Newspaper Page Text
From lb* Xeuwel lulatUjriu or V A UTTER KliOM HON JAMES C. JON'Ep. Miami* Tatar, Oct it, 1857. . A Mewl, ha* forwanled to ine the euthaasl paragraph, A taken Iron the Uepublb, a |?jht |>uhlUhed in your city, ' d credited to Uie Auwiiuui ; J " Bx-M'1**"""" v. v r 1 .'r?sM, p* iVrawbgn-?ityl, w ip'crlcai', of thlai'liy, states that tX-Cpviiriu?r Jones,,of * iputpasee, while in the Senate. Mtodf appiUatfon for ml' ' mirjlon into a-kiiewnothiug lydge in Washington, uiel ' gwrwjfcM- He b now a 'democratic' candidate for re- ! * election to the Senate.!' . , M i have qv* torn in the lutlflt of replying to U\e nuvhv * misrepresentation* that have (rout time t<> time,appeared i, in lite newspapers against me, and should not dtgiurt T fnNu tiii* role, hot tor the fact that 1 have no other mode I' of correcting this misrepresentation. This article in false ? from the I* ginning to the end. I never made npplimtion j( to h?in any know nothing lodge, or any lodge of any po- a )itbal party.'! (hi thp contrary, whet; invited and some; u timtw urged )>r,n>y filer lib h) join tills party, I steadily, l> Irom first to laat. ret need to do Aot . r< This article furtlier assumes that 1 urn a democratic '' .undelete for tli? Senate. Tlti* 1* equally untrue. 1 nin '' not aud liavc not lteeu a cundiditte for tlie Senate, either t; a* a democrat or otherwise. In onler that the truth g may be vludirated, may 1 ask you to publish thi* eorrec- b (ton, and oblige vottr friend, K JAMES C. JONES. LATER FROM MEXICO. The steamer Tennessee, with Vera Crnt dates to the 21st ultimo, arrived at New Orlean* ou Saturday ls*t. Hhe Wight nearly $3M,WW in apocie on freight. The y Picayune sty*: h Tlie Tennessee loft at Vera Cruz the American Uaique Flash, Wilson, master, loading tor New York ; also, the ' Anrerir-an packet Ocean Bird, discharging; English H ? hoouer Atrevideo, Hamburg Sylph, uml a ntrailer of Al Uatton.lI coasting vessels Tlie inoremetits of the jsirt ' lSe Uat ttfd rfi-eltS, Hoffevrh hate |iol Wit liii|M>rtrvnt. " Our dates by this arrival are to tlie flat from Vein I'm* ; to the 18th from the capital. The prinrl|ial news concerns the appointment of a new cabinet, which is a* foliowa: ^ Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jaw Fitentc. Minister of lie. Inierlor, Benito Juarez. " Minister of Justice, Manuel Unix. it Minister of War, Jmuj II. Oan laOonde. h Minister of the Tre.tsnry, Mantiul Pnyn >. Minister of Komento, Kiibinu Flores. The appointments, if we are to believe the pajieni, p would scent ?to have. been more ? matter of forin than j, anything else-a sort of concession to the actual utate of things. Indeed, we are infonued by the Siylo that a num- ? Iwr of rejireamtatlvea hail waited upon the President, ami 11 nsHuml htm tMR nothing could be done towards confer- ! 11 ring on blm the extraordinary powers lie itHkeil till a new p cabinet w.i* installed. And whether in any ease these extraordinary powers will !* conferred wuh, at last no- j, counts from the capital, uncertain. The ohl rumors of ?j the prolable retirement of tiie l*mddcnt and bin eucccssion by Juar?-? were, in caaoqaroct, rife again?with 'j what proladulity, if any, we have not here the means of j, deter oiiulng. |, The last new* from the Indian war of the South was p that Airarvs had routed the rebels at Chilupa with a tcr- < lililr slaughter. 0 The political war in Yucatan lias made but little prog- 0 rout since our last; tiiat of races, however, hud broken al out with increased violence. The village of Tcknx had . been the scene of a dreadful conflict, in which two hun- ? dred of the inhabitants perished. ~ ? ('arapeachy, l/vguiia, and the whole coast, in the |sa- n session of the revolutionists, wore quiet. ! c] Sr. (ionuu'h, the recently apj>ointcd chief engineer of | j the Vera Crua and Mexico railroad, the charter privileges | ,,, of which were recently granted to Sr. Kscandon, is Htsmt I yi to visit tiie United States for the purpose of organizing n j corps to proceed at once with the survey and location of | this road. Sr. G. wa# the engineer of tire Guadalupe rail- j road. . Among the passengers out to Vera Cruz by the Tennessee oa her last trip from this city, says the I'mjrrtn, ww the exiled Hantnuiiniat. Gen. Cortex, under an assumed name. He was, however, recognised, though dis- " gained in an unusual dress, ond token into custody. The late hour at which the steamer arrival renders it impossible to get our regular mail from the office, and our outside (lies are neacssntily imperfect. We see, however, ol no material change iu the general condition of the neigh- r Inning republic. Hie government, notwithstanding ru- i ^ mors of every description, would seem to continue strong ; in the confidence of the people, and no more than the Ml usual numlier of social disorders are reported-. *' -??? ? w Tax .IzxxKNs I'aorBSTT. -The immense estate of the i, Jemiras family was formerly taken possession of on Tues- (() diy last by Mr. Joseph Martin, heir-at-law. Mr. Martin, j luvonipunicd by his uncle, Mr. James Martin, and one of i ^ his agents, Mr. George I rntt, proceeded by train to Sun- ' " bury, and from thence to Acton place, Suffolk. the resi- w deuce of the late Wm. Jennens, "the rich." This por- i f( tion of the property was purchased from the Daniels turn- w fly liy Bobert Jennens. the father of Wiiliain "the rich," . and, as the latter died intestate, it descends to Mr. Joseph ' .Martin, as an heirloom. The other portions of the estate n' arc strictly entailed, ami |*hh to Mr. Martin under wills which have been duly proved. - I^rtrfonl fit)*,-. >t A telegraphic despatch from New York <hitcd yesterday my*: Nicholas Wolf, im[s>rti'r, with connexions in I'hihulelpliin mid Germany, has suspended. The liabilities arc '? heavy. i h The reported largo arrivals of Bank of Kngl ?nd accept- j h ames per lVrsia are greatly exaggerated. Sterling bills ' aretirni. " An uxuniination into tlio condition of tb? Island City ll Bunk, of New York, shows it to h ive boon an infamous '< *n inille, its assets consist ing of only tifteen hundred doi- 1)1 l?r* in copper*. ri Window, Ltnicr, & Co. resume payment to morrow, b Heavy failures in New Orleans are rumored in Wall 1> itreet this afternoon. tl m U OFFICIAL. "* I oi Jttn JtavAniM*, I'retHrnt of the CmiM Stain of America, to all I ti wh-tm it may concern : SI Fan-factory evidence having Is-eii exhibit."1 ?o mil llini E. C. 11 Au?e|rnat, riwiding s'l. I/tnls, Mfcuourt, In* bi'.'B appointed r,*i- ai ill nf in* Unlet Dukedom ?f Mecklenburg w-hweriii, lis llii- Males i f sr low, and tlllniS., I do hereby mcegalis him ? anrti, niel declare h bin free In exercise and enjoy surh hmr.tlon*, |?>wcr?, ?n<l priv II !'*? * iw are allows,i to |)ie conaula of the lousl favored nation* In st lb* I',n|e.