Newspaper Page Text
I | No. S8& ] By the President of the United Mutes: IN pursuance of law, I, Junes Buchanan, Prosiilent uf Uw Uuiletl Hum of Aneriut, Uo hereby OccUro sod ?!"' known that public mtleo wjll be held <u the uinlermenUonod 1??4 ?? Sues In (be Stale of QUUbruIa, at the period* herclualter doelsuated, * to wH: At the land oiM At Urn Xsnmum, commencing on Monday, the tenth tfay of May tint, for tho disposal of the ptiblie lauds within the following named towiwhips, via : South / the base line ami west if the San Bernardino meridian. BscUooa on* to twelve, iiicluaive ; the north half of section thirteen ; the north half and the southwent quarter of section fourteen ; sections Aftecu to twenty-one, inclusive ; the north half of section twenty two the north went quarter of section twenty-throe ; wnrtion twenty Ave ; the south half of section twenty nix ; the southeast quar ter (it auction twenty seven ; section* twenty nine to thirty two, inclu aive ; the south half uf section thirty three ; the northeast quarter and the ttoulh half ?if section thirty four ; and auction thirty Ave, of township throe ; sections throe to ulne, inclusive ; the north half and the south west quarter of section teu ; the southeast quarter ami the northwest ' quarter of section eleven ; the northeast quarter and the south half o( section twelve ; section thirteen ; the east half of section fourteen ; sections seventeen to twenty four, inclusive ; the north half of seciiou twenty Ave : and sections twenty-six to thirty Ave, Inclusive, of toumship four, of range three. Towuship three, of range four. Net nous oue to twenty-four, inclusive ; the north luilf of section twentyAve ; and sections twenty six to thirty, Inclusive, of totonship one i and sections one to twenty seven, Inclusive, of township three, of range Jbse. tectum* ouo, two,'and three ; the east half of scctiou four ; the east half and the southwest quaiter of scctiou nine ; secUons teu to ttf teen, Inclusive ; the southeast quarter of section twenty ; sections twenty one to twenty eight, inclusive ; the east hull and the southwest quarter of section twenty nine ; the south half of section thirty ; sec i tious thirty one to thirty four, inclusive ; aud the northwest quarter Oi section thirty Ave, of township one, of range tie. North (/ the bate line and west of the San Bernardino meridian. Section* one to seventeen, inclusive ; the north half of section sigh teen ; the south half of scctiou nineteen ; sections tweuty to twenty I three, Molttflve ; the northwest quarter ot section twenty four ; the northwest quarter of section twenty six ; sections twenty seven to thirty, inclusive ; tlie east half of section thirty two ; the north half of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of section thirtythree, of township three, toumnhijn four, and Jive; section* one to eight, inclusive ; the north half of section nine ; sections ten to thirteen, inclusive; the east half of section fourteen ; the west lialfof section seventeen ; sections ?Ightocn and nineteen ; the west ball of sectlou tweuty ; the southeast quarter of sect.on twenty -one ; aud sections twenty-two to thirty-Ave, inclusive, of township six and township seven, of range four. i Scctiou* one to fifteen, Inclusive ; the cast hall" of section seven tee n ; U?e east hulf of section twenty ; sections twenty-one to twenty seven, inclusive ; the north half of section twenty eight ; the north east quarter of section tweuty nine ; the northeast quarter of section thirty four ; and the northwest quarter of section thirty-Ave, of town ship three, and towiuhipt four, Jive, six, and seven, of range Jire. Section* one and two ; the north lialf of section three ; the north half of section lour ; the northeast quarter of soction five ; the west lialfof section six ; tho north half, the southeast quarter, and the north lialfof the southwest quarter of section seven ; the west half of the northwest quarter and the south half of section eight; tho north oast quarter of section eleven ; section twelve; tho northeast quarter aud the east half of tho southeast quarter of section seventeen ; the east half of the northeast quarter uud tho southeast quarter of section tweuty; the west half of tho northwest quarter and tho southwest quarter of section tweuty-one; the southwest quarter of section twun' Iv-six; and the northeast quarter of section thirty Ave, of township three and tow)ishipe four and Jive, of range six. . Section* one to eighteen, inclusive; the north half of section nineteen; section* twenty to twenty-Avo, inclusive; tho northeast quarter } of section tweuty-six; the northwest quarter of scctiou twenty-seven; ) icikI the northeast quarter of flection twenty eight, of township four jj and township Jive, of range seven. Section* on? to six, inclusive; the northwest quarter of section : seven; the northeast quarter of section nine; the north half of section ten; sections eleven, twelve, and thirteen; the uodhoost quarter of section fourteen; and the northeast quarter of section twenty three, of township four, aud townshty for, of range eight. [ T ho northwest quarter of section three; sections four, five, and six; the north half of section seven; sections eight and nine; and the north? cast quarter of soction beventeen, o( township four; and townsh Jive and six, of range nine. Sections ouo and two; the northeast quarter of section throe; tbo west half of section eleven; the northeast quarter of section twelve; section fourteen; and tho southeast quarter of sectiou Ufteen, of township four; sections one to twenty oight, inclusive; the northeast quarI ter of soction twenty-nine; the northeast quarter of section thirtyf three; and sections thirty four and thirty live, of township Jive ; and township six, Of range ten. Sections one to eighteen, inclusive; tho northwest quarter of section nineteen; the northeast quarter of section twenty-one; the northwest quurtcr of section twenty-two; and the northeast quarter of section twenty four, of township Jive; and township six, of range eleven Sections one, two, and tlireo ; the northeast quarter of section four; tho northeast quurtcr of section ten ; sections eleven, i twelve, thirteen, and fourteen; the southeast quarrter of seclion llftoen; tho southwest quarter of mocUou eighteen ; soction > nineteen; tho southwest quarter of sectiou twenty; the east half of seclion twenty-two; the northwest quarter of section twenty three; hoc! lions twenty-seven to thirty three, inclusive, and tho north half of section thirty tour, of township Jive; and tou*nshij?s six aud sevenf of range twelve. Section one; the northoapt quarter of section two, the southeast quarter of section ten; the south half of section cloven; section twelve; [ the east half of section thirteen; the uorthwosl quarter of sectiou fourteen; and tho north half of sectiou llftoen, of township four; the south | west quarter of section seven, the south half of sectiou eight; the ! southwest quarter of sectiou uuie; the west half of section fifteen ; the \ north half of section seventeen; section eighteen; tho northeast quarter of section twenty two; and sections twenty three, twenty-four, twentyfive, twenty six, and thirty five, of township Jive; sections one to sevJ vnteon, inclusive; the uorth half of section eighteen; the northeast . quarter of section twenty; sections twenty-one to twenty five, inclu s\ve; the northeast quarter of section twenty six, of township six; and ' township seven, of range thirteen. Sectiou thirteen; the southeast quarter of section fourteen; the south east quarter of section twenty two; the east half and the southwest i quarter of section twenty-threo; the northwest quarter of sectiou J' twenty four, tho north half of section twenty six; and tho oast lialf of i- section twenty--seven, or township Jive; section* one, two, and throe; the northeast quarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of soction four; the northeast quarter ??f section eleven; section twelve; and tho north half of sectiou thirteen, of township six; sections one to eighteen, inclusive; the north half of soction nineteen; the uorth half of section twenty; sections twenty -one to twenty-eight, inclusive; the south half of section twenty-nine; the south cost quarter of section thirty; the north half of the northeast quarter of section thirty-one; tile northeast quarter and tho north half of tho northwest quarter of section thirty two; aud sections thirty three, thirty-four, and thirtylive, of totonship seven, of range fourteen. third day of May nod, for the disposal of the public lands within'the following-named townships, viz: North of the bax line, arul nut if the Mount Diablo meridian. Fractional township three, of ranpe one. North if the bate line and ioat of the Mount Diablo meridian. Fractional townships four and five, of range one. South of the bane line and east of the Mount Diablo meridian. Sections ouo to eighteen, and twenty two to twenty-flvo, inclusive, OT township ten, of range