Newspaper Page Text
[No. 585 ] By the President of the United States: IN pursuance of law, 1, James Buchanan, President of Uie lulled Male* gf America. do hereby declare and rnako known thai public sales will lie held at the undermentioned land of flees In the State of Uallfcrnia, al the periods hereinafter designated, In wit: At the land oWce at Los Asosusi, commencing on Jfuadop, the tenth day ?/ key sen, tor (he disposal of the publts lands within the fol lowing uamed townships, rtt : South tf the hate line and wed if the San Bernardino mention. Sections one to twelve, Inclusive ; the north half of section Uiir teen; the uorth half and the aouUiwest quarter of section fourteen; sections Illteeu to twenty <me, Inclusive ; the uorUi lialf of section twenty-two ; the northwest quarter of suction twenty-three , section twenty -live ; the south half of auction twenty six ; the southeast quar ler of section tweuly seven ; sections twenty nine to thirty two, incltt ntve ; the south hail of section thirty three , the northeast quarter and the south half of section thirty four ; and section thirty Ore, of tewfMktji three; secOous three to ulne, Inclusive ; the north half and the south want quarter of section ten ; the southeast quarter and the northwest quarter of section eleven ; the northeast quarter uud the south bulf of section twelve ; section thirteen ; the east half of section fourteen ; sections seventeen to twenty four, inclusive ; the north half of section twenty Ave ; and sections tw enty six to thirty-live, Inclusive, of town ehip/tmr, of ntnpr three. Township three, of hanpsfour Sections ons to twenty fcur, Inclusive ; the north half of section twenty-live ; and sections twenty-six to thirty, Inclusive, of tou>mhii> one i and sections one tq twenty seven, Inclusive, of towiuhiy three., of ranpe Jim. Sections one, two, snd three ; ths east half of section four ; the east hull and the southwest quarter of section nine ; sections ten to Of teen, Inclusive ; the southeast quarter or section twenty ; sections twenty one to twenty -eight, inclusive ; the east half and ibe southwest quarter of section twenty-utnu ; the south half of sectiou thirty ; sections thirty-one M) thirty four, inclusive ; and the uorthwesl quarter of section thirty Bvc, of toumthip tine, of range rut North f the bate line and wed of the San Bernardino mention. ' Hections ope to seventeen, inclusive ; the north half of section etgh teen ; the south half of section nineteen ; sections twenty to twenty three, Inclusive ; the northwest quarter ot section twenty four ; the northwest quarter of section twenty-dx ; sections twenty-seven to thirty, inclusive ; the cast half ef section thirty-two ; the north hull' of the northeast quarter hikI the northwest quarter of section thirty three, of toumship thr**, township four, and Jive.; sections one to eight, nclusive ; the north half of sectiou nine ; section* ten to thirteen, inclusive ; the east liulf of section fourteen ; the west half of nocliou seventeen ; sections ighteen and nineteen ; the west half of section twenty ; the southeast quarter of sect on twenty-one ; ami sections twenty-two to thirty-live, inclusive, of township six and town ship seven, of range four. Motions one to fifteen, Inclusive \ tho east half of section seven teen ; the east half of section twenty ; sections twenty-one to twenty seven, inclusive ; the north half of section twenty- eight ; the north east quarter of sectiou twenty-uino ; the northeast quarter of section thirty-four ; and tho northwest quarter of section thirty-live, of town ship three, and townships four, Jive, sir, and seven, of range /it*. Sections one and two ; the north half of section three ; tho north half of section (bur ; the northeast quarter of section five ; the west half of section six ; the uorth half, the southeast quarter, and the north half of the southwest quarter of section seven ; the west half of tha northwest quarter and the south half of section eight; the north east quarter of section eleven ; section twelve; the uortlieust quarter and the east half of the south east quarter of section seventeen ; the cast half of tho uortlieast quarter and the southeast quarter of section twenty; the west half of the northwest quarter and the south west quarter of section twenty -one; tho southwest quarter of section twenty six; and the northeast quarter of section thirty-Ave, of township i three and Unvnships four and Jive, of range six. Sections one to eighteeu, inclusive; the north half of section nine teen; sections twenty to twenty five, inclusive; tho northeast quarter of section twenty-six; the northwest quarter of section twenty seven; and the northeast quarter of section twenty-eight, of township four and township Jive, of range seven. J itoctioua one to six, Inclusive; the northwest quarter of section even*, the northeast quarter of section nine; tho north half of section ten; sections eleven, twelve, and thirteen; the northeast quarter of | section fourteen , and tho northeast quarter of section twenty thrco, of township four, and township Jive, of range eight. Tho northwest quarter of section three; sections four, five, and six; the north half of section seveu, sections eight and nine; and tho north cast quarter of section seventeen, of township four; and township.* l' Jive and six, of range nine. Sections ono and two; the northeast quarter of section three; the west half of section elovon; the northeast quarter of sectiou twelve; section fourteen; and the southeast quarter of section fifteen, of town ship four; sections one to twenty-eight, inclusive; the northeast quarter of section twenty-nine; tho northeast quarter of section thirty three; aud sections thirty-four and thirty-tive, of township five; and township six, of range ten. Sections one to eighteen, Inclusive; the northwest quarter of section nineteen; the northeast quurtcr of faction twenty one; the northwest quarter of section tw enty two; and the uortheast quarter of section ts twenty-four, of township Jive; and tovmship six, of range eleven ! Sections one, two, and thrco ; the northeast quarter of sec lion four ; the northeast quarter of section ten ; sections eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen; tho southeast quarrter of sec tion (lflecu; the southwest quarter of section eighteen) ; section \ nineteen; the southwest quarter of section twenty; the east half of section twenty-two: the northwest nnartor of section Iw<>ntv.ilir^o m?m?. || lions twenty-seven to thirty throo, inclusive; and the north half of hoc t tiou thirty-four, of tovmship five; and townships six and ?event of range r twelve. [ Section one; the northeast quarter of sectiou two; tho southeast I. quarter ol'section ton. tin- .south halfo! MTtnm eleven, section twelve; Iji the east half of section thirteen; the northwest quarter of section four ;.{ teen; and the north half of section fifteen, of township four; tho south west quarter of section seven; the south half of section eight; tho southwest quarter of sectiou nine; tho west half of section fifteen; the north half of section seventeen; section eighteen; the northeast quarter of section tweuty-two; and sections twenty-three, twenty four, twenty five, twenty-six, and thirty-five, of toionship five; sections ono to aovl cutoeu, inclusive; the north half of section eighteen; the northeast quarter of section twenty; sections twenty -one to twenty-live, inclu Bive; the northeast quarter of section twenty-six, of township six; and h' township seven, of range thirteen. |v Section thirteen; the southeast quarter of section fourteen; the south 1 fcast quarter of sectiou twenty two; the east half and the southwest quarter of section twenty-three; the northwest quarter of section twenty-four; tho north half of section twenty-six; and the east half of section twenty-sovon, of township five; sections one, two, and three; the northeast quarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of Boctiont'our; the northeast quarter of section eleven; section twelve; nnd the north half of section thirteen, of township six; sections ono to eighteen, inclusive; the north half of section nineteen; the north half 1 of section twenty; sections twenty-ono to twenty-eight, inclusive; the south half of sectiou twenty-nine; tho south east quarter of section thirty; the north half of the northeast quarter of section thirty one; the northeast quarter and the north half of tho northwest quarter of section thirty-two; aud sections ihlrty-three, thirty four, and thirtylive, of township seven, of range fourteen. ? At tho land office at San Francisco, commencing on Mom/ay, the third day of May next, for the disposal of tho public lands within the following-named townships, viz: North of the base line ami east rf the Mount Diablo meridian. Fractional township three, of range one. North of the base line and west if the Mount Diablo meridian. Fractional townshipc four and Jive, of range one. K'siti/h ?