| stales. ni In t.,| -?ony whereof, I have caused llnwe letter* to Its mails patent ti and the seal of ttie t'nllod HI ilea in be hereunto affixed. x) liven under my hand, at Ihe idly nf Washington, iho IMi day of f, P "' ki, A. ii, ISJ7, arst nf tint Indapeudence of Ihs Uiiltsd <j?i Males of inwrs-a li.e tlghty-second. 1(j JAMES Ml HA NAN. ?r the ProalJent: . Invn t'aw, Secretary dfSttlo. MARK1RO, J ?H| Ihe ami, In-unit, hr Ihe Kcv. Mr. Kxiuar, WI1.I.1AM T McNETR t? SARAH A III FFEttVAX. both of this illy. "hi His JMb tied mi, by the Hev Mr. Kssiirr, OIAftl.EH H RI.'fe-EIJ, of thl. cHy, Is MiKV ANN. dMfbler iS lh? Ul? (iwsuiK and In Jam ?*. of AI?*ao.lru, Virginia. d( ~~ ,--rr-.---r-=n-;.!* ' ,, --- '-I- dl CARUSI'N SALOON. th FULLY 111 KG H IN COMING ! er th For Three Nights Only, hi CuMMKMlMJ UN MONDAY KVENIXIt, NOVEMBER J. Ill I* The cokhralcil , Ilim.II S MlNKlMKI.d. 1 Chief the aoia Hrevltna an,l management of nil I.Y BIRCH, Th. aHthramd delineator of f'd!?l"|siii ilmnrlm, (late if the **? ., Frenches MtnafreD, CalU rhl:,! who an pmx ideiihally ,s.i|,.,l a atiry grave hy the terrdh' oi a.for to ihe Ill-fated ehsutrv (Vrriral si. As*.nea, will make lib Did ap(?*aranee a* above, actldel by llie lol- . i-Meg eminent ariMi I * ?KN *.VUi>BY, \T.TOX liM, K" J. Ml JUMP, I'VN YKAilKR. ti< J. UtXK.Ul. R. JWtHMV ? j. vosmtxmn-T. a. Ki.n?. " r? llwir It.linlUkl* portraiture and |.|mar*??f Klloootati III' M'n?.|oti JJ |1)( frww Of'H <1 7 ?'< t"- k , iTlWmnr.rp at * n'r.J"rV mm ? >>nx r. nutni, Agent. "I - ... M - ODD FBLLOWS' HAUL. R1 7 kirJ ami Poitlirftg thr Ist't Ifitt of " 1 XMIRV AMMtR'AN JCYRMlJt <?>Mfc!?ANP, A? ih'y appear In X'v York In a fr* ihr?. TV -m-j Mihly iiu r'-i-um a-iii <?. ?>? nn 1 Ihr repeat" I .Tr"!** that MW ?' * Ik'-- INKAXr WuNllKIM l< liie tally pr..a r-a;Otre I if Ih. lr km- m, fatea "XralMtC*. | ^n'l fall to n liw t!i? irtaM ihratrc-.l imv* hy "t tin* <>#". V" open at 7 , fnmm'iii 'i ?t T\ o'clock. r?*l J'lmU.|..n 21 coots ; M half prVr WW ??W UtKKLY MlbCKLLANY OK LfTKBATCRK AND ART . , No. 8. Tlir recent arrival in this y^tyjtry of Dr. I'lmrles Macay, the author of ".| Goad Time (Uimkj," in thus t'hroniInl in one of the New York daily |nu^it; In the lint of passengers by the Asia, from Liverpool, ii Haturday, We hot toe th? name of ('lutrles Mat kuv, the nig-r i'Vi uu<l editor, arid we itinirtt 'rotn iiisnuiig lilen#ig wJUich Wilhiter & Smith'* KuaupeAU l)ntes bestows ,?>n hup, that Mr. Mwckay ban emue across the Atlantic >r the double |Mirpo?e of mokiug himself |K-rsoiiul)y fibrillar with our inaiuiem and institutions, and to deliver ploivmt lecture to, u* on ballad poetry. We have no oukt liia. visit will prove profitable, not only to hiinnelf, ut. to us. Mr. Mackay is neither a./ilmoketay nor a Vnnysou, but his name and his songa are familiar to the eople on tldn side of the Atlantic. He ha* been for aerral years on the editorial stall' of the London Illustrated lews, and ono of his songs, 'There is a Good Time Couiig, lloys,' with its cheery refrain, is not only as familiar >t a household word among us, hut it lias given birth to u infinite brood of similar compositions which have the hilanthropic aim of infusing hope, courage, and nelfflbmee into tlie hearts ol' the people. Mr. Mackny's last allad, which has recently appeared In the pa|>er of which c in or was the editor, is n composition of the same haractcr, and an well adapted to the present time as lioitgh it had been written expressly to counteract the loom of a general susjs nslon of *i>ecia |>ayiueuts l?y the anka. It is called 'Over the Way.' The lost stansas ivca tlie moral of the song : " Though povsrty, (Wmitlng, In nl my door, I'll tuMlh'T Ih> Iwsloo nor vainly <ls|,!<? ; 111 wars liliu ???y with lisrd work, If 1 van, Anil k*>k in bis Cure with tlie heart ,4 a man, Anil Ii!\ 1114 si boms all llie>>y* I may, Forgot my proud Mend wis. Uvea over tliu wnjr.' " Mr. Mackay is a native of Scotland, and about 46 ears old, but baa lived in Ixindon from ins early boyood, and has iiecn connected with the newapnper press >r many years. He waa tirst employed on the Morning 'hroniiic, and wits lor a short time editor of the Glasow Argus. While travelling in this country it ia underlooil that ho is to write letters for the Illustrated News, ie left here yesterday for Boston, where, we presume, he dJI commence taking his notes of things on this sido the .tlantlc. It is rumored that, in addition to lectures on "Songs, opiilar and national," Dr. Mackay proposes to give the iineriean public another and novel entertninment? amvly, the reading of an iinpuhlishcil narrative poem rritten hy himself. Tliis will be an attractive feature in is programme. Hie following letter, written by Cluwlcs Lamb to the oct Priuglc, which is now for the first time published, i, like everything he ever wrote, singularly characteristic f tlie gcntlc-hcurted Klia. The original manuscript of lie letter, which is without date, enriches the autograph Collection of a gentleman in this city, who has kindly emitted us to copy II : Dkar Sir: 1 have revived your proof, and shall lie appy to look over the rent, though really I nee lro occulou. I can suggest no improvements but two iusigniftAut ones : I'age 9. I cannot relish the phrase "(ict fawn." lie word /W is singularly distasteful to me. Besides beig feminine, (girlish, rather,) it is used as a nurseling, nil up by bund, taken to ; but hero the black bov seems > be rather tlie pet, and tbo animal the patroness. 'Fond Fawn," perhaps. I do not know tho general title f your book, hut as it seems calculated for Sierra Leone, r the riantations, I would suggest "Nigrum Verses," ml wish it a whiter fate my "Album Veises." The 'Una Hunt" is spirited, but the "Evening Hamblen" is ?y favorite. If it is to Ik> a colonial volume, I do not hject; lint if it is for home circulation, really the' gnu, r.d the vley, and the gemsbok, and the orilil mar be liokc itears. But for tropical perusal they nro in placo. rue, they arc referred to notes for explanation, hut potry requires instant sympathy. Page 19, last two lines cm lengthened abruptly ; somehow thus : Ami vail the <lr?mi*r from tils' trutic*, To milk, or or moonlight dnn<<\ You don't expect an Alexandrine change in eight-sylible verso. Page 11, last line, mttn: Is this Hottentot for thmt t 1 shall have pleasure in seeing you at Higbgate a few ecks hence. In haste, C. LAMB. T. Pmkglf, Esq. It Is now more than twenty years since the mortal part r Charles Limb, one of the most delightful writers who rcr lived, was laid, In aeeonlanoe with his own feeling, > (or as it could lie gathered from Ids expressions on a ihject to which he did not often, or willingly, refer, (so mtes his biographer) " in a deep grave, simply dug, and attied round, but without any affectation of stone or rirkwork to keep the human dust from its kindred irth." Since then, the world has lieen made fully nc unintcd with the story of his life, anil what n