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WILLIAM A. HARRIS, KDlTOtt AND WWHUB. TERMS: DAU.Y| Itr ?l? w SKMl-WKKKLY, (pubU-had ttl-wwebly dunug tbo ariua of C<?irw) 4 00 1 W (Wa mU fi*/iamuA*d u/niUnmi give cojdenof th* T)AD.Y, Ibr .1' ? *0 00 f]? oophwofth* 8UH-WKIXLY 20 00 Too copte* of lb* " " 84 00 No deduction ft>r olub* oo WKEKLY. The Ocj(ani??Uoii of the tuiutlve I>?#arliuculfi br the Government of the United SUteg; MTAIJ, OVABTMOXT. Tbo whole machinery employed to oonduct tho buslnea* arirtng out of our fcretgn relation* with all tho power* of the world 1* far tnoro lmpto than I* generally oonoelvod The number employed In the lA'|eirln*-'t,i of Mute of Hie United Nuto* le only iteveulaeu, a* follow* due flecrotary ufgtale, (lion Dowta Qua,) one Aaautam Hocrelary ol Hi*to, (Bon. John Appletoo,) one chief clerk, twelve clerk:,, one Iran* later, and one librarian Vifbmatk Branch Thl* br*nt h of the Stale IN|?rtment na.i charge of all oorreapoiidence between tho de|utrtment and other dt ploumtK agent* of the l ulled .-Mate* abroad, an I thuae of (bretgn pow era accredited to thte government in it all diplomatic Instruction* font from tho department, and communication* to conimii>aloner? un der trcalle* of boundartea, 4c , are prepared, ropied.and recorded; and *11 of like ciiaracter received are regloteied and filed, thutr conteuti being Drat vutorod in an analytic table or Index. Ibnmiar Branch ?This branch ha* charge of die oorreapoudenco fcc , between the department and the consul* and coutuiercial ageiih of the I'ulted State*. In it instruction* to those umcnr*, and auawer: to their despatehe* and to letter* from other persons asking for eouau lar agency, or relating to conaular nlTklrn, are prepared and recorded TKt Uulmmnt) Aftnt ?iin haa chargo of all oorre*pond*noe am other matter* connected with account* relating to auy fund with tin dlaburecinont of which the department 1* charged. The Ttnrulotvr.-?HIM dutlea aro p. furnish audi tr-nnlatlori* a* Un Ue|?rtnwut urn) require. lie uL.u rucurdi. tlx- commissions or ounuun tml vioo ooosuls, whoo not in English, upon which exequaturs ari Issued. Cltrk of Jptxnntmmtj and Commiuiom-He mtkes out and ntoWi commissions, letters of appointment, anil uominatlnae to the fVnale makes out and records exequaturs, and records, whin la Kagllsh, tin ouniinlutoos on which they are Issued. Has charge of tha library. Cltrk </ Uu Koils and Arekitf?Ho taken chart!" of Hi" rolls, or en rolled acts and roaoluUutut uf Cougress, as tliuy aro received at the de partmeot frotn the freshlcut: prepares the authenticated copies thereo which are called tor; prepares for, and superintends their publication and that uf trcation, In the newspa|i?ra and la book furm; attends U llielr distribution throughout the Culled States, and that of all doeu meats and publication* iu regard to which this duly Is assigned to lh< dtqiarlincnt; writing and answering all letters counoctod therewith Has charge of all lodlaa treatlea, and hualneaa relating thereto. Cltrk tf AatAenf oorioru and Copyright!.?Tie has charge of tin seals of tba United Stales and of the department,aud prepares ant attaches certificates to papers prosontod for authentication; receive and accounts for the fee" Ha" charge of publications transmitted ti the du|?rU)innt under the laws relating to copy rights; rooordn and In dexe* their titles; rooords all letters from the department, other lluu the diplomatic and consular Clerk of Pardom and f'anporti?He prepares and records pardon: and remissions; and registers ami llloa the iwtltlous ami poporo 01 which they are founded. Makes out and records paaa|K>rts; keeps t dally register of all letters, other than diplomatic and consular, re selvrd, and of tile disposition made of them; prepares letters relating to this busiuesa. xrroknsv oknkkal'h nrnca, Hon. Jeremiah 9. Hlaek, Attorney General of tho United states; I! H. (llllet, esq., ehlef clerk. The ordinary businoss of this office may b classtlled andsr the following heads: 1 official opinions on the current business of the government, a ctlled for by the Presidoul, by sny head of department, or by the 9o lioitor of tho Treasury. 2. Examination of the titles of all land purchased, as the sites c arsenals, custom houses, light houses, and ull other public works c the United States. 3. Applications for pardons In all casos of conviction In tho court of the United Slatea. 4. Applications for appolntmont In all the judicial and legal buaincs of the government. & The conduct and argument of all suits In tho Supreme Court ( the United States In which tho government la concerned. (I Tha supervision of all other suits arising In any of the deparl menu when referred by thn bead thereof to the Attorney Gcnarul. To these ordinary heads uf the business of the office are added I the present time the following, viz: If rut The direction of all appeals on land claims In California. Second. The oudiOcatlon and revision of the laws of the District ( Columbia. iinsaioa narxKTXSKT. Secretary of the Department of tha Interier, lion. Jacob Thomj on, of the State of Mississippi Its clerical force cousLita of one chit clerk, (Mos?s Kelly, esq.,) two disbursing clerks, and ten other regt lar clerks; and to its supervision and management are committed tb following branches of the public service: 1st. The Public /xnwti. Tho chief of UiU bureau Is called the Coir nilssiener uf the General land Office. Tha land Bureau la charge with the survey, management, and sale of the public domain, and th | Issuing of titles therefor, whether derived from continuations of gronl ?" " "3 iwihui ([uvuiuuiruis uj euw, iiuiuuuih, "i a> military bounties, or public Improvements, and likewise thcrevlslo or Virginia military bounty-tand claims, ud the Issuing of scrip I 1'eu thereof. The Land Otfico, also, audita its own accounts. Tti present Commissioner In Hon. T. A. Hendricks, oT Indiana. Its prlt clpai officer* are a recorder, chief clork, principal clork of surveyi bwldes a draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, and some ISO clerk of various gradew. id. I'mxiont.?Tlie present head of this bureau Is George C Whiting, of Virginia. The commissioner In charged with the exam nation and adjudication of all claims arising under the various an numerous laws passed by Congress granting bounty land or pension for the military or naval services in lbs revolutionary and subeuquei wsrn In which the United Status have boon engaged, lie has on chief clerk, (8. Cole, esq.,) and a permanent corps consisting of torn seventy other clerks, to wblcb Congress, to enable blin to meet tt extraordinary requirements of the new bounty-land law, has addod temporary force of about fifty clerksbt|is of different denomination*. 3d. fmlvnu?Commissioner of luillan Affairs ad interim, Charles 1 Mix, of Georgetown, D. C. He 1s provided with a chief clerk and abot fifteen other subordinate clerks. 4th. J'atmt Ufflet.?To tills bnroau is committed the execution an performance of all "nets and tilings touching and respecting the gran Ing and issuing of patents for new anil useful discoveries, invention! and Improvements;" the collection of statistics relating to ngrlcultun the collection and distribution of seeds, plants, and cuttings. 