Newspaper Page Text
WILLIAM A. HA Kit IS, EuiTwi and raonuno*. TEUM8: MUX P?r yaar $l? ? fyy| WEEKLY, (pnhlUhad trr weekly during the rum ton of Cnnf rcat) b 0* WEEKLY 1 00 _ ('Iid* wilt be ftmitlwl at / . y,? n,Ol of tba IIAII.Y, (or AO 00 *r. vuftm of U? SKM WEEKLY AO 00 f,o coptM ef Uu? " " >6 00, N? MatMmt hit otwba oo WEEKLY. gfi ThtOi cuiii/.atlouortb* Kuoutlre Drpurtiueuts ,,f the Uoreroucnt of the Uuited sit Till PfcrAKT*lt*T tS? what* machinery rmptnywl to conduct the baeloeaa arttiuff out i of uttr A>r. i?u r.-laUout with all lint |*twer? of the world ku for utoro I .,ni|Ar lhau t> generally conceived Tin- tniuilicr employed lo the ^ | !?.,?< I wot of Mole of the United Xtatea it only be . . nt.-ni an follow. , ran-nar.-tary if Hull-, ( Imu CAM,) ou- AaalaUut liecr.'Ury of I fii? (Ibu. J.-liu A|H>li>Uio,) HU? chief clerk, twelve tlorka, ooo trims i lab*, oal nun librarian , Ihfiumdli Hramch -Ttiu bran. li of the Stat.- Department oat charget< all carfwpoadooce ledw own Uio .li |>artuii'iit anil other <11- , pku la of Hit- I Imle I Natce abroad, and Uioao of fort-iyo |a>? i an> amratlllMt to Una government lu It all diplomatic Uwtruclloua .-arret* tin dopartuieol, and cciauiuiik'wloaui lo rommlaalonora Bit 4t* IrwHiei. of Uo.o Urtaa, it.- . are prepared, oofAatl, aiiJ rooorded; and at ?f lit" rhara. tor ret elvc.1 are r.-ito-O r.-.l ami Altai, Uiclr content* ban* Aral aMefwd In all aaaly Uc table or index ft a la) ! Jtnmr*Thi? branch charge of llie correapnudeni", Atr , Qatar aaai the dcfairtui.ait and llie miuule nod conimrrctul ay.t.U of lb* t uMad Male* lo It laafntatiniit to ltw? ufBcors. and aramara ta tbeli 4. -|a?b lt. ? an.l hi lettera from other pemuot asking for rotten lar aeenry , m retaU.m to ruuaular aduii -i, are pr. ( and rtnt led. ra> IhJ-4-ma l,r*r lie liw. elrnr.n. of all e. itr(H11? a,, loin'" and m?Ucr* r<mu?v44*1 h it ft > atxaMiMo pdatuig to any fuud with the teMnrtaciitU ?i?Wb iW department in elnuy od. Thr f i mutatm lit* dute * *c? u> furnish such translations a.- the .u I may reipor?. Ho nl*?? rtHjpnll tin* (j>iiiiiibMi<iix of consult) M?l VMVi SMUb, wk'ii U?4 lu KugUnl , upon W hu ll t*X?-<|UulllOt UI'O lMNNi? ricri 4 ami hmmutimrnk?Ilo make* mil and recartIf | emu;Rk?<OiK,?. Irtt?m of ?;>)?NoluH-nt m l nomination* to tlio &)iu(0; maMa o?t atai rvctHrd* t aetpialnr*, and record*, wlieu iu Kiiglbib, tba muutiBaauni on which tlwy nr<' u*ued. lias charge of iho library. #*!#?< 4 i*" M*1* Arckv^t.-"lie taka* charge thv rolls, or ?vr?41w4 m\- ii*4 r? v?i|i*te?na <4 IVmgrMl, as time are rocolvad at ific do partmmtfn n tin* tYrhdibuit; pr?i*\r**s lite authenticated copies thereof wUmh arc called ft*r prepare* lor, and ?U|*?rk?tmaU their publication, ai*4 of treat. ?s,in tl*e new ^ opera and in book lbrm; attomla to ilosr distribution throughout Uto UliXnl Stah"?, ami tlwt of all dflcflm? oti au*l paldi* *I low* In regard to Which tblr duly U aligned to the ?h j?.n fto> ot viiumr and answering all li tters ooiukm t<*l therewith. Itas eh*rye uf all Indian ImkUIos. and btudnaaa relating thereto. Clerk *f AalktatiMtiim* ami C>i*y> tpWx?Ha lias charge of the mail* iu ii<. (.'iiitcd suu?iui*l of ihs iIc|kutiustit, iimI prqarvt and attc'hew fv*rtif!>t?? j?i?t?rrt presented for aulheDtk*Lk*fi; receives aad srosiut* U* the (pw. IU- charge of publication* transmitted to tint) atymruwtA ualrr the laws relating to oopyrights; record* and inik\?> Uoar titles, r?<oor?ls all letter* fuMii the department, oilier tliau lis dtpkmuita and cuosQlar. Clark *4 ami I\u^k tu He prepared and records iKirdons mM rfuiirtaliui*, ami rogUteri and Man the ]>ctittnu* and imp rs ou w^aii U*ey are hnindisl Hakes out and record* |ia*rt|M?rl*; k?#e|H a da > ruidsr (< all Irttrr', other than diplomatic and consular, re rvued, and of the dUpooitmn ma te uf them; prepares letters relating to On# bu?ttteas. arrouxKv umauAi'* otw k. Ik*. feretniah 4. RUrk, Attorney Oeheral of the Uult??d Stato*; It. II UiIIh es*4 . alocf clerk. Hie ordinary ol tin- ollice may bo cJa*sithd ntuh-r tin following lteail*: I igftrul ofdMhat*1*? the i (irreut bu>4in --< nf Hie government, as i called lot b) lie* prosidtml, toy any head *4 dojwirUncut, or by the Solicitor of tin* Treasury g. Kxamtnatkai ?W the titles tif all land purchased, as the sites Of arsetiah. cwsnon booses, light hotiiKsf, and all other public works of tha I i<M Mates 3 Ajidu.ihmo A*r |iardoii4 In all case* of cutivU tkm in the courts at the l int' d Males. 4 A|*plkato>tis for a|*|MSul<ncnt iu all the judicial and legal business of the government. f? I'lx* < udu? t Hint argttinatHt of ail auUs lu the Supreme Court of thr Cuit. d Stai'-s in w inch tin* government Is concerned. ? The ?u|w-rvi>u<'!t of all other suits arising in any of Hie depart rung* w licit rnbrml by the bea?l Ihlfi'if n? tlio Attorney Heneral. To ti*c<?* ?arditMrv h? :?d* of tlx* burlm*mi of the office arc added at Ibr |?r??si*iit tiim* tlm fidhiwlug, \ la; first Tlic diwtkui of all ap|M*als oil land ciaiiiis in OtUfornin. Ns ?Hid The e??lilh^ds?o sud revision of the laws of the District of Oi titbit IVTKKIoK DWA HTM h.VT. fWretary ??f ttie Is-partineut ?? * (ho Interior, Hon. Jacob Thomp- I ????, ? ( Um- HUle of IM clerical fore*- (MMbtV of OOtJ chief i dark M? ? <*s4 Kelly, two di-Uu -in*: clvrki*, un<t ton other rejni- i lar clerks; uuil to iu #v|N?rvki>ltMi Aixl tiiAimgctuont am committed tb? I I Mtowiu.r I?ruiu hes of (In* jHtljiw' ser\ice: 1st Tk. ywo. J Mini*. The chid of this bunny (? rnllod tho Com ) mtsMvuer <?f the ih-rtrtit bitd Hi" IjuhI Bureau in charged j vt >1 It the - 'U VCV . tiMiiatfeioenf, mi'i t .?! t'l III.* public Uoina.u, and the j - of fill*', i!,. r?'li?r, w Iu-iIkt W?rued fr??u? reiilh-inatioiu* of gruuta made by former guv cnirnciiH hynihi', donations, of grants ft?r schools, j nohury haunte'*, or public improvements, and likewise the ra vision ; *4 Vii jfiiiwi luilitiii v Utility laud rUims, ami tin* issuing of scrip in : bru tl??r?**if. TIm- land INNon, abut, audits its own arcmints. The |r.#oiit 4 omu*Hxioftit-r u lion. T .A. Ih udrM kn, of Indiana It* prin ipai ofthvr* arem recorder, chief clerk, principal clerk of surveys, U lda* a draught*man , a^i-Uot draughtsman, and some 150 clerks t4 v*ri.Mw o.iieh . 2*1 jfrnntrnt- The present buid i?f thin bureau is GMfgo C. Wldthc, ut Virginia Th?i oantid-^buier u charged with the exami : u*i?*t iim) A*i>Hh? ?U*st of ?il chums aridev under the various ami uut>?etm* law* pua-cd by Congress frantimr bounty land or pension* j (or the mAMutv t* i?*val ??*rviee? to the ntviiitiunary and subs.spent wer- in which the I'llMrU Stale* tinV? been engaged. He lots one j chief clerk, (H Cob-. <v<| .) and m |H rnuiK iit cor|* donsistmg of some { 1 ftevt oi) oUwu clerk*, to h hu h oJngretw, In enable him Ui meet the iir.e'i.hiaj> r?M|HkrUM?U if the new bounty laud tuw, has added a l. iii|-?i A? v tWee <?f about Ufly cl rk-bipsof different donomiiiAlionH. 3.1. /nMmm -Oiwuinstimer ?4 ImiUO AlUlM rtd interim, Charles K. Mis, at < *>?* get* u*ti, l?. t\ Ik* U provided with a vliivf clerk and about -< > tin ,r. k 4th &'ane*t oj& * To this bureau Is MmmltUI the fitfcutlon and pmlsrtiianee *4 &U ?< i* uud thills - tondiiiyt and rtwiMeUuK the p unt mar and huuiiu# of patents for m * hu*( useful discoveries, Inventions, and improvement*,'' tin- (NdUwUm <4 -Ultstins rebithig toagiienltore; th?' ooliertion and dlstribuhou of plauU, and eiittin^. U has n rhb-f rbrl. w Ix la Wy law 111'- m liny lUOUW"-Hfmr if ra-'iiu m Mm- ihillWI af Ik* HMarl IX.'. I .| 11" i| itlMH't Iw.-lv. 1 '"Lull 1'xatnuH-ni if |ufc-tita, wiiiix dxwxu ?ula>r.llliiUx |K-rmalu.|il U-ffca, IxvIiIm * n u l.U UOMkvr if U'in|"r.?i y <'ni|il.iy.HH H" i.l<"i Itn x" fmir |n liw t|?il bram-lma <4 IbU iww rxmillvo dopnrtumul. Urn nrfai-.H act <4 1M0 tcanafiTrad In tl ir.-tn tlx. Trio. nrv I la laiuix id Urn HfmWun <4llx imrnunt. if (Ik I'iiIUiI Main nurxlutla ixl MUM ax) a, xii.I lIn* clx. X- if Uw I uiu-d fair* ruirU, llu manngiUI. Ill 14 111. Irxil and ifix-i mill. ' ut Urn full*. mid tlx xll ilrn i4 lb" |m-i.,i. Mint I * II.- I ml ! S?..I < In I' In in. I m IVduinl- i. .-mil frrnn tlx MUU- lx I'lrtnu'iil Uu> .Inly nf iaktuf and rrturnlng llx- r?i|i tm> * nf liw I'ulU.I rHnl.