sail record is ! How the knowledge of it intensities his jinthos, nil how (Mtlietic it makes even his humor ! And yet w have enjoyed life as lie did, notwithstanding all thnt as denied to him ; though irksome ialmr wearied out the i-art of his days ; and over his small household, maduea, like death in the vision of Milton, continually shook its dart," and only, nt the liest, "delayed to rikc." With all its sorrows, he still clung to life, and luddcred at the prospect of change. Hear what he iys of his attachment to it: " The young man till thirty never feels practically that e is a mortal; he knows it, Indeed, and, if need were, e could preach a homily upon the fragility of life ; but e brings It not home to himself any more than in a hot line day wo can appropriate to our imagination tile freer.ig days of December. But now?shall I confess the iilli t?I fi<el these audita hut too powerfully. I begin ? count the probabilities of my duration, and to grudge b the expenditures of the moments and shortest pe?wis like miser's farthings. In proportion (is the yours oti\ lessen and shoiteu, 1 set more counts upon their eriods, and would fain lay my ineffectual finger upon lie s|H>ke of the great wheel of time. I am not content i pass away 'like a weaver's shuttle.' Those metaphors dace ine not, nor sweeten the unpalatable draught f mortality. I care not to be carried with the de that smoothly lienrs human life to eternity, ud weep at the inevitable course of destiny. I rn in love with the green earth?the face of town ml country?the unspeakable rural solitudes?and the voet security of streets. I would set up my taliernacle ere. 1 am c< ntcnt to stand still nt the age to which I in now arrived, to lie no younger, no richer, no handmier. I <k> not want to be wearied by age, or drop liko iellow fruit, as they say, into the grave ! Any alteraon on tliiH earth of mine, in diet or in lodgings, puses and discomjKises me. My household gods plsnt a irrihly fined foot, and are not rooted up without Idood. hey <io not willingly seek Lavlnian shores. A new state ' tieing staggers mc. Sun slid sky, and breexc and soliiry walks, and the juices of meats and fishes, and *o"ty and tlie cheerful glass, and candle-light and fireile con vei sat ions, and Jests and Irony?do not these things > out with life f Can a ghost laugh, or shake his gaunt lies, when you are pleasant with him t" Tslfourd's vindication of his friend's apparent inditferloe towanis immortal interests and celestial relations is, >ubtk?;a, as true as it is beautifully expressed. " Not ring to look forward," says Talfourd, " even for a Hte month, Lamb acquired the lmhitual sense of living itirely in the present; enjoying with tremulous zest ic security of the moment., and making some genial, rt, amends for the want of all the perspective of r by (-leaving, with foudnesa, to its nearest objects, and morning attai-liod to them even when least interesting to .emselves." When Col. Loe, of New York, was collecting sulwcrip)iih for the equestrian hronsc statue of Washington, now indium a monument of patriotism and art at the corner Union IWk, ho had occasion to visit mi old curmtid m In the neighborhood, and, pulling out his sulwcrip>n piper, requested him to add his name to the list, it old Lucre declined respectfully. "I do not nee," lie said, "what beneiit thin statue will to no ; aud tire hundred dollars is a great deal of mey to pay for the gmtiticafion of other people." Vlirlit is jruu?" replied the colonel; "why, sir, it will nelit you more than anybody else. The st.ituo can be m from every window of your house ; it will tie an orluent, and mid dignity to the whole ncighliorhood, and will |KsrjH'tually remind yon of the Father of his t'ountlte Immortal Washington!" "Ah ! colonel," anored old Lucre, "I do not require a statue to remind of him, for 1 alwnvH carry Washington here," and he ircil his hand mi*>n his heart. "Then let me toll you," died Colonel lee, "If that Is no, all I have to say la, it you have got Washington in a d d tight place [" LOCAL frEtVii. Wuiui other ?illro of let* imposing taaguiliele ran boast of their theatres?of their regular places of hjuuv moil?of "stars" oud |H?|?ulur "stock ron|nni(i," the federal metropolis must he contented to acknowledge hei | deficiency in this respect - not because lier resident pop > illusion v,ill uot evince their fipprec hit ion <>i the dmiua b) supporting it, but because we have no theptre and no concert-room large enough oi Kdlttii/le fot i*fn,?itig It tMrr-. lively befbro the public. At the time the "old National'' was burned many persona expressed the opinion that the disaster would be of positive lienclit to the city, thinking, no doubt, that a new un<l more imsieni building would soon arise from the ruins These expectations, however, i leave not yet been realised, ami in the mean time our theatre going population are afflicted with ?oeii for want of amusement. Our eitiaens, however, have not been inactive All this time. It is true that public meetings have not been called, but a meeting was held at the Aeudetuy of Musk j on Thursday night last for the puqswe of forming a dm- I math.' association, and either erecting a building with all the mcslcru ihiptoretaents of tjic day, or fitting up one of our largest eonccrt halls. Hut nniliilg w?? done in consequeuceof the slim attendunee. Another project, and one that seems to be feasible enough, has been hit upon by Mr. Win. J. Naglc, who for the (mrt two weeks has been drawing large crowds at Odd Fellows' Hall to witness the performance of his juvenile comedians. That gentleman has determined to open a list for sleek subscriptions to A up a neat theatre in this city for the winter. If he will but secure comfortable accumulation for an audience of from fifteen hundred to two thousand persons, we feel quite confident tluit his cnierpiise will Unsuccessful. The great fault heretofore has be< n that our theatres have either boen too large or too small. The expense* cf a large building are just as heavy tor a small audience aa for a large one. With a small theatre, the same play could he represented for several successive nights with profit, because the entire number of our thentrc-goiug population t-onld not gain admittance to the first representation, and perhaps hbt Ibt HbiTrtrl highlit. The expense of gu and servants would lie much less. Many persons will go to a well-appointed theatre two or thfSc times a week who will not go every night. We hope that every encouragement will lie given to Mr. Nitglc in si. Mi.. n.,,. n s,i..?ti. mo m >. > .to.. .. .. aasertod, will give a conceit here about the middle of November, and it iH but proper that something should be done to secure ample accommodation for the packed audience she will uttmct in this lier native city. Arhmt or a PiearocKkT.?At the furniture auction of J. C. McUuifc, this forenoon, a