11 has chief clerk?who is by law the aetlug Commissioner of Patents I the absence of the Commissioner?twelvo principal, and twelve a sistant examiners of patents, some dozen subordinate pcnnanoi clerks, besides a considerable number of temporary employees. besides these four principal branches of this new executive depar ment, the organic act of 1MB transferred to It from the Treasury I> lartment the supervision of the accounts of tha United StaU-s marsha and attorneys, and the clerks of ttao United States courts, the managi ment of the lead and othor mines of the United Stats*, and the aflaii of the penitentiary of the Unltod States in the District of Columbia; an from the State Department the duly of taking and returning the cei ruses of tha United States, and of supervising and directing the acts < the Commissioner of Public Buildings. The hospital for the insane i the army and navy and of the District of Columbia is also under tt management of Oils department; In addition to which, by tows ri ceotly Iiassed, tbo Secretary of the Interior Is charged with tba coi structlon of the throe wagon roads leading to the Pacific coast. The department requires an additional building tor its occsmmodi Hon, aud the erection of one has been repeatedly recommouded duric the lost few years for that purpose. At present Hie Pension Office provided with rooms in what is known as "Winder's Building," whi the other branches of the department, Including the Secretary's odlc are all crowded Into tb? Patent Office building, the wrholo of whir will he required at an early day for tbu use of the Patent Office, ft which It was originally iutondod. TKBASI RT 0WARTSK*"T the Treasury Department constats of the offices of the Secretary i lh? Treasury, two comptrollers, commissioner of tho customs, six ai illtnrs, treasurer, register, solicitor, lighthouse board, and coast su *'\v The following Is a brief Indication of tbs duties of these several off ???. and of the force employed therein, respectively: ^ ttenrtary'i Ojfct.?Hon. Howell Cobb, Socretary of the Treosur] sm/u. i null' vl?> iau1, .vsmijiuiui cjwichh; , uub bugluwl x... rctiltcct, ami three draughtsmen temporarily employed, and twent; three clerks. The Bscretary of the Treasury 1* charged wilb the get ?ral supervision of the fiscal transactions of the government, and of th 'locution of the laws concerning the commerce and navigation of th lotted States. He superintends the survey of tho coast, the light-bom "tsbllshment, the marine hospitals of the United States, and the cot traction ef certain public buildings for custom-houses and other pui poses. Pird Comptroller'# Office.? Hon. William MedlU, Comptroller, an fifteen clerks. He proscrlboa the mode of keeping and rendering ai taunts for the civil and diplomatic aervtca, aa well as the public landi rnd revises and certifies the balances arlslDg thereon. Wrvl Comptroller't Office ?John M. Bredhead, esq., Comptrolle sod seventeen clerks, lie prescribes the mode of keeping and rendei ng the eccounu of the army, navy, and Indian departments of th public service, and revises and certifies the balances arising thereon, i Office af (immittioner of the CiuSosu ?Hugh J. Anderson, esq "innno-iouer. and cloven c lerks, lie prescribes the mole of keepin ind rendering the) accounts of the custom* revenue and dl*bur?< cents, and for tho building and repairing enstom-hou*'*, Ac., and rt rises and certifies the balances arising thereon. f'ird Auditor ! Office.?Thomas L. Smith, esq., First Auditor, an linetoen clerks, ife receives and adjusts the accounts of the custom 'venue and disbursements, appropriations and expenditures on a< nunt of the civil list and under private acts of Congress, and report be balances to the Commissioner of the Customs and the First Ootnf roller, respectively, far their decision thereon. Ssrotid Auditor ! Office.?Thomas i. D. Fuller, Second Auditor, an *?nty-one clerks. Hn receives and adjusts all accounts relating t be pay, clothing, and recruiting of the army, as well as armorlc uvenals, and ordnance, and all accounts relating to the Indian depart neat, and reports tho balances to the Second Comptroller for his u-o ion thereon. Third Auditor ! Office.?Robert J. Atkinson, esq , Third Auditor, an evenly eight clerks. He receives and adjusts all accounts for sut wieoee of tho arrtiy, fortifications, Military Academy, military rnadi ad the Quartermaster's department, as woll as for pensions, claim rising from military services previous to lfilfi, and for horsos an her property lost In the military service, under various acts of Ont res*, aud reports the balances to tho Sooond Comptroller for his dt i Won thereon. Fourth Auditor' Office ?Aaron 0 Peyton, esq., Fourth Auditor, an r Itteen clorks. He receives and adjusts all accounts for the sorvic# < a Navy Department and reports the balances to the ftacond Comj roller for bis deolsion thereon. n/th Auditor'i Ojjte.?Jgnrrsy McCotinel, esq , Fifth Auditor, an 1 y ' 'lerks. He receives and adjusts all accounts for diplomatic an 4 ! oil 1st services performed under the direction of the Slats Depari And rftDorta tin* hftlAtirm to thn Mr at fY>mntxf?l!?r fr>r hii dfcinio *reon. ' Sutk AuAilor', Odt/v ?William F. Phillip*. e*n. auditor <?f th* Tmai * .'for the poet Office Itepartmont, and one hundred and fourlee A rk* l|o recent* and adjuat* all acoount* arlatng from the net * Of the Poet Office Impertinent. Ill* declalutia are Anal, tinlea* a peal he taken In twelve month* to the Flr*t Otmptroller. He aupot end* the oollectlon of all debta due Uie Pont Office Ilepartmenl, an I) petialtle# and forfetturea iinpoecd on poauntialere and mall cor ie( wore for fulling to do their duty , he direct* null* and legal proceed 1 [*, civil and criminal, and lake* all a itch measure* an may be an wiled hy law to enfhroe the prompt payment uf monejm due to th Pertinent; Instructing United altntea Attorney*. tnarehail, and cierk 2 all matter* relating llterctn , and receive* return* from each terr I the Putted StnP<a court* of the condition and progree* of (uch anlt I legal pruc-.e.ting* ; ha* ch?rge of ail land* and other )>rop*rt; tgued to the United state* tn payment of debta due the Po it CMBo partmeot, and haa power to 0*11 aud dtipuee of the samo for th icQt of the United Bute* INI L ^ _ .. . ' ...J ?!jc 1 VOLVME XIII. CITY OF I >u. . ii . ail > . ' Trmumw'e Office.-.Samuel Caney, mq., TrMivrer and thirteen olarlu. Ha raeelvca and kaapa lite woeojrs ?f Urn United Males la Ula own office, aud that uf the depositories created by tlia act of the Mb uf August, IMS. ami pey* out the same upon warrants drawn by the Secretary of the Treasury, countersigned by the First Comptroller, and upon warrant!) draws by the Postmaster General, and countersigned by the Sixth Auditor, and recorde?l by the Hegutar. lie aiao holds public moneys advanced by warrant to disbursing officers, and ptgys j out the same upon their Checks. Rtgultr'i Office?Finley Bigger, register, and tweuty nine clerks, lie keeps the accounts of public receipt* and expenditures: receive* the returns and makes out the uncial siatement uf oommerc and nav.III. II ul It,.. I lilted suites sod ri irnus Item the Mrsl t'ouiplrulh-i and Commissioner of Customs all accounts aud vouchers decided by tliem, and Is charged by law with their safe keeping 1 .Soldi/crr'i Office -Francis B. Streeter, esq., Solicitor, and sir clerks. > lie superintends all civil tints commenced by the United Stales, fes ceft them unring As the fvet Office Ocpartment,) and lusteucu the Uui bd Steles altorueya, marshals, aud clerk* m ell matters relating to them and their results. He receives returns trom each term of the i lulled State. courts, showing the progress and condition of shch suit) ; I has charge of all lands and other proporty assigned to the United I Slates In payment of debts, (ssorpt btess tueigntd in payment ef deUt tlx the J'uet Office Department,) and lias power to sett and dispose of the same for the beuelll of the United States. 