the United State-*, and the conirtion of Cortaiu public buildings for custom house* and other pares. ^rd Comjlroller's (tfirr. Hon. William Medill, Comptroller, and top clerks, Ho proscribes tho tnpdg of keeping ami rendering abuts for the civil and diplomatic ROfvloe, as well as the public lands, revise* and* certifies the balance* arising thereon, toomf (YmytnJler't Office John If. Brodhcod, esq., Comptroller, i acventnch clerks. He proaoritioa the mode of keeping and renderthe accounts of the army, navy, ami Indian departments of tho lie service, and revises and certifies the balances arising thereon. <J*<* of Omnmimioner of (he (hidamn.?Hugh J. Anderson, esq., ? missioned qnd eleven clerks. Ho prescribe* the mode of keeping rendering the accounts of tho customs revenue and disburse ?i.M, and for tho building and i-optlirptg puspiui Uou*o*, 1c., uhd* re * and certifies the huiaiiuo* arising ihct'ooii. ' " "Hrd Amlitor'i Offk*.?Thomas L. Smith, esq., First Auditor, and teen clerks. He receives anil adjust* the accounts of the custom* enne and disbursement*, appropriation* and expenditure* on ac ut of the civil list and under private acts of Omgress, and report* balance* to the Commissioner of the Custom* and the First Clumpier, respectively, for their decision thereon. .x:c#?U ^untftn Office. i'honm* J. R Fuller, SVcond Auditor, ami hty-one cfork*. tie receives and adjust* all account* relating to pay, clothing, ami recruiting of the army, a* well as armories, 'iials. and ordnance, and all account* relating to the Indian depart it, and reports the balances to the Second Comptroller for hi* d?*cli thereon. hird Auditor'* Office. -Robert J. Atkinson, e?q.. Tldrd Auditor, and nnty-clght clerks. Ho receive* and adjust* all accounts for submoe of tho army, fortification*, Military Academy, military road*, the Quartermaster's department, as well a* for |>en*ions. claims ing from niflilaiy services previous to 181ft, and for horae* and r property lout In the military service, under various act* of pop is, and report* the Imlunee* p> |ty> Pcpu?d Cmn)Hro|)or ft?r Ins dcui thereon. 'ourth Auditor'/ Office. ?Aaron O. Dayton, esq., Fourth Auditor, and ecu clerks. Ho receives and adjusts all account* for tho otrvko of Navy Department, and re|*ort* the balaneo* to tho Second Gampk?r for hi* decision thoreon. 'ifth Auditor't Office..?Murray McOonnel, esq.. Fifth Auditor, ami rieraa. Hp receive* and adjuat* nil nerounta tor nipinmntir nnn ilar uprvlri'H peitirmM under tho direction of the State Hp|mrt i|, rnid fdpnrli' flip balance* Jo tlo- Kind Cnui|itridlur fi?r lux UcrixMi entt. ufh Autonr't Oflki Will|am K Phillip*, oaq., Mxfh Auditor, and llilndfixl mill Olio clorlta. Hp receive* and adjust* All nee,lent* ilia froin (ho xerricp of the Post (ifllpo Department. Ilia decision* nfial, utiles* an appeal lip token In IwrlyA month* |n tlio Find 0>tl|B lor; and lie superintend* llio cattaofiun <( all do Ufa <luo flip Puif o Department i/nturw'i Ojfkt- Katpuel Oa*oy, ?*<)., Trcioauror, and thirteen U*. I|p rpop|yp? ami I(pp|i? tho money* of the United Sls|e* jn |i|a oftlee and llia| of tl\o do|?vif>rn"< created |iy tlio act ef the dlli of uat. lWfl, and pay* out iho name n|?>n warrant* drawn by the etnry of the Treasury, MMnallXf by the Flr?t (Vanptroller. and ii warrant* drawn by the PMHaMW (lenvral, and iNMtnlcrsiKned lie Hxth Auditor, mid rmmrded by the HryidPr He al*n holila lie money* advanrpd liy warrant to disbursing nflU'era, and |inys tin- Mine upon their rlteeka, y*" ' Oftce ?Pinky Hinder, KegMer nod tvycntj tiino rli;rk? / :1m on. I NUM liKR 16. 2, 1857. 