/ th. luiMM lilts, situ? Mtt /h* 1 #/,./,?> TKnhl* Section* ono to eighteen, and twenty two to twenty-five, inclusive, I>r township ten, of range nine. Township ten; and sections one to six, inclusive; eight to tlfteon, in elusive; and twenty two to twenty six. inclusive, of township elevtn, of range ten. Township ten ami eleven; sections ono to six, inclusive; eight to fifteen, inclusive; twentyone to twenty-eight, inclusive; and thirty four nntl thirty live, of township twelve; sections one, two, three, and nine to tlfteon, inclusive; and twenty two to tw enty-seven, inclusive, ot townihip thirteen, ot range eleven. Fractional township ten; townships eleven, twelve, and thirteen; sec lions ono to live, Inclusive;eight to seventeen, inclusive; twenty to twenty-nine, inclusive; and thirty-three, thirty-four, and thirty live, of township fourteen; sections ono to tour, inclusive. ten to thirteen, in elusive; and twenty four and twenty five, of township fifteen, of range twelve. Fractional township eleven ; townships twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and township.A/tcen, except section thirty one ; and sections one, two, and twelve, of township sixteen, of range thirteen. Townships twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen ; sections one to seventeen, inclusive, twenty-one to twenty-seven, inclusive, and tlitr ty four and thirty Ave, of township sixteen, of range fourteen. Townships thirteen, fourteen, til tecn, and sixteen ; the south half of section Tour ; the south half of section llvo ; Sections seven, eight, and nine ; the west half of section ten ; aDd sections thirteen to thirty live, inclusive, of township twenty, or rnngo fifteen. Fractional township sixteen, and township twenty, of range sixteen. ! Yactional township sixteen ; and townships seventeen, eighteen, nine toen, and twenty, of range seventeen. Fractional townships seventeen nud eighteen, and township ninteeen nn l twenty, of range eighteen. . Fractional townships eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of range nine At the land office st Mari-hyim*. commencing on Monday, the seventeenth day of May next, for the disixisal of the public lands within J the following-named townships, viz : North of the base line and east gf the Mount Diablo meridian. Fractional township four ; township five; fractional townships twelve, thirteen, and fourteen; aDd towushi|is seventeen nud eighteen, of range one. Fractional townships twelve, thirteen, nnd fourteen ; and townships ! seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, of range two. North <f the base line and west ef the Mount Diablo meridian. Townships eleven and twelve, and fractional township thirteen, of range one Townships twelve, thirteen, fourteen, nnd fifteen, of range turn. Townships fourteen, fifteen, anil sixteen; fractional township* eevrn lee*, eighteen, and nineteen ; and township* twenty nnd twenty -one, of range three Sections one, two, three, and ten to fourteen, Inclusive ; tho cast half of section ; the east half of section twenty-two ; sections twenty three to twenty-six, Inclusive ; and section thirty-live, or township fourteen ; sections one, two, and three ; tho east half of sec tlon four ; the east half of section nine ; sections ten to fifteen, Inclu sive ; the east half of section twenty-one; .sections twenty two to twen ty seven, Inclusive ; tho northeast quarter of section twenty eight ; and sections thirty four nnd thirty Ave, of township fifteen ; sections ono to four, inclusive, nitio to fifteen, inclusive, twenty one to twenty eight, Inclusive, and thirty throe, thirty four, and thirty live, of town hlp sixteen ; sections one to seven, Inclusive ; the north half and the southwest quarter of section eight ; sections nine to fifteen, Inclusive ; the west half of section seventeen ; sections eighteen nnd nineteen the northwest quarter of section twenty ; sections twenty-one to twenty eight, inclusive ; the west half of section thirty ; and sections thirty three, thirty four, and thirty live, of township seventeen ; sec ion* one ui nineteen, inclusive ; urn wesi nan 01 section twenty ; tne east half of section twenty one section* twenty-two to twenty seven, Inclusive ; Hie emit half of section twenty eight ; the went half nfsec Won twenty nine , sections thirty awl thirty one ; the went half of sec tion thirty two ; the cast half of section thirty three ; and section* thirty four and thirty live, of township riglUera ; and township* nine teen, twenty, and twenty one, of range four. Sections one, two, three, and ten to fifteen, Inclusive ; the northoaat quarter of section twenty two ; sections twenty-throe to twenty six, inclusive ; the southeast quarter of section thirty tour ; and section thirty Itve, of township trrvnleen ; acctkms one, two, and three ; tile southeast quarter of section ntoc ; sections ten to Itfteen, Inclusive ; the northeast quarter of section twenty vine ; sectiona twenty two hi twenty seven, Inohislve , and auction* thirty four and thirty live, of township eighteen ; sections one, two, and three ,the northeast quar ter of section four ; section* ten to fifteen, Inclnslve ; sections twenty two to twenty-seven, Inclusive ; and section* thirty four and thirty tlve, of township nineteen ; and township* twenty and twenty one. of range Jim lands appropriated ivy law for the use of schools, military, and other purjawes, or those covered by confirmed private laud claims, together with the "swamp and overtlownd lands, made there by nnfll Tor cultivation,'' if any, granted to the flute hy the act entitled "An act to enahle Ihe Slate of Arkausas ami other States to re claim the swamp lands within their limits," approved September 28, 184(1, will he excluded from the sales No "sunei-ai lands" or trai ts containing mineral deposits are to be offered at the public sales, snch mineral III nth being ejpreuly errejitrtl and i\rcliuM from rale ,,r <*k-r rfuqmwif hy (lie requirements ofthe act of Ongreus approved 3d March, 1848, entitled "An net to provide Ibr the survey of tho public lands In California, the granting of pre emption right* therein, and for other purpose*," The nficriug of tbo above lands will be raninegrol on tbe days e|>|uiuUxl, UU'I will proceed 10 the order In whtcb they are adverUsad, until the whole ahail have been offered, aiwl the sales thus cloned , but noaale aball be kept open lunger than two week", and U" private entry of auy of the laud* will be admitted until after tbe riptrattna of tbe two weeke. (liven under my band, at tbe city of Waalungtou, till* sixteenth day of September, anno Ilointai one thousand eight hundred and fifty even. JAMES BUCHANAN. By the President: Thom A. Hunucns, ttdnnuaeluuer of tbe General Land Office. 1 NOTICE TO PRE KMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person eutitled to the right of pre empts*! to any of the lamia within the townahlpa and parte of townships above enumerated Is requin-d to ealahllsh the aame to the satisfaction of the regime: and rrceiver of tbe proper bind office, ami maAr laymenl Utcrrfur at tun at l>ixtctuatl' ajtrr tring Iku ncfiie, and liefore the day ap|s*ntnd for the commencement <>f the public sale of the lands embracing the tract claimed ; otherwise such claim will be forfeited. TltOS. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of the General land office. Sept 18? lawfiw Washington Aqueduct. Omfi or rax Wakhihoto* AqcxDccr, Washington, March 5, 1847. PROPOSALS are invited for materials and work for the Washington aqueduct. Proposals received up to 7lh May will be opened at noon of that day. Maps, profiles, and specifications of the materials and work to be let will be ready for ekamlnatlon at this office on and after the 20th April next. The work to bo let will embrace masonry of some of the bridges, graduation, excavaliou, and rmbankmeut of reservoirs, Iron pipes con ueetcd with the reservoirs,12 inch Iro n main, gate houses, bricks, Band, rubble, and cut stone, Ate. For the particular works and materials reference Is made to the specifications and plans. As upon a portion of the line the titles are not yet acquired by tbe United Slates, there may be some delay In commencing the work thereon; but for such unavoidable delays due allowance will be insde In (be Limn of eonmlelion Portion* only of Home of the works can be completed under the present appropriation ; but all contracts for unfinished work will be subject to future appropriations by Congress. The engineer reserves the right to prescribe the amount of work to he done and rate of progress under each contract for each appropriation ; and in case of the appro priation not holding out sufficiently, to decide when and what works shall be stopped until funds become available. lu ease of the entire stoppage of any particular work for want of funds, the reserved ten per cent, will bo paid, if, in the Judgment of the