Newspaper Page Text
NftTy Brer and Pork for ISM. Nitt HviminT. Bureau of l?ro via tuna anil (lottilof, Jane ?, 1W7. OKALEI) PliOPOSA],/, .'ihI.-ihci! ' Propoxate for I kj Beef," ud " Proposal* for 1N>i k as the w may be, will lie re- I Mia at (tela nOioo 011111 o'clock. > m., Wednesday the 1Mb day I of July nan, for furinshius and delivering, free of all (??i awl rlak to I the Colled Btatee, at the mllowlng navy yards: I lairr.U beef. Ik.irr. la pork , At CbarlraUma, Haas 2.MW 2.W0 At Brooklyn, N T 4,500 8,000 At Uoeport, Va. 2,000 1,000 0,000 9,500 One hair of aakl baef uud pork muat bo delivered at each of the i above named yardo, raapectlvely, by the l?t day of April, IMS ; ami ] the reuiatuiug half by tbo l*t ilay of Juno, 1SS8, unload earlier dcllv Or on abould be required by the chief of this bureau. Paymuul to be luade within thirty day* altar delivery. i Hidden muat specify tlielr prtoca aeparately and distinctly in ae|n. I rata oflbra for the beef and for the pork, and for each of the place* of delivery, onvcring all expenses awl all charge*. I The beef muat be front well faiu in d oattle, slaughtered between ] tbo 1*1 day of November, 1*57, and the lat day of January, 1558, and I weighing not leaa than alx hundred pound* net weight, each Tlie lege and leg rawlx of the hind quarlera, and the shins and shoulder i cl.dla, tb* a boulder* of mutton and enda of sticking piece*, and at looat eight pounds from the eok end of each fore quarter, or the purts I narked No*. 1, 3, 9, 4, suit 9, on the drawing or delineation of the fore and hlud quarters of an ox, which will be attached to and form a - - - . ?c-11? C.a.,1 ? . I.., ,.M.l , purl 01 ID* contract, mnsi l>n Vliiimf ri ... V~? Ike remainder y (Ac auaui, iuMtad <f bei*o ? * elsaatr, im.< | t? car tknmgk with a ram ami (? />. to pit* IAe mrcK a o/uarr. neat, ami mm<A aif iramt, in jneret </ ntf Us* than riykl poumlt, nor more (Aun i tmloe posndt, tack Tim pork must ba pooked from oornfed, well Oittenod hugs, slnughtcral between the first day uf November, 1857, and the Urst day of January, 1558, and weighing not less Uuui two hundred pounds oa.-th, excluding the hoods, Jolee, necks, X boulders, hauls, let's, feet, butts, rumps, lard, and nil refuse pieoue; and must be cut wilk a law ami knife, In pieces weighing not lean than six pound*, nor mure than twelve pounds, each. Both the beef and pork must be salted with at least one statute bushel of Turk's Island, Isle of May, Key West solar, Onondaga solar, or St. Ube's salt; and the bevf must have five ounces of Que pulverland saltpetre to each bnrrel, exclusive of a pickle, to 1>? made from fresh walur aa strong ss salt will make It, and must lie perfectly bright nnJ char. Kach barrel mustconialn full 200 pounds nut weight of beef or pork, and no excuse of weight in cither article will be paid for. Hie barrels mud bo entirely new. aud be mado of the best sen soued heart of white oak staves und headings , tho staves to bo not less than five-eighths uf an Inch thick, and the headings not less limn throe fourths of an Inch thick; they must be threcfourths hooped over, Including tho Iron hoope, with tho best white-oak or hickory hoops, and each barrel must have on It four iron hoops, viz : one of one aud a half Inch in width on each bilge, and one of one und an eighth Inch in width on each obitno, and each to hu of one sixteenth uf an inch thick Each barrel must ho of tho internal capacity of thirty, two gallons, anil the Iron hoops must be well puintod with red lead. Each barrel must bo branded by burning on Its head "Navy Beef," or "Navy Pork," as the cam may he, with the contractor's name and the year when paoked, and weight; and shall also bo branded on the bung stave with the letter B. or P., aa tho cose may ho. Tho beef and pork will, uulesa otherwise directed by the chief of this bureau, he Inspected by the Inspecting officers at the ros|>ective navy-yards aforesaid, and by some "sworn inspector of salted provisions," who will be selected by tho respective commanding officers ; but their charges for such tnspcctkm* must be paid by the respective contractors, w ho must likewise liave the barrels put in good shipping order, to the satisOicUon of the commandants of the respective uavyynrd* aforesaid, after Inspection, und at their own expense. Two or morn approved sureties In a sum equal to one-half the estimated amount of the contract will he required, and twenty por centum In addition will bo withhold from the amount uf each payment to bo mado, as collateral security for the duo and faithful perfbrmaeco of the respective contracts, which will on no account he paid until tho contracts ore compiled with In all rospocls ; and la to be forfeited to the United elates In the event of failure to complete the deliveries within the proscribed period. In caao of failure on tho part of the contractor to deliver all or any of the beef or pork above mentioned, of the quality and at the time and places above provided, the contractor will forfeit and pay to tbo United State.;, as liquidated damages, a sum of money equal to twice the amount of the contract price to bo paid In case uf the actual delivery thereof; which liquidate! damages may bo recovered from time to time as they accrue. Payment will lie made by tbo United States at the periods abovo spec!Ilod, (excepting the twenty per centum to bo withhold until the completion or the con | tract as hclure stated.1 after the said beef and pork ahull have been I Impeded and received, and bills for the wme shall have been proBonlod to the navy agents, respectively, duly approved by the commandants of the respective navy-yards, according to the terms of the contract. The porfr if beef to hr excluded will be particularly designated in the engraving to be attached to the contract. Persons interested can Main them un application at this office. Bidders whoso proposals are accepted laud none ntbors) will be forthwith uotlOcd, and at early as practicable a contract will be trans mitted to them for execution, which contract must tie returned to the bureau wit!.In ten days, exclusive of the time required for the regular transmission of the mail. A record, or duplicate of the letter informing a bidder of the ac ceptanca of his proposal, will bo deemed a nnitiicaUou thereof, within the meaning of the act of 1840, and hti bid will be made and accepted in couformtty with this understanding. Every odor made must bo aceoni|iaui?d (as directed In the Oth section of the act of Oeugrea? making appropriations for the nltval service for l&id-'47, approved 10th of Augusi, IMO) by a writteu guar antec, signed by one or more responsible persons, to the ellect he or tli *y uudertuko that tho bidder or l id lers will, if Ids or their bid be accepted, ontcr into au ubitgutinn within ton days, with good and sulTlcleut.sureties, to furnish the article proposed. Tills guarantee must be accompanied by the certificate of the United Plates district Judge, United Slates district attorney, or navy agent, that the guarantor* are aide to make good th'dr guur.uitce. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such guarantee. The bidder's name and residence, and the name of each member of j the Urm, where a company offers, with the Christian names written in . fail, mast bo distinctly stated. Under the Joint resolution of Congress, approved 27th March, ISM, "all bhls for supplies of provisions, clothing, and small stores for tho use of the navy, may be rejected at the option of the department, if made by one not kuown as a manufacturer of, or regular dealer in, the article proposed to be furnished, which fact, or the reverse, must be distinctly staled in the bids odored." June IS?law4w Stamped Envelopes. Post Ornce Dwartukvt, May 30,1857. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received untilp. ' m., of tho 6th day of July next for furnishing all the ."tamped en- j ve?opee 11115 acparuncm iuuy require h?i h |wh?