nine. Township ten; and sections one to six, inclusive; eight to fifteen, Inclusive; ami twenty-two to twenty-six, inclusive, of township eleven, of range ten. Townships ten and eleven; sections one to six, inclusive; eight to Of teen, inclusive; twenty-one to twenty eight, inclusive; and thirty-Pair aud thirty-live, of township twelve; sections ono, two, three, and nine to fifteen, Inclusive; and twenty two to twenty-seven, Inclusive, of township thirteen, of range eleven. Fractional township ten; townships eleven, twelve, anil thirteen; sections one to Ave, Inclusive; eight to seventeen, Inclusive; twenty to twenty-nine, inclusive; and thirty-three, thirty-four, and thirty Ave, or township fourteen; section* one to four, Inclusive; ten to thirteen, iul elusive; aud twenty-fhur and twenty-Ave, of township fifteen, of range twelve. Fractional tow nship eleven ; tow nships twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and township Jfteen, exeetit seetion thirty one ; and sections one, two, and twelve, of township sixteen, of range thirteen. Townships twelve, thirteen, fourteen, aud fifteen ; sections ono to seventeen, inclusive, twonty-oue to twenty seven, Inclusive, and thirty four and thirty-Ave, or township sixteen, of range fourteen. Townships thirteen, fourteen. Afteen, and sixteen , tile south half of section four ; the south half of section live ; sectlous seven, eight, aud nine ; tlio west half of section ten ; and sections thirteen to thirty flvo, tnclusivo, of township twenty, of rungv fifteen. Fractional township sixteen, and township twenty, of range sixteen. Fractional township sixteen ; and towushipa seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of range seventeen. Fractional townships seventeen nnd eighteen, and townships ninteeen and twenty, of range eighteen. Fractional townships eighteen, nineteen, ami twenty, of range nine teen. At the land office at Martsvilui, commencing on Monday, the seventeenth day of May next, for the disposal of the public lauds within the following mimed townships, viz : North if the base line and vast if the Mount Diablo meridian. Fractional township four; township fine; fractional townships twelve, thirteen, and fourteen ; and townships seventeen and eighteen, of range one. Fractional townshios twelve, thirteen, and fourteen : and townshios IkkhIm, eighteen, and nineteen, of range two' Xorth <f the hue line ami weU if the Mount Diablo meridian. Townsbipe eleven and twelve, and fractional townabip thirteen, of range one. Townabipa twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and liltccn, of range two. Township" fuurteen.fifteen, and lixteen ; fractional townahips seven teen, eighteen, and nineteen ; and townships twenty and twenty one, of ronpe three. Sectloua one, two, throe, and ten to fourteen, Inclusive ; the east W half Of section fifteen ; the east hplf of section twenty two ; sections I twenty three to twenty-six, inclusive ; and section thirty five, of township fourteen ; sections one, two, and throe ; the east half of section four ; the east half of section nine ; sections ten to fifteen, tnclu slve ; the east half of section twenty one; sections twenty two hi twenty-eeven, inclusive ; the uorlhoasl quarter of sectlou twenty eight ; and sections thirty-four and thirty-five, of township fifteen ; sections one to four, Inoluslve, nine to fifteen, I not naive, twenty one to twenty eijcht, Inclusive, ami thirty three, thirty four, and thirty fire, of town ship lixteen; sections one to seven, Inclusive ; the north hairaud the southwest quarter of section eight ; sections nine lo fifteen, inclusive ; the west half of section seventeen , sections eighteen and nineteen the northwest quarter of section twenty ; sections twenty-one to twenty eight, inclusive; the west half of section thirty ; and sections thirty three, thirty-four, and thirty five, of township n-oenteen ; sections one to nineteen, Inclusive ; the west half of section twenty ; the east half of section twenty one ; sections twenty-two to twenty aercu, Inclusive ; the east half of section twenty-eight ; the west half of section twenty-nine ; sections thirty and thirty-one ; the west half of sec lion thirty two , tho east half of section thirty three ; and sections thirty four and thirty five, of township eighteen ; and townships nine icen, >? range/oar. BecUous one, two, three, and ten u> nfleen, Inclusive ; the northeast quarter of section twenty two ; section* twenty three to twenty-six, inclusive ; the soutlieast quarter of section thirty four aud section thirty Ave, of township srtwUwn ; sections one, two, and three the Southeast quarter of section nlno , sections ton to fifteen Inclusive the northeast quarter of section twenty one ; sections twenty two hi twenty seven, Inclusive ; awl sections thirty Tour and llurtv five of township eighteen j sections one, two, and three , the northeast quar ter of section ronr , sections ton to tirtecn, Inclusive ; secilons twentytwo to twenty seven, Inclusive ; and sections thirty Amir and thirty ftvo, of township nineteen ; and township* twenty and twenty ime of range fire. lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, military, and other purposes, or those covered by confirmed private land claims, together with the "swamp and oversowed lands, made there by unfit for cultivation," If any, granted to the Stale hy the act entitled "An act to enable the Bute of Arkansas and other Slates to re claim the swamp lands within their limit*," approved September 28, 1840. will be excluded from the tales No "mineral landt or tract* containing miner*! deposits are to be offered at the public sales, such mineral landt b-ing repressly mepLnl and included from tale or ether dirfmtal by the requirement* of the act of Onngroa* approved 8d March, 1843, eutitled "Ah art to provide tor the survey of the public lands in California, the graining of pre gmptlon rlfhta therein, and for other purposes m i L The offering of tbe above Uud" will be commenced on tbe days appointed, Mill will prorestl la lbs order In which they Me advertised, until the ?lmli shall lure been offered Mi l the sale* thus chated. but no sale aliull be kept open longer than two wecka. and uu prirats entry of any of tile loads will be ad united until after tbo explrauoo of the two week*. litveu under my baud, at tbe city of Washington, tbla sixteenth day of Hrptember, anno IJuuiuil one thousand eight hundred aud fifty even. JAMHi BUCHANAN. { By tlie President: Thou A. Hajtwut**, Cummin#loner of tbe Ucucral laud (Met. NOTICE TO PRE F-MPTIfiN C3A1MANTP Every person entitled to tbe right of pre emption to any if the laud# within tlie lownabip# aud |MrU of townahlpa above enuiurratod la required to establish the aauie to the satisfaction of the regialer aud receiver if tlie pro|<er laud office, ami nudfcr paysovd therefor at Mm at practicable after mi up thu mine, aud betore the day ap|>uiuled fur tbe commencement if the public sale of the lands embracing the tract claimed ; otherwise such claim will be forfeited. TlttJH. A. HKXDRICKP, Commlaaiouer of tbe Ueueral Land Office. Sept II?lawSw Waililn|ton Aqueduct. Orrtca or rax tV anuiaoToa AqcanctT, Wuahlttgtou, March 6, 1817. PROPOSALS are invited for materials and work for tbe Washington aqueduct. Proposals received up to 7tli May will be opened at uooo of that day. Maps, profiles, and specifications of tbe material# and work to be let will be ready for exauilnatiou at thU otbee on aud after the iiOtb April uexc The work to be let will embrace maaoury of Home of the bridges, graduation, excavation, and embankment ofreservotra, trim pipes coo. uectcd Willi the reservoirs, 12 inch iron main, gate houses, bricks, sand, rubble, and cut alone, Ac For the particular works and material* reference la made to tbe specitlcutiana and plana. Ah ii|ain a |k>rtion of the liue tbo titles aro not yet acquired by tbe Unltod Plates, there may be some delay in commencing Ilia work tliereou; but for audi unavoidable dola/S due allowance will be made in tbe time of romplotion. Portions only of some of tbe works can be completed under tbe pros ent appropriation ; but all contracts for unfinished work will be subject to future appropriations by Oongroaa. Tbe eugbieer reserves the right to prescribe the amount uf work to bo dune and rata of progress under each contract for each appropriation ; and in case of the appro priaiion not holding out sufficiently, to decide when aud what works shall be stopiied until funds become available. In case of tbo entire stoppage of any particular work for want of funds, the reserved ton per i*nl. will be paid, if, In the Judgment of the cugiuecr, the work has boon properly executed so far uh It has gono. Payments will bo mid? in H{>oclo checks upon the United HUUs treasury upon the monthly estimates of the engineer, reserving 10 i>er cent.; and it will be a condition of all contracts that the workmen shall be paid their full wages monthly, and In specie. All bids should be sealed, and endorsed "Proposals