Newspaper Page Text
WIL.L.IAM A. H Alt It I S, UHTilR ASD MtmilUH*, TEUM8; lUttY, V*r W? 00 -Hie WBXI Y, (pubUabed triweekly dunik the h*.Wjd of Ouojreu) , t 00 jrauu-Y l Cfwfa imU btfuniuksl at/Mmmi tw uo|??t of tha IbULY, for 40 y),e oopiee uf B-WBB.t 20 Oo Ten cu^m * *** 44 u ?<K So d:MM for ckba on WEKKJ.Y. Tbc OrgttnUattou of the Kxecnllvt Utoartoituh of cur Uoveruuient of the United Htatri: wm T)B-**rtreKT The * lw4e anebiucry to ouudurl tlic buniiioo* irking out of our Kirotgn relations wttlt all the power* of the world t? far mort untitle lh?" u gewerallr ronoolvc I The number itepbijed In the Ucpartaw nt of Sale of lite Tinted Stale* U <*l? revonteea, aa follow? OM Seentarv of (Hou. l/*b ?<u?.1 one Axablnnl Secretary td state, (Htm. Jobu Applcton,) owe vhtrf cb-rk, twelve derkn, otic irautUtor, nu<l oue librarian pipioawitir JTraadk.--Tlitn brant b of tbc Stale Department iiU ,-tariff of ail carrtependata between tb? department and tdhei rfV idottiaiac ayi-nU of Ule United Meter nbroail, atei theme Of fondgn j-otS*rrs atvredlUd to thin government In f *11 diplomatic lii.-ti uctloiiA (enlfroni the depaitinent, and cothmftiitaitmiM to tsinrintUfl.theni un drr Ireatfea of boumtarie*. kr., ure |irr|nred, rinded, and rcoordoj, and all of like i tr*rafter received are ri-rtra-i*d aad filed, their corn-Its leluf first entered In ait analytic table or Index. bbrjttiwr e<w*. Thte bruncb liaa etiafKo of the correspondence, te., between the ikpartMMM and the consul* and commercial agenlj of rhexiiUe ! Mala*. In it bi>iruuuuu>t to itiuHo uilkcre. and aas??ra to tbeir drspah lew and to letterit from other |erwar asking for CurunJ lar agency. or refilling to consular airalnt, are p?t ]>0ri d iutd recorded. 7 Ik IHtbuning Afmt. ? lie lots charge i>f all ocrrexpundencc and iflH r utallrm ouuiiet tod wHli arsouul* relating to any fund with Ibo Jnbiir-I iiienl of olieJt the dcimrtmcnt u ehnrjod, 7 h< T-'h>>(<'. H:- dub. ;ir* t?? 'lii'l.i-li Ml' h ih, department nwvy require. Ho aim records tho ounmisHon* of consuls and vfoe consuls. when ihA \n English, upon which cX' Muatorf arc USUI*!. Clerk nf AjrmoftUm/ )!/# and C> mini*ni*ng.?Ho rnak<s out tttd records coi amission*., idter* of appointment, ;uid ii'WiiiHfrn.-i to the Senate; ; k? "!?' and Ir- ui |s . KM' - -? ; ; .1- .. i <<aumiftfiiowi ou which tfcoy are issued. Has charge of the library. f'Urk a/ th* ttnllmmd Architr*.?H* lakes charge of the rolls, or en railed mis ami rcmlutioua of Ougresa, as they are rood red at the do I?rtlnfUt frtm the Prbaidotii; prepares the authenticated copies thereof wMiMtHMftf _ ?. r an i nporintewh (Mr pablk $ o, and (hot of treaties, in the newspapers iunt iu book form ; attends U> their distribution throughout > United Slot"*, mi l that of all do< incuts and publications in regard to which tliis duty hi assigned to the department; w riting and answering all letters connected therewith. Jlas charge of all Indian treaties, and bud lie*# telating thereto. Clerk 1/ \ utfiend.ami OoptfrifjhU.?Ho has charge of the seals of the United Si,U .*snivd of thw doimrtment, aud prepares and aiucbgs ocrtitkmtos to papers presented for authentication; receives au?l occounts for the foes. Has charge of publications transmitted to the department under the laws relating to copyrights; record* ft'nd in dezaa their titles: records ull letters from thu deparlmcht, other than the diplomatic and consular. Clerk of I'arJon* awl J'<wpniU?He. prepares and records pardons and i oniuwinns; aud registers and liltw the petitions and papers on which they are founded. Makes out an.l recorda pu?*>]torts; koops a daily regl-fcr of oil letters, other than diplomatic and consular, rewived, and of the disposition made of them; prejiarcs letters relating to this b-wmcaa. A1T0RICKY GKXKRAl/8 OFFId. H??n. Jeremiah & Bhdt. Attorney General of the United States; K. H. ciillct, esq., ?hicf clerk. 'I ho ordinary business of thi oihet maybe classified under tli? following heads: I. oihail ofgufous ??n the current business of the government, as called for by the PraafchMt> by any head of dejurtinvnt or by the fo hedor of the Treasury. U. Ur wniniOtt of the titles of all land purchased, aathe attest* arsenal*, custom-houses, light-houses, and all other public wurfca of thr United States. 3. Applications for juirduns in all cases of conviction In the courts of the United States. 4. Applications for appointment in all tho Judicial aud legal bushier*! ot tho government. 5. Tho conduct aud argument of all suits in the Supreme Court of tin* Ui.ii ?1 States in which the government is onnceriM I 6. The supervision ??f alt other suits arising in any of the departments wh-it referred by tie: iica i them( 0) the Attorney Cicncral. iv hiw: 'muuiwj inmus ? uic vitamers ui iuc onico arv wiuou at the pwwit time the following, vif: Kirat. The direction of mil appeals on land claims in QiUtbrnia. Meoonri. The codtfleatkui and revision of the laws of the District oT Columbia. IVTTWOK l)U'AKTMKVT. Secretary of tho hoputment of the Inhrler, Uoh. Jacob Thomp boo, of the Stale t?f JlUitadpifi. Its Hertoal force consists of one chief clerk, (Moses Kelly, esq.,) two disbursing clerks, and ton other regular clerks; m i t-> ;i- supervi li?n and rnauai nu-nt an comimtU'-d the i following branches <?l the public service: 1st. The Public Land*. The chief of this bureau U called the Commissioner of tlu? CJeneral Innd Oftce. The Intel Bureau is charged with the survey, management and sale of the public domain, and the issuing of titles therefor, whether derived froln confirmations of grants made by former governments by sales, douatlou#, of grunts Cor schools, military ltouniics, or public improvements, and likewise tlie revision of Virginia military bounty-land claims, and the issuing of scrip ip Ueu thereof. Hie I wind Office, also, audits its own accounts. The present Oonunbatotier U lion. T. A. Hendricks, of Indiana. Its princijM?l officer* are a recorder, chit.f clerk, principal clerk Of surveys, bedtlas a draughmtuu, a&slsUi.t Uruufhuinan, and some ISO clerks 01 \ .- i luui I I *2d. J'+iuum*.?'The present head of this bureau is Gcorgo I. Whiting, of Virginia. Tho commissioner to charged with the examination and adjudication of all claims arising under the various and numerous laws passed by Congress granting bounty land or pensions fur the military or naval nervines in the revolutionary and subsequent wars in which the Uuitod States have been engaged. Ho luts one thief clerk, (S. Ode, esq,,) and a permanent corps consisting of some seventy other clerks, to which Congress, to enable him to meed the extraordinary rcquir* menu of tho new bounty-land law, has added a teni)K)rai y force of about fifty clerkships of different denominations. 3d. Inditwt.?Commissioner of Indian Affairs ad interim. Charles E. Mix, of Georgetown, It. C. He is provWod with a chief clerk and about tilled! other subordinate clerks. 4th. J'a'mt frtjPbv.?To tW* bureau is committed tho cxectition and performance of all ' acts and things touching and respecting tho granting and issuing of patents for new and useful discoveries, inventions, and improvements:" tho collection of statistics relating to agriculture ; the collection and ijklributton of seeds, irfuiU, and cuttings. It has a chief clerk?who is by law tho acting Coinmlsisloiier of Patents in the absent* of-tbe Oottutiioslooer?iwelvo principal, and twelve asdistant examiners of intents, somo doseii auliordkuitc permanent clerks, besides a considerable numb -r of temporary employees. iVKido* these four principal branches of this new executive department, the organic art of 1&49 transferred k> it trom the Treasury Department the tuiperv i : n ft the accounts of the Chitted State* oiftnlwh uud attorneys, and tho clerks of the United {states courts, the manage meat of tin' loud and other mine* of the United States. and the atl.drr* of (fit* iRmiteuthry of the Cnttttl Slate* in the District of Columbia; and from the 2-Tate Department the duty of inking ami returning the eonhimch of tli9 United State*, and of supervising and directing the act-* of the CommliKiouer of l*ublW; Buiidingii. The hospital for the insane of the army and navy and of the District of Columbia is al*o under the management of this department; in addition to which, by lawn recently passed, the Nccretary c?r the Interior Is charged with the conUnMkw <4* the throe wagon rnuh loading to the htotto O0Mt. The depaitomtit require* on additional building t>r it* uccrmnodation, and the erection of otie has been repeatedly recommended during the la-t few years for Unit purpose. At present the Peristal! Office is provided with rooms in what Is known ?t-? "Winder'* Building," while the other branches of the department, including the Secretary's office, are all crowded into the Pate nt Office building, the w hole of which will he required at on early day for the use of the Patent office, for which it was originally intended. THiAFrnv i>Kr.urmF,.vr. The Treasury Department coaxial* of the offices of the Secretary of ths rreasttry, two cmnptroiiam, commissioner of the customs, nix auditors, treasurer, register, solicitor, light house hoard, aud coast sur ver. The following is a brief indication of the duties of these several ofliww. and of the foruc employed therein, respectively: Secretary's Office.? Hon. Howell Cbbb, Nonrotary of tiis Th-asury; Woa. Pliiltp Clayton, Assistant Secretary; one engineer in charge; <?ue architect, and three draughtsmen temporarily employed, and twentythree Clerks. Tim .Secretary of the Treasury is charged with the geuoral MtpervMou of the ft-cai trausartioiM of the government, and <?f the execution of the laws concerning the commerce and navigation of the United Kiuh-H. lie su|?crinteudx the survey of the coast, the light-house establishment, the marine he jHtnls of the United SUt?