-i. , ail.I nt ati|a<rt xmy Mill illri-rlliiy llu> acta nf llx'Oxumi- Xni.-r if fiil'lH lX.i;.ll?ir?. Tlx. Ixrj'iljit f.M- Um lll'iin.- <4 lb" Mill 11.11 y and <4 tlx- 1.1-irxT nf I'ntomliif In alan uml.-r llui inuiay uxul id 11.x iU jmrluii nl. mi mUIiUxu In abb li. liy luwa ruI nlly |M?'.'.I llx'rx . n-itry nf llx Inli rXf L cliarfrod Willi lb* cm drnUx* id llx Ilinw ? w .ai Wwdiny lu llx- I'M ilk- n*?^ llx. Ik I'll IMI' XI ri'l'llri - liu aildllXful InilXtlln' li.l IU MViltfimial.l lam, mxI Um i-ria lxitt '4mm hit- Ikmmi |-. |a alrdly rn .ittimiixkil dnriiiy lb? Ual fxw y.?ra fix 111.I IMII'IMXX. Al |iri-?.-llt llm IVli-Mfl IMHi-a. Ik I |ir.irxl...l ?itl. rtMai In ?liil|i liamaw \Vtutor'* Ikdldiuy," alilln Ux< iMix-r lirianrl..-* (4 tlx il |?ir1tn. iit. Iia lixllnr Um Mrrn-tary'* iftbi-, arx Ml i riwilxil mill Ux' Tabid <MUv kmUdMiy. Um a bob-if whirli j will Ui miulrnl ail cart) *"> fur UwiMul Urn TaUuit nUkc, fur w lik-b It ?u urlyitailly KUi-U'lnl Tautrat ifo-aknaiarT. Tbt Tr.uxmry nai-iata nf lb' <4b ?" nf llm Hwrxlnry uf Ilia Traaaury, two anuymttar.. <-<Mnnil*a|>f"'r M tlx- cu-i..iaa, a|i uu lilurw, IrxMHirar, nyi'lnr, xaUamr, I in in bxix.a Unard, and nm.1 any. ilia fnlbmlnf la a brtof lixlkakoa nf lha dntbui nf tliaao Mrrral idll aw, aixl uf Um fnrcu xxiydxyad IWvmi, ma|mctirxl> i ..'anii^'i qfka.~Ka. lb.*' II D4.U, Mmntaiy nf Hal Tr.-aaury; IliMI Wlllljl ria.l.Ml, A -l-lal.l MnTxtxry mm xxyum. r lu rlx<CRM, 'Ml# ari-hitxM. aixl Uanm IraxrUi iix ii i. ui|?nrlly .<ai?f.X>yril, awl iwrMiiy Ibra.. l.-rka. Tim brari tar) if Um Trnaaor) w i liaiyxd xitli llx- f.-n rral au|mrvl-xMi if lha ft '.al liai... tama if IbafUMIM I.I. and if Uia . .. atiunai if lb* IfWa nfmonxuc Um ?ilim-w and iui ifalXft <4 Um liutrai fa la' Ha aufariiil-uila lha iwray if llm r??al. Um kfkl Ixxiaa aitibtt'liBiaot, llm nuuitm h.x|..l*li if Um I'iiiIimI fak- aixl Ifx if rtraaOna of orrtala fuMto bMNbuia fcr faliiw baaaw a ad utlar |Kar I iff. t\rtt <\mj4fwl!rf't 'if.. lb* Will** M..MI Onn|fn.llar. n*4 flflaaa Hart- lb- pramrllu* Um rnnda nf kaxyaaf aad matfaftutf a* . nuata lor Uaa rivM aixl lUafnxialx- "liX- a* ?' M aa Um |Mtbbc la?4?, ml mim au.l ivmbi tlx- labia* arl my Umr.-ai. Jbuakl tVa.yfnf/ar'r I'flor Ad u U Drxdlxwi. nf nanptrxM-r. and arviM.k-i.ii rbv|. llx |M ?arrHma llx iwatr nf korfxaf aud r.Mxl. r my tba orm aala <f UM arwy. aavy, ami lafwa inpaitiawM i if Um 1> ilalor orribv, aud rrvlar* ami nrntifcx llm txaiaarnw arMuy thxrm*. "ffc-a y (Vaaiaaar tf thr I ?faa? lla.b J Aadarana. v% ' . Iiilalamo r, awl afaroa clrrlU. Ik - Mm Uxad. if kim|fu? ad ixaibiiluy Ux* Mv-iMibt' uf llm ctioktua r -v. xim .nf di barw* < nrntiif, and dm Um i.mXIUm aad rrpamtn* iwakaa n * ., aad r?- I taw aad Oxrtlfcrn Um babwrri aixaf Ibrrnaa. fM dwkWr'1 tffkn nxfaa* I. faUI.. ?f , Pkrt AwUkw, aa>l xiu.-troa rlrrk' ilaroarttw aad adyu-t' tim mtaM. nf Um ?a.k*m rvtraar aad dxlxir.ratxtila ainmnyrtabti a? aad ?ipw4*ot.? * oa | ( nniataf Um civil luf an I lUxk r |a.taia acta af IWayrin... an I rfmrt. IL. l?m-^ u Ih-rVmaaat-xax r <f Hx. OMlnaM aial U?. > .rat ? >.I|||. troUrr, rMpwIM;. (M U?w *? >* tlj.inaa Wl AMktnr't Ttotona J I' tiiltor.ltoatoJ Awltorf. and taenia ?? cMr*. II* WH?.'. atol a4j?i>i< allanito-i ? *'" ? b> | Ilia ,?v. .matting, atol rtTfuium rf It* nnaf. a? ? ? " ?rr.?** ?, ao-l .*.lu?4 .1:*. ptoarx* M U* batata. lunX, unl re ( tela the balato*a to Uto Ktwal f * Ma tout 1 ?>..? Hi. r."? "J Ikirt .tvhVi ?( .? ~ Wilton J. tuiw*. ?to ttoH AuAW-T ato4 nt v rtjriu rtorke II' rm*n?- a.?t mim-i- tot aa-uatoo fc* Mtb i.i.I*.! .g it* arm) I..MHV !?? towt >?g, mtUtari r **., ui'l Uto HuiWl H ' |*rUn < a. " 1- ' " 1 ftrt-iiqi rr.nn mitoar) i?r*l? to (tort torn to IM? a*4 tor Mama aa* i4l?r K-Hf-rt) W?"t to It* .to?itn?v "III". ?n4ar vaettoto art. to Uto . gram, alto rrfnrto the bataan* to U* to*.ant IhamrMhr to Ma 4r j Utoua tlMTtoto. !* AmUur', n?*r -Anr?ntO lUitoa.'^ |W toll I ..liar ato .-t ato toMtoto all to Ito Wa lha arrvaa. to , U* Xavy UlttM atol ni?ai? Ito balaaaaa to ?to ?.ml l-toir 1 tr-iitor to Itai .I...**. U*r * ?> > /? tlwMtorr 'ifin Wr>; HOwH n| IWi AaMtor aa* all otrka. Me wtw ami tolftoto alt ?? to *t?Ai*iaUi aa* ri.ilar aarrtot* |*r#*?Ma) atotor (to tor* toto .4 W* toato ttoianrt totot, and raytru ito. baton*, to tb? Wraa ftai^l 11M to to ?i rmaa fMMh Jmltbu 'i 04to W,UUto r ItoWto aaw aatotoWttarnto J "i/'to |M> H*? Uto" l?gatria.. tt? uto cm hwtototo to4 toiitoa* I-Urlu, II" perttto atol w*J?-4. all nttotoato arl 1*1 a t*aaa U* ?* vkvtoti..- is. 1 ittu. - |w-t?. tto- i.t MM tooa-wana ar? toal to?*to aa *l>|wal ha Ltk.-tt In tatI..' iu.?tl>< to Ito ri" ttto(Mtto. tto arc the itoWtka or I.n totoc. Aa* Mm Itoto ttotor tli|lalltoinl aa* all |*aaMto atol f.*i^t...a. w.gnm-l na pa* ?* <<* ?aJ wail ran ( Muto*). to railing I.. .I., tin* tfnl) , to #ir.a-U**M? a?J tignl jaaitoto , '"ft MrU aat rrttoMl. aal uli" all ?i*a to. aa area aa mat Mat 1 ttovuanl hjr lata u. ..."*.. u?? ar a.||4 l*t uwaa 4 H"to*T? ** M *" I a ... ear.!;*!- ? ,.! . *#%? la ad laaitora rrlallat th. atol racalraa rateftoa Inaa aarb tofto ' *III" I It*...! Wiia. raarla ul lha Puto ato an.) |n\p-aa a -n> 1. atoWl * Wl.*al . Ifcai.a < a't latoM to?4 Hbaa |Wtoj*?* Murttol ti.Uir I ntoto Mr. to r*ta*M at to-Ito. tow tbr Ito at 00. 4 j '" parttoitob a?l Uaa fvvar tu ..u ul 4M|iuaa at llw aaato M lha ] ^to-'Pt at the Cat lad 9Waa | 33)f | VOLCMK XIII. CITY OF W T/f.uuw'i Office.?Samuel Casey, ?*q.t Treasurer, and thirteen I l**rka. II* receive* and kco|w the money* i4 the United State* in hu | ?wrn nfllce. and tunl of the dc)M?*itoi'ie* created by ilia net of lb* All* of ! August, 1 H4t?. aud pay* out thu ?niu* upon warrant* drawn by the WreUi> of thu Treasury, countersigned by tlie First Comptroller, and UfMai wurruiil* draw u by ilk# FocUiunkv General, and counicr*igncd by the Si.uh Auditor, ami recorded by the Register. Ik* alao bold* fmhltu luoiiey* advanced by warrant to <li?bur*iug oflkers, and pny* iu.t llio lutuc upon their check*. Hiyvier't Office.?Kinley Bigger, RegMter, and twenty nine clerk*, lie keep* the account* of public roc**i|tU> and expenditure*; receive* the rrturiw and make"' out tin- oilUhtl 'tatetncnl of commerce and uav ination ?rf the 1'nib'd Sbt'*; and rwelv?" frmu the First Comptroller Mid OmisnlrtfcHter of CmUiflU ali and voucher* decided by llw in, and u charged by law wiUi their safe -keeping. SfiuHor't Office.?frandt B. Street**, eaq., Solicitor, nnd six clerk*. II cnprrintcud* all civil unit* commenced by the United suu???, (em rtfd. Ihuw iui iity in (Ue /W Office Ikj<uinent,) aud instruct* the United Statattorney*, iMmludi, and cicrk* in all matter* relating to Ihetn and their re mits. Hi* iweivet return* Irom o*eh term of the United Stab** courts, showing lh? progress and condition Of neb *uil ; lutH charge of ail land* and other property aaalguod lo the United SUtes lu pay in?*ut i?f debt*. {meffi tk*"c twinned in jwymen* of dells due the Pod Office DeyarlmeMs) and ba* power U> sell and dispose of the same for the benefit of the UuiU'd Statu*. Light House hMnlr-HM). Howell Cobb, ft'crrtarj' of the Treasury, l ex officio, president; Cum. W. B. Sbnbrick, United State* navy, chair man; Gen. J. U. Totten, United Statrs army ; C*|?t. A. A Humphrey*, Ciiibd State* army; Prof. A. I?. ihobe, Su|*irii>tendciit of Coast Kui vey; Prof. Joncph Henry, secretary oi' Huiitlisinuui institution; Capt Samuel Barron, United Stab** navy. Commander Thornton A. Jon kins, United State* navy, and Captain Win. B. Franklin, United state* army,4M'cretartm; ami live clerk*. This boarddirect* the build ( in* and repairing of light-house*, light vo**eL*, buoy*, aud bracou*, t untrue t-r for suppiion of oil, Ac. United Stales Const Survey Office.?Profeasor A. D. Bachc, LL. I)., so- y porlutoiident, and superintend*bt of weight* and meaxwic*. Capt. M. L. Smith, topographical engtueers, aasbtant, in charge of ] the tiKut Survey OUice. A. W. Buawll, chiel clerk. C. B. Snow, in charge of archive*. l*roi'esHor A. 0. Pendleton, United State* navy, OOmpUlOr of longl t lldcN. ( A-M-tant J. K. Ililgard, iu charge of coiiiputing division. A#iiatant I*. K. Poo rule*, in < itargo of Udul division. limit. J. C. Till hall, Ifiubd Stated army, iu cliurge of drawing dl vision. IJeut. Suxtou, United StuU? army, in charge of engraving division. Simiiel Heln, dl^lmrHliig agent. fhmrge Matldot, idec.trotyplat. Joseph Haxton, assistant to superintendent of weights and measure*. pout omen dki'AKtmknt. Hod. Aaron V. Brown, ro.