for work or materials on the Washington Aqueduct." The United Htales reserves the right to reject any or all the bids should they not bo doomed advantageous, and to make such arrangements as may bo considered most conducive to tbo progress of tho work. Every offer must bo accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by one or more responsible portions, to tho effect that ho or tboy undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if bis or thoir bid bo accepted, outer into an obligation, within tea day*, with good aud HflUMi securities, for the completion of the work undertaken; said guarantee to l>c uccompauled by tho certificate of tho United Slates district Judge, United States district attorney, navy agent, or some officer of the general government or individual known to tho Engineer or Department of War, that tho guarantors are able to make good their guarantee. Bid* will bo opened In presence of bidders, if any of tliem choose to be prescut. M. G. MEIGS, Capt. of Engineers, in charge. FORM OF GUARANTEE. To Capt. M. C. Meigs, U. 8. Engineers. We, the undesigned, residents of , in tho State of , hereby, jointly aud severally, covenant with the United States, and guaranty, in casa tho foregoing bid of be accoptod, that he or they will, within ten days after tho acceptance of the said bid, exe cute the contract for the same, with good ands ufficicnt sureties to perform or furnish tho articles proposed in oouforuiity to the terms of tho advertisement under which it was mode. And iu case the said shall fail to enter into contract as aforesaid, we guaranty to make good the difference between the offer by the said ?? and the next lowest bidder. (Signed) A. B. C. D. I hereby certify that, to tbo best of my kuowiedg* aud belief, the ubovo named guarantors are good and sufficient. (AM E. F. Sop 1?lawtf [No. 686.] By the President of the United States. IN pursuance of law, I, JAMES BUCHANAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby declare and uutko known that public sales will ho held at tho undermentioned land offices in the State o! Missouri, at tho periods hereinafter designated, to wit : At the laud office at Plattrbuiui, commencing ou Monday, the first day of March next, for the disposal of tho nubile lauds w ithin the lol lowing named township, viz : North of the base line ami wot of the fifth principal meridian. Fractional townships sixty-seven, of ranged twenty-lour to fortythree, IneluaWe. At the luinl office at Milan, commencing on Monday, the eighth day of March next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following tut mod townships, viz : North of the Ixue. line and wed of the fi fth principal meridian. Fractional townships sixty so von, of ranges eighteen to twentythree, inclusive. At the land office at Palmyra, commencing on Monday, the flrst day of March next, for the disposal of the public lauds within the follow ing named townships, viz: North of the. base line and west of the fifth principal meridian. Fractional township sixty-seven, of range ten. The islands in the Mississippi river, numbered one, two, and throe, In fractional township sixty frnr, of rauge five. The island In the lies Moines river, in sections four and niue, of fractional township sixty-four, of rango Ave. The Island In the lies Moines river, in sections nine, ten, eleven, and Alteon, of fractional township sixty-live, of range six. At the land office at Bt. Iaicih, commencing on Monday, the first day of March next, lor the disposal of tho public lands within the following-named townships, viz: North of the bait line ami east of the fifth principal meridian. Fractional township thirty-eight, of rango lduo, except the portions covered by private claims. At the laud office at Jackson, commencing on Monday, tho eighth day of March next, for the disposal of the public lands within the followlug named townships, viz: North of the base line and east of the fifth principal meridian. Fractional township twenty-one, and township twenty-two, of range one. L'mctiAnal tmrushln turnntv.nnn of ran or a Township twenty-seven, ol range genet?. Fractional township sixteen, and township twenty -eight, of rango nine. Township twenty-nine, of rango ten. Fractional township sixteen, of rango thirteen. Township twenty-four, of range sixteen. North of the bate line and well of the fifth principal meridian. Fractional townships twenty-one, of rang??H one to eight, inclusive. Fractional township twenty-one, and township* twenty IIvo and twenty-bix, of rango nlue. At the land office at Fi'kingfiri.d, on Monday, the fifteenth day of March next, for the disposal of the public laud* within the following-named townships, vii: North of the base line and west of the fifth principal meridian. Township thirty, of rango twenty nine. Townships thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thtrty-threo, nnd thirtyfour, of range thirty. Lands appropriated by law fbr tlio use of schools, military, and other purposes, together with those " swamp and overflowed lands, made thereby unlit lor cultivation," if any, grunted to the Rate by the act entitled " An art to enable the State of Arkansas and other Hlste* to reclaim the 'swamp lands' within their limits," approved .September 28, 1850, will he excluded from the sale*. The ottering of the above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order in which they are advertised, until the whole shall have boon offered, and tbo sales thus closed ; but no sale sluill be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry <?f any of the lauds will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this slxteonth day of September, anno Domlui one thousand right hundred and fiftyseven. JAMK8 BUCHANAN. By the President: Tuoh. A. Hendricks. Commissioner of the General I And Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Kvery person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lauds within the township* and parts of townships above enumerated is re quired to establish the same to the satisfaction of the register and receiver of the proper land office, and make payment therefor ai noon at practicable after iceinj thi? twtice} and bofore the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of the lauds embracing the tract claimed ; other win? auch claim will be forfeited. T1IOH. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of the General I-ind Office. Hop IB? l?w3in (IntASUr] United States Patent Odlce, Washington, S'pl. 1, 1867. j ON the petition of James Phelps, of Sutton, Ma?- j sachusett*, praying for tho extension of a patent granted to liini on the '24th of November, 1K43, for an Improvement In "wash I Ing machine for cleaning rags," for aovan years from the expiration ! of said .latent, which take* place on the '24th day of November, 1857? It la ordered that the said |>etltion be heard at the Patent Office on ! Monday, the Oth of November next, at 12 o'clock, m.; and all persona arc notified to appear and show cauae, If any they have, why aaid petition ought not to bo granted. Persons opposing the extension arc required to file In the Patent Office their objections, specially set forth In writing, at least twenty days before the day of hearing All testimony filed by either party to I* need at tho said hearing must bo taken and tninsmitted in accordance with the rules of tho office, which will be furnished on application. The testimony in the case will be closed on the 3d ol October; depn*tti<m*, and other pupers relied npon as testimony, must he filed in the office on or before the morning of that day; the arguments, if any, within ten days thereafter. Ordered, also, that thul nonce be published In the Union, Intel)! genoer, and Kvening 8tar, Washington ; Republican, Baltimore, PeunKylvanian, Philadelphia, Penn , daily News, New York; Poat, Boston ; and Inquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio, once a week fbr throe succee slve wevka previous to tho 9th of November next, the day of hear Ing. 8. T. HHUOERT, CommtHAkmer of Patents P. 8.?Editors of the above papers will please copy, and send their bills to the Patent Office, with a paper containing this notice. Hop. 8?lawSw IJ. MU>1>LUTON, Tc? dealer, office and depot. J# south v. est corner of K and Twelfth street*. Washington, I). C. Ap 11?dlyf " I [No. 687.] By the President of the United Htatti. TN pursusnce of the provisions of the 3d section X uf the act entitled ' Au m I to aulborta? the l'r?