-s. and the con ftructiou of certato public buildings for cuxtiun-houses and oilier purpetes. ftrd Ckmplrdlrr's Office .?Hon. William MHill. Comptroller, and fifteen clerks. Ho pfOM'ribai tb?/ mode ??f keeping ami rendering acwunts for the civil and diplomatic service, & well a* the public lauds, and revises and certifi"* the balances arising thereon. Seomd lUmjdrtdler's Dffioe?John M. Hrudticwd. esq . Comptroller, and seventeen clerks. He prescribes the mode of keeping and render ing the accounts of the army, navy, and Indian departments of the public service, and revises und certibee the balances arising tliortOO. Office of Cktmmimitmtr of the Cwbai.?Hugh J. Anderson, esq.. Commissioner, ond eleven clerks. Ho prescribe* the mode of keeping and rendering the urcounts of lite customs revenue and disbursements, and for the building and repairing custom dwmacs, Ac., and revises aud con dies the iMihiuces arising thereon. Fird Auditor'* OfHrt. ? Thomas !,. Smith, esq., First Auditor. and nineteen clerks, lie receive* and ad justs the mcoutits of Urn oualuHM revenue and disbursements. appropriation* and expenditures on ar count a( the civil list an 1 under prirato mis of Congress, and reports tkr hdance* to Un Cbmmiaaluuer ?-f the Custom* and the First Comptroller, respectively, f?r their decision Uteres*). Strond Auditor * Ctfkt. -Thomas J. V. Fuller, Second Auditor, and twenty -one clerics. Ho receive* and adjust* all accounts relating to the ju\, cb tiling, ami recruiting <Jf the army, as well *' armories, : 1111 ordnance, and .ill areounls relatiry tii tlm Indian dc|*irt in nt. and report* the balance* to the Hecooft (Xanptroller fin* his duel Mom thereon. Third Auditor's Ofikr.? Robert J. Atkinson. esq.. Tlilrd Auditor, and seventy eight clerks. Hn receive* and ad justs all accounts for *ub btrnoa of the array, fortification*, Mi lit try Academy, military rood#, And the Quartermaster** depart moot, aa well as fV?r pea-ioux. claims ArUnjr from militarywrvlri- previous to 1*10, ami for horse* ari l Mlwr properly M In the aMhry service, sinder ynrlou* arts of Con and r port* the balances to the Oooiplridler for hi* do *Mon thermal. fmuih Auditor'I Oflkt.?Aaron I). UayUm, esq., Fourth Auditor, nml ttteen clerk*. Ho ri-cHv0? ?tid a'ljnst* nil account* f>r the service of Ute Xnvy Department nrwl report* thi? balance* to the Hnnnid t'omp holler tur lit* d.<ci<dou thereon. >VIA Auditor'* Ofl-r?Slurrny McGMUtel, esq, Fifth Auditor, and It clerk*. Ho receives and adjusts all uooouuta for diplomatic and 'Iinllnr servls'c* performed under the direction of the State Depart w?nt and report* Ike balance* to the First Comptroller |br hi* decision thereon. SufA (udi'or's Mm.?WUIIam V. Phillips, esq., auditor of the Treaa "ty for the Pt*?t OtBoe Itopartuieid, uud one hundred and fourteen 1 lerks. lie receive* nnd adjarte all announts arising from the nor tin* of tha poet ilfflcc IVqiartmeul. HD slecMOII* are llnal, iiulesa an Appeal he taken in twelve month* to the First Comptroller. H* super Intends the collection of all debts doe tho IVwt Office Department, and All penalities and focTdtnr*** Imposed oe imstmaater* and mail con 'raetnrs for falsing to do their duly ; he directs suit* and legal proceed 'tigs. civil and ertiutoal, and take* nil audi w a?oi?a ax may Ire au tberi/cd hy lavr to enforce the pna'.ipt |iayiiieul of innnryu due to tlie Arptrtmoni i.r-trwtlnr United dtatev attorney*, marshal*, and clork* IA *11 matiars relating thereto ; and resolve* return* from each term ? the rtilted states ooorts of tha soudKlon an>l progrs*** of sneh suits A?'l legal prooestdliige ; has charge of all lamls nml other property A*s'(psei| toiho United State* In payment of slohts sine the Poet Utiles' Ihlurtment. and ha* power to veil and diapoae of the name for the "neat of the United States ?j)ie 1 VOLUME XIII. CITY OF I I Treasurer'* OJkv?Kumud (.W.v, esq., Treasurer, and thirteen | clerk*. Ho ret ^Ivci and keeps the moneys of the Uuited State* in hi* i own office, and that of the depositories created by the act of the fall of | j August, 1Mb. and |>aya out the same n>?ou warrant* drawn by tiie * ? rotary of the Trec.-urv, oountenrigned by the Vftnt Comptroller, tad ut?o?i wariaiita drewn by U*e l'uetmajtpr General, and countersigned 1 by the Sixth Auditor, and recorded by the Register. He also hold* pub'k money* ad v a mod by w arrant U> disbursing officers, and pays out the luuiw upon tlielr checks. Hrqidcr'* Office. -Fluhy Bigger, Register, end tfcehljr-fc'.iie clerk* He k^*|m the amuint* bublV f^r< *!?.* and expenditures; receive* ' the retuftt^ ahd iniuko? out mo oltlvial . utemout of commerce and nav- , I \gatt?m b\M Mm nixl ratal* * from the FindOWMtfUf j and Cumtuhiafcrtier of Customs all account and voucher* decided by them, ahd hi charged by law with their safe keeping. I Solicitor'* Office.?Franck* B. Htreeter, esq., Solicitor, and six clerk*. ! lie superintend* nil civil suit* commenced by the United Kates, icsI cq* lhu$t aririnff in the Pod Office lk-pa r!men',) and Instruct* the UBland clerks iu all matters relating U> | j them and their results. He receives roturh* fro^t eafch term of the j United Slates court*, allowing the progress and condition of such suit* ; | h.-bi charge uf all lands had other property aligned U> the United States u i lK*yip (? p$ tb#t omened in payment qf ddb ftvir, the 'PortOffUr /trjxxrtmcft.) and line pmcr to soil and dispiMe ol' ' the eahic for the benefit of the Uuited Kate*. UgtU-House Hoard.?Hon. Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury, exoffitut, prakliBt; Com. W. 13. Hhubrkck, United StiUw navy, chair1 man; On. J. H. Totten, Uifited Futpaarmy; QtjH. A. A. Humphrey*, ; United Statu* army . fruf. A. D. Uuche. Sufwrlutemleiit of ttoasl Sur i j voy; Prof. Joseph Henry, secretary of Smlthsouiau Institution; dipt. . Samuel Barren, United Mute* navy, Commander Tliorulon A Jen km.*, United Slates navy, ami Captain Win. B. franklin, Untied j 1 Male* army. secretaries; **d Ave clerk*. Tlii.? ixairddirects the build- j [ ing ami r.jwtrii.g or light houses, Ughl-ve*scb(, buoys, ami beacons, I omtract* for Hipbltw of <dl? kc. t ('nanI Sla'sx ('oojt .Vortvy Ofiot.?Profawor A. I). lUcho, IA* D., *uj i^rtnlrii'lenl, and su|wrhilfndcDt of weights uml measure*. Capt. M. 1* Smith, topographical engineers, assistant, in charge of i the Coast Survey Office. I ] A. W. Russell, chief clerk. < ] C. Ii Snow, in charge of archive*. j PiofesMor A. G. Pendleton, United States navy, computer of longi j ladM. Aruistant J. F.. Hilganl, in c harge of computing division. Assistant I.. Y. Poortales, in charge of tidal division. Lieut. J. C. Tidball, Uuitecl States army, in chafj^e of drawing di j vision. Uout Sax too 4 Ulittod States army, in charge of engraving divi | sion. ' Samuel Hein, disbursing agent. George Mulbiot, elect rotypist. | Joseph Saxion, assl/Mftt to superintendent of weights and measures. row amcs DBrMrmsrr. ! Hon. Aaron V. Brown, Postmaster General. The direction and , management of the Post (Jffico Department arp assigned lw the ormsttj tulion aiui laws to the I taint aglet* Uohehtl That its business may be the more conveniently arranged and prepared for bis Anal action, it is distributed among several bureaus, as follows: The Appointment Of I hoc, hi charge of the First Assistant Postmaster General; the Contract Office, in charge of tho ftsxind Assistant Postmaster General: the Finance Office, in charge of the Third Assistant Postmaster General; and the Inspection Office, in charge of tlie chief clerk. Ajvptntmenl Office.?Horatio Klug, esq., First Aeshtnut Postmaster i General, and nineteen clerks. TVi this office are aastgucd all questions I tvhich relate to the cnhibliMuueut ami discontinuance of post offices, changes tat Bills ami names, appointment and removal of i>oritmasttrs . atftd route ami local