1 Ho keep* the account* of public receipt* mid expenditure*; receive* j the return* and makes out the ottlciul statement uf commerce ?ud umv j Igitbwof the United States; and receive* from the Kiwi Comptroller I and OHiiiuUMlnuer of Custom* all account* and voucher* decided by . theiii, mid ta charged by law with their Haft* keeping. Stfliciior't Offhe- Kfancb B. Strectcr, BuHcUoc, mid six clerks He i mi per Intend* nil civil suiU commenced by the Tolled States, itud In struct* the United Stale* attorney*, marshal*, aud clerk* 111 all matter* I relating U> them and their result" He receive* return* from each | term of the United States court*, showing the prog re** und condiiiou : .iX u.wii unitji-lmu eliurirfl of all lamia and other wooer ty assigned to : lite United State* in puyment of , and lias power to bell ami ?1U' of tl&ci same for the benefit of tho United Stales. ' LightI/oust Board.-?Hon. Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury, rx ojfi'to. president; Gmi. W. H. Khubrkk, United Stales navy, cluir man; Gen. J. 0. Toiteu, United .Male* army; Cnpt. A. A. Humphrey#, j United States army; Urof. A. D Bache, Superintendent of Coast Sur I voy; l'rof. Joseph Henry, secretary of Smithsonian Institution; Chpt. j Samuel Barron. United State# navy. Commander Thornton A. Jen ; kins, United hAes navy, autl IJcutenJiut Win. II. Franklin, United ! States army, secretaire; ; and flvo clerk*. This board directs the buildiug aud requiring of light-houses, light vessels, buoys, ami beacons, contracts for supplies of oil, Act*. United State* Coad Surety ty/fice. ?Professor A. I). Bach#, IX. I)., superintendent, and superintendent of weight# and iueaiqr?|. Capt. M 1.. Smith, topographical engineers, assistant, in charge of j the Coast Survey Office. A. W. Russell, chief clerk. C. B. Snow, iu charge of archive#. Professor A. 0. Pendleton, United States navy, computer of long I- : j tades. j Assistant J. K. Iliigard, iu charge of computing division. ' Assistaut L. F. Pourtale#, In charge of tidal division. | JJout. J. C. Tidhall, Uuitcd htates army, iu charge of drawing dl- J | vision. IJeut. Saxlon, United States army, iu charge of cugruvlug dlviHiOD. Samuel Heln, disbursing agent. George Mathiot, olectrotyplst. Joseph Sax ton. assistant to suiierlnteudent of weights aud measures. POST omill OKl'.MiTMKXT. Hon. Auron V. lirown, Postmaster General. The direction and management of the Post Office Department are usslgncd by the constitution and law# to the Postmaster General. That its business may be the more conveniently arranged and prepared for hi* final action, it is distributed umorig several bureaus, a# follows: The Appointment Of floe, Iu charge of the First Assistant Postmaster General; the Contract Office, iu charge of the Second Assistant Poet master General; the H naikoa Office, in ctmrgo of the Tliird Assistant Postmaster General; ami the Inspection Office, in charge of the obtef clerk. Appointment Office.?Horatio King, esq., First Assistant Postmaster ! General, and ulueteon clerks. To lid# office are assigned all questions i which reluto to the establishment and discontinuance of post offices, j changes of sites and name#, appointment and removal of postmasters ! and route and local agents, as, also, the giving of instructions to po tmasters. Postmasters are furnished with marking and rating stamps and letter balances by this bureau, which Is charged also with pro- j yidffig blanks and stationery for the use of the department , and with the superintendence of the several agencies established for supplying postmasters with blanks. To this bureau is likewise assigned tho supervision of tho ocean mail steamship lines, aud of the foreign and in ternutioual postal arrangements. Contract Office.?William