Newspaper Page Text
FOUft SiiW YoKK ODHJUCbPONbEKCE. Naw Yo*k, June ZD, l?j". Oue of the groat objections to the interference of tlxclergy with the political junctions of the .lay h> that they (hi not know, iu> a general thing, anything about the mat trrt in whkh they propone to speak They take ap all IKilitical question* a> clergymen, and make no discriiuinaiiim brtween what they would he phased to see done and wliat it wookl be legally and socially right to have done. Their view* are generally impracticable, and the whole moral force they put out in so much ammunition tvaatcd 'They wanted Congress to unite Church and Ktate, and prohibit Sabliath-breaking by law, and to stay a great evil, which is social in it* character and must have a udal remedy ; they demand a violation of the constitutional right of the people in the (Nonage and enforcement of a sumptuary law. And when they undertake to stale a caae politically that they arc not well picaned with they cannot hare patience even to state the tacts fairly. The New York Evangelist is the organ of the New School Presbyterian Church, it is conducted by gentle nien who wish to apjiear fair-minded, and are no, when their prejudices are not in the way. They symjiathize with the black republican* ; they do nut like the position nor the conduct of Mayor Wood in the late conflict; and in their issue of Juue 2Mb they publish us editorial the ioiiowiug : " Tmb Covet or Ai-I'icaob ?Iu common with all friends of jieace and good ordi-r iu this city, we rejoice at the |<r<w|>ecl of tiua) relief from the anarchy which we have suffered for the pant two months. The court of ap(>eal* lias rendered its decision in the case of tlte wctroyiolituii [silks- onwimfawonera and Mayor Wood, fully ouolruiia( the countitutiouality of the present law. By thin decision the commissioners ap|? tinted Ity Governor King and the senate arc < *Initialled a? the rightful authority, and every ]tower ansuiin-d Ity Mr. Wood, since Utey eutered Mpuu tlieir afficc, has I teen illegal and void. If hiti exercise of audi power hue resulted iu iujury to otlieia, he it, of oourae, liable to prosecution for damages. " This result lias long Iteen foreseen by cal 111 and sober met), who have been spectators of this euutest. Nothing but the most wilful olwtiaary could have led tlte luavor to this open defiance of the law. By his course he iias thrown the city government into confusion ; he has given occasion to violence and ItliHsitdted, aiul covered our good uauie with disgrace. And now at last, after all his (masting and bluster, he is obliged to submit. At the beginning he might have yielded with dignity and grace. Nonhe is forced from his position by the stern decree of the law. A more humiliating position for the chief magistrate of a city can hardly he imagined. Instead of retiring with honor, he lias waited to be turned out by the courts. His i ml ice, which a week ago he mustered a thousand strong at the City Hall to defend him, he must now turn adrift, since he lias no money to pay them. Krom his position as a city despot he is reduced to roni1 mrut.ive weakness and contempt." This paper is printed iu New York. The editorial 100111s look into the 1'urk N*<> building stands between the City Hall and the office of the Evangelist. It would have taken about two minutes to have ascertained whether or not the Court of Appeals liad made their decision. But no such pains was taken ; and these gentlemen? reverend divines, as they are set down and pen au article, for their thousands of readers, that lias not in it one particle of truth, and make u dark, jiersonal assault on .! < ?r ,.n? A~,S.Lr?, l])f ailt'i iiiu^inuow; U1 V'MI oulu uv cmi.u uw?i?w.. has bean manic, ami, of court*-, no such consequences follow. i\ud this illustrates the manner thut Use so-called religions community became so excited and so worked up last fall ; and illustrates the means used to drive us on to the rook of sectional ism, and caused sober men to believe that a " vote for Fremont was a cup of cold water to Jesus Christ." If men are no more reliable for their hu ts, what can their opinions or expressions be worth ? It was the quaint saying of Lorenzo l>ow that a 41 clergy I man in |>olitics w.m like it monkey in a China shop ; lie 1 could not possibly do any good there, but might do ? great deal of harm." Mayor Wood has obtained two significant triumphs tlie jiast week. He was called up before Judge Hoffman to answer for contempt of court in resisting the process of that court. It was the warrant for arrest issued from the court that led to the riot of the 16th instant, when the military were called out. In tiie sixteen affidavits now before the judge, Mr. Wood completely purged himself of contempt, and the judge ordered his discharge from custody ; and in the matter of the arrest of the recorder, Judge ltusncll, on a writ of lialmu cur/nu, not only discharged the mayor, but at the some time staled, in plain and unequivocal words, that the recorder, in or dcring the arrest of Mr. Wood under the peculiar c ircumstances, not only went beyond his power and jurisdiction, but exhibited more malice than justice. i ^ 'l'he decision of the court of appeals is looked fur with groat interest The Tribune u few days since professed to have some "despatches from Albany with the decision. " lie-sides this, all is in doubt. But suppose the law is sus ' turned : support* New York is to be ruled by the junto I at Albany: suppose the party hacks of the republicans, I with all their aliases, are to be fed and clothed by our I city : the pickings will be leuucr than many suppose. 