agents, as, also, the giving of Instructions to jiost ! masters. Postmasters are furnbhed with marking and rating stamps and letter balances by this bureau, which Is charged also with pro ; viding blanks and stationery for the use of the department, and with j the superintendence of tho several agencies omblbbed for supplying ! |*Mtmastcrs with blanks. To this bureau is likewise assigned the su j |**rvision of the oooau nihil shviniship lines, and of the foreign and in. i teruational js?stal arrange men ts. foiWrad Ojlce.?William H. Dnndas, esq., Second Assistant Itatmas; ter General, ami twenty-six clerks. To, this office is aligned tho busij uess <tf arranging the m ill service of the United States, and placing the name under contract, embracing all eorreapondenoe and proceedings ! rnnprrrUng the fraquency of trips, mode of oettfeyauee, and times of dei part urea and arrival/ on all the routes; the cburae of the mall between | the different tactions Of the country, the poiuU of mail distribution, and j I be regulation/ for the government of the domestic ilvnil service of the i United Htat"*. It prepares the advertisement/ far mail nroDOsals. re ! reive* tho bid*. am! take* charge of the annual ami occasional mail letting*. and the u-ljustiueut ami execution of the contract*. All ap|4ica' lion* ibr the establishment or alteration of mall arrangement*, and the j .?pi?oiutnieut of mail messengers, should be sent to thin office. All claim* allots Id bo submitted to it for transportation service not under contract. n* the recognition of said service is first to ho obtained through Uw (bntrad Office luianecrc ary authority for the proper credits ut I the Auditor'* Office. lYoni tlih office all postmaster* at the ends of | routes receive the statement of mail arrangement* prescribed for the ! respective routes. It reports weekly to the Auditor all contract* exe| ruled, and all orders affecting accounts for mail transportation; pro- < ' pares the stati*>ti< nl exhibits of the mall service, and tbo reports r>f the j mail letttngs, giving a statement of each bid; also, of the contra eta , made, the new service originated, the curtailments ordered, and the additional allowances granted within tlie year. ffmnnf Ofit<.?John JMarron. esq.. Third Afdistant Postmaster General, and twenty-CtM clerks. To this office are assigned the sttpcrvU?i mm* i-mtiutfcmcut of the financial busine** of the department, not devolved by law upon the Auditor, embracing account* with the draft office# and other depositaries ?>f the department, the Issuing of warrant* and draft* in payment of balances reported by the Auditor to be due to mall contractor* and other persons, the supervision of the accounts of office* under order* to deposits their quarterly balutioef at designated point*, and the *u|>erit>tcndcncc of the rendition by postmaster! of their quarterly return* of postage*. It lias charge of the dead-letter office, of the issuing of postage stamp* and stamped i envelopes for the pre-payinent of postage, and id" the account* connected therewith. To the Third Assistant Postmaster General all postmasters should direct their quarterly return* of postage; those at draft office*, their letter* reportingquarterly Its# net proceeds of their offices; ami those j.t dr|<o?itiug offices, their certificate* of deposit e; to him should also he directed the weekly and monthly return* of the depositaries of the department, as well a* all application* und receipts for postage stamp* and stamped envelope*, and for dead letter*. In*]*a{<,n Ofllfii.?John Oakford, esq., chief clerk, and seventeen j clerk*. To thin office Is assigned tho duty ??f receiving and examining the I register* <d' the arrival* nod departures of tlie mails, certificate* of the service of route agent*, and reports of mail failure*; of noting the dohnqtiencfo# of contractor*, and i sparing case* thereon for the action of the Postmaster General; furnishing blank* for mall register*, and r.-<nnrtfl nf mnil failure*' nroviilintr and sen line out mait-hai'S and i Mail-lock* and key*, wnd doing all other thing* which may bo ncces| ; ary hi secure a faithful and exact performance of nil mail contracts, i All cases of mail depredation, of violation of law by private ?x| presses, or by the forging or illegal use of postage stamps, are under | the hii)x*rvirion ol this office, aud should lie reported to it. j All communications respecting lost money, letters, mail deproda| lions, or other violations of law, or mail-locks and keys, should bo tilj rocted11 Chief Clerk, Post Office Detriment." J All registers of the arrivals and departures of the mails, certificates < | of til? sortie? of rout? agents, reports of mall failures, applications for blank registers, and reports <?f failures, and ail complaints against contractors for irregular or imperfect service, should be directed 44 In* Hpoctlon Office, post Office Department." HAVT DEPAHTMKNT. < The Navy Department consists of the Navy Department proper, being tho offic? of the Secretary and of five bureaus attached thereto, via: Bureau of Navy-yards and Dock.% Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Rejwir. Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, Bureau of Ordnance and Hjrdrtftrtphy, and tin PoreaQ of Mi Hctoo and ftuyary, . i Tlie following is a statement of the dutios of each of these offices and ] j of the force em ploy cm I therein: j Smrfnry't ?Hon. Isaac Taiioey. Secretary of the Navy: Charles I : W. Welsh, esq., chief clerk, and eleven clerks. The Secretary of the 1 Navy lias charge of everything connected with the naval establish- < ! meut, and the execution of all laws relating thereto i* in trusted to him, 1 under the general binttkm of the President of the United States, who. by the constitution, is commamlcr-to-ebkf of the army and navy. Ail instructions to commanders of squadrons aud commanders of vessels, all orders of officers, tornmUnions of officers both in the navy and marino oorps, appointments <?f commissioned and warrant officers, orderh for the cnihrtmoiit and discharge of seamen, emanate from tin Seerota x s dflk-v. All the duties of tiin diffi n nt bun ?u- an* performed under the authority of the Secretary, and their orders are j con idured am emanating from him. Tlio general fmperintendiBUc? of j t lie marine corps forms, also, a part of the duties of the Hueretmry, and j a!l the orders of the commandant of that corps should bo approved by hiin. i Htirrou rjf Xary l'artls aw! Dock*.?Commodore Joseph Smith. chief 1 of the bureau, four clerks, one civil engineer, and one draughtsman. All the navy-yards, docks and wharves, building* and machinery In I navy yards, and everything immediately connected with them, under the superintendence of this bureau, it is also charged with the management of the Naval Asylum. Human of Oirtut ruction. Kcfnijmcnt, and HqxUr.?John Lou thai 1, esq., , chief of the bureau, eight clerk*, and one draughtsman The office of j the engitioer-in chief of the nary, Daniel B. Martin, esq., is attached to this bureau, who is aselstod by thro?assistant engineers. This bureau j has charge of the building and rejourn of all vessel* ?f-war, purchase J j of materials, and llio providing of all vessels with their equipments, ( ' a? sails, anchor*, water tanks, kc. The engineer 111 -chief superintends the ooii-druotfton of all marine steam ?uginets for the navy, and, with j the u|>proval of the Secretary, decides upon pious for their coustruc- , lion. I Bureau of 1'rorirum* and (Jlathinp?H. Bridge, purser United States 4 navy, chief ol bureau, and four clerks. All provisions Cor the use 01 1 the navy, and clothing, together witb the making of contracts for furnishing the sain?, coin? under the charge of this bureau. WriitYtM y Ordnance owJ /fylcnyrnjiHy. Oapt Imnean Tngraliatn, nhlof "f hnrran. four clarks, Jm<1 one draughtsman This bnr?aii hue charge of all ordnance and ordnance stores, the inantilacluro or pur rluwo of caution, gnus, powder, shot, shells, kc., nnd the equipment ' of vessela-of war, with cvorj thing conuocted therewith. It also provide* thmn with m.vpi. chart*. UirnMiHm, barometer*. fcr., lo | gother wtili such IK**/) as ure furnished shlps-of-war. " The United State* Naval Observatory and Hydrographies! Office' iu Washington, : and Iho Nnval Arademy at Annapolis, are also uudcr tlio general mj porlntendcnco of tho chief of this bureau. , Rurrnuqf .Vedirinr and Surf pry.?|?r. William Wholan, surgeon t'nt! tint Plate* navy, ehlef of bureau: ono pawd assistant surgeon United i States nary, and two elerk*. Everything relating to mnlidllM and ; mistical store*, lr"Um?nt of skk and wounded, and management of : hospital.', comes within the ruixrintrndonoo of this hureati wait iwtrmiBT. I Ban. J. B Floyd. Secretary of War, W. R. Prlnkard. chief clerk. arven auhnrdlnatu clerk*. two messengers, and P>ur wstchroen Tbo following bureaus are attached tn this driwrtiimit: fummaaiiup Gmrml't (tftrr.?This 'dice, at tlie heal of which Is lieutenant tleneral BooU, Is at Sew York. .44'uVmr Oentral'i fjjflce. ?