*i <? iu?r jwib, vi* . , So. 1, or note also, 2*% by 42% inches, of white No. 2, or letter also, 3J? by 5*? inches, of bull or white paper, or in ; ; au 'h proportions of buff and whit as may be ordered. No. 3, or official else, 3% by 8% inches, buff or white, or In auch ! proportions of either or may be required. ProiK>aaLi are also invitod for furnishing Ktraw board boxen for j jwrkinj parcels of envelopes of 100 to 500 each, and for wooden cases ! for |meking parcels of 10 to 25,000. | The envelopes to be made in the beat manner, of papor of approved i quality, manufactured specially lor the pur|Kwe, and audi water marks i iti the rwtmastcr General may direct. They must l>o gummed for ; \ scaling, at least 2), inches on the point, banded iu parcels of 25, I pocked without charge for parking, and furnished complete and ready ! for use, in such quantities iw may l?o required to All the orders of postmasters. An agent of tho department will furolith the address for each parcel, ; which is t.o be pasted on tho box by the manufacturer without charge. The diet for embossing tho postage Ktom|?s on the envelopes are to l>o uxocutod in the boat style, and they are to bo provided, renewed, and kept in order at tho expense of the contractor. Bidders are requested to furnish samples of pa|>er, with their bids, of tho quality they intend to uao in tho manurocturo of tho envelopes they propose to furnLth. Bond and security will be required for tho faithful performance of the contract, and payments under it will be made quarterly. Price, quality of sample*, anil tho sufficiency of the bidder will bo considered \ together in awarding thq contract; and the Itxtn^stor General reserves to himself the right to annul it whenever he siiall discover that the same, or an> part It, is offered for sale in the market for the pur]>ooo of speculation ; and ho will in no case sanction a transfer of tho contract to any party who shall be, iu his opinion, less able and qualified than the Originnl bidder or contractor. The right is also re served to annul tho contract for a failure to jierform faithfully any of Its stipulations. Tin? number of envelope issued to postmasters in the quarter ending March 81, 1867, is stated below : 407,850 No. 1, stumped 3 cents. 8,741.250 44 2, 44 44 61,700 44 2, 44 10 44 7,900 44 3. 44 0 44 The bids should be marked 44 Proposals for Stamped Envelopes," and addressed 44 Third Assistant Postmaster General, Post Office De partment." AARON V. BROWN, May 30?dUulyCf I'ostraaster General. TIIE KINGDOM AND PEOPLE 0FSIAM; by Sir John Bowring ; with a narrative of his mission iu 1855. 2 vols, bunion. 1857. $8 50. Speeches of Kminsut British Statesmen, from tho reform bill to the RussUn war. 1 vol. I/mdoii, 1857. 81 26 I?rd Brougham's Speech?#, with historical introductions. 1 vol. i London, 1857. 81 76. ! Burke's Speeches on Warren Hastings, with a selection of his epis- i tol.iry correspondence. 2 vols. London, 1857. $2. Talc* (if tlio Genii; translated from the Porsian. by Sir Charles Morell. New edition, illustrated. 1 vol. l/mdou. 1857. 81 25. BrltLih Navy IJHfor 185/ 87 cent*. Almanac li da Uotha for 1807. $1 50. Hughes's Patent Luwn of all Natlouo. 1 vol. Inndon. II 97. | Pliny's Lottorn; traunbitod Into Kugllsh, by Melinoth. 2 vol*. London. $2 25. , May 30 KHAN'OK TAYIGR. ADVENTURES AND EXPLORATIONS in lion-! duraa ; by Wlllvim V. Well*, l volume, with mapu and llliut trauora. Sqnler'a Nntas on Ocutral America. 1 volume Svo., wltli uian* ami | IlliwtraUoaB. Cbllcn'a Ultimas of Harlen Ship Csnal. 1 volume. l/mdoo. with map* W.lllam"'? Hthmnr of Tehuantepoc. 1 volume Svo. and map" QGbome's Harlan Journal. 1 volume, London, with four ma|w. Bard's Adventure.* on the Mosquito Shore. 1 volume, with sixty en 1 graving*. Topographical map .( the Utlimua of Tannma and Hnrten. Pynevor Terrace ; by the author of "Heir of Redely (To." 2 vol uima. Rev. Mr. Helluw'a Address on Thcatrea, kr Baron'a h <ay?, with Bishop Whately'* Note*. 1 volume Svo. Travels In kuropo by Rev. ,h>hn K. Edwards. The Hilda and the People ; by Mis* Rancher. 1 May J? FR.'KCK TAYI/IR. French Novell. TEVERINO. Par George Hand. 20 cent*. Jeanne. r?r George Sand. 40 ccnta. Udora. Par George Rand. 25 cent*. Mauprat. Par George Sand 40 cent*. Gabriel. Par George vMnd. 20 emu. Jacques Par George Baud. 40 rente. Horace. Par George baud. 41 rent". ModHte Mlgnon. l"*r Hallo- 21 renta. lass Cbowaue. Par Bfclaar. 80 cent*, la Kainllle Alam. Par Alphnnge Karr 24 rents. 1.' Cituoque. Par George Smd. 25 cents. Jtrux. IIIdories. Iir Eugene Sue. 97 ccnte. Aiiiu Paud Par Plvai. so ren??. Theatre Coinplet. Par Balaar 50 cent*. La Creole Par Kevul, 20 cenl". Hon Martin de Kreytas. Par Ihtmoa. 24 rent'. ; Jacques I ?t Jacques U. Pa. Huinae. 20 centa. An ' in MIT Idled . at ''i 1 ?mi? low range of pric<n May 20 VKAVCK TAYU? Proposals for Nasal Supplies. NSTT UrimwT, Bureau of OnaitrucUon, Kqulpmeill, nod Repairs. May r-i, l?f>7. , SEALED PROPOSALS to furnish naval supplies fur the fiscal year ending 30th Jua?, ISM, will be received at Una Bureau uatll 3 o'clock, p. m , of the 33d June ml Tlnse |iro|maals nual be endoraad Hr.^ntalt for Naval SuVfMm, Bureau y I Wre 'um, 4a.," that tbey may be <il?uugubbed from other bualoeae kdters. Tlte material* and article* embrarud In Uie classes named are pariirularly deaertliad lu printed schedules, auy of a lin.'U w ill bu furnished in sueb an doetre to oflbr. un applicatioa to tin- commandant* of the reipacUve j arils, or to Ibc uavy agent uvarcet thereto. and those of all the yards upon appUuallou to this bureau. This division lulu classes being for the convenience of dealers In each, S'icli portions will be furulabe I aa are actually acquired **r ''Ills Tie commandant and navy igeut of each sloth n will have a copy of the aokedules of tlie other Voids, tar exaniiualiun only, from w Inch It may bo Judged abethrr It alU be desirable to make application fur them. (Met* moat be nuuk' for the whole of a class at any yard upon one of the printed schedules, or In atrlcl confiirmlty therewith, or they will not bo mouldered. All articles must bo of tlie vary l>eat quality, conformable to aamplc, nan, 4c., to bo delivered In good order. Slid In suitable vosscla and packages, aa the case may be, at llie cipen-, and risk of the control lor. and In all r en pec la subjoct lo Ibe Inspoclion, measur ewnmt, cuunt, weight, fee., of the yard where received, aud to tlie eutire satisfaction of the cominandaut thereof. Bidders are referred to the yards fbr samples, and a particular deverlplloti of the articles; and, all other things being equal, preference will bo given lu urtk'lee of Ainericau mauufucture. livery offer, as required by Ibe law of 10th August. IMS. must bo sccomiMUled by a written guarantee, the form of which is herewith [tveu. Those only whose offers may bo accepted w ill be notlfled, and tlio contract will bo forwarded ua soon thereafter as practicable, which they will be required to execute wllloii leu days alter Its recoil* ut the post oOor or navy agency named by thein. Sureties In the lull amouut will be required to sign the contract, and Ibeir res|K>iisiblllly certified u> by a United Kates district Judge, lulled Kate* district uli rnoy, collator, or uavy sgont- As additional siu u rlty, twenty |>er centum will bo withheld from the amount of the bills until Ibe contract shall liavn bsen completoil; and eighty per centum of each bill, npprnvod In triplicate by the enminandant of the resjiec tlvs yards, will be paid by the navy agei.t within thirty days alter its presentation to bun. It Is stipulated lu the contract that, If default be made by the parties oftlie Urst |iait In delivering all or uny uf llo> articles mentioned In any class hid for In lilts contract, of tbo quality olid ut the time and placs* above provided, then, and In that case, the contractor and his sureties will forfeit and pay to the Catted Hiatus a sum if money not Weeding twice the amount of such class, which may la> recovered from lime to time, according lo the act of Congress In that cose pro vtdeil, approved March 3, 1843. Classes Star. 1, li, 4, 8, 7 lu be delivered one fburth part on or liefore the 15th May, one-fourth part by the 20th July, otic fourth pot t by the tsl, ami the rciualmlar liv the 1 st Itecemlier. 1H5H. f' 3 and 3, tho whole by the l&tli May, 1868. The remaining clasnes to 1h? doliverod "n? fourth |iarl ou or before the let Hepiembrr next, one liuirlli part en or before the l.