4 Not one vacancy In the municipal police lias been tilled | under the old charter which the Albany tyrants have not touched in the new metropolitan bill ; the power hi given to the mayor and common council of New York to create and discipline a "day ami night police,'' and this power iit now in being. And an that as a man leaven the mayor's police his place is supplied by an appointment on the "day and night police." The new law gives Simoon I>ra)ier ajid his coadjutors only seven policemen. These they have ?Ot. This is all they can have. This is all the New York' police they can ever control; and when the law is sustained ~ if it be sustailiotl the day ami night |sdice will eotne into the fidkl?tlie only police t turps New York will have all il)r j*>lioe New York will need. And on |>aradc the sev tttl Jsiiioe comtuissionei* will march along, leading off tlicir seven men, while the mayor, at the head of his "day and night |>olioc," will parade his hundreds And if the geutjemen don't like the law they will have to try again. Putnam's Monthly, under the new conductors, boat, and looks finely, 'lite fortunes of that print teach some { significant lessons. The popularity of Harper*' Magazine took alt the wind out of tlie Rails of the Putmun. Tin' Harpers' Magazine took national ground in the late national canvass. Amid the madness and excitement of scctiomliam Harj>cr sailed along as of old. It went so | far as to tell one or two good anecdotes that seemed to : tell rather favorably for the demorvatie party. The mat ter was suggested that, as ait offset, it wrottld lie wise in Putuam to take the opposite sids, and on the Fremont tlood swim on to fortune. 'The bint was acted U|s>n Tlie black flag was hoisted ; t black republican ojupn was made the editor, 'i'lie theory failed under the old administration. Jt is now in new hands, and all the lovers of black-republicanism who do not find euongh of it in tlie Kvenitig Post and Trilmne. in tiie paper and pulpit of the Beeehen, in tlie so-called religions pre0s. and in i lie st-rimm* ol Me tia\, l*w an luniitiouai Hiipjuy f?r dog-days, will do well to help tfniwlree to l'utnuu'ft Monthly. < Ketridge & tlo. hare 5n press a book that will make Man*' stir. Klder Hyde, the great apostle of the Mormons, Iiuk written an HlWl! of the alsitnitiatious, ae lie calls them, of his old faith. lie has U-eu a great missionary ; he was sent to Kuglaud ami ('ranee, to the Sandwich islands, and to diatgnt lands ; lse is well >vducatad ; he writes well; lie talks plain ; and he gives advice to Use gov* rument of the I'uited States how to put down the turbulence of I tah Manhattan Mwrus Knain or I.iomtnimi One of our citiwus, who was within about one hundred und fifty feet of the tree on the common struck by lightning Inst Thursday, found his watch did not go as usual after tliat time. IV'ithout suspecting tlie cause of the difficulty, he took his watch to Mr. Doud. and. upon eaatuiliation, it was found the steel balaiice-wlieel was so charged with magnetism that it was render.xt useless. The hlades of his (" ckct knife were also highly charged 1 >f magnetism from the electric fluk). Similar effects have sometime* '"en produced <nj Isiurd vessels struck by lightning, but they are not ?f frequent occurrence on the land r [Bo*<n TrmwUrr 6KIKRAL SUMMARY. M"?i lMAMOtn?A abort time since an efhirt wan made by utu? unprincipled wieU-hc? to deatroy the t Vutral College building 'there i* a Urge croat beam in tbr ivittrt. extended truiu one ol tin aide wulit to the ifyunile | wall, and thy- it supported by upright* placed on a cor I usp.aiding ground till. Tbr villain*, with laige atone*, succeeded in removing nil of theae upright* from ttieir twauiiiga, with the exception of one, which, from the ex 'rwordlmtry prmaure iipm it, could not well he driven lint, it 1* probable that they would have succeeded in their designs ha 1 tliey not heeu tearful that the ftlling wall* would cruah thuui beneath their weight. Hie whole building wan In moat imminent danger of going down a hojielesa wreck. - /% Afuuwr CVum, 20Oi An iugoukiut piece of median jam, designed to enable j a jwraon to record hit thought* or obarrvation* while travelling in the taut, in a crowd, or in any (dace where ordinary w riting apparatu* cannot lie uaed, ha* been in rented by Mr. iieiijaiuin Uveruiure, of Hartlaud. Vermont. Tbr pajK-i on which writing, or rather printing fur it reaeuible* the telegraphic tyateui of printing ?if iiujirnwed, i? coiled around two cylinder* which revolve at tlie line* are completed, and the letter* are worked by a net of key#. No ink in lctjuired ; the letters being ooi ; ored by a prepared blue J*per, against which the writing paper is piessed at each movement of the key*- The uia ; chine work* with great accuracy and much facility, and i i* very cuuipact, not exceeding four incho* in length by about two and a half incite* in width. It can be easily carried in a Kitle-jtoekct. and cau be used without taking it front the pocket. By it a blind person might be taught to write. Meters Iloltnttu, Elton, Tttrrell, & Co.. at Waierbury, Connecticut, arc uianulacturing a newly-patented alloy, which resent bleu gold very atrikingly in it* color, and the ease with which it can be worked. The metal may be treated in the same maimer as gold, and is equally ductile tuid malleable lite alloy, wbieb receive* the name of " oreidc," in not only very handsome in its appearance, but it take* gilt or bilver-platiug in a manner superior to any other metal, and i* withal very cheap. lire El wood |K. T.) Advertiser learns from a friend, who received a letter from Fort Union, tltat a eomjttuiy of trader* ott the Santa Ke route, near the mouth of the l'icket Wire, aliout 200 miles from Union, were attacked, ami four Americans murdered by the Cbeiues and Kiawa Indians The cumpuuv were principally Mexicans, and it ig su] qs iseil that they joined with the Indians iu committing this outrage. A new Pacifit ilailroad Company was organiaed at Omulia. early iu the present mouth, under the Nebraska territorial iaiv, for tiie construction of a railroad to tiie South Pass. Oen. Uobinson, of Pennsylvania, is president, and Mr. Howner, of Ohio, secretary, 'lite capital is to lie $60,000,000. Niagara Suspension BansiE.?This bridge apjiear* to I*' a profitable concern During the (Mist year, ending April, tiie rejiort of the company, recently published, states I hat the revenue amounted to $41,1*63 ; disbursements, $4,507?thus shotting that the working ex)>ense* are but small. The dividend which it pay* averages 15 percent.?Scientific American. New North Carolina red wheat was exhibited on 'Change yesterday by Messrs Stoddard & Clark. It is u sample of 10,000 bushels, which appears very well, although it may have been cut u little too green. It is the ij first received here this season from that State. [Journal of (Xmmerce if Saturday. The value of the churches of the Baltimore M E Con fereticc in put down at $1,279,3211, and the jMmmiijtt an- valued. in the aggregate, at $159,250. 