II. Dundas, esq., Second Assistant IVtstmu#* tor Gonerul, and twenty-six clerks, to this pfllcc U assigned the busllies# of arranging the mail service of the United State*, and placing the ' same under contract, embracing ail correspondence and proceedings respecting the frequency of trips, mode of conveyance, and times of departures and arrivals on all the routes; the course of the mail between I the different sections of the country, tho points of mail distribution, aud | the regulations for tho government of the domestic mail service of the 1 United States- it prepares the advertisements for mail proposals, ro- I colvos the bids, and takes charge of the annual and occasional mail lottings, and tho adjustment and execution of the contracts. All uppliea I lions for the establishment or alteration of mail arrangements, and the appointment of mail messengers, should be sent to this office. All claim* should he submitted \o it for transportation service uo| under contract, as (ho recognition of aa|(l service I* Hrs( tp be obtained through the Contract Office as a qeponsury authority (or the proper credit* at tho Auditor^ Office, From lh|s office all postmasters at the cuds of routes receive the slutaiihpt of mail arrangement# proscribed Uh* tho respective routes. It report* weekly to the Auditor all contracts ?xocutod,and all orders a (footing accounts for tituil trun*r>nriutinn; propuros the statistical ovhlbita of tho mail service, aud tho reisirt* of thu I * ?'?11 n.?? niflniv u wti.?r.|m?lil of nm-ii hi.I aIia of llih . i made, the now service originated, the curtailments ordered, and the additional allowances granted within the year. Jh\nanct Offlct.?John Marron, esq., Third Assistant Popfmaster General, and twenty-one clerks. To this offieo are Assigned the super vl*i<?u and management of the llnauclal bustntsft or the department, uot devolved by law upon tho Auditor, embracing accounts with the draft offices and other depositaries of tho detriment, the inning of warrants and drafts In payment of balances rc|>ort<Hl by the Auditor to bo due to mail contractorB and other f?er><ons. the *w*wvblon of , tho accounts of offices under orders to dep^o ^elr quarterly lml- ' ances at designated points, and auperlnicndrnce of tho rendition by postmasters of their quarterly returns of postages. It has charge 1 of tho dead-letter office, of the issuing of postage stamps and stumped j envelope# for the prepayment <">f pontage, and of the accounts con- I ncctod therewith. To }ho Third Assistant Post mas V'" General all postmaster# should direct their quarterly returns of |K?stuge; those nt draft office, their 1 lexers reporting quarterly the net proceeds of their offices; and those at doponlting offices, their certificates of de)>o*ite; to him should also bo directed the weekly and monthly returns of (he do|Mwhur|oa of the j department, us well as all npidieatiotis and receipts t'u postage stain)* j and Mtaiqned onyalopnfl, aipl mr deitd letters, fwptctjtty Offliv.? John Oakfopd, esq., chief clerk, and seventeen I clerks. To this office is assigned the duty of receiving and examining the registers of the arrivals and dejmrtureH of the malls, certificates of the j service of route agents, and roporta of mull failures; of noting tlio do- i llnqueueleH of contractors, and prewiring cases thereon for the action i of tho I'ostmaster General: fundshlng blanks for mail registers, and i reports of nrull failures; providing and sending out mail-hags and : mail locks and keys, and doing all other things which may he necessary to secure a faithful and exact performance of all mail contracts. All cases of mall depredation, of violation of law by