-tmaster General. Tba direction ami vnauagomeut of ilio l\ist Office Department lire assigned by the rousti tuliun ami liyr< to the l'oftinualcr General. That \U business may be the more com enieutly arranged and prewired for bis final action, it is distributed unions several bureaus, ua fellows: The AppohiUnout Of Iko, ill charge of the First Assistant Postmaster General; the Contract Office, to charge of the Second Assistant Postmaster General; the Fl nance Office, in cliargo of the Third Assistant Postmaster General; and the Inspection Office, in charge of tlie chief clerk. Appointment Offier.?Horatio King, esq., First Assistant Postmaster General, and niuetccu clerks. To this olik-o are assigned all questions which reluto to the establishment and discontinuance ol |Hi-t office*, changes of sites and names, appointment and removal of postmasters and route and local ageuts, as, also, the giving of instructions to postmasters. Pustnuiflter* are furnished w ith marking and rating stamps and letter balances by this bureau, which is charged also with providing blanks and stationery for the use of the de|iartuient, aud w ith the superintendence of the several ageueies established for MOp|?iyiug postmasters w ith blanks. To (Ids bureau is likewise assigned the supervision of the ocean mail steamship lines, and of the foreign and in toruational postal arrangements. Cimtrofi Office.?William II. Dundaa, Second Assistant FMtouuter General, aud twenty six clerks. To this office is assigned Uio busi MM of arranging the lunll service of the United State- , and placing the Maine under contract, embracing all correspondence aud proceedings res|>eetiiig the frequency of trips, mode of convey once, and times of departure ami arrivals mi all ike routes; Uio course of the mail between the different hoc lions of the country, the poiuUof mail distribution, uud Ike regulations for the government of the domestic mad service of tho United States. It prepares the advertisement* Ibr mall proposahi, ro reives tho bids, and takes charge of the annual and I'ocosional mail l?t lings. ntul the adjustment and execution cd' the contracts. All application# tor the establishment or alteration of until arrangement#, and tho appointment of mail mcaoeugors, should bo wont to this office. All* should be submitted to it for trunsiiortatioti service not uuder contract, an the recognition of said service is to he obtained through j the Contract Office as a necessary authority for the pr?>|wr credit# at i the Auditors Office, From thU office all pOBtattpler* at the ends of | routes receive the statement of mail arrangements prescribed for the j respective routes. It reporf weekly to the Anditor all contracts executed, and ail order# affecting accounts for mail transportation; prepares the statistical exhibits of the mail service*, und the report* of the mall letting*, giving a statement ot' each bid; also, of tho contracts made, the Lew service originated, the curtailment# ordered, and the tnldititmai allowances granted within tho year. Pituinct OJJkNt?John Matron, esq., Third Assistant Poet master Gen oral, and twenty-one clerk#. To this office are assigned tho aupervIrion and management of the ffnauciai business of the department, not devolved by law uqtoo the Amlltor, embracing account* with the ilraii office# and other depositaries <?f the department, the issuing (A warrants and drafts in payment of balance# reported by the Auditor to be due to mail contractors and other persons, the supervision of the accounts of office* under orders to dc|>o#ito their quarterly balances at designated |>oint#, and the superintendence of tho rendition by posltmwturH of their quarterly return# of postages. It has charge of tin' dead-letter office, of the issuing or (Nistage stamp* aud stamped envelopes for the pre paymeut of postage, and of the accounts connoted therewith. ( To the Third Assistant Postmaster General all posttna<*t*rs should ( direct thoir quarterly returns of (Milage; those at draft office*, theif * letters reporting quarterly the net proceeds of their offices; and those at depositing offices, their certificates of dejtosite; to him should also ho directed the weekly aud monthly returns of the (fopotdtartc* of tho de|Kirtrnent, as well us all applications and receipt# for pujtagc atamj*; aud stamped envelopes, and for dead letters. In*)*cLum OjffUt.?Jolin Oukford, esq., chief clerk, and seventeen clerks. To this office Is assigned the duty of receiving ami examining the registers of the arrivals and departures of the mails, certificates of tho service of route agent*, and report# of mail failure*; of noting the do llnqttoiicfc-* of contractor*, aud pre|wiring cases thereon for the action of the I'uitiuuxU-r General; furnishing blank* for mail registers, und / reports of mail failures; provldlug and tending out mail bags and mail locks and keys, and doing all other things which may bo noccs- ' Bary to secure a faithful and exact performance of all mail contracts. All case* of mail depredation, of violation of law by private ex- < presses, or by the forging or illegal use of postage stumps, are under tho supervision ol this office, and should l>c feporwl to It. All communications respecting lost money, letters, mall dopreda I Uoti*, or other violations of law, or mail-locks and keys, should be dire-ct.*d CSttof Clerk, l\?t Office Department." / All registers of the arrivals and dciiarture* of the mails, certificates of the Aorytoe of route agents, reports of mail failure*. applications for blank registers', and reports of failure*, and all eompUdbts against i'onIractors lor irregular or imperfect service, .should he directed " Inspection Office, Post Office Department." navy vnrxtmrsr. The Nttvf Department consists of the Navy Department proper, being the 06Ice of the Secretary and of live bureaus attache<l thereto, vii: liureau of Navy-yards and Dock*, Bureau of C'onatruction, Equipment, 1 und llapair* Bureau of Provision* andClothing, Bureau of Drduaucoand Hydrography, and the Bureau of Medicine und Surgery. The following 1* a statement of the duties of each ef these offices and of the force employ inI therein; ^ ffirVa/g'i ojjk* ?||on. Isaac Towwy, Secretary of the Navy; Charles W WeMi, o*q., chief clerk, and eleven Ml. The .Secretary ??f the Navy hoa charge of everything connected with tho naval establish incut, ami the execution of all laws relating there to is intrusted to him, under tin* general direction <?f the President of the United States, who, hy Uw coustitutiou, U commander In chief of tho nriny and navy. All tn-trwHons to commanders of Hquudrotts and commanders of ve*?eU, all order* of officers, coinmisslotis of officer* both in the navy mid marine corp*, appointment* of cotnmirfrfioiied and warrant of!b-?>ra, orders for the cnlbtinent urul discharge of seamen, emanate from tlm Herniary '* office. All the duties of the different bureaus are under the uuthority of the Secretary, and their orders are considered a emanating from lilin. Tho general superintendence of the marine ourps forms, also, a i?rt of the duties of the Secretory, and all the Orders of the commaulunt of that corps should bo approved by hiin. nm*yam?f Aaiy Vardt an*I Doeta.?Commodore Joseph Smith. chief f tho bWi?H, four clerks,??? civil engineer, and one draughtsman. til lie-Ita. t J.triL',n? kt nii'i, uuiMniitt ?itu Hinciiiiifvj iu i.:i\ J yard., mi l evert Uiiiik limn. J lately roene.loU with them, arc under th* nii|*-riiit?ideiiee of ltd- bureau II la alno iliarfcd with the iHwnaniaiwui < tlx Naval Aaylum. ??iwn af fkwulrmrtim, Kfitifmtnl, ore/ Kryair -John Ienlhall, eeif., r hx I a4 th" liarray, i lyht clerlj, au<l nn draunli'.nmen. The ufflrc or lie' eiwlaoer Iu chief <4 the n.ivy, latutcl It Nirtln, <H<] , I a attached to ihw bureau. wIan la a*-Input by thrrea*?M*iil rutlwyt-ia. Thia hurnan hint-bar. uf Ilia bulWuift ami repair- <4 all vcnaelaof war, purcliaau id aaia-raata, ami lb* prnv rlmu ?4 all veaaoh wrtUi their equl|itnout<. w aatb, ataahur* aaiat laaka, Iu. tfce eegloear In chief imperii.i-mlI be .nat.trwrlHai of an nmrtiw atratn entfimw for the navy, anal, with Ihe wife-., at uf Urn fk-cretary, .l.n ele* .i|?