'Hie amount rained for missions thin year in $23,493 2*0. A violent storm of wind panned through several town' shifts in Beauharuoin couuty, Canada, on the 19th iust , destroying houses and barns and prostrating treen. A traveller was thrown out of his buggy, and it and the j horses upset by the force of the wind. Thc Chosse Tbtk HviuroAii.?This imjiortant family enterprise was completed on Saturday last, in the midst ! of great rejoicing. The last nail has been driven, and a i free and uninterrupted cuinmuuk-ation is now open from the river to the rich Grouse Tete country. [Baton Rouye (La.) Advota/r, June 20. The total expenses of the recent railroad celebration in the city of St. Louis were $14,142. Of this amount 1 >10,556, as already stated, is provided for l?y the municipal ordinance for that purpose ; the remainder is to ! Ir- paid out of the fuuds in the iiands of A. D. Pomerv, i est]. The extensive drug store of Messrs. Barnard, Adams, | & Co., of Bt. Louis, was linruod on the 29tli ult. The loss is estimated at $190,000, on which there is an in; surance of $155,000. In twelve minutes from the first alarm the whole building and its stoek were a ! mass of ruins. 'Hiere was air extensive conflagration in Cincinnati on Monday nigbt last. A foundry and twelve dwelling. ! bouses were burned. The (ire is thought to have originated from the furnace of the foundry ; but the fireman of the establishment thinks it the work of an incendiary. The toUil loss is estimated at $50,000. The Philadelphia Evening Journal states that on Sati nrday last seven young girls were arrested in that city i for passing counterfeit money, which was given to them for that purpose by male manufacturers. DIED, On the morning of the 1st July, of cholera infantum KHWAHP lit' VAl.. infant sou m Cuia. P. uu-t Mrsv JJ Psaair agist a lunuiti- anil 12 days. The friends anil jrquxintinivs ol the family art- respectfully invited to atn-nd the funeral, from the residence of his grandfather, H. H. Meltierson. No. Odd Seventh street, this (The, iday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. OFFICIAL. I Jam? Buchanan, Pmmidaai of the UrnUtd States of America, to all whom it may concern : Sntjsfiactor y oridftCf having been exhibited to n?f? that William I.-ino Booker tut- beou *p)*oinUHl consul of ber Britannic Mojcdj for the State of California, to reside iu San Fruciioo, I do hereby rccDfOiai liira a* such, ninl declare btin free to exercise and eu Joy such functionpowers, and privilege* a* are allowed to the consul* of the most favored nations iu the l:ui|od States. Iu testimony whereof. 1 have caused these letters lobe tuade |?Utiit, and the anid ?if the Cnitod ytutes to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand, at the olty <if Washington, tbrTth day of [L. 8.] June, A. I?. 1857. and of the iudo}Hiudencc of the lulled States i?f America the eighty first. JAMES KCUAMAK By the President : Jots Arrirrox, Acting Secretary of State. IHcpa rtukvt or Static, Washington. July 1. 1857. Information has been raedval at this department from A. K. Illy the esq . the V idled State-. consul-general at Havana, of the death of Mr* Margaret Johnson Villar (an American lady, and the widow of 1/Hiis Villar) at tliai place. on the 27th of April last. Her brother. Mr. James Handy Jotm-am, or Iter aunts. Mrs. Emetine Ross and Mrs Elizabeth MiN?re, *?r their legal ro|m*iontative*. can obtain from tin* d??l*?rttucttt fur tin" r information in rwpi;t to the de|MmitHHi which *be made of her property. July f WT Treauurj Nolei OutiUniliiti; 1st July, ik?7. Am.mill out-tiii.lm<r of III.' ?cvernl fcimwii prior (n 23.1 July, 1H46. M 1?T rwwrtiu ill tl?ir "III.:"' Sum, 111 64 Amount' of Uhi Pmuo of 22*1 July. 1H4#, w fu r rrrort. of till-. ?ni.' 7.260 00 Aiooiiui ?uiM|aii<tui|( of llm h.iw of UNO. Januury, 1H47, us p?r rroml. of Uifc. Ow 1, N&0 00 106,211 M lkaluct ruki II.hI i*4f in lit.' hum!" of <m? .4 i )>? m riHintiun ilBiilfl uihI.t ui url prior lo 22.1 July, )*0 60 00 100.101 04 V til.:, r-u Tnunvr fUMmnor. Brgt-f-r'r mike. l-l July. 1*57. July i?'lUf flam! Mi l Mm.) QTCX Ol I.I.I R*S BRITISH 801 DIES . ?u MM ImI ln-lor) uf tlx' Itriu-li siruiv. ] vol. lauid.m, 1*57. >1 Ta Wlll.ird-, in Tlumr) ami Prnrtk-r; by C?|4. Crawleyr. 1 rot. lam dim, 1*67 Willi 3- ?;r? in** >1 25. (tin* lluixlriil (Md llkv*. KmiinU. mid Oilthao; mill made, word*, mi.I r..rlr ><< i<nilaiiniiH'lil' 1 vol. lamdnu, 1 MX>7 Mi Harduicke'ii P**rms* Ibr MM. 1 ?ut. M oeoya HarduM*'* Murom-Ugi' Sir 1857 1 vol. 37 omit llardwlrk*'* Him-* of Odmnnna Sir 1*5? I vol. 37 oi-iit-. Cy iiSipmlw of Uaivomal Hl-dorr I vol. Iimdrm 1*67 (vrki|iwdbi uflb* Itivairal Srieocea, byr J. I' NVli..l, m-trminnxr I ltd lnnVbm, 1*57. I'nivm-ii! IHidkiimri id tin- English. Krrarli. Italian, ami (icrauui lai^uaifi* J vol I/mdmi, 1*57. July 3 EIUXCS TAVU* ^TORTII AMERICAN REVIEW, July iHimlK?r. ) Hood'* Pnetk-al Work" 3 rule , bin* noil ir?M . ?t MV Cxni|d.rll l"rmt(ial Wnrki 1 vol, blue nnd f*M, 75 ifiit*?ur? nod eleg-iit |?* kM MtttHHM. Ik-mill ami River <l?rikm? Ilia Htalnrv uf lb* Kiln* Aquarium mid lb* h**l methnda now adopt** fur an ealatm-lniMU.l tail i-ri?r ration by n I*"*l Hiimpbrow He unlit.illi ilto-traM-d by ndored engrarikyo W ? ' .runt nwivrd at TAVUM t MAl KY H July S?II ' lkadtMore near Mb ?? LOCAL K EWS. Cm Isms.?The paper* of ytMtasxlay evening s?* iui Mxvunt of tbe finding ot a Irani, which hiul beta, j broken open. The trunk - ha* since lawn a? the projierty of Alexander Riley, who state* that It wa? stolen i (rum Ida resident* ou tdc lalau.l Mr. Ililey further ; slate* that it ha:I been [lacked wnh a portion of the weariug apparel of hia Until), with wkuui he Wat. about to remove to tthio. One hundred and two dollar* in money and several valuable article* bad buen taken froiu it. No trace* of the thief have yet been discovered. Foot passenger* commenced crossing on the Loug Bridge yesterday, and Mr., the superintendent, ays that it will be ready for carriages to-morrow, (Friday.) It U understood that tbe case of Melville Austin, who killed James liireb on Huuday morning last near Muuut Garwel church, in Alexandria coiuity, will )? examined before the county court at the Alexandria court house ou Monday next. The PhilonomoNian Society of Georgetown College will liare a scaaion at the College on the 4th of Jnly. the ?