<>>1. skunoel D*?per, Adjutant Oenerml. Assistant#-?Brevet Major E. Ik Town-mod. Brevet f'.ipl H. Williams, and Brevet (.apt. J. f (iaresche. Judge Advocate, Brerel Major John K lee. nine clerks an t one messenger In Ikls office are kept all the records whirli refer to the personnel of tlie army, the rolls, Be. It la here where all military com nose ions are maile out Qwtri^rmn ifr Omrrnl 1 Ofira.?Mrerel Major (leneril T. P. .lesup, qoartertnaster general. Assistants?Colonel C. Thomas, Captain VI. S. Miller, and Brevet Major J. Hrlger; eleven clerk* end one messenger. Pnynuu/rr Ornsnl i OJtot. Oil. IV F. lamed, paymaster general; Major T.J. Lralle, district payma-ter; eight clerks and one mease 11 gor. I 0ue!}i? MLIBERTY, THE UNION, i WASHINGTON, FEIDA' Cvmmiaary General ! Oflrt. -G?n. George Gibson. commissary genoral; tuaieluiit, Captain II. I). L. Simpson; fix clerk* and one messen t?r. Surgeon General'! ftfke.?Gen. Thomas Inwson, surgeon general; usuunu, Dr. K. C. Woud and 1* G. K Wood, throe clerks. Engineer (Jfice. General Joseph G Totlen, chief engineer; assistant, l'*,.Utiu H. G Wright; live clerks ninl one masseugcr. 7h;*pni|Ju?U Hurtnu.?Cut. J. J. Abort, celnoel of (be corps; aseutuii, Captain J. C. Woodruff; four clorlu and ouo messenger. ttrdmenrr Bureau. Col. H. K. Craig, colonel of ordnance; assistant, Liipt. Win Mayuadlcr; right clerks uud one messenger. The Eauuuier White tttiluhur Kuriuks. IN VIKdlKA, OFFERED FOU SALE TO THE PUBLIC IN LOTS. THIS property lias been held under an act of incoiqiorattou sinoc 1838. Tlie chartered property then cotuhUhJ id 1.183', ucrM uf laud, in Fauquier county, including lk improvement* thereon, and wa-t divided iutu 2,500 shares, enuiaat?*l in the charter at $100 each. The subscriber having subsequently reacquired the jir?|erty, sold u part lli-rcof. and there now remain fully eleven hundred acre*, together w ith the buildings enlarged and greatly nn proved. The mure easily to sell such a property, and to increase its value. be lias laid off the larger portiou of the laud. Into almut 10,000 building lots, with convenient streets, of b0 foet width, muffing north and south, east and went, with a view to the formation of a village or city, to be called "Warrenton Springs." Those lots nearly surround Ihc reserved sixty-five act us, which include the Sulphur Springs and nil the contiguous buildings and improvements. These sixty five sere*. al?o, aye offered tor salft, in 2,500 shares, In connexion witli Ihc lots ; the whole 12,500 lots and shares being estimated at $10 ouch, iumI wiu*u Uk?n to bo partitioned by lot ; those gutting the 2,600 -ih.-tros will constitute the corporation under the aiuctidcd chart"r of I cbruury 2, 1854, knowu m the Fauquier White Sulphur Springs Com petty ; and thuso getting the respective lots will receive their deeds rrom Mr. Ko. Hudgitt, a gentleman of the highuat rlwrnrtcr and business lUalilieiitions, to whom, as trustee for the purpose, the entire property has been couvoypd. The valuation of thbs property by the sworn officer of thq Common wealth shows that tint buildings jdoae are Worth $80 000 : the as*ew*: ment i*r s?*rv is put at $84. Suth properly requires more liberal ?$|ie?idltures for Use public aocotnmodiiUoti tlian individual* are able or willing to rink, and the fact that so many will be interested in the suei-ess of the Springs, uud in building around them, will probably double, I m medial dy niter the comjiany I* formed, the present estimate. A hiib-criber will, In the worst oveut, get a lot (of the almost universal dimensions iu New York) for the sum of ten dollars. Ifo will gel a let on which he can build, at the very fountain of health ; he may reside on it for tlie summer season only, or for the year. The inducements to build will he Irresistible ; and the fact of such buildings being nrectcd will immeasurably enhauoc the value of the Spring* and of the lots. There is no reason why a city of magnitude should not rise up uid flourish Mt this place. The Rappahannock river is navigable to the *pnt. A Very little energy would always keep the locks In re|?ir. rhe Alexandria and Lynchburg railroad crosses the river about 8 or 9 miles below this laud. (rial, at a cheap rah-, may lie unloaded from the oars into the boats. Indefinite steam power may thus be commanded it will; and the facility of transportation gives the same advantages which low ell has for unlimited business. The railroad, already within 3 miles, will koou extend to New Orleans, whoge inhabitants may then roach these Springs In three days. As healthy a sjiot as any Is Virginia?-In on abundant region?with all these facilities w hy should not i city thrive aud prosper here? At all event*, around these hcaltliriving waters, already >-o extensively and beautifully improved, all, the high and the low, the rich and the poor, have now an opportunity jf sqjoumiug lor the summer season, or longer, on terms graduated by their mean* ; and the hcuiguunt doeign of the legislature iu grant ng the charter may be realized to the fullest extent. This property is tendered to the public at about tlie value on w hich .ho taxes are paid to the State, ami greatly below tho original outlay. Hie assessment w as made by an intelligent public officer noway interssted. Almost indefinite profits may be rolled on if the plan of sale Ixs curried out. 11 it be not, no one will be injured ; even the small mm of ten dollars is not required to be paid until the subscription ho :oinpleted, and tlie partition shall bo made by the trustee, assisted by wo justices of the peace. In tho mean time checks in favor of the trustee, or other nuUslkctory arrangement, for the subscription, may be mack', not to bo used till tho day of partition. The trustee will apply tho ulouey aider partition, in the flr*l place, to the extinguishment ?f all lions on the property, so as to give uwurancc of good title?a itle reported iu 1838, by able attorneys, as then entirely satisfactory, ind which has been doubly confirmed by 19 yeara of quiet, undisturb ?d possession since that time. The plan of c*tiiualiiig lots nn-' shares in the Springs Company, a* ?f uqulvalcnt value in the partfton, will save trouble in the dlvl don ; ami after this partition the interests of the kit-holders and Springs itockholderd will he in law entirely distinct, white the auM^eaa ol <*ie party must greatly rnlmnoe the other. Any one may subscribe for me or more shares in this parch**#, ami his Intercut will b% in proportion. THUMBS GREEN. Not*.?1. All the strccU are 60 feet wide, and run north and south, sast ami weal. 2. Each square, in the plan, fronts 250 feet on streets running east ind west, and 220 feel on streets running north and south, and (Willi Is portion of the street-" and alley) contains about two acres. 3. No pay incut of even the $10 is required till it Im ascertained, by he uuinlu'r of subscribers, that a city is to he built; in which event he value must greatly exceed the cost. 4. In tbe partition the 10.000 lots will be represented by tokens, with the number of square and of lot on each. Those tokens will be put in the Hanbo vessel with 2,500 similar ones, marked "1 share of dock." In another vessel subscribers' names will Ikj put, (each name repeated according to the number of shares he may have taken.) ami n the drawing, as to the division of large estates among numerous Heirs, each will thus have an equal cluineo with any other of getting i share of Spring stock, or the more highly valued lot. The 2,600 who get the slinret* of stock will, for the aggregate suin of >nlv $25,000, get tho 05 acres, including the Sulphur Spring, the building*, (assefwed at $80,000.) and the furniture. Those who get suitable building lots fur large hotels may bo still more successful, while those least fortunate will get building iota of 25 by 100 feet, that must be worth, as the population Increases, much more than the corft. 5. SaltscripUon li-U and lithographic plans of the proposed city are eft at most of the bookstore* und oilier public pkic*s in tliia city. Tho gents 1 mving them can become the representative* of the respective uihscrihers, and in surrendering the list* can g< t assurance of the Iced*. The payments and the drawing are desired to he at the same ,ime, or tho fluhsorfptiut) luay be deposited In any solvent bank, to bo wild to Robert Hudgin on tho day of partition. Letters to the subscriber in this city will receive attention from Aug 1 . THOMAS GREEN. [No. 583 ] Notice for restoring certain lands to market in the State of Louisiana. NOTICE is hereby given that the land office at Greoosburg. in the State of Louisiana, will be open to the sale it private entry ami location, on and after lite \ti day of October n&U} >f all iwant public land embraced In the following Uiwnahljw, viz : South of the bOM line and ea*t if Mr prinrijnl meridian. Tow nship* 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. and fractional township 8, of range 3. Townghi|>s 1, 2, 3. and 4. of range 4. >f range 5. Townships 1, 2. 