*i plana, for their Outwlrm boa. M*nmm <t I'mru-tu am/ riofAmp -II Ilrnlge, puracr t'laitoal State* aa. jt,. haa I aa| bureau, ami four tb-rkn. All |? liar the una 01 it>e aaty Mel cMl.'hr. laata-thef with tlie muklti* ofeoMrarH Ihr Ibr law hahf tl..- name, nana lan.ler lb**c hi till* bureau. Ibaau <f OrJnmrr am/ f/wiavayaaifal.y - Cbj-1 Duncan lu? fi -Aa r .4 Ir'rraa iter alerk* *u4 *>" drauahtntoaa. 11.M bureau bar .1 ocean. Viet I-C lie II..nullah lure or |.ur I.e.. .4 . no.uut, S^'ic . |r.w Jcr,-Im4.-hell-. Ac , an I the c<|tli|imrnl 4 ??. . I.<rf war, w>lh mnnerted therewith. N alao |uv? I tie. tbrwt with iim|v rluirt*. ehionooaetaT*. barometer*, An , to .?h*r ?nh-ucb hmak* anarr farm.-bed .Idp* u( war. - The I 'nllrtl ,i "VaU?- Ve.aMM. er.etary aad 111 Aravr*|ali?al tMkie" at Wanbtnrton. a. I tie Natal * mlriuy at Aaaapntta, arc aim. under the general ?u wrtut alewr* ui Ihe ?ld?4 (4 thin bureau. ?baw>y If J. .en ami A*ryrry I* Wilton. Win-but, aarf/eon I'nl - I -aeta- aavy ilalef <4 hurra.. nt.? futeaed annl.iaut aurroe. United Mae aa. V. ami lera. . Wmka hvrrithing relaUau to tuedkinee ami a..l.ui mnee* heiiianat -d a?nk and wenided, end management of e? iutab. MM wMhta the -Ufa-ruth advu..' .4 Uiln bureau. wjla Mtr.mmrr ^ n<? J II yint, IWrtAary ?4 War; W H llrhikard, chief clerk. ? * auberAteei. . i~rt* two m. naewgrr-a ami katr watchtueo The athnwiug hotoaoa are a Marked tulbta daiawttm-ut; g " III -I ITT "r ij rmirrf- '# ' The- oAee, at th* head of which b Jawti aayt UrtmraJ tan4k, la at New York. A;atone UeooW > <0b- tM Satnwel Oufur, Adjutant fiennral. * tb.v.t Major t D. Ibwurewd, ravrtUift s Wdltaam, i I" ii.rem be Judge Adviuwl Brevet Mage Job* r In- ye.- clerk ami one nwaon i.:-er In tbtn idftee are ke|4 all b* r-mrent. wt4rh refer a. the |. omiiel of Um army, the rot la, Jfc a ta boa* a lo-r* a* antwarv ruunowonuw art mad* i?u IfmniUm-m iwr ? al t tub nr. , e. ftead fit horal T B Jeaup, foartorttuaftc | VauLfiat- t'?l-ue I (' Tlr''ifleuiM *ib. m-l th . HayI J '< h i l< fit ami utie intei-enjur /Uf ail- I.wawwi Of** lal II f larrnnl pat manter ifeaeral; J IprTl Iwukr, dMkrwt pajuiaatir, afgMawrks uktM ntlkf ft. mmm ?hp i Oasfliu M LIJIKUTI , THE USION, A ASHINGTON, WEDNE3D Commissary Generals qfkt.?Otm. C.eorp Olliwrti, commiMiary K'n ml; (UUUUut, I *1*11111 >1. 1). L Suipnon, au ilerk* ?uJ uui- OMttauu [?r. Hsu-goon Ctsoral t Q0k* ?Lies. TIiuuuk lawson, lurgruu R?i?er*l, umMbUuIk, Dr. It. C. W<?xl suit Dr. C K Wuo?l; three clerk* Engsssescr iSffhr.- Ilcuem! Joseph <1 Tot ten, chief eiiglueer; biwIbUhI, LVptiuu II. (i. Wright; Arc clerk* uui oti# incasuugor. Vysigrtijtkual liurmti.?Cul. J. J. Abcrl, cbIibii'1 of Ibr cor|a; u liliuit, ('a).!.:In J C. Woodruff ; four clerk* atol one mMBcngor. UnlMBK Uurtau ? Col. II. K. Cruig. rolmiol uI onloaucu; a.lttUtil, Dipl. Win M.i) iindin; ritfht Clerk* and uu? mtMaeitger. 0VFICBB8 OF TIIB COKCuKATlON OK TUB CITY OF WASHINGTON. j Mayor.?Wm. U. Magrudcr. Knjider.?Win. Morgan. tirr/siration Attorney.?James M. Carlisle Tax Clerk. ^ William J. Donohoo. Book-keeper. Kdwin J. Klopfer. Mrtsenyer.?William Q. Locke. OtUirtor.? .lames F. llaliday. Clerks?William Cooper uui Utiuben Cloury. Surveyor.?Wm. Forsyth. Hilt MI.MUKM.i or THE HOABP or HEALTH, l'liilip ('. Davis, M. D., ami J. 11. II. Smith, First ward. Hubert K. Stone, M. D., and Charles L. Coltman, Beemil ward. William M. Berry, M. D., ami Joaupli Bryan, Tlilrd ward. William I'. Johnston, M. D., and James I*aw reason, Fourth wurd. J. 11. Oardiuer, M. D., and J. 1*. Ingle, Fifth wurd. F. B. Walsh, M. D., and John D. Brandt, Sixth ward. James K. Morgan, M. !>., and George Mattingly, Seventh ward. APOTUECAUIES TO FURNISH MBIIlUINE TO THE FUOU. Bird ward.?David G. Ridgcly. Secoiul ward.?D. S. Dyson. intra trara. -vnieimno iiaroangn. Fourth trard.?James N. Cullau. Ftflh ward.?J. B. Gardiner. Sixth ward.?Janice O'DonncH. Seventh ward.?D. B. Clarke. PHYSICIANS TO THE INKlB. Firet ward.?Philip C. Davis, M.D. Secontl ward.?J. W. II. Lovcjoy, M.D. Third ward.?George M. Dale, M.D. Fourth ward.?John M. Toner, M.D. Fifth ward.?J. M. Urymes, M.D. Sixth ward.?Mm M. Roberta, M.D. Seventh ward.?J. E. Willett, M.D. CommiMioner <f Health.?Charles K. Foice, M.D. BOARD Or ALDERMEN. Id ward, William T. Dove and George W. Biggs. 2d " Win. F. Bayly (president) and Tlios. Miller. 3d " French S. Evans und Thomas D< audio. 4th " William W. Moore and John II. Goddard. Mi " John II. Houston and Edmund Barry. Gth " George B. Bull' and ltoliert Clarke. 7th " l'eter M. Pearson and John L. Smith. Secretary? E. J. Mkklloton. Meaenyer?Jacob Kleiber. BOARD or (X1MMON COUNCIL. Id ward, Cliarles Abort, (president,) John B. Turton, and ltoliert E. Waters. 2</ " Thomas J. Fisher, William Ormo, and Ferdinand Jefferson. 3d " Lnuil>ert Treo, Joseph F. Brown, and Christopher O'llare. 4th " Richard H. Clarke, James A. Kennedy, and Elijah Edmondson. 3th " Edward F. French, William A. Mulloy, and WflMam F. Wallace. Gth " James A. Gordon, William E. Hutchinson, and James Crandell. 7th4 " Tliomas E. Lloyd, Koliert T. Knight, and Charles A. Pol ton. Secretary?William A; Kennedy. Slcucnger?William Q. Locke. COMMISSIONERS or IMPROVEMENTS. First district.?Joseph E. Rawlings. Second district.?Rich. 15. Owens. Third din!rid.?Stephen Coster. Fourth district.?James Espcy. IiUemlant of the Asylum.?John It. Queen. Coimuissioii rs?George W. Emerson, George Muttlngly, and Jacob Jideon. Secretary to boanl commissioners?John H. (toy**. Physician to the Asylum.?W. M. Berry, M. D. Ginimissioner of the ivistern section of atnal. ?Joseph Cross. Qjenmissioncr of the vnterrI section of canal.?Win. Wise. Sealer of uviyhts ami measures.?Hiram Richcy. Jn'jsector of flre ajtparatu*.?John W. Martin. CLKUKH AND COMMISSIONERS OF MARKETS. Centre.?Clerk?John Waters ; assistant, Joseph Lyons. 'InnuuiHsioncrB?Stephen P. Franklin, Win. Ormc, ami ludson Taylor. Eastern.?Clerk, Michael Conner ; commissioners, Franks Jenkins and George W. Johnson, Western.?Clerk, Win. D. Serrin ; commissioners, Wai. :I. Walker and Solomon Stoveu. Northern.?Clerk, George I). Spencer; commissioners, ieorge 11. Jones ami James F. Devine. Commissioners of West Burial Ground.?Joseph Borrows ind Win. Wilson. August Miller, sexton. .Commissioners of Etui Burial Ground. ?John D. "Brandt ind George W. Oyster. John O'Ncide, sexton. rott INSPECTORS AND MKASl REUS OF LUMBER. Peter Gallant, Wm. Douglass, Samuel B. Beyer, nnd li'm. Dimnawin. WOOD AND GOAL MEASURERS. Thomas W. Osgodhy, Joseph '/,. Williams, Samuel C. llickuiu, Richard Wimsatt, ami John Cumberland. MEASURERS OF GRAIN, BRAN, ETC. First district.?John Wilson. Second district.?Joseph 'A. Williams. Inspector of flour and saltnl provisions. ?Joseph Lyons. ASSESSORS. 1st district, William Higgles. 2d " John T. Stewart. 3d " J. M. Downing. 4th " William Douglass. M " B. F. Dyer. 6<A " Edward Way son. 7th " John H. Bird, Scavengers ami sweeps not yet nominated POLICE MAGISTRATES. Samuel Drury, first district. John D. Clark, second district. Daniel Smith, third district. Thomas 0. Donn, fourth district. Patrick McKeima, fifth district. James Cull, sixth district. Daniel Rowland, seventh district. Chief of Police.?F. A. Klopfer. POLICE CONSTABLES. 1 Wm. Daw and John "if. tyav, flrst district. William H. Fuuiilhg anil Joseph Williamson, second listriet. James H. Knit and Wm. L. ltnss, third district. Kdward Mcllenry, Henry Ycatinun, and B. T. Watson, mirth district. H. C. Harrovcr, E. C. Gardiner, and R. Collins, fifth listriet. 'num. II. Kohinnon and Francis 8. Kilclin, sixth district, .lno. M. IJoyd anil Joseph A. Gill, seventh district. Episcopal High School, of Virginia, at unworn, o* Tin HawniH. Tkrrr MiUs WM qf Alessandria. REV. JOHN IV Mc<;riRK( R*$TUB 111 IK gcveiitoonth session of this iimtitution will cnnimoixv nn Weiltiin.tsy, Un< IHIi ?