*erciaca commencing at half-past 9 o'clock, a. in. ; Hubert F. Lovelace, of laiuisiana, reader; Francis Ncalc, of Maryland, orator. The Philodemic Society will have a svaahm commencing at 6, p. m ; Edward Woollen, of Maryland, reader ; Win. J. Hill, of Maryland. orator. Cornelius A. Dougherty has been appointed letter-carrier in the ctty jiost office, in the place of John H. Tucker, resigned. It may not lie generally known that there are at the mayor'* offiee throe cumplamt boult?one of nuisances, one of disordered pumps, and one of miscellaneous subjects? in wliieli any eitixeu may enter a complaint, with the cx[K-ctatiou of having the matter complained of jiroruptly attended to. Tlie t'undieiland ('<*1 Company of Alexandria recently purchased a hundred (mats of the Erie Canal Company, and, having forty-seven of theui towed around to tin mouth of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal at Alexandria, they found theui all three inches too wide for the lockgates, and so constructed with perpendicular sides as not to be susceptible of being cut down to tlie proper width Mr. Stone, tlie *u|>eriuU-ndctit of the work at dam No. 5, on tlie Chesapeake and Ohio canal, lias written to interested parties in tlie District that he will proliahly he able by Saturday next to set a day when navigation can Is- resumed. The 1'resident's Mounted Guards meet at their armory this evening to make arrangements to celebrate the 4 th of July. Their new constitution will also be submitted for adoption. The schooner S. A. Falconer arrived here from New York on Tuesday last with 1,013 barrels of cement tor the government works ; and the schooner Friendship, from Tangier lieach, with 1,000 bushels of sand for the snine ; also, the M. E. Heurn, from Port Depmdte, with 135 tons granite for the Treasury extension ; and the Problem, with 145 tons do. for the same. A Sweeping Akticle!?Yesterday afternoon Seventh street, betweou E and F streets north, was swept, lor the first time in our municipal history, fob nothing ! 'The announcement that the i*-rformaiioe would take place at six o'clock, p. in., attracted a large number of sjiectators, among whom we recognised several of the citv fathers win me t?tJet may bo required far the purchase of a sweeping michiM, with the appurtenances of lionsc*. engineers, and groom* ; or, if not for these, to pay a contractor ftn (rerforming the work adcanliag to agreement. The oontrivance is simple?two wheels, attached to a strong frame, cart-fashion, and two horses, and a pendent circular wire brush, which is revolver! rapidly ns the team locoinotoa. The dirt is thus gradually*swept from the sides of the street to the centre, whence it is carted away. The experiment was successful ; but whether the plan, if carried out on u large scale, would be more economical than the present mode?periodically practised in several (sorts of the city?is a question for economists to deter mine : the wear and tear of brushes, tire "boarding ami lodging," and care of horses, to enter into the caltulathus Of one tiring, however, we have no doubt, namely : no matter how many patent sweepers may )se employed, there will never lsc a scarcity of hue dirt in tin streets. That article is exhaust leas?a fact attested l>> long experience, and especially at times when high winds sweep the thoroughfares, and Pennsylvania avenue in (sartieular. SiiooTiNO of ax Omcr-a.?Considerable excitement was caused yesterday afternoon, by the shooting of a policeman by a man named Rolsert Cross. It ap(>cars that Cross, indicted for riot in the .Seventh Ward on election day, has ls'un out of the city since the day of the riot. Ht returned on Tuesday night, and yesterday morning tin criminal court was informed of his arrival. Judge Crawford immediately issued a bench warrant ft>r his arrest. The warrant was placed in the hands of Deputy Marshal Phillips, who, villi several (tolice officers, set off in pursuit of Cross, who was Itrst discovered on I'olig sylvan in avenue, uud who, on seeing the officers on his track, flei! up Fifth street, but was overtaken in the vicinity of Wesley Chapel. Officer Harper was foremost in the pursuit, and when quite near to Cross the latter turned and pointed his pistol at the former. At tips moment Officer Kobiuson came up and grabbed at tlje pistol, tlje contends of which (a ball and buckshot) (mssed through his hand into the aide of his face. Cross was then surrounded, the (sis to I was wrenched from his trand, uud he was taken to jail to Kcuooi. Munpm.?A muettnf! ot tlie trustee* of tie public school* of this city was held yesterday evening at theCity Hall. Day* were net apart for the annual ulinivcrsuiie* - -tlie 28lli, 2!ith, 30tli, and 31st for the anniversaries of the let, 2d, 5d, and 4th district schools at the Smithsonian. A resolution directing the secretary to request the city council to extend the school lions.1 ou Capitol Hill, in the ,'Jd district, was passed : also a resolution that the public schools have but one session a day duriug the month of duly, the session to commence at SJ o'clock and to end at 12 o'clock. Pi us al. ?Chevalier de Ki.piicre, minister from Portucal; Hon. A. Nash, of Now York ; Judge Hepburn, ot Pennsylvania; Hon. ltobert Sinttti, meniTicr elect from Illinois; Hon. John Cochrane, of New York; and Hon. W. K. Uroeabeck, meinher elect from Ohio, arrived in the city yesterday, and an- stopping at W illard* Hotel. Loan Nai'iuk has taken a house at Frostburg, near Cnmherlaud, Maryland, to which his family has, we learn, removed, to remain dining the warm months, while liU house here |* to undergo extensile repairs and great enlargement, which, when couqiletrri, will render it one of the largest residences in the city. la 1W Oaauiaaa.OmiW yesterday T. O'Leary, indi<-ted for assault and battery on Simon dtichanlsou, tree negro, on submission of tlie ease to the court, was reqnirud to give security to keep the jieace. George Johnson, indicted for an assault and lottery on Michael tlochran on j the 17th of April last, was found guilty, and lined tin ; and costs. Ma. W. G. Palmui lias Iweii appointed by the 1'resi! dent a justice of tlie peace and ntrmlier of the levy omd i lor the District of Colmqlua and couqty of Washington, 1 vice Geo. McSdr, deceased Naw Corporation OHUm ?The newly-elected roris.riition* entered wion the diwharce of th. ir <,f Ik.UI iluii<n yesterday. French boom? RnuMni<i , l? l.