fellow named Joseph Goldsmith picked tliu pocket of a (.ioriiiati wortlall; attending the auction, of a small tin Ihjx containing silver coin, but, being detected iu the act, he dropped the box on the pavement, lie was seised by the by-standers and placed in the charge of County Constable Davis, who proceeded with him for a magistrate's office ; but on the way he broke from the officer, drew a revolver in a threatening manner, and ran. He crossed Tenth street hridgo across the canal, ran through the Kmithsouiun grounds, and took refuge in a near the Long bridge, locking his pursuers out. He was afterwards found by Officers Mo Heniy and Kimball in this house, concealed in a small box in the cellar, and taken before Esquire Donn, who committed him to jail to await tire action of the criminal court. Sfmoixf.d is a list of jurors for the Octolier term of the circuit court: "George B. Smith, James Owner, Thomas Higgles, John Scrivener, Kdinund K. Brown, Thomas Fitnam, William Cooper, .lames lthodea, James A. Bums, George W. Uttcrmeuhle, Joseph B. Bryan,' Richard Butt, Roliert K. Nevltt, Samuel K. Douglass, Michael It. Coomlw, Joseph S. Worthingtoti, Benjamin K. Moxlev, Edwin Knowles, Alexander Borland, David A. Gardner, Francis J. Murphy, George D. Spencer, Daniel F. Barry, John Shaw, William Drnry, Kdgar H. Bates, William A. Kennedy', Alexander Jackson, John Cohurn, James A. Kennedy." Nam.*T Jrvrxur. Co*swans will remain here daring the coming week, in compliance witli the earnest solici tationn of a large number of their friends, (hi Monday evening next tho proceeds of the entertainment will lx. eontrlbute<l to the Horndon fund. Tliis should bring together a large company of our public-spirited citizens. These youthful performers are da:'y growing in favor with the public. The Cicksapfakc a?n Oiiio Cakau?Fifty conal lioats arrivod at Georgetown by this canal during the past week, bringing about live thousand tons of cool, which, at 45 cents a ton, mnkes the tolls toot up $2,250. 'Hie total on each boat from Cumbcrlond amounts to $4 08, making $204, which gives a total of $2,454. Seventeen boats left Georgetown for Cumberland and other points since Friday morning. Eiecrrio*.?By reference to an advertisement in this evening's Union, it will be seen that Miss Christie Johnson is desirous of forming classes in elocution in the schools of Washington, and will give instruction to private pupils in this city and in Georgetown. We doubt not tliat this lady, of fine litcrnrv taste and talent, and who k> known as a polished and entertaining writer, is amply qualified as a teacher of elocution. Bt reference to our advertising columns it will he seen that Birch's |iopular company of minstrels will perform at Canisi's Saloon for three nights next week, commencing on Monday night. It is needless to say more. Matrimonial. -There were sixty-nine marriage license* issued by the clerk of the county court during the month of October. Tub Unitarian Chtbch will be ieo|>enrd to-morrow. Rev. Orville Dewey will officiate. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 7J o'clock, p. m. Tint Cibccit Court adjourned about 11 o'clock to-day, on account of the illness of one of tho jurors. UNITED STATES MAIL. LINK FROM INDEPENDENCE TO SANTA FE, N. M. SEMI MONTHLY. SANTA FE TRADERS, and those desirous of crossing tlic plains to New Nnlm, are informed thai Hi- under signed carry the United Hints* from Independence u> Hnntn Kr in stage* drawn by aix mills*, leaving Independence ami i Kr on tlie l?l and 1Mb of (su b monlh. They are nimiyrlaWe liir lantscngcrs, well guarded, aud running thrwuth each way In friim twrnly In Inenly-Bre days. Traveller* lo ami from Mew Mexico will doubtless llnd tills lbs aulust, most expeditious, sud comtor table, aa well aa the c bra peat mode of crossing the plains. KAKK THBOIT.II. Krom November 1st to Hay lat SI5C Krom May lat to November 1st.. ? *... lit Provisions, arms, and ammunition furnished by the proprietor*. Packages and extra baggage will Ik- transported, when |?>**iblc to do so, at the rates of Si cents per pound tu summer, and HO cents in winter, but no package will be charged Iran thin one dollar, and no aocountabllity for money or package* ami by conductor* ms enli r ad on the way-bill. Tlio proprietor* will not bo responsible fur any package worth more than fifty dollara, unless apecially contracted for ; aud all lciggage at all time* at the risk of tbo owner t.iereot'. gig-In all cases the pannage moony must Ins pnel in advance, and passengers must stipulate to oonfurm to tho rule* w Inch may be established by the undersigncl lor the guvrrumeiii ol tlioir line of stag-s and those travelling with tin m on lliu plains. No passenger allowed more than forty pounds of luggage, in ad.lllion lo the neceaeary bedding. R. F. tlrscm, at Hunla Ke, ami J. N and TV. R. Harvard, at Wrstporl, Misouurt, and <mr null i-nnductora I MM agenta on we lino ftro aiitnortzcii to 'Ojpnfr |w<<ong-r? anil rtt-oi)* for paeaage money. UOCKAfUV k HAU. Ikmpbimii, Mo , Juno it), 1*47. Oct *1?dlmlawdmo.f FBOM LONDON.?The Landfall of Columbot; b> C?l>t?ln Baorlier, royal navy. 13 M). t-tructwa ami Punntlons of the Kya ; !>/ {t-encor Thomp-.u,. M II, tU 14. falrnea'a Character and l<ock of Comical Krouomy >1 74. i Rifled Ordnance 1 vol . plate. $1 74. Oetrald'a IHcttooary of Pynidiie- ami rnronymaa. ho ccngl. Hnsieell'a Joluuou, enlarged edition. 4 role., mill) niigravlngl. U 7ft. lYouka'a Waxed Papar Proceaa In I'lmtoainidiy. 74 rent*, lifr and darrkea of Palinaratun. (pamphlet.) I# rent*. The Hunk of Amarlcan i"onr?. .17 route Milla 'a I Vmatitutlna of llrill?li Colon In 7% t lllakoly'a rtiUtiral Literature from the Recta-I Dauk. Srdnata. S3 40. < Imported per laet steamer t>y Oct llf HUXCK TAYIJIH TKEAftURE AWm# IV ?onil at tti rrnht m IV f.Htuiy, ? ** ??**?* l?rm? ueewi V Jfewkaf, thiahrr (K, tM7 ' (V noron* far wkvA drwft tadrw/f Slriavtf, aim, tkt nautunl if/aturt Iramfm la In wliat pbtoe. Treaeury >4 the. lulled M*4w Waahingtoii, ft C. T?' varcj Ihwom, Jftera<-I|ueette. V>i-W rr.aaurrr, Nr? Yurk N?J?, York.., AaaMnut Tr.-aaurrr. Tliiladoli/hia, MV/llaMi Av?i-udI Trnaaurer, (WHeatoa, rtootb Carolina A?I-1K11I Tieaauror. New Orle/in- ImiUlaua Viniw Ireaaurw. H. loan*. NWwmri Awoalanl Treaaarer, Han Nranetaco, Otlilwula I IlrpoaUarjr at MulLilu, Now York. f)p|x?ltar)' al Raltlmore. Maryland la-IUHltary at Ha-liuMud. Virginia Ivpadlary al Norfiilk, Virginia |K.|-?-llary al Wilmington, North Chmluia Is-|o> ilary al tiavxnnah, orgla la-jrvHary at Mobilr, Alahaina UepoaMar? II Naabvtll. , Trnneeae* '.... fla|io>iUry al Cimdlllifltt. iiiilu ... [k<|Ni*!tary at lltbdiurg, fvnn^yll tttita Urpositary al UaleoMnn. Trxar IW|>uailary al lamia rlilr, keiilnrk. laiKXiiury al tlaainnalt. (lata) : .. I>,K.-iiary at Ihihnque. Iowa llr|>.?tliiry al little Koofc. Arkaiinaa . . , lte|meilary at Cbirago. Tlliu?