-t Docomber next, one fourth part on or before tlio let April, and the remainder 011 or Itofore the 30th June, 1 1868. unless earlier required Willi n notice of twelve tlnys. comprising i nt each delivery a duo proportion of each article. Class 10 and all fob i lowing, If additional quantities of any of the articles named therein are demanded, they are to be furnished on like terms and conditions pre rioua to the expiration of the Ureal year, upon reoeiviug a notice of (If teen days from the bureau, the commandant of the yard, or navyagent. Arm of Offer. Jt ., of , In the Etato of , hereby agree to furnish and deliver, In tlio respective navy yards, all the articles named in the classes hereunto annexed, agreeably to the provisions of the schedules therefor, and in cuuforniily with the advertisement of the Bureau of Construction, Ac., of the 'JIM of May, 1157. Should my offer bo accepted, 1 request te be addressed at , and the contract forwarded to the navy-agent at , or to , for signature and certificate. (Onto.) Signature. The arhadute which the bidder encloses must be pas tod te his offer, ! and each of them signed by him. Opposite each srtlclo in the schedule the price must be sot, tho amount carried out, the sggregalo footed up for eacb class, and the amount likewise written In words. Form iff Ouarantee. Tho undersigned, , of . In tlio Stato of j ... , and , of , in the State of , hereby guaranty that In onso the foregoing bid of ??? for any of the classes therein name I be acocptod. that he or lliey will, within ton days after the receipt of the ooutrart at tho post office named, or navy-agonl designated, execute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties; and In case said shall fail to enter Into contract as aforesaid, wo guaranty to make good the difference between the offer of tho said and that which mny bo accepted. Signatures of two guarantors, j ? ? Date. Witness. I hereby certify llial tho abovs-nnmed are known to mn as men of property, and utile to make good their guarantee. Date. Signature. | To be signed by file United States district Judge, United .States district attorney, collector, or navy-agonl, and no others. Tile following arc tho classes rcqulrod at the respcctlvo yards; K1TTERY, MAINE Cbtss No. 1. White-oak logs. No. 8. Yellow pine plank slock lists. No. 10. While pin?. ho. II. Ash, cypress, white oak boards. No. 13. locust. No. 18. lignuinvit-o. No. 21. Iron. No. SI Spikes and hails. No. 23. La-ad, zinc, and tin. No. 26. Hardware. No. 33. Hose. CHARLBSTOWN, MAJSACF1USETTK. Class No. 1. White-oak list". No. 3. While-oak promiscuous timber. No. 4. White-oak keel pieces and rudder clocks. No. B. Yellow pine plunk dock logs. No. 7. Yellow-pino beams. No. 8. Yellow-pine mast und H|iar timber. No. 9. Wlille-pine rmsl limber. No. 10. White pine'. No. 11. Ash, cypress, white 14. Whitewash oar* and lilckory burn and Milt*. No. 15. White nuk staves and heading. No. 16. Black spruce. No. 18. Ijgnunnltav No. 81. Iron. No. 82. Spikes und nails. No. 23. Lead, aim:, and tin. No. 2o. Hardware. No. 27. Paints, oils, Ac. No. 28. Flax canvas. j No. 2D. Cotton canvas. No. 30. Flax and cotton twin*. No. 81. j ( lass. No. 32. Leallier. No. 33. Homo. No. 34. Briwliw. No. 8ft. j Bunting and dry good*. No. 37. i*itch, tar. rordn. No. 38. Tallow. , mom p. oil. No. 98. Hi dp chandlery. No. 40. Stationery. No. 41. Firewood. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. Class No. 1. White oak log*. No. 8. Wldto-oak promiscuous timber. No. 6. Yollow-ptna plank stock logs. No. 7. Ynllowplno booms. No. ! . 8. Yellow-ptoe most and s|kir timber. No. 10. White pine. No. 11. ! Ash, cypress, white-oak boards. No. 12. Black walnut, cherry, ma- j hngany. No. 13. Locust. No. 14. White-ash oars and hickory barn I and butts. No. 15. White mk staves and hcadiug. No. 10. Black j spruce. No. 18. lignum vibe. No. 21. Iron. No. 22. Spikes and | nails. No. 23. Iynd, zinc, and tin. No. 21. Pig Iron. No. 2ft. third- I ware. No. 27. Paints, oils, Ac. No. 28. Flax canvas. No. 29. Cotton canvas. No. 80. Flax and cotton twine. No. 31. Glaus. No. 32. Loather. No. 33. Il-we. No. 34. Brushes. No. 3ft. Bunting and dry goods. No. 37. Pitch, tar. rosin. No. 38. Tallow, soap, oil. No. 39. Ship chandlery. No. 40. Stationery. No. 41. Fire-wood. PHILADELPHIA. Class No. 2. Whito-oak plank. No. fl. Yellow-pine plank stock logs. No. 7. Yellow-pine beams. No. 10. White pine. No. 11. Ash, cy press, white-oak hoards. No. 12. Black walnut, cherry, mahogany. No. 13. Locust. No. 14. White ash oars an 1 hickory bars and butts. ! No. 18. IJgmunvine. No. 21. Iron. No. 22. Spikes and nulls No. 23. Lead, tine, tin. No. 26. Hardware. No. 27. Points, nils, Ac. No. 28. Flax canvas. No. 29. Cotton canvas. No. 3d. Flax and cotton twine. No. 31. Glass. No. 32. Leather. No. 33. Hose. No. 34. Brushes. No. 36. Bunting and dry goods. No. 37. iltch, tar, rosin. No. 38. Tallow, soap, oil. No. 39. Bliip chandlery. WASHINGTON, D. C. ClafM No. 10. White pino. No. 11. Ash, cypress. No. 12. Black walnut. No. 21. Iron. No. 22. Spikes, nail*. No. 23. I*ad, zinc, tin. No. 24. Pig irou. No. 2ft. Hardware. No. 27. Paints, oils, Air. No. 39. HMp chandlery. No. 43. Tank ami galley iron. No. 44. Chain iron. No. 43. Ingot copper. No. 46. Band, straw, &o. No. 47. Miscellaneous. G06PORT, VIRGINIA. Cla?fl No. 1. White-oak logs. No. 6. Yellow-pine plank stock logs. No. 10. White pine. No. 11. Ash, Cyprus*, whito-oak boards. No. 1*4. Block walnut, cherry, ami mahogany. No. 14. Whlto-inh oars uinl hickory bars and butts. No. 10. Black spruce. No. 18. Lignum vitro. No. 21. Iron. No. 22. Spike* and nails. No. 28. Load, sine, and tin. No. 25. Hardware. No. 27. Paint*, oils, kc. No. 28. Max canvas. No. 2?. Cotton canvas. No. 80. Max and cotton twine. No. 31. Glass. No. 32. Leather. No. 33. Hose. No. 34. Brushes. No. 36. Bunting and dry good*. No. 37. Pitch, tar, rosin. No. 88. Tallow, soap, nil. No. 83. Ship chandlery. No. 40. Stationery. May 28-~lnw4w Proposal* for Fuel. QrARTKKMAflTKR'H ()|W1 MAIUXIB CORPII, Washington, May 16, 1857. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at thin oftlco until Monday, the 15th June. 1857, for supplying such quail lines of wood and coal as may be required front 1st July, 1857, to 30th June, 1858, for the marines stationed at Washington city, D. C. The wood to bo best oak sapling, and the coal best anthracite. The wood to he delivered piled and measured and the coal weighed < and delivered at such )>oiuts as the commanding officer* of the station* may direct, free of expense to the United States; the coal to weigh 2,240 pounds to the ton. Further information can bo had on appllca tion at this office. Proposals to be addressed to Major G. F. Lind?ay, Q. M. M. C., and endorsed "Proposals for fuel fbr marine* at Washington, I). C." The Intelligencer, Star, and Stolen will publish the above twice a week till 16th June, 1867, aud send bill, with copy of advertisement, to this office for payment. May 16?2awtl5Junef [No. 680.] Notice Of the EMahlUhment of three ruiditinnai Ixxnd Office* in the Tcvriiory ^ tf Xtbraska. ( IN pursuance of the act of Congress approved 1 March 3d, 1167, entitled "An act to cstuhiinh thren additional ' land districts in the territory of Nebraska.'' to bo called, respectively, 1 the "Xkmaiu Land Itomcr,'' the "Bonn Plattx Kivatt loxn Pwnurr. ' aud the "Dakota Lami? fmrnarr." It la hereby declared and mad" known that the office* fbr said districts have been established as fol 1 lows, vis: For the "Km aha lawn Dumacr'' at Brow nsville. For ths "Botrm Pi atti J**nu<r'' at Nebraska City. For tl?o "Dakota DonmiCf" at Dakota City, In said Territory. Given tinder my hand, at the city of Wasblngt'Ki, this thirteenth day of April, 1867. Jffl. P. W1IWW. Acting Omnmlaoloocr of tho Oonrrol land OfBco. April 14?liwl? TM PORTA NT TO OOTTON PLANTERS, by which 1 tlnir inoomoa mint be ilmiMod.?The underaticnod ha* Invanl ("I wiit obtained lolt?i? patent from the fulled Sutosfor tint ar- , rangaaMM and ooinbtnatkiii of machinery for irmverling aeod col Ion , Into yarn* by onv lootlnuoua proceeo, from the (la tliron(h the vartaa* preparation and aplnnlnK machinery, until It la roady for abtp- , mi nt or wearing The oaring from waste by Uila prooowi trill lie at leant ton per oont.; and yarna madv from Ilia llhro (unbroken anil uninjured l>y tlio op* ration* of tho machinery of lh? present prooeoa uood to upon and dtnen tangle II) will l>o about (Illy por oant. stronger and heavier, and will command tlin market* if tho world, dMnnctng all compotillon at advanced |irloae. Tlio undoraicnod la prepare 1 to .napoo# of prlvllcnoa to two Ida I intent; aud planter* will be Mbrnted > to terra*, with onmploto in ?truction* how In noe It. how to obtain ilia b?al machinerr. and all other necoaoary |*rttoulari, on application addremed lo Dec 6?Sawlytf UEURGI 0. UJEN'KV, Mobil*. Proposal! for Lift Oak. Matt IkTAtraur Bursas of (Xmslructiuu, kr. May J, 1WT. SEALED PROPOSALS for delivering 50,000 cubic (rat of yruiuuouuub hvs oak in rock of Um hi) yards at Charles own, Massachusetts, Brooklyn Now York; Hhiludalphia, and at iosport, Virginia, will ba received at this bureau until tbe 1Mb Juno, 1M7. Tlieae propuwals uiuat be endorsed 1'ivfoaoUJW Liu Oak, that they nay be distinguished from other bueb.?*s letters. The off,re may be or one or all the yards, but must ba for the whole quantity at any turd, and, as required by law, must be aceumpauted by a suitable ;uarantee, the form of which is herewith given. Sureties in the full estimated amount will ba required to sign tbe XH.trart, and, as additiouai and collateral security, It per cent, will l?e Willi Lurid on the amount of each delivery until the oootract Is com[ikiled. In all tbe deliveries of the timber there must he a doe proportion f the most difficult and crooked pieces, otherwise there will be with, lield such further amount, in addtttoo n> tlie 16 per oent., as may be ludgcd expedient hi seoure the public tnterast until such dffikult porlloos be delivered. The remaining 88 per cent., or other proportion of Mcb bill, when approved iu triplicate by the commandant of the yard, will be |sud by such navy agcnl as the contractor may name within Lhirty days alter lu pr?wentallo? to htm. It will be stipulated In thn contract that If default be made by the purlieu of the first purl in delivering all or any of the timber named jflhe quality and at tho time and place provided, then and In Hurt case the contractor and his sureties will forfeit and |uty to the Culled kales a sum of monuy not uxceediug twioe the total amount tliereln igreod upon as the price te be paid in caae of the actual delivery thereof, which may be recovered front time to Ume, scouriling lu the acl ol Umgruss in that case provided, approved March 3. 