-ifi-Km- J vol- . ilH-imied , 7$ centKoommsu ; |JI Kmtlk liokAiu- 1 vote . Marti aloA 76 n-ntVottwrv INclioiiiialri' niik-Mifiliiqno 6 rota ,'WartraM ?1 7? Vnltalrt- ; I* ritecto <k Unit* XV 1 vol . tlla-tmtwl S7 voHV Vnkalrv . La Humrtailr 1 vol llhiMniW-l *7 cool1 Modulus it.< tori**-: lettn" 1 vol 76 o*MI.Wt* RrytoMA , Joria**- Pntairal 90 <w?l (Mkt; OrtUlu- VaaAn Ilfcw Ml wm|lutia? KH? Atil Kilnv TC >vuk Bailor . I# Oou-lu T*mr. Ml < >n?.??* ? tlUMK TAVUtt TKEASl'KEKU manual a? kit crmlu u> tkr T,mm,r?. mitk uiakaarf tnn.aiai'ii coat (a faarlay. Jw iJ, 1??7,- far nmmmd far wki. k tudivfi afae. far tauul fJjLun fro?.-/rr? In ?J/?> a.^?. fa * 1ml place ^ Trraaarjr of rt? I luteal Mate*, Waahuigtaii D. C. j Axattieul Traaaurer tkatoQ. MnomduwU. ' A ,1. coil Treasurer. New York. Saw York ' AiwMUtiil Truaaurer, ltnUulrlf>tim tvuu*ylvaiik? Amai'taat Tfcmrar Charte* m. Ihailli Carulam a.... \midaul Yraamrnr Sam itrhiaii. Louwuum AiMalaitl Treamtrer. * law, Mtaaaiuri .. Ao.i*u?tTn-a?urvr Sen frraunatt>. Cahkwiua Mufl.l 1 vjamtui v at bukalo. Maw York [kfiailarf kl Hahirimrf, Mary 1 Hrpueltary at Rictiuiiiu.l. Virginia IWiporUary al Norfolk. Virginia la'iHMiiarv at WilmuiKiuu. North Carolina Dajwaularjr al tiavatuaali. tkrargia lk-faatllary at Mobitr. Alabama Ih<|>aatar.v at Xaaiivilk', Tanueaare lk-|?a.Hary al tiuriniiaU. Ubai ..a Ih-inaMary at UudaaMla, Kentucky A. l*.|H?olary at ?al?arum, Teta ItajaMilary al PitbaburK, Pauuaylvanla Uajuxttary at OiKtnaati. (lata) , m>|?>-ttari at Dtibuqne. Iowa _ ia-|xi*itary at liulo Ruck, Arfcaaaa* lifiMvOtarv al fknitaati 11 Iiim ui iVportftary at ftaruit. Michigan Hilary at THHahawwe. Florid* Depositary at Qleguii City, Oregon j A-way olth-c of the I'uiUkI Stair*, NVwr York Mint of tlx* Cuit'M Htatr-*, Philadelphia, IVnuwy Ivuina i Brunch mint of the lulled Slates, Charlotte. North Carolina Branch mint of the flitted HUta*, Duhluucga, Georgia Branch mint of the fulled States, New orleumt Louisiana 1 Branch lutut of the fatted States, Uan Francisco. California ? \ | 40B, \ *; . " ';; Transfers ordered to Treasury of the United State*. Wa?LU?glou, ] Tnunder* ordered to Axsodaut Treasurer of the Hinted Htatr*. S* Trutt*tVr* urarral to A^bthiut Trnwuriir of the Fuit.-d HUlw, Clo Transfer* ordered to AneHlaut Treasurer of the Culled State*. Ne Transfer* ordered to AMI-'tUlil Ti<< usurer ut (he fulled State*, SI Transfers ordered to A*.-i*t?nt tl HMtm if the futted State*. Sail Tr Hinders ordered ui depositary at Norfolk, Virginia Transfer* ordered to de|io*tury al Cincinnati, tHiio Trawler* ordered to dcpOkilary at Detroit, Michigan... Transfer* ordered to Mint of the I oiled State*. Philadelphia. iVnu I Transfer* ordered from A?.-istnnt Treasurer at Boston, Mnasacbus Trausler* ordered from Assistant Treasurer at New York, X. Y.. Transfer* ordered from depositary at Detroit. Mt< higau Transfer* orderod from lliut of the United States nt Philadelphia. Transfers ordered frotu brunch mint. Ac , New OrleaiiN, louisiun. ' July i?ltif [IutAHb Bask or twk Mkntoroua, Washington, July 1,1B&7. AS this bank will not be open on Saturday, tbe 4th lust., it la requentrd llial pui lie* hallux notes pax??hie iu Itie I tank ou that day, and ou Sunday the i?th iu*t., will atteud to thorn on Friday, the 3d lust, July a?mir Ij^AMlLY SCHOOL.?The subscriber, wishing to continue hi* school, can uccoiuiuodato al?out twenty boy* a* boarders, of age* from ton to fifteen. He will provide a good and competeul teacher lor the various branches of an accomplished Kug lieh and classical educutiou. The situation U very pleasant und healthy, (witldn two miles of the Maiia**a* flap railroad, ami three hours' ride of Washington.) and the society of tlio neighborhood is excellent The next sessiCQ will commence ou the 1st of September, and tin* j principal vacation will hereafter ho ill the winter, for the arcomnmdn | lion of children from the cities, or the lower country, or from the : South. Term* for board and tuition ten mouths, f'JOO, payable halt yearly I in advance. Parents wishing to avail them.wdve* of this school will please apply ! carlv. Circulars couUintiig further ]totrUculurs will he-*eut to those desiring j them. hob. e. peytow ! Add re** the Plains Statiou, Fauquier county, Va. r July 2?2awlfcp | T AND FOH SALE.?I have for sale 1.150 acres of I A land in Crawford county, Htatc of Indiana. It extend* more than i two tulle# ou the Ubh .rtvur, ut the Croat Horse Shoe Bend. Ibout 70 j hitch of the iatul is clMtrod. It Is about tii> mlh i below l?oui*ville by I water, and one - fourth ol u mile from the town of worth. AIm?, . 60 lot* In the town o! Frcthmia. nitualed ou the above laud, command i tug a line view three inlfe* up aud five union down the Ohio river. Any one toliw or Ascertaluiug it* Mt nation in retcrred to Colion'* i map of Indiana. The laud In surrounded by mills?3 water mills witii i in two mile.-, aud 3 steam mills within 3 ^ miles. It lies well for cul j Uvattug wheal, corn, oats, timothy, he.;has ttrst quality limestone and I Are priaif saudstour qu.irrie# ujsui U, aud. it is believed, iron ore ami coal ahm. The neigh bortotod is as healthy aa auy where\ the largest ; clans steamers can stop at the lauding at all season* of the year. Tb<*>c ! w whutk' to purchase will, ut course, examine the land. 1 refer such to J. H. Thorn urn, esq., Loav?Mrarlhtnr6ea, A. 2*. Thorn, Fredmiln. w ho wdixiee all liooesaarr luforuiaUon. The title is fstrfect, being patent ed 1<> me. Tile lumt Ian In- un Mini mo* or nix , Ibuwtf l. I prefer selling the w hole to an Individual or company ftt u less price. Any mqulncs will be promptly aUcudcd to by 4 R. T. THOU, Ju/y 2?wpftt Fredericksburg, Virginia, i OFFICE OF THE CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES OF MARYLAND. 