*ldeni of the Culled HUM to cauae to be mirveyed the tract uflaud in Oie Terribly of MinueeoU belonging to the half breed* or inixedbloude of the Unco lah or Sioux uatlou of ludlaua, and tor other purpueea," approved July 17,1S&4,1, JAMI-H UUCHANAM, CrveldeiU uf tU? Culled Slate, of Amot ion, Jo hereby declare aud make Wuowu that public nolo* will be held nl the imderweuUuued laud "?o)> lu the Territory of Miutle ota,at the period* heralnnlVtr deaiguatcd, to wit: At tile laud office at Haxueaaoa, couuueucuia on tlie eighth day <' March next, for the dinpuual of the vacant public laud* ?ltuaU<d wiltiin the following named tnwu*hl|M and frai'tioual towualilpa In Uie late renerve for the half breed* or mixed blood* of the flacotab or Hioui ua North of the hate lime and west of the fiflh principal meridian The uuiocated tracts iu fractional township one hundred and eleveu, of nuiK? teu. The uuiocated tracts iu fractional township one hundred and elcveu, of range eleven. The unlocsted tracts in fractional townships oue hundred and eleven and one hundred and twelve, of range twelve. The unlocaled iracu in township one hundred and eleven, and fractional townships one hundred and twelve and ouo huudred and thirteen, 01 rouge thirteen. The uulocuted tracts in township one hundred and eleven, and in that part of township one hundred and twelve, and fractious! town ship one hundred and thtrteeu, withiu the above mentioned reserve, of range fourWn. The uuiocated tracts in that |>art of towushi|M one hundred snd eleven aud one hundred and twelve, withiu the above mentioned reserve, of rango fifteen. At the loud office at Faribiclt, commencing ou the first day of March uext, for the di*iKMal of the public lauds situated withiu the following name*t townships and fractional towu*hipe in the late reserve for the half breeds or mixed bloods of the iJacotab or Sioux nation of Indians, vix: North of the bate line and west of the fifth principal meridian. The uuiocated tracts iu that part of l'ractioual township one huudred and teu, within the above mentioned reserve, of range nine. The uuiocated tracts in that |>art of townships one huudred and eight, oue hundred and nluo, and fractional township ouo hundred and ton, within the above mentioned reserve, of range ten. Hie uuiocated trscu hi that part of towushlp one hundred and eight, within tho above mentioned reserve, and in townships ono hundred and nine and one huudred an<1 ten, of range eleven. The unlocatod tracts In that part of township* oue huudred and eight and one hundred aud uiuo, within the above mentioned reserve, and in township oue hundred and teu, of range twelve. The uuiocated tracts in that |?art of townships oue hundred and uiuo and oue huudred and ten, withiu tho above-mentioned reserve, of range thirteen. The uuiocated tracts in that part of township one hundred and ten, within the above mentioned reserve, of range fourteen. The unlocated tracts in that part of township oue huudred aud ton, within the above-mentioned reserve, of raugo fifteen. In acoordauce with the provisions of the act of July IT, 1854, hereinbefore referred to, pre-emption claims will not be allowed to any of the above mentioned lands until after they havo been offered at public Halo and become subject to private entry. The offering of the above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in tho order in which they are advertised until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed; but rti> nit* kitmll ho kant onon lot i per than two week* and mi nrivate entry of HUT of tbo litndu will bo kdinlttcil until after the ex|nration of tlio two weelcn. Ulvun under tny hand, at the city of Washington, this sixteenth day of September, mno IXuuiui one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven. J.VMKS BUCHANAN. By tho rresldeut: Thus. A. Hwmuxx, Commissioner of the (innoral IiindOfhee. Sep 19?lavrSm [IntkSturJ PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. Qcaktuuxstbi'h Oinc* Maxi.xx Coxes, Washington, Sept. 17, 1857. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office uutil 8 o'clock, p. in., ou Thursday, Ihe 22d October, 185T, lor supplying the marine cori* with the following articles during the fiscal year ending 30th Juno, 1858, vl* : 600 to 800 uniform cape, complete. 1,000 to 2,000 marine pompootii. 1,000 to 2,000 (latent leather stocks. 500 to 800 privates' uniform coats, complete, of uavy blue cloth, indigo dye?to be chemically teetod. 60 to 100 sergeant*' uniform coats, (same as above.) 60 to 100 musicians' coats, scarlet cloth, cochineal dyo?to be chemically tested. 100 to 200 pairs non-commissioned offlroiV epaulettes. 600 to 800 pairs brass centre straps. 30 to 60 red worsted sashes. 1.000 to 2,000 (wire liueu overalls. 1,000 to 2,000 linon shirt*. 2,600 to 3,000 pair* brogans, Nos. 6 to 11. 600 to 800 iuarino blanket*, (gray.) 600 to 800 knapsacks. 2,600 to 3,000 pairs wooilon socks. 600 to 800 marine fatigue cape, tho cloth to be navy blue, indi go dye, and chemically tested. 600 to 800 fatigue frocks. 1,000 to 1,600 flannel shirts. 600 to 1,000 (siirs woollen overalls, blue kerssy. 600 to 1,000 wool leu Jackets, do. 300 to 600 watch or groat coals, do. 600 to 1,000 pairs Gautou flannel drawers. 36 to 60 musicians' Jacket*, scarlet cloth, cochiueal dye?to bo chemically tested. Samples of the above articles may be soen on application at this oftico, or at the office of the assistant quartermaster marine corps, 189 Spruce street, Philadelphia. It is to be understood that the accepted bidder is to take all material used fur manfacturing coats, overalls, &c., on hund at the time of filtering into contract, at the contract prices thereof. Bids win bo received for the whole or In parts for the articles required, and U must be explicit)' understood that a critical inspectiou will be giveu all articles furnished us to ht and quality, and that articles which do not come up to tho sample will be rejected and thrown ujhiii the hands of the contractor. The quartermaster reserves to himself the right to Increase or di minis!) tbu quantity named above, as the exigencies or interests of the service may demand. Proposals to bo addressed to the "Quartermaster of tho Marine Corps," Washington, D. C., ami endorsed "Pro|>nsaUi for Supplies." The |>apers publlshiug this advortiseinunt will send tho |?per contaiuiug the first insertion to this oftlce for exainluation. accompanied hy a duplicate account of the expense?at the rats of 75 cents for 300 ems first lusertion, and 37% cents per 300 ems for all subsequent insertion*. Tho "National Intelligencer," "Star," and "States," Washington; "Argus," Portland, Maine; "Patriot," Concord, N. 1L; "tioiette," Portsmouth, N. H.; "Pout" and "Courier," Boston, Mass.; "Bridge port Farmer," Conn.; "Dally News" and "Atlas," New York ; "Eagle," Brooklyn, N. Y.; "Argus," "Pennsylvania!!," and "Proas," Phlladol phla.Pa.; "Patriot," Uarrlsburg, Pa.; "Republican," Baltimore, Mil.; "Statesman" and "Argus," Norfblk, Vs.; "Democrat," PMuntcola, Fla.; "Courier" and "llrloanian," New Orleans, la., will publish tho above three times per week until the 22d October. Bopt 18?3tuwt22t)ct United States Patent Office, Washington, September 17, 1857. ON tlio petition of Jonathan Hall, of Elinira, New York, praying for the extension of a patent granted to him on the 15th day of December, 1843, for an improvement in "coating watorpl|?s," for seven years from the oxpiratiou of said patent, which t ikes place on tho 15th day of December, 1857? It Is ordered that the said petition be heard at tlio Patent Ofllre on Monday, the 30th of November next, at 12 o'clock, m. ; and all persons are notified to appear and show cause, If any they have, why said )>etltion ought not to he granted. Persons opixislng Uie extension are required to file In lbs Patent Office their objections, spocinlly set forth in writing, at least twenty days before the day of hearing; all testimony filed by either party to bo used at the said hearing must ho taken and transmitted In accordslice with the rules ot the office, which will be furnished on upplica Uon. The testimony In tlio ruse will be closed on the 20th of November; depositions, and othor papers relied ujion as testimony, must be Hied in the office on or before tho morning or that ilay; the arguments, tr any, within ten days thereafter. Ordered, also, Uiat this uotiro be published In the Union, Intelligencer, and Evening Ktar. Washington; Pcnuaylvantan, Philadelphia; Daily News, Now York ; I'oat, Iloaton ; and Inquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio, once a week for three successive weeks previous to tlio 30th of November next, the duy of hearing. J. HOLT. Commissioner of Patents. P. 8.?Editors of the almrc papers will please copy, and send their hills P. the Patent Office, with a isijier containing this notice. Sop 19?law3w [No. 684.] Notice Of the Removal of 0k Lund Office from Ojibwa to Optkr Tail City, in 0k Territory of Minneeota. IN ACCORDANCE with tho provisions of the act of Congress entitled "An art authorizing climgcs in the locution of laud offices," approved 3d March, 1853, It Is hereby declared and made known thai the office for the "Northwestern District" In the Territory of Minnesota wi l be remove 1 from the town ofOuunrs to Orran Tab. Urrr, In said Territory, at as early a period at practicable. Further notice as to tho precise time of removal will be Issued by tlio register and receiver Ibr said district. Clveu under my hand, at Die city or Washington, this 18th day o August, A. I). 1867. By order of the President: THflfl. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of tlio Uenorol land Office, Aug 20? lawflw [Intel k Star.] Ueorge C. Thomas, Cvtnmiutoner qf Deeds for all the Statu, AXD NOTARY PUBLIC. May 16?ly Seventh street, No. 490. banking house or chubb brothers, Washington, January 1, 1857. JOHN D. BARROW and HENRY HOLMES arc this day admitted a? partners In the Hanking House of Chubb Brothers. The arm from this date will be composed of Chas. St. J Cliuhb, Jolin I?. Barrow, nnd llenry Holmes. Tlie House In Davenport, Iowa, is rom|KMed if Charles St. J. Chubb, Win II. Ilotigal, and Alexander II. Barrow, under the flrtn of Chubb Brothers, Iter row, k Co. CHUBB BROTHERS, Jan 1?dtf WATCH Repairing and Engraving.?Watches, chronometers, and pocket timekeepers of every description repaired by skilful workman and warranted to perform accurately Engraving of every description done In the heat style, Including the cutting of arms, crests, mottoes, and Initial! on atone *, Visiting and wedding cards elegantly engraved and printed. m. w. tlai.t k bro , Jewellers, 8M Pennsylvania avenue, Jan 84 1/ Between 9th and IOth streets MISSES BOOKER'S English and French Boarding and day school for young Imuta*, No. 464 K utrort, botweon 6th nnd 7tb, Washington cKy. Tha dutieft of thl* iuatitutton. which luui Ihh>h In auccmisfnl operation for aotnn years, will be rnanni?*d ?>u Monday, September 14. Circular* containing particular)* can be obtained at the bookstore* of the city and at the Heminary Aug 1|?fewtf. WndilutoD Branch Railroad. 7V?tiw run (U follows I FROM WaaliiuKtoii at 6, a. in., couuecting at llelay wltli train* fur the West, aud at Balbmora with llmae fur PU1U dclphia and New York At 8 SO, a. in , for Annapolis, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. At 8, p. m, for Baltimore and Norfolk, and al Ho lay with Freder tck train Express at 4 20, p in , at Relay fur the Wast, and for AnuapolU, Baltimore, Philadelphia, aud N'ew York. On Sunday at 7, a. in., aud 4.20, p. nt. frttm Baltimore for Waskioyton At 4 IS aud 9 15, a. m , and at 3 and 5 15, p. nt Ou Sunday at 4.14, a u>., aud 5.15, p. m. T. H. PARSON'S, Ageut June 13 rpHB NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL "unTtBD 1 Slates uudl steamer*.?The ships comprising till* line are the following: The Atlantic CWpt. Oliver Bdrldge. The Ualllc Capt. Jos. Ooiuslork. Hie Adrlatio a Capt. James West. Theae ships having been built by eon tract expressly for government service, every care lias been takon In their construitlou, as also In their engines, to Insure streugth and speed; and their accommodations for tiasseiigers are unequalled for elegaure aud comfort Prion of passage from New Yurk to luverpool in flrst cabin, $13(1. in second cabiu, $75. Froin Llver|awl to New York, 30 and 20 guineas. An experienced surgeon attached to each ship. No berths can be secured until paid for. The ships of this line have Improved water tight bulk heads, and, to avoid danger from loe, will nut cross the Banks north of 42 dog. uuUl after the 1st of August. rauroaim oxtib or aaiuira. From .Yew York. From Liverpool. Saturday April 20, 185?. Weduasday May 14,1856. Saturday May 10, 1866. Wednesday May 28,1856. Saturday May 24, 1866. Wuduuaday Juno 11, 1856. Saturday June 7, 1856. Wednesday June 26, 1856 Saturday .June 21, 1866. Wsduaaduy July V. 1866 Saturday July 6, 1856. Wednesday July 23, 1856. Saturday ..July 19, 1866. Wednesday Aug. 6,1856. Saturday Aug. 2, 1856. Wednesday Aug. 20, 1856. Saturday Aug. 16, 1856. Wednesday Sept. 3, 1856 Saturday Aug. 30, 1856. Wednesday Sept. 17, 1856 Saturday Sept. 13, 1856. Wednesday (let. 1, 1856. Saturday Sept. 27, 1856. Wsduesday Oct. 16, 1856. Saturday Oct. 11, 1866. Wedncadav Oct. 1856. Saturday Oct. 15,1856. Wednesday Nov. 12, 1856. Saturday Nov. 8, 1856. Wednesday Nov. 26, 1856. Saturday Nov. 22, 1866. Wednesday Dec. 10, 1856. Saturday Dec. 6, 1856. Weduesday Dec. 24, 1866. Saturday Dec. 20, 1856. For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, No 56 Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY, A CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN KENNARD & CO., 27 Austin Friars, Iomlon. B. U. WAJNWRlUHT A CO., Paris. The owner* of those ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, nullum, iprow, jewelry, precious muiiim, or nmtaw, unlona bill* of la ding nr? i<lgneit Itmrelbr, ami lliu value thereof therein rxprvieed. May 1?tltf For All Parts or the West. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. NEW AND IMPROVED ARRANGEMENTS. mHREE TRAINS DAILY from Baltimore, for CumI bcrland, Wheeling, ami all part* of the West. 1st. The ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave (except Sunday) at 0.46, a. in., connecting with truing from ITuladelpni.i; llrst train from Washington (at Junction) will stop at way stations ami arrive at Cumbcrland at 4 o'clock, p. in. 2*1. The MAIL TRAIN leaves Camden Station daily (except Sunday) at 8.30, a. ni., and reaoho* Wheeling by 4, a. in., connecting at lieuwood with trains for Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, Indianapolis, Louisville, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, St. louia, Cairo, aud intermediate points. 3d. The EXPft&B TRAIN leaves daily at 7, p. m., connecting with express trains for Cincinnati, St. Iouis, Cairo, Chicago, and intermediate places. The distance to Cincinnati and other central and southern places in Die West Is nearly 100 miles shorter than by any other route. The titno to theso places is also unequalled. Baggage checked through w Columbus, Cincinnati, Indiuuaiwlls, and w. EKE Passengers and baggage transferred at all points free. THKOl Oil TICK ITS will bo sold to all ttio large towns in the West, Ht the lowest possible rates, at the ticket office, Camden Station, aud at Washington city. A second-class car lit attached to the mail train. Passengers from Baltimore or Washington may view the entire road In/ dayliyht by taking accommodation or mail train, uud lying over at Cumberland or Oakland. They resume next morning by the express train, which leaves Cumborlaud at 2.60, a. m., and reaches Wheeling at 2, p. in. Passengers from Washington have amide time for meals at Washington Junction. This is the only route by which through tickets aud baggage checks can bo obtained in Washington. FOR WAY PASSENGERS. The accommodation train, at 6.45. will ston st all stations east of Cumberland, and the express ut stations beyond Piedmont K^ing west. Fastwurdly, the mall train leaves Wheeling at 7.15, a. 111., and accommodation loaves Cumberland at 8.20, reachiug Dultiiiioro at 5.45, p. m. The FREDERICK TRAIN starts at 4,p. hi., (except Sunday.) flopping at way stations. Leaves Frederick ut 0, a. m., arriving at Baltimore at 12.30, noon. The ELLICOTT'S Mil Jit TRAIN heaves Camden Station at 6, a. m., und 3.30, p. in. Loaves KllicoU's Mills ut 7.30, a. in., and 7.30, p. in , except Sunday. W. 8. WOOD8IDE, Jan 17?dtf Master of Transportation. COMPLETION of Panama Railroad.?Reduction of fare to California.?United States mail steamships leave New York for Aspinwall on the 6th and 20ih of each mouth, connecting witli mail steamers from l*unam* to San Francisco. These steamships have been inspected aud approved by tlio Navy Dopartmont, and guaranty ipted ami tqfdy. The l*auama railroad (47 miloa long) Is now completed from ocean to ocean, and is crossed in 3 or 4 hours. The baggage of |iassengers Is checked in New York through hi San Francisco, and passenger* are embarked at Panama by Htuamor at the company's expense. The money paid In New York covers all expenses of the trip. Reserve steamers are kept in port in New York, Panama, and San Francisco, to prevent detention in case of accident, so that the route is entirely rdiablr. Passengers leave Panama tlio same day they arrive at Aspinwall. Conductors go through by each steamer, and take charge of women and children without other protectors. For through tickets ut tho lowest rates apply at tho agency, 177 Wont street, New York, to I. W. RAYMOND. May 8?dtf For Kansaa and Missouri Hirer. cam. fitkamioat. rpiIE PACIFIC RAILROAD Is now running two 1 dally trains between 81. Louis aud Joffbrson city, connecting with the "lightning IJne" of Missouri-river packets, that leaves Jefferson city dully on the arrival of tho express truin, carrying the mails aud passenger* for Boonoville, Clnagow, Islington, Kansas, Leavenworth, Weston, 8t. Joseph, and all Intermediate point*. Through from K. Louis to Kansas in 48 hours, and from 24 to 38 hours ahead of boats starting from 8t. Louis. The UKntnmKune iwclii'U urn equal in ituy ikuu iu I no trade, and, being required to run on schedule time with Uio mails, luteaetigera are nerer delayed waltlug for freight at towns on their way. Through tickets ran he pureha?ed in tho principal cltloe of tlte United .Stale#, or at tho ofltcos In Ht. Ioula. T. Mi KISKICK, May VI?dtr Aaa'l Sup't. Umitko Status Natal Coi kt or Iaquar, Washington, February 2d, 1857. rpjIE juilgo advocate gives notice, for the inforinaI Li?