3. 4, f?, 6. and 7. of range 6. Township* 1. 2,3. 4, ?, fi, and 7, of range 7. Township* 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, and 7, of rang* 8. Township* 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, ft, and 7, of range 9. The said lauds having bee# proclaimed and offered at public pal* before tlicir recent withdrawal by notice No. 563, lu reference to rill! road purposes. The following townships, which have not been offered heretofore at public sale, w ill 1k> released from their recent withdraw al for railroad purposes, and oi?en to pre-emption an other u Buffered public land, on md after the date tlxnre mentioned, vii: South of the iKUr tine and east rf the jn iucijxU meridian. Townships 6 and 7, of range 3. Townships 5, 6, and 7, and fractional townships 8 and 9. of range 4. Fractional tow nship 8. of range 6. Fractional township 8, of range 7. Township 6. and fractional township 8, of range 8. Fractional township* 8 and 9, of range 9. Given tinder n?y hand, at the General Land Office, at the city of tVasbhiglon, tlie 27 th dag of July, 1857. Tilt**. A. HEKDRIl'K!*, Commissioner. July 29?law6w [Int. A Star.] United States Patent Office, Washington, July 240. 1857. ON the petition of James Millholland, of Heading, Peim., praying for the extension of a patent granted to him on the 23d day at September, 1843, for an improvement in " railroad or springs," for seven years from the expiration of said patent, which Lakes plat o on the 23d day of September, 1857? It I* ordered that the nail petition be heard at the Patent Office on Monday, the 21-t of Sept- in her next, Ht 12 o'clock, m.; and all persons ire notified to appear and show cause, it any they have, why said petition ought not to be granted. Persons opposing the extension are required to file in the Patent Of flee their objections, specially rot forth in writing, at least twenty lays before the day of bearing. All testimony tiled by either party lo he used at the said hearing innst be taken and transmitted in accordance w ith tlio rules of the office, which wrill be furnished on application. Tlie testimony in the cami will he closed ou the 8th of September; lepowltUms, and other papers relied upon us testimony, must be tiled n on or hsflbre Uie morning ??l that day; the arguments, if any, within ten days thereafter. Ordered, aho. tliut Uifcl notice bo published In the Union, Intelligencer, and Evening Mar, Washington, P. C.; Republican, liultimoro, Md.; Pennaylvanian, Philadelphia, Pens.; Pally News, New York, N. V. ; and Boat, Metoil, Mass., oner a wreck few three sucooesivo weeks previous to the 21st of September noxt, the dav of hearing. CHARLES MASON, Commissioner of Patents. P. 8.?-Editors of the shove papers will ploaso oopy, and send their hills to the Patent Office, with a paper containing this notice. July 21?luw3vr George C* Thomas, Gmwutriotier of Iked* for all the Shite*, NOTARY PUBLIC. Mav 16?ljr Seventh "trcet, N'o. *90. O T(M HI.Ki: ; in: I l lsH iSULl'l Kl! : an n. . <|.. |ij IjiI history of I he British army. 1 vol. l/uidon, 164". 41 26. Millard*, lu Theory *?d Prarllrr; by Opt. Crawley. 1 vol. Ion don, 1837. Willi 32 onyravioy*. 61 26. One Htmdred Old (ihiw, Round*, and Ditches; with nnudc. word*, and piano-data aoeotnpanlmenU. 1 V(d. London, 1447. 60 cent*. ll.irdwlche'* Pee ray* fur 1157. 1 vol. 37 cent*. Ilardwlcke'* Rnroiiet*({e. for 1*67. I vol. 87 root*. Hardwtot*'* Hnut ? of Common* for 1657. 1 vol. 37 rents. Cyeln]?e<1ta of rnlver.=al Illit'iry. lvol. T/mdnn. 1667. Cynlopwdla of the Khyeiual Hrienca*; by J. P. Nlchol, utronomrr. 1 vol. l/uidon, 1847. Universal McHdMUy of llie KnylKh, French. Italian, and German language*. 1 vol. London, 1867. July 2 FBjLNCK TAYI/IR. jtat i 4ND THE CONSTITUTION." V MORNING, AUGUST 1 REDEMPTION OP VIRGINIA FIVE PEI CENT. STOCK. THE holders of the following certificates of deb tssned by lb,- thale iif Virginia will take notice tlwt lite 'Cum uniaiouere of tin- Btukujg Fund" will proceed on tin 31st day of Oc 0,1m-r 1887, to redeem lUe said ocrufleatee at the treasury uf Ute Coin monaealtb. The holder* of stud certtfcates are remitted on Uie eat i 31*1 of October, 1887. to surrender the same at the often of llie seCm I auditor. Whether surrendered or not, tha Interest thereou will ceaa uu that day : 1. Under passed 16lh February > 1825, entitled An set mskin further provision to carry Into effect the act entitled -'An act fie clout ink and improving the navigation of James river oud for uuitiug th eastern and western waters by the J nines sod Kunaw ha rivers, ?u fur uthor purposes." llaU Ih wkat aauu usual. JsuxiMf. 1133, A|iril 1?10. During, Brother*. k Co.. of Iamdon 55.000 0 1834, Juno 18?87, Bev. Holwrt Tritton, of Morden, tn the county of Hurry, In England 5.000 0 ? " " 88, ditto 8-000 0 1 " ' 80, ditto 3,000 0 1840. Slay 15?100, Jnmes Hutchinson, of tins Stock Exchange, J/mdou, gentleman, and Wm. ItobHun, uf Darlinglou. Durham, In Knglnud, geuUcnmu, with lieuelit uf survivorship 5.000 0 " " " 101, ditto 3.000 0 " ' " Iff*. ditto . 3,000 0 1844, Aug. 6, 118, Uicliard Thornton, of Old 8*an Wharf. Upper Thames street, Iamdon, mer chant 5,000 0 < ? ?' 110, ditto 5,000 0 ? i, 130, ditto 3.000 0 " > 131, ditto 3,000 0 i 1840 Feb 13, 122 KrsDcls V WaUCilts, Clement U. Head, Jaoob W. Morion. John Dupny, Henry K Watkins, Thomas T. Treadway, aud Charles S. Corrington, and ttu-ir survivors in Irani, for the bencfll of the Union Theological Seminary 4,100 0 " o o 123, dm, 6,000 0 " July 10?127, Tliums* CotterHl, wm).; a cttisen of the l ulled Slates, at present residing at Birmingham, In Knglamt 8,000 0 1810. Keb. 8?139, William Death, or Harlow, Essex, gentleman , 1,608 8 I o II ]40 Woodham Death, of Nettles well, Essex, gentleman 1.886 6 " April 23?141, Thomas Cotterlll. esq., a ciliu-n id ibe United States, at present residing at ltirinlughain, in Knglund 5.000 0 1850, June 1?142, ditto 1,666 6 ' Dec. 7?143, ticorge Peabody, esq., of lnudou 7.000 0 1854, July 10?149, Tliouius CutlerlU, esq., u citizen of ttio United States, at prc.-cnt residhig at Birmingham, in England 5.000 0 " ' " 150, ditto 6;?00 0 " " ? 151, ditto 5,000 0 " " " 152, ditto 1,000 0 ' ' ' 153, ditto 1.000 0 " July 22?154, Benjamin Mo<os, of London 6,000 0 1855, April 7?155, ticorgc Peabody, 4c Co., of I/indon 6,000 0 I " 156, 4,000 0 " ' 167, ditto 5,000 0 - ' 158. ditto. 5,000 0 ' " 159, ditto. . 5.000 0 1856,J'ly 24?160. Hugh Brown, esq., of Bros, 1st one, p?r icli of Birth, Ayrshire, Fcotlnnd 5.000 0 " ' " 161. ditto 5.000 0 o " ' 162. ditto .. 5.000 0 ? " '163, ditto 5.000 0 44 44 * 165,' ditto 5,000 tl 44 44 "166, ditto 4,0(H) 0 $160,000 0 2. Under mi art authorizing flic Board of Public Works to subscrib on behalf of the Commonwealth to the stock of the Petersburg Railroa Company, passed 27th February, 1632 : 1834, June 30?22, Tlic Mo*t Noble George Granville, Duke of Sutherland $10,000 0 " 44 44 23, ditto 10,000 0 44 4 4 4 4 30, ditto 4,000 0 $24,000 0 STAFFORD II. PARKER, Regbtcr, GEORGE w. MUNTORD, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Commis* inneri of Of. Sinking Fund. ' Not*.?Those holders of certificates who desire to redeem by attoi ii--> inu-t if residing b-yond the liniiH of the United Stab**, ucknow 1 edge the power before some minister plenipotentiary, charge d'affaires j consul general, consul, vice consul, or commercial agent, appointed b I the government of the United States to any foreign country ; or l?efor 1 the proper officer of any court of such couutry, or the mayor or othe ? obbf magistrate of auy city, town, or corjioration therein. If residiu j hi the United States, the acknowledgment before a Justice of the poso j notary public, or commissioner of deed* appointed by the governor < Virginia is sufficient. In all cu--e? the certificate must be delivered. Richmond, Va., Jnly 31,1857. July 31?lawSm Notice. WIIERGAS by virtue of a decree entered iii suit (tending In the circuit court of K.-ipi>ahannnck count] Virginia, iu which J. Richards Nick 11 n and Delia QUrcrt are ptntntifi] and Cbcihus Calvert, Hannah Jell, James Joll, and John Jell, ndxninl trntorn of Ann Coir, deceased, and others, are defendants?amor ! other things it was adjudged, ordered, and decreed that the commit I (doner who wtw directed to take tho accounts directed in said cam j should "Inquire ami state to the court whether the natd Sarah Ilcnr vwi iwrcu, a 01 iur uau iwmu u> uic .