4 ! The following are the drawn number* of the Maryland Consolidated Lotterv, lor the bcoaAtof Carroll eouftty, Ju\, class 26, drawn Juue 1 2b, 1667: | 51 26 G4 38 57 34 59 42 33 66 30 44 j The following are the drawn number* of the Maryland Consolidated 1 liOtterv. fbr the benefit of I*okomoke river, Ac., class 19. drawn June > | 26, 1857: 47 1C 43 28 37 55 G8 18 39 48 1 Tliv following art- the drawn iniriit><-r^ of the Patapeco Institute 1stt! tery, uhus 147, Umwn June 26,1867: 38 16 61 13 36 71 15 41 52 28 44 67 The follow Ing are the ilrjiwn numbers of the Grauil Consolidated | Ixrflery or Maryland, for ?Ue battel)! of the Consolidated lotteries of 1 Maryland, claim H, drawn Junu 27, 1857 . j 4 40 22 5 29 39 36 53 48 30 71 64 3 8 23 GC 32 76 28 9 > j The following are the drawn numbers of the raU|?eo Institute lot | tory, class 148, ttrawu June 27,1857: 46 32 5 8 63 31 60 26 J 44 7 34 Tie- following are the drawu numbers of the Maryland Consolidated I Lottery for the hruelit of Washington county, Ac., class 22, druwu > June 29, 1867: 12 44 78 48 26 14 69 22 50 54 23 1 j The following art* tint drawn number* of the Patajwco Institute fy4: turjr, class 149, drawn Juno 29, 1867: 1 56 25 71 U a a Mi 12 27 3T 67 76 Tlic billowing are the drawn numbers ul the Maryland Cotuudidaled j IijUery, fur the beuellt of the town of Bel Air. Itc., claaa 26, drawn ' June 36, 1657: 67 40 40 37 12 48 25 44 47 19 27 51 ' The following are the drawn numbers at the Cutepam Institute Lot tery, extra darn I', draw u June 30, 1637: 42 39 19 26 1 7 78 75 40 30 IThe following art1 the drawn numhera of the Patapaeo lu-tltute lad tery, chue 1MI, drawn July 1, 1637: 73 68 4G 17 37 22 32 34 ft 20 18 30 R. it. a Net k CD.. Managers. I) II Mrl'aAiL, Commissioner, j July 2?It Bank or tuk Mrrtuimoua, Washington, June 6,1637. 1 f | tit R aO" kled'leia **4" lliie hawk ate hereby notified I JL that an rh-etlon for nine truuteea of the tiank will la- held al llie I banking hour- Monday, the 6th of Juty unit, to nerve for tin- year tln-u j ai'U eitauHig The polls w 111 be o|N-nod al 10 o'eka-k, a m , ami close at 2 ti'cka-k, ' p. m. RICHARD SMITH. | June A eo<lt3UJunedt6Julytf Cashier rpo OUR FRIENDS AND THE PUB1JC.?Having I I a renewal id our b ase upon the |iretni-e-i iaru|sed by inc we lutre determined to erect Hierewa a large and more eotieenleiii alore and. to les-cn (he trouble of moving. we -hall begin from this date to -ell off (Mir present ?Us k of rich ami seasonable gtKKl* for ciei or k-a- (Or rash We a ball remain Hi (lie present "tore until the nth iff July : after whlrh linn- (until llie new a lore 1* muiph-led) at "Cmnnlat' i llall " (upstairs.) nearlr opfsadte tair present loratlou. h utnm k mirnff u., tip 312 HawyKraak avenue, lietween 9th and 10th street*. i June 23 eudfttif AT COM FOK CAttli, HM00 worth of cbofa* ami H>ai<oitalik? grMMla, ronaialiiig of? Nillta. Mha win, Kmhrnlilrrfri, ?n<l facet. We eolicil a rail from <anr friends and tin- public generally haki'kk ^ ^Jo *1'.' l'ltni- , Uaow avenue. MwWn 9(>i and 10th street*. June 25- Ateodlf 4 <'A RI?. For tlii- lirat Itiue. we lake thin wwfflxwl _1"V of raalltnii Urn nu?'iiii<m id our . u-iom.n t?> iliotr l*ll? .tar l-t m Alt nnr Mil* Br* nmr rrmAr for ?l*Hv*rv. and Un* not rallrrl fan- I it tltc JBUi In-dud *M Uh-b I* ilwtrilxrtixl HARPKR * MITTHnj. Jim* U?klrmM Office of the MtKRrllf Trlr|nph f'outpuoy. i n*** l"bll*<1>'lt>lii? .Inn.' *J. 1M7. 1 milE animal mcrtjng \>f Btockhukicrn of ' Tlio I Uuguro. T.-Vfi njili nnniaaiv for Un- elnlia of >4U< .-r* it mid nKi|au>v, t?> m-tit ft* Un ?* ? y?ar, mid fci. thr traoaat-Uoo of ( mo|| "Own lin ur-m H But) be di ?tu< I of iidomd b> |l?< *.ni|">in ; ?nWWU Bl Urn emuiunt V "fio? <? TbuiMlai. vlw Mill .l?\ *1 Jttlv. IK.7 , *t IS n Yba*W Ui . of Mid il?\ I Jaw M la* SI* dtiep-g SAHtWt fcrrwurj. MTATCMKAT, td d*nam*"d ta tk. ?"4 Ml loan. km 1* nhtnm n I ummI. ktd amn (k*? NMfioW and Ik, manatd tkrtt tcmaiaimy mdfm ,*rim. at anion*I kf Ik* Jki*u| j tk* t mtturg. [AlMMUd on dafain Draft. Iwrrtrfwr Amount nulijra t Is It* dranru. but lad yat draft paid, Utuofb pay /Ida j {' HM.mii H wtt M4n,n?? t tM.oos w ta.msm ? 404 a?* u e,au?,*ao I 117,HI ?A II.tUM ll*,27?? MNitt ??.i>li U I !. ? ? 47# KB *0 W.iMIl I 313.4626 I 1 MS 260 #7 217 0*4 41 6?*,222 f' 101 41 #4.470 OS 4V-.077 44 10.434 70 7 W3 01 11,411 0 20# 443 01 10 OS* 07 i 263,406 # K7.404 4h 4*4 82 #7.#21 71 *3 *2*7# I 20.440 00 2,00# 7 27.04O 41 1 24* 24 I 2S.JS4 1 71.w? US 3 oat It 07,170 8 1122144 7*704# 3,3410 10.001 *0 *41 47 1 14.44# # 20,41# 7* t. 107 44 24,332 2 3,774 02 S47 24 3,41# 4 10,403 07 0.S3S 40 i > . . . 10,414 41 404 40 ' 10,030 0 20 30 1 *0 3 100.2*443 164104* I ?8.b07 # 347.400 70 bu6 #3 246,##4 8 70.006 20 0 70* 40 04,1*4 7 30,44432 2411442 14,420# 4,414 61 141 63 4.373 # 18,137,0# 4,738 00 13.30# 0 2.344:4)0 00 . ,444.400 0 I 1,027,104 14 1,027,104 1 32,000 00 32,000 6 27,040 OS 27,040 0 1,308.070 4# |... 2,308,070 4 I 1,400,000 00 1 1,400,000 8 10111 21,042,0S1 27 ! 1,744,710 26 20,40* *12 ? 4061*1 ( 20,100,111 1 27.300 C tl) 10*. Oil 1 9. C ..., *124 000 1 w York, NY. . 930.000 1 LTlwum, 8.C 40 0001 w Orlaaus, Lh 440,600 1 Louis, Mo 161.200 ( i Fraucittfo, California ., 675,000 d 40,000 I 145.400 CJ 50,000 1 *> I van la 1,000,000 < 3,110,600 C $420,000 < 1,306,000 I 6,000 I P* MO,000 < * 1,000,000 i 3,143,000 (J ?r] __ ^ Hequot House, New l?ndon, Connect lout. THI8 favorite summer hotel is now open for tli reception .if guest- The house U delightfully situated at tl Hi1 mlti <if the river Ttuuue*. uu Loaf Wan,I Sound H 4* elegant furnished. ah,I possesses superior advantages 4h sea bathing. sailln ut ftabiug. II is easy of access from Me* York or Boston by steal la,at "r railroad, and ha. every facility fur exercise and uiiiusctiici The subscriber assure, all those * he uuy favor hhn with their J. tract* tliat every eBort will be made 10 promote their |.leaser* at ooattort. j. u. I'aCKaKIi, Superintendent. Juno 30?d2w F0II SALE, very valuable real estate on Penney vanla avenue.?The properly adjoining on the east, the v cunt kit at earner of Pennsylvania avenue and 14th atreet. It Trot 27 f.s'l en thn avenue, uiel contains 2,922 square feet, running Da, to a 3li feet alley. Further isti ticulars, terms, 4tc., made known on a|i]ihcation to 1Mb street, opine Ue Treasury ltepartincui Juno 3fr-dtr Books from London? Kuilen's Naautins ?if Moore, 1 vol., Colin, richly bound iu Tt key inoroceo, and illustrated with 411 steel eugrsvlugs. $14 50 Flowers of Liveliness., 1 vol., folio, Imuud in Turkey luorueou. ai illu-trntcd with 40 group- of fcuuilc figures, linely executed on ste $13. Tiie Ttctortul Sunday lks>k. 1 vol., folio, half bound In Turkey n ! rocco, illustrated with numerous engravings ou wood and steel, a } with maps, $10. Hi-tory and l)cscrl;>lMii of the World's Kair In 1551, illustrated I beautiful steel engravings, 3 vols, 4m, finely bouud in Turkey loon oo, $'33. Hogarth's Works. In a aeries of 150 steel engrav ings by the llrst i lists, 3 vols., 4to, 1'urkey tuorocro, $10. Shakspoure, 3 vola., royal livo, Turkey luoroeco, illustrated