>n of parties coming Iwfhre tlio court under the 1st section of I bo art of January lfl, 1857, that thoy will respectively be advised by tho department when thoir omos shall have been referred to tho court; and that it is desirable tiiat in presenting themselves they should come prepared with a list of audi witnesses as they may de sire to have summoned, specifying to which of the respective heads of ,,tltneMs for the naval service" mentioned In tho act their testimony is to lw applied respectively; and suggesting the delay, if any, which may he required; and iu respect of what witnesses. J. 3d. CAKI.I.-I.K, .bulge Advocate. F?b 28f?tf RII. GILLET, Counucllor Ht Law, has removed # hit office to his rosideuce iu Fraukliii How, coiner of K and i'tiirioenth streets. He will continue to devote his attention principal ly to cases In the I'nited States Supreme Court. Having devoted much lituo to the law concorning pateula, he will give advice and opinions on legal questions arising in cases before the Patent Office, and on appeals to tho chief justice or assistant Justices of the District of Columbia; and will also assist in the preparation and trial of suits concerning patents He will also give written opinions and prepare arguments for parties having claims before Congress or either of the departments, and will also prosecute claims before any board established for their adjudication. Oct 28?dtf EBBITT HOUSE. T. H. Frkihiiv. P. L. Morrison F street, between 13th and 14th streets, WASHINGTON, P. C. THIS popular and fashionable hotel lias been thoroughly retired and furnished with now ami superior furniture It contaius over one hundred rooms, and has all the requisites of a first class house. j The proprietors have provided a coach, which will be at the railroad ; de|?ot and steamtMsU lauding at every arrival for the conveyance of INuwengem and buggngc to tho hotel. June 28? United States Patent Office, Washington, Pnptenibor 24, 1857. ON the petition of Luther Boardman, of Kant lladdam, Connecticut, praying fur the extension of a patent granted to hint on the 1Mb of December, 1*43, Tor an Improvement In huff for polishing spoons, kc ," h>r seven years from the expiration of aald patent, which Likes place mi tha lMh day of December, 1*57 ? It la ordered that thn aald petition ho heard at thn Patent Office on Monday, thn ,10th of November next, at 11 o'clock, m. ; and all per j aona am nniiBed to api>oar and show cauee, If any they have, * hy I aald petition ought not tit he granted. ! Pereona npimeing tile extension am required to lie In the Patent Office their objections, specially act forth In writing, at least twenty days before thn day of hearing ; all testimony died by either party to 1 be used at the said hearing must be taken and transmitted In accord 1 ance with the rule* of the office, whlrh will be furnished on appllca. ; Hon. I The testimony in the caan will bo closed on the loth of November; ' depositions, and other papers rolled upon as testimony, must be Bled In the office on or botbre the morning of that day ; the argu mentx, if any, within ten days thereafter. (irdered, also, that this notice be published in the Cnton, Intelli. genccr, and Kvening Star, Washlngloa , Pennsylvania!). Philadelphia ; Dally News, New Tock . Diet Dos lot i; and Inquirer, Cincinnati, onco a weok for three siiuceeelTe week* previous to the 3tHli of November next, the day of hearing ). HOLT, CVnnntlsslooer of Patents. P H ? Editors of the above papers will please copy, and aend their bills to Uto Patent Office, with a ps|aT coutalning Una notice. Sept 20?law3w ' 1 ?? II ?^ I The Fauquier White Sulphur Springs, M YIBOUA, OFFERED FOB HALE TO THE PUBLIC IN LOTS rlU8 property has been held under an a?t of inrurporatlou lin e ISM. Tbe i bartered property Uien .emuUM f 1,1831, acre# of land. in Fauquier county, Including the improve tents thereou, ami was divided inn. 2,MO shares. eeuinat.Hj la Ui? barter ul tluo each. Tbe sutiecrilier luviia autieoqueally rewqm,,.,i le property, sold a part Ihrrisg, and there aaw remain fully rtevsu uij ir.-d at m>. leu.-ih. i with the buddings enlarged and gi esiiy in, roved. The more easily to aell such a properly. and l<> Increase it. alut*. be baa laid oil the larger portion of the land luto about 10 laai .aiding kail, with ouavettleul streets, of AO fart width. running uwih ntl south, cael and weat, * lib a view to lb.' formation uf a villa*" ,* ily, to be failed "Warreiitou Spuug*-" Tboae lob. nearly surround lie resefved sixty 4ve ucree, which include the Sulphur Spring. and II Uie oorilguou* building* and Improvement... These alvly On. crea. alao, are offered for "ale, in 2.&00 abarae, In cminexnm with (be .1- Uie whole I2.M0 I'.u nod eberee helup eeUinal.'.| at (IV ?*art* od wbeu taken to be puitllkmed by kit , tboae gulling tbe -i ioo hurue will .ousut.ile tbe rorp.wau.ei under Uie amended charter nl ebruary 2, ISM. known a* tbr Fauquier While .Sulphur Springs Com any : and Ibuee geUlug the respective Iota will receive their deed, mm III Ho. Liudgln, a gentleman uf the highest character and buaiiuw ualith nitons, lo whom, a* trustee for the purjaue, the enure | aa beeu conveyed Tlie uf Uila property by the aworn officer ./ tbe ComiiMsi realUi allows the buil.linga alone nr.. worth SSO.OOO , tbe asse*. sent |ier acre la put al t?4 Such property require* more liberal ei lidltnree for tlie public aivumniodation than Individual* are able er rlllmg lo ri.-k, and the lact thai an many will be luteresiod in tbe ?ur ea* id'tlie Spring*, aud lu building around them, will probablv ilou de. Iuiuiudlately after the company u formed, tbe prreeut eeuuiab' I subscriber will, In the worst event, get a lot (af tbe almost uue creel dimensions in Sew York) for the sum ul ton dollars He will el a kit I.n which lie can build, al the very fouulaiu of health . he insy eelde on II for Uie summer seeson ooly, or for tlie year The Indue* nuut* lo build wUl be irrestaUble ; and tbe fact uf such buildings lietiig reeled will Immeasurably enhance tile value of the Springs and uf Um us. There is no reason why n city of tuagullude should not rise up ud flourlsb al ilus place Tlie IUp|u>lmliUM k rueru navigable lu He, I wit. A very Uule euergy would alwnya keep Uie locks iu repair be Alexaudria an.. Lynchburg railroad croeae* the river alioul I or V iilles below thia laud Goal, at a cheap rate, may In" unloaded from ibu era Into the lewis Induflnlle sleuiu power luay thua be coniuiamleu i will; and Uie facility ol|?irlatlon glvea the aatne advnnUgm rbicb Ismail baa fur uiihiiule.l I.UMiioaa The railroad, already witbin ' miles, will souu extend to Sew Orleans, whose Inbnbluuu may Usu each those Springs 111 Uirre days. As besllby a spot as any in Vlf. J..ira in on uh.uwb.ta r?i/iam Vk il Jl till* tliOJiL* ial llilitJM ?[}|V hoillrl REDEMPTION OF VIRGINIA FIVE PER CENT. STOCK. 1UIE holder* of the following certificate* of debt . laaued by the Stale of Virgiuia will take notice Uiat the "Own mlaMtmnr* of the Sinking Fund" will |iruceod ou the 31m day of Oc f lober, 1857, to redeem lim Mid orrtllcaiee at the treweury of the Com uiunwoalUi The holder* of *aid certtftcatee are required on the *atd 31*1 of October, 1*37, to aurreuder Ute Heme at the otBoe of the *eeond , auditor. Whether aarreudered or uot, the interim therwat will ceane : mi that day : 1. Under act pwaaod 16th February, 182&, entitled An act uiaklug further provision to carry Into effect the act entitled "An act for clear tug and improving the liai igaUou of Jam*-* river awl fur uuitiiig the caelcrn and wualcru wuter* by the Jaiue* and Kanawha river*, and for other purpumw.'' Lhlie In what name lamed. Amount 1825, April 1?19, Baring, Brother*, ft Co., of london *5,000 00 1834, June 1*?*7, Kev. Robert Trunin, of llordeu, In the county of Surry, In England 5,009 CO " ? " *8, dlttu 5.000 00 " " " 80, ditto 3,000 00 1340, May II?100, Jamee Hutchinson, of tlie Stuck Ex change, louden, gentleman, and Wiu. Itobaon, of Ihtrllngtoo, liurtiam, in Knghuid, geuUetnuii, with beucOt of aurvlvorahip *.000 00 " " ' 101, ditto 3 000 00 " " '< 102, ditto 2,000 00 1344, Aug. *, 113, Richard Thornton, of Old Swan Wharf, Upper Thaiuc* atrcet, I on dun marchant 6.000 00 '< " ' 119, diUo *,000 00 u u u 120, ditto 3.000 00 " " < 121, ditto 2,000 00 1846. Fell. 13, 122, Francis N. Watkius, Ctcnieut C. Road, Jacob W Mortou, John Hupuy, lloury K. Watt inn, Thoutaa T Treadway, and Charkm S. Harrington, and their nurvlvora in trust, lor the bciicili of the Union Theological Seminary 4,100 00 " " " 123, ditui 5,900 00 " July 10?127, Tbninaa UoUurill, enq., a citizen of the United Stales, at pruaeut renldlug at Hirtuiugbam, in England 8,000 00 1849, Feb. 9?139. William Heath, of Harlow, Essex. gentle man 1,666 66 a u ii i4p Woodbaiu Heath, of Nettlrswcll, Essex, geutleiiuui 1,666 67 "April 23?141, Thomas Uutiurill, esq , u citizen of the Culled State*, at prceenl iraiding at Birmiughaiii, In England 5.000 00 1850, Juue 1?142, diua 1,666 67 " llec. 7?143, George Pcabody, esq., of I on lion 7,000 00 1854, July 10?149, Thomas Cutterlll, esq , a citizen of the l'?11^.1 -am... .1 l.Pu.Mlll raa.i.lltiir .1 Birmingham, in England 5.000 00 u u 11 150, ditto 5,000 00 n ii ii i5i OiH,, 5,000 00 " " " 152, ditto. 