1843 Tho 60,000 cubic feet to be delivered In each yard will be in the fid lowing proportions?say 8,000 oubic fuel of keelsous, and ptoces suit able fin lower stems, stern |>oats, !-tern-|M)sl knees, fore duadwugd, cproiH, all sliling 111 sud 20 Inches, and hooks elding 14 nod 18 inches. (Me pieces to be lu niunber In the proportions lu w ulch they enler Into the construction of a ship-of-war, conforming substautislly iu shape, length, sud inaracler with those heretofore received with FrsnieM of corresponding siding, the moulils of which can lie scon at any of the yards liamid. 32,000 cubic feet of the sldmg of 13 and 16 inches, in about equal quantities of each, and 6.000 cubic frot of a siding of 12 Inches; all theso pieces befog lu length from 13 to 17 feet, baring a natural and fair curve of from 13 to SO Inches or more In that length; nud two thirds the uurnNir of the pioces to have from the mean lo the max.mum crook; also, o,0U0 cubic feet siding 13 and 18 Inches, In length from 17 lo 20 find. All to bo sided straight and fair ; the 15 inch timber and under show ing a face of not less than three-fourths the siding, In be cut from trees grown within 30 miles of the sua, of winch satisfactory evidence will lie required by the commandant of the yard; to be delivered til the respective yards at the risk and exponas of tho contractor, subject lo the usual inspection, to the entlro approval sf the bureau; and onehalf lo bo delivered on or before iho 1st day of August, 1866, nnd the remainder on or before tbe 1st of July, 1860. Am of Oftr. I, ? , of til* Slate , hereby agree to fornlah nnrt itc-Hrer Hi the United StaMos navy yard at ??? fll'ty thousand cubic foet of live-oak timber, in conlbrmity with the advertisement of I he Bureau nf (.'(instruction of tho Onto of May 2, 1857, viz: * 000 cubic font, suitable for principle piece*, sided 18 ami 30 Ini tio*, at per font. 33,000 cul>tc feet curved timber, *Ued 13 and 15 Inches, length 13 to 17 foet, at per foot. 6,000 cubic feet curved timber, aided 12 Inch**, length 13 to 17 feet, at per foot. 6,000 cnblc feet limber, Riding 13 and 13 Inches, length 17 to 20 fool, at per foot. Total value. ffhnuld my olTer be accepted. I request to be addressed at , uid tho contract forwarded to the navy agent at , or to me at . for signature and certiBcatc. (Dale.) A B. form of Ouaranltt. The undersigned, , of , In tho State of , hereby guaranty that, tn ca*o the foregoing bid be accepted, will, wlthtn ten days after the receipt of the contract at the post office named, or navy agency designated, execute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties: In case said shall fall to enter Into contract ?* aforeaald, wo guaranty to make good tho difference between the offer of the said and that which may be accepted. C D. (Itsto.) K F. Witness: C H. 1 hereby certify that tho above-named CD and EF are known te ' me as mon of property, suit able to maks good their guarantee. il"ate.) (To bo signed by ths United Statos district Judge, United Slates district attorney, collector, or navy agent, and no other.) May 2?la.hwf Washington Aqueduct. Omci or ran Wasnracrrov Aqnmrcr, Washington. March 5,1857. j PR0P08A LH are invited for materials and work for the Washington aqueduct. Proposals received up to 7th May will be opened at noon of that day. Maps, profiles, nnd specification* of the material* and work to b?? let will bo ready for examination at this oflice ou and aflvr the 20th April uoxt. The work to be let will embrace masonry of somo of tho bridge*, graduation, excavation, and embankment of reservoir*, iron pi|>cs connected witli tho re<orvoii\s,12 Inch iron main, gate house*, bricks, sand, rubble, aud cut atone, Jcc. For the particular works and materials reference Ls made to tho RpocifWtioQK and plan-*. Am upon a portion of the linn tho title* are not yet acquired by the United States, there inay bo some delay in commencing the work thereon; but for such unavoidable delays due allowance will bo made in the time of completion. l*ortions only of some of tho works ran be completed under tho present appropriation ; but ah contracts for unfinished work will be sub j'A'i i?? iiiiiii ?* nppniiruiuuai oy uwgrwia. inn tMigincer rwwrvw me right to prescribe the amount of work to bo done and rate of progress under each contract for each uppropri.nlU?ii ; and in ease of the appro priation not holding out sufficiently, to deeido when and what work-* shall be stopped until funds become available. In case of tho entiro stoppage of any particular work for want of lunds, the reserved ten per cent, will be paid, if, In the. Judgment of the engineer, Ihe work low boon pro|?erly executed so far as it hiu gone. Payments will be made in specie cheeks upon the United Btatcs treasury upon tho monthly estimates of tho engineer, reserving 10 per nonL: and it will be a condition of all contraeta llutt tho workmen shall be puid their full wages monthly, and in sj?ecio. All bids should bo sealed, aud endorsed "Propoaals for work or ma tcrials on the Washington Aqueduct." TSie United mates reserves the right to rwject any or all the bids should tlicy not Imi doomed advantageous, and to make such arrange in on u as may bo cousidorod m * conducive to the progress of tho work. Every offer inust be accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by one or more res|ionsiblo persons, to the effect that ho or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if hid or their bid bo Accepted, outer into an obligation, w ithin ten days, with good and sufficient securities, for the completion of the work undertaken; said guarantee to bo accompanied by the eertiflcato of the United States district judge, United States district attorney, navy agent, or some officer of tho general government or individual known to tho Engineer or IV imrtmcut of War, that tho guarantors are able to make good their guarantee. Bids will bo opened in prosence of bidders, if any of them choose to be present. M. 0. MEIGS, Capt. of Engineers, ia charge. FORM OF GUARANTEE. To f'apt. M. C. Meigs, U. 8. Engineers. We, the under-ignvd, reniduuts of ?, in the State of ? hereby, jointly and severally, covenant with the United States, ivnd guaranty, in case tho lor. going bid of be accepted, that he or they will, wlthlu ten days after tho acceptance of tlie said bid, exo onto tho contract for tho same, with good ands ufffcient sureties to |?erform or furnish the articles proposed in conformity to the tortus of tho advertisement under which It was made. And in case the said -hall Ull to cuter into contract .is aforesaid, we iruaranlv to make roo<1 tho illfTorcnco Iwtwocn tbo oflbr by llio said ?? und tho ncxl lowest bidder. (Slgnod) A. n. C. I>. I hereby certify Unit, to the beet of my knowledge and belief, tho above mimed guarantors are good and sufficient. (Signed) E. F. March 0?oodt7thMnyJtlawtf [No. 678.] Notice Of thf KfaNLItmrnl of IKrrt cutK'i-mal Jjand OJfcM in Ike Territory if Jftmnt. IN pursuance of tho act of Congress approved March 3, 1157, entitlod "Au net to establish Arm additional laud district* in tin*Territory of Kmum," to ?k? called, reape* tively, the "Delaware land district," the "Osage land district/' and the "Western land district," It Ij hereby declared aud made known that the ofloei far said district- have hoen established as follows, via: For tho "f)k!.awahk nwnucT" at Dosnnux. For the "(Haok WKiiuOf" at Foht Soott. For the "WwrntSN ih*trict" nt < Joint*. In raid Territory. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this eleventh day of April, A. I). 1857. Hy order of tho President: JOB. R WIIWN, Acting Commissioner of tho General I And Office. Ap It?lawOwf [No. 579.] Notice Of thf EhiaUithmtnL of an addi/umoU [and DUtiirt in thf Staff ttf Wit. cvnsin. IN pursuance of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1857, entitled "An act to establish an Additional land liHtrlot in the Stole of Wisconsin," to bo called the "CktrrswA m nu<*r," which district embraces that portion of tho old Ia CllWi and Hudson districts, situated ' north of the lint dividingtoionthipt t wnty ffear* tnrf fttmly Jtw mnih; m/uth of the tint dividing to *mthi) ftforty amdforty ont north; ityd of Ik* li**r divitling rang t ont owl two otut; ami eatt of thr fin# dividing 'rwgr* rtevm and twelvr urrt," it Is hereby declared and made known that the office for said district has been established at ike town of "Kac Claim," in said state. Civen under mv luiid, at the city of Washington, this eleventh day * April. A. I). 