fri daguerreoiv|a!p of the greah-sl aud uioel iiilellectual ui loes uf the a| $31 June 30 flUMCE TAYLOR 8itkk, lata, A Co.. 1 / Tnoataa R. Sims Bunkers, J Jusxla*. WsauaKiTtM Crrr. ) { Lenika U. Shoot SMOOT. Ul'SSELL, i CO., Bankers, Leavenwor fits', K. T , dealer* hi ear lianas, ttneurreut Imnk IS Me-, and la wurruubi. Agents tor the pureha-e and sale of lauds and cily ki and all business ;ip|a>ilaining tii a llrst class land agency Culloetluus made ou all aeeesalble I mil, Is in the Culled States a Kuro|ie. I.CTHER It SMOOT, Wll. H. RUSSELL. (Of Miiiors. Russell. A Co.,) THOMAS. R SUTKR, Ll'KE LEA. Corner Main and Sliairuee streets, opposite riantora' Hotel, Ap Id?ilAejHhn Leavenworth City, K. T. Peitn Mutual Lift Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Oipilal $700,000?Charier prrjxlual / ALL the profit* divided amongst the policy hoi ers every year. Descriptive pamphlet*. blank forms of up| cations, aud every Information on the Hubjiil of mutual life insuraij furnished on application, uilhoul charge, personally or by mall Agent for Washington JOHN WHOLES, Northwest corner of 1'enn. avenue and 17ib streeL June B?3aw3wif Richard II. Ilendemon, ATroKjorr at law, W ABlllN'OTON, PC., Office No. 13, Louisiana avcuue. June 33?cod dm* Mutual Life Insurance Company of Conneotiou tvmuih ill ti'tti ?vt t?ra Capital, 02,434 .OUQ. Annual divtdmul on hlr poiiaica, 40 per cout KUnity eight faiuilion nero relieved during 1M# by pn>u Stati-oMit* of the cotit|wiiy'? operation., faratshed. Tbuxo who t iiureil at other i(rwiw, and haw rcinovud to thia city, call haw tlx potirie, renew ed through MRU. NOl RSE. AgiSlt, Julie 13?lily Mo. 401 13th air net. Modern L?nguaf[(i. PROFESSOR 1?AN1EL E. (rROL'X, having rotur ed to Washington with the Intention to reside permiitiently the capital of the rtilled Ulntes, offer* his services to the chnl and other employees of government, or any other fanum w ho m i to acquire a corrncl pron uncial ion and grHUihiRWMf luxtrurtlon in tl French, 8|Mttitoh, and Cttrtyutn Wtngnogtw. Wishing to lie as reason*! In hi" charge* a* lie luw formerly boon during Ins live year*' stay Washington, he will t*?ia a summer r nurse in either these U gimges at tnotlerale phot*. Persona wishing to join these classes a requested to leave their names with Mr. I>. 8. Dy.nou, Pharinaeouli No. Pennsylvania aveune (Villegert or Other urtwhwtk: institutions who wish to secure in a vauco the swrvteo* of an efficient teacher, one who comes hack Washington from Europe with the highest taitlmmihh, will do w< to addres-" n tine to Prof. Dnniol E. (irmtt, post other Washington. I?. i Tt?o m.i?~rrtiter would take arest pleasure in in.Ht meting ?<?lect jn rate classes, formed m pnrtjcuUr Heights* hoods. t?\ cither laulie? ? gentlemen. June it?\m EBB ITT HOUSE. T. H. Kkkkhax. p. l. Kan F Street, between ISth und 14th street", WAHHIN'l.-fdN', I>. C. THIS jwijuiliir anil fashionable hotel has lieen thoi mighty repaired ami furnUbed ?itli im'w aial K?|a<rtor fu rioter it it. itHiii" over iei?* hundred rumti*. ami tun all tb.r.ipnit.- uf Ar-t ( lawn binlnTlli proprietor* have provided a roach, whirli \yill 1m- alllii r.itlrra drprt aud ?to*n?biait fending at every arrhal for liar rnnvryaari- i Imwenger* aud baggage to thr botrl. June ?Washington Branch Railroad. Tioial ran tu fnUtnt* 1 XT'ROM Washington at 6, a. m., connecting at Rt-la X ?(til train* tor Uu- Ti-4, and at BaMame with tin w fur I liila drlpbla and New York. At 8 3?, a ui Sir Aiiiaii|xilir-. Oa'Viwarc, Philadelphia. and \>i York. At a p ?y, rug RaimuMfo aud Norfolk, and at Belu) with FrcWi ick train Kxpriw at 4 20, p to . at Relay for the Went, and fur Aniuuioll. Ifelinuorr, 1-hila.Mpht.i. and New York tm Sunday at 7, a. m , and 4.21), p. ui Pram Baitimarr far WesAnv** At 4.13 and 0 14. a. m , and at S and 6.13, p m. Ou Sunday at 4.16 a a., and 6.16, p. nt T H rARSONs, Agent. June 13 >V*Nhlnjrton Branch Railroad, OX and after Bnnday. 14th Jnoo, ilM? eapiwta iraii A jw k*tc w?J.k.rt?u ii7,? m.,?.d n*w?.?r? ? an, p W- 0m I lr?ai? niu an hrrvtofarc. ia? ia-iw I. R. 7AWK>. .tmi n KHIUNUK ' MM tarmW No 1 harrt,.^ <6* ? <*? a?? uit MA Wwira p*mr* March AMI rxMtrwt n <?m n?? . ? ... . . Jon* ? ?on and Ve* \urk .ml fv k?T? Uy oirt?Kl MVK UV 1 KM1UF NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. Bru 4 X. A. Wliitliik * Ot., j 13 Beetman Sired, comer at Xnrav, offotie ikt Adw Hcmm, i raraMM (wtht. nuam-M cn .mpai k* chema.vt cumcr IMPOllTEKri of Cognac liruiiili?-? for druggiata' ami MMxtuuit*' me, Uurd. I?ipi v. * < Hnuawji, Mw, < *? - ! tlUua, 4 Co autl tdrr Immm* aI I'm lu.lieM r. |?ulatluu ; and eole |m,. I prielura uf ibe celebrated brand ion .a tbe I. live proof Mil llevur of j C.*uar. vtx : Vbwyard of Oiiwi 1 ernard. Liqueur dee cbaaapa d or, *upertor vineyard rtrtl Ongiar ALBO? 1 xclueire iBiportare of I be ? Old Royal Bulla u tlx ? 1 Burg, an inter And aeveral braada of Bbrrry, Materia, and K>rt wince, 4c., Ac Aiee, portera, arid cigare direct form abipp. n. CHAMJACNE, CREMANT B. M 4 K. A W 4 Co, ere tbe egeluive ueuere of Una auie, ead are te receipt of sbipaietila by regular pe.A.iU, and bog thuar ?bo nay u>* bavr give* a a trial to do a?, uu.ler ibeu gueiautee Ibat u ill be Poind auperior Mi delicacy of u?i m and quality to nay a? el preaeni import rd fletij M Wbitlo.4, Kdw'd A WbMtork, lYed* J. Mavanuok, BEN 4E.A WHlTlrJC* 4 CO. " (NlwW Itadir, Heirv IVmuu'VKi J u.yi? iy' * \ ? Wuulleui. 1867. u _ a VTHJWN O. HIST * CO., nmUtTKIW. 0 30 to 36 Park FUeu, I Oder ft* sala I'rfMUctpul CtMtiiUg* Vol vet bdAvera Kaquim?ux do do Labrador do Kcveibibio do ( itMuUalquivcr do Fur do w fcioptrv huio do Tricot do Arctic do lK-\ nuahua do ; 1 Mumcow do B ne and cuiorod pilot* 1 Car lode do fcLbh* t ?aiiu+{? """ ?ilui|i?ou do Moliuii do 10 Scabikiu do Laiub klu do 1 Wbirl|MM?| (to iVlcr?haiu do JJ May 26-ly* __ _____ J| ' Wheeler * >1 ikon. JJ maxuiactfuini; ouMi-Axva nraovBi annua machinih, K? FUK H) fbmilua. Manufacturer*, and GUtcr*. fllHESE machines combine all the improvement ~ JL. Uwt bivt btwfi teveut?d. Their cxtonMk e and iucrwDdug Mh*t M) -u?U the uin-mmou* approval uud cooQiikounl ttiun Umt they ha t o re -t Mi cviviui, warrjjd the proprietors U? warmly recommending them. They Mi bavehtwmiQ um' Huthuouliy lung to teel them thoroughly, uud liu\ e }j M) given entire anthdaeliott. Mi Aim?ig the undoubted advaulage* that tin y over all other*, - are : Mi Int. Beauty and himphcity of conntructiou, ami coaseijueut Cram derangement and coed of rinilra ? i rin-MiUipl ' u-.e ami rujudit \ <>( opri utiou. ~* 3d. Xoiaeltwa movement. 