*aa ' Ik-poaihr* r> Ivei.-.t, Michigan. Ikr|iwitary at Tnlla(Ma?ee. Vlertda UepoaUarjr at firrgna i.*y, lAvfru. A.-mty oilier of thr United Niia, New York Mini id tho United ??nv, fhlludelphla, Fi-nmytvania Hridirh inuil of the l Mtalea, CharMtn, North I'nroHtin I Iran. Ii mint of the United Wtaloa, IVbkmrga. Uoorgii Hram-h mint of lb. Cuiteo HUW, New lirienna, lamt?tana Uram b inlut of the lotted titan*. ban 1 ramHacn, CaUlor-ila Intact overdraft Add .tUTrrruce lu transfer* Net amount subjoct to draft Trandbra ordered to the Treaaurr of Iho Unite1 Mate., Wat Trkftifera ordere>Uo the Aaairlaul Treaawrer, New York. !f Tikdafera ordered to the A-etl'tanl Tronurer, Now Orloaae, Trawler* ordered to Ilia A?sl slant Trouaurrr. Ht. Ionia, Mo. Tnuntrn ordered to thu Aaalttant Trnaaurer, Hon Krnnel-r. Tran-fer* ordered to the depositary, Norfolk. Virginia Traurfera ordered lo llic braiirh uillil, JtC.,Krw Orleana, L/i V..J f.rM. h.bki.1 Trea?lir*r *et? V.trk K Transfers ordero-l from Assistant Trea.stire r, New Urlwnx, I Transfers orderod from Awlstalil tlMMMr, SI. I/Cils, Ml . Trwfcn ordered from depositary at little Kock, Ark Transfers ordered from liranch mini <rf tin* 1'nlted States, a Transfers ordered from branch mlut of tlic Culled Ht-.ioa, 8. Oct 3i-nif ft By J. C. McGIIIRK, Auctioneer. THUBTEE'S Sale of Valanbie Improved Ileal I lute, known aa llie "Klrkwond House." By virtue of a d ? trust from Tlximoe Y. ('only and wife to mc, bearing dale vo 3lnt doy of July, in th* roar 1*47, ond recorded In liber W. B., 13#, folios ii; is, It), if, dinj IS, pui of the land records for Ws ington county. In I lie Wslrlct of CVlufrtttd: illidat llio MMltibot of bolder of Ihr note therein secured, I will sell at fiu'i|ty f,uc||MO lb higlic* bidder, on Hatnrday, the 3UI day ol Ortooer, m (he .f 18S7, lit 4 o'clock, p. in., on the promises, that valuable I in pro real estate known as " llio Klrkwood llouse," sllueted nt llie cor of Twelfth slreet and Pennsylvania avonue, In the clly of Waabl ton. an id ronl estate consisting of Ilia following lots or parcel ground?to wit : All thuse parcels of ground known on tlieplan of city of Washington aa parts of lota numbered two (2) and three, < Iu square niiuilicrrd three huudrnd and twenty-two, (.17"J.! and dci natod as lota C, I>, and K, ol the aubilivisioQ made by Joliti Met' land of aaid lota numbered two (2) and throe. (3.) aa will more fi appear by reference to the plat of raHl aubdlvlalon, recorded In nlllce of the sureerbr bf satd t ils of Washington, together with tile building* awl improvements fhkfebn: And ffrKnofes ami itfrf, tenancos thereto belonging. Terms nf tale: Five thousand dollars of the pnmllH mOtier in pa id lu eoali. and llie residue thereof in six e<|iuil Instalments at I twelve, eighteen, twenty -four, thirty, and thirty-six months, w interest from the date of sale, for which Iho several promissory nr of the purchaser will Ik> required, drawn to hla own order, and lilm endorsed, to he secured by deed of trust on the premises. mivayoncea to be at the eel of the purchaser. The trustee will o ennvay such title as is vested in hiin by the deed of trust. The t to the premises is lielteved to be indisputable. If the terms of sale are not complied with in leu days from the i of sale, the trustee reserves the right, at his O|>tioii, either to an the sale, or, after one week's notli-v, to re-?ell the properly, at risk awl cost of Ibe purchaser, on such terms as the trustee n think Ot TIIOP J ni'MMfr, Trustee JAR f MHii mr, Pep 26 - etailkd# AuMHmerf tejf" TIio iiltovt? Rule iu jiriHlponed (itilil Tucifclii Nnv-inber 14th, same tlhtir ami pined: THO ,1. SUMMER. Trustee Oct 81?d J.tS. 1MII1W, Aurtlooeei KOOMB FOK IlKNT.?Tim snbserllier has for re ?*ne Urge parlor, with btd roMVi iUw IimI: aUo, several re* RittraNftfor *mpfU r * ** !?**?. newly furnl*U'<l. wit'i or without 1xk? Kur term* aiwt partVwUfi Apply to IVKRKOWj, Between 17th awl 1WU RtroeU, Prim. nvtlihr Oil 21--<11 mo TVTlLLARD'S I10TEL.-J. k H. A. Wflta VV Pennsylvania avenue and Fourteenth street, Washbigtou, l> Jan 29?(lift 17M.0HA JUPT OCT.?I have this <lav received i . iww nif Mala H?i t?)i khiWIiic ttnvn, wliirli l"g?i? tip In Hill* liti'lA M Kiimtncr xprfMy far this nmrkft, made very heavy i strong, of the best Peii#*yivitrih in ilh'Jthfa irm?. t bnve n<%|trvt It t Flora Air-Tight Cooking Stove. pnteuted 1AA7, hetiry and thick,' family nor, uml de-lined to Itc the cook'* delight* I will guaranty it to Uike, rtmelt boil* fry, slow, broil* Jre-i mpof to any cooking stove in tliU market, and !?.? ? attached to It a xluiiti Armiffltttnt. l'or Falo only at C. tVc odhnrd'a AtetrOpoliUu Hb and (irate Factory, No. 31*, thrcc-wtorF brown atono front, half* in frontfull of stove* ( itbo, next door to Savage'* hardware st< No. 322 Pennsylvania avenue, l?ctfrefi 10th and llth fdreefa: Oi l 23?tit if C. WOODWARD OLD STRiJ-A liOllDEKH.?Udiei ha?ihg i "Stolln borders'' for whirli they wish 41 black merino centre w ill find ut our More-room line, wide, and low-pried black Frci ui 'rino for the purpose. Our Ktocfc of mourning go?*la wan never larger or more richly ried than now. Families <cking out tits of black solicited to coli i inspect the a worlnicnt. Our linen department thoroughly ne-orted In nil the best fabrics. Flannels and blan^cta in all grades, an immense block. New supplies from the North and East dully. All marked in plain tig urea nt their /ictuul c??*tb value. One price only ; no deviation allowed. TERRY At BROTHER, "Cvutinl Stori*," wost building, Oct 27?10t?tif opposite Centre Market TO FAMILIES.?I would niout respectfully c the Htteution of families that w bh to keep thomselvo- cotnli able this winter with vary little fael to Neer's Patent Parlor Cratt l'ariot larMice, aa he w isles it called, it Is set to parlon as i other parlor grate ; set hollow behind, and the cold air brotighi troin without and heated, and thrown Into the parlors. It can bo to lieat above, as to Parlor Companion or mil. It is all made of t ?mo, and will not Inirn nut or need repairing for many years. I an open grate, very handsome, and will not burn more than I the coal that a common parlor grate will burn. If h manufacture* a very rold climate, in tlio Stale of ktossachtwctts. and for jtato o at WwlWiHI Metropolitan Store and (irate Factory, cxtis?eiif c. woobwarh rnjIE FINEST STYLES ANlVQCAI.ITV?40 c 1 toona ladies' black beaver and other cloaks of ttio fiuest stj arid quality. 4 cartoons ladies* new style 41 carriage cloaks.'' Shawls, an immense lot In all the modem styles. Black silk velvets, *<super l^jDitt,"best grades and color, all wid and prices. 2ftfci?ie? cs black ribbed and plain black and oiler *had?? of clo for indie*' cloaks. 