1 lAuht JlvHte Board, -lion, ilowell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury, ' rr-qjflcvi. president; Com. W. B. Bhubrlck, United Stales uavy, chairman; Hen. J. 0. Totten, United Mates army; (kapt. A. A. Htnnpbreys, > United Statu* army; Prof. A. U. Barbs. Buperluteudent of Coaet Bur I voy; pret Joseph Henry, se-oretary of Hialthsouian Institution; Cap! 9 Snnuel Barron, lulled States navy. I'omiuamttr Thornton A. Jenkins, United Males navy, and Cap,laln Win. B. Franklin, United Stales army, secretaries; and Ave clerks. Thin board direct* tho building and repairing uf llghl-houae*, light vessels, buoys, and beacons, J eomriKU for supplies of oil, Ac. ' I'llitat Stale* Cocut Survey Office. ?Professor A. D. Bache, LL. D , su perltiteudent, and sujterlntendeul of weights and measurea. Otpt. M. L. Smith, topographical engineers, assistant, In charge of ' the Const Survey lilltce. A. W. ltuasoll, chief clerk. ' C. B. Snow, III charge of archives. ' lTnffiaSor A. <>. Pendleton, United States navy, oomputer of lougltude*. 1 Assistant Chaa. A. HclioU, In charge of computing division. Asslstaut I. F. l'oiirlales, in charge of tidal division. IJout. J. C. Tldball, United Btetcs urmy, in chorgu of drawing Jl 9 vision. I Lieut. Baxton, United States army, In chargo of engraving dlvi i alon. ) isamuei m m, uumurMiiK ukcm. George Mnthiot, electroiyplst. i Joseph Sexton, assistant to superintendent of weights anil measures. , issrr omu ugramiKst. i Hon. Aaron V. llrown, Postmaster General. The direction and i management of the lhMt (Jfflao Department are OMtgueil l?y the const! Hilton and lnW9 to the Postmaster Guwirnl. Thut in business may be | the more conveniently arranged aurprepnrcd for his final action, It la distributed among oevorol bureaus, an follows: Tlio Apimlntinent Office, in charge of tho first Assistant Postmaster General; the Contract Office, lit charge of the Second Assistant Postmaster General; the H nance Office, In charge of tile Tlilrd Assistant Postmaster Goueral; and 'a tho Inspection Office, In charge or the chief clerk. Appointmnii Oflior.?Horatio King, esq., First Assistant Postmaster s General, and nineteen clerks. Tn this office are assigned all qneetloni < which relate to the establishment and disrontlnuauoe of post offices changes of sites and names, appointment and ronloval of postmasters >f and nsiie and local agents, as, also, the giving of instructions to post if masters. PiwtmusWrs are rurnLshed with marking anil rating stumps and letter balances by tills bureau, which is charged also with pro s v idtng blanks and stationery for the use of Die department, and with the superintendence of the several agencies established for supplying a postmasters with blanks. To this bureau is likewise assigned the su pervislon of the ocean mall steamship lines, and of tho foreign and in >f tornstlonal postal arrangoments. p Contract Offirt.?William H. Dnndoe, esq., Second Assistant rostmas tar General, and twenty six clerks. To this office is asslgnsil the busi lt iiess of arranging the moll service of tho United States, and placing th? sume under contract, embracing all correspondence and proceeding! respecting tho frequency of trips, mode of ceuveyanoe, and times of do ,j partures and arrivals on all the routes; the course of the mall betwoec the different sections of the country, the points of mall distribution, ami the regulations for the government of the domestio mail service of the United State*. It proparcs the advertisements for mail proposals, re celves the bids, and takes charge of tho annual and occasional mall let Ungs, and the adjustment and execution of the contracts. All applies '' Uons for tho establishment or alteration of mail arrangements, and lb< appointment of mail messengers, should be sent to this office. A1 * claims should be submitted to lt for transportation service not undei contract, as the recognition of said service is first to be obtained tlirougl J: the Contract Office as a nocesssry authority for the proper credits a " the Auditor's Office. Prom this office all (XMtmasters at the ends o ? routes receive the statement of mall arrangements prescribed fbr thi 18 respective routes, lt reports weekly to the Auditor all contracts oxe * culctl, and oil orders affecting accounts fbr mail transportation; pre n pares tlie statistical exhibits of the mall servloe, and tho reports of thi 0 mall lettlngs, giving a statement of ooch hid; also, of tha contract 10 made, tho new service originated, tho curtailments ordered, and tbi '* additional allowances granted within tile year. Anapce Offirt.?John Warron, esq., Third Assistant Postmaster Oon oral, and twenty one eiorx*. to inn ow are unKum wo o.ipo. , vision and management of tho financial business of the department [' not devolved by law upon the Auditor, embracing account* with th< j draft offices and other depositaries of the department, tho issuing o 1S warrants and drafts In payment of balaucos reported by tho Audiloi , to be due to mail contractors and other persons, the supervision o tile accounts of offices under orders to deposits their quarterly bal 1# ances at designated points, and Uie sujierlnteodeuoc of the reudiUoi by poatinasters of their quarterly returns of postages. It lias ubargi of the dead-letter office, of the Issuing of postage stamps and stamp** envelopes for the pre payment of (Mintage, and of the accounts con P netted therewith. ', To the Third Assistant Postmaster General all postmasters shouh direct their quarterly returns of postage; those at draft offices, thci j b-tters gcportlng quarterly the uet proceeds of their offices; and Ihosi , nt depositing offices, their certincatee of deposite; to him should alsi he directed the weekly and monthly returns of the depositaries of thi department, as well as all applications and receipts for postage stamp ^ awl stamped envelopes, and for dead letters. in Intpcdian Office John Oakford, esq., chief clerk, and seventeei ? clerks. TO this office is assigned the duty of receiving and examining th< it registers of the arrivals and departures of the mails, certiorates of th< service of route agents, and reports of mail failure*; of noting the de t- llnqueneics of contractors, and preparing cases theroon for the actioi 9- of the I*ostmaster General; furnishing blanks for mall registers, am is reports of mail failures; providing and sending out mailbng* am 9- mull-lock* and keys, and doing all other things which may be nrces 'a sary to seeuro a faithful and exact performance of all mail contracts id All canes of mail depredation, of violation of law by private ox i- presses, or by tho forging or Illegal use of (Kxdage stamps, are uiide of the supervision ol this office, and should bo reported to It. of All communications respecting lost money, letters, mail depreds io lions, or other violations of law, or mail-looks nod keys, should bo di 9- reeled 'Chief Clerk, Post Offico Department." i- Ail registers of the arrivals and dnjiarturos of the mails, certificate of the service of route agents, repots or mail failures, application a- for blank registers, and reports of fhllnres, and all complaints again* ig contractors for Irregular or imperfect service, should bo directed " In 1* spection Office, l'oat Office Department." le Saw lUCPARTMENT. >r Tho Navy Department consists of th* Navy Department proper, br ing tho Office of lbs Secretary and of Ave buroaus attached thereto, vti Bureau of Navy-yard* and Docks, Bureau of Construction, Equipment and Kepolr, Bureau of Provision* nnd Clothing, Bureau of Ordnance an ,f Hydrography, nnd the Bureau of Medicine ami Surgery, j The following I* a itatament of the dutio* of each ?f these office* an r of