1,000 00 " " " 153, ditto 1,000 00 " July 22?154, Benjamin 2?w, of I/union 6,000 00 1853, April T?155, George Ponbody, 3[ CO., of Loudon 6,000 00 " " " 156, dit'to 4,000 00 ii ? n 157 dlUn 5,000 00 " " " 158, ditto . 5,000 00 ii ii ii 159, ditto 6,000 00 1856, J'ly24?160, Hugh Brown, esq., of Broodsbme, Purtoll of Birth, Ayrshire, Scotland 5.000 00 " " " 161, ditto 5,000 00 i n H162, ditto 5,000 00 " " " 163, ditto 6,000 00 ? " ' 164, ditto 6,000 00 ii n n 105, ditto 5,000 00 ii n n ma, ditto 4,000 00 160.000 00 V. Under an ai t authorliing Ilia Board of Public Works to subscribe mi behalf of the Commonwealth to the stock of the Petersburg Railroad Cotupany, passed 27th February, 1832 : 1834, June 30 22, The Most Noble George Granville, Duke of Sutherland 9-10,000 00 " " " 23, ditto 110,000 00 ? " 80, ditto 4,000 00 24,000 00 STAFFORD H. PARKER, Register, GEORGE W. MUNFORD, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Commtsnorters of Ou Sin.', iu./ FVnif. Nirm.?Those holders of eorliOcates who desire to redeem by alter ney must, if residing hevoud the limits of the Culled States, acknowledge the power liefore some minister plenipotentiary, charge d'alfairvs, consul general, consul, vice consul, or commercial agent, ap|ioinlei1 by tho government of Iho United Suites to any foreign country ; or l>efore the pro|>or officer of any court of such country, or the mayor or otlior chief magistrate of any city, town, or corporation therein. If residing 111 the United Slates, the acknowledgment before a Justice of the peace, uolary public, or commissioner of deeds appoinlrsl by the governor of Virginia Is sufflcicut. In all rases the cerllflcsie must lie delivered, nmn, Vs., July 31, 1857. July 31 ? l?w3m I'roponals Tor Erecting Marine Barrack* at Peiuacola, Florida. NAVY DgpAbTHKXT, Washington, September 21. 1857. SEALKD PROPOSALS, endorsed " Proposals for building Marino Barracks at l'cnsucoiu, Florida," will bo teccived nt this dopartuiont until the Oth day of November, 1867, at 3 o'clock, p. 111., for the construction <4* the Marino Barracks authorized to be erected at 1'onsacolu, Florida, according to the plnus audapeclttcations prepared by the direction of tho Navy Department, copies of ( winch may be aeon at tho ofliccs of the coiumaudaut* of the nnvyyarils at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Boston, New York, liiiladelphU, Norfolk, and Fennacola, and ut the Navy Department. I ?-?* ?? r..? f.imlul.ln., *11 11.a matarialrf ami rnm plotlng the work in a manner satisfactory to the person who may he 1 appointed by tho Navy Department to .super-intend the same; ami the I department reserves the right to reject or acoept any of the proposals herein invited, when it deems the interest of the United States requires it. Ninety per cent, of the amount of work done and tbo materials delivered will bo iwiid for from tiiuo to time, as the work progresses, upon estimates mado and certified to by the superintendent on the part of the United States, and ton per cent, retained until the completion of the contract and acceptance of the work by the said superintendent and department, and be forfeited in the ovcut of non fulfSment ( of the contract; provided that no bill ahull bo made for an amount loss than live thousand dollars. Mich proposal must bo accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by two responsible porsoiis, (certified to be so by a navy agent, postmaster, district Judge, or some other oflteer of the Uultcd States,) in the sum of five thousand dollars, that Uie bidder will, when required, if his proposal be accepted, enter into a contract and bond wltli proper and Htifllcient security for its faithful performance. Bidders are invited to examine tho plans and specification* at the offices herein before mentioned. Tho proposals must bo sealed and addressed to this department, and plainly endorsed "Proposals1 for building Marino Barracks at Pensacola, Florida." Tho bidder only whom offer may he accepted will bo notified, and I tho contract will bo forwarded as soon thereafter n* practicable, which ho will bo required to execute within ten days alter its receipt at tho post office named by him. All the above work is to bo completed in all respects according to tbo plans and specifications within twelve months from and after tbo date of the contract. ISAAC TOUCKY, Sept 24?2awt6th Nov Secretary of tho Navy. Kew Agricultural and Machine Warehouse, 558 Seventh street, south of l'ennsyloania avenue, opposite Centre Market. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MACHINERY, EIHJ> AND GARDEN SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, Ac. | TIIE undersigned in now prepared to furiiieh tho , , above mentioned and oil articles pertaining to ttie agricultural \ Wu/inesH at the lowest market rates; having Ju.-a returned from a tour , through the northern and New England States, where lie lias visited n j largo number of the principal agricultural manufacturing establish- \ menu, from which he litis taken great pains in selecting a choice assort- | ment of implements and machinery of all descriptions. Ho has also made arrangements to wo mini* 111 ruwiijv ?n any uiiii HinmiTO- l incuts tliat limy take place in the agricultural line. Another very important feature in tills new establishment is, that the proprietor is a ( practical agricultural machinist, with an experience of twelve years. , He has thereby acquireil u thorough knowledge of this business in all its various hranchoH. lio therefore feels Justified in Baying that he can obtain and furnish all articles in his lino on as reasonable terms as , any house in this country. Machinery of all descriptions repaired at the shortest notice and on i the most reasonable terms. ( With the above experience and facilities for conducting this busi uoss, (wbich Is all important,) he respectfully solicits the patronage of the farming community and public generally. It shall always be Ids object to please. Yours, very respectfully, J. P. HARTHOIXiW, 658 7th at., six doors south of I'onn. av., Sept 22?Stood oppo*lto Outre Market. English Reports?Vol. XXXVIII English reports in law and equity.? A complete collection of the cases decided by the House of l^rds, the Privy Council, Uie Queen's Bench, Com in on Pleas, and Ex chequer, the Lord Chancellor, the High Court >4 Appeal in Chuiioory, the Court of Criminal Appeal, and the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical courts. This series has the inorit of being complete, reliable, prompt, con venlont, and cheap. It is now universally cited in the court-, and referred to in the recent law-book* as standard authority. All the cases reported in England are hero reprinted from tho most ruilablo sources as soon as they reach this country. I Volume XXXVIII just published?price, 92? by IJTTLE, BROWN, Jc Co., Sept 26?Steodf 112 Washington street, Boston. j jyi liS. M. A. KNIGHT having taken the conuso- ] I HI (Iioun aim wen Known nuuae, no. vvuivjivaim nveuue, I (south aide, betweon 3d ?nd 4}? streets, nearly oppoaite" Wash Ington Home,") Ik now earning It to be completely renov?led, and tilted up with new and elegant furniture, suitable for a Orel elaes " boarding house." Mr*. Knight, having hail considerable eiperlence in the busineea In Baltimore, foela confidence In offering Inducement to gentleman and their wlvea, anil member* of Congroan, (being eonUgnone to the 0*|>t | tel.) to Call and examine her accommodation* before locating for the . winter, t She will be prepared to rooclyo guests alwiut the flrgt of Octolier. ( Pept 28 , IJROFKSSOU MASSE, of Par id, instructor in the i French language and literature, propone* forming classes or t ing private pupila in the abidy of the French language Prof M. will constantly converee with hi* classes and afford every 1 : facility for attaining a thorough colloquial knowledge of the language < Prof. M. will give lesson* to rlaaac* at private houaaa wlienevpr de < | etrable, and would l>e glad to make arrangement* with college# or t seminaries He beg* leave to refer pop!I* to the gentlemen wlioee name# are below. ( rrof. Masse may he found at Hlam liard At Mohun's bookatoro, corner of I'rnnaylvanla avenue and 11th atreet, between three and I pair o'clock. airamrvrre. ' Hnn. Taaac Tnucey, Secretary of tha Navy ; Rev A. Cleveland One, < of Uiiltimore ; Rt. Rev. Mthop Clark. Providence . Kl Rev. Rislaqt T V. Urownell, Hartford, Connecticut , Richard II Dana, eaq.. Bo*ton ; Rev. Charlea H Krigham, Rev T. W Know, Taunton . I.|>e* Sargent, e*q., I lor Ion , Rev. Dr. Pyne, Waahingbm. Sep 23?eo3t COMMON LETTER-PAPER. $1 per renin. Good common li tter paper 81 25 per ream. Fine letter paper. 