engineer, the work bos been properly executed so far as it has gone. Payments will be made in specie cheeks upon the Uuiled States treasury upon tho monthly estimates of the enginoer, reserving 10 per cent.; and it will be a condition of all contracts that the workmen shall be |>aid their full wages monthly, and in specie. All bids should bo sealed, and endorsed "Proposals for work or materials on the Washington Aqueduct." The 1'mted States reserves the right to reject any or all the bids should they not bo deemed advantageous, and to make such arrangements as may bo considered most couducivo to the progress of the work. Every offer must be accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by one or more res|s>rtsible persons, to tho effect that he or they under take that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid bo accepted, enter into an obligation, within ten days, with good and sufficient securities, for the completion of the work undertaken; said guarantee te ho accompanied by tho certificate of tho United States district judge, United States district attorney, tiuvy agent, or some officer of the general government or individual known to the Engineer or Department of War, that the guarantors are able to make good their guarantee. Bids will be opened in presence of bidders, if any of them choose to Km prutifct m < MEics, Capt. of Engineers, in charge. FORM OF GUARANTEE. To Capt. M. C. Meigs, U. H. Engineers. We, the undersigned, residents of , in tho State of , hereby, jointly and severally, covenant with tho United Spites, and guaranty, in case the foregoing bid of be accepted, that he or they w.ll, within ten days after the acceptance of tho said bid, execute the contract for the same, with good andsufficieul sureties to per form or furnish the articles proposed in conformity to the terms of tho advertisement under which it was made. And in case the said shall fail to enter into contract as aforesaid, we guaranty to make good the difference between the offer by the said and the next lowest bidder. (Signed) A. B. C. D. I hereby certify tliat, to tho host of my knowledge and belief, tho above named guarantors are good and sufficient. (Signed) E. F. Sep 1?law If [No. 58<i.] llv tho lire Miilent of the United ktntei IN pursuance of law, I, JAMES BUCHANAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby declare and make known that public sales will ho held at the undermentioned land offices In the State ol Missouri, ut the periods hereinafter designated, to wit : At the land office at Platthbuko, commencing on Monday, the first l;i\ "I March next, for tic itllpQWil ! 0M public lands w ithin tin- tnl lowing named township*, viz : North of the base line and wed of the fifth principal meridiem. Fractional townshij* sixty-seven, of ranges twenty-four to fortythree, inclusive. At the land office at Milan, commencing on Monday, tho eighth day of March next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following-nuined townships, vil: North of the base tine and wed of the fifth principal meridian. Fractional townships sixty-seven, of ranges eighteen to twentythree, Inclusive. At tho land office at Piumu, commencing ou Monday, tho first day of March next, for the disiioeulof tho public lands within the followingnumed townships, viz: North of the base line and wed of the fifth principal meridian. Fractional township sixty seven, of range ten. The islands in the Mississippi river, numbered one, two, and three, In fractional township sixty four, of range five. Tho island in the lies Moines river, in sections four and nine, of fractional township sixty-four, of range five. The island iu the Dos M??ines river, in sections nine, ten, eleven, and fifteen, of fractional township sixty five, of range six. At the land office at St. lot is, commencing on Monday, the Urst day of March next, for tho disposal of the public lands within tho following-named townships, viz: North of the base line and east of the fifth principal meridian. Fractional township thirty eight, of range nine, except tho portions covered by private claims. At the land office at Jacksox, commencing on Monday, the eighth day of March next, for the disposal ()f the public lands within the following named townships, via: North of the bate line and east of the fifth principal meridian. Fractional township twenty-one, and township twenty two, of rango one. Fractional township twenty one, of rango two. Township twenty seven, of range ki?ti Fractional township sixteen, and township twenty eight, of range nine. Township twenty nine, of range ten. Fractional township sixteen, of range thirteen. Township twenty-four, of rango sixteen. Noiih of the bate line and vxtl of the fifth principal meroiian Fractional townships twenty-one, of ranges one to eight, Inclusive. Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty Dvo and twenty six, of rango nino. At the land office at SeHisortKi n, commencing on Mondny, the 111 twnth day of March next, for the dis|sisal of the public lands within the following named townships, viz: North of the bate line, ami mat of the fifth principal meridian. Township thirty, of range twenty nine. v Townships thirty, thirty-one, thirty two, thirty three, and thirty four, of range thirty. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, military, and other purposes, together Willi those " swamp and overflowed lands, made tborvby uufll for cultivation," if any, granted to the Ftnte by the act entitled " An act to enable the State of Arkansas and other States to reclaim the 'swamp lands' within their limits," approved September 28, 1850, will he excluded from Ihe sales. The ollerlng of the above lauds will be commenced on the days ap pointed, and wiil proceed in the order in which they aro advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sab's thus closed ; hut no sale shall bo kepi open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this sixteenth day of September, anno liomlnl one thousand eight hundred and Ultyseveu. JAMES BUCHANAN. By tho President: Thus. A. HaXMUCM, Commissioner of the General land Office. NOTICE TO I'RK-EMITION C1.AIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands within tho townships nnd parts of townships above enumerated is required to establish the same to the satisfaction or the register and receiver of the proper land office, arui make payment therefor at toon at practicable after teeing this notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of the lands embrnctng the tract claimed ; othorwlso such claim will be forfeited. THOS A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of the General land Office. Sep 19?lawSm [lntAStar] United State* Patent Office, Washington, Hept. 1,1857. the petition of James Phelps, of Sutton, Mas ^^ ...... r.iijmk ivi nu: vjueMHm oi a paiom granted u) him on tho 24th of November, 1843, for an improvement in "wash Inn machine for cleaning rage," for seven yearn from the expiration of said patent, which take* place on the 24111 clay of November, 1857? It i* ordered that the wild pclition bo heard at the l*atent flfllce on Monday, the 9th of November next, at 12 o'clock, in.; and all |iersona are notlHed to appear and ahow oaiuce, |f any they have, why said pe tltlon ought not to he granted. Pereona opposing the extenidon are required to (lie in tho Patent Of flee their objection*, specially eel forth 111 writing, at leant twenty dayn before the day of hearing All testimony Died by either parly to be need at the eaid hearing muat ha taken and transmitted In nc. eordance with the rules of tho office, which will be furnished on application. The testimony In the oaso will he closed on the 3d ol October: depositions, and other papers relied upon as testimony, must he tiled In the office on or twftir* the morning of that day; the arguments, If any, within ten dayn thereafter Ordered, also, that this notice be published In the Union, Intolll gencer, and Evening Star, Washington ; Republican, Baltimore, Pennsylvanian, Philadelphia, Penn ; llaily News, Now York ; l*ost, Boston ; and Inquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio, once a week fbr three succas slve weeks previous to tho 9th of Novombor next, the day of hear Ing. R T HHUOKUT, Commissioner of Patents. P. R?Editors of the above papers will please copy, and send their bills to tho Patent Office, with a paper containing this notice. Sep. 2?lawSw MRS. BURR'S School for Young IskHch, No. 31)1 H street, between I3tb and 14th streets west, will reopen nday, September 21. Sept 6?law4w?f [No 687 ] By the President of the United Stntes. IN pursuance of the provision* of the 3d section of lb* act eu Utiod "An net lo authorise the President of the United Htates to cause to be surveyed the tract of land in the Territory of Minnesota belougtng to the half breeds or QiULod bkxKls of Uie Unco tali or Htoux nation of todUoi; and fbr other pur|Mwv," approved July 17, 