1857. Rv order ol the President: JOH. S. WIIJSON, Acting OrmmiMloner of the (iencrol liuul Officoj Ap 11?lawSwf [No. R81.J Notice of the Removal of the Land Office from Red Wing to Henderson, in Minnesota Territory. IN accordance with the provisions of tho act of ODfigree* entitled " An art nuthnriKing change* In the location of land officoo," approved March 3, IMS, it la hereby declared ml made known that tho office fir the ante of public land* at ltia> Kiwi. In Mi a awe era Twoutoky, will be removed to the town ?f Ha* 10:10*1*. lu aaid Territory./rem and ajt-r IK UrM day nfJunr and. (liven uadrr my hand, at the cltv of Waaiilngton, thin 30th day of April, A. I). 13fi7. Ily order at the Praddaot: THOfl. A HENDRICKS, Commlwlonor of the Ocnerol Land Ofllra. May 1? lawAw [Int. k HUr] MATTHEW HALE 8MITH, Couneellor-et-kw in the tTnlted State* mom, and in the ennrte of the Stole of New Vora, No. 119 Noaeaa atreet, Now York, N Y, Ap lS-tf Proposal* for Screw-Propeller Nloop-or-Wer t Satt Ovimin, Bureau of Cuaatraetiou, kc , Juuo V, 1*47. THE Bureau will receive sealed proposals, apecifi- . c.iuous, and plans uuUl U?e Mlh day at August or It, endorsed ' yt<r tkt CmtlmrtlMi uj a Steam fruyeller Sluaft aj War," authorised by the art aC Congress, approved Sd March. 1847 The proposals must he Ihr th" bull, ?|?r* and spars apart, rigging 1 and bloclu, sails and spare sails, awnings, k. . btaua, anchors and ca 1 bleu la/iks. casks, furniture aud cooking uleUeits, (be sl?vuu uttciuusry l! and spare work, with all ihu equipment* anil oultlu ut a ship of war : t lu be complete and roady In all respect* to receive her <'Ulcers aud I men, provisions, stores, and armament The armament, stores, aud provision* will be furnbhed by the goveroinsot. The spectfirutioua must fully desert bo the nnUertols to be used, the ' method nnd sizes of faaleutngs. the detail Of rises and arrangement of Uie Ssacldurry, the various ililure- of equipment nnd outfit, the cabui 1 for oajdmu, wardrooui tor 12 ofltvera, steerage (or 14 uOktrr, apart 1 meats for d forward otltcers, the sture, ami, bread, clothing, Issuing- > rooms, kc., sick bay, magazine*, shell-room.*, spirit nanus, holds, ehaln and other lockers ; also, the dlmeiwluus of llio spars, boats, aud " at' ?hs othsr objects included in the pru|*wal. Upon application Ui the commandant of any navy-yard, the ladder < can see tie- list of a tores and pruvlbous with which ihu government J will furnish the ship, aud for winch, also, the contractor lu his plans ' must pro\Me capacity and oouveuietit stowage. Tie plans must be working drawing-, from wbieh the ship can be built, showing the inboard arrangements, the allotments of u|nirc for accommodations for store room-, for the stowage of the varWms objects of equipmeut. ouiats, protishats, nod stores, tho arrangement of tho macnluery aud the dl.-|??iUuii of the coal. There must also be a , plan of the sails, showing tho courses, top satis, top gallant salts, Jtb, and s|*iiker. , The plAns will be accompanied by a model, which, with the draw togs of the hull, must be on a scale of one-quarter of au Inch to a foot. , The ship to ho pi,-rood for ehase, stem, and broadside ports, the latter not less than twelve In number on eneh side, and to he 14 I'eet It Inches frfitil centre lo centre Tin, tmrl sill to be 20 Inches it Ix?v? tho deck ; tb? porta 44 Inch?* for? and aft, mid 38 inches lu depth. The weight of armament to b? provided for in t!i? displacement will In? 100 loan of 2,240 pounds. Tho U?tal complement of officers and men will 1>? 206 persons, and the .ship mind ntow provlHoud lor 120 day*, tuid water for 90 days, ' with a ootid en?r for dUtilliug fhah water. Fuel to b? carried for 13 days' full steaming. and the vuo?I to make under ohmra alone at her deep-load draught of water ton knot* iu a smooth aaa. The deep-load draught of water, when armed aud fully equipped with men, pro I Tidou?, and stores of all kind*, and ready for sea, nut to exceed 10 feet, and iho lowed port bill to bo 8 feet above the load line. i 111? propeller to be fitted to lioist up; and the boilers to have a telehcojhi chimney, ao that tho ship may not ho itnpairtHl as a rmiser uu- , dor sail, for which bho is Intended. j 'Hi? bidder will tho lime consldarad necessary to complete , the ship for son, together with the price, Hilly equipped, as before named. ; The object of the department in Inviting proposals U to obtain the very best ship of-war tlud the inorrantlle mm in? can produce, and proposals will be received from ship-builders only. The proposals, specifications, and drawings whl?h conform to the conditions now prescribed, and combine the greatest number of advantages, will be selected, and the price must receive the approval of the department before a contract will he mud?. The reputation of bidders as successful constructors will have due weight. The specifications, drawings, and models of i*rtic* not obtaining the contract con be withdrawn by them. June 27?2aw4wf PENSION AND BOUNTY LAND LAWS, Being the latest stereotyped alifwn of the work known by the title of "MAYO k M0ULT05TB PENSION AND BOUNTY LAND LAWS," With opiulous, decisions, regulations, Ac.,and additions of recent dates. HY ROBERT MAYO, M. I). LUCAS BROTHERS, Baltimore. ISfMr. Moulton lias relinquished uil claim to any interest whatever in tbia work, of which Dr. Mayo la sole and undisputed proprietor, by "deed" on record. The subjoined letters in commendation of this work are now laid before the public for the first time, in addition to numerous others already published, from heads of departments and other public officers whose official duties render tbcui particularly conversant with the ad ministration of pension and bounty-land claims: Letter from the Hon. Jacob Hroom, chairman <tf the Committee on It evolutionary Pensions. llorsx or Rkfiumkntativks, Umtkd States. Washington, May 19, 18.">fi. Mr dear sir: I have been pleased to meet with you one? more after the lapse of an m&uy years; an<l 1 dosire to avail myself of an early opportunity to add my thank* to those you must have received from many others for your labor and care in the compilation of tho laws of the United states relating to pension* and bounty lands, a copy of the stereotype edition of which I have lu my possession. Tho subject of pensions is on? which has been, and still continues to he, of interest to tho great American family. The circumstances under which those for revolutionary services were provided are of a highly interesting character.* Jt waa never the desigu of our fathers tliat tho system should be imrtiul. giving to some while it withholds from others ? quoily dtworviiig. Your arrangement of the laws, therefore, while it presents in detail the provision* made, U at the same time suggestive of those deficiencies and omHsiona which render the system incomplete. Your work 1 have found of incalculable value to me In my position ai chairman of th" Committee ou Revolutionary Pensions, for, without it, 1 should have been subject**! to tb? labor of a closo examination of the statutes; ami from the frequency of my recurreuc? to It I have been able to tan its mnrit and appreciate lu worth. I am, my doar sir, most reipectfolly aud truly, your*, Dr. 11. Mayo. JACOB MUX>11. He? Introduction hi tlii* work for Washington's Apjwnl to CoiigreFS, Ac., pp. 62 to 67, nowhorc els?; extant. Letter from General Cast. WAsmrarojv, February 10,18f?7. Dear sir: I thank you for the very useful volume you lmve Rent m?. J u,.?. i??~? ???} ??' ??w? *, '??- * in.?m II UI i its fidelity as woll a* of it * ntae. Your supplement cnDtains 4i?i|?c?rt?nt additions, and brings tho pen- ) sion htotory ami lawn In a late period. The system has become so extensive that some nneh compilation wuu indispensable, aud I congratulate all who are obliged to look into ] tho rtubjoct of Uio.iL' lawn upon tlio able execution of your labors. I am, ileur sir, respectfully vonrs, I)r. Roman Mayo. * LK1V. CABS. Letter fmm the Hon. Jaw* C. Allen, chairman of the. Committee on j lie -vlntionary Claims. Home or Potior r. nt a n\?, Washington, February 18, 1857. Dkvr sir: 1 luve the honor to acknowledge the receipt of n etrpy of the second edition of your work entitled 'Tension ami Bounty loud laws," for which you will accept my tlmnk To nil w ho are interested in the subject of pensions and bounty lands, or claims against the government growing out of our revolutionary struggle, yours is a work of the first importance. In this opinion I have the concurrence of my colleague? in Commit toe on Revolutionary Claims. 