-itui ahii vim living ; the tinv* of her death, and, if she wa." dead, whether her wild busban survived her and the said Ann Qn?, and whether nh? left a child i children, descendant or descendant* And for that purpose the ?*ai commissioner to to cause advertisement* to lw ius<rtcd In the "Nj tioual Intelligencer" and "Union" weekly l?>r four weeks for the sa! Hurah Henrietta Birch, her child or children, descendant or dejcem ants, or other (?cr*m or persona entitled to her interest in the sai estate, to come In before wild commissioner and make out Ids, her, t their claim to partako in the distribution of the said estate. Now. then-fore, I, J. Y. Menefre, commissioner of the circuit cou of llipitatunnock county, hereby notify the said Sarah Ilenrlcti Birch, if she be alive, and, if she be dead, her child or children, d< sceudant or descendant*, or other person or persons entitled to h< interest in the estate of the said Ann Ctace, deceased, to come in befoi me, at uiy office, in the town of Washington, Rappahannock count] Virginia, on tho 15th day of August. 1857. and make out his, hor, < their claim to jiartako in the distribution of the said estate of the &ai Ann Coxe, doccosed. Jnv 9, 1857. J. Y. MFXKFEE, July 14?w4w Commissioner. Epiicopal lllfih School, of Virginia, AT HOWARD, ON Tint HKlUirm. Three .Vila Wat of Alrramtria. REV. JOHN' r. McGl'IRK, HECTOR. fT\HE seventeenth session of this institution wi JL commence on Wednesday, the 9th of September next. IcHMs: $250 for hoard, tuition, lights, fuel, mending, he., pay ah semi annually In advance. Modern languages, music, and drawing are extra charges. Pamphlets containing the course of study, government, terms, &c sent to those who request them. Direct to REV. JOHN P. McGtTHK, Theological Seminary, Poet Office, Fairfax county, Virginia. July 18?law lOt BOOKS FROM LONIMJN.?Natural History of tli Ox Tribe; l?y George Vascy. 1 vol., 8vo., with 72 wood cut | Unit! on, 1857. Cyclopuediu of Universal History. 1 vol., 8vo., with maps. PIdooCj* Eastern Military Hospitals. 1 vol. The Commercial Code of Signals ; by John T. Foster, master K. J 1 vol., 8vo. Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy; by T. I). Maurice, M. A. The Militiaman at Il?mc ami Abroad. 1 vol., with illustrations. Klentro-Metallurgy; by Janes Napier, F. C. 8. 1 vol., with illu t rations. The British Soldier; by J. II. Stocqueler, esq. 1 vol., with lllu tratious. int.- x\.iiigu<#iu aim i rv|?w w (MM, u; on uwuu wwrmn. * \ uis 8vo., with lUMlntww. Adulterations Detected in Food and Medicine; by A. H. H&souil, 3 D. 1 vol.. with many llhulrittuni. lift! of UeorgetftCpheown, railway engineer; i?y ;*iinuwi HcnJU*. vol., 8vo., with portrait. FRANCK TAYLOK. July 28 HOWARD'S United States Supreme Court K< port-?. 19th vol., session of 185tV-'7. This day published. June 16 FRANCK TAYJ .OR. WATCH Repairing ami Engraving.?Watche chronometer*. and pookct timekeeper* of every dftacriptk repaired by skilful workmen ami warranted to perform accurately. Engraving of every description done in the best style, Including tl cutting of nrma, crests, tuottoe*, and initials on stone. %* Visiting and wedding cards oie&uutlv engraved and printed. M W. UALT At HItO., Jewellers. 324 lYnnsylvania avenue, Jan 30? if Hotweeu 0th and 10th streets Will be published on the 25th of June THE IVl-KMUNU CMSLS Of THK SOVTH?HOW TO MEET IT. BY T1INTON ROWAN HELPER, Of NORTH CtltOUiM. 1 vol., 12ino. 420 pages. Price $1. Hcnt free of postage on recci of the price above. Address BUBDICK RRtmfFRS. Jane 16?3m*f Publishers, 8 Kpruoe street, New York. NOTHING NEW?Tale* ; by the author of "Joh Hahlkx." Il?l lift- In K?y)>t nnrt Nnbla ; by Wni. C. Prime. Gibbon'* 1 trrtlnr and Fall of the K??maii Kili|4re, abridged ; by Wi Muilb. 1.1. Li. IYmI odkv IHrri lory for the Vailed HUte*. Anne 4 FRANCS TAYLOR. CLIMATOIvOGT of the United States ami of tli Tempar&te latitude* of the North American Continent, ci hrming it full rotuparifoa of thrno with tho climatology of tho Um porute lntlt'Htw of Kuropo and A-la, nod especially lu regard lo Agi culture. HnniUry Investigation#, mid (engineering; with Inothrrtr and P.Mn ( hart- for ?m h weapon, th? extreme months, ami the yea By I*wln Blodfft. 1 largo volume* ; many majia ami eotfravtog*. I July 2* KHANCK TAYIjOR i rpiIE Life of Charlotte Krontc, author of "Jar ' A Kjrra." By Urn. GaekeU. 2 vol*. f I Ml I qunckenbn?'a Ill-dory of the United HUlaa. $1. ] The (Mitre lliniHiha or, While (Ink Farm, ft Now Hi ^r*i>ble? of Illuetnou* )|io. My Macaaby oiba t. I | May 14 KRA C. TAYLOR. 77 s Anion. NUMBER 103 4, 1857. t PHOMl^KCftrS or THE t WASHINGTON UNION. ' New Volume, New Type*, ami New Arrangement). TO TIIK NATION A I. MUIOCKACT Or Till IX ITEM UTATMI. T11E midcrsi^lirtl t?ke? thin method of infonhinp the numbers of the great naff'-hei democratic party Qiut, Ujiv T ing aMUiikfid tfir *?>te proprietorship and eilKorstop of the Wasim-miton e Cidoa. lie looks U> them for that countenance ehcouriigeWerit ami j Huj?i?ort which ban hitherto been extended to UU* lime f.'thored organ of the democracy, and without which hi* labor* would indeed be profitless. Cuder the new arrangement, the ty|*'graphical ap|M*arnnce ?jf the 0 I'm.m has been entirely changed and improved. New and beautiful | type ?? now used in iu dally, send weekly, and weekly tame*. ami the d i?u|>rr upon which to t* printed is of an extra superior quality. It i0 my uilcution to ouUrge Ua ai*e. as the demands or Uie uncus ttb s of 0 ! the future may require; and it to my 0xe?l purpose !?> ?pure neither i i ex jH'iwe nor effort to inake it the great central organ ?H" the democratic | party, e\ ery way w orthy of tiioir oonldstM^ and itowpwrt, and a reha bit and faithful mcUiura of tommuuicaikxt bd(#fet Into MpKii ami the ; country. Having for many years exerted my best efforts to brttig Jfr 0 : Buchanan into the prccideutiul chair. I thai! render to him ml to hw 0 admintelratkia all the support which party ties utid persnudl frknd 0 j ship can Inspire. A great crisis in the affairs of ihu country?a crlsto ; fraught with peril and danger to the rights of the States and the |nr i muneucy of the Union?demonstrated to the national domocrary ami j 0 the patriotic people Vf tho country that his acknowledged taleuts, ma 0 lured wbdom. approved >Ute.-!nuii.sliip. and long experience, were ne 0 j contmry to Hen- peace and safety, and they placed him, with aoclama0 ; tions, at the head <?f the govcrnunnf and tin* nation lie realised at ; once their hopes and expectations by calling to his aestotaiMM a cabinet | j of meu combining the rarest qualiflcatioiis of talent-, experience, and statesmanship?lueii endeared to the democratic i*arly by all tbrir nil i tooodunht; by the zeul wldch thoy had displayed and the services j | which they had rendered In some of the most honorable office* of the j 0 I country, in sup|>orting and sustaining the principles, the measures, and 0 the policy of our party. A few weeks ha* sufficed to fill evory putrli otic heart in Uie land with confidence and hope. Even hi. itoUtkmJ j enemies seem to re* j wet him. Fanaticism itself appear* willing for a 0 moment to moderate its tone; and the enemies of our peace, of tlie ! constitution, and tho Union will not In* able much longer t?? disturb tho * i nubile min.I hv their bmatkuil shrieks and i reasonable agitation. l-irgo an the circulation of the Union Is, it lulls far abort of those j 7 dangerous fauutiral sheets that are literally spread broadcast over the ; tree States, and which find their way in large numbers in too ni.iiiy of | the southern States. Ah an antidote to the poison of these publication*, 0 ! our friends should Ik? zealous in extending the circulation of the Union. 7 TIumc who have been placod in office* of profit by deioocratic votes 0 | should aid In circulating democratic journals; ami to postmasters in particular wcmoutideiitly look Ibr nctive co-operation in our prcw ut ; (Mfttrii to place a copy of the Daily, Weekly, or Semi- Weekly Union 0 lu the hands ol every turner, mechanic, apd working mau in the 0 ! country. 0 ! The NUtMcrtptioa price of tlio Daily Union Is ten dollars per annum. O I The Tri Weekly (published no mi-weekly during the recess of Congress! 