the Ibrce employed therein: Socrdary'i Office. -Hon. Isaac Touecy, Secretary orthe Navy; Charle *" W. Welsh, esq., chief clerk, and eleven clerks. The Secretary of th Navy h** chargo of everything connected with the naval ostnbltsh r; monl, and the execution of all laws relating thereto is intrusted to him ie under the genornl direction of the President of the Unltod States, whe r. by the constitution, is commander In chief of tlie army and navy l- All instructions to cummandars of squadrons and commanders c ,* vessels, nil orders of officers, commissions of officer* both In th ie navy and niarlno corps, appointments of commissioned and warran ie offlctirs, orders for the enlistment and discharge of seamen, emanat t- from tlie Secretary's office. All the duties of the different bnresns ar r- performed under the authority of the Secretary, and their orders ar considered a* emanating from him Tho general superintendence c 4 the marine corps forms, slso, a part of the duties of the Secretary, ani all the orders of the commsudanl of that corps should be approved b; , him. Bureau of -Vary Forth and Docks.?Commodore Joseph Smith, eh!? r, of the bureau, four clerks, one civil engineer, and one draughtsman r- All th* navy-yards, docks nnd wharves, buildings and machinery li 10 navy-yards, and everything Immedistcly connected with them, sr under the superintendence of this bureau. It is also charged with tb i management of the Naval Asylum. E I Bureau of Omdruetinn, Equipment, and Repair.?John Lenthall, esq * j chief of the bureau, elghl clerks, and one draughtsman. The office r 9- the englseer in-chief of the navy, Daniel B. Martin, esq., is attached t tiiis bureau, who is assisted by throeassiskint engineers. This bursa g has charge of the building and repairs of all vessels of-war, purohas m of materials and the providing of all vessols with their equipments j. as sails, anchors, water-tanks, Ac. The engineer In chief superintend 'j, tlie construction of all mnrlne steam engine* for the navy, and, wltl the approval of the Secretary, decides upon plans for their construe Uon. d Bureau tf Vrryrkitmx and Clothing.?H. Bridge, purser United State o navy, chief of bureau, and four clerks. All provisions for the use c -1 i,,i?thUT with its mnkine of contracts Ibr fur t- niching the Minn, eome under the charge of this bureau. I Bureau 1/ Ordnance and llylmgraphr)?Cspt. Duncan ohlof of bureau, tour clerks, and one draughtsman. This bureau ha II charge of atl ordnance and ordnance stores, the manufacture or put c.'iaee of cannon, guns, |>owder, shot, sheUs, to , and the equipmen 't of vessels^f war, with everything connected therewith. It also pre Videa them with ma|ie, charts, chronometers, barometers, kr , to " (ether with such books as are furnished sliipeof war. " The Unite* 1 States S'aval Observatory and Hydrographlc.oJ Oflloe" at Washington and the Naval Academy at Annapolis, are also under the general su porintendence of the chief of this bureau. .J- Bureau rf Verfin'nc and Surgery.?Dr. William Whclan, surgeon T'nl ted States navy, chief of huroau; one passed aaelstant surgeon Unite" States navy, and two clerks. Everything relating to medicines an< medical stores, treatment of sick and wounded, and management 0 hospitals, comes within the superintendence of this bureau. ^ win nariimsasrT. Hon. J. B. Floyd, SeoreUry of War; W. R. Drunkard, chief olerk seven subordinate clerks, two messenger*, and four watchmen Th following bureaus are attache] to this department: D r. Commanding General 1 Office.?This olhoe, at the head of which i n lieutenant General Bcott. is at New York Adjutant General 1 Offiet-Cnl Samuel Cooper, Adjutant General U Asu|?tanta Brevet Major K D Townscnd. Brevet f'apl P Williams I-, and Brevet Capt J. V Gareeehe Judge Advocate, Brevet Major Johl ' K. lee, nine clerks and one raoeeenger. In this office are kept al P the recordj which refer to the itersounel of tho army, the rolls, he * It Is here where all military commissions arc made out. n Quartermaiter General'? Office.?Brevet Major General T. 9. Jcsup a quartermaster genersl. As-dstanle "clour I C ThorniM, Captain M H j Miller, sod Brevet Major J. nelgor, eleven clerks anil one messenger 0 I'nymae/er General'' Office.?Cbl. B. F. Iarneil, )>aymaster general Major T.J. Lsalle, district paymaster; eight clerks and 00a mcatec ?er fflasfjmi " JL.J BKRT Y, TUB UNION, AN I WASHINGTON, TUESDAY OmnMniy General'i OfUe -Ssn George "">*?, oemmlmsry gen rsl, uuuul, Capuln k. II. L tiinpeou, st* clerks and una tueseen I" Surytrm Omeral i <)fim ?tipa. Thums* Lswsou, .urgecm gsuersJ; . SMManls, Dr K. C. Wood and Pr. C K Wood; three dark! ' engineer offlcr.?Gauoral Jueepb G. Totlen, chief engineer; assistant, Captain H G Wright , flva clerks and one measengar. | ThftograyJiical Bureau -Col. J. J Abort, oaloncl of the corps; aa lalant, Captain J. C. Woodruff; four clerks and one messenger. Ordinance Bureau?CM. H. R. Craig, colonel of ordnance, assistant, ' ("apt Wni. Msynadkr; eight clerk* aed on* messenger. iug OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY ??P| OF WASHINGTON. me. Mayor,-?Wm. B. Magruder, Cni KcyiMer?Win. Morgan. , typi Corporation Attorney.?James M. Cnrlthle P*P Tax Clerk,?William J. Donohoo. |?J Book-keeper. ?Edwin J. Klopfer ?Xp Meterlojrr. William Q. Locke. I>ar Collector.?James F. Haliday. Clerks?Hamilton Wil- bl* llama and Reuben Cleary. Surveyor.?Wm. Forsyth. roa mkmukas or thi board or health. h''b Philip C. Davis, M. D., and J. B. H Smith, First ward. Robert K. Stone, M. D., and Charles L. Coltmau, Sec- r)? ond ward. ,,w Willioin G. Palmer, M. D., and Joseph Bryan, Third lk? ward. ''""J William P.Johnston, M. D., and James Lawren son, ,'mt Fourth ward. toe J. B. Gardiner, M. D., and J. P. Ingle, Fifth ward. WD| F. S. Walsh, M. D., and John D. Brandt, Sixth ward James E. Morgan, M. D., and George Mattingly, Scv- otio entli ward. ene mot APOTnXCAEIKS TO FURBISH MRDXCI2U TO TUX POOR. mil Firet ward.?David O. Itldgely. pUjb Second ward.?D. S. Dyson. Third ward.?Valentine Harbaugh. "'?* Fourth ward.?James N. Gallon. (lb* Fifth ward.?J. B. Gardiner. j'"tio Sixth ward.?James O'Donnell. -.ho Seventh ward.? D. B. Clarke. i'?r i'llo .eveef aks m to. ihhih In I Itrtt ward.?FhflipC. Davit, it.D. T Second ward.?J. W. H. Lovejoy, M.D. Th? Third ward.-?George M. Dale, M.D. 'j'? Fourth ward.?Joseph M. Toner, M.D. iVo Fifth ward.?J. M. Grymes, M.D. che Sixth ward.?John M. Roberta, M.D. I"'1 Seventh ward ?J. E. Willett, M.D. Cbiemieeioner of Health.?Charles F. Farce, M.D. imp trai HOARD OF ALDKRMKN. ubB let ward, William T. Dove and George W. Riggs. olui 2d " Wm. F. Bayly (president) and Thos. Miller. 3d '' French S. Evans and Thomas Donoho. i*ir 4th " William W. Moore and John H. Goddard. (*<? Oth " John H. Houston and Edmund Barry. 6th " George R. Ruff and Robert Clarke. i 7th " Peter M. Pearson and John L. Smith. ner Secretary?E. J. Middleton. "V* Messenger?Jacob Kleiber. tlJ BOARD OF COMMON COUNCIL. rr,le plai Id ward, Charles Abert, (president,) John B. Turton, or and Robert E. Waters. ^ 2d " Thomas J. Fisher, William Orme, and Fer- "j dinand Jefferson. imp 3d " Lambert Tree, Joseph F. Brown, and Chris topher O'H&rc. 4th " Richard H. Clarke, James A. Kennedy, and 1>0C Elijah Edmondson. low 5th " Edward F. French, William A. Mulloy, and fr01 William F. Wallace. *>? 6th " James A. Gordon, William E. Hutchinson, mio and James Crondell. Ciu 7th " Tliomas E. Lloyd, Robert T. Knight, and "ut flharlfts A. Poltnn. Secretary?William A. Kennedy. we Messenger?William Q. Locke. COMMISSIONERS Or IMPROVEMENTS. [ First district.?Joseph E. Rawlings. r Second district.?Rich. B. Owens. ~~ Third district.