1 am, very Respectfully, year obodleut servant, Rohkkt Mayo, M. !>. J. C. A1J1N. IMLcr from the Hon. Aiulrtw Olitw, chairman of the Committee on Invalid 1'emions. jiochk of urphkskntatives, February 20, 1857. Dkak fir: I have the honor to acknowledge tho receipt of your note of the 17th Instant, with your own and Mr. Mmiitoii'g book of Pension and Houuty land lows, for which accept my thanks. In tho examination of cases arising under the jtcntdoii and bounty laud laws, I have lmd frequent occasion to refer to this work, ami have ever found it accurate aud complete. As a compilation of tho laws u|M)n those subjects, 1 regard it highly usoful both to those administering those laws and the public. With many wishes for your continued success, I have tho honor to be vour obodiont sorvont, Dr. R. Mayo. A. 0IJVEU. Letter from the Hon. Solomon JW, I'nUd States senator. Wamoxgtox City, March 13, 1857. Dkar fir: 1 have had very frequent occasion, both in private Ihtcwligations and in tho Committee on Pensions and on Public Lands, to consult your valuable compilation of tho Pension and Bounty lsmi i Laws, and have derived great aid from U. Indood, I regard it aa almost Indlspemable tq? the intelligent investigation of qucntions arising under those laws. Tho work to deserving <if a very liberal patronage; and I hope you may be abundantly rewarded for your labor. I am, with sentiments of very great respect, your obedient servant, SOLOMON FOOT. Dr. Ro:ckrt Mayo, Washington City. Lever Trout the lion. 1. A. tieiiarirta, Commurionrr cf the General Latut Qfkc. Wammoto* City, March 28, 1857. Ftn: 1 have lmd frequent occasion to consult your work on the Pension nnd Dounty 1-md Uwd of the United Status, especially whi1st 1 wan chairman of the Committee on Pensions of tbo House of RaproHChtatlvcM. and have found it very full and complete, well a rr an god and reliable. To Uhmo wluwo Investigations touch the ponsion and bounty land law* il is certainly of jpy?t value. With much rev poet, your ol>edlont servant, THUS. A. HEN1HUCK& I>r. It. ma to, Washington City. The leUorx first alluded to above, as formerly received and publish ed, commending the work In equally strong terms with the foregoing, wore from heads of departments and oilier public officer* in various ways connected wllli the administration of penstofts and bounty lands, vis: The Hon. A. H. H. Stvart. lute Pecrotary of the Interior. The Hon. Rohkkt IIoClkm awn, late Bee rotary of the Interior. Tbr Hon. J. J. CuittxuKy, lute Attorney General. Tlw? Hon. Gun. W. Joxks, chairman of Senate Committee on IVmsions. The Hon. J.\*ies E. llKvtir, lute Commissioner of Pensions. The Hon. L. P. Wauw, late OnmmUsloner of Pensions. The Ifon. Jovnv Wiunti, Into timmiUsioncr of the. General land Office. Tlie Hon. J. m. Bkomikao, Second Comptroller of the Treasury. The Hon. Ron at! J. ATxixaox. Third Auditor. ThoHon. A. <>. Dayton, Fourth Auditor. Colonel W*. H. Rishki t . chairman of Ilouso Commltteo on Military | Affairs. General Ja*w Sinn r?*. chairman of Senate Committee on Military Affair*. Also letters from cldefS of bureau* in the War and Navy D?q>art menu recommending a distribution of tho work for the benefit and encouragement of the military and naval service. TliU work has boon adopted by Owigreai, under tho joint resolution of tho 24th June, 1854, In the ratio of 8 copies to each new member and delegate, with oilier books in their respective ratios, and arc now due in tho same ratio of 8 copies, with other hook* In their roqaotire rutins, under the House resolution of July 7, ISM), and the book appro printloti in the deficiency hill of March 3. 1857. to be distributed to such public libraries a* shall be designated in their respective districts by the now members and dslofnitm of the last Congrea. All of thc*o testimonials render tht* the 'standard .vork on Pension and Bounty lauid I-aws." R. MAYO. for rale by IV H. *0. II. ilttrriMn, Wv-hlnytoo,and l/inn* Itrntber*. Baltimore IVreonn i (lllllin M 40 will promptly mttre * ropy by mall or r\pre?? fror of coal. The ci-lniu.iry allowances will be mad? to lioo?i?aller*. June 18?Utf BURNETT HOUSE. Hontheaet corner IVmmylvania arum and l'mir-and a Half street, V.'aelilnKtnii, b. C , Mrs. 81 I.A.I KKYNOIJM, proprietress Boarder* by llm day, week, or month. Several Krpo nrvl i .imf irlahlo room, ulttblt Tor fnmiliea. Permanent and Iran-lent Imnrtlern romlbrtably ntvoinmodotod; arol meala furnished to tbneo who room eUewbnre A rholre aelectlon of wlnee, liquor*, and cigars, will always be (Voiuit at the bar. Kree luneh every day at 11 o'clock Ap 18?tr laic of ladlaa Truit Lacda la Kaaaaa Terrl- j lory. mOfLAMATION t m? ruuDarr o? tub u*it?b ?at? [N piiraiiance of law, I, FRANKLIN FIERCE, Prealuotil of It*. Untud fitalm, do hereby iln'ltn and make known hat a public tale will be held at Iowa Futnt, Doniphan county, In tho rerritory of Kaaea*, commencing oa Tueeday. the fifth day of May oil, for the dtepuaal of siirh of the land* held Ui truat by the l ulled kateo (br the benelll if the Iowa tribe of Indiana aa are .Itnated with u the underaaeuUoacd town,hip, of land In aald Torrlliury, and ceded >y aaid Indiana In truat aa atiroaaid, to wit: SoutA if (he (alar lime and tad / (he <ixth ptiucipaj tmruhan. Tnwnehlpe No. cm, la rajigoa fifteen, aixtoen, aevehlcitn, eighteen, ilneteeu, and twenty. Towaahipe No. two, In rangea seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and arenty, excepting therefrom a IVw epecUl gruuu designated in the I rent) , amounting In the whole hi eight huudreil acree, and situate lu owuahtpe two, of raugoa nineteen and twenty Alao, at Paoli, Lykiua oounte, tn aald Territory, commencing on fueailny, the twenty elith day of May next, for the iltepoaul of auch if tile land* hold ui truat by the l ulled Ptnloa for the houellt of the xmfrderalrd bund* of Kuakaakta, Poorla. Ihaulo i-haw . and Wea In Itnns aa are eltuated within the undermentioned townehipe of raid ) rerritory and ceded by aald confederated handa At aforeauid, to wit: South if (Aa boar (uw and tad if the ttdh principal vu ufiari Tuwurhipe Alteon, itxteen, and seventeen, of range iweuly. Townships fifteeu, aixtoen. and seventeen, of rango twenty-one. Townahl|w fifteen, alxtacn, and seventeen, of range twentydwo. Townships fifteen, atiloeu, aovenloon, and eighteen, of range twen y-taree. Township* fifteen, slxWon, seventeen, and oighWn, of range twon y-four. Townships fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen, of range twen;y-flvo. Provision havlii" been nude by luo seeoud and third article of tho I reaty of ctunioo Llutt each Individual member of said confederated MUid.H nhould bo untitled to one hundred and sixty acres of land; and, ii addition, that ton .sections thou Id bo selected and set apart a* a na .tonal reservation; and by the llftli artick ono atttiun of nix hundred ind forty acres should also be sulcetod and mjI apart for tho benefit of ho American IudUu MUm1*s!i Association; am! said lands, amounting to ibout forty-eight thousand acres, having boou selected iu tho follow log townships above-named, to wit: Townships sixteen and seventeen, range twenty two. Tow iirhijm iii'UH-u, sixteen, scveutocu, and eighteen, rang') twenty j three. Township* sixteen and seventeen, range twenty-four. TowuHhijM sixteen and atrmteefl, range twenty-five, are herehv set I spart and reserved from sale. Also, at Iscompton, in said Territory, commencing ou TuoMbsy, the | twenty third day oi June next, for the disposal of such of the lands in | i . toi tho benefit of the fx aw in I - i>f Indians a* are situated within the undermentioned townships, corn ! prising tho w&Urn portion of tho lauds ceded by tbe paid Pels ware In- | in trust as aforesaid, to wit: South (f the bate line and eaM of th? ruth principal mrriiiian. Townships five, six, seven, eight, iiine, ton, and eleven, of range flf- ! teen. Townships seveu, eight, nine, ten, and eleven, of range sixteen. Townships six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and eleven, of range seven teen. Town*-hips six, so von, eight, nine, and-ten, of range eighteen. 