< Hr|4i inlmr next IVWM1 %-au0 for Isnril. lutUuu, Until*, fuel, BMIMUng, fcc , p?) shl* rim noini.ill) tn ailvoarr Mmfetn laoRuav"". mtutc, snl Urswln* ?rr nu? chaw*. PumpUM* cnutaiiiinx llw cmirw nt slwly, gfmrnnielil, InruM, to., i'ni Ui ItsMC will) rogues! tlioiii IXrot In REV JOHN r. MeOFlRE, Thcolnfrk-al flrmtaarv ln?t OOUfl, KmiUi gnunlff,'Yuri'tnia July 18?law 10*. George C. Thomas, Otmuuumntr vf />mli fur all tht Xlatm, Aim NOTARY PC MX. Ifay 18 -ljr Uuvouth ?!?* !, No 400 W. Mortmi. Juliu Ihipuy, Henry or I K. Walk ins, Tlioums T. Imriwiy, ntul and Charles 8. Cnrrlnt't'Xi, mid llirtr Una sum vera in trust, for the bNtll "f wti the L'ulun Theological Seminary 4,100 00 cou " ? " 123, ditto 5,000 00 the " July 10-127, TtKunaa Colli'rlll, wq., * citizen of the oUc I 'in Itil spite-, at prxaent residing at ene lliriiiuiKhaui, in EiiglatuI 8,000 00 mm 1810, Fell. 0?189, WlllUm Heath, of Harlow, ftucx, gentlu- con Ulan 1,060 00 pul " " " 140, Woolliuin Heath, of Netttesweil, Khsoi, 1 gentleman 1,060 07 dan " Aprtl28?141,Ttnsnns OoUertll, eaq., a rilhetinf the frit I'nited Spite at prevent residing ut the Hiruiluglinui, In Kuglaud 0,000 00 our 1850, June 1?142, ditto 1,60(1 67 Tin: " Due. 7?143, George Fealmdy, esq., of 1/indon 7,000 00 alio 1854, July 10- 149, Thomas CoUOriU, em|.,> cltlzeu of the par I'lilted States, at present residing at clfo liirnihighuin, ill England 5.000 00 in I " ( ? 150, ditto a.000 00 cou " " "151, ditto 5,000 00 T " " . " 152, ditto 1,000 00 The " " "153, ditto 1,000 00 ia II " July 22?154, Benjamin Moeea.of loudon 8,000 00 u|i[i 1855, April 7?155, George I'eubody, It Co., of loudon 6,000 00 the " " " 158, ditto 4,000 00 die " " " 157, ditto 5,000 00 prii " " " 163, ditto 5,000 00 tat' " " " 159, ditto 5 000 00 foul 1866, J'ly 2-1?100, Hugh Ilrown, esq., of lirondstoue, Par- pal tali of llirtli, Ayrshire, Scotland 5.000 00 trai " " " 161, ditto 6,000 00 aim o n it jug ditto . 5.000 00 ( lui " " "103, ditto 5,000 00 P?r ? ? " 184, ditto 5,000 00 H|K> " " " 105, dltUi 6,000 00 eon " " " 100, ditto 4,000 00 frot ? inai $160,000 00 foui 2. I'nder an ai l authorizing the Hoard of Public Works to autacribc 1 on tielialf of the Couimniiweiilth to the stock of the lVtcrnhurg Hallroad 08 r Company, passed 27th Kehruary, 1832 : l"4" 1834, June 30?22, The Most Motile (ieorgo Granville, Ihilto ' of Sutherland $10,000 00 l"4 ? " ? 23, ditto 10.000 00 " " " 30, ditto 4,000 00 $37,000 00 ^ KTAFFORD II. PARKER, Rftgbtcr, QDll GEORGE W. Ml'NTOIt, S*crc*Ury of U\o Common wallli of Virginia, ('(nnmi**ioiurr8 of the Sinking Fujul. (,j ( Not*.?Thoi*o holder a <?f oortlflralon who denire to retloom by Attor- u*f| ooy iuui?t, if residing beyond the IjmiU of the I'tiitod SUtow, auknowl- pec odpo the power bftfbre lone inlui.-tcr plenipotentiary, charge dfefkirtw, low consul ironeraL ooottil. vice cohhiiK or onnnierclal Agent, appointed by i fnn tho government <?r tlio United Hiatus to any foreign country ; or beforO j den Ha.' proper oUlcor of any court of such country, or the mayor or other j Ii chief magistrate of any city, town, or corporation therein. If residing i hu<! in tho United States, the RckiMiwieigtnftU before a Jufltioe *?f the peace, the notary public, or commissioner of deeds apiM>inted by tho governor of Bub Virginia is *nllh lent. In all cases the ccrtillcuic must be delivered. sys| UlUfnnsD, Va., July 31, 1807. July 31?layv3iti tlial The Fauquier White Sulphur Springe, 1. r IN YIBUtNA, k''C( OFFERED FOR SARE *IK> THE TUBUC IN IX>m _ THIS property lias been held under an act of In. ^ corporation since 183$. Tlio chartered property then tH l,l83>g acres of laiitl, ill Fauquier county, including the improve. rjP meat* thereon, auU was divided into 2,500 share*,, estimated in the charter at $ioo each. The subscriber liaviag subsequently reacquired soul tlie projterty, sold a i?art thereof, and there now remain fully Mown the hundred acres, together with the buildiugs enlurgod ami greatly iin and proved. The more easily to sell such a property, and to inomaw it-* and value, ho lifts laid ofl llws larger i*ortion of the buid into about 10,000 to a building lots, with convenient street*, of CO foot width, running north Ti uud south, east and west, with ? view to the fortnutiou of a village or baa rlty, to be called "War renlou Spring*." The ho lots nearly surround its ? the reserved ulxty five acres, which include the Sulphur Springs mid oft all tho contiguous buildings and improvement*. TImho .^ixty five won acres, also, are oflored for sab', in 2,500 shares, in connexion with the hou bits ; the whole 12,500 kits and shares being esUmuti'd at $10 i-ai li, vvllti and when taken U> be lurtitioned by lot ; Ukwo getting the 2,500 tricl shares will constitute the corporation under the amended charb-r of February 2, 1854, known as the Fauquier White Sulphur Springs Com- Ji unity ; and those getting the respective lots will receive their deed* from Mr. llo. lludgin, a geulieutan of the highest cliaracter uud business qualifications, to whom, aa trustee for tho purpose, the eutirc property /"^ has been conveyed. \j The valuation of this property l?y the sworn ofUoer of the Commou- Yor wealth shows that tlio buildings alone are worth $80,000 ; the assess- will ment |ier aero is put at $81. Such property requires more liberal ex- TI pendlturw f??r the public nocmumodatioti than Individuals are able or pep williug to risk, ami the fact that ti% many will be hiUrer-tod in tl?- sue- TI cess of the Springs, and in building around Che in, will probably dou- to o> ble, iifiuiediubdy after tho compan> is formed, tho proaout estimate i.-i cl A subscriber will, In tlio worst event, get a let (of thh almost uni omV vernal dimension* In New York) for the sum of ton dollars. He will m<?r g?'t a lot on w hieli he can build, at the very foiiiitain of health ; he may R resi le on it for the summer season only, or for the year. The induce- Frai ments to build will be (rrttUllhi* : and the fact of suyli buildings being euti erected will immo.'tHurablv enhance the value of the Seringa anil of tho ! W>t*. There t* no reason why a oily of mugi-lio-le riiould not rise up < and flourish at this place. Th-- Rappahannock r|vor is navkjablcto the gun spot. A vury little nnergy would always keep the lucks in ropuir. y, The Alexandria and l-yuobuarg railroad crosses llie river uliout 8 or B \y?.mllm below fills land. Coal, id a cheap rate, may ho unloaded frotu llio y ears Into the lamln. iudellidto steam |?wor may thus ho comntunded ? at will . anil the fucilily of transportation gives the same advantages which Lowell baa for unlimited bo-lucsa. The railroad, already within I"| miles, will si HOI extend to New Orleans, whoso inhabitant* may then reach ttieso Springs In tliroe days A* healthy a spot as any in Virginia in an abundant region?with all thesefai-lllUe* why should not a city thrive and pro?|*<r horof At all event*, around iltose health A giving waters, already so extraslvely and heaullfully improved, nil, X1 the high and llie low, the rich and the poor, have now an opportunity cats of sojourning for tin- suimner soas-.n, or longer, on terms graduulod furn by their mean* ; ami the benignant design of the legislature In grant A, lug the charter may bo rsaliaed to llie fullest extent, Tlif- pro|s>rty is tendered to the public ut about the value on whioh Ji the Uc - are |>*ld to the Stain, ami greatly below llie original outlay. -? The noscmiuonl was made by an Intelligent public "Hirer noway interesbsl Almost Imb-fiiiHo proltts may lie rolled en If the plan ef sale I be carried out. Ji ll lie not, no one will be Injured ; even the small ^ aunt of ten dollars is not reqiiireil to lie |iald until the subscrlpti-m lie ' completed, uml the |iartiti?u slutll he made by Urn trustee, asslated by ~ two Justices of ttm peuoo. Ill the mean time checks In favor of the trustee, or other snttslaetory arrang-'ineul, for the subscription, may Is- made, not to lie used till the day of partition. Tile trustee will apply tlie money after pailltion. In the llrst place, to tho oxtingulshmeut fll -if all liens on tile property, so as to give assurance of good title?A I title re|s-ried In 183#, by able attorneys, a* then entirely satlslhrtorr, ^gli and which has been douldy coullrmod by IB years uf -piiet, undt lurh g,,n cbl pomessloti since time. m)(j The plan of estimating loU and sdimrci la the Springs rompnny, as v,ur of equivalent vulne hi the partllirai. will save ir-mldc in the dlvl ' T1 sion ; and after this purtilion the lulorests of the M holder* and Npringn hooi stockholders wlU bo In law entirely distinct, -a tills- (lie success of -.tie -j-| liaily must greatly eulumee Use other Any one ihily subscribe li-r n,.p, one or tuore share* la tins purebase, anil hit interest Will be In pro u,.v, jHwrtiou. . ; ' &*< TRQM4* GBEEK. at U NoTf.