^-Stephen Coster. J Fourth district.?Jijtiies Espey. i Intendant of the Asylum.?John R. Queen. Commission- I cm?George W. Emerson, George Muttingly, and Jacob -* j Gideon. Secretary to board commissioners?John H. r Noyes. Bo< B J'hystcirm to the Asylum.?W. M. Berry, M. D. ^ 5 Commissioner of the eastern section of canal.?Joseph Cross. ' 3 , Chmmiesioner of the western section of canal.?Wm. Wise. lot Sealer <f weights and measures.?Hiram Richey. i Inspector qf fire apparatus. ?John W. Martin. CLERKS AND COMMISSION IBS Of MARKETS. Centre.?Clerk?John Waters ; assistant, Joseph Lyons. J Commissioners?Stephen 1'. Franklin, Wm. Orme, and Cn| 1 Hudson Taylor. yj Eastern.?-Clerk, Michael Conner ; commissioners, Fran- | ; cis Jonkins and George W. Johnson. urn r Western.?Clerk, Wm. D. Serrin ; commissioners, Wm. H. Walker and Solomon Stoven. , ' Northern.?Clerk, George 1). Spencer ; commissioners, George U. Jones and James K. Devine. Commissioners of Wat Buried Ground.?Joseph Borrows " and Wm. Wilson. August Miller, Bcxton. j. Commissioners of East Burial Ground.?John D. Brandt and George W. Oyster. JohnO'Nealc, sexton. < roa inspectors and measurers or lumber, k Poter Gallant, Wm. Douglass, and Samuel B. Beyer. WOOD AND COAL MEASURERS. H J Tliomas W. Osgodby, Joseph Z. Williams, Samuel C. m Mickum, Richard Wimsatt, and John Cumberland. 1 tin MEASURERS Or ORAIN, BRAN, ETC. Kill First district.?John Wilson. 8 Second district.?Joseph Z. Williams. rm Inspector of flour and salted provisions.?Joseph Lyons. nJ assessors. ke H 1st district. William Rigglee. t 2d " John T. Stewart.. ? 3d " J. M. Downing. * 4<A " William Douglass. _ ,f 6th " B. F. Dyer. a 6th " Edward Way son. f 7th " John H. Bird, ,f Scavengers and sweeps not yet nominated. | POUCH MAOUntATltS. " Samuel Drury, first district. (te] e John D. Clark, second district. Daniel Smith, third district. , Thomas C. Donn, fourth district. ,r l'atrick McKcnna, fifth district. ? James Cull, sixth district. b Daniel Rowland, seventh district. ^ Chief of Police.?F. A. Klopfcr. J1 ' POUCH OONBTAnLKS. Wm. Daw and John Dewdncy, first district. * William H. Fanning and Joseph Williamson, second i district. J James H. Suit and Wm. L. Ross, third district. Edward McIIenry, Henry Veatman, and B. T. Watson, fourth district. H. C. Harrover, E. C. Gardiner, and R. Collins, fifth t district. Thos. H. Robinson and Francis 8. Edelin, sixth district. ' li Jno. M. Lloyd and Joseph A. Gill, seventh district. , - , , ca Episcopal High School, of Virginia, JIT HOWARD, OX TO* HOT Hiiro. jj Thn* MiUt Wat of Jlamdria RF.V. JOHN P. McGUIRK, RBCTOR. -w ' milK seventeenth session of this institution will ' 1 commence on Wednesday, the 9th of Septomber next. Tout* : 9290 for hoard, tuition, ilghle, fuel, mending, ho., payable aeml annually In advanoo. 1, Modern langoagee, mu?tr, and drawing are extra charge*, a I'amphlate containing tho oourae of atudy, govarnmont, terma, Ac., aent to thoae who request them. Direct to BIT. JOHN P. MoGlTIRE, Theological Seminary, Poat Other, Fairfax oounty, Virginia. , i. July 19?lawlOt " Mutual Lire Insurance Company of Connecticut, INCORPORATED IN IMS I Capital, 92,461.000. Annual dividend on Ufa poltclea, 40 per cent. I,r '> Ninety-eight families were relieved during IMS hy paying 9214,996. apa t PtaUimcnta of the company'* operation* furnished. Thoan who In' aorod at other agenda*, and have removed to thla city, ran have tbetr |. policies renewed through ! 1 MJCII XOURBE, Agent, | I Juno 19?dly No. 991 HUi street. | )ton 1 ) THE CONSTITUTION." MORNING, OCTOBER S PROSPECTUS or TBI WASHINGTON UNION. Veto Volw>n, New Types, and New ArrungetneiUs. to ram ratumaj. mmocaacy or mm united hath. IHE undersigned takes this method of informing ihu members of the great national uerooefgUc iairly that, havaaaumod the aole proprielorehip aud editorship of the Wuulmiioj) j.i, he look* to them for that countenance, encouragement. and port which hue hitherto been extended to this Ume honored organ he democracy, and without which hit labor* would Indeed be prof a. ndar the new arrangement, the typographical appearance of the on haa been entirely chauged and Improved. New and beauttfti! 11* now uaed la lie daily, semi weekly, and weekly loauaa, ami the ar upon which It la printed la <Jf an extra auportor quality 11 la mtcutloQ Ui enlarge 1M aiie, aa the demands or the ucceaatUua uf future may require; and It la my !Uod purpose to a(>are neither enar nor ellbrt to make It the great central ergon of the democratic Iv, eveyy way worthy of their oouBdence and support, aod a rellaand faithful medium or oommunlcaUon between the capital and the ntry. Having fa." espy year* exarted my beat ellbrti to bring Mr. Indian Into tha procidentia) cS?* ' *h"M rehdw to him and to ht* liidatratioo all Iho aupport trhicli ?arij* ) can Inspire. A (r?i crista In the affairs of the co-. - ?? j igln Willi peril end danger u> the right* of the States and the pdrjeitcy of the Union?demonstrated to the national democracy and pafrloUo people of the country Una his acknowledged talents, ma id wisdom spproved statesmanship, end long exiwrlenoo, were notary to their peace and safety, and they pfcMod him, with aoclomos, st the head or the government end the nation. He realised at e tbclr hopes and expectations by catling to his assistance a cabinet ilea combining th'o rarest qualifications of talents, experience, and esrtmiishlp?mep endeared to the democratic party by all their andviits; by the teal which they l*ad displaced olid the ear r kiss ch they had rendered in tome of the most honorable offices of the utry, In supporthig and sustsluing the principles, the measures, and policy of our |>arty. A few weeks JJtd sufficed to fill every Petri heart in the land with confidence and hope. ?vrn Ms political miss seem to reaped hbn. ShimUcism itself appears willing lor a neat to moderate Ita lone; and the. enemies of our peace, of the miuiUon, and the Union will not be able much longer to disturb the I lie mind by their fanatical shrieks and trcuaonnble agitation, arge as the circulation of the Union la, It (alls far short of those gonous fanatical shoots tlial are literally spread broadcast over the Mitkles, and which find their way In large numbers hi too many of southern tftabw. An an antidote to the poison or those publications, friends should be aealoua in extending the circulation of the Union. eo who have been placed in offices of profll by democratic votes did aid in circulating democratic Journals; and to postmasters in ticular wc confidently look lir active oo operation In our present rls to place a oopy of tho (taffy, Weekly, or Semi- IfVHtfy Union he hands of every farmer, mechanic, and working-man la tho ntr^. be subscription price of the Daily Union Is ten dollars per annum, i JV| Weekly (published semi weekly during tho recoss of Omgress) ve dollars per annum, tnd contains all tuo rnadtng matter which esrfc in the Dally. The Weekly Union is furnished to subscribers at low rate of one dollar per annum, and la Justly regarded as tho apift political liaper' in the world. It Is a largo and hantlsoinely-, itod sheet, and contains as much reading matter In tho course of n lvotnooth as would make twelve ordinary oriaeo volume*. It will lie ad to possess tho advantages of both a political and a family newsier. The most liniortant jiolltical articles of the dally issue ore inferred to tho weekly, and during tho sitting of Congress a careful tract of tbo dally proceedings of the two houses Is prepared exdvoly for Ita columns. It contains, bosidos all Important Mate pos if tho yoar, eloctiou returns from every Male In the Union, ecbes of dlstlugoiohed