1S64,1, JAM KB BUCHANAN, President of the United Water of America, do hereby declare and inako known that public sales will be held at the undermentioned laud offices in the Territory of Miunc sou, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit: At the land office at HKMnousur, coin toe uaug on the eighth day o March next, for the disposal of the vacant public lands situated withit the following named townships and fractional township* in the late re serve for the hail breeds or mixed bloods of the DacohUi or ftoux ua tiou of Indians, vis: North of the base line and west of the fifth principal meridian The uulocated tracts in fractional township one hundred and eleven of range ten. The uu located tracts in fractional township one hundred and eleven of rauge eleven The unlocated tract* In fractional townships one hundred and elevei and ono hundred and twelve, of range twelve. The unlocated tract* Itt township one hundred and eleven, aud froc tional township* one hundred and twelve and one hundred aud lliir teen, of range thirteen. Hie unlocated tracts In township one hundred aud eleven, aud ii thai part of township one hundred and twelve, aud fractional town ship one hundred and thirteen, within the above mentioned reserve of range fourteen. The unlocated tracts In lliat part of townships one hundred am eleven and ono hundred and twelve, within the above mentioned re serve, of range fifteen. At the land office at Fakiuai i.t, coinmenciug on the first day <j March next, for the disposal of the public lamia situated within th following ua mod township* and fractional townships in the late re serve for the half breeds or mixed bloods of the Dacotuh or Sioux na lion of Indians, viz: North if the base line and west of the fifth princij>al meridian The unlocated tract* in that part of fractional township one hundre aud ten, within the above mentioned reserv e, of range nine. The unlocated tract* iu that |Nirt of towu*hi|K* ono hundred an eight, one hundred aud nine, and fractional township one hundred an teu, w ithin the above mentioned reaervo, of range ten. The unlocated tracts in that part of township one hundred and eight within the above mentioned reserve, and in townships one hiiudre and nine and oue hundred and ten, of range eleven. The unlocntcd tracts in that part of townships one hundred an eight and one hundred and nine, withiu the ainivementioned reserve ami in township one hundred and ten, of ruuge twelve. The unlocated truct* in tliat part of towuships one hundred an nino uiid one hundred and ten, within tha above mentioned reserve, t range thirteen. The milocatcd tracts in that jvart of township one hundred and ter within the above meutionetl reserve, of range fourteen. The unlocutcd tracts in that part of townahip one hundred and tei within the above- mentioned reserve, of range fifteen. In accordance with the provisions of the act of July IT, 1854, horelr before referred to, pre-emption claims will not be allowed to any < tile above-mentioned lands until after they have been ottered at put lie sale and become subject to privutc entry. The offering of the above lands will Imj commenced on the days a] (minted, and will proceed in tkic order in Which they are advertise until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed; bt no sale shall bo kept open longer than two weeks, and no privat entry of any of the lands will bo admitted until after the expiration c the two weeks. (Jlveu-tmdor my hand, at the city of Washington, this sixteenth da of September, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred ami fifty seven. JAMES BUCHANAN. By the President: TllOH. A. llEXbKirttHk (DMnttlnmer of the General land Office. Sep 19?law3m [Int&Star] PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. Qcaktkrmahtkk's Omci Maris* Couch, Washington, Sept. 17, 1867. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received ut thi onic?? untilft?. (io< k. p, in., on thaflHtaj. tin- |ftd October, M' tor supplying the marine corps with the following articlos during tli fiscal year ending 30th June, 1858, viz : 500 to 800 uniform caps, complete. 1,000 to 2,000 marine pompooos. 1,000 to 2,000 (latent leather stocks. 500 to 800 privates' uniform coats, complete, of navy blueclotl indigo dye?to bo chemically toe tod. 50 to 100 sergeants' uniform coats, (same as above.) 50 to 100 musicians' coats, scarlet cloth, cochineal dye?to li chemically tested. 100 to 200 pairs non-commissioned officers' epaulettes. 500 to 800 pairs brass centre straps. 30 to 50 red worsted sashes. 1,000 to 2.000 pairs linen overalls. 1,000 to 2,000 linen shirts. 2,500 to 3,000 pairs brogmus, Nos. 5 to 11. 500 to 800 muriue blankets, (gray.) 500 to 800 knapsacks. 2,500 to 3,000 pairs woollen socks. 500 to 800 marine fatigue cape, the cloth to be navy blue, ind go dye, and chemifially tested. 500 to 800 fatigue froCks. 1,000 to 1,500 ffanuol shirts. 600 to 1,000 (stirs woollen overalls, blue kersey. 600 to 1,000 woollen Jiicketa, do. 300 to 500 watch or groat coat", do. 500 to 1,000 pairs Canton flannel drawers. 35 to 60 musicians' jackets, scarlet cloth, cochineal dyo?t he chemically tested. Samples of tho above articled may he seen on application at this o Ace, or at the oftlco of the distant quartermaster marine corps, 18 Spruce street, Philadelphia. It id to be understood that the accepted bidder is to take all tnnt< rial used for maiiflftOUiring coats, overalls, Arc., on hand at the tiin j of entering Into contract, at the contract prices thereof. bids will be received for the whole or in parts for the articled requires and it must ho explicity understood that a critical inspection will h given all articles furnished as to At mid quality, and that article which do not come up to the sample will be rejected and thrown qpo the hands of the contractor. The quartermaster reserves to himself the right to Increaso or d mUilsh the quantity named above, as the exigencies or interests of th service may demand. Proposals to bo addressed to the "Quartermaster of Uie Marin Corps," Washington, D. C., ami endorsed "Proposals for Supplies." The paper* publishing this advertisement will send the paper con taming the JLrtt insertion to this oflice for examination, acconqmftiic by a duplicate account of the expense?at the rate of 75 cents for 30 ems first insertion, and 37^ cents per 300 eras for all subsequent ic sortions. The "Xutionnl Intelligencer." "Star," and "States," Waahingtm "Argus," Portland, Maine; "Patriot," Concord, N. 11.; "Gazette, Portsmouth, N. H.; "Poet" and "Courier," Boston, Mass.; "Bridg< port Farmer,"Conn.; "Daily News" and "Atlas," New York ; "Eagle, Brooklyn, N. Y.; "Argue," "Pennsylvanian," and "Progs," l*hiladc phia, Pa.; "Patriot," Harrlsburg, Pa.; "Republican," Baltimore, Md. "Statesman" and "Argus," Norfolk, Va.: "I>emocrat,M PcohhcoIji Fla.; "Courier" and "Orleanlon." New Orleans, La., will publish th above three times per week until tho 22d October. Sept 18?3tawt220ct United States Patent Oillee, Washington, September 17, 1867. ON tho petition of Jonathan Ball, of Elmira, Nov York, praying for the extension of a patent granted to him oi the 15th day of December, 1843, fbr an improvement in "coating water pipes," for seven years from tho expiration of said patent, whir takes place on tho 15th day of December, 1857? It is ordered that tho said petition be beard at the Patent Office 01 Monday, the 30th of November next, at 12 o'clock, in ; and all per none are notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why sail petition ought not to lie granted. Persona opiwatng the extension are required to file in the Paten Office lliclr objections, Specially set forth in writing, at least twent days before the day of hearing; all testimony fileil liy either party t be-used at the said hearing must la1 taken and transmitted in accord unco with the rules of the office, which will bo furnished on applies tiOR. Tito testimony in the cose will be closed on the 20th of November depositions, and other papers relied Upnn as testimony, must b filed in the office on or before the morning of that day; the arguments If any, within ten days thereafter. Ordered, also, that tills notice be published in the Union, Inteill goncer, and Evening htar, Washington; Pennsylvania!!, Philadelphia Daily News, New York ; Post, Boston ; and Inquirer, Cincinnati, Olilc once a week for three successive woeks previous to tlio 30th of Noveni her next, the day of hearing. j. hoi.t. Commissioner of Patents. 1'. S.?Editors of tho above papers will please copy, and send thel bills to tho Patent Office, with u paper containing this iioticc. Sep 19?law3w [No. 584.] Notice Of the llemotxil of the Land Office from Ojidwa to Ottki Tail City, in the Tbrritory of Minneeota. IN ACCORDANCE with tho provisions of tho acl of Congress entitled "An act authorising changes lu the locatlot ol land offices,''approved 3d March, 1863, it is hereby declared an made known that the office for The "Northwestern District" it the Territory of Minnesota wl I be remove I front the town ofOjiaw* ti Orrra Tail City, in ssld Territory, at at early a ftrrintl at jrrarticaNr ruruier uouoeas mi me prnisr mm- i i removal win oe BSQoa in the register unit receiver for said district. Given tinder my hand, at Iho City i>f Washington, this 18tli day ? August, A. I>. 