0 i Is live dollars per annum, and contains all the reading matter which 0 ! appears iu the liaily. The Weekly Union is furnished to sulHcribcrs at 0 1 the low rate of ime dollar per annum, and Is Justly regarded as the 0 j cheapest political paper hi the world. It Is a large and handsomely0 printed sheet, and contains as much reading matter in the course of a 0 twelvemonth as would inoku twdxt ordinary octavo volume*. It will be 0 j found to ijosscss the advantages of both a political and a family news | (taper. The most important (tolitical article* of the dally lasde are 0 tr ansferred to the weekly, and during the sitting of Congress a careful 0 'Struct of the dully proceedings of the two house* Is prepared cx 0 ! clusively for its columns. It contain*, besides all important Shite pa O | per* of the year, election returns from every State in the Union, iq j npeeclie* of distinguished democrats in and out of Congress, interesting 0 i correspondence, a full summary of foreign and domestic uewf, and Q | from week to week such information In regard to the agricultural, _ j manufacturing, and commercial interests of the country as w ill bo iQ ! found, it is believed, of particular value. ! That the VlVefrfy Union is appreciated in the most Hubstantial man10 j ner by democrats in every section of the Union, no better evidence j need bo desired than is furnished by its rapidly-increasing circulation. Within eighteen month* twenty Lhou*arul new name* have lieeu added to ! the subscription list, and. with the slightest exertion on the part of our 0 i friends, its circulation can be increased to one hundred thousand coO I pits before the ciose uf the year. Will our friends exort themselves'? O Of the value of the Weekly Union to correct misrepresentations, expose _ | falsehood, dtopel error, and to bring before the (nxiple the principles 0 aud measures of the democratic (?aity in all their simplicity, purity, i and abiding strength, we have testimony, as abumlnnt aS it is flatter ing, from nearly every congressional district in the United States, i Tins tCftimony is of itself the strongest argument which could be ofteri od of the necessity erf" promptly extending the sphere of its conceded j usefulness. I make this appeal not from the aelftsh cowddorationji of p- ! pecuniary gain?as the subscription price of the Weekly Union is so 1- j low* as to barely cover the C0f>l of printing and the white paper?but ?, from motives which I think will be understood and appreciated by y I democrats everywhere. e In conclusion, I desire to pay a few words to subscribers, and to ir such as may hereafter become subscribers. There i< now owing to g the Union establishment upwards of seventy thousand dollars for back ?, subscriptions. These enormous arrearages are the result of the credit 51' system. With the new volume upon which the Union has entered i thAt system is abandoned, and hereafter the business of the establish| ment will bo conducted on strictly cash principle*. No Hubf-criptionu | ft<r the Daily, t5eml-weekly, or Winilly issue will bo received utile** j accompanied with the advance payment*. Address WTUJAM A. HARRL*3, a 1 Kclitor and Proprietor of the Union, Washington, I). 0. '! Valuable Farm and Water-power for Sale. ,K rnilE undersigned offerR at private sale a very tie*. J_ siruble farm, containing about ."UO acre*. It is located at the to Miiitbe.i-t extremity of Chariot* county, Maryland, and l* liouudod on i- the south by the Potomac river, on the oust by the Wicomico river. U and on the north by a creek that empties its waters into the Wicomico, id and at the mouth of which there is sufficient current to proja-1 mills ?r to any desirable extent. id The lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, wheat, and tn#. hacco ; and, from the abundance of sea grass that annually Ibmls on d Its shores and the quantity of shells that are on It, could tie made one |. of tho richest farms In the county. There is a superabundance of id wood, and a comfortable dwelling-house, kitchen, quarters, corn>r house, stables, and a largo barn, all in good order. Oysters, and wild fowl are abundant. Communications to RaltTinore uml the IHsrt trict of Oolumbui are almost daily. Address ta * JOifX HAMFRSBY, e- June 5?lnwtf Harris I/>t 1'. O., Charles co., Aid. ?r ?? ? - r, i /COMPLETION of Panama ltailroad.?Reduction >r j of fare to Calilbrnbi.?United States mail steamships leave Xew id i York for Aspinwa.ll on the 5th and 20tti of each mouth, connocting ! with mail steamers from Panama to Han Fruncisco. i llrego steumKhi]is have been inspected and approved by tho Navy j Department, and guaranty tjHtd and | The Panama railroad (47 miles longj is now completed from ooeau ~ | to occaii, and Is crossed in 3 or 4 hours. The baggage of passengers ' Is checked in New York through U) Son Francisco, and passengers arc I embarked at Panama bygtaamor at the company's expense. The | money paid in New York covers all expenses of the trip. Reserve steamers are kept In port in Now York, Panama, ami San j Francisco, to prevent detention in case of accident, so that the route is I entirely reliable. 11 ! Passengers leave Panama the same day they arrive at Aspinwall. j Conductors go through by each steamer, and bike charge of women le | ami children without other protectors. For through tickets at the lowest rates apply at tho agency. 177 West street. New York, to I. W. RAYMOND, i., May 0?dtf "VTEW AND ATT HAITIV K JS.NUL1W1 liUU*?.? i^| Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, his life and Works. 2 vols, with eloel portrait. $2. Russell's Modern Europe, from the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace ol Paris In 1856. New edition, with a compendious intlCx. 16 4 vols., half- hound calf. $!0. a. Ocean Gardens : The History of the Marine Aquarium, and the host methods now adopted lor its establishment and preservation. By 11. Noel Humphreys. Beautifully illustrate! by colored engravings. $3 25. 4, Tile Art of Travel. By Francis Gallon, F. K. (i. 8. $2. A Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Illustrated. 75cents. The Household Munagcr. By Chatlcs Pierce. #8 cent?. A Manual of Domestic Economy. Hy J. 11. Walsh, asststod in vaH. rious departments by a committer of ladies. Illustrated with more than two hundred wood engravings; half bound. Price, $2. H. Frank Wlldman s Adventures on liind and Water. By GersUneker. With tinted illustrations by Harrison Weir. $1. i Just im;K>rt? d by TAYLOR k MAURY, H July 18 Bookstore, uoar 9th street. i Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company or Philadelphia. Capital $700,000?Charter perpetual t ' A LL tlic profit* divided amongst the policy holdr\ ers every your. Descriptive pamphlets, blank forms of appli cations, nnti every information on the subject of mutual life insurance furnished on application. w ithout charge, flWsonaHy or by mull. Agent Tor Washington J01I?THKi(ilAM, 8, Northwest corner of Penn. avc-?uc and 17th Ktreet. m July 3?lawdw 10 X J. MIDDl.KTON, Ice dealer, ofln and depot I 1 J* southwest corner of F and Twelfth street*.-, Washington, D. C'. Ap ll--dlyf For Kansas and Missouri Kiver. ? I ( AIM. Kn.AMHiMT THE PACIFIC- RAILROAD is now running two dally train* betwevo M. IjmiU wid Jathraoc < ily, oonoarting wtthtkr i.ii titahi I imp" ol >t ; ,UhimvmMRtkwi city dally on the arrival of tlie eKprrte. train, parrying the moll. ' nnd jstaaong'm for Bonneville, (.'haguw, Lexington. Xanax.. lwuvru pt worth, W< -ton, St. Jueeph, and all interinedi de point.. Through from St. Lrwu to Kan.-n* In 4ft hour', anil from 24 to 30 lioura ahead of boot* xtartlng from Ht. Lsinla. The lightning-Lino paek?ta aro pqnal to any boat* In tl>p trade, and, ? lielng roqitirod to ran on eehndule Unm with the tnaile, paanongnrs are II ' never delayed waiting for freight at town* on their way. Through ItckrU ''an tw purchased In the principal cttie* of the IMlcd Uhitoe, or at the ottoae In St. I-out.. T. MrKWPICK. n May W?dtf Aaa't Sup't. United Slates Sale or Valuable W harf Propcrty and Lota on the Schuylkill, adjoining *- the Naval Asylum. Philadelphia. 10 -A.Trn.I, bo sold, at public aticlitni, "ii TucmUv, n" VV the Qrat day of September next, at 10, a. iu., mi tin' pr-'iu laea, the I'nlted Stair* wharf and lot", adjoining the Naval Aavlnm . . 1 also, thosi' boiwepti Sliippeu and Soutli Ktrouts, ttumiH.>r?'.i from 1 to 1 29, iachuilvpfaootrdiuK to the plan, which tan Im i-ecn at ll? oUloc <?f 'T the navj ag' iit ami at the Asylum. The term* of *?le will ho <ui<-hr.lf cash, on- f.r.rtli In kSx mouth*, I au-1 the other fourth in twelve* month# fr<?m tfir data of #n|o. , yn ' until the filial payments #h*ll b? m:*dr ; ami all tho payment* U? Ik* i forftiled If the tr rms of tb*? wile ahall not Ik* complied Willi. I Tho jroveroirieiit rwrw th?