*~l. All the tftrety 60 wVto, Wid run north and nouth, H wt niiU ' ? ?! I&cb square. in tho plan, front* 2&0 foot on atfcot* running oa*t |Jn and woxt, and 220 foot on struct< running north and aouth, and (with ila portion <?f the utrocU and alloy) contains itbnat two acre*. |i 3. No payinonl of otnin the $10 is required till It b ascertained. by tho number <rf su 1>bo filters, Unit a city is to be built; iu which event tho value muni greatly exceed the coet. \ a. in ui? p-iniimn urn iu,uuo K< mil no by tokens, una, with the numlier of mpiarr nnrt i>f hit on nu ll. The-o token* will In- also put In tin- sutne vonu-l with if.SOtt similar ott't, inarkol "I iliamof 30,1 stork." In auotlu-r vessel etilmortber*' names will lie pat, ( Miw the 1 repeated M-ronllnrr In the number of i-lmre* h? may have token.) anil Tl in the drawing, nil in tho'llvMun of large estate. union); numrroO* unit lairs, naah will Uiuh Imvc nu ispial chance with any ultaer of getting lb a nharo of Spring stork, or tho more highly valued Int. ' until The 2.SOU who g,-t tire shares of Mi?\ will, lor tip'Hffimjato mm of fnrfr only ttu.oOO. ifi'l tlu> 66 iktm, I Mr haling tho Sulphur Sprint;, lh? Tl buildlnga. (juewssnl at (hp puO.t ami tip- furniture. lot, I Thus? who ShiUUl. building Iota for large hotels may Ixi a I 111 more aoacositfw, while those least fnrfmuita will jrot MWHl| lot* of g& Ju by 100 toot, thul inuat ho worth, an the population Increases, much morn tlwni tlx- rsel. 4. Subscription BsU ami lithograplrte plan* of tho proposal city are loft at mi?t of tho hookr tores aiul otlior public pi.ire* In tlite nlv Tlio . Tit- li 1- Hi- III- 111 fail I mil III. represent .live o< I'll , I1.; . aahacrtbnra, and in surrendering thn lista nan get gaduranon of tho drssis Thai payments and tho thus !itg ufv .V*ipr.i Ui W' at Uu ?,w llnio, or tho aulisenptlou ttkny t" rtoji-l-jial pi any Huh cut bonk, to bo 1 iwbl to Rnhort I luila n on'Vlio iUy of partition of tl loiter* |1H huOscrihnr in that nly ?III receive attontion fnim Al Aug! THOMAS ORKK.V. J? WATCH H?pairiii|r and Kngraviug.?Wat?J??tt, < hroiioin-tor*. and |?-I.. i i,no-;. ,',-por? of every description It repair..I by skilful workmen anil warranted to perform a. jrulrly Kbit Kngiavhng of every description done In tho w?\ ?vyw. iurltiiluig Uto to H rutting of arm*, rreat*. mot;, tee, i\ty\ inttinl* urn sp*te I .Ire" *?* Vnoting aqd wnthhug umle elegantly engravwl ami primed I oCA If W I1AI.T ft BHO . Jeweller* U'M Penney h aula avenue, Jao'W U Between nth ami ItHhstreets I ft ijton 1 utD THE CONSTITUTION." \Y MORNING, SEPTEMBE REDEMPTION OF VIRGINIA FIVE PER CENT. STOCK. THE holders of tho following certificates of del?t liPiURl by the Sisto of Virginia will fctko unltet* tbut tlie "Coin tiu.-.-ioww of the Sinking Kandr wlil pructHMl oil the 31 1 tiny of <Jc ^ lober, 1837, lo rodt-eiu tli?> sail oartiflcaUM at the treasury ol the Com iminwe&RU TUo holder* ol ?al4 curtiflcalc* are required ou the *aUJ 31?t ofujMolWr, 1857, to turret! (Mr tin- MUM at the office of the at* uiul auditor. Whether *m * cu lcred or not, the mUroht thercou will cump on tliat <Uy : I 1. I'mlcr act paused 16th February, 1825. entitled An act making .JL further HrovHloa to carry Into Hli-cl tho act entitled 4,An act fl?r clear JM te? ami ten ?r??\iutr Uti* luvtsMKHi of Jk|B*l river ?utl lor mutiny llw l !" t*u i n ami wv.-icrn water* by thr Jaiuen and Kaunwlm river*, mid for ithnr puritan*." " 1 I'at' In what nanu Lvual. Amnmt April I ? 1#, Iktriny, lirothur-. JcCo..ot l/mfam... $f),000 0# (rn 1U4, June 111 - 87, Kev. Hofcart TrlUnn, ol Mordon, In U.o t,,,, county of Surry, lu Hug laud 0,000 00 lml " " " 81, Unto 1,000 00 |?v " " " W, ditto 3,000 00 (|,"p 1140, May 18?100, Jitmi-i HntchliMua, of llio Slock Ha ,H| ctlanye, Lou,loll, yclltliMIMli, olid Wm. |>ar KnlMon, of I).irluii;ton, Ihirliam. In 1,1,, kWlniol ifinllMua. Willi lielletll of I ,,u. Hurvivorshi}) 6,000 00 jjy, 44 11 44 101, ditto 3,00<> 00 ailr 44 44 44 102, ditto 2,000 00 phi| 1844, Ah*. 6, 118, Richard Thornton, or Old Swau Wharf, fr*i tJppor Thum.vs Hired, I/>ndou, uu*r- uui; chant 6,000 00 the 44 44 44 110, ditto 6,1)00 00 tun 44 ' 44 1-20, ditto - 3,000 00 oca 44 44 44 I'll, ditto ... 2,000 00 turn 1840. Foil. 13. 122. Francii X. Walking. tlcmout C. Ruul, one Inum. HIMHKK no B % 1*57. PROSPKCTUS or tub WASHINGTON UNION. New Volume, New Typci, atul New Arrangement*. TO THE NATIONAL DEMOCRACY Of THE IKITTO RTATER. THE undcrai^uod takeH Huh method of informing the liu-iul.en of Uie geeal national deiuoeratic |?rt)' that, luiv mummed the aola i>ru|>rl*tor.ld|> arid editor, hip oT tho \Vi*w*<m>? ion, ho look* to them fur thai rouuleimnec. nuommireiueul. tool [ortwktnb baa hitherto been eanmried to tliii tune honored organ Jin democracy, and without whteli liu labor* would indeed b? i?ofm. TuJer tbo new arrangenwRt, the typographical apiiearanm i< ilwt ion baa been etitirel) rhauged aud improved, New and beaiilirul la now used In Ha daily, neim weekly, and weekly iaaiioa, and I be per U)pou which tt in printed la 11 aa extra aiipernrr quality. Il in lutoutiou to enlarge lla aire, an the demand* or the necennltiiw of future may require: and It i* my flxed yttrpmieto ?pare rveitln r euu nor altort to make It tbo great neutral eryaa at the brMPCauii ty, every way worthy of their lauilblenco and eupfort, and a ralia and faithful medium of common* alien between the ca|>ttal and the ntry Having for many year* raertad my Iwet eltorl- to bring Nr. hamin into Uie presidential chair, I .-ball render to hiin ami 10 lilt nint.trBiiim ail the annonrt wbteh nartr tie* and peraoual frieud [> oau kuM|>ire. A ureal rrbi* an liw affairs of I he country?a cri^lK ught Willi peril and danger to the rights nf the 9bato^ and the perttenry of the Union?<3U>in<HMlLriited to the national democracy and patriotic people of the country that his acknowledged talents, hut Ml wisdom, approved HUtaftmanirhip, and long experience, were no nary to their peone and ?afbty, and they placed him, with aootuma\a, at tho head of the government and I he nation He realised at ? their hojx-s apd by ruling t? his asaiatmiBo a en hi not roon combining tlie rarest qualifier Una* ufc Mtotttt, cxperkUMW, pint k'suiauship? men endear* d Pa the denaooratle party by nil their anMloiata;tnr the seal which they hud displayed and tho norvicon Ich they hud rendered In some of the most honorable office* of the ntry, In supporting and sustaining tho principle, the measure*, nnd |H>ltcy of our party. A few weeks lias sufficed to till every patri heart in the land with contldeuco and hope. Even his pohticul mie* Keen to respect hint. fanaticism itself appears willing for a tnettt to moderate Its tone; and tho enemies of our peace, of the stltutioii. and the I'niou will not U- able mueh longer to disturb the die mind by their fauallcal shrieks and treasonable agitation, urge as the circulation of Uui Uttim Is, it tails far short of those gerous fanatical sheets that are literally spread broadcast over the States, and which tlnd their way tn large numbers in too many of southern States. .V* an antidote to the poison of those publications, friends should be senlous iu extending the circulation of the Union. iho who have been placed in office* of profit bv democratic votes uld aid in circulating democratic Journals; and to jKMtmaaters in ticular we confidently look R>r active cooperation in our present i ts to plaoo a copy of tho Daily, Weekly, or