1 he term* of said sales will be cash, and no bid will bo received j below tho valuation placed upon the several tracts by the commission ars duly appointed for the purpose of clarifying and valuing tho same; j and u)?oii payment being made, receipts in duplicate will bo executed therefor, 0:10 of which will be delivered to the purchaser. i'uWnM will subsciucijtly lie issued for tho lands so purchased in ' accordance with the laws iu fores regulating the issue thereof. The offering of the above lands will Ik? commenced on tho days rospcotively up) minted, aud will proceed it? the order in which they are advertised, with nil convenient despatch, until the wliola shall have been offered and the pxIoh thus closed. All purchases not paid for on the day of sale will be rcoffered on the following day at the risk of the defaulting purchaser. Given under my hand at the city of Washington this twenty-sixth day of Fcbruarv,,eighteen hundred and fifty-seven. FRANKLIN PIERCE. By the President: Geo. W. Mxanmcnrr, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. N. B.?No newspaper Is authorized to publish the foregoing advertisement w ithout spedal instructions to that effect from tho Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Feb 2fi?lawtlJune. Change of the Place of Sale of the Delaware Trust Lands in Kansas. VfOTICE is hereby given that the place of sale of I JL1 the Delaware trutl lands la Kansas Territory, advertised to tike place at Ix-compton ou the 23<1 day <>f June next, has boon changed to, and will commence at, Oeawkce, in said Territory, on the same day and date. ily order of the Secretary of the Interior: CUAlUJX K. MIX. Coinnda-ioncr tul inl-rim. I>srARTar>t or ma 1kto:iok, Ofllee of Indian Attain*, April 6, 1857. April 7?lawllJnuo Change In the Days of Sale of the above-described Indian Trust Lands in Kansas. I>wartmicrr ok mi: IxnuimR, Offlco of Indian Atfuirg, April 11, 1857. i NOTICE is hereby given that the days designated in the foregoing proc-amatlon for tha cntnmaucorocnt of the Hale of certain Indian trust lands are changed and positioned to the following periods: lows Linda, at Iowa Point, to Wednesday, 3d day of Juno next. The lands of the Weo>, Ac., at Paoli, to Wednesday, Mth day of 1 Jnue next. I Doknarc lands, at Osawkee, to Wednesday, 15th dH.v of July next. By order of the Secretary of the Interior: CHAIU.FX F. MIX, Commissioner ad in'eiin. | Ap 11?lawtflOJnne The new tobk and Liverpool united State* until steamer*.--The vhips comprising this lino ore the fo.iowing; The Atlantic Capt. Oliver Kliiridge. The liuliic Cipl. Jos. Gnu-stock. The Adriatic Oapt. Jjuikm West. Tln'Fo ship* having been built by contract expnvxly for government aervleo, tvtry onrc ha* been taken in their conttructlou, a* al*o In their engines, to Injure Htrength and spcod; and their necomrnodntiou* fur poxscngers are unequalled for elognnce and comfort. lYice of passage from Nvw York to IJvorpool in first cabin, $130; In sce.oud cabin, $73. From Isiveipool to New York, 30 and 20 guinea*. An experienced sturgeon attached to each ship. No berths ran be secured until jwiid for. Tlie ships of this line luive Improved water tight bulk head*, and, to avoid danyr from lee, will not cross tlie Hanks north of 42 dog. until oner um 1st of August. WOW) PATT',"< OF tUIIJXO. Ft mn New York. Prim Luwrped. Saturday April 28, I860. Wednesday May 14,1856. Saturday May 10, 1856. Wediiesda.v May 28. 1856. Saturday..., May 24, 1856. Wednesday June 11, 1850. Saturday Juno 7, 1856. Wednesday Juue 25, 1856. Saturday Juno 21, 1866. Wednesday July 0, 1856. Saturday July 6, 1866. Wednesday July 28, 1656. Saturday July 10,ls&6. Wsdnnstlay Aug. h, 1856. Saturday ....Aug. 2,1856, Wednesday Aug. 20, 1856. Saturday Aug. 16, 1856. Wednesday Sept. 3, 1856. Saturday Aug. 30, 1856. Wednesday Sept. 17, 1856. Saturday Sept. 13, 1S56. Wednesday Oct. 1, 1856. Saturday Sept. 27, 1856. Wednesday. Oct. 16, 1856. Saturday... Oct. 11,1856. Wednesday Oct. 1856. Saturday Oct. 25, 1856. Wednesday Kov. 12, 1856. Saturday Nov. 8, 1850. Wednesday Nov. 26, 1656. Saturday Nov. 22, 1850. Wedaosdny Dec. 10. 1866. Saturday Dec. 6, 1856. Wednesday Dee. 24, 1856. Saturday Dec. 20. 1856. For freight or jmssugo apply to EDWARD K. OOIJJNF, No 56 Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY, 4c CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN KKNNAHD k 00., 27 Austin Friars, I?ndon. B. G. WA1NWRWIIT A 00., Paris. The owners of these ships will not b?* accountable for gold, silver, bullion, speck*, jewelry, precious stones, or metals. unlc<s bill* <?f la , ding are signed therefbr, and tlic value thereof therein expressed. i May 1?dtf For AM Farts of the West. BA1.TI.VOKE AN1> OHIO KAII.ROAII. VKIE A SO IMPROVED ARBAXGKMKlfTS. rpiIIIKE TRAINS DAILY from Baltimore, for ('van- ' 1 Borland. Wheeling, and all part* of the West. 1st. The ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave (except Sunday) at ! 6.46, h. m., connecting with train* from Philadelphia; tirst train front i Washington (at Junction) will flop at way station* and arrive at Cum- I berUod i?t 4 o'ekk k. p. in. 2d. Tito MAIL TRAIN leave.* Oumden Station daily (except Sunday) ' nt 8.30, n. n?., stid roaches Winding by 4, a. in., connecting at Benwood w ith train* for Columbus, Ctiicinnatl. Dayton, Indianapolis. I/>uUville. Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, (lik ago. st. IsmiD, Cklro, and intermediate |>oint*. 3d. The EXPRESS TRAIN leaves daily at 7, p. tn.. connecting with express trains tbr Cincinnati, St. IxkiIs, Odro, Chicago, and iutcrmedtate places. The distance to Cincinnati and other central and southern placets In tbo Weal D nearly 100 miles shorter tlins by any other route. The time to these place* U also unequalled. Baggage checked through to Columbus,Cincinnati. Indianajmli*,and Et. Louis. Passengers and baggage transferred at sll |*>iuts free. TllUf T1CKITK VI ill hn mi.1.1 f.i nil 11... luri/o liiu na In flio WWt at the lowest ponlble rates, at the ticket often,Oundrn Station, ami at Wellington eitv. A BOOOiitl-cUiM oar is attached t/> the iruii! train. httsfRlO'ra ta HiltiiKin or Washington OMy wime the entire rocvl . 5y <1ay!i(jkt by taking ncoommodiiHwu or mail train, hihJ lying over at ' Cumberland or Oakland. They re-unie next morning by the px|itcsk train, which leaven Cumberland at 2.50, a. in., and reaction WheoHtlg 1 ut 2. p. in. huufOgofl from Washington lure ample time for mesh? at Washington .hinrtlnu. Tliln U the only route by which through ticket* and baggage checks cati be obtained iu Washington. KuR WAY PAJVENGKR*. The accommodation train, at 6.45, w ill stop at all stations oast of (HiraOerlaod, and the ex|?ro*s at station* bcyoi.d llftHnoat going west. Fa>twi?ri!ly, the moil train leave* Wheeling at 7.15, a. in., nad .?cc<?m rnodaiion leave* Cumberland at 8.20, reaching Baltimore at 5 45. p. m The FRKDKK1CK TRAIN starts at 4, p.m., (except Sunday.) stopping at way station*. Leaves Frederick at 9, a. in., arriving at Baltimore at 12.30, noon. The lajJOOtTB MIf.1/4 TRAIN leaves Camden Button at 6, a m., and 3.30. p. m. leaves KHtcoU'a kills at 7.30, a. m., and 7.30, p. m., except Sunday. W. K WOOMPE, Jau 17?dtf % Master <?f Transportation. Uamo Status Naval Own or laqrtnv, Washington, Febrtiary 28, 1857. rpJFK judge advocate given notice, for the inforinaL It"" ?f partla* commit Ik liira the court under the Ut aaction ?f lot act of January in, 1(167, that tbey will rcepccth aly |l(. advised by the dapartment wlian lliclr caa<-? a ha 11 liar, been referred to tlw fwirt; nnd that It to dratrable thnt In preaautlnn thamaclra* they -hnold coma prepared with a Hat of anch wltnwwv mi thay may da alto to hare aummnucd, ajwdfyin* to rrhirh of lha raapcctira beau* of 'fllooaw for ilia naval aorvlco" mentioned In tlia act thalr Icatl mnny la ti ha nppllad respectively; and anagaatlntt Ilia dalay, If any, which may ba required; and In raapaat of what wltnvaaaa. i. M. CAKIJ3MC, Judge Advocate. Fab ?t-lf Pro|MMMla for (KaUoaerjr. Iwinun or run Un**, May 13, 144; SKAIKD PR0P0BAL8 for iurnmliuig such Uua*r> M utmr be required by Uuh d< partmrol during u? year ending June 30,1363, wiU be received until It oclork mm Lhe :wth day of June next Thoae ouacoioianimi by aatutariior. lesumumlsls uf ability W fulttl ihv cm. Unci ? U1 nt? b? ooasidarsd, ami ! neitmota will only lie awarded to c*ubh.-bed aMnufacturtri ,<* dealers la the article* J All the article* required meat be of U? very brat quality of tUir ] kind, and In no case interior lo tbr samples which will be eihiluu-d u llic> tte|*rln?'ut Kach prop-sial tuuat be signed by tho Individual ur ttrm making u ami ui'ist apoctfy but one price fur uarh and every article '"""pi-nl nj Ujo schedule. All llw aillcUw (bruiabed mual be equal In all respects to the s*m p), , and must be dellv red without delay when orderod to the seta laitiou of the heml id the utlkc for which they are r,-quired, an,: , I allure to do au * UI be d< euied rauae for the abrogation of the cue traat. Tbo department reaorvws the right of ordering a greater or I*, quantity ol each article contracted for, an Uu> public service uiay tt quire. Artie tea n-u named In the contract lo be furnished al the option if tbo department at Uie lowest market price*. IkoMls with aiqiroveil aeeurliy must bo given by the prison or per, sou* contracting ; and In Uie event of the refusal or neglect ufUo contractor to furnish any nrliele or artk-lra liame.1 in tbo cotnmi, itpcm tbr order of Uie department or any of Ha bureaux, the aatne au, he purchased In open market , and the difference between tbo prii? (mid therefor and the contract price shall be churgod to the contract r and deducted In the aettlement of bis account for the quarter during which aucb refusal or neglect may occur. The subjoin.