81 78 par ream. Bap 20 FRAXCK TAYLOR, 1 , city thrive and prosper borer At all events, around these health lying waters, already so extensively and beautifully Improved, ,n be high aud the low, the rich and the poor, have now an op|a>rtumty ( sojourning lor tlto aimitncr season, or lon)(or, oo terms gradual,q iy tlo-ir means ; and the benignant design of the legislature tu grant jg the charter may bo realised to the fullest extent. This property is tendereil to Ihv public at about the value on which he taxes are paid to tliu Stale, aud greatly below the original outlay bo aMitvasuienl was made by an Intelligent |iubbc olOoar noway iuur a ted. Almost Indefinite profits may be relied on If the plan ol aalo ie carried out. If It Ire not, no one will be injured ; oven the small urn of len dollars la not required to bo paid until tbr mibaeriptinu tm nmplcted, and the partition shall be made by tlie trustee, aasuicd by wo Justices of tbs Iieace. lu the mean Uuie check* in favor of the ruatee, or other sail-lite lory arrangement, for thu aubacriptiou, nut) hi made, not to bo used till the day of partition. The trustee will ap. dv the money after |iarUttoii, in the first place, to the extinguishment >f all Ileus on tlic properly, so as to give assurance of good title-a illo reported hi 1833, by able attorneys, as then entirely aaliaftirtor;, LUd which has been doubly confirmed by IS years of quiet, uudhturb' ul iKatsotudou since that llutc. The plan of estimating lots and shares in the Bprlug* Company, as if equivalent value in tlic |iartlliou. will save trouble lu Uie dirl Ion ; and after tills partition the Interests of tho lot holders aud Hprlug* ilockholders will lie ill law- entirely dlatincl, while tho success of one isity must greatly enhance the other. Any one may subscribe fur mo or more shares lu this purchase, aud his Interest will he In pro ortuHi. THOMAS (JREKX Not*.?1. All the street; arc 00 feet wide, and run north and south, unit and weal. 2. Each square. In Iho plan. fronts 260 feet on streets running eut ind west, and 220 leet on streets running north and south, atnl (Willi u portion of the streets anil alley) contulua aliout two acres. 3. No payment of even the 810 la required till It is asccrtilued, by he number of subacriliers, that a city la to bo built; in which evaut ho value must greatly exceed the cost. 4. In tho partition the 10.000 lots will be represented by token*, villi tho number ol square and of lot on each. Those tokens will bn rut 111 the same vessel with 2,600 similar ones, marked "1 share of dock." In another vessel suliscribors' names will he pttl, (each name opcnled according to Uie number of abarea he may have taken,) aud n the drawing, as in the division of large astatea among numerous leirs, each will thus have an equal chauoe with any other of getting i share of Spring stock, or the more highly valued lot. The 2.600 w ho get the sliares of stock will, for the aggregate Bum of mly $26,000, get (lie 66 acroa, including thu Sulphur Spring, the miidiuga, (assessed al $80,000,) and the furniture. Those who get suitable building lots for largo hotels may be still nore successful, while tlioao least fortunate will get building lots of 2.'. >y 100 feet, that must be worth, as the ] sipu lull Oil increases, una h nore Ihau lite cost. 6. Mubsci iptiou lists and lithographic plans of the pru)niaed city trs eft al most of the bookstores and oilier |HibIlc places In this city The igcnts having them can become tlio representatives of tlic respertiv,, Illracribers, and in surrendering the lists can got aasuraneu of lbs It-nils. Tho payments and the drawing are desired tu be at thu sains line, or the subscription may be deposited lu any solvent bank, to bs aid to Roliert Hudgin on tlto day ot iiarlltlon. letters to the suhscrihsr in this city will receive atleulion from Aug 1 THOMAS GRKKN Office of Transportation Baltimore and Washington Railroad. BY direction of tho President mid Directors of the road, the undersigned gives notice thai hereafter only such uuuey us Is bankable In litis city will bo received In payment uf might hills due to the company. Hop 23 -2w T. H. PARSONS, Agotit. William Grandin, nn ?ill ii i in AND UNITED STATES COURT OK CT.AIMS COMMWIONEIt, A'o. 70 KaMin ttrnt, -Vcoi Turk. Jommlasloucr far Maine, Now Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, I'euusylvunla, Ohio, Indiana. Michigan, Iowa, Wis cousin, Kentucky, Tennessee, Inula hunt, Alabuma, Mississippi, Ueorgia, IPIaridlL Art: I Kansas, Nebraska, Minue^ota, and the Coiled States Territories. Pensions, (latent*, ami bounties speedily obtained. All kinds of law business successfully prosecuted. S|K'? ial attention pai?l to Court of Claims bus lues*. May 20?6m SOU YEN I]RS OF TRAVEL 5 by Madame Le Vert! 2 vols., cloth. Price $2. My Trip to Franc**; by Rev. John P. Domdan. Pfico 75 couU. Fresh heave** by Fanny Fern. Price 76 couM. 1-eigb Hunt's Poems. 2 vols. Blue and gold. Bryant's Poems. 1 vol. Blue and gold. Moss Side; by Marlon Harland. Dynevor Terrace; by the author of "The Heir of Redcljrifo." 2 vols. $1 50. For sale by BI.ANCHAHD k MOHUN, Hep 25 I Ate R. Farubam. HAIU'EIUS MAGAZINE AND HARPER'S STORY Dook, lor October, just received. HI.AXCIIAKD * WOI1 IN, Hep 24 lute R. Karnli.ui f t HEAT BARGAIN.?Western Farm for Sale.? It Tin, MiiliKi-rltiel' .t iirivnl., muI?> n v.luuhle r.rm mln.lnl ii Bee branch township, Chariton county, Missouri, containing five Hand red ami twenty (520) acros, two hundred und thirty (280) of which are under good fence; having thereon erected a frume dwell ng luxtte, thirty two by forty feet; also, a hewed log building seven ?M?n hy fbrty-eight; four hewed log cabins; a workshop; and a frame Liarn, forty by eighty flvo feet. This farm U well tiiubered and watered, and Is situated within eigbt nikvs of the Hannibal und s't. Joseph's railroad. Also, one hundred and sixty (1A0) acre* of prairie lands, and forty 40) acres of woodland, unimproved, one mile and a half north of tlw tbore farm. These truvH of land will he sold together or separately. Terms : One-half cash; tlie other half in three equal annual pay m iiH. with Interest. For further particulars apply to Tliomas Wiackleford, Glasgow city, do.; James H. Horse by, Keytesville, Mo.; Col. William A. Harris as*1 Jol. H. C*. Stumbaugh, Washington, 1>. C.; or U? the subscriber, J. C. O'NEIIJ., Sept 22 Kbensburg, Pennsylvania. IFK IN CHINA; bv He v. WUliam C. Milne.MA. 1 vol. lx>udon $i AO. Lauds of the Slave and the Free; by Captum the Hon. A Murray, K. N. 1 vol. london. $1 26. The Poetical Works of Robert Bloom field. London, 1857. t'2 cU. The 1-awa of Contrast of Colors; by M. E. Chevroul. London, 18?>7 60 cents. Common Objects of the Sea-shore; by Rev. J. G. Wood, M A. london, 1857. $1. Unprotected Females in Norway. London, 1857. $1 25. Deeds, not Words; by M. Hell. 60 cents. Peregrine Bam*; by Theodore Hook. 88 cents. Violet, or the Dnnseuse. 38 cants Sep 3 FKANCK TAYIjOB LIWS AT THE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINOS; or, Picture, of u l'le?.ant Hummer; by M*ry J. Winrtle, Author I Ic?oicl of tlie Waldcn.en," Ac. 70 ceow. Uuy Uviiifi.tono, a novel. 75 ocutu. J<tf>t received nt TAYLOR k MAURY'S Pept 19?3tf [Intel.St?lc?8ur] Rookxtorr, near 1Mb xtnet. SOI'VKNIHK OF travel"by~Ma<ianio Te Vert 2 vols. I*rlce $2. A drotiomico Theological lectures; by Rev. Robert Taylor. !*** 91 38. The Opcratle Albuin; by E. Ives, jr. 75 cents. Harp<r s Magazine for October. 26 Cents. Tlie Five Gateways of Knowledge; by George Wilson, M P Sep 24 FRAN'CK TAYLOB SplenImd pictorial pl^ucations. Holiday Edition of Bryant's Poems; hy William Culleti Bryan' ollectod and arranged by the author. Illustrated with 71 design* ngravod In the highest style of art, from designs by Birket Foster. lorrovn \Vi?r Willlnm li.rvrt- 1 Ti.ttnif.l V R l*irlf *r?lfil). OP'1 itlior eminent arttatn, and ? portrait of lh? author from a drawing W lawrmrr. 1 vol. ftvo., cloth ant. gilt n igra, ?o, true calf extra, W. lo. anUquo morocoo, 5'J t Tbl? elegant odltloii la every way worthy of tha fa mo of the author I has horn got ton up rrgardlrsH ol expense, aod, aa a ph Inrtal pobl' lotion. In It. lino has never boon excelled. It haa hern printed o|?e reoin . olore.1 |>a|>or. and thr wlndo elocution of tbo book la aat'b ?a kill commend itself to llio admirer* of "Amerira* groat"*! pool " (e'rtru.lo of Wyoming or tbo I'eiinaylvani.t Cottage; by Tbomaa amplirll. lt'oiililiilly illnotratoil with 21 de*tgn?. by Mrkel Kosfr tnd others, In U)? sty I" ol (Jrays Klrgy, Cloth unliipio, bovollod, aa<l Uorooco antique. Cloth gilt, $1 75; Morocco, 53. , Thr tanner's Boy; by Robert HI'-anfleld llluatratrd la llmai/le Jray's Elegy. Cloth, gilt, 52; Mororro antique, 5<t 50. Tbo Bailsman's Itaiigbtor. llluatratrd in Uto atylr of Gray's KletT )nr volume. extra doth gilt, 51 50, extra Morocco, 58 J Oat received, and fhr oalo at TAYIjOR k MAURI q Hept 19 - Jtf Bookstore, noar ?tb otrrot r^ltKM H DRAWING HOOKiT tf flowonla landorapo drawing. (K anlinalH. (X tha human Agure I'nor 52 cents earb. Imported from I'arm by flop 5 nuSCK TAYI 'IB 1