democrats iu and out of Congress, Interesting ragpondeuce, n full snnimary of foreign and domestic news, and n week to week such Information In regard to the agricultural, nufacturlng, end commercial Interests of the country ss wiU be ml, It is hollered, of |iarllciilar value. hat the Weekly Union Is appreciated In the most substantial manby democrats In every section of the Union, no better evidence id b? desired than Is furnished by Its rapidly increasing circulation, bio eighteen months twenty thoutand new nuines have been added to ulmcrlption list, and, with the slightest exertion on the part of onr nds. Ha circulation can bo Increased to one hundred thousand oo< before the clone of tlio year. Will our friends exert themselves? the value of the Weekly Union to correct misrepresentations, expose ohohd, dispel error, and to bring before the people the principles I munsures of the democratic party In all tlielr simplicity, purity, I abiding strength, we have testimony, as abundant as It Is flatter, from nearly every congressional district In tbo United States, s testlmouy Is of Itself the strongest argument which could bo ofl'urof tlje necessity of promptly extending the sphere of its conceded fulnfess. 1 make this appeal not from the selfish considerations of unlnry gain?as the subscription price of the Weekly Union is so as |ii barely cover the cost of printing and the while paper?but m liotives which I think will be understood ami appreciated by noemts everywhere. n conclusion, 1 desire to say a few words to subscrlliers, and to b a i may hereafter become subscribers. There Is now owing to Un on establishment upwards of seventy thousand dollars for back iscrl itlons. These enormous arrearages are the result of tho credit torn With the new volume upon which tlio Union has sntercd I sydtem Is abandoned, and hereafter the business of the establlsbnt will be conducted on strictly rxuk principle*. Ho subscriptions the, Ueilr, Semi-weekly, or Weekly Issue will bs received unless j oni|>niile<( with thohdysnce payments. Address WILLIAM A. HARRIS, Editor and Proprietor of the Union, Washington, D. C. cadciny of the Visitation, Frederick City, Maryland. 1HE exercises of thia institution will recommence _ on tho first Monday In September. TERMS OF BOARDERS, ml and tuition with tho French language (If desired) per annum if to# months $100 I tionoky, washing, mending, lied, bedding, doctor's foe, Ac 19 dusldon the plnnn, harp, and guitar forms mi additional charge, isons In tho latin, Gorman, Italian, and Spanish languages, drawami painting, are likewise extra charges. Entrance feo $6. lug 32?law7w* Washington Insurance Company. CHARTERED BY CONGRESS. pMhl.l ...$200,0001 1H1B Company is now prepared to receive appli cations for insurance on buildings, merchandise, sc., at the 7h1 city rates, without any charge (br policy, at their offlco, corner Tenth street and Fenn. avenue, over the Washington City Savings nk iu rectors, Wm. F. Bayly, Samuel Bacon, Jos. Bryan, James K. Hallday, Wm. Orme, Hudson Taylor, FToncls Mohun M. W. Oalt, BenJ. Beall. JAMES C, McGUIRE, President. 5. P. Hasans, Secretary. May 20-dly | ' FURNACES. H1K ATTENTION of the community generally, L and of house-builders particularly, Is Invited to the Keystone ater, lately patented by J. P. Green, of Philadelphia. All persons interested are solicited to call at our store and satisfy unsclves of the superiority of tills heater over all othors In uso. bo -cesshilly have the principles of combustion been applied In its conviction, that although it presents a radiating surface of one hundred d fifty square feet, it requires Ulirty per cent, less coal than any naco heretofore manufactured. Every Improvement that an experience of thirty years in the three business could suggest has been applied in Uic production of the ystono llcoter, and its proprietors feel assurwl that, tbr efficiency d economy of use, it Is unsurpassed. SIBLEY ft GUY, No. 320 Penn. avenue, b?t. 10th and 11th its., Exclusive agency for the sale of the Keystone Heater. Aug 6? T&Tli2m GEORGETOWN FEMALE SEMINARY, Georgetown, D. C. THIS large boarding and day school for young j_ Indies, so long and favorably known as cnnductod by Miss L. English, la now under the direction of Miss M. J. Harrover, principal, ilsLed by a corpa of competent and experieuoed teachers In every l>artment of learning. Members ofOongress and others whose duties call thorn to Washtngi may place their daughters or wards here under tholr own auperilon, oa many have been aooustomed to do?the graduates of this nlnary representing nearly every State In the Union. For particulars address M. J. HABROVER, Principal of the Georgetown Female Seminary, Sep 12?eotf Georgetown, D. C. WEST JERSEY ACADEMY^ BRIDGET*,J.V NEW JERSEY. Bavin Thompson, A. M., Principal. HIE fall and winter session of this institution will _ Commence on Wednesday, November 4th, 1867. For circulars address the Principal. mruiBNcn. Rev. 0. B. JONES, D. P., Bridge Ion, N. 3. Hen. WM B1GLKR, U. H. senator, Clearfield, Pa. Hon. THEO FREIJNGHI YSKN, IX. P, New Brunswick, N. J. Rev. JAMFN WOOP, P. P., Philadelphia, Pa. jtept 18-?wfiwf as. s. D. JONES. TIIOS. B. XOBLL JONES A. NOEL.L, A ttorruyt-of- fane. RUBUOUE, IOWA, TTILL attend faithfully and punctually to any Ir jr business In the line of their profession committed to them, lections mode in Iowa, Illinois. Wisconsin, and Minnesota Territory, 1 proceeds promptly remitted WWEl Wt. Col. Thomas Green. 1 Messrs Palro ft Notirse. Hankers, } blngtOM Sy. Hon. Keverdy Johnson, Baltimore, Maryland. Hon. John McKeon, I ? v . ., Hon. John A. DU, J N'w Y<>rk C"r 2?dtf Letter Writing and Copying. >ER80NS WANTING LETTERS WRITTEN ON beainom, friendahlp, or confidential nfftirv can have them mptly and neatly executed ; alio, copying attended to with deiteh at the offer of kdmtod r mows. Notary Public, Ac., corner of 7th and F atreet*. B.?All bnalneaa In thla offer la kept strictly confidential XI3?2a w 3m [Intel] Inioii, NUMBER 16* 10, 1857. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. IT IB NOT A 1>YK. Mm. 8. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer. Or.jr haired, bakl, or ptrwni with <11.war, of hair, or scalp, road the following aad judge of (ho srtlcloa: Mrs. S. A. Allen's Zylobalsamuin, Or World1. Hair 0reusing, \* oasenual to use with the Restorer, and Is lit. boot li.ur drawing tor old or young extant, being often oSlcaclous In casee of hair failing, fee., without thu Restorer REV. II. V DEC EN, Editor Guide to Uullsewi. >' Wo can lesury to Its eflfeots." fee. PRESIDENT J. H. EATON, U.. D., llurTrocboro', Teno. " NotwKbit loading Irregular uae, the tailing otr of lialr coaaad, and my gray lock# regLorvd U> orluWml color." tec. REV. 8. B. MORJLEY, Altleboro', Mason' busetta. " It ha. changed (lie " Crown of Glory," belonging to old iuon,totbo original hue of youth," to. REV. II. raaCHKK, do year, or ago, limber, Ch.uangu county, New York. " My hair la aow restored ; U In nothing like s dye," to. REV. D. T. WOOD, Middle town, Now York. ?My own hair and hat of another of my family ha. greatly tblokenad, where almost bald," to. REV. JAMES McKEE, New York city, recommends It, to. REV. W. FORTE PS, Sunwlch, Osnn. " It ha. met my moot sanguine expectation*," to. REV. f. T. GR1HWOU), Washington, N. II. " U Is rsally efficacious In rostotl"* tl?