4tlJ. The i\ iliUi oi I'll' perfect i iln-ir til lung, uud then uj?j.!ir < j lO bihty to a variety of |Ntrpuaa* and in.donal.?\ ' u. Principal offleo K- 343 lkoudway, Hew York ; uud at their ag ncU-a ^ iv in the principal c<o of the l uiou. 1 j; Mu> *>?ly* u Fashionable Dry Good* in New York. ?i A N ',Iinue'ls*; asac rtwfiut of seasonable fabrics conj\ stonily uo baud ; ?Uu. A lull and ATTRACTirF .-TOOK OV ( ARPETIMiP, .Oil-cloth*, tuitUiuga. rugs, tu.t, curtain malarial-, lack etirtuiu- gill '1- curuux-u, win . ? shado*. he., to., 4c'., " MI CH UE1A* frXilXAK ItUCEKt ug IJOKII t TAY14IR. ! 25t ,'&7, 259, and 261 Grand atmst, May 2d ly and 47 and 411 Catharine aired. Cyrus W. Field 4k Co., W HOI hSAlX PAHS IlKALEltS. A'n. 11 Chjf dr' i, Arte 1'orfc, |r TWITE the attention of dealers and consumers to I Ibcir large atork of ]*inling, v Htiug, w rapping, and nil other ,,l kind* of iM|a<r, whicli tln-v ?ll?r lor ale at Uiu Iowkki markH |N ttit.p ,.1 May 26?ly* h> Mutual laife Iiuuranre Company of New York. " 1 Trinity lluildirtff, 111 Ilruadimy. l>y CTtllE assets of this company amount to nearly four A Miuiuxa OK iKiu_oai. aial arc I iitiroly caab, of w bleb l).i-.v tnil Ium ?i hundred thauand dulluri arc invo? on bond and mattgnao ir- on real e.-tatr la tbc city uud Slab) of Now York v&luod ul nt'Mr mil liueu itf doliari in Tbc oulirc proOla, already auouuttag to one million Mix Anndmi C, ikuiuuutd doliari, arc tin1 projurty ul lii.' polay boldnra. Tucux liuokai.. * ForumWlippUcutlou Mul jmropMe** giving over}' tnforlDHtion vup kH ? ulinl uu applying ii Uus nflico or ?t> any of th? rntniany'ii agi-utf >jS ! Kllfcp'K p. WINSTON, ITiHidout. M. ISAAC AHBATT. ftacrnUry. : shhtaKI) iiohans, Actuary. i m MIXTCKN rtST, II. I)., Mmllcal Examiner. Mar 2<V- 1y? 1 >al j ? 1*' S. C. Herring Jt C'o.'s Pnteut Champion Sufvs. ji rpil K MiiliHcril'f'i K. {jraUSul for |>;int, ami -Hi ; JL tiudiug tliat ft discriminating public were bestowing their patron \|'J | age u? tliat extent that more warorootn;* were necessary to exhibit t*tt Vl ! Uieir stuck, have enlarged their depot, by opcuiug an extrusive warn | ; fund salesroom on Broadway, at No. 251, corner of Murray street, op jj; he the City Hall. This enlargement of warehouse roewi. witili the 11| recent extensive enlargement of their factory, will enable tlm auberri bers to keep on hand at all timox a larger stock of Are and burglar- JM proof safes thau any other establishment in the w orld, lui ocular ?t l jl tent ion will 1m- had to constructing sales for private families to maU U 1 w itli olln'i furniture l.a iheseriirit} <<f ;.n.I Jew dry. M-j ALSO? 13 Will keep on hand ami make t<> ordej at! kin i- t?T money f.lie-t-\ ' huU ? j doors, and hank vaults. lUli'a patent powder proof locks tor tmuk* ; 1 it- or store doors ; Jottes^ patent jkm muuUiuii bunk lock ; and Cr>jf)or'* ?U patent letter lock, without key. M'3 ice B. C. IIFRRING k CO., - ' No* 137, and 18h Water street, and Ko. 251 Broadway, corner Murray st.f New York. * ! r. OOYTii k CO., Agentm Wa.shmgtoo, 1?. C jH _ B W. KNOWIIH, Agent 1 May 26?ly llichuwud, Virginia ' William Orandiu, ij amMiiniTAi* lj AND UNITED PTAT? CUlTfT Of CLAUF ODMMMMKR. lj No. 70 FrcmkHn rtmty NmO York. M j t, Commi-e ianer for Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, CocmedfcrtiC, Rhode S1 Island, Pennsylvania. Ohio. Indiana. Michigan, Iowa, WU f j conyin. Kentucky. TennesHoe, Looisama, Ala . ; jwl bama, Mi*HiHHippt, Georgia, a j Florida, &c. w ] *5 Kan-Ji", Nebraska, Minnesota, and the United Slates ftorrttork* ; j in- ; j 11 I'eti-um P it.- nt . :.:i ! . . iti--? .-pee lily ol.t jjyd All kind* of law btidWMt Kfficossfully prttMuW. ; 1 Special attention paid to Court of Claims business. j- j May 2tl?6tu j We would call ttenOoti to the card of Wui Grattdiu, os<|., who Is % j comntlssloiier fi?r moet of the States and TerritorieH, and is also < ?uiuiU | j in sionei in tl?e United ftutas <\?urt <?f ClniniM Cbloonl firuunu Hwm U avghly runvoriuuit nit It boetaett connected with the department* at : 1 * Wiuhingtuii aud the practice of the United State* Court of t'Ulmx. a ] [.Vac 1-hrt. IM.1,1 .t*w ^ 1 X?TILLARD'8 HOTEL C. A H. A. UUJunt, ij "" V T fVnncylvaiila avoaue and Fourteenth rtrect, Waekinglou, l>. I'. M Jan 28?dlf'l . 1 ?? T?0R PALE OR KENT.?That tlcuiraUe Wick |] ,|J X. dwelling hoime ailuete.1 us the east aide of Congrwe aired, war I c Itunl etreet, on fjenrgctowii Heights. The liatiae miliums ten MM, ' I mohi.tiiiK the kitchen and all n'ceutiary ont building* It In aurrooudrd ( I by a lot lbO feet t'ronl by 24U feet deep, w ith a ilo-bwt alh-y running J the w h ile length if the enulh able uf the wane: I _ Advening tin- alxrre property I have aeveral line building I'd*, win. It J I will a.-II on reaeoiiahle terns. Title indisputable, aud iiiiuirhale 1 tamuwaioT' given. I < K'kt further particular* apply at l?y ofllce, opposite the Treasury Ap 11?dlflf UKOOKk H tVDJJAUr | WaihhiKtan Inturance (' npaaj. en urrvmm by conukw Chpltnl tj?* 000 ' 8 mills Compart}' in now prepared to receive applij JL eattoua far hieurwace on buUdluga. nH-rehandbie, he , at the ueual city ratea, without any eharge Air PoNey . at Ibidr ifhce. rornrr ^ if Tenth street and I'cun. avenue, over *lie Washington Otv Having* ' Bank MCTTTOW. Will V. Bayli Homuel Huron, Robert Varolii , Jamee V Holiday, . V Vn. Ilnne. Htidaou Taylor, Kraucis Mohan. M. W. (tela, BcnJ. Beall. ' ? james a mffichw, present 1 U. P. Hamh. S-crertary May 28?dly LOST?On Thursday evening, tiie 28th instant, a hour white mu* arnrf The finder ahall be liberally rewarded by leaving il at 43tt Vitie.-iiih n r. - | May 80?U p i.] Will be pwhllahetl on the 8Mb of Jane THK IMI'IM'IM. CKMte OT THE SOUTH?BOW TO MEET IT BV 111 N TON ROW AM HELPER, i* ??n? uaoini. I 1 vol., 12wm. 420 page'. Prbo $1 8 u t free nf pouter? an r cei|.f ; of the pr e above J Address M RIHCK RVdWHERS. | June lh Am- rufalMer*, 8 T ruoe rjat Mm <> I American <.otbi? aiwl Br.??-Vnil Rooftop 1 umocnm by et<;iwio i/tilla, anarnrr, a s b a * I I VKHtJNS mail'- I'm cjinrchea, rillaa. < ..( |1 , I * tajm, ami (ami imlMtaf*. OtB (jaUttn, near rtiapj>?j,?, | 1 WMrtrbrmnT nwrn , Nra Yuri. i Jaaa 17?dtf WB fil