* right to fix a minimum value on ouch | lot, mow which a aalr will not bo made. ii. WM KAH;KK. I July fit Wl0t|4 Navy Agent, Philadelphia. ' > TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. The UM of so parens will be Mitred spas our book!, US Inst Ihl payment of the sabscrtptton be made ts tdrsson. instant subscribers may Ibrward us rnooey by tetter, asd All risk will be aatumod by ouraelvss m He sale trsimmsttou. The OTX'NTRr I'AFKR Is published tri weekly during Ibe session i in U?igre*i, and aniii weekly durisc tiM rueees Sub-crtpllona tar a pcrtsd leas than a year wUI be received on lerma proportioned to Ibe above annual rates. kg-11WM ASTERS are aulburlaed to act ae oer agents: asd by ending Ut nvn IIAll.V aubacribere, with $50 enclussd; or ftva SEMI WEKKl.V subscribers, with bit enclosed, ?U1 be esWled to S copy Splendid Schemes fur Auguit, 1867. Io be drawn under the supcrtntendeuoe at ooSMttattuoers appoints by the jprveraur HREC.OHY k MAURY, Maaesuas, Wilmington, Delaware 840,1100! Lottery for tbe benedt of the STATE Of DELAWARE Osaa ldd. tor 1857. to be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday August 1, 1857 75 number lottery?12 drawn ballots. KaiLurvr Htnu. 1 prmi of HO.OOOI S prises of $3,000 I .la 10.000 3 do 1,500 ^ 1 do 0.000 | 3 do 1,300 1 do 6,000 5 do 1,250 1 <|o 3.500 200 lowest 3 So. prises 50U 1 do 3,248 | be. be be tickets $10?halves $5- quarts re ?2 50 IVrtitlcatw of packages of 25 wltfllo tickets $140 00 Do do 25 half do , 10 00 Lie do 25 quarter do 36 1)0 $50,000 ! Lottery for (lie beueta of the STATE OF DELAWARE, Class 172, for 1857. To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., ou Saturday, August 8, 1887. 78 number lottery?15 drawn ballot Mjtamnunrr Kinaut. 1 grand prlzn of . *50.000 00 0 prim* of $1,500 1 splendid do 90,000 00 7 do 1.200 1 do do 15.000 00 8 do 1.000 1 prize of 10.000 00 0 do 7*0 1 do 0.301 80 415 do 250 6 |trize?t>f 3.000 00 kr. Ac. *0. Tickets $15?halves $7 50?quarter* $3 75?eighths $1 87, Certificates of iKickafea of 26 whole tickets $176 00 Si do 26 half do 87 50 ls> do 20 quarter do 43 76 IK) do 26 eighth do 21 87 $57,600 I lottery for the bciMjtlt of the state or OKI-aware, Class 178, for 1887. To ho drawn at Wilmington, Del., oo SUu relay, August 15,1857. 12 drawn nnmbcni out of 78. ?'lJC\n! L, hCUKMK. 1 jtrlzn of $37,500 1 1 prize or $3,190 1 do 17,500 | 1 do 2,000 1 do 12,500 I 100 prizes of 750 1 do 7,500 I 114 lowest S-No. prizes.. 600 AT. AC. AC. Tickets $10? halves $5?quarters $2 50. 0 rtlflealea of packages of 20 whole Ik-Juts $160 00 IS) do 26 half do 75 00 1)0 do 26 quarter do 37 60 $62,600! lottery for the benefit of tho STATE 0E DELAWARE, Class r, for 1857. To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, August 22, 1857. 76 number lottery?12 drawn ballots, uuixuvr sctizmt. 1 grand prize of $62,600 1 prize of $5,000 1 do 25,000 1 do 2,835 1 do 20,000 100 do 1.500 [ 1 do ... 12,500 113 iowcat 3-No. prizes. .. 1,000 1 do 7,000 Ac. Ae. Ac. Tickets $20?halves $10?quarters $5?eighths $2 60. ! Certificates of istekages of 25 whole tickets $270 00 Do do 25 half do 136 00 IS) tlo 25 quarter do 67 50 [ IS) do 26 eighth do . 33 7 6 *35,000! ladlerv for the benefit of the STATE OK DEIAWARE. Class 189, Tor 1857. To be drawn at Wilmington, Pel., on Saturday, Aaguat 29, 1857. 78 nnmhnr Intinrv?14 drawn biilloLri. Kirn SOIU3IK. 1 prize of *35,000 2 prison of *2.520 20 , > do 10,000 6 do 1,500 00 2 do 5,000 10 do 1,000 00 2 do 4.000 40 do 400 00 \ 2 do 3,000 298 do 250 00 Aic. kc. too. Tickets *10?halves *5?quarters *2 60. i Ortiflrutes of pocknges of 26 whole tickets *135 00 fln do 26 half do 67 50 Do do 26 quarter do 33 75 I' Orders for tickets and shares and certificates of |iaduges in tlio ; alsive splendid lotteries will receive the most, prompt attention.and an account of each drawing will lie sent immediately after It is over to all ! w ho order from me. Address I'. J. BUCKEY, Agent, | July 18 Wilmington, lielaware. Select Classical School at Oxford, North Carolina. O IN'CE the establishment of this school in Janui\ry. 1851, by tlio present principal, James H. Horner, A. M , It ! h is receiveil a large and steadily increasing measure of the public fa! vor, as attested by an extensive patronage from abroad and Its au| iioal delegation of matriculates to the University at Chapel Hill. Hereafter it will lie conducted under the Joint supervision of Mr. Horner ' and Professor A. O. Brown, late of the said University, who has been j many years a teacher of the ancteut classics in that institution. Rev. T. J. llorner will continue to lie an assistant instructor, and others well i qualified fir the office appointed as occasion may require. The plan of studies is designed to prejstre young men Sir advnncod 1 classes tn college, and also to (it those who inuy -not ex|iect or deslro to ! obtain the benefit of n full collegiate course fbr respectable stations In | life by Instruction in the ordinary brandies of a sound English education. For the sake of the greatest efficiency, tlio number of classes i will lie limited, so that ample time inay be devoted to examination und lecture upon the sutijccl of every lesson by each instructor In his owu department. fare will be taken also to adapt the text books and modes of Instruction to the Istost advancement of knowledge In each of the several | brandies. While the methods recommended by experience shall bo ; consistently preserved, no expense will be sistred to provide the bost sppiiatus for the work. ! Important arrangements are hi preparation to iucreaKO the advan tunes and oromote tlio isirmancut success of the schools. | The instructor* arc native* of North Carolina, have been long engaged in the prirfbrnlnil, and are authorized to refer those who may dc| Fire further Information as to their jhtsqub! or official q Habitations to many distinguished citizen* of this ami other Status in the South. I Atnoug these are Hon. Win. A. Giuliani, Hon. W. I*. Maugum, exI Govs Moroheiul und Manly, Hon. Ana Biggs, Rt. I0?v. Thomas Atkin; son, Kev. Alexander Wilson, 0. D., Rev. Samuel Wait, 1). D., Rev. C. | K ix-ems, 1). I)., the president of the North Carolina University, and j various members of the hoard of trustees. i TTie next term will commence on the I5th of Jul/, j Other particulars made known on application. May 14 BANKING HOUSE OK CHUBB BROTHERS, Washington. January 1, 18B7. JOHN D. HARROW und IIKNRY HOLMES are (Ids liny admitted as | sinners in Uie Banking House of i Chubb Brothers. The flrm irom this bate will bo composed of Ghas i 1-1. J. Chubb, Jolm II. Burrow, and Henry Holmes. The Ilouae tn Its j v?n|?ut, Iowa, is composed of Charles St. J. Chubb, Wm. H. Dougaf, i atul Alexander H. Burrow, under the Brut of Chubb Brothers, Bar : row, & Co. CHUBB BRfJTHEKS, Jan I?dtf "VfOTIt K TO ROAD CONTItAOTORS,?11 being ! J3| tile intention of the board of tllrei lors of tlio Washington and | Kot-kville Turnpike Company to gravol the road front the first toll-gate j to Its terminus at the ftlstrlrl Hue, eontntctora are requested to ad dreaa (if apply to the undersigned on tlio subject on or before the 11)111 or April next. JOHN C. RKKNT, No OA Lmblana ovanne. J. C IJCWIS, I'cb 24?Stawtf 492 Hcrenth street. Washington Branch Railroad. j fllRAINS leave Washington for Raltiuiore? , _1_ At fi and 8 V,', a. in., and 3 and 4 V,, p. in. | on Sunday at 4.V, P- In. ! lraive Baltimore fitr Washington? A[ 4 '4 wirt P't, a. m., and 3 .tml I?\. p. in. Oil Sunday tt4Xi ? >? Passengers for rhlladelpbiu and New York will Uke train* at 8, S>?> and 4 >,. I j Passengers for Ann?|>oli? will take trains at 81^ anil 4)*'. lk>. fur Norfolk " " ajg anil 8. Iki. for the West " " (1 and 4,',.commoting j( Washington Junction. T. II. PARSONS, Agilit Jan 17?iltf B KII. GILLET, Counsellor at Law, has removed hi* oHIoe (o Ills residence in tYanklin Row. corner of K anil l inntenth struct* He will continue to devote hi* attention principal iv to rase* In the l ulled Si tter Supreme Court. Having devoted much time to the law concerning patent*, he will give advice and opinions on legal question* arising in case* brforo the f stent Ofllce, and on a|>pedls to the chief Justice or assistant Justice* of the District of Olunihta; and will also assist in the preparation and trial of suits ciatcernlng patents. Ho will also give written opinions and prepare argument* for por; ties having claim* hofore Congress or elllior of the departments, and a III bImi proaccute claim* before any board established for their atljui titration. II j Urt 28?-dtf G'EXEKAL WESTERN LAND QFJlCE-RU|" more, tislmrti, ti Co, corner linn and ?n.l streets, tup alalia,) marly opjioslte the Jitlicn House, liqMique, Iowa; Rrooni tk< born, h Co., 30 Clark at rant, Chicago, linnets; Uroom. Hnsaey. k Co., Keokuk. Iowa, real estate agents, -Up* and exchange brokers, will give their prompt nWeiitkui to the sale of real estate, stocks. and bonds; butts negotiated. money iuvested: locating lands, either with cash or warrants. Will locate on time. Joint artxiunt. or on oowuni"?l<m Every location is mode from personal examinations only. Taxes paid, Ac, fce . he. K. B?All property left with us for ssle win. If required, Ve ptaoud upon our registers at Chicago and Keoknk. an well a* here, girtiig the aoller three m irketa. Correspondence aolloitad. Ap 2*?d8m | riVVYLOPv VN1> M M R) - h*lMt?Uar Bibl 1 I It'll elegantly boond In srsbanqne MB, Price SO rent* Just Imported by TATl/HK Jk HAIRY, 1 June 8?8tf Bookstore, near 9th struct. >| n i