10 our loana lndu\?' mourning ?h?wK all wz'v. 100 dozen best Paris kid gloves, all sizes mid color*. (me prfcc only, marked in plain figures by one of'the linn, fr ?hi^. no deviation is aHoVSL flood articles, low price*, and fair dealing may Ikj relied on iu cases. PERRY k BROTH Ml. teuird Stores, west builoiiig, (Xt2#?lOMIf ofpaHe (Mtre Market COMFORTS AND BLANKETS, all u prhv?. New h*ts Opened to day ? 100 pieces cotton aborting* 40 piece* linen she tings All markotl at their actual ru<l? cable. (bio price only, and no deviation. Our uorthorn and eastern correspondents sohd us new mippl dally. ITHHY k BROTHER, "fWttral Stonta," Vresi building. Oct 23?lOtdtf oppnetto Centre Market Miss Christie Johnson, ran nut or mmw, IS dpniron? of forming oInmrp* in elocution in i\ sclwMsle iu Wellington. and will give Instruction to private ] ptu in that city and in Ckurgvtnwn. librf Jahnswwi will give l^.suns to yauttM ond proAvebmal genj men. Rs^ldence Mb' Harrorer'a frnrmerly MUs Kngli->h>) Female .-V ktwry, corm-r Warblngtim ami tiny t?tr?ads, (*fsirgt*t<fwu. lrwigncfciP. Mm. William F. HUchie, Richmond, Va. Rov. Stephen P. Hill, Woehlngtim. P. C. (irafton Tyler. M. D-, (faorg'-tow it, Ik C. Ih t 31?df IJIjA.MkCft*, Moitiuin ami Kxlra mzon.?MNI pun from 'mall ami mxlliin In alrra ami ipiallllaa up I" axlra lar iwi Mim, all oflera't at iair provarMalljr War prna*. 10# ptroa' mil** an I m?ltnm cottiai *fc<-Mlug?. * *1<l?b*. 3 ?aa" pillow oWtMM. 40 ' ill Itwwi" 'h"ollli|i?, all Ilia propar wkhha. L'r> pinra* |nlln?r hmaw. all whIIIi*. labia damask', im-.aK u ipkina, iloyllni. tr., in grow profm.**!, ill I I ipmlltio. ami "I) ll'Ihio |*?r" ool.r. jn*r'?~l in plain flgnra* by one of Ihr Brio, fri ahirli no ilortalinn la parmMnd hanea no |wntn(i ia ovar oltarip flood irUaloa, loa |>r*-na. ami 4nr dealing may ha rail ad on in -aaaa. POTtY k IWotMCK. "Oalral dtnrea," weal building. Utf -a~ lOVIlf nppoaiia Ontra Market. -* It's statement, rmnW Aavafad JryuH.-.w.umi m flu XU *tJ T^' *" !?'<?? ? mJ,W ?w? It* Mfanl,OWft>?MHlIn"" ? urtirrri far Ikr Afaritfcuy y Ufa r>aH?| Ainoml I? drpn draft* fanlntn Amouul nkjafa to Ita. ilrotro Mit faK yat draft. |?f>, tlKMIgli ffaJT I ! i I 1 , nw itl 13 $59,412 12 4234,841 41 148,740 80 87,700 73 81,019 II 1,433.Ml 13 919,044 49 814,214 43 98.*39 98 fl?,2?3 ai 94,934 43 44,934 44 13.344 44 I 33,434 04 493,739 34 114.13989 313,949 47 I 1 dViqro 48 t 243 040 83 1,144.009 43 99 4.190 93 133,127 tl 1.074 324 4* " 1,441 89 f 79A 91 *il 118,.'..14 69 3? 970 04 74 743 96 51.430 20 946 44 60 6?r ?? ' I 4,743 43 1.800 06 0,4144 44 I 074 94 39 I 474 3V ' 43,817 78 13,104 94 162,780 22 27.938 93 194,341 ** 1.914 31 309 47 I.*11 < | 48,91041 1.91108 #4,94483 14,01123 4 .048 72 ?,9>2 61 I 3,277 24 3,010 18) 247 24' 7* 11,200 91 0,043 ?8 4,138 14 I 20 34 i V>*> ; 93,742 33 44,388 84 9,371 47 429,878.18 42,133 13 3*7,744 21 ! 97,314 42 2,771 39 94,443 23 I 14?.390 04 20,988 70 134,010 34 3. Ml 48 791 93 3,781 81 17.277 04 9.109 47 7.'7i f 1,844,600 00 1,844,S*8? no 1,942,204 16 1,982,204 19 32,000 00 , 32,000 00 ... ! 27,930 01 J 27,960 03 l;W,aJ7 44 1.489,287 44 | I,*600/409 ?? 1,400,000 00 994,193 83 ; 12,290.941 41 ' I 2,917,234 26 ' 10,827,924 70 9*1,199 93 9.373,727 17 42* 866 00 9.802,227 l7 hinglau, D. 0 4304.000 On V 404,044 00 I* 374,oqo (8) ? 1 to. (So on I, ( 1.130.000 00 7,300 00 UHHM ; . 300,000 00 3,047,?W W8 9Mft,000 to * 521 v #00 00 500,000 00 570,000 00 I New Orleans. I/i .... 400.000 00 m KraiH-uco, California 500.000 00 2,6?9,-CfD 00 ?||gUr] TMK itio?i fl^tooi.vriuiDe ever produced in America.?WORU^NOTKIl if Type* of Particular Women ly J?d AOrilmlM all Uodti and Agtv. By hVF* fowden Clarke, author tin? ^ Concordance to Hhukepeare," A**.. niusfrafod nrvont'N'ii alecl piilm. Ouo volume large octavo, got up In an entirely ie?w and . iu<<g?iillr(*iit rtvlc oi binding. hitherto unequalled. Prke 912. (harden Flowers, colored tllust ration*. tt.u*. <1 language ??f How cm, do 65c. - f AiBPrintii Vlcu s, do 40u. l ^i "flfc Wbp<\?ri efJMurr, ?k> 40c. lu tbnjijAM'i ft ?k-. Mew * in A-iu Minor, 40. i of Views of the EnglMi Inkes, do .||f, ICa-Uern Manner* Mtid ClMtora*. 40* .. v Borrowing, Yet ReMeinjr A Narrative <?f Buccessire fWfjfcltP'MU 'ina Mini-t-T*h Kaiullv, hy the Hex. Alex Belth, I>. !?., of Sier JJJj; Hug. SIC. ,Uv The lUco for Kb-he*, and some of the Pit* into which the Runners the ^*11; by the Rev. Win. A mot 30c. U Knvirou* ?4* Kdluhurgh, exquUitely-tiMted illustration-., J5c. The Iiike.4 ig Killarney. do do 25c. haMm Manner* and Customs, do do 25c. tffie f rt*ufftl? rfhd l/w li Iiimniond, (with man by W. A. K. John*1*1 ,fFnvlron. 6f JrfttMlrta, rxtylhtfflt HH'traibn". 2V. HM"r+ "f tlHI LMilr l-fcpi, taiintlfiillt htnahnfM lJf. lv f'i*i r?cfr?*l lit Aj, TAYI/W k IV*>lr m.t MnftiHirry Store. Or! .10?St herfr N'hith Hfrorl. toy A Card to the Citizens of the Dlntriil the TN entering; our "new building," which we have my _I_ Just token in Marion of, we return our atneere thanks to the firople of Wuhington end Weorgetcwn for their liberal patronage; und , We4 In per*, tin n return, have erected ? n|Nicion* building which will He un ortiufnotit to life city, with a large mid airy saloon, with nil the ># conVonlenfe atld comfort of our rmHoimr'; and in the establishment are all the nere?.?dry arrangement* for tnntui factoring aitdencouraging Iff Into Mtidir. Br a strict atteiilbm to jnstke hiuI integrity, we Iwifie in gtf e satisfaction to nil; ^ WAlJ.. StKi'flfcNS. k CO., Ko. $24 iVtih n>dhtif, Mween (Nil and l<Hh street?. Ort.lO-.Unil >im Keg liter's OIBre, October If, l(Wl rp<> ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ?Notice is I li.T.'l.v uivrti ilwi ItonMM hwiH'il to tlTiW, ri-t*llrn> of spirit ii'mii. aad fiawulM liquor.. wlnm, cnntt?k<, inwrt-l'*. dry fno.K rnmltitin~. porforoory, watchrs, anil >-wrlry; IudiIht, wood, frtil. nod o(4Htt1VH>.?i rnoi rlijinis; also, to kt oporH el liartmcv I rarrlagOH and omnlliuw"., bUliafil l?Ho., alleys, and ooute. "(l I lionriry, and I'.r tmvlilnj: and prtMIIOfC. and .IniW- In old iron, lira-*, j I'- copper, *r.. will osptrc on Monday, tlio 21 day at KOfofntror no*t, t an-l that uld Hrrttsoa mn>? Ik- rowwrd nliM- UBee within ( ft dors i after that tlino. WM. MOKIIAV, BoyHor. t)V Old 20?dtNov2 ;n;' Ol'BMITTKD TO A REDUCTION.?Many of the ? rtohwl, nonoat, and most clM.ioe stvloo ?t onr very larso alork id ! Kiropoan and American dry ttnoda 11 lis day anhmltted to a lioavy rv tor riurtkW In in ! -? , .ill nt which mireiisi.nn.H-a a rut pur. baaora In general liat-e lite advantage Of. ' One price only, marked ID fdaln fltfHfc* !<y one of the flrin, from J," wlii. lt mi <k)Ttattuii li allowed j eorts.. pteufly no parebdacT kt over " ? eMrge.1: ' \rw supplies from lite Jtorili and Eaat daily. fiowl article, low prices) tlml fair drilling may !