Semi Weekly Union he hands of overy larwer, mechanic, and working uian lu the ntry. he subscription price of the Daily Union is ten dollars per annum. ! Tri- Weekly (published scini-weekly during the recess of CougroKS) vc dollars iter annum, and oou|a|iw all the roadiug matter which ears in the Daily. The Weekly Union is furnished to subscriber* at low rate of one dollar jer annum, and is Justly regarilcd an the apest politioul papier iu the world. It Is a large and handsomely ited sheet, and contalus as much reading matter in tho course of a Ivotnotith as would make lu*/tv ordinary odaw volume*. It will be ad to posses* the advantages of both a political ami a family newsier. The most important |K>litical articles of the daily issue are inferred to the weekly, and during the sitting of Congress a careful tract of tho dally proceedings of the two bouses Is prepared cxdvely fur its columns. It ooutnhiH, besides all important State pa s of the year, election returns from every State in the Union, echcs of distinguished democruU in and out of Congress, interesting reBpondonce, a full summary of foreign and domestic news, and n week to week such information In regard to the agricultural, imfac-luriug, and commercial interest* of the country us wil| \\y [id, it is believed, of particular value. hat tho ir?My Union is appreciated in Urn uue>i substantial man by democrats lu ?v?TT suptkio of tho Union, no better evidence d bo desired than is furnished by its rapidly increasing circulation. Inn eighteen month* tioenfy thousand new name* have been added to snuscripuou 11 -1, ami, wuu uie suguu.-t exertion on tue purl m upr uds, Its circulation ran li? Increased U>cue hundred thousand co. i before tlu> close of the your. Will oq( friends exert themselves? llie value of the W?*Jy f'mm hi correct misrepresentations, expose ebood, error, anil to bring before the peopl* the principle* measures of the doipocratio iwrty lu all llielr simplicity, purity, nbjdtng strength, we have testimony. a* abundant ax it is Untie r. from nearly every congressional district In Uie United Uiutns. ? testimony is of iUelf tin- strongest argument w||IUi uouiil lie oiler >f tlM neciutty of promptly e^tpiplipg mo sphere of lu concede.I fulness. 1 ||iak? Vlu- appeal not from the selfish considerations of uninry gain--a* the aulMCrtptkm price of the Wrrkiy Union I* no as to barely cover the cost of printing ami tlic ? Ulto paper.?Ibut n root!vex which 1 think will Ire understood ami appreciated by roorata every where. r aadWIm, I desire to r .y a few Tfftfds m suh.icrflier*, and to i a? may hereafter fiecnppi HUbscrlhers. Theru Is now owing to Union establishment upwards of seventy thousand dollars for hack scripUona. These enormous arrearages are llie result id' the credit lent- With the new volume u|xm which tlio Union has otimriuf I system Is abatidoncd. and hereafter the business of the estahlishU will h*' conducted on strictly ouft firinehit*. No snlMcrlplious the I tally, Html weekly, or Weekly Issue will he received unless Mpivpi|isi \ylth the advauye payments. Address WJTJAAII A. HAIUUS, Editor and Proprietor of the Colon, Washington, D. C. Valuable Farm and Water-pnwer for Sale. IJ1K niuteraignrd offers at private sale a very tieBlnihlo Turin, rout.lining about 3*10 acre*. It U located ut the ibra^t. <?xtr?mity of Cliurlva county, Marylautl, aud h bouuded on houUi by tbo I'ouanac river, on tho cu t by tbe Wicomico river, the north by a crock tlrnt oinjMk^ itu water* iulo tho Wicomico, nt tho tuouth of which there is Hutlicicut current to i>ro)M*t mill* 1 ny dtfc-irubto extent. he lundH are well minuted to the grow th of com, wheat, Aiul to- | no ; and, from the abundance of arm grajw that aumuilly Hoabs on | hort'fs and the quantity of nhelU that are on It, cculd Ixt made one ] he rlctxitt farms in tlio county. There is a saficrnbtindnncc of wl, and a comfortable dwelling-house, kitchen, quarters, coru* ?-tables, ;tii<! .1 lurgo ham, all in if?*xi order. Oyhlcr*, h-li, and L fowl are uhuudaut. Communications |o Uttflimore ami the D&- 1 l of Columbia are almost daily. Addrtvoi JOHN HAMKMY, line b?lawM' Harria Ud P, ()., Charted co., ltd, IOMPLETION of Panama Railroad.?Reduction ' of fure to CalUhrula.?United States mall steamships leave New k for Aspiuwall uu Urn 6th and 20th of each month, councollug i null steamers from I'uiutma to San Francisco. Iicse steamship* have hoeB inspected and approved by tho Navy artmcnt, and guaranty tpesri and .vt/dy. ho Panama railroad (47 inlles bipg) |s daw nomplctcd from ocean ccan, and is crossed li) 3 or 4 hours. The baggage of |tawiin(r n locked lu Neijf York Ihniugli biSau Fraucisco. tuid passenger* are utrkod lit Panama by slimmer at the company's expense. Tlio ley paid lu New York cover* all expenses of I lie trip, iKorro steamers are kept in port lu Now York, Panama, and San ucisco, to provent doteutiou In case uf accident, su that the ruutc is rely refinWe. unenger* leave l"anntnx Iho same day they arrive nt Axpinwall. inductors go through by each steamer, aud take charge of wouieu chtWrop without ?iUnr protector*. n through tiukoU ul tlio lowest rotes apply at tlio agoucy, 177 4 street, Now York, to I. W. RAYMOND, ay 0 -dii" Penn Mutual Lite Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Qipilal $700,000?Charter perpetual I JAj tlic profits divided amongst the policy holdL em every year. Ite?criptivc pamphlets, blank 1'orni" of appll n*, mill every lufortnatiou oil tlie subject, of mutual life I nun more iintuit on applicant*!, wllhteil charge, personally or liy until, pent for Washington JOHN ItKKil.Hi, Northwest corner of I'enn. avenue anil 17th street, liy 3?JiiwSw J. MIDDl.ETON, Ico dealer, office and depot southwest corner of F anil Twelfth streets, Washington, l>. C. p 11-dlyt For Kansas and Missouri River. I. snunonT. Illfci PACIFIC RAILROAD is now running two ilmly trains between St. |ony anil Jefferson city, connecting i the "Lightning Line" of Mkwurl river packets, that leaves Jeffcr city ilaily on tin arrival of the express train, currying the malls paagmjam for Bonneville, Ulasgow, Islington, Kaiwus, laxiventh, Weston, St. Joseph, anil all Intermediate poiuta. irongh from St. 1/Xils to Kansas In 48 hours, ami from 24 to 36 r? aheail of boats starting from St. l/wits. io Lightning-line pockets are equal to any hosts In the trails, unit, t reipiireil to run on schedule nine with tlio malls, passengers are If delayed waning for freight at towns on their way. Through 'U enn 1x3 purchased In the principal cities Of the United Slates, or io offices m St. fouls. T MeUMGSC, ay 22?dtf Asu't Sup't. ited States Sale of Valuable Wharf Proprty and Lots on the Schuylkill, adjoining he Naval Asylum. Philadelphia. [TILL be sold, at public auction, on Tuesday, T tbu day of Hcpifinbor nrxt, at 10, a. m., ou vho protutlie X'uit-Mt Static wharf and toil. adjoining Vbc Naval Asylum ; , thoao beuroen Wilppon and Sontfi numberod from 1 to nrliialvo, aronrdtng to the |?1a0, wWch can !>? aeon at tho office of navy afont and too A-yhim. Il> hirma nf onto Will lu. ran. b.tlreaj). a..,. In <d? .?xnlba ottirr fourth In twelve months from Uie date of sale. w?'|pt* will bo given lor payment*, hut no (lords will ho executed I Uh> fliutl payment* shall bo made ; mid all the payments to be died II Uie terms of the sale shall not l>e compiled with. io governmcut reserve* the right to IU a minimum value uo each below which a attic will uot be made. Mm. baikier, ily 24?wlfiepl Navy Agent, Philadelphia. WIU tie published on the2&th of June RE WI"E.\ |)I.Vti CRISIS OK THE SOUTH- ROW TO MEET IT. llY II1NTON ROWAN HELPER, or xortn cxaoouu. rol..l2mo, 420 pages. Prioe $1. Rent free of pontage on receipt u> prtee above. Wrens m/Rl>hK BROTHERS, tno 13?3m*f PubJIshera, A Spruce street, New York. JO ROAD (XJNTR A (Si) R3o?11 "being [ the intention ef the hoard ?if dire, tors of lite Washington and It ills? Turnpike Company to gravel tlie road front the first toll gate a terminus at the IHstrtct line, contractors ore rrepicatcd to ad a or apply to the nndersfgned on the subject on or liefore the 15U) pvU next. JOHN C BRENT, No 3*> lsulniana avenue. 