* hair," to. REV. 0. M. HPRaTT, Lswtaburgh, PeunsylTsnia- "We csu and do cheerfully recommend it," EgRipr. J. P. Trairhf, Charleston, 8. C "The white hair has become obviated " 4r/' REV. AMOS BLANCHARD, M.rldm, N. H. " We think Tory highly Of your preparation," to. . REV B. C. HMTTflV PraUgburgh, it. V. " I * * surprised to And my hair turn a. when I was young," to. RE*. C. M. CLINCH, Lowtaburgb, Penn. "It has stoppod my hair RET. A-TfUKK, ChaUuquo county, N. Y. " I am aatisfleu w?l ret" ommend it. ' HKV. p. MORRIS, Croaa River, Row York. " It la tho bast preiatra. tl<*i extant" REV. WM. CUTTER, Editor Mothers' Magazine, Raw York, "reoom mends It." *y We might swell tills lilt, but, It not convinced, TRY IT. We ox port these preparations to Europe even, and they are superaedlug ail others there ua well as lb the United States. It doti not toil or stain Hold by all tbe principal vrholosalc and retail merchants In tho U. 3., Cuba, or Canada Depot, 366 Broome street, If. Y., where address all letters and inquirtun. Sty Some dealers try to sell articles Instead of this on which they utake more proAt. Write to depot frr circular, terms, and informs thai. Genuine Is signed, J/rt. S. A. Allen, written In tuk. lie ware of counterfeits. Aug 18?eodSm Wheeler A Wilson. MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S IMPROVED BEWINtt MACHINES, so* Ihmiltes, Manufacturers, and Others. THESE machines combine all tlie improvements that have been invented, their extensive and increasing sale, and the unanimous approval and commendation that they have received, warrant the proprietors In warmly recommending them They buve been In use sufficiently long to test them thoroughly, uud have given entire satisfaction. Among the undoubted advantages that they poascss over nil others, Sr*: -i 1st. Deauty and simplicity of construction, and consequent freedom from derangement and need of repairs. 2d. Unexampled ease and rapidity of operation. 3d. Noiseless movemont. 4th. The remarkable perfection of their stitching, and their applicability tn a variety nf purposea and materials. Principal office No. 343 Broadway, Now York ; and at their agoncles In the principal cities of (ho Union. May 2ft?ly* Fashionable Dry Goods In New York. AN immense assortment of seasonable fabrics constantly on hand ; also, a full and ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF CARPETINGS, Oil cloths, mattings, rugs, mats, curtain materials, lace curtains, gilt cornices, window shades, 4c. ,4c., 4c., MUCH BEIOW REGULAR PRICES I LORD 4 TAYLOR, 253, 267, 269, and 201 Grand stroct, May 1ft?ly and 47 and 49 Catharlno street. Matthew Hale Smith, COUMRELIXIK AT JjAW, Rooms 22, 24, No. 16 Wall street, New York. Aug 15?iff Cyrus W. Field a Co., WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS, Wo. 11 Cliff treat, Wew York, INVITE the attention of dealers and consumers to their largo stock of printing, writing, wrapping, and all other kinds of papor, which they offer for eale at tho lowest market prices. May 26?ly* Ben. A ?. a. av hillock A Co., 13 Beekman Street, corner of Nassau, opposite the Antor House, PROPRIETORS OK THE PREMIUM CHAMTAGNE, CREMANT CABINET, IMPORTERS of Cognac brandies for druggists' and merchants' use, from Otard, liiipuy, & Co., Hennessey, Pinet, Car tlllon, k Co.. and other honsoa of the highest reputation ; and sole pro priotors of tho celebrated brandies, In the nntlvo proof and flavor oi Vineyard at Chateau Bernard, liqueur des champs d'or, Superior vineyard, vienx Cognac. A1HO? Excluslvo im|iortcrs of tbo Old Royal Hollands, Burgomaster 8chnHpps, And sevoral brands of Sherry, Madcrla, and Fort wines, Ac , Ac. Alas, porters, and cigars direct from shippers. CHAMrAONE, CREMANT. B. M. k K. A. W. k On. are the exclusive owners of this wine, anr are In receipt of shipments by regular packets, and beg those wb( may not have given it a trial to do so, under their guarantee that 1 will be (bund superior In delicacy of flavor and quality to any wine a presont Imported. Ben). M. Whltlock, Kdw'd A. Whltlock, Krod'k J. llavorsUck, BEN. & E. A. WHITLOCK A 00. Oliver W. Dodge, Henry Cammeyer. May 28?ly? Woollens. 1867. WIISON 0. ni'NT k CO., IMTORTERB, 30 to 36 Park Placo, Offer for sale President coating* Velvet beavers Esquimaux do Castor do labrndor do Reversible do Gaudalqulver do Eur do Empire State do Tricot do Arctic do Devonshire do Moscow do Bluo and colored pilots Carlisle do Sable coatings Sampson do Mohair do Soalakln do lambskin do Whirlpool do Petersham do May 28?ly* S. C. Herring A. Co.'a Patent Champion Safes THE sulmcrihera, grateful for past favors, am finding tbnt a discriminating public were bestowing their patron age to that extent that more warernoms wore necessary to exhibit al their stock, have enlarged their depot, by oponlng an extensive war and salesroom on Broadway, at No. 281, corner of Murray street, op poslte the City Halt. This enlargement of warehouse room, with th recent extensive enlargement of their flu-lory, will enable the suhecrl hers to keep on hand at all times a larger stock or tiro and burglar proof safes thou any other establishment in the world. Particular at trillion will he hnd to constructing safes for private families to mate) with other fhrntture, fbr the security of plato and jewelry. ALSO? Win keep on hand and make to order all kinds of money chest*, vaul doors, and bank vaults. Hall's patent powder-proof locks for bank or store doors ; Jones's patent permutation bank lock ; and Crygler' patent lotter lock, without key. 8. C. HERRING k Co., No*. IBS, 1ST, and 13B Water street, *nd No. 261 Broadway, corner Murray St., New York. V. OOYLK k CO , Agents Washington, D. C. B. W. KNOWIJS, Agent May 26?ly Richmond, Virginia. Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York TWntfy Fluildinp, 111 Broaehony TIIK aRRcta of this company amount to nearly poui mimjon* or noujui*, and are entirely caah, of which three mil liim lim hundred Uununnd dollar* arc Invested on tmnd and mortga^i on real relate in Ibe olty and Slate of New York valued at mm awl linn? y ilnltan The entire prnflt*, already amounting to one million tin Jtundent (JkauMnd deplore, aro the property of the policy holdor* Tnum umui. Forma of application and pamphlota giving every Information sap plied on applying at the office or lo any of the company'* agenle. FREIi'K 8 WINSTON, Proatdenl. IHAAC ABBATT, HeoreUry. SHKPPARI) HOMANB, Actuary. lONTURN POST, M. R, Medical Kiamlner. May 26--ly* We would rail attention lo the card of Wm Grnndln. eeff., who k Commlaaioner for meet of the State* and Terr!torlea, and la alao onmmia aioiier in th* United Slatre Court of Claim*. fMonel Orandtn la thor oughly oonveraant with htodncaa connected with the department* al Waablngton and ibe practice of the United sutea Court of Claim*. L*v?e York Dwiiy Mm y 4? * < fa TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. rrm?/r jt* j x 111 ^ / ' i The nami of ?u |?nut will b? entered upon our biota, UBtea* tile payment el lb* ewtMoription be rate Ml advance. U-um iiitMrtter* any tirwaid ue ua.uty by bury, ami all riek \rtU be aaaumed by uireelve* in Me safe tran-uniarion The COUNTRY I'AWl t? pbhtlshrrt trt-ihftkly during the aearuxu of Corgresa,:??d eriul weekly duricg the Heme ' ?cb.-?riptlona tor apcriod lees than year will be received on tvniM proportioned to the above annual ralee. aW-POSTMASTERS are adtborUed to act aa our agents, and by ' .-ndiiigua ntk DAILY anyaoelbeU, wi*tf60.n. lueed or n<i MMi WEEKLY aubeoribcra, with *25 cuoiuoed, will be entitled le a copy I i/eaMl. American Oolitic mid Bntu-Foll Roaflog. INVENTED RY KUIKMO LAI1LLA, AKttUTKLT, 11. fc. B. A,*c. DESIGNS utadt) fur concrete churcbctt, villas, cottag(>?, and (arm balldtnga Otflcc, QotbiCa, uoar Chappoqua, VVeatcheeter niunty, Mew York. June 17?dtr Splendid sobeuiea Ibr October, i?67. r? be drawn under the superintendence at oommtaaloueni nppetnte I ( by the governor. tJRBGOKT k muirr, Maxaaaiw 138,0001 lottery for the benefit at the statu or delaware. Clare 230, for 1867. TO bo drawn at Wilmington, Del , on Saturday, October 17, 1887 78 uuiubnr lollury?12 drawn ballot*, wot scannn. 