>e relied on in all cases. t'OUiy if B1I0THKH . . . "(Vnfral biiHdSiMJi >lt! (y t H>_10i lif opposite Cetllre Market, a," ___ _ __ " ' rpHK FINER NUMBER*.?In addition to a very va JL large 1lock of medium uMb*, OH-feiiiiereH, und vesting* in all iq?1 department*, we hnvo * Dun liock oC cloth**, ?asaiiaoro*, and vest- i iug* t?f tlie llucr numlior*, ail marked A?wu to our reduced scale of prtce*. Gentlemen's shawl*. under drawers, and shirt*, cravat, ifKlf Hwf. gloves, umbrella*. handkerchiefs, Ac. j 100 piece* superior Irft^li linens. 400 pi tivs shirting cotton*, ot qualities thai can be railed go. Oao price only, marked in plain Agora* by oneofthe firm ; couse 1 qqtftly, no person 1* ovorohifgeil. Citixons ami strangers solicited lo examine our stock, If but lor their ? own gratiOcstion. They will at least learn the lowest market price*, all Our northern and eastern corraepoodmiU send u? new supplies jrt- doily. , ?r We are not opening any new bill*, and discontinuing all old ono that inv w*cre not settled when Um rcquwl to do ho was matlo. , In BERRY k BROTHER. pet 14 Central Iknm," west building, ?y| Oct 22?lot'lif Opposite the Centre Market. mil mi IK LADIK* are especially invited to "The . Lake.*'' new More, (formerly occupied by K. C. Skveu.i,) No. n * 18 Commercial Building, opposite Contra Market, Junction 1'ruuaylva nia avriuio and l> firoel, where they will find an elegant a* Knit incut of fancy ami tot IK articles, perfumery, Ac., Jug. aucb aa we rliall continue to Improve and ueli wholesale ami retail at onr old atofe 504 Pennsylvuiiia nwuuc. ^ (M 28?"if MRS. LAKE k DAUGHTERS T> KTENT PUKCHABKt^ AT RBDTCKI) FIGURK8.? ,s 11 j Our recent purebasc* in Mile* comprise many most choice line* .. ^ ami *pecial grade*, in black and lanry colors, all td which arc ofleretl 1 at our proverbially low j?rk**. Out prkt* only, marked In plain figure*. PERRY k BROTHER, ' Central Store*." we*t building, 0,11 Oct M?ICtUT op|W).|lc Centre Market. "" TTELVKT VKSTINHS.?Rich ?nd plain BtyloH, ' p vary new and (>hotew tbimr* at moderate pr4s*w. Cloth.*, ca*simi res, and vesting*?a va*l *t?ak of the medium and ! snperltf grade.-. ? fd" Oihi |irice OBljr; uo doqk^Nt; Ibe actaal ca-h value marked ; ixl I" plain figure*. PXRRT k BROTHER, ! ''Central Sftire*," wy>t bulkling. Oct JQ?lbtdir opposite Owitre Market. VARIOUH LINK* BERT CLASS DRY (i(H)DS.^We have gone through inauy and \ srloti* linex pf otif most r In ace and recently purchased ??Kk, and marked them dovu t<? their present m tual cash value. , New HUpjdle* from the North atid Eact dally. one pita-'mtly. marked in plain figure* by oue <v| tlio fiim; no da ~~ v tut inn permitted. The ewtetif of our stock offer* Inducement* in all ArM-d*** Tabrke adaptfl to the wants ol the million. W?* are not opiuitng nowr lulls. Im We will regard It u favor if our regular eustowvrs will **t nuke . i ?!. it lnil.i f ?r n taT unouiit tlnn they .\?u f>,\ !k| well the Kf and 10th et January next. [1#. The preaMng need our northern ami eastern c<?rrea|?omlents render* it desirable, rrr\ desirable, that, wo make the hulk of our sales ni for the inouey. and that all pen*** indebted to n* pay all or |mrt << ; their hills s* last m? they can. W# shall thereby be enaldod to ren dcr them suh'taiitral aid. , (iood articles, low prkos, and f?ir dealing may h? relhei ?o In nil cases. PERRY A BROTHER, "Central iHmwes,M west bnildtag. Oct J7?lOtillf opi*Mt# Centre Market. _ T) If. GILLKT, CoiiiiiM'llor at Ix?w, Iim ren?tf?H J\.? hlr n*W? In hU n ?Mnx<n tn Franklin Bow, nmt' r rt K ami Thirteenth atr'irta IiwIIIiMIMM MtoMM BtMplIv to wn tn I ho Catted ? ?<"> Supreme OM OrlSt?dtf C105IE AND SHE.?J*i*t received from PhiUdalJ pliU another larre rupply of I be very popular unit |Im> bent In* <Vtm la tlitn rrmntry or any oilier land, no rboRi?in( War. or IVm hie Oven fV-klnir Wovrw, with Inctr nml *1. ornn. made very ton?v> and at-roug for llil" market. It rt lily II atova- -na anoh 1 aland by il. Far ante only at C. Woodward'? Metropolitan Stove and Orate nectary, Via. .11* ami Ht IVtmavtvanU a roan* txtae-et* ? u woodwarp | | Proposals for Puintshluf thr Paper for ttie P?bUc PriudaKCvnrb Fint cBDUT or ?* I'rmit' huirmi; Washington, October let, 1847. ! TN pnrmmice of tho provisions of Uie "Act to I " providu ft* ?\? IIIUIK the public priming." ft., rau.t 2U, lbu.', l"o|>ou?bi "III t"'received at this oOP. , m ilw Cap, ! I'll, until tb* "f*4 MoutUy (Tib day) of December urn, uurlvt , o cWk. Ill , tof i^mudimg the |*por lhai may be raquircd tor , lb |.i iuIIkm lor Ibu f*?.- ending i?i the lot day of lluonuber, ISM cwtyaiaed list specdm*!, as bearly m ran be ascertained, thr luuuiuy, quality ami .! - ripiuai t i*> h h'ud of |?i|? r thai mil t<- to fated clou X 10,000 r. uiie pruning jib per. uurs tendered. It atrasart 24 hy M incboe. mid to w.-l?b tony -dye pound* to the reaat id Of utioam. Claw 11. 4 000 reams One printing paper, calendered. to laewiqn 24 by Jf ; l?t iH t. aml to im iiIi Oli v Mi |?iuu.b< le tbe rr*ui of 4*0 vlu el. CUui III. 4,000 renin- -n|.i-i lino -i/.-.i nml calendoied pre.nag pa|" b? nn.o i sure 1* by ?H* and to weigh nftyiwo pound* t? the rtreui of fwtl-buoK. class rr i SCO reams ettia-rVne hard acted bint pruning paper, ( I measure Si I'f 32 lot bob, bud to weigh (briy eight |?>uud* in ib? ream Of 4*0 sheet*. fifees r. I 1,000 ream* superfine n/e.l sod cylondered map paper, of such | ?I?W at may he required, corresponding in weight with paper MM* J urlug IV ' / 24 inches, anil weighing iweuly pot'ud* |ier ream ol 400 I sheet;. ab (la'J IV. S00 reain-i superfine plate |?w*r, (aa tendered of iniraltoderv l, aa may he required,) IV hy 24 incbet, and of eutli weigh! per ream aa nay he ret|iilrad. Ttie flirt* of the paper of each of tlic above ilgsaej la be of llnan and r-'tion. Ire' from ell uduheratioa with iiiiiictwI or other subst of a fair wiiileneea, aWl pt'1 "P In quiron of Iwruty four meet* r?ob. and iu bundle* of two resold each, each ream to i?oUW 480 perluot aliocl* I nifnrmilJT tu color. tlilrUbo*.* anil wriglu will be required, end no bundle (exehuivd ta" Wrappers* verting over or under Ovo per rem, front till) standard wvfcel will he received, and Ibe groaf weight a III, In all came, be required. NixiOfi if varioua lUlcbnta.tia ! In Ilia name bundle to make up tit* weight wilt b* VSO idcrod a violation of tho con true i, cia$t nr. So. 1 1,?00 ? quarto prs.1 writiug pnprr, So. 9?2/tO0 r.mms Untoip writing paper. So. S? 3*8 roam* ilnml writiug paper; No. 4 2.000 roahw Mai pel writing paper. No. k? e00 rcuina nredtum writing |wpor; No. A? Ml rnain* royal ivrttlng paper; No. 7 f>0 room- Hupcr-royat writing |w|i* r. No. 8? M) reams ini|ierlitl wrlllug paper; No. V - 100 rrnnib colored ritsllnm (ii?m>rt?d ) ciau riu. No. 1?3,000 roams writing paper, IV by 20 Incbea, to weigh twenty eight fbaih't'" |wr ream. No. i?l,i*0 renimt wilting | si per, IV by 20 tut bee. to weigh twee ty tbrroponwds |?'f reuui. No. a?3,100 roam* writing paper, IS by 23 inches, to we.gli fwetv ty six |sjuii?ie per ream. No. 4 100 reams wruing |sipcr, IS by 22 inches, to weigh twenty four pounds |icr ream. Nig 4-340 reams writing paper, IS by 18 Inches, to weigh Iweuly two pound* per ream. So V?400 rrnms writing paper. 