private oxpresses, or by the fhrging or illegal use of postage staini*. are under the supervision of this office, and should ho reported to it. All communications reflecting lost money, letters, mail doproda i tlons, or other violations of law, or mail-locks and keys, should be di- | rectcd " Chief Clerk, l'o?t Office DeDai-Bpo-M-11 All registers of the arrjvals and uopai yireH of the truth*, cortirticayvs 1 of the Korvlce of route agents, report# of mail failures, application,* J for blank registers, and reports of failures, and all conipbtUUs against ! contractors for irregular or tni perfect sorvloo, should bo directed "In j Hpoc^lon o^cc, pus^ P$cq Popbruuom." WAVY IikTARTMkNT. Tlio Navy Department consists of the Navy Department proper, being the office of tho Secretary and of live bureaus attached thereto, viz: j Bureau of Navy yards and Docks. Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair, Bureau of Provision# and Clothing, Bureau of Ordnance aud i Hydrograpiiy, nnd the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Tlio following is a statement of the duties of each of these offices and of tho force employed therein: S^rdary'ii Offire. -Hon Isaac Toucey, Secretary of the Navy > j W. Welsh, can.. chief clerk, and eleven clerks Tug Ho'orot'nrv of the Navy lias charge of overvtb'pg v\dn?*.?M'd Vnto tin* naval ostablUh | incur apd yhu a*oeuwmOrkff laws relating thereto in intrusted U him, i tRklar too general direction* of the President of the United States, who, | by the constitution, is commander in chief of the army and navy. All Instructions to commanders of squadrons and command^# of j vessels, nil orders of officers, commissions of oQWorx both In the | navy and marine corps, appointments of commissioned and warrant | officer*, orders fur the enlistment and disclinrge of Noamen, emanate from tho Secretary's dice. All the duties of the different bureaus are performed under the authority of the Becretiry, and their (\pdfci* are j considered as emanating from him. Tho tfeno\*l aupurthtondoutc of the martno corps forms, also, a paft ot iha ouiiea of the Secretary, and nil tlw orders of thu VomlOan'duut of that corps should be approved by j him, Bureau rf Arary Vard* ami Dock*. -Commodore Joseph Smith. (hVef of the bureau, four clerks, one civil engineer, and one man. Ali the navy yards, docks und wharves, build*!!** and machinery In navy-yurds, and everything immediately connected with tlieiu. are under tb? superintendence of this bureau. It Is also charged witu the ! management of the Naval Asylum. Bureau of OonstrwHun* Equipment ami Rejwiit.?John I.enth;ill, e-q.. rhiof of the bureau, eight clerks, and one draughtsman The ojU?^ ??i f ; the engineer in chief ol tho navy, Ikmiel B VfgiiU, ?si|M h MiAclicd t? j this bureau, who is assishgl Jjy three aaxisfdut engineers. This bureau has charge i?f alio building and repairs of all vessels-of war, purchase ! of mhtWinls, and the providing of nil vessels with their equipments, as sails, anchors, water tanks, &n. The engineer in chief superintends the construction of all marine steam engines fbr the tuivy, and, with ! the approvul of tho Secretary, decides upon plans for their construe lion. Bureau rf Pmnnon?and Clothing.?H. Bridge, purser Hulled States navy, chief of bureau, and four clerk*. All provisions for the use the navy, and clothing, together with the miking of contracts (m (ut. iiisbhig the same, come under the charge of this bi^CftU. j Bureau tf Ortty*yd iJytirofraiAy.?Capt. Duncan Ingraham, chief of bureau ,'fbur clerks, and one draughtsman. Hits bureau has ' charge of all ordnance and ordnance stores, the manufacture or pur chase of