1857. By order of the President: THUS A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of Iho General Land Office. Aug 20?lawflw [Intel ft Star.] Academy or the Visitation, Frederick. City. Maryland. THE exercises of this institution will recommence on the flrst Monday In September. TKRMS OK HOARDERS Board and tuition with the French language (If desired) per annum of ten months $l0f Stationery, washing, mending, !>ed, bedding, doctor's fee, Ac It Music on the piano, harp, and guitar forms an additional charge, lessons In the Latin, Gormen, Italian, and Spanish languages, drawing and painting, aro likewise extra charges. Entrance fee $5. Aug 22?law7w? Washington Insurance Company. CHARTERED BY CONGRESS. Capital $200,000! THIS Company in now prepared to receive applications for insurance on buildings, merchandise, ttc , at the usual City rales, without any charge fhr policy, at their office, corner of Tenth street and Penn. avenue, over tho Washington Illy Savings Bank. HS0NM. Wm. K. Bayly, Samuel Bacon, Jos. Bryan, James F. Holiday, Wm. Orme, Hudson Taylor, Krancls Mohan M. W. Gall, Ben) Beall. JAMES C. McGUIRE, President. G D. Haasos, Secretary. May 2#?dly LJ. MIDDLETON, leo dealer, offico and depot southwest corner of K and Twelfth streets, Washington, D. C. Ap U?dlyf Wash tuition Branch Railroad. Trains rm at follow t FROM Washington at 6, a. in., connecting at Relay with trains for the Won, ud at Baltimore villi those fur I "hi la delphla and New York. I At 8.30, a. in., for Annapolis, Baltimore, Philadelphia! and New . York. At 3, p m , for Baltimore and Norfolk, aod at Relay with Kredar | ick train 1 Express at 4.JO. p. m., at Relay for the Weal, and for Annapolis, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New Yurk. j. On Sunday at 7, a. m , and 4.20, p. in. I Prom HaUimort Jot Washington At 4.15 and 0.15, a. m , and at 8 and 6.13, p. m. i On Sunday at 4.15, a m., and 4.16, p. ui T. H. PARSONS, Agent. June 13 Tilt; NKW TORS AM' UVBtPOOL UNITED Mates mall steamers. -The ships comprising thin line are the following: i The Atlantic Capt. Oliver Kldrldge. Tljp Baltic Capt. Joe Gnmstock. The Adriatic Qtpl James West. These ships having been built bv contract expressly for government service, every care has been taken In their construction, as also In 1 their engines, to Insure strength anil apeed; and their uecommoilatioos for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. I ITioe of lutssage from New York to Uverpoul in llrst cabin, 3130; In second cabin, 575. From Liverpool to New Y'ork, 30 and 20 ' guineas. An experienced surgeon attached to each ship. No berths can he secured until paid for. ,f The shii* of this line have improved water tight bulk beads, and, to avoid ilanirer from ice. will not cross the Banks nor lb of 4'2 dec until alter the 1st or August. k FROKOHKI) DATKH OF SAiUMJ FVom New York. Frvm Lioerjtool. Saturday April 26, 1866. Wednesday . ... May 14, 1850 Saturday May 10, 1850. Wednesday May '28, 1850 Saturday May '24, 1850. Wednesday June 11. 1856. Saturday June 7, 1850. Wednesday June 26, 1856. j Saturday June 21, 1856. Wednesday July 9, 1856. (l Saturday July 5, 1856. Wednesday July 23, 1856. Saturday July 19, 1856. Wednesday Aug. 6, 1856. Saturday Aug. '2, 1856. Wednesduy Aug. *20, 1856. (1 Saturday Aug. 16, 1856. Wednesduy Sept. 3, 1850. Saturday Aug. 30, 1856. Wednesday...... Sept. 17, 1856. cl Saturday S-pt. 13, 1856. Wednesday Oct. 1, 1856 > Saturday Sept. '27, 1850. Wednesduy Oct. 16, 1856. Saturday Got. 11, 1856. Wednesday Oct. 1856. 'J. Saturday Oct. 25, 1856. Wednesday Nov. 12, 1856. * Saturday Nov. 8, 1860. Wednesday Nov. 20, 1850 Saturday Nov. 22, 1856. Wednesday Doc. 10, 1850. '? Saturday Doc. 0, 1850. Wednesday Dec. *24, 1856. Saturday Dec. 20, 1850. l> For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. 00LIJN8, l' No 66 Wall street, N. Y. ,r BROWN, SHIPLEY, k CO., *' Liverpool. STEPHEN KRNNARD k CO., 27 Austin Friars, Londou. * B. G. WAIN WRIGHT k CO., 11 Parts. The owners of these ships will not be Accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious stones, or metal-, unless hills of la ding are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. > Was 1 dtf For All Part* of the We?t. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. NEW AN1) IMPROVED ARRANGEMENTS. 11HIIEE TRAINS DAILY from Baltimore, for Cumberland, Wheeling, and all part* of the West. lit. The ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave (except Sunday) at 0.45, a. m., connecting with trains from Philadelphia, first train from Washington (at Junction) will stop at way stations and arrive at Cumberland at 4 o'clock, p. m. '2?l. The MAIL TRAIN leaves Camden Station daily (except Sunday) at 8.30. a. m., and reaches Wheeling by 4, a. in., connecting at Ben H wood with trains for Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, Indianapolis, Liuiar, ville, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louts, Chtro, and interie mediate points. 3d. Tlio EXPRESS TRAIN leaves daily at 7, p. m., connecting with oxprosa trains Cincinnati, St. Lonis, Cairo, Chicago, and intermediate places. The distance to Cincinnati uud other central and south ern places iu the West is nearly 100 miles shorter than by any other l route. Hie time to these places is also unequalled. ' Baggage checked through to Columbus,Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and st. Lot lC PMnengeri and baggage transferred at all points free. THROUGH TICKETO w ill be sold to all tlio large towns In the West, at the lowest jMissIblo rutes, at the ticket office, Oitnden Station, and at W.i-lungt"!i ? it vU A second Class car Is attached to the mall train. Passengers from Baltimore or Washington may riew the entire road by daylight by hiking accommodation or mall train, and lying over at Cumberland or Oakland. They resume next morning by the express train, which loaves Cumberland at 2.60, a. m., and reaches Wheeling at 2, p. m. Passengers from Washington have ample time for meals at Washj. ingtou Junction. This is the only route by which through tickets and baggage chocks can be obtained in Washington. FOR WAY PASSENGERS. The accommodation train, at 6.45, will stop at all stations east of Cumberland, nod the express at stations beyond Piedmont going west. Kofdwardly, the mail train leaves Wheeling at 7.15, a. m., and aocoin modation leaves Cumberland at 8.20, reaching Baltimore nt 5.45, p. in. o The FREDERICK TRAIN starts at 4, p. m., (except Sunday,) stopping at way stations. Leaves Frederick at 9, a. in., arriving at Baltimore r at 12.30, noon. g IUU MiUwu o iiwvus Iinvm uuuucn owuou hi n, ?. rn., and 3.30, p. in. Leaves ElUcott's Mills at 7.30, a. m., and 7.30, p. in., except Sunday. ;; W. 8. WOODFIDE, Jan 17?dtf Master of Transiiortation. ? /COMPLETION of Panama Railroad.?Reduction s V_^ of faro to California.?United States mall steamships loavo New n York for Aspiuwall on the 5th and 20th of each month, conuccting with mail steamers from Panama to Sun Francisco, i Those Btaomships have been inspected and approved by the Navy c Department, and guaranty tjxftl and iq/ffy. The Panama railroad (47 miles long) Is now completed from ocean e to ocean, and Is crossed In 3 or 4 hours. The baggage of passengers is checked In New York through to .San Francisco, and passengers are i embarked at Panama by steamer at the coinisuiy's expense. The d money paid in New York covers ail expanses of the trip. 0 Reserve steamers arc kept in port in New York, 1'unama, And San 1 Francisco, to prevent detention in case of accident, so that the route is entirely rHiablt. i; Passengers leave Panama the same day they Arrive at Aspinwftll. " Conductors-go through by each steamer, and hike charge of woman ) and children without other protectors. " For through tickets at the lowest rates apply at the agency, 177 I West street, New York, to I. W. RAYMOND. .; May 6?dtf ? For Kansas and Missouri River. CABS. HTKAM1I0AT. ffMIE PACIFIC RAILROAD is now running two 1 daily trains between St. Louis and Jefferson city, connecting with the "Lightning Line" of Missouri-river packets, that leaves Jcffer son city dally on the arrival of the express train, carrying the mails V and passengers for Doonevllle, Glasgow, Lexington, Kansas, Loaven (1 worth, Weston, St. Joseph, and all intermediate points. Through from SI. IahiIa to Kansas in 48 hours, and from 24 to 30 (| hours ahead of boats starting from St. Louis. The Lightning Uno packets are equal to any boats in the trade, and, n being require I to run on schedule time with the