12 by 1* iucbet, to weigh twelve | |KHinds |<rv rsnm. All the | mi per* dashpbitiat Iu claase* 7 and 8 are to of the beaf iimt"i nils, free from mlalh ration, and tlmshed In the Isiat nianaer The |>n|?rs in cUc 7 are to Ihi wlwta or blue, (d tho regular slum lor t j sixes of the re*|ie? tive kinds, and of such weights aa may be re | quired by this office; tleiee ill clues 8 ure to bo white, and of tile also* i uie I weight specified in the schedule. i Tbo right I- reserved of ordering u greater or torn quautit.v 01 e r o ami every khid ronlrr.cted for, lit such tunes nodu> auch quantities at I the |xil>ltr serried itnf rcqulro. [ Kuril clam *111 lie ooMsMawd separately, nnd b? subject to a aepa J ral" contract; but bidder* nm* iSvr tor one or more of lb- rUaae* In thr ainnr proposal: and the |>ri\I lege * rrrrri -I of requiting a bidder who may have more than one class assigned biin to lake all auch closac*. or forfeit In- right to any elate. dumpier mid less tlian one quire) of rueb kind of pa|ier bid tbr, and M mir. ytimplt qf enrh tied, ninet ai eniniwu) each bid. ami. In i liNO'i 7 911I S, be numbered lo enrrcapuDd wltli the number of ?hpap-r pr0)ttNM be lu I be 1 echedule; and, hi the brat aia cbuaog, to bo l?m;**rly designated eat He' sample, or It will not lie mil ride red all priqsisulH aud samploa nbi-4 bo Irausmllted to thin olHee free of post ago or other expellee. Kacb pro|*>sol mart lie eigniel by lb? Individual or flrin making it. and nm,t apeclfy the priee jier pound (and bat one price fnr oaeb 1 of every kind of pepor contained in the clas- projaeoal tor. Ali tbo paper ill the eevrral classes mile I be delicrtnl at aoch plat* or places ue may lie designated in Washington lily, In good ordi r,lrea I of nil anil every extra eliarge or el|ieu<e, and sulilrcl to (be inapbi 1 lion, eounl, weight and meueiiromeulo( the Superintendent, and be la all re-imrls eaUnfactury. lUanK Kami for pnqavitl* will lie lurm-hed at the- oflb e to per eoue applying Par tboiu. and none will be ukon into runatdorntion 00 less subsvmially agreeing therewith. Bond*. with approved seciirMIca, will be required: and the alf)>plr ing Of an inferior nrlirle In any of tin- rlaavs, or a (allure lo supply the quantity required at any time, will Ik- omistdered a vlolnlion ol tier contract. i Each blildrr is requlrtAl to furnish with Ilia proposals satistur.lnrv j evidence of his ability loexeiUlo them; and proposal.- unaccompanied 1 by such evidence ivtil In- rejaetod. The pro|?)-?ls (which niu.-l br -rut sc|*ivalo from the -ample-1 will 1>e opened In the manner required by law ' oil tln> lirst Tuesday J after the tlrM Monday in December" next, (Sill,) M W o'clock a. 111 , 1 at Hie nfllco of the .duporfnteadent. I Proposal* will lie aridre?Md to (lie " Uuporintoiidenf ?4 the I'nldia 1 Printing, Ca|dlol of llm l ulled -une-, Washington," a lid endorsed " Proposals for rtupplylug P;i|?er." A. ti. SEAMAN, 1 Oi l 1?'Jaw I la-' 1 Fiiperint -ndnit of Piddle Printing. UiiHikMl Nflteuim for November, 1867. tifirflOmr ft MAI RY, Manager*. Wilmington, Delaware. To bo drawn under the -uporintendenea of commfs.loners appointed by the governor $40,000! l ottery for the benefit of the PTATE DP" DELAWARE, Haa* 247, for 1857. To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., no Hntnrday, Nov. 7, 1857. 78 number lottery?12 drawn ballots. mutjjAXT acnnix. 1 prize of ... W(),COO lprixeof $3.000 00 1 do ... . 20,000 1 do i 2,190 on 1 do . 15,000 lOOprtj-snf DOO on 1 do 10,000 113 do Ota) Oil 1 do ft, 000 tr. Jfcr. Jet* Ttrketx OH'?halves $5 ?quarters 22 50. Corlllleale- of pat kngca td 2d whole tickets $150 0(1 l)o do 26 half do 76 OU )s> ilo 26 quarter do 37 .ill $50,135 I Lottery 8v the benefit of the ^ STATE OF DELAWARE, Clnla 253, for 1857. To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday. Nov. 14.1857. 75 numlier lottery?12 drav. u ballots. M uixinrgrr tauKun. 1 grand prize of. $o<V135 00 | 1 prize of 07.247 .50 lprlzot 26,000 00 1 do , 6.600 00 1 do 20.000 00 | 1.1 do 2.000 no 1 do 12,ftOO 00 | 1(10 do l.OOOOO 1 do 10.000 00 j 100 lowe I 8 No. prtx.-s 40O 00 fct'., fee., kc Tickets $16?halves $7 50?quarters $3 76?tlghtbs $1 67 J, CertlOeatn* of packagcttd 2ft wlnilo tickets $20<i Do do 25 half do ,160 _ l?i do 25 quarter do 61 Do du 25 eight 11 (to .. 2:i $37,000! Lottery for tbo benefit of Hm t<TATE Or IIH.AW.tRE. Clai* 259, for 1847. To be drawn at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, Nut, 21, l*if. 75 n'liubui lottery?13 drawn 1mllute, auii witxw. I 1 urlzo Of $37,000 <10 I 1 prtxe of .. .$2.002 40 1 i do .. ... to. two oo i so pram or l.ocw oi ; L do 10. too 00 I 20 do 5W OI ( 1 do 7.400 00 40 do .100 0>> ' 1 do 5.OW 00 j 103 do 30") 00 ; 1 do 4.000 0<l | fee. fee. fee. IMrl" $10 -halves $J ?quartet# $2 40. Crrliflcalsa of paakages of 24 or bote tickets $140 00 IVi do 24 half do 70 Id) Do do 2? quarter do 35 00 $04,0001 J/tUei }' for the bcnoBt of the hTATli OI' HTJJtWAKE, Class U, for 1037.* To be drawn at Wtlnilngti?, Del., on IMurOay, Nor. 1*, 1047. 78 number lottery?14 drawn ballot* stuuujrr wanni. , 1 grand prue of J..: $04 000 00 | 4 prtre* of 4.000 00 1 do do Wl.oao 00 | 4 do 3,400 00 1 do do 20.000 00 I 10 do 1.400 0* 1 do do . ...1 14.000 00 j 100 do 1,000 00 I do do ....I. 7,780 80 j 239 do 400 00 fee., fee., fee. Ticket* $20?halves (10?quarters $6? eighths $2 40. Certiorates ot packages of 20 whole ticket* $200 00 Do do 20 hall do 130 00 Do do 3lt quarter do 44 09 Do do 24 eighth do ...? 33 60 Orders for ttuket* and shares and csrtldcates of packages la tba mi acruartl of ejih drawing will be cent Immediately after It I* ever to all who order from me. A-ttrw?, r. j. mxxrr. Agent, ' ct 22 Wltaiaifton, Delaware. By A. GREEN, Auctioneer. BRICK HOUSE AND LOT, ?t the corner of K h.l (Hh rtrwK, at auction.?iOn Ttkwday, Ihc M day of No \cmher, I aha II ?rH In Ironl nf thn prrnlwt, at 4 o'clock, p. at., that valuable property, cheated at the eontbeaat corner of 4th (treat wear, end K atr*ct north, baring a front of 21 fort 2 taehea on f. and Tt lbat. ?tl 4th utrert. nmtalalllg 1.402^ that, being part of lot No. a. In cptareVn. 444, with the Improvement, which te a good two abwjr and attic brlrk lionae Thin property la handaomalv located In a neigh I or hood of the hart noddy, ami near JndWary M|nare, Patent aad ftnat (He, and hot a ahort walk from the Capitn! Partoae wishing in pnrohev a handcome al|e (hr a private reatdem-e. or makn a good inreetment. will do well to attend the nale Twawn i (me fourth canli hahrnoe In 4, If, It. and 24 tnoalha. th? imrC.tumer le give note. fitt the deferred payment*, bearing Intereat from tl?e day of aale. A deed given aad a (iced of tract taken THIe* imliepdtable All dmveraaeing at the coat c# the piirehaaer A MM, Oct 4?lawSwfreod. Auctioneer