cannon, guns, powder, shot, shells, kc., and the equipment ; of vessels of war, with everything connected therewith. It also pro vides them with maps, charts, chronometer*, barometers, 4v.,ln [ gether with such books as are furnished sh'J>s yf-war." "The United . States Naval Observatory ;md Hjarogfftflhktol OBco" at Washington, ain| ll,o Aoadeifty ht AnnupolU, are also under the general su ocrliltendenco irf the eulef of this bureau. Ilurmu rf Meiliciiu andSmyny.?Dr. William Win-Ian. ourgeon !'h\ ) toil State* navy, chief nf bureau; one pawed aaiditinii nurgnon Pulled | Slate* tiavv. ami two leik* Kc-rvtl-u, laong i" medic in.I im-dicnl Klorca, treniny-pi ul a*>k nhiY wounded, oml management of : liiwpl'^la, ci'wii a tt illilu lbo oujH<rlntoDili'Dco of llili bureau. wau nKPAtniitvr 1 lion J n. Floyd, Secretary nf War; W. B pr|n^ani, cldef clerk, aeveti tulmrdinatn clerk*, two nw\-nonpar*, and ftmr watelimcu. The following bureau* aro attached to tin* department: r,mmnn<hnn flrurmVi Offirr Thi* office, at (lie head of Which i* ' lieutenant Ociicral Scott, la at New York. Aifitiml Crnrrnl t Offim?Col Bemud (wpor, Adjntanl General AarlrUnta - Brevet Major ?. It. auwiuieuil, Brevet Cupt S. William* and Brevet ('apt J. P. DtrMhe Judge Advocate. Brevet Mako* Jotin ; K. lee; nine clerk* and one mea-tengcr. In lid* office aro k C j <t ali the record* which refer to the |ier*ontiel of the ariny, the roll*. Unit la here tvliere all military eoinntiarlon* aro wade pel QuatlfrmaMer Cnw\\'t <\0*. -Brevet Major General T. S. Jc?up. | quartermaster general tii'Vtahyi Cblonel C. Ttmma*. Captain M, S , M\IIer, ahd Breye( Major J. He Igor; oleven clork* and ouo uyvKangn . | Pngmnutrr C/rnrral* Oflirr -Cel. Ik f t?riu?l. |Nty?v>--Vr general; i I Major T.J. Lealie, dietriet paj-uvwp-r; e^li'l clerk* undone iqcwea ft| Opataryrajry Crfcral'i OJScr -Oen, George GtUmn, ceepinlHaarr gen | oral; a**l*l?nt,Cuptaln M 1>. I* mini*op; ?U ilerfca and one nvaarn | i^rthtrjeia AVneea/'x OJfn-r?Den. Tliotnaa lawaon, aurgeon geueral; ' aaBietautB. I>r. R. C. Wood and Dr. 0. K WTood; throe clerk*. Knginrrr Oflhr.?Oeneral Joseph(I. TiKten, chief engineer, goal-finl, I fhptatu II ?. Wright; live ch-rk ami N- uew-aviiur Tlgnprrxpfcu-al Uionoo 4W J. J. Abert, rtdpnel of the enrpa, a* I Biajanl, (Mpwin J C- W'oodrutl , lour clerka *ud oue up-teg-tigcr I rjedigtr* Humav. -Cut. H H f'ralg, colonel of (trdnauro, a?oM*Ut, ' ' ' aj't Win. Ma]-nadi*r| i-tgld clerk* and one tuemcnger TO OUR HtTBHCltlliHits. || Thu umiuc of no poirvOb niil bo eMerwl U|wu our l>ook*, ?ui.-: the i luyuwut ul Ui? *ulMi [i|>bou be nuule tn udvattiv. "l Uiui subicriber* utay lorwurtt u* mouoy by k'Uor uud oil rl?k will I* .v,,uiue<l by n.u wlri'.. in it nuh'limi.iui."l<Hi ; Tin* rul \TRY I'AI'Klt I* |Mibll4iod trl-wvukly during tbo MMltmt of Coagri'**, uud ipiuI wei-kly during lb* recto*. Sob.-"-Hi* itm. ftir h iierlotl lea* iImq * year will b* received ou tor no > proportioned to Ibe above annual rate 0"PiWMA9nBM are autboriti*d to art a t our ayenti; and by ei'ilding u? rlVK IIAJI.Y tubx-rlber*. wltb ? >0 t-nrlnord; or rtrit SEMI WEKKl.Y aubM-ribero, wtth umloacd, will be onlitivd to a oo|>y grwtil. Overland Mail Kuute to California. I*MTT ( mil PWAUTMKXT April 20. 18A7. AN ACT of Congress, approved 3d March, J8f>7, making appropriation* for the service of the Post Oflkw IV|**rt uu'iil for the tWcul yiiir ending 90th June, l&btt, provides: 41 Par. 10. That tho l*o*tiiiu*ter Gianni be, and ho b hereby, author iscd to contract for the conveyance of the entire letter mail Iroin such |Mnnt ?