1 C IEW fit, sb 24 Stawtf 442 Seventh street. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. ?? Ike mm of we |wmi wdl be catered upuw our beuka, mil? Ul iniyumat of the ?ub- rripUuu be mad* la kd vnor*. I* taut aabwrlhrr-. m> forward ?w money by 'letter and all rtak ?IU be ?M?mi-il by .Mir-wdca* in |t* tab Iru/auaNa The <<? VOtY l'AI'12! l> published trt-weakly during lb* aaaalooi i Cuugrve, >?d ntnl ?e--k ly during lb* reoce*. Sul>-rri|d**w fur a period k*? than a year will bo received on Urn* prrqiortiimed to the above annual rate*. W^-HHTVt tSTKKS ar? imkliorlaod to ad aa oar at'eaU, ami by ending <*k nn DAILY aub-.Tlb.-rn, Willi $50 voobwed; of n.a tOCYII WEEKLY aulieerlbore, wilU $25 nauklMd, will lw entitled W a copy mm Splendid Schemes for August, 1H67. lb bo drawn under tbo i?|a-r!ub?lriiM. of roamnli?*ra apt*, mi by tb* governor. tlRUKlBY A MAURY, Maxaokbh, Wilmington, la-law are. $112,600 I Lottery for tbo benefit of the BTATK. OF DKIjlWAftE, (lata (I, for 1167 Tb bo drawn at Wilmington. Pol., on Saturday. Augaat it, ltlf, 7ft number lottery?It drawu ballot*, nnutn wann. 1 grand prte*of $02,600 1 prue of I... tft.aoo I do 25,000 1 do sjBft I do 20,000 100 do . 1,600 1 do It,600 1U kiwrat 3 No. |>riaw. 1.000 I do 7,000 k<- Ac he. Ticket* $20 halves $10 quarter* $6?eighth* $2 ft? lVrll8c?U-? uf pacing*- uf 24 whole 16 let* $270 00 In, do 26 lull do 166 oo llo do 25 quarter do .. #7 60 l)o do 25 eighth llo *3 76 $36,0001 lottery ft* the benefit of the STATU OF DELAWARE. Claaa 1*9, for 1847. To he drawn at Wilmuigtasi, Del., on Saturday, Angii-t 39, 1*67. 7k number lottery?14 drawn ballot*. nun wiuuw. 1 1 prtae of $35,000 9 prtaa* of $$6620 20 2 do. 40,000 ft do 4,600 00 2 do \V... 6,000 Id do . . lonooo 2 do '-4,000 40 do ' 400 00 2 do 3,000 298 do 260 00 lie. to. he. Ticket* $10?halve* $6?quarters $2 60. Certllkatca of packages of 20 whole tickets $135 00 Do do 20 half ih) 67 60 llo do 2<l quarter do #3 7ft Itrdfirq frtf iir<lfiila mill ohar.wi atul oorlill/o.tAi, ?-P n*ab..?k.. 1- **._ above splendid lidterics will receive the ino.t prompt atteiilii.n.nnd an account of < drawing will bo tout Immediately utter It la ovvr to all v. ho ordor from toe. Address P. J. DUCKEY, Agent, July 18 Wilmington, Delaware. Brilliant Scheme* for September, 1857. GREGORY t MAURY, Managers. Wilmington, Delaware. To bo drawn under the superintendence of commissioners appointed by the governor. *40,0001 lottery for the benefit of the STATE Of DEI .AWAKE. Class 105,for 1857. To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, Sept. 6, 1857. 78 number lottery?12 drawn ballots. HRIL1JANT BCUKMV. 1 prize of *40,000 00 prizesof *3,500 1 do 20,000 00 7 do 2,000 1 do 10.112 80 200 lowest 3 No. prizes ... 500 4 prizes Of. 6.000 00 Uo. Ac. fcr Tickets *10?liulvea *3?quarters *2 50. Certificates of packages of 20 whole tickets *150 00 Do do 28 half do 75 00 Do do 20 quarter do 87 50 *50,0001 Lottery for the benefit of the STATE OF DEIetWARE. Class 201, for 1867. To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, Sept. 12,1857 75 number lottery?14 dgawn ballots. MtaxincuiT email. 1 grand prize of *80,000 1 prizo of ....*8,102 60 1 splendid do 20,000 20 prizes of 1,500 00 1 do do 15,000 20 do 1,000 00 1 prize of 10,000 40 do 500 00 1 do 5,000 277 do 200 00 I 1 u? *,uut> I ?c. Jlc. AC. Tickets 815?halvek 87 50?quarters 88 75?eighths 81 87)?. Certificates of packages of 26 whole tickets. 1. 8180 00 Do do 25 half du 00 00 Iki do 25 quarter do 45 00 Du do 25 eighth do 22 50 $35,133! I/)ttcry f>r the lxmeflt of the STATE 05* DEI. AW ARE, Clam 207, for 1857. To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Katurdfcy, Sept. 18,1857. 75 number lottery?12 drawn ballots, men M KKMt. i 1 prize of 835,133 I 20 prlee* of $450 20 prises of84.000 each are 50,000 | 30 do 250 10 do 2,000 I 122 do 200 10 do 1,500 [ Ac. Ac. fco. Tickets $10?halve* $5?quarters $2 50. Certificate* of packages of 25 whole tickets $140 00 Do 4k> 25 half do 70 00 I)o do 25 quarter do 85 00 $06,0001 1 sjttery for llto benetlt of the STATE OF DELAWARE, i Class H,for 1857. To he drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, Sopt. 28,1S57. 78 number lottery?14 drawn ballots. 11RII.11SVT HCHKMK. 1 grand prizo of... i. $05,000 00 I 6 prizes of .... $4,000 . In 1 do do ...... 25,000 00 | 5 do 3,000 1 do do 20,000 00 I 10 da 2,000 1 do do 14,000 00 100 do 750 1 do do 7,380 80 ) 230 do GOO Ac. Ac Ac. Tickets 820?lialves 810?quarters 85?eighths 82 50. Certificates of packages of 20 whulu tickets 8260 00 I8> do 2(1 half do 130 00 Iki do 20 quarter do SO 00 Do do 20 eighth do 32 60 Order i for tickets Hud ikarcs ttd certiorate* of package* In the nliove splendid lotteries will receive the inost |>roni|it uttcntiisi, and mi urcoiint of each drawing will bo sent immediately alter It Is Over to all win) order from inc. Address, r. J. 1UCKIJ5Y, Agent, Aug 19 Wilmington, Delaware. [No. 584.] Notice J Of the Removal of the Land Office from Ojiuwa to Oitkr Tail Citt, in the Territory of Mmnetata. IN ACCORDANCE with tho proviniona of tho act of Congress entitled 'An net authorising clumges In the location or laud unices," npp oved 3d March, 18&8, it Is hereby declared and made known that the olOee for the "Northwestern District" In the Terrlusry of Minnesota will l>e removo.1 from the towu of Ojiswa to (tm.R Tail Crrr, In sal.l Territory, at <u early a period as practicable. Further notice as to the pr else tluoe of removal trill l>e loaned by sj iho register and receiver IbT said district. Given under my baud, at the city of Washington, this ISth day o August, A, P lSM. ity mder of the lYesldent : T1IOS. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner ot 1 lie General Isind ouice. Ang 20- law-Ow [Intel k Star.] hanking house ok chord brothers, Washington, Jar iary 1,1837. JOHN D. BARROW and ILENRY HOLMES are Hits day admitted as partners In tlie i Ian king House of Chubb Brother*. Tb? llrni from this date w ill be composed of Chaa. Ft. J. Chubb, .lohn D. Barrow, and Henry Holmes The House In Davenport, Iowa. Is composed of Charles Ht. J. Chubb, Win. H. I* si gal, and Alexander IL Barrow, under tho inn of Chubb Brothers, Bar row, k Co. C1IUIIB BROTHERS, Jan 1?dtf / 1 EN ERA L WE8TBRN IaAMI) OFFICE^?FiU\JT more, (Isborn, k On., corner Main and Heeond streets, (op atsirs.) nearly opiseom Iho Jultvii House, Dubuque, Iowa; Breoin. Oaisirn, kO?., 39 tiark street, Clileago. Illinois; Broom, Ilusscy, k On., Keokuk, Iowa, real estate agents, stock and exchange brokers, will give their promts attention to the sale of real estate, atooks, and Winds; loans negotiated; money invealed; locating lands, eltlier with cash or warrants. Will locate ou liine.Jntut account, or <si commission. I Every location is made from personal examination* only. Taxes paid, he,, lie., fee. N. It?Ail property left with as for sale will, If required, be planed upon our registers at Chicago ami Keokuk, as well aa here, giving tho seller three markets. Ourrec|**idcuce solicited. Ap ;W?U3m KIFLH) OKDNANCE ; a practical treatise. 1 vol. Inodua. 1R6T. A TrmtHo ou kirc.Viui It)' Ueat. Kinioiir, lfc>i?al Artillery. * vol. 1/mdon. H57. Munuiil Krilln fur Heavy (ImA. 1 vol London 1W. Kt-marka on (junnery. Hy (apt Blokely, R.>yal Artillery. 1 vol. London. 1H67. Artillerwt t Manual By Major UtUlUlir. Royal Artillery? Tth o<lllion. londoti. 1851 Heofferti'* yrvfytniw of War. 1vol. 1/m.lon Sjienrmnu'a RriLh Unnuer. 1 vol. l/tidon. Thn lloiiyal Artillery, fruan iu formation. Uy C?pt Uurklr. 1 vol. i Itondon. Aide Meoiulre, a l'inu;:? <l<v nfllricni d'iirtltl?rl?. 1vol. Pari" Rule I'rio In ' . Ily I Lent. (Mont I J.-, oh, Uomliay Artillery. 1 vol ffi 1/mdtm Im IVmrtrvtrUon II Ut kaUrii akoa Jn Arni? a ?*. Par la Colaae! lloiiilliii*. 1 voL I"ar1? LVrganintibu dv tWrlillVrtr Tar las Ikmrp, lieu I Col. d'Artilkrlr 1 I vol. Part*. Papr llii orir till i'uthtaua. I vol. mraahntirp. Ik-H CUkiiTK 4'ArUUiiia dau? kw kondarV*. I vol. ami alia* l a 11- toM IMMi rai I'AfflNo. Par l? 0> at?l MwMant. 1 v?4? Parle i aur lAitdlerke. l*ai I Hap rtllf Inula Napoleon 2 vol* I'arM. ' Naval Ruaoery Ry Rir llovv ard liouflaa I vol koodoo. v I Aug In KRAN'CK fATIXHt I