1 |.rl7" of 888,000 1 priae of .... 81,812 80 1 do 17,000 ft prince of 3,000 00 1 do ... J.. 10,000 80 do '..... 1,000 00 1 do 7,600 100 lOwaat 8-Mb. prlae* 600 00 kc., be., _ hr Ticket* 810?halve* 86?(|nartcrs 82 60. Curuflcate* ef pavkagea of 20 whoto udu-u 8160 00 Do do 28 half do .' 76 00 Do do 28 quarter do 87 60 806,000! .' w t: ; IhUnry far the beaedtef the . . i state of delaware, Ctaae T, fbr 1867. To bo drawn nt Wilmington. Del., on Saturday. October 28.1867 76 number lottery?12 drawn ballot*. MUIXUXT HCUOCK. 1 grand |>rl*e of $66,000 1 grand prlio of... $6,847 60 I J ? " 30,000 10 prizes of 2,600 00 1 do 20,000 40 do 1,500 00 1 do 15,000 40 do 1,200 00 1 do 8,60(1 124 lowest 3-Nfo. prizes 1,000 00 Ac., *? . Ac. Tickets $20?halves |iu?8u?rt? $6?eighths $2 50. Certificates of package* of 26 whole tickets $200 00 lib do 25 half do 130 OO Do do 25 quarter do 65 00 Do do 26 eighth do , 32 60 $37,600 I lottery for the benefit of the STATE OF DELAWARE, Class 241, Ibr 1867. r] To bo drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, October 31,186T. 13 drawn numbers out of 78. sructDio Brum. 1 prize of ....... . $37,500 I 1 prisoof ......... $8,786 90 1 do 20,000 40 prints of 1,000 00 1 do 16,000 | 40 do 600 Ort 1 do 10,000 1 200 lowest 3-N'o. prises 260 OO 1 do 6,000 I Ac. Ac. Ac. 1 Tickets $10?halves $6?quarters $2 60. Cortlflcstes of packages of 20 whole tickets $140 Do do 26 half do 70 Do- do 26 quarter do 36 (f Orders for tickets and * hares and certificates of iwckagea In the above splendid lotteries will receive the most prompt attention, and an account of each drawing will bo sent Immediately after it is uvcr to ail who order frem rne. Address F. i. BUCXEY, Agent, Sep 16 Wilmington, Delaware. UNITED STATES MAIL. FLORIDA. l'onr times DaraamsT, Sept. 30,1867. , PROPOSALS for carrying tho mails of tho United Status from 1st December, 1857, to 80th June, I860, on tho 1 mowing routes in the Sum of Flowpz, and in the manner herein i-peciQea, will bo received at the Contract Office of the Post Office Department, in the city of Washington, until 6, p. m., of the 16th November, 1867, to be decided 011 the following day : f-875 From Prescott's Store, (on the line of the Florida railroad,) by Fort Uarlee, (iainesvtlle, and Iflcanopy, to Ocala and back, tinim n week, in fburhorae coaches. HLldera will stale the distance, name other intermediate offices, ?? irony, ami proposo n schedule of departures and arrival*, J making close connexions with tbe railroad. tS7fl from Prescott's Store, (on the line of the Florida railroad,) by New River and St. Louis, to Nownaniville, 35 miles and bank, three times a week, In (bur-horse coaches. Udders will propose a schedule of departures and arrivals, making close connexions with the railroad, i 877 from l'rsscott's fltoro (on the line of the Florida railroad) to Mtddlcburg, 13 miles and back, twice a week In two-borne coach. Ildders will propose a schedule of departures and arrivals, \j making close connexions with the railroad. For forms ol' propositi, guarantee, and cerlitlcate ; also, lnstruc lions and requirements to be embraced in tbe contracts, see advertise incut of January 12, 1806, in pamphlet form, at the principal post . moss. A. V. BROWN, Oct 3?-lau-4w lhwlmastcr General. | Marble Manufactures, Tombs, Statuettes, Etc. ! fpiIB SUBSCRIBER respectfully invites the attenJL tion of the public to his largo and ulegant stock of MARBLES, TOM1STONE8, AND MONUMENTS, At his establishment on E street north, between Twelfth and Thirteenth i(roots. ' He has In his employ carvers and other experienced workers in flno and coarse marbles, and in every other description of stone. MARBLE MANTELS OF THE LATEST STYLES, f Of his own manufacture, and of superior quality. I .INULA, DOOR AND WINDOW RIIJS, CARRIAGE STEPS, NEW YORK FLAGGING, Ac. In fact, everything that is required In the marble and stone business, either for utility or taste for tho fine arts. He deems a particular description of his stock uunecessary, hut cordially Invites a visit to his yard, where every ono can Judge for him I'll. Id addition to the above-enumerated arlicloe he ha? a number of beautiful!)' wrought statuettes, suitable Ibr either tho tomb or the garilen; some of them imported by himself from Italy. If these plouso not the fancy, ho will manufacture to order euch on may be dealrod. By hi* varied facilities, promptness, and strict attention to business, I he hopes to meet the expectations of hU patrons. , WIIHAM KIJTUKRTORD, I E street north, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets I Sep 3?d6nt WINTER FUEL NOW ON HAND AND ON the way? 600 tons white ash egg coal fbr radiators 760 tons white ash broken coal for fhrnacea 600 tons rod ash egg coal for grates 300 tons small Btze for range and cooking atova 200 tons Cumberland coal. ALSO? Large supplies of rrxx, oax, asn mcaosr woon. As wo are weekly receiving largo suppllea of all kinds of ftjul, we feel ronfldent we can trutke It to the advantage of all thoso who tnay favor us with their orders. 49-I'rompt persoual attention given to svsry order. SGfOoal kept in floored and roofed yards. 4^-2,240 lbs. to tho ton. T. J. k W. M. QAI.T, Northwest corner 12th and C street". No 647, One square south of Penn. arvnue. Hep 2?lmif KBBITT HOUSE. J. H. FREEMAN. F street, between X3tli and 14th streets, WASHINGTON. D. C. rpiIIS popular and fashionable hotel has been thor1 ougbly repaired end furnished with now and superior furniture. , h contains over one hundred rooms, and has all the requisites of a I Urst-class house. * The proprietor has provided a coach, which will be at the railroad depot and steamboat landing at every arrival for the conveyance of " passengers and baggage to the hotel, e Oct ft? ' Duodecimo.- -Dickens Complete. fpHE works of (Jharlus Dickons, in twenty-five volJL umee, with over five hundred atocl and other lllush-atione, frojp S designs by Phiz snd (.Yuikshsnk, comprising? Pickwick Papers, Jteruuliy Itudge, Dtckens's new stories, Old Cnrlastty Hhop, David OopperOeld, Skctclics by "Box," Dombey SHrm, Oliver Twist, Christmas Stories, little Dorrlt, * Martin Chuxzlewlt, Hicak Ilouno, Nicholas Klckleby. Prlco 91 26 per volume. For sale by TAYLOR k MAURY, booksellers and Stationers. eo?'< e?i,.??i..?i. .......... a.i. , NEW BOOK>S.?rho Life of John Fitch, the Inventor of |ho Steamboat: by Thompson Waaoott. f 1 25. IJulUt; .1 Novel ; by tho ltaronean Tautphfeua, author of The initial*.'' 91 26 . <w, How 10 Wmlniah Leasee and lawsntt*. and , eve Time, Trouble, and Money, by Conducting Business according u> Law; by Edwin T. Frcedloy, author of ' A Traction 1 Troatiae on Utuunoea, At." |1 Jit ' Broman t Information About Texaa; by p E. F. Brarnui 7? rente Modern Refbrin Examined; or, the Union of North and South on tho Subject of Slavery; by Joseph C. St I lee 91. Butler ? Analogy, with an Introduction, n.rtes, ronton tin. and am pie Index; by Howard Malrom, P D , president of the untvendty Lew tfburg, Tennsylvanla. Juat received, and for sale by BI^NafABP A MtlHUN, ? _ I a to R t'irnhaiii. *1* 28 Corner Pennsylvania avenue and 11th at MILLINERY. T*/TB?S. M. A. 1IILLS respectfully c.iIIb the atteniTJLM } <* ladles to bar opening of VAI.I, HTLUXETtY on , iiu ttffl.AY, tlrtober 9. at 206 IVnneylvnnla avenue, oooth dde ()? ( 0?8tlf ; Vf Y- TrTi* TO FRAN('e7t,y Rev. John 1>. 1),,,,,.. X. '*** 1 rioo 76 contn. .An additional supply JnM nnsrlvi'd by BLANCHAKO k MOHUN, t0p Lata R. Karnhatn. .