>u ilte river, ah the contractors may welprt, to Haw Francisco, in the Stule of OtUforiibt, for six years, at a co*t iM exc-eed , lug throe h u ml red ihoucuiid dollar* per aunuiu for semi monthly tour huudiiHlMml titty thousand dollars for weekly, or Hix hundred thousand dollars for semi weakly service, to he perform**! acini monthly, weekly, or semi weekly, at the option of the Postmaster General. 'Sax-. 11. That the contra* t shall requite llio service to be per formed with good tour Imrse cnoc{p>a or spring wagons, siutuhle for the eonveyunce of i **;?? ngera us well an tuo safety and security of tho mail*. 44 Sac. 12. That the contrac tor ahull have the right of pre cinption to three hundred and twenty acre* of any land not then di.?|?ose;l of or reserved, at each point necessary for a station, not to Im? nearer than teu mil*** from each other; and provided that no mineral laud shall lie thus pre emptcd. "Him?. 13. That the said aervice skill ho performed within tw enty fivo flays for each trip; Aid that, before entering Into sucfe contrast, the Postmaster General shall Ik> satbtied of the uhility and dbpoHtiou of the parties. Uma Jhle and tn good faith, to i*rform the fudd contract, uml shall require good and aufllciont security for tho performance of the same, the service tocoiumenco wUhiu twolvo months after tho signiug of the contract." Proposal* will accordingly lie received at the Contract (itlleo of tliu Pust Ofhoe Uqsirtment, until 3, B. m., of tho 1*1 day of Juue, 1H57, for ooorej lug malls under the provisions of the above act. t Heside* tbo starting point on tho Mb*is*ip|t| river, bidders will ham* intermediate point* proj*)??d to he embraced ui the route aud other wis* designate it* course a* Hourly as practicable. Separate proposals arc Invited Air *mt tmmlkly, uwUy, and ?miuvrkly trip* each way. The decision upon tho proposals offered will be mude after the Po*t master GenArsI skill be satisfied of the ubility and dbpotdlion of tlm * parties in goo?l faith to perform the contract. A guarantee Is l? bo executed, with good and sufllelcnt sureties, that (ho contract shall lie executed with like g<?>d security, whenever lh? coutractnr or contractor* shall lie required to do no by the Postmaster General, and the nervine must coiuinenco within twelve months niter the date of such contract. !. A Win yf l'rvpteal. I, - . of , comity of State of , propose to convey the entire letter mall, for the term of nix years, from the date Hperilled In Ihe contract for commencing service, from ?, on the Mississippi river, h,v , to Sou Francisco, California, agreeably to the advertisement of the Postmaster General of the 20th April, X8fi7, Iu good lour horse coaches or spring wagons, suitable for the conveyance of passengers, as well as tho ale I y and security of tho mails, semi monthly, each way, for the animal sum of dollars; ws-rt.ty, esch way, for Ihe annual sum of dollars; semi weekly, each way, for the uuimnl sum of . dollars. fluted. (Signed.) f\irm </ a <7uaiun.'?. 'Die undersigned, residing at , Stale of ? . .?, undertake that, If Ihe foregoing hid for carrying the mail on the route nnm , on tho Mississippi river, In San Francisco, Calllor ma, ho accepted hy tho Postmaster toon-nil. the bidder shall, when re quired by the Postmaster General, enter into the necessary nhliga tiou to perforin the service proposed, with good and sufllricnt sureties. This ?* <l?, understanding disttiutly the obligation and liabilities as \ sunto) by guarantors, ut{dtr the '27th section of (he tut of thmgress if July i 2. mats. Puled, (Signed by two guarantors.) Arm of tMificate. Tho undersigned, postmaster of -- , State of ? , i'Crtitles, under his oath of otl></\ that ho la acquainted with tho abovo guarantors, and knows them to be men of properly, and able to make joisl their guarantee. I kited. (Signed.) INSTRUCTION!!, I Containing conditions to be incorporated in the contracts to ihe extent Ihe department may derm proper. 