mails, passengers are never delayed waiting for freight at towns on their way. Through tickets can ho purchased in the principal cities of the United States, or at the ofllcoe in St. Louis. T. McKlSSICK, |t May '22?dtf Ass't 8up't. Select Classical School at Oxford, North Carolina. SINCE the establishment of this school in January, 1851, by tlie present principal, James H. llorner, A M., It ,J has received a large and steadily increasing measure of the public, fu, vor, as attested by an extensive patronage from Abroad and its an' mini delegation of matriculates to the University at Chapel Hill. Hero nuor iv wm no conuurieu unncr ine joint supervision 01 Mr. itorncr niri Professor A. 0. Brown, Into of the ha id University, who has bocn many years a teacher of the ancient classics in that institution. Rev. ' T. J. Horner will continue to he an assistant instructor, and others well qualitled fi?r the office appointed as occasion may require. The plan of studies is designed to prepare young men for advanced classes In college, and also to tit those who may not expect or desire to obtain the benetyt of a full collegiate course for rcs|>ectablo stations in r lift? by Instruction in the ordinary branches of a sound Fjiglish education. For the sake of the greatest efficiency, the number of classes will be limited, so that ample time inny be devoted to examination and lecture upon the subject of ov<>ry lesson by each instructor in his own department. Care will he taken also to adapt the text books and modes of instruction to the latest advancement of knowledge In each of the several branches. While the methods recommended by experience shall bo 1 consistently preserved, no oxpenBe will be spared to provide the best apparatus for the work. Important arrangements are In preparation to Increase tho advan t tages and promote the permanent success of the schools, i The instructors are natives of North Carolina, have been long on 1 gaged in the profession, and aro authorized to refer those who may dcl sire further Information as to their personal or otfivial qualifications to j many distinguished citizens of this and other States in the South. Among these are Hon. Wm. A. Graham, Hon. W. P. Mangum,exr Govs. Morchcad and Manly, Hon. Asa Biggs, Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson, Rev. Alexander Wilson, D. P.. Rev. Samuel Walt, P. I)., Rev. C. F. Poems, P. 1>., the president of tno North Carolina University, and various members of the board of trustees. The next term will commence on tho 15th of July. Other particulars mode known on application. May 14* FURNACES. THE ATTENTION of tlie community generally, ami of house builders particularly, Is invited to the Keystone j lleater, lately patented by J. I). tjroon, of Philadelphia. ' All persons interested are solicited to call at our store and satisfy themselves of the superiority of this heater over all others in use. tii successfully have the principles of combustion boon applied in its construction, that although It presents a radiating surface of otic hundred ' and fifty square feet, It requires thirty per cent, less coal than any furnace heretofore manufactured. ' Every Improvement that an experience of thirty years in the fur usee business could suggest has been applied in the production of the Keystone Heater, and Its proprietors feel assured that, for efficiency , and economy of use, It Is unsurpassed. SIBIEY k t.'UY, No. 320 I'enn avenue, bat. lOlli and 11th si*., Exclusive agency lor the sale of the Keystone Heater. ' Aug t?TfcTh2m ' GEORGETOWN FEMALE SEMINARY, J Georgetown, D. C. THIS largo boarding and day school for yonng 1 ladles, so long and favorably known aa conducted by Miss I,. S. English, Is now under the direction of Miss M. J Hart-over, principal, aastsu-d by a corps of competent and experienced teachers in every [ department of learning. Members ofCougress and others whose duties call them to Washington may place their daughters or wards here under their own super- i vision, as many have been accustomed to do?the graduates of this I seminary representing nearly every Hate in the Union. For particulars address M. J. HARROVER, I Principal of the Georgetown Female Seminary, I Sep 12?ootf Georgetown, D. C, t Georgetown College. Studies will bo resumed in this institution on Mon- , day, the 7th of He plumber next. B. A. MAG LIRE. d I Aug 22?lm President. ^ PENSION AND BOUNTY LAND LAW*, I tinny the latent tirmiyped mUtmm of the work hmm Ay the kite of "mavo k moui.ton* rmnuii and bounty lamp laws," iVllh o|0utoas, drrtkMOa, rrg uUtKinn, Ar ., and adduam* vt rm?l dnlcs BY KollUtT MAYO, M. t>. LIT AH RWmiOIX, Baltimore IfUt Moulton Iiu relinquished all claim tu MJ iwlcrml whatever n this wurk, of which Dr. Mayu la sold and inidl*|mted prxqirtrior, by deed" on record The aubjutnod letters tu commendation at this work ere mam laid be 'ore the public for Uu- Uml time, In addition u> numerous idber* al ready published. from heads of department* and other pubbr .sheer?lioae official duties render til em particularly ronveraaat a all the ad ministration of pension and bounty land clatuw UUer from the Hem. Jmeuh Brum?, chairman a/ the Cimmiltn em Nevulutumary t 'nuvni House or kerwamcvtavtvn, I'ntn "lata* WashingUm, May l?, IfiM. Mt ox am ma: i have been pleated In meet with you once more after the lapao of *o many yearn; and I desire to avail ntyaelf of an early opportunity to add my thaultr to those you must have received from uuuiy others for your "tabor ami care tu Die outnptlataiu < Um laws of the United Stales relating to |iensiofu< and bounty lands, a cup/ of the stereotype edition of which I hare in my pntaeasbui. The subject of pensions Is one which has been, and slUI continues to be, of Interest to the grout American fsuttly. The ctrcutnslsnoM an iter which those for revolutionary eerricea were provided are of a highly Interesting character.* II was never the design of our fathers Unit Ihe system should he partial, giving to some while M withholds frotu <alters equally desert lug. Your itrraugeiueul ot the laws, therefore, wlule It presents In de 1*11 the provisions made, Is al the same lime suggestive of those dell cieucles and omissions which render the system incomplete. Your work I have found of incalculable value to no* In my position as chairman of the Committee on Keviduttonary IVustun*. for, without it, I should have been subjected to the labor of a close examtnalKai of the statutes; and from "the frequency of iuy recinrcnce to It I have been able to test Its merit and appreciate tu w orth I am, my dear sir, most rcS|ieclAilly and truly, voura. Dr. R. Mayo. jacxib RIUsiM ?i<ee introduction to this work for Washington's Apja-al to (Xmgress, Ac., pp. hi to 67, nowhere elan extant. Letter from General Cass. Wamhiviitov, February 10, 18A7. pkah sir: 1 thank you for the very useful volume you have sent me I have had tune only hi glance over it, but I have satisfied myself of its fidelity as well as of Its value: Your Hiipplcmeut contains tuiportaut additions, and brings the pen Mion history and laws to a late |>eriod. The system has become so extrusive that Minis such rnm|UlaUon was indispensable, and 1 congratulate alt who are obliged to look into tho subject of ttioso taws U|miu the able execution of your la'sirs I uin, dear str, respectfully yours. Dr. Rohkkt Mayo. 1JCW. ('Am. /offer from the Hon. James C. Allen, chairman of the Committee an Revolutionary Claims. Hoi'tm or Rkprkskvt.itivks, Washington, February 18, 1167. rir: I have the honor to acknowle<lg? the receipt of a ropy of tho second edition of your work enlilled "Tension and Bounty land laws," for which you will accept my llianks. To all who are Interested in the subject of pendens and bounty lands, or claims against the government growing out of our revolu tionary struggle', yours is a work of the first importance. In this ooinion 1 have the concurrence of inv colleagues in Commit tee on Revolutionary Claims. I uiu, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Rohkkt MAYO, M. D. J. C. ALLEN. LeUcr from the lion. Andrew (Mirer, chairman of the Committer on Invalid I'entions. HOi'SK OK RkTRIMRNTATJVKS, February 20, 1867. Dkar hih . I have tho honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 17th instant, with your own and Mr. Monlton's book of Pension and Bouuty land l^ws,for which accept my thanks. In the examination of coses arising under the pension aud bounty land laws, I hove had frequent occasion to rofer to thin work, and have ever found it accurate and complete. As a compilation of the laws 'upon those subjects, 1 regard it highly useful both to ad ministering those laws and tho public. With many wishes for your coutiiiued success, I have the honor to be your obedient servant, l)r. H. Mato. A. OLIVER. Letter from the Hon. Solomon Fbot, United States sunator. Washington Ott, March 13, 1857. Dear wr: I have had very frequent occasion, both In private inves ligations and in the Committee on Pensions and on Public lands, to consult your valuable compilation of the Pension and Ilounty land laws, and have derived great aid from It. Indeed, I regard it as al most Indispensable to the Intelligent investigation of questions arising under those laws. The work is deserving of a very liberal patronage; and I hoj?e you may be abundantly rewarded for your labor. 