*! hat apacflbm a* nearly aa can now In- dene llei ainuus! I|uallty, uud douct l(Hlou of curb uf the kinds fur articles required Una 1.?Paper. Item 1. 30 reams folio pant, heavy, satin or plain-111,tahed, rulsd and trimmed, per ream 3. 10 renin* folio post, light, plain, unruled, for oacul aval, per ream 3. 307 ream* cap, while or blue, ruled wide, medium or rliee, und trlniined, i>er ream 4. 40 ream* consular cap, white or blue, trimui'd unl ruled, per ream 5. 10 rcnm? legal cap, white or blue, trimmed and rule! per resin 4 600 ream* quarto post, white or blue, ruled varkxi, widths, per reum 7. *0 reams .pmrtu poat, extra superfine, thick cream laid, ruled, |*t ream 8. 25 rtttiuH vrDtte v?'llum note paper, highly glazed, hard imlondttred, hnod an?l gilt, per rvuin W. 15 rcama Alli'Mulim laid sola |*pcr, gilt edged, lin*l, l?r renin 10. 10 rcsuun bull m4c papar, lined, per nam 11. 15 rcunut llat cap, whin- *?r blue, unrulod, per ream 12. 75 renins <:nvel??j?e. yellow or buff, royal, per ream 13. 170 remits tor^e brown envelope, per renin 14. 35 nam* pink blotting, per renin 15. 40 d??z'?n hbeetn patent blotting. per dozen shoot* 10. 12 shoot * draw lug paper, antiquarian, i*?r sheet 17. 12 sliects draw ing .paper, double elephant, per sheet 18. 25 shoeta drawing paper, elephant, per sheet 10. 75 sheet* drawing paper, royal, per nbeet 20. 200 sheets tracing paper, French, largest tiie, per bert 21. 300 yards tracing cambric, per yard 22. 6,100 binders' txiurils, 8\' by 10}{ inches, per C. Claw So. t.?Entrlopc*. Item 1. 490,000 adhesive envelope*. white, yellow, or buff, heavy, a* by 3*; inrliOH, per M I 2. 8,000 adL.dve envelope*, while, heavy, 10.'; by 6 Inchis, jusr M 3. 38,000 adhesive envelope*, white or yellow, heavy, letter, 8 by 3 hi r J"'r M 4. 6,000 adhesive enrolopv*, car<l, per M 6. 8,COO aUhodtro euvel?|>c?, note, p<-r H Cuts* No. 8.?I'em. Item 1. 100 dozen curie Porry'a pons, and of other manuUito rera, assorted, i?rr dozen ctrdz 2. 1,000 gross l'erry'a, Utllott'a, or other good meUUlo pan, per groea 3. 8 ?1 quills. No. 80. per M 4. 33 dozen gold pern, allvor caaca, and pencils, lien quality, |>cr dozen 6. 30 dozen gut.I pelts, without cistr, boat quality. I" ' dozen. Clow No. 4.?Fmcits. Item 1. 14 dozen ivory ever-pointed poinds, Urge or (mill, with leads, |i?-r dozen 2. 426 dozen Fubvr's, or other good No. 1 U> 4, or gmi? ated, per tlozeu 3. 25 cases laborV, ate., polygradcs, graduated, per c?m 4. 82 dozen 1'ubor's, 4c.. red aud blue pencils, per tlorn 6. 44 gross leads, best quality, assorted, per gross. No. 5.?Ink. Inxrlainb, Wafrrt, and H'ax. Item 1. ' 13 down Urnpor's large or (mall Inkstands, per iWn 2. 8 dozen cast-Iron double or single Inkstands, pertliu-ti 3. 200 dozen Maynartl k Noyea Ink. quarts, per dozen 4. 80 dozen Maynard k Noyea Ink, pints, ,ter dnaen 5. 25 dozen copying Ink, quarts, per <lo7..-n 6. 6 dozen best itluo Ink, quarts, |?-r dozen 7. 30 dozen beet French carmine ink, oz., per dozen 8. 105 M ?cal wafers, bent quality, red, No. 3, forofllco soul, per 51 ft. 100 pound* he?* red wafer*, common size. per ]>onu?l 10. 200 i?ouiid* best extra super scarlet scaling wax, per |M>un<l. Clash No. 6.?Cutlery <tr?l MticelUineous Article*. Item 1. 40 down Rodger*'* or other kuivca, four blade?, laiok or pearl handle, per dozen 2. 15 dozen itodgcrs * Ivory lumdlo oncers. per dozen 3. 10 dozeu FoJger*'* spring eraser*, ivory baudk*. per dOBOtt 4. 6 dowm Ivory wafer stamps, per dozen ft. 4 dozen oflice shears, extra, i?er dozen 0. 4 dozen office gcisaors, per dozen 7. 100 dozen silk Ui*tc, in hanks, per dozen 8. 900 dozen red bqio, assorted. per down 9. 5 down paper weights. assorted, per dozen 10. 30 pound* unproparol India rublier, |>er |H?und 11. ft i>ound* prepared India mbUr, f?er pound 12. 100 quarts best block fliuid, per quart 13. 20 pounds pounce, |mt pound 14. 1 doxou best Chinese India Ink. |*r dozen 16. 2 doz?-n camels' luiir lamella, a?? orted, |mt dozen Id. 2 dozen sable pencil*, assorted, j*?r <lozen 17. 4 dozen Osborne'* or Newman'* best water colors, per dozen 18. 300 i*?iiuda linen twine, per |>om?d 19. 12 dozen mahogany ruler*, round or flat, 30 iniliei long, per dozen 20. 0 dozen iiguumvibe ruler*, round or Hot. 30 Inchw long, p.T dozen 21. 20 pounds beet quality H|>ongc. |>er pound .' 22. 40 |inunda gum arable, per pound 23. 10 dozen mucilage, largo-size glass Jaivj with brush on I metallic. tops, per dozen 24. 10 dozen mucilage in earthen or ghuw Jars, withal bruih or top*, per down 25. 120 dozen pen-holders, assorted, |>or dozen 20. 0 dozen wafer stand* or boxes, coram, por dozen 27. 0 dozen sand boxes, |>or dozen 28. 12 dozen strong 9 inch Ivory folders. |>er dozen. May 29?dUune30 United Stated Patent Office, Wiisliiugton, August 4,1W7. ON t)ie petition of Moees 8. Woodward, of Che* ter county, Pennsylvania, praying for the extern ion or a patent grautcd to him on the 4th day of Dorpinber, 1843, for an improveut i.i in < br*h<- i i - !i<?m lie- expir.ili"?i said patent, which takes place on the 4th day of December, lSf>7? Jt is ordered that the said js-Utlon bo heard at tlio Patent (Mice on Monday, the 23*1 of November next, at 12 o'clonk, m. ; antl all !*r sons are tmu.ied to appear and show cause. if any they have, why sobl petition ought not b> bo granted. 1 :>' !. I'-- r\;.-n-- n are r- i '.< ! I" li'o in the Pub ti? Office their ol\jertkm4, specially act forth In writing, at least twenty days before the uay oi hearing; all te.>uniouy filed by either party to uthe m lui Ting mtattm takla and tvnnatulUAtt In witlt tie- rules .<! ogiee, whi?;h will t?e furnished on application. The testimony In the case will be rinsed on the 13th of November; ; and Othei !";> raHod Upon M t"-tiin??ny. BOOftt Ihi tiled in the office on or bofbrc the morning of thut day; the argument*, if any, within ten days thereafter. Ordered, also, that thi* notice Ih> published in tho Union, Intclli gene r. and Evening Btur, Wanliitigtom; RopobUtan, Baltimore; l^nit sylvanUn, Philadelphia; Dully Nesvs, New York; and Port, Ihwton. oiux) n week for three meccrtfivc w?is previous to thu 23?i nrauvcm her next, tlio day of hearing. P. T. SHUGKRT, Acting Commissioner of PatentsI\ P.?Kditora of tlu* above papers will pleus* copy, and send tlicir bills to the latent Office, with a paper containing this notice. Aug 5?lawSw [No. 582.] Notice Of tic ranovxil of the land office from Faycttcc to IJoonnltc, h> the State of Mittonri. IN accordance with the proviuioiiH of the ad Outgrew entitled "An act authorizing changes In the k?o?U<?Mf i offices," approved ilaroti 8, 1818, it fat boivbf declared and ni11' known tli t lite office An the tale of |rabik) IamIc it FiYvm ' State of MU*oarl, will bo remov ed to the town </ Ikioxviujc. l? ^ State, at tu carl*/ a pcrio4 tu pmetirnU*. Further notice #.-* to the pn dec time <?f removal w ill be issued by the register mid receiver at the Fayette bud office. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this 18th dsyd May, A. 1). 18*7. By order of the President; TH<X. A. HEXDRTCKS, Coinmbsioner of the General land Office. May 19?latrfiw flntHASwir] rpilK VETERANS OF CHKLSKA HOSIMTAI.; I'J 1 ?. H Ob cent Routh-lgv's Slink spware, jwit d. *25 cent-. RushHPs Crimea. Just received ut TAYMffi A MACItY S June 20 3t Bookstore, near 9ih street French book? Rous:';'uu ; Ijtn Coufcs. ions. % vols., Illustrated. 75 cent-" lv?"i ' ; N<?u\ < lit H !"I " 1 iihn 11 ited VoHalre., rkllounaire PbiloMijdikjae. 5 Vols., Illustrated. 91 "* Voltaire : I/) Heclo do I>iuta XV. 1 vol., IPustruted. 37 ceiffis Voltaire ; Lu Honrinde. 1 vol.. Illustrated. 37 cent*. M.ul.ime do Savlgne ; I. tires. 1 vol. 76 rents. Lntih Roybaud ; Jerome Puturat. 30 cents. Scribe . Comodlca Vttndrvillc*. 30 c-'iiU. Dumas FiU ; Antoulne. 30 cents. Iti'xar ; !? Cousin Pun*. 30 cent*. MM fit npi gATUW DOORS FIJOM If Flnd-a's ffiwutiea *4 Moore, 1 vol., folio, richly bound lu Tur key morocco, and illustrate! with 49 sleet engravings, 914 50 i I vo folio, boon In Turkey in liluHmted with 40 group* of female figures, finely executed on sw'. 913. The Pictorial Sunday Book, 1 vol., folio, half bound In Turkey nv rof ro, tllmtmtcd with numerous engraving* cm wood and at-el, si" with maps, $10. History and IMnnripliOQ of the World's Fair In 1861, Illustrated * beautiful steel engravings, 3 vols, 4to, finely hound In Turkey morec co. $22. Hogfcrth'i W<?rk?, In a serf** of 160 steel engravings by the flrsl af ttata, 2 vols., 4to, Turkey morar n, $10. ^ rt*ga?*rwtT|w* of pntaM *n<1 m"t ifitHk^tunl'wtoo of ?? f /uo? M JDUKX TATU* |