1. No pay will lie made for tri|>s not performed; ami for each of giieli I omissions, not sallsfaetorily explained, three times the |iuy of Ihe trip may lie deducted. Deductions will also be ordered for u grade of per lor malice inferior to that specified iu tho contract. For repeated dclln >; queneles of the kind herein speclllod, enlarged (icnaltles, proportioned lo tho irnture thereof and the Importance of the mull, may Imi trade. 2. For leaving behind or throwing oil' the mulls, or any |?>rtion of I them, for tho admission of passengers, or IV>r being concerned In setting j: u quarter's pay may be deducted. .'I, Fines will be imposed, uulous the delinquency be promptly and ?-atisfiu torilv explained by certificates of postmasters, or tho vits of other credible jmrawis, for (ailing to Arrive in contruct time; for ue^ i,lectin# to take the mall from or deliver it into a post office; for suiter" pig (owiug either to the unsuitahleuess of the place or manner of car rying it) to ho wet. Injured, destroyed, robbed, or lost; aud for refu sing, after demand, to convey the mall as frequently us tier contractor runs, or is concerned |n running, a coach on tho route. 4. The I'osttuuHlcr tlenernl may annul the contract (or repeated fail ures V> run agreeably to contract; for violuting the |u>*t office laws, or ('^obeying the instructions of the department; for refusing to discharge a carrier when required by the department to do so; for assigning tho contract without the assent of the Postmaster Geuorul: for running an express as aforesaid; or for transporting jiersons or packages convey i:?g mailable matter out of tbe mail. 5. A bid received alter the lust day ami hour named, or without tho guarantee required by law, cannot be considered iu compcUtwu. with a regular proposal reasonable in amount. tJ. Tin* route, the service, tho yearly pay, tho natuc uud residence of tho bidder, (that is, his usual post office address A and those of ouch j member of a firm, where a company odors, should be distinctly staled. 7. Altered bids should not ho submitted; nor should bids once sub milled lie withdrawn. 8. Each bid must bo guarantied by two or more responsible persoiw satisfactory tq ^he Postmaster Genoral. (Jonerul guarantees cannot bo fldQflUMl. The bid ami guarantee should Ue sigtml plainly with the full name of each fierson. 9. The deportment r?sorv<a the right to reject any bid wldcti may be deemed exfi'UYqgnftt, awl also tho bids of fulling contractors anJt bidders ^ Tho bid should l?o sealed; superscribed "Mail proposals for overland route to California/' addressed "Second Assl tant Postmaster (loneral," Contract Ollice. > 11. A modification of a bid In any of its essential terms is tantamount lo a new bid, and cannot be received, so us to interfere with n regular competition, after the lust liour set for receiving bids. 12. Postmasters aro to be careful not to certify |fc> miflcioney of guarantors or sureties without knowing that they person* of sufll dent responsibility; and all bidder*, guar^nttor* .'Vbl sureties are ills tlnctly notilled that, on a failure tq qnpy into or perform the contract* for the service proposed for fe accepted bids, their letrul liahktileu will be enforced aga^f them. 13. Proaou, pantructurs, and persons known at Die department, must, iv\Willi others, procure guarantor* ami ecrtlUcntos of their still! iCm^v substantially in the forms above prcacitbitsl. The i-erttlicutos ol suftlelency must be signed by a posttipvAc*, ?t by ? judge ot a <s?urt oC record. Tlie attention of hjj^Wa, guar on torn, sureties, ike., k* directed to tin* following lenyu, vet: Sjip. a. Afl of March 3,1826, requiring contractors, carriers, Ac , to be'sworn. j fee. 44. Act of March 3, 1H26, ii> relation to fuilure to enter into coin tract. Sec. 27. At'l ul'July 2, 18.16, liabilities of guarantors. Ppp, ui Act of July 2,1836, author|7.lng bills o( hit!tog conOr actors tobe rejeeted. Sec. 28. Act of July 2,1836, III reVtlion to combinations amongst bid der?. j Act of April 21, IRfKt, peovidoa tbat no member of Congress ran bo is contractor, Sl,V Vk Act of Mareli 3, 1826, pro\ ides that no po-Uuu tee. assistant' pnstmaatcr, or elerk in a l>o?t once, shall be a contractor. Sec. 7. Act of March 3, 1826, provides Ileal no other than a free white male person shall be employed VI carrying tlie inail. The Postmaster (lonornl will vwiorve to himself the right of annul llug any contract made uader the above act w henever Is* shall dinner that tip' mmy. or nnjr part of it, is olTeied for sale tot the marketl. for thct |un pose of HpcculaUaa.; and ho wilt in no nates sanction a transfer of the same, in whole or ill part, to any assignee or sub eon tractor less qualiUed, in Ids opituuu, than the original contractor u? carry the same luto uccessful .qs ratuai. AAROX V BRliWV. Apjl. bawUsUnwet haltMnMUratrtl. Unitetl state* Hall. VERMONT. Pout fimra PrTsnnrvvr. Washington. April IK, 1867. PROPOSALS for carryiup the mail* of the f'nilotf Htate.4. from July 1, |IA7?to June HO. 1861, IwIiinIvc, oh the following rout?*s in 0\o titan* of Yhumont, will Ik? received at tlie Contnu't Office of \li?d4 Department until 9, a. in., of May IK>, 1857; to be drcptpd the sumo day: (hi llou of routes under asmo numbers in tho advertisement of 1-1 January, 1&57.) 451 From Woodstock to Windsor, 15 miles ami back. r\x time-; ?* week ; and from Woodstock, by Barnard, to Bethel, 18 mile", and back. h?* times n week. laave Woodstock daily, exnept Sunday, lit 6 a at, Arrive at Windsor l>y 7 V am; leave Windsor daily, except Sunday, at 0 |> m, or on an ival of ran; Arrive at Woodstock by "I* |> tn; leave \7(**l??ock ilaily, except Sunday, at 8 a at; Andre at llctliel by tl a tn; leave BMbel daily, except Sunday, at 4 p m; Arrive nt WimUtnck by 7 |> to. 457 From Bethel, Ity tUyavllle, Stockbrulgo, l',tt,fla|.| Vfrtli Slier bit me, and Moudnn, to Holland, 29 mile* and back, aix time* a *eukBidder* may propose M lieduko of departure* and arrival* to lie approveil by the (xiM masters at llle Hub of the rente 468 From Slock bridgf, by Rochenter, to Hancock, U mlb-a and back, n\n time* a week; and froan Klplini. by Fa-1 Mobile U"ry, W Middlolmry, 8 mile*mid bock, three nine* week, tyblers may propone -eliodulf* of departure-' and arrival* to be approved by tiro paatauatcr* nt the end* of the route For form of ptmaenti and instruction* ami reipilrenicnts, aee ad vcrllscnylit tnv?|ns proposal* for mall service In llie New England Stapw, dated l*? January, 1867, to lie (hand at tlu< pritu i|?il |?i-l oMcnAARtiV V. BROWN, Ap lk?law4* t IVmimmtar (ioneral UN1TKD STATES LAWS, 1856 Tin- SI.-H lite* at large and Trealie* of the United St ties ul Americn enact i*l at the Third Sea-ion of tlio Thirty-fourth Congress, 1H60- .67; edite I by Ceo. Mi not I'ublbheil by authority ot Fonpre** Itoral 8vo. tl. Jil?t published by UTTIF, KHOWN, k (U, Ap 10?2tilco 112 Washington street, Huston. f 11| 11, r|11 LIi S liOUK. OK N ATI HI -PLANTH. | Animals, Air, Waler, Heat, Ite ; by W. Hunker, M. I). 1 vol Illustrated. babel, The Y'nutui Wlf.' ami tkv Old love, by J. C. JealTrwon. tb-adma tViltuHil Tear* Mi skill ill's Ipleulis of Scotland. Vol. 8 Ap 111 FHA.NTK TAVl.OR.