1 am, with sentiments of very great respect, your obedient servant, SOLOMON foot. Dr. Rohkkt Mayo, Washington City. Letter from the Iton. T. A. Hendricks, Commissioner of the General Land Office. Washington City, March 20, 1857. Sih: I have had frequent occasion to consult your work on tho Pen sion and Bounty Innd ijiwr of the United States, especially whilst 1 was chairman of the Committee on Pensions of the House of Representatives, and have found it very full and complete, wall arranged and reliable. To those whoso Investigations touch the (tension am! bounty land laws it is certainly of great value. With much respect, your obedient servant, THOH. A. HENDRICKS. Dr. R. Mayo, Washington City. The letters first alluded to above, as formerly received and publish is!, commending the work iu equally strong terms with the foregoing, were from heads of departments and other public officers In various ways connected with tho administration of pensions and bounty lands, viz: The Hon. A. H. H. fin'AKT, late Secretary of the Interior. The Hon. Rohkkt McClmijand, late Secretary of the Interior. The Hon. J. J. CHrrnsMMN, Into Attorney General. The Hob. (Boo. W. Jonicx, chairman of Senate Ooramlttoe on Pensions. The Hon. Jamks E. IIkath, late Commissioner of Pensions. Tho Hon. L. P. Waldo, late Commissioner of Pensions. The Hon. John Wilson, late Commissioner of the General Land Office. The Hon. J. M. Brodnkad, Second Comptroller of the Trcuaurj'. The Hon. Rohkkt J. Atkinson, Third Auditor. The Hon. A. (). Dayton, Fourth Auditor. Colonel Wm. H. Bishkll, chairman of House Committee on Military Affairs. General. Jamxb Sinblds, chairman of Senate Committee on Military Aflhtvp* Also letters from chletk of bureaus in the War and Navy Depart roents recommending a distribution of the work for the benefit and encouragement of the military and naval service. This work has been atlqpted by Congress, under the joint resolution of the 24th June, 1854, in tho ratio of 8 copies to each now member and delegate, w ith other books in their respective ratios, and are now due in tho same ratio of 8 copies, with other books in their respective ratios, under tho House resolution of July 7, 1856, and tho hook appro prialion in the deficiency Y>ill of March 3, 1857, to he distributed to such public libraries as shall be designated in their respective districts by the new members and delegates of the last Congress. All of these testimonials render this the "standard work on Pension and Bounty Land Laws." R. MAYO. For sale by W. 11. & 0. H. Morrison, Washington, and Lucas Brothers, Baltimore. Persons remitting $3 50 will promptly reocivo a copy by mail or express free of cost. The customary allowances will be made to booksellers. June 18?dfcf George C. Thomas, Commimoner of Deed* for all the States, NOTARY PUBLIC. May 16?ly Seventh street, No. 490. Ij^OIt KENT.?A rare chance.?Now under construction, 12 large and airy rooms, with all the conveniences of water and lights. The location is in the principal business square of the city, and the rooms aro well adapted for dentists, daguerreo typists, offices, he. Also, a convenient and airy basement, suitable for any light business. The whole finished and well lighted in the most improved manner, after the New York styles. WALL k STEPHENS, No. 322 Pennsylvania avenue, between 9th and 10th streets, entrance on D street. Aug 19?lmif BANKING HOUSE OF CHUBB BROTHERS, Washington, January 1, 1857. JOHN I). BARROW and IIENUY HOLMES aro this day admitted as partners in the Banking House of Chubb Brothers. The firm from this date will he composed of Chas. St. J. Chubb, John I). Barrow, and Henry Holmes. The House in I>n venport, Iowa, is composed of Charles St. J. Chubb, Win. H. Dougal, itnd Alexander U. Barrow, under the firm of Chubb Brothers/Bar CHUBB BROTH! RE Jan 1?dtf "IlT'ATni Repairing and Engraving.?Watches, V V chronometer., ami pocket tioirkoi'|>rr. of every dmcriptioo repaired by skilful workmen and warranted to perform awirately. Engraving of every description done in the best style, Including the cutting of arms, crests, mottoes, and initials on stone. Visiting and wedding cards elegantly engraved and printed. II. W. GALT k BRO., Jewellers, 324 Pennsylvania avenue, Jan 30?t/ Botwoan Dth and 10th utr<?4<tH "17I0H SALE, very valuable real eatate 011 Pennaylr vanift avenue.?Tlu> property adjoining on the east, the va unit lot at corner of Pennaylvanta avenue ami 15th street. It front* 27 feet on the avenue, and contains 2,322 square feet, running hack to a 30 feet alley. Further particulars, terms, &c., made known on application to KRVJJ&K k MoKKVNKY, 15th atroet, opposite Treasury Department. June 30?dtf Ujotsd Ptatkh Naval Corrt or Inqnav, Washington, February 26, 1867. IMI-E judge advocate gives notice, for the informs- | tlolj of parlies coming begiro tile court under the tut section of J the" act of January IS, 1H57, that they will respectively lie advised by I lh" department when their cases shall have been referred to the I wirt; and that it la desirable that In presenting themselves they ihonld come prepared with a list of such witnesses us they may de | lire to have summoned, specifying to which of the respective heads >f "fitness for the naval service" mentioned In the art their testl nony is to lie spplied respectively; and suggesting the delay, If any, irhlcb may be required; and In rospect of what witnesses. J. M. CAR1JS1.E, Judge Advocate. Feb 28f?If Rll. GIL LET, Counsellor at Law, has removed his office hi Ills resldenre In Franklin Row. corner of K and I'hirieenth streets He will eoniinne to devote his attention priocl|?l y to esses In the United Slates Supreme Court. Having devoted much time to the law concerning patent*, he will live advice and opinions on legal questions arising in eases before the 1 atent Office, and on appeals to the chief Justice or assistant JusUrra oi he IHstrict of Colombia; and will also assist in the preparation and rial of sails concerning patents. He will also glee written opinions and propnre arguments for par lee having claims before Congress or either of the departments; and | nil hibo priwi-cuw: cuuna uriiiri- any no*ru esUhl[?hiHl |i?r Uiclr hiIHI. IIciUOB. octst-dtr 1 ^ 't'hc I'auqutrr White Nul|?hur Springs, in vmuilna, OFKKKKO Kllfi 0*1*' TO THE PI) BMC IN I ATI* TH| HIS property ban beefl htokl under an aet of in i nrporauou since im>? The charlefrft prejertr (bra consul, I of IJMt. ec(M of land, in Kauquer county, iucwdto# the tmpruv, mrui thermal, ami wa, divided Into $,M0 shana, Mdhualnd to IV ?barter at $100 each. Tin aubacrtber luiv lug subsequently roanqulnsl Um property, Mtd a |?rt iIht.oI. and there now remain fully to , hundred acres, together with tlx buildings enlarged uud g really In. proved TV luorc easily In aril sneh a priqwrty, and to Increase tie value, be haa laid off IV larger portion of Iho land Into about 10,0011 i.uiidfcfc lot* with cuuveiiteul streets, <d Oil feet width, running mini, ami south, Coat and treat, Willi a rtoW Id flic formation of a ,,r city pi be'called IfarrenUm Springs ' These Iota nearly surround the reserved sljtv Hie "tores whirh tnebi.lo the Sulphur Springs all the contiguous building* eud Improvements. TImmo sixty th., acres, al are offered fur rale, ill 8,w* shares, In couucxiou with ito lot. lie whole IK "i00 lots and shui,"# being estimated ni $10 . and alien taken lo V partitioned by lot ( Waao getting IV 2,Mn> bares will cotiaUlutn life corporation under ffn" amended (barter i< ir. 'J UM, known as IV Kaiiipiier While SulpiitJ? iS'ruigs l eu. paay . and llnaie gelling (he reepetlive lots will roorlve Ibetr deed* from Mr Ro Hndgln a geullenain of lb.- highest ebarneter and figston., ,,u s, to w I as trustee the ptirpftse, the entire property lias been ouveyed TV valuation of this pro|?orty by the sworn officer of IV Common ... It I. - Ir W ~ i lis l tie hull, ling*, alone ale worth $S0,06W , ffw a - , no1 nt fier acre Is put at $Sf Sudh property re<JU?es more liberal c pciclMuroe lor Ihr publle accommodation than Individuals are able ? aillmg lo n*k, .111,1 ilie farttluil ,o rnaiiy villi l mien led m fits sn. rear III tV Springs. aryl In Imtldbig around them, will protwrlity doo hie, immediately after the company Is treimsl, ihe present oiluuto A iuV. r.ta r will in lln* worst event, get a Km (tof the alino.i ,.ki vernal dimeiisloiia In New York) (V (V sunt01 ten dollars Mt. will get a lot on w lueh lie can build, at the very Ibuntoln of fcadfb, V may real lo on It for the rummer season only, or for Ihe year, The Induce no aits to build Mill be Irresistible , met the far! of such building* being ervstsel will immeasurably eubaiiee the value of Ibe itprtngs and of ii,,. lot- There m no reason w hy a city of Dtagnllmlc should not nee np and Oourn.ii at tbto place. Ttie Kaii|sibannock river ts navigable lo IV I'H. A very little eltrrar w'ouM alwray n keep the locks in repair, TV Alexsudi n. and Lynchburg railroad crosses the rlvor aliani n a loll. - lo low till land l.s.l at 11 In .?{/'ate . Uluv Ire Uuloarled from fV ear- into the low is hulelhnte steam |s>w<*f may thus be common,h ,| at will; ami ilie tan lily of trsii*|?ii tatton gives (ho same advantage# wln. li I/.well lis, for unlimited Imisih. The radroiul, already union It mile.,, will soiai extend h? Wow tirleans, w hose taliahKahl* may dim reach It tyring. In throe ilaKs As healthy a spot as any In Vlr tu,1.1 io an aloiiclani i. .ion * Willi ail Ibes# laillllic* wby should um a my thrive and |vros|*T bore? At nil events, itronnd tliese health giving water-, already so agtaaslrcly and heaulltliHy improve.I, all, io* Ingli and tie l..w tin* rieh and tie' |s?'r have note no opportunity if sojourning for (he miuimer sees.m, or longer, .a. l.rnls jprndusted by lludr no in, , and lln Vntgnmit design of the legislature (It grant mg the charter may be rcallr.,1 to the*fulte#t extent Tlil? property Is tendered hi the JSitrttr at alsoil Uie value on vvhlrli Ibe Uvea are |,u l to ilie Nate. ami greatly below Iho original outlay The a , ,-ineid ma le by hi. Intelligent public nthrvr noway Inter eded. Almost Indefinite profit-. msy he relied Oil If Ibe plan ot sals be car i lo* I out If it lie not, uo one will tie injured ; even IV small Sinn of ten dollars Is not rmulred to V paid until the subscription lio tranpletod, and the partition "ball be made by the trustee, nsslstnl by two Justice# of Ibe |ie,iee In IV mc.*?u ttno' ehei'k# iu favor of Iho trusbui, or other nattsleriory arrangenmnl, tor the subscription, may la. made, imt m V ium#I till Ibe day of parttthto. The trustee will ap ply the money after iwrlltiou, In Ilie lirst place, In the extinguishment of all lien in. the pro|?*rty, so as h> give assurance of good tin, a titles report.#I III 1 #d?. by able attorney,, us then entirety saUafietory, and which lias been doubly .-onUrnied by 1(1 year# of quiet, twdtdarii ed |Nwsesnion Mue.o I Kit lime. The plau uf estimating lots and shares in Ihe Springs Company,*, of equivalent value lu the partition, will save trouble in the ilivi slim , and after this partition (lie Interests of IV lot Udders ami Spring, stockhotdcrs will lie In law entirely dtsUnet, while the sneoMs of <ain |?rly must greatly enhance the other. Any raie may subscribe 0# nn? or more shares tn tins purchase, and lit* interest will lie in pro poricin THOMAS GRRK.Y cast and weft. 2. Ka<*h square, In the fffien, fronts 2W feel on Mr**b* running ea*t and west. and 220 feci on streets running north and south. and (with iUl.portion or the street* and alley) contain* two nor** 3. No iwymcnt of oven the $10 h required till It t? ascertained, by the number uTiubwrlbcri, thai a city la l<> bo built ; tu which event the value must greatly exceed the cost. 4. In tho partition tlie 10,000 l??t* will be represented by token*, with the number of *quure and uf lot on ouch These lokriM will be put In the mime vessel with 2.500 Mmilar ones, marked "I a hare eC slock." In another vowel aulnwrlbom' names will be |?ut, (em it name rc|)VHtO(l according to the numlicr t?f diATM l|e liny have taken,) and in the drawing an in the dithluu ?d largo e*Utoa among Mimerntu In tra, each will thus have an equal rhuoee with any other of geltac a share of Spring spick, or the more highly \ allied lot. The 2,600 who gal Um ibtfi MOCK vi| Itf the aggregate Mini ..i only $23,000, get the 05 acre*, including the Sulphur Spring, the buildings, (assessed at $80,000,) and the furniture. Those who get suitable building lots for large Indels may l?* still ln< u-IK ( -fill. \N 1111?- th'.c I' .1 ' t'Tfi... I. w: I I ! .Il-iihg |..t by 100 feet, that must be worth, as the imputation Iih rea*?a, muck more than the cost. Subscription ll?ls and llthogniphn plan tin pi.;-., i , i. left lit.IIUM el'the b<M.k,st<.r<"? an?t "l!>? i \ ibln | 1 -1< iiillu-?U\ agents having them can become the ropreaeubOiyea of the respective subscribers, and in surrendering the lwts can get assurance of the deeds. Tho payment* nud the drawing are desired to be at the lime, or the subscription inny he deposited In any solvent bank, to In* |wld to Robert lludgtn on the day of partition, letters to the subscriber in this city will receive attention from Aug I 11 loll.vs t.KK.KN WEIT JERSEY ACADEMY, BRID0CT0X, NEW JERSEY. David Tmmiwo*, A. M., Principal. mHE fall and winter aeamott of thin inatilulion will I comnnncn on Wednesday, Ninrambcr 4ll>, 1857. l or circular*, address the ITiiinpnl. KKmoncw. Rev. 0. B. JONB4, D. D., BrldgcUm, N. J Hon. WM. HIGLK.K, U. H. scuator, Cloarl?cM, IV Hon. TIIEO. FKEI.INOIIUYHJCN, I.I.. D, New Brunswick, K. J Rov. J A Ml* WOOD, D. I)., PWMelphia, IV S>-|it 19?wOw'f Mutual Life Insurance Company of Connecticut, INCORPORATED IN 1840. Capital, (2.454,000. Anunal dividend on life ;w.Ui-|fj>, 40 per cent. Ninety eight families ivorc relieved during 184(1 hy |?iylug $214.90* Statements of the company's operations furnished Those wbn la jnrial at oilier agencies, and have removed to tin. city, can lime their policies renewed through MIOI. NOl'RRE, Agent, June 13-d ly No. 461 13lh at red. EBB1TT HOUSE. T. H. FKKKMAM. D. I.. MOMIM* E street, helvrecn 13Hi and 14th sir eels, WASHINGTON, D. C. 1AHIS popular and fashionable hotel han heen llioroughly repaired and furnished with new and superior furmtura It contains over one hundred rooms, and hu.s all the requisites of ? tlrst-class house. Tho proprietor* have provided a coach, which will he at the railroad do|N)t and steamboat landing nt every arrival for tho conveyance of pAAHongers find baggage to liie hotel. Juno 26? CHAM. M. D. JONKt. 11100.. B. J?<WU JONES A NOEL I., AtUrrru-yi al Law. DUBOQUK, IOWA, WILE attend faithfully and punctually to any buMinoM In the lino of their profemion committed t<? them Collections made in Iowa, Illinois. Wimcoumu, and Minnesota TerfHory, and proceeds promptly remitted. RSrKRB.NCW. Col. Thomas Green, ) ... ... . ... Measrrt. Cairo At Nourse, Bankers, f itngton ci y. Hon. Revcrdy Johnson, Baltimore, Maryland. Hon. John McKeon, ? N Y . . Hon. .lolin A. Mx, J y' Sep 2?dtf WINTER FUEL NOW ON HAND AND ON the way? 000 Ion* whit.' a?h egg coal for radiator* 7&0 tons w hit.' ash broken coal for furnace* flOO toll* rod ash egg coal for grate* 300 ton* small size for range and cooking aloyo 200 Ion* Cumberland coal. AlZtO? I .urge supplies of mit, oak, ami hickory wixm. A* we are weekly receiving large supplies of all klads of fuel, ws frel confident w e ran make It to the advantage of all those w ho awy favor us with their orders. gGy-Croinpt personal attention given to ovary order ^yOuil kept In Moored and roofisl yard*. Og-2.240 lbs. to the ton. T. J. A \V M I7AI.T, Northwest corner 12lh and C street*, No. M7. One square south of I'enn. avenue Pep 2?lmlf ATISSKS ROOK Kit's Knglieh and French BoardiiiR J.Y1_ and day school for young ladles, No. 464 K street, between (Mb and 7th, Washington city. The duties of thin Institution, which has been in successful operatk* fbr omc years, will be resumed on Monday, September 14 Circulsrx containing particulars can ba obtained at the bookstores of the city and st the Seminary Aug 18?3a*tf Modern Language)). DANIEL E. OROUX, a native of France, teacher of modern language-, e> penally French, Spnnl^h, and Herman Translations mido with correctness and punctuality, at nsderti' prices. Pennsylvania avenue, No. 223. south side, l>etween 14th and lWh street-, opposite Willard's Hotel, Washington, It C. Aug 25?.TuwMW&F M I SS n ROO K E'S English and Trent It Hoarding and Day School FOR YOUNG LAMES. Scvkm Ht'muxes, No. 138, lUxxgYtVAXU A\uxra, fumnmi.t, D. C I^HK duties of this institution will be resumed on Monday, Hrptemlier 14th, 1887. The number of pupil* being limited, and the vacancies being few, early application Tor admission I s requested. Circular* can I"' obtained nl llie iMmkstnrc*, or of the * principal at hor residence, whence they will la? forwarded lo any address. Aug* -Stawtff THE COLUMBIAN COLLEGE, )Va*hin<jt<m, D. C. TIIK ANNUAL 8E88I0N of this institution will commence on Wednesday, Uie thirtieth (30th) of September Students will be examined for entrance on the Monday ami Tue?d?)' previous. The preparatory department of the institution will open on Wed ties day, tho ninth (Mb) of September. It will he under the supervision of the oollege idlteers, and will be provided